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Quiz on Types of Sentences

1. What type of sentence is this: "The sun is shining brightly."

- a) Simple
- b) Compound
- c) Complex

2. Identify the compound sentence:

- a) She walked to the store.
- b) The cat slept peacefully.
- c) He studied hard, yet he didn't pass the exam.

3. What makes a sentence complex?

- a) It has one independent clause.
- b) It has two independent clauses.
- c) It has an independent clause and a dependent clause.

4. Choose the simple sentence:

- a) The car is blue.
- b) Although it rained, the picnic continued.
- c) Running fast, the athlete crossed the finish line.

5. What type of sentence is this: "After the movie ended, we went for ice cream."
- a) Simple
- b) Compound
- c) Complex

6. Identify the complex sentence:

- a) The dog barked.
- b) When the doorbell rang, the dog barked loudly.
- c) Birds chirped outside my window.

7. What is a compound-complex sentence?

- a) A sentence with two independent clauses.
- b) A sentence with one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
- c) A sentence with two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent

8. Choose the simple sentence:

- a) The storm was fierce, but we were safe indoors.
- b) She cooked dinner while he set the table.
- c) The cat sat on the windowsill.

9. What type of sentence is this: "The train arrived, and the passengers disembarked."
- a) Simple
- b) Compound
- c) Complex
10. Identify the compound sentence:
- a) The moonlit night was magical.
- b) I enjoy reading, but my brother prefers watching movies.
- c) While I was sleeping, the phone rang.

11. What is the essential feature of a simple sentence?

- a) It has one subject and one predicate.
- b) It contains multiple subjects.
- c) It includes complex clauses.

12. Choose the simple sentence:

- a) Although it was raining, they went for a walk.
- b) The flowers bloomed after the rain stopped.
- c) Laughing loudly, she danced around the room.

13. Identify the complex sentence:

- a) I like coffee, and I like tea.
- b) When the teacher entered, the students quieted down.
- c) Jumping over the puddle, my shoe got wet.

14. **What type of sentence is this: "He studied hard, yet he failed the test."**
- a) Simple
- b) Compound
- c) Complex

15. Choose the compound-complex sentence:

- a) The cat meowed, and the dog barked.
- b) Although it was late, I continued working, but I didn't finish on time.
- c) The sun sets in the west.

16. What is the main characteristic of a compound sentence?

- a) It has one independent clause.
- b) It has two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction.
- c) It has a dependent clause.

17. Choose the simple sentence:

- a) Before the concert started, the audience applauded.
- b) The birds sang, and the flowers bloomed.
- c) While she studied, he played video games.

18. Identify the compound-complex sentence:

- a) The car broke down, so we called for help.
- b) When it rains, the flowers bloom, and the air smells fresh.
- c) Although it was cold, they decided to go for a swim, but the water was too chilly.

19. What type of sentence is this: "Because it was raining, we stayed indoors."
- a) Simple
- b) Compound
- c) Complex

20. Choose the compound sentence:

- a) I enjoy reading books with interesting plots.
- b) She sang a song, and the audience applauded.
- c) After the storm passed, we went outside to assess the damage.

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