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31/12/2023, 15:13 Pathbuilder 2e

Edward Swashbuckler 2
N Medium Human Versatile Heritage Humanoid
Perception +6;
Languages None selected
Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +5, Deception +7, Diplomacy +7, Lore: Sailing +4, Society +4, Survival +4
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +3
Items Unarmored

AC 18; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

HP 30

Speed 30 feet
Melee Bladed Gauntlet +8 (Agile, Finesse, Free-Hand, Modular (B P or S), Uncommon), Damage 1d4+1
Melee Hatchet +5 (Agile, Sweep, Thrown 10 ft.), Damage 1d6+1 S
Ranged Composite Longbow +8 (Deadly d10, Propulsive, Volley 30 ft.), Damage 1d8 P
Dueling Parry (Swashbuckler) Requirements You are wielding only a single one-handed melee weapon
and have your other hand or hands free. You can parry attacks against you with your weapon. You gain a +2
circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn as long as you continue to meet the requirements.
Unbalancing Finisher (Finisher, Swashbuckler) You attack with a flashy assault that leaves your target off
balance. Make a melee Strike. If you hit and deal damage, the target is flat-footed until the end of your next
Confident Finisher (Finisher, Swashbuckler) You make an incredibly graceful attack, piercing your foe's
defenses. Make a Strike with a weapon or unarmed attack that would apply your precise strike damage, with
the following failure effect. Failure You deal half your precise strike damage to the target. This damage type is
that of the weapon or unarmed attack you used for the Strike.
Precision Damage Precise Strike Finisher 2d6
Additional Feats Cat Fall, Fleet, Goading Feint, Slippery Prey
Additional Specials Panache, Precise Strike, Swashbuckler's Style (Fencer) 1/1

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