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Seminar Case Study #6

Scoreboards from youth sports should not be removed. Firstly, keeping score in all games
helps youths understand where they stand as a team in their division. Even if we keep track of
the score, there is no evidence that shows that these youths will show less teamwork and
participation. It does not discourage them, instead it increases their focus and motivates youths to
keep working hard in competition. Keeping score basically helps them at a young age to accept
and know their rank in the sport. From there on out, they can create goals and challenges to
improve and advance to a higher standing.
Secondly, keeping score during games is supported by personal development. If scores
are kept during games, it gives children a goal to work towards and with that, they are able to
learn how to win but also how to lose. It is without a doubt that being able to lose is an important
component of playing sports. Every team can't win every game and children have to learn that at
a young age to progress in their sport. The article, highlights how keeping a score increases the
enjoyment and effort that plays into the competition, children are naturally competitive and
keeping a score isn't the cause of that, but rather coaches and parents (Cote, 2013). Through this
sense of competition and personal development children can build sportsmanship skills and
leadership skills. Through competing for a win and accepting losses children will build the
character that will help them in the future of their sports careers.
Keeping score for U10 sports is important for athletes to improve skills, and strategies,
experience competition and learn mental preparation. Allowing young athletes to see the score
will allow them to understand where their skills require improvement and what has been working
and what is not. This will allow players and their coaches to understand strategies that meet their
needs and will help them perform more successfully. Not keeping a score will limit the
possibility of improvement as it would be difficult for athletes and coaches to identify these areas
that need improvement since they are not playing competitively. Furthermore, exposing young
athletes to healthy competition of keeping scores is important for their development within
sports. This will allow athletes to learn the mental strategies necessary to process great amounts
of pressure and potential losses. Limiting young athletes from this would not benefit the athlete if
they continue in sports as they would lose out on significant development. Keeping score
increases the challenge of the sport which may vary the athlete's level of effort. Additionally, as
the athlete ages the score will be kept making it difficult for the athlete to adjust to different
expectations and environments. Exposing young athletes to these high-stress environments of
healthy competition will help them develop coping mechanisms for possible yips or choking in
the future.
Overall, it is important to keep the scoreboards in children's sports as it benefits children
through enhancing enjoyment, developing commitment, increasing personal development,
understanding of their skills and mentally preparing them for their future within their sport.

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