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”Constantin Brătescu” Pedagogical High School Constanţa

European School


Mentor teacher: Iulia-Mihaela Gheorghe

Model classroom teacher: Carmen Florescu

Student teachers : Custara Elena

Tudor Elena , class XII A

Date: 11th of November 2022
School: “Constantin Brătescu” Pedagogical Highschool Grade: III A
Number of pupils: 28
Lesson time: 50 minutes Lesson Title: “Learn and think”
Type of lesson: concept learning Lesson Competencies:
1.1.Respond appropriately (în basic situations) to short, simple questions in a clear and concise way.
2.3 Participate in games and respond corect .
3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used în everyday situations.

The objectives of the lesson:

 Learning how to use the articles „a„ and „an„ corect;
 Learning the plural with one exception;
 generalizing the use of the skill to different places and different people. Strategies:
 Organisation: frontal, individual work
 Methods: conversation, observation, explanation, demonstration, practice
 Materials: , board, marker, notebooks, wordwall, worksheet.
Nr. Teaching Events Time Lesson Teacher Activity Children Strategies
Crt. competencies Activity Organisation Methods Materials

1 Introduction 1’ none I make sure that Children listen to frontal Conversat

everything is ready for me and make ion
the lesson. sure they are
(check their books, ready for the
notebooks, chairs, etc) lesson to begin.
I begin with introducing
myself and telling them
that I will be teaching
their English class.

2 Warm-up 3’ none Frontal Observati

3 Tapping background 7’ After this, I check the Students answer frontal Observati
knowledge homework (if any) and properly to the on and
review questions and conversat
background listen carefully to ion
information by giving the colleague’s
them some tickets on answers.
whick the following
questions are noted: Practice
“Can you tell me where
the bathroom is,
A: “Sure! It’s right there!”
Do you like math?
4 Skilfully introducing 2’ I tell the children about
the new lesson and today’s activities and I Children listen
directing learning explain to them what carefully. Frontal Explanati
- A. Stating the they have to do. ”Today on
lesson we are going to learn
competencies when we need the
articles ”a” and „an”.”

4b - B. 25’ I will write on the table Frontal Practice

Development the title „Learn and think
1„ and I will explain
when we use a and when
we use an
a- se folosește inaintea Demonstr worksheet
unui cuvant care incepe The children read ation
cu o consoana one by one the Practice
ex ”a ball„ addressing forms
an – se folosesște atunci
will also write
cand cuvantul începe cu o
vocală. them in their
Ex „an elephant„ notebooks.
We are going to do a
worksheet .
Then I will explain how
we form the plurals of the
nouns and the exceptions Explanati
we make. on,
Then will going to do
some exercices.


6 Reinforcement 10’ The kids will be grouped Students will Frontal Explanati
in tree teams and play a
game in wordwall .
OR the kids will be
grouped in 2 teams and
will play a game 1
questioon – 2 kids ,the
kkid that whill respond
first and corecy will get
the point
In final the team with the on
most points will win.

7 Feedback 2’ We tell the children how Frontal Conversat Candy

well they behaved (if ion
they did). We give them Explanati
some rewards. on

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