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Genius of the Modern Wold - Friedrich Nietzsche

-19th century

-big impact on Hitler and Nazis

"God is dead and God remains dead because we have killed him."


-babasının vefatı tanrıyı sorgulamayı tetikledi

-biblical criticism

*The World as Will and Representation (Arthur Schopenhauer) -> Life was just a cycle of suffering

-Basel Uni - 24 yaşında profesör

-The Birth of Tragedy (first work)

"grappled with the issue of how to deal with suffering in a world devoid of God"

-greatest work of art is music***

*Richard Wagner (opera sanatçısı)

-Nietzsche believed that Wagner was an artistic genius whose music was going to bring about a
cultural rebirth based on the classical group of models of tragedy.

*Nietzsche structured his book around an opposition between two Greek gods, Apollo and Dionysus.

-Apollo stood for light for the truth of logic for control.

Nietzsche wanted to focus more on Dionysus, the figure who confuses boundaries and discovers
ecstatic group activity, dancing, wildness, visceral feelings, and heaping that the center of tragedy.


Nietzsche was reacting against the dominant German intellectual tradition which focused on the
individual hero (like Oedipus). And they saw that the individual who suffered could somehow
transcend themselves through suffering. (a very Christian message)

-Nietzsche reversed that and saw instead that the individual somehow lost themselves in the
collective and found in a group experience. An ecstatic transformational experience. That's what he
saw involved in his music and in tragedy.

-Somehow the suffering that was everybody's condition was transformed through this ecstatic
experience into an affirmation of life.

**Nietzsche'nin Wagner'den ayrılmasına sebep olan olay ise şuydu: Wagner, umarsız ve yıkık bir
durumda Hıristiyanlığın haçı önünde diz çökmüştür. Bu dehşet verici bir oyundur ve en önemlisi
Nietzsche kendisine karşı olan güvenini yitirmiştir.

*evlilik teklifi ret + ailesiyle arası kötü + kitapları satmıyor + hasta + depresyonda

->In the depths of his misery, he poured himself into writing a new book, which would prove him to
be just such an alchemist. It was the work that he considered to be his greatest:

***Thus Spoke Zarathustra

-it inspired composers like Richard Strauß and writers from Joyce and Kafka to Yeats and Camus.
-A parody of the Bible that Nietzsche referred to as the fifth gospel, it centered around the spiritual
journey of a mysterious mystical character called Zarathustra.

-The Ubermensch (Superman)

*The book is a parable on the importance of self-overcoming.

-The imagery of the mountains and the figure of Zarathustra echosed Nietzsche himself.

Zarathustra Özet:

-Zarathustra is a prophet who comes down the mountain and he wants to talk to people in the town
about this great event that God is dead and Christianity with all its certain universal absolute moral
values is no longer believed in.

-The question of what it is to be human and how one is to live as a human needs to be answered
anew, but nobody listens to Zarathustra.

*Ubermensch is not a biological concept or some kind of superior human race. An Ubermensch is
someone who is no longer reliant on inauthentic external goals. It is someone who is able to commit
to goals that you set yourself.

"Life lies not with some transcendent God, but lies within oneself."

*Suffering itself was the key to unlocking the elusive secret of happiness.

Happiness for Nietzsche: suffering through that great task you've set yourself

**Beyond Good and Evil

**On the Genealogy of Morality

-The real logic of Christianity is a hatred of our own human all to human nature.

-He calls Christianity as "slave morality".

"Christian morality was something that Nietzsche believed was positively dangerous for the future of
mankind. If humanity was to survive, it needed the great individuals that very geniuses that he
thought the slave morality of Christian culture was holding down."

*The master morality of the Greeks, as Nietzsche saw it, glorified ambition, strength, power and
despised compassion. Nietzsche was convinced that a revision of moral values was needed for a post-
Christian future. Such a morality needed moral legislators.

(önce hastaneye yatırılıyor, sonra kız kardeşi Elizabeth'in bakması için ona gönderiliyor)

(kız kardeşi, Niezsche'nin paylaşmayı bile düşünmediği yazılarını paylaşıyor)

***The Will to Power

-Revaluation of all values.

-to overturn the whole of Western morality because people deep down no longer believe in it. There
is no longer a God to back it up. So he says we need to find a new morality and that's his
fundamental task.

-Any morality that's going to fit with human nature needs to be a morality that sees power as the
goal that we all seek.

-For Nietzsche, the will to power is about seeking the exceptional.

**Nietzsche's works were edited and manipulated to suit Elizabeth's own political ends. She was a
supporter of the Nazis and began to court the party's leaders.

*In 1934, Nazi supporters gathered in Nuremberg to hear their leaders speak. The words and rituals
of Nazis echo Nietzschean thought. It was called the triumph of the will"

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