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Choose the correct phrasal verbs to complete the sentences:

 1. When I travel by plane, I always feel nervous before it ___.

takes off

look arounds

get offs

 2. On our way to the station, Susan realised she had forgotten her purse, so we had to ___.

turn back

set off

pick up

 3. We realised that we desperately needed to ___ because we had been working for three
months non-stop.

gets in

speed up

get away

 4. Do you know at which bus stop we need to ___?

take off

get off

set off

 5. We decided to ___ on our adventure trip as early as possible.

slow down

pick up

set off

 6. Would you please ___? We're going to be late!

speed up

take off
get away

 7. Could you tell me what time the train ___?

looks around

slows down

gets in

 8. I would like to ___ the old city tomorrow morning.

look around

speed up

take off

 9. Could you please ___ my bags on your way home?

turn back

pick up

get away

 10. We asked the taxi driver to ___. He was driving so fast!

speed up

take off

slow down

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