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Key numbers established

We know their key numbers, we know their goals, and we’ve agreed that
marketing is necessary to achieve those goals. From here, the client is already
closed 75% of the way.

- They already have a good idea of what we do. They don’t need a 30-minute
technical lecture on FB Ads.
- Remember, you’re not selling FB ads - you’re selling results!
- You take them from Point A - Point B

“Well, as you should know by now, what we do is to run FB Ads Campaigns for our

Now, being entirely transparent with you - I can tell you, that pretty much anyone,
including you, could learn how to set up a FB Ads Campaign within less than a
week of studying.

But I can also tell you, that if you tried to do that, the ROI of your campaigns would
would probably be somewhere between 0.3-0.5 - meaning, that for every dollar you
spent on ads, you’d get around 40 cents in return.

This is where we come in. We’ve invested in- and studied some of the world’s most
advanced Facebook Ads courses, and we’ve spent lots and lots of money on testing
different types of ads, to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

This means that instead of getting an ROI of 0.5 - we can typically yield somewhere
between x2-5+

Alternatively, you can try this out for yourself, and waste the first 100.000 on testing
campaigns that won’t work, but we certainly wouldn’t recommend that.

So if you’re interested in letting us do what we do best, then we suggest that we

present our usual workflow and structure, so you can get an idea of how we
operate as an agency, and how the nature of this cooperation would look - sounds
Present 4-Month Cooperation Cycle.


From here, we move on to the closing part of the meeting.

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