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Work samples:

1. Por que a diversidade é relevante no STF?

The article discusses the choice of a black woman minister for the Brazilian
Supreme Court. The appointment is made by the President of the Republic, and Luiz
Inácio Lula da Silva was elected with the support of social movements that identify
with left-wing agendas. Experts were interviewed to discuss the importance of
increasing diversity in the justice system, which is dominated by white men.

2. Cerca de 300 garimpeiros já deixaram a Terra Indígena Yanomami

The report denounces the flight of miners from indigenous lands in Roraima, where
they have left humanitarian and environmental damage in their wake. The courts had
ordered them to leave the protected territory because of the illegal activity, but
the group resisted for a few days.

3. Programa no DF reduz uso de drogas e automutilação entre detentas trans

The report describes the work carried out by a health team that provides
specialized medical care to trans women in prison. The example served as a
comparison for the rest of the situation in the country, where the basic rights of
this population are even more violated inside prisons.

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