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My new town, country… my new heart

Word count: 878

Emilia sat at the bus stop, watching the cars go by, feeling lonely and out of
place. She had just moved to a new city, in another country, far away from
her hometown, and she felt like a stranger in a foreign land. The language,
the people, the sounds, the smells, the tastes… everything was alien. She
missed her family and friends, the familiar streets and shops, and the sense
of belonging that came with being part of a community. She wondered if
she would ever feel at home in this new place.

“And what about the new job? In this big hospital? How would am I
coping?” – she wondered.

As she sat there, lost in thought, a young man approached her. He had a
friendly smile and a warm demeanour, and he struck up a conversation with
her. Emily felt uneasy and worried. Is this safe to talk with someone that is
not from the same culture? If this safe? Emily shook figuratively the though
from her head and decide to transform that monologue in a dialogue. They
talked about the weather, the bus schedule, and their respective
destinations. Emily was surprised by how easy it was to talk to him, and she
felt a spark of hope that maybe she could make a connection in this new
city and country.

The bus arrived, and they boarded together. Emily noticed that the young
man seemed to know everyone on the bus, greeting them by name and
exchanging friendly banter. She wondered how he could be so comfortable
and confident in a place where she felt so out of place.

As they approached their stop, the young man turned to Emily and said,
"Hey, I'm having some friends over tonight. Would you like to come? We're
just going to hang out and watch a movie. It'll be fun."

Emily hesitated. She didn't know these people, and she was afraid of being
the outsider again. But something in the young man's friendly face and
inviting tone made her want to say yes.

"Sure," she said. "That sounds great."

As they walked to the young man's house, Emily felt a flutter of excitement
in her chest. Maybe this was the chance she had been looking for. Maybe
she could find a place to belong in this new city.
When they arrived at the house, Emily was greeted by a group of friendly
faces. They welcomed her warmly and made her feel at home. They chatted
about their lives, their jobs, and their interests, and Emily felt a sense of
connection she had not felt in a long time.

As they settled in to watch the movie, Emily realised that this was exactly
what she had been missing. The sense of belonging, the feeling of being
part of a group, the joy of shared experiences. She had been so focused on
what she had left behind that she had not been open to the possibilities in
front of her. Shortly reflect how when fear strikes, it is easier to label the
other as dangerous, than try to understand the similarities. All those souls
also they have dreams, hopes and good intentions.

The movie was funny and entertaining, and Emily found herself laughing
and joking with her new friends. She felt like she had known them for years,
and she was grateful for the chance to be a part of their circle.

As she looked around the room at her new friends, Emilia felt a deep sense
of gratitude. She knew that she had finally found her tribe, and that she
would do anything to protect and nurture that sense of belonging. Because
when it came down to it, that was all any of them really wanted: to feel like
they were a part of something greater than themselves.

As the night wore on, Emily realised that she had found something she had
been searching for. A sense of belonging, a feeling of connection, a place
to call home. It wasn't her hometown, not her country, not her language,
and it wasn't the same as her old life, but it was something new and

As she said goodbye to her new friends and walked back to her apartment,
Emily felt a sense of contentment she had not felt in a long time. She
realised that belonging was not about a specific place or group of people,
but about finding connection and meaning in the world around her.

Over the next few weeks, Emily continued to explore her new city and make
new friends. She joined a Qigong class, volunteered at a local shelter, and
went to a poetry reading at a nearby coffee shop. Start picking the
newspaper in the morning, in the underground, walking the park, work
hard, finishing the day and go to the pub with the new friends. She
discovered that there were endless opportunities for connection and
belonging, and that all she had to do was be open to them.

As she settled into her new life, Emily realized that belonging was not
something she could take for granted. It was a precious gift, one that
required effort and intention. But it was also a gift that was worth pursuing,
a gift that makes Emilia feel complete.

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