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Life Cycle Cost Analysis

An approach used to assess the total cost of owning a facility or running a project

Written by CFI Team

Updated March 5, 2022

What is Life Cycle Cost Analysis?

Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is an approach used to assess the total cost of owning a
facility or running a project. LCCA considers all the costs associated with obtaining,
owning, and disposing of an investment.

Life cycle cost analysis is especially useful where a project comes with multiple
alternatives and all of them meet performance necessities, but they di?er with
regards to the initial, as well as the operating, cost. In this case, the alternatives are
compared to And one that can maximize savings.

For example, LCCA helps to determine which of the two alternatives will raise the
initial cost but will reduce the operating cost. However, LCCA should not be used for
the purpose of budget allocation.

Understanding Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Life cycle cost analysis is ideal for estimating the overall cost of a project’s
alternatives. It is also used to choose the right design to ensure that the chosen
alternative will o?er a lower overall ownership cost that is consistent with function
and quality.

LCCA needs to be performed during the initial stages of the design process, as there
is room to make changes and reAnements that will ensure that the life cycle cost is
reduced. The Arst step when performing an LCCA is determining the economic impact
of the alternatives available. The e?ects are then quantiAed and expressed in
monetary terms.

Various costs arise when procuring, operating, or disposing of a project. Project-
related costs can be classiAed into initial costs, fuel costs, replacement costs,
operation and maintenance costs, Anance charges, and residual values.

Only relevant and signiAcant costs in each of the categories above can be used to
make investment-related decisions. Costs are considered signiAcant when they are
substantial enough to cause a dependable impact on a project’s LCC.

All the costs involved are treated as base year values equivalent to present-day dollar
amounts; LCCA transforms all dollar values into future year occurrence equivalents
and then discounts all the values to their base dates. In such a way, it’s easy to And
their present value.

Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Infrastructure

Life cycle cost analysis can be used to assess di?erent infrastructural sectors such as
rail and urban transport, airports, highways, and ITS, as well as ports and industrial
infrastructure. Such kinds of projects make use of capital expenditure, which is the
initial cost involved when constructing or delivering an infrastructural asset. Simply
put, it is the cost of construction for the infrastructure of choice.

The other thing that is important in infrastructural development is operating expense,

which consists of a number of costs, including utility, manpower, insurance,
equipment, health, and routine and planned repairs.

Replacement costs are incurred every cycle based on the predeAned age of
replacement for di?erent assets and the manufacturer’s preference.

Probably another important element of LCCA is disposal cost. When the disposal cost
is incorporated, it is possible to o?set any additional cost incurred during a particular

LCCA and Value Engineering

Rigorous modeling based on LCCA incorporates value engineering so that a project’s
cost outline can lower expenditures by a huge margin. The procedures are done
through a series of tests on the cost of operation.

Modeling using LCCA requires a lot of Sexibility when adjusting the types of costs
associated with materials and assets used in a project over its lifetime. That way, a
developer can access all the information relating to the Anancial impact connected
with choosing a combination of project options.

LCCA and the Choice of Materials or Assets

Value engineering o?ers the potential to assist developers in choosing the right
material and assets. Since a material or asset may come with a unique speciAcation
with regards to maintenance and the cost of acquisition, their overall characteristics
will not be the same.

For example, the most expensive asset may provide superior performance and
quality but will require a signiAcant amount of maintenance. On the other hand, a
cheaper material or asset may require less regular maintenance, but its overall cost is
signiAcantly lower.

Further simulation can be carried out to ascertain the timing of Anancial

responsibilities in the di?erent phases of an asset’s useful life. Using LCCA in the right
way can help users identify development groupings that can lead to favorable timing
of Anancial exposure.

By using LCCA when carrying out tests, comparisons, and analyses, a user can work
out enhanced development arrangements for infrastructural projects that o?er a
favorable Anancial experience and cost proAle.

Final Word
Life cycle cost analysis o?ers a general framework that can be used to assess the
need for additional costs during a project’s useful life. With such knowledge in mind, it
is possible to regulate cash outSows by forecasting the requirements of a project.

Related Readings
Thank you for reading CFI’s guide to Life Cycle Cost Analysis. To keep learning and
advancing your career, the following CFI resources will be helpful:

Capital Budgeting Best Practices

Due Diligence in Project Finance

Fixed and Variable Costs

Project Management

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