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Name: ________________________________________ Score: _________________

Section: ____________________ Parent’s Signature: _______

Quiz No. 1 in English VI

I. Direction: Identify what is being asked. Choose from the words inside the box.

Simile metaphor personification hyperbole irony

Assonance alliteration onomatopoeia consonance figurative language

_________________1. It is a literary device in which non-human objects or abstract concepts are

given human attributes or qualities.
_________________2. It is a figure of speech in which there is a contrast between what is said and
what is meant, or between what appears to be true and what is actually true.
_________________3. It is a figure of speech that directly compares two unrelated things by stating
that one thing is another.
_________________4. Itis a figure of speech that compares two unlike things using "like" or "as." For
example, "Her smile was as bright as the sun."
_________________5. It is an exaggeration or overstatement used for emphasis or to create a
humorous effect. For example, "I've told you a million times to clean your room!"
_________________6. It refers to words that imitate or suggest the sound they describe.
_________________7. It is a form of language that goes beyond the literal meaning of words to convey
a more imaginative or vivid expression of ideas, feelings, and concepts.
_________________8. It is the repetition of the initial consonant sounds in a series of words.
_________________9. It is the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words.
_________________10. It is the repetition of consonant sounds, especially at the end of words, without
a vowel sound in between.
II. Identify whether each sentence contains a simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, or
irony. Write your answer in the space provided before each number.
_________________1. The car roared to life as if it had been asleep for years.
_________________2. This suitcase weighs a ton!
_________________3. His excuse for being late was as thin as a sheet of paper.
_________________4. The lifeguard drowned on the beach.
_________________5. His smile was as bright as the sun.
_________________6. The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.
_________________7. The wind whispered secrets in my ear.
_________________8. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
_________________9. The fire station burned down.
_________________10. She is the light of my life.

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