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Saliha: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Agama Islam

Volume 6 No. 1. Januari 2023

ISSN: 2614-1388; E-ISSN: 2622-7479

Article title
Book Antiqua, Center, Spasi 1,0
First Author, 2Second Author
Affiliation of the first author, 2Affiliation of the second author,
First Author Email, 2Second Author Email

Abstract: The title in Indonesian, formulated briefly and clearly, no

more than 40 characters, is written in the font of Book Antiqua, size 10
pt, Italic, 1.0 spaces. The topic raised was the result of research and or
written ideas in the field of education and Islamic Religion. All author
names are untitled, written in Book Antiqua font, size 10 pt, italics,
middle margin. The name of the institution on the second line
corresponds to the order of the author's institution. The author's email
address is on the third line. If there is a second author and so on. For
English the text is in italics. Abstract Manuscripts are written in
English and Indonesian with Book Antiqua font, size 10 pt, 1.0 spaces.
The maximum abstract length is 150-250 words. Abstract Special left
and right indents 0.75 cm. The abstract contains the objectives,
methods, populations, samples, instruments, and research results. The
keyword is written in Book Antiqua font, size 10 pt, under abstract.
Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2

Abstrak: Judul dalam bahasa Indonesia, dirumuskan secara

singkat dan jelas, tidak lebih dari 40 karakter, ditulis dalam font
Book Antiqua, ukuran 10 pt, Italic, 1.0 spasi. Topik yang diangkat
adalah hasil penelitian dan atau gagasan tertulis dalam bidang
pendidikan dan agama Islam. Semua nama penulis tanpa judul,
ditulis dalam font Book Antiqua, ukuran 10 pt, miring, margin
tengah. Nama lembaga pada baris kedua sesuai dengan urutan
lembaga penulis. Alamat email penulis ada di baris ketiga. Jika
ada penulis kedua dan sebagainya. Untuk bahasa Inggris teks
dicetak miring. Naskah Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan
Indonesia dengan font Book Antiqua, ukuran 10 pt, 1.0 spasi.
Panjang abstrak maksimum adalah 150-250 kata. Abstrak Khusus
inden kiri dan kanan 0,75 cm. Abstrak berisi tujuan, metode,
populasi, sampel, instrumen, dan hasil penelitian. Kata kunci
ditulis dalam font Book Antique, ukuran 10 pt, di bawah abstrak.
Kata Kunci: Kata Kunci 1, Kata Kunci 2

Manuscripts are written neatly with the Microsoft Word program. A
lot between 15-25 pages. Font used Book Antiqua 10 pt, line spacing 1.15.
Verses or hadiths (written in Arabic) typed with traditional Arabic letters,

|Submitted: 31 Januari 2023 |Accepted: 8 Januari 2023 |Published: 31 Januari 2023

Judul Artikel

size 12 pt. In the introduction, try to answer at least two questions: (1) why
you believe that your research is so important to answer; (2) how previous
research has or has not addressed the problems in your research; and (3)
explains how your research will contribute to the development of science.

The methods section at least contains the type of method or type of
approach used, research subjects, data collection techniques, and data
analysis procedures.

Result and discussion

Research results come from quantitative and/or qualitative problems
accurately and completely that can use information in the form of
pictures/graphs/tables/descriptions. Images/graphs/tables are placed at
the bottom or the top of the page to make visualization easier. The
discussion is an important part of an article, containing a clear description of
the results of research data analysis, interpretation or interpretation of
findings in the field, linkage of research results with concepts, theories, or
other relevant research results, formulating new theories or modifying
existing ones and implications for scientific developments in their respective
fields. The percentage of writing is 60% on the results and discussion
chapter, the remaining 40% (sundries). The inclusion of the image title and
image name is written below the image while the table title and table name
are written above the table. Written in Book Antiqua font, size 10, and in the
middle margin. Numbered according to the order of the images, as in the
example below:

Figure 1. SDIT BIAS Indonesia Curriculum Concept Map (10pt)

The conclusion contains a summary of research results which are a
contribution to the development of Islamic Education Management.

2 ŚALIĤA|Jurnal Pendidikan dan Agama Isl

Nama Penulis Pertama

Conclusions must be aligned with the formulation of the problem and

research objectives.1

Footnote and Bibliography

Every time citing an opinion, the author must provide a footnote 17th
Edition Chicago Manual of Style Format, mandatory Mendeley manager
reference App. Footnote Writing Example:

Footnote Number1
Footnote Number2
Footnote Number3
Footnote Number4

The bibliography is arranged alphabetically and written 1 space by
giving the second line tab and so on. Please use the Mendeley reference
manager application to reduce the risk of errors. An example of a
bibliography is as follows:2

‘Abd al-Bāqy, Muhammad Fuād, Al-Mu’jam al-Mufahras li al-Fādh al-

Qur’ān al-Karīm, Ed. I; Mesir: Dār al Hadīth, 1996.3
Buttner, Amy. terjemahan, Aktivitas, Permainan, dan Strategi
Penilaian untuk Kelas Bahasa Asing. Jakarta: Indeks, 2007.
Sukmaditana, Nana Syaodih, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan.
Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2011.4

Fajri M Kasim dan Abidin Nurdin, “Study of Sociological Law on
Conflict Resolution Through Adat in Aceh Community According to Islamic
Law,” Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam 4, no. 2 (2020), p.
Rz. Ricky Satria Wiranata, “Konsep Pendidikan Agama Islam
Berbasis Islam Terpadu Analisis Terhadap Isi Kurikulum SDIT BIAS
Indonesia Tahun 2018,” Abdau 2, no. 1 (2019), p. 24-30.
Mursyid Djawas, “Implementasi Pengelolaan Zakat di Aceh,”
Mazahib 15, no. 1 (2016), p. 90–103.
Khairuddin Hasballah, “The Milk Al-Yamin Concept as a Validity of
Sexual Relationship in a Modern Context: an Analysis of Muhammad
Syahrur’s Thoughts,” Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam 4, no.
2 (2020), p. 337–59.

ŚALIĤA|Vol. 6 No. 1, Januari 2023 3

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