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1. Crime rates will fall as advances in technology make it easier to detect and prevent crimes. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. In many situations, people who break the law should be warned instead of punished. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

3. Some people think employers should not care about the way their employees dress, but the
quality of work. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (phương)
Rephrase: People believe that employers should not focus on the way their employees dress….
Thesis statement: agree.

Paragraph 1:
Topic: caring about staff’s attire is time-wasting.
Explain: If employers care about staff’s attire, they will not have enough time to care about the
other things, and employer’s time will be consumed uselessly.
Example: employers will not have time to care about the sales quota, the marketing strategies,
recruitment schemes, and other necessary things to develop sales.
Link: Thus, employers should not care about their employees' attire.

Paragraph 2:
Topic 2: focusing on employee’s attire is not necessary.
Explain: Caring about the employees' dress is useless and can not increase the sales.
Example: Employers can not increase sales by caring about staff's dress.
Link: Therefore, caring about staff’s dress is useless and not necessary.

Paragraph 3:

4. Some people think children should have the freedom to make mistakes, while other people
believe that adults should prevent children from making mistakes. Discuss both sides and give
your opinion
5. Some students take one year off between finishing high school and going to university, in
order to travel or to work. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
(Minh Tung)

Taking a gap year to travel or work between graduating high school and starting
university is becoming a trend for young people. Since this trend is detrimental to
students' future , I think following it is more harmful than beneficial.

There are two primary drawbacks from this space of one year between finishing high
school and going to university. The foremost disadvantage is apparently losing knowledge
and study habits . Unquestionably, students take a break too long to study again, for most of
them can’t remember what they learn from high school and how they acquire new
knowledge. For example, my friend took one year off, then he didn’t adapt to university life,
so he had to absent himself from school to do manual work . Another adverse impact of that
tendency could be a waste of time. By that I mean, they will graduate from university later
than others , and lose the opportunity to have a job because they are older but have less work
experience . To illustrate, my uncle had a gap year before studying at university. After he
graduated , it was very hard to find a job related to his strength because he lacked experience
but was older than other interviewees.

People might argue that they earn more money or have more experiences in life from that
period of rest. However, those beneficials are too negligible and useless for students'
futures.It is clearly shown that if we use 1 year after finishing high school to travel or
work, we can’t earn too much money or apply those experiences into future jobs which
involve specialist knowledge and experience. By way of illustration, being a doctor
requires a lot of biology knowledge and a long time of practice in the hospital, which we
never have from what we do in that 1 year. Thus,travelling or working for one year
instead of continuing to study after finishing high school doesn’t have benefits for
youngsters as they expect.

In conclusion, travelling or working for one years between finishing high school and
starting university can cause detriment to students’ future. I believe that benefits
regarding finance or experiences impossibly outstrip consequences from this trend.
6. Today, many people do not know their neighbours in large cities. What problems does this
cause? What can be done about this?(tú)
Paragraph 1-cause
1. Topic sentence: There are two main reasons people don’t want to make friend with their
neighbors especially in the big cities
2. Cause 1: They don’t have time to talk with their neighbors
3. Explain: too busy with their work and care how to make ends meet rather than gossiping with
people next door.
4. Example: In the large city such as Shanghai, people go to work full time and back to home very
late so they don’t have the opportunity to communicate with their neighbors
5. Cause 2 They feel bothered and don’t find any similarities with their neighborhood
6. explain The next door people behave badly
7. Example the neighbors talk so loudly and show disrespect with others so it’s annoying to make
friend with them

Paragraph 2-solution
1. Topic: Despite some difficulty with the next door people, there are solutions so as to
make friend easier
2. Solu1: They can try to work at home more often
3. Explain: there are more opportunity for them to communicate with the neighbors
4. Ex: when they go outside to talk with each other, they gradually become closer
5. Solu2: they can come to the next door people’s house to bring them some presents.
6. Explain: everyone want to receive gifts so the neighbors will really appreciate it
7. Ex: on special occasions such as Christmas and Halloween, you give away presents to
your neighbors and will receive some. It’s a great opportunity to meet and make friend

7. Nowadays, more and more people from different cities are spending more time away from their
families. What are the possible reasons and the effects on the people themselves and their
families? (Hồng Anh)
- Rephrase:
- Introduce causes and effects:
***Paragraph 1: cause
* Topic: Firstly, two main reasons why people from different cities are spending more time away
from their families.
*Cause 1: To begin with, because of business in their work
Explain: Everyone may simply move throughout the world for a job to change their life. Work
takes almost all of their everyday time.
Example: A person who works in an international company is forced to go to other nations, which
is frequently much more than 8 hours per day.
*Cause 2: Besides this, because of technologies advancements
Explain: Meaningful family time is on the decline when all members use their phones in their
own house. They would rather spend time alone or on their phones than get together at dinner.
Example: A get-together is usually interrupted by phone notifications.
***Paragraph 2: Effects
*Topic: No time for family can bring about several negative impacts on individuals and their
*Effect 1: Foremost, deterioration of bondings between family members
Explain: due to busy hectic schedules of work or study, masses do not provide enough time to
communicate or visit relatives. This leads to misunderstanding which may ruin the relationship.
Example: My mother is always busy from morning to night and that makes me and my mother
not as close as before.
*Effect 2: Apart from that, depression and stress is another major adverse impact
Explain: due to increase of responsibilities and burden without companionship of family
members, individuals become stressed and depressed.
Example: For example,
8. The movement of people from villages to cities for work can cause serious problems in both
places. What are the serious problems associated with this? What measures can be taken to
solve these problems?(Trang Linh) cause-solution
Paraphrase Cities start to attract villages people because of its proper job opportunities,which lead
to some serious problem in both places
Introduce effect& solution
Effect 1:Lack of public facilities in urban areas
Explain:inhabitants in city become so crowded that the authorities face the difference in provide
sufficient education school and health service
Example: when pandemic covid -19 appeared in 2019, four inhabitants have to sharing a room in
Effect 2: lack labour resources in rural areas.
Explain: when working and employable people move to cities, there certainly is an insufficient
number of people to work and develop the rural areas.
Example: easily calculated, if 100 rural dwellers come to cities to work, the rural ones will lack
100 people to produce products or grow crops.

Solution 1: government should invest money to construct more facilities in both rural and urban
Solution 2: corporations open more branches to rural areas

9. In the world of the internet, people write product reviews of products and services. Do you
think this is a positive or negative development?(khôi)
Thesis statement: positive of the reviews of products and services on the internet.
Paragraph 1:
-Topic sentence: net reviews offer many benefits.
-Explain: Firstly, people will know the truth of the products and services and decide whether they
should spend money on those things. And if their store is positive, they can be referred by
customers to many people. If they have bad products and services they can’t keep lying to the
- Example: For example, Bphone is keep lying to customers about their phones being difference
one in the world, but in fact their products get a lot of problems with operating systems.
-Explain: Secondly, the feedback from customers can help them improve their products and their
services and increase sales.
-Example: For example, Apple is one of the biggest technology companies in the world because
their products and their services are so good for their customers.

Paragraph 2:
-Topic sentence:

10. Some people prefer to buy local products while others prefer international products. Which
way do you prefer? (Bích Phượng)
INTRO:choose the latter

PARA 1:P: imported products which the merchandise is well built and durable.
Explanation 2: With the advancement in technology, many renowned companies use morden machines to
enhance the quality of products. Such flawless production attacks the sellers globally.
Ex: for example, branded shoes like Nike, Adidas and Puma, and the like have special footwear making
equipment to produce unique shoes which easily defeat local producers in many regions.
Explanation 2: The other reasons, some individuals go for imported products to show off their social
status. In the buyer’s mind, using famous products will make themselves more advanced.
Example 2: in Turkey, being able to buy a Ferrari, an international product, shows that a person is

Explanation1: buying local products is cheap, normal quality and no variety of items trending.
Example1: for instance, suppose if we only shop for local products for our daily routine needs but choose
a cheap product like made in china, which is low quality, not durable and …
Explanation 2: There is no aggressive advertising strategy, so few people know about local items.
example2: because there is no high profit, local brands do not organize mass advertising.

11. (Minh Thư) Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, while others feel
that crime is being tackled effectively now. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
Crime is the big problem of all periods. Nowadays the technology is increasingly modern and is
used to help the government identify and arrest criminals easillier. While some believe that the
government is tackling the criminals effectively now, I would argue that the anti-crime policies of
authorities are not good enough to control all criminals existing because of a large number of reasons to
become a criminal and the making progress of new kinds of criminal.
The government is now implementing an anti-crime policy on average; however, there are a large
number of people who believe that crime is being tackled effectively. First, thanks to the good
surveillance of authorities, we can easily identify and arrest people who have bad behaviors. Lots of
surveillance cameras are installed on the roads. The technology of computer monitors is modern enough
to identify a person through CCTV. The productivity of policemen in arresting criminals also contributes
to the peacefulness of our society today. The numerous newspapers have written about the policemen
who successfully arrested dangerous criminals.
Despite the effective anti-crime policies of the government, some believe that there are still lots
of criminals existing in our society. There are various reasons to become a criminal such as poverty,
hunger, and childhood.There are also an increasing number of new types of criminals that the government
cannot completely manage. Notable is cybercrime which is the activity of breaking into a device to
change and destroy its data is a fast-growing crime and hard to control.
In conclusion, it is obvious that the government can control the criminals normally; however,
there are some certain limits in the anti-crime policy. There are more and more types of criminals and the
number is also a worrisome problem. In my opinion, it is never enough to tackle them so I agree that we
need more action to prevent crime.



Sample 1
Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful
career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
When they finish school, teenagers face the dilemma of whether to get a job or continue their
education. While there are some benefits to getting a job straight after school, I would argue
that it is better to go to college or university.
The option to start work straight after school is attractive for several reasons. Many young
people want to start earning money as soon as possible. In this way, they can become
independent, and they will be able to afford their own house or start a family. In terms of their
career, young people who decide to find work, rather than continue their studies, may progress
more quickly. They will have the chance to gain real experience and learn practical skills related
to their chosen profession. This may lead to promotions and a successful career.
On the other hand, I believe that it is more beneficial for students to continue their studies.
Firstly, academic qualifications are required in many professions. For example, it is impossible
to become a doctor, teacher or lawyer without having the relevant degree. As a result, university
graduates have access to more and better job opportunities, and they tend to earn higher salaries
than those with fewer qualifications. Secondly, the job market is becoming increasingly
competitive, and sometimes there are hundreds of applicants for one position in a company.
Young people who do not have qualifications from a university or college will not be able to
For the reasons mentioned above, it seems to me that students are more likely to be successful
in their careers if they continue their studies beyond school level.
Simon, 271 words
1. Rephrase
2. Thesis statement: while (support view A), I believe that (support view B)

Paragraph 1-Analysis the benefits of ignored view
1. Topic sentence
2. Explain 1
3. Example 1
4. Explain 2
5. Example 2
6. Link

Paragraph 2-Analyze the benefits of the chosen view

1. Topic sentence: Confirm your chosen view
2. Explain 1
3. Example 1
4. Explain 2
5. Example 2
6. Link

1. Restate main arguments
2. Restate your view

Sample 2
Some people think that strict punishments for driving offenses are the key to reducing traffic
accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road
safety. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

People have differing views with regard to the question of how to make our roads safer. Because both
punishments and a range of other measures can be used together to promote better driving habits, I
believe all of them should be carried out to optimize the road safety for users.

On the one hand, strict punishments can certainly help to encourage people to drive more safely. Penalties
for dangerous drivers can act as a deterrent, meaning that people avoid repeating the same offense. There
are various types of driving penalty, such as small fines, license suspension, driver awareness courses,
and even prison sentences. The aim of these punishments is to show dangerous drivers that their actions
have negative consequences. As a result, we would hope that drivers become more disciplined and alert,
and that they follow the rules more carefully.
On the other hand, safe driving can be promoted in several different ways that do not punish drivers.
Firstly, it is vitally important to educate people properly before they start to drive, and this could be done
in schools or even as part of an extended or more difficult driving test. Secondly, more attention could be
paid to safe road design. For example, signs can be used to warn people, speed bumps and road bends can
be added to calm traffic, and speed cameras can help to deter people from driving too quickly. Finally,
governments or local councils could reduce road accidents by investing in better public transport, which
would mean that fewer people would need to travel by car.

In conclusion, while punitive methods can encourage people to drive safely, other approaches such as
education, road sign rearrangement, and public transport investment also create road safety. Thus, I am
convinced that all these measures should be simultaneously implemented to enhance the safety for traffic


3. Rephrase
4. Thesis statement: because view 1 and view 2 are beneficial to …, I believe that the
“combination of two views” would produce better results.

Paragraph 1-Analysis the benefits of view 1
1. Topic sentence: To commence,
2. Explain 1
3. Example 1
4. Explain 2
5. Example 2
6. Link

Paragraph 2-Analyze the benefits of view 2

1. Topic sentence: On the flipside, however, nevertheless, …
2. Explain 1
3. Example 1
4. Explain 2
5. Example 2
6. Link

3. Restate main arguments
4. State your view that 2 should be combined

1. Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities, while
others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities studying together.
Discuss both views and give your opinion

2. Many jobs require ongoing training and research to stay competitive in a world with rapidly
evolving information and technology. Some believe that it is the responsibility of businesses to
pay for this training for their staff while others feel it is up to the individual.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
3. Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age. Others
think they should begin after 7 years of age.(linh)
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Thesis statement: study at the age of 7 is a well-founded decision, but i believe that start learning
at an extremely young age is more effective

Paragraph 1:
Explain 1: student who delay enrolling school until they are 7 are metally and physically ready to
challenge since they have enough time to mature and well educated about how to behave properly
Example: If family postpone their school time of their child,they will definitely teach their child
or let them read some book to obtain some knowledge that school can not
Explain2 : after 7-year-old student are more concentrate to the lesson and their ability to acquire
knowledge is better than those younger group
Example;It has been shown that there is no different in reading skills between two groups of
Paragraph 2:
Explain 1:students who go to school early is integrate faster because they are used to
The environment and how to make friend in a completely different place
Example2 : In fact, children used to school environment has more friend and go to school
independently without their parents helps
Explain 2:They are better taken care by teacher those are training scientifically in loving, caring
and teaching.Therefore, children are properly taught and could obtain a good disciplined spirit
Example2: some studies hence that during early year, student formulate a good attitude to study
And more obedient to the teachings of adults.

4. Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn about current events. However,
others believe that they can learn news better through other media.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.(Tú)

-Thesis statement: While there are many benefits to getting to know about current events
in the newspaper, I believe that it is better to see them online.
P1: -Topic: Newspaper used to be the best kind of media for many reasons
-explain1: the information is verified and reliable
-example: when reading newspaper, we don’t need to worry about fake news
-explain2: newspapers don’t contain advertisements.
-example2: We can avoid being distracted and focus on reading
-link: it’s a really good option for elderly people who are not likely to go online.

P2: -Topic: Learning news through the internet has become the best choice for people
-explain1: people can instantly know about the latest news despite long distance
-example1: everything is updated to the internet every hour so people could even
recognize another country’s event
-explain2: we can easily imagine about things we see online through images and videos
-example2: the colorful images are attractive to us and give a wide view of everything.
-link: Using internet is the best way for people to learn
5. Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others
believe this depends on other factors.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. (vu)
1. Rephrase
2. Thesis statement: while (support view A), I believe that (support view B)

Paragraph 1-Analysis the benefits of ignored view
1. Topic sentence
2. Explain 1
3. Example 1
4. Explain 2
5. Example 2
6. Link

Paragraph 2-Analyze the benefits of the chosen view

1. Topic sentence: Confirm your chosen view
2. Explain 1
3. Example 1
4. Explain 2
5. Example 2
6. Link

5. Restate main arguments
6. Restate your view
6. Movies and computer games containing violence are popular. Some people say they have a
negative effect on society and should be censored. Others say they are just harmless relaxation.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.(Minh Tùng)
Nowadays, more movies and computer games tend to have homicidal factors. There are 2
opposing opinions that they affect society badly and should be controlled securely or they are
just innocuous entertainment. While most think that violence factors just make movies and
games more attractive and unaffecting, I believe that they have certain consequences and need to
be censored
Violence movies and games are increasingly prevalent in this society
and they cause much controversy. While most think that violence factors just
make movies and games more attractive and unaffecting, I believe that they have
certain consequences and need to be censored.
On the one hand , some people think savage movies and games are just
an innocuous pastime. This is because almost all adults are aware enough to know
that fierce factors in movies or games are unreal and illegal.For instance, there has
never been a crime related to movies or games that contain homicidal factors .
Another reason for this opinion is that these movies and games have certain
regulations and warnings. For example, every violent game publisher always
warns new players of savage elements and asks for their age. At the cinema in
Viet Nam, if people want to watch any brutal film , they have to show their
identity card to prove that they are old enough to watch it . As a result, these
games and movies are just for fun ,and they are not awful enough to ban them
diametrically .
On the flip side, I think that movies and games have a homicidal tendency
to negatively affect society ,especially children and need to be controlled .Nowadays,
lots of children are allowed to use phones very early, but some parents don’t control how
they use those items . Because children have no knowledge of right and wrong,it is very
dangerous to let them approach violence movies and games too soon. According to
survey data, children who entertain with elements of virtual violence are often more
irritable than children who do not play them, and they may be taught to swear or have
erroneous thoughts from other gamers . However, measures to ban these genres are still
too loose to prevent access by children . To exemplify , brutal games always ask
customers ' age, but they can’t verify if new players answered correctly. Violence
movies are posted for free and are widely available on the internet, so children find them
very easy .At some cinemas in Viet Nam, if they don’t make enough sales , they will sell
to everyone, even the underage . Thus, savage movies and games have an aftermath
on society(children), and the government must control these entertainment severely.

In conclusion,while most think that homicidal movies and games are just
innocuous entertainment, it seems to me that they affect society badly and must
be controlled securely.

7. (Minh Thư) Some people say that individuals who make a lot of money are the most
successful. Others think that those who contribute to society like scientists and teachers
are more successful.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
The most successful money makers are thought to be the most successful people. However,
others think that social contributors such as scientists and teachers are more successful. Because
both types of success are beneficial to society, I believe that both sides are necessary to the
development of society.
Billionaires are the models for which most individuals admire and dream to lead a life like
them. The reason for these wishes are very simple: money is what the majority of people seek as
their life goal. Because of the power that money brings, individuals can do lots of things they
want such as shopping without hesitation, travelling around the world. Furthermore, money can
also take you out of anxiety. It can be used to solve almost all problems. If you are terminally ill,
having a lot of money to pay the hospital will keep on the treatment. It is a norm of people who
think individuals who make a lot of money are the most successful.
On the flipside, success may be defined as engaging in a meaningful activity, such as sharing
one’s expertise and knowledge with society. Science provides convenience and health security to
the general populace. To prove this explanation, without scientists, no vaccination for COVID19
can be discovered and our normal life will never return. Additionally, education helps develop
more high-quality people in the future, who contribute to society one day. As a result, I believe
that there will be no successful people without necessary education.
In conclusion, while the rich are considered to be the most successful people, there are still
many people who think that those who contribute to society like scientists and teachers are more
successful. From my point of view, both sides are needed for the development of society. The
rich have a different way from the scientists and teachers to contribute to society. Thus, they are
successful and there is no more comparison between them.

8. Some people focus on news in their own country, while others think it is more important to be
aware of international news.
Discuss both views and give your opinion. (Hồng Anh)
Thesis statement: because news in their own country and from international sources are
beneficial to widen our perspective towards what is happening, I believe that news of
any source should be acquired to produce better results.
Paragraph 1-Analysis the benefits of view 1
Topic sentence : To begin with, reading news in their own country would help the
population, including the government.
Explain 1 : Be informed with guidelines and warning of the states. The potential
perpetrator would be made aware of the high penalties, and the local news would serve as
a deterrence.
Example 1: For instance, it is reported that in the USA with more individuals who are
aware of local news have a lower crime rate than states that do not.
Explain 2 : people are better updated with latest changes of their markets
Example 2 : For example, if the government announces a new policy that allows first-
time home purchase to save 50%, this information will only be visible on local news.
Link: As a result, Knowing local news will help them lead a more convenient and safer
Paragraph 2-Analyze the benefits of view 2
Topic sentence: On the flipside, many people are interested in international news
because events happening in one place can have a substantial influence on developments
in another.
Explain 1 :Awareness about globalization not only influences the future but also
encourages advances in the present.
Example 1 : For example, when there is a change of administration in a number of
nations, the stock market always exhibits a negative trend
Explain 2 : People would beware of war circumstances,... causing them to alter their
Example 2 : For example, case in point are in Iran, where the UK war has led to many
Link: By knowing such information, tourists have redirected their plans or decided to
stay back.
Restate main arguments:
Restate your view that 2 should be combined:


9. Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists such as
painters and musicians. Others believe that artists should be funded by alternative sources.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

10. Some people think children should have the freedom to make mistakes, while other people
believe that adults should prevent children from making mistakes. (Phuong)
Discuss both sides and give your opinion (con sắp => đã chui vào trong grammarly, đang tìm
benefits, examples.)

Intro: When the parents have kids, they have to face a dilemma of whether to let their babies
make mistakes freely or prevent them from making mistakes. While there are some benefits of
preventing kids from making mistakes, I will argue that it is better to let children make mistakes.

The option to prevent children from making mistakes is attractive to many parents for several
reasons. This is because those children often receive physical damage when they make mistakes,
and many parents do not want their children to get hurt. For instance,

11. Some people think that individuals today are more dependent on each other. Others believe
people have become more independent.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (khôi)
1. Rephrase
2. Thesis statement: people today are more dependent on each other because they are more
specialized in the field and make them depdent on each other more.


Paragraph 2-Analyze the benefits of the IGNORED view

1. Topic sentence: society has increasingly become self-reliant.
2. Explain 1: people want to build a private life of their own rather than sharing it with
3. Example 1: young adults tend to move out their parents home and live their own life
4. Explain 2: people might be too tired to be exposed to shared life.
5. Example 2: too many comments, feedback, interference, ….
6. Link : Thus, people are heading for a life of freedom and privacy.

Paragraph 1-Analysis the benefits of CHOSEN view

1. Topic sentence: people work together increase productivity
2. Explain 1: people who work in the same fields have more advantages than working with
people in other fields.
3. Example 1 : farmers working together can increase productivity of agriculture.
4. Explain 2 : work in the same fields makes the government easy to manage.
5. Example 2 : if the pandemic occurs doctors can work together to cure the infected person.
6. Link: People increasingly become reliant on each other.

7. Restate main arguments :
8. Restate your view:
12. Some feel that schools should be mixed with both girls and boys attending while others feel the
genders ought to be separated.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

13. Some believe that people should make efforts to fight climate change while others think it is
better to learn to live with it.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

14. (Bích Phượng)Some people think that sports play an important role in society. Others think they
are nothing more than a leisure activity.
Discuss both views and give your
5. Rephrase: Some people opine that sports have a significant social impact. Others consider
them to be nothing more than a recreational hobby.
6. Thesis statement: while there are others who argue that playing sports is merely a free
time activity, I believe that the importance of sports activities is undeniable in society.

Paragraph 1-Analysis the benefits of ignored view
1. Topic sentence: Some people consider playing and watching sports as a means of
spending leisure time with friends and family only.
2. Explain 1: want to get fit or stay in shape.
3. Example 1: Nowadays, there are a lot of short video exercises around 5-9 minutes and it’s
very easy to practice. Everyone can do light exercises at home in order to keep fit or get
into shape.
4. Explain 2: just a way to relax and take their mind off the stresses.
5. Example 2: people are working 9-5 hours for jobs and after that they gather in the park to
play badminton to refresh their mind.
6. Link: sports are subordinate in the human’s priority.

Paragraph 2-Analyze the benefits of the chosen view

1. Topic sentence: Confirm your chosen view: Most people, however, acknowledge the
important role that sports play in a society.
2. Explain 1: sport brings people together and creates a sense of unity within societies. This
can be witnessed when strangers join together to cheer on and support their counties
football teams.
3. Example 1: For instance, during a world tournament, like FIFA World Cup, people of all
ethnicities and races join together to celebrate a win.
4. Explain 2: Another reason is that young generations are able to cultivate a good habit.
With the rapid advancement of technology, they tend to do sedentary activities such as
playing computer games and chatting through social media as well.
5. Example 2: If parents encourage their children to do sports instead of playing games at
home, children can improve their social interaction with peers. If children are more
capable in any sport, they can learn more to become a professional athlete and have the
opportunity to earn a salary from that job.
6. Link: society cannot thrive without the presence of sports.

1.Restate main arguments: Some individuals regard sports as only a recreational activity, while
others say that they serve an important role in society.
2.Restate your view: I would like to reiterate that sports have quite an important role in a
society and its positive impact on people and society is widely evident throughout the world.
A. Advantage-Disadvantage Discussion
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?
What are the positive and negative impacts of this?
1. Paraphrase:
2. Thesis statement:
=> In this essay, two advantages and two disadvantages of …. shall be discussed.
=> While A1 + A2 would be achieved from…., I also believe the …also cause D1 and D2.
Paragraph 1: advantages
1. Topic sentence: confirm there are advantages from the topic in question.
2. Advantage 1:
3. Explanation 1:
4. Advantage 2:
5. Explanation 2:

Paragraph 2: disadvantages
1. Topic sentence: the issue also results in unavoidable disadvantages.
2. Disadvantage 1:
3. Explanation 1:
4. Disadvantage 2:
5. Explanation 2:
- Restate: re-mention 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages
- Suggestion (optional)

Small businesses should avoid recruiting young women who do not have their own family in
order to avoid paying maternity leave later on. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this

1. Paraphrase: avoid recruiting young females
2. Thesis statement: advantages and disadvantages shall be discussed

Paragraph 1-advantages
1.Topic sentence: Small firms can gain certain benefits from a discrinimation recruitment policy.
2. Advantage 1: these companies can maintain their stable activities.
3. Explain 1: avoid interruption when young female staff are pregnant.
4. Advantage 2: save their limit budget
5. Explanation 2: don't need to pay for female staff during their pregnancy and dont need to spend
another amount to hire new staff to complete their undone tasks.

Paragraph 2-disadvantages
1.Topic sentence: these companies surely lose chances to develop their activities and also cause
disagreement in society.
2. Disadvantage 1: affect the long-term development
3. Explanation 1: young females are creative and resilient/ patient+diligent
4. Disadvantage 2: cause uncertainty in the labour market.
5. Explanation 2: more women are jobless yet not enough males to cater for the discriminative policy of
these businesses.

- Uninterrupted activities
- Economical policy
- Affect long term development
- Cause uncertainty in the labour market

Full essay

Topic: Small businesses should avoid recruiting young women who do not have their own family
in order to avoid paying maternity leave later on. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
this practice?

In the age of growing gender movements, gender discrimination still exists in many business
organisations, especially small scale ones . In an attempt to cut their budget on maternity leave, these
small firms execute unfair treatment against young females by rejecting their application. This policy
might be positive for the companies in short-term goals, it certainly carries negative implications to
their long-term development and society as a whole.

On the one hand, small firms can gain certain benefits from a discrinimation recruitment policy.
Admittedly, pregnant staff is often under their normal performance in and after pregnant time due to
changes in their health. This subsequently requires more off-days to visit doctors, to rest and to take
care of their offspring, negatively affecting the working process. Financially, during staff’s pregnancy
small companies with limited budgets have to find temporary staff to substitute them and complete
their undone jobs. This would mean the company has to use their tight budget to scout out, to train
newcomers. By not hiring them, the company could avoid unexpected interruption and pay further.

On the flip side/ on the other hand, such practice certainly stagnates the long-term development of
small enterprises and accordingly causes instability in the labour force. Young women are more
creative than the elderly females. Furthermore, their stamina is widely regarded as greater than that of
the counterpart gender. To small businesses featuring weak competitive advantages, these innovative
and resilient female employees would become more productive and contribute greater to company
prosperity. From a different aspect, the discrimination will increase the number of fresh graduates’
unemployment, causing more hardship and increasing burden for government. In a worse scenario, the
hard-pressed would end up marrying early and potentially causing some unexpected demographic shifts
such as higher birth rate.

It is a mixed blessing when companies refuse to hire young female candidates. They can ensure
uninterrupted activities and maintain their tight budgets; however, they also lose their opportunities to
develop and cause certain effects to the labour market. Therefore, better consideration should be taken
so as to practice the best recruitment policy to guarantee the development of small-scale organisations.
347 words

1. ( NAME) Many products that we buy are made in other countries. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of this?

2. (vũ) In the last century, urban development has focused on building tall buildings as
opposed to wide flat ones. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this?
3. Paraphrase: In recent years, urban advancement has set its focal point on constructing
higher buildings rather than flat ones.
4. Thesis statement: While favoring smaller, taller properties comes with the main
advantages of saving space and being more affordable, but it also has its downsides with
requiring more skilled workers and having higher safety risks.
Paragraph 1: advantages
1. Topic sentence: There are advantages when it comes to picking smaller land than
going for large, flat ones.
2. Advantage 1: saving land and space
3. Explanation 1: it saves more space for more buildings to be built and
accommodate a larger group of people.
(example) having a company requires a large group of people to come together
and work in one space, there will not be enough space if the company is based in a flat
building. Having taller buildings will better solve this issue.
4. Advantage 2: properties/aparments are more affordable
5. Explanation 2: land prices are very high over the years, so by buying a smaller but
higher properties or apartments will be more cost efficient for people who are in the real-
estate market.
(example) a small apartment in vietnam could cost around 1-2 billion VND,
while bigger properties could cost up to 5 billion VND

Paragraph 2: disadvantages
1. Topic sentence: the downsides should also be noticed.
2. Disadvantage 1: requires more skilled construction workers
3. Explanation 1: building a taller structure is usually way more complex than a
short one.
(example) creating suitable design, ability to resist the earthquake.
4. Disadvantage 2: it might be riskier.
5. Explanation 2: the foundation of these tall buildings will have to be under way
more load compared to flat ones, if not built properly, it could result in the building
collapsing and people getting hurt.
3. (Bích Phượng)As air travel has become cheaper, more and more people are travelling
abroad for their vacations instead of visiting places in their own country. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of this?
Thesis statement: advantages and disadvantages shall be discussed

Paragraph 1-advantages
1.Topic sentence: people choose to travel abroad with cheap airfare instead of visiting other
places in the country.
2. Advantage 1: Get more hands-on experiences with different cultures
3. Explain 1: Meeting different people from a wide range of cultures and societies will provide
you with a wide variety of real-world experiences.
4. Advantage 2: Create wonderful memories while in new lands
5. Explanation 2: Travel and check in famous architectures in different countries, go sightseeing
and admire the majestic mountains, wonderful beaches, busy cities, or poetic rivers, charming.
Paragraph 2-disadvantages
1.Topic sentence: In recent times, thanks to convenient means of transportation and easier
procedures to go abroad, traveling abroad is one of the favorite choices of people.
2. Disadvantage 1: Culture conflicts.
3. Explanation 1: Each country has its own cultural characteristics, so conflicts in these aspects
between your home country and the place you are going to travel are inevitable.
4. Disadvantage 2: Consequences of the environment and resources.
5. Explanation 2: Recreational activities in sea areas such as swimming, diving and sport fishing
can affect coral reefs and fisheries. The demand for energy, food affects the consumption
demand of local people. The construction of infrastructure for tourism makes the land degraded,
the habitat of wild species is lost, reducing the value of the landscape.

1. Restate: Because of cheap airfare to go abroad, a large group of people travel to different
countries than to visit places in the country. So it brings many benefits such as a lot of
practical experience when dealing with different cultures and creating great memories
while in new places. It also brings disadvantage in terms of cultural barriers due to the
contact of different cultures and has adverse effects on the environment and natural
2. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to develop the domestic tourism industry
besides creating new, more famous tourist areas and try to minimize the impact on living
organisms, ecosystems, and environmental pollution.

4. (Tạ Thư) In many parts of the world, it is common for one parent to stay home and raise a
newborn child while the other works full-time to earn money. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of this? Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
- Paraphrase: Staying home and raising a newborn child while the other works full-
time to earn money is common in many parts of the world.
paragraph 1: advantages
1. topic sentence: Parents can handle their own job while the other raises their child
which not only saves time but also earns more money.
2. Advantage1: Fully focus on their child
3. Explanation1: Both parents who work all day do not care about their children, so
they will grow up without love.
4. Advantage2:
5. Explanation2: While one is working to earn money, the other is raising their child,
this could lead to the child growing up with love and parents can have more
paragraph 2: disadvantage
1. topic sentence:
2. disadvantage 1: Source of family income will be less
3. explanation 1: If both parents focus on their job, money can be earn more easier
4. disadvantage 2: Interrupt parents' job to look after their child.
5. explanation 2: While staying home to look after their child, parents couldn't finish the
undone task.

5. Most career choices demand vocational skills or specialist knowledge. However, despite
this, most schools still teach academic subjects such as history or social studies. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of this? (Minh Tùng)

Almost all schools still teach academic subjects such as history or social
studies,although the majority of occupational requests are job-related skills or technical
knowledge. While the discovery of strength and complete knowledge background would
be achieved from academic subjects, I also believe this education orientation also causes
poor concentration and teenagers' reluctance to acquire knowledge .
On the one hand, students can gain certain benefits from academic subjects. Thanks to
these subjects, students have more opportunities for finding out their favourite subject.
This is because when students can experience a variety of subjects,they have more
chances to choose their strengths,not just natural sciences or gifted subjects.For example,
if someone has a good memory, they may study social subjects well.Nowadays, lots of
careers related to academic subjects like lawyer, history teacher,psychologist,etc.Another
student’s interest from this education orientation is having a basic knowledge in many
fields.By that I mean, acquiring diversified subjects helps students have a vast reading
and solve different problems in life.To illustrate, the majority of citizens are proud of
their national history , so students need to learn about their national history and other
countries. If students have a chance to learn social subjects, they will know more about
their responsibilities, some rights to protect them, community,etc.
On the flip side, this curriculum has two main disadvantages that some students
may encounter.As for the former,learning academic subjects can be a waste of time for
students who already know their strengths. Admittedly, these subjects is very useful, but they
aren’t too necessary and advanced to be compulsory subjects at schools. Because spending more
time learning unnecessary subjects, students have less time and energy to focus on their
speciality. As for the latter, discouragement in learning can also be caused by these subjects.For
some students, academic subjects such as history or social studies are very boring and
dry,so they often sleep in class, talking with friends and don’t care what these subject
teachers say . After they have to waste time and energy on uninspiring subjects, their
mood isn't obviously good or enthusiastic to learn anything, even the subjects they like.
They not only don’t acquire knowledge from these subjects but also don’t improve their
It is a mixed blessing when most schools include academic subjects in the
curriculum.It can help students find out their passion and reinforce basic
knowledge;however,these compulsory subjects may cause lack of concentration on
learning specialist knowledge and low-spirited attitude of students. Therefore, better
consideration should be taken so as to practice the best teaching method to guarantee the
training of the younger generation.

6. In poorer families, school children may have to work part-time as well as study. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of this for these children.(Trang linh)
The number of students working part-time jobs in addition to their studies has increased
significantly. For many young people, the opportunity to work gives them a variety of
skills as well as money to pay their bills. However, I feel it has its own drawbacks, such
as a lower score and certain health issues..
One of the principal advantage that teenager can gain through their job experiment
is the additional income they will gain to tackle their poor, with some additional income they
can pay their bills, tuition fee and buy some required items without burden their parent,
especially with some poor family
Another advantage would be if they handle a part-time job, they will have so many things to
handle in a single day, so they must learn how to manage their time efficiently.M response to
their own problems, which is definitely a plus when they apply for a full time job in the future.
One possible drawback that can be mentioned is a part time job during a school year can
interfere their study time, which can lead to their poorer grade
2. It maybe harmful for their physical and mental health since they won’t have enough time
To get enough sleep or attend some leisure activities to release stress. As a result

7. Many governments are investing less in roads and more in public transport systems.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this?

8. Small businesses are disappearing and being replaced by large multinational
companies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages (Hồng Anh)
Paraphrase: Small enterprises are vanishing and giant international corporations are
taking their place.
Thesis statement:
Paragraph 1: advantages
1.Topic sentence: There are several benefits of large international corporations are
expanding at an increasing rate
2. Advantage 1: Firstly, one of the benefits of having a multinational in a given country
is the local employment that the corporations frequently supply.
3. Explanation 1: When a corporation is being created, not only material but also human
resources are required.
(example) For example, Starbucks Company, an international coffee shop
corporation, is employing a large number of locals in Vietnam, Indonesia,...resulting of
unemployment in the city
4. Advantage 2: Their ability to contact clients on a worldwide scale.
5. Explanation 2: Large corporations open several offices in various nations in order to
meet the demands of potential clients

Paragraph 2: disadvantages
1. Topic sentence: There are 2 disadvantages when building multinational
2. Disadvantage 1: Multinational enterprises have the potential to pollute the
3. Explanation 1: They frequently generate a large number of items at once, resulting in
a large amount of trash that is dangerous for environment
(example) There are several pharmaceutical raw-material firms in China. They
are suspected of destroying a number of rivers.
4. Disadvantage 2: The consequence of this development is the increased traffic
congestion caused by these large corporations.
5. Explanation 2: Large corporations require a lot of room to create their buildings and
offices and when they build in the inner city, it will cause great traffic problems.

9. (Minh Thư) Increasing numbers of students are going to university instead of working after
high school. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who do this?

5. Paraphrase:
6. Thesis statement:
=> In this essay, two advantages and two disadvantages of …. shall be discussed.
=> While A1 + A2 would be achieved from…., I also believe the …also cause D1 and
Paragraph 1: advantages
1. Topic sentence: confirm there are advantages from the topic in question.
2. Advantage 1: Going to university helps students get specialization in the field
they will work in when they leave university.
3. Explanation 1: Lecturers in university have knowledge in depth in their
specializations. Thus, they provide necessary knowledge for students to use in practical
4. Advantage 2: The income of a person with a university degree will be higher than
people who don’t.
5. Explanation 2: Most corporations and companies take a university degree as the
prerequisites to recruit people. So, having a university degree will be one of the
advantages in job application.

Paragraph 2: disadvantages
1. Topic sentence: the issue also results in unavoidable disadvantages.
2. Disadvantage 1: Study pressure will increase annually.
3. Explanation 1: Because of the large number of students who want to go to
university, universities can choose students who are qualified from them, so the
benchmark will become higher and higher.
4. Disadvantage 2: laboring shortage
5. Explanation 2: Due to the tendency of going to the university, most of them prefer
doing knowledge labor to manual labor. Thus, the workforce will be diminished.
- Restate: re-mention 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages
- Suggestion (optional)


10. School children are using computers in school more than ever. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of this and give your own opinion. huy
2. Advantage
1:1 Find information easier
3. Explanation 1:
When learning a certain problem, using a computer will help learners easily find relevant
(example) using google to search for answer Math exercises.
4. Advantage 2: take notes more convenience
5. Explanation 2: if your Handwriting is bad, you can use the app to note
(example) using Microsoft word office to note and store

1 Topic sentence: the issue also results in unavoidable disadvantages.
2. Disadvantage 1: Do not fully focus on their learning.
3. Explanation 1: Since they know they can relearn by recording with an application
of a tech device when they get home, they don't need to study at that time.
(example) use computer to record and then surf facebook
4. Disadvantage 2:play games
5. Explanation 2 If the lesson is too boring, they will use the computer for fun
For example: In a history class, they might be bored of historical events and turn
their device on to play games in class.

11. Many businesses choose to recruit from within their own company rather than sourcing staff
from overseas. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this? (Phương)
Outline:( đang viết ở trong word)

12. In many countries, children learn more about behaviour from their teachers than from their
parents. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this and give your own opinion.(khôi)
3. Paraphrase:
4. Thesis statement:

Paragraph 1-advantages
1.Topic sentence: teachers impart behaviour standards of society for students
2. Advantage 1: their students will understand kindness and peace.
3. Explain 1: teacher
4. Advantage 2: reduce stress’s parent
5. Explanation 2: student’s parent don’t have enough time to impart theirs child about behaviours
Paragraph 2-disadvantages
1.Topic sentence: some behaviors teachers teach don’t fit to parent’s thoughts
2. Disadvantage 1:
3. Explanation 1:
4. Disadvantage 2:
5. Explanation 2:



13. (Tú) With the advent of social media, more people are getting their news online instead of
from print media. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for people who read news
1. Topic: There are many benefits when people are used to getting the news online
2. Advantage1: people have multiple choices to search for latest news
3. Explain1: When we go online, there are various websites for people to choose the kind of
news they want
4. Advantage2: it doesn’t take much of our time
5. Explain2: we can stay at home to get news instead of going outside to buy newspaper
1. Topic: it surely causes distraction and mislead readers
2. Disadvantage1: We may be distracted by advertisement
3. Explain1: Advertisement suddenly appears and covers our news
4. Disadvantage2: There are a lot of fake news
5. Explain2: Nobody go to verify the information for us
1. Paraphrase:
2. Thesis statement: answer whether the advantages eclipses the disadvantages.

1. Advantages > Disadvantages 2. Advantages < Disadvantages

Paragraph 1-advantage Paragraph 1: disadvantage

1. Topic sentence: introduce 2 ads. 1. Topic sentence: introduce 2 ads.
2. Advantage 1 2. Disadvantage 1
3. Explanation 1 3. Explanation 1
(example 1) (example 1)
4. Advantage 2 4. Disadvantage 2
5. Explanation 2 5. Explanation 2
(example 2) (example 1)

Paragraph 2-“disadvantage but can Paragraph 2-“advantage but too

be solved” negligible and small to be noticed or to
1. Introduce disadvantage compensate for loss caused from the
2. Refute: trivial + solvable disadvantages”
3. Explanation 1. Introduce advantage
4. Example 2. Refute: trivial
5. Concluding sentence 3. Explanation
4. Example
5. Concluding sentence

- rephrase your thesis statement
- re-mention main arguments (advantages/ disadvantages)

Example 1:Advantages> disadvantages

Topic: Some people think that it is better for large companies and industries to move to
regional areas outside large urban centres. Do you think the advantages outweigh the

1. Topic issue: major firms move to regional areas
2. Thesis: there are more advantages than disadvantages

Paragraph 1-advantage
Topic sentence: there are 2 dominant merits of relocation.
Advantage 1: avoid migration from rural or outskirt areas to the urban ones for working
Explanation 1: People in these relocated areas can easily find a job in these factories and have
no intention to travel or locate to the centre for their work and living.
Advantage 2: promote rural development.
Explanation 2: infrastructure has to be invested and more jobs are created.

Paragraph 2-“disadvantage but can be minimized”
Disadvantage: environment will be impacted due to the rising construction of factories and
Refutation sentence: however, if the relocation is projected with stringent policies on the
environment, nature can be safely protected.
Explanation: regulations about waste treatment, products, social tax, social responsibility + tax
collected from businesses can be used to improve the sanitation systems, build more green zones,
invest more green technology
Example: Singapore industrial zones/parks in my country are clear cases. Most of the industries
in those parks are reallocated from the downtown of Binh Duong city.
Effect sentence: the nature in these areas will be stably kept.

There are more advantages regarding the stability of demography and economic prosperity than
ecological disadvantages

A recent attention has recently been placed on the delocalization of industrial plants in an age
teemed with economic strides. In this age, there is a growing school of thought inclining
towards the moving of major companies away from downtowns. In my opinion, the rewards of
this relocation would eclipse its negligible limitations.
On the one hand, there are 2 dominant merits of decentralization. The first advantage of this is
the demographic stability achieved by the reduction of migration from rural to urban areas.
Due to the insufficiency of employment, remote residents have to move to urban areas with
the hope for a better life, which will be unnecessary when companies are relocated in such
regions. Furthermore, relocating industrial plants and offices to the outskirts also possibly
thrives in the less advantaged areas. This is thanks to the entailed emergence of various
functional public services such as hospitals, educational institutes, and entertainment activities.

Admittedly, this move can pose certain menaces in the rural environment. When the proposal is
in effect, there will be a burgeoning construction of industrial factories, medical wards, roads,
sanitation systems and other numerous involved activities, which consequently puts the
ecosystem and the untouched natural beauty at risk of damage. However, if the relocation is
projected with environmental consideration, nature will not be heavily destroyed but could
even be better. The monetary sufficiency gained from business achievements will allow
authority to better invest in sanitation systems, river cleaning equipment, and the construction
of ecological zones. Therefore, the nature in these areas will be stably kept.

By way of conclusion, because the decentralization of industrial premises delivers positive

advantages for the stability of demography and the development of distant deprived areas, I
believe that the merits of this proposal will certainly eclipse its minimal environmental


In many countries, plastic containers have become more common than ever and are used
by many food and drink companies. Do you think the advantages outweigh the
The adoption of plastic products is always a controversial debate among people. Some consumers concur
with this initiative because they believe it could somewhat cut down the cost of manufacturing for
entrepreneurs. Since this kind of material is detrimental to our environment and human health, I think
using it is more harmful than beneficial.

There are two perennial menaces that can result from the overuse of plastic stuff. The first difficulty of
this is the poor quality of the water environment which lies at the root of marine life deterioration. Plastic
is inherently labelled as a hard break-down substance; thus, there are millions of tonnes of plastic waste
exchanged into seas or rivers without treatments. When innocent seabirds or other species swallow this
chemical, it is impossible for them to digest it, ultimately ending up dying. Furthermore, it is admitted
that the combustion of plastic is at the forefront of respiratory diseases. By melting plastic to reform it
into new containers, food businesses have emitted toxic fog into the air. Examples of such a harmful
situation can be seen in Vietnam, in urban areas, the rate of patients suffering from tuberculosis is double
that of rural cities. Instead of enhancing the living standard for humans, the ubiquity of such materials
brings about inevitable drawbacks on our society as a whole.

People might argue that the production of plastic possibly delivers certain rewards, but most of which
seem to be negligible. The underlying reason why it is opted to make containers is due to its cheap price
that helps beverage companies maximise their profits. However, the low-paying cost of the business
should not be at the expense of environmental sustainability and human health; it is not a far-reaching
advantage but a minor benefit, serving only the economic profit of producers themselves. Thus, the use of
these eco-unfriendly, health-harmful products produces little positive impact.

In conclusion, the consumption of plastic containers possibly pose long-term menaces to our health and
living habitats, I believe that benefits regarding price impossibly outstrip dangers resulting from this
situation. Therefore, what should be considered is to take immediate action so as to limit the effects of
this material.



1. A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism
can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly. Do you think that the benefits of
tourism outweigh its drawbacks?(Minh Tùng)

Paragraph 1: disadvantage
1. Topic sentence: introduce 2 ads.
2. Disadvantage 1 risk of over dependence/ reliance
3. Explanation 1 : imbalance between career development opportunities ,lack of stable
source of money,
(example 1) Covid-19, tourism is suspended.
4. Disadvantage 2 :
5. Explanation 2
(example 1)

Paragraph 2-“advantage but too negligible and small to be noticed or to compensate for
loss caused from the disadvantages”
2. Introduce advantage:
3. Refute: trivial
4. Explanation
5. Example
6. Concluding sentence

7. Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary
school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?(tú)
-P1: (advantage):
1)topic: there are two prominent merits of acquiring foreign language at the young age
2) ad1: it’s easier for elementary school’s students to learn languages
3) explain: students at primary school have more freetime and less extra classes than at secondary
4) ad2: children shall be confident through studying languages before they go to secondary
5) explain: language classes at primary school are fun so students talk with their teachers a lot

-P2: (disad):
6) disadvantage: young students are forced to study the language they don’t really interested in
and feel unhappy
7) people can solve this problem by adding more languages
8) students have many options to choose
9) when young children are fond of learning languages, they can easily acquire the knowledge
10) consequently, it’s really good for younger children to learn languages at the young age .

8. At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young
adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh
the disadvantages? (vũ)
9. Tests and examinations are a central feature of school systems in many countries. Do you think
the educational benefits of testing outweigh any disadvantages? ( Tạ Thư )
1. introduction
paragraph 1:
- Topic sentence: Examination is the final chapter of the semester which can see how
students study and also mark students hard-work
- Advantage 1: Examination is the evidence of how much knowledge students accept.
- Explanation 1: In a semester, we have to learn many different subject so that examination
we can review our knowledge and accept new information
- Advantage 2: Examination is a source of motivation that we need to put a lot of effort in
so that we can work effectively
- Explanation 2: If there is no more examination,we will not have to worry about having
bad grade so that our effort put into study will be decrease
paragraph 2:
- introduce disadvantage: The majority of pressure in the young generation is from examination.
- Refute:
10. In some countries, more and more adults are living with their parents after graduating from
college , University or even after finding a job. Do the advantages of this outweigh
disadvantages? (Hồng Anh)
1. Paraphrase:
2. Thesis statement: answer whether the advantages eclipses the disadvantages.
Paragraph 1-advantage
1. Topic sentence: There are 2 benefits when more and more adults are continuing to live
with their parents after they have completed education and found jobs.
2. Advantage 1: To begin with, one of the most significant advantages of living with
family is emotional support for a child
3. Explanation 1: As we all know, when someone is pursuing a job, they face many
challenges, and in such a scenario, a person requires the support of family.
(example 1)
4. Advantage 2 Secondly, parents are financial support for children.
5. Explanation 2: Even if they are adults, when someone shares a home with their parents,
their financial stress is lightened since they do not have to pay expenses right away
(example 2)

Paragraph 2-“disadvantage but can be solved”

6. Introduce disadvantage : They can never be independent in their life if they had always
been dependent on their elderly guardians.
7. Refute: trivial + solvable :
8. Explanation
9. Example
10. Concluding sentence

11. (Minh Thư) After finishing school, some students go travelling or work for a period of
time instead of going directly to university. Do you think the advantages of gap years
outweigh the disadvantages?
7. Paraphrase:
8. Thesis statement:
=> In this essay, two advantages and two disadvantages of …. shall be discussed.
=> While A1 + A2 would be achieved from…., I also believe the …also cause D1 and
Paragraph 1: disadvantages
1. Topic sentence: the issue results in unavoidable disadvantages.
2. Disadvantage 1: forget the learning of high school, lag compared to their peers
3. Explanation 1: After taking a gap year, the student may have difficulty in
4. Disadvantage 2: Socializing can bring mental and physical problems to the
5. Explanation 2: Facing an exhausting job, danger on their trip to foreign countries.

12. In some countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in some others, the
government pay for them. Do you think the advantages that the government pays the
money outweigh the disadvantages?Trang Linh

It is true that nowadays university tuition is paid by student,whereas in the others,the

governments pay for them while i agree that there is some disadvantage of this government
fund,It is more likely to be an merit.

One the one hand,It is difficult for indigent families to pay their child’s tuition as well as make a
living since tuition fee in universities, especially private school, is extremely difficult.Therefore
some talent with difficult circumstances may be missed.
For instance RMIT tuition fee is up to $30000 a year,which is almost equal to the expenditure of
a middle class family.Furthermore,they will have more time to study and cultivate some healthy
hobby because they just have to focus to their study while the study time in college is more
flexible than in the highschool, they could explore some new hobbies such as singing,playing a
new instrument to improve their health and memory as well as create a competitive edge in their
future work.It has been shown that the student paid for their tuition by the government has more
time to attend useful activities.
However,people might argue that the students who don’t need to pay their school fees have no
idea of the value of money and how difficult it is to obtain money.However, i believe that this
problem is negligible and can be solve by letting students do some part-time work and pay
some of their own living expenses such as electricity and water bills because working for a living
is the best way to understand the worth of money

In conclusion,it seems to me that the advantage of government funded tuition fees is definitely
outship the disadvantage of this argument due to its health and personal development benefit.

13. (Bích Phượng)People nowadays tend to have children at older ages. Do the advantages of
this outweigh the disadvantages?

1. Paraphrase: People nowadays are more likely to have children later in life.
2. Thesis statement: the advantages eclipses the disadvantages.

Paragraph 1-advantage
1. Topic sentence: Having children in later stages of their lives offers worth-considering
2. Advantage 1: people believe that they ought to be mature enough to raise a child and they
claim that maturity comes with age.
3. Explanation 1: As age advances, the partners seem to secure better positions in their
employment and family. Similarly, they have economic stability as well; eventually, their
child would be nursed better.
(example 1) : When a baby was born, there are myriad fees that have to be paid such as
hospital, health care, education, food....For example, drink better milk, go to better
schools, have better medical care…
4. Advantage 2: maturity allows parents to behave in a high-minded manner.
5. Explanation 2: Parents had time to study and read about raising children and prepare for
(example 2) : They can read about child psychological stages of development, learn about
each stage, understand the child’s world and whatever shapes the child’s mind.
Paragraph 2-“disadvantage but can be solved”
1. Introduce disadvantage: There are a lot of risks in late pregnancy which threaten both
mother’s and infant’s health.
2. Refute: trivial: Not all pregnant women experience life-threatening symptoms.
Solvable: Thanks to the advancement of science and technology, modern medical methods
increasingly improve the success rate of pregnancy in women aged 45-50.
3. Explanation: Inherently, in the 30-40 phases, the capacity to conceive is substantially
reduced, the immune system deteriorates, and biological functions are partially aging.
4. Example: In addition to building a reasonable diet, activities, and exercise, mothers need
to perform regular fetal check-ups, especially pregnant mothers at the age of 35 have
many pregnancy risks.
5. Concluding sentence: The best thing to do during pregnancy is to eat lots of healthy foods
and get regular checkups.

14. Nowadays the differences between countries are becoming less evident because people
follow the same media. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?
Con đang viết trong grammarly. Thầy ơi, các nước càng ngày càng giống nhau có liên quan
về đồng hóa văn hóa không thầy?

15. It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as
the South Pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? ( khôi )
1. Paraphrase:
2. Thesis statement: helpful for research of human about the world

Paragraph 1-advantage
1. Topic sentence: Travelling to remote regions offers worth-considering merits.
2. Advantage 1: discover the world somewhere humans don’t know and ẹnoys their original
3. Explanation 1: discover new land and their beauty when it don’t have humans
(example 1)
4. Advantage 2: find new minerals
5. Explanation 2: new minerals can expand human knowledge about the earth
(example 2)

Paragraph 2-“disadvantage but can be solved”

6. Introduce disadvantage: they can destroy it’s natural beauty because their insatiable cupid
and their profit
7. Refute: trivial + solvable
8. Explanation
9. Example
10. Concluding sentence

16. Young people are often influenced by their peers. Do the advantages of peer pressure
outweigh the disadvantages?

Type 2: Cause-Effect-Solution
- Possibility 1: cause-solution
- Possibility 2: effect-solution
- Possibility 3: cause-effect

- Rephrase
- Introduce causes and solutions

Paragraph 1-cause
1. Topic sentence:
2. Cause 1 + explain
3. Example
4. Cause 2 + explain
5. Example
6. (optional) conclude

Paragraph 2-solution

Mention causes and solutions

Topic: In many countries, people do not recycle their rubbish as much as they could.
Why do you think this is? What can be done to change this?

1. Rephrase:
2. Introduce 2 causes + introduce solutions

=> (1) People in many parts of the world seemingly fail to reuse what they dispose of as they
could. (2.1) The motives behind such hesitation to recycle might stem from (C1)the
inconvenience of such activities and (C2)the poor investment of the state. (2.2) However, if
people’s awareness is raised and more stringent( strict) regulations are introduced, the situation
will surely improve.

Paragraph 1-cause
1. Topic sentence: 2 main reasons
2. Cause 1: inconvenience
3. Explanation: take more effort and time consuming
Example: sorting bottles, cans and paper fail to please people.
4. Cause 2: government’s negligence (neglect)
5. Explanation: (loose) perfunctory rules/ recycling facilities aren’t properly financed.=> fail to
6. My city
=> Concluding sentence (optional)

Firstly, two main reasons for such a negative habit can be listed. The first one is because of the
inconvenience people have to endure. When they have to recycle, they have to take time
considering what materials, how to treat, and what kind of allowed chemicals. For example, to
recycle trash of a household discharge, that family has to consider sorting bottles by colour or
materials, leaving cans in required bins, and sending their garbage to the landfill on different
days. Another excuse for why people are not keen on recycling is because governments do not
put much effort into this activity. Their negligence easily breeds the procrastination of dwellers
to recycle trash. My polluted city is a clear, typical instance: my city mayor has few regulations
regarding trash treatment, and even laws are introduced, they are perfortory, failing to alleviate
the situation. Consequently, trash is not effectively re-used.

Paragraph: (WHO=>WHAT=>HOW=>RESULT)
1. Topic sentence: (who) government’s enthusiasm is the ultimate solution for this.
2. Solution 1
- (what) alter the public’s awareness about the issue.
- (how) through media of different platforms/ education
- (result) better aware of and more proactive in reusing things that they dispose of.
3. Solution 2
- (what) introduce more rules
- (how): discuss, draft the bill, organise fundarenda (fundarendum),
- (how specific) preventive, incentive, and punitive rules
(....) What if there are no support methods to optimise the suggested measure?
- (result) more trash will be recycled.

Governments are the most powerful body to deal with the situation. Firstly, relevant information
should be spread to raise the public’s awareness regarding the effects of their irresponsible habits. This
idea could be put in practice by frequent coverage of eco-programs on various channels of media such
as television, internet, radio, and so on. By doing so, citizens are more concerned with what they throw
away and tend to recycle them if possible. More stringently, people’s hesitation to recycle will be also
reduced if they either receive a financial incentive for recycling or a punishment for not doing so.
However, these regulations will bring little outcome unless clear guidance from the state about type of
trash, treatment method, and collection location is accompanied with. As a result, people will be more
enthusiastic about renewing used materials.

To sum up, that people still procrastinate to recycle might be due to the discomfort and the poor
investment of the state. Therefore, when more proposals are legalised, especially regarding raising
people's minds and introducing more rules, a greater amount of trash can be reutilised.

In many countries, people do not recycle their rubbish as much as they could.
Why do you think this is? What can be done to change this?
People in many parts of the world seemingly fail to reuse what they dispose of as they could. The
motives behind such hesitation to recycle might stem from the inconvenience of such activities
and the poor investment of the state. However, if people’s awareness is raised and more
stringent( strict) regulations are introduced, the situation will surely improve.

Firstly, two main reasons for such a negative habit can be listed. The first one is because of the
inconvenience people have to endure. When they have to recycle, they have to take time
considering what materials, how to treat, and what kind of allowed chemicals. For example, to
recycle trash of a household discharge, that family has to consider sorting bottles by colour or
materials, leaving cans in required bins, and sending their garbage to the landfill on different
days. Another excuse for why people are not keen on recycling is because governments do not
put much effort into this activity. Their negligence easily breeds the procrastination of dwellers
to recycle trash. My polluted city is a clear, typical instance: my city mayor has few regulations
regarding trash treatment, and even laws are introduced, they are perfortory, failing to alleviate
the situation. Consequently, trash is not effectively re-used.

Governments are the most powerful body to deal with the situation. Firstly, relevant information
should be spread to raise the public’s awareness regarding the effects of their irresponsible habits. This
idea could be put in practice by frequent coverage of eco-programs on various channels of media such
as television, internet, radio, and so on. By doing so, citizens are more concerned with what they throw
away and tend to recycle them if possible. More stringently, people’s hesitation to recycle will be also
reduced if they either receive a financial incentive for recycling or a punishment for not doing so.
However, these regulations will bring little outcome unless clear guidance from the state about type of
trash, treatment method, and collection location is accompanied with. As a result, people will be more
enthusiastic about renewing used materials.

To sum up, that people still procrastinate to recycle might be due to the discomfort and the poor
investment of the state. Therefore, when more proposals are legalised, especially regarding raising
people's minds and introducing more rules, a greater amount of trash can be reutilised.

1. An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer
countries to work in developed countries. What problems does this cause? What solutions can
you suggest to deal with this situation(anh khôi)
- Rephrase
- Introduce causes and solutions
Paragraph 1-cause
1. Topic sentence: develop their skills thanks to favourable working environment
2. Cause 1: develop their skills
3. explain : developed countries will have more professionals, such as doctors and teachers.
- example : a Southeast Asian doctor comes to America to work, he surely can have many
chances to learn and improve his doctoring.
4. Cause 2 : good welfare
- explain: US give doctors a large of modern machine and good salary to work for them
- example: a doctor in US have a higher salary than a doctor in VN
7. (optional) conclude

Paragraph 2-solution
Solution 1: can't stop this because the pooper countries can’t support good as the richer countries
Solution 2: can reduce this with the condition of targeting a division

Mention causes and solutions

2. International travel makes people prejudiced rather than broad-minded. What are the causes?
What measures can be taken to solve the problem?

3. Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Reasons for overpopulation and
suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.(bích phượng)
3. Rephrase:
4. Introduce 2 causes: large number of people of reproductive age and no planning
5. Solutions: government promulgating family planning and individuals are
propagated and disseminated about the benefits of having few children.
Paragraph 1-cause
1. Topic sentence: because of the large number of people of reproductive age, many
children are born and another reason is no family planning is enacted.
2. cause 1: large number of people of reproductive age.
- Explain: In urban development, the large number of workers leads to a large number of
pregnant women and the need to maintain the breed.
- Example: Every year, there are 570,353 new born babies. I was born and raised in Ho Chi
Minh. There are a lot of people living here including locals and people from all over the
world. Due to the large population, the amount of waste is a lot, the hospitals are always
overloaded, there is not enough space for patients, the water in the Xuyen Tam river is
increasingly dirty and stinks.
3. Cause 2: no family planning is enacted.
- explan:

4. Demand for food is increasing worldwide. What is the cause of this? What measures can the
international community take to meet this demand? (vũ)
- The need for food is expanding on a global basis.
- Causes: population growth and higher income in most countries.
- Solution: modifying diet and promoting healthier options.
Paragraph 1-cause
8. Topic sentence: There are 2 biggest factors that contributes to this issue
9. Cause 1 : population growth
- explain : as population increases, the demand for feeding everyone is raised
- example: there are more than 10,000 babies born in a day in the US, which means the
government has to find plans to produce more resources
10. Cause 2 : higher income
- explain: the richer a country/person becomes, the more they are willing to pay for
- example: in the past, an office worker’s income was very low, making it hard for them
to buy goods. As time goes on, their salary is higher, which means they are willing to buy
more without worrying about affecting their financial status.

Paragraph 2-solution
1. Topic sentence: There are solutions that were already proposed across the globe
- Solution 1: modifying diet
- (who) the people
- (what) could alter their diet
- (how) by buying just enough for themselves and shouldn’t be buying extra or backup.
- (result) so that there are enough resources for everyone and reduces waste.
- Solution 2: promoting healthier alternatives
(who) businesses
(what) should promote healthier options
(how) by selling benefits if the customers switch
(result) higher awareness in people’s minds.
5. More and more people want to own items, such as cars, clothing and other things, that are made
by famous brands. What are the reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or negative
development? ( tạ thư )
Paragraph 1: cause
1. Topic sentence: Famous brands go with high quality, which the item you buy is
worth the money you have spent. Also famous brands never go out of fashion.
2. Cause 1 + explain: High quality + Whenever we buy new item we always
looking for the one which was made from good material and lasted long
3. Example: Audi is the first brand people came up if they want to get a car because
of their high quality which make people trust and spend their money with
4. Cause 2 + explain: outmoded items have to be changed by trendy alternatives.
5. Example: in the past, trending clothes were jeans or t-shirts, but these days,
trendy clothes are skirts, famous brands keep changing to be trendy and high
fashion to catch customers.
6. Experts say older people were happier and healthier in the past because they did more exercise
and spent more time with family and friends, whereas now many suffer loneliness and health
problems. What are the causes of this and what are some solutions? ( Hồng Anh)
● Paragraph 1-cause
Topic sentence: There are two main reasons for now many suffer loneliness and health problems
of older people.
Cause 1: Children’s abandonment
1. Explanation: Children have families and live separately, they are not often around to
take care of their parents
2. Example: When older people’s kids start a family. They will always be busy with work
to take care of their small family
Cause 2: People gradually become lazy leading to many diseases
1. Explanation: People’s over-reliance on the internet and labor-saving technologies is the
major source of loneliness and health concerns such as obesity in this day and age, thanks
to the introduction of contemporary technology.
2. Example: People nowadays spend more time on their phones and social media during
their leisure time than they do exercising or participating in sports.
● Paragraph 2: (WHO=>WHAT=>HOW=>RESULT)
1. Topic sentence:
2. Solution 1
- (who)
- (what)
- (how)
- (result)
3. Solution 2
- (what)
- (how):
- (how specific)
- (....)
- (result)
7. Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists rather than local people. Why
does this happen? What can be done to encourage local people to visit museums and historical

-There are 2 main reasons that foreigners are more likely to visit museums and historical sites than local
people. Firstly, tourists are more curious about other countries' history and want to know about it.
Foreigners tend to know more about some countries and want to share it with their friends .For instance,
tourists want to see the difference in culture so that they can have a view of these countries.Secondly, it is
because the local people know about their history and aren't interested in it.Local people have studied
history at school for many years.When they were students, they are not inspired about the interest of their

8. In many countries, the rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer. Why is this a
problem? What solutions are there to tackle this problem? Trang Linh

The wealth gap between the wealthy and the poor has widened in recent years, as the wealthy
have become wealthier and the poor have suffered more and more difficulty. In my opinion, the
governments are the most powerful body to improve the life for the poor and balance social
The are various reason why many people find that the wealthy become richer while the poor go
poorer.Fistly,People who are prosperous have more money to invest than those who are indigent.
rich people have opportunities to get into top schools,which have modern facilities and good
education systems while some of the poor even can not afford to learn in highschool.
Moneyed people also had access to variable activities that give them chance to broaden their
horizon when they were young, especially art related activities .There are some studies show that learning
music increases academic performance and IQ in young children.Furthermore, The poor face a lot of
physical and mental challenges. Low income people usually don’t have enough money to approach a
good healthcare system. Habit of using poor quality products and unhygienic living environment can
result in health problems. Beside, They are also under a lot of psychological pressure because they can't
afford living expenses
However, there are various steps that governments should promote to improve this problem.Firstly they
can invest money in some charity fund and scholarship for poverty alleviation to reduce financial
burden.Secondly,politicians can organize many non-profit social activities even in some remote area to to
create an integrate environment and make chances to learn about necessary skills in society.
In conclusion, governments could do more to intergratea and justify the life of the poor
9. Recent research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison commit crimes
after they are released.Why is this the case? What can be done to solve this problem?(Minh Tùng)
INTRODUCTIONhave a high recidivism rate,execute,against
Lastly, boffins research that most prisoners repeat offences after they were given their
freedom back. The motives behind such tendency to backslide might stem from prison life and
people’s discrimination .
10. Many young people today know more about international pop or movie stars than about famous
people in the history of their own country. Why is this? What can be done to increase young
people’s interest in famous people in the history of their country? (Đức Anh)
11. In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining.Why do you think this is
happening? How can this issue be solved? Minh Thư
The number of animals and plants is decreasing in many countries. The motives of this decline
are global warming and deforestation in these years. However, if the government has suitable policies for
the environment, this problem will increasingly improve in the future.
Firstly, two main reasons for such a negative habit can be listed. The first one is because of global
warming. The hotter climate makes extreme weather areas inhabitable so a vast number of floral and
faunal species die out. For example, at two poles, when ice melts, polar bears don’t have enough area to
live. Or at the equatorial areas, excessive drought and heat waves burn a large portion of trees or intensify
the water scarcity. Another excuse for the extinction of plants and animals is due to deforestation. Lead to
the loss of sheltering areas and also lower the quality of soil in these deforested areas and gradually
causing the migration of animals in other areas. Thus, the number of plants and animals is rapidly
Governments are the most powerful body to deal with the situation. First, reducing emissions is
one of the primary solutions for this problem. In the industry activities, they have to filter the emissions
before eliminating them. Governments need to encourage the citizens using electric transport to travel.
These things will help maximize the emission to the environment, avoid global warming. Additionally,
reforestation is also a good key to avoid the decrease of animals and plants. Planting trees in the areas
which are empty or spoiled brings the forest back . Government also has to tighten the law that bans
people from cutting trees. Things below will bring back the living environment of plants and animals.
In conclusion, global warming and deforestation are two of the main causes of animal and plant
decline. However, these can be handled through government policies on environmental protection and


Many young people are leaving the countryside to live in cities leaving behind an elderly population.
What are the causes? What can be done about it? Huy
Cause 1 : making money
When the needs of life are increasing day by day, perhaps the meager salary in the countryside is not

enough, so they will gradually move to the city to look for opportunities to succeed.

For example, Ho Chi Minh City every year has a lot of students from other regions

Cause 2 : curiosity

When they are born and raised in a rural area, when they are exposed to social networks, they will have a

sense of curiosity about new experiences.

For example a lot of people come from the countryside to the city just to participate in the fun and then

they can't resist to Cannot resist to

Solution urbanize the country


Scientists believe that in order to protect the environment, people must use less energy in their daily lives.
However, most people have not changed the way they live. Why do you think many people have not
taken individual action? What could be done to encourage them to take action?

Many countries spend a lot of money on improved transport for urban areas while neglecting rural
transport. What are the problems associated with this? What are some possible solutions?


Scientists have been warning for many years about environmental protection(=secondary?)
and how important it is to limit our personal energy consumption (=main?). (Phương)

What are the causes of overconsumption of electricity? (Cause)

How can people be encouraged to use less energy? (Solution)

- Rephrase :
- Introduce causes and solutions

Paragraph 1 (Cause):
Cause 1:
11. Topic sentence: Firstly, two main reasons for such an amount of electricity consumption.
12. Cause 1: The first one is because of the large amount of technology that uses electricity.
13. Explain
14. Example
Cause 2:
15. Cause 2
16. Explain
17. Example
18. (optional) conclude

Paragraph 2 (Solution) : (WHO=>WHAT=>HOW=>RESULT)

Mention causes and solutions


Today, many people do not realise the importance of the natural world. Why is this? How can
people be encouraged to learn more about how important the natural world is?
Type 1: Agree-disagree essay
- Rephrase:
- Thesis statement: answer exactly, directly, and sufficiently what you are asked +
argument 1 + argument 2.
-> I totally side with
-> I totally oppose/ disagree with /that the….

Paragraph 1
1. Topic sentence: (topic + main idea)=> clear and in a form a simple sentence
2. Explain:
3. Example:
4. Concluding sentence: therefore, thus, hence

Paragraph 2
1. Topic sentence: (topic + main idea)=> clear and in a form a simple sentence
2. Explain:
3. Example:
4. Concluding sentence: therefore, thus, hence,

Paragraph 3-refutation
1. Introduce counter-argument:
- People might argue that
- It might be true that
- Admittedly,
2. Refute: such an argument is “wrong”
3. Explain:
4. Example:
5. Conclude: confirm counter-argument

Topic: Some countries are considering imposing curfews in which teenagers will not be allowed
outdoors at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this policy?

Reason 1: family closeness
Reason 2: safety/ protection=> prevent them from being victimised

Possibly because of hidden dangers, a curfew is suggested to be in effect as an attempt to restrict their
children’s time outside at night. I totally side with the policy because it will (A1) increase family
closeness and prevent them from being victimised.

Body Paragraph 1-P-E-E-L : (A1)increase family closeness
Topic sentence: topic of the essay + main idea: reason 1’s rephrase.

1. P: Topic—applying curfews + main idea—promote the relationship of members in the family.

2. E: when this regulation is introduced, teenagers will have more time with their families.
3. Ex: join in dialogue, play with their siblings, share house chores with their parents...
4. L: family bonding is tightened if teenagers are not allowed to go out at night.

Body paragraph 2
1. Topic sentence: helps them be safe from becoming a target of illegal actions
2. Explain: If they stay at home, they can not be exposed to risks outside.
3. Example: won't be a target of kidnappers, robbers, assaulters, and other kinds of criminals.
4. Link: teenagers are safe from being harmed.

Body paragraph 3:
1. Introduce counter argument: that restriction takes away children’s freedom.
2. Refute: confirm the introduced argument is wrong: However, that is an “ill-founded” statement
3. Explain: because of so-called freedom, we put children at risk?
4. (Example: consider a case when a teenage girl claims her freedom and goes out at night alone.)
5. Concluding sentence: the introduced argument is unreasonable.

Some countries are considering imposing curfews in which teenagers will not be
allowed outdoors at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. To what extent
do you agree or disagree with this policy?

Possibly because of hidden dangers, a curfew is suggested to be in effect as an attempt to restrict their
children’s time outside at night. From my perspective, I totally side with the policy because it will
increase family closeness and prevent them from being victimised.

Firstly, imposing curfews on teenagers can promote the relationship of members in the family. This is
because when this regulation is put in effect, teenagers will have more time to communicate with their
parents, and it will make relationships become stronger. For example, teenagers, when made
compulsory to stay at home, will join in more dialogues with their family, play longer with their
siblings, and tend to share household chores with their parents. Thus, family bonding could be
tightened if teenagers are not allowed to go out at night.

Restricting children going out at night also helps them be safe from becoming a target of illegal
actions. This is because if teenagers stay at home, they may not be kidnapped by robbers, assaulters,
rapists, and other serious kinds of criminals . Furthermore, night time is the best time for criminals to
approach them to be able to commit illegal acts. For instance, most of Asian teenagers are not allowed
to go out at night, so the number of criminal cases whose victims are children are very low. Thus, to
be home means to be safe.

1. Admittedly, restricting children to stay home is taking away their freedom.

2. However, freedom is only good when children are safe, so such a freedom, from my view,
is ill-founded.
3. By that I mean, we allow children to go out at night dangerously with the desire to promote
freedom is not worth considering, for such freedom can be at the expense of their lives.
4. For instance, because of the freedom that children want, we allow a teenage daughter to be
out at night without guardians, she is highly likely to be the target for rapists.
5. Therefore, we should not allow young children to hang out in time full of risk.

(Restate thesis statement) Conclusively, it is convincing that teenagers should be controlled regarding
their outside time at night.

(Re-mention 2 main arguments)When this policy is implemented, children could have a better
attachment with their family and it can protect them from becoming victims.

266 => 300 words

Student’s essay
Full-time university students spend a lot of time studying. Some say they should do other
activities too.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is believed that full-time university students need to do more things by trying other activities
besides taking all the time for studying at school. I totally side with the idea because it will help
students gain more skills and decrease the portion of stress from over studying.

Firstly, doing extra-curricular activities besides academic tasks can help students gain more
skills. This is because it will give students the chance to try various things in different workplace
environments, so they can expand knowledge and experiences relevant to each work. For
example, being a volunteer, students can gain transferable valuable skills such as
communication, teamwork, organization, problem-solving, and building self-confidence. Thus,
only by trying assorted activities can students obtain more practical skills besides theoretical

Focusing too much on studying tends to be harmful to students' brains. Over studying leads to
stress and anxiety, stemming from test anxiety or lack of good sleep; therefore it can cause
mental distractions and make it difficult to retain information. Students can readily miss all their
knowledge time-by-time which can cause them to have more diseases also about their physical
and mental health. Thus, studying hard is just being called successful if it can be controlled in the
right way by our young generations. Prioritizing their study more than all things around, even if
it can cause unhealthy negative effects on their health, all efforts can turn to the point of

Admittedly, taking full time to participate in extra activities is useless for those who just want to
be good at academic study. However, it is just useless if we don't know the way to guide it to be
useful. By that I mean, other activities besides the university can be helpful to students if they
can change the benefits of social skills, which students are given during the activity, into their
process of studying in class. For instance, through the organized activities, students learn the
ỉmportance of persistence, motivation, and combination with all members and so that they can
understand the way to practice in class actively. Thus, the utilities of non-academic activities can
be obtained through a carefully designed portfolio.

Conclusively, despite how vital the study is, it will still be necessary for students to join in
various activities parallel to their educational study at the university. When students can do it
effectively, it can lead them to achieve not just practical social skills but also diminish the feeling
of being stressed.
1. The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advances in technology.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

=> due to advances in technology = thanks to breakthroughs in technology field

=> The crime rate nowadays is decreasing = there is a noticeable decline in crime rate.

=> Thanks to breakthroughs in the technology field, our society has witnessed a noticeable
decline in crime rate, as opposed to what happened in the past.
Reason 1: prevent would-be criminals
Reason 2: support the investigation
=>I totally believe in the contribution of technology in bringing criminal situations under
control because of its ability to prevent would-be criminals and to support the investigation.

2. The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of areas such
as fashion and consumer goods. To what extent do you agree? (bích phượng)
=> It seems that the prevalence of many fields, especially in fashion and consumer goods
is the most typical evidence of people’s tendency to copy one another.
Due to the prevalence of fashion and consumer goods in a globalized environment,
people tend to copy each other
Reason 1: follow the new fashion, dress like a celebrity.
Reason 2: buy similar items through online sites with a cheap price.
I totally agree that communities copy each other's goods to follow the new fashion, dress
like a celebrity and buy similar items through online sites with a cheap price.

P: The tendency of human beings to copy one another leads to many people imitating modern
fashions, dressing like famous stars or supporting product publishers.

E: The influence of celebrities is widely disseminated through television and media, people also
think that wearing the same will make themselves look like a fashionista.

Ex: This appearance gives them the chance to do physical activities comfortably, and very easily
to move around. Inspired by them, we can be the focus of attention thanks to our looks too.

L: Thanks to their always-on-trend styles. Many idols have become fashion icons, taking their
styles and ways of dressing seriously.


P: People follow trends, they can pay to buy similar items through online sites at a cheap price.

E: It is a quicker and cheaper way to shop since people can buy products at home without having
to go to stores or shopping malls. For example, Amazon and eBay are two popular websites that
provide a huge number of different products, and customers can visit those sites and make
purchases easily.

Ex: To be specific, buyers might see the same products in several shops, but the prices for these
items can be very different, ranging from reasonable to prohibitively expensive prices. They can
compare different brands and products.

L: This can be seen as a positive trend as it generates purchases on the internet that gives you
many options and thereby helps people to buy things quickly.


1. Introduce counter argument: => not everyone keeps up with trends and copies the way
others wear and use consumer goods.
2. Refute: confirm the introduced argument is wrong: that is an untrue statement.
3. Explain: this is because by a certain way, they are attracted by advertising and what
people around them are doing, silently and gradually.
4. Example: a kid wants his mom to buy a toy that his friend is playing with, or a mom
might buy a cooker that the other mom has told about it to her.
5. Concluding sentence: therefore, I believe that in some way people are still impacted and
tend to copy others unconsciously.

That the trend of imitating each other leads to the growth in the consumerism of fashionable
garments as well as consumer goods.

3. Many claim that the fast food industry had a negative effect on the environment, eating
habits, and families. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ( Tạ Thư )
The environment, eating habits, and families are influenced by the fast food industry.
reason 1: carry-out food increase the trash discharged into the environment
reason 2: lead to an unhealthy eating habit.
reason 3: due to the convenience, family no longer have dinner together
Body 1:
1. P: Increasing polluted environment due to the trash of carry-out food.
2. E: Fast food which people can eat it everywhere, this lead to the high discharge of scap
3. Ex: Every fast food meal carry-out container includes a lot of plastic.
4. L: Thus environment has been damage seriously
Body 2:
1. P: Fast food contain a lot of bad nutrients which effect to our health
2. E: Containing a lot of sugar, salt,.. also help time-consumption this made people addicted
and carving for fast food
3. Ex: save time, don't have to cook, our eating habit easily be replace by fast food
4. L: Therefore, fast food cause bad disease
Body 3:
1. P: Create distance between family member
2. E: Having their own pack of fast food and they don't eat on the same table
3. Ex:
4. L: It is time saving for busy people.

Sum up, fast food may help busy people save time but because of this, people need to know the
limits of eating fast food.
4. Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from
their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree? (Trâm)
Some individuals believe that a person’s clothing choices reveal a lot about their culture and
Reason 1: Everyone has a way of dressing
Reason 2: Every culture has different traditional ways of dressing
I totally agree that a person’s clothing choices reveal a lot about their culture and personality
because everyone has a way of dressing and every culture has different traditional ways of

Paragraph 1:
P: Each person has a way of dressing so the choice of clothes can state his or her personality.
E: Everyone’s tastes in fashion are different.

Paragraph 2:
P: If you want to know what culture they belong to, look at their clothes to see it.
E: Any culture has its own traditional dress.

5. Because many children are not able to learn foreign languages, schools should not force
them to learn foreign languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (tuấn)

On account of not having the capability of studying foreign languages, pupils should not be made
to learn another language (by education systems).
However, I strongly agree that languages should be learned as young as possible due to these
reasons below.
Reason 1: Studying an additional language is not as difficult as many people think.
Reason 2: Education systems do not have suitable therapy for those who are not gifted at

6. Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment.
Do you agree or disagree? (Hồng Anh)
Introduction: (1)Looking after the local environment which governments should make people
liable for.(2) It is suggested that governments should promulgate policies on the local
environment to people. I totally agree with this opinion because such policies encourage
individuals to protect the environment as a habit and avoid exposing the earth to potential
Reason 1: Avoid exposing the earth to potential disaster.
Reason 2: Individuals will protect the environment as a habit.
Paragraph 1:
1. To begin with, governments should hold people accountable for caring for their own local
environment, which would inspire them to conserve it.
2. When such policies exist, people will agree to collaborate. The number of people who participate
will be higher than when they participate voluntarily.
3. For example, specific activities are outlined in the policy, as well as prizes for rigorous adherence
to requirements. This will make individuals feel more at ease and motivated. Non-compliance or
dissent are likewise punishable under the law.
4. Thus, to effectively protect the environment, we need specific policies from the government.

Paragraph 2:

1. If we do not work together to safeguard the environment, we will undoubtedly face several
disaster from environment
2. We have indiscriminately plundered numerous essential resources, resulting in the loss of certain
animal species, global warming, and the progressive pollution of the atmosphere due to smoking.
3. For instance, we emit dust in our daily life, cutting down forests and destroying nature
indiscriminately would enrage Mother Nature, resulting in numerous calamities such as tsunamis,
hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters, as well as the extinction of many kinds of animals
4. Thus, protecting the environment is an important activity to prevent from disaster.

Paragraph 3:

● Introduce counter-argument: Admittedly, it is superfluous to have a policy for citizens about

environmental protection. Everything should come from voluntary will be more effective than
force and the city still has street cleaners.
● Refute: such an argument is “wrong” : However, voluntary only good when citizens are
conscious in protecting the environment and street cleaners make up the majority , from my view,
is ill-founded.
● Explain: The number of street cleaners is small and the people are not aware and littering is
increasing, which will make the environment in the city worse and worse.
● Example: For instance, because of voluntary action from individuals, governments must accept
the risk that the environment is gradually destroyed, people throw garbage everywhere.
● Conclude: confirm counter-argument: Therefore, the government should make people
responsible for taking care of their local environment by policies.

CONCLUSION: Conclusively, it is convincing that governments should hold citizens accountable for
the environment in their own communities.

7. Some people think employers should not care about the way their employees dress, but the
quality at work. To what extent you agree or disagree (Quỳnh Giang)
Certain people believe that it is necessary for employers to be more concerned about their
employees’ quality at work than what they wear. I totally agree with this view because it will
build up a comfortable work environment and show how the company respects staff’s

Reason 1: Comfortable work environment
Reason 2: Respect the privacy of individuals
8. Some people say it is more important to plant trees in the open spaces in towns and
cities than to build more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(Tùng)
Building more housing isn’t as important as planting trees in the open spaces in towns
and cities. I totally side with the statement/ the heavier emphasis on establishing green space because it
will make the atmosphere of the cities more wholesome and create more outdoor public spaces.
Body Paragraph 1

Constructing green zones helps the city to have more fresh air. This is because it reduces
greenhouse effect and emissions,and the environment of the city will be improved. For example, when we
are in the countryside or in the parks, we feel the air is fresher and cooler.However,if we are near the
factories or in the city center without trees, we can see smog and feel oppressive.Thus, environmental
pollution will decrease if we establish more green places.

Body paragraph 2
Planting trees in the open spaces in towns and cities make more community places.Green
space is airy, commodious and suitable to organize outdoor activities. To illustrate,in VietNam, most of
the scout clubs are held in the park. Many groups of people go to parks to dance, picnic, meet friends and
play sports. Therefore, constructing green zones in cities can increase communal cohesion.

Body paragraph 3:
People might argue that establishing green space is a waste of land,so they want building
housing instead. However, that is an “ill-founded” statement. Because if we just construct architecture, it
will lead to many consequences : air pollution, the increase of greenhouse effects, climate change,
epidemic,etc. By way of illustration, in 2017,Beijing city is one of the most polluted cities, for
that city builds factories and housing instead of green space. In 2021, the government has ordered
Beijing city to plant more trees and control of construction works, so China’s capital is entering a new
era of clean air. As a matter of fact, constructing green zones is crucial and necessary so that it can’t be
replaced by building more housing.

(Restate thesis statement) Conclusively, it is convincing that the government should plant more trees in
the open spaces in towns and cities than to build housing.
(Re-mention 2 main arguments)When this policy is implemented, the citizens will have a better
surrounding environment and more spaces to organize outdoor activities.
9. Some believe it is important for cities and towns to invest heavily in building large
outdoor public spaces. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(Phương)
It is necessary to invest heavily in building large outdoor public spaces for cities and towns.
I totally side with that statement because it will make everybody have fun while visiting the
building and encourage individuals to communicate with strangers.
Reason 1: Entertainment
Reason 2: Make every individual contact with the communities.

Paragraph 1.
1 Topic: invest heavily on building large outdoor public spaces + main idea: everyone can
enjoy the fun in these areas.
2 Explain: Outdoor public space is built with many things to make people happy and allow
people to gather and recreate.
3 Example: walking streets in most big cities.
4 Link: People will be happy when they visit the public space.

Paragraph 2
1 Topic sentence: encourage individuals to contact with the community
2 Explain: People will have more chances to talk, to play, to walk and do many other
activities together.
3 Example: instead of staying home, now friends can gather in public areas to sing or dance.
4 Link: individuals can communicate more when they are at an outdoor public building.

Paragraph 3
1. Introduce counter argument:
2. Refute:
3. Explain:
4. Example:
5. Concluding sentence:


10. Nowadays many people travel to foreign countries for pleasure. Some believe this travel has a
negative impact on the countries travelled to. To what extent do you agree or disagree? HUY
These days several many people prefer travelling to other nations for pleasure a number of people opine t
=> International tourism, an increasing trend of modern people, is claimed to cause destructive effects on
host countries.
Reason1:cultural assimilation
1. Topic sentence: International tourism indeed might turn cultures more assimilated.
2. Explain: Dominant cultures > < minor culture
3. Example: Cohabitation (n)
4. Therefore, culture will surely be changed if tourism grows more global.
Reason 2:littering indiscriminately
1 topic sentence: international tourists wil litter indiscriminately without cleaning it up.
2 explain: no stringent policies in tourism destinations
3 example: some tourist areas in Southeast Asia do not have any regulations regarding trash, so….
4 so, nature will be negatively affected by travellers’ irresponsibility.

3 tourist bring hugh benefits to the residents here

However the material benefits are too few compared to the negative cultural and environment effect
Explain : money is limitless but environment is limited
Example the famous tourist areas have changed a lot compared to when they were not
known ,such as dalas

I totally side with the statement because international tourism intensifies the environmental problems in
these areas and pose certain dangers to their local culture.
Reason 1:


11. Some people say that all popular TV entertainment programmes should aim to educate viewers about
important social issues. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?(tú)
=>Many individuals contend that entertainment channels should be used to instruct
viewers about social problems.
Reason1: people don’t feel satisfied
Reason2: people cannot feel entertained

=> I totally disagree with using all entertainment channels to talk about social problems
because people cannot feel satisfied and entertained when they are educated everytime
they turn on the TV.


-Reason1: People who are not used to watching social problems on entertainment
channels create dissatisfaction. The reason is viewers will not be happy when seeing
strange programmes appear to replace attractive shows. For instance, when people know
their favorite tv programme is interrupted by another show, they are not happy and stop
watching those channels. Thus, people don’t feel satisfied to see such a big programme

- Reason 2: Introducing social problems doesn't make people feel entertained. Being
educated after a busy day may lead to tiredness because it is not a good way to entertain
someone. As usual, entertainment programmes aim to make people's lives happier and
reduce stress. However, educating social issues is not suitable to be introduced on those
channels. Therefore, instructing social problems can’t make people feel entertained and
interested in.


People might argue that the use of entertainment programmes to instruct social issues helps
people acquire useful knowledge. However, it is unnecessary to watch these programmes
on entertainment channels. For instance, people can use some different channels just for
introducing social problems. The instruction of social problems is still very important, but
it is unsuitable on entertainment programmes.

-Link: Conclusively, instructing social issues on every popular TV programme is

unsuitable and people should have a different programme for them.

12. Computer games are very popular for all ages and nationalities. Parents think this has little
educational value and it will be harmful for children. To what extent do you agree or
disagree? Minh Thư
Computer games have caught the attention of all ages and nationalities. However, parents
believe that these games have no value in education and cause damage to health. I totally side
with those parents.
Computer games easily make children addicted and have a bad effect on their studies.
They are usually used for entertaining purposes. In addition, there are lots of kinds of games that
have bad effects on children’s minds such as violent games, fighting games and shooting games.
Some students did very well before they became addicted to games. They can’t stop playing
games, so there is no time for them to learn and revise the lessons. Their learning outcomes can
prove that. Therefore, computer games turn them less educationally engaged.
Spending so much time playing computer games causes too many effects on the player's
health. Light from a computer is high-energy visible light. Looking at that light for a long time
hurts our faces more than looking at a normal one. Research has shown that blue light from
computers is the main reason for the increasing number of young people who are short-sighted.
Additionally, blue light also hurts directly to our skin. It makes our skin more rough (lumpy) and
dry. Thus, computer games cause damage to health.
Computer games are now educational. Such an argument is “wrong”. Although there are
few games for educational purposes, those are not exciting enough to attract children. So it
seems that children are not interested in playing them. Almost everyone plays games to entertain
themselves after work and studying, so educational games that need to think seriously to play
won’t be their choices. Games about languages shortly disinterest players due to its similarity
and vast amount of vocab to remember. Therefore, computer games have little educational value.
Conclusively, computer games are now popular in all groups of ages and personalities but
they have many bad effects on players.
13. The first man to walk on the moon claimed it was a step forward for mankind. However, it has
made little difference in most people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(Đức
Introduction: people’s lives hasn’t change much. Despite the first man to walk on the moon
claiming it was a step for humanity.

Agree/ disagree: disagree => our lives have changed considerably because of technological
Paragraph 1:
1. Topic sentence: in terms of health, human lives can reap much benefits from universe
2. Explain: thanks to the fact that our technological development it help in the Health -
related Services
3. Example: If doesn’t have that walk, health care can’t grow up and morden right now and
medicinal medicine just still old and no progress
4. Conclude: if doesn’t have that walk people can’t have medical science right now

Paragraph 2:
1. Topic sentence: On the scientific side, the change in human life is dramatic because of
space research
2. Explain: thanks to technology breakthroughs, our daily routine has been less burdensome.
3. Example: in the past, we want eat rice we have to clear-cut fire to cook the rice now we
just click the button on the rice cooker
4. Link:


14. People today generally have better lives than people in the past did.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Agree/disagree: agree=>Nowadays,there has been a significant change in life quality, so people
are able to live in a better way than they did in the past.

Paragraph 1
It is believed that people nowadays have a greater quality of life than people in prior
eras.I totally agree with this opinion because such modern time provide more basic facilities and
meet human right in a bettker way with science and liberal spirit.
Advanced science and technology have a great impact in all aspects in our life
time.Science,which plays important roles in our life to protect our planet, such as improve the
global warming phenomenon, also helps us to take better care our health through modern
equipment in medical system.For example, in the past, we had the habit of using disposable
items instead of recycling and reuse things effectively. But now, because of the advanced
awareness about science and the responsibility to protect the environment, we try to change the
way we used to live and gradually gain a better environment to live in.Thus the more we get
science and technology,the better life will be.
People these day are more and more open mind in the view of life. some old barriers
have already been broken.Previously, social prejudices took away people’s freedom, such
discrimination determine want they can do and can not, which reduce their opportunities and
prevent them from exploiting their full potential.It is clear that gender equality has been
developing.For instance Margaret Thatcher is the first female british’s prime minister, moreover
there are many national assembly members are female,which is quite scarce in the past.To sum
up, the fairness and equality
On the other hand, there is an argument that modern life is too competitive and full of
stress compare to the past. However, this is an acceptable reality because if you want to achieve
a higher position in work and have a satisfied salary to enjoy your own pleasure, some sacrifice
is needed.In addition, the environment industry also help you serve the need of stress relief
In conclusion, by continuous improvements, both fundamental necessities and human
right are met and populations gain more advantage and convenience in the present than in the

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