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Let us talk about the phenomenon of Limits, or in other words, the foundation or backbone of

calculus. In mathematics the concept of limit formally expresses the notion of arbitrary
closeness. The idea of arbitrary closeness is explicitly expressed by the concept of limits in
mathematics. To put it another way, a limit is a value that a variable quantity gets as close to as
desired. The idea of limits serves as the foundation for the calculus procedures of differentiation
and integration. Going back to history, the concept of limits was invented by the Greek
mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse (287–212 BC) in the third century BC in order to
measure curved shapes and the volume of a sphere. The necessary quantity can be obtained
by first breaking these numbers into small, approximative pieces, and then doubling the number
of parts. Mathematicians didn't find Archimedes' thesis, The Method, until 1906, when they
realized that he was on the verge of inventing infinitesimal calculus.

Understanding the real number system and its distinctive features requires an understanding of
the limit concept as well. Real numbers can be viewed as the limits of convergent sequences of
rational numbers in one sense. The derivative is one area in which the concept of limitations is
applied. Based on some limits concepts, the derivative is a rate of flow or change, and can be
computed. Limits are also essential while figuring out integrals. The integral adds up an
unlimited number of tiny bits of a region to determine its total area. Limits are also part of the
iterative process.. Furthermore, an iteration is the process of conducting a procedure repeatedly
while using the results of one step as the input for the following one. The strength of an electric,
magnetic or gravitational fields and areas, forces and eights of objects are examples of
application of limits in real life. Chemically speaking, the limit of a function as time approaches
infinity is the quantity of the new chemical compound. You could also utilize the concept of limits
such as predicting a soccer ball, estimating the height of a building in architecture, minimizing
and maximizing profit loss in business and so on and so forth. Hence, Limits are everything and
everywhere, and there is no escaping it from the mathematical and science world.

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