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Subject + Verb (remember to add –S to the 3er person) + objects

Subject + don‟t / doesn‟t + Verb + objects.
Do / Does + subject + verb + objects?

* Utilizamos el Simple Present para:

1. Hablar de cosas en general. No estamos únicamente pensando en el NOW sino que decimos que algo sucede
todo el tiempo o repetidamente.
Nurses look alter patients.
I usually go away at weekends.
Where do you come from?
What does this word mean?
He’s so lazy. He doesn’t do anything to help me.

2. Hablar de “verdades universales / comprobadas”:

The Earth goes round the sun.
Rice doesn’t grow in cold climates.
An atheist doesn’t believe in God.
The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
Water boils at 100 degrees celsius.

3. Decir HOW OFTEN hacemos algo (ver punto 1):

How often do you go to the dentist?
I never get up before 8 o’clock.
Ann doesn’t drink tea very often.
How often does Tom play tennis?
He plays tennis once or twice a week.

4. Lógicamente necesitamos ADVERBIOS DE FRECUENCIA. El frequency adverb. Se coloca:

1. subject + Adverb. + affirmative verb + objects

Tom always goes to work by car.

2. Subject + don‟t / doesn‟t + adverb + verb + objects.

Tom doesn’t usually smoke at home.

3. Do / Does + subject + adverb + verb + objects?

Do you usually smoke at home?

4. Con el verbo To Be se coloca:

1. They are always tired.
2. You are never on time.
3. The traffic isn’t usually as bad as today.

5. Para cuando utilizamos expresiones como: I promise / I apologise / I suggest

/ I advise / I insist / I agree / I refuse:
It’s a nice day, I suggest we go out for a walk.
I insist you must let me pay for the meal.

6. Situaciones permanents ( = punto 1)

My parents live in London.
John works very hard most of the time.

7. Se utiliza el Present Simple con idea de futuro para cualquier cosa que siga
un horario o un orden lógico:
My flight leaves at 8.00 next Monday.
Tomorrow is Thursday.

Subject + am / is / are + Verb –ing + objects

Subject + am not / isn‟t / aren‟t + Verb íng + objects.
Am / Is / Are + subject + Verb –ing + objects?

Utilizamos El Present Continuous para:

1. Una acción que está sucediendo en el momento mismo de hablar (en el NOW):
Where’s Margaret? – She’s having a bath.
Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining any more.
I’m tired. I’m going to bed. Goodnight.
Please don’t make so much noise, I’m studying.

2. Indicar que estamos realizando algo aunque no sea exactamente en el mismo momento de hablar.
Situación: Dos amigos sentados en un café. Uno de ellos dice: ‘I’m reading an interesting book at the moment’.
(claro que no en el momento de hablar, pero sí indica que está en ello, no lo ha terminado).

3. Cuando hablamos de cosas que suceden en un período de tiempo cercano al NOW. Para ello utilizamos
complementos de tiempo como son: today, this week, this month, etc., this afternoon, this evening, etc.
‘You’re working hard today’ – ‘Yes, I have a lot to do’.
‘Is Susan working this week?’ – ‘No, she’s on holiday’.

4. Cuando hablamos de situaciones “cambiantes”:

The population of the world is rising very fast.
Is your English getting better?

5. Situaciones temporales (= punto 1):

I’m living with some friends until I find a flat.

6. Quejarte de algo que haces (u otra persona) con demasiada frecuencia, aquí se utiliza “always”:
I’ve lost my keys again, I’m always losing things.
You’re always watching television.
John is always complaining.

7. Para hablar de planes, citas, cosas preparadas con anterioridad:

I can’t talk to you now, I’m meeting the boss in 5 minutes.

Hay ciertos verbos que son stative, es decir, no son action, por lo que NO pueden utilizarse en –ing aunque el
sentido de la oración lo pida.

1. Los siguientes verbos NO se pueden conjugar en –ing:

like – love – hate – want – need – prefer – know – realise – suppose –mean – understand – believe –
remember – belong – contain – consist –depend – seem.

I’m hungry, I want something to eat. (NO: I’m wanting)

Do you understand what I mean? (NO: are you understanding what I’m
Ann doesn’t seem very happy at the moment. (NO: Ann isn’t seeming..)

2. Cuando think significa believe no se conjuga en –ing:

What do you think / believe will happen?
Pero: You look serious. What are you thinking about?

3. Cuando have significa possess (have got) NO se conjuga en –ing:

We’re enjoying our holiday. We have (have got) a nice room in the hotel.
Pero: We’re enjoying our holiday. We’re having a great time.

4. Los verbos de los sentidos tampoco admiten el –ing: see – hear – smell –taste.
Do you see the man over there?
This room smells. Let’s open the window.
Pero cuando see significa meet / have a meeting with (especialmente en el
futuro) entonces se puede conjugar en –ing:
I’m seeing / meeting the manager tomorrow morning.

5. Con look y feel se usa el Present Simple o el Continuous indistintamente cuando dices HOW SOMEBODY
You look well today. – You’re looking well today.
How do you feel now? – How are you feeling now?
Pero en primera persona solo se utiliza el simple present:
I usually feel tired in the morning.


1. Si el verbo acaba en “–y” sólo se le añade la –ing:

hurry – hurrying
study – studying
try – trying

2. Verbos acabados en “-ie”> la –ie cambia a “y” antes de añadir la –ing:

lie – lying
die – dying
tie – tying

3. Verbos acabados en “-e”> pierden la –e al añadir –ing:

smoke – smoking
dance – dancing
1. be – being
2. verbos acabados en –ee :
see – seeing
agree – agreeing

4. Verbos de una sóla sílaba que acaban en consonante – vocal –consonante > duplicaremos la última
consonante antes de añadir –ing:
stop – stopping
plan – planning
rob – robbing

5. Verbos con más de una sílaba que acaban en consonante – vocal –consonante:
1. doblamos la última consonante únicamente si la sílaba final es la
preFER – preferring
reGRET – regretting
perMIT – permitting
beGIN – beginning
2. pero si la sílaba final no es acentuada, no doblamos la consonante:
VIsit – visiting
deVElop – developing
reMEMber – remembering

3. los verbos acabados en l siempre duplica n la última consonante:

travel – travelling
cancel – cancelling

Sujeto + verbo en pasado + complementos
Sujeto + didn‟t + verbo infinitive sin “to” + complementos
Did + sujeto + verbo infinitivo sin “to” + complementos?

Utilizamos el Simple Past para acciones, sucesos, etc. Totalmente pasados:

We invited them to our party but they decided not to come.
I work in a travel agency now. Before that I worked in a shop.
Did she go out last night?
When did Mr Thomas die?
I didn’t do anything at the weekend.

Con el Simple Past se utiliza la partícula AGO que significa “hace” y se coloca al final de la oración:
He left school three years ago.

También hay una serie de complementos de tiempo muy útiles: last week, last year, last century,… yesterday, the
day befote yesterday, etc.
I went to the cinema three times last week.
She came home late yesterday evening.

Sujeto + was/were + verbo –ing + complementos
Sujeto + wasn‟t / weren‟t + verbo –ing + complementos
Was / Were + sujeto + verbo –ing + complementos?
Utilizamos el Past Continuous para decir que alguien estaba hacienda algo en un momento determinado en el
pasado. La acción o suceso ya había comenzado antes de ese momento pero no había terminado.
This time last year I was living in Scotland.
What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night?
I waved to her but she wasn’t looking.

A menudo utilizamos el Simple Past y el Past Continuous en la misma oración para decir que algo sucedió /
interrumpió mientras otra oración estaba sucediendo (fíjate en el uso de WHILE y WHEN):
Tom burnt his hand while he was cooking dinner.
While Tom was cooking dinner, he burnt his hand.
Tom was cooking dinner when he burnt his hand.

Pero solo usaremos el Simple Past si una cosa sucedió a continuación de la otra:
When Karen arrived, we had dinner.
We had dinner when Karen arrived.

Recuerda los verbos que NO se pueden conjugar en –ing. (Ver apuntes Present Continuous)


Subject + have („ve) / has („s) + verb past participle + objects

Subject + haven‟t / hasn‟t + verb pp + objects
Have / Has + subject + verb pp + objects?

1. Cuando utilizamos este tiempo verbal estamos conectando el pasado con el NOW presente. Es decir, la acción
del pasado tiene un resultado ahora:
He told me his name but I’ve forgotten it. (= I can‟t remember his name NOW)

2. Como a menudo utilizamos este tiempo para dar información nueva o para
anunciar un suceso reciente, si esto ocurre dentro de una conversación, sólo será present perfect el anuncio o
información, el resto del diálogo estará en simple past:
A: Ow! I’ve burnt my hand!
B: How did you do that?
A: I touched a hot dish.

3. Partículas del tiempo Present Perfect Simple: (ojo con la colocación) (“+” > oraciones verbo afirmativo; “-“ >
oraciones verbo negativo; “?”> oraciones interrogativas):
1. JUST (+ / ¿) = “a short time ago”
I’ve just had lunch.
Hello. Have you just arrived?

2. ALREADY (+) = que algo ha sucedido antes de lo previsto / esperado:

A: Don’t forget to post the setter.
B: I’ve already posted it.

3. EVER (+ / ?) > (+) nunca, (?) alguna vez:

Have you ever eaten real caviar?
He’s the most handsome boy I’ve ever seen.

4. NEVER (es una particular negativa, por lo que el verbo debe ir en afirmativo) = nunca.
I’ve never driven a lorry.
5. YET (- / ?) = “until now” (muestra que el hablante está esperando que algo suceda).
Has it stopped raining yet?
I‟ve written the letter but I haven‟t posted it yet.

6. FOR > va seguida de período de tiempo. Ejemplo: for a year, for two years, etc. for a month, for seven months,
for a long time, for centuries, etc.

7. SINCE > va seguida del comienzo de la acción. Ejemplo: since May, since June, since I was born, since 1978,
since Monday, since the 10th century, since 8 o’clock, since this morning, since yesterday, since Christmas, since
Easter, etc.

4. Lo utilizaremos siempre que hablemos de un período de tiempo que empezó en el pasado y que ahora, en el
presente, todavía no ha terminado. Ese período de tiempo se suele identificar con expresiones como: recently, in
the last / few days, so far, since breakfast, since lunch, for a long time, for…., today, this morning, this evening, this
term, etc.
Have you heard from George recently?
I’ve met a lot of people in the last few days.
Everything is going well. We haven’t had any problems so far.
I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.
It’s nice to see you again. We haven’t seen each other for a long time.
I’ve drunk four cups of coffee today.

5. Utilizamos este tiempo detrás de expresiones como: It‟s the first time / second time / third time, etc.
It’s the first time Tom has driven a car. (= He has never driven a car before).
Linda has lost her passport again. It’s the second time this has happened.
This is a lovely meal. It’s the first food meal I’ve had for ages.
Bill is phoning his girlfriend again. That‟s the third time he’s phoned her
this evening.



1. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
1. I ___DON´T UNDERSTAND___ (not understand) that sign over there. What ____DOES IT MEAN____ (it/mean)?
2. Paula and Jack are in the sitting-room. They _____ARE LISTENING_____ (listen) to the news, and Paula
____________IS LOOKING________ (look) at a magazine as well.
3. The students _____is counting_____ (count) the books in the library today, because we ____don´t know___ (not
know) how many we have.
4. Tim ____likes______ (like) his new shoes; they _____fittes____ (fit) him perfectly.
5. June: Look! That woman _____is sitting__ (sit) in your chair.
Barry: It ____doesn´t matter__________ (not matter). I can sit over there.
6. This computer is very expensive. It ____costs________ (cost) more than $3000, but the price _____is
including_____ (include) tax.
7. I don’t like Adam because he ______always tells_____ (always/tell) stupid stories.
8. “Why are you annoyed with Mary?” – “Because she ____always asks_________ (always /ask) me for money.


2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous
1. The police arrived while I ___was having____ (have) breakfast.
2. The storm started while they __were driving_____ (drive) home.
3. I saw an accident while I ___was waiting___ (wait) for the bus.
4. While I was taking a summer course in Italy, I ___met__ (meet) many people.
5. Yesterday evening, my sister ___received__ (receive) a letter while we _______were doing____ (do) the washing up.
6. Last Monday he ___was mowing____ (mow) the lawn when the dog ____started___ (start) to bark.
7. My father _____was cooking___ (cook) the dinner when he __burnt____ (burn) his finger.
8. She _read____ (read) the newspaper while her husband ______was watching____ (watch) TV.
9. We _____were having____ (have) a loud party when the neighbours ______complained______ (complain)
10. As we ___were driving__ (drive) down the hill, a strange object _____appeared_____ (appear) in the sky.
11. While Laura was sitting____ (sit) in the garden, it suddenly ____began______ (begin) to rain.
12. You ___were driving____ (drive) past me when I __waited__ (wait) for the bus.
13. I ____was lying____ (lie) in the bath when the phone __rang__ (ring). It __stoped___ (stop) after a few rings.
14. When I ___saw____ (see) the man, he ___stood___ (stand) outside the bank. He ____had___ (have) a black
baseball cap on.
15. We went_______ (go) to London yesterday, but on the way we ______heard____ (hear) about a bomb scare in
Oxford Street. So we __drove____ (drive) back home straightaway


3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Simple Past tense.
1. Where is Tom? – I ……didn´t see……. (not see) him today, but he …has told…. (tell) Mary that he’d be in for dinner.
2. I ………bought………. (buy) this in Bond Street. – How much ……have you paid….. (you pay) for it.
3. - Where ………did you find…….. (you find) this knife?
– I ………found…. (find) it in the garden. – Why ………didn´t you leave………..(you not leave) it there?
4. - I 169…………lost……….. (lose) my gloves. ……Have you seen(you see) them anywhere?
- No, I am afraid I ………………. . When ………………….……… (you last wear) them?
- I ……………………………… (wear) them at the theatre last night.
- Perhaps you …left………. (leave) them at the theatre.
5. – He ………served………. (serve) in the First World War.
- When ……has that war begun….…. (that war begin)?
- It ……began… (begin) in 1914 and ………has lasted….. (last) for four years.
6. - Who ………did you vote…. (you vote) for at the last election? - I ………have voted…….. (vote) for Mr Pitt. - He …
didn´t elected……… (not elected), ………………………. (be) he? - No, he ……lost…. (lose) his deposit.
7. - ………Did you hear….. (you hear) his speech on the radio last night? - Yes, I ……………. . What ………did you
think…. (you think) of it?
8. -……………Have you seen……. (you see) today’s newspaper? - No, ………Has anything interesting
happened………………. (anything interesting happen)?
9. – How long ………have you been………….. (you be) unemployed? - I’m not out of work now. I …………have just
started…… (just start) a new job.
10. I …phoned (phone) you twice yesterday and 191……got……. (get) no answer.


1. Look! The train (come) ……is coming………… .
2. ‘What (you/do) ………are you doing……_?’ – ‘I (wait)………´m waiting…… for the train’.
3. I must get back to the office. We (work) ……work……… on a new project.
4. The number of cars on the road (increase) …………increased……… .
5. The Earth (slowly/get) ………………………………… warmer.
6. I (play) ………am playing …… badminton with Matthew tomorrow.
7. What (you/do) …………do you do……… next Saturday evening?’
8. I (usually/ get) …………usually get……… the lunch ready at one o’clock.
9. We (always / do) …always do……… our shopping at Greenway.
10. Most children (like) …………like……… ice-cream.
11. It (get) …………got… busy at weekends.
12. Sarah (never / catch) ………has never catched………the early train.
13. What (he/want) ………………………………… ? – Money.
14. Mike (often / work) ………………………………… late at the office.
15. I (hate) ………………………………… quiz programmes.
16. We (play) ………………………………… table tennis every Thursday.
17. It’s OK. I (understand) ………………………………… your problem.
18. He’s hungry. He (want) ………………………………… something to eat.
19. Claire is very sociable. She (know) …………………………… lots of people.
20. We’ve got plenty of chairs, thanks. We (not want) ………………………………… any more.
21. What’s the matter? You (not look) ………………………………… very happy.
22. It (rain) ………………………………… at the moment.
23. It (always/rain) ………………………………… at the weekend.
24. Look. That man (take) ………………………………… a photo of you.
25. He’s a photographer. He (take) ………………………………… lots of photos.
26. At the moment they (live) ………………………………… in a very small flat.
27. I (work) ………………………………… at a sports shop. It’s a permanent job.
28. I (always/make) ………………………………… silly mistakes!
29. I (surf) ………………………………… the Net most evenings.
30. Hi, Matthew. What (you/look at) ………………………………… ?
31. The children (do) ………………………………… their homework now.
32. Yesterday I saw an accident. It (happen) ………………………………… very quickly. A van (crash) ………
……………………..into a car.
33. I (post) ………………………………… the letter yesterday.
34. It was amazing! My train (leave) ………………………………… on time.
35. Two people (die) ………………………………… in a fire in Ellis Street yesterday morning. The fire (start)
…………………………at 3.20 a.m.
36. I know you were in Paris. (You/have) ………………………………… a nice weekend?
37. I (not be) ………………………………… very well last week.
38. Where (your friend / be) ………………………………… last night?
39. I had a wonderful dream last night. I (sit) …………………………… in a park. The sun (shine) ………………………
and the birds (sing) 282…………………………… . Children (play) ………………………… and (laugh)
……………………… . It (be) …………… very peaceful. I (not want ) ………………………… to wake up.
40. I (not dream …………………………………. I really was in New York City.
41. (Matthew/wait) ………………………………… for you when you got there?
42. I (ring) ………………………………… at about three yesterday afternoon, but you weren’t in.
43. While we (drive) ………………………………… home last night, we (see) ………………………………… a strange
object in the sky.
44. Yesterday morning while Laura (sit) ………………………………… in the garden, it suddenly (begin)
………………………………… to rain.
45. I saw you two days ago. You (drive) ………………………………… past me while I (wait)
………………………………… for the bus.
46. David (make) ………………………………… lunch when the phone rang.
47. We were shocked! When we (see) ………………………………… the spaceship, we (stop)
………………………………… the car.
48. When he was carrying a suitcase, he (drop) ……………………it in his foot.
49. He broke his leg while he (ski) ………………………………… .
50. As he (run) ………………………………… for a bus, he collided with a lamppost.
51. His hair (catch) ……………………………… fire while he was cooking chips.
52. Vicky (have) ………………………………… a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang.
53. When Andrew saw the question, he (know ) ………………………………… the answer immediately.
54. We (not like) ………………………………… the food he gave us.
55. I (know) ………………………………… that ages ago.
56. When martin arrived, Anna (talk) ………………………………… to someone on the phone. Martin (start)
………………………………… to get the tea.
57. I (lie) ………………………………… in the bath when the phone rang.
58. It wasn’t cold when we (leave) ………………………………… the house that day, and a light snow (fall)
………………………………… .
59. When I saw the man, he (stand) …………………………… outside the bank.
60. When I opened the cupboard, a pile of books (fall) ………………………………… out.
61. I was walking along the street when I suddenly (feel) ………………………………… something hit me in the back. I
(not know) ………………………………… what it was.
62. The aircraft (just / land) ………………………………… .They (open) ………………………………… the doors.
63. I (already / make) ………have already make……… the shopping list.
64. The dishes are clean now. We (wash) ……washed…………… them.
65. There aren’t any eggs left. We (eat) ………ate……… all the eggs.
66. I’m tired. I (walk) ………walked……… ten miles.
67. Ann’s computer is working now. She (repair) …repaired…… it.
68. It’s cooler in here now. I (open) ……am opening…… the window.
69. The visitors are here at last. They (arrive) ………………………………… .
70. We haven’t got any new videos. We (watch) ……have watched… all these.
71. It isn’t a good party. Most people (already/go) ………have already gone……… home.
72. My brother (already/ crash) ……has already crashed……… his new car

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