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The sun shines.

The sun shined yesterday. American

The sun shone yesterday. British
Why Does the Moon Shine? The sun has shone all day.

You know that I’m an English teacher.

But did you know that I’m also a piano teacher?
Planets in the universe - no article You can see Mars on a clear night.
Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun.
You know that Earth would besad, a without
dismal place
hope, very bad
without its bright, shining neighbor — the sun.
But did you know that the moon would also be
not bright round shape
just another dull orb if not for the sun's rays?
The weather’s been dismal. My promotion was dismal this year.

The moon shines because its surface reflects

used to connect “despite” and a clause
light from the sun. And despite the fact that it
sometimes seems to shine very brightly, the
moon reflects only between 3 and 12 percent of
the sunlight that hits it.
Despite I’m busy, I’ll help you. <- incorrect
Despite the fact that I’m busy, I’ll help you. <- correct ©
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The perceived brightness of the moon from path in space
Earth depends on where the moon is in its orbit
around the planet. The moon travels once
around Earth every 29.5 days, and during its
journey, it's lit from varying angles by the sun.
Earth - planet in our solar system. Ex/ Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun.
The Earth - planet we live on. Ex/ We need to protect the Earth.
This movement of the moon around the Earth
our home planet
— and the simultaneous orbiting of Earth planet in solar system
around the sun — accounts for the moon's
different phases (full moon, quarter moon, etc.).
path that an object follows
At any given point in the moon's trajectory
around the Earth, only half of its surface is
facing the sun, and therefore, only half of the
is litbecause
up. The other half of the surface
of light
faces away from the sun and is in shadow.

The moon is at its brightest when it is 180

degrees away from the sun from our
perspective (picture the sun, Earth and moon in
a straight line). At this time, the full half of the
moon's surface facing the sun is illuminated and
to make something brighter with light
is visible from Earth. This is what's known as a
full moon. The streets were illuminated for the festival.

crescent moon

full moon ©
At "new moon," on the other hand, the moon
isn’t even visible from our vantage point. This is
when the moon is between the sun and the
Earth, so that the side of the moon reflecting
sunlight is facing away from Earth.
Would you like some cake?
Just a sliver please. I haven’t the faintest idea! = I have no idea.
In the days before and after a new moon, we’ll
see a sliver of the moon reflecting sunlight. And
a small/thin amount of something
during those times, the faint brightness of the
not strong/clear
rest of the moon — the part not brightly lit as a
sliver — is a result of what scientists call
"earthshine," in which the moon’s relatively dark
disk is slightly
illuminated by sunlight that
reflects off of Earth, then off the moon, and
back to our eyes. ©
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confidence to speak in English in public in
any situation.


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