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change the below questions into powerful, open questions: Is management your top strength?

you have a good day yesterday? Are you going to talk to your wife about it? Could Sandeep help you
with that? Are you happy about this decision? What if you spoke to him directly? Is there someone
on your team who could help? Do you like your new role? Is your next step to have a weekly
meeting? Are you feeling angry about this?

1. What strengths do you consider to be at the top of your management skills?

2. How would you describe your day yesterday?

3. What are your thoughts on discussing it with your wife?

4. In what ways could Sandeep assist you with that?

5. How do you feel about the decision that has been made?

6. What might happen if you had a direct conversation with him?

7. Who among your team members could provide assistance?

8. What are your thoughts on your new role?

9. What steps do you envision taking next, perhaps including a weekly meeting?

10. How would you describe your emotions regarding this situation?

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