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Firstly, people are social creatures by birth.

Therefore, interaction with others is a necessity

for human beings and people are bound to cities that are their habitat in order to meet their

needs. Cities can be an effective way to develop the structure of social interactions.

Namely, I believe that individuals living in urban places are in need of increasing or creating

new green areas because nature is their authentic home to maintain life. However, there is a

threatening problem of having less interaction in cities because of shopping malls,

skyscrapers, luxury apartments, highways, gated communities, and whatnot. All of the

constructions written above unfortunately pose a danger to their living space which is green

areas. People are inherently social creatures, unable to maintain their lifes without interaction

with other people and it is not enough to see only their family members and partners

(Efroymson et al., 2022). It means that interaction and communication are essential for

humans. They are able to solve the problem by constructing more public areas without

damaging the green areas.

Thanks to public areas combined with green spaces, individuals can assuage their social

hunger by meeting with new people, passing time with their beloved ones. It is indicated that

“Being around others also reminds people of the ‘other’ side of life, beyond roads and

buildings: the importance of people and the need to look out for each other.” (Efroymson et

al., 2022. p.30). This part of life demonstrates that individuals in nature are a part of a larger,

vital, functional community. Moreover, they comprehend that public spaces are the necessity

for contact, knowledge and stimulation (Gehl, 2001 as cited in Efroymson et al., 2022). The

problem of having less interaction in cities might be solved with the increase in public areas

combined with green.

Since human beings came into existence, they have searched the ways to reach the

information and to be in communication with others. People all communicate in social areas

generally. Thus, people need not only public spaces, but also need green areas so as to get
information and improve their interaction with others. Regrettably, there are streets that are

dull and dead in the cities. Furthermore, cities are comprised of huge highways, dozens of

skyscrapers which dispread through the sky without anything precious to see (The School of

Life, 2021). However, cities have the chance to fight back. In this world, energetic, creative,

and lively cities exist with their beauties waiting to be advanced. The primary solution is to

develop their beauties. Cities can be developed with the construction of glamorous parks

which are a welcome oasis of green, gather people together with peace. They can attract

cyclists, skaters, nature lovers, families wanting to be together at weekends, and tourists.

Moreover, recreational facilities may be built with the aim of improving human affairs.

In conclusion, I belive public places combined with green areas assist to prevent the issue of

having less interaction in the urban areas.


Efroymson, D., Ha, T. T. K. T., & Ha, P. T. (2022). Happiness is not for sale: Public spaces in urban
places. In Ö. Albaş Vural & E. Aksoy, The forefront: Achieving academic success 1 (pp. 26-
30). Pelikan Publishing. (Reprinted from Public spaces: How they humanize cities, pp. 6-19,
by L. Jones, Ed., 2009, HealthBridge-WBB Trust)

The School of Life. (2015, January 26). How to make an attractive city [Video]. YouTube.

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