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General meaning of Corpus:

“Corpus usually refers to a large collection of naturally occurring language texts presented
in machine-readable form ( electronically), accumulated scientifically to represent a
particular variety or use of language. It is methodically designed to contain many millions of
word compiled from different texts across various linguistic domains. It may refer to any
text in written or spoken form or tape recordings, which have been collected for linguistic
Legal English:
Legal English is a type of language commonly found in legal writings, characterized by its
own vocabulary, syntax, uses and semantics and use of certain terms and linguistic
patterns. It is a formalized variety that can be considered a ‘sublanguage’ to show that it is
different from ordinary English.
Characteristics of Legal English:
Formalized variety: Legal English is formal and adheres to specific linguistic norms.
Specialized vocabulary: It has its own set of terms and expressions not commonly used in
everyday language.
Syntax: the structure of sentences and language in legal English follows specific
Semantics: the meaning of words and expressions in legal English may differ from their
general use.
Legalese: among Linguists, the term “Legalese” is employed to describe the specialized
discourse of lawyers.
ESP, or English for Specific Purposes:
Refers to the teaching and learning of English tailored to the specific needs of a particular
group of learners. It goes beyond general English language learning by focusing on the
vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills required in a specific field or profession.
Characteristics of ESP:
Absolute characteristics:
 It’s Defined to meet specific needs of learners
 Makes use of underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves
 It’s Centered on language appropriate to these activities in terms of syntax, lexis,
grammar, discourse, genre and register… etc
Variable characteristics:
 Generally designed for intermediate or advanced students
 It’s can be related to or designed for specific disciplines
 Assume some basic of language system
 Restricted in the skills to be learned
 It’s may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that of
general English

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