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NAMA : Rizqi Khoirul Muharom

NPM : 202245500171


1. Do postcards always spoil the writer's holidays or not? Yes, they do. Postcards always
spoil him holiday
2. Where did he spend his holidays last summer? He went to italy
3. What did he think about every day? He tought about postcard every day
4. Did he send any cards to his friends or not? He didn’t sent any card to his friend
5. How many cards did he bay on the last day? He bought 37 cards

Anne : Hi, good morning. How are you today?
Jack : Good morning (1) I’m very well, thank you. And how about you (2)
Anne : I’m not well, thank you.
Jack : Whats wrong? (3)
Anne : I have a headache (4), because I slept late last night.
Jack : Have you drunk any medicine?(5)
Anne : Yes, I have. But it hasn’t worked yet and now I feel so sleepy.
Jack : That is because of the effect of the medicine. I think you need to take a rest(6)
Anne : I don’t think so, I am still strong enough to do my job today.
Jack : are you sure?(7)
Anne : Yes, I’m sure.
Jack : Do you need something from
me? Anne : No, thank you (8)
Jack : If you need a help, you can ask to me, okay?
Anne : Okay, thank you very much. You are so kind (9)
Jack : Please, don’t mention it (10)
1. I am going to be in library tomorrow at 10 AM
2. My sister not making the bed this morning
3. I am going to take a course to improve my diving skill
4. what his brother doing in the kitchen ?
5. we are not going to beach without Emily

1. I am working now
2. not plays
3. goes
4. it is not raining
5. we are late

This beautiful garden is filled with various green trees and plants growing lushly
games that can be played by people who visit it. There are big shady trees,
various flowers such as hibiscus and roses are charming and grow abundantly. There are many
activities that can be done in this park, children play skateboards, some also bring
pets, and there are also those who play bicycles. Having a long garden chair is possible
used as a backrest. The bright blue sky and white clouds make children cheerful
children playing in the park. Feeling comfortable and happy when playing
This is because the cleaning team and visitors really maintain the cleanliness of this park.

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