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Student Name & Code: Le Thi Van Khanh- 2000005028

Instructor: Pham Ba Van Quan

Ho Chi Minh City, December 2023

I guarantee that the content of this work, including but not limited to the main
text, appendix, and illustrations, does not violate the Intellectual Property Law of
Vietnam, the Berne Convention and the Regulation of Intellectual Property of Nguyen
Tat Thanh University. In case of dispute or violation, I will be fully liable and
responsible for addressing any related issues.
Student’ signature and full name:

Le Thi Van Khanh

Question 1: Write a short paragraph (about 350 words) to answer the following question:

What is intercultural communication? Tell essential components of intercultural

communication and give some reasons why they are important to people.

Intercultural communication involves exchanging information, ideas, and values

among individuals from different cultural perspectives. It involves an intimate
awareness of the cultural nuances, beliefs, and norms that shape each culture, as well
as the ability to navigate and bridge the gaps between these cultural differences. The
essential components of intercultural communication are cultural awareness, verbal
and non-verbal communication, context, and power dynamics. Cultural awareness is
the first essential component, requiring individuals to mindfully and respectfully
recognize and embrace cultural differences and similarities. Through this process,
individuals can learn to respect and appreciate differences while also building bridges
between cultures, broadening their horizons, and developing a more nuanced
understanding of the world around them. Verbal and non-verbal communication is the
second component, encompassing gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and tone of
voice. Effective communication in intercultural contexts relies not only on linguistic
proficiency but also on the ability to interpret and convey messages through non-
verbal cues, which vary widely across cultures. Understanding non-verbal
communication can prevent misinterpretations and foster empathy and connection.
Context is important in communication; it includes social, historical, and
environmental factors. Understanding context helps with interpreting messages and
cultural sensitivities. Adapting communication styles to fit the culture can help convey
messages better, which is particularly relevant in today's globalized world where cross-
cultural communication is common in personal and professional settings. The impact
of power imbalances on intercultural communication is significant. It is important to
recognize and address these imbalances to promote equity, inclusivity, and fairness in
interactions between individuals from different cultures. By being aware of power
dynamics, individuals can strive for equal participation, amplify marginalized voices,
and create a more equitable intercultural space. These essential components facilitate

the effective expression and interpretation of thoughts and emotions, promote empathy
and sensitivity, and highlight the importance of equity and inclusivity in intercultural
interactions. They also play a pivotal role in building bridges between diverse
communities, fostering inclusivity, and contributing to a more harmonious and
interconnected global society. Embracing these components enables individuals to
navigate the complexities of intercultural communication with respect, understanding,
and a genuine appreciation for the affluence of cultural diversity.

Question 2: Write a short paragraph (about 350 words) to answer the following question:
How would you describe your strengths and limitations in intercultural
communication environment? Why?

People in the business world of intercultural communication have different strengths

and weaknesses that can affect how effective they are. Being versatile and able to
adjust to various cultural situations is one of my assets. I have an open mind and am
eager to understand the traditions, morals, and modes of communication of other
cultures. This enables me to modify my actions and manner of speaking to interact
with people from different backgrounds effectively. I also have interpersonal skills,
such as empathy and active listening, which help me develop bonds of trust with
clients, business partners, and co-workers from different cultural communities.
Cultural awareness and sensitivity are two more of my strong points. I value diversity
and understand how important it is to respect and value the various viewpoints held by
different cultures. I can communicate politely and inclusively in a multicultural
business company. Additionally, I can effectively convey my message and comprehend
others' messages, both verbally and nonverbally. In contrast, one of my limitations in
the corporate setting regarding intercultural interaction is my lack of fluency in
languages other than English and my mother tongue. Although I make efforts to learn
key phrases and greetings in different languages, I may still struggle to fully
understand others or convey complex ideas. It led to misunderstandings,
miscommunication, and a lack of appreciation for the diversity of perspectives and
experiences within the company community. I have to regularly rely on translation
services or interpreters when needed. One significant drawback of intercultural
communication is the potential for unintentional prejudice and stereotyping. Despite
my concerted efforts to cultivate inclusivity and open-mindedness, it is essential to
acknowledge the possibility of unconscious biases that may influence my perceptions
and interactions with individuals from diverse cultures. To overcome any underlying
biases, I reflect on my thoughts and behaviors, actively seek diverse viewpoints, and
commit to cultural learning. In conclusion, my strengths in the intercultural
communication business environment include adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and
effective communication. These qualities empower me to navigate cultural differences
and foster meaningful relationships. Nevertheless, I am aware of my limitations, such
as language proficiency and potential biases, and actively strive to overcome them
through continuous learning and self-improvement.

Question 3: Write a short paragraph (about 300 words) to answer the following question.

How can the larger community benefit from knowledge and understanding of
intercultural communication?

Proficiency in intercultural communication positively impacts the entire company

community. In today's global business environment, having employees who
understand and respect different cultural norms and values strengthens business
relationships and fosters teamwork. It helps prevent miscommunication, conflicts, and
legal issues caused by cultural differences. This creates a positive and inclusive work
environment, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction. Intercultural
communication skills also facilitate effective collaboration among team members from
multicultural, contributing to overall company success. Investing in intercultural
communication proficiency promotes understanding, harmony, and success in a
diverse and interconnected world. Moreover, a strong grasp of intercultural
communication provides businesses with the ability to access new markets and
capitalize on international opportunities. By deeply understanding the cultural nuances
and preferences of their target markets, companies can tailor their products, services,
and marketing strategies to effectively meet the diverse needs and expectations of
customers. This not only leads to an increase in market share and consumer loyalty but
also enhances the company's brand reputation. By demonstrating cultural sensitivity
and adapting to cultural differences, businesses can establish themselves as trusted and
respected entities in new markets, thereby expanding their global reach and potential
for success. Furthermore, intercultural communication skills in the workforce can
significantly boost a company's creativity and innovation. By fostering a diverse and
inclusive environment that brings together individuals from different backgrounds and
perspectives, businesses can stimulate creative thinking and encourage the exchange of
ideas. This can result in the development of new products, services, and solutions that
cater to a wider range of clients and markets. In conclusion, a strong understanding of
intercultural communication is highly beneficial to the broader business community.
Companies that prioritize the cultivation of intercultural communication skills are
better positioned to thrive in today's global marketplace, enjoying advantages such as
improved business relationships, enhanced collaboration, increased market
opportunities, and a culture of innovation.

Question 4: Write a short paragraph (about 300 words) to answer the following question..

How will you use what you have studied about intercultural communication in
your future life?

My intercultural communication knowledge as a commerce student will greatly

influence my digital marketing career. In this fast-paced field, creating inclusive and
culturally relevant strategies is crucial for resonating with diverse audiences. By
adapting to cultural nuances, I can forge stronger connections and drive improved
results. My goal is to create culturally appropriate content by thoroughly investigating
cultural preferences, values, and behaviors. This will ensure that my digital marketing
campaigns are respectful, engaging, and relevant. By modifying language, imagery,
and messaging to align with cultural expectations, I will effectively connect with
diverse audiences and foster trust to build long-lasting relationships. Additionally, my
expertise in cross-cultural communication will be invaluable when navigating the
intricacies of global digital platforms and social media networks. Each culture
possesses unique online habits and preferred platforms, and comprehending these
subtleties will enable me to allocate resources efficiently and optimize my digital
marketing endeavors. By adapting my strategies to accommodate cultural preferences,
I will effectively engage diverse audiences, leading to heightened brand awareness and
increased customer acquisition. Furthermore, having strong intercultural
communication skills is essential for working with international teams and
stakeholders in digital marketing. It is common to collaborate with individuals from
diverse cultural backgrounds in this field, so the ability to navigate these differences
and communicate effectively is crucial. By demonstrating empathy, adaptability, and
active listening, I will foster productive working relationships, promote teamwork, and
ensure efficient project completion. In conclusion, my proficiency in cross-cultural
communication will be pivotal for my future success as a digital marketer. By applying
this knowledge to my marketing strategies, I will create impactful campaigns that
resonate with diverse audiences, drive business growth, and establish a strong global
brand presence. Additionally, my ability to collaborate effectively and navigate

cultural nuances will enable me to excel in cross-cultural digital marketing projects,
expanding my professional horizons and opening doors to international opportunities.


Fitzgerald, H. (2003). How different are we?: Spoken discourse in intercultural

communication: The significance of the situational context (Vol. 4). Multilingual
Jackson, J. (Ed.). (2012). The Routledge handbook of language and intercultural
communication. Routledge.
Schmidt, W. V., Conaway, R. N., Easton, S. S., & Wardrope, W. J. (2007).
Communicating globally: Intercultural communication and international business.
Sage Publications.
Rings, G., & Allehyani, F. (2020). Personality Traits as Indicators of the Development
of Intercultural Communication Competence. International Journal of Curriculum and
Instruction, 12(1), 17-32.
Saleem, S. (2019). Cultural diversity and digitalization of marketing communication:
agenda for future research.


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