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Full name: _______________________

3rd EVALUATION TEST (Time: 105 mins)

Question 1. Police are looking after connections between the two crimes.
A. connections B. are C. look after D. the
Question 2: Whatever you're saving can't possibly make up for the quality you've
A. possibly B. make up for C. saving D.
Question 3. The board of directors will hold off to make a decision until next
A. until B. directors C. hold off D. to make
Question 4. Besides farming and fishing, the inhabitant carry on a coasting trade with
various Mediterranean ports.
A. Besides B. the inhabitant C. coasting D. ports
Question 5. A direction flight from Mumbai to Goa takes around 45 minutes.
A. flight B. takes C. direction D. minutes
Question 6. You'll lose your flight if you don't hurry up.
A. don’t B. You’ll C. hurry up D. lose
Question 7. Our washing machine broke off yesterday and flooded the kitchen.
A. Our B. off C. flooded D. kitchen
Question 8. Elections will now take off on November the twenty-fifth.
A. Elections B. now C. take off D. the
Question 9. At school she was a vulnerable little soul and the other girls picked up her.
A. At B. little C. other D. picked up
Question 10. The girl in the park turned out to be a policewoman on disguise.
A. The B. turned out C. to be D. on

Question 11. Remind your partner that it's better to decline a task than to _________a
A. make B. give C. break D. show
Question 12. You say you don't believe in marriage, but I bet you sing a different song
when you finally _________ in love.
A. climb B. slip C. fall D. drop
Question 13. Two teenagers carried out a frenzied attack __________ a local
A. for B. in C. off D. on
Question 14. You'll need to ___________ them of your enthusiasm for the job.
A. accuse B. convince C. deny D. offer
Question 15. People are ____________ all the different labels on food these days.
A. engaged to B. devoted to C. confused about D. crowded
Question 16. You need to _________from everyone to make sure the team is moving
forward together.
A. hearken B. hear C. come D. retire
Question 17. Einstein's revolutionary theories made people ________ at the universe in a
completely new way.
A. looking B. looked C. look D. have looked
Question 18. She wants to be ________ as a singer rather than as a model.
A. heard B. taken C. told D. known
Question 19. It also accounts for baseline characteristics that _________ from person to
A. go B. get C. turn D. differ
Question 20. I think there's a danger that the air bag will not go off if you _________ an
A. have B. get C. are D. make
Question 21. The launch will go ahead despite the failure of previous attempts
_________an online business.
A. to create B. of having C. create D. to be
Question 22. We needed to upskill your workforce to _________with massive
technological change.
A. argue B. meet C. cope D. cram
Question 23. When confronted inside the bar, Searle said he did not ________ to do the
damage that had occurred.
A. get B. open C. look D. mean
Question 24. If you can ________ to get two tickets, that's better still.
A. take B. manage C. have D. tell
Question 25. Scientists estimate that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years
_______ average.
A. in B. at C. on D. with
Question 26. Over the years I've come to the ________ that she's a very great musician.
A. fact B. reason C. conclusion D. final
Question 27. The chairman has also ___________ his approval for an investigation into
the case.
A. taken B. received C. given D. needed
Question 28. It took me months to _________ the courage to ask for a promotion.
A. have B. lack C. take D. give


Question 29. He was very _________ about his scar and thought everyone was staring at
A. sensitive B. sensible C. polite D. pleased
Question 30. My starting salary as a newly qualified teacher wasn't enough to
__________a family.
A. assist B. help C. aid D. support
Question 31. Former department director Joe Bindbeutel has ________ the blame for not
releasing the E. coli results sooner.
A. taken B. created C. done D. had
Question 32. The stands cannot exceed 4 feet in width, 6 feet in ________ and 8 feet in
A. distance: B. space: C. length D. range
Question 33. You'll also have an opportunity to inspire these teachers from around the
A. area B. territory C. world D. earth
Question 34. Why do people find it so ________ to produce copy that is on time and on
A. necessary B. associated C. pleasant D. difficult
Question 35. In the domestic market coal use will be ________ largely on electricity
generation and steel manufacture
A. relied B. united C. scored D.
Question 36. Another staff member was able to describe the man who passed the bills
and give a description _________ his car.
A. of B. about C. in D. with
Question 37. I'm a patient of Dr Stephens, please could I _________ an appointment to
see her?
A. break B. cancel C. miss D. make
Question 38. They gave her an _________ to lessen the pain.
A. impression B. talk C. injection D. idea
Question 39. The future of public transport is not in_________.
A. question B. addition C. silence D. advance
Question 40. Steve has a ________ for drawing. His portraits are particularly good.
A. talent B. knowledge C. maintenance D. skill
Question 41. She suggested that Roush should ________ time taking care of her son.
A. give B. get C. spend D. run
Question 42. The idea is that you do your ________ not to subject those around you to
the many ravages of your little disease.
A. thing B. advance C. best D. time
Question 43. I am from New Zealand, as a country we have being on the winning
________ of every war we have fought.
A. chance B. near C. face D. side
Question 44. The ________ between one campaign and the next is not usually measured
in hours.
A. interval B. weekday C. decade D. quarter
Question 45. The punishment depends on how the ________ interprets the rules.
A. goalkeeper B. participant C. umpire D. striker
Question 46. ________ intelligence techniques are pervasive and are too numerous to
A. fake B. human C. artificial D. new
Question 47. This ________ produces 10,000 military vehicles every year.
A. factory B. industry C. museum D. theatre
Question 48. At that point, localities would have had the option
to refuse _________ impose the tax.
A. by B. to C. for D. with
Question 49. Which TV _________ asks contestants to pick a former pop star out of an
identity parade?
A. showcase B. quiz show C. floor show D. chat show
Question 50. The _______ hit shop owner John Coscia on the head and bound him with
duct tape.
A. distances B. robbers C. burglars D. thieves
Question 51. He provided a description of the ________, including what clothes he was
A. guiltiness B. suspect C. rule D. people
Question 52: A mysterious _________ is affecting all the animals.
A. healthiness B. homeless C. illness D. mindfulness
Question 53. The store now sells herbal _________.
A. comedies B. films C. remedies D. procedures


Question 54. Why don’t you two forget your differences and__________?
A. pass away B. make up C. pick on D. ask after
Question 55. She thinks they __________ her because she didn't go to university.
A. look down on B. look up to C. get on with D. fall out with
Question 56. The object of the game is to ________ the animal when it pops up out of a
A. check out B. make over C. knock out D. take up
Question 57. He agreed to ________ deadlines for reducing phosphates in the lake.
A. move forward B. look forward C. bring forward D. step
Question 58. Often with the electricity cut ________, even if you have a contract and
have paid your bills.
A. of B. off C. out D. down
Question 59: Protests against poor government services _________ in Baghdad and
other cities.
A. break in B. break out C. break off D. break into
Question 60: Do you feel up to _________ some exercise?
A. to take B. taking C. taken D. take
Question 61. To further narrow ________ your search, you can pop in "methodology" as
a keyword.
A. off B. up C. down D. in
Question 62. I ________ beefburgers after I got food poisoning from a takeaway.
A. stopped off B. put off C. went off D. showed
Question 63. Then there is the problem of who to sell the company to or ________
A. get around B. come out C. set down D. join in
Question 64. The offenders ________ of the jail last night.
A. broke down B. broke up C. broke out D. broke in
Question 66. Hodges was lying on the highway when he was _________ by a tractor-
trailer truck.
A. gone away B. run away C. run over D. gone over
Question 67. My parents _________ me _________ at the airport.
A. set/in B. saw/off C. put/over D. took/out
Question 68. The couple planned to _________the issue at a school board meeting
Monday night.
A. bring up B. bring down C. bring off D. bring
Question 69. You can hold it in one hand and _________the pages with your thumb.
A. go through B. flick through C. break through D. get

III. SYNONYM (43-45)

Question 70. I can't believe she was taken in by him.
A. understood B. responded C. doubted D. deceived
Question 71. He doesn't necessarily take pleasure in his work, but he loves the nomadic,
airborne lifestyle.
A. have interest B. believe C. disappoint D. qualify
Question 72. If ever there was any sort of argument, she'd always side with my father
against me.
A. support B. oppose C. object D. imitate
Question 73. The police hasn't found out who set fire to the storehouse.
A. looked B. known C. doubted D. detected
Question 74. The youth movement has come on strong over the last couple of weeks at
A. watched B. developed C. looked D. known
Question 75: I'm working on a big book right now, which I hope will come out next
A. be retrieved B. be published C. be recovered D. be pushed
Question 76. One of the good things about Inga is that you can always rely on her
unfailing enthusiasm.
A. deceive B. cease C. trust D. imitate
Question 77. Insurance companies say they investigated 43,000 cases of fraud last year.
A. looked into B. figured out C. watched for D. witnessed
Question 78: The effects of the drug naturally wear off within a few hours.
A. expand B. increase C. develop D. minimize
Question 79. For some weeks we wondered if she would pull through her illness.
A. perish B. recover C. expire D. disappear


Question 80. These figures _________ the importance of protecting these coastal
A. emphasis B. emphatic C. emphatically D. emphasise
Question 81. He was recovering from a heart transplant _________.
A. operate B. operating C. operator D. operation
Question 82. In some ways, financial planning for singles is more ________ than for
A. importable B. importance C. important D. important
Question 83. He worked as a ________ in Chicago and remitted half his monthly wage
to his family in the Philippines.
A. building B. builder C. build D. built
Question 84. This idea shows the _________ between the meanings of the two words.
A. differ (v) B. difference (n) C. different (adj) D.
differently (adv)
Question 85. The police suspect John and Mary are ________ in the the burglary.
A. involves B. involved C. involving D. involve
Question 86. Managers said it was important to stay listed to ________ customer
A. maintain B. maintainable C. maintenance D.
Question 87. ________ factions on the committee are refusing to compromise.
A. Opposition B. Opponent C. Oppose D. Opposing
Question 88: Ed is a substantive _________and the vision is more important than the
A. politics B. political C. politically D. politician
Question 89. In such cases, the accused can be ________ on the testimony of a single
A. conviction B. convicted C. convict D.
Question 90. I don't want to disappoint anybody or ________ anyone, I don't read the
A. offence B. offend C. offensive D. offender

IV. ANTONYM (49-50)

Question 91. Throughout his career he has demonstrated a willingness to compromise.
A. reluctance B. readiness C. preparation D. preparedness

Question 92. He had attempted to rescue the drowning man.

A. neglected B. tried C. endeavored D. striven
Question 93. In fact, nearly 70 percent of brides get involved in the ring selection
A. In reality B. In detail C. In theory D. In
Question 94. He wasn't too keen on the idea when she first told him about it.
A. fond of B. mad about C. unenthusiastic about D. hateful to
Question 95. We're going to have a seven-hour layover in Newark, so we'll need to find a
way to take up time with the kids.
A. save time B. high time C. keep time D. overtime
Question 96. Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.
A. begin B. end C. found D. originate
Question 97. She failed to see through his deception.
A. understand B. misunderstand C. comprehend D. create
Question 98. Security measures were instituted to give permission to entry into or exit
out of the palace.
A. deny B. forbid C. disallow D. disclaim
Question 99: Disagreement reached such a pitch that we thought a fight would break
A. explode B. erupt C. stop D. proliferate
Question 100: Many of those old buildings will soon be pulled down.
A. destroyed B. built C. demolished D.


Ex 1: Each of the words in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

1. My Australian cousins are coming in Greece next month! ________to_______
2. Turn left on the post office, then go straight on. _______at________
3. There weren't any chairs, so we had to sit at the floor. _____on__________
4. The TV's on the corner of the room. _______in________
5. There's a photo of the author at the back cover of the book. _______on________
6. We should arrive at Paris at six in the morning. _______in________
7. Could you go out from the room for a moment, please? ______of_________
8. Walk in the station, but turn left a couple of blocks before you get there.
9. I'll meet you in the corner of your street. _____at/on__________
10. There should be a broom on the back of the cupboard, somewhere.
11. They should arrive in the airport in about an hour. _______at________
12. The CD should be next from the CD player. _______to________

Choose the correct answer.

13. This time next week, we____________chemistry exam.
A. have finished B. have been finishing
C. will have finished D. will have been finishing
14. When I grow up, ____________an inventor.
A.I'm being B. I'm going to be
C. I will have been D. I will be being
15. Shirley will____________her research for the next few weeks.
A. have done B. be doing
C. have been doing D. have been done
16. Next year, Sam will ____________patients at this hospital for twenty-five years.
A. have been treating B.treat
C. be treating D. be going to treat
17. “What is it?” – We won’t know until____________ at it under a mircoscope”
A. we’re going to look B. we’ll have looked
C. we’ll be looking D. we’ve looked
18. You won’t get any raido reception while ____________ throuhg the tunnel.
A. you’ve driven B. you’ll drive
C. you’re driving D. you’ll be driving
19. “I’m going to set up the equipment in a minute”
A. Shall I B. Will I C. Would I D. Do I
20. “Did you have a message for Dan?” – “ Tell him I'll call him on Friday if
A. had seen В. see С. will see D. saw

Ex 1. Choose: a little / little / a few / few

21) I have ___ a little ____ water left. There's enough to share.
22) I have ____ a few ____ good friends. I'm not lonely.
23) He has _____ little ____ education. He can't read or write, and he can hardly count.
24) There are ____ few _____ people she really trusts. It's a bit sad.
25) We've got _____ a little ____ time at the weekend. Would you like to meet?
26) Julie gave us ___ a few _____ apples from her garden. Shall we share them?
27) She has _____ little ___ self-confidence. She has a lot of trouble talking to new
28) There are _____ few _____ women politicians in the UK. Many people think there
should be more.
29) It's a great pity, but the hospital has ____ little _____ medicine. They can't help many
30) I've got ___ a few _____ cakes to give away. Would you like one?

D. Choose the correct answer.

31. If I………….._the lottery, I'd give some of the money to each member of my family.
A. win В. have won С. will win D. won
32. “Did you have an argument with Francis?” – “If you had been there, you………..
A. did В. would have done С. had done D. will do
33. If you see Nina on Friday,..............her to give me a ring.
A. you will tell В. tell to
С. you would have told D. tell
34. If I'd known you were coming, I…………….a cake.
A. would have baked В. would bake
С. will bake D. baked
35. Remind Tony about the party……………..he's forgotten.
A. in case В. unless С. provided that D. except

G. Circle the correct word or phrase.

36. I don’t think there’s enough pizza / pizza enough for everyone.
37. I’m afraid you’re not enough old / old enough to see this film.
38. Luckily, we got to the box office enough early / early enough and got the tickets.
39. Anne’s enough sensible / sensible enough to realize she needs to work hard this
40. If you don’t train enough hard / hard enough, you’ll never win the race.
41. Have you got enough credits / credits enough to call Yiota on your mobile?
42. It should be enough warm / warm enough for a picnic this weekend.
43. I don’t think I’m good enough for getting / to get into the swimming team.
44. Are you sure you’ve got enough chairs for us all to sit down / we all sit down?
45. In mountaineering, you have to be strong enough for pull / to pull yourself up with
your fingers.

I. Choose the correct answer.

46. It was ……… windy that I couldn’t stand up!
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
47. Everyone had ……… a good time when we went bowling that we agreed to go again.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
48. Emma and Karen used to be ……… good friends that I’m surprised they don’t get on
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
49. I hope I’ve got ……… money to pay for this meal!
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
50. I’m sorry, but I’ve got ……… much work to do to come to the beach today.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
51. My mum was ……… angry that I knew I’d better disappear for a while.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
52. They were ……… beautiful shoes that I decided I had to get them.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
53. The earthquake was ……… powerful that the town was destroyed.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
54. The shot was ……… quick for the goalkeeper and the ball hit the back of the net.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too

You can use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE words.

55. Many people think Steve stole the money.(believed)
 Steve _____ is believed to have stolen ____ the money.
56. The strong winds blew down the two ancient trees during the storm.(blown)
 The two ancient trees____ were blown down during ____ the storm.
57. He doesn't have enough money to buy the computer.(too)
 The computer______ is too expensive for him _____ to buy.
58. "You should start a new hobby, Mr. Jenkins", the doctor said.(take)
 The Doctor advised____ Mr. Jenkins to take up ___ a new hobby.
59. We have been waiting here since half past ten.(for)
 We have been waiting_____ here for ____ one hour.
60. The man suddenly realised that the neighbor was watching him.(watched)
 The man suddenly realised that he____ was being watched by ____ the neighbor.
61. I could never have passed that exam without your help.(you)
 I could never have passed that exam_____ if you hadn't helped ____ me.
62. We paid some people to landscape the garden for us last year.(had)
 We____ had the garden landscaped ____ last year.

You can use a minimum of THREE and a maximum of SIX words.

1. None of the phones were left when we got to the shop. (time)
 _____ by the time we got to ____ the shop, all the phones had been sold.
2. I didn't know it was Carl until he took off his hat.(when)
 Only _____ when he took off _____ his hat did I recognise Carl.
3. Don't waste your time asking Bryan to come with us.(worth)
 It's_____ not worth asking Bryan ____ to come with us.
4. Perhaps John heard the story from Pippa.(have)
 Pippa might_____ have told John the ___ story.
5. Until they fire me as manager here, I'll run the company my way.(long)
 ____ as long as I'm ___ the boss, I'll run the company my way.
6. The school's management are investigating allegations of teacher brutality.(into)
 Allegations of teacher brutality____ are being looked into by ____ the school's
7. It's not possible that you saw Mary last night, she was with us!(have)
 You_____ can't have seen Mary ___ last night, she was with us!
8. The beach was fun even though it was too cold.(fact)
 ____ despite the fact that it was ___ too cold, the beach was fun.

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