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ENGLISH-Alyssa Mie Arcilla Manalo


Commercial Project-Group 5



For this project, we will make our own toothpaste brand and an advertisment about
it using one of the propaganda technique's, Glittering Generalities
Glittering Generalities is one of the propaganda technique's which is an
emotionally appealing phrase so closely associated with highly valued concepts and
beliefs that it carries without supporting information or reason.

Group 5(Interstellars)
Members: Roles:
Dennise Marjorie Padil ------- Daughter
Raeven Besorio ------- Narrator
Kenneth Marie Esternon ------- Scripwriter
Mykeila Beatrice Valbuena ------- Crops
Jaysen Rapsing -------- Mother
Samuel Sunstar Masocol -------- Printer of our script
Mikael Clarke Sabido ------- Dentist
Zian Kaiser Tortal -------- Beta read the script

Let's Begin!

Narrator (Raeven): Dennise woke up because her teeth was hurting badly, she told
her mom and they went to the Dentist.

Daughter (Dennise): Mommy! My teeth hurts so bad! Can we please go to the dentist?

Mother (Jaysen): Are you okay? We need to definitely go. I told you to lessen
eating your candies didn't I? Look what happend.

Daughter (Dennise): I'm okay mom my teeth just aches. Sorry mom I just couldn't
stop eating the candies. It's just so delicous!

Mother (Jaysen): *Sighs* It's ok sweetie just lessen your habit of eating too much
candies, let's go to the dentist.

Daughter (Dennise): Ok mommy!

Narrator (Raeven): Dennise and her mother fastly went to the dentist.

At the Dentist-

Mother (Jaysen): Doctor, my daughter's teeth seems to be hurting, though we don't

know why.

Doctor (Kenneth): It seems like your daughter's teeth has been yellowing, has she
been eating a lot of lot of candy?

Mother (Jaysen): Oh yes, I keep telling her to stop eating a lot of sweets but she
just can't stop, is there any treatment for that?
Doctor (Kenneth): I recommend DentaPlus Tootpaste! Many doctors like me prefer it
than any other toothpaste! It has a minty taste and will definitely whiten your
daughter's teeth!

Mother & Daughter( Jaysen & Dennise): Thank you so much Doc!

All: DentaPlus Toothpaste! Not only does it make your teeth bright! It also
brightens your smile!

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