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SSC English – Articles 1

Preposition হেলা এমন এক) word যা +কােনা sentence-এ noun, pronoun বা noun
phrase-এর পূ েব0 বেস sentence-এর মেধ3 অন3ান3 Word- এর সােথ স6ক0 7াপন কের। At, by,
upon, ahead, in spite of, off, into, outside, because of, before, among,
between ইত3ািদ িবিভ= ধরেনর preposition-এর উদাহরণ।
গঠন ও ব&বহারেভেদ Preposition--ক !ধানত ছয় ভােগ ভাগ করা যায়


Simple Compound Double Detached Disguised Phrasal

Simple Preposition

+য সকল preposition মূ লত এক3 শ5 িদেয় গ8ত, তােদরেক simple preposition বেল।

After, above, at, by, on, of, off, from, through, with

Keep the book on (ওপের) the table.

He will arrive at (-য়) 5pm.
Compound Preposition

+কােনা simple Preposition যখন noun, adjective বা adverb-এর সে< prefix-এর মেতা যু > হয়,
তােক compound preposition বেল।

about, along, before, behind, beside, between,

উে4খ&, Compound preposition গঠন করেত সাধারণত on-এর ;েল a এবং by-এর ;েল be হয়।

It is beyond (বাইের) my means to buy a car.

She was walking along (বরাবর) this road.

SSC English – Articles 2

Double Preposition
Double Preposition

-য সকল preposition অণ& এক? preposition-এর সমAেয় গBত হয়, তােদরেক double preposition বেল।

into, upon, onto, out of

He came into (মেধ&) the room.

Detached Preposition

What are you talking about? Where have you come from? I have none to depend
এখােন about, from ও upon এই Preposition িতন? what এবং where-এর পূ েবE না বেস sentence-এর
-শেষ বেসেছ। এেদরেক Detached Preposition বেল।
Disguised Preposition
'of’ ও 'on’ Preposition I? যখন ‘o’ ও 'a’ আকাের ব&বKত হয়, তখন তােদরেক Disguised (ছLেবশী)
Preposition বেল।
He came at 7 o'clock (o' = of) in the morning.
The baby is fast asleep (a = on).
Phrasal Preposition

@ই বা তেতািধক শ5 যিদ এক3 Preposition এর মত কাজ কের তেব এেক Phrasal Preposition বেল।

Ismail Hossain succeeded by dint of hard labour.

You can win one's heart by means of honesty.
এখােন by dint of, by means of হেN phrasal preposition।

Rules of Using Prepositions


সCেD, চািরিদেক, উপলেH ও !ায় অেথL about বMবNত হয়।

He knows nothing about this matter.
(এ বMাপার3 সCেD +স িকছু ই জােন না)
I shall tell him about your problem.
(আিম +তামার সমসMা সCেD তােক বলব)
SSC English – Articles 3
চািরিদেক The runners were running about the circle.
(বৃ েTর চািরিদেক +দৗড়িবদরা +দৗড়ািVল।)
There is a garden about my reading room.
(আমার পড়ার কেHর চািরিদেক িবWৃ ত এক3 বাগান আেছ।)
Rima came to our house about the marriage ceremony.
(িববাহ উপলেH িরমা আমােদর বািড় এেসিছল।)
I had to go there about that matter.
(ঐ িবষয়3 উপলেH আমােক +সখােন +যেত হেয়িছল।)
It is about 5 o'clock.
(এখন Oায় পাঁচটা বােজ ।)
I had to spend about one thousand taka for nothing.
(অOেয়াজেন আমােক Oায় এক হাজার টাকা খরচ করেত
At হেয়িছল।)

He lives at Shahbagh.
(+স শাহবােগ থােক।)
Father is not at home.
(বাবা বািড়েত +নই।)
The meeting will start at 5 pm.
(িবেকল পাঁচটায় সভা `a হেব।)
He reached home at night.
(+স রােত বািড় িফেরিছল।)
I am so busy at present.
(বতL মােন আিম খু বই বMW।)
মূ লM
I bought this shirt at half price.
(আিম অেধL ক মূ েলM (৫০% মূ লM Zােস) জামা3 িকেনিছলাম।)
The prices of daily commodities rose at a higher rate than inflation.
(মূ লM[ীিতর +চেয় +বিশ দাম চেড়িছল িনতM!েয়াজনীয় ]েবMর।)
This car runs at 300 kilometers per hour.
He always drives at 60 mph.
You must repair it at your own cost.
(তুিম অবশMই িনেজর খরেচ এটা +মরামতকরেব।)
I shall do it at my own risk.
(আিম দািয়েc/ঝুঁিকেত কাজ3 করব।)

SSC English – Articles 4

The school is at a stone's throw from here.
(এখান +থেক fুেলর gরc খু ব কম।)
Can you read a car number-plate at fifty meters?
(তুিম ৫০ িমটার gের থাকা গািড়র নCর-+hট পড়েত পার কী?)
পের I shall go there after lunch.
(@পু ের খাওয়ার পের আিম +সখােন যাব।)
অনু যায়ী
The work has been done after his instruction.
(তার িনেদLশনা অনু যায়ী কাজ3 করা হেয়েছ।)


কাছাকািছ সমেয়
I can you finish the work by next Monday?
(তুিম িক আগামী +সামবােরর মেধM কাজ3 +শষ করেত পারেব?)
I will ring you by 4 pm.
(আিম +তামােক চারটা নাগাদ +ফান করব।)
The house is situated by the railway.
(+রললাইেনর পােশই বািড়3 অবিeত।)
Come and sit by me.
(আমার পােশ এেস বস।)
May I pay by cheque?
(আিম -চেকর মাধ&েম পিরেশাধ করেত পাির?)
He achieved success by determination.
(-স Tঢ় OিতVার মাধ&েম সফলতা অজEন করল।
I shall travel by road.
(আিম সড়কপেথ Zমণ করব।)
He entered by the back door.
(-স -পছেনর দরজা িদেয় Oেবশ কেরিছল।)

সময় She sleeps by day and works at night.

(-স িদেন ঘু মায় আর রােত কাজ কের।)
The view is best seen by daylight.
অনু সাের (িদেনর আেলােত Tশ&? সবেচেয় ভাল -দখায়।)

It is 6 am by my watch.
(আমার ঘিড় অনু সাের এখন ৬টা বােজ।)
SSC English – Articles 5
পিরমাপ The room is 6 feet by 4 feet.
(ক^?র _দঘE& ৬ ফুট এবং O; ৪ ফুট)

অ<!তM< িনেদLশ
She took me by the hand.
(-স আমার হাত ধের -ফলল।)
The man grabbed the boy by the scruff of the neck.
(-লাক? -ছেল?র ঘােড় ধরল।)
কারও সiেকL জানােত

He is a German by birth.
(-স জaসূ েb একজন জামEান।)
Rimi is Muslim by religion.
শপথ করা অেথL (ধমEসূেb িরিম মু সলমান।)

I swear by you that I must do it.

(-তামার নােম শপথ কের বলিছ আিম অবশ&ই এটা করব।)
I shall help you by Allah.
Befor (আ4াহর নােম শপথ কের বলিছ আিম -তামােক সাহােয& করব।)
আেগ Delwar will be here before 5 am.
(পাঁচটার আেগ -দলওয়ার এখােন আসেব।)

সjু েখ
The accident occured before my eyes.
(আমার -চােখর সামেন IঘEটনা? ঘেটিছল।)
The student dare not speak before him.
(ছাb? তার সামেন কথা বলেত সাহস পায়না।)


There is a letter for you.
(-তামার এক? িচB আেছ।)
Are all these presents for me?
(এসব উপহার িক আমার জন&?)
সাহাযM অেথL
What can I do for you?
(আিম -তামার জন& কী করেত পাির?)
Would you please translate this letter for me?
(আমার জন& দয়া কের িচB? অনু বাদ করেবন কী?)
SSC English – Articles 6
উেkশM বা কাজ িনেদLেশ
What did you do that for?
(তুিম কী উেdেশ& কাজ? কেরিছেল?)
He is learning English for his work.
(-স তার কােজর উেdেশ& ইংেরিজ িশখেছ।)
This ship is for Singapore.
গlবM (এ জাহাজ? িসeাপু ের যােব।)
Are you leaving for home?
(তুিম িক বািড়র উেdেশ& রওয়ানা হেয়েছা?)

Yangoon is famous for its many pagodas.

কারণ িনেদLেশ (অেনক প&ােগাডার কারেণ ইয়াeন িবখ&াত।)
Dhaka is famous for mosques.
(ঢাকা মসিজেদর জন& িবখ&াত।)

Are you for or against the proposal?

সমথL ন অেথL (তুিম িক Ocােবর পে^ না িবপে^?)
We are campaigning for a bypass round the town.
(আমরা শহেরর চািরিদেক এক? সংেযাগ সড়েকর সমথEেন Oচারণা চালািN।)
মূ লM I bought this book for 20 taka.
(আিম িবশ টাকা িদেয় বই? িকেনিছলাম।)

িবিনমেয় You will get a coupon for every 200 taka you pay.
I shall exchange my old car for a new one.

সময় িনেদLেশ He has gone to Khulna for three days.

You said that you would love me forever.

The road went on for miles and miles.

gরc িনেদLেশ I walked for three kilometers.

eান Myanmar is in South-East Asia.
Badhan lives in Khulna.

He is getting forgetful in his old age.

সময় I hope to visit you in summer.
Javed was born in 1978.

+Hn In this case, the passenger is guilty, not the driver.

I am unable to help you in this regard.

SSC English – Articles 7

The apple trees are in blossom.
অবeা The house is in repair.
I am in a great danger.

িবেবচনা You have to do it in your own interest.

We have to work hard in the interest of our nation.
গিত The minister got in the car and left the place.
She dipped her pen in the ink.

+পশা He is in the air force.

He has been in politics.
He speaks in English.
মাধMম The girl speaks in a loud voice.
You have to pay the bill in cash.

অনু পাত In England, one in three enters higher education.

VAT is charged at the rate of 15 paisa in a taka.

উপকরণ This is a dress of blue silk.
The house is made of stone.

মািলকানা This pen is of my sister.

That car is of Mr Habib.

উoত The boy came of a rich family.

That woman is of Italian descent.
কারণ The young boy died of cholera.
Mr Rabi died of cancer.
িবষয় I am thinking of the matter.
She says that she knows nothing of her husband.


উপলH He came on the occasion of my sister's marriage.

I congratulate you on your brilliant success.

িবষয় Das Capital is a book on social science.

This is a fine book on grammar.

SSC English – Articles 8

িনিদLp িদন বা তািরখ We shall start for Cox's Bazar on Saturday.
The meeting is supposed to be held on 25th June.

উপিরতেলর সংrশL
He put the watch on the table.
The baby stood up on the chair.

তাৎHিণক ফলাফল On receiving the letter, he was very happy.

On my apology, he told that I was forgiven.

িদক He was walking to the river.
They are going to market.

What is she to you?

সiকL They are brothers to each other.

পযL l The soldiers fought to the last.

The garden extends to the riverbank.

We invited him to the party.
I sent a letter to Kamal yesterday.

The mugger was beaten to death.
The dying patient was brought back to life.

The watch is to my liking.

The dish is not to his taste.
Count from 1 to 10.
I like all kinds of music from opera to reggae.

SSC English – Articles 9


The ball is under the table.
They sat under the shade of a tree.

The post is under government.
He works under me.


The application is under consideration.

The case is under trial.
He is under sentence of death.

SSC English – Articles 10

Idiomatic Uses Of Some
on, in, at ,up
Place এর +Hেn বৃ হৎ -^েb (jহ, উপjহ) on, এর -চেয় -ছাট -^েb (মহােদশ -থেক শহর) in বেস। শহর -থেক আরও
-ছাট ;ােনর -^েb at বেস।
on → earth
in → Asia, Bangladesh, Dhaka
at → home, Wari, Simultoli

The Earth is a planet that we live in.

We live in Bangladesh.
Simultoli is situated in Gazipur.
Oh no, I left my mobile at home.
He will set up a shop at the end of the year.

ওপেরর sentence sেলােত যথাtেম 'Earth', 'Bangladesh', 'Gazipur' এবং সবEেশেষ home' এর উে4খ
রেয়েছ। ‘Earth' বৃ হৎ -^েb িহেসেব on; 'Bangladesh' এই Earth এর -চেয় -ছাট -^b অথEাৎ পৃ িথবীর এক? -দশ
িহেসেব in; Gazipur ও Bক -তমিন পৃ িথবীর এক? -দেশর শহর িহেসেব in; এবং 'home' এক? -ছাট ;ান িহেসেব at-এ
সকল Preposition এর উে4খ কেরেছ।

সময় এর +Hেn : এে^েb বৃ হৎ সমেয়র -^েb (শতাkী -থেক সlাহ) in, এর -চেয় -ছাট হেল on এবং ^ুm সময় বা point
of time এর -^েb at বেস।
In→ century, year, month, fortnight, week (শতাkী, বছর, মাস, প^/ I সlাহ, সহ)
on→ day, date (িদন, তািরখ)
at→ 5am. (সকাল ৫ ঘ?কা)

5 a.m. হেলা morning এর এক? অংশ। কােজই 5 a.m. এর আেগ at এবং morning এর আেগ in the ৰসেৰ।
সমেয়র আেগ at বেস। the বেস না, িকp in বসেল the বেস। ঘqার আেগ at বেস িকp িমিনট ৰা -সেকেrর আেগ in বেস।

There are 31 days in May.

Shamol will come on Thursday.

Note Dawn, sunrise, morning, noon, midday, afternoon, evening, dusk, twilight,
nightfall, sunset, midnight, daybreak Oকৃিতর আেগ at ব&বহার করেল এেদর আেগ the বেস না িকp in
ব&বহার করেল এেদর আেগ the বেস।

SSC English – Articles 11

I got up at morning. (in the morning)

I eat my meals at noon, (in the noon)

Day-এর আেগ by এবং night-এর আেগ at বেস।

We work by day and sleep at night.

In, into
-কােনা িনিদE u পিরসীমার মেধ& অব;ান -বাঝােল অথEাৎ ি;িতশীলতা -বাঝােল In, -কােনা িদেক গিতশীল ও অব;ার পিরবণE -বাঝােল
Into আেস।

He is in the room.
He came into the room.
Water changes into vapours.
I shall look into the matter.

in, within
in + end of the period of time (সমেয়র +শষ)
within + during a period of time (সমেয়র মেধM)
-কােনা িনিদE u সময়কােলর -শষিদেক -কােনা কাজ ঘটেব এvপ -বাঝােল অথEাৎ ভিবষ&ৎ ব&াপক সমেয়র আেগ in এবং ঐ সমেয়র
মেধ& -কােনা কাজ ঘটেব এvপ -বাঝােল within ব&বKত হয়।

He will come in a week.

He will come within a week.

in, by, before

in + period of time → সমেয়র বMািu
before/by point of time → িনিদLp মু হূতL

ভিৰষMৎ বMাপক সমেয়র আেগ In এবং ভিবষMৎ িনিদLp সমেয়র আেগ by বা before বেস।

I shall come back in a week.

I shall come back by/before the seven of this month.

SSC English – Articles 12

since, for
-কােনা িনিদE u মু হূতE -থেক -কােনা কাজ yz হয়, হেব ইত&ািদ -বাঝােল since ব&বKত হয়।

িনিদE u ঘqা, তািরখ, িদন, বার, সাল, মাস ইত&ািদর -^েb since বেস।

-কােনা িনিদE u মু হূতE না বু িঝেয় যিদ -মাট সমেয়র পিরমাণ -বাঝায় তাহেল for ব&বKত হয়। অথEাৎ -কােনা কাজ yz কের এখেনা
চেল -বাঝােল ব&াপক সমেয়র আেগ for, িনিদu সমেয়র আেগ since বেস। এবং তােদর পূ বEবত~ verb-এর perfect tense

We've lived here since 1982.

I’m going away for a few days.
He has been ill for four days since Friday last.

িকp কাজ? এখন আর চলেছ না -বাঝােল for এর আেগ simple past tense ব&বKত হয়।
I was busy for three days.

by, with
কাজ -য -লাক (agent) {াৱা ঘেট তার নােমর আেগ by বেস এবং -য য} বা উপকরণ (Instrument) {াৱা কাজ? করা হয়
তার নােম আেগ with বেস।

The snake was killed by the boy with a stick.

A boat was tied by a boatman with a rope.

between, among
Iইেয়র মেধ& -কােনা কাজ -বাঝােল between বেস। আর Iইেয়র অিধক ব&ি• বা ব€ -বাঝােল among বেস।

Distribute the fruits between Rahim and Karim.

Distribute the fruits among the four brothers.

SSC English – Articles 13

-কােনা িজিনস -ভতের আেছ বা ঘটেছ এvপ -বাঝােত in বা inside ব&বKত হয়।

He is sleeping inside the room.

There is a snake in the basket.
out of

out of -কােনা িনিদE u ;ান -থেক -বর হেয় এেস কাজ ঘটেল, এvপ ;ােন out of ব&বKত হয়।

The ball went out of the playground.

-কােনা কাজ িনিদE u ;ােনর বাইের ঘটেছ এvপ -বাঝােল outside ব&বKত হয়।

He saw a snake outside the room.

on, onto
-কােনা তেলর ওপর -কােনা কাজ বাইের -থেক এেস ঘটেব এvপ -বাঝােল on, onto ব&বKত হয়।

Move the books onto the second shelf.

-কােনা তেলর ওপর -থেক -কােনা কাজ ঐ তেলর বাইের িগেয় ঘটেছ এvপ -বাঝােল off ব&বKত হয়।
Keep the pot off the table.

-কােনা িকছু িবষেয়র ওপর িদেয় (•শE না কের) িকছু ঘটেল/-গেল এvপ -বাঝােল over ব&বKত হয়। আবার -কােনা িবষেয় কলহ
করা -বাঝােল over ব&বKত হয়।

The bird flew over the house.

Do not quarrel over this issue.

SSC English – Articles 14

-কােনা ;ােনর
;ােনর ‚রেƒর
‚রেƒর সােথ
সােথ তাল
তাল িমিলেয়
িমিলেয় ধারাবািহকভােব
ধারাবািহকভােব এক?
এক? কাজ
কাজ ঘটেব
ঘটেব এvপ
এvপ -বাঝােল along
-বাঝােল along ব&বKত
alongব&বKত হয়।

I walked along the river side.

in, after
Future Present
Future Present (indication
Present (indication
(indication future)
future) tense
tense in
এ inএএএবং pastpast
in এবং
এবং past tense
tense এএ after
এ after
tense ব&বKত ব&বKত
after হয়। অথEহয়।
ব&বKত হয়।াৎ অতীত
ব&াপক ব&াপক
ব&াপক সমেয়র
অতীত সমেয়র সমেয়র আেগ after
আেগ after
আেগ এবং
এবং ভিবষ&ৎ
after ভিবষ&ৎ
এবং ব&াপক ব&াপক
ভিবষ&ৎসমেয়র সমেয়র
ব&াপক আেগ বেস।in
আেগ in বেস।

He will come back in a week.

He came after a week.

in, on, to
on এবং
সীমার -ভতের -বাঝােত in, উপের -বাঝােত on এবং বাইের
বাইের -বাঝােত toব&বKত
-বাঝােত to ব&বKতহয়।

The Jamuna is on the west of Jamalpur district.

Dinajpur is in the north of Bangladesh.
Coochbihar is to the north of Bangladesh.

Preposition-এর বMবহার সংwাl এক3 সাধারণ িচn

up over
on into

by in inside

SSC English – Articles 15

on/ over/ above
উপিরতেলর সং•েশE অেথE 'on' হয়।

Put the book on the table.

এে^েb book এ table এক? অন&?েক •শE কের আেছ।

•শE না কের উপের রেয়েছ এমন -বাঝােত 'over' হয়।

The birds are flying over my head.

এখােন birds ও head -কউ কাউেকেই •শE কেরিন।

অেপ^াকৃত অেনক উপের -বাঝােত above হয়।

The cloud is above us.

SSC English – Articles

Time Place

• িনিদE u সময় অথবা ^ুmতম সমেয়র -^েb at

বেস। -যমন- at 9 am,at 8 pm,at • -ছাট ;ােনর পূ েবE (smallest) at বেস। at
O'clock. এছাড়াও-at dawn,at school,at the bus stop,at a
Most Specific
noon,at the same time,at the AT
hotel,at home.
moment,at Christmas. Smaller

• িদন ও তািরেখর পূ েবE Surface

on বেস। on More Specific (উপিরভাগ/উপিরতলা): On
Monday, On that On the floor, on the wall,
day.on 26th Smaller on a page.(and also):
March,On 7th on a bus, on a train, on
March. a plane.

আব„ জায়গা
• মােসর ও সােলর
পূ েবE in বেস (enclosed place): in the
অিনিদE u ব&াপক
City:in Dhaka
সমেয়র পূ েবE in
বেস।in april,in General In Country:in Italy
Big World:in the world
in the
morning, in
the evening

SSC English – Articles 17

মেন রাখার 'টকিনক
Quick Tips
❑ Odd=on day/date( এখােন odd িদেয় মেন রাখু ন- O -ত on ,d -ত day অথবা date)

❑ in my= in month/year (এখােন in -ত in, m--ত month এবং y--ত year.)

❑ Icc= in city/country ( এখােন i--ত in, C--ত City এবং C -ত Country.)

'য সব সংি/0 জায়গার পু েব6 at বেস

Quick Tips

❑ At the counter, at reception, at the door, at a concert, at the meeting, at a conference,

at work.

❑ At Oxford University, at Dhaka University, at college, at Zia International airport.

এছাড়া ও-

❑ মূ লM বু ঝােত At four hundred tk. (মূ ল&)

❑ িনিদLpতা (Specific) !কােশ at page 30.

SSC English – Articles 18

Over বনাম across
Quick tips

❑ সমতল ভূিম/এিরয়া অিতtম করা বু ঝােল across বেস।

❑ অসমতল (…চু) ভূিম/-দয়াল ইত&ািদ অিতtম করা বু ঝােল over বেস। অবeা বু ঝােত

❑ ব&ািl বু ঝােল all over ব&াবহার করা যায়।

❑ িকp ব&ািl বু ঝােল all across ব&বহার করা যায় নাহ,right across ব&বহার করেত হয়।

Over এর আেরা িকছু ব-াবহার

Quick tips

❑ +কান তলার উপর Covering বু ঝােত Put a sheet over the bed.(িবছানার ওপর এক? কাপড় িবছাও।)

❑ পার হেয় যাওয়া বু ঝােত ( অসমতল) The thief climbed over the wall and got into the room.

❑ বMািu বু ঝােত (all over) This business firm is known all over the country. (এই
ব&াবসা Oিত†ান? -দশ জু েড় পিরিচত।)

in-এর ব-বহারসমূ হ (মু খ2 রাখু ন)

Quick tips

❑ In a room,in a building,in a box, in a garden, in a town, in a pool, in the sea, in a river,

in the fog, in the rainn, in the picture, in the tea.
এছাড়া ও
❑ রং, কািলর পু েবL In black ink, in blue.
❑ অবeা বু ঝােত In adversity, in good condition.

SSC English – Articles 19

By/on/in + Transport এর ব-বহার

Transport (পিরবহন/যাতায়াত) এর -^েb car, bus, train, plane, ship, air, water ইত&ািদর পূ েবE by বেস।-যমন-
He came here by car. They travel by train.

• Specific/সু িনিদE u bicycle, bike, bus, train, ship or plane এর -^েb on বেস।

He went there on my bike. I'll go on the 7.30 bus.

• Specific/সু িনিদE u car, taxi, van, lorry or ambulance এর -^েb in বেস।

We travelled in Mr. Karim's car. They came in a taxi.

মেন রাখু ন, on foot সBক (byfoot স8ক নয়।) Example- He goes to school on foot.

Quick Tips

❑ ভিবষ&েতর Period of time ( a minute/an hour/5hour/four weeks etc. এর পূ েবE in/within


❑ ভিবষ&েতর Point of time (8am/2pm/Monday/Tuesday/January/February/etc) এর পূ েবE

by/before বেস।

❑ সকল perfect/perfect Continuous এ period of time এর পূ েবE for বেস এবং সকল Perfect/Perfect
continuous এ Point of time এর পূ েবE since বেস।

❑ িনিদE u সময় (exact time) এর পূ েবE at বেস।

at six o'clock, at seven, at seven of the evening etc.

SSC English – Articles 20

In, On ও To (সীমার িভতর, সীমার উপর ও সীমার বািহর)

❑ সীমার +ভতর বু ঝােত in বেস।

Dhaka City College is in the heart of the city.

❑ সীমার উপর বু ঝােত on বেস।

The Himalayas is on the north of India.

❑ সীমার বািহর বু ঝােত to বেস।

The Sundarban is to the south of the country

On এর আেরা িকছু ব-বহার

Quick tips

.❑ On the left/on the right.

❑ On the ground floor/on the first floor/on the second floor, on a chair, on
the wall, on the ceiling, on one’s shirt, on the notice board, on the door,
❑ On an island, on the beach,
❑ On a map/on a menu/on a list
❑ On a bus, on a train, on a plan (িক@ by bus, by train, by plain)
❑ On a bike, on a motor bike, on a horse. (িক@ in a car, in a taxi)
❑ সদস3 বু ঝােত I am not on the committee
❑ +কান িবষয় স6েক0 বু ঝােত I lent him a book on New Work yesterday.
❑ মাধ3ম বু ঝােত On television, On radio, On computer, on the phone

SSC English – Articles 21

Appropriate Preposition

উপের আমরা Preposition-এর সাধারণ (general) িকছু ব&বহার -দেখিছ। পরী^ায় এ ধরেনর সাধারণ ব&বহার ব&তীত
-বিশরভাগই Appropriate Preposition সংtা‡ ব&বহার এেস থােক। Appropriate preposition হেN,
যেথাপযু • Preposition” অথEাৎ কিতপয় ˆতঃিস„' ব&বহার রেয়েছ -যখােন িনিদE u word-এর পর িনিদE u Preposition-
ই ব&বKত হেব।

Examples & Explanations

• Abide by (-মেন চলা), with (a person), in, at (a place)

I shall abide by your decision.

Abide (dwell, পােশ থাকা) with me, O’ Lord.
I shall not abide (অব;ান করা) long in Dhaka, or at Uttara.

• Absorbed in (িনমx)

He is absorbed in thought.

• Abstain from (িবরত হওয়া)

I shall abstain from smoking

• Access to

We have free access to him (right of approaching, িনকেট যাবার


SSC English – Articles 22

• Account (verb) for

ACCOUNTABLE (responsible, দায়ী) to (a person) for (an action)

I have to account (িহসাব -দওয়া) for this money.
We are accountable (responsible) to God for our deeds.

• Adhere to

I still adhere (stick, -লেগ থাকা) to my plan.

• Ambition for, AMBITIOUS of

I have no ambition (উŠাকা‹া) for fame.

I am not ambitious of fame.

• Angry (রাগািAত) with (a person) for (having done something), at, about (a

He is angry with me for my having done this.

He is angry at or about my failure

• Apart from (ব&তীত)

Apart from this, We shall provide you with other facilities.

• Attentive to (মেনােযাগী)

He is attentive to his studies.

• Attraction for (আকষEণ)

I have no attraction for getting things.

SSC English – Articles 23

• Because of (কারেণ)

She could not attend office because of illness.

• Born (জz{হণ করা) of, in

He was born of poor parents. He was born in poverty.

• Bring about (ঘটােনা)

Failure in agriculture brings about economic recession.

• Busy (বMW) at, in, with, about

He is busy at his desk.

He is busy in doing his work (also, without in).
He is busy with his lessons.
He is always busy about nothing.

• Capable (সমথL ) of; Capacity (কমL Hমতা) for

He is not capable of hard work. He has no capacity for hard work.

• Care for, about, (take) care of

He does not care (verb) for (jাহ& করা) me or for wealth, or,
about the result (has no interest in it).
He has not care for me. Take care of your health.

• Cling (stick, +লেগ থাকা) to

He cling to me through my troubles.

SSC English – Articles 24

• Come up to (উপিeত হওয়া)

They came up to help the student.

• Concerned in (a plot), at, about (feel anxiety), for (anxious for a

person's welfare), with (having to do with)

Five men were concerned (mixed up, জিড়ত) in the plot.

I am concerned at (অবিহত) your failure.
I am much concerned about (িচি‡ত) the result.
I am much concerned for you.
I am not concerned (জিড়ত) with this matter.

• Confined (আব|) in, to

He is confined in jail.
He is confined to bed by dengue/cancer.

• Consist of, in

My family consists of (গBত হওয়া) six members.

True happiness consists in (িনিহত) contentment.

• Content with (পিরতৃu)

He is content with a little.

• ContrasT (noun) to, between; (In) CONTRAST with (িবপরীত)

Your action is a contrast to (or, is in contrast with) your

There is a great contrast between the two.

• Covered with (পিরপূ ণL)

The earth is covered with water.

SSC English – Articles 25

• Dangerous to/for (িবপদজনক)

Nicotine in tobacco is dangerous to/ for your health.

• Depart from (!eান করা)

One day we have to depart from this world.

• Depend on/upon

You can depend upon (িনভE র করা) my word.

• Deprive of

He was deprived (বিŒত হওয়া) of all power.

• Desire for (+লাভ), of , DESIROUS of (+লাভী)

He has no desire for/of wealth.

He is not desirous of wealth.

• Deviate from

I cannot deviate (go aside, অন&পেথ যাওয়া) from truth

• Difference between; DIFFERENT from (পৃ থক)

What is the difference between the two?

This thing is different from that.

• Divide into parts, between, or among

It was divided into (ভাগ করা) several parts.
Divide the money between the two (or among the four)
men present.

SSC English – Articles 26

• Endowed with

He is endowed with (possesses, ভূিষত) talents.

• Expose to (উzু > রাখা)

Don't expose it to the sun

• Fail in (অকৃতকাযL হওয়া)

Why do students fail in English?

He fails in patience.

• Fight for (the poor) with or against (the rich)

He always fought for (পে^ লড়াই করা) the poor with or against the rich.

• Filled to (the brim) (কানায় কানায় পূ ণL)

The river is filled to the brim.

• Fit for, out, up

You are not fit for (-যাগ&) the post.

The ship was fitted out (equipped, আবশ&কীয় িজিনস {ারা সি•ত) before a long
He is fitting up his house for the guests.

• Harmful to (Hিতকর)

Noise is harmful to our health.

• Have to (দায়ব| বা বাধM হওয়া)

You have to go there.

SSC English – Articles 27

• Fond of (পছt করা); FONDNESS for (পছt)

He is fond of sweets. He has great fondness for sweets.

• Give up (পিরহার করা)

We should give up our bad habits.

• Hanker after (আকা}া করা

I do not hanker after wealth.

• Hit upon (A plan) (পিরক~না করা)

He hit upon a plan to set up peace in the country.

• In the affirmative (হMাঁ-+বাধক/ইিতবাচকভােব)

Your answer will certainly be in the affirmative.

• Indifferent to (উদাসীন)

He is indifferent to his interests.

• Injurious (Hিতকর) to

Smoking is injurious to health.

• Inorder to (উেkশM)

They learn English in order to cross the stairs of examinations.

• Key to
What is the key (সূ b) to the mystery?

SSC English – Articles 28

• Look down upon (ঘৃ ণা করা)

Don't look down upon the poor.

• Name after (কােরা সােথ নামকরণ করা)

The Eiffel Tower of Paris was named after Gustave Eiffel.

• Popular with, for

He is popular with (জনিOয়) all for his goodness.

• Prevent (one) from (going)

I prevented him from (বাধা -দওয়া) going there.

• Lead to ( ধািবত করা)

Drug addiction leads one to death.

• LIe in (িনিহত থাকা)

Success lies in hard work.

• Look after (+দখােশানা করা)

She looks after her garden.

• Proficient in, at

He is proficient (strong, বু &ৎপŽ) in or at English.

• Look after (ত•াবধান করা)

She should look after her husband.

SSC English – Articles 29

• Provide against (the evil day), for (children); (one) with (a thing)

You must provide against (পূ েবE ব&ব;া করা) evil days or for your children.
I provide (supply, সরবরাহ করা) him with food
I provide food to or for him.

• Related to (সংি€p)
Trees are closely related to our life.

• Remedy for (cure, !িতকার)

There is no remedy for this disease.

Nesfield has remedy for or against snakebite.

• Run after (+পছেন +ছাটা)

One should not run after money.

• Run over (চাপা পড়া)

He was run over by a car.

• Rest with, upon

It rests (depends, িনভE র করা) with you to grant my prayer.

I rest upon (rely on, িনভE র করা) your promise.

• Satisfied with, of (the truth)

I am satisfied (সpu) with him (or his conduct).

I am satisfied of the truth of what you say.

• Stretches out (!সািরত করা)

The infant in arms stretches out its hands to grasp the moon.

SSC English – Articles 30

• Take leave of (িবদায় {হণ করা)
Cordellia took leave of her jealous sister with tears in her eyes.

• Take part in (অংশ{হণ করা)

Students should take part in social service.

• Think of, about (ভাবা)

What do you think of or about him?

He thinks of going away.

• Thirst for, after

We all thirst for or after (কামনা করা) happiness.

• Tired of (waiting), by (a walk), or with (exertions)

I am tired of waiting, (িবর•) or by the long walk, or with (•া‡)


• True to (!িত•িতব|)

Be true to your word.

• Want to (চাওয়া)

I want to do the work.

• Subject (noun) of, for (িবষয়), (verb and adj.) to (অধীন)

What is the subject of or for enquiry?

We were subjected to great hardships.
We are subject to death.

SSC English – Articles 31

• Suffer (+ভাগা) from (fever), for (one's misdeeds)

I am suffering from malaria.

You must suffer for your misdeeds.

• TAKE CARE of (য‚ +নওয়া)

She begged them to take care of their father.

SSC English – Articles 32

Complete the sentences with appropriate preposition

Flowers are the excellent gift of nature. They have existed (a) ___ the earth (b) ___
prehistoric time. Since then they have been treated (c) ___ the symbol of beauty. It is an
undeniable fact that flowers are used (d) ___ various spheres (e) ___ our life. It is used
mostly (f) ___ decoration. People (g) ___ all walks of life use flowers usually (h) ___ national
occasion and (i) ___ wedding. Everyone prefers flowers (j) ___ expressing their love and

Emperor Shahajahan (a) ___ Delhi built the Taj Mahal. It is a tomb (b) ___ his wife. The
building is made (c) ___ white marble. It rests (d) ___ a platform. Four white towers rise (e)
___ the four corners of the terrace. There is a large dome (f) ___ the centre. There is an
open corridor (g) ___ which visitors can look (h) ___ the carved marble screen (i) ___ the
central room. It is surrounded (j) ___ a garden.

Patriotism is a great virtue (a) ___ human being. It creates (b) ___ a man true love (c) ___ his
motherland. Patriotism is older than civilization. The man, who loves his own country, does
his duties and works (d) ___ the welfare (e) ___ his country is a patriot. I see the ancient
tribes had a fondness (f) ___ the place where they were born and confined their lives to save
them. A student, an artist or a politician may be a patriot (g) ___ usually way (h) ___ life. If
he does his duties honestly and sincerely (i) ___ his own field, he can be a patriot. If he does
not do so, he will be a traitor. We must not have hatred or bitterness (j) ___ anyone. But
chauvinist patriotism is very bad.

SSC English – Articles 33


Natural disaster has occurred throughout the world (a)___ recent years. The reason behind
this is greenhouse effect or warming (b) ___ the air around
the earth. Global warming is melting the huge ice (c) ___ the polar regions and (d) ___ the
peaks (e) ___ the mountains. Consequently, the level (f) ___ sea water has alarmingly
increased. Cyclones and tidal bores are inundating and destroying the coastal regions (g) ___
a large extent. Climatologists believe that (h) ___ the last 185 years 99 cyclones hit the
coastal areas and offshore islands (i) ___ our country causing irrecoverable loss (j) ___ life
and properties.

A street hawker deals (a) ___ various things by hawking (b) ___ street to street. He carries
his materials (c) ___ head. Sometimes he carries his goods in hands and sometimes in a
small handicraft. Usually he buys his goods (d) ___ a cheaper rate and sells them (e) ___ a
good profit. He brings goods for woman and children. He sells them (f) ___ fixed price. He
sells things of domestic chores (g) ___ woman. He speaks (h) ___ a different way to draw
the attention of his customers. He does not come when the house masters are (i) ___ home.
He knocks when women are free (j) ___ their household duties.

The ship sailed out (a) ___ the icy waters (b) ___ another sea. Day after day the sailors
stayed (c) ___ that silent sea. It was like a painted ship (d) ___ a painted ocean. There was
no cloud in the sky to guard them (e) the burning sun. The other sailors were very angry (f)
___ the old man. They blamed him (g) ___ their sufferings. So they hung the dead albatross
(h) ___ his neck. They were filled (i) ___ fear and there was not a breath (j) ___ wind.

SSC English – Articles 34

An honest man is true (a) ___ his words. He doesn't deviate (b) ___ the path of honesty. He
knows that true happiness consists (c) ___ honesty. So he does not fall victim (d) ___ greed.
He does not hanker (e) ___ money. An honest man abstains himself (f) ___ corruption. He
knows that dishonesty is detrimental (g) ___ all. He does not keep (h) ___ with corrupt
people. He does not long (i) ___ wealth. An honest man will be rewarded (j) ___ the long

Self-control is the root (a) ___ all virtues. Let a man give reign (b) impulses and passion, and
from that moment yield (c) ___ his moral freedom. (d) ___ the very moment, he loses the
freedom (e) ___ morality. He becomes the slave (f) ___ his desire. (g) ___ the time being. To
be more than an animal, a man must resist impulses and this can be done (h) ___ the
practice of self-control and the practice of this noble virtue gives one the control (i) ___ his
beasty nature (j) ___ make them a perfect man.

Pria is proud (a) ___ her wealth. But none should take pride (b) ___ her wealth. Pride results
(c) ___ ruin. Those who have prided themselves (d) ___ their wealth have been subjected (e)
___ humiliation. A proud person has to repent (f) ___ his pride or he has (g) ___ atone (h)
___ his pride. A proud more should apologize (i) ___ his pride. He is not acceptable (j) ___

SSC English – Articles 35


1) 2)
a) on; a) of;
b) from; b) of;
c) as; c) of;
d) in; d) on;
e) of; e) from;
f) for; f) above;
g) from/of; g) from;
h) on; h) through;
i) in; i) into;
j) for. j) by.

3) 4)
a) of; a) in;
b) in; b) of;
c) for; c) in;
d) for; d) on;
e) of; e) of;
f) for; f) of;
g) in; g) to;
h) of; h) in;
i) of;
i) in; j) of/to.

j) for/against.
5) 6)
a) in; a) through;
b) from; b) into;
c) on; c) In;
d) at; d) upon;
e) for; e) under;
f) at; f) with;
g) to; g) for;
h) in; h) round;
i) at; i) with;
j) from. j) of.

SSC English – Articles 36

7) 8)
a) to; a) of;
b) from; b) over;
c) in; c) to;
d) to; d) from;
e) after; e) of;
f) from; f) to;
g) to; g) for ;
h) up; h) by;
i) for; i) over;
j) in. j) to.

a) of;
b) in;
c) in;
d) on;
e) to;
f) for;
g) to;
h) for;
i) for;
j) to.

SSC English – Articles 37

More exercise on preposition

Put suitable preposition in the blanks.

1.The Eiffel Tower was named (a)………. Gustave

Eiffel. He was born (b)………. a prosperous family in
1832. He graduated (c)………. the central school
of engineering (d)………. Paris and went to work
(e)………. a railway construction company11

2.Every one desires (a)………. wealth. But a few

attain it. Some people hanker (b)……….
riches. Some are content (c)………. what they
have. True happiness lies (d)………. contentment.
It is high time we gave (e)………. the habit of

3.I left Gazipur (a)………. Dhaka by bus at 12

o'clock (b)………. a hot summer day. The sun
was high (c)………. the sky and the road was
crowded (d)………. cars, buses and lorries.
Everybody seemed to drive in the middle of
the road (e)………. a high speed, and to have
no fear of any danger.

SSC English – Articles 38

4.In a society all men are not equally well off;
some are wealthy and on the contrary, some
are poor and needy. This is because (a)……….
unequal distribution of national wealth. Many
are deprived (b)………. the basic needs of life.
They must be provided (c)………. their dues.
The rich always draw a line of contrast
(d)………. themselves and the poor. They look
down (e)………. the poor.

5.Mr. Abdullah was very popular (a)………. his

students. The students had easy access
(b)………. his room. Whenever the students
entered (c)………. his room, they found him
absorbed (d)………. study. He was proficient
(e)………. English.

SSC English – Articles 39

6.Noise is different (a)………. sound. It is harmful
(b)………. our health. If somebody
exposes (c)………. noise exceeding 70 decibel,
he/she is likely to suffer (d)………. hearing
problem. This problem is acute (e)………. big

7.A good student is never indifferent (a)………. his

studies. He always adheres (b)………. his
studies. He does not learn things (c)………. rote.
He does not hunt (d)………. traditional guide
books. Moreover, he has great thirst (e)……….

8.Sultan is a fisherman. He lives (a)……… fishing.

He along with his fellow fishermen lives
(b)………. the bank of the Padma. He and his co-
fishermen go fishing in the deep river (c)……….
night. It is very risky to catch fish at a stormy night.
So they carry radio (d)………. them to listen to
weather forecast. Yet their families remain
anxious (e)………. them while they are in the
deep river at night on fishing.

SSC English – Articles 40

9.Novels and works of fiction are highly
interesting. They stir (a)………. our feelings,
imagination and emotions. They wonderfully
appeal (b)………. the youthful sentiments, while
we go (c)………. them, they keep us spell bound.
Some novels are so handful that in reading them
we roam, as it were in dreamlands. Novel reading
is productive (d)………. immense good. They
enable us to become familiar (e)………. the
language in which they are written.

10.(a)………. her all her sincerity the nurse was

attending (b)………. the patient but she knew
that her effort (c)………. keeping the patient alive
might end (d)………. smoke. The doctors of
the board were shocked (e)………. the pitiable
condition of the dying patient.

SSC English – Articles 41

11.Many tourists need a hotel which is
comfortable to stay (a)………. Hotels need boys
and girls who are quick (b)………. learning. Some
learn to cook. Others are needed (c)………. the
front desk in the hall. These people welcome
tourists. They are helpful (d)………. the heavy
bags and packets. One job is that (e)………. a

12.A good student is fond (a)………. books. He

adheres (b)………. his studies. He always tries to
cut a brilliant figure (c)………. the examination.
He never deviates (d)………. his duties.
because success depends (e)………. hard work.

SSC English – Articles 42

13.Mr. Rahman is a director in a project. He
believes (a)………. sincerity and punctuality. He is
strict (b)………. his subordinates. He wants
everyone to abide (c)………. the rules and
relations of the project, but he pays full attention
(d)………. their welfare. He offers them thanks if
he is satisfied (e)………. their job.

14.Man is the noblest creation (a)………. the

Almighty Allah who has sent us (b)………. this
lovely globe for discharging our duties. We ought
to try our level best (c)………. the betterment
and development (d)………. humanity. We must
be loyal to the Creator and abide (e)……….
His commandment.

15.Man has unquenchable thirst (a)……….

knowledge. He is never satisfied (b)………. what
he has known and seen. The curiosity to know
more coupled (c)………. the indomitable spirit
of adventure has inspired him to undertake and
carry (d)………. dangerous tasks. It is
eventually resulted (e)………. epoch making

SSC English – Articles 43


1.(a) after (b) in (c) from (d) in (e) for

2.(a) for (b) after (c) with (d) in (e) up

3.(a) for (b) on (c) in (d) with (e) at

4.(a) of (b) of (c) with (d) between (e) upon

5.(a) with (b) to (c) into (d) in (e) in

6. a) from (b) for (c) to (d) from (e) in

7.a) to (b) to (c) by (d) for (e) for

8.a) by (b) on (c) at (d) with (e) about
9.a) up (b) to (c) through (d) with (e) with

10.a) With (b) upon (c) for (d) in (e) at

11.a) in (b) in (c) for (d) for (e) of

SSC English – Articles 44

12.a) of (b) to (c) in (d) from (e) on

13.(a) in (b) with (c) by (d) to (e) with

14.(a) of (b) to (c) for (d) of (e) by

15.(a) for (b) with (c) with (d) out (e) in

SSC English – Articles 45


SSC English – Articles 46

1. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)
where an article is not needed.

(a).......... present age is marked not only by

(b).......... Importance of (c)………. family as
(d)………. economic and welfare institution but
also by its (e)……….. increasing importance as an
arrangement for socialising and raising children
and for (f)………. psychological support of adults.
In (g)………. pre-industrial (h)………. feudal society
both husbands and wives worked outside the
home but in (i)………. industrial period, women
were separated from out of homework. They
engaged in doing indoor activities. Men became
(j)………. wage-earners.

SSC English – Articles 47

2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)
where an article is not needed.

Dowry means property or money brought by a

bride to her (a)………. Husband. During marriage
ceremony (b)………. Section of greedy people
claim much wealth or money from (c)……….
Guardians of the brides. (d)………. Poor illiterate
girls become (e)………. Victims of dowry. If
(f)………. Guardians fail to fulfill (g)……….
Demand of (h)………. Bridegroom, the brides are
maltreated. So the poor cannot think of marriage
of their daughters. It is (i)………. Social curse. This
curse can be eliminated by changing the outlook
of the people specially the male (j)……….

SSC English – Articles 48

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)
where an article is not needed.

The population of a country is (a)………. asset, but

it becomes (b)………. Problem when the country
cannot afford to her people (c)………. basic
needs of life. Bangladesh is (d)………. country
having (e) .......... area of about 1.44,000 square
kilometers. So Bangladesh is (f)………. densely
populated country. Still her population is
increasing in (g)………. alarming rate. The present
growth rate of (h)………. population in (i)……….
Bangladesh is 21.6 per 1000 people. It is obviously
(j)………. very high rate.

4. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)

where an article is not needed.

SSC English – Articles 49

If someone wants to be (a)………. good teacher,
he must have the qualities of (b)………. actor. He
must have (c)………. clear voice so that he can
draw (d)………. attention of his audience and
make (e)………. meaning of his speech clear to
them. (f)………. Expert teacher uses his arms,
hands and fingers to express his feelings so that
(g)………. students can understand his lectures. In
(h)………. fact, a good teacher shares (i)……….
qualities of (j)………. good actor.

5. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)

where an article is not needed.

Jack-fruit which in Bangla known as Kanthal is

(a)………. national fruit of (b)………. Bangladesh. It
is (c)……….. largest of all fruits in Bangladesh and
it is abundantly grown in all (d)………. Parts of
(e)………. country. It is (f)………. seasonal fruit
which usually ripens during (g)………. Summer.
(h)………. fruit has (i)………. Pickly skin outside but
its (j)………. Tasty flakes are arranged inside.
SSC English – Articles 50
6. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)
where an article is not needed.

Muhammad Yunus was born in (a)……….

Chattogram, (b)………. business centre of Eastern
Bangladesh. He was (c)………. third of 14 children
of his parents. He was awarded (d)………. full
bright scholarship and received his (e)………. Ph.
D. from (f)………. USA. He was (g)………. founder
and Managing Director of (h)………. Grameen
bank. In 1997 he organised (i)………. world's first
Micro Credit Summit in (j)………. Washington DC.

SSC English – Articles 51

7. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)
where an article is not needed.

Since the creation of earth, there is (a)……….

strange relationship between man and animals. In
(b).......... recent newspaper article, we read
about (c)………. Australian swimmer who was
saved from (d)………. shark. When (d)………. shark
attacked the swimmer (e)………. group of
dolphins dolphins chased (f)………. shark away
away. They saved (g)………. swimmer's life. It is
believed the dolphins that are free in (j)……….
nature live around 40 years.

8. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)

where an article is not needed.

SSC English – Articles 52

Bangladesh is (a)………. land of rivers. It got
freedom in (b)………. 1971 through a liberation
war. It is located in South Asia. (c)………. Dhaka is
the Capital of Bangladesh. Dhaka is also known
as (d)………. city of mosques. About 16 crore
people live here. Most of them are poor and
illiterate. They earn their livelihood by agriculture.
But educated and skilled people work in offices
and factories. Our main food is (e)………. rice and
fish. It is a country of beauty. Its flora and fauna
attract (f)………. eyes. Bangladesh has eight
administrative divisions and 64 districts. It is, in fact,
(g)………. large village. (h)………. people of
Bangladesh are very hospitable. There are many
beautiful things here that attract (i)……….
travellers and tourists. The people of Bangladesh
like to live (j)…… conservative life.

SSC English – Articles 53

9. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)
where an article is not needed.

Once (a)………. poet named (b)……….

Wordsworth was wandering when he suddenly
saw a great number of (c)………. daffodils besides
the lake. Stretching along (d)………. shore of
(e)………. bay, they looked as in numerous as
(f)………. stars in (g)………. Milky way. (h)……….
daffodils were fluttering and dancing so gaily in
(i)………. breeze that even (j)………. dancing
waves glittering in the sunshine seemed to pale in

10.Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)

where an article is not needed.

SSC English – Articles 54

Everybody knows that sincerity is (a)………. key to
success. (b)………. person can prosper in life by
doing hard work. The man who does not follow
(c)………. rules of sincerity can never go (d)……….
long way in (e)………. world. Many (f)………. man
is not conscious of (g)………. importance of
(h)………. sincerity for which they don't have
(i)………. benefit of (j)………. success. However,
we should be sincere to our work.

11.Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)

where an article is not needed.

SSC English – Articles 55

A book fair is (a)………. attractive fair where
different types of books are displayed. Nowadays
it has become very popular. (b)………. two books
fair held in our country are (c)………. Ekushey Boi
Mela and the Dhaka Boi Mela. (d)………. other
small scale book fairs are also held on (e)……….
some other occasions including (f)………. Pahela
Baishakh. I was very lucky to visit the Dhaka Boi
Mela this year. When I entered (g)………. main
gate of the fair. I found (h)………. different
environment. It was clear to me that (i)……….
book fair is a world in itself and it is different from
(j)………. other fairs.

12.Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)

where an article is not needed.

SSC English – Articles 56

(a)………. blood bank is (b)………. place where
blood is stored for future use in (c)………. hospitals.
It similar to (d)………. money bank where people
deposit money and draw it when (e)………..
necessary. But in (f)………. blood bank (g)……….
blood is not deposited in (h)………. individual
names. Mostly blood is donated voluntarily and
those who donate blood are inspired by (i)……….
noble spirit of (j)………. charity and fellow feeling.

13.Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)

where an article is not needed.

(a)………. leader of (b)………. robbers became

astonished. He said to (c)………. Boy. "My boy
why did you not tell (d)………. lie?" (e)………. boy
said, "How can I tell (f)………. lie? When I left
home, my mother, forbade me to tell (g)……….
lie. So I am speaking (h)………. truth." Hearing this
(i)………. leader became astonished and gave
up (j) ---- robbery.

SSC English – Articles 57

14.Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x)
where an article is not needed.

(a)………. Sangsad Bhaban of Bangladesh is

situated at Sher-E-Bangla Nagar. It is (b)……….
wonder of modern architecture and technology.
It is one of (c)………. largest buildings in (d)……….
world. It was designed by (e)………. famous
architect Louis I Kahn. He was (f)………. American.
The building is surrounded by (g)………. artificial
Lake. It is called (h)………. Crescent lake. The
main section is hidden behind (i)………. strong
outer (j)………. covering.

SSC English – Articles 58

1. (a) The (b) the (c) the (d) an (e) x (f) the (g)
the (h) x (i) the (j) the
2. (a) x (b) a (c) the (d) The (e) the (f) the (g) the
(h) the (i) a (j) x
3. (a) an (b) a (c) the (d) a (e) an (f) a (g) an (h)
the (i) x (j) a
4. (a) a (b) an (c) a (d) the (e) the (f) An (g) the
(h) x (i) the (j) a
5. (a) a (b) x (c) the (d) x (e) the (f) a (g) the (h)
The (i) a (j) x
6. (a) x (b) the (c) the (d) a (e) x (f) the (g) the (h)
x (i) the (j) x
7. (a) a (b) a (c) an (d) a (e) the (f) a (g) the (h)
the (i) the (j) the
8. (a) a (b) x (c) x (d) the/a (e) x (f) the (g) a (h)
The (i) the (j) a
9. (a) a (b) x (c) x (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) the (h)
x (i) the (j) the
10. (a) the (b) A (c) the (d) a (e) the (f) a (g) the
(h) x (i) the (j) x
SSC English – Articles 59

11. (a) an (b) The (c) the (d) The (e) x (f) the (g)
the (h) a (i) a (j) x

12. (a) A (b) a (c) the (d) a (e) x (f) a (g) x (h) x (i)
a (j) x

13. (a) The (b) the (c) the (d) a (e) The (f) a (g) a
(h) the (i) the (j) x

14. (a) The (b) a (c) the (d) the (e) a (1) an (g) an
(h) the (j) a (j) x

SSC English – Articles 60

Cloze Test with Clues

SSC English – Articles 61

Board Questions-2020
Dhaka Board
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the
box. You may need to change the forms of
some words. You may need to use one word
more than once :

in the from an learning

dark often midst That worthy

An ideal teacher is (a)______compared with

(b)_____ architect. He is called (c)______
architect of a nation. He is the light of
(d)______ and makes the illiterate people
(e)______ citizens of our country. But it is a
matter of regret (f)______ the teachers are
not held (g)______ due respect in our society.
They lead a humble life in the (h)______ of
want. Still they keep the light of education
burning in order to remove the (i)______ of
illiteracy and superstitions (j)______ the
SSC English – Articles 62
Board Questions-2020
Cumilla Board
2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the
box. You may need to change the forms of
some words. You may need to use one word
more than once :

dull the success both victory

If we them keen easily

Without effort there can be no (a) in life. Life

loses its interest (b) there is no struggle.
Games become (c) if there is no competition
in (d) and if the result can be (e) foreseen.
No matter we win (f) game or lose it. the (g)
the contest, the greater the interest. A (h) is
not a real triumph unless (i) the sides are
equally strong. Whether (j) like it or not, life is
a continuous competitive examination.

SSC English – Articles 63

Board Questions-2020
Rajshahi Board
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given
in the box below. of words and you can use
one word more than once:

develo to fear conscio both

p us
for punish be - -

Nowadays, parents are very (a)------- of the

harmful effect of (b)--------- on children.
psychologists think that (c)-------- physical and
mental punishment ------- can be disastrous
(d)------- a child's growth and (e)--------, It may
lead to (f)--------- and hatred of the parson
who (g)---------- the child. Again, if a child (h) -
-------- punished, he may lack initiative. He
may also feel hostile (i)--------- others. So, rude
behavior gradually (j)--------- in him.

SSC English – Articles 64

Board Questions-2020
Jashore Board
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given
in the box below. of words and you can use
one word more than once:

in dark the from an

learnin often our that worthy

A teacher is (a)-------- compared with (b)-------

- architect. He is called (c)------- architect of
a nation. He is the light of (d)--------- and
makes the illiterate people (e)--------- citizens
of our country. But it is a matter of regret (f)---
----- the teachers are not held (g)----------- due
respect in (h) -------- society. They lead a
humble life in the midst of want. Still they
keep the light of education burning in order
to remove the (i)-------- of illiteracy and
superstitions (j)------- the society.

SSC English – Articles 65

Board Questions-2020
Sylhet Board
5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given
in the box below. of words and you can use
one word more than once:
about betwee of basic on
educat almost right will light
Education removes our ignorance and gives
us the (a)--------- of knowledge. In respect (b)-
------- imparting education. There should be
(c)--------- discrimination (d)--------- man and
woman. Education is one of the (e)----------
human rights. If we deprive woman (f)---------
of education (g)---------- half of our
population (h)---------- remain in darkness. No
development can be brought (i)-----------
participation of woman. So, the government
is doing everything to (j)------------ the woman
SSC English – Articles 66
Board Questions-2020
Chattogram Board
6. Fill in the blanks with the words from the
box. You may need to change the forms of
the words. You may need to use one word
more than once:

think positve arise hinder normal

avoid mainly hampe cause prosper
r ity

Student politics (a)------- the normal progress

of a student. It brings (b)--------- to a few but
(c)--------- harm to many. Because of student
politics (d)--------- administration of a college
or university is (e)---------. As a result, there (f)---
---- session jam. For this problem of the
campus student politics is (g)--------
responsible. So, we should (h)--------- about
the necessity of student politics. Either we
should (i)-------- student politics or we should
bring about a (j)--------- change in this sector.

SSC English – Articles 67

Board Questions-2020
Dinajpur Board
7. Fill in the blanks with the words from the
box. You may need to change the forms of
the words. You may need to use one word
more than once:
more with comple contac about
te t
influenc a of for which
Tarvelling has a great (a)------- on our mind.
The human mind always craves (b)---------
change. There is none who dose not feel (c)--
------- harm to many. Because of student
politics (d)--------- administration of a college
or university is (e)---------. As a result, there (f)----
--- session jam. For this problem of the campus
student politics is (g)-------- responsible. So, we
should (h)--------- about the necessity of
student politics. Either we should (i)--------
student politics or we should bring about a (j)-
-------- change in this sector.
SSC English – Articles 68
Board Questions-2020
Mymensingh Board
8. Fill in the blanks with the words from the
box. You may need to change the forms of
the words. You may need to use one word
more than once:

rests nation culture the walks

through history traditio some number
out n

Festivals have always been integral parts of

our tradition and culture. We have a
(a)________ of festivals which we celebrate
(b)______ the year. Some of our (c)______
festivals are related to our (d)______ of
Independence and Language Movement,
(e)_______ related to our religions and the
(f)________ are related to our art and
(g)______ Whatever may be (h) occasion,
people from all (i)_______ of the society take
part in these festivals spontaneously. We
should continue the (j) of our festivals.
SSC English – Articles 69
Board Questions-2019
Dhaka Board
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the
box. You may need to change the forms of
some words. You may need to use one word
more than once :
Indiscrim for an sustain anticipa
inate te
disaster the to erosion imperati

It is (a)_______that the new century is now facing

various challenges specially environmental
(b)______Feeding the ever growing population is
(c)______first and foremost challenge for
Bangladesh. It is very difficult to (d)______the
current level of agricultural production. Because
our agricultural land is being reduced due
(e)_______human habitat, industrialisation, river
(f)________etc. Besides, we are losing our forests
gradually. Trees are being cut down (g) resulting
in (h) increase of pollution. So, it is (i) to check the
reckless alarming anticipate imperative condition
(j)_______ our own existence.
SSC English – Articles 70
Board Questions-2019
Cumilla Board
2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the
box. You may need to change the forms of
some words. You may need to use one word
more than once :
a hinder in develop with
joint of boon eradicat lag

Bangladesh is beset (a)______ many problems.

Illiteracy is one of them. It is not a (b)______ to us. It
is undoubtedly (c)______ curse. It (d)_______ all
kinds of developments of a country. It also causes
many other problems (e)_______ our society. As
most of our people are not conscious (f)______ the
importance of education, we cannot take proper
step to (g)______ illiteracy. As a result we are
(h)______ behind. We have to depend on the
foreign aids. All of us should come forward
(i)_______ to remove illiteracy from the society.
Then the (j)______ of the country will be possible.

SSC English – Articles 71

Board Questions-2019
Rajshahi Board
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given
in the box below. of words and you can use
one word more than once:
danger recentl victim accuse fault
y d
that by the aware strict
Road accidents have (a)______ become a
regular phenomenon in our country. As a
result of the accidents, many persons fall
(b)_____ to untimely death. It is reported
(c)______most of the accidents occur for
(d)_______ violation of traffic rules.
(e)________ unskilled drivers and unconscious
passers-by. Many unlicensed and (f)______
vehicles also (g) _______ the passengers and
the passers-by. So, in order to save us from
the accidents the government is trying to
create (h)_______ among the people and
has passed (i)_______ laws against the
SSC English – Articles 72
Board Questions-2019

SSC English – Articles 73

Board Questions-2019
Sylhet Board
5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given
in the box below. of words and you can use
one word more than once:

of the For At Which

Adulter Hardly Or into -

The issue of food (a)______ has drawn the

attention (b)____ general people. We
(c)_____ find any food in our country (d)_____
is not adulterated in one way (e)_____other.
(f)______ present, sub-standard foods are
sold in most of (g)_____ hotels. Very recently
government has directed a mobile court to
look (h)_______ the matter of food. They are
catching dishonest hoteliers red handed
(i)_______ using unhygienic ingredients
(j)_______ are really harmful for human body.

SSC English – Articles 74

Board Questions-2019
Barishal Board
6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given
in the box below. of words and you can use
one word more than once:

charm mangr the beauty sight

longest bewitic wild rising within
The sea-beach of Cox's Bazar is a (a)_____
gift of nature. The blue water of the sea and
its (b)______ waves are always a pleasant
(c)______ which cools our mind (d)______a
moment. It is the (e)_______ sea-beach in the
world. (f)_____ Saint Martin island is also a gift
of nature in the Bay of Bengal. The beauty of
the island is simply (g)______ The Sundarbans,
the largest (h)______ forest of the world is
another beautiful gift of nature. Its (i)_______
life and mysterious setting make it more
SSC English – Articles 75
Board Questions-2019
Chattogram Board
7. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given
in the box below. of words and you can use
one word more than once:

forces water objects full importa

clothes on the made current

The world is (a)______ of uncountable natural

and man (b)_______ objects. Natural
(c)_____are stones, trees, air and
(d)_____Man-made objects are houses, cars.
(e)_____ and chemicals. Natural (f)_____are
cyclones, earthquakes, volcanoes, storms
and ocean (g)______ Life exists (h)____
different conditions. It is very (i)_____to
keep(j)______environment clean.

SSC English – Articles 76

Board Questions-2019
Dinajpur Board
8. Fill in the blanks with the words from the
box. You may need to change the forms of
the words. You may need to use one word
more than once:
miracle thirst Network of within
advanc short connect with small

Internet is the latest discovery of science. It is the

greatest (a)____ in this field. It is a computerised
process (b)______ a telephone set. To get internet
(c)______ It requires a modem, telephone line and
a different sorts of software for using the (d)______
system. Nowadays, an internet is (e)_____ great
use to us. It has made the world (f)_____ and
brought the world (g)______ our reach. We can
get any information in a very (h)______ time. It has
not only widened our knowledge but also made
us (i)_____ for the unknown. It's a (j)_____ like
Aladin's magic lamp.

SSC English – Articles 77

Extra Exam preprations Questions
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
You may need to change the forms of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once:
that conutry the within
store such marvel wide
The computer is one of the (a)_____ of modern
selence. Its origin may be traced to the
mechanical calculating machine (b)_____ was
invented by Charles Babbage an Engdish
mathematician, in 1834. The machine could not
fully realize the purpose (c)_____ Babbage had in
mind, because of the inadequate engineering
skill of (d)_____ time. Today's computers are
electronic. With the help of (e)______ information
and data, a computer can do calculations of
very large figures(f)_______ in a very short time.
Within seconds a can add, subtract, multiply and
divide very large figures. (g)_____ calculations
would take even an expert mathematician a
much longer time to complete. Today computers
are used (h)_______ in all advanced (i)______ in
data processing which means compilation,
correlation and selection of facts. In all fields of
research and industry and business the use of
computers is constantly on (j)_____ rise.
SSC English – Articles 78
Extra Exam preprations Questions
2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
You may need to change the forms of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once:
near face hand to affect
educate centre bottom reside -
It we give our children the opportunity to good
education: we are (a)____ them the key to the
success and the success of the nation as well.
(b)______ 70 Million children across the globe
didn't get the opportunity to go to school, out of
which 32 Million are (c)______ in African countries
alone. Some of the worst (d)____ are the African
nations like Chad, Central African Republic, Niger,
Guinea, Mall, Sudan and Liberia. South (e)_____
Asian country Afghanistan also gains a rank in the
worst top ten when it comes (f)____ child
education. These countries have made little or
insufficient efforts to improve the condition of
child (g)_____ in past decades, which is the
reason why they are still (h)_____poverty, over
population and a damaged economy and are
ranked at the (i)_____ of Human Development
Index. Moreover, a girl child in the
underdeveloped or developing country is less
likely (j)______ attend the school than a boy.
SSC English – Articles 79
Dhaka Board -2020
1. (a) often (f) that

(b) an (g) in

(c) the (h) midst

(d) learning (i) darkness

(e) worthy (j) from

Cumilla Board -2020

2. (a) success (f) the

(b) if (g) keener

(c) dull (h) victory

(d) them (i) both

(e) easily (j) we

SSC English – Articles 80
Rajshahi Board -2020
3. (a) conscious (f) fear

(b) punishment (g) punishes

(c) both (h) is

(d) for (i) to

(e) development (j) develops

Jashore Board -2020


SSC English – Articles 81

Sylhet Board -2020
5. (a) ligth (f) right

(b) of (g) almost

(c) on (h) will

(d) between (i) about

(e) basic (j) educate

Chattogram Board -2020
6. (a) hinders (f) arises

(b) prosperity (g) mainly

(c) causes (h) think

(d) normal (i) avoid

(e) hampered (j) positive

SSC English – Articles 82
Dinajpur Board -2020
7. (a) influence (f) with

(b) For (g) about

(c) a (h) which

(d) Of (i) more

(e) contact (j) completely

Mymensingh Board -2020
8. (a) number (f) rests

(b) throughout (g) culture

(c) nation (h) the

(d) history (i) walks

(e) some (j) tradition

SSC English – Articles 83
Dhaka Board -2019
1. (a) anticipated (f) erosion

(b) disasters (g) Indiscriminately

(c) the (h) an

(d) sustain (i) imperative

(e) To (j) for

Cumilla Board -2019


2. (a) with (f) in

(b) boon (g) of

(c) a (h) lagging

(d) in (i) jointly

(e) hinders (j) development

SSC English – Articles 84
Rajshahi Board -2019
3. (a) recently (f) faulty

(b) victim (g) endanger

(c) that (h) awareness

(d) the (i) strict

(e) by (j) accused

Jashore Board -2019

4. (a) the (f) a

(b) treatment (g) sick

(c) of (h) the

(d) generally (i) by

(e) and (j) to

SSC English – Articles 85
Sylhet Board -2019
5. (a) adulteration (f) at

(b) of (g) the

(c) hardly (h) into

(d) which (i) for

(e) or (j) which

Barishal Board -2019
6. (a) beautiful (f) the

(b) rising (g) bewitching

(c) sight (h) mangrove

(d) within (i) wild

(e) longest (j) charming

SSC English – Articles 86
Chattogram Board -2019
7. (a) full (f) forces

(b) made (g) currents

(c) objects (h) on

(d) water (i) important

(e) clothes (j) the

Dinajpur Board -2019

8. (a) advancement (f) smaller

(b) with (g) within

(c) corection (h) short

(d) network (i) thirsty

(e) Of (j) miracle

SSC English – Articles 87
Extra Exam preprations Questions
1. (a) marvels (f) within

(b) that (g) such

(c) that (h) widely

(d) the (i) countries

(e) stored (j) the

Extra Exam preprations Questions
2. (a) handing (f) to

(b) nearly (g) education

(c) residing (h) facing

(d) affected (i) bottom

(e) central (j) to

SSC English – Articles 88
Cloze Test without Clues

SSC English – Articles 89

Board Questions-2020
Dhaka Board

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Modern civilization is the (a)______ of

science. Science has worked (b)______
magician in the world. We can't do even a
(c)______ day without the help of science.
Many quick means (d)______ communication
like telephone, telex, fax, telegram, satellite
etc. are (e)______ greatest wonders of
science. Nowadays a message can be sent
from one corner of the world to another in
the twinkle of (f)______ eye. Science has
brought a revolutionary (g)______ in all fields.
In the field of medical science (h)______ has
got eyes, lame has got legs, deaf has got
hearing power. (i)______ diseases which were
incurable in the past are now easily (j)______

SSC English – Articles

Board Questions-2020
Cumilla Board

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Education is one of the basic (a)_____ of a

human being and is (b) _____ for every kind
of development. It (c)_____ us to make right
choices in (d)______It enhances our ability to
raise (e)_______, store food, protect the
environment and (f)_______out our social
responsibilities. It provides (g)______ with an
enlightened awareness about things.
(h)______ education has to be defined. It
(i)_______ not merely getting degrees from
schools. (j)_____ and universities. It is
something more lasting more humane.

SSC English – Articles

Board Questions-2020
Rajshahi Board

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Diligence means an (a)______ to perform a

work successfully. God has given us two
hands to (b)______. From the (c)_______ of
the world, human beings have been
(d)______ with nature to keep hold of their
(e)______ If they did not struggle, they might
have (f)_______ long ago. Thus we see that
diligence is (g)______ in our personal, social
and national life. The student who is (h)______
diligent, makes a better result (i)_______ those
who are not. So, to be (j)______ everybody
should be diligent.

SSC English – Articles

Board Questions-2020
Jashore Board
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

People are fond of travelling. So, travelling

has been popular with man from the
(a)______ immemorial. It is the romance of
seeing the (b)______, knowing the unknown
and unveiling the shrouds (c)______ mystery.
A man hardly knows his (d)______ land
completely until he has gone out of it to
(e)_____ other countries. Only a rational
comparison of our country (f)_____ other
countries can vividly specify the true nature
(g)_______ merits. and demerits of our own
motherland. An awareness of our defects
inspires us to (h)_______ hard and improve
(i)_______ unhappy condition of our dear
(j)_____ place.

SSC English – Articles

Board Questions-2020
Sylhet Board

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Adopting unfairmeans in the examination is

(a)______ offence. It degrades (b)_______
standard of education. If the students of
(c)________ country do not acquire (d)_______
education, there will be no development for
(e) ______ country. (f) ________ examinee
should study seriously so that he can cut
(g)______ good figure in the examination. To
acquire true education should be (h)______
only aim in the lives of all students.(i)______
educated man cannot support adopting (j)
_______ unfairmeans in the examination at all.

SSC English – Articles

Board Questions-2020
Chattogram Board

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Patriotism is an (a)______ quality of human

being. It creates in a man a feeling of love
for his motherland. It is older than (b)______ .
The man who loves his own country, does his
first and (c)_____ duties and works for the
(d)______ and (e)______ of his country, is a
patriot. Even the ancient tribes had a great
love for the land where they were born and
sacrificed their lives to (f)_______ it. If he does
it and (g)____ his duties honestly and
sincerely in his own fields, he can be a
patriot. If he does not do so. he will be a
(h)______ We must not have bitterness
towards anyone. But (i)_______ patriotism is
very bad. All should (j)______ off it from their

SSC English – Articles

Board Questions-2020
Dinajpur Board

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

December 16, our victory day, is a (a)______

event in our national history. The day is the
perpetual source of our (b)_____ and energy.
The day reminds us of (c)_____ supreme
sacrifices of our sons (d)______ the noble
cause and also (e)______ us to sacrifice
ourselves for our beloved country. The day is
a clear (f)_______ for the oppressors that
people's right can never be (g)______ for
long and that oppressors will always be
(h)______ because there is nothing more
(i)______ than people's will for freedom. It
gives us the message that "Man can be
(j)_____, but can never be defeated."

SSC English – Articles

Board Questions-2020
Mymensingh Board
9. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Nowadays a good number of farmers are

getting benefits (a)_______ the organic
cultivation of vegetables. Vermicompost,
(b)_____ organic fertilizer made mainly
(c)______ cowdung and earthworm is used
by the farmers. As the farmers did not use
(d)______ . chemical fertilizer or pesticides on
their vegetable beds, the (e)_____ cost has
come down. It takes (f)_____ fifty thousand
taka to prepare an acre of (g)_____ and the
harvest starts within forty-five days (h)_____
planting. Due to good yield of the crop,
some temporary warehouses have been
made in (i)____ area. So proper (j)____ of
organic fertilizer can change the scenario of
our agricultural sector

SSC English – Articles

Board Questions-2019
Dhaka Board

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Once a farmer had great desire (a)_____

land. One day (b)_____ to the landlord, he
wanted some land (c)_____ he might live in
comfort. The landlord was very wise. So he
told him to have as much land as he could
cover by running (d)______ sun-set. The
farmer became very pleased (e)______ that.
Next morning he started running as (f)______
as he could to cover more area. He ran till
evening and the sun was (g)_____ to set. He
ran with his last strength but became very
tired and fell (h)______ dead. He was
(i)______ there. Then the wiseman remarked
a man needs just as much land as will be
enough (j)______ his grave.

SSC English – Articles 98

Board Questions-2019
Cumilla Board
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Reading textbook is essential (a)______ all the

students. A student cannot expect
(b)_______ make a good result until he or she
reads text books. In the text books all the
topics are designed as per students' grade
that ensures (c)_____ complete sense. In
case (d)____ not reading those texts a
student will miss (e)_____ needed for him or
her. Moreover, text books are (f)_____ and
edited by highly experienced educationists.
Some students ignore (g)_____ read text
book rather they prefer guide books. But
merely (h)_____ guide books keeps the
students ignoble of the subject-matter as
they are written focusing on exam result
(i)_____ a text book covers all the details for
holistic flourishment (j)______ a student.

SSC English – Articles 99

Board Questions-2019
Rajshahi Board

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Housing is one of the greatest (a)_____ in our

country. Thousands of people in big (b)_____
like Dhaka and Chattogram (c) ______ in the
footpaths. In rural (d)_____ there is also an
acute (e)______ of housing. The cost of
construction is (f)______ day by day. At
present it is very (g)______ for the (h)_______
people to (i)____ the cost of construction. So,
this problem (j)____ to be solved soon.

SSC English – Articles 100

Board Questions-2019
Jashore Board

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Language plays a very important (a)______ in

the life of human beings. We use language
from the (b)_____ we wake up in the morning
(c)_____ we go to bed at night. We use
(d)______ for different purposes.we use
language to (e) ______ our ideas, thoughts
and feelings, to (f)______ our message or to
pass (g)_____ information to others. In short,
language is (h)_____ present in our activities.
It is (i)______ inseparable part of (j)______ we
are, what we do and believe.

SSC English – Articles 101

Board Questions-2019
Sylhet Board

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

A true friend is (a)______ asset. He stands

(b)______ his friends in time (c)______ danger.
He is not (d)______ greedy person. He
(e)______ wishes for the welfare of (f)_____
friend. But it is a matter (g)_____ regret that a
true friend is very (h)______ today. A selfish
man cannot be a (i)______ friend. He always
thinks of his (j)_____ interest.

SSC English – Articles 102

Board Questions-2019
Barishal Board
6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Nowadays, the young farmers of our country

are showing interest to (a)______ foreign
vegetables. They with their innovative power.
Have added new dimensions (b)______
country's agricultural sector. Karim Ullah is
such a (c)______. Five years ago, he started
his farm with a (d)_______ and challenge.
Now he owns a (e)______ farm where he
cultivates curry leaves, lemon grass, broccoli
and other (f)_____ vegetables. The
cultivation of foreign crops (g)______ our
country is very inspiring for both (h)_______
farmers and the customers as it brings
diversity in our regular (i)_____ and nutrition. It
is also possible to (j)______ vegetables by
ensuring quality production and packaging.

SSC English – Articles

Board Questions-2019
Chattogram Board

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Road accident is (a)_______ regular

phenomenon in Bangladesh. Many people
die (b)_____ road accidents every year. So it
is considered a (c)_______. Road accidents
occur for (d)_______ reasons. Many factors
are (e)_______ for road accidents. The most
common cause is (f)______ driving.
Sometimes they drive night coach (g)______
on the same day. The drivers do not check
the engines (h)______ before they start
driving. The roads are two-lane roads
(i)______ any dividers. There are some of the
(j)______ reasons of road accidents in

SSC English – Articles 104

Board Questions-2019
Dinajpur Board
8. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Scientists have recently reported that

(a)______ surface ice caps are (b)_______.
This is due to a rise (c)______ atmospheric
temperature known (d)______ the
greenhouse effect. According to the
scientist, carbon dioxide is primarily
responsible (e)______ temperature rise in
(f)______. The carbon dioxide is high when
coal and oil (g)______ burnt. The gas is
accumulating (h)______ the atmosphere and
causing the temperature to rise. As a result,
the polar ice in the North and South poles
(i)_______ melting. We should maintain the
ecological (j)_______ of the environment.

SSC English – Articles 105

Extra Exam preprations Questions

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Water pollution is a (a)______ problem that

we are currently facing. The marine life is the
first to suffer (b)______ water pollution as they
depend (c)______ the nutrients in the water
to survive. As a result, we are robbed
(d)______ beautiful sea corals and unique
species of fishes. Besides ruining our marine
heritage, (e)______ disappearance of marine
life will (f)_____ the livelihood of fishermen.
Water pollution is caused (g)______ harmful
wastes from industries, farms and sewerage
systems which are dumped (h)______our
sources of water such as rivers and lakes. This
irresponsible act contaminates our
(i)_____water and can cause serious health
problems and can even culminate (j)_____-

SSC English – Articles 106

Extra Exam preprations Questions

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Air pollution is caused by (a)______ emission of

toxic gases (b)_______ vehicles. factories and
open burning. Nowadays, there are more and
more vehicles (c)________ the road as society gets
more affluent. More and more people strive to
(d)_______ a better quality of life by having the
convenience of driving (e)_______ their
destinations instead of taking (f)_______
transportation. Automobiles provides transport to
millions people (g)_______ the world to enable
them to travel to their workplace, school and
other places. Therefore, the air around us is
getting more polluted (h)________ the carbon
dioxide that is emitted. Carbon monoxide is
another type of (i)______ which harmful to the
environment as it can cause (j)_______ reduction
of oxygen in the bloodstream.

SSC English – Articles 107

Dhaka Board -2020
1. (a) gift/product (f) an

(b) like (g) change

(c) single (h) blind

(d) of (i) some

(e) the (j) cured

Cumilla Board -2020

2. (a) needs (f) carry

(b) necessary/important (g) us

(c) helps (h) but

(d) Life (i) is

(e) crops (j) colleges

SSC English – Articles 108
Rajshahi Board -2020
3. (a) effort (f) lost

(b) work (g) important/necessary

(c) beginnig (h) always

(d) struggling (i) than

(e) existence (j) successful

Jashore Board -2020

4. (a) time (f) with

(b) unseen (g) of

(c) of (h)work/toil/try

(d) native/mother (i) the

(e) see/visit (j) birth

SSC English – Articles 109
Sylhet Board -2020
5. (a) an (f) an

(b) the (g) a

(c) a (h) the

(d) the (i) an

(e) the (j) the

Chattogram Board -2020

6. (a) inherent (f) protect/defend

(b) civilization (g) performs

(c) foremost (h) traitor

(d) welfare (i) narrow

(e) betterment (j) stay

SSC English – Articles 110
Dinajpur Board -2020
7. (a) memorable (f) warning

(b) inspiration (g) suppressed

(c) the (h) defeated

(d) for (i) powerful

(e) inspire (j) destroyed

Mymensingh Board -2020

8. (a) from (f) about

(b) an (g) land

(c) from (h) of

(d) the (i) farm

(e) production (j) use

SSC English – Articles 111
Dhaka Board -2019
1. (a) for (f) fast

(b) going (g) about

(c) So that (h) down

(d) till (i) buried

(e) hearing (j) for

Cumilla Board -2019
2. (a) for (f) written

(b) to (g) to

(c) a (h) reading

(d) of (i) while/ whereas

(e) lessons/knowledge (j) of

SSC English – Articles 112
Rajshahi Board -2019
3. (a) problems (f) increasing

(b) cities (g) high

(c) live (h) poor/common

(d) areas (i) pay/bear

(e) shortage (j) ought

Jashore Board -2019

4. (a) role (f) convey

(b) moment (g) our/any/important

(c) till (h) always

(d) language (i) an

(e) express (j) who

SSC English – Articles 113
Sylhet Board -2019
5. (a) an (f) his

(b) by (g) of

(c) of (h) rare

(d) a (i) true

(e) always (j) own

Barishal Board -2019

6. (a) grow/produce/cultivate (f) foreign

(b) to (g) in

(c) farmer (h) the

(d) determination (i) diet

(e) big/vegetable (j) export

SSC English – Articles 114
Chattogram Board -2019

7. (a) a

(b) in

(c) problem/hazard

(d) many/various/different

(e) responsible

(f) continuous/long/non-stop

(g) even

(h) properly

(i) without

(j) major/important/noteworthy

SSC English – Articles 115

Dinajpur Board -2019
8. (a) polar (f) atmosphere

(b) melting (g) are

(c) in (h) in

(d) as (i) is

(e) for (j) balance

Extra Exam preprations Questions

1. (a) big/great/serious (f) affect

(b) from (g) by

(c) on (h) into

(d) of (i) drinking

(e) the (j) in

SSC English – Articles 116
Extra Exam preprations Questions
2. (a) the

(b) from

(c) on

(d) enjoy/have

(e) to

(f) public

(g) around

(h) by

(i) gas/pollutant

(j) the

SSC English – Articles 117

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