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Operative Dentistry, 2012, 37-3, 299-305

Effect of Composite
Insertion Technique on
Cuspal Deflection Using an

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In Vitro Simulation Model
S Jafarpour  W El-Badrawy  HS Jazi
D McComb

Clinical Relevance
All insertion techniques using composite materials caused measurable cusp deflection
during polymerization, with little difference between different incremental techniques.
The silorane-based composite produced significantly less cuspal movement.

SUMMARY Materials and Methods: Sixty standardized

Objective: The objective of this study was to MOD preparations on ivorine maxillary pre-
molars were prepared: group A at 4 mm depth
investigate, by simulation, the effect of con-
and group B at 6 mm depth. Each group was
ventional composite resin insertion tech-
further subdivided according to composite
niques on cuspal deflection using bonded insertion technique (n=6), as follows: 1) bulk
typodont artificial teeth. The deflection pro- insertion, 2) horizontal increments, 3) tangen-
duced by a new low-shrinkage composite was tial increments, and 4) a modified tangential
also determined. technique. Preparations were microetched,
acid-cleaned, and bonded with adhesive resin
Saeed Jafarpour, DDS, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada to provide micromechanical attachment before
restoration with a conventional composite
*Wafa El-Badrawy, BDS, MSc, University of Toronto, Clinical
Sciences/Restorative Discipline, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Spectrum TPH3, Dentsply). Two additional
subgroups at 4 mm and 6 mm depth (n=6) were
Hamid Salimi Jazi, BSc, MSs, PhD, University of Toronto,
Mechanical Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, Canada and restored in bulk using low-shrinkage compos-
Isfahan University of Technology, Department of Materials ite (Filtek LS, 3M/ESPE). All groups received
Engineering, Isfahan, Iran the same total photo-polymerization time. Cus-
Dorothy McComb, BDS, MScD, FRCD(C), University of pal deflection was measured during the restor-
Toronto, Clinical Sciences/Restorative Discipline, Toronto, ative procedure using two Linear Variable
Ontario, Canada Differential Transformers attached to a data
*Corresponding author: 124 Edward Street, Toronto, On- acquisition system.
tario M5G 1G6, Canada; e-mail: w.badrawy@dentistry.
Results: The average cuspal deflections for
group A were 1) 40.17 6 1.18 lm, 2) 25.80 6
DOI: 10.2341/11-086-L
4.98 lm, 3) 28.27 6 5.12 lm, and 4) 27.33 6 2.42
300 Operative Dentistry

lm. The deflections in group B were 1) 38.82 6 recognized that the overall size and cavity config-
3.64 lm, 2) 50.39 6 9.17 lm, 3) 55.62 6 8.16 lm, uration influence the resulting shrinkage stress and
and 4) 49.61 6 8.01 lm. Cuspal flexure for the the degree of cuspal deflection.12-16 Many different
low-shrinkage composite was 11.14 6 1.67 lm incremental insertion techniques are recommend-
(group A: 4 mm depth) and 16.53 6 2.79 lm ed; however, the evidence used to define the most
(group B: 6 mm depth). appropriate technique is inconclusive, and many
Conclusions: All insertion techniques using questions remain. Research to measure the degree
conventional composite caused cuspal defor- of cuspal deflection with different materials and/or
mation. In general, deeper preparations techniques in vitro has inherent limitations. The
showed increased cuspal deflection—except use of extracted teeth can be problematic as a result
of their size, shape, and biological differences.16 In

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in the case of bulk insertion, which was likely
affected by decreased depth of cure. Cuspal addition, the modulus of elasticity varies between
movement using low-shrinkage composite was teeth, which can affect the degree of flexure and the
significantly reduced. interpretation of results. The use of artificial
materials, such as aluminum blocks, has been
INTRODUCTION suggested16 to avoid these biological problems;
however, the specimens used do not provide mor-
In spite of the increased use of resin composite
phological similarity to teeth.
materials in various procedures in dentistry, bulk
contraction or polymerization shrinkage remains a The aims of this study were to use an in vitro
major contributor to the clinical drawbacks associ- simulation model 1) to determine the effect on cuspal
ated with these materials.1,2 deflection of different incremental insertion tech-
niques and 2) to determine the effect of a new
Polymerization stresses generated by polymeriza-
proprietary low-shrinkage resin composite on cuspal
tion shrinkage may compromise the bond integrity,3
leading to concerns such as microleakage, postoper-
ative sensitivity, and ultimately secondary caries.1-8
If the composite-tooth bond remains intact, stresses MATERIALS AND METHODS
transferred to tooth structure may result in cuspal Specimen Preparation
flexure, enamel fracture, or fractured cusps.4,7,9-13 Sixty stylized, MOD preparations were prepared in
All methacrylate-based composite materials un- maxillary second bicuspid ivorine teeth (Kilgore
dergo polymerization shrinkage upon curing, with a International, Coldwater, MI, USA). Cavities were
reported range of 2-5%.4 Optimizing particle sizes, prepared using a uniform cavity design with stan-
maximizing filler content, and minimizing the dardized measurements and were facilitated by a
concentration of ‘diluent’ monomers in the resin single operator. The width of the prepared cavities
formulation are steps taken by the manufacturers to was two-thirds of the intercuspal distance (4 mm) at
reduce the degree of polymerization shrinkage.2 two variable cavity depths, 4 mm and 6 mm. The
In addition, material development by incorpora- cavity depth was gauged from the tip of the buccal
tion of ring-opening monomers has resulted in cusp to the pulpal floor. Buccal and lingual walls
formulation of a new class of silorane composites were prepared parallel without occlusal conver-
with significantly lower volumetric shrinkage (less gence. The stylized, slot MOD preparation, prepared
than 1%).2 However, conventional composites are without proximal boxes, was utilized in order to
still widely used in practice, and polymerization minimize preparation variation. The depth of 4 mm
shrinkage remains a clinical concern. provided an intermediate overall MOD depth instead
of the combination of a shallower occlusal portion
Incremental insertion techniques are recom-
with deeper proximal boxes. The 6mm depth prep-
mended to reduce the undesirable effects of poly-
arations were included to simulate endodontically
merization shrinkage by maximizing the ratio of
treated teeth that are deeper because of the
unbonded to bonded surfaces (C-factor).12 The
unbonded surface purportedly allows for unhin- necessity for occlusal access into the pulp.
dered ‘‘flow’’ of composite monomers and permits All cavity preparations were air-abraded using 50-
stress relief along this surface. Incremental inser- lm aluminum-oxide powder for 60 seconds to create
tion techniques can also reduce the effects of cavity wall microroughness in order to simulate a
polymerization shrinkage by reducing the bulk of bonded restoration. To ensure an adequate strength
composite cured with each layer, and it is generally of micromechanical attachment between the com-
Jafarpour & Others: Composite Insertion Techniques and Cuspal Deflection 301

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Figure 1. Schematic diagram illustrating the different composite placement techniques.

posite and ivorine teeth, a pilot study using standard ane-based) composite (Filtek LS, 3M ESPE, St Paul,
microtensile testing was carried out. A group of MN, USA) inserted in bulk.
ivorine teeth were sectioned, air-abraded, and Bonding for all subgroups restored with Spectrum
bonded to both methacrylate and silorane-based TPH3 was carried out using Scotchbond Multi-
resin composite using identical bonding agents and Purpose Adhesive (3M ESPE), omitting the dentin
procedures as for the cuspal deflection study de- primer step. The low-shrinkage composite restora-
scribed below. Standard microtensile serial section- tions were bonded using the corresponding silorane
ing and bond strength testing (Bisco, Schaumburg, adhesive, following the manufacturer’s recommen-
IL, USA) were performed. Means were calculated dations. Restorations were inserted and photo-
and were considered adequate to ensure attachment polymerized using a Demetron LC halogen light
of restorations to the cavity walls. curing unit (Sybron Dental Specialist, Orange, CA,
Prepared teeth were divided into two main groups USA) with an intensity of 400 mW/cm2. All sub-
of 30 specimens each: group A (4 mm depth) and groups received the same total curing time of 80
group B (6 mm depth). Each group was further seconds, as defined in Table 1, and in all cases the
subdivided into five subgroups (n=6) according to light cure was directed from the occlusal surface.
the composite and the insertion technique used. Four Light source was held as close as possible to the
subgroups were all restored using a conventional occlusal surface, avoiding any contact with the tooth
hybrid composite, Spectrum TPH3 (Dentsply, Caulk, to eliminate any effect on the Linear Variable
Milford, DE,USA), and were categorized according to Differential Transformers (LDTVs).
their insertion technique, as follows: 1) bulk inser-
tion, 2) horizontal increments, 3) tangential incre- Cuspal Deflection Measurements
ments, and 4) a modified tangential technique Cuspal deflection was measured continuously
(Figure 1). The fifth subgroup of both groups was throughout the restorative placement procedure
restored using a proprietary low-shrinkage (silor- using two LVDTs (AX/1/S, Omega, Stamford, CT,

Table 1: Photo-Polymerization Scheme Followed for the Different Subgroups

Cavity Depth Bulk Insertion Horizontal Increments Tangential Increments Modified Tangential Increments

Group A (4 mm) 80 seconds 1 mm þ 1.5 mm þ 1.5 mm Two equal increments 1 mm þ two equal increments

20 3 20 3 40 = 80 s 40 3 40 = 80 s 20 3 30 3 30 = 80 s

Group B (6 mm) 80 seconds 2 mm þ 2 mm þ 2 mm 2 3 2 mm increments 2 mm þ two equal increments

20 3 20 3 40 = 80 s 40 3 40 = 80 s 20 3 30 3 30 = 80 s
302 Operative Dentistry

Table 2: Means 6 Standard Deviations of Combined

Buccal and Lingual Cuspal Deflection of all
Subgroups Restored with Conventional

Insertion Group A Group B

Technique (4 mm Depth) (6 mm Depth)

Bulk placement 40.17 6 1.18 Aa 38.82 6 3.64 Aa

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Horizontal increments 25.80 6 4.98 Bb 50.39 6 9.17 Cb

Tangential increments 28.27 6 5.12 Bb 55.62 6 8.16 Cb

Modified tangential 27.33 6 2.42 Bb 49.61 6 8.01 Cb

Figure 2. LVDTs touching the buccal and lingual cusps (the increments
mechanism allowed LVDTs to be constantly in contact with the tooth).
Means followed by different on-line small capital letters in the same row
and lowercase letters in the same column are significantly different at p ,
USA) with a sensitivity of 2/2.03 mV/V. These were
attached to an Instron machine DAX V7.0 data
acquisition system at room temperature and mount-
ed on a stabilized table. The LVDTs were placed such In a pilot study, used to assess the strength of the
that they touched the buccal and lingual surfaces of composite to ivorine attachment, the mean micro-
the mounted ivorine tooth throughout the test tensile bond strengths of conventional hybrid and
low-shrinkage composite materials to air-abraded
(Figures 2 and 3). Cuspal deflection was recorded
ivorine ‘‘tooth’’ surfaces were 27.56 and 28.33 MPa,
from the start of the restorative procedure until the
respectively, ensuring adequate attachment with
deflection became a continuous plateau. The com-
which to measure cuspal deflection.
bined extent of buccal and lingual cuspal deflection
was calculated and statistically analyzed using All insertion techniques using conventional com-
univariate analysis of variance with post hoc Tukey’s posite caused measurable cuspal movement. Table 2
shows the results for the combined palatal and
test (p,0.05). If detachment from the bonded
lingual cusp deflection of all experimental groups
interface was identified from an abnormal pattern
restored with conventional composite. Table 3 pro-
of deflection, the sample was rejected.
vides the results for the combined palatal and
lingual cusp deflection for those groups restored in
bulk using proprietary low-shrinkage material.
Group B (6 mm deep) generally revealed higher
cusp flexure when compared to group A (4 mm deep);
however, bulk insertion at both 4 mm and 6 mm
produced essentially similar cusp movement (Figure

Table 3: Means 6 Standard Deviations of Combined

Buccal and Lingual Cuspal Deflection of
Subgroups Restored with Low-Shrinkage

Insertion Group A Group B

Technique (4 mm Depth) (6 mm Depth)

Bulk-placement 11.14 6 1.67 A 16.53 6 2.79 B

Means followed by different on-line small capital letters are significantly
Figure 3. LVDTs connected to data acquisition system, in which the
different at p , 0.05.
entire setup was assembled on a stabilized table to minimize noise.
Jafarpour & Others: Composite Insertion Techniques and Cuspal Deflection 303

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Figure 4. Bar chart representing means and standard deviations Figure 5. Bar chart comparing means and standard deviations (SDs)
(SDs) of combined buccal and lingual cuspal deflection of all of combined buccal and lingual cuspal deflection of subgroups
subgroups restored with conventional composite. restored with conventional and low-shrinkage composites placed only
using bulk technique.
4). At 4 mm depth, bulk placement produced greater
cusp flexure than with any of the incremental strength measurements using this method showed
insertion techniques. All incremental techniques that appropriate bond strengths could be obtained,
used in 6 mm depth preparations were significantly as indicated by the results recorded in the pilot
higher than those for 4 mm depth. Overall, there study. Detachment of composite from the internal
were no statistically significant differences among preparation walls of the ivorine tooth during poly-
the different incremental placement techniques at merization occurred only on two occasions and was
each preparation depth (Table 2). obvious as an abrupt halt in movement on the
continuous plot recording. Such samples were not
Figure 5 illustrates the difference in cuspal flexure
included in the results. This experimental simula-
between conventional hybrid composite and low-
tion system was therefore successful in mimicking
shrinkage material when bulk placement was used.
the microscopic cusp deformation caused by poly-
The low-shrinkage material demonstrated the lowest
merization shrinkage of composite, without the
cuspal flexure of all experimental groups.
inherent difficulties involved in the use of extracted
teeth. Natural teeth come in many different ana-
tomical shapes and sizes, cannot be standardized,
It was possible to simulate the cuspal flexure and are difficult to procure. Even a standardized
resulting from intracoronal composite restorative cavity preparation on natural teeth would result in
procedures by using a micromechanical approach to differing cavity wall thicknesses from tooth to tooth,
achieve composite attachment to artificial ivorine which would affect the resulting cusp movement.
plastic teeth. The subsequent high standard deviations achieved
All insertion techniques using composite resin with natural teeth often preclude determination of
produced measurable cuspal movement, which could significant differences between materials or tech-
be accurately and continuously recorded during the niques.
photo-polymerization process using LVDTs and a That the use of artificial ivorine teeth was an
data acquisition system on a stable platform. An effective method of simulating cusp movements in
LVDT is a type of electrical transformer used for natural teeth is shown by the comparable range of
measuring linear displacement, and two LVDTs cusp movements recorded in the published litera-
were placed such that they were touching the outer ture. According to a review by Versluis and others,8
and upper buccal and lingual surfaces of the tooth. the overall reported range for studies using natural
The stability of the setting was essential since any teeth was 16-45 lm, and the results of these authors’
slight motion was easily detected by the data finite element analysis resulted in intercuspal
acquisition setting. Micromechanical attachment of changes of between 25.5 and 45.5 lm for MOD
composite to ivorine polymer was provided through restorations of different sizes. Smaller deflections
use of air-abrasion. Preliminary microtensile bond (15-23 lm) have been reported11 for natural teeth
304 Operative Dentistry

when smaller dimension cavities were utilized. Use this effect was due to light attenuation preventing
of an experimental silorane low-shrinkage composite the deepest layers of the restoration from full
in natural bicuspids resulted in a cuspal deflection of polymerization, which was carried out from the
6 lm using a slightly smaller preparation size and a occlusal surface. In essence it is possible that the
greater (8) number of increments than were used in polymerization light was curing the composite to full
the current study. 4 These comparisons provide some cure only for the first 4 mm of depth, thus negating
validation of the ivorine model used. any major differences between 4 mm and 6 mm
Ivorine teeth do not, however, replicate the depths. In contrast, the use of increments allowed
combined properties of dentin and enamel inherent full access of each increment to the light, and full
in natural tooth structure; therefore, the use of cure was effected, resulting in the development of

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artificial replacements cannot provide absolute val- greater contraction shrinkage over the full depth of
ues of expected intraoral cuspal movement, nor do the cavity preparation. The effect on cusp movement
they permit subsequent assessment of marginal was therefore more significant.
microleakage in the restored teeth. The simulation The development of novel low-shrinkage, resin-
does allow comparison of different restorative mate- based composites offers a potential reduction in
rials, preparation sizes, and/or insertion techniques polymerization shrinkage stresses generated at the
by providing a standardized tooth model. Such
tooth/restoration interface compared with current
comparisons are more clinically realistic than the
conventional methacrylate composites. The proprie-
use of metal or plastic blocks as a result of the
tary low-shrinkage silorane material used in this
anatomical similarity to real teeth.16
study showed significantly lower cuspal flexure, in
All insertion techniques using conventional com- accordance with the manufacturer’s claim. A reduc-
posite caused measurable cusp movement, and, in tion in cuspal deflection, as well as a decrease in
general, deeper preparations showed significantly restoration microleakage, for a similar experimental
higher cuspal deflection. The use of incremental silorane material has also been reported.4 With lower
insertion reduced the overall amount of flexure over polymerization shrinkage, increased marginal integ-
bulk insertion at standard cavity depth (4 mm); rity,2 and decreased microleakage,4 silorane compos-
however, there were no significant differences ites may provide potential for decreased marginal
among the different incremental insertion tech- staining, decreased postoperative sensitivity, and
niques used. It is generally recognized that incre- greater restoration longevity. However, caution is
mental insertion techniques can reduce the negative
advised with respect to attributing greater clinical
effects of polymerization shrinkage by reducing the
success on the basis of lower shrinkage alone. A recent
bulk of composite cured with each layer. Increasing
study18 indicated that low volumetric shrinkage does
the ratio of unbonded to bonded surfaces has also
not necessarily correspond to low polymerization
been suggested to reduce the curing shrinkage by
stress development, particularly if the material has a
allowing unhindered ‘‘flow’’ in the unbonded surface
high flexural modulus. Many factors determine resto-
layer. In this study differences between horizontal
ration success and longevity; therefore, true outcome
and tangential incremental techniques were not
apparent, refuting the increased efficacy of tangen- data will be dependent on appropriate clinical trials.
tial increments. Shrinkage during curing of resin composite re-
Deeper preparations were clearly more vulnerable storative materials can cause significant problems in
to cuspal movement, which almost doubled between adhesive dentistry, such as debonding of the resto-
4 mm and 6 mm depths of preparation, despite the ration-tooth interface, microleakage, marginal stain-
use of increments. This is in general agreement with ing, and postoperative sensitivity. The use of
the mathematical theory discussed by Hood,17 who incremental insertion is recognized as one method
stated that doubling the cavity depth increases the of reducing these negative effects. This study
deflection by a factor of eight, hence the significantly confirms the advisability of incremental insertion
greater risk of fracture for endodontically treated but was unable to demonstrate the superiority of one
posterior teeth, which may have a cavity depth many particular incremental technique. The amplified
times greater than a vital tooth as a result of the negative effect of increased cavity depth was appar-
access opening. Parenthetically, in this study, the ent despite the use of incremental insertion. Fur-
amount of cuspal flexure observed with bulk filling thermore, the potential for a proprietary silorane
was essentially the same for the 6 mm cavity depth composite material to significantly reduce cusp
as it was for the 4 mm depth. It is hypothesized that deflection during polymerization was demonstrated.
Jafarpour & Others: Composite Insertion Techniques and Cuspal Deflection 305

CONCLUSIONS 7. Tantbirojn D, Versluis A, Pintado MR, DeLong R, &

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posite caused measurable cusp movement. Douglas WH (2004) Residual shrinkage stress distribu-
 In general, deeper preparations showed signifi- tions in molars after composite restorations Dental
cantly higher cusp deflection. Materials 20(6) 554-564.
 There were no significant differences in cusp 9. Meredith N, & Setchell DJ (1997) In vitro measurement of
deformation among different incremental inser- cuspal strain and displacement in composite restored
tion techniques. teeth Journal of Dentistry 25(3–4) 331-337.

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10. Fleming GJP, Khan S, Ofzal O, Palin WM, & Burke FJT
Cusp flexure using low-shrinkage composite was (2007) Investigation of polymerisation shrinkage strain
significantly lower than that caused by use of associated cuspal movement and microleakage of MOD
conventional composite. cavities restored incrementally with resin-based compos-
ite using an LED light curing unit Journal of Dentistry
35(2) 97-103.
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11. Lee S-Y, & Park S-H (2006) Correlation between the
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any nature or kind in any product, service and/or 12. Abbas G, Fleming GJP, Harrington E, Shortall ACC, &
company that is presented in this article. Burke FJT (2003) Cuspal movement and microleakage in
premolar teeth restored with a packable composite cured
(Accepted 3 October 2011) in bulk or in increments Journal of Dentistry 31(6)
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