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The Dulce Book

by Branton

Th e D ulce Book



CRUELTY." - - Psalm s 74: 20

What 's going on near Dulce, New Mexico?

Above Top Secret Milit ary- I ndust rial Black Pr oj ect s?

Headquart ers for a Bav arian- backed New World Order?

Vanguard for Alien I nfilt rat ion and I nvasion?

Massive I nt elligence Agency Disinform at ion?

Collect ive Mind Cont rol or Mass Hallucinat ion?

All of or a Com binat ion of The Abov e?

For several decades, r esear chers of " paranorm al

phenom ena" have devot ed t hem selves t o specialized fields
of " fringe scient ific" invest igat ion. Som e of t hese various
fields of 'borderline' resear ch - - which have sur faced in
order t o docum ent or at t em pt t o explain a wide divergence
of phenom ena - - have included:

Aerial or UFO phenom ena, Psy chic or Psichot r onic

invest igat ion, Cat t le and Anim al Mut ilat ions, Vam pirism ,
Men I n Black, Conspiracies and Assassinat ions, Secret
Societ ies, Undergr ound Anom alies, Quant um Mechanics,
Legends and Myt hology, Ancient Civilizat ions, t he 'Mot hm en'
and ot her 'Crypt o- Zoological' encount ers, Energy Grids and
ot her Geo- Magnet ic anom alies, Biogenet ics and Cloning,
Cybernet ics and Art ificial I nt elligence, Abduct ions and
Missing Tim e, Hypnot herapy and Mind Cont r ol, Missing
Per sons... Ther e are no doubt m any ot her s t hat I have not
m ent ioned.

I n t he 1950's, expert s in som e of t hese ar eas of

invest igat ion began hearing t he first faint hint s t hat

'som et hing' was going on in t he Am erican sout hwest , near

t he " Four Corner s" region of t he Unit ed St at es. First t hese
hint s and rum or s w ere brief, vague and confusing, yet t hey
spark ed enough int erest t o prov ok e furt her invest igat ions as
t he year s passed.

At first t hese fringe scient ist s who concerned t hem selves

wit h t he m yst eries and anom alies of t his region began
raising m or e quest ions t han answer s, as t hey cont inued t o
probe int o an 'enigm a' which seem ed t o event ually focus
it self in and around a sm all desert t own lost am idst t he
m esas of nort hwest ern New Mexico.

I n t he lat e 1970's and early 1980's, t he m y st er y - - and

subsequent ly t he int erest - - deepened as r epor t s began t o
slowly em anat e from t he area suggest ing t hat som et hing
significant and horrifying had t aken place t her e, near t he
sm all t own of Dulce [ pr onounced " dul- see" ] , New Mexico.
The m any differ ent 'phenom ena', t hose previously
m ent ioned, seem ed for som e st range r eason t o conv erge
and coagulat e int o one vast enigm at ic scenario of high
st rangeness in and around t his seem ingly insignificant and
sm all New Mexican t ow n. Researchers com m enced t o
analyze and cat egorize t heir respect ive phenom ena, looking
for pat t erns and concent rat ions, and cam e t o t he realizat ion
t hat sev eral of t hese phenom ena appar ent ly converged in
t he Am erican sout hwest ... t he chart s show ed t he largest
concent rat ions of UFO sight ings - - Nort hw est ern New
Mexico; t he epicent er of Cat t le Mut ilat ion Phenom ena -
Nort hw est ern New Mexico. Ot her expert s in t heir fields
began t o find sim ilar pat t erns m erging and linking wit h
ot her 'phenom ena' at underlying levels. Resear cher s int o
Conspiracies, Secr et Societ ies, Underground Anom alies,
Legends and Myt hology, Ancient Civilizat ions, Energy Grids,
Geo- Magnet ic anom alies, Biogenet ics, Abduct ions and
Missing Tim e, Missing Per sons and invest igat ors of ot her
specialized 'vanguard' fields of r esear ch began looking
t oward t his sm all desert t own. These unusual convergence's
of phenom ena in a singular locale spar ked ev en m ore
int erest and invest igat ion.

From t hat point on, it was as if som e ancient seal had been
brok en, as if an ancient cloud of darkness had begun
im ploding in upon it self, broken apart by t he piercing light
of hum an percept ion and t he r elent less pr obing's and
scrut iny of brav e and daring souls. Sensing t hat som et hing
very w r ong and unnat ural was going on her e, som et hing
ancient and evil, som e of t hese brave souls - - who by choice
or chance found t hem selves bat t ling- it - out on t he front lines
against ancient for ces t hat wer e det erm ined t o keep
t hem selves from being exposed - - cont inued t o wage t heir
all- t oo- oft en personal bat t les against t he enigm a... som e of

t hese inevit ably losing t heir m inds if not t heir v er y lives in

t he pr ocess. As t hese br ave souls wer e w orn down by t he
int ensit y of t his psychic warfare in t heir effort s t o expose
and defeat t his 'm yst ery of iniquit y' [ t o coin a Biblical
phrase] , t hey sent out desperat e calls for 'reinforcem ent s'.
Many answ er ed t he call, and t he ancient and for m erly
invisible 'beast ' t hat had m anaged t o hide it self below t he
desert s of t he sout hw est like a dragon in it s lair, began t o
st ir in rage and t er r or at t hese new exposur es, and t o lash
back at it s new - found enem ies. The reper cussions began t o
be felt t hroughout t he w hole count ry , t hr ough w hich t he
beast had reached out it s deadly t ent acles - - w hich were
also in t he process of being exposed along wit h t he black
'heart ' of t he beast it self.

The walls of t he ancient fort r ess concealing t he 'beast ' or

t he 'enigm a' began t o crum ble and fall wit h increasing
int ensit y. From t he m ur ky blackness wit hin, a faint
collect ive cry was 'hear d' as if from anot her w orld - - t he
voices of m ult it udes who w er e desperat ely calling out for
help t o t he only ones w ho could hear t hem , t hose who w ere
beginning t o 'see' y et had not y et becom e t he slaves of t he
'enigm a' it self.

Many of 'us' who hav e cont inued t he bat t le have sacrificed

our com fort , our social and econom ic welfar e, and in som e
cases ev en our v ery lives t o fight t he Enigm a, because w e
have caught a brief glim pse of t he pot ent ial t hreat t hat " t he
enem y wit hin" poses t o t he fut ure of Libert y and t o t his
great I ndependent nat ion of Am erica. What y ou will see
t hroughout t hese pages is t he collect ive result s of our
effort s and - - I 'm not asham ed t o say - - t he result s of m ore
t han a lit t le Divine I nt er vent ion as w ell. Many of us, such as
your s t ruly, hav e been 'vict im ized' by t he enigm a for t he
great er part of our lives, and have decided t hat t he only
way t o be 'free' from it s grasp is t o pract ice t he old m ilit ary
rule: " The best Defense is a good Offense..."

So t here you have it . Like t hose before us, we send t his

wor k fort h as a warning and a call t o arm s, t o ot hers who
value t rut h and freedom . For t hose who m ay not believe
ev eryt hing t hat follows, I challenge you t o becom e
per sonally involved [ howev er using caut ion in t he event t hat
t hese collect ive r eport s DO t urn out t o be t rue] and PROVE
t he claim s m ade her ein point - by- point , one way or anot her.
This is t he challenge t hat t hose of us who hav e cont ribut ed
t o t his wor k leave wit h you. I r em ain...

'Brant on'



To t he w om an of m y 'dr eam s', whose dist ant cries hav e

reached m e in t he night . Whoev er y ou ar e, wherever y ou
are, t his 'book' is for y ou.

Th e D ulce Book
" Th ose con spir a cie s t h a t a r e t oo in cr e d ible t o b e be lie v e d, a r e b y t h e sa m e
r ig h t t h ose w h ich m ost oft e n su cce e d."

Chapt er 1

Th e Oct opu s, Bla ck Proj e ct s And Th e D ulce Fa cilit y

The following art icle com es fr om t he 'TC


" The deat h of a j ournalist in West Virginia,

plus t he j ailing of an alleged CI A com put er
consult ant in Washingt on St at e m ay be
elem ent s of a m uch wider scandal t hat could
have serious im plicat ions...

" What st art ed out as an invest igat ion of an

apparent case of pirat ed soft war e has gr own
t o be a pr oj ect involving hundreds of
j ournalist s all over t he world.

" The dead j ournalist , Joseph Daniel 'Danny'

Casolaro was found dead August 10t h in a
m ot el room in West Virginia. His wrist s wer e
slashed seven t im es on each w rist and a
suicide not e w as found nearby . The only
m anuscript of his book, wit h accom panying
not es, WAS MI SSI NG.

" The book, provisionally t it led 'The Oct opus',

was m eant t o be an explosive expose of
m isdeeds by t he Just ice Depart m ent under t he
Reagan adm inist rat ion. Tim e Magazine also
report ed t hat Casolaro's r esear ch cent ered on
gam bling and at t em pt ed arm s deals at t he

Cabazon r eser vat ion near I ndio [ California] .

" I ndeed, t he scope of Casolaro's invest igat ion

was so large t hat any one of a large num ber of
areas of resear ch could have been t he t rigger
for a possible hit .

" While aut horit ies declared his deat h a suicide,

his relat ives definit ely st at ed t hat Casolaro's
m ent al st at e was sound, indeed upbeat , aft er
t he com plet ion of his book.

" Casolar o st art ed his w ork nearly t wo y ear s

befor e, invest igat ing t he bank rupt ing of a
sm all com put er soft war e com pany called
I nslaw, allegedly by t he U.S. Just ice
Depart m ent . I NSLAW, a com pany headed by
Bill and Nancy Ham ilt on of Washingt on D.C.,
( no connect ion t o researcher Bill Ham ilt on,
whose w rit ings on t he Dulce enigm a appear
lat er in t his volum e. - Brant on) had developed
a package known as PROMI S - - short for
Prosecut or's Managem ent I nform at ion Syst em
- - t o act as a case m anagem ent t ool for t he
Just ice Depart m ent 's unwieldy work load.

" I nslaw President Bill Ham ilt on has claim ed

t hat Ed Meese associat e EARL BRI AN was
given cont r ol of pirat ed versions of t he
PROMI S soft war e by Meese t o sell back t o
different U.S. gov ernm ent agencies for gr eat
profit . Tw o court s hav e so far agr eed wit h
Ham ilt on, awarding an 8 m illion dollar
j udgm ent , but a higher ( 'Just ice Dept .'? -
Brant on) court of appeal has quashed t he
award and t he v erdict , declaring t hat it was
not t he j urisdict ion of t he lower court s. As of
Oct ober 9, t he case has m ov ed int o t he realm
of t he Supr em e Court .



" According t o a Washingt on m an, who claim s

t o have m odified t he cobol- based soft war e for
t he CI A and ot her int elligence agencies, t he
soft war e was a reward for Earl Brian's r ole in
arranging t he so- called 'Oct ober Surprise'
gam bit , t he alleged conspiracy t o wit hhold t he
Am erican host ages in I r an unt il aft er t he 1980
elect ion which saw Cart er r em oved fr om

power. The 'Oct ober Surprise' scandal has

t aken som e t im e t o em erge.

" I n a Paris m eet ing, President Bush is alleged

t o have m et wit h Ali Akabar Hashem i
Rafsanj ani, t he speak er of t he I ranian
Parliam ent , Moham m ed Ali Raj ai, t he fut ure
President of I ran and Manucher Ghorbanifar,
an I ranian arm s dealer wit h connect ions t o
Mossad, according t o Navy Capt ain Gunt her
Russbacher who claim s t o have flown Bush,
William Casey - - t he CI A chief - - and Donald
Gr egg, a CI A operat ive t o t hat locat ion.
Russbacher, who m ade t hese allegat ions in
May is now in j ail on Ter m inal I sland,
convict ed on t he charge of im personat ing a
U.S. At t orney . ( Not e: Russbacher 'defect ed'
from t he CI A wit h 12 Navy Seals under his
com m and, and was on at least t wo occasions
t he t arget of at t em pt ed CI A hit s. The w ould- be
assassins at t em pt ed t o drive Gunt her and his
wife off of roads and down t he side- cliffs t o
t heir deat hs, however according t o Russbacher
his SEAL- t eam agent s w ho wer e wat ching ov er
him unbeknownst t o t he int ended assassins,
m ov ed up quickly from behind and sent t he
CI A " hit m en" t o THEI R deat hs inst ead. -
Brant on)

" The Washingt on m an is MI CHAEL

RI CONOSCI UTO who is now wait ing for a t rial
in a Washingt on j ail on conspiracy t o sell
drugs charges, charges which Riconosciut o
claim s are m anufact ur ed. I ndeed, t he charge
m ade against Riconosciut o wer e m ade one
week aft er Riconosciut o aut hored and signed
an affidavit describing his role in m odifying t he
pirat ed soft w ar e.

( Not e: I t is int erest ing what connect ions we

can find here. Michael Riconosciut o was a
Wack enhut - CI A em ploy ee who t old researcher
Michael Lindem ann t hat he had at t em pt ed t o
get a whole helicopt er full of docum ent s and
evidence det ailing illegal biogenet ic act ivit ies
and non- Congr essionally sanct ioned proj ect s
involving 'illegal aliens' out of t he Nev ada Test
Sit e. The chopper was blown out of t he sky,
killing all five per sonnel on board. Michael's
fat her happened t o be Marshall Riconosciut o, a
fascist and a support er of Adolph Hit ler who
was a very close friend of Fred L. Crism an.

Crism an was involved in t he Maur ey I sland

'UFO' sight ing incident in 1947 near Tacom a,
Washingt on, which researcher Ant hony Kim ory
believes involved t he t est - flight of hybrid CI A -
PROJECT PAPERCLI P - NAZI aerial disks. There
are sev eral sources w hich claim t hat by t he
early 1940's t he Nazi's had succeeded in t est -
flying wingless lent icular craft pow er ed by
rot ary devices, rock et power, and DONUT
CONFI GURATI ON j et t ur bine engines - - rat her
t han cylindrical - - wit h t he cabin st abilized by
gyro, t he com pr essors r ot at ing in one direct ion
and t he expansion cham ber s and v ect or ed
exhaust s r ot at ing in t he opposit e direct ion. I n
fact t he m ovie " THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE"
corr ect ly im plies t hat t his, one of t he largest
m ilit ary bat t les during World War I I bet w een
Am erican and Ger m an for ces, w as an at t em pt
by t he Germ ans t o buy t im e and prolong t he
war j ust a lit t le while longer, for wit hin a few
m or e m ont hs t he Germ ans would have been
m ass- pr oducing j et fight ers, bom bers and
ot her super- w eapons t hat would have been
invincible t o t he t urbo- prop fleet s of t he Allies.
Wit h t he Allied invasion of Germ any j ust
befor e m ass- pr oduct ion began, m any of t he
prot ot ypes and plans of t he Nazi m ilit ary
m achine wer e capt ured. However m ost of t he
m ost sophist icat ed prot ot ypes, plans and even
scient ist s m yst eriously t urned up m issing
following t he war. We w ill reserv e furt her
discussion on t his subj ect unt il lat er in t his
volum e. Aft er t he war had ended several of
t he Nazi scient ist s who WERE capt ured - - and
who had helped t o dev elop t he revolut ionary
aircraft - - w er e r ecruit ed by t he CI A as a
result of a secr et deal t hat had been m ade
bet ween Allen Dulles, a m em ber of t he
Bavarian I llum inat i; and Nazi S.S. General
Reinhard Gehlen, a m em ber of t he Bavarian
Thule Societ y. The deep connect ions bet w een
t he Bavarian I llum inat i which sponsor ed t he
CI A and t he Bavarian Thule societ y which
sponsor ed t he Nazi's allowed for t he upper
cov ert - ops lev els of t he CI A t o be m anned by
not hing less t han t he core of t he Nazi S.S.
it self, wit h t he help of fascist sym pat hizers
and fift h colum n double- agent s w orking wit hin
Am erican int elligence, alt hough som e leading
Nazi's were 'sacrificed' t o t he Nur em berg t rials
t o appease t he Allies and est ablish t he illusion
t hat Europe had been de- Nazified. Fred L.
Crism an incident ally was a 'wit ness' t o t he

Maurey I sland ev ent and had helped t wo Arm y

G- 2 agent s acquire 'slag sam ples' which fell
from one of t he six DONUT- SHAPED ships
observ ed. On t heir way t o deliver t he sam ples
t o Wright - Pat t erson AFB in Ohio, t heir plane
crashed and bot h G- 2 agent s w er e killed.
Som e people at t he t im e insist ed t hat t he
plane had been sabot aged. Two of t he
report er s who invest igat ed t he incident lost
t heir lives, and Kennet h Arnold who
invest igat ed t he incident aft er being
com m issioned by AMAZI NG STORI ES edit or
Ray Palm er, claim ed t hat his conversat ions
wit h a high Air Force official concerning t he
subj ect w er e elect r onically m onit ored. Also,
st range gov ernm ent agent s in dark suit s wer e
seen in t he area. Short ly aft er his invest igat ion
Kennet h Arnold, during an air- sear ch for a
crashed plane ov er Mt . Rainier, saw 9
cr escent - shaped discs w hich he called 'flying
saucers'. The news m edia publicized t he
incident and t he t erm st uck and becam e a
m edia cat ch word ev er since. Also ar ound t his
sam e t im e - - 1947 - - Ar nold escaped a near-
fat al crash when his airplane m yst eriously lost
power. The connect ions do not end here. Fred
L. Crism an was a close friend t o Clay Shaw,
whom Louisiana Dist rict At t orney Jam es
Gar rison - - see t he m ov ie 'JFK' - - accused of
being t he CI A- Mafia go- bet ween in t he John F.
Kennedy m urder. Gar rison ar rest ed Shaw in
an effort t o charge him and t he CI A wit h t he
JFK assassinat ion, however only a few days
befor e t he hearing Garrison's st ar wit ness
David Ferr y was killed, and Gar rison's
rem aining evidence w as not enough t o bring
about a convict ion. Fred Crism an was t he first
m an Clay Shaw called when he heard t hat
Gar rison int ended t o im plicat e him . Garrison
also believed t hat Clay Shaw him self was
involved wit h PROJECT PAPERCLI P, t he secr et
operat ion t o bring Nazi war crim inals int o t he
Unit ed St at es by t he hundreds - - som e say
t housands - - and give t hem im m unit y and new
ident it ies in such inst it ut ions as U.S.
I nt elligence, t he Milit ary- I ndust rial com plex,
t he Space agencies, and t he various
Rock efeller- connect ed oil cart els such as
corporat ions t hat were support ed by t he
Bavarian- based secr et - societ y lodges,
corporat ions t hat had act ually sold oil t o t he
Nazi's during World War I I and helped k eep

t he Nazi " war m achine" operat ing. According

t o Gar rison, Crism an work ed as a m iddle- m an
bet ween t he fascist policy m ak ers and t he
lower echelons of t he Milit ary- I ndust rial
Com plex. " Oh what a t angled web..." These
Am erican m ega- bank er s and t rait ors t o
fr eedom had support ed t he Nazi's in an effort
t o init iat e a Bavarian- backed " New World
Order " , under t he cov er of t he " Third Reich" .
Read t he book NONE DARE CALL I T
CONSPI RACY, by t he lat e Gar y Allen for m or e
on t he Rock efeller connect ion, and also t he
various w or ks by Dr. Ant ony Sut t on. -
Brant on)

" The affidavit also claim ed t hat he [ Michael

Riconosciut o] , had been cont act ed by phone
and t hreat ened by PETER VI DENI EKS - - a
Just ice Depart m ent em ployee and Cust om s
official who Riconosciut o alleged had
int elligence t ies - - as t o t he possible
consequences of his going public wit h cert ain
inform at ion.

" According t o Riconosciut o, Videnieks was a

fr equent visit or t o t he Cabazon I ndian
reservat ion near Palm Springs and visit ed wit h
t ribal m anager, John P. Nichols. Nichols was in
essence Riconosciut o's boss in a num ber of
ent erprises conduct ed on reservat ion land and
t he PROMI S m odificat ion was j ust one of t hese
proj ect s. According t o Riconosciut o, in an
int erview wit h T.C. conduct ed from j ail, t he
PROMI S soft war e w as m odified t o inst all a
backdoor access for use by Am erican
int elligence services. The soft war e was t hen
sold t o 88 different count ries as a sort of
'Tr oj an horse' package enabling us t o access
t heir int elligence syst em s. According t o
Riconosciut o t hese count ries included I raq and

" Corr espondence bet ween Nichols and ot her

com panies, if aut hent ic, indicat es t hat
Riconosciut o's claim s of his expert ise in t he
area of elect ronics and arm am ent s appear t o
be t rue. Mar shall Riconoscuit o, Michael's
fat her, is a r eput ed for m er business part ner of
Richard Nixon.

" According t o Riconosciut o, t he fuzzy st at us of

reservat ion land as 'sov er eign' allowed

elem ent s of t he CI A and organized crim e t o

conduct business uniquely.

" Am ong t he proj ect s w ork ed on during t his

t im e wer e j oint proj ect s wit h WACKENHUT, a
com pany loaded wit h form er CI A and NSA
per sonnel and business vent ures wit h t he
Saudi Arabian royal fam ily and ot her unusual
proj ect s.

" A j oint vent ure wit h Sout hern California

Edison will soon be generat ing power for bio-
m ass drawn from local wast e out let s.
Biological warfar e proj ect s w er e invest igat ed
wit h St orm ont laborat or ies looking int o t he
cr eat ion of 'pat hogenic viruses' and enhanced
fuel- air explosive w eapons wer e creat ed and
t est ed in league wit h Meridian Arm s at t he
NEVADA TESTI NG RANGE which m at ched t he
explosive power of nuclear devices.

" These enhanced weapons gained t heir power

from polarizing t he m olecules in t he gas cloud
by m odificat ion of t he elect ric field, a
t echnology developed fr om exploring Thom as
Townsend Brown's suppressed w or k, a
knowledge which Riconosciut o claim s he
gained from w orking at LEAR in Reno, Nevada.

" Riconosciut o is said t o have w or ked on t he

enhanced fuel- air explosive weapons wit h
Gerald Bull of Space Research Corporat ion.
Bull, now deceased, lat er becam e an arm s
advisor t o Saddam Hussein. I t is said t hat

" I n July, Anson Ng, a r eport er for t he Financial

Tim es of London was shot and killed in
Guat em ala. He had report edly been t rying t o
int erview an Am erican t her e nam ed Jim m y
Hughes, a one- t im e direct or of securit y for t he
Cabazon I ndian Reservat ion secr et proj ect s.

" I n April, a Philadelphia at t orney nam ed

Dennis Eism an was found dead, killed by a
single bullet in his chest . According t o a
for m er federal official who work ed wit h
Eism an, t he at t orney w as found dead in t he
parking lot where he had been due t o m eet
wit h a wom an who had crucial evidence t o
share subst ant iat ing Riconosciut o's claim s.

" Bot h Eism an's and Ng's deat hs w ere declared

suicides by aut horit ies.

" Fred Alvarez, a Cabazon t ribal leader who

was in vocal opposit ion t o t he dev elopm ent s
on t he reservat ion, was found shot t o deat h
WI TH t wo friends in 1981. Their m urder
rem ains unsolved.

" The leader of t he House, Thom as Foley,

announced last m ont h t hat a form al inquiry
will be init iat ed int o t he I nslaw case. Foley
appoint ed Senat or Ter ry Sanford as co-
chairm an of t he j oint congressional panel.
Prior t o his elect ion, Senat or Sanford was t he
at t orney REPRESENTI NG Earl Brian in his 1985
t akeover bid for Unit ed Press I nt ernat ional and
was inst rum ent al in appoint ing Earl Brian, a
m edical doct or, t o t he board of Duk e Medical
School, of which Sanfor d is President .

" However, despit e repeat ed r equest s fr om

j ournalist s t o pr oduce phot ographs showing
Riconosciut o t oget her w it h Brian, and request s
t o pr oduce his passport showing his alleged
t rip t o I ran, he has not yet done so. Also
Riconosciut o failed t o be able t o describe Pet er
Videnieks t o CNN's Moneyline program ,
claim ing a m edical condit ion prevent ed him
from r em em bering clearly.

" This led one form er int elligence operat ive t o

speculat e t hat we m ay be wit nessing a very
sophist icat ed int elligence operat ion being
played out in public.

" Form er F.B.I . Special Agent , Ted Gunder son,

speak s FOR Riconosciut o's credibilit y.
Gunder son, who lives in Manhat t an Beach, has
wor ked wit h Riconosciut o for m any y ears in
his capacit y as privat e invest igat or.

" Toget her, according t o Gunder son, t hey were

responsible for t hwart ing a t err orist oper at ion
during t he Los Angeles Olym pics. According t o
Gunder son, Riconosciut o was w ell known in
cert ain circles as a genius in alm ost all

" The so- called drug operat ion brok en up in

Washingt on St at e was an elect r ohydr odynam ic
m ining operat ion claim ed Gunder son, using

Townsend Brown t echnology. A videot ape

viewed by t his j ournalist revealed m et allic
powders and appar ent processes unr elat ed t o
drug m anufact ur e. I ndeed, a gov ernm ent
analysis of soil sam ples revealed t he absence
of drug cont am inat ion, but a high
concent rat ion of barium . Barium is oft en found
in high volt age relat ed wor k.

" Unsubst ant iat ed inform at ion from an

int elligence source claim s t hat t he curr ent
sit uat ion is THE VI SI BLE EFFECT OF A WAR
COMMUNI TY bet w een a group cent er ed in t he
CI A called AQUARI US [ around a pow erful
cent er known as MJ- 12] and a gr oup known as
COM- 12 cent er ed ar ound Naval I nt elligence.
COM- 12 is r eput edly t ry ing t o sust ain a
rearguard act ion t o sust ain and preserv e
const it ut ional governm ent and is deliberat ely
LEAKI NG I NFORMATI ON dam aging t o t he
for m er group."

I n t he sam e publicat ion, sam e issue, t her e

appear ed a follow - up art icle j ust following t he
one given abov e. Writ t en by Thom as Zed, t he
art icle, t it led " WACKENHUT'S CONNECTI ON

" The Wack enhut com pany has a very close

connect ion t o t he w orld of BLACK BUDGET
PROJECTS. Besides being connect ed wit h t he
Cabazon v ent ure m ent ioned in t his issue it is
also responsible, according t o j ailed com put er
consult ant Michael Riconosciut o, FOR THE

" Aft er sending t wo of m y colleagues t her e

TYPE I NSTALLATI ON, I decided t o call t he
newspaper office and m ake an educat ed bluff.

" I ident ified m yself as a fr eelance r eport er

from Los Angeles - - and t old t he newspaper
t hat I was doing a st or y on t he Cabazon
reservat ion biological warfare pr oj ect s t hat
had been undert ak en t her e on behalf of t he
CI A. I t old her t hat I had heard t hat t her e

wer e sim ilar t hings being done in Dulce and

would like t o know what was going on.

" The official I spok e t o BECAME FRI GHTENED

and said, 'I can't t alk t o you about t hat ! I t
would be very unprofessional of m e t o t alk t o
you about t hat . You'll have t o speak t o t he
President of t he t ribe.' She t hen hung up.

" I have y et t o call back and ask t he Pr esident

of t he t ribe, but will report on t hat in t he next

" Wack enhut is also responsible for securit y of

California and Nevada, including t he not orious
S- 4 or AREA 51 in Nevada wher e Townsend
Brown flying disk t echnology [ writ t en about in
a T.C. r ecent issue] has been flying and
dev eloping for decades.

" A r ecent helicopt er crash at t he area, wher e

t wo pilot s and t hree securit y guards fr om
Wack enhut flying in a Messerschm it BO- 105
helicopt er were killed was not at all accident al
claim ed Riconosciut o, w ho said t hat t he
individuals aboard t he helicopt er w er e
t raveling wit h sensit ive docum ent s.

" Gr oups ar e now invest igat ing Riconosciut o's

claim s..."

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 2

H igh St r an gen ess On Th e Ar chu le t a Pla t e a u

I n t he Spring of 1990 r esearcher 'Jason Bishop' sent

copies of t he following report t o a select few
invest igat ors, and lat er gave perm ission for t he report
t o be dist ribut ed am ong a wider readership. I s t he

obj ect described wit hin t he r eport t he pr oduct of secret

t echnology being developed by t he Milit ary- I ndust rial
Com plex as part of som e cov ert or deep- cov er space
proj ect ? Or does it involve som et hing a bit m or e 'alien'
t han m er e t op secret black- pr oj ect r esear ch and t op-
of- t he- line vanguard aircraft designs - - t he St ealt h
series, t he Aur ora, et c. - - which are being dev eloped at
t he Nevada Test Sit e? Or, could it be a com binat ion of
bot h?

The t ranscript , t it led: 'RECOLLECTI ONS AND

OCTOBER 23, 24, 1988', is reproduced in it s ent iret y

" Upon ar rival I was int roduced t o Dr. John F. Gille, a

French Nat ional. Dr. Gille has a PhD in Mat h/ Physics
from t he Univer sit y of Paris. He had w or ked v er y
closely wit h t he French Governm ent on t he UFO
phenom ena in t hat count ry.

( Side Not e: Dr. Gille had also r eleased a r eport on

anot her " Dulce- like" base near Pine Gap - Alice
Springs, Aust ralia. This base is a m assive m ult i- levelled
facilit y run by t he " Club of Rom e" which, like t he
'Bildeberger' organizat ion, is reput edly a cov er for t he
Bavarian I llum inat i. The art icle spok e of ant igravit y
disk research, and plans t o m ak e Pine Gap a m aj or
" cont r ol cent er" for a " New World Order" . Pine Gap is
equipped wit h whole levels of com put er t erm inals t ied-
in t o t he m aj or com put er m ainfram es of t he wor ld
which cont ain t he int im at e det ails of m ost of t he
inhabit ant s of indust rialized nat ions. The art icle also
spok e of t he infilt rat ion of several m aj or religious
denom inat ions, t he m edia, int ernat ional governm ent s,
t he econom y, educat ion, and ot her lev els of societ y by
t he Bavarian I llum inat i, in order t o prepar e t he way for
a New World Order dict at orship. The r eport also st at ed
t hat t he work er s at Pine Gap are highly indoct rinat ed
and program m ed so t hat t hey do not t hr eat en or
sabot age t he securit y of t he I llum inat i proj ect s being
car ried out t here. - Brant on) .

" He t old m e," Bishop cont inues, " t hat he has not
wor ked in his chosen field for fift een years, having
devot ed all of his t im e t o r esearch on UFOs. Dr. Gille is
an am iable, fort hright m an. He has no reservat ions
about expr essing his own views on t he subj ect . He
does hold several beliefs t hat border on t he
paranor m al. Dr. Gille had his wife, Elaine, wit h him . My
per sonal view of him is one of caut ion. Unt il I get t o

know him bet t er, I feel t hat I should be v ery careful.

" Edm ound Gom ez is a r ancher. His ranch is 13 m iles

west of Dulce. ( Not e: Account s given by ot her s st at e
t hat t he ranch is 13 m iles east of Dulce, howev er
what ever t he case m ay be it 's safe t o say t hat t he
ranch is 13 m iles FROM Dulce. - Brant on) .

" From 1975 unt il 1983 t he Gom ez ranch was t he scene

[ epicent er] of m ost of t he cat t le m ut ilat ions t hat t ook
place in t he nort hern New Mexico / sout hern Colorado
area. He t old m e t hat his fam ily hom est eaded t he
Dulce area 111 y ears ago and t hat as a r esult of t hese
m ut ilat ions, t hey lost $100,000 in cat t le ov er an eight
year period. One of t hese cases occurr ed only 200
yards behind his hom e. He showed m e t he area.

" Edm ound was very open and discussed wit h m e t he

various m ut ilat ion cases t hat had occurr ed on his ranch
and on t hose of ot hers. Upon our r et urn fr om t he
m ount ain t rip, he invit ed m e t o his hom e where he
shared wit h m e various phot ographs, clippings, let t ers
et c. r elat ing t o t he cases. He loaned m e sev eral
ov erhead phot ographs of t he Mt . Ar chulet a area. I
hope t o be able t o hav e t hem exam ined t hrough im age
int ensificat ion t echniques.

" Edm ound also t old m e about t he m any t im es t hat

com bat ready t r oops had been spot t ed in t he ar ea.
Som e of t hese t roops w er e found in areas t hat are only
got t en t o t hrough four- wheel drive t rucks or on foot .
[ This is VERY rugged count ry] . The t r oops w er e also
spot t ed in ar eas t hat only t he Apache has perm ission
t o go. When t he report ed 'experim ent al aircraft ' went
down in 1983, t her e w ere 'hundreds of t r oops, arm ed
t o t he t eet h' r eport ed in t he ar ea. When appr oached,
t he t r oops w ould run and disappear.

" Part icipant s in t he Mt . Archulet a expedit ion were:

Gabe Valdez, Edm ound Gom ez, Dr. John Gille, [ nam e
delet ed] , Manuel Gom ez [ Edm ound's br ot her] , Jeff and
Mat t Valdez [ Gabe's sons] . Because of Gabe's posit ion
as head of t he St at e Police in Dulce and Edm ound
being a part of t he com m unit y, we were given
perm ission t o go ont o t he m ount ain. I t is locat ed on
t he Apache Reservat ion.

" We left about 1430 hrs, Sunday, 23 Oct ober 1988. We

used Gabe's four wheel drive pickup t ruck t o get up t he
m ount ain. The road was incredibly difficult . At one t im e
we had t o dig out t he side of t he m ount ain in or der t o
allow t he t ruck t o pass. At about 1730 hrs w e ar rived

at t he pr oposed cam psit e. I t was on a r elat ively flat

area about 300 yards fr om t he peak of Mt . Ar chulet a.

" Gabe and Edm ound bot h t old m e t hat in 1978 t here
was an agreem ent bet w een t he Ut e I ndians [ Colorado]
and t he Federal Gov ernm ent . This agr eem ent consist ed
of t he Ut e Nat ion receiving all t he t errit ory now
occupied along t he New Mexico/ Colorado border wit h
t he explicit agreem ent t hat t hey w ould st rict ly enfor ce
a 'NO TRESPASSI NG' r egulat ion along t he border of
t heir t er rit ory. Therefor e, it is not possible t o even
cr oss t he Ut e Reser vat ion wit hout special perm ission
from t he Tribal Headquart ers. I f caught wit hout t his
perm ission you ar e liable for a fine and/ or j ail and
expulsion. Ther e is now a road leading t o t he Ar chulet a
area t hrough t he r eser v at ion. I t is pat rolled by t he
I ndian Forest Service ( Not e: t he Colorado border is
only a relat ively few m iles away fr om and t o t he nort h
of t he Ar chulet a plat eau. - Br ant on)

" At 1951 hrs. all seven of us spot t ed a very bright light

com ing from t he nort hw est at a v er y high rat e of
speed. The obj ect appeared t o be boom erang shaped
wit h a very bright light j ust below it s cent er ( Som e
have alleged t hat t hese 'boom erang' shaped v ehicles
m ay have som e connect ion wit h a super- secr et black
budget space operat ion called Alt ernat ive- 3. -
Brant on) . The light was a bright whit e, blue and green.
As it approached, it slowed down [ obviously under
int elligent cont rol] , seem ed t o r ev er se direct ion, finally
st opping. When it st opped, a show er of what appear ed
t o be sparks wer e em it t ed from each end of t he
boom erang, and t hen it began m oving forward again
and disappeared fr om sight at a very high rat e of
speed. All t his t ook place in approxim at ely 10 t o 15
seconds. We at t em pt ed t o t ak e a pict ure of t he obj ect
but wer e unsuccessful.

" About 2200 hour s w e clim bed t o t he sum m it of Mt .

Archulet a and wat ched for about an hour and a half.
We could see acr oss t he canyon in t he m oonlight . This
canyon wall is wher e Paul Bennewit z [ prom inent and
well known physicist and UFO invest igat or] claim ed an
'alien' base is locat ed and t hat during t he night t heir
ships are seen ent ering and leaving cave openings in
t he cliff wall. During our st ay on t he peak , w e saw t wo
very bright light s on t he cliff walls in t he exact locat ion
wher e Paul said t he base openings were. Ther e are no
roads on t his cliff. The light s would appear suddenly
and t hen fade ov er a period of t im e unt il you could not
see t hem . At t his t im e we also heard voices t hat
sounded like radio t ransm issions. The v oices were not

underst andable but t hey wer e t here none t he less. The

sam e light pat t ern was seen by m yself and Edm ound
Gom ez as w e sat on t he about 0100 hours. We
also heard voices. At one t im e w e t hought we could
hear t ruck s m oving but we could not be sur e about
t his. Aft er 0200 hours t her e w er e no m or e sight ings or

" On Monday, 24 Oct ober 1988 t he ent ire part y clim bed
t o t he peak once again. We were looking for evidence
t hat t here had been a cr ash of an 'experim ent al
aircraft ' flown by an Air Force General in 1983. This
crash was r eport ed in t he newspapers for t wo days as
a sm all plane and t hen hushed up. The craft was
rum ored t o be a capt ur ed UFO, flown by Am ericans.
We were hoping t o pr ov e t hat t here indeed had been a
crash but also t o find som e physical evidence.

" Dr. Bennewit z report ed t hat t he craft had clipped off a

large t ree in it 's descent , had hit anot her t r ee,
regained alt it ude, skim m ed over t he peak of Ar chulet a,
[ and] hit a t hird t ree in t he valley nort h of t he peak. I t
was t hen report ed t o have hit t he gr ound, flipped ov er
t wice and cam e t o r est . We found t he t r ees as r eport ed
by Bennewit z. They w er e all in line wit h each ot her and
t he final rest ing place. The first t r ee was about 40
inches in diam et er. I t w as hit about 30 feet off t he
ground. Ther e was no fire. I hav e t ak en sam ples of t his
t ree for analysis. The ot her t w o t rees wer e sm aller
[ approxim at ely 12 t o 20 inches in diam et er] . Ther e
was evidence of fire wit h t hese. Sam ples of [ t hese]
t rees were also t ak en. Bet ween t he second t r ee and
t he t hird t ree w e found large pieces of what appear ed
t o be part of t he first t r ee. One piece was burnt while
next t o it was one t hat had not been burned. Sam ples
wer e t aken. While sear ching for phy sical evidence, a
st andard issue st yle ball- point pen was found. This is of
t he sam e t ype used by t he U.S. Gov ernm ent but can
also be pur chased by t he gener al public. St range t o
have been found in such a r em ot e place as t his
canyon. The alleged crash ar ea show ed a large SEMI -
CI RCULAR area wit h new veget at ion. The ar ea abov e
t he sem i- circular area w as cov er ed wit h new
veget at ion also. Sam ples of t he soil of t his area wer e
t aken.

" My ov erall im pressions of t his t rip are m ixed. I believe

t hat t here is definit ely som et hing going on in t he area.
What it is, I do not know. Perhaps t here is a base
t here. Perhaps it is j oint ly operat ed by 'aliens' and t he
governm ent , as claim ed by John Lear. Then again, it
could be a US base so super secr et t hat t here are no

fences ar ound t o arouse any suspicion... t hen again I

cannot say for sur e. I do know t hat t he evidence t hat
we found and saw definit ely point s t o t he fact t hat
som et hing is going on in t his area."

I n apparent confirm at ion of t he above, Gabe Valdez - -

t he form er St at e Police officer in Dulce, New Mexico
who was a part of t he expedit ion described above - -
was cont act ed by resear cher Alan deWalt on in 1990, in
an at t em pt t o confirm som e of t he inform at ion
concerning his involvem ent in t he UFO- m ut ilat ion
invest igat ions. During a t elephone conv ersat ion wit h
Valdez, t he following was learned:

" - - He and ot her s HAD seen st range flying obj ect s in

t he ar ea, how ev er he him self was unsure whet her
t hese wer e 'UFO's' of alien origin, or som e t ype of t op
secr et aircraft being t est ed by som e secr et fact ion of
t he gov ernm ent .

" - - Som et hing DI D crash near Mt . Archulet a several

years ago, but again, he did not find any evidence
conclusively proving whet her it was an obj ect of
hum an OR alien origin.

" - - There is anot her r oad leading t o t he Mt . Archulet a

area [ and m esa] aside from t he one which goes
t hrough t he Ut e I ndian reservat ion. As for t h e Ut e
Reser vat ion road, m uch of it is in good condit ion
[ paved?] . Only t he area around t he Ar chulet a region
it self requires four- wheel drive vehicles.

" - - He did invest igat e cat t le m ut ilat ions, and at least in

SOME cases a known nerv e agent was discover ed in
t he carcasses, and ot her indicat ions suggest ing t hat
t he cat t le wer e being used for r esearch in 'D.N.A.'
experim ent s."

Quit e by accident , while scanning t he I nt ernet , I was

surprised t o discover y et anot her confirm at ion of t he
ev ent s described earlier by Jason Bishop. This THI RD
confirm at ion of UFO act ivit y near Dulce, New Mexico by
m em bers of t he expedit ion t eam was given by none
ot her t han John Gilli, one of t he Mt . Archulet a
expedit ion t eam m em bers m ent ioned earlier. Gilli's
own r eport follows:



SUMMARY: - - Report of UFO sight ing over Mt .

Archulet a, NM on Oct ober 23, 1988 by John F. Gille et .



- - Sout hern slopes of Mt . Ar chulet a, 5 m iles NW of

Dulce, NM.

- - Locat ion of t he phenom enon: Sout h t o Nort h

t raj ect or y for about t w o m iles st opping very close t o
Mt . Ar chulet a sum m it .

- - Est im at ed closest obser vers dist ance: 480 yards.

- - Dist ance fr om obser v er s t o spot wher e t he UFO

st opped: 510 yards.

- - Tim e: 7: 51 pm Mount ain t im e.

- - Durat ion: est . 5- 6 seconds


- - Eliane Allegre, RN

- - Gabe Valdez

- - Edm und, friend of Valdez

- - " Jack" [ pseudonym ] , PhD

- - Manuel, local kid

- - Gr eg, son of Valdez

- - Jeff, anot her son of Valdez

- - John Gille, PhD

( Not e: " Jack " w ould probably be Jason Bishop, which is

it self a pseudonym used by a resear cher and a friend
of m ine who uses t his pseudonym because of his deep-
level research int o som e v er y danger ous areas of
invest igat ion. That is, I F one considers t he revelat ions
such as t hose cont ained wit hin t his volum e t o be
'danger ous' inform at ion under cert ain circum st ances. -
Brant on)


I [ John Gille] was int erest ed in t he Dulce ar ea because


of rum ors r elat ed t o a j oint ly [ CI A- Alien] occupied

undergr ound facilit y under Mt . Archulet a, and t o
num erous UFO sight ings, as r eport ed by local
resident s.

A night of observat ion in t he m ount ains had been

planned under t he leadership of Valdez.

Since about 7: 30pm , w e had been playing OUI JA at

t he inst igat ion of Valdez. Just as we w er e processing
t he last per son, one of Valdez's sons shout ed: " Look!
Here it com es! "

[ NOTE: I { Gille} DO NOT m ak e t he st at em ent t hat

t here was a causal cor r elat ion bet ween what w e had
j ust been doing and what we saw next . I m er ely r eport
t wo consecut ive event s which m ay or m ay not have
been corr elat ed.]


The obj ect cam e from t he sout h at gr eat speed on a

flat , st raight , rect ilinear , horizont al t raj ect ory r esult ing
in a perfect ly st raight lum inous yellowish line. I t was
definit ely not a plane or a shoot ing st ar.

Ther e w as no sound com ing from t he obj ect .

The obj ect st opped dead in it s t racks near t he t op of

t he m ount ain.

At t he sam e t im e, it becam e ext r em ely lum inous,

light ing at least half t he sky . Ther e w as a display of
various colors: yellow, pink, green, and a show er of
spark s.

Then t he obj ect folded on it self and disappeared.

ANNEXES [ Maps] :

- - New Mexico m aps

- - US Geological Survey m aps [ Wirt Cany on]


- - Gr oup phot o of wit nesses

- - Cam psit e

- - Mt . Ar chulet a

The t raj ect or y was about 2000 ft . abov e t he low est

point under t he est im at ed pat h of t he obj ect , w hich is
t he Navaj o River , elevat ion 6600 ft .


Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 3

D ulce N e w M e x ico An d A Cosm ic Con spir a cy?

John Lear, a capt ain of a m aj or U.S. Airline has flown ov er 160 different t ypes of aircraft
in over 50 differ ent count ries. He holds 17 world speed records in t he Lear Jet and is t he
only pilot ever t o hold every airm an cert ificat e issued by t he Federal Av iat ion
Adm inist rat ion. Mr. Lear has flown m issions wor ldwide for t he CI A and ot her gov ernm ent
agencies. He has flown clandest ine m issions in war- zones and hot - spot s ar ound t he
world, oft en engineering hairs'- breat h escapes under dangerous condit ions. A form er
Nevada St at e Senat orial candidat e, he is t he son of William P. Lear, designer of t he Lear
Jet execut ive airplane, t he 8- t rack st er eo, and founder of t he LEAR Siegler Corporat ion.
John Lear becam e int er est ed in t he subj ect of UFO's 13 m ont hs prior t o t he dat e given
below, aft er t alking wit h a friend in t he Unit ed St at es Air Force by t he nam e of Gr eg
Wilson who had wit nessed a UFO landing at Bent wat er s AFB, near London, England,
during which t hree sm all 'gray' aliens walked up t o t he Wing Com m ander. Since t hen
Lear has t apped his cont act s in int elligence, invest igat ing t he allegat ions t hat t he
ex ecut ive and m ilit ary- indust rial branches of t he Unit ed St at es 'governm ent ' knows
about , and colludes wit h, alien for ces. Lear no longer suggest s t he following scenario is a
'possibilit y', he em phat ically st at es t hat t he aliens ar e her e, and t hat m any of t hem bode
us ill.

" I t st art ed aft er World War I I ," he begins.

" We [ t he Allied forces] r ecov er ed som e alien t echnology fr om Germ any - - not all t hat
t hey had; som e of it disappear ed. I t appears t hat som e t im e in t he lat e '30s, Germ any
recovered a saucer. What happened t o it we don't know. But what w e did get was som e
kind of ray gun..."

The following is a " Public St at em ent " r eleased by John Lear on Decem ber 29, 1987 and
revised on Mar ch 25, 1988. I t was originally sent t o som e of Lear's personal friends and
research associat es who in t urn put pressur e on t he Ace Pilot t o r elease t his inform at ion
publicly. The first v er sion of t he st at em ent was apparent ly m eant for t he 'inside' cr owd
of researcher s wit h whom Lear associat ed, whereas t he following revision cont ains t he

sam e inform at ion as t he first edit ion, yet is direct ed t owards t he public in general:


" The gov ernm ent of t he Unit ed St at es cont inues t o r ely on y our per sonal and
professional gullibilit y t o suppr ess t he inform at ion cont ained herein. Your cooperat ion
ov er t he past 40 y ear s has ex ceeded OUR wildest expect at ions and w e salut e you.

" 'The sun does not revolve around t he Eart h'.

" 'The Unit ed St at es Gov ernm ent has been in business wit h lit t le gray ex t rat err est rials for
about 20 y ear s'.

" The first t rut h st at ed her e got Giordano Bruno burned at t he st ak e in AD 1600 for
daring t o propose t hat it was real. THE SECOND TRUTH HAS GOTTEN FAR MORE PEOPLE
her e and t hr oughout t his sect ion is ours. - Brant on)

" But t he t rut h m ust be t old. The fact t hat t he Eart h r ev olves around t he sun was
successfully suppressed by t he [ Rom an] chur ch for ov er 200 y ear s. I t event ually caused
a m aj or upheaval in t he church, gov ernm ent , and t hought . A realignm ent of social and
t radit ional values. That was in t he 1600's.

" Now , about 400 y ear s aft er t he first t rut h was pronounced w e m ust again face t he
shocking fact s. The 'hor rible t rut h' t he gov ernm ent has been hiding from us over 40
years. Unfort unat ely, t he 'hor rible t rut h' is far m or e hor rible t han t he governm ent ev er
im agined.

" I n it s effort t o 'prot ect dem ocracy', our gov ernm ent sold us t o t he aliens. And here is
how it happened. But befor e I begin, I 'd like t o offer a w ord in defense of t hose who
bargained us away. They had t he best of int ent ions.

" Germ any m ay hav e r ecov er ed a flying saucer as early as 1939. General Jam es H.
Doolit t le went t o Norway in 1952 t o inspect a flying saucer t hat had crashed t here in
Spit zbergen.

" The 'horrible t rut h' was known by only a v er y few per sons: They w er e indeed ugly lit t le
cr eat ures, shaped like praying m ant ises... Of t he original group t hat were t he first t o
learn t he 'hor rible t rut h', SEVERAL COMMI TTED SUI CI DE, t he m ost pr om inent of which
was Defense Secr et ary [ and Secr et ary of t he NAVY] Jam es V. For r est al who j um ped t o
his deat h from a 16t h st ory hospit al window.

( Not e: William Cooper , a form er m em ber of a Navy I nt elligence briefing t eam , insist s
t hat Forr est al was in fact m urdered by CI A agent s who m ade his deat h look like a
suicide. Based on sensit ive docum ent s Cooper claim s t o have r ead, t w o CI A agent s
ent er ed t he hospit al room , t ied a bedsheet ar ound For rest al's neck and t o a light fixt ure,
and t hrew him out t he window t o hang. The bedsheet [ s] br ok e and he fell t o his deat h,
scr eam ing on his way down according t o som e wit nesses " We're being invaded! " -
Brant on) .

" Secret ary Forr est al's m edical records ar e sealed t o t his day.

" Pr esident Trum an put a lid on t he secret and t urned t he screws so t ight t hat t he general
public st ill t hinks t hat flying saucers ar e a j ok e. Hav e I ever got a surpr ise for t hem .

" I n 1947, President Trum an est ablished a group of 12 of t he t op m ilit ary scient ific
per sonnel of t heir t im e. They were known as MJ- 12. Alt hough t he group exist s t oday,
none of t he ORI GI NAL m em bers ar e st ill alive. The last one t o die was Gordon Gr ay,
for m er Secret ary of t he Arm y, in 1984.

" As each m em ber passed aw ay, t he gr oup it self appoint ed a new m em ber t o fill t he
posit ion. There is som e speculat ion t hat t he group known as MJ- 12 expanded t o at least
sev en m or e m em ber s.

" There wer e sev er al m ore saucer crashes in t he lat e 1940's, one in Roswell, New
Mexico; one in Azt ec, New Mexico; and one near Lar edo, Texas, about 30 m iles inside
t he Mexican border .

" Consider , if you will, t he posit ion of t he Unit ed St at es Governm ent at t hat t im e. They
proudly t hought of t hem selves as t he m ost power ful nat ion on Eart h, having recent ly
produced t he at om ic bom b, an achievem ent so st upendous, it would t ake Russia 4 years
t o cat ch up, and only wit h t he help of t r ait ors t o Dem ocracy. They had built a j et aircraft
t hat had exceeded t he speed of sound in flight . They had built j et bom ber s wit h int er-
cont inent al range t hat could carry weapons of enorm ous dest ruct ion. The post war era,
and t he fut ure seem ed bright . Now im agine what it was like for t hose sam e leaders, all
of whom had wit nessed t he panic of Or son Wells' radio br oadcast , " The War of t he
Worlds" , in 1938. Thousands of Am ericans panicked at a r ealist ically present ed invasion
of Eart h by beings from anot her planet . I m agine t heir hor ror as t hey act ually viewed
EYES, REPTI LI AN SKI N AND CLAW LI KE FI NGERS. I m agine t heir shock as t hey
at t em pt ed t o det erm ine how t hese st range 'saucers' w er e power ed and could discover
no part ev en rem ot ely sim ilar t o com ponent s t hey w ere fam iliar wit h: no cylinders or
pist ons, no vacuum t ubes or t urbines or hydraulic act uat ors. I t is only when y ou fully
underst and t he ov erwhelm ing helplessness t he governm ent was faced wit h in t he lat e
40's t hat y ou can com pr ehend t heir per ceived need for a t ot al, t hor ough and sweeping
cov er up, t o include t he use of 'deadly for ce'.

" The cover- up was so successful t hat as lat e as 1985 a senior scient ist wit h t he Jet
Propulsion Laborat or y in Pasadena, California, Dr. Al Hibbs, would look at a video t ape of
an enorm ous flying saucer and st at e t he r ecord, 'I 'm not going t o assign anyt hing t o t hat
[ UFO] phenom ena wit hout a lot m ore dat a.' Dr . Hibbs was looking at t he naked em peror
and saying, 'He cert ainly looks naked, but t hat doesn't pr ov e he's naked.'

" I n July 1952, a panicked gov ernm ent wat ched helplessly as a squadron of 'flying
saucers' flew ov er Washingt on, D.C., and buzzed t he Whit e House, t he Capit ol Building,
and t he Pent agon. I t t ook all t he im aginat ion and int im idat ion t he gov ernm ent could
m ust er t o force t hat incident out of t he m em ory of t he public.

" Thousands of sight ings occur red during t he Korean war and several m or e saucers w er e
ret rieved by t he Air For ce. Som e w ere st or ed at Wright - Pat t erson Air For ce Base, som e

wer e st ored at Air Force bases near t he locat ions of t he crash sit e.

" One saucer was so enorm ous and t he logist ic problem s in t ransport at ion so enorm ous
t hat it was buried at t he crash sit e and r em ains t here t oday . The st ories ar e legendar y
on t ransport ing crashed saucer s over long dist ances, m oving only at night , purchasing
com plet e farm s, slashing t hrough for est s, block ing m aj or highways, som et im es driving 2
or 3 lo- boys in t andem wit h an ext rat err est rial load a hundr ed feet in diam et er. ( I t is
alleged t hat ALPHA or BLUE Team s out of Wright - Pat t erson AFB w ere t he ones who wer e
m ost oft en m obilized t o car ry out " crash- ret rieval" operat ions. - Brant on)

" On April 30, 1964, t he first com m unicat ion [ occurr ed] bet ween t hese aliens and t he
'U.S. Governm ent '. ( Ot her s claim t hat t here was an ev en earlier cont act - com m unicat ion
in 1954 during t he Eisenhower adm inist rat ion. - Brant on)

" During t he period of 1969- 1971, MJ- 12 r epr esent ing t he U.S. Gov ernm ent m ade a deal
wit h t hese creat ur es, called EBE's [ Ext rat err est r ial Biological Ent it ies, nam ed by Det ley
Bronk , original MJ- 12 m em ber and 6t h President of John Hopkins Universit y] . The 'deal'
was t hat in exchange for 't echnology' t hat t hey would provide t o us, w e agreed t o
'ignore' t he abduct ions t hat wer e going on and suppress inform at ion on t he cat t le
m ut ilat ions. The EBE's assur ed MJ- 12 t hat t he abduct ions [ usually last ing about 2 hours]
wer e m erely t he ongoing m onit oring of dev eloping civilizat ions.

" I n fact , t he purposes for t he abduct ions t urned out t o be:

" ( 1) The insert ion of a 3m m spherical device t hrough t he nasal cavit y of t he abduct ee
int o t he brain [ opt ic and/ or ner ve cent er] , t he device is used for t he biological
m onit oring, t racking, and cont r ol of t he abduct ee.

" ( 2) I m plem ent at ion of Post hypnot ic Suggest ion t o carr y out a specific act ivit y during a
specific t im e period, t he act uat ion of which will occur wit hin t he next 2 t o 5 y ears.

" ( 3) Term inat ion of som e people so t hat t hey could funct ion as living sources for
biological m at erial and subst ances.



" ( 5) Effect genet ic engineering experim ent s.

" ( 6) I m pregnat ion of hum an fem ales and early t erm inat ion of pr egnancies t o secur e t he
cr ossbr eed infant .

( Not e: Or perhaps a bet t er t erm for it would be a " genet ically alt ered" infant , since t her e
has been no evidence fort hcom ing t hat an act ual 'hybrid' bet ween hum ans and t he 'EBE'
or 'Gr ey' species has been successful. I n ot her words, t he offspring would t end t o fall t o
one side or t he ot her, a 'r ept ilioid' or 'gr ey ' ent it y possessing no 'soul- energy- m at rix', or
a hum anoid being possessing such a m at rix or soul alt hough som ewhat alt ered
genet ically in it 's out war d physical appearance or charact erist ics. - Br ant on) .

" The U.S. Governm ent was NOT init ially aware of t he far r eaching consequences of t heir
'deal'. They w ere LED t o believe t hat t he abduct ions w er e essent ially benign AND SI NCE

THEY AGREED OR NOT, t hey m er ely insist ed on a cur rent list of abduct ees be subm it t ed,
on a periodic basis, t o MJ- 12 and t he Nat ional Securit y Council. Does t his sound
incredible? An act ual list of abduct ees sent t o t he Nat ional Securit y Council? Read on,
because I have new s for y ou...

" The EBE's hav e a genet ic disorder in t hat t heir digest ive syst em is at r ophied and not
funct ional... I n order t o sust ain t hem selves t hey use enzym e or horm onal secr et ions
obt ained from t he t issues t hat t hey ext ract from hum ans and anim als.

" The secr et ions obt ained are t hen m ixed wit h hydrogen per oxide [ t o kill germ s, viruses,
et c.] and applied on t he skin by spr eading or dipping part s of t heir bodies in t he
solut ion. The body absorbs t he solut ion, t hen excr et es t he wast e back t hrough t he skin.
( Urine is also excret ed t hrough t he skin in t his m anner, which m ay explain t he
am m onia- like STENCH t hat m any abduct ees or wit nesses have r eport ed during
encount ers wit h t he grey- t ype 'aliens'. - Brant on) .

" The cat t le m ut ilat ions t hat wer e prevalent t hroughout t he period fr om 1973 t o 1983
and publicly not ed t hrough newspaper and m agazine st ories and included a
docum ent ary produced by Linda How e for a Denver CBS affiliat e KMGH- TV, w er e for t he
collect ion of t hese t issues by t he aliens. The m ut ilat ions included genit als t aken, r ect um s
cored out t o t he colon, ey es, t ongue, and t hroat all surgically rem oved wit h ext rem e
precision. I n som e cases t he incisions wer e m ade by cut t ing bet ween t he cells, a pr ocess
we are not y et capable of per form ing in t he field. I n m any of t he m ut ilat ions t here was
no blood found at all in t he carcass, yet t her e w as no vascular collapse of t he int ernal
organs. THI S HAS ALSO BEEN NOTED I N THE HUMAN MUTI LATI ONS, one of t he first of
which was Sgt . Jonat han P. Lov et t e at t he Whit e Sands Missile Test Range in 1956, who
was found t hree days aft er an Air For ce Maj or had wit nessed his abduct ion by a 'disk
shaped' obj ect at 0300 while on search for m issile debris downrange. His genit als had
been rem ov ed, r ect um cored out in a surgically precise 'plug' up t o t he colon, eyes
rem ov ed and all blood r em oved wit h, again, no vascular collapse. From som e of t he
evidence it is apparent t hat t his surgery is accom plished, in m ost cases, WHI LE THE

( Not e: According t o for m er Green Ber et com m ander Bill English, THI S incident was also
m ent ioned in t he Above- Top- Secr et " GRUDGE / BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13" which was
never released wit h t he rest of t he innocuous and volum inous " Proj ect Blue Book"
report s. The " Blue Team s" who w er e sent on crash- r et rieval operat ions w er e report edly
wor king on behalf of t he covert br anch of t he Blue Book operat ions, and Ufological
legend has it t hat a secr et warehouse wit h m ult iple underground lev els exist s at Wright
Pat t er son AFB in Ohio, one which is lit erally packed wit h alien craft , hardwar e, and even
alien bodies 'on ice'. Wright Pat t erson was - - and is? - - t he headquart er s of Proj ect Blue
Book. - Brant on)


" Aft er t he init ial agreem ent , Gr oom Lak e, one of t he nat ions m ost secr et t est cent ers,

was closed for a period of about a y ear, som et im e bet ween about 1972 and 1974, AND

" During t he period bet w een 1979 and 1983 it becam e increasingly obvious t o MJ- 12 t hat
t hings wer e not going as planned. I T BECAME KNOWN THAT MANY MORE PEOPLE [ I N



" By 1984, MJ- 12 m ust have been in st ark t er ror at t he m ist ake t hey had m ade in dealing
wit h t he EBE's. They had subt ly prom ot ed 'Close Encount ers of t he Third Kind' and 'E.T.'
t o get t he public used t o 'odd looking' aliens t hat were com passionat e, benevolent and
very m uch our 'space br ot her s'. MJ- 12 'sold' t he EBE's t o t he public, and were now faced
wit h t he fact THAT QUI TE THE OPPOSI TE WAS TRUE. I n addit ion, a plan was form ulat ed
in 1968 t o m ake t he public aware of t he exist ence of aliens on eart h over t he next 20
years t o be culm inat ed wit h several docum ent aries t o be r eleased during 1985- 1987
period of t im e. These docum ent aries w ould explain t he hist ory and int ent ions of t he
EBE's. The discovery of t he 'GRAND DECEPTI ON' put t he ent ire plans, hopes and dr eam s
of MJ- 12 int o ut t er confusion and panic.

" Meet ing at t he 'Count r y Club', a r em ot e lodge wit h privat e golf course, com fort able
sleeping and working quart er s, and it s own privat e airst rip built by and ex clusively for
t he m em ber s of MJ- 12, it was a fact ional fight of what t o do now. PART OF MJ- 12
m aj orit y] of MJ- 12 argued t hat t her e was no way t hey could do t hat , t hat t he sit uat ion
was unt enable and t her e was no use in excit ing t he public wit h t he 'hor rible t rut h' and
t hat t he best plan was t o cont inue t he dev elopm ent of a w eapon t hat could be used
against t he EBE's under t he guise of 'SDI ', t he St rat egic Defense I nit iat ive, which had
not hing what soever t o do wit h a defense for inbound Russian nuclear m issiles. As t hese
words are being writ t en, Dr . Edward Teller, 'fat her' of t he H- Bom b is per sonally in t he
t est t unnels of t he Nevada Test Sit e, driving his work er s and associat es in t he words of
one, 'like a m an possessed'. And w ell he should, for Dr. Teller is a m em ber of MJ- 12
along wit h Dr. Kissinger, Adm iral Bobby I nm an, and possibly Adm iral Poindext er, t o
nam e a few of t he cur rent m em bers of MJ- 12.

" Befor e t he 'Grand Decept ion' was discov er ed and according t o a m et iculous plan for
m et ered r elease of infor m at ion t o t he public, several docum ent aries and video t apes
wer e m ade. William Moor e, a Burbank , California, based UFO r esear cher who wr ot e 'The
Rosw ell I ncident ' - - a book published in 1980 t hat det ailed t he crash, r ecov ery and
subsequent cover- up of a UFO wit h 4 alien bodies - - has a video t ape of 2 new sm en

int erviewing a m ilit ary officer associat ed wit h MJ- 12. This m ilit ary officer answers
quest ions r elat ing t o t he hist ory of MJ- 12 and t he cov er- up, t he r ecov ery of a num ber of
flying saucer s and t he exist ence of a live alien [ one of 3 living aliens capt ured and
designat ed, or nam ed, EBE- 1, EBE- 2, and EBE- 3, being held in a facilit y designat ed as
YY- I I at Los Alam os, New Mexico. The only ot her facilit y of t his t ype, which is
elect r om agnet ically secure, is at Edwards Air For ce Base in Moj ave, California] . The
officer nam es as pr eviously m ent ioned plus a few ot hers: Har old Brow n, Richard Helm s,
Gen. Vernon Walt ers, JPL's Dr . Allen and Dr. Theodor e van Karm an, t o nam e a few of
t he cur rent and past m em ber s of MJ- 12.

" The officer also r elat es t he fact t hat t he EBE's claim t o have cr eat ed Christ . The EBE's
have a t ype of r ecording device t hat has r ecorded all of Eart h's hist ory and can display it
in t he form of a hologram . This hologram can be film ed but because of t he way
hologram s w or k does not com e out very clear on m ovie film or video t ape. The
crucifixion of Christ on t he Mount of Olives ( t his act ually t ook place on t he hill Calvary,
not t he Mt . of Olives - Brant on) has allegedly been put on film t o show t he public. The
EBE's 'claim ' t o have cr eat ed Christ , w hich, I N VI EW OF THE 'GRAND DECEPTI ON',

" Anot her video t ape allegedly in exist ence is an int erview wit h an EBE. Since EBE's
com m unicat e t elepat hically ( via psionic cry st alline t ransceiver- like im plant s t hat link t he
Grays t oget her int o a m ass collect ive- hive- m ind - Brant on) , an Air For ce Colonel ser ves
as int erpr et er. Just before t he recent st ock m ar ket corr ect ion in Oct ober of 1987, sev eral
newsm en, including Bill Moor e, had been invit ed t o Washingt on D.C., t o per sonally film
t he EBE in a sim ilar t ype int erview, and dist ribut e t he film t o t he public. Apparent ly,
because of t he cor r ect ion in t he m arket , it was felt t he t im ing was not propit ious. I n any
case, it cert ainly seem s like an odd m et hod t o inform t he public of ext r at er rest rials, but
it would be in keeping wit h t he act ions of A PANI CKED ORGANI ZATI ON WHO AT THI S

" Moor e is also in possession of m or e Aquarius docum ent s, a few pages of which leaked
out several years ago and det ailed t he supersecr et NSA proj ect which had been denied
by t hem unt il j ust recent ly. I n a let t er t o Senat or John Glenn, NSA's Direct or of Policy,
Julia B. Wet zel, wr ot e, 'Apparent ly t her e is or w as an Air Force pr oj ect wit h t he nam e
[ Aquarius] which dealt wit h UFO's. Coincident ally, t here is also an NSA proj ect by t hat
nam e.' NSA's pr oj ect AQUARI US deals specifically wit h 'com m unicat ions wit h t he aliens'
[ EBE's] . Wit hin t he Aquarius program was pr oj ect 'Snowbird', a pr oj ect t o t est - fly a
recovered alien aircraft at Gr oom Lake, Nevada. This proj ect cont inues t oday at t hat
locat ion. I n t he w ords of an individual who wor ks at Gr oom Lake, 'Our people are m uch
bet t er at t aking t hings apart t han t hey are at put t ing t hem back t oget her.'

" Moor e, who claim s he has a cont act wit h MJ- 12, feels t hat t hey have been st ringing him
along, slipping him docum ent s and providing him wit h leads, pr om ising t o go public wit h
som e of t he inform at ion on ext rat er r est rials by t he end of 1987 .

" Cert ain of Moore's st at em ent s lead one t o believ e t hat Moore him self is a gov ernm ent
agent working for MJ- 12, not t o be st rung alone, but t o st ring along ev er hopeful
UFOlogist s t hat t he t rut h is j ust around t he cor ner. Consider.

" 1. Moore st at es em phat ically t hat he is not a gov ernm ent agent , alt hough when Lee
Graham [ a Sout hern California based UFOlogist ] was invest igat ed by DI S [ Defense

I nv est igat ive Service] for possession of classified docum ent s r eceived from Moore,
Moor e him self was not .

" 2. Moore st at es em phat ically t hat t he cat t le m ut ilat ions of 1973- 1983 wer e a hoax by
Linda Howe [ pr oducer of 'A St range Harvest '] t o cr eat e publicit y for her self. He cit es t he
book 'Mut e Evidence' as t he bot t om line of t he hoax. 'Mut e Evidence' w as a gov ernm ent
sponsor ed book t o explain t he m ut ilat ions in convent ional t erm s.

" 3. Moore st at es t hat t he U.S.A.F. Academ y phy sics book, 'I nt r oduct ory Space Science',
vol. I I chapt er 13, ent it led 'Unident ified Flying Obj ect s', which describes four of t he m ost
com m only seen aliens [ one of which is t he EBE] was w rit t en by Lt . Col. Edward R.
Ther kelson and Maj or Donald B. Carpent er . Air Force personnel who did not know what
t hey w er e t alking about and were m er ely cit ing 'crackpot ' refer ences. He, Moor e, st at es
t hat t he book was wit hdrawn t o excise t he chapt er.

" I f t he gov ernm ent felt t hey w er e being forced t o acknowledge t he exist ence of aliens on
Eart h because of t he ov erwhelm ing evidence such as t he Oct ober and Nov em ber
sight ings in Wyt heville, Va., and recent ly r eleased book s such as 'Night Siege' [ Hynek, J.
Allen; I m brogno, Phillip J.; Prat t , Bob: NI GHT SI EGE, Ballant ine Book s, Random House,
New York] , and t aking int o considerat ion t he 'grand decept ion' AND OBVI OUSLY
HOSTI LE I NTENT OF THE EBE'S, it m ight be expedient for MJ- 12 t o adm it t he EBE's but
conceal t he inform at ion on t he m ut ilat ions and abduct ions. I f MJ- 12 and Moor e w ere in
som e kind of agr eem ent t hen it would be beneficial t o Moor e t o t ow t he part y line. For
exam ple, MJ- 12 would say... 'her e are som e m ore genuine docum ent s... but
rem em ber... no t alking about t he m ut ilat ions or abduct ions'. This would be beneficial t o
Moor e as it would supply t he evidence t o support his t heor y t hat E.T.'s exist but deny
t he t rut hs about t he E.T.'s. How ev er , if Moor e w as indeed w orking for MJ- 12, he w ould
follow t he part y line anyway... adm it t ing t he E.T.'s but pooh poohing t he m ut ilat ions and
abduct ions. I f w orking alone, Moor e m ight not even be aware of t he 'gr and decept ion'.

" Tim e will t ell. I t is possible t hat Moor e will go ahead and r elease t he video int erview
wit h t he m ilit ary officer around t he first of t he y ear , as he has pr om ised. Fr om MJ- 12's
point of view, t he public would be exposed t o t he inform at ion wit hout really having t o
believe it because Moor e is essent ially not as cr edible a source as, say, t he Pr esident of
t he Unit ed St at es. Aft er a few m ont hs of digest ion and discussion, a m ore cr edible
sour ce could em erge wit h a st at em ent t hat yes in fact t he int erview was essent ially
fact ual. This scenario w ould cushion som ew hat t he blow t o t he public. I f, how ev er,
Moor e does not release t he t ape by, say, February 1 of 1988, but com es inst ead wit h a
st or y sim ilar t o: 'MJ- 12 has inform ed m e t hat t hey ar e definit ely planning a r elease of all
inform at ion by Oct ober of 88... I hav e seen t he plan and have seen t he guarant ee t hat
t his will happen, so I have decided t o wit hhold t he r elease of m y video t ape at t his t im e
as it m ay cause som e problem s wit h MJ- 12's plans.' This would in effect buy m ore t im e
for MJ- 12 and t im e is what t hey desperat ely need.

" Now y ou ask , 'Why hav en't I heard any of t his?' Who do you t hink you would hear it
from ? Dan Rat her ? Tom Br okaw ? Sam Donaldson? Wr ong. These people j ust read t he
news, t hey don't find it . They have ladies who call and int erview wit nesses and v erify
st at em ent s on st ories com ing over t he wire [ eit her AP or UPI ] . I t 's not like Dan Rat her
would go down t o Wyt heville, Virginia, and dig int o why t here w er e FOUR THOUSAND
report ed sight ings in Oct ober and Nov em ber of 1987. Bet t er Tom Brokaw or som eone
else should risk t heir cr edibilit y on t his t ype of st or y. Tom Br okaw ? Tom want s Sam
Donaldson t o risk his cr edibilit y. No one, but no one, is going t o risk t heir neck on such

out landish ideas, r egardless of how m any people report sight ings of 900 foot obj ect s
running t hem off t he road. I n t he case of t he Wyt heville sight ings, dozens of vans wit h
NASA let t er ed on t he side failed t o int erest new sm en. And t hose t hat asked quest ions
wer e inform ed t hat NASA was doing a weat her surv ey.

" Well t hen, you ask, what about our scient ist s? What about Carl Sagan? I ssac Asim ov ?
Art hur C. Clarke? Wouldn't t hey hav e known? I f Carl Sagan know s t hen he is com m it t ing
a great fraud t hrough t he solicit at ion of m em ber ships in t he Planet ary Societ y, 't o search
for ext rat er rest rial int elligence'. Anot her charade int o which t he U.S. Gov ernm ent dum ps
m illions of dollars ev ery year is t he radio- t elescope in Ar ecibo, Puert o Rico, operat ed by
Cornell Universit y wit h - guess who? - Carl Sagan. Cornell is ost ensibly sear ching for
signals from Out er Space, a sign m aybe, t hat som ebody is out t here. I t is hard t o
believe t hat relat ively int elligent ast ronom ers like Sagan could be so ignorant .

( Not e: Also, even if 't hey' did find evidence of ext rat err est rial life, do y ou t hink t hat SETI
and sim ilar governm ent - sponsor ed pr oj ect s would t ell US about I t ? Let 's j ust t ak e a look
at som e act ual st at em ent s fr om t hose involved wit h t hese pr oj ect s. The following is a
quot e from Mat t Spet alnick's art icle " I S ANYBODY OUT THERE? NASA LOOKS FOR REAL
ET'S" , in REUTERS Magazine, Oct . 5, 1992: " At least 70 t im es scient ist s have picked up
radio wav es t hat bor e t he m ar ks of com m unicat ion by beings from ot her worlds, but
t hey w er e nev er verified, [ Frank] Drak e said." And researcher John Spencer, in a
reference t o Dr. Ot t o St rov e, t ells how t his ast r ophysicist assist ed Frank Drake in
est ablishing Proj ect OZMA, and it 's v ery m y st erious conclusion: " ...t he proj ect began it s
search by focusing on t he st ar TAU CETI . Accor ding t o claim s m ade at t he t im e, AS
SOON AS t he pr oj ect got underway STRONG I NTELLI GENT SI GNALS w ere picked up,
leaving all t he scient ist s st unned. Abrupt ly, Dr. St rov e t hen declar ed Pr oj ect OZMA had
been shut down, and com m ent ed t hat t here was no sensible purpose for list ening t o
m essages from anot her world." [ THE UFO ENCYCLOPEDI A] . So t hen, t hese 'insiders' will
accept ALL of our hard- earned t ax dollars t o finance t heir radio proj ect s - - if not t heir
undergr ound bases and cov ert space operat ions. Yet cur sed be any 'm ere m ort al' for
having t he audacit y t o act ually insist on having access t o t he pr oduct s of t heir 'financial
invest m ent s'! - Brant on)

" What about I saac Asim ov? Sur ely t he m ost pr olific science fict ion writ er of all t im e
would have guessed by now t hat t her e m ust be an enorm ous cov er - up? Maybe, but if he
knows he's not saying. Perhaps he's afraid t hat Foundat ion and Em pire will t urn out t o
be inaccurat e.

" What about Art hur C. Clarke? Surely t he m ost t echnically accurat e of Science Fict ion
writ ers wit h very close t ies t o NASA would have at least a hint of what 's r eally going on.
Again, if so he isn't t alking. I n a r ecent Science Fict ion survey, Clark e est im at es t hat
cont act wit h ext rat err est rial int elligent life would not occur before t he 21st Cent ur y.

" I f t he gov ernm ent w on't t ell us t he t rut h and t he m aj or net w orks won't ev en give it
serious considerat ion ( Not e: This was w rit t en befor e such pr ogram s as SI GHTI NGS,
UNI VERSE and ot her TV news digest s and t alk shows DI D begin dealing wit h t he UFO
phenom ena, abduct ions, and so on in m uch great er dept h - - not t o m ent ion t he X-
FI LES, DARK SKI ES and ot her TV series'. - Brant on) , t hen what is t he big pict ure,
anyway? Ar e t he EBE's, having done a hundred t housand or m or e abdu ct ions [ possibly
[ Gr oom Lak e, Nevada; Sunspot , Dat il, Roswell, and Pie Town, New Mexico, j ust t o nam e

a few] get t ing ready t o ret urn t o wher ev er t hey cam e from ? Or , from t he obvious
preparat ions ar e w e t o assum e t hat t hey ar e get t ing ready for a big m ov e? or is [ it ] t he
m or e sinist er and m ost probable sit uat ion t hat t he invasion is essent ially com plet e and it
is all over but t he scream ing?

" A well planned invasion of Eart h for it 's resources and benefit s would not begin wit h
m ass landings or ray- gun equipped aliens. A properly planned and execut ed invasion by
a civilizat ion t housands [ of] y ear s in advance of us w ould m ost likely be com plet e before
a handful of people, say 12?, r ealized what was happening. No fuss, no m ess. The best
advice I can give you is t his: Next t im e y ou see a flying saucer and ar e awed by it s
obvious display of t echnology and gorgeous light s of pur e color - RUN LI KE HELL!

- - June 3, 1988 Las Vegas, NV"

[ The following was an addendum t o t he abov e t hat was included wit h lat er copies of
John Lear's 'st at em ent '] :

" I n 1983 when t he Grand Decept ion was discov er ed MJ- 12 [ which m ay now be
designat ed 'PI - 40'] st art ed w or k on a w eapon or som e kind of device t o cont ain t he
EBE's which had by now t ot ally infest ed our societ y. This program was funded t hrough
SDI which, coincident ally, was init iat ed at approxim at ely t he sam e dat e. A frant ic effort
has been m ade over t he past 4 y ears by all part icipant s. This program ended in failure in
Decem ber of 1987.

( Not e: Brit ish Ufologist Tim ot hy Good claim ed t hat over 22 Brit ish scient ist s - - who wer e
wor king on t he U.S. SDI program for Brit ish Mar coni and ot her Aerospace com panies - -
had all m yst eriously died or 'com m it t ed suicide' wit hin t he space of a few year s. Could
t his have had anyt hing t o do wit h t his 'failure'? Apparent ly som eone 'out t her e' w as
int ent on sabot aging t he SDI / STAR WARS pr oj ect . Also t her e are r eport s t hat sev er al
of our 'defense sat ellit es' hav e been dest royed as w ell. - Brant on) .

" A new program has been conceived but will t ake about 2 y ears t o dev elop. I n t he
m eant im e, it is absolut ely essent ial t o MJ- 12 [ PI - 40] , t hat no one, including t he Senat e,
t he Congress or t he Cit izens of t he Unit ed St at es of Am erica [ or any one else for t hat
m at t er] becom e aware of t he r eal circum st ances sur r ounding t he UFO cov er- up and t ot al
disast er it has becom e.

" Moor e nev er did r elease t he video t apes but claim s he is negot iat ing wit h a m aj or
net work t o do so...'soon'."

Anot her source added t he following st at em ent s in regards t o Lear's claim s:

" Area 51... and a sim ilar set up near Dulce, New Mexico, m ay now belong t o for ces not
loyal t o t he U.S. Governm ent , or ev en t he hum an race. 'I t 's horrifying t o t hink t hat all
t he scient ist s we t hink are working for us [ in t he j oint - int eract ion bases] ar e act ually
cont r olled by aliens.'

" '...SDI , r egardless of w hat you hear, was com plet ed...t o shoot down incom ing saucers.
The m ist ake was t hat we t hought t hey wer e com ing inbound - - in fact , t hey're already
her e. They 'r e in undergr ound bases all over t he place.' I t seem s t hat t he aliens had
const ruct ed m any such bases wit hout our knowledge, wher e t hey conduct heinous

genet ic experim ent s on anim als, hum an beings, and 'im provised' creat ures of t heir own

" Thus was born PROJECT EXCALI BUR. Press r eport s described EXCALI BUR as a weapons
syst em designed t o oblit erat e deeply- buried Soviet com m and cent ers, which t he Reagan
adm inist rat ion hypocrit ically charact erized as dest abilizing. We hav e ex act ly sim ilar
cent ers. Lear claim s t he weapon was act ually direct ed t oward t he int ernal alien t hreat .
Unfort unat ely, t he 'visit or s' hav e invaded us in m or e ways t han one.

" 'Millions of Am ericans have been im plant ed. Ther e's a lit t le device t hat varies in size
from 50 m icr ons t o 3 m illim et ers; it is insert ed t hrough t he nose int o t he brain. I t
effect ively cont rols t he per son. Dr . [ J. Allen] Hynek est im at ed in 1972 t hat one in ev er y
40 Am ericans was im plant ed; we believe it m ay be as high as one in t en now.' Th ese
im plant s will be act ivat ed at som e t im e in t he near fut ure, for som e unspecified alien

When Lear was pr essed t o disclose som e of his sour ces, he st at ed t hat his anonym ous
int elligence inform ant s " go right t o t he t op." He did however m ent ion som e of t he nam es
in not - so- sensit ive int elligence posit ions fr om w hom he has also gat her ed inform at ion,
m any of t hese nam es m ay be fam iliar t o vet eran Ufologist s. These include:

* Paul Bennewit z, direct or of Thunder Scient ific Laborat ories [ a New Mexico- based
research facilit y wit h governm ent cont ract t ies] , who claim s t o hav e gained access t o
and 'int errogat ed' an alien com put er sy st em via a radio- video- com put er set up of his own
invent ion.

* Linda How e, t he t elevision docum ent arian r esponsible for STRANGE HARVEST [ a
program about cat t le m ut ilat ions] , who recieved ast onishing 'leaks' fr om a special
int elligence officer, Colonel Richard Dot y form er ly of Kirt land AFB, a nam e not ed in aerial
research circles.

* Robert Collins [ code- nam ed 'Condor', according t o Lear] who has secured num er ous
official docum ent s relat ing t o UFOs.

* Sgt . Clifford St one, pr em iere collect or of UFO relat ed Fr eedom of I nform at ion Act or
FOI A docum ent s.

* Travis Walt on, professed UFO abduct ee whose experience inspired t he m ovie FI RE I N

As an int erest ing follow- up t o Lear 's art icle, I w e quot e her e som e act ual st at em ent s
m ade by pr om inent individuals in regards t o t he 'UFO' phenom enon:

" I n our obsession wit h ant agonism s of t he m om ent , w e oft en forget how m uch unit es all
t he m em ber s of hum anit y. Perhaps w e need som e out side, universal t hreat t o m ake us
realize t his com m on bond. I occasionally t hink how quickly our differ ences w ould vanish
if we wer e facing an alien t hreat from out side t his world. And yet , I ask you, I S NOT AN

- - President Ronald Reagan., Rem ark s m ade t o t he 42nd General Assem bly of t he Unit ed

Nat ions., Sept . 21, 1987

" I couldn't help but say t o him [ Gorbachev] , j ust t hink how easy his t ask and m ine
m ight be in t hese m eet ings t hat we held if suddenly t here was a t hr eat t o t his world
from som e ot her species from anot her planet out side in t he universe... Well, I don't
suppose w e can wait for som e alien race t o com e down and t hreat en us. But I t hink t hat
bet ween us we can bring about t hat r ealizat ion."

- - President Ronald Reagan., Rem ark s t o Fallst on High School st udent s and Facult y,
Fallst on, MD., Oct ober 4, 1985

" For your confident ial infor m at ion, a r eliable and confident ial source has advised t he
Bureau t hat flying disks ar e believed t o be m an- m ade m issiles rat her t han nat ural
phenom enon. I t has also been det erm ined t hat for appr oxim at ely t he past four y ears t he
USSR has been engaged in experim ent at ion on an unknown t ype of flying disk."

- - FBI Mem o, dat ed Mar ch 25, 1949 sent t o a large num ber of FBI offices.

" ...on Unident ified Flying Obj ect s... The panel r ecom m ends t hat t he nat ional securit y
agencies inst it ut e policies... designed t o pr epar e t he m at erial defenses and t he m orale of
t he count ry t o r ecognize... and r eact m ost effect ively t o t rue indicat ions of host ile
m easur es."

- - Recom m endat ion of t he CI A Robert son Panel on UFOs., Januar y, 1953

" Public int erest in disclosure is far out weighed by t he sensit ive nat ure of t he m at erials
and t he obvious effect on nat ional securit y t heir r elease m ay ent ail."

- - U.S. Dist rict Court Opinion in t he case of Cit izens Against UFO Secrecy vs. t he
Nat ional Securit y Agency., May 18, 1982

" The sum s m ade available t o t he Agency m ay be expended wit hout regard t o t he
provisions of law and regulat ions r elat ing t o t he expendit ures of Governm ent ."

- - Cent ral I nt elligence Act of 1949

" On t his land a flying disk has been found int act , wit h eight een t hr ee- foot t all hum an-
LI KE occupant s, all dead in it but not burned."

- - FBI m em o from New Orleans Branch t o Direct or, FBI , Mar ch 31, 1950 about a disk
found in t he Moj av e desert in January, 1950

" When four sit down t o conspire, t hr ee ar e fools and t he fourt h is a gov ernm ent agent ."

- - Duncan Lunan

" The flying disks ar e r eal."

- - General Nat han Twining.


" According t o Mr . ...inform ant , t he saucer s w er e found in New Mexico due t o t he fact
t hat t he Governm ent has a v ery high- power ed r adar set up in t hat area and it is believed
t hat t he radar [ EM beam s] int erferes wit h t he cont r olling m echanism of t he
saucers...each one of t he t hr ee saucers w ere occupied by t hree bodies of hum an SHAPE,
but only 3 feet t all, dressed in m et allic clot h of a very fine t ext ur e."

- - FBI Mem o fr om agent Guy Hot t el., Washingt on Field Office., sent t o Direct or , FBI .,
March 22, 1950



- - Unit ed St at es Arm y Sgt . Clifford St one, Rosw ell N.M. St at ion.

" He believes t hat because of t he dev elopm ent s of science all t he count r ies on eart h will
have t o unit e t o sur vive and t o m ak e a com m on front against at t ack by 'people' fr om
ot her planet s."

- - Mayor Achille Lauro of Naples, quot ing Gener al Douglas MacArt hur in t he NEW YORK
TI MES, Sat urday Oct ober 8, 1955. p.7

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 3

D ulce N e w M e x ico An d A Cosm ic Con spir a cy?

John Lear, a capt ain of a m aj or U.S. Airline has flown ov er 160 different t ypes of aircraft
in over 50 differ ent count ries. He holds 17 world speed records in t he Lear Jet and is t he
only pilot ever t o hold every airm an cert ificat e issued by t he Federal Av iat ion
Adm inist rat ion. Mr. Lear has flown m issions wor ldwide for t he CI A and ot her gov ernm ent
agencies. He has flown clandest ine m issions in war- zones and hot - spot s ar ound t he
world, oft en engineering hairs'- breat h escapes under dangerous condit ions. A form er
Nevada St at e Senat orial candidat e, he is t he son of William P. Lear, designer of t he Lear
Jet execut ive airplane, t he 8- t rack st er eo, and founder of t he LEAR Siegler Corporat ion.
John Lear becam e int er est ed in t he subj ect of UFO's 13 m ont hs prior t o t he dat e given
below, aft er t alking wit h a friend in t he Unit ed St at es Air Force by t he nam e of Gr eg
Wilson who had wit nessed a UFO landing at Bent wat er s AFB, near London, England,
during which t hree sm all 'gray' aliens walked up t o t he Wing Com m ander. Since t hen
Lear has t apped his cont act s in int elligence, invest igat ing t he allegat ions t hat t he
ex ecut ive and m ilit ary- indust rial branches of t he Unit ed St at es 'governm ent ' knows
about , and colludes wit h, alien for ces. Lear no longer suggest s t he following scenario is a
'possibilit y', he em phat ically st at es t hat t he aliens ar e her e, and t hat m any of t hem bode

us ill.

" I t st art ed aft er World War I I ," he begins.

" We [ t he Allied forces] r ecov er ed som e alien t echnology fr om Germ any - - not all t hat
t hey had; som e of it disappear ed. I t appears t hat som e t im e in t he lat e '30s, Germ any
recovered a saucer. What happened t o it we don't know. But what w e did get was som e
kind of ray gun..."

The following is a " Public St at em ent " r eleased by John Lear on Decem ber 29, 1987 and
revised on Mar ch 25, 1988. I t was originally sent t o som e of Lear's personal friends and
research associat es who in t urn put pressur e on t he Ace Pilot t o r elease t his inform at ion
publicly. The first v er sion of t he st at em ent was apparent ly m eant for t he 'inside' cr owd
of researcher s wit h whom Lear associat ed, whereas t he following revision cont ains t he
sam e inform at ion as t he first edit ion, yet is direct ed t owards t he public in general:


" The gov ernm ent of t he Unit ed St at es cont inues t o r ely on y our per sonal and
professional gullibilit y t o suppr ess t he inform at ion cont ained herein. Your cooperat ion
ov er t he past 40 y ear s has ex ceeded OUR wildest expect at ions and w e salut e you.

" 'The sun does not revolve around t he Eart h'.

" 'The Unit ed St at es Gov ernm ent has been in business wit h lit t le gray ex t rat err est rials for
about 20 y ear s'.

" The first t rut h st at ed her e got Giordano Bruno burned at t he st ak e in AD 1600 for
daring t o propose t hat it was real. THE SECOND TRUTH HAS GOTTEN FAR MORE PEOPLE
her e and t hr oughout t his sect ion is ours. - Brant on)

" But t he t rut h m ust be t old. The fact t hat t he Eart h r ev olves around t he sun was
successfully suppressed by t he [ Rom an] chur ch for ov er 200 y ear s. I t event ually caused
a m aj or upheaval in t he church, gov ernm ent , and t hought . A realignm ent of social and
t radit ional values. That was in t he 1600's.

" Now , about 400 y ear s aft er t he first t rut h was pronounced w e m ust again face t he
shocking fact s. The 'hor rible t rut h' t he gov ernm ent has been hiding from us over 40
years. Unfort unat ely, t he 'hor rible t rut h' is far m or e hor rible t han t he governm ent ev er
im agined.

" I n it s effort t o 'prot ect dem ocracy', our gov ernm ent sold us t o t he aliens. And here is
how it happened. But befor e I begin, I 'd like t o offer a w ord in defense of t hose who
bargained us away. They had t he best of int ent ions.

" Germ any m ay hav e r ecov er ed a flying saucer as early as 1939. General Jam es H.
Doolit t le went t o Norway in 1952 t o inspect a flying saucer t hat had crashed t here in
Spit zbergen.

" The 'horrible t rut h' was known by only a v er y few per sons: They w er e indeed ugly lit t le

cr eat ures, shaped like praying m ant ises... Of t he original group t hat were t he first t o
learn t he 'hor rible t rut h', SEVERAL COMMI TTED SUI CI DE, t he m ost pr om inent of which
was Defense Secr et ary [ and Secr et ary of t he NAVY] Jam es V. For r est al who j um ped t o
his deat h from a 16t h st ory hospit al window.

( Not e: William Cooper , a form er m em ber of a Navy I nt elligence briefing t eam , insist s
t hat Forr est al was in fact m urdered by CI A agent s who m ade his deat h look like a
suicide. Based on sensit ive docum ent s Cooper claim s t o have r ead, t w o CI A agent s
ent er ed t he hospit al room , t ied a bedsheet ar ound For rest al's neck and t o a light fixt ure,
and t hrew him out t he window t o hang. The bedsheet [ s] br ok e and he fell t o his deat h,
scr eam ing on his way down according t o som e wit nesses " We're being invaded! " -
Brant on) .

" Secret ary Forr est al's m edical records ar e sealed t o t his day.

" Pr esident Trum an put a lid on t he secret and t urned t he screws so t ight t hat t he general
public st ill t hinks t hat flying saucers ar e a j ok e. Hav e I ever got a surpr ise for t hem .

" I n 1947, President Trum an est ablished a group of 12 of t he t op m ilit ary scient ific
per sonnel of t heir t im e. They were known as MJ- 12. Alt hough t he group exist s t oday,
none of t he ORI GI NAL m em bers ar e st ill alive. The last one t o die was Gordon Gr ay,
for m er Secret ary of t he Arm y, in 1984.

" As each m em ber passed away, t he gr oup it self appoint ed a new m em ber t o fill t he
posit ion. There is som e speculat ion t hat t he group known as MJ- 12 expanded t o at least
sev en m or e m em ber s.

" There wer e sev er al m ore saucer crashes in t he lat e 1940's, one in Roswell, New
Mexico; one in Azt ec, New Mexico; and one near Lar edo, Texas, about 30 m iles inside
t he Mexican border .

" Consider , if you will, t he posit ion of t he Unit ed St at es Governm ent at t hat t im e. They
proudly t hought of t hem selves as t he m ost power ful nat ion on Eart h, having recent ly
produced t he at om ic bom b, an achievem ent so st upendous, it would t ake Russia 4 years
t o cat ch up, and only wit h t he help of t r ait ors t o Dem ocracy. They had built a j et aircraft
t hat had exceeded t he speed of sound in flight . They had built j et bom ber s wit h int er -
cont inent al range t hat could carry weapons of enorm ous dest ruct ion. The post war era,
and t he fut ure seem ed bright . Now im agine what it was like for t hose sam e leaders, all
of whom had wit nessed t he panic of Or son Wells' radio br oadcast , " The War of t he
Worlds" , in 1938. Thousands of Am ericans panicked at a r ealist ically present ed invasion
of Eart h by beings from anot her planet . I m agine t heir hor ror as t hey act ually viewed
EYES, REPTI LI AN SKI N AND CLAW LI KE FI NGERS. I m agine t heir shock as t hey
at t em pt ed t o det erm ine how t hese st range 'saucers' w er e power ed and could discover
no part ev en rem ot ely sim ilar t o com ponent s t hey w ere fam iliar wit h: no cylinders or
pist ons, no vacuum t ubes or t urbines or hydraulic act uat ors. I t is only when y ou fully
underst and t he ov erwhelm ing helplessness t he governm ent was faced wit h in t he lat e
40's t hat y ou can com pr ehend t heir per ceived need for a t ot al, t hor ough and sweeping
cov er up, t o include t he use of 'deadly for ce'.

" The cover- up was so successful t hat as lat e as 1985 a senior scient ist wit h t he Jet
Propulsion Laborat or y in Pasadena, California, Dr. Al Hibbs, would look at a video t ape of

an enorm ous flying saucer and st at e t he r ecord, 'I 'm not going t o assign anyt hing t o t hat
[ UFO] phenom ena wit hout a lot m ore dat a.' Dr . Hibbs was looking at t he naked em peror
and saying, 'He cert ainly looks naked, but t hat doesn't pr ov e he's naked.'

" I n July 1952, a panicked gov ernm ent wat ched helplessly as a squadron of 'flying
saucers' flew ov er Washingt on, D.C., and buzzed t he Whit e House, t he Capit ol Building,
and t he Pent agon. I t t ook all t he im aginat ion and int im idat ion t he gov ernm ent could
m ust er t o force t hat incident out of t he m em ory of t he public.

" Thousands of sight ings occur red during t he Korean war and several m or e saucers w er e
ret rieved by t he Air For ce. Som e w ere st or ed at Wright - Pat t erson Air For ce Base, som e
wer e st ored at Air Force bases near t he locat ions of t he crash sit e.

" One saucer was so enorm ous and t he logist ic problem s in t ransport at ion so enorm ous
t hat it was buried at t he crash sit e and r em ains t here t oday . The st ories ar e legendar y
on t ransport ing crashed saucer s over long dist ances, m oving only at night , purchasing
com plet e farm s, slashing t hrough for est s, block ing m aj or highways, som et im es driving 2
or 3 lo- boys in t andem wit h an ext rat err est rial load a hundr ed feet in diam et er. ( I t is
alleged t hat ALPHA or BLUE Team s out of Wright - Pat t erson AFB w ere t he ones who wer e
m ost oft en m obilized t o car ry out " crash- ret rieval" operat ions. - Brant on)

" On April 30, 1964, t he first com m unicat ion [ occurr ed] bet ween t hese aliens and t he
'U.S. Governm ent '. ( Ot her s claim t hat t here was an ev en earlier cont act - com m unicat ion
in 1954 during t he Eisenhower adm inist rat ion. - Brant on)

" During t he period of 1969- 1971, MJ- 12 r epr esent ing t he U.S. Gov ernm ent m ade a deal
wit h t hese creat ur es, called EBE's [ Ext rat err est r ial Biological Ent it ies, nam ed by Det ley
Bronk , original MJ- 12 m em ber and 6t h President of John Hopkins Universit y] . The 'deal'
was t hat in exchange for 't echnology' t hat t hey would provide t o us, w e agreed t o
'ignore' t he abduct ions t hat wer e going on and suppress inform at ion on t he cat t le
m ut ilat ions. The EBE's assur ed MJ- 12 t hat t he abduct ions [ usually last ing about 2 hours]
wer e m erely t he ongoing m onit oring of dev eloping civilizat ions.

" I n fact , t he purposes for t he abduct ions t urned out t o be:

" ( 1) The insert ion of a 3m m spherical device t hrough t he nasal cavit y of t he abduct ee
int o t he brain [ opt ic and/ or ner ve cent er] , t he device is used for t he biological
m onit oring, t racking, and cont r ol of t he abduct ee.

" ( 2) I m plem ent at ion of Post hypnot ic Suggest ion t o carr y out a specific act ivit y during a
specific t im e period, t he act uat ion of which will occur wit hin t he next 2 t o 5 y ears.

" ( 3) Term inat ion of som e people so t hat t hey could funct ion as living sources for
biological m at erial and subst ances.



" ( 5) Effect genet ic engineering experim ent s.

" ( 6) I m pregnat ion of hum an fem ales and early t erm inat ion of pr egnancies t o secur e t he

cr ossbr eed infant .

( Not e: Or perhaps a bet t er t erm for it would be a " genet ically alt ered" infant , since t her e
has been no evidence fort hcom ing t hat an act ual 'hybrid' bet ween hum ans and t he 'EBE'
or 'Gr ey' species has been successful. I n ot her words, t he offspring would t end t o fall t o
one side or t he ot her, a 'r ept ilioid' or 'gr ey ' ent it y possessing no 'soul- energy- m at rix', or
a hum anoid being possessing such a m at rix or soul alt hough som ewhat alt ered
genet ically in it 's out war d physical appearance or charact erist ics. - Br ant on) .

" The U.S. Governm ent was NOT init ially aware of t he far r eaching consequences of t heir
'deal'. They w ere LED t o believe t hat t he abduct ions w er e essent ially benign AND SI NCE
THEY AGREED OR NOT, t hey m er ely insist ed on a cur rent list of abduct ees be subm it t ed,
on a periodic basis, t o MJ- 12 and t he Nat ional Securit y Council. Does t his sound
incredible? An act ual list of abduct ees sent t o t he Nat ional Securit y Council? Read on,
because I have new s for y ou...

" The EBE's hav e a genet ic disorder in t hat t heir digest ive syst em is at r ophied and not
funct ional... I n order t o sust ain t hem selves t hey use enzym e or horm onal secr et ions
obt ained from t he t issues t hat t hey ext ract from hum ans and anim als.

" The secr et ions obt ained are t hen m ixed wit h hydrogen per oxide [ t o kill germ s, viruses,
et c.] and applied on t he skin by spr eading or dipping part s of t heir bodies in t he
solut ion. The body absorbs t he solut ion, t hen excr et es t he wast e back t hrough t he skin.
( Urine is also excret ed t hrough t he skin in t his m anner, which m ay explain t he
am m onia- like STENCH t hat m any abduct ees or wit nesses have r eport ed during
encount ers wit h t he grey- t ype 'aliens'. - Brant on) .

" The cat t le m ut ilat ions t hat wer e prevalent t hroughout t he period fr om 1973 t o 1983
and publicly not ed t hrough newspaper and m agazine st ories and included a
docum ent ary produced by Linda How e for a Denver CBS affiliat e KMGH- TV, w er e for t he
collect ion of t hese t issues by t he aliens. The m ut ilat ions included genit als t aken, r ect um s
cored out t o t he colon, ey es, t ongue, and t hroat all surgically rem oved wit h ext rem e
precision. I n som e cases t he incisions wer e m ade by cut t ing bet ween t he cells, a pr ocess
we are not y et capable of per form ing in t he field. I n m any of t he m ut ilat ions t here was
no blood found at all in t he carcass, yet t her e w as no vascular collapse of t he int ernal
organs. THI S HAS ALSO BEEN NOTED I N THE HUMAN MUTI LATI ONS, one of t he first of
which was Sgt . Jonat han P. Lov et t e at t he Whit e Sands Missile Test Range in 1956, who
was found t hree days aft er an Air For ce Maj or had wit nessed his abduct ion by a 'disk
shaped' obj ect at 0300 while on search for m issile debris downrange. His genit als had
been rem ov ed, r ect um cored out in a surgically precise 'plug' up t o t he colon, eyes
rem ov ed and all blood r em oved wit h, again, no vascular collapse. From som e of t he
evidence it is apparent t hat t his surgery is accom plished, in m ost cases, WHI LE THE

( Not e: According t o for m er Green Ber et com m ander Bill English, THI S incident was also
m ent ioned in t he Above- Top- Secr et " GRUDGE / BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13" which was
never released wit h t he rest of t he innocuous and volum inous " Proj ect Blue Book"
report s. The " Blue Team s" who w er e sent on crash- r et rieval operat ions w er e report edly
wor king on behalf of t he covert br anch of t he Blue Book operat ions, and Ufological
legend has it t hat a secr et warehouse wit h m ult iple underground lev els exist s at Wright
Pat t er son AFB in Ohio, one which is lit erally packed wit h alien craft , hardwar e, and even

alien bodies 'on ice'. Wright Pat t erson was - - and is? - - t he headquart er s of Proj ect Blue
Book. - Brant on)


" Aft er t he init ial agreem ent , Gr oom Lak e, one of t he nat ions m ost secr et t est cent ers,
was closed for a period of about a y ear, som et im e bet ween about 1972 and 1974, AND

" During t he period bet w een 1979 and 1983 it becam e increasingly obvious t o MJ- 12 t hat
t hings wer e not going as planned. I T BECAME KNOWN THAT MANY MORE PEOPLE [ I N



" By 1984, MJ- 12 m ust have been in st ark t er ror at t he m ist ake t hey had m ade in dealing
wit h t he EBE's. They had subt ly prom ot ed 'Close Encount ers of t he Third Kind' and 'E.T.'
t o get t he public used t o 'odd looking' aliens t hat were com passionat e, benevolent and
very m uch our 'space br ot her s'. MJ- 12 'sold' t he EBE's t o t he public, and were now faced
wit h t he fact THAT QUI TE THE OPPOSI TE WAS TRUE. I n addit ion, a plan was form ulat ed
in 1968 t o m ake t he public aware of t he exist ence of aliens on eart h over t he next 20
years t o be culm inat ed wit h several docum ent aries t o be r eleased during 1985- 1987
period of t im e. These docum ent aries w ould explain t he hist ory and int ent ions of t he
EBE's. The discovery of t he 'GRAND DECEPTI ON' put t he ent ire plans, hopes and dr eam s
of MJ- 12 int o ut t er confusion and panic.

" Meet ing at t he 'Count r y Club', a r em ot e lodge wit h privat e golf course, com fort able
sleeping and working quart er s, and it s own privat e airst rip built by and ex clusively for
t he m em ber s of MJ- 12, it was a fact ional fight of what t o do now. PART OF MJ- 12
m aj orit y] of MJ- 12 argued t hat t her e was no way t hey could do t hat , t hat t he sit uat ion
was unt enable and t her e was no use in excit ing t he public wit h t he 'hor rible t rut h' and
t hat t he best plan was t o cont inue t he dev elopm ent of a w eapon t hat could be used
against t he EBE's under t he guise of 'SDI ', t he St rat egic Defense I nit iat ive, which had
not hing what soever t o do wit h a defense for inbound Russian nuclear m issiles. As t hese

words are being writ t en, Dr . Edward Teller, 'fat her' of t he H- Bom b is per sonally in t he
t est t unnels of t he Nevada Test Sit e, driving his work er s and associat es in t he words of
one, 'like a m an possessed'. And w ell he should, for Dr. Teller is a m em ber of MJ- 12
along wit h Dr. Kissinger, Adm iral Bobby I nm an, and possibly Adm iral Poindext er, t o
nam e a few of t he cur rent m em bers of MJ- 12.

" Befor e t he 'Grand Decept ion' was discov er ed and according t o a m et iculous plan for
m et ered r elease of infor m at ion t o t he public, several docum ent aries and video t apes
wer e m ade. William Moor e, a Burbank , California, based UFO r esear cher who wr ot e 'The
Rosw ell I ncident ' - - a book published in 1980 t hat det ailed t he crash, r ecov ery and
subsequent cover- up of a UFO wit h 4 alien bodies - - has a video t ape of 2 new sm en
int erviewing a m ilit ary officer associat ed wit h MJ- 12. This m ilit ary officer answers
quest ions r elat ing t o t he hist ory of MJ- 12 and t he cov er- up, t he r ecov ery of a num ber of
flying saucer s and t he exist ence of a live alien [ one of 3 living aliens capt ured and
designat ed, or nam ed, EBE- 1, EBE- 2, and EBE- 3, being held in a facilit y designat ed as
YY- I I at Los Alam os, New Mexico. The only ot her facilit y of t his t ype, which is
elect r om agnet ically secure, is at Edwards Air For ce Base in Moj ave, California] . The
officer nam es as pr eviously m ent ioned plus a few ot hers: Har old Brow n, Richard Helm s,
Gen. Vernon Walt ers, JPL's Dr . Allen and Dr. Theodor e van Karm an, t o nam e a few of
t he cur rent and past m em ber s of MJ- 12.

" The officer also r elat es t he fact t hat t he EBE's claim t o have cr eat ed Christ . The EBE's
have a t ype of r ecording device t hat has r ecorded all of Eart h's hist ory and can display it
in t he form of a hologram . This hologram can be film ed but because of t he way
hologram s w or k does not com e out very clear on m ovie film or video t ape. The
crucifixion of Christ on t he Mount of Olives ( t his act ually t ook place on t he hill Calvary,
not t he Mt . of Olives - Brant on) has allegedly been put on film t o show t he public. The
EBE's 'claim ' t o have cr eat ed Christ , which, I N VI EW OF THE 'GRAND DECEPTI ON',

" Anot her video t ape allegedly in exist ence is an int erview wit h an EBE. Since EBE's
com m unicat e t elepat hically ( via psionic cry st alline t ransceiver- like im plant s t hat link t he
Grays t oget her int o a m ass collect ive- hive- m ind - Brant on) , an Air For ce Colonel ser ves
as int erpr et er. Just before t he recent st ock m ar ket corr ect ion in Oct ober of 1987, sev eral
newsm en, including Bill Moor e, had been invit ed t o Washingt on D.C., t o per sonally film
t he EBE in a sim ilar t ype int erview, and dist ribut e t he film t o t he public. Apparent ly,
because of t he cor r ect ion in t he m arket , it was felt t he t im ing was not propit ious. I n any
case, it cert ainly seem s like an odd m et hod t o inform t he public of ext r at er rest rials, but
it would be in keeping wit h t he act ions of A PANI CKED ORGANI ZATI ON WHO AT THI S

" Moor e is also in possession of m or e Aquarius docum ent s, a few pages of which leaked
out several years ago and det ailed t he supersecr et NSA proj ect which had been denied
by t hem unt il j ust recent ly. I n a let t er t o Senat or John Glenn, NSA's Direct or of Policy,
Julia B. Wet zel, wr ot e, 'Apparent ly t her e is or w as an Air Force pr oj ect wit h t he nam e
[ Aquarius] which dealt wit h UFO's. Coincident ally, t here is also an NSA proj ect by t hat
nam e.' NSA's pr oj ect AQUARI US deals specifically wit h 'com m unicat ions wit h t he aliens'
[ EBE's] . Wit hin t he Aquarius program was pr oj ect 'Snowbird', a pr oj ect t o t est - fly a
recovered alien aircraft at Gr oom Lake, Nevada. This proj ect cont inues t oday at t hat
locat ion. I n t he w ords of an individual who wor ks at Gr oom Lake, 'Our people are m uch

bet t er at t aking t hings apart t han t hey are at put t ing t hem back t oget her.'

" Moor e, who claim s he has a cont act wit h MJ- 12, feels t hat t hey have been st ringing him
along, slipping him docum ent s and providing him wit h leads, pr om ising t o go public wit h
som e of t he inform at ion on ext rat er r est rials by t he end of 1987.

" Cert ain of Moore's st at em ent s lead one t o believ e t hat Moore him self is a gov ernm ent
agent working for MJ- 12, not t o be st rung alone, but t o st ring along ev er hopeful
UFOlogist s t hat t he t rut h is j ust around t he cor ner. Consider.

" 1. Moore st at es em phat ically t hat he is not a gov ernm ent agent , alt hough when Lee
Graham [ a Sout hern California based UFOlogist ] was invest igat ed by DI S [ Defense
I nv est igat ive Service] for possession of classified docum ent s r eceived from Moore,
Moor e him self was not .

" 2. Moore st at es em phat ically t hat t he cat t le m ut ilat ions of 1973- 1983 wer e a hoax by
Linda Howe [ pr oducer of 'A St range Harvest '] t o cr eat e publicit y for her self. He cit es t he
book 'Mut e Evidence' as t he bot t om line of t he hoax. 'Mut e Evidence' w as a gov ernm ent
sponsor ed book t o explain t he m ut ilat ions in convent ional t erm s.

" 3. Moore st at es t hat t he U.S.A.F. Academ y phy sics book, 'I nt r oduct ory Space Science',
vol. I I chapt er 13, ent it led 'Unident ified Flying Obj ect s', which describes four of t he m ost
com m only seen aliens [ one of which is t he EBE] was w rit t en by Lt . Col. Edward R.
Ther kelson and Maj or Donald B. Carpent er . Air Force personnel who did not know what
t hey w er e t alking about and were m er ely cit ing 'crackpot ' refer ences. He, Moor e, st at es
t hat t he book was wit hdrawn t o excise t he chapt er.

" I f t he gov ernm ent felt t hey w er e being forced t o acknowledge t he exist ence of aliens on
Eart h because of t he ov erwhelm ing evidence such as t he Oct ober and Nov em ber
sight ings in Wyt heville, Va., and recent ly r eleased book s such as 'Night Siege' [ Hynek, J.
Allen; I m brogno, Phillip J.; Prat t , Bob: NI GHT SI EGE, Ballant ine Book s, Random House,
New York] , and t aking int o considerat ion t he 'grand decept ion' AND OBVI OUSLY
HOSTI LE I NTENT OF THE EBE'S, it m ight be expedient for MJ- 12 t o adm it t he EBE's but
conceal t he inform at ion on t he m ut ilat ions and abduct ions. I f MJ- 12 and Moor e w ere in
som e kind of agr eem ent t hen it would be beneficial t o Moor e t o t ow t he part y line. For
exam ple, MJ- 12 would say... 'her e are som e m ore genuine docum ent s... but
rem em ber... no t alking about t he m ut ilat ions or abduct ions'. This would be beneficial t o
Moor e as it would supply t he evidence t o support his t heor y t hat E.T.'s exist but deny
t he t rut hs about t he E.T.'s. How ev er , if Moor e w as indeed w orking for MJ- 12, he w ould
follow t he part y line anyway... adm it t ing t he E.T.'s but pooh poohing t he m ut ilat ions and
abduct ions. I f w orking alone, Moor e m ight not even be aware of t he 'gr and decept ion'.

" Tim e will t ell. I t is possible t hat Moor e will go ahead and r elease t he video int erview
wit h t he m ilit ary officer around t he first of t he y ear , as he has pr om ised. Fr om MJ- 12's
point of view, t he public would be exposed t o t he inform at ion wit hout really having t o
believe it because Moor e is essent ially not as cr edible a source as, say, t he Pr esident of
t he Unit ed St at es. Aft er a few m ont hs of digest ion and discussion, a m ore cr edible
sour ce could em erge wit h a st at em ent t hat yes in fact t he int erview was essent ially
fact ual. This scenario w ould cushion som ewhat t he blow t o t he public. I f, how ev er,
Moor e does not release t he t ape by, say, February 1 of 1988, but com es inst ead wit h a
st or y sim ilar t o: 'MJ- 12 has inform ed m e t hat t hey ar e definit ely planning a r elease of all
inform at ion by Oct ober of 88... I hav e seen t he plan and have seen t he guarant ee t hat

t his will happen, so I have decided t o wit hhold t he r elease of m y video t ape at t his t im e
as it m ay cause som e problem s wit h MJ- 12's plans.' This would in effect buy m ore t im e
for MJ- 12 and t im e is what t hey desperat ely need.

" Now y ou ask , 'Why hav en't I heard any of t his?' Who do you t hink you would hear it
from ? Dan Rat her ? Tom Br okaw ? Sam Donaldson? Wr ong. These people j ust read t he
news, t hey don't find it . They have ladies who call and int erview wit nesses and v erify
st at em ent s on st ories com ing over t he wire [ eit her AP or UPI ] . I t 's not like Dan Rat her
would go down t o Wyt heville, Virginia, and dig int o why t here w er e FOUR THOUSAND
report ed sight ings in Oct ober and Nov em ber of 1987. Bet t er Tom Brokaw or som eone
else should risk t heir cr edibilit y on t his t ype of st or y. Tom Br okaw ? Tom want s Sam
Donaldson t o risk his cr edibilit y. No one, but no one, is going t o risk t heir neck on such
out landish ideas, r egardless of how m any people report sight ings of 900 foot obj ect s
running t hem off t he road. I n t he case of t he Wyt heville sight ings, dozens of vans wit h
NASA let t er ed on t he side failed t o int erest new sm en. And t hose t hat asked quest ions
wer e inform ed t hat NASA was doing a weat her surv ey.

" Well t hen, you ask, what about our scient ist s? What about Carl Sagan? I ssac Asim ov ?
Art hur C. Clarke? Wouldn't t hey hav e known? I f Carl Sagan know s t hen he is com m it t ing
a great fraud t hrough t he solicit at ion of m em ber ships in t he Planet ary Societ y, 't o search
for ext rat er rest rial int elligence'. Anot her charade int o which t he U.S. Gov ernm ent dum ps
m illions of dollars ev ery year is t he radio- t elescope in Ar ecibo, Puert o Rico, operat ed by
Cornell Universit y wit h - guess who? - Carl Sagan. Cornell is ost ensibly sear ching for
signals from Out er Space, a sign m aybe, t hat som ebody is out t here. I t is hard t o
believe t hat relat ively int elligent ast ronom ers like Sagan could be so ignorant .

( Not e: Also, even if 't hey' did find evidence of ext rat err est rial life, do y ou t hink t hat SETI
and sim ilar governm ent - sponsor ed pr oj ect s would t ell US about I t ? Let 's j ust t ak e a look
at som e act ual st at em ent s fr om t hose involved wit h t hese pr oj ect s. The following is a
quot e from Mat t Spet alnick's art icle " I S ANYBODY OUT THERE? NASA LOOKS FOR REAL
ET'S" , in REUTERS Magazine, Oct . 5, 1992: " At least 70 t im es scient ist s have picked up
radio wav es t hat bor e t he m ar ks of com m unicat ion by beings from ot her worlds, but
t hey w er e nev er verified, [ Frank] Drak e said." And researcher John Spencer, in a
reference t o Dr. Ot t o St rov e, t ells how t his ast r ophysicist assist ed Frank Drake in
est ablishing Proj ect OZMA, and it 's v ery m y st erious conclusion: " ...t he proj ect began it s
search by focusing on t he st ar TAU CETI . Accor ding t o claim s m ade at t he t im e, AS
SOON AS t he pr oj ect got underway STRONG I NTELLI GENT SI GNALS w ere picked up,
leaving all t he scient ist s st unned. Abrupt ly, Dr. St rov e t hen declar ed Pr oj ect OZMA had
been shut down, and com m ent ed t hat t here was no sensible purpose for list ening t o
m essages from anot her world." [ THE UFO ENCYCLOPEDI A] . So t hen, t hese 'insiders' will
accept ALL of our hard- earned t ax dollars t o finance t heir radio proj ect s - - if not t heir
undergr ound bases and cov ert space operat ions. Yet cur sed be any 'm ere m ort al' for
having t he audacit y t o act ually insist on having access t o t he pr oduct s of t heir 'financial
invest m ent s'! - Brant on)

" What about I saac Asim ov? Sur ely t he m ost pr olific science fict ion writ er of all t im e
would have guessed by now t hat t her e m ust be an enorm ous cov er - up? Maybe, but if he
knows he's not saying. Perhaps he's afraid t hat Foundat ion and Em pire will t urn out t o
be inaccurat e.

" What about Art hur C. Clarke? Surely t he m ost t echnically accurat e of Science Fict ion
writ ers wit h very close t ies t o NASA would have at least a hint of what 's r eally going on.

Again, if so he isn't t alking. I n a r ecent Science Fict ion survey, Clark e est im at es t hat
cont act wit h ext rat err est rial int elligent life would not occur before t he 21st Cent ur y.

" I f t he gov ernm ent w on't t ell us t he t rut h and t he m aj or net w orks won't ev en give it
serious considerat ion ( Not e: This was w rit t en befor e such pr ogram s as SI GHTI NGS,
UNI VERSE and ot her TV news digest s and t alk shows DI D begin dealing wit h t he UFO
phenom ena, abduct ions, and so on in m uch great er dept h - - not t o m ent ion t he X-
FI LES, DARK SKI ES and ot her TV series'. - Brant on) , t hen what is t he big pict ure,
anyway? Ar e t he EBE's, having done a hundred t housand or m or e abduct ions [ possibly
[ Gr oom Lak e, Nevada; Sunspot , Dat il, Roswell, and Pie Town, New Mexico, j ust t o nam e
a few] get t ing ready t o ret urn t o wher ev er t hey cam e from ? Or , from t he obvious
preparat ions ar e w e t o assum e t hat t hey ar e get t ing ready for a big m ov e? or is [ it ] t he
m or e sinist er and m ost probable sit uat ion t hat t he invasion is essent ially com plet e and it
is all over but t he scream ing?

" A well planned invasion of Eart h for it 's resources and benefit s would not begin wit h
m ass landings or ray- gun equipped aliens. A properly planned and execut ed invasion by
a civilizat ion t housands [ of] y ear s in advance of us w ould m ost likely be com plet e before
a handful of people, say 12?, r ealized what was happening. No fuss, no m ess. The best
advice I can give you is t his: Next t im e y ou see a flying saucer and ar e awed by it s
obvious display of t echnology and gorgeous light s of pur e color - RUN LI KE HELL!

- - June 3, 1988 Las Vegas, NV"

[ The following was an addendum t o t he abov e t hat was included wit h lat er copies of
John Lear's 'st at em ent '] :

" I n 1983 when t he Grand Decept ion was discov er ed MJ- 12 [ which m ay now be
designat ed 'PI - 40'] st art ed w or k on a w eapon or som e kind of device t o cont ain t he
EBE's which had by now t ot ally infest ed our societ y. This program was funded t hrough
SDI which, coincident ally, was init iat ed at approxim at ely t he sam e dat e. A frant ic effort
has been m ade over t he past 4 y ears by all part icipant s. This program ended in failure in
Decem ber of 1987.

( Not e: Brit ish Ufologist Tim ot hy Good claim ed t hat over 22 Brit ish scient ist s - - who wer e
wor king on t he U.S. SDI program for Brit ish Mar coni and ot her Aerospace com panies - -
had all m yst eriously died or 'com m it t ed suicide' wit hin t he space of a few year s. Could
t his have had anyt hing t o do wit h t his 'failure'? Apparent ly som eone 'out t her e' w as
int ent on sabot aging t he SDI / STAR WARS pr oj ect . Also t her e are r eport s t hat sev er al
of our 'defense sat ellit es' hav e been dest royed as w ell. - Brant on) .

" A new program has been conceived but will t ake about 2 y ears t o dev elop. I n t he
m eant im e, it is absolut ely essent ial t o MJ- 12 [ PI - 40] , t hat no one, including t he Senat e,
t he Congress or t he Cit izens of t he Unit ed St at es of Am erica [ or any one else for t hat
m at t er] becom e aware of t he r eal circum st ances sur r ounding t he UFO cov er- up and t ot al
disast er it has becom e.

" Moor e nev er did r elease t he video t apes but claim s he is negot iat ing wit h a m aj or

net work t o do so...'soon'."

Anot her source added t he following st at em ent s in regards t o Lear's claim s:

" Area 51... and a sim ilar set up near Dulce, New Mexico, m ay now belong t o for ces not
loyal t o t he U.S. Governm ent , or ev en t he hum an race. 'I t 's horrifying t o t hink t hat all
t he scient ist s we t hink are working for us [ in t he j oint - int eract ion bases] ar e act ually
cont r olled by aliens.'

" '...SDI , r egardless of w hat you hear, was com plet ed...t o shoot down incom ing saucers.
The m ist ake was t hat we t hought t hey wer e com ing inbound - - in fact , t hey're already
her e. They 'r e in undergr ound bases all over t he place.' I t seem s t hat t he aliens had
const ruct ed m any such bases wit hout our knowledge, wher e t hey conduct heinous
genet ic experim ent s on anim als, hum an beings, and 'im provised' creat ures of t heir own

" Thus was born PROJECT EXCALI BUR. Press r eport s described EXCALI BUR as a weapons
syst em designed t o oblit erat e deeply- buried Soviet com m and cent ers, which t he Reagan
adm inist rat ion hypocrit ically charact erized as dest abilizing. We hav e ex act ly sim ilar
cent ers. Lear claim s t he weapon was act ually direct ed t oward t he int ernal alien t hreat .
Unfort unat ely, t he 'visit or s' hav e invaded us in m or e ways t han one.

" 'Millions of Am ericans have been im plant ed. Ther e's a lit t le device t hat varies in size
from 50 m icr ons t o 3 m illim et ers; it is insert ed t hrough t he nose int o t he brain. I t
effect ively cont rols t he per son. Dr . [ J. Allen] Hynek est im at ed in 1972 t hat one in ev er y
40 Am ericans was im plant ed; we believe it m ay be as high as one in t en now.' These
im plant s will be act ivat ed at som e t im e in t he near fut ure, for som e unspecified alien

When Lear was pr essed t o disclose som e of his sour ces, he st at ed t hat his anonym ous
int elligence inform ant s " go right t o t he t op." He did however m ent ion som e of t he nam es
in not - so- sensit ive int elligence posit ions fr om w hom he has also gat her ed inform at ion,
m any of t hese nam es m ay be fam iliar t o vet eran Ufologist s. These include:

* Paul Bennewit z, direct or of Thunder Scient ific Laborat ories [ a New Mexico- based
research facilit y wit h governm ent cont ract t ies] , who claim s t o hav e gained access t o
and 'int errogat ed' an alien com put er sy st em via a radio- video- com put er set up of his own
invent ion.

* Linda How e, t he t elevision docum ent arian r esponsible for STRANGE HARVEST [ a
program about cat t le m ut ilat ions] , who recieved ast onishing 'leaks' fr om a special
int elligence officer, Colonel Richard Dot y form er ly of Kirt land AFB, a nam e not ed in aerial
research circles.

* Robert Collins [ code- nam ed 'Condor', according t o Lear] who has secured num er ous
official docum ent s relat ing t o UFOs.

* Sgt . Clifford St one, pr em iere collect or of UFO relat ed Fr eedom of I nform at ion Act or
FOI A docum ent s.

* Travis Walt on, professed UFO abduct ee whose experience inspired t he m ovie FI RE I N


As an int erest ing follow- up t o Lear 's art icle, I w e quot e her e som e act ual st at em ent s
m ade by pr om inent individuals in regards t o t he 'UFO' phenom enon:

" I n our obsession wit h ant agonism s of t he m om ent , w e oft en forget how m uch unit es all
t he m em ber s of hum anit y. Perhaps w e need som e out side, universal t hreat t o m ake us
realize t his com m on bond. I occasionally t hink how quickly our differ ences w ould vanish
if we wer e facing an alien t hreat from out side t his world. And yet , I ask you, I S NOT AN

- - President Ronald Reagan., Rem ark s m ade t o t he 42nd General Assem bly of t he Unit ed
Nat ions., Sept . 21, 1987

" I couldn't help but say t o him [ Gorbachev] , j ust t hink how easy his t ask and m ine
m ight be in t hese m eet ings t hat we held if suddenly t here was a t hr eat t o t his world
from som e ot her species from anot her planet out side in t he universe... Well, I don't
suppose w e can wait for som e alien race t o com e down and t hreat en us. But I t hink t hat
bet ween us we can bring about t hat r ealizat ion."

- - President Ronald Reagan., Rem ark s t o Fallst on High School st udent s and Facult y,
Fallst on, MD., Oct ober 4, 1985

" For your confident ial infor m at ion, a r eliable and confident ial source has advised t he
Bureau t hat flying disks ar e believed t o be m an- m ade m issiles rat her t han nat ural
phenom enon. I t has also been det erm ined t hat for appr oxim at ely t he past four y ears t he
USSR has been engaged in experim ent at ion on an unknown t ype of flying disk."

- - FBI Mem o, dat ed Mar ch 25, 1949 sent t o a large num ber of FBI offices.

" ...on Unident ified Flying Obj ect s... The panel r ecom m ends t hat t he nat ional securit y
agencies inst it ut e policies... designed t o pr epar e t he m at erial defenses and t he m orale of
t he count ry t o r ecognize... and r eact m ost effect ively t o t rue indicat ions of host ile
m easur es."

- - Recom m endat ion of t he CI A Robert son Panel on UFOs., Januar y, 1953

" Public int erest in disclosure is far out weighed by t he sensit ive nat ure of t he m at erials
and t he obvious effect on nat ional securit y t heir r elease m ay ent ail."

- - U.S. Dist rict Court Opinion in t he case of Cit izens Against UFO Secrecy vs. t he
Nat ional Securit y Agency., May 18, 1982

" The sum s m ade available t o t he Agency m ay be expended wit hout regard t o t he
provisions of law and regulat ions r elat ing t o t he expendit ures of Governm ent ."

- - Cent ral I nt elligence Act of 1949

" On t his land a flying disk has been found int act , wit h eight een t hr ee- foot t all hum an-
LI KE occupant s, all dead in it but not burned."

- - FBI m em o from New Orleans Branch t o Direct or, FBI , Mar ch 31, 1950 about a disk
found in t he Moj av e desert in January, 1950

" When four sit down t o conspire, t hr ee ar e fools and t he fourt h is a gov ernm ent agent ."

- - Duncan Lunan

" The flying disks ar e r eal."

- - General Nat han Twining.

" According t o Mr . ...inform ant , t he saucer s w er e found in New Mexico due t o t he fact
t hat t he Governm ent has a v ery high- power ed r adar set up in t hat area and it is believed
t hat t he radar [ EM beam s] int erferes wit h t he cont r olling m echanism of t he
saucers...each one of t he t hr ee saucers w ere occupied by t hree bodies of hum an SHAPE,
but only 3 feet t all, dressed in m et allic clot h of a very fine t ext ur e."

- - FBI Mem o fr om agent Guy Hot t el., Washingt on Field Office., sent t o Direct or , FBI .,
March 22, 1950



- - Unit ed St at es Arm y Sgt . Clifford St one, Rosw ell N.M. St at ion.

" He believes t hat because of t he dev elopm ent s of science all t he count r ies on eart h will
have t o unit e t o sur vive and t o m ak e a com m on front against at t ack by 'people' fr om
ot her planet s."

- - Mayor Achille Lauro of Naples, quot ing Gener al Douglas MacArt hur in t he NEW YORK
TI MES, Sat urday Oct ober 8, 1955. p.7

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 4

D ulce N e w M e x ico & Th e N a zi Con ne ct ion

Resear cher Jim Bennet t , in a let t er t o Jacques Vallee dat ed

Jan. 15, 1992, m ade som e st art ling disclosures in regards t o
t he alien sit uat ion and t he Dulce, N.M. base in part icular. I t

is m y belief t hat even if t here is a fascist - CI A cabal t rying t o

est ablish a world dict at orship using t he 't hr eat ' of an alien
invasion t o fom ent w orld gov ernm ent , t hat t he 't hreat ' m ay
be r eal all t he sam e. I t is also possible t hat t he 'Bavarians'
m ay be working wit h very REAL aliens in an end- gam e
designed t o est ablish a world gov ernm ent using t his 't hreat '
as an excuse t o do so, alt hough when t he w orld is under
't heir' cont rol t he I llum inat i m ay bet ray t he hum an race by
t urning m uch of t he global governm ent cont rol- syst em ov er
t o t he Gr ey aliens [ t he Beast ?] . The aliens m ay have been
collaborat ing wit h t he Bavarians for a very long t im e as part
of t heir agenda t o im plem ent absolut e elect r onic cont rol over
t he inhabit ant s of planet eart h. One sour ce, an Area 51
wor ker - - and m em ber of a secret Naval I nt elligence gr oup
called COM- 12 - - by t he nam e of Michael Younger , st at ed
t hat t he Bavarian Black Nobilit y [ secret societ ies] have
agreed t o t urn ov er t hree- quart ers of t he planet t o t he Greys
if t hey could ret ain 25 per cent for t hem selves and have
access t o alien m ind- cont rol t echnology. The aliens w ould
assist in t he abduct ion, program m ing and im plant ing of
people t hr oughout t he world in preparat ion for a New World
Order - - which in t urn would be annexed t o t he alien em pire.
Apparent ly som e t op- echelon Bavarians have agreed t o t his,
since t hey realize t hat t hey NEED t he alien m ind- cont rol and
im plant t echnology in or der t o car ry out t heir plans for w orld
dom inat ion. I n his lengt hy let t er, Jim Bennet t , direct or of t he
research organizat ion 'PLANET- COM', writ es:

" ...1947 br ought t he passage of t he Nat ional Securit y Act ,

t he st art of t he NAZI GERMI NATED CI A and NSA. The influx
of at least a hundred Nazi scient ist s, engineers, et c., int o t he
Unit ed St at es and Canada. ( Not e: Ot her sources claim t hat
ev ent ually over 3000 Nazi S.S. agent s ent er ed t he U.S. in
t his m anner. NOT form er Nazi's but ACTI VE Nazi SS who st ill
m aint ained t he nat ional socialist philosophy and agendas
which t hey int ended t o car ry t hr ough on t o t heir planned
conclusion. They were given refuge wit hin t he m ilit ary -
indust rial com plex wit h t he help of m em ber s of t he Bavarian-
based black gnost ic - - serpent worshipping - - lodges in
Am erica, such as t he Jesuit - spawned Scot t ish Rit e and
relat ed lodges who cont rol t he oil- m ilit ary- indust rial com plex.
The leaders of t he Milit ary- I ndust rial Com plex or M.I .C. not
only gave t hese fascist s r efuge following t he war, but also
had financed t he Nazi war m achine it self during t he second
world war . - Brant on) .

" A Nazi aer onaut ical engineer, a cert ain Herr Miet h - - who
had designed four differ ent t ypes of saucer shaped craft by
1943 using eit her r ocket power or DONUT CONFI GURATI ON
j et t urbine engines, wit h t he cabin st abilized by gyr o, t he
com pressor s r ot at ing in one direct ion and t he ex pansion
cham ber s and v ect ored exhaust s r ot at ing in t he opposit e
direct ion - - was t raced t o Canada in 1947 and began work

for t he A. V. Roe com pany [ Avr oe disk] . The phony AVROE

'aircar' was definit ely t o disinform t he pr ess as t o t he r eal
proj ect s underway undergr ound in Canada.

" The eight m ile long t rain t hat went out of Aust r ia in 1945
[ 672 t rain cars! ] , t o t he coast of Brit t any, t he cont ent s
loaded on board SHI PS, ev ent ually end[ ed] up undergr ound
in Sout hwest ern Canada. At t he sam e t im e ov er 100 prefab
fact ory buildings wer e shipped fr om England t o Brit ish
Colum bia.

" ...t he Nazis had ev eryt hing before any ot her count ry, t hey
had radar in 1933, t hey had infra- red sensor s, heavy wat er,
et c., et c. We have been t old lie aft er lie in t erm s of who
invent ed t hese t hings. I f anyone in t he world had access t o
'alien' t echnology it was t he...'Ar yans' [ Nazis] . Their
m et allurgy and cast ing wer e flawed or t hey w ould have
conquered t he w orld. As you probably know, m any
expat riat e Nazis w er e given cart e blanche, new I .D.'s., and
wer e included in [ t he] st art up of m ore t han sev eral
depart m ent s of t he CI A in 1947. Depart m ent s including
'genet ics and cloning' [ wit h som e of t he sam e 'doct ors' who
had given deat h cam p r esident s gangr ene, et c.] 'designer
drugs and m ind cont r ol' using t he sam e scient ist s who had
designed Met hadone and Met hedrine for Hit ler's m aniac
effort s. I n 1952, a public st ir caused t he CI A t o shuffle t hese
fab fellows out of t own. My guess is t o various undergr ound
cent ers t hat were being built .

" ...I have t alked t o Paul Bennewit z at lengt h, several t im es.

On his behalf, you only t ell people how t hey drove him nut s,
not why. I ask m y self w hy would you leave out t hat reason
why t hey sent him r eeling? ( her e Bennet t is addressing
Jacques Vallee concerning his book 'REVELATI ONS' -
Brant on) To fill you in, because y ou obviously t ook Linda
How e's and Tracy's opinion rat her t han quest ioning Paul
direct ly; he's a pilot , he flew over t he Dulce ar ea num er ous
t im es on his way bet ween Albuquerque and Denver . He t ook
m any pict ures of t he const ruct ion going on, and according t o
Paul, he also t ook pict ures of circular craft on t he gr ound at
t his sit e which, as lat e as 1973 according t o him , had large
hanger doors m uch t he sam e as Lazar's second hand
explanat ion about t he doors at S- 4. [ All t he st uff fr om Ar ea
51 and 'S- 4' having t o do wit h inert ial m ass cancellat ion was
m ov ed t o an ar ea NEAR ST. GEORGE, UTAH] . The m ost
revealing phot os and t heir negat ives disappear ed in about
1975 when various 'fringe UFO expert s' visit ed Paul. Also, his
house was burglarized and ransacked m ore t han once. I n
lat er years Moore, Shandera, and Torm e m ade a
m eaningless t our of Dulce when t hey w ent on t o
Albuquerque [ t he r eal reason for t heir t rav els] t o see if t her e
was any m ore evidence of serious consequence st ill in Paul's

possession t hat t hey could grab, and sure enough, he was

m issing som e phot os w hen t hey left his house. I f y ou even
t alked t o Bennewit z, you would have got t en a lot closer t o
having a 'rev elat ion'...

" The 'wast e' fr om t he undergr ound bio- genet ic lab [ no aliens
involved, alt hough t hat is where w e hum ans pr oduce t he
short lived, big- eyed, big headed im it at ion 'aliens'] com es
out in t he river canyon about TEN MI LES BELOW Navaj o
Dam ...

( Not e: An alt ernat ive scenario t o t he abov e w ould be t hat

rept iloid grey 'aliens' ARE involved - - AS WELL AS
biogenet ically const ruct ed beings developed by I llum inat i-
Thule- CI A back ed scient ist s wor king in t he Dulce facilit y -
Brant on)

" Alt hough t hese days t hey 't r eat ' it a lot m or e befor e let t ing
t heir 'grey' wat er back int o t he environm ent . This base and
ot her s are of cour se connect ed by t unnels t o Los Alam os.
The Archulet a Mesa inst allat ion rivals Pine Gap at Alice
Springs, Aust ralia for securit y, et c. Ev ery U.S. Air Force base
has a so- called 'bolt - hole' and is connect ed t o t his bolt - hole
by t unnel...

" A gr oup of 21 people led by an individual we will call Rick,

went t o Ar ea 51 in 1989 in a sm all bus t o wat ch 'saucers'.
They were st opped on 'm ail- box road' by t w o individuals
car rying aut om at ic weapons and w earing cam ouflage t ogs.
One individual popped a can of 'gas' in t he aisle of t he bus,
and t hat 's all for t hree hours. When t hey cam e t o t heir
senses, t hey cut t heir t r ip short , r et urned t o L.A. and five
per sons got separat ely r egr essed using hypnot ic r egr essors
t hat did not know one anot her, and found t hat during t he
lost t im e t heir m em ories had r epr essed sim ilar ev ent s. They
had been m arched off t he bus, t aken in j eeps t o a building
nearby , and had t heir lives t hreat ened by m ilit ary
per sonnel...

" I n t he U.S., t he gr oup t hat runs t he 'alien abduct ion scam '
can only use som e of t he hardiest of t hese shor t lived bio-
genet ic bad luck st ories. Short lived because t hey have no
digest ive t ract and can survive only about t wo weeks
m axim um aft er t hey are r em ov ed fr om t he gr ow ing m at rix,
t hen t hey det eriorat e and die. They hav e no 'soul' and are
not considered 'sent ient beings' by Tibet an Buddhist s."

( Not e: One m ight ask, why would t hey bot her ? The
REPTI LI AN Grays, t he 'cloned' branch - - alt hough in addit ion
t o t he 'clones' t here ar e also appar ent ly t he 'polyem bryons'
and 'egg- layer s' - - report edly have no digest ive t ract and
t hus int ake 'food' and excr et e wast e t hr ough t he skin. Jim

Bennet t m ay have j ust assum ed t hat , since t hey have no

digest ive t ract t hey had no way of t aking- in 'food', and t hat
t hey w er e t her efor e gov ernm ent creat ions which die aft er
t wo w eeks of st arving. We grant how ev er t hat Bennet t is
right in t hat - - according t o t he DULCE PAPERS - - hum an and
cat t le DNA m ay be used t o dev elop " Alm ost Hum ans" , and
ot her unnat ural living form s - Brant on)

" ...The arm y 's m ind cont rol unit m ust t ake w ell deser ved
cr edit for t he v et erans who seem ingly go suddenly crazy,
killing m any people and t hen t hem selves. The m ost recent
ev ent in Killeen, Texas was planned for t he day BEFORE a
Congr essional vot e on gun cont r ol, hoping t o influence
Congr ess wit h yet anot her m ass aut om at ic killing. Handlers
[ psychiat rist s] at each perpet rat or s's local Vet er ans Hospit al
are involved in each and ev er y case of t hese m ass
killings/ suicides. Pr ozac is also involved wit h each case
having been prescribed by t he aforem ent ioned 'handlers' in
each and ev er y case. The fellow in Canada who killed 12
wom en at a w om en's college, t he fellow in St ockt on,
California schoolyard, et c. et c..."



Sirhan Sirhan, t he m an who was convict ed of m urdering

Senat or Robert Kennedy, had a psychiat rist by t he nam e of
'Dr. Diam ond' who m aint ained CI A- fascist connect ions. Also
Sirhan's at t orney Grant Cooper , who seem ingly m ade v ery
lit t le effort t o defend Sirhan, had CI A- fascist t ies as well,
leading som e t o believe t hat Sirhan was used as a hypno-
program m ed " Manchurian Candidat e" by a fascist cabal, a
cabal t hat m urder ed not only Robert Kennedy but also his
brot her Pr esident John F. Kennedy as well. Following World
War I I over 2,000 Germ an 'im m igrant s' t o t he U.S. becam e
m em bers of t he Am erican Psy chiat ric Associat ion, which was
involved in GUN CONTROL lobbying. I n light t he collaborat ion
bet ween t he Bavarian Thule Societ y and t he Bavarian
I llum inat i, and t he influx of Thule- backed fift h- colum n Nazi
SS agent s int o U.S. I nt elligence, wit h t he help of I llum inat i-
backed Oil barrens like t he Germ an- im m igrant Aryan-
suprem acist Rockefellers and t heir corporat e oil- chem ical
em pires [ EXXON, ARCO, ZAPATA, et c.] , and in light of t he
deadly int ent of bot h 'Bavarian' societ ies t o est ablish a " New
World Order" as Adolph Hit ler laid out in his second book
" The New World Order" , one has t o w onder WHY so m any
Germ an nat ionals would j oin an associat ion t hat dealt
direct ly wit h t he st udy of people's MI NDS?

This is not t o say t hat Germ ans t hem selves ar e t o blam e, it

is rat her t he Germ an- Bavarian FASCI STS who are behind t he
New World Order agenda, and especially t he Sat anist

Germ anic Black Nobilit y fam ilies who claim direct descent
from t he early leaders of t he [ un] Holy Rom an Em pire of
Germ any, which rose fr om t he r em nant of t he Rom an Em pire
and which kept Eur ope in an iron grip t hroughout t he Dar k
Ages. These w er e t he " 13 fam ilies" who had ruled vast
financial em pires in Eur ope for nearly 1500 y ears. They are
once again t rying t o t ake cont r ol of t he world as t hey
at t em pt ed t o do wit h World War s I and I I , prov ok e a global
war t hat will result in t he m assive 'de- populat ion' of Blacks,
Asians, Jews, Slavs, and m any ot hers - - except ing of cour se
for t he 'Ar yan elit e' class. I n essence t hey int end t o finish
what Adolph Hit ler set out t o accom plish. The t hreat t hen is
from 'Nazism ' or Nat ional 'Socialism ', whet her it be
Eur opean, Brit ish or Am erican or whet her it be polit ical,
corporat e or occult Nat ional Socialism .

Som e have r eport ed t hat t he sudden 'fall' of t he Soviet

st at es and t he Berlin wall was planned in advance as part of
an agenda t o m erge t he East and t he West int o a so called
com m unist - socialist / dem ocrat ic- socialist New World Order.
East and West Berlin would be at t he for efr ont for t he
reunificat ion of East ern and West ern Europe and in t urn - -
t hey hope - - t he r est of t he world. Germ any has also led t he
way for European unificat ion by est ablishing an 'open border'
policy and encouraging ot her European count ries t o do t he
sam e. This m ay sound benign on t he out side but considering
t he fact s it m ay be a ruse t o 'unify' Eur ope under Germ an
cont r ol, which was also Adolph Hit ler's goal. Howev er in t his
case t he unificat ion is being accom plished t hrough econom ic
m eans rat her t han m ilit ary m eans.

The cont r ol is st ill in Germ any but it is m ore subt le. The Third
Reich est ablished Germ an MI LI TARY cont rol of Eur ope. The
" Eur opean Econom ic Com m unit y" or E.E.C. est ablished
ECONOMI C cont r ol. I n m ost cases, in t his world it is t he
ECONOMI C forces which cont r ol 'gov ernm ent s'. Sad, but
t rue. Not ice how t he t er m " Econom ic" has now been
rem ov ed, and t he New World Order has been r e- nam ed t he
" Eur opean Com m unit y" . Ver y clever! I n ot her w ords t he
unificat ion is no longer j ust along econom ic lines but is
becom ing increasingly polit ical, since t he m em ber nat ions
have been pressured int o subm it t ing t o an E.C. const it ut ion
along MORE THAN m er e econom ic lines.

France and England have been pulled int o t his alliance, in

spit e of t w o devast at ing world wars wit h t he v er y count ry
t hat is secr et ly orchest r at ing t he E.C. or t he New World
Order . Com e on France and England, wake up!

Germ any is not only t he largest federat ed st at e in t he E.C.,

but in 1990 was t he LARGEST econom ic pow er in t he
WORLD, wit h a t rade surplus t ot aling over $58 billion. Wit h

alm ost no for eign curr ency r eserv es in 1949, Germ any had
accum ulat ed nearly $80 billion in reserv es by 1989,
com pared wit h t he $38 billion in t he U.S.A. and $41 billion in
Gr eat Brit ain. A rat her incredible " com eback" for a count ry
t hat had waged t wo w or ld wars for t he sole pur pose of
offensive conquest , war s t hat had cost t he Allies a HEAVY
price in blood and r esources.

Of course Germ any is also t he LEADI NG econom ic power in

t he E.C. as w ell, possessing 35% of t he Econom ic power -
base of t he Eur opean Com m unit y according t o t he GROLI ER
ENCYCLOPEDI A. So j ust WHERE does t he r eal power lie in
t he E.C. / N.W.O? Considering t hat t he Germ an Black
Nobilit y wer e t he sam e ones who sent Vladim ir Lenin from
GERMANY t o Russia t o st art t he Com m unist Rev olut ion, AND
t he sam e powers who backed Adolph Hit ler... t hen it is not
surprising t hat Com m unist East Germ any w ould m erge int o
Dem ocr at ic( ?) West Ger m any wit h such ease.

I t should not be surprising, t her efor e, t o learn t hat GERMAN

t roops I n t he Unit ed St at es AND Canada play a MAJOR role in
t he planned invasion of Nort h Am erica under t he cov er of a
" Unit ed Nat ions" em ergency act ion. Lenin him self revealed
t he ult im at e goal of t he 'Com m unist ' agenda, on behalf of
t he Bavarian 'elit e' whom he serv ed. Com m unism , like
Dem ocr acy , was supposed t o give cont rol of t he gov ernm ent
t o t he PEOPLE. But of course Lenin alt ered t he plan a lit t le bit
- - j ust as t he largely unelect ed- appoint ed Execut ive branch
of t he Am erican gov ernm ent 'alt er ed' t he rules of dem ocracy
- - and st at ed t hat he did not believe t hat t he com m on people
could 'handle' t he r esponsibilit y of direct ing t he Com m unist
Revolut ion, so a select group of individuals 't rained' in t he
'Com m unist philosophy' would car ry out t his responsibilit y
inst ead. And wouldn't you know it , m any of t hese 'people'
who ended up as t he leader s of t he Com m unist Rev olut ion
wer e hand- picked by t he Germ an- im m igrant " Capit alist "
Rock efeller fam ily t hem selves. " Oh what a t angled web w e
weav e..." . The Bavarian cult ist s who w er e REALLY running
t he show w ould of course be t he " WE" t hat Lenin refers t o in
t he following quot e:

" First WE will TAKE Russia, next WE will CAPTURE t he nat ions
of east ern Eur ope, t hen WE will TAKE t he m asses of Asia.
Finally, WE will SURROUND t he Unit ed St at es and t hat last
bast ion of freedom will fall int o our hands like over- ripe
fruit ."

A likely scenario t hat som e hav e suggest ed w ould be an

or chest rat ed global econom ic collapse - - blam ed on
Am ericans of course - - which would be followed by fom ent ed
anarchy in Am erican cit ies, followed by sudden nuclear
st rikes on st rat egic m ilit ary bases on t he East and West

coast s, followed by a Chinese invasion of t he West coast , a

Russian invasion via Alaska, and a Unit ed Nat ions / Germ an
invasion via t he East and Nort h- East coast s of t he U.S.A.

All of t hose count ries w ho believe t hat by accept ing a flawed

Socialist polit ical agenda fr om ANOTHER count r y [ Germ any]
in order t o supplem ent t heir own nat ion and cult ural int egrit y
are sadly m ist aken. Collaborat ing wit h a Bavarian- backed
Unit ed Nat ions - New World Order agenda can only lead t o
t he DEATH of y our independence as a nat ion, t he DEATH of
your cult ure and hist ory , and t he DEATH of your children
who ar e sent t o fight and die for t he sak e of a Global
Governm ent , it s Bavarian- Ant arct ican m ast ers, and in t urn
t heir 'Draconian' allies who ar e j ust wait ing wit h greedy
claws t o t ak e hold of t his planet once t hey have succeeded in
get t ing us t o kill each ot her off t o t he point where t hey can
m ov e right in and t ake ov er wit h lit t le hum an resist ance.

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 5

Re por t Fr om A Ja pa n e se Te le vision Cre w

Norio Hayakawa is t he head of t he 'CI VI LI AN

I NTELLI GENCE NETWORK' [ P.O. Box 599., Gardena,
CA 80248] . Mr. Hayakawa was one of sev eral
individuals, including a Japanese film crew fr om t he
NI PPON Television Net w ork in Japan, who wit nessed
and video- t aped " a flight m aneuver of a bright ly lit
orange- yellowish light m aking ext rem ely unort hodox
flight pat t erns, including sudden accelerat ion,
descension and ascension - - possibly exert ing a force
of m ult iple g's under ex t rem ely lim it ed space and t im e
- - and ev en zig- zag t ype m ov em ent s, while on a field
t rip t o an ar ea j ust out side of 'Ar ea 51' in Nevada on
Wednesday, February 21, 1990" [ t here w er e
approxim at ely 25 t o 28 individuals in t he group who
also wit nessed t he display] . His brot her- in- law I t suro
I sokawa also phot ographed t he obj ect as it was in
flight .

Wit h over 30 y ear s of in- dept h UFO invest igat ive


experience, Norio was inst rum ent al in t he subsequent

product ion of a t w o- hour docum ent ar y program
t elevised t hroughout Japan on Mar ch 24, 1990. The
ent ire pr ogram dealt wit h Area 51 and also t he cr ew's
pursuit of an alleged biogenet ics laborat ory in New
Mexico, t hat is, t he DULCE facilit y. I t is his cont ent ion
t hat what could only be described as " ...highly
int elligent and decept ive 'ult radim ensional ent it ies'
m at erializing in disguise as 'aliens', are collaborat ing
wit h a secr et 'world gov ernm ent ' t hat is preparing
( barring unexpect ed cir cum st ances - Brant on) t o
ingeniously 'st age' a cont act - landing...t o bring about a
'New World Order'."

( Not e: This Alien- Bavarian collaborat ion is apparent ly

feigning anim osit y wit h one anot her by pushing for
global governm ent so t hat t he world can j oin t oget her
t o " fight t he aliens" . As in Viet nam and Korea w her e
t he Socialist leaders of t he Unit ed Nat ions
Organizat ion wer e playing bot h sides of t he
chessboard, any war waged by t he " New World Order "
against t he Gray s will no doubt be a no- win conflict
t hat will only ser ve t o r educe t he populat ion of t he
planet , which is aft er all part and parcel of t he overall
Draconian- Bavarian global agenda. Anot her possibilit y
t hat has been suggest ed is t hat t he Grays will be
m ade out t o be t he good guys who need 'our ' help t o
break free fr om t he t all Rept iloids and t heir em pire,
which had conquer ed t hem in t he past , or visa versa.
Act ually t he collaborat ion bet ween t he Rept iloids and
Grays has been undert aken wit h t he full consent of
bot h sides, and behind t he scenes t he collect ivist
Rept iloids, t he I nsect oids, t he Gray s and t he Bavarian
secr et societ y lodges ar e all working t oget her . Many
scenarios are possible... however t he im port ant t hing
t o r em em ber is t hat ANY war waged against t he
Rept ilian Grays which t hreat ens t he Am erican
Declarat ion of I ndependence, t he U.S. Const it ut ion
and t he Bill of Right s is m er ely playing int o t he hands
of t he aliens eit her way you look at it . I nt ernat ional
'cooperat ion' in a com m on defense against an alien
t hreat should be consider ed SO LONG AS t he nat ional
sov ereignt y of individual nat ions are not violat ed in
t he pr ocess. All nat ions should learn t o be self-
support ing and not be t em pt ed t o succum b t o a global
econom ic sy st em - - and t her efor e a global polit ical
syst em , in t hat m oney and polit ics are m or e or less
synonym ous... at least in t his world where t hose who
cont r ol t he m oney CONTROL t he gov ernm ent s. Also
independent econom ies will prevent all nat ions from
falling like dom inoes if an econom ic collapse does
occur. The t arget of any fut ure at t acks against an
out side 't hreat ' t o a nat ion's securit y should not be

excluded ONLY t o t he aliens NOR ex clusively against

hum an conspirat or s or t yrant s, but t he t arget of any
fut ure conflict wit h one or t he ot her - - in regards t o
planet ary or nat ional defense - - should be direct ed
specifically at t hose 'ar eas' wher e collaborat ion and
int eract ion bet w een t he alien infilt rat ors AND t he
hum an collaborat ors ar e t aking place... for inst ance
areas such as t he under ground 'j oint - int eract ion'
bases of Neu Schwabenland, Ant arct ica; Pine Gap,
Aust ralia; Alsace- Lor raine Mt s. ar ea of France-
Germ any; and of course and probably by far t he worst
of all, t he undergr ound m ega- com plex below DULCE,
NEW MEXI CO wher e t he worst life- form s t his universe
has t o offer seem ingly congregat e, conceive and car ry
out t heir at rocit ies against t heir vict im s - - or t hose
who hav e been t ak en or abduct ed t o t he base
perm anant ly - - as w ell as against t heir im plant ed-
program m ed vict im s beyond t he confines of t he base
who ar e nev er- t he- less for ced t o exist in
'psychological' concent r at ion cam ps im posed on t hem
against t heir will by t he 'collaborat ion'. - Brant on)

Furt herm or e, Norio Hay akawa cont ends t hat t he

'GRAND DECEPTI ON " ...will im m ediat ely follow a rapid
series of shocking, incredible event s in succession,
beginning wit h a Russia- backed Arab Confederacy's
at t em pt t o invade I srael, sim ult aneous w orldwide
eart hquak es, worldwide st ock m ark et crash and a
sudden, m y st erious 'ev acuat ion' of a segm ent of t he
planet s populat ion, all of which will culm inat e in a
quick official form at ion of a New World Order [ based
in Europe] t hat will last for sev en y ear s upon it s
incept ion."

( Not e: I t is int erest ing t hat George Washingt on's

fam ous 'vision' at Valley Forge accurat ely pr edict ed
t he Rev olut ionary and Civil wars and t heir out com e,
and also a 't hird t rial' t hrough which Am erica m ust
pass... an air, ground and sea invasion of t he
Am erica's by a World Or der which will have conquer ed
all of Asia, Africa and Europe. Depending on how one
int erpr et s t he pr ophecies of Revelat ion, t his siege will
last for eit her 3 1/ 2 or 7 years, and will end wit h an
Am erican vict or y aided by Divine I nt er vent ion. I
per sonally believe t hat Am erica is t he 'wilderness'
spok en of in t he 12t h chapt er of t he book of
Rev elat ion. Since t he w orld em pire will last no longer
t han 7 years according t o t he books of DANI EL and
REVELATI ON, t he invasion/ siege of Am erica m ust also
not ex ceed 7 y ear s, alt hough I suspect t hat it will be
closer t o 3 1/ 2 y ear s. Also Washingt on's vision
com bined wit h ot her pr ophet ic sources seem t o im ply
t hat t hose who are living west of t he Mississippi river

at t his t im e will be far bet t er off t hen t hose in t he

'occupied' zone east of t he Mississippi. I f Gener al
Washingt on's vision was accur at e, t hen t he ult im at e
out com e of t he bat t le is not t he quest ion. The r eal
quest ion is HOW MANY Am ericans - - Nort h- Cent ral-
Sout h Am ericans - - will survive t hr ough t o t he final
vict ory? - Brant on)

Norio also explains t hat t he 'Grand Decept ion' and t he

shocking series of ev ent s will " ...put m illions and
m illions of people worldwide in an absolut e st upor for
m ont hs during which t im e a special, ext rem ely
effect ive, m ult i- leveled 'm ind cont rol' program will be
act ivat ed t o calm down t he st unned populace..."

Hayakawa has him self appear ed on Japanese

t elevision, has lect ur ed considerably, has appeared on
a radio st at ion in Phoenix, Arizona, and has been t he
subj ect of an art icle in t he ARI ZONA REPUBLI C, has
published art icles in 'U.S. Japanese Business News'
[ March, 1990] , was t he guest on a Japanese t alk show
in March and April of 1990, and also appear ed on t he
Billy Goodm an 'Happening' on KVEG of Las Vegas
sev eral t im es in early 1990, and in 1995 m ade
dram at ic appearances on Art Bell's DREAMLAND
broadcast . He was also int erviewed on t he Ant hony J.
Hilder Show on " Radio Free Am erica" aired in
Anchorage, Alaska, during all of which he spok e
ext ensively about his int er est ing beliefs concer ning
t he origin and nat ure of UFO's.

I n a let t er dat ed Januar y 28, 1991, Norio added t he

following com m ent s concerning t he 'Dulce' facilit y and
it 's possible connect ion wit h t he 'Myst ery of I niquit y'
of Bible prophecy:

" ...I 'v e been t o Dulce wit h t he Nippon Television

Net w ork crew and int er viewed m any, m any people
ov er t her e and cam e back wit h t he firm convict ion
t hat som et hing was happening around 10 t o 15 years
ago over t her e, including night ly sight ings of st r ange
light s and appearances of m ilit ary j eeps and t rucks.
And I am convinced t hat t he four corners ar ea is a
highly occult area. The only st ret ch of highway,
nam ely Highway 666, r uns t hrough t he four corners
area fr om sout heast Arizona t o Nort h- west ern New
Mexico and up [ and int o SW Colorado and SE Ut ah] . I
have also heard t hat t his Highway 666 cam e int o
exist ence ar ound 1947 or 1948, fairly close t o t he
t im e of 1947, t he m odern- day beginning of OVERT
UFO APPEARANCE, i.e. t he Kennet h Arnold incident ,
and coincident ally or not , t he est ablishm ent of I srael

in 1948."

( Norio believes t hat t he est ablishm ent of t he nat ion of

I srael in 1948 began t he 'count down' t o t he final
apocalypse - - see Rev elat ion chapt er 12, for inst ance.
- Brant on)

The following is a t ranscript of part s of a speech

present ed by Mr. Hayak awa at t he 11t h 'LOS
ANGELES WHOLE LI FE EXPO' held at The Los Angeles
Airport Hilt on Convent ion Cent er on Novem ber 16 and
17, 1991. The t ranscript fr om which we will quot e is a
revised and expanded v er sion of t he addr ess or
lect ure w rit t en on June of 1992 and t it led: 'UFO'S,

" ...AREA 51 is locat ed in t he nort heast ern corner of a

vast , desolat e st r et ch of land known as t he Nev ada
Test Sit e [ a large port ion of which includes t he Nellis
Air Force Test Range] but has pract ically not hing t o do
wit h undergr ound nuclear t est ing. I t is locat ed
approxim at ely 125 m iles nort h- nort hwest of Las
Vegas and consist s of Groom Lake and t he Papoose
Lake Com plexes. The pr esent ly expanding east ern
port ion of t he lat t er com plexes is known as t he S- 4
sit e.

" This ent ire ar ea is under t he st rict est cont r ol of

Airspace R- 4808N [ wit h unlim it ed 'ceiling'] , prohibit ing
any ent r y t herein of air t raffic, civilian or m ilit ary,
unless special clearance for such ent r y is secur ed well
in advance. By land, t he ar ea is m et iculously pat rolled
24- hours a day by sev eral t iers of ext ernal securit y
ev en t hough it is conv enient ly 'cov er ed' by t he...
Jum bled Hills [ ...which cov er nort h of t he Papoose
Lake ar ea] , m aking it virt ually im possible for anyone
t o see t he facilit ies wit hout first clim bing at op t he hills
of t he rugged m ount ain range which becam e off- lim it s
t o t he public since 1985.

" The m ain ext ernal perim et er securit y is now being

handled by Wack enhut Special Securit ies Division,
part of t he operat ions of Wack enhut Corporat ion, a
worldwide sem i- privat e securit y firm based in Coral
Gables, Florida which has an exclusive cont ract wit h
t he U.S. Depart m ent of Energy and handles not only
t he perim et er securit y at t he Nevada Test Sit e but
also at m any ot her secr et facilit ies and sensit ive
inst allat ions t hrough- out t he U.S. and U.S. int er est s
worldwide, including ground- level perim et ers for
sev eral large undergr ound facilit ies in and around

Edwards Air Force Base in Sout hern California.

" I t is also im port ant t o m ent ion t hat dozens of

unm anned, m iniat ure- sized r em ot e- cont r olled
aut om at ic securit y vehicles const ant ly pat rol t he
im m ediat e perim et ers of t he S- 4 Sit e, locat ed around
[ and present ly expanding part icularly t owards t he
east ern port ion of] Papoose Lake. These aut om at ic,
m iniat ure sized four- wheel vehicles have been
produced by Sandia Laborat ories of Albuquerque, New
Mexico ex clusively for t he Depart m ent of Energy.

" The out er nort heast ern perim et ers of t his area
locat ed in t he Tickaboo Valley com e under t he
geographical j urisdict ion of Lincoln Count y and are
relegat ed t o t he Bur eau of Land Managem ent
[ B.L.M.] . Yet it is consider ed highly inadvisable for
anyone t o ev en ent er t he m ain count ry dirt road,
known as t he Gr oom Road, which begins it s
sout hwest ern ext ension t owards Gr oom Lake fr om a
point m idway bet ween m ile m arker 34 and 33 on
Highway 375, and leads t o t he guard shack locat ed
t wo and a half m iles nor t heast of t he Groom Lak e
com plexes.

" The first line of ext erior securit y for ces [ dressed in
m ilit ary- t ype cam ouflage uniform s but wit h no insignia
of any kind what soever] consist s of t he GP pat r ols
[ t he 'Gr oom Pr oper' pat rols, in Bronco- t ype four- wheel
drive v ehicles] who som et im es drive ar ound at night
wit h t heir light s off on v arious count ry dirt r oads
adj acent t o t he out er dem ilit arized zone, int im idat ing
any civilian vehicle t hat t ries t o ent er t hose access
roads [ off of Highway 375] locat ed on public land. The
GP pat rols t hem selves [ part of Wack enhut Special
Securit ies Division] , howev er , are st rict ly order ed t o
avoid any direct cont act wit h civilians. They ar e only
inst ruct ed t o radio t he Lincoln Count y Sheriff
im m ediat ely should anyone be spot t ed driving on any
of t hose dirt roads. The m ost com m on radio fr equency
used bet ween Securit y Cont rol and Lincoln Count y
Sheriff's pat rols is 138.306 MHZ.

" ...The only area 'allowed' by t he Sheriff for such

curiosit y seek er s t o 'congregat e' is an open area near
a black m ailbox locat ed at t he sout h side of Highway
375 bet w een m ile m ark er 29 and 30. Ev en t hen, t he
Sheriff pat r ol will rout inely st op by during t he evening
t o check on t he cars par ked at t he m ailbox area.

" Moreov er , it is our under st anding, based on

inform at ion provided by a highly reliable sour ce

connect ed t o a special U.S. Navy SEAL operat ions

cent er, t hat t he m ailbox ar ea is const ant ly being
m onit ored by high- power ed, st at e- of- t he- art , infra- r ed
t elescopes set up at a facilit y known as Securit y
Cont rol high at op Bald Mount ain [ 10 m iles west of t he
area] , t he highest peak in t he Groom Mount ain Range.

" ...I t was pr ecisely at 4: 45 a.m . on t he m orning of

Thursday, April 16, 1992, t hat an NBC news crew,
dispat ched t o t he ar ea t o r eport on t he landing of an
alleged super spy- plane known as Aur ora on Gr oom
Lake, accident ally succeeded in video- t aping t he first
flight [ which we have been calling t he 'Old Fait hful'] of
[ a] m yst erious obj ect w hile st anding at t he m ailbox
area and looking due sout h t oward Jum bled Hills. The
foot age, t aken wit h a night - scope vision cam er a, was
broadcast nat ionally on NBC Night ly News wit h Tom
Brokaw on April 20, 1992. The NBC News r eport ed
t hat it had video- t aped a t est flight of a new U.S.
aerial craft t hat had definit ely defied t he laws of
physics, and t hat t he news t eam m ay t hus have t aken
t he first glim pse of t he ot her 'deep black' pr oj ect s
[ aside fr om t he Aurora proj ect ] being conduct ed
wit hin t he confines of t he t op- secr et facilit y.

" Also in regards t o t he ongoing program , it is t o be

not ed t hat usually a day or t wo prior t o significant t est
flight s [ i.e., only if t he t est flight is a significant one,
by what ev er m easur e k nown only t o t he inst allat ion] a
vehicle- t raffic count er is laid on Highway 93, at
approxim at ely a m ile and a half nort h of Ash Springs,
right befor e t he j unct ure of Highway 375. The ot her
count er is set up about a half m ile or so w est upon
ent ering Highway 375. The obvious quest ion is: in
such desolat e, less- t rav eled ar eas of Nevada, w hy
should t here be such t r affic count ers inst alled on
undivided, lonely highways? I t is now m y belief t hat
t he num ber of cars being regist ered t hat head out
west on Highway 375 at such t im es [ part icularly in
'clust ers', such as carav ans] is relayed t o sev er al of
t he securit y post s at AREA 51, including t he m ain
observ at ion post high at op t he previously m ent ioned
Bald Mount ain. How ev er , it is very possible t hat t hey
m ay now have m ore sophist icat ed devices for
regist ering t he num ber of vehicles going t hrough t he

" The February 21, 1990 expedit ion was inst rum ent al
in t he subsequent pr oduct ion of a t w o- hour
docum ent ary program ent it led 'Sat urday Super
Special' t elevised t hroughout Japan on March 24,
1990 which was seen by m ore t han 28 m illion viewer s

on prim e t im e. The ent ire pr ogram dealt wit h AREA 51

and also t he crew's pursuit of an alleged biogenet ics
laborat ory t hought t o be locat ed j ust out side of
DULCE, a t iny t own in nort hw est ern New Mexico,
about 95 m iles nort hwest of Los Alam os.

" ...The U.S. Naval Research Laborat ory...seem s t o

have a Parapsychology Resear ch Unit t hat coor dinat es
it s resear ch act ivit ies wit h DARPA [ t he Defense
Advanced Research Proj ect s Agency] . I t is m y
underst anding t hat som e of t heir act ivit ies conduct ed
under t he auspices of t he Office of Naval I nt elligence
are being held at locat ions such as AREA 51.

" ELF [ ext rem ely low fr equency] wave- em it t ing

devices, scalar m achines, elect r om agnet ic beam
weapons and highly- defined hologram ic proj ect ions
are j ust a few exam ples of t he m any new t ypes of
m ind- cont rol 'w eaponr y' t hat t he gov ernm ent seem s
t o have developed in t he past t hree decades or so.
New est r esear ches on special t ypes of hallucinat ory
and m em ory- t am pering drugs are part of a gr owing
'arsenal' t hat t he U.S. Naval I nt elligence boast s t o
have dev eloped in it s own Parapsychology - Mind
Cont rol Unit .

" According t o r ecent inform at ion pr ovided t o m e by a

highly reliable inform ant wit hin a special operat ions
group of t he Depart m ent of t he Navy [ D.O.N.] , t wo of
t he m ost widely used devices will be R.H.I .C. [ Radio
Hypnot ic I nt ra- Cer ebral Cont rol] and E.D.O.M.
[ Elect ronic Dissolut ion of Mem ory] . The first of t he
t wo, Radio Hypnot ic I nt ra- Cer ebral Cont r ol, calls for
t he im plant at ion of a v ery sm all, elect r onic, m icro-
radio r eceiver. I t act s as a St im ulat or which will
st im ulat e a m uscle or elect r onic brain response. This,
in t urn, can set off a 'Hy pno- program m ed' cue in t he
vict im or subj ect , which would illicit a pre- condit ioned
behavior. The second one, Elect r onic Dissolut ion of
Mem ory , calls for r em ot ely- cont rolled product ion
wit hin t he brain of Acet yl- Choline which blocks
t ransm ission of nerv e im pulses in t he brain which
result s in a sort of Select ive Am nesia. According t o
t his sour ce, in t he hands of cert ain unit s wit hin t he
int elligence com m unit y bot h of t hese m et hods are

" An am azing art icle appear ed in t he Los Angeles

Tim es on May 12, 1992 announcing t hat Calt ech
scient ist s have r ecent ly discovered and confirm ed t he
presence of 't iny m agnet ic part icles in t he brains of
hum ans, sim ilar t o t hose t hat have heret ofor e been

found in ot her anim als.' [ L.A. TI MES, Sect ion A, page

3] . According t o t he Calt ech researcher s, it is now an
undeniable fact t hat ev ery hum an brain cont ains a
t iny nat ural m agnet it e part icle, even fr om t he t im e of
concept ion. Could t he gov ernm ent , part icularly t he
U.S. Naval Resear ch Laborat ory , hav e known t his fact
for a long t im e? The answer definit ely seem s t o be in
t he affirm at ive!

" I t is int erest ing also t o not e t hat as of t his writ ing,
m any st range, t urquoise- colored ant enna- t owers wit h
t riangular configurat ions on t op, ar e beginning t o be
const ruct ed along k ey areas near t he freeway syst em s
of m any U.S. cit ies, par t icularly proliferat ing t he Los
Angeles and Orange Count y areas of California.
According t o several report s, t hese ant enna- t ow er s
are pr esent ly being used as relay t ow ers for t he
increasing net work s of cellular t elephone syst em s and
are being operat ed by such firm s as Pacific Bell and

" Yet t he m ost int erest ing aspect of t he const ruct ions
of t hese st range ant enna- t owers is t hat t here are
increasing report s t hat t he Depart m ent of Defense is
som ehow involved in t his operat ion. The fr equency
waves being ut ilized in t he cellular t elephone
com m unicat ions are, according t o sev eral researchers,
st rikingly close t o t he range of frequency wav es used
in several ELF em ission and m icrowav e experim ent s of
t he U.S. Naval Research Laborat ory as w ell as
D.A.R.P.A., t he Defense Advanced Research Pr oj ect s
Agency. Will t hese t ow ers be ut ilized t hroughout t he
nat ion?

" ...I n t he m eant im e, governm ent - sponsored genet ics

researcher s and bio- t echnology expert s at New
Mexico's Los Alam os Nat ional Laborat ory ar e said t o
be conduct ing in- dept h st udies not only on t he t ot al
effect s of m ind- cont rol upon hum an behavioral
pat t erns but also on it s possible applicat ions relat ive
t o such ar eas as genet ics engineering and explorat ion
of t he hum an genom e.

( This m ay be of special int erest considering t he news

in early 1997 out of Edinburgh, Scot land of t he
successful cloning of an adult Ewe lam b. Ther e are
som e who cont end t hat cert ain t echnological
breakt hroughs ar e allowed t o leak out int o t he public
dom ain only aft er t hat t echnology has been har nessed
and used for y ear s by t he secret scient ific frat ernit ies
who ser ve t he agendas of t he m ilit ary- indust rial 'elit e'.
I t is int erest ing t hat following t he announcem ent of

t his discovery a Jesuit priest m ade t he rounds on t he

t alk shows defending t his 'new' science and
advocat ing t he various 'benefit s' t hat it could provide.
I t is int erest ing t hat Adam Weishaupt who founded
t he Bavarian I llum inat i was a Jesuit ; and it is also
int erest ing t hat t he Scot t ish Rit e of Masonry originally
had it s origin wit hin t he Jesuit college of Clerm ont in
France. - Brant on)

" A large undergr ound genet ics laborat ory is t hought t o

be locat ed j ust out side of DULCE, a t iny t own in t he
m idst of t he Jicarilla- Apache I ndian Reservat ion
locat ed about 95 m iles nort hwest of Los Alam os and
100 m iles east of [ t he] sinist er- sounding Highway
666, t he only st ret ch of highway in t he U.S. wit h t hat
designat ion and t he only highway t hat links t he four
st at es of Arizona, New Mexico, Color ado and Ut ah.

" Perhaps it m ay j ust be a pure 'coincidence' t hat t his

highway - - befit t ingly nam ed Highway 666, which
originat ed in sout heast Arizona and goes up nort h - -
cut s int o nort hwest ern New Mexico, right near t he
Four Corner s area, an area t hat happens t o hav e one
of t he m ost consist ent ly concent rat ed UFO sight ing
report s in t he count ry since around 1947. This ent ire
Four Corner s area, especially nort hwest ern New
Mexico and sout hw est er n Colorado [ ev en ext ending,
for t hat m at t er, t o t he ent ire sout hern t ip of t he st at e]
also has had som e of t he m ost concent rat ed r eport s of
unexplained cat t le m ut ilat ions in t he nat ion during t he
lat e sev ent ies and early eight ies. Was som et hing
cov ert ly t aking place in t hose ar eas?

" Ev en t hough w e could not locat e t he alleged

undergr ound genet ics laborat ory in Dulce when t he
Nippon Television crew and I visit ed t he area in lat e
Februar y of 1990, I had several opport unit ies t o
int erview scor es of local r esident s t her e t hat adm it t ed
t hat night ly appearances of m y st erious light s - -
[ occasionally accom panied by unm ark ed black
helicopt er s] dart ing over, int o and out of nearby
Archulet a Mesa and Ar chulet a Mount ains - - wer e quit e
com m on during t he lat e sevent ies and early eight ies.

" Many of t hem even claim t o hav e spot t ed, on m any

occasions, m ilit ary- t ype t ruck s and j eeps as well as
governm ent vans passing t hrough Dulce and loit ering
around nearby m esas. Occasionally even black
lim ousines carrying what appear ed t o be 'CI A' agent -
t ypes wer e claim ed t o have been sight ed 'loit ering'
around t he foot hills of ot her nearby m esas.

" We m ust bear in m ind t hat t he Dulce ar ea is only 95

m iles nort hwest of Los Alam os. Los Alam os Nat ional
Laborat ory is one of t he t op U.S. r esearch labor at ories
specializing in t he st udy of t he hum an genom e. Also it
is a vit al cent er of t he gov ernm ent 's SDI r esear ch and
dev elopm ent pr ogram s. Just about a hundr ed m iles
sout heast of Los Alam os is Albuquerque, New Mexico's
largest cit y, and m or e significant ly, a cit y where
Kirt land Air Force Base is locat ed right next t o t he
sensit ive Manzano St orage Facilit y, a t op- secr et
undergr ound m ilit ary facilit y [ where nuclear warheads
are st or ed] . Sandia Cor porat ion, one of t he nat ions
t op- secr et governm ent cont ract ors specializing in t op
m ilit ary- indust rial proj ect s, is also locat ed in

" As far as advanced bio- t echnology is concerned, I

have no doubt t hat a m icr o- chip im plant at ion
t echnology is being perfect ed in which t iny m icro-
chips could be im plant ed in our circulat ory syst em s,
vit al organs and t issues if need be for what ev er
purpose t he fut ure m ay 'r equire'. I t is m y conclusion
t hat a large- scale r esearch has been com plet ed by t he
governm ent [ wit h possible assist ance from 'out side'
sour ces] wit hin t he last 20 years or so ut ilizing t ens of
t housands of cat t le in t he Sout hw est t o conduct t his
cov ert experim ent . Only r ecent ly has science pr ov en
t hat cow hem oglobin could be subst it ut ed [ by ut ilizing
a special purificat ion sy st em ] wit h hum an blood in
sit uat ions of 'unfor eseen nat ional em ergencies.'"

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 6

'Cosm ic Top Se cr e t s' An d Th e D u lce Ba se

The Sept . 10, 1990 issue of 'UFO UNI VERSE' r elat ed t he

following under t he t it le- heading, " WI LLI AM F. HAMI LTON I I I -

" Unt il j ust recent ly, William F. Ham ilt on I I I m anaged t o k eep

up a r elat ively low pr ofile so t hat he can cont inue his work in
privat e and wit hout needless int errupt ion from well- m eaning,
and never- t he- less prying ey es.

" Adm it t edly, his nam e is not known in ev ery household, but
t he fact of t he m at t er is t hat 'Bill' is highly respect ed am ong
his peer s.

" I ndeed, what he has t o say is as im port ant and vit al as t he

words of flying ace John Lear and form er Navy int elligence
officer William Cooper, who hav e gone on r ecor d regarding
t he alien conspiracy .

" I n fact , m uch of what Ham ilt on m aint ains is consist ent wit h
t he t heory t hat t her e is a m assive gov ernm ent cov er- up on
UFOs and alien visit at ions t hat reaches right up t o t he
president 's privat e office door, and t hat t he U.S. m ilit ary has
m ade a secr et pact wit h a gr oup of aliens know n as t he
'Greys'. [ They] are on eart h... m ut ilat ing cat t le, and
abduct ing hum ans for experim ent al purposes. Supposedly t he
Gr ey s hav e TAKEN OVER several Top- Secr et underground
m ilit ary facilit ies, AND cert ain branches of t he gov ernm ent
[ who] ar e w or king hand- in- hand wit h t hese ent it ies t o bring
about t ot al dom inat ion of t he world, while a SECOND gr oup of
ext ra- t er r est rials is here t rying t o pr ot ect us...

" Of a highly cont roversial nat ure, m any of Ham ilt on's
st at em ent s m ay seem overly 'radical' t o even his closest
associat es, not t o m ent ion ot her invest igat ors w ho r efuse t o
ev en seriously consider t he docum ent at ion he is able t o
present t o bolst er his case.

" ...About t en y ears ago, a few scient ist s and engineers, who
wor ked for NASA and shared an int erest in UFO abduct ions,
cam e t oget her t o form a group t hey called Pr oj ect VI SI T - -
Vehicle I nt ernal Syst em s I nv est igat ive Team . They st udied
about 130 cases of UFO abduct ions wit h t he goal of
const ruct ing a m odel of UFOs, t heir operat ion, and t he
ent it ies who cr ew UFOs.

" They found:

" - - UFOs have bright int erior light ing.

" - - Abduct ees undergo a m edical- t ype exam inat ion wit h
apparent ly highly sophist icat ed equipm ent .

" - - Burns are suffered by m any abduct ees.

" - - Tim e loss - fr om 20 m inut es t o 3 hour s - is com m on.

Proj ect VI SI T m em ber, Dr. Richard Niem t zow, described t he

cr ew m em bers as four feet t all, hairless, gr ey in color , wit h no

nose, a sm all m out h and large slant ed ey es. The Gr ey
hum anoid is em ot ionless and com m unicat es by t elepat hy.

" The Gr ey s hav e earned a r eput at ion quit e different t han t he

Nordic blondes and ot her r eport ed species. Most of t he
abduct ions are done by grey s and m or e t han one variat ion of
Gr ey. The Gr eys do m ost of t he biological int ervening on
abduct ees. Tans, Whit es, and Blues ( i.e. 'Gr eys' of ot her skin
colors, gray- t an, gr ay- w hit e, gray- blue, et c. - Brant on) have
also been r eport ed by abduct ees. I have personally had som e
sort of encount er wit h what I call t he Whit es. They ar e sm all
wit h ext rem ely whit e skin and black, wrap- ar ound ey es.

" EARTH MADE SAUCERS - - I n April, 1984, Lt . General George

Bone, Vice Com m ander of t he U.S. Air For ce Sy st em s
Com m and was killed while t est flying a secr et aircraft ov er
t he Groom Lak e area, a t op secr et facilit y locat ed about 100
m iles nort h of Las Vegas, Nevada. This facilit y is designat ed
'Ar ea 51.' The Sy st em s Com m and r eput edly uses t his facilit y
t o t est - fly spy planes, such as t he SR- 71 Blackbird or it s
successor, t he Aur ora. According t o t he February, 1988 issue
of GUNG- HO m agazine which ran a feat ur e art icle on Ar ea 51,
som e of t he craft being flown out of t hat t est facilit y would
m ake George Lucas dr ool! ...

" I n t he early 1980s a radio t echnician working at Area 51

report ed seeing a saucer on t he gr ound. I t was som e 20 or 30
feet in diam et er , he said, and when it flew, it m ov ed silent ly
t hrough t he air. The t echnician also viewed a num ber of
wooden shipping crat es m ark ed 'Pr oj ect Redlight .' That
proj ect m ay have been a forerunner of Snowbir d. Pr esent ly,
t he Air For ce is t rying t o acquire 89.000 acr es adj acent t o t he
Gr oom Lak e facilit y and t o place t he nearby Gr oom Mount ains
off- lim it s t o t he public.

" Befor e and aft er t he TV docum ent ary 'UFO COVER- UP LI VE',
t here had been t alk of an undergr ound alien base locat ed in
t he vicinit y of t he Gr oom Lak e t est sit e, known as
'Dr eam land'... This adds a whole new dim ension t o t he idea of
a secr et space pr ogram and hint s at fant ast ic secr et pr ogram s
t hat t ake [ us] m or e t han one st ep bey ond.

" A friend of m ine once m ov ed t o Rivert on, Wy om ing t o escape

from t errifying m yst eries he encount er ed in NEW MEXI CO. He
said t he locals at Rivert on ask ed him , 'Ar e you her e t o work
on t he secr et space pr oj ect out at t he j et airport ?' Saucers
wer e seen close t o t he ground in Rivert on. One day m y
friend's t ruck broke dow n and he had t o hit ch a ride t o t own.
A black Lincoln pulled up and a m an dr essed in black gave
him a lift . The dashboar d looked like a com put er console. The
MI B knew exact ly wher e he want ed t o be left off in front of

t he post office, but m y friend had never t old him .

" ALI EN I MPLANTS - - I n 1980 when I lived in Glendale,

Arizona, I r eceived a call from m y friend Walt er Baum gart ner ,
who published a m agazine of lim it ed circulat ion called
ENERGY UNLI MI TED. Walt er was a nat ural t echnologist . He
said t hat he had st art ed working for a physicist by t he nam e
of PAUL BENNEWI TZ at Thunder Scient ific Labs in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. He t hen pr oceeded t o t ell m e t he
fant ast ic st or y t hat Mr . Bennewit z had succeeded in
com m unicat ing wit h aliens at an underground base sit uat ed
near MT. ARCHULETA in t he t own of DULCE t hat was close t o
t he Colorado border and sit uat ed on t he Jicarilla Apache
I ndian Reservat ion. ( Not e: Bennewit z act ually st at ed t hat he
'int errogat ed' t he alien- collect ive via a com put er- radio- video
link wit h an 'alien' com put er t erm inal, by t apping- in t o t he
aliens' ship- t o- base com m unicat ions frequency and using a
t ype of hex edecim al m at hem at ical code t o break t he alien
encr ypt ion. He first discov er ed t he signals using specialized
equipm ent he had dev eloped, and lat er concluded t hat t hese
signals wer e also being used t o influence abduct ees who had
been given elect r onic m ind- cont rol im plant s. - Brant on) .

" He t old m e t hat t hese lit t le grey aliens wer e abduct ing and
im plant ing people wit h a device insert ed at t he base of t he
skull for t he purpose of m onit oring and CONTROLLI NG
hum ans. He said t hat t he 'gov ernm ent ' knew about t his and
was involved wit h alien act ivit ies. He also st at ed t hat t he
aliens fear ed our nuclear w eapons and nuclear r adiat ion. He
t old m e t hat Paul was w orking on a w eapon t hat would be
effect ive against t hese aliens.


I MPLANTS: I know of a per son who w ent t o hav e som e
im plant s rem ov ed by doct or s. The im plant s wer e rem ov ed,
via t he nasal cavit y, from t he nerv e cent ers of t he brain - -
som e of her ner ves being dam aged in t he pr ocess. This nerv e
dam age result ed in a near- deat h experience following which,
when she had 'awakened', she felt like a 'new per son' or t hat
som e ot her 'ident it y' t hat had been operat ing in her w as now
gone. Som e m y st ics m ay r efer t o alien int elligence's t hat
possess hum an m inds as 'walk- ins'. What m any r efer t o as
'walk- ins' ar e oft en art ificial int elligence m at rix im plant s which
are at t ached t o t he nerv e cent ers of t he hum an brain. These
serv e as 'nodes' for an alien collect ive in a parasit e- host
capacit y, allowing t he aliens t o physically ut ilize t he hum an
subj ect aft er an alt ered st at e of consciousness has been
induced, and t he hum an subj ect 's individual consciousness is
incapacit at ed. This t ransfer t o t he 'alt ernat e consciousness'
oft en occur s at night . Also, bot h m alev olent and 'r elat ively'
benev olent ot her- worldly cult ures oft en induce wit hin hum an
subj ect s one or m or e 'alt ernat e' per sonalit ies which are

t aught or pr ogram m ed t o w or k and operat e in t he 'ot her '

realm . I f t he individual is left - brain dom inant and right -
handed in t heir 'conscious' life, in t he 'alt ernat e' life t hey m ay
be right - brain dom inant and left - handed, as is t he case wit h
m y own elusive alt ernat e ident it y. Ot her t han saying t hat
hum ans have one brain wit h t wo hem ispheres, it w ould be
j ust as legit im at e t o say t hat we hav e t w o brains in one
cranium . I n m any cases wher e m ore 'benev olent ' hum anoids
are concerned, t he individual m ay have 'flashes' of m em ories
of a 'double' or 'alt ernat e' exist ence wher e t hey int eract wit h
ext er ran, subt er ran or even ot her- dim ensional hum anoid
societ ies, oft en in an 'int im at e' capacit y, and in som e cases
ev en ser ve as st ar ship crew m em bers or pilot s. I n t he case of
t he benevolent 'non- int er vent ionist s', such an alt ernat e
per sonalit y m ay be a m eans of int eract ing wit h Terrans
wit hout violat ing t he laws of non- int erv ent ion and int erfering
wit h an eart h- persons 'conscious' life, alt hough I m yself would
suggest t hat ev en t his would be st r et ching 'non-
int erv ent ionism ' t o t he lim it . However in t he case of t he
m alevolent s, such alt er nat e 'ident it ies' ar e pr ogram m ed
t hrough int ense m ind- cont rol t echniques wit h t he int ent of
producing unconscious m ind- slaves for t he alien collect ive.
The 'secr ecy' and fear of t he exposur e of t heir int erv ent ionist
agendas is in t his case t he m ot ive for m aint aining secr ecy .
What is especially confusing however is when one, as in m y
own personal case, has been infused wit h alt ernat e
per sonalit ies or ident it ies by BOTH benevolent AND
m alevolent ot her- w orldly cult ures. I n m y per sonal case t his
involved being pat ched- in t o an alien collect ive- m ind [ Asht ar]
via im plant s and 'used' by t he dark side of t hat collect ive - - or
t he int ervent ionist elem ent s wit hin t he Asht ar collect ive such
as t he 'Orionit e infilt rat or s' t hat som e cont act ees hav e spoken
of who desire t o use t heir posit ions t o est ablish absolut e
cont r ol - - only t o lat er have t his or anot her alt er nat e
per sonalit y m at rix 're- program m ed' by a m or e benev olent
fact ion of t he 'alliance'. This m or e benev olent fact ion would
eit her be involved wit h a separat e Feder at ion, or it would be a
fact ion t hat is part of t he 'collect ive' it self yet w hich is
involved in an ongoing conflict wit h it s 'darker' side, a fact ion
which is opposed t o t he int erv ent ionist - cont rol agendas if t he
'infilt rat ors'. One cannot com prehend t he significance of t he
psychic bat t les t hat can rage t hrough a single hum an m ind
unt il one has been caught in t he cr ossfire bet w een t wo
OPPOSI NG 'alt ernat e personalit ies' - - one of which is an
individualist and one of which is a collect ivist - - t hat are
slugging it out for dom inance of ones unconscious exist ence.
The best one can do in such an event w ould be t o t r y and
ret rieve as m any suppr essed m em ories as t hey ar e able, sort
t he whole m ess out , and assim ilat e and t ake conscious
cont r ol of t hose t hought pat t erns t hat will be m ost beneficial
t o t hem and elim inat e t he harm ful t hought - pat t erns. I will not
deceive y ou, such a pr ocess can be v ery painful at t im es.
Aft er all, it is t he ROOT " individual consciousness" of a hum an

being which has t he final say as t o j ust WHO t hat per son is
going t o be, based on t he universal law of free agency. For
t hose of y ou who ar e reading t his and who feel t hat t hey m ay
have been 'pr ogram m ed' wit h an alt ernat e 'alien' personalit y
which is act ivat ed during alien encount ers, I will say for an
absolut e fact t hat accor ding t o universal law t his collect ivist
alt ernat e personalit y MUST subm it t o t he dem ands of your
conscious will. Anyt hing else w ould be a direct violat ion of t he
non- int erv ent ion laws. Ev en wit hout t he assist ance of alien
psycho- t echnology, cert ain psychiat rist s are fully awar e of
how easy it is t o hypnot ically induce an alt ernat e per sonalit y
wit hin a hum an being, I F t hey had access t o t he suppressed
m ind- cont rol t echniques t hat have been used by cert ain
int elligence agencies and occult frat ernit ies. - Brant on)

" UNDERGROUND BASES - - On April 1 and 2, I spent 24 hour s

visit ing wit h John Lear at his hom e in Las Vegas. He t ook out
a st ack of papers and had m e peruse t hem at m y leisure. His
st udy r oom had walls covered wit h aircraft phot os and
cert ificat es. There was no doubt in m y m ind t hat John loved
flying. John is a soft spoken individual and frequent ly, while
visit ing him , I hav e wat ched him put t er in t he garden. We
discussed Area 51. John had som e long dist ance phot os of t he
Gr oom Lak e facilit y. The one t hing t hat st ood out in one phot o
was t he radio t elescope point ing st raight up in t he m idst of a
group of buildings. The scope w as probably t racking any
ov erhead spy sat ellit es. He showed m e t he r efer ence in t he
Februar y, 1988 issue of GUNG- HO m agazine, t hat [ insist ed]
t hat spacecraft w er e being t est - flown fr om t his facilit y. John
heard rum ors t hat t he Gr ey s had a base under t he Gr oom
Mount ains. This is t he one w e believe is called DREAMLAND.
One of m y sour ces [ a leak] say s DREAM is an acr onym t hat
st ands for Dat a Reposit ory Est ablishm ent And Maint enance.
John t old m e t he st ory of Mr. K, whose son Robert was
t rapped inside a j oint hum an- alien undergr ound base in Ut ah.
This Robert had appar ent ly wor ked at DULCE BASE at one
t im e. MR. K felt like he was being given t he run - around by t he
m ilit ary in his at t em pt s t o locat e his son...

" I learned t hat t her e w ere a few t echnical people who w ork ed
at Sandia Labs in Albuquerque who were int erest ed in alien
act ivit y. One m an I t alked t o, C.R., knew a m y st erious
Colonel Ronald Blackburn, who was reput ed t o have said t hat
t here w er e 600 aliens at t he Groom Lak e facilit y in Nevada.
C.R. had invest igat ed a UFO crash near Gallup, N.M. in 1983.
This one was also invest igat ed by Tom m y Roy Blann. I heard
of Colonel Edwards at Albuquerque who knew t he AFOSI
agent Richard Dot y ( BOTH of whom work ed wit h Paul
Bennewit z in his invest igat ions of t he alien act ivit y t aking
place at t he Dulce Base. - Brant on) . Dot y had t alked t o som e
invest igat ors about t he governm ent cover- up. Why? I don't


" WEI RD HAPPENI NGS AT DULCE - - On April 19, 1988, m y

wife and I ar rived at Dulce, N.M. at about 4: 30 p.m . Dulce
was a beaut iful lit t le m ount ain t own sit t ing at an elevat ion
exceeding 7,500 feet . Ther e was st ill snow on t he gr ound by
t he Best West ern Mot el. I check ed int o t he m ot el and called
Gabe Valdez. He cam e ov er t o see m e about 9: 30 p.m . We
t alked about UFOs and t he cat t le m ut ilat ions. He said t hat he
had not seen any m ut es since 1981- 82. [ I ] had him read a
let t er writ t en by Richard Dot y in which Dot y denies all
involvem ent wit h UFO secrecy. He said Dot y wasn't t elling t he
t rut h. This prov ed t rue, because Dot y st art ed t alking again.

" He t old m e t hat Dot y w rot e a report t hat st at ed t hat Paul

Bennewit z was being invest igat ed. Lat er Gabe offer ed us a
ride ar ound Dulce. He t ook us in his pat rol car and show ed us
som e of t he r out es. He said he saw glowing orange- light ed
airships flying silent ly around t he ar ea fr equent ly. He nev er
saw t hese airships in daylight . We t ook a look at t he Gom ez
Ranch, sit e of som e of t he m ut es t hat t ook place in 1978. We
asked about Bennewit z's belief t hat t here was a secr et
undergr ound alien base in t he ar ea. He said he believed about
80 per cent of what Bennew it z said concerning alien act ivit ies
in t he ar ea... he definit ely seem ed t o t hink t here was a base
in t he ar ea, but his idea of where it is locat ed w as differ ent
t han Paul's. He t hought t hat t he base m ight be sout h of
Dulce, closer t o t he Gom ez Ranch. He said he had not found
any ent ries t o t he base. He had found landing t rack s and
crawler m ar ks near t he sit e of t he m ut es. He invit ed m e t o
com e back som et im e and clim b Mt . Archulet a. Som eday I
would com e back t o Dulce, but I had no idea w hen...

" A lot st art ed happening in Oct ober, 1988. I st ar t ed

invest igat ing t he case of a couple who had gone up t o a
plat eau on t he sout h side of t he Tehachapi Mount ains ( out side
of Edwards AFB. - Brant on) not far fr om m y house. At t wo in
t he m orning t hey wit nessed a large flashing or b com e up fr om
t he gr ound and rise slowly int o t he sk y. They experienced
about t wo hours of m issing t im e. Under hypnosis perform ed
by a local hypnot herapist who had t aken an int er est in UFO
abduct ees, w e had found t hat t he m an r ecalled having been
t aken t o an underground facilit y. He k ept m ent ioning 't he
Colonel! '..."

The Dulce Book

Chapt er 7

A D u lce Van gu ar d At D e e p Sprin gs?

I t has been fairly well est ablished t hat t he Dulce, New

Mexico net work is t he largest and m ost significant alien
[ Rept iloid/ Gray] base net work in Nort h Am erica. How ev er
according t o one sour ce t her e is also anot her 'nest ' near
Deep Springs, California. This [ Dulce- connect ed?] base - -
because of it s pr oxim it y - - m ay pose an ev en gr eat er t hr eat
t o t he hum anoid resident s of t he 'subt erranean net work '
who hav e m aj or cit y- com plexes below California: Mt .
Shast a, Panam int Mount ains, 29 Palm s area, et c. These
colonies ar e report edly being cont est ed by 'Dr aconian'
vanguard posit ions near Lak eport - Hopland, Mt . Lassen and
Deep Springs, California. On t he ot her hand, som e of t he
non- int erv ent ionist s 'Nordic' cult ures report edly have t heir
own forw ard posit ions near t he Four Corner s or Colorado
Plat eau region where t he Rept iloids/ Gr eys have t heir m aj or
cent er of act ivit y. Then t here ar e ot her areas BETWEEN t he
t wo sect or s [ bet ween t he Andr o- Pleiadean bases cent ered
under Deat h Valley and t he Draco- Orion bases cent er ed
under Ar chulet a Mesa] wher e t he 'collaborat ors' m eet .

Ther e ar e basically t hree alien net work s at w or k on eart h:

The Ant i- Grey Nordic [ Federat ion] fact ions, t he Ant i- Nordic
Gr ey [ Em pire] fact ions and t he Nordic- Gr ey collaborat or s,
which would also include t hose Ter ran int elligence agencies
and occult lodges who are involved in t he collaborat ion for
what ever m ot ive. Ev en wit hin t he collaborat ion, t her e is a
great deal of st ruggle over whet her t he hum anoid or
rept iloid agendas should have t he upper hand. Wit hin t he
collaborat ion it self 'speciesism ' [ akin t o racism ] exist s at
cert ain levels, so in spit e of t he species prej udices t he
collaborat ion cont inues nevert heless because of a 'm arriage
of conv enience'. I n ot her w ords t he Greys w ant t o t ak e over
t he planet and im pose a slave societ y t o ult im at ely serv e
t heir em pire, but t he need t he I llum inat i's int ernat ional
econom ic connect ions t o do so; and t he I llum inat i want s t he
sam e t hing but t hey r ealize t hat t hey need t he alien m ind-
cont r ol and abduct ion t echnology t o accom plish t heir goals.

So t hen, it is m or e of a lov e- hat e relat ionship. They

collaborat e in order t o set up a planet ary gov er nm ent ,
howev er bot h t he hum anoids and rept iloids are const ant ly
plot t ing for t he t im e when t he w orld governm ent arrives so
t hat once it is est ablished t hey can m ove- in and t ake full
cont r ol and expel t he necessary collaborat ors - - t he hum ans

doing away wit h t he Gr eys or t he Greys doing away wit h t he

hum ans or what ev er t he case m ay be. For inst ance t he
I llum inat i m ight negot iat e wit h t he Gr ey s while at t he sam e
t im e develop SDI weapons t o pot ent ially use against t hem .
On t he ot her hand t he Gr ey s m ay cont inue negot iat ing wit h
t he hum ans while at t he sam e t im e im plant ing m icro-
elect r onic m ind- cont rol devices in t he hum an agent s wit h
whom t hey negot iat e in order t o ensur e t hat t hey r em ain
under ALI EN cont rol once t he planet succum bs t o t he New
World Order. So a one world gov ernm ent will NOT bring
peace t o t he planet , it will m erely be a m at t er of fight ing for
cont r ol of one super- governm ent rat her t han for m any
sm aller ones.

What m any do not realize is t hat t her e appears t o be a t hird

elem ent behind t his agenda, a 'race' of paraphy sical ent it ies
t hat som e m ight refer t o as t he 'Luciferians' or t he
'Polt ergeist s' - - who ar e oft en described, by abduct ees who
have encount er ed t hem , as being in t he appear ance of
quasi- physical et heric or energy beings who have oft en
been seen ov er seeing and direct ing t he act ions of t he
hum anoid- rept iloid collaborat or s.

Alt hough it m ight sound sim plist ic t o im ply t hat t his cosm ic
bat t le is essent ially being fought bet w een t he 'Nordic' bases
near Deat h Valley and t he 'Gr ey ' bases near Ar chulet a Mesa,
t he t rue fact of t he m at t er is t hat when we ar e dealing wit h
m ult i- levelled subt er ranean sy st em s t he 'border zones' are a
lit t le m or e com plex t han on t he surface, wher e we have
obvious horizont al border s bet ween count ries. I n 'inner-
planet ary' warfar e t he 'bat t le- lines' ar e horizont al, vert ical
and in som e cases int er - dim ensional. The bat t le would be
one t hat is being waged abov e, below and wit hin our
societ y, even t hough t he out ward m anifest at ions of t hat
'war ' m ight not be im m ediat ely seen for what t hey are,
unless one is awar e of t he REAL conflict behind t he scenes.
Ther e ar e also indicat ions t hat at least CERTAI N fact ions of
t he NSA- MJ12- CI A- AVI ARY agencies have 'defect ed' fr om
t he neo- Nazi New World Order agenda of " j oint int eract ion"
wit h t he Rept iloids/ Gray s, and are now AT WAR wit h t he
sam e...

Recent ly a researcher w it h t he init ials K.S., was approached

by t he fam ily of a U.S. I nt elligence work er [ O.S.I .] by t he
nam e of 'Tuck er ', who had disappeared m yst eriously. The
fam ily was concerned and fright ened as t hey had
discovered, in a per sonal locker of his, SEVERAL papers
describing I NTI MATE det ails of act ivit ies surr ounding t he
Dulce, New Mexico and Nevada [ S- 4, et c.] undergr ound
inst allat ions. Several of t hese papers ar e reproduced
t hroughout t his present wor k. Am ong t his large st ack of
paper s was hidden t he following let t er which was st am ped

'SECRET'. The let t er, copies of which wer e apparent ly also in

t he hands of a few ot her r esearcher s as well, st at ed t he

" Dear John...

" I am w rit ing t o you in t he event t hat I do not r et urn.

" There is a t riangle sur r ounding t he Nevada Test Sit e.

" There ar e in fact t w o of t hem . Each one front iers on t he

ot her . One is t he ELECTRO- MAGNETI C TRI ANGLE, inst alled
by MJ- 12. This is a shield t o pr ot ect t he 'Benev olent s' [ very
hum an looking] from t he EBEs ( t he so- called
" Ext rat err est rial Biological Ent it ies" or Grays - Brant on)
while t hey help us dev elop our count er- at t ack/ defenses. The
ot her is t he EBEs' 't rap' keeping t he Benev olent s in t he
redoubt ... At each corner of t he EM Triangle you will find
BLM st at ions and t hey are t he t ransm it t ers of t he shield.

" Facing each one of t hese is an EBE t ransm it t er... THERE

WORLD. I t is im port ant t hat you do not int erfer e by
at t em pt ing t o dest r oy one of t heir 'surr ounds', t hey w ould
be able t o 'double- up' som ewher e else and ov ert hrow t hat
posit ion. Once t hat link is over- t hrown, our support t eam
would fail. Their over ex t ension is deliberat e on our part . We
are like t he Chinese, w e can't out t echnology t hem but w e
can out num ber t hem . Especially since t hey can't breed her e
and it is t oo far for t hem t o go back hom e wit hout our help.
Many of our EM Triangles ar e ruses t o k eep t hem ov er
ext ended. They can't get out of our solar sy st em because
our elect r o- m agnet ic field ( at t his t im e? - Brant on) is t he
wrong fr equency for t heir propulsion syst em t o wor k
efficient ly. This explains why t he EBEs can not com m it m or e
vehicles t o our solar syst em ."

Ther e hav e been com m ent s am ong som e 'cont act ees' t o t he
effect t hat occasionally t he Solar syst em passes t hrough
areas of differing elect r om agnet ic variat ions as it m oves in
and out of cosm ic energy st r eam s t hat flow t hr ough t he
universe like a vast univer sal elect rom agnet ic 'circulat ory
syst em '. Cert ain energy fields are conducive t o cert ain t ypes
of propulsion syst em s w her eas ot hers ar e not , and in t hese
cases alt ernat e or m or e 'convent ional' form s of propulsion
m ust be resort ed t o. Som e ev en suggest t hat large ships
disguised as ast er oids, planet oids or even com et s are being
used by t he Gr ey s and Rept iloids in order t o get around t his
propulsion problem and also t o conceal t heir presence.
These 'engineer ed' planet oids ar e accom panied wit h
conv ent ional drives t o ser ve as plat form s for various
operat ions: abduct ions, im plant at ion's, m ut ilat ions, and also

m ind cont rol and infilt rat ion act ivit ies t aking place on or
under planet eart h. All of t his would seem logical, so as not
t o at t ract a gr eat deal of at t ent ion and in ret urn r esist ance
from t he m asses. Som e of t hese conv ert ed 'planet oids' have
been ident ified as Geographos, Phobos, and ev en Hale- Bopp
com et - - which is accom panied by m any unusual anom alies
not observ ed in m ost 'com et s'. For inst ance Hale- Bopp
com et was 1000 bright er t han Haley's Com et w as at t he
dist ance fr om t he sun w her e it was 'discover ed'. This is
because t he 'halo' is NOT caused by I CE- GAS being blown
from t he surface of t he obj ect by solar winds as in t he case
of m ost com et s. For som e unexplained reason THI S com et
is ej ect ing 7 large st r eam er s or j et s of DUST- GAS fr om it s
I NTERI OR, m any of t hese j et s act ivat e and deact ivat e at
regular int ervals. THI S is what creat es t he halo, and
because of t his t he halo m ight have a dist inct appearance
when com par ed t o past com et s.

Som e cont act ees st at e t hat Hale- Bopp is being used by

Rept iloid ent it ies from Draconis and Gr ey s from Orion who
have j oined wit h a renegade 'Asht ar' fact ion fr om Sirius- B,
resident wit hin Hale- Bopp's 'com panion'. They are
det erm ined t o back a w orld dict at orship by bringing t he
'com et ' close t o eart h in order t o 't rigger ' t he im plant s
wit hin abduct ees and sim ult aneously act ivat e t heir
unconscious sublim inal program s via powerful t ransm it t ing
devices. This is not t o m ent ion t he pot ent ial and
dest abilizing 'shock' value t hat t his com et m ight pose t o
planet ary polit ical, econom ic and religious syst em s. I t would
seem t hat a Federat ion of Worlds, based in t he Androm eda
and Pleiades const ellat ions, ar e at t em pt ing t o 'blockade' t he
int erv ent ionist act ions of t he Draco- Orion em pir e in t he Sol
syst em . According t o cont act ees t hese Federat ion forces will
soon be j oined by a m assive fleet fr om Sirius- B, who ar e
apparent ly Federat ion allies who hav e [ let us hope] sev er ed
t hem selves from a large segm ent of t he Asht ar collect ive
which has since been infilt rat ed and t aken- over by Orion-
based Rept iloids and Gr eys. These Andr o- Pleiadean back ed
Sirians have r eport edly waged, and won, a civil war in
Sirius- B wit h t he 'dark side', or t he cult ic renegade
Asht arian collaborat or s. They ar e now report edly en rout e t o
t he Sol syst em t o do bat t le wit h t he Draconian- Orion for ces
and t o convince t he r enegade Sirian collaborat ors who are
wor king wit h t hem t hat t hey hav e and are being m isled int o
an int ervent ionist agenda. Like fanat ical cult ist s, t he r ebel
Sirians have blindly succum bed t o t he decept ions of t he
Rept ilians, Gr eys and t he Rebel Angels in Hale- Bopp who
are cont rolling t he infilt rat ed segm ent of t he Asht ar
collect ive and are m asquerading as " ascended m ast ers" of
t he 'Asht ar ' com m and. At least t his is what som e cont act ees
have im plied. Are t hese cont act ees r elaying t he t rut h? I
would guess t hat t im e will t ell.

As for t he hum ans at t he Nevada Test Sit e, t hese 'm ay ' be

in fact - - if we ar e t o believe t he collect ive rev elat ions wit hin
t his volum e - - vict im s of subt le r ept ilian propaganda and
int im idat ion. For inst ance, t his source who aut hor ed t he
let t er about t he 'EBE's' apparent ly believes t hat ALL of t he
saurian- grays or EBE's com e fr om ext ra- t err est r ial realm s.
How ev er as w e hav e indicat ed, t her e is m uch ev idence
suggest ing t hat rept iloid or hom osaurian act ivit y exist s deep
wit hin t he subt er ranean cav ernous lev els t hroughout planet
eart h, an int ra- t err est rial presence t hat has exist ed for
m any cent uries if not for t housands of y ear s. This is one fact
t hat t he r ept iloids have t ried t o hide fr om hum ankind, bot h
t er rest rial and ext rat err est rial. Also, t her e are account s
suggest ing t hat t he rept iloids and grey s ARE I N FACT
breeding profusely and reproducing t hem selves via deep
subt er ranean polyem br yony, cloning and incubat ion facilit ies
below Dulce and elsewher e and are not as 'ov er - ext ended'
as t hey m ight have us t o believe. Som e est im at e t hat at t he
very least 20 m illion grays are now act ively operat ing under
t he sur face of planet eart h wit hin bases or wit hin nat ural
cavern syst em s. According t o st ill ot hers, 20 m illion is a
conser vat ive est im at e.

How ev er, on t he ot her hand, t he fear t he hum anoids m ight

have of prem at urely at t acking t he 'enem y' posit ions m ay
possibly be t he result of int im idat ion and propaganda
int ended t o keep hum ans fr om t aking OFFENSI VE act ion,
believing t hat t hey ar e keeping t he grays, et c., 'at bay '
when in fact t he Grays ARE ATTACKI NG OFFENSI VELY
HUMAN SOCI ETY on sev eral ot her hidden fr ont s via m ass
abduct ions, sublim inal program m ing, im plant at ion, psychic
m anipulat ion, recruit ing of 'fift h colum n' hum an agent s, and
infilt rat ion. I per sonally do not believe in 'st andoffs'. I n war
t here is no 'neut ralit y', one is eit her at t acking [ in various
ways] or capit ulat ing t hem selves ov er t o t he enem y, in
various way s - - ways w hich t hose on t he defensive side
m ight not ev en be awar e of. The let t er which w e hav e
quot ed earlier cont inues:

" The 'headquart er s' of t his part icular 'surr ound' is Deep
Springs, California. At t his locat ion one can find a 'school'
for Com m unist hom osexuals who have defect ed t o t he EBEs
in exchange for a cure for AI Ds and a pr om ise t o t heir own
lit t le world, including reproduct ion via cloning and art ificial
wom bs. Their sperm fer t ilize eggs t aken fr om abduct ees.
You will not likely see t he hybrids hidden inside t he
m ount ain, unless you have... st arlit e binoculars. Som e
hom osaphien APPEARI NG m alevolent s [ m er cenaries] ar e
also t her e. Nine Soviet s were t her e at t he sam e t im e
Soviet s w er e at t he NTS. They w er e t her e in t he hopes of
t alking t hem int o defect ing back t o our side. We ar e st ill


" The collaborat or s use t he cov er organizat ion Nat ural

Resources Defense Council, wit h front offices in New Yor k
and 1350 New York Av enue, N.W., suit e 300, Washingt on,
D.C. 20005 [ t el.( 202) 783- 7800] . I t is headed by Tom
Cochr an, st affed by Kev in Priest ly UNR, John Br une UNR,
Holly Eisler UnSan Diego, Gar y Reisling Univ. Ca. Pasadena,
Holly Nelson NY, Mary Manning LV Sun, Ed Vogel LVR; and
m any ot hers I can r ev eal lat er.

" One will also find t hat each corner of t heir t riangle is at t he
base of a m ount ain. At each locat ion you will find sev eral
ent rances t o undergr ound syst em s. Do not at t em pt t o ent er ,
unless y ou wish t o becom e liquid prot ein. You m ay how ev er
harass t he EBEs' t wo ot her corners by placing a large
m agnet on t he vault s... [ placing a m agnet on t he ot her t wo
ent rances at each locat ion will not affect anyt hing] . This
t em porarily int errupt s t heir com m unicat ions wit h Deep
Springs unt il a collaborat or t eam com es out t o see what is
going on. I f y ou place a large m agnet on t his ent rance [ it
has a large com put er near t he surface, y ou can hear it ] , it
will affect an im m ediat e int errupt ion. So, y ou can t ake it off
in a short t im e [ 1 hr] and t ake it w it h you. They will st ill
have t o com e and r eset t he sy st em . I f you plant m agnet s
[ cam ouflaged like r ocks] around t hese ent rances, t he EBEs
won't com e out & t he sell out s won't be able t o find t hem .
The EBEs ar e also allergic t o high concent rat ions of sugar
( and apparent ly ot her subst ances wit h a 'left hand at om ic
spin', it has been claim ed. - Brant on) . You will find t hat at
t wo locat ions I hav e poured sugar around t heir exit s. Always
wear m agnet s near t hese locat ions, t hey int errupt t he EBEs'
sense of direct ion [ due t o an int ernal com pass m uch like
t hose found in m igrat ing birds] sim ilar t o our loss of balance
when our ear drum is affect ed.

" Please wait unt il I have r et urned, if you hav e an airplane, I

would like t o t ake aerial phot os, w e can phot ogr aph t hem
t oget her.

" Our alliance cr est , sym bolic of t he EM Shield, and our

sign/ m ark/ graffit i is inclosed. Do not r ev eal t hem or else
ev erybody will use t hem & you w on't know t he real fr om t he



Anot her r esear cher by t he nam e [ pseudonym ] of Jason

Bishop has r ev ealed t hat 'John', t o whom t he let t er was
addressed, is non ot her t han John Lear who him self claim s

m any connect ions wit h people 'in t he know' who go 'right t o

t he t op'. According t o t he let t er , bot h t he Nevada Test Sit e
and Deep Springs ar e areas of conflict bet ween a U.S.
Goverm ent - 'Nordic' Alliance AND a Socialist - Rept iloid
[ Gray] Alliance. I n t his cont ext 'Socialist ' could indicat e
eit her Nat ional Socialist or Global Socialist . Bot h hold t he
sam e basic philosophies of t yranny yet differ ent m et hods for
bringing t hem t o pass. Bot h have t he sam e r oot s and ar e
apparent ly t win pincers in a deadly Machievellian gam e t hat
is being carried out by t he Bavarian I llum inat i [ which
backed t he Com m unist s by sending Lenin from Germ any t o
Russia t o incit e t he Bolshevik revolut ion] and t he Bav arian
Thule Societ y [ which backed t he Nazis by gr oom ing Adolph
Hit ler for his part as Nazi dict at or] , yet m ost im port ant ly it
is being orchest rat ed by t he I nt ernat ional " Black Nobilit y"
Banking cult s t hat have kept Eur ope under t heir financial
grip since around 500 A.D. These ar e t he sam e banker s who
claim direct descent fr om t he r oyal fam ilies of t he ancient
Rom an and [ un] Holy Rom an em pires, fam ilies who hav e t ies
t o BOTH Bavarian cult s - - Thule and I llum inat i... and in t urn
wit h t he 'aliens'.

Jason Bishop also released som e ot her inform at ion he

received by way of John Lear, fr om t he individual whose
let t er w e'v e j ust quot ed. According t o Lear, t he aut hor of
t he let t er was act ually a Securit y Officer at t he Test Sit e
who had called- in t o t he Billy Goodm an t alk show [ KVEG
radio - Las Vegas, NV] on a few occasions, befor e Goodm an
went t o Sout hern California t o t ake ov er a m or e lucrat ive
Talk Show posit ion.

This person used t he codenam e: 'Yellowfruit ,' w hich he

claim ed was act ually t he codenam e for a t op secr et securit y
division t hat work ed at t he sit e, wit h which he was involved.
YF also sent t o Lear a copy of t he 'Benevolent ' t eachings.
The 'Benevolent s' ar e report edly wor king at t he Test Sit e
wit h MJ- 12 and are 'Blond- Nordic and/ or Aryan- like' people.
I would per sonally guess t hat t he 'Benevolent Ones' ar e
m em bers of t he ext er ran Andro- Pleiadean Federat ion and/ or
m em bers of t he subt er r an Telosian- Aghart i Alliance which
has m aint ained t ies wit h t he ASHTAR collect ive, or in t his
case t he non- collaborat ion fact ion of t hat collect ive.

The BENEVOLENT TEACHI NGS [ not lim it ed t o t he below]

wer e ident ified as follows:


That Can Not Be Used I n Nonsport ing Life] m ot ocross, aut o-
racing, skat eboarding, roller skat ing, foot ball, baseball,
hock ey. Also Discouraged: Processed Sugar , Recr eat ional
Carbohydrat es, Recr eat ional Fluids, Whit e Bread.


Can Be Used I n Nonsport ing Life] swim m ing, running,
hiking, m art ial art s, sur vival art s. Teach Your Children!

" FORBI DDEN - - Alcohol, I llegal Drugs, Nicot ine, Recreat ional
Drugs, Unj ust ifiable Hom icide.

" MUST - - Av oid Weakness [ evil grows in weakness] . Ex ecut e

Evil Prisoners I n Order To Help Ot her Prisoners ( Edit ors
Not e: Anot her possibilit y t hat m ight be int erj ect ed here is t o
est ablish a com plet ely secur ed undergr ound prison- cav e
and place all of t he w or st offender s t here and leav e t hem t o
t hem selves, t o eit her w ork out t heir problem s or dest r oy
each ot her, whichev er t hey choose. - Brant on) .

" MUST - - Quarant ine Cont agious Disease [ AI DS] Vict im s

Hum anely. Show St rengt h. St op I llegal Drugs. St op
Dest ruct ion of Environm ent . St op Pollut ion. Use Nuclear
Pow er .

" STUDY - Bill Of Right s, Biology, Com put er s, Econom ics,

Geography , Hist ory , Lat in, Mat hem at ics, Philosophy,
Survival Skills, Unit ed St at es Of Am erica's Declarat ion Of
I ndependence, Unit ed St at es Of Am erica's Const it ut ion,
Vocat ional Skills."

Yellowfruit also provided coordinat es for t he Elect r o-

m agnet ic Triangles he r efer red t o in his let t er. These
include: N 37 22 30 - E 117 58 0; N 38 21 0 - E 115 35 0; N
35 39 0 - E 114 51 0; also Yucca Lak e: N 37 0 30 - E 116 7

The following inform at ion, fr om William F. Ham ilt on I I I ,

describes furt her det ails on t he " Yellow Fruit " account - -
including claim s which t he Nevada Test Sit e agent m ade
ov er t he air during t he few 'int erviews' which wer e heard
ov er KVEG Radio's Billy Goodm an t alk show . I t is also
int erest ing t hat COM- 12 m em ber Michael Younger [ who has
given lect ures on t he 'Nazi' presence wit hin t he Rock efeller -
backed Oil com panies - - Nazi war crim inals and t heir
fam ilies who w ere sm uggled int o Am erica following World
War I I and given r efuge wit hin t he Rockefeller's corporat e
em pire; t he plans t he Nazi's/ Bavarians have for selling- out
t he planet t o t he aliens in exchange for one quart er of t he
" New World Order" ; and a MASSI VE Nazi child abduct ion &
sat anic- rit ual- sexual abuse & m urder ring oper at ing wit hin
ARCO, et c.] is or at least was at one t im e also a work er at
t he Nevada Test Sit e. This suggest s t hat COM12 is
int im at ely involved in t he count er- offensive against t he

" ...Yellow Fruit revealed t hat A CONFLI CT WAS GOI NG ON

now t he benevolent ones had gained t he upper hand at
Dream land where he said a cont ingent of 37 benevolent
ones w er e st at ioned and wher e 3 EBE's w ere held in
capt ivit y.

" Bizarre! Science Fict ion? Yellow Fruit knew a lot about t he
t est sit e area. I r esolved t o go t o t he locat ion he gav e of t he
EBE inst allat ion in Deep Springs, California and t hen on t o
visit Pat at t he Rachel Bar & Grill t o m ake cont act wit h
Yellow Fruit [ t he nam e for t he first lev el of securit y for ce at
Area 51 and also t he nam e of an old Arm y- CI A unit ] . The
second lev el of securit y he called " Sea Spray" and int im at ed
t hat you would have an encount er of t he unpleasant kind if
you ev er m et wit h t hem .

" Callers t o t he Billy Goodm an Radio Happening had already

organized t rips t o m ile- m ark er 29 1/ 2 on highway 375
wher e a dirt road left t he highway t o int ersect t he r oad t o
Dream land. Ther e was a heavy black m ail box on t his road
which ident ified it . I got t o Rachel early one Oct ober
m orning and left m y car d wit h Pat at Rachel's Bar and Grill
t o pass on t o Yellow Fruit . She knew him by sight . I t hen
inspect ed t he dirt r oads wher e people st ood t o observ e t he
t est flight s. I had already int erviewed four wit nesses by
phone who t est ified t hat t hey had seen UFOs ov er t he
Gr oom Mount ains on cert ain night s in t he sam e ar ea t hey
wer e seen by John Lear. I m ade a second t rip t o t he ar ea in
lat e Oct ober where a public group visit ed Rachel and t hat is
when I saw t he m yst erious Yellow Fruit in t he cafe. He lat er
called m e on t he phone. I left him wit h a copy of m y book,
'Alien Magic' and he r em ark ed on t he research I had done
concerning t he sear ch for underground bases.

" According t o Yellow Fruit and ot hers t her e ar e undergr ound

bases and t unnels t hat conceal t he act ivit ies of t he aliens
and secr et governm ent proj ect s..."

One m or e not e on t he Nevada Test Sit e - Ar ea 51 - Groom

Lake - 'Dr eam land' underground facilit ies: Aside from
report s t hat Dougway, Ut ah serv es as an undergr ound 'link'
bet ween Dream land and DULCE, t her e is t he added claim
t hat anot her undergr ound link exist s fart her sout h, at Page,
Arizona. Anyone who has been t o t he Glen Cany on dam
[ Lake Powell] could easily observ e how t he dam m ight be
used as an ent rance t o such a base, and how t he large
hydroelect ric facilit y m ight power t he base operat ions. The
Glen Canyon Dam connect ion was not specifically m ent ioned
[ by form er Dulce base securit y officer Thom as E. Cast ello
who nam ed Page, Arizona as a 'connect ing' base] , however
if t here is a base under Page, t hen it would be logical t o

ut ilize t his hydroelect ric facilit y in one form or anot her...

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 8

An Alien Fit h Colum n On Ea r t h?

The m y st erious " gov ernm ent insider" whose books have
been published by Tim Beckley's Abelard Press of New
Yor k, " Com m ander X," r elat ed a v ery int erest ing incident
which involved t he subt er ranean m ega- com plex beneat h
Dulce, New Mexico:

" ...I n anot her case an old illust rat or, John D., does very
painst aking work, but during his being on act ive dut y at
Dulce he began t o act v er y queerly. He w ould writ e
let t ers t o t he Pr esident inform ing him of a plot underway
t o underm ine t he gov er nm ent , and t o sabot age t he
base. He began t o draw pict ures of Am erican flags,
beaut ifully execut ed. He drew st range designs of
m echanical devices, began t o visit t he library and bring
back book s on physics and advanced elect r onics. He
hardly knew how t o spell t he words.

" He w ould pat ient ly explain som et hing of a very

t echnical nat ure which he shouldn't have under st ood.
When asked what he w as raving about and why he was
causing t rouble by writ ing t he Pr esident , John D. w ould
say t hat he had been 'sensit ized.'

" 'Last y ear when I was sick [ John D. explained] , t he

doct or on t he base gav e m e sulfanilam ide. Ther e is a
fift h colum n in t his count ry t hat is t ied up wit h aliens.
Selenium is being slipped int o SULFA DRUGS, and t his
selenium lodges in t he bones and m ak es t he body
recept ive t o ext r em ely short waves, t hose in t he wav e
band of t he brain. Sim ilar t o t he waves t hat can be
det ect ed by t he encephalograph. About 300,000 people
in t his count ry have been sensit ized, and at least seven
secr et radio st at ions have been set up in t his count ry,
and t hey ar e broadcast ing t o t hese sensit ized per sons,
inst ruct ing t hem in t he best way t o perform act s of
sabot age against our planet .'"

These claim s as given by t he Dulce work er , John D., are

incredible indeed, and could easily be dism issed as t he
ravings of a m adm an, I F NOT FOR THE FACT t hat m any
ot her s are saying basically t he sam e t hing, t hat t here is
a m ov em ent underway t o bring t he m inds of t he m asses
under t he subj ect ion of an alien force, whet her t hrough
elect r onic im plant at ion and cont r ol, sublim inal
program m ing, or t hr ough ot her m eans.

Why w ould t he 'cont r oller s' use t he Unit ed St at es as t he

m aj or t arget of t heir act ivit y? We believe t hat t his is due
t o t he fact t hat t he Unit ed St at es is a place t hat was
originally int ended by it 's 'founding fat hers' t o be a
refuge for peoples FROM ALL NATI ONS t o com e and
wor k out t heir collect ive dest inies free fr om t he
rest rict ions of prej udice and t he oppressiveness of
t yrannical rule - - a land wher e all people could express
t heir cr eat ivit y, cult ure and individual dest inies wit hout
int erfer ence. This was t heir 'int ent ion', how ever it is
obvious t hat t he 'dr eam ' has not been fully realized
because of collect ive and gov ernm ent al com pr om ise of
t he principle t hat " all m en ar e cr eat ed equal" . The Unit ed
St at es, nev ert heless, is unlike any ot her single nat ion. I t
is a cult ural " m elt ing pot " and a place wher e not only
int ernat ional hum an societ ies on t he sur face CONVERGE
and int erm ingle in a dram at ic way, but appar ent ly where
hum an societ ies beneat h or bey ond t he eart h converge
as w ell. For inst ance, according t o various r epor t s, m ost
non- surface hum an societ ies who ar e awar e of planet
eart h hav e t heir repr esent at ives walking am ong us in
our own societ y [ and t o som e ext ent , ot her nat ions
t hroughout t he w orld] , alt hough m any of t hese choose
t o k eep a low pr ofile for eit her honorable or not - so-
honorable reasons. Anot her fact or is t he respect which
t he BI LL OF RI GHTS gives t o all Am erican cit izens,
allowing for per sonal fr eedom and individualit y so long
as t he fr eedom and individualit y of ot hers is not
t hreat ened. I ndividualit y is t he MORTAL ENEMY of t he
alien " Hive" , y ou could say.

The U.S., t hen, seem s t o be in essence a " World

Scenario" , if not a 'univer sal' scenario in m iniat ure and
t herefor e t he 'Conspiracy' sees it as a m ost valuable
prize. Therefore it would probably not be t oo 'far out ' t o
suggest t hat t he war bet ween t he hum an and serpent
races fr om all t hree 'r ealm s' [ ext rat er r est rial,
ult rat er rest rial and int ra- t err est rial] CONVERGE wit hin
t he Unit ed St at es, and t o be m or e exact , wit hin t he
vicinit ies of t he Ar chulet a plat eau near Dulce, New
Mexico [ a MAJOR eart h- base of t he Rept iloid
int erv ent ionist Em pire for ces] ; t he Deat h Valley r egion of
California [ a MAJOR ear t h- base of t he Hum anoid non-
int erv ent ionist Feder at ion forces] ; and t hen w e have t he

'bat t le- grounds' bet ween t he AMERI CAN- COM12- CABAL-

MAJI - PHOENI CI AN- REPTI LOI D for ces wit hin high-
securit y m ilit ary com plexes like t hose which per m eat e
t he underground t er rit ories below California, Nevada,
Ut ah, I daho, Arizona, Colorado, Oklahom a and New
Mexico... and appar ent ly cent er ed specifically in or near
t he underground m ilit ary- indust rial syst em s beneat h
Lancast er, California; Mer cury , Nevada; Burley, I daho;
Dougway, Ut ah; Page, Arizona; t he undergr ound
syst em s below t he Denver I nt ernat ional Airport of
Colorado; and also below Oklahom a Cit y. All of t hese
basing areas ar e seen by t he proponent s of t he New
World Order as st rat egic sit es t hat t hey MUST m aint ain
cont r ol of if t hey ar e t o for ce Am erica t o subm it t o a
one- w orld gov ernm ent .

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 9

Te chnologica l Te r r orism & The D ulce Ba se

The elusive " Com m ander- X" has - - t hrough his r eport ed
connect ions wit hin t he I nt elligence Com m unit y - -
released st ill furt her r ev elat ions r egarding t he dark
secr et s of Dulce. The Com m ander claim s t o be a
m em ber of " THE COMMI TTEE OF 12" [ COM- 12?] , an
obscure int elligence gr oup which is working t o educat e
t he public about t he j oint fascist - alien t hreat t o Am erica
and preserv e our Const it ut ional- based Republic as it
was est ablished by t he original founders of t he Unit ed
St at es:

" ...There wer e over 650 at t endees t o t he 1959 Rand

Sym posium . Most w er e represent at ives of t he
Corporat e- I ndust rial St at e, like: The General Elect ric
Com pany; AT&T; Hughes Aircraft ; Nort hr op
Corporat ion; Sandia Cor porat ion; Colorado School of
Mines, et c.

" Becht el ( pronounced BECK- t ul, a San Francisco - based

organizat ion - Brant on) is a super secr et int ernat ional
corporat e oct opus, founded in 1898. Som e say t he firm
is really a 'Shadow Gov ernm ent ' - - a w orking arm of t he
CI A. I t is t he largest Const ruct ion and Engineer ing out fit

in t he U.S.A. and t he World [ and som e say, bey ond] .

" The m ost im port ant post s in t he U.S.A. Gov ernm ent
are held by form er Becht el Officer s. They ar e part of
'The Web' [ an int er- connect ed cont rol sy st em ] which
links t he Tri- lat eralist plans, t he C.F.R., t he Order of
'I llum inism ' [ Cult of t he All- seeing Eye] and ot her
int erlocking groups..."


has st udied m ind cont rol im plant s; Bio- Psi Unit s; ELF
Devices capable of Mood, Sleep and Heart beat cont r ol,
et c.

" D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Research Pr oj ect s

Agency] is using t hese t echnologies t o m anipulat e
people. They est ablished 'The Pr oj ect s,' set priorit ies,
coordinat e effort s and guide t he m any part icipant s in
t hese undert akings. Relat ed Proj ect s ar e st udied at
Sandia Base by 'The Jason Group' [ of 55 Scient ist s] .
They hav e secr et ly harnessed t he Dark Side of
Technology and hidden t he beneficial t echnology fr om
t he public.

" Ot her Proj ect s t ak e place at 'Ar ea 51' in Nevada...

'Dr eam - land' [ Dat a Reposit ory Est ablishm ent and
Maint enance Land] ; Elm int [ Elect rom agnet ic
I nt elligence] ; Cold Em pire; Code EVA; Program HI S
[ Hybrid I nt elligence Sy st em ] : BW/ CW; I RI S [ I nfrar ed
I nt ruder Syst em s] ; BI - PASS; REP- TI LES, et c.

" The st udies on Lev el Four at Dulce include Hum an Aura

research, as well as all aspect s of Dr eam , Hypnosis,
Telepat hy, et c. [ r esear ch] . They know how t o
m anipulat e t he Bioplasm ic Body. They can low er your
heart beat wit h Deep Sleev e 'Delt a Wav es,' induce a
st at ic shock , t hen reprogram , Via a Br ain- Com put er
link. They can int roduce dat a and pr ogram m ed
react ions int o your Mind [ I nform at ion im pregnat ion - -
t he 'Dream Library '] .

" We ar e ent ering an era of Technologicalizat ion of

Psychic Powers... The dev elopm ent of t echniques t o
enhance m an/ m achine com m unicat ions; Nano- t ech;
Bio- t ech m icro- m achines; PSI - War; E.D.O.M. [ Elect ronic
Dissolut ion of Mem ory] ; R.H.I .C. [ Radio- Hypnot ic I nt ra-
Cer ebral Cont rol] ; and various form s of behavior cont rol
[ via chem ical agent s, ult rasonics, opt ical and ot her EM
radiat ions] . The Physics of 'Consciousness.'...

" SURVI VI NG THE FUTURE... The Dulce Facilit y consist s

of a cent ral 'Hub.' t he Securit y Sect ion [ also som e

phot o labs] . The deeper you go, t he st ronger t he

Securit y. This is a m ult i- leveled com plex. There ar e
ov er 3000 cam eras at v arious high- securit y locat ions
[ exit s and labs] .

" There ar e ov er 100 Secr et Exit s near and ar ound

Dulce, m any around Ar chulet a Mesa, ot hers t o t he
sour ce ar ound Dulce Lake and ev en as far east as

" Deep sect ions of t he Com plex CONNECT I NTO


" ...I NSI DE THE DULCE BASE... Securit y officer s wear

j um psuit s, wit h t he Dulce sym bol on t he fr ont , upper
left side ( t he Dulce sym bol consist s of an upside- down
t riangle wit h an invert ed 'T' superim posed over it -
Brant on) ... The I D card [ used in card slot s, for t he
doors and elevat ors] has t he Dulce sym bol above t he I D
phot o. 'Gov ernm ent honchos' use cards wit h t he Gr eat
Seal of t he U.S. on it . 'The Cult of t he All- Seeing Ey e'
[ The NEW WORLD ORDER] , 13, '666', The Phoenix
Em pire... '9', 'I llum inism '... 'One out of m any.' [ and so
on] ..."


m eet ings of 'The Dulce Board' are held in Denver and
Taos [ New Mexico] . A form er U.S. Senat or has full
knowledge of Dulce. He was am ong t he group t hat
included a num ber of v ery prom inent gov ernm ent
figures who t our ed t he base ( i.e. m ost likely t he upper
levels only - Brant on) . I n 1979, an 'anim al m ut ilat ion'
confer ence t ook place in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This
m eet ing was used t o locat e r esearcher s and det erm ine
what t hey had learned about t he link bet ween t he
'm ut e' [ i.e. m ut ilat ion] operat ions and t he 'Alien'
governm ent .

" Anot her Senat or know s about t he 'Ult ra' secret s at

'Dr eam land' and Dulce. Sev eral of m y official sources
have confirm ed t his t o m e. So do m any ot hers in
governm ent ... t his is what t he UFO resear chers ar e up
against be car eful. You know m or e t han t hey w ant
you t o know.

" They have also underw at er bases off t he coast of

Florida and Peru.

" More det ailed inform at ion will be released in t he near

fut ure: phot os, video t apes, docum ent s, et c. Wat ch out
for 'Special Agent s' am ong you now .

" I n t he 1930's, DI VI SI ON FI VE of t he FBI knew about

t he 'Aliens.'

" A FASCI ST cabal wit hin t his count ry had John Kennedy
assassinat ed. Look t o t he links wit hin t he larger
Um brella... t he 'WEB' of a fascist t ot alit arian secr et
police st at e... wit hin t he Pent agon; JCS, DI A, FBI
[ Division Five] ; DI SC/ DI S and t he DI A. Not e: The
Defense I nv est igat ive Ser vices insignia is a com posit e
of t he Sun's ray s, a r ose and a dagger , sym bolizing 'The
Sear ch for I nform at ion, Trust w ort hiness and Danger.'

" This links wit h caves used for 'I nit iat ion Rit es' all over
t he world... ancient vault s, r et r eat s, [ undergr ound
'bases'] ..." et c.

Com m ander 'X' also st at ed t hat : " Recent ly, par t icipant s
in a 'field invest igat ion' of t he ar ea near Ar chulet a Mesa,
wer e confr ont ed by t wo sm all hovering spheres. They
all becam e suddenly ill and had t o leave t he ar ea.

" We have passed t he point of no r et urn in our

int eract ion wit h t he 'alien' [ i.e. 'rept ilian gray'] beings.
We ar e guarant eed a crisis which will persist unt il t he
final REVELATI ON [ or conflict ] .

" The crisis is here, global and real. We m ust m it igat e or

t ransform t he nat ur e of t he disast er s t o com e, and
com e t hey will. Knowing is half t he bat t le. Read t he
book , THE COSMI C CONSPI RACY, by St an Dey o..."

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 10

Th e D e ep D a r k Se cr e t At D ulce

The Feb.- Mar. 1991 issue of 'UFO UNI VERSE' carried an art icle t it led 'THE DEEP DARK
SECRET AT DULCE', w rit t en by Bill Ham ilt on and 'TAL' LeVesque. I f planet eart h is t o be
t he cent ral 'bat t leground' or st aging- ground for a final cosm ic bat t le bet ween galact ic
superpow er s, and if t he U.S. is one of t he m aj or ar eas on eart h wher e t he 'final out com e'
will be decided, and since t he Dulce, New Mexico ar ea is considered t o be THE MAJOR

BASI NG SI TE wher e hum an - alien collaborat ion AND/ OR conflict is t aking place, t hen we
should focus our at t ent ion on what has been going on deep beneat h t his sm all
sout hwest ern t own. Mor e t han any ot her ar ea in t he U.S., if not t he world... t his sm all
t own has been t he epicent er for nearly ev er for m of paranorm al act ivit y one can im agine,
including: UFO sight ings, UFO landings, Abduct ions, I m plant at ion's, Hum an & Anim al
m ut ilat ions, PSI Warfar e st udies, Secr et Gov er nm ent - Alien int eract ion, U.S.
'Const it ut ional' Governm ent vs. Alien Agenda conflict s, 'Rept ilian' sight ings,
Crypt ozoological or Bioengineering phenom ena [ t his was t he general ar ea wher e t he
fam ous 'Cabbit ', t he half cat / half rabbit was capt ured] , Underground bases, Conspiracy
scenarios, Alien I nfilt rat ion, Deep- Cavern phenom ena, Super High- Tech act ivit y, & MI B
encount ers. I n fact a higher CONCENTRATI ON of such act ivit ies has been evident in t he
vicinit y of Dulce t han any ot her ar ea in t he world, t o t he point t hat t he inhabit ant s of t his
t own have for t he m ost part r esigned t hem selves int o acknow ledging - - alt hough not
necessarily accept ing - - t he r ealit y of such act ivit y, whet her t hey like it or not .

Bill Ham ilt on and 'TAL' Lev esque t ake us 'inside' t he Hadean- like labyrint hs deep wit hin
t his undergr ound m egacom plex, t hrough t he eyes of t hose who hav e act ually been t her e,
so brace your selves:

" Dulce is a sleepy lit t le t own in nort hern New Mexico. I t 's populat ion is about 900 and it is
locat ed above 7,000 feet on t he Jicarilla Apache I ndian Reser vat ion. Ther e is one m aj or
m ot el and j ust a few st ores. I t is not a r esort t own and it is not bust ling wit h act ivit y. Yet ,
according t o a few out sider s, Dulce harbors a deep, dar k secr et . That secret is said t o be
harbor ed deep below t he t angled brush of Archulet a Mesa. That secret involves a j oint
governm ent - alien biogenet ic laborat ory designed t o car ry out bizarre ex perim ent s on
hum ans and anim als.

" New Mexico St at e Police Officer Gabe Valdez was drawn int o t he m yst eries of Dulce when
called out t o invest igat e a m ut ilat ed cow on t he Manuel Gom ez ranch in a past ur e 13
m iles east of Dulce. Gom ez had lost four cat t le t o m ut ilat ions bet ween 1976 and June
1978 ( and SEVERAL m ore in ensuing year s. - Br ant on) when a t eam of invest igat ors
which included Tom Adam s ar rived from Paris, Texas t o exam ine t he sit e of t he carcass.

" Curious as t o how cat t le w er e being select ed by t he m yst erious m ut ilat ors, an int erest ing
experim ent was conduct ed on July 5, 1978 by Valdez, Gom ez, and ret ir ed scient ist
Howard Burgess. The t hree penned up about 120 of t he Gom ez beef cat t le and m oved
t hem t hrough a squeeze chut e under an ult ra- violet light . They found a 'glit t ery subst ance
on t he right side of t he neck, t he right ear, and t he right leg.' Sam ples of t he affect ed
hides wer e rem ov ed as well as cont rol sam ples from t he sam e anim als.

" Som e invest igat ors at t ribut e t he m ut ilat ions t o aliens fr om UFOs. Sight ings of st range
light s and ot her aerial phenom ena have been r eport ed in m any areas w her e t he cows
have been found at t he t im e of t he r eport ed m ut ilat ion. UFOs have been seen frequent ly
around Dulce.

" I ar rived in Dulce on April 19, 1988, t o visit wit h Gabe Valdez and t o inquire about t he
sight ings, t he m ut es, and t he rum or s of an undergr ound alien base in t he area. Ther e was
st ill snow on t he gr ound by t he Best West ern m ot el when I checked in and called Valdez.
He m ade an appoint m ent t o see m e at 9: 30 PM. I found Gabe t o be a v er y congenial host
as he offered t o show us ar ound t he roads of Dulce t hat night and point out t he various
locat ions where he had found m ut ilat ed cows or had seen st range aerial light s. He m ade
t he ast ounding st at em ent t hat he was st ill seeing unident ified aircraft at t he rat e of one

ev ery t wo night s. We t ook a look at t he Gom ez Ranch, t he road by t he Navaj o River, and
t he im posing Archulet a Mesa. Gabe had found landing t racks and cr awler m ar ks near t he
sit e of t he m ut es. Gabe was convinced t hat scient ist Paul Bennewit z of Thunder Scient ific
Labs in Albuquerque was definit ely on t he right t rack in his at t em pt s t o locat e an
undergr ound alien facilit y in t he vicinit y of Dulce.

" I had first heard of Paul Bennewit z in 1980 when m y friend Walt er called m e from
Albuquerque and t old m e he had been w or king wit h Paul on elect ronic inst rum ent s. Walt er
said Paul had not only phot ographed UFOs, but had est ablished a com m unicat ion link wit h
t heir undergr ound base at Dulce. Bennewit z had first com e t o prom inence during t he
August 1980 sight ings of UFOs over t he Manzano Weapons St orage Ar ea and Kirt land
AFB. A KI RTLAND AFB I NCI DENT REPORT dat ed Oct ober 28, 1980 m ent ions t hat
Bennewit z had t aken film of UFOs over Kirt land. Paul was pr esident of Thunder Scient ific
Labs adj acent t o Kirt land. Bennewit z gave a briefing in Albuquerque det ailing how he had
seen t he aliens on a video scr een ( via a com put er- radio- video link he had dev eloped using
a hexidecim al code aft er t apping- in t o t heir ship- t o- base com m unicat ions fr equency, Paul
him self being a brilliant scient ist who has developed equipm ent for t he Space Shut t les and
sev eral Fort une 500 com panies. - Brant on) . The aliens wer e t ransm it t ing signals... fr om a
base underneat h Archulet a Mesa.

" Researcher William Moor e claim s t hat governm ent agent s becam e int er est ed in
Bennewit z' act ivit ies and were t rying t o defuse him by pum ping as m uch disinform at ion
t hrough him as he could absorb. Whet her Paul's com m unicat ion wit h supposed aliens at
t he Dulce Base w as part of t his disinform at ion cam paign is unclear. I f one w er e t o believe
t hat Paul is t he SI NGLE sour ce of r eport s on t he Dulce Facilit y, t hen it could also be a
t act ical m aneuver t o discount and discredit Paul's allegat ion of an under ground base if
such r eport s wer e m eant t o r em ain secr et . Then t he act ual disinform at ion m aneuver
would be t o dis- inform t he public and NOT a single individual.

" I n a r eport ent it led 'PROJECT BETA', Paul st at es t hat he had spent t w o years t racking
alien craft ; t hat he had const ant r ecept ion of video fr om an alien ship and undergr ound
base viewscreen; t hat he had est ablished const ant direct com m unicat ions wit h t he aliens
using a com put er and a for m of Hexadecim al code wit h graphics and print out ; and claim s
t o have used aerial and ground phot ography t o locat e t he alien ships' launch port s and
charged beam weapons. Paul claim ed t hat t he aliens wer e devious, em ploy ed decept ion,
and did not adhere t o agreem ent s. Paul and Walt er were working on a weapon t hat would
count er t he aliens.

" Som e will t hink at t his point t hat we have cr ossed- over fr om t he land of clear t hinking
concerning anom alous phenom ena t o t he land of science- fict ion. But let us r em em ber t hat
bizarre phenom ena such as t he UFOs r epr esent m ay hav e it s r oot s in a bizarre realit y. I t
is expect ed t o be bizarr e at first , but as we cont inue our st udies we will ev olve t o
underst and it .

" Paul Bennewit z had invest igat ed t he case of abduct ee My rna Hansen of New Mex ico who
report ed having been t aken t o an undergr ound facilit y in May 1980. Christ a Tilt on of
Oklahom a has report ed t hat she had an experience of m issing t im e in July 1987 where
she had been abduct ed by t wo sm all grey aliens and t ransport ed in t heir craft t o a hillside
locat ion where she encount ered a m an dr essed in a red m ilit ary- like j um p suit . She was
t aken int o a t unnel t hrough com put erized check - point s displaying securit y cam eras. She
report ed having been t aken on a t ransit vehicle t o anot her area wher e she st epped on a
scale- like device facing a com put er screen. Aft er t he com put er issued her an ident ificat ion

card, she was t old by her guide t hat t hey had j ust ent ered Lev el One of a sev en- level
undergr ound facilit y. Christ a goes on r elat ing how she was event ually t aken down t o Level
Five. She report s having seen alien craft and lit t le grey alien ent it ies in som e of t he ar eas
t hat she passed t hrough.

" Christ a report s going int o one large room where she saw large t anks wit h com put erized
gauges hook ed t o t he t anks and large arm s t hat ext ended fr om som e t ubing down int o
t he t anks. She not iced a hum m ing sound, sm elled form aldehyde, and was under t he
im pression t hat som e liquid was being st irred in t he t anks. Christ a has m ade drawings of
m uch of what she had wit nessed during her abduct ion.

" These t ank s Christ a t alks about wer e depict ed in a set of cont roversial paper s called t he
Dulce Papers. These paper s w er e allegedly st olen from t he Dulce undergr ound facilit y
along wit h 30 black and whit e phot os and a video t ape by a m yst erious securit y officer
who claim s t o have wor ked at Dulce up unt il 1979, when he decided t hat t he t im e had
com e t o part com pany wit h his em ployers. The r est of t he st ory is about t his securit y
officer who has m et wit h one of us in an at t em pt t o t ell us t he t rut h about t he aliens, t he
[ so- called] U.S. Gov ernm ent , and t he Dulce base. He is announcing his int ent ion t o com e
out of hiding and present soft and hard evidence of his claim s. I t will be up t o y ou t o
decide whet her t his evidence const it ut es an addit ion t o t he growing proof t hat a
governm ent cover- up exist s.

" I n lat e 1979, Thom as Cast ello could no longer cope wit h t he aw esom e r ealit y he had t o
confront . As a high level securit y officer at t he j oint alien- U.S. Governm ent underground
base near Dulce he had learned of and had seen dist urbing t hings. Aft er m uch inner
conflict , he decided t o desert t he facilit y and t ake various it em s wit h him .

" Using a sm all cam era, he t ook ov er 30 phot os of areas wit hin t he m ult i- level com plex. He
rem ov ed a securit y video t ape from t he Cont rol Cent er which show ed various securit y
cam era view s of hallways, labs, aliens, and 'U.S. Gov ernm ent ' per sonnel. He also
collect ed docum ent s t o t ake wit h him . Then, by shut t ing off t he alarm and cam era syst em
in one of t he over 100 exit s t o t he surface, he left t he facilit y wit h t he phot os, video, and
docum ent s. These 'originals' wer e hidden aft er five set s of copies w ere m ade. ( These w ere
placed in t he hands of five individuals, who wer e t old t hat if t hey failed t o hear fr om
Cast ello for t hree consecut ive 6 m ont h periods - - norm ally he would visit each of t hem
ev ery six m ont hs - - t hen t hey could release t he inform at ion or do what ev er t hey want ed
wit h it . No one except Cast ello and t he recipient s t hem selves know who t hese people ar e,
howev er wit h rum or s of Cast ello's deat h or disappearance in Cost a Rica in recent years
t he r ecipient s CAN r elease t he inform at ion if t hey choose t o do so, alt hough t hey m ay
decide t o wait unt il t he subj ect reaches crit ical m ass am ong t he public, and t hen com e
for ward wit h lit t le fear of r epercussions. - Brant on)

" Thom as was r eady t o go int o hiding. But , when he w ent t o pick up his wife and young
son, he found a van and gov ernm ent agent s wait ing. He had been bet rayed by K. LOMAS
[ a fellow wor ker] who w as inst rum ent al in t he kidnapping of his wife and child. The agent s
want ed what Thom as had t aken fr om t he facilit y for which he would get his wife and son
back. I t becam e appar ent t o him t hat his wife and son w ould be used in biological
experim ent s and w er e not going t o be r et urned unharm ed. That was a lit t le over t en
years ago...

" How did Thom as get involved in all t his covert int rigue?

" Thom as is now about 50 years old ( at t he t im e t hat t he art icle was w rit t en in 1991 -
Brant on) . When he was in his m id- t went ies, he received t op secr et t raining in
phot ography at an undergr ound facilit y in West Virginia. For sev en y ear s, he w ork ed for
t he RAND Corp. in Sant a Monica, California when in 1977 he was t ransferr ed t o t he Dulce
facilit y ( in a sim ilar m anner as scient ist Robert Lazar who work ed for LOS ALAMOS LABS
was t ransfer red t o AREA- 51 in Nevada, which is an alt ernat e base sim ilar t o DULCE. Lazar
claim s t hat he r eplaced a scient ist who had died during an 'alt ercat ion' wit h aliens in t he
t unnels below t he Nevada Milit ary Com plex. The point I 'm t r ying t o m ake is t hat bot h
RAND LABS and LOS ALAMOS LABS appar ent ly have t he answ er s t o what is really going
on under DULCE and AREA- 51, if anyone does. - Brant on)

" He bought a hom e in Sant a Fe, New Mexico and work ed Monday t hr ough Friday wit h
weekends off. All Dulce Base personnel com m ut e via a deep undergr ound t ube- shut t le
syst em .

" At t he t im e, one of us [ TAL] was w or king securit y in Sant a Fe, N.M. and was privat ely
invest igat ing UFO sight ings, anim al m ut ilat ions, Masonic and Wicca groups in t he area.
Thom as had a m ut ual friend who cam e t o Sant a Fe in 1979 t o visit bot h of us. This
individual would lat er view t he phot os, video t ape and docum ent s t aken from t he Dulce
Base. Drawings were m ade from what was seen and circulat ed lat er in t he UFO r esearch
com m unit y as t he 'Dulce Paper s.'

" Thom as alleges t hat t her e w ere ov er 18,000 of t he short 'gr ey s' at t he Dulce Facilit y. He
has also seen [ t all] rept ilian hum anoids. One of us [ TAL] had com e face- t o- face wit h a 6-
foot t all Rept oid which had m at erialized in t he house. The Rept oid show ed int erest in
research m aps of New Mexico and Colorado which were on [ m y] wall. The m aps w er e full
of color ed push- pins and m ark er s t o indicat e sit es of anim al m ut ilat ions, cav erns, t he
locat ions of high UFO act ivit y, repeat ed flight pat hs, abduct ion sit es, ancient ruins, and
suspect ed alien undergr ound bases.

" ...The securit y level goes up as one descends t o t he low er levels. Thom as had an ULTRA-
7 clearance. He knew of seven sub- levels, but t her e MAY have been m ore. Most of t he
aliens are on lev els 5, 6, and 7. Alien housing is on level 5. The only sign in English was
one ov er a t ube shut t le st at ion hallway which read 't o Los Alam os.' Connect ions go fr om
Dulce t o [ t he] Page, Arizona facilit y, t hen t o an undergr ound base below Ar ea 51 in
Nevada. Tube shut t les go t o and fr om Dulce t o facilit ies below Taos, N.M.; Dat il, N.M.;
Colorado Springs, Color ado; Cr eede, Colorado; Sandia; t hen on t o Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Ther e is a vast net work of t ube shut t le connect ions under t he U.S. which ext ends int o a
global syst em of t unnels and sub- cit ies.

" At t he Dulce Base, m ost signs on door s and hallways are in t he alien sym bol language
and a universal sym bol syst em underst ood by hum ans and aliens. Thom as st at ed t hat
aft er t he second lev el, everyone is w eighed, in t he nude, t hen given a uniform . Visit ors
are given off- whit e uniform s. The w eight of t he per son is put on a com put er I .D. card
each day . Any change in weight is not ed. Any change in over t hr ee pounds r equires a
physical exam and X- ray. The uniform s ar e j um p suit s wit h a zipper.

" I n fr ont of all sensit ive areas are scales built int o t he floor by doorway s and t he door
cont r ol panels. An individual places his com put er I .D. card int o t he door slot , t hen pr esses
a num erical code and but t ons. The person's car d m ust m at ch wit h t he weight and code or
t he door will not open. Any discrepancy in weight will sum m on securit y. No one is allowed
t o carr y anyt hing int o sensit ive ar eas. All supplies ar e put on a convey or belt and X- ray ed.

The sam e m et hod is used in leaving sensit ive areas.

" All elevat ors ar e cont r olled m agnet ically, but t her e are no elevat or cables. The m agnet ic
syst em is inside t he walls of t he elevat or shaft . Ther e ar e no norm al elect rical cont rols.
Ev er yt hing is cont rolled by advanced m agnet ics, including light ing. Ther e are no regular
light bulbs. The t unnels are illum inat ed by Phosphorous unit s wit h broad, st ruct ureless
em ission bands. Som e DEEP TUNNELS use a form of phosphorous pent oxide t o
t em porarily illum inat e cert ain areas. The aliens won't go near t hese zones for reasons
unknown ( Not e: This suggest s t hat t hese DEEPER t unnels m ay hav e or iginally been
const ruct ed in m ore ancient or pr ehist oric t im es by beings OTHER t han t he cur rent
rept iloid- draco r esident s of t he deeper levels of t he Dulce 'base' it self. - Brant on) .

" The st udies on Lev el 4 include hum an- aura r esear ch, as w ell as all aspect s of t elepat hy,
hypnosis, and dr eam s. Thom as say s t hat t hey know how t o separat e t he bioplasm ic body
from t he phy sical body and place an 'alien ent it y' for ce- m at rix wit hin a hum an body aft er
rem oving t he 'soul' life- for ce- m at rix of t he hum an. ( Or in m ore sim ple t erm s, 'kill' t he
hum an being and t urn it int o a vessel t o be used by anot her ent it y - - whet her alien OR
paraphysical - - in order t o allow t hat ent it y t o w ork and operat e in t he physical realm .
This appears t o be a com plex high- t ech version of t he old 'zom bie' t radit ions, I F in fact
such horrific applicat ions of occult - t echnology are t aking place wit hin t his inst allat ion.
I ncident ally t he int erlinking undergr ound syst em s converging below Dulce, NM, have been
described ONLY I N PART wit hin t his and ot her r elat ed account s. Those sect or s of t he
undergr ound t hat are 'forbidden' t o m ost hum ans and under r ept iloid cont rol, ar e of
cour se t hose areas t hat we know t he least about . - Brant on) .

" Level 6 is privat ely called 'Night m are Hall'. I t holds t he genet ic labs. Her e are
experim ent s done on fish, seals, birds, and m ice t hat ar e vast ly alt ered fr om t heir original
for m s. There ar e m ult i- arm ed and m ult i- legged hum ans and several cages [ and v at s] of
hum anoid bat - like creat ures ( deceased 'Mot hm en', or t hose cr eat ur es t hat John Keel
refers t o in his book THE MOTHMAN PROPHECI ES? - Brant on) up t o 7- feet t all. The aliens
have t aught t he hum ans a lot about genet ics, t hings bot h useful and danger ous."

TAL t hen describes som et hing which m ight seem unbelievable if it wer en't for t he fact t hat
dozens of ot her sources seem t o hav e confirm ed it . This discovery was report edly one of
t he REAL r easons for t he incit at ion of t he 'Dulce War s':

" ...LEVEL # 7 is t he w orst . Row aft er row of 1,000's of hum ans & hum an- m ixt ure rem ains
in cold st orage. Her e t oo ar e em bry os of hum anoids in various st ages of dev elopm ent .
Also, m any hum an childrens' rem ains in st orage vat s. Who ar e [ w er e] t hese people?"

" [ My sour ces of inform at ion include...] people w ho work ed in t he labs, abduct ees t ak en t o
t he base, people who assist ed in t he const ruct ion, int elligence personnel [ NSA, CI A, et c.] ,
and UFO- I nner Eart h r esearchers. This inform at ion is m eant for t hose w ho ar e seriously
int erest ed in t he Dulce base. For YOUR OWN PROTECTI ON, be advised t o 'USE CAUTI ON'
while invest igat ing t his com plex...

" The Gr ey s, t he Rept oids, t he winged Draco species ar e highly analyt ical and
and m ay be STAGI NG her e for a FUTURE CONFLI CT...

" Principal governm ent organizat ions involved wit h m apping hum an genet ics, t he so- called
genom e pr oj ect s ar e wit hin t he Depart m ent of Energy; t he Nat ional I nst it ut e of Healt h;

t he Nat ional Science Foundat ion; t he Howard Hughes Medical I nst it ut e; and, of cour se,
t he Dulce Undergr ound Labs run by t he DOE ( t he " Depart m ent of Energy" , which ALSO
runs t he Nevada Test Sit e. - Brant on)

" I s t he alien and hum an BI O- TECH being used t o nurt ur e and serv e us or is it being used
t o CONTROL AND DOMI NATE US? Why hav e UFO abduct ees been used in genet ic
experim ent s?

encount er ed hum ans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but som et im es THEY CRI ED
AND BEGGED FOR HELP. We w er e t old t hey w er e hopelessly insane, and involved in high-
risk drug t est s t o cure insanit y. We w er e t old NEVER TO SPEAK TO THEM AT ALL. At t he
beginning we believed t he st ory . Finally in 1978 a sm all group of work ers discover ed t he

" We m ay find it hard and unpalat able t o digest or ev en believe Thom as' st ory and why
should we even give it a hearing at all? Probably for no ot her r eason t han t he fact t hat
MANY OTHERS ar e com ing out and t elling bizarre st ories and t he fact t hat t her e m ay be a
t er rible t rut h hidden behind t he cont inuing phenom ena of UFO sight ings, abduct ions, and
anim al m ut ilat ions. Our governm ent int elligence agencies hav e had an ongoing wat chful
ey e on all UFO act ivit ies for m any decades now . This bizarre phenom ena m ust have a
bizarre explanat ion. We m ay be only one out post in [ a] vast int erst ellar dram a.

" Recent ly, r esear cher John Anderson w ent t o Dulce, N.M. t o see if t her e is anyt hing t o t he
report ed UFO act ivit y. He says t hat he arrived in t own coincident ally t o see a caravan of
cars and a McDonnell Douglas m ini- lab in a van going up a rural road near t he t own. He
followed t hem t o a fenced- in com pound where he wait ed t o see furt her dev elopm ent s.
Suddenly, six UFOs descended rapidly over t he com pound, hov er ed long enough for him
t o snap one pict ure, t hen shot up and out of sight . When lat er st opping in a st ore t o t ell
t he owner of t he UFO phot o he had t ak en, t he st or e owner list ened and revealed how he
had been a vict im cat t le rancher of cat t le m ut es. Their conv er sat ion was int errupt ed by a
phone call aft er which t he st or e owner t old John t o leave at once, t hen closed t he st or e
aft er John w ent t o his car. John t hen saw a m y st erious van drive up t o t he st or e and a
m an got out and w ent in. John decided t o leav e Dulce at t hat m om ent but was FOLLOWED
by t wo m en in a car as he left t own.

" Ev en m or e recent ly a r esear ch t eam has gone up t o Ar chulet a Mesa t o t ake soundings
under t he gr ound and prelim inary and t ent at ive com put er analysis of t hese soundings
seem t o indicat e DEEP CAVI TI ES UNDER THE MESA ( one source has st at ed t hat according
t o t he dat a r eciev ed t hese cavit ies ext ended t o a dept h of over 4,000 FEET! - Brant on) .

" Perhaps, som eday , w e will discover t he deep dark secr et of Dulce... What ever t he fut ure
beings it won't be dull."

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 11

A D u lce Ba se Secu r it y Office r Spe a k s Ou t

The following is a list of quest ions t hat were direct ed t o form er

Dulce Base Securit y officer Thom as Edwin Cast ello approxim at ely
a year befor e his deat h [ or disappearance] . They ar e followed by
his responses:

QUESTI ON - When exact ly was t he [ upper hum an- occupied level

of t he] Ar chulet a inst allat ion const ruct ed?

ANSWER - I heard Dulce was st art ed in 1937- 38 by t he Arm y

engineers, enlarged ov er t he years, m ost recent work w as
com plet ed 1965- 66 t o connect t unnels t o t he Page [ Arizona] Base,
sit e of one of t he older undergr ound facilit ies. The four corners
base is called PERI CA. Most of t he Nat ive Am er icans [ t he I ndians]
living in t hat area are aware of t hat base, and could t ell us about
t he underground life for m s t hat fr equent ly ar e spot t ed near t hose
com m unit ies, Bigfoot , et c. ( Not e: The r efer ences t o t he Dulce
base her e deal m ainly wit h t he upper lev els, not t he ext r em e
lower lev els which include vast nat ural caverns and, som e believe,
very ancient t unnel syst em s as w ell. This would include t he
t unnels illum inat ed by phosphorus pent oxide w hich t he alien grays
avoid, and t he origin of which is unknown. I n fact sources have
inform ed us t hat som e of t he underground NORAD facilit ies of
Colorado wer e const ruct ed wit hin already- exist ing cavern
syst em s, suggest ing t hat Ray Palm er and Richard Shaver w er e
corr ect when as early as t he m id- 1940's t hey w rot e about t he
governm ent 's search for ancient undergr ound cave and t unnel
syst em s t o be conv ert ed for t heir own use. - Br ant on)

Q - - By what m eans was t he [ upper] inst allat ions const ruct ed?
Are you fam iliar wit h t he alleged dev elopm ent s m ade by t he Rand
Corporat ion of a highly- efficient bor e or m ole m achine capable of
m elt ing rock using nuclear pow er ed wolfram - gr aphit e t ipped 'drill-

A - - According t o sev eral senior m aint enance work er s, part of it

was blast ed by nuclear devices in t he sixt ies. Ther e are sect ions,
like t he shut t le t unnels, t hat wer e form ed by an advanced
t unneling m achine t hat leav es t he t unnel walls sm oot h. The
finished walls in t hose t ubes resem ble polished black glass.

Q - - By WHOM was t he Dulce inst allat ion originally const ruct ed?

A - - Nat ure st art ed t he caverns. The Draco [ r ept ilian hum anoids]

used t he cav erns and t unnels for cent uries. Lat er, t hr ough RAND
Corporat ion plans, it was enlarged r epeat edly. The original
caverns included ice cav es and sulfur springs t hat t he 'aliens'
found perfect for t heir needs. The Dulce cav erns rival Carlsbad
caverns in size. ( Not e: Carlsbad cav erns and especially t he
adj acent Lecheguilla caves ar e 'officially' am ong t he largest and
deepest in t he w orld, wit h sev er al 'leads' t hat r em ain t o be
explor ed by professional speleonaut s - Brant on)

Q - - What exact ly are t he cat t le [ and hum an] organs such as

blood, anal t issue, ey es, r epr oduct ive organs, t ongues, et c. used
for - - i.e. t he organs obt ained via cat t le and hum an m ut ilat ions?

A - - Read t he so- called Dulce paper s [ for m ore inform at ion] .

Q - - Ar e t he various elect rom agnet ically- cont rolled air or space

craft - - [ t hat hav e been seen] leaving from and arriving at Mt .
Archulet a - - m anned by hum ans, t he 'alien ent it ies', or bot h?

A - - Archulet a Mesa is a m inor ar ea... t he cr aft leav e [ and ar e

st or ed] in five ar eas. One is SE of DULCE, one near Durango Co.,
one at Taos, N. M., and t he m ain fleet is st or ed at LOS ALAMOS
[ under] . ( Not e: I believe Thom as Cast ello is refer ring t o t he 'j oint -
operat ional' fleet . From com bined sources how ever it appears as if
Dulce is absolut ely SURROUNDED ON ALL SI DES by 'alien' bases,
and t hat Archulet a peak - - alt hough apparent ly t he cent ral NEXUS
of t he ent ire undergr ound net work - - is nev ert heless j ust one part
of an ov erall com plex t hat som e claim is nearly t he size of
Manhat t an! One source has indicat ed t hat t here ar e cham ber s a
few hundr ed feet below t he very t own of Dulce it self t hat are part
of lev el one of t he facilit y. This close pr oxim it y m ay explain why it
has usually been described as t he 'Dulce Base'. Apparent ly ev en
wit h his high- securit y clearance, Thom as Cast ello was only
fam iliar wit h one part of t he overall m ega- com plex which
underlies t he ar ea. What ever am ount of act ivit y is t aking place
t here, different sour ces seem t o indicat e t hat t he t own of Dulce
nevert heless lies over a m aj or cr ossr oads, conv ergence or
'int ersect ion' ar ea of alien act ivit y even t hough t he 'cor e' of alien
act ivit y has been ext ended t o Los Alam os. Los Alam os and t he
m ount ainous regions east and sout heast of it in and ar ound t he
Sant a Fe Nat ional Forest seem t o be t he MAJOR 'nest ' of
Rept iloid/ Gray forces in Nort h Am erica, alt hough t here is also a
large num ber of 'dens' scat t er ed t hr oughout t he undergr ound
net works bet w een Dulce and Ar ea 51. Dulce seem s t o be a m aj or
't hrough' point for ext er ran and subt erran r ept ilian act ivit y, a
cent ral 'infilt rat ion' zone for surface operat ives, as w ell as an
operat ional base for abduct ion- im plant at ion- m ut ilat ion agendas
and also a m aj or conv er gence for sub- shut t le t erm inals, UFO
port s, and so on. - Brant on)

Q - - Ot her s hav e suggest ed t hat som e of t he ent it ies below Dulce

are not of 'ext rat er rest rial' ORI GI N, and t hat t hey ar e act ually

descended fr om saurian or r ept iloid beings such as t he

Velocirapt ors or St enonychosaurus Equallus - - a 'serpent ine' race
or races sim ilar t o t hat hint ed at in t he t hird chapt er of t he book
of Genesis?

A - - Yes, som e 'r ept oids' ar e nat ive t o t his planet . The ruling cast e
of 'aliens' ARE r ept ilian. The beige or whit e beings ar e called The
Draco. Ot her rept ilian beings are gr een, and som e are br own.
They were an ancient race on Eart h, living undergr ound. I t m ay
have been one of t he Dr aconian beings t hat 't em pt ed' Ev e in t he
Garden of Eden. Rept oids right ly consider t hem selves " nat ive
Terrans." Perhaps t hey are t he ones w e call t he Fallen Angels.
Maybe not , eit her way , we are [ considered] t he 'squat t ers' on
Eart h.

Q - - Som e have suggest ed t hat t he so- called undergr ound 'E.T.'

bases and t unnels m ay, for a large part , be lit erally t housands of
years old... const ruct ions of an ant ediluvian race which at t ained t o
a considerable level of scient ific com plexit y, and who w ere
dest r oy ed by a Divinely- init iat ed cat aclysm which t ook place aft er
t hey at t em pt ed t o m erge t heir science wit h occult / supernat ural
for ces. For inst ance som e hav e suggest ed t hat t he Berm uda
Triangle phenom ena m ay be t he result of an out - of- cont rol
At lant ean experim ent t hat led t o a space- t im e disast er which
produced " elect r om agnet ic fallout " in t he Triangle area and
elsewhere aft er t hey had accident ally loosed power ful forces and
energies int o t he world t hat t hey knew v er y lit t le about . Do y our
observ at ions t end t o confirm or refut e such a possibilit y?

A - - I 'm not sur e about t he Divine part , but t hese 'aliens' consider
t hem selves 'NATI VE TERRANS.'

A - - Where do t he lit t le gray Aliens fit in?

Q - - They w ork for, and ar e cont r olled by t he Draco. There ar e

ot her gray skinned beings t hat ar e not in league wit h t he Draco.

Q - - Did you ev er t alk t o any of t he 'Aliens' at t he Base?

A - - Since I was t he Senior Securit y Technician at t hat base, I had

t o com m unicat e wit h t hem on a daily basis. I f t her e w er e any
problem s t hat involved securit y or video cam er a's, I was t he one
t hey called. I t was t he r ept ilian " working cast e" t hat usually did
t he physical labor in t he lower lev els at Dulce. Decisions involving
t hat cast e wer e usually m ade by t he whit e Draco. When hum an
wor kers caused problem s for t he w or king cast e, t he r ept oids w ent
t o t he whit e Draconian 'boss', and t he Draco called m e. At t im es,
it felt like it was a nev er ending problem . Sever al hum an workers
resent ed t he " no nonsense" or " get back t o wor k" at t it ude t he
wor king cast e lives by. When needed, int erv ent ion becam e a vit al
t ool. The biggest problem were hum an work er s who foolishly

wander ed around near t he " OFF LI MI TS" ar eas of t he " Alien

Sect ion." I guess it 's hum an nat ure t o be curious and t o wonder
what is past t he bar rier s. Too oft en som eone found a way t o
bypass t he bar riers and nosed ar ound. The cam era's near t he
ent rance usually st opped t hem before t hey got t hem selves in
serious t r ouble. A few t im es I had t o form erly r equest t he ret urn
of a hum an worker.

Q - - Ar e t her e ot her sit es t ied- in t o t he 'shut t le net work' ot her

t han t hose which you m ent ioned, and if so, where ar e t he
ent rances?


EXCEPT THI S ONE I S UNDERGROUND... The subt er ranean
highway in Am erica is like a fr eeway except it 's undergr ound. That
highway depends on elect ric m ot ors [ for t ruck s, car s and buses]
for t he paved r oads, and it is for lim it ed t ravel. Ther e is anot her
st yle of t ransit for freight and for passenger s t hat is for rapid
t ravel. That w orld wide net work is called t he " Sub- Global Syst em ."
I t has " check point s" at each count ry ent r y. There ARE shut t le
t ubes t hat 'shoot ' t he t r ains at incredible speeds using a m ag- lev
and vacuum m et hod. They t ravel at a speed t hat ex cels t he speed
of sound. Part of your quest ion involves t he locat ion of ent rances
t o t hat base. The easiest way t o answ er is t o say every st at e in
t he U.S.A. has t hem . Fr equent ly, t he ent rances ar e cam ouflaged
as sand quar ries, or m ining operat ions. Ot her com plex port als ar e
found on m ilit ary bases. New Mexico and Arizona have t he largest
am ount s of ent rances followed by California, Mont ana, I daho,
Colorado, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri. Of all t he
st at e's Florida and Nort h Dakot a have t he least am ount of
ent rances. Wy om ing has a road t hat opens direct ly int o t he
subt er ranean fr eeway. That road is no longer in use, but could be
react ivat ed if t hey decide t o do so, wit h m inim al cost . I t 's locat ed
near Br ook s Lak e.

Q - - Ar e t her e any 'bases' in t he st at e of Ut ah? ( Not e: Thom as

m ent ioned several areas sur r ounding Ut ah - - Colorado, New
Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and I daho, where t her e are
'connect ions', but lit t le on Ut ah which according t o som e sour ces
lies direct ly over one of t he largest NATURAL cavern sy st em s in
Nort h Am erica, one t hat is said t o reach deep beneat h t he
West ern Rockies as w ell as beneat h t he Bonneville basin) Have
you heard anyt hing about an alleged undergr ound inst allat ion
wit hin t he Wasat ch Mount ains...?

A - - Salt Lake, Lak e Powell Area, Dark Cany on, Dougway Grounds,
Modena, Vernal. All have exit s t her e. Ot hers t oo.

( Not e: There have been m any rum or s of ancient 't unnel' syst em s
being int ersect ed during t he excavat ions of sub- basem ent levels
below m aj or indust rial and m all areas in downt own Salt Lake Cit y.

Various st ories surr ounding t hese t unnels include: explorers who

have ent er ed t he t unnels and nev er ret urned; r eport s of 'lizard
people' down in t he labyrint hs; report s of gray s w orking wit h
hum ans on elect ronic equipm ent and m assive building proj ect s
going on in huge cav erns beneat h t he m ount ains t o t he east ;
report s of hum ans who are part of an Asian- based 'Aghart i'
kingdom who m aint ain colonies wit hin t he t unnels and cav erns
below - - and who ar e in conflict wit h t he rept iloids, gr ays, and a
group collaborat ing hum an fascist s fr om a net wor k of m assive
undergr ound facilit ies beneat h t he Neu Shwabenland region of
Ant arct ica; report s of m en in suit s having been seen pacing back
and fort h t hr ough large undergr ound cham bers car rying uzi
m achine guns; report s of seem ingly bot t om less shaft s; large
t unnels st rung wit h light s t hat ar e " big enough t o drive a sem i-
t ruck t hr ough" ; sect ions of t unnel walls t hat looked solid yet which
one could put t heir hands t hrough; r oom s which em anat e a
st range gr eenish phosphor escent glow; abduct ees who ar e t aken
below and encount er all t ypes of aliens; discs t hat have been seen
em erging from t he m ount ains t o t he east and at t acking incom ing
UFOs ov er t he v alley; Dungeons & Dragons fanat ics who have
been down in t he t unnels and t ell wild st ories of hundreds of m iles
of m aze- like passages; report s of connect ions t o t he t unnel
syst em s via t he sewer- drainage net work especially underneat h
t he downt own " Crossroads" area; r eport s of alien act ivit y sim ilar
t o t hat which has been described in connect ion t o Dulce New
Mexico; and report s of a huge cav ern net w or k t hat reaches
beyond t he border of t he st at e in all direct ions - - a huge net w or k
t hat connect s t he under ground syst em s of Nevada wit h t hose of
New Mexico. Ther e is a fam ous st ory which is not openly t alked
about - - t her e are t wo v er sions... bot h m ay be t rue. I n one
version a Morm on Tem ple work er penet rat ed an undergr ound
t unnel below t he 'squar e' in downt own Salt Lak e Cit y and t rav eled
for som e dist ance t hr ough a series of undergr ound cat acom bs
unt il running int o a 'lizard' like m an. The creat ure at t em pt ed t o
at t ack him but t he m an escaped and m anaged t o find his way
back t o t he surface. He began t elling ot her people what had
happened and soon aft erwards t he 'governm ent ' ar rived in t he
area and went in and closed off m any of t he t unnels leading t o t he
sub- basem ent s of t he Tem ple. Presum ably t her e was som e heat ed
debat es over how m uch of t he undergr ound sy st em t his
denom inat ion was allowed t o cont rol. A sim ilar disput e apparent ly
occurr ed t o t he sout hw est where t he LDS church m aint ained a
large st orage facilit y under Granit e Mount ain in Lit t le Cot t onwood
canyon, wit hin t he upper levels of a vast net wor k of caverns.
Fascist CI A elem ent s and t he Gray s cam e in and t ook cont r ol of
t he larger cav erns deeper wit hin t he m ount ain and order ed t he
'vault ' wor kers t o st ay out of t he 'forbidden' areas - - and st at ed
t hat t he " U.S. Gov ernm ent " was now using t hem for " Nat ional
Securit y" purposes and t hat it was t heir " pat riot ic dut y" t o
m aint ain t he secr et . The ot her v er sion concerned a cust odian who
ent er ed a t unnel near t he cinem as area below t he Cr ossr oads Mall
acr oss t he st r eet and t o t he sout h fr om t he t em ple square, while

excavat ion was being carried out in a t hat part of t he Mall. The
wor ker ent ered t he t unnel and before long encount er ed a 'serpent '
t ype m an, beat a hast y ret reat , and t old his fellow w or kers what
he had seen. The FBI and/ or t he local police soon ar rived and
sealed t he t unnel. Anot her st ory involved a young m an who, along
wit h a friend, had used a chain t ied t o his pickup t ruck t o rip- up a
m anhole cov er in t he ar ea near t he 'Mall' and t he 'Square'. They
navigat ed t hrough a m aze of sew er passages underneat h and
cam e t o a shaft t hat descended in a series of 5 sm all 'room s' one
below t he ot her , and from t he bot t om room a t unnel led sout h
int o a large cham ber wher ein t hey saw a seem ingly bot t om less
shaft , a large sout hwest t unnel st rung wit h light s and 'large
enough t o drive a sem i t hrough', and t he foot pr int s of som e t ype
of t hr ee- t oed bi- pedal creat ur e. Ot her sources im ply t hat early
pioneers and set t lers of t he ar ea who explor ed t hese t unnels cam e
in cont act wit h and in som e cases even j oined wit h som e of t he
Telosian- Aghart i- Melchizedek- Mayan undergr ound colonies below
t he Salt Lake Flat s, t he Salt Lake Valley and t he West ern Rockies.
These subt er raneans had form erly est ablished t er rit orial
agreem ent s wit h t he Rept iloids and Gray s befor e t he aliens begun
invading t heir subt erranean lands below t he int erm ount ain west
en- m asse in t he early 1900's. The t reat ies wer e part of an
at t em pt t o st av e off a possible int er- species conflict , as skirm ishes
bet ween t he hum anoids [ Teros] and r ept iloids [ Der os] wit hin t he
cavern net w orks of Nort h Am erica had been incr easing since t he
1920's, 30's and 40's. Because of a som ewhat non- ex clusive
collect ive- m ind wit h which t hese hum ans int eract ed, it was
decided t hat one possible way t o 'conv ert ' t he r ept ilians int o
becom ing beings of em ot ion and com passion was t o allow t hem
access t o t he gr oup consciousness. The r ept iloids how ev er , once
given access, im m ediat ely began t aking advant age of t he
collect ive and used it t o CONTROL t he hum ans on a sublim inal
basis. The ease wit h which t his occur red m ay have been enhanced
by t he fact t hat t he Rept iloids and Gray s w er e already operat ing
as part of a collect ive or group m ind, one which was far m or e
com plex t han t he Asht ar or Ast art e collect ive it self which m any of
t he 'Aghart ians' depended on. This suggest s t hat t he r ept ilian
'collect ive' or HI VE it self is absolut ely void of any and all care,
concern or com passion for hum an beings. I ndividual rept iloids
operat ing dist inct from t he draconian collect ive m ight howev er be
't am ed' by ot her collect ive- free hum anoids in som e cases - - as
som e hav e report edly been 't am ed' by t he Andr o- Pleiadean
worlds. I f t he non- hum ans could be severed fr om t he 'collect ive'
t hey m ight be deprogram m ed and reprogram m ed so- t o- speak and
ev en at t ain individual awareness and a degr ee of em ot ionalism . I n
such cases it would not be advisable t o give t hese cr eat ur es equal
st anding am ong hum ans, and absolut e subservience and
m onit oring should be enfor ced even if m eans w er e found t o sever
t hem fr om t he collect ive m ind net work. When dealing wit h t he
rept ilian for ces, uncondit ional surrender should be first offered,
and if t his is not accept ed t han direct m ilit ary act ion would be
j ust ified especially in light of t he m any perm anent 'abduct ees'

whom t he Greys and Rept iloids have t ak en capt ive [ t hose who ar e
st ill alive] t o t heir under ground syst em s. Most of t he t reat ies t hat
t he hum anoids had m ade wit h t he r ept iloids 'down under' have
since been br ok en... especially following t he Gr oom Wars of 1975
and t he Dulce Wars of 1979, during which t im e m uch of t he
undergr ound U.S. base net works [ which wer e funded by Am erican
t ax dollars by t he way] wer e t aken ov er by t he Grays. Som e
sour ces hav e im plied t hat t he aliens t ook advant age of t he chaos
especially during t he Dulce wars and com m enced t o invade and
conquer sev eral of t he older undergr ound colonies. This
apparent ly led t o a rift in t he 'Asht ar' collect ive, wit h m any
hum anoids and hybrids split t ing off and j oining wit h t he Andro-
Pleiadean Federat ion non- int ervent ionist s, and m any r ept iloids
and heart less hum anoid agent s split t ing off and j oining wit h t he
int erv ent ionist s of t he Draco- Orion Em pire. The Sirius- B syst em
which - - aside from Arct urus and Sol - - has been t he m aj or cent er
of 'Asht ar ' act ivit y, has since been shak en by t his split bet ween
t he t wo opposing Asht arian fact ions and war had report edly raged
t hrough t he Sirius syst em for sev eral years, according t o som e
'cont act ees'... an appar ent r eflect ion of t he division wit hin t he
undergr ound net work s of Nort h Am erica bet w een t he Pleiadean-
backed Sirian hum anoids and Orion- backed Sirian rept iloids which
bot h had m aint ained operat ions wit hin t he undergr ound levels
befor e t he " Dulce Wars" broke out . The Dulce w ars were j ust t he
m er e t ip of t he pr ov erbial iceberg when w e consider t hat t he
ov erall event s which happened at Dulce had a chain react ion
effect t hroughout t his whole sect or of not t he galaxy. Befor e t he
division occurr ed, t he r ept iloids wer e invit ed t o t ake part in 'peace
t alks' in Telos and elsew her e as an act of good fait h, but t he
rept iloid- grey collect ivist s wer e m or e int erest ed in expanding t heir
em pire and feeding t heir insat iable appet it e for conquest t han
t hey w er e in m aking peace, alt hough t hey agr eed t o peace
t reat ies t hat t hey nev er int ended t o k eep for 'Tr oj an hor se'
m anipulat ion purposes. Ther e is a rem nant collaborat ion such as
t hat t aking place in t he undergr ound facilit ies near Paradox
Nevada where collect ivist hum anoids and rept iloids fr om Sirius
and Sol st ill m aint ain a collaborat ion of necessit y - - in order t o
est ablish a global cont rol syst em , however a large num ber of
hum anoids wit hin t he undergr ound sy st em s are at war wit h t he
collect ivist - int ervent ionist Rept ilian infilt rat ors who w ould
ot her wise 'assim ilat e' t hese hum anoids int o t heir collect ive
t hrough decept ion, espionage and m ind cont r ol. Now sev eral
cont act ees like Alex Collier, Ray Keller, St an Johnson and ot her s
are claim ing t hat t he conflict s in Sirius bet ween t he Andr o-
Pleiadean backed Asht ar for ces and t he Draco- Orion back ed
Asht ar for ces - - which wer e infilt rat ed and com m andeered by
Draco- Orion agent s - - have now spr ead t o t he Sol syst em , as bot h
st ellar superpowers hav e focused on t his m ost st rat egic syst em ,
int ent on pr ot ect ing t heir r espect ive 'int erest s' her e fr om being
subvert ed by t he ot her side. - Brant on)

Q - - Does t he Mt . Archulet a " shut t le sy st em " connect wit h a


shut t le sy st em which allegedly radiat es fr om Mt . Shast a in

nort hern California?

A - - Yes. Mt . Shast a is a m aj or sit e of Alien - Elder Race -

Rept ilian Race - Hum an m eet ings. Beginning Cleveland, Gr ov er
ev ery pr esident in U.S. hist ory have visit ed Telos Cit y. Trum an
was supposed t o have v isit ed t he Lower Realm s as a High Archon
on Eart h. He was supposed t o hav e m et t he King of t he World
t here, and gav e him t he " Key s t o t he U.S.A." ( Not e: Whet her or
not t he reigning 'King' of t he Aghart i r ealm s at t he t im e had
benev olent or ot her m ot ives, subj ect ing Am erica t o an out side
super- power wit hout Congressional consent w ould be consider ed
high t reason. Alt hough unelect ed/ appoint ed 'individuals' working
wit hin t he Ex ecut ive- Milit ary- I ndust rial branch of 'gov ernm ent '
m ight choose t o do so of t heir own volit ion wit hout Congr essional
or Senat orial consent , such an act cannot apply t o t he 'Am erica'
which is based on t he Declarat ion of I ndependence, t he U.S.
Const it ut ion and t he Bill of Right s. Ther e are apparent ly t wo
'nat ions' occupying t he Unit ed St at es, t he t radit ional grass- r oot s
'Am erica' est ablished by t he founding fat hers and led by t he
'Elect orat e' gov ernm ent , and t he fascist Bavarian- lodge- back ed
'undergr ound nat ion' led by t he 'Corporat e' gov ernm ent which is
cont est ing t he original 'Am erica' on it s own soil. Som e pr edict an
inevit able civil [ ?] war bet ween t he
Elect orat e/ Const it ut ional/ Surface governm ent of t he U.S., and t he
j oint hum anoid- rept iloid Corporat e/ Nat ional- Global
Socialist / Undergr ound New World Order gov ernm ent , which
incident ally was bought and paid for by Am erican t axpayers and
ot her unsav ory m oney- m aking proj ect s. This w ar will apparent ly
prov ok e an arm ed Unit ed Nat ions / New World Order invasion of
t he U.S.A. which, accor ding t o George Washingt on's fam ous
'vision' at valley forge in 1777, will ult im at ely end wit h an
Am erican vict or y as a result of Divine I nt erv ent ion. Som et hing like
t his m ay be inevit able if FREEDOM is t o be preser ved on t his
world, and beyond. We should never forget how ev er t hat t he NWO
corporat e elit e and t heir draconian m ast er s int end t o 'depopulat e'
t he sur face of t his planet AND t he underground syst em s as w ell.
According t o one Nav y int elligence source t he 33- plus Masons
[ t here ar e allegedly sev eral degr ees abov e t he 33rd degree which
int eract direct ly wit h t he draconians and ar e part of t he
int erplanet ary init iat ory lodges] int end t o set t he left - wing caverns
and t he right - wing caverns against each ot her in order t o
depopulat e t he undergr ound realm s so t hat t hey can im pose
absolut e Bavarian- Draconian global cont rol of 'bot h' w orlds. The
33+ and higher degr ees according t o t his sour ce int end t o ride out
t he inferno in super- secret fort ified caverns while t he 33rd and
lower degr ee m asons and t heir respect ive left - wing and right - wing
arm ies will be left t o die in t he surface and subsurface wars. I t
m ay be t hat som e of t he 33+ Masons int end t o ride- out t he
holocaust in t heir Alt ernat ive- 3 bases on t he Moon and Mar s, I F
t hose bases ar e st ill act ive. Rem em ber, t he root s of BOTH t he
'right - wing' Nat ional Socialist AND t he 'left - wing' Global socialist

agendas t r ace back t o Bavaria. I sn't it int erest ing t hat t he

legendary 'dragon' has TWO 'wings' - - a right wing and a left wing
- - bot h of which are cont rolled by a single 'beast '?. I n essence,
when it com es right down t o it t he war is bet w een t he Judeo-
Christ ian based Const it ut ional Republic of Am erica and t he
Luciferian- cult - based Socialist em pire of Bavaria. Bot h t he right
and left wing m ovem ent s ar e Machiavellian ext r em es cr eat ed by
t he Bavarian Black Nobilit y [ 'Black' here being a r efer ence t o
som et hing hidden t hat cannot be seen, and NOT skin color] in
order t o fom ent global chaos. There ar e several claim s t hat t he
collaborat ion wit h t he Rept ilians began wit h t he Luciferian cult s of
Bavaria, and was lat er brought int o Am erica via t he infilt rat ion of
t he Scot t ish Rit e and t he fascist cor e of t he NSA- CI A. Ther e m ay
have nevert heless been a r ept ilian presence below Nort h Am erica
wit hin t he cav erns t hat dat es back several cent uries, how ev er a
MASSI VE rept ilian infest at ion of t hese undergr ound syst em s
seem s t o hav e begun near t he beginning of t he 20t h cent ury . 'Mt .
Archulet a' m ight be considered t he 'capit al' of t he ALI EN segm ent
of t he 'secr et ' [ Bavarian- Draconian] New World Order gov ernm ent
in Am erica - - wit h t he deep underground syst em s beneat h t he
Denv er I nt ernat ional Airport being t he 'capit al' of t he HUMAN
segm ent of t he secr et gov ernm ent . - Brant on) . Trum an r eceived
assurance t o new high t ech knowledge, and vict ory over all
enem ies on Eart h. He t hen was int roduced t o Sam aza and
Khoach, aliens from Boot es and Tiphon [ Draco] , bot h r ept ilian
'kings' or Em bassador s. Trum an updat ed t he '100 Tr eat y' [ t hat
began I N 1933, Roosev elt ] and request ed m agnet ic advance,
space knowledge and experim ent s. Khoach agr eed, Sam aza
part ially agreed. He exchanged host ages for genet ic experim ent s
and m agnet ic advance, but vet oed space and beam w eaponry.

Q - - Did you not ice any involvem ent of high- level Freem asons,
Rosicrucians or Jesuit s wit hin t he undergr ound inst allat ion and/ or
wit h t he aliens? ( This quest ion is based on t he assum pt ion m ade
by som e r esear chers t hat m any of t he Masonic lodges w er e,
beginning about 1776, infilt rat ed by t he Bavarian I llum inat i. Much
of t he Masonic world is ult im at ely cont rolled by t he Bavarian-
lodge- backed 33+ degr ees of Scot t ish Rit e Masonry , a 'Rit e' which
according t o early Masonic aut horit y Rebold can be t raced back t o
t he JESUI T college at Clerm ont in Paris - - a Rit e which advocat es
t he dest ruct ion of nat ional sover eignt ies in exchange for w orld
governm ent , t he dest ruct ion of r eligious and especially Judeo-
Christ ian m ovem ent s, and t he dest ruct ion of t he fam ily- st ruct ure
t o be r eplaced by 'St at e' cont rol of children, et c., as opposed t o
t he m ore t radit ional Prot est ant - Christ ianized YORK RI TE of
Masonry which t he SCOTTI SH RI TE has at t em pt ed t o subv ert
since it s incept ion int o Masonry. This quest ion was also based on
claim s from a form er 33rd degree Mason, Jam es Shaw, t hat t he
Scot t ish Rit e headquart er s in t he " House of t he Tem ple" - - which
lies at t he nort hern apex of t he pent agram - like st reet layout of
Washingt on D.C. - - is filled wit h all kinds of indicat ions of serpent
wor ship in t he for m of m urals, car vings, st at ues, et c., depict ing

serpent ine figures. Act ually, from what m y sour ces t ell m e, not
only are t her e degr ees beyond t he 33rd degree, but t he 33rd
degr ee it self is m ade up of t wo cor es, an inner and out er cor e, t he
33rd degree and t he 33+ degree. I n t he past w hen t he 33rd
degr ee init iat ion was reached a pot ent ial init iat e m ight have been
given a Bible or a Cr oss and ask ed t o spit on it or desacr at e it in
som e m anner. I f t hey r efused t o do t his t hey w er e t old t hat t hey
had m ade t he " right decision" and rem ained in t he out er cor e of
t he 33rd degr ee, t hinking t hat t hey had finally 'arrived'. I f t hey did
or do com m it t his form of blasphem y t hen t hey are t old t hat t hey
have m ade t he " right decision" , and t hey ar e sent on t o t he inner
core of t he 33+ degree, which is t he springboard t o t he higher
levels which int eract wit h t he j oint hum anoid- rept iloid Asht arian
lodges or branches of t he 'Serpent Cult ' on ot her planet s, wit hin
undergr ound cit ies, and possibly ev en ot her dim ensions. One
sour ce inform s m e t hat for m er president George Herbert Walker
Bush - - who was at one t im e t he HEAD of MJ- 12 - - had at t ained t o
t he 42nd degree, how ev er he m ay hav e at t aned t o ev en higher
levels since t hat t im e. I would guess t hat t he one who holds t he
highest level of init iat ion would be t he 'dragon- king' of Dr aconis
him self, or what ever appellat ion t he leader or t he leader s of t he
Draconian Em pire m ay go by. - Brant on) :

A - Yes I did, but t hat is a loaded quest ion, and I won't com m ent
furt her . I 'm not a Mason, or m em ber of any ot her secr et frat ernal
group. There is one organizat ion I am a m em ber of [ in t he
U.S.A.] . That gr oup is com m only called t he " Cent ral Unit ." I t is a
pleasure t o t ell you t hat I AM a m em ber of t he " Sub- Galact ic
League" of Cost a Rica.

Q - - I s t her e any t rut h t o t he allegat ions t hat t he CI A/ 'Aliens' have

est ablished 'bases' on t he m oon, and also Mar s?

A - - I 'v e HEARD t hat t oo, but I hav en't seen pr oof wit h m y own
ey es. The 'aliens' do allegedly have bases on sev eral m oons of
Jupit er and Sat urn. The CI A operat es in ot her COUNTRI ES, but
I 've nev er heard t hey operat e on ot her PLANETS ( Not e: Perhaps
we should have r efer r ed t o t he CI A's superior agency, t he NSA,
whose personnel r eport edly pilot t he " black- budget UFOs"
bet ween t he LUNA and DREAMLAND bases. - Br ant on) .

Q - - Hav e y ou heard any hint s or rum or s suggest ing t hat t here

m ay be lower levels beneat h t he ULTRA- 7 level of t he Dulce base,
and also, where t hese m ight lead t o and what t hey m ight consist

A - - YES. Your guess is as good as m ine... Sure, t her e was lot s of

TALK but t hat doesn't m ean it 's t her e. How ev er , I will t ell you I
saw elevat or s t hat w er e " off lim it s" unless y ou had an UMBRA or
higher securit y clearance. At t hat base, inform at ion is supplied t o
m e at a " need t o know" basis ONLY! [ My clearance was ULTRA- 7]

Q - - Som e insist t hat t he U.S./ Secr et governm ent has dev eloped
it 's own disk- craft based largely upon t op secret ant igravit y
experim ent s car ried out by t he Nazi- Germ an scient ist s during
World War I I . Have y ou heard anyt hing refer ring t o t his?

A - - When I was working in Phot o- securit y, heard a lot of t alk,

never saw t he pr oof, but once in t he Air Force I dev eloped a roll of
film t hat showed a craft LI KE ADAMSKI 'S, WI TH A SWASTI KA ON
THE SI DE. ( Not e: A let t er fr om 'R.J.M.' of Pennsylvania dat ed 1-
31- 91 st at ed: " ...I have a lot of UFO videos. I also hav e 'THE
SECRET LAND' [ 1947] . I t show s Bunger's Oasis and says t hey
discovered warm land at t he Sout h Pole. One Germ an aut hor
claim s t he Nazi's had a phot o- finish FI GHT wit h Byrd. At t he end
of t he m ovie, it says: 'Byrd's I nt r epid 4,000 m et and defeat ed
ANTARCTI CA'S TOUGHEST BATTALI ONS.' I don't t hink t hey w er e
t alking about t he weat her ..." Anot her sour ce has st at ed t hat t her e
wer e loses on BOTH sides, and t he Bat t le for Ant arct ica against
t he Nazi's " Last Bat t alion" - - which had fort ified t hem selves in
undergr ound bases below t he m ount ains of Neu Schwabenland,
Ant arct ica - - ended in a st alem at e. Quest ion: Why would Adolph
Hit ler and Eva Braun com m it suicide aft er Hit ler had spent so
m uch energy ex ecut ing ov er 5000 Nazi officials whom he
'suspect ed' w er e behind his assassinat ion at t em pt at t he 'Wolf'
bunker, especially if he had a way out via a secret Nazi Sout h
Polar base? The Mar ch 18, 1994 issue of THE PLAI N DEALER
[ Cleveland, Ohio] carried an AP st or y t it led " DOCTORS FI ND
BURNT BODY COULD NOT BE HI TLER'S" . Excer pt s include:
" ...French for ensic expert s say t he charr ed corpse said t o be
Hit ler's is not his body... expert s FALSI FI ED v er ificat ion report s
order ed by Josef St alin t o APPEASE t he Soviet dict at or.... t he body
is act ually t hat of an unknown Germ an m ale. [ The for ensic
expert s] spent m ore t han t wo y ears analyzing t he aut opsy r eport s
prepared by Soviet cor oners in t he days following [ t he] surr ender
of t he Third Reich in 1945... t he body [ said t o be Hit ler's] had an
ext ra t oot h and only one t est icle... no Germ an doct or who had
exam ined Hit ler befor e his deat h ever m ent ioned eit her anom aly."
This is also int erest ing when we consider t hat t he w ell- known
'abduct ee', Barney Hill, rem em ber ed t he following experience
under r egressive hypnosis as r ecorded in t he paranorm al
ency clopedia, " MYSTERI ES OF MI ND, SPACE & TI ME" . Barney and
his wife Bet t y w er e abduct ed by gray- skinned hum anoids " from
Zet a Ret iculi" . HOWEVER, one of t he 'beings' on t he craft was
described by Barney Hill under regr essive hypnosis in t he
following words which are t aken fr om p.1379 of t he encyclopedia:
" ...anot her figure has an EVI L face... HE LOOKS LI KE A GERMAN
LI KE THAT BEFORE! " Rem em ber t hat t his occurr ed nearly 15
years aft er Eur ope had supposedly been " de- Nazified" . There
seem s t o be an Ant ar ct ic connect ion wit h t he Dulce scenario as
well as ot her possible 'Nazi' connect ions: Germ an 't ourist s'
scouring New Mexico, exploring m ines and cav es and buying up
land and m ineral right s j ust befor e t he out br eak of WWI I ; t he

Nazi- connect ed CI A's involvem ent and t heir placem ent of sev eral
Nazi S.S. agent s - - who had been br ought int o t he U.S. via Proj ect
Paper clip - - wit hin t he Dulce and ot her underground facilit ies; t he
involvem ent of secr et 'Bavarian' lodges at Dulce; and t he possible
Ant arct ican- Dulce connect ion t o 'Alt ernat ive 003'. Anot her
int erest ing connect ion is t he fact t hat t he secr et Nazi t eam s
involved in t he const ruct ion and operat ion of t he undergr ound
bases below t he m ount ains of Neu Schwabenland and elsewhere
in Ant arct ica wer e called ULTRA t eam s. ULTRA is also t he code-
nam e for t he DULCE base! Also t her e seem s t o be a direct
connect ion bet ween t he Dulce base and t he Mont auk base in Long
I sland - - which was/ is[ ?] reput edly j oint ly operat ed by t he
Draconian Rept iloids, Or ion Greys and t he Bavar ian Thule Societ y
which had backed t he Nazi agenda. - Brant on)

Q - - Tom , did you have access t o t he alien craft ? Wer e you ev er

inside any of t hem ?

A - - Yes, I fr equent ly saw t hem in t he garages, t here ar e quit e a

few of t hem . The m ain fleet is st or ed at Los Alam os. Yes, I
ent er ed several craft s. Ther e w ere t wo t hings t hat st ick in m y
m ind, t he odd spongy feeling of t he floors, and t he unusual
pinkish purple color of t he light ing. The cr ew st at ed t he floor
becom es ridged in flight , and t he purple t int of t he light ing
changes t o bright blue whit e. The ent ire inside of t he air cr aft are
scaled down in size, when com par ed t o t he average hum an. The
halls were cur ved and narr ow, but som e how, w hen inside it
appear s bigger t han it look s. Cert ain areas, t he out erm ost
sect ions, alm ost felt and looked alive. I was never t ak en up in

Q - - Can y ou give m e m or e inform at ion on t he r ept ilian race, what

do t hey do on t he sixt h level? [ The area called Night m are Hall.]

A - - The w ork er cast e does t he daily chor es, m opping t he lat ex

floors, cleaning t he cages, bringing food t o t he hungry people and
ot her species. I t is t heir j ob t o form ulat e t he pr oper m ixt ure for
t he t ype one and t ype t wo beings t hat t he Draco Race has
cr eat ed. The w orking cast e w ork at t he labs as well as at t he
com put er bank s. Basically speaking, t he r ept ilian races ar e act ive
at all levels of t he Dulce Base. Ther e ar e sev eral differ ent 'races'
of aliens t hat wor k on t he east sect ion of level six ( No doubt som e
collaborat ing 'Nordic' fact ions included. - Brant on) . That sect ion is
com m only called " t he alien sect ion." The Draco are t he undisput ed
m ast ers of t he 5- 6- 7 levels. The hum ans are second in com m and
of t hose levels. I had t o ARGUE wit h one large Draconian 'boss'
fr equent ly. His nam e is difficult t o verbalize, Khaarshfashst
[ pronounced t hr oat y kk hhah- sshh- fahsh- sst ] . I usually called him
'Karsh,' and he hat ed it . The Draconian leaders are v ery form al
when t alking t o t he hum an race. These ancient beings consider us
a lower race. Kar sh called m e " Leader Cast ello," but it was used in
a sar cast ical way. How ever t he work er cast e is friendly enough, as

long as you allow t hem t o speak first . They will answer if you
address t hem . They ar e very caut ious beings, and consider m ost
hum ans t o be host ile. They always seem surprised when t hey
found m any of t he hum ans wer e open and t rust wort hy . Ther e is
no fr at ernizing wit h t he aliens off hours. I t is for bidden t o speak t o
any alien race [ in t he halls or an elevat or] wit hout a clear
business orient ed r eason. Hum ans can t alk t o hum ans, and aliens
can speak t o aliens, but t hat is as far as it goes. At t he w or k sit e,
howev er, it 's different . Ther e is " fr ee speech" in t he labs. The
cam araderie found in t he labs also r eaches t he com put er bank s
sect ion. I n t hose ar eas, ev erybody t alks t o anybody. However,
ev eryt hing changes t he m inut e you cr oss t he t hreshold of t he hall.
I nst ant ly, all conversat ions becom e st rict ly for m al. Hard as it was,
sev eral t im es I had t o arr est som e one, sim ply because t hey
spok e t o an alien. I t 's a st range place.

Q - - Exact ly what first m ade y ou aware t hat som et hing was wrong
at Dulce? Seem s t o m e t hat a place as obviously horrible as t his
one w ouldn't need an Einst ein t o know t hat t his is a CRI ME sit e!
What t ook y ou so long? Are you t he guy who blew t he whist le?

A - - There ar e sev eral t hings you should know about . I t ook an

oat h, under t he penalt y of deat h, t hat no m at t er what I saw or
heard I would nev er div ulge t he inform at ion. Also, I signed a
waiver t hat st at es I would willingly give up m y life if I was found
guilt y of 't reason'. At t he Dulce Base t r eason is " ANYTHI NG t hat
m ent ions t he det ails of daily operat ions at t his facilit y, when
out side t he confinem ent of t he t his base." When I first arrived, a
" need t o know" policy was in effect . The st ory t he 'honchos' t old
us was t hat " t his is a Tri- Biot ransfer Facilit y wit h Advanced
Technology, doing advanced adv ent urous m et hodology for
m edical and m ent al gains." Which is a fancy w ay of saying t hey do
really risky t hings wit h hum an life j ust t o see w hat would happen.
I f a m edical cure happens, it will be heralded on t he sur face of t he
eart h as a m arv elous new cur e, saying it was found aft er years of
research at som e well known m edical lab. The r eal st or y of t he
cure is nev er explained. Aft er all, t he Dulce Base I S A SECRET
FACI LI TY! These people ar e v er y good at what t hey do. They do
not t ell t he t rut h about t he unfort unat e people t hat end up in
" Night m are Hall." I w or ked wit h aliens. Wit h t hat in m ind, you
should get t he idea of t he secrecy and t he securit y at t hat place.
Yes, I know t his was not t he usual hospit al t ype j ob sit e, but in
t he beginning I 'bought ' t he whole package. I w as r em inded daily
by int ercom , in t he elev at ors, t hat " t his sit e does high risk
advanced m edical and drug t est ing t o cure insanit y, please, nev er
speak t o t he inm at es, it can dest r oy years of w ork ." I 'm sensible,
when doct ors say don't speak t o t hem , who was I t o dest r oy t he
delicat e sit uat ion? But one m an som e how caught m y eye. He
repeat edly st at ed t hat he was George S- - - - and t hat he had been
kidnapped and he was sure som eone was searching for him . I
don't know why he st icks in m y m ind, I found I was rem em bering
his face, t hinking he sur e didn't look or sound insane, but m any

inm at es said t hat . The next w eek end I convinced a friend of m ine,
a cop, t o run a check on t he guy, saying I had a run in wit h him
and was curious. I didn't m ent ion t he base at all. I t was a
sickening feeling when t he com put er confirm ed t hat George S.
was m issing. What 's w orse, t he cops t hought he was j ust anot her
guy t hat got t ired of t he daily grind and split . That was t he
beginning. Am I t he one t hat blew t he whist le? No. The next
Monday, I searched for George, but he was gone. There wer e no
records t hat explained what happened t o him . I t was anot her
securit y officer t hat cam e t o m e saying he and som e lab work ers
want ed an off dut y m eet ing at one of t he t unnels, [ off t he r ecord] .
Curiosit y t ook ov er and I said OK. That night , about nine m en
show ed up. They said t hey knew t hey w er e risking m e t urning
t hem in but t hey want ed t o show m e som e t hings t hey t hought I
should see. One by one t hey showed r ecords t hat proved m any
inm at es wer e m issing people. There wer e new spaper clippings,
and ev en phot os t hat t hey had som e how sm uggled int o t he base.
They hoped t o sm uggle t hem back out , wit hout m e t urning t hem
in t o t he honchos. I could see t he fear in t heir faces as t hey
spok e. One m an st at ed he would rat her lose his life by t r ying,
t han t o lose his soul by not doing anyt hing at all. I t was t hat
rem ark t hat t urned t he t ide. I t old t hem about George and t he
t hings I found out about him . Aft er a few hours we pledged t o
at t em pt t o expose t he Dulce Base.

Q - - The nam e Night m are Hall is descript ive, but sur ely t here was
a 'r egular' nam e, what was it called in t he m anuals?

A - - I n t he m anuals it was called " The Vivarium " . I t describes

Dulce Base as a " secur ed facilit y for t ending bio- form s of all
t ypes." I n t heir report it is ret old as " a privat e subt erranean bio-
t erm inal park, wit h accom m odat ions for anim als, fish, fowl,
rept ile, and m ankind." Aft er SEEI NG t his 'par k' t he nam e
Night m are Hall is far m or e accurat e t han t he m anual. The
'accom m odat ions' for t he inm at es at Night m are Hall fall short of
t he pr et t y pict ure t he m anual describes.

Q - - You m ent ioned one r ept ilian leader, Khaar shfashst , do y ou

know any t hing about him , like where is he from ? I s he fr om Eart h
or som e ot her planet ?

A - - His nam e m eans " k eeper of t he laws" . They r eciev e t heir

nam e aft er t hey r each t he " age of awar eness" . They do not
recognize t im e as an im port ant fact or in " being awar e" t he way
hum ans do. Upon t heir " age of awar eness" t hey ar e cognit ive of
t he st at ion or posit ion t hey are dest ined t o fulfill. At t hat t im e t hey
chose or allow som eone t o choose t heir nam e. Their nam e will
include t he posit ion t hey hold and sev eral personally chosen
let t ers. Each let t er has a per sonal m eaning, known only t o t he
alien and t he one t hat chose t heir nam e. Since Karsh's nam e
m eans keeper of t he laws his nam e includes kaash [ m em or y or
keep, base word for 'Ak ashic' record] and fashst [ law, base w ord

fast or bind] . Rept ilians choose t o be not only pr ivat e but secr et ive
of t he locat ion of t heir nat al place. To t hem birt h, or em ergence of
life, is consider ed as one of t he sacr ed rit es of life. They consider
Eart h or Ter ra t heir " hom e planet " , but sev eral rept oids discuss
sev eral st ar m aps. Most of t hose st ars wer e wit hin t he Milky Way.
Wit hin t hose st ar m aps lies t he st ars and planet s of t he Planet s of
t he Allegiance. Eart h being one of t he planet s in t heir t rade
rout es. I f any hum an asked clear quest ions about t he Allegiance,
t he Aliens r efer red t he quest ions t o t he Draco. The Draco in t urn,
referr ed t he quest ions t o t heir supervisor [ m e] . I did not have t hat
inform at ion about t he st ars, because inform at ion was supplied on
a " need t o know " basis. I didn't 'need' t hat infor m at ion.

Q - - Did any of t he wor king cast e j oin in t he r evolt ? Could you

give m e som e nam es?

A - - A few of t he r ept ilian j anit orial crew let us k now t hat THEY
knew WE wer e at t em pt ing t o sabot age t he w or k going on in t he
sixt h and sev ent h levels. One of t hem , wit h t he nam e Schhaal,
secr et ly for m ed a sm all group of rept oids wit h t he sam e m ind set
as m y gr oup ( Tak e not e of t he sim ilarit y bet ween t his scenario
and t he NBC m ini- series " V" , which is now available on video
casset t e aft er years of non- availabilit y. I hav e it on good aut horit y
t hat t he original aut hor of t he " V" idea w as an invest igat or who
knew Thom as Cast ello on a personal basis. He had connect ions in
Hollywood and had w rit t en a m ot ion pict ure script , which was in
t urn seen and 'bor r owed' wit hout perm ission by an NBC em ploy ee
and re- w rit t en as a m ini- series. The show was based on rept ilian
hum anoids from Sirius- B who had com e t o eart h under t he guise
of benev olent hum an- like space br ot hers t o bring a new order of
universal peace. I n realit y t hey had a secret agenda t o rape planet
eart h of her r esour ces and st eal her people for biological
sust enance. This agenda was being cont est ed by a hum an
resist ance who r efused t o fall for t he r ept ilian's facade, and t hese
resist ors wer e in t urn working wit h a secret fift h- colum n of
rept ilians who did not agree wit h t heir leaders' agenda for planet
eart h. Could t his m ini- series have had an act ual basis in a bizarre
realit y? - Brant on) . Sshhaal t ook upon him self t he danger of
inform ing m e. He was as open as is possible in a unique sit uat ion.
On t he day I found out about it , I was inspect ing a cam era near
an exit t unnel. He appr oached, st ooped down ( t he t all rept iloids
average about 7- 8 ft . in height according t o m ost wit nesses -
Brant on) , seem ingly scr aping som e non- exist ent dirt , and he
quiet ly said, " A few of us agr eed t hat you ar e singular in your
int erest in m issing- hum an report s. I f t rue, walk away. I 'll reach
you. I f it 's unt rue, dest r oy m y life now! " My heart alm ost leaped
out of m y chest , but I silent ly walked t oward one of t he wide
halls. For t he r est of m y life I 'll rem em ber t hose words! I t was t he
first t im e I KNEW r ept ilians could have individual t hought s and
opinions! Basically, t hey form ed a uniform fr ont wit h a sm all
variet y of int erest s. Or at least , t hat was what we had t hought . I t
was a couple day s befor e I heard fr om him again. As he walked

beside m e in t he sixt h lev el's infam ous hall, I heard him say
" Ent er t he exit t unnel on t he sixt h level, nort h, aft er y our shift ."
The next few hours w er e long and filled wit h t hought s of bet rayal,
or worse, but I shouldn't have w orried. I cont act ed one of t he
original nine [ resist ance] m en, and let him know, j ust in case.
Gordon want ed t o go wit h m e, but I convinced him t o wait a few
feet from t he exit and pret end he was having t r ouble wit h his cart
[ elect ric, like a golf cart ] . When I got t her e, t here wer e t hr ee of
t hem . SSHHAAL form erly int roduced FAHSSHHAA and
HUAMSSHHAA [ nam e base word is SSHHAA or assist ] . Wit h t hat , I
quickly grabbed Gordon fr om t he hall and t he five of us t alked and
walked in t he dark t unnels about t hree hours. Aft er t hat day, t he
j oined resist ance gr oup got bigger and bolder . Ult im at ely, it ended
when a m ilit ary assault was init iat ed via t he exit t unnels and t hey
ex ecut ed anybody on t heir list , hum an or rept ilian. We fought
back, but none of t he w orking cast e had w eapons, nor did t he
hum an lab work ers. Only t he securit y force and a few com put er
wor kers had flash guns. I t was a m assacre. Ev ery one was
scr eam ing and running for cov er . The halls and t unnels were filled
as full as possible. We believe it was t he Delt a For ce [ because of
t he uniform s and t he m et hod t hey used] t hat chose t o hit at shift
change, an effort t hat killed as m any as nam ed on t heir list
( NOTE: I f Thom as Cast ello is corr ect in his asser t ion, t hen based
on his overall revelat ions, as w ell as t he revelat ions of ot hers such
as Robert Lazar , Phil Schneider, et c., t he Dulce Wars w er e t he
result of at least five ov erlapping fact ors or scenarios which
conv erged at m or e or less t he sam e t im e or played int o each
ot her . This m ay have also involved a conflict of int erest wit hin
MJ12 it self, and apparent ly involved differ ent securit y for ces
including t he Delt a Force, Black Beret s, Air Force Blue Ber et s,
Secret Service, FBI Division Five, CI A st orm t rooper s and Dulce
Base securit y. The various fact or s which seem t o hav e played int o
t he Dulce wars w ould include anim osit y t owards t he Gr eys for
t heir slaught er of sever al scient ist s and securit y personnel in t he
Gr oom Wars below Area 51 t hree years earlier as described by
for m er MJ12 Special St udies Gr oup agent Michael Wolf; accident al
[ ?] encount er s bet ween aliens and hum an const ruct ion wor kers
and securit y forces near Dulce as described by Phil Schneider; an
at t ack on t he Dulce base 'r esist ance' t hat was apparent ly order ed
by die- hard collaborat or s in deep- level int elligence as described by
Thom as Cast ello; an at t em pt t o r escue several of our best
scient ist s who had been capt ured by t he aliens aft er t hey had
discovered t he " Grand Decept ion" involving a violat ion of t he
est ablished t reat ies, t hat is t he perm anent abduct ion of t housands
of hum ans t o t he Dulce and ot her bases for God only knows what
purposes, as described by John Lear - - could it be t hat MJ12 /
PI 40 was unawar e of t hese abduct ees, yet t heir superior agency
t he BLACK MONK / MAJI C agency was aware and had agreed t o an
act ual exchange of hum an life for t echnology?; and anot her fact or
would involve a disput e ov er whet her hum an securit y per sonnel
could carr y flash guns as opposed t o m achine guns. All of t hese
wer e appar ent ly cont ribut ing fact or s t o t he 'alt ercat ions' which

raged t hroughout t he Dulce Base beginning in 1979. - Brant on) .

We, t o t his day, do not know who BETRAYED us. Gordon Enner y
ran beside m e as w e ran int o t he t hird level exit t unnels, and he
died when several bullet s slam m ed int o his back. I vaporized t hat
assassin and kept running. And I 'm st ill running. Gordon will be
rem em ber ed.

Q - - Tell m e m or e about t he flash gun. I s it difficult t o operat e, or

is it like t he w eapon on St ar Trek, t hat can st un or kill on differ ent
m odes?

A - - I t is an adv anced beam w eapon t hat can operat e on t hree

different phases. Phase one, like St ar Tr ek , can st un and m aybe
kill, if t he person has a weak heart . On phase t wo, it can levit at e
ANYTHI NG no m at t er w hat it weighs. Phase t hr ee is t he SERI OUS
BUSI NESS m ode. I t can be used t o par alyze anyt hing t hat lives,
anim al, hum an, alien and plant . On t he higher posit ion on t he
sam e m ode, it can creat e a TEMPORARY DEATH. I assur e y ou, any
doct or w ould cert ify t hat per son is dead, but t heir life essence
lingers in som e st range lim bo, som e kind of t er r ible st at e of non-
deat h. I n one t o five hours t he person will revive, slowly; first t he
bodily funct ions will begin, and in a few m inut es, consciousness
followed wit h full awareness. I n t hat m ode t he alien scient ist s re-
program t he hum an brain and plant false inform at ion. When t he
per son awakes, he 'r ecalls' t he false inform at ion as inform at ion he
gained t hrough life experience. There is no way for a per son t o
learn t he t rut h. The hum an m ind 'rem em bers' and believes
com plet ely t he false dat a. I f you at t em pt t o inform t hem , t hey
would laugh or get angr y. They NEVER believe t he t rut h. Their
m ind always forget s t he experience of re- program m ing. You ask ed
if t he flash gun is difficult t o operat e. A t wo y ear old child could
use it wit h one hand. I t resem bles a flash light , wit h black glass
conical invert ed lens. On t he side ar e t hr ee recessed knobs in
t hree cur ved gr ooves. Each knob is sized different ly. The closer
t he knob t o t he hand t he less t he st r engt h. I t 's t hat sim ple. Each
knob has t hree st r engt hs also, w it h aut om at ic st ops at each
posit ion. The st r ongest posit ion will vaporize any t hing t hat lives.
That m ode is so pow erful it will leave NO TRACE of what it

Q - - I s t he w eapon called a Flash Gun or is t her e a differ ent nam e

in t he m anuals?

A - - Ev er ybody calls t hem Flash Guns, or m or e com m only " The

Flash" or " m y Flash" when t alking about it . I n t he m anual it is first
int roduced as t he ARMORLUX Weapon. Aft er t hat , it is explained
as t he Flash Gun.

Q - - What t ype of securit y is found at t he Dulce Base? What else

is used against espionage or unaut horized ent r y?

A - - I 'll m ent ion a few, but it would be nearly im possible t o cov er


it all. The weapon, besides t he Flash Gun, m ost ly used is a form of

sonic. Built in wit h each light fixt ure [ and m ost cam corder s] is a
device t hat could render a m an unconscious in seconds wit h
not hing m or e t han a silent t one. At Dulce t her e also ar e st ill and
VCR cam eras, ey e print , hand print st at ions, w eight m onit ors,
lasers, ELF and EM equipm ent , heat sensors and m ot ion det ect ors
and quit e a few ot her m et hods. Ther e is no way you could get
very far int o t he base. I f y ou m ade it t o t he second level, you
would be spot t ed wit hin fift een feet . Mor e t han likely, you would
becom e an inm at e and never see t he light of t he surface world
again. I f y ou w er e 'lucky', you w ould be r e- pr ogram m ed and
becom e one of t he count less spies for t he Ruling Cast e.

Q - - According t o cert ain report s, t he Dulce Base is host t o [ ot her]

aliens t hat live in level five. I s t hat t rue? Can t he hum ans fr eely
roam or m eet one- t o- one in t he halls or is som e t ype of pr ot ocol
in effect ?

A - - There is prot ocol fr om t he first t im e you ent er t he base and it

MUST be followed ev er y t im e you SEE an alien t her e. From t he
wor king cast e, t o t he visit ing aliens, t o t he Ruling Cast e, t here is a
never ending check list of rules, law, and st rict prot ocol. Ther e is
never a chance t o r oam on t he fift h level. The alien housing area
is off lim it s t o any hum an. The Hub is sur rounded by securit y,
arsenal, m ilit ary and CI A\ FBI sect ions. The ar ea past t he securit y
is one of t he m ost secur ed ar eas because it houses so m any
classified files. The ent ir e east side of t he fift h lev el is off lim it s
except for securit y per sonnel holding ULTRA- 7 [ securit y clearance]
or higher. The garage on t he west side of t he fift h level requires
ULTRA- 4 clearance.

Q - - I s t her e proof available t hat could confirm t he allegat ions of

t he underground base, or ar e w e j ust supposed t o believe you?

A - - Many people hav e asked t hat one. No, I don't expect people
t o believe wit h blind fait h, t her e is t angible proof t hat has been
seen, felt or inspect ed by quit e a few folks. I 'm in no posit ion t o
go on a lect ur e circuit t o explain t o ev er y per son on a one- t o- one
basis. I am t r ying t o st ay alive. All I can do is st at e again, t hat
Dulce is a SECRET FACI LI TY. They w or k HARD t o m ak e sur e
nobody can find t he place. I f ev eryone could easily find it , it
wouldn't be a SECRET facilit y. I 've explained t he ext r em e securit y
m et hods t hey use. Ther e is ot her proof available. There ar e five
set s of copies in five differ ent boxes in five different locat ions t hat
hold com plet e pr oof of ev ery t hing I have t ried t o explain. Here is
a list of cont ent s of each box ( delivered int o t he safe- keeping of
five individuals known only t o Thom as Cast ello and t o t he
individual recipient s - Brant on) : ( A) 27 sheet s of 8 x 10
phot ographs of Aliens, creat ur es, cages and vat s. ( B) One silent
candid video t ape, begins on t he com put er banks, show s t he vat s,
m ult i shot s of Night m ar e Hall, t wo shot s of Greys, one shot of t he
Term inal showing sign saying 'To Los Alam os' and about t hirt y

seconds of t he Shut t le t rain arriving. ( C) 25 pages of diagram s,

chem ical form ulas and schem at ics of alien equipm ent . ( D) A copy
of t he new t r eat y com plet e wit h signat ures. ( E) 2 pages of original
Alien docum ent s signed by Ronald Reagan [ as governor of
California] , each page includes Reagan's signat ure. The ORI GI NAL
set m ent ioned abov e is sealed in one piece oxy gen fr ee heavy
plast ic box. That set includes: ( A) 27 sheet s of 8 x 10 WI TH
original negat ives ( B) The video t ape, AND t he original m icro film ,
from which t he video t ape was copied. ( C) The 25 original pages
of diagram s [ wit h not at ions] , form ulas, alien equipm ent
schem at ics plus t he schem at ics for t he Flash Gun and MY Flash
Gun. ( D) The t r eat y wit h Reagan's signat ure plus seven ot her
polit ical signat ures and four Alien signat ures. The working Flash
Gun in t hat box is an ex t rem ely danger ous w eapon. I n t he wr ong
hands, t her e is no lim it on t he danger it could inflict . That proof
m ust be prot ect ed. But when placed in t he hands of cert ain
governm ent agencies, it would not be t reat ed as pr oof for an Alien
visit at ion. That gov ernm ent branch KNOWS THE TRUTH and t hey
publicly lie. Think about it like t his, do y ou KNOW, for cert ain
proof, t hat George Washingt on lived? Or do you believe what
ot her people SAI D about him ? Ther e is no one alive t hat saw wit h
t heir own eyes what is claim ed about him . You j udge all you know
about him by what ot her people SAI D. Colum bus SAI D t her e is a
new land, and it was found. I am SAYI NG t her e ar e aliens in
sev eral undergr ound bases in t his count ry and t er rible t hings
happen in t hose places. I f I die, befor e it is prov en, search for
proof ( aft er all, t he Dulce Base and t he ot her bases ar en't going
anywher e. Unlike UFO's t hem selves t hey are not " her e t oday and
gone t om orr ow" . I f t hey ar e t here, t hen t her e are bound t o be
som e indicat ions of t he fact . - Brant on) . Dem and t hat t he
governm ent adm it it . I f enough people dem and it , t hey WI LL find
a way t o explain t he base, or at least explain why t hey m ust k eep
it secr et . Ther e ar e MANY people t hat work at t he Dulce Base t hat
know m e. I am challenging t hose co- w ork er s t o speak up, at least
anonym ously. Send a let t er, or a t elegram [ or fax] t o confirm
what I have explained. I n t he nam e of t he brav e m en, w om an,
children and aliens t hat died TRYI NG t o let t he public know what is
going on at t he Dulce Facilit y, EXPOSE t hat hor rid place befor e
t housands m or e innocent people ar e t ort ur ed and die unspeakable
deat hs.

Q - - What about t he elevat or s, do t hey drop fr om t he surface t o

t he sev ent h level in a couple of seconds? Do you know anyt hing
about t hem ? Ar e t hey elect rically lift ed? Ev ery w her e on t he
surface world t here ar e elevat ors m ade by Ot is Elevat or Com pany.
Does t hat com pany m ake t he elevat or s at Dulce?

A - - I failed t o not ice w hat brand was available in t he elevat or s at

t he base. I could t ell you t hat t here is no elevat or anywhere at
Dulce t hat drops from t he sur face t o t he sevent h level. The
securit y blue print s show t he lev els are 'st epped' down. Each level
drops one floor only. Not ev en t he Hub has an express elevat or.

Aft er t he t hird level, not only would you change elevat ors, you ar e
weighed and color coded, before you r e- ent er t he car. All t he
elevat ors ar e m agnet ically cont rolled, ev en light s in elevat or s, as
well as all light s on all lev els are m agnet ically induced. The light
bulbs are not t he t ype bought on t he surface, but a t ot ally
different t ype of light syst em . The illum inat ion found t her e is a
closer m at ch t o nat ural sunlight t han any art ificial light on t he
surface world. The shape of t he elevat or s is unique. I f y ou have
ev er seen a Tupperware sugar bowl, you could see t he shape
copied in t he elevat or. Sort of like an open ended oval wit h
anot her half oval on each side. The elevat or shaft m at ches t he
shape per fect ly. The m agnet ic cont rols are in t he half oval shape.
I f y ou could st and in or close t o t he half ovals, you w ould feel t he
slight pull of t he pow er of t hose m agnet s. The m ot ion is sm oot h
and silent , t here is a nearly unnot iced surge when t he m ot ion
st art s or st ops. Ther e ar e no cables needed, because t he lift is
m agnet ic, not elect ric. Since t here ar e no cables in t he elevat or
cars t here is no chance of t hem falling.

Q - - I underst and t hat cert ain groups of clear ed individuals in t he

governm ent ar e collaborat ing wit h alien groups. I s it known how
m any gr oups and of what t ype t hey are working wit h?

A - - I don't know how m any gr oups or what t y pe t hey ar e w orking

wit h.

Q - - A m yst erious secur it y m an calling him self agent " Yellow Fruit "
says he w ork ed at Gr oom Lak e [ Ar ea 51] . The Securit y Officer
st at es t hat he's been in cont act wit h benev olent aliens, at t he
Gr oom Lak e facilit y - - are you awar e of such a group?

A - - Yellow Fruit is one of t he slang nam es for Yellow Jack [ or

Yellow Flag] t hat shows quarant ine and caut ion in t he labs. There
are so m any differ ent slang nam es at Dulce labs t hat m eant
quarant ine t hat t he wor kers published a booklet t o show t he
m eanings. At Dulce, Yellowfruit are t he lab work er s [ so called
from t he yellow light out side t he decont am inat ion cham bers] .
Banana is t he older w or kers, lem on is t he new guys and so on.

Q - - I s t her e an alien inst allat ion under Groom Lake or Papoose

Lake at t he Nevada Test Sit e, and ar e t hey conduct ing biological
research at t hese sit es?

A - - Most of t he st uff at t he Groom facilit y deals wit h defense, but

t here is a large st orage area in t he t unnels t hat holds t housands
of alien craft part s. Fr om what I hav e heard, t he m edical t est s at
t he Nevada Test Sit e ar e conduct ed by and for t he Nav y.

Q - - According t o m y sources, t he Aer ospace com panies have a

secr et undergr ound inst allat ion in t he Tehachapi Mount ains, not
far fr om Rosam ond near Edwards AFB. I nsiders r efer t o t he

Tahachapi I nst allm ent as t he Ant Hill. They ar e experim ent ing
wit h advanced t echnology such as ant igravit y disks. Som e hav e
seen bask et ball sized float ing orbs pat rol t he facilit y, do you hav e
any furt her inform at ion on t his?

A - - The California m ount ains [ Tehachapi, Chocolat e, Shast a, et c.]

all have alien securit y m et hods and equipm ent . The bask et ball
size orbs ar e used for unm anned pat rol. They are silent , but when
phot ographing living beings t her e is a hum m ing sound. The glow
t hat em it s light is m agnet ic aura. This [ light ] is in t he visible
spect rum [ 3900 angst rom s] . You can see t he light , but t he light
does not r eflect off any t hing.

Q - - I s t her e anyt hing you can t ell m e about t he m oon - alien

inst allat ions? At m osphere? U.S. bases?

A - - There is not m uch I can t ell you t her e. I wasn't in t he Lunar

Program . I heard t her e was a LOT of equipm ent sent t o t he m oon
bet ween 1959- 1964 under " Proj ect Whit eout " .

Q - - How do t he aliens use m agnet ism ? Do t hey use it as an

energy sour ce? I s t here m ore we need t o know about m agnet ism ?

A - - The aliens use m agnet ics for EVERY THI NG! They use
m agnet ics as t he basic st ruct ur e for t heir energy source. The
m or e y ou learn about m agnet ics, t he bet t er. The Hum an Race
calls t hem 'm agnet s', t he Aliens call t hem 'lodest ar'. They hav e
been harv est ing lodest ars [ lodest ones] for cent uries. Not only
t hat , t hey want ALL t he m agnet ic power on Eart h. They int end t o
cont inue harvest ing t hat power, now and in t he fut ure. As long as
we w ere only using m agnet ic power as an oddit y, t here was no
problem . But in recent t im es, t he hum an race has begun using
m agnet ic power and finding m or e way s t o ut ilize t hat com m odit y.
Ther e w as a t r eat y m ade. I n t he original t reat y, t he hum an race
( or t hose who supposedly 'represent ed' t he hum an race, if y ou
could call it t hat - Brant on) didn't m ind at all, 'we' considered
m agnet s as hardly m ore t han useless. As people searched for
anot her source for power, w e t urned t o m agnet ics. The aliens
want ed a new t r eat y . What could we offer ? They chose land,
undergr ound m ining right s, anim als and hum ans for new
experim ent s. The gener al public NEVER KNEW about t he t r eat y .
The gov ernm ent al [ Bavarian cult ist ] heads of t he world chose
anot her t r eat y in 1933. This t im e 'w e' got high- t ech knowledge in
exchange. So now , t he m or e w e use m agnet ics, t he m or e t hey
claim hum ans, and t he lands of t he U.S.A. We wer e 'sold' in
exchange for m agnet s. I f y ou doubt it , look around - - t here ar e
t oken com panies t hat 'r eally' ut ilize m agnet ic power, but ar e
depending on elect ric based or ceram ic m agnet s, NOT lodest ar
[ m agnet ic oxide of iron] based m agnet s.

Q - - What do t he aliens do wit h t he cow blood and ot her part s

from m ut ilat ed anim als? Do t hey need t hese fluids for r esear ch or


A - - The aliens use t he blood and body part s for form ula t o k eep
t hem alive [ t heir food] and for use in t he growing vat s, and for
t he art ificial wom bs. Plasm a and am niot ic fluid are t he t w o m ost
vit al ingredient s for t heir lives. Also, t he 'sap' of som e plant s can
keep t hem alive for m ont hs. Most of t he plant s ar e parasit ic in
nat ure, but red grapes and okr a plant s can also be added t o t he
for m ula t o keep t hem alive, if t hey hav e no 'r egular' form ula.

Q - - Fem ale abduct ees r eport being insem inat ed by aliens. Are
t hey t r ying t o hybridize our species?

A - - Yes, t hey are br eeding slave- warrior s for t he upcom ing war
wit h t he alien races ( t he Nordic races? - Brant on) . The serpent ine
races ar e in orbit around Eart h, Venus and Mar s.

Q - - Abduct ees have r eport ed t hat t he aliens can pass t heir bodies
and t hat of t he abduct ee t hr ough window glass. I s t his a feat of
m agic achieved by advanced t echnology or is it a psychic pow er?

A - - The aliens have m ast er ed at om ic m at t er . They can go

t hrough walls like we go t hrough wat er! I t is not m agic, j ust
physics. We can learn t o do t he sam e t hing. I t has t o do wit h
cont r olling at om s at will.

Q - - Ar e you in com m unicat ion wit h benevolent aliens or do y ou

have cont act s t hat ar e? I f y ou ar e, can y ou t ell us how w e can
com m unicat e wit h t heir t eam s?

A - - I am not at libert y t o discuss com m unicat ions wit h any

friendly alien life form s. I can t ell you t her e is a friendly fact or
act ive in Cost a Rica, I am in direct com m unicat ion wit h t hat
fact or. I am an act ive m em ber of t he Sub- Galact ic League of
Cost a Rica. This organizat ion, using a sm all sat ellit e dish, a
t elevision set and ham r adio equipm ent reached t his fact or . I
m ight suggest t hat by using sim ilar equipm ent and a low band
fr equency , y ou m ay r each t he sam e fact or .

Q - - Do y ou st ay in t he U.S.A., or do y ou live abroad? Do y ou

wor k now ? I know y ou have been on t he run for sev er al year s.

A - - Yeah, quit e a few y ear s. I visit t he U.S., but it 's really

dangerous when I do. I 've lived in several count ries. I spent a few
years in Mexico, w or king as a m ercenary soldier. I t 's rough w or k,
fr equent ly living in t he bush, eat ing what ev er I can find. I spent
t im e in Sout h Am erica, fight ing t he drug cart el [ it 's not t he
cit izens, it 's t he secret gov ernm ent , t op officials AND Am erican
alphabet boys - - CI A, FBI , et c.] . I set t led in Cost a Rica, 'bought ' a
sm all house in Lim on. Act ually it is a shant y t hat som e one
abandoned. I paid t he equivalency of $11 t o one of t he local

const ables for t he right t o call it 'm ine'. My nam e changes when I
t hink som e one is asking quest ions. I 've w ork ed in one of t he
undergr ound bases near t he Panam a border. I t 's in t he
m ount ains, not very far from a passive but 'act ive' v olcano. I t is
not as fancy as Dulce, but t he people ar e w onderful.

Q - - What is t he best cit y in Cost a Rica for an Am erican t o visit

and m aybe m ov e t o live?

A - - None of t hem ar e w ort h anyt hing [ by com parison] , but I like

Lim on. There is a r eal cult ure shock when y ou get past t he t ourist
sect ions. I nside t he urban areas, it 's not so bad, but away fr om
t he beat en pat h t he pict ure changes. Ther e are no im prov em ent s
in t he shant ies, no sewers, plum bing, or pav ed r oads. But if you
st ay in t he cit ies, and y ou don't m ind t he big difference in t he
cult ures, t he count ries have a lot t o offer . Nice weat her, great
beaches and beaut iful t rees wit h fruit growing everywher e.

Q - - Ar e t her e any ot her securit y level nam es [ ot her t han 'secret '
- 't op secr et ' - 'ult ra'] ?

A - - There ar e m any ot her securit y clearances, her e are a few,

UMBRA, STELLAR, G2- 7Z, TRI AD, UMT [ Universal Milit ary
Training] and UMS [ Universal Milit ary Ser vice] , ASTRAL and SUB-
ASTRAL. UMBRA is higher t han ULTRA ( Not e: I t m ay be
conceivable t hat som e of t he higher securit y clearances are used
for t he j oint hum an- alien int erst ellar proj ect s. For inst ance Whit ley
St reiber described an abduct ion t o anot her planet ary sphere
wher e he encount ered ancient ruins, aliens and hum an personnel
dressed in m ilit ary kackies and car rying cam cor der s, aut om at ic
weapons, et c. Obviously such personnel would have t o possess an
ext r em ely high securit y classificat ion, such as " Universal Milit ary
Ser vice" for inst ance? The j oint alien- illum inat i " alt ernat ive- 3"
proj ect s hav e r eport edly t aken part in j oint offensive operat ions
against t he peaceful resident s of ot her worlds, t his according t o a
couple who 'defect ed' fr om t he alt ernat ive- 3 m ov em ent aft er an
agent fr om t he 'Federat ion' warned t hem about such at r ocit ies. -
Brant on)

Q - - Ev er see a badge w it h 'MAJI '?

A - - No.

Q - - Since y ou hav e lived in Spanish speaking count ries, it 's

obvious t hat you ar e bilingual. What ot her languages do y ou
speak ?

A - - Ot her t han English, t he only ot her languages I speak ar e

Spanish and Eusshu, t he com m on language [ alien] spoken at
Dulce. I speak Spanish fluent ly, and enough Eusshu t o k eep m y
self out of t rouble. Shor t ly aft er I first t ransferr ed t o Dulce, I t ook

a crash cour se in Eusshu. Any one t hat plans t o spend m or e t han

one w eek working at t hat base, t hey ar e wise t o learn t he basics.
Ot her wise, you ar e required t o wait for an escort t o get around.
All t he signs at t hat base are writ t en in t he univer sally recognized
sym bolic language. Eusshu is logical and easy t o learn.

Q - - What are t he eat ing habit s of t he aliens? Are t hey carnivor es?

A - - That depends w eat her t hey are one of t he gray w orker cast e,
one of t he rept ilian wor ker cast e, or one of t he higher developed
Draconian Leaders. Also, t he cr eat ed beings, r eplicant s, t ype t wo
being, or one of t he really st range [ genet ic] m ixt ures. I 'll t ry t o
cov er a lit t le of each. The form ula includes am niot ic wat er , plasm a
and sev eral ot her body part s [ raw, usually bovine] . This nearly
clear m ixt ure wit h a t ex t ure of pur eed peaches, and alm ost in t hat
color. The grays m ake t he at t em pt not t o 'eat ' around t he
hum ans, because t he odor of it is VERY unpleasant t o ANY hum an.
They can spend day s or ev en w eeks bet w een feedings. The
wor king cast e of t he r ept ilians eat m eat , insect s and a large
variet y of plant s including veget ables and fruit . They pr efer t heir
m eat r aw and v ery fr esh, but have learned t o enj oy som e cooked
m eat like rar e beef st eak ( Not e: According t o m any abduct ees,
t he r ept iloids are not abov e eat ing hum an flesh. I t has been said
t hat t hey pr efer flesh t hat is young enough t o be free of t oxins,
yet old enough t o be im bued wit h a lifet im e of accum ulat ed
" em ot ional energy r esidue" which is resident wit hin t he hum an
body. Som e abduct ees claim t hat cert ain rept ilian fact ions have
such com plex bio- t echnologies t hat t hey ar e able t o r em ove a
hum an's soul- energy- m at rix and place it in a cont ainm ent 'box',
and use t he cont rolled 'body' for what ev er purpose t hey choose.
Som e abduct ees also insist t hat in som e cases t he r ept iloids can
cr eat e a cloned duplicat e of a person in a short am ount of t im e
t hrough t im e warping and replace t he soul- energy- m at rix of a
per son back int o t he new cloned body if t heir disappearance from
societ y would ot her wise cr eat e t oo m any pr oblem s. This way t hey
can ingest t he em ot ional- residue- im bued original body wit hout t he
abduct ee r ealizing [ in m ost cases] t hat t heir soul- m em ory- m at rix
has been t ransferr ed t o a cloned body, because t hey w ould have
experienced a t ot al 'soul- m at rix' energy t ransfer and a
suppression of any m em ories r elat ing t o t he t r ansfer process. The
cloned bodies do not possess t he int egrat ed em ot ional residue
t hat t he vam pirialist ic rept iloids apparent ly crave and find
int oxicat ing in a sim ilar m anner as a hum an on eart h who is
addict ed t o hard drugs. - Brant on) . Unlike t he Greys, t hey eat
fr equent ly and usually carr y or send for food on t heir breaks. The
Ruling Cast e is SECRETI VE about t heir foods. They hav e cr eat ed
sev eral diet ary m yt hs t hat t hey carefully em bellish when t he
chance arrives. One of t heir favorit e legends involves one of t heir
ancest or s' abilit y t o eat an ent ire flock of geese in one set t ing.
They RARELY eat in sight of any ot her species. They car efully
choose t heir food, t hen car ry t heir m eal t o t heir quart ers. I t was
only when dignit aries ar rive at t he base did t hey j oin t heir m eals.

They enj oy t he sam e foods w e do, and t hey have been seen
secr et ly m unching on a fr eshly found snail. The " hum an looking"
replicant s eat som e cooked veget ables. They r ely on vit am ins and
liquid prot ein for sust enance. I f t hey hav e t o eat on t he surface
world, t hey can eat what ev er t hey ar e serv ed, but as soon as
possible t hey r egurgit at e. Their digest ive sy st em s frequent ly fail
t o pr ocess t he food properly. The engineered beings have a
special diet , cr eat ed for t heir diet ary needs. The m ixt ure includes
sev eral organ foods blended wit h plasm at ic fluids, am niot ic liquids
and parasit iplasm m at er ials. These unique 'anim als' also enj oy
occasional green plant s, usually grasses or let t uce. The creat ures
t hat are designed t o becom e war riors, eat pr ot ein filled liquids.

Q - - I n t he Dulce Paper s, copper seem s t o be high on t he

im port ance list . I n what m et hods is copper used?

A - - One of t he m ain uses of copper at Dulce is cont ainm ent of t he

m agnet ic flow, m agnet s ar e used ev ery where at t hat base. The
infam ous vat s' int eriors are lined wit h copper, and t he ext erior
walls are clad wit h st ainless st eel. The m echanical arm t hat st irs
t he liquid is m ade of a copper alloy. Ot her uses include diet ary
needs in a few of t he t r ansbiot ic beings. Ther e are sev eral
specially m ade cells or r oom s built first wit h lead, t hen m agnet ic
st eel t hen clad in copper. I t is in t hose cells on t he Fourt h Level
t hat cont ain living aural essence. This essence is what y ou w ould
call [ a capt ured disem bodied] 'soul' or..." ast ral body" . ( Not e: This
m ay t ie- in wit h t he r eport s of cert ain rem ot e- viewing " ast ral
spies" who claim t o have " proj ect ed" int o under ground facilit ies
like Dulce New Mexico or Pine Gap Aust ralia, only t o hav e close
encount ers wit h t hese ast ral cont ainm ent fields, or hav e been
capt ured by t he sam e and released aft er being 'int errogat ed' via
super- sensit ive elect r onic equipm ent . I n one case an Aust ralian
rem ot e- viewer was pr obing t he Pine Gap facilit y wher e he also
" saw" t hree ot her ast ral spys.

The m agnet ic or ast ral body of one of t hese people had been
capt ured by such a cont ainm ent field, which really dist urbed him .
This m an, Robert , also saw Greys and Rept iloids operat ing in t he
deeper levels of Pine Gap and also Nordic- t ype hum ans who w er e
apparent ly capt ives and who did NOT seem t o be v er y happy
about being t here. - Brant on)

Q - - Gr owing m ult i- species beings, blood form ulas and hum an

part s in vat s sounds like a bad plot t o a science fict ion m ovie. The
doct ors and scient ist s of t he w orld claim you can't m ix t he species
( Not e: Nat urally t his m ay be t rue, how ev er t hr ough genet ic
bioengineering and gene- splicing t his has apparent ly been
accom plished t o som e ext ent - Brant on) . The concept s m ent ioned
in t he Dulce Papers sounds far fet ched. Could you pr ovide
inform at ion t hat t he average " sur face w orld" reader could
underst and about sim ilar t hings?

A - - The doct or s and scient ist s on t he SURFACE world m ay say

t hat , but undergr ound, away from t he prying eyes of et hics
boards, t hey DO GROW TRANS- GENUS BEI NGS! There is a lot of
writ t en m at erial available at libraries. One of t he best sour ces is
an easy t o r ead book published back in 1969, by Pr ent ice- Hall
I nt ernat ional, wit h t he t it le of " THE SECOND GENESI S, THE
COMI NG CONTROL OF LI FE" by Albert Rosenfelt . I n t his book ,
t hey discuss " anim als t hat m ay be especially bred t o supply
genet ically reliable organs for people." - - and " ...t he use of fet al or
em br yonic m at erial from which adult sized organs and t issues m ay
be gr own..." Also he discusses t he fact t hat em bryonic t issue has
no im m unological act ivit y, t herefore it cannot pr ovoke t he defense
m echanism in t he recipient . I T WI LL JOI N THE BODY NOT AS A
discusses solit ary gener at ion, com m only called virgin birt h, but
also known as part henogenesis. Wit h one " virgin birt h" in 1.6
m illion birt hs average ON THE SURFACE of t he world, in Dulce t hat
rat e is reversed. Occasionally, a " norm ally born" hum an infant is
born in t he hospit al wards on t he Sevent h Lev el. Part henogenesis
is t he m et hod used t o grow t ype t wo beings. The now com m on
t ranssexual surgery on t he sur face w orld, began at t he Dulce
Base. Men becam e w om en on a whim in t he Sev ent h Level labs,
and wit h t he Fourt h Lev el t echnology, t he brain washing [ result ed
in] t he " eager desire t o becom e a w om an" and t hat poor m an
[ whet her a willing or unwilling part icipant ] FI RMLY BELI EVES he
always want ed t o be a wom an. No one could convince him t o
believe t he t rut h. ALL THI NGS ARE TWI STED AT DULCE. A quot e
by Dr . Ralph W. Gerard [ in THE SECOND GENESI S] put in his now
classic st at em ent : " Ther e can be no t wist ed t hought wit hout a
t wist ed m olecule" . MOST have originat ed at Dulce.

Q - - How ar e t he hum an wor kers st opped fr om t elling everyt hing

about Dulce?

A - - I m plant s, fear t hr eat s t o harm t he fam ilies, EM cont r ol, also

reprogram m ing wit h ELF [ Ext r em ely Low Fr equency] and drugs
are t he m ost com m on m et hods t o 'encourage' t he work er s not t o
divulge t he locat ion or daily rout ine.

Q - - A const ruct ion wor ker at " The Ant Hill" [ The Nort hrup's
Tehachapi Base] r eport s seeing 10- 12 foot t all hum an looking
beings in lab coat s. Who ar e t hese guys, are t hey fr om t he hollow
eart h? ( Not e: The Hollow Eart h t heory is one t hat was post ulat ed
by various well known individuals, including Marshall B. Gardner,
Raym ond Bernard, William Halley - discover er of Halley's com et ,
Edgar Allen Poe, Edgar Rice Burr oughs, John Clev es Sym m es,
John Uri Lloyd and ot hers. Basically t he t hesis involves what one
m ight refer t o as t he Geoconcavit ic sphere t heory, or t hat as t he
eart h was form ing in it s m olt on st at e t he planet ary spin creat ed a
hollow or concavit y wit hin t he cent er sim ilar t o t he hollow creat ed
by t he cent rifugal force of a horizont al washing m achine following
a spin cycle. The t heor y , which has been post ulat ed in para-

geological t heories, in advent ure nov els, and in som e cases ev en

in alleged visit s t o t he " inner w orld" , st at es t hat t he 'shell' of t he
eart h averages bet ween 800- 1000 m iles t hick, wit h an int erior
surface consist ing of oceans and land illum inat ed perpet ually by a
spher e of elect r om agnet ic and/ or nuclear energy suspended at t he
very cent er of t he " em pt y space" . Ther e are r eput edly funnel- like
openings near t he polar r egions, perpet ually concealed by m ist
cr eat ed by t he collision of cold air fr om t he out side and hot air
from t he inside, which perm it s ingress and egress t o and from t his
inner 'w orld'. The t heor y st at es t hat t he inner surface has it s own
gravit y, yet slight ly less t han t he out er surface gravit y. One side-
t heor y is t hat bet w een t he inner and out er surface where gravit y
is nullified t here exist s a layer of w eight less or low - weight cav erns
in an et ernal st at e of chaos where m inerals, liquids, gases and
chem icals cont inually slam t oget her fr om t he eart h's rot at ion,
causing int ense m agm at ic act ivit y, a virt ual inferno, or
" bot t om less pit " . Som e have t heorized t hat - - based on t he
Apocr yphal book of Esdr as, chapt er 13, which cont ains non-
cannonized Jewish legends - - t hat t he 10 'lost ' t ribes of I srael
disappeared bey ond t he river Sam bat yon and t o a place in t he far
nort h wher e hum ans never lived before called 'Arzar et h'. I n t he
last days, a pat h w ould be m ade t hr ough t he ice and wat er s of t he
nort h and t he lost t ribes would ret urn. Ther e ar e t hr ee t ribes
account ed for as of t his writ ing, or rat her t wo t ribes and t w o half
t ribes: Judah, Benj am in, half of t he Levit e t ribe, and apparent ly
half of t he t ribe of Dan if we ar e t o believe t he Et hiopian 'Jews'
who claim t o be descended from Dan. The '13t h' t ribe would be
account ed for by t he fact t hat t he t wo Josephit e t ribes of Ephraim
and Manassah are consider ed dist inct ive t ribes in and of
t hem selves. As for t he 'giant s', som e believe t hat t hese hav e a
direct connect ion t o t he 10- 12 foot t all 'Anakim ' people m ent ioned
in t he Old Test am ent w ho wer e driven out of Palest ine, following
which t he Torah gives no furt her det ails as t o t heir fat e, alt hough
t here have been m any r eport s of such 'giant s' being encount er ed
in large cav ern syst em s below Alaska, Or egon, California, Ut ah,
Texas and Mexico, and also report s of ancient grav esit es in t he
west ern U.S. and elsew her e wher e t he r em ains of hum an giant s
have report edly been discover ed. Most oft en t hey - - like t he fift h
dim ensional " Sasquat ch people" t hem selves - - have been
described as being benevolent , unless pr ov ok ed. - Br ant on)

A. They are pr obably inner eart h drones [ work ers] . The deeper
you get , t he st ranger t he life form s. The t all m en are fr om t he
subt er ranean lev els, lower y et ar e t he dwarfed deform ed form s. I
don't t rust eit her of t hem . Ther e are ot her form s, t hat bot h t he
t all m en and t he dwarfed m en fear and loat he, t hey are sim ilar t o
Bigfoot in appearance, but ext r em ely violent and enj oy eat ing
what ev er t hey find while it is st ill alive! They ar e subhum an and
dem ent ed, wit h an I Q around 15 ( Not e: Appar ent ly, according t o
anot her source, t hese lower 'Bigfoot ' t ype cr eat ures - - having
m or e of a r esem blance t o apes t han t o t he m or e " hum an- like"
faces and feat ur es of t he m uch friendlier Sasquat ch people who

fr equent t he surface - - dwell in wild cavern syst em s som e 6 or

m or e m iles deep, along wit h ot her v ery large and danger ous
insect oid and quadruped or serpent ine rept ilian life form s
rem iniscent t o som et hing fr om out of a hadean night m are. This is
according t o a r eport I invest igat ed som e year s ago of a gr oup of
speleonaut s who report edly brok e int o a vast undergr ound
labyrint h west and nort hwest of Cushm an, Ar k ansas, wher e t hey
encount er ed t hese t ypes of cr eat ures as w ell as friendly blue-
skinned hum ans who claim ed t o be descended from a fam ily t hat
had survived an ancient global deluge by t aking r efuge wit hin a
large ship. These ancient people claim ed t hat t heir ancest ors had
com e t o t he Am ericas and discovered t he cav er n 'world', wherein
t hey com m enced t o est ablish t heir hidden civilizat ion. - Brant on) .
The rept iloid [ hom inoid as opposed t o quadruped or serpent ine]
life form s st ay in caves or cav erns t hat ar en't v er y deep. They
prefer t he desert m ount ains. They use cam ouflage rat her t han
fight ing, but t hey do car ry vril rods for pr ot ect ion [ flash guns] .
They do hav e a sym bol, not t he hok ey " snak e- wit h- wings" t hat I
keep seeing in t he public ( which is used m ost ly by t he GREYS and
also as a m edical sym bol for t he Delt a Force - Brant on) . The
REPTOI DS use a dragon wit h it s t ail in it s m out h [ a circle] wit h
sev en point ed st ars in t he m iddle.

Q - - Ther e hav e been r eport s of t he Delt a For ce having black vans

wit h no t ires t hat hover ov er t he gr ound. How m uch ar e w e
[ U.S.A.] already int er- working wit h alien cult ures?

A - - I haven't seen t he black vans y ou m ent ioned. We ar e t ot ally

subm erged wit h alien cult ures. Very lit t le of t he original hum an
cult ures have sur vived.

Q - - How can WE [ t he public] go aft er, or expose an alien cult ure

which is cov ert and hidden?

A - - Go for t he best shot . That m eans go aft er t he REPTOI D. They

st ay near t he sur face, t hey choose t o t ry t o hide and av oid
cont act . They ar e soldiers, doing a j ob and usually t here are t wo
or t hree at each j ob sit e. They are 'm anning' a r em ot e post . They
are not t o bot her t he hum ans unless t hey ar e endangering t he
post . Most of t hem ar e not host ile and won't kidnap you, t hey m ay
blast you wit h a flash gun t hat m ay paralyze y ou [ you won't
rem em ber t he flash] for an hour or t wo and cause confusion and
m ild fear. I t could cause you t o black out [ pass out ] for a while. I t
is t heir way t o escape and buy t im e t o hide any visible equipm ent .
I f y ou know any areas wit h repeat ed r ept ilian sight ings, t hen t hat
is t he place for y ou t o look. They ar e fearsom e t o m eet face t o
face, and t heir v oices ar e har sh and whispery wit h heavy ss's, but
m ost of t hem underst and English [ and sev eral ot her languages] .
Wear som et hing wit h a rept ile [ not som et hing violent , like St .
George killing t he Dragon! ] in sight . I f y ou see one, k eep y our
hands OPEN, palm for w ard, arm s DOWN. That is t he non-
aggression approach. DON'T raise y our arm s, unless t old t o.

DON'T car ry anyt hing in your hands or arm s. I f he doesn't run,

walk SLOWLY t owards him . Let him speak first . They consider
hum ans repulsive and host ile and t hreat ening [ wit h good
reason! ] . DON'T t ry t o offer him anyt hing, DON'T t ouch him or
anyt hing of his. I f he hisses at you, back up a couple feet , but
DON'T LOOK AWAY! I t sim ply m eans he finds you sm elly. DON'T
t ry t o overpower him , he is st r onger t han t en or t w elve m en!
Usually, if he hasn't run so far, he is curious and want s t o t alk t o
you. FI GHT YOUR FEAR and your t hought s of panic.

Q - - How do we get closer t o som e kind of dat a t o pr ov e t o ot her s

t hat t here r eally is a danger fr om non- hum an beings?

A - - Good quest ion. I 'm afraid we will find t he proof t he hard way ,
when we ar e invaded. Try t o k eep a sm all cam era wit h you at all
t im es. When you search for rept oids, keep it in your pocket .

Q - - I s t her e a specific locat ion where t he public can set up t heir

cam eras and equipm ent t o DOCUMENT an alien- governm ent base,
and/ or t heir act ivit ies?

A - - The problem is, m ost of t he m eet ings are held in m ilit ary
bases or undergr ound. The Gr oom Lake Facilit y does fly sev eral
alien craft t hat r egularly fly ov er unpopulat ed land t hat go back
and fort h fr om several bases, Sout hern California has sev er al
not able areas. Tw ent y Nine Palm s - - Lancast er or Chocolat e
Mount ains are w ell know for such act ivit ies.

Q - - Could you pr ovide us wit h a copy of your badge or card you

used at Dulce?

A - - Badges or cards never leave t he bases. All exit s have bars or

walls of m et al... t o open, t o go out r equires using t he card. When
you use it for an exit slot , t he card w on't com e out . Each t im e y ou
leave t he base, y ou are issued a new card, wit h all t he usual dat a
about you, plus your weight added, cor r ect ed daily. Ther e are
sev eral m ines in t he Chocolat e Mt s. t hat open int o a base
highway, but be awar e t hat t hey ar e pat rolled regularly and t here
are cam eras t her e.

Q - - Ther e are so m any t ypes of r eally far out 'Aliens' seen in TV,
m ovies, m agazines and popular fict ion, is t here one t ype of a
fict ional unknown race, in your opinion, t hat fit s t he t erm 'Alien'?

A - - Yes! Ther e are t wo, an alien t hat is t ot ally indescribable, and

anot her would be a pseudo- alien.

Q - - What are t he dim ensions of t he Dulce Facilit y?

A - - There ar e 1,700 paved m iles of r oads under Dulce and

Nort hern New Mexico., t owards Los Alam os is anot her 800 m iles

of t unnels. The base is STI LL GROWI NG [ due w est ] .

Q - - What is t he t op dept h?

A - - The First Level st ar t s 200 feet fr om t he sur face. Each lev el

has a ceiling of sev en feet , except lev els six and seven, t he ceiling
t here is 45 and 60 feet . Ther e ar e appr oxim at ely 45 feet or m or e
bet ween each lev el. The average highway ceiling is t went y five
feet . The HUB at t he base is 3,000 feet wide. Use a 7.5 m inut e
scale m ap t o t ry t o com prehend t he size of t he place.

Q - - Ar e t her e " r egular vehicle" exit s t hat can be observ ed fr om

t he gr ound?

A - - Yes, but t hey ar e inside Los Alam os.

Q - - Ar e t heir aerial exit s t hat can be observ ed?

A - - Twent y m iles due nort h of Dulce ( acr oss t he border int o

sout hern Colorado? - Br ant on) is a large hanger , it is hidden by a
facade of cliffs. Look for an isolat ed short road on t he t op of a
m esa, wit h no r oad t o or from t he t op.

Q - - Ar e t he v ent ilat ion shaft s visible?

A - - The vent ilat ion shaft s ar e hidden by bushes or v ent s inside

caves. There ar e five on t he t op of t he m esa, be awar e t her e ar e
cam eras inside m ost of t he vent s.

Q - - I s t her e ext ernal securit y, and could we r ecognize t hem in or

around t he t own it self?

A - - There is m inim al securit y on t he surface, m ost of t he m en

[ and wom en] are Air Force or " highway crew" m en. Ther e used t o
be a Best West ern m ot el t hat host s or hires a lot of Base w or kers
from Lev el One. I don't know if t hat m ot el is st ill operat ional. Most
of t he securit y for ce live in Sant a Fe. Ot hers live at Whit e Pine
[ Los Alam os] .

Q - - Ar e t her e securit y sensor s? What t ype? I f so, what is t heir

power source?

A - - Yes t here ar e m any t ypes of sensor s, radar , infrared, heat

sensor s, m icr owav e, EMGW, and sat ellit e. Most of t he sensors ar e
power ed by m agnet ic power. The only t hing you m ay not ice on
t he sur face, w ould be an occasional sat ellit e dish.

Q - - I f you can, give us som e inform at ion on t he upcom ing war

wit h t he aliens. When does it st art ? Do you r ecom m end going

undergr ound?

A - - The w ar has already begun. To st art , t hey use " weat her
cont r ol" devices t hat can cripple a cit y in hours. St orm s, flood and
drought - - wit h t hose few t hings t hey can bring any count r y t o
t heir knees in a hurry . Yes, I do r ecom m end going undergr ound.
Choose a locat ion t hat has a higher elevat ion t han t he sur rounding
t er rain. Pick out a cave or ev en an abandoned m ining shaft or
t wo, bur y a cache of supplies [ including food and wat er! ] near
t hese locat ions. Place t he supplies in heavy plast ic boxes t hat
have t ight lids [ t o pr ev ent t he dest ruct ion by eart h burr owing
rodent s and insect s] . Then plan t o live like a squat t er when it
becom es necessary . I f y ou own land, creat e a syst em of t unnels
and t ell no one. Use y our t unnels t o secr et e your supplies, and
plan t o live in t hose corr idors when you m ust .

Q - - What about t he rept ilian ships t hat are in orbit around t he

equat or ( pr esum ably including t he original t wo 'planet oids' t hat
arrived in geosynchronous orbit s around eart h at 400 and 600
m iles up in 1953. This report edly led t o an NSA proj ect which
successfully com m unicat ed wit h t he Gr ey aliens and r esult ed in a
cont act - landing- t reat y scenario involving president Eisenhow er
and ot her Execut ive- Milit ary- I ndust rial officials at
Muroc/ Edwards/ Hollom an Air Force Bases in 1954 - Brant on) , ar e
t hey cloak ed?

A - - They ar e not cloak ed t he way y ou m ay t hink. I t 's m or e like

nobody is learning t o SEE, ev en t hough it is in plain sight . Like t he
m ail m an becom es invisible because y ou ar e so used t o seeing
him you never not iced he is alive. One of t he favorit e m et hods of
cov ert act ivit ies is t o 'hide' t heir operat ion in such an OBVI OUS
way [ or place] t hat no one would suspect it is cov ert ( for inst ance,
hiding ent rances t o underground bases beneat h r eligious shrines,
federal buildings, m ining works, m alls, libraries, lodges, hot els or
basically areas t hat one would consider t he least likely places t o
hide or accom m odat e an ent rance t o an underground facilit y. The
undergr ound New World Order 'FEMA' facilit ies t hroughout t he
Unit ed St at es appar ent ly ut ilize t his t ype of concealm ent wit h
m any of t heir bases. - Brant on) !

Q - - What are t he Gr ey s suscept ible t o?

A - - The gray s ar e phot osensit ive, any bright light hurt s t heir
ey es. They av oid sunlight , and t rav el at night . Cam era flashes
causes t hem t o back up. I t could be used as a weapon against
t hem , but t hey r ecov er quickly. I t could buy enough t im e t o
escape. Use com m ands, or nonsensical words in t he form of
com m ands and t hey will back up. Their brain is m or e logical t han
ours and t hey do not cr eat e 'fun'. They do not underst and poet r y
eit her. What really confuses t hem is saying t hings in " pig- lat in" .
We learned t hat in a hurry , and used it against t hem [ t he GREYS]

in t he Dulce Wars.

Q - - Can greys r ead y our int ent ions if you cam e up behind one?

A - - Yes. They r ead y our I NTENT, because t hey use your body's
fr equency . The hum an r ace broadcast s a fr equency, t hat t hey
recognize as an elect r om agnet ic im pulse. Each per son has a
slight ly different fr equency, t hat differ ence is w hat we call
'personalit y'. When a hum an t hinks, t hey br oadcast st rong
im pulses, in t he case of 'fear' t he fr equency is 'loud' and easy t o
recognize ( by t he sam e right , a calm and com posed m ind- set
should be far m or e difficult t o 'recognize' - Brant on) .

Q - - Can w e shield ourselves against t heir m ent al cont rol?

A - - We CAN shield ourselves against t hem , howev er 95% of t he

hum an race nev er t r y t o cont r ol t heir t hought s, and cont r olling
our own t hought s is t he best weapon. The aver age person rar ely
t hinks in a clear pat t ern. That allows t he brain t o t hink in a chaot ic
way. Cont r ol your t hought s, AND YOU CAN STOP THE ALI ENS
t hought s have k ept m e alive for y ear s.

Q - - Could you shed som e light on t he t ype of hum an t he aliens

are looking for when t hey abduct ?

A - - I can t ell you t hat t he m ost com m on ar e pet it e wom en in

t heir early t went ies or early t hirt ies, dark haired boy s bet w een
five t o nine, sm all t o m edium size m en in t heir m id- t went ies t o
m id- fort ies. But , let m e st ress t hat t her e are ALL TYPES of people
being held against t heir will in t he Dulce Base! Ther e are t all
heavy m en and w om en, t eenager s, elderly folks and very young
girls in t he cages AND t he vat s. I only m ent ion t he m ost com m on
age- size ar e t he sm all young m en and pet it e wom en. The boys
are fav or ed because at t hat age t heir bodies ar e rapidly growing,
and t heir at om ic m at erial is adapt able in t he t ransfer cham ber .
The y oung sm all wom en ar e frequent ly ver y fert ile. The m en ar e
used for sperm . I hav e no idea why t hey pr efer sm all t o average
size m en.

Q - - Did you ev er see t wins or t riplet s, et c.?

A - - Since you m ent ioned it , no. I t nev er crossed m y m ind t o

search for t hem . But t hen t hat doesn't m ean t hey ar en't t here.
Ther e is no way I could have seen everybody at t hat huge
com plex.

Q - - What is t he prevalent hum an race at t he Dulce Base? I am

curious about bot h t he hum an work ers, and t he inm at es.

A - - The hum an w or k force is m ade of people fr om ev ery nat ion


on t he surface world. The one t hing t hey shar e is t hat t hey all
speak english. I f y ou ar e asking if t here ar e whit e, black, r ed,
yellow and brown skin color, again I 'll have t o say t hat t her e is no
'pr evalent ' race t her e. As for inm at es, I could see ALL races t her e.
From what I could see, it looked like t her e w ere m or e 'whit e'
people, but again, I saw a const ant flow of different people, m any
I t hink, wer e only t her e for a few hour s.

Q - - Please explain t he m et hod t hey use t o ident ify each inm at e.

A - - No one has a nam e. When first br ought t o t his facilit y, t hey

wer e issued one large 'num ber'. Usually t hat code has a m ixt ure
of num bers and let t ers. They show t he place, how, and by who,
followed by t he t im e, age, sex and finally t he personal num ber
[ t heir S.S. num ber] . For exam ple it m ight look like t his: NVLV-
00A- 00700- P00: 00: 00- 00- M- 000- 00- 000

Q - - Wit h t hat huge facilit y, t rash and garbage m ust be a r eal

problem , how do t hey dispose it ?

A - - I t was nev er a problem . Som e of it is 'refor m ed' or m elt ed

down t hen rem ade. Som e of t he w et garbage is 'eat en' by
bact erial form s, and what 's left is vaporized in a vat like cham ber .
The residue of t hat act ion [ it t akes t hem m ont hs t o get enough t o
m easur e] is used in a com plex lye and used t o fert ilize crops.

Q - - Wher e is y our fam ily? Not j ust y our wife and son, but par ent s
and siblings?

A - - Cat hy and Eric ar e st ill m issing. My par ent s died in a car

crash when I was in m y t eens. I have one br ot her , if he is alive I
suspect he is inside an undergr ound base som e wher e. I hav en't
heard fr om him for sev eral year s. Please pray for t hem , please!

Q - - What is y our birt h dat e, and wher e w ere y ou born?

A - - 23 April 1941, Glen Ellyn, I L [ act ually in a farm at hom e, in

t he place now called Glen Ellyn, m y birt h cert ificat e list is at
Wheat on, I L]

Q - - You hav e been t hr ough so m uch, and y et k eep fight ing, what
is your biggest fear?

A - - That t he general public will forget THE TRAPPED I NNOCENT

PEOPLE in t he despicable place, and will ignore THE HUNDREDS

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 12

Ope r a t ion Re t a lia t ion : Pau l Benn ew it z

On e M an Aga in st An Em pire

Following are quot at ions from a docum ent [ act ually a

det ailed report , called PROJECT BETA] which w as com piled
by scient ist Paul Bennewit z for officials at Kirt land AFB who
wer e working wit h Bennewit z in an operat ional plan t o bring
down t he 'alien' base at Dulce, New Mexico... t hat was unt il
'ot her int erest s' deep wit hin t he int elligence com m unit y got
involved and br ought enorm ous pressures against Bennewit z
and various Kirt land AFB officials - - Col. Edwar ds, AFOSI
agent Richard Dot y , t he Wing Com m ander and ot her s who
wer e involved - - t o CEASE t he invest igat ion. Alt hough Paul
has appar ent ly been 'silenced', t he discov eries which he has
m ade in regards t o t he physical- t echnological aspect s of
act ivit y t aking place in and around Dulce cannot be silenced.
PROJECT BETA is appar ent ly a proposed plan for a phy sical
m ilit ary at t ack on one of t he m aj or or 'KEY' basing
inst allat ions of t he Draconis- Orion- Ret iculi forces, and m ay
be useful in any fut ure at t em pt s t o r e- t ak e t he base fr om
alien or ALI EN- CONTROLLED elem ent s, and t o set free t he
hum an capt ives who ar e appar ent ly being held in cold
st orage or in subt erranean prisons deep below t he sur face of
t he Am erican Sout hwest [ and beyond] . Before dealing wit h
t he r eport it self, we will quot e som e corr espondence
bet ween Bennewit z and ot hers, beginning wit h excerpt s fr om
Paul's March 1986 let t er t o Clifford St one, now direct or of

" Dear Clifford;

" ...There is so m uch in t his and so m uch has happened upon

a near daily basis t o m e for sev en y ears t hat I don't know
wher e t o st art first .

" I t hink probably t he best appr oach is t o st art out wit h som e
explanat ion in t he way of st at em ent s relat ive t o alien

cult ures her e on Eart h, t heir social st ruct ures, physical

m akeup, et c., all of which has been gleaned fr om t he direct
com m unicat ions by com put er, visual observat ion,
psychological evaluat ion, and personal int eract ion.

" First , t her e are t he Low, High and Ver y High cult ural levels.
I n t he Low lev els of t he cult ure t her e ar e sharply defined
levels, which ext end fr om slave level on up. Ther e is no
fr eedom t here - - no one cr osses t hese lines wit hin - - cross it
and you are dead. Ever yt hing is wat ched wit h opt ical
equipm ent and m onit ored by com put er s and individuals
called 'Keepers'.

" Spher es of m any sizes float t hroughout t heir environm ent ,

m onit oring audio, visual and t hought fr equencies ( t hese
have also been observ ed by w ork ers in undergr ound facilit ies
reaching m iles below Edwards Air For ce Base and t he
Tahachapi m ount ains of California. - Brant on) . These unit s,
which have a highly m irrored finish, can be t alked t o. They
can cloak t hem selves so t hat t hey are t ot ally invisible. Their
cont r ol signal can be br ok en down int o varying AM and FM
com ponent s. Ther e is no t rust in t his t ype of societ y.
Ev er yt hing is wat ched and m onit ored.

" The com m and st ruct ur e is near t ot ally unbelievable.

" The ruling levels wear robes of appr opriat e color s. The alien
governm ent involved wit h t his group is t ot alit arian. They
appear not t o observ e social and m oral principles. Their
cr edo appears t o be t ot al cont rol or kill.

" I n t he Nort h - - at t he river - - t he 'Orange' I nsignia - - or at

t he Diam ond as t he alien calls t he base. The m et hod of rule
is a m onarchy . The 'king' wears purple. The high colors of
social level wear gr een, yellow, and whit e. The lower lev els
wor e brown.

" Their body m et abolism is ver y high, est im at ed at 110 t o

115 degr ees. Elim inat ion is t hrough osm osis. Skin color of
t he ruling echelon varies from a j aundiced yellow t o whit e.
No hair of any kind. The arm s ar e long - - near t o knee level.
They hav e very long hands and fingers. All of t hem look
underfed. They have big heads and ey es. The hum anoid
t ypes ar e generally light green. When in need of form ula or
dead t hey t urn GREY. Many in t his cult ure walk wit h a lim p
or shuffle t heir feet ...

" There is a council in t he Nort h called THE NI NE. ALL of t hem

seem t o be cut from t he sam e pat t ern. All appear t o be
highly vindict ive and ego- orient ed. Their 'god' is called 'TA'."

And in a let t er t o Clifford St one dat ed 3/ 19/ 86, Bennewit z

writ es:

" I t would appear t hat t he Gr ey s in t he nort h are near fr ant ic

about m y com m unicat ions and want t o st op m e from t alking
( elsewhere Bennewit z im plied it was m ore of an
'int errogat ion' - Brant on) wit h I o via t he com put er .

" This m orning I hav e a dark red st r eak down t he left side of
m y face about 2 3/ 4 inches long and 1/ 4 inch wide. Based on
experience, I would guess it was done by one of t hose
[ m irror ed] spher es in t he bedr oom last night . This is t ypical
of t heir dist ort ed sense of logic. They operat e on FEAR, but
t heir problem is t hat I DON'T FEAR THEM. All t hey hav e
achieved wit h m e is t hat I t ot ally ignore t hem . I t would
appear t hat t hey are deat hly afraid of t he beings called I o
and Jo [ see High Cult ure - - t he hum anoids] .

" You will find, if you have not alr eady, t hat const ant
int eract ion will result in learning how t o be awar e of, and in
t urn use, alien logic. I T I S BECAUSE THEY OPERATE I N FEAR

" Now , if you look at t hose in t he nort h ( Colorado? - Brant on)

pragm at ically, t hey have achiev ed t he ideal in t erm s of war
m achines and weapons. Wit h t heir m achines and weapons
t hey ar e 'brave' - - in t heir m inds - - wit hout t hem t hey are
j ust a quivering m ass of fear.

( Not e: I can also confirm Bennewit z' observat ions her e,

howev er I would also add t hat in addit ion t o t heir t echnology
- - especially t heir m ind- cont r ol t echnology, and t his relat es
t o t he following - - once one breaks t hrough t he com plex
m at rix of LI ES t hat t he Rept ilian- Grey collect ive proj ect s,
t hen t hey are found out t o be not hing m ore t han 'quivering'
worm s beneat h t he 'shell' as Bennewit z im plies. I n fact t he
ONLY power t hat t hese soulless verm in - - t he 'hybrids' and
non- collect ivist rept iloids not included in t his 'flam ing' - -
have ov er us is t heir com plex DECEPTI ONS and our
reciprocat ing and capit ulat ing FEARS. Why am I so confident
t o 'j udge' t he Gr ey s and t heir 'collect ive' in t his m anner?
Because I m y self had fallen for t heir lies m any t im es befor e I
discovered what t hey w er e REALLY all about . As an exam ple,
t he collect ivist rept iloids- dinoids- greys w ould have us t o
believe t hat t hey genet ically 'cr eat ed' us and put us on
planet eart h. I n response 'we' [ especially t hose pat het ic
hum an agent s who collaborat e wit h t hem ] t end t o cow er in
absolut e fear befor e our / t heir supposed 'cr eat or s' and t ry t o
appease t hem since, aft er all, " Resist ance I s Fut ile! " I n
'appeasing' t hem , we GI VE OUR POWER TO THEM! We in

essence t hen CREATE a for ce which is superior t o us. -

Brant on)

" To furt her enhance t heir 'brav er y', t hey seek full cont rol
wit h t he I MPLANT. [ The r elat ive effect iveness of som e of
t hese im plant s seem s t o be inversely pr oport ional t o
expanded m em or y and awar eness lev el] . They also know
t hat t hey can cont r ol large m asses of people wit h lower
int elligence wit hout im plant s - - shot gun m anipulat ion wit h
t he beam s. Wit h t hat beam t hey can and do creat e m ass
unrest .

" The High Cult ure Aliens known as t he Eoku:

" The High is apparent ly t he cult ure of I o and Jo. They do

exhibit kindness, em pat hy, and ext r em e int elligence in
t ransm issions t hrough t he com put er ( t hen how , one m ight
ask, can t hey oper at e such a deat h- fear- cont r ol- orient ed
syst em which has com m it t ed unt old at rocit ies and violat ions
against hum an abduct ees? Ar e t he Eoku only feigning t heir
benev olence? - Brant on) . I o's group cult ure is t he Hom o
Sapians [ hum anoid] variet y.

" Based upon t he input from Jo, his hair is brow n and t he
fem ale I o has r ed hair. [ Red- haired individuals claim ing t o be
St ar Trav elers have shown up her e in Albuquerque on t he
ground] . They did give indicat ion t hat bodies of t heir group
are here in Albuquerque in cryogenic cont ainers. The locat ion
is t ent at ively t he FAA com plex nort h of Albuquerque. I t is a
fenced and guarded highly secur e area. They indicat ed
t hrough t he com put er t hat 8 of t he Eoku wer e shot [ by t he
US Governm ent ] and 11 bodies w er e t he r esult of crashes.
[ Not e: The Eoku are not what ar e norm ally known as Gr ey s,
or at least t he ones t hat direct ly int eract in hum an
abduct ions] .

" There ar e m or e bodies in st orage... I don't know where t hey

all are. I knew t he bodies had been m oved fr om Mar yland
and are pr esent ly under US Nav y j urisdict ion. Yest erday , t he
com put er indicat ed a t ot al of 40 bodies [ had been m oved] ."

EDI TOR NOTE: [ At last count t her e were m or e t han 135

bodies in Gov ernm ent hands - - of various descript ions. Som e
hum ans, Greys, Rept ilians, et c. - Val Valerian]

" I was shown a color phot ogr aph by Richard Dot y t wo years
or m ore ago of a purpor t ed alien lifeform held prisoner .
Supposedly it was t aken at Los Alam os. He was alive - - a
light green color - - big ey es - - st anding direct ly in front of
t he cam era...

" So far I know v er y lit t le about t he High except for what I

have experienced. They ar e Hom o Sapien, and I would guess
t hat t hey ar e t he sam e t hat accident ally [ ?] zapped Travis
Walt on. I f t he num bers are cor rect out of t he com put er t hey
num ber ov er 5,000. The ot her gr oup is, I believe, equivalent
in num ber. I ndicat ions seem t o be t hat t hey ar e operat ing
from a st ar ship in far orbit around t he Eart h.

" The cult ure has appar ent social values and em ot ionalism .
They seem t o display kindness and concern for individuals
( t hen again we m ust ask, WHY ar e t hey consider ed t he
'leader s' of aliens which show lit t le if any 'concern' for
individuals? - Brant on) . Their t echnology is superior t o our s
and also t o t he Greys based in t he nort h, who are t rying t o
" play god" wit h badly dist ort ed logic.

" The 'Very High' ar e v er y few in num ber. Their ent ire
st ruct ur e of knowledge and social int eract ion is so far
advanced t hat it is near im possible for m e t o r elat e t o.
Again, m uch of t his is based on per sonal experience of which
I hav e nev er t alked wit h anyone about . I n fact , you ar e t he
first .

" I would guess t hat t hese 'v er y high' are quit e old - - 1000
years is not appar ent ly unrealist ic. I w ould guess t hat t here
are a few of t hem on t he st ar ship used by t he 'high', and
t hat t hey ar e preserv ed and car ed for by t hose on t he ship...

" For ov er 300 years, a conflict has been going on bet ween
t he Greys, who ar e basically warlike and aggr essive, and t he
higher fact ions in t he infrast ruct ur e." ( Bennewit z does not
explain t he apparent dichot om y of how com passionat e
hum anoids and m alevolent r ept iloids who are at war wit h
each ot her could be par t of t he sam e 'infrast ruct ure'.
Perhaps bot h t he Gray s and t he Hum anoids ut ilize t he sam e
collect ive- m ind- net work and t her efor e are int ricat ally t ied- in
wit h t he ot her whet her t hey like it or not . This would m ake
t he " High" and " Very High" leaders in som et hing equivalent
t o t he Asht ar collect ive. - Brant on)




I nv est igat or - - Phy sicist - - Paul F. Bennewit z

The following are k ey m ile post s est ablished or discovered


during t he cont inuing scient ific st udy concerning Alien

int erv ent ion and t he result . [ St udy lim it ed soley t o New

1) Two y ear s cont inuous r ecorded elect r onic surv eillance and
t racking wit h D.F. 24 hr / day dat a of alien ships wit hin sixt y
[ 60] m iles radius of Albuquerque plus 6000 feet m ot ion
pict ure of sam e - - daylight and night .

2) Det ect ion and disassem bly of alien com m unicat ion and
video channels - - bot h local, eart h, and near space.

3) Const ant r ecept ion of video from alien ship and

undergr ound base view scr een; Typical alien, hum anoid and
at t im es apparent Hom o Sapiens.

4) A case hist or y of an Encount er Vict im in New Mexico

which lead t o t he com m unicat ion link and discovery t hat
apparent ly all encount er vict im s have deliberat e alien
im plant s along wit h obvious accom panying scar s. The
vict im 's im plant s wer e v erified by x- ray and Cat Scan. Five
ot her scar cases w er e also verified.

5) Est ablished const ant direct com m unicat ions wit h t he Alien
using a com put er and a for m of Hex Decim al Code wit h
Graphics and print - out . This com m unicat ion was inst igat ed
apparent ly aft er t he US base was vacat ed ( following U.S.
int elligence's apparent loss of t he Dulce Wars? - Brant on)

6) Through t he alien com m unicat ion loop, t he t rue

undergr ound base locat ion was divulged by t he alien and
precisely pin- point ed.

7) Subsequent aerial and ground phot ographs r ev ealed

landing pylons, ships on t he gr ound - - ent rances, beam
weapons and appar ent launch port s - - along wit h aliens on
t he gr ound in elect rost at icly support ed vehicles; charging
beam w eapons also apparent ly elect r ost at ic.

8) Cross cor relat ion and m at ching by t riangulat ion, et c., t o

official NASA CI R [ color infrared] high resolut ion film s
confirm ed base locat ions and r esult ed in rev ealing US
Milit ary involvem ent yielding precise coordinat es and t he US
base layout .

9) Prior alien com m unicat ion had indicat ed m ilit ary

involvem ent and t he fact [ t hat ] t he USAF had a ship but due
t o st udied alien psychology t his was ignor ed at t he t im e.

10) Subsequent ly, t he alien com m unicat ed following

verificat ion wit h t he CI R, t hat t her e was indeed a ship;

act ually m ore t han one - - t hat t wo w er e w reck ed and left

behind and anot her built - - t his ship is at om ic power ed and
flying. The alien indicat ed it s basing locat ion.

11) I s was learned as st at ed t hat t wo wom en and a boy near

Aust in, Texas w ere exposed t o sev er e radiat ion at close
range and t he ship was last seen going West wit h
helicopt er s. I n addit ion, t he US Governm ent was quiet ly
picking up t he [ m edical] expenses.

12) Subsequent inspect ion of m ot ion pict ure phot ogr aphs
t aken during t he st udy r ev ealed t he US ship or one like it
flying wit h t he aliens. These m at ch t he CI R wh er e t w o can be
seen on t he gr ound and in t he lat er phot ographs t ak en on
t he gr ound aft er t he base was abandoned.

" So in very brief form t he pr ologue t o learning wit hin

reasonable accuracy what t ranspired prior t o t he end of 1979
or short ly t her eaft er.

" The com put er com m unicat ions and const ant int eract ion wit h
t he alien in t his m anner WI THOUT direct encount er has given
a r easonably clear pict ure of t he alien psychology, t heir logic
and logic m et hods and t heir prim e int ent .

" I t is im port ant t o not e at t he out set , t he alien is DEVI OUS,

em ploys DECEPTI ON, has NO I NTENT of any apparent peace
m aking process and obv iously does NOT adher e t o any prior
arranged agr eem ent .

" I n t rut h t hey t end t o LI E, however t heir m em or y for lying is

not long and direct com parat ive com put er print out analysis
reveals t his fact . Therefor e m uch " dr ops t hr ough t he crack "
so t o speak; and fr om t his com es t he apparent t rut h.

" I t is not t he int ent of t his report t o crit icize or point fingers.
Obviously whoev er m ade t he init ial agreem ent was operat ing
upon our basis of logic and not t hat of t he alien and in so
doing apparent ly walked innocent ly, in t im e, int o a t r ap.

" The alien indicat ed t hat t he 'Gr ey s', appar ent ly t he gr oup
init ially involved in t he agreem ent , w er e st ill upset about t he
init ial capt ure and subsequent deat h of t he first eight of t heir
co- fellows.

" Anot her gr oup, calling t hem selves in t he Com put er

language, t he 'Orange' - - t heir base is on t he w est slope of
Mt . Ar chulet a - - direct ly west of t he sout h end of t he U.S.
base and near NW of t he appar ent m ain landing area t hey
call, in t he Com put er language, " The Diam ond" . This,
because fr om a dist ance, it looks diam ond shaped in t he

phot ographs when looking som ewhat sout h west past t he

observ at ion t ower t owar d t he ridged peak SE of Mt .
Archulet a. This ridged peak has no nam e, I call it Sout h
Peak .

" The base ext ends nort h of t his peak t o t he edge of t he cliff
down which goes a road past a large alloy dom e t hirt y- eight
[ 38] foot across t he bot t om and wit h a t went y [ 20] foot hole
in t he t op.

" Based upon som e of t he aerial phot ographs during which

t he alien was caught in t he open and launching - - som e
launches appear t o be com ing from t he direct ion of t he
dom e. I w ould guess it is an underground launch egr ess
facilit y. I n t he NASA CI R t her e is what appears t o be a black
lim ousine alongside t he dom e on a ram p. Surprisingly it is
precisely t he size of m y 79 Lincoln Town Car. Wheeled
vehicles and what appear t o be Snow Cat s or Cat apillars can
be seen t hroughout t he CI R - - car and t ruck t racks, t rucks
and j eeps. I don't believe aliens have wheels - - hum ans do.

" Num erous r oad block s ext end nort hward t hr ough t he U.S.
base along a w ell m aint ained road t hirt y som e- odd feet wide
- - apparent ly grav el - - near all weat her - - num er ous t urn
arounds and wheel t racks int o launch preparat ion ar eas wit h
t he ships; pads m ar ked wit h t went y- six [ 26] foot Xs and
servicing facilit ies, t ank s, et c. - - t wo dom ed polygon high
volt age buildings on nor t h on t he east side of t he road, also
an apparent foundat ion for anot her or a helo pad - - t est
st ands, hum an housing, wat er t ank [ t hirt y- t wo foot acr oss] -
- and at one of t he m ain road blocks, t wo large vehicles
park ed across t he road. Also at t hat point anot her appar ent
black lim ousine wit h t racks leading t o it [ and] t o t he west of
t he r oad. All t racks and vehicles have been dim ensioned and
m at ch m ilit ary vehicles. I F I w er e t o m ak e a guess, I would
est im at e t he likelihood t hat t he appar ent black lim ousines
are CI A.

" This is but a lim it ed invent or y of what was t her e on Sept . 8,

1978 - - included only as evident ial m at t er for your perusal
and confirm at ion. The r oad, which incident ally t he nat ives,
t he t ribal chief, r eser vat ion police and highway pat rolm an
know not hing about , com es in off of a t rail from t he nort h.
St art ing at t he t rail, line of sight t o t he large plat eau ar ea
and t he alloy dom e, t he road, in t he m iddle of nowhere on
t he Jiccarilla Reservat ion, is precisely 12,888 ft . long airline
dist ance. The t ot al alien basing area, which apparent ly
cont ains SEVERAL cult ures [ now all under t he designat ion
'UNI TY' in t he Com put er language] is approxim at ely t hree
( 3) Km wide by eight ( 8) Km long [ m ult i- leveled] . A
conser vat ive guess based upon t he num ber of ships
present ly ov er t his area and t he num ber on t he ground in

t he CI R phot ographs, t he t ot al alien populat ion at t his point

is AT LEAST t w o t housand and m ost likely MORE. The alien
indicat es MORE ar e com ing or on t he way.

" I won't at t em pt t o speculat e in t his report as t o how t he

init ial U.S. cont act was m ade - - what t ranspired, nor how
m any wer e able t o escape. The alien has com m unicat ed his
account , and if t ot ally t rue, it cert ainly is not palat able.

" Much det ail has been om it t ed for fut ure discussion if desired
- - howev er t he im port is t his. Const ant com put er
com m unicat ion - - full on line in February of t his y ear - -
m anual prior t o t hat - - condit ions of m orale and a t ot al
insight int o " what m akes t he alien run" . This is VERY
valuable dat a.

1) Most im port ant ly, t he alien will allow no one t o go wit hout
an im plant AND aft er knowledge of it is wiped out . They
sim ply will not allow it . All indicat ions are t hat
com m unicat ion or language cannot r esult wit hout t he
im plant [ wit h t he except ion of t he Binary and t he Com put er] .
This would indicat e a possible im m ediat e t hreat or danger for
anyone - - m ilit ary, Air For ce, or ot herwise t hat has been at
t he base. They WI LL NOT r em em ber t he im plant in any case
[ t he cont act ee here included] .

" The r eason for t he im plant is m ult iple for bot h language or
com m unicat ion by t hought [ t here is no appar ent language
barrier wit h t hought ] and also COMPLETE ABSOLUTE
CONTROL by t he alien t hrough pr ogram - - by t heir beam or
direct cont act .

" I have t est ed t his and found t hat during t his program m ing
t he person t hen has no m em ory of t he act / conv er sat ion
The vict im 's 'swit ch' can be pulled at any t im e and at t he
sam e t im e t hey are " walking cam eras and m icrophones" if
t he alien chooses t o list en in wit h t he use of t heir beam s.

" No classified area of any endeav or in t he U.S. is inviolat e

under t hese condit ions. How ev er - - r ealize - - t he scar s,
barely visible - - CAN be seen - - ALL are exact ly locat ed and
ALL are accessible by x- ray.

" 2) Also not e t hat all of t he aliens - - hum an, hum anoid alike
- - all m ust have im plant s - - wit hout t hem , no direct
com m unicat ion is apparent ly possible. So one can m ost
generally arbit rarily say t hat I F a person st at es he/ she
com m unicat ed by t hought wit h an alien - - he/ she m ost likely
has been im plant ed. They m ay also claim t o be ov erly

psychic and be able t o prov e t his - - again t hrough t he link

t ransplant , he/ she is given t he inform at ion by t he alien and
does not r ealize.

" 3) Most im port ant ly, t he alien, eit her t hrough evolvem ent or
because t he hum anoid is 'm ade' - - will exhibit t endencies for
bad logic [ bad by eart h logic com parison] so t hey ARE NOT
infallible - - in point of fact t hey appear t o have m any m ore
frailt ies and w eaknesses t han t he norm al Hom o Sapiens
( which t hey at t em pt t o com pensat e for t hrough t heir
t echnology - Brant on) . To t he alien, t he m ind is key and
t herein lies a gr eat w eakness which will be discussed lat er .

" 4) They ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED. I t is suspect ed if one

was consider ed a 'friend' and if one were t o call upon t hat
'friend' in t im e of dire physical t hreat , t he 'friend' would
quickly side wit h t he ot her side.

" The com put er indicat es in com parison, t hat no known eart h
prot agonist , Russian or ot her wise, exhibit t hese t endencies
t o any m aj or degr ee indicat ing t he DANGER involved in
m aking any kind of agreem ent wit h t hese aliens - - at least of
t his species.

" 5) The alien does KI LL wit h t he beam generally. Result s on

a hum an will exhibit a t hree t o four cm purple circle. I f done
from t he r ear, on one or bot h shoulder s. The result s on
cat t le are t he sam e, essent ially exhibit ing purple beneat h t he
hide, wit h burned circles on t he out side.

" 6) Cat t le m ut ilat ions ar e t he ot her side of t he coin and will

not be delved int o her e alt hough t hey ar e a par t of t he
ov erall. I t appears t he hum anoids are fed by a form ula m ade
from HUMAN OR CATTLE m at erial or BOTH and t hey ar e
m ade from t he sam e m at erial by gene splicing and t he use
of fem ale encount er vict im 's ovum . The r esult ant em by ros
are r efer red t o by t he alien as an 'organ'. Tim e of gest at ion
t o full use as a ut ilit y, r eady t o w or k appear s t o be about one
year. A year in alien t im e - - I do not know .

" Solut ion: I doubt t her e is an im m ediat e t ot al 'cure' per se - -

howev er, t hey MUST BE STOPPED and w e hav e t o get off
dead cent er befor e w e find t im e has run out . They ar e
picking up and 'cut t ing' [ as t he alien calls it ] m any people
ev ery night . Each im plant ed individual is apparent ly ready
for t he pull of t heir 'swit ch'. Whet her all im plant s ar e t ot ally
effect ive I cannot predict , but CONSERVATI VELY I would
est im at e at least 300,000 or m or e in t he U.S. and as least
2,000,000 if not m or e w orldwide.



of t he k eys and in t he alien's present st at e we CAN pr epar e

an effect ive offense.

" One t ends at t he out set [ I did] t o look at t heir m achines

and say - - t her e is no defense or offense. One is
ov erwhelm ed by t heir speed, appar ent capabilit y of
invisibilit y and 'cloaking', and ot her covert capabilit ies not
discussed at t his t im e. I n part icular - - t he beam weapons are
t hem selves a direct t hr eat and obviously one t hat m ust be
seriously consider ed but not overly so.

" Let us first look at j ust what t his weapon is. I t is an elect ro-
st at ic weapon wit h plasm a generat ing volt ages - - and an
int ernal st orage device - - it is pulse pow er ed. The beam ,
t ot ally effect ive I N ATMOSPHERE can be loaded wit h
hydrogen or oxygen. Range? Av erage, gr ound weapons - -
m axim um t wo ( 2) Km if it is dry, capable of sust aining j ust
so m any full power discharges - - slow leakage occurs
cont inuously, t herefor e, t hey m ust be r echarged periodically.
I f it is raining t he weapon becom es ineffect ive and is
swam ped, t hus discharged ( t his should be consider ed in any
fut ure pot ent ial offensive st rike against t he base - Brant on) .
The range is near t ot ally lost at t hat point .

" On t he disks and saucers, t he w eapon is gener ally on t he

left side or t op cent er and has a m axim um range of t w o
hundred [ 200] m et er s at which point it will plow a t r ench in
desert soil. When fired - - it fires bot h t o t he front and t o t he
back equally. Reason? Because of t heir m ode and m et hods of
flight . I f equilibrium is not m aint ained, t he saucer will spin
out .

" Hand w eapons? Est im at e based upon visible dam age

observ ed, not t oo m uch velocit y nor st aying power but at
short range - - deadly [ less t han a .45 cal aut om at ic] . ( Not e:
This m ay explain t he lat e Phil Schneider's claim t hat at close
range t he radiat ion- beam weapons of t he aliens he
encount er ed beneat h Dulce wer e deadly, how ever at long
range less so... alt hough at long range t he beam weapons
are capable of inducing sev ere radiat ion dam age - Brant on) .
At one m et er range, est im at e of beam t em perat ure 1600
degr ees F or higher; it can vaporize m et al. Apparent ly t he
disks and weapons oper at e from a st orage sour ce. I n t im e,
wit hout periodic recharge, t his source is deplet ed. The design
t hey t raded t o us w as at least t hirt y year s old - - em ploying
an at om ic source. Possibly t hey m ay st ill have som e - - it
would appear so - - t heir st aying power is obviously m uch


aircraft , helicopt er s, m issiles or any AI R FLI GHT vehicle can
be t ak en down inst ant ly wit h no use of w eaponr y. The alien

sim ply need do no m ore t han m ake one invisible pass and
t heir bow wave or scr een or bot h will t ake t he air lift vehicle
down. The pilot obviously will not ev en know what hit him
( Perhaps St ealt h t ype fight ers equipt wit h elect rom agnet ic
for ce shields m ay be m or e effect ive in t his regard... also
advanced infrar ed scanners m ay be used t o det ect 'cloaked'
alien ships befor e t hey have a chance t o at t ack . - Br ant on) .

" For hum ans on t he gr ound, t he alien can use weaponry or

bow wave. The part ial pressur e env elope can hit wit h t he
power of a t ornado - - shock rise t im e and G for ce is
inst ant aneous. However , t hey dar e not hit t he craft
physically because t hey ARE fragile and in fact , under slow
flying condit ions wit hin our at m ospher e, hold a very t enuous
posit ion. Wit hout power , t he balance or equilibrium , t hey
lose it .



" 1) Because of t he alien's apparent logic syst em [ t hey

appear t o be logic cont r olled] A KEY DECI SI ON CANNOT BE

" Because of t his apparent cont r ol, I NDI VI DUAL

wit h t his, possibly, t he hum anoids would be t he first t o br eak
and run.

" The sam e applies t o t heir Mission MASTER PLAN, if one can

" Psy chologically, at present , t heir m orale is dow n - - near

disint egrat ion. There is pronounced dissension in t he rank s;
ev en wit h t he hum anoids. Com m unicat ion can encourage
t his [ not a necessit y t o expound upon t his ot her t han t o say


I nt er- echelon or individual 't rust ' appears t o be t ot ally
lacking so suspicion of each ot her is ram pant . They are
highly segr egat ed as t o levels - - a 'low' dare not conflict wit h
a 'm edium ' or 'high' or it lit erally m eans deat h. Deat h being,
t o t he hum anoid, deprogram m ing or, in t he en d perhaps
t ot al physical deat h.


because of t his, absolut ely DEATH- FEAR orient ed. THI S I S A
PSYCHOLOGI CAL ADVANTAGE. The com put er also gives
indicat ions of a real possibilit y of adverse or 'gr ound
program m ing'.

" 2) Consider t heir ships - - m ost if not all run on charge. The
sour ce deplet es and so dependent upon size, deplet ion can
occur from som e wit hin a week or less. Ships can replenish
each ot her but only up t o charge balance. This is done wit h
ant ennae- like ext ensions and t he charge is dist ribut ed
observing conservat ion of energy laws. THEY CAN
POI NT - - so t im e of flight is lim it ed. Deprived of t heir base
recharge capabilit y, it is indicat ed t hat all ships will com e
down wit hin six m ont hs t o a y ear unless t hey can get
t ransport ed out - - t hat is back t o t he prim e launch ship.

" The disks and saucer s in general cannot fly in space

because of t heir m ode of flight ( i.e. unless t hey are wit hin an
int erplanet ary or int erst ellar 'launch' or 'carrier ' vessel -
Brant on) . Ther efore, deprived of hom e base, it is not likely


FEEDI NG FORMULA ( Not e: We should also t ak e int o account
t he possibilit y of subt er r anean wat er sour ces. Also, if t he
base can be w eak ened by shut t ing off t he supply - line of
wat er , t he 'form ula', and so- on, it m ight be wise for t he sak e
of t he hum anoid 'prisoner s' below not t o wait unt il t he base
is t oo w eak, ot herwise t his m ight endanger t hese hum ans
capt ives. We suggest t hat in addit ion t o t he st rat egies t hat
Bennewit z gives in t his docum ent , an all- out under 'gr ound'
invasion for ce should also be consider ed - - sim ilar t o t he
" Tunnel Rat s" of t he Viet Nam war - - a force t hat is prepar ed

t o ent er t he base when it is at a specific 'weak' point , and

m ake st rat egic or surgical 'kills' of enem y forces while st ill
considering t he hum an and hu- brid capt ives. A m ult i- leveled
operat ion ut ilizing surprise, confusion and int im idat ion t o
t heir fullest pot ent ial should be consider ed... and t he sooner
t he bet t er considering t he cont inuous infilt rat ion and
sabot age of all levels of our societ y. - Brant on) .

" Sim ple? Not r eally. Howev er , THERE I S A WATER I NTAKE

I NTERNAL BASES WI LL GO DOWN. They could possibly go
at om ic periodically but obviously problem s wit hout cooling.

" Once t he bases ar e pr essed on a large scale, all disks and

saucers will go airborne im m ediat ely. TROOPS ON THE

" 3) OUR NEED I S FOR A WEAPON, w orkable and preferably

NOT like t he alien's. I believe unless t he alien is caught
unawares [ wit h t heir scr een up t heir weapons ar e equal so
t hey ar e like children pillow boxing] t here can be no r esult ;
THAT WEAPON ( Not e: Was t his suggest ion of Bennewit z' for
a 'gr ound- penet rat ing device', t he original inspirat ion for t he
Los Alam os 'Ex calibur' weapon - - a nuclear device which was
designed t o rapidly drill a hole t hrough t he eart h and dest r oy
'aliens' in t heir undergr ound bases? - Brant on) . Two sm all
prot ot ypes hav e been funded and const ruct ed by m y
Com pany. Test s conduct ed t o dat e indicat e t hey do work and
wor k rat her w ell considering t heir sm all size. Because of t his
weapon's present st at us and propriet ary nat ur e [ a basic
pat ent is in process] , t he t heor y will not be explained here.
How ev er, t he w eapon appear s t o do t w o t hings at very low
power. 1) The disks wit hin it 's range begin t o discharge when
exposed t o t he w eapon beam . To count eract , t hey m ust
apply m ore pow er and in so doing consum e power . Again
conser vat ion of energy laws st rict ly apply. ( Not e: Wilhelm
Reich, whose research has been suppressed by cert ain
'int erest s', gained som e level of success wit h a beam -
weapon of t his t ype. Reich was able t o 'discharge' t he energy
of UFO craft t hat had appear ed ov er his r esearch facilit y,
alien craft t hat w er e apparent ly curious of his wor k in
regards t o his 'Orgon' energy pow er ed 'cloudbust er '
experim ent s. - Brant on)

" This effect can be observ ed on t he det ect ion inst rum ent s as
t hey back away in response t o slow discharge. DI SCHARGE,


- - HULL ALLOY, EVERYTHI NG. They cannot shield it in any
elect r om agnet ic cr yst alline 'im plant s' t hat link t he aliens
t oget her int o a collect ive m ind or group int elligence. -
Brant on)

" I t is believed at t his early st age - - based upon present

t est ing - - t hat t he weapon when full on and full size will kill
and bring down disks at subst ant ial range. The alien
weapons operat e subst ant ially t he sam e as t heir disks using
a charge sour ce and charge dist ribut ion. So, in t he sam e
sense it is indicat ed t hat t his weapon design will pull t heir
charge weapons down v er y rapidly.

" The range of m y weapon exceeds t hat of t heir present

weapons and in it s m ost sophist icat ed form can be r eadily
com put er cont r olled t o allow ext r em ely rapid t racking and
lock- on r egardless of speed along wit h elect ronic
wobbulat ion of t he beam . I T I S A BEAM WEAPON and ev en
at t his early st age of m iniat ure pr ot ot ype t est ing and
dev elopm ent , it indicat es EVENTUAL superiorit y t o t heir

" 4) I nit ial logist ics would indicat e a plan sequent ially
im plem ent ed as follows: This plan DOES NOT I NCLUDE ALL


GROUND FOR OBVI OUS REASONS. One would, if fam iliar
wit h t he alien capabilit y, indicat e t hat vehicle ignit ion
problem s will be encount er ed. This is precisely t rue;
howev er, t he r eason for t his is not m yst erious but is based
upon good solid laws of physics and ar e known. [ From ]
experience gained t hrough m y st udy, it is now k nown how t o
prev ent t his fr om happening and will be discussed in det ail at
som e lat er dat e. All elect rical and elect ronic equipm ent m ust
be 'hardened' using t hese specific t echniques prior t o
im plem ent at ion. Because of t he known capabilit y of t he alien
[ by use of scanning beam s t o know in advance det ails of
planning] only t he init ial out line is present ed in t his report .

" Again t hrough t he com m unicat ive int eract ion ( com put er-
linked 'int err ogat ion' - Brant on) wit h t he alien, t est ing has
sim ult aneously been done upon t his facet , i.e. eav esdropping
and ways t o abort t his capabilit y have been t est ed and
prov en.

" The program w ould be inst igat ed in phases. The first phase
- - planning and logist ics - - would include cont inued
im plem ent at ion and t est ing of t he final weapon prot ot ype
t hrough t he pr e- pr oduct ion st age. Product ion of at least fift y
m inim um qualit y should be planned. Addit ional backup
spar es should also be included.

" On a full t im e shift basis, it is est im at ed t hat at least one

year or less w ould be r equired t o ar rive at t he pre- product ion
st age. A t eam would be organized by THUNDER SCI ENTI FI C
t o accom plish t his. The key work is now and w ould be done
by an associat ed com pany, BENNEWI TZ LABS., LTD.

" Specific at t ack phases would be incorporat ed:

" 1) The first pr ocedur e would be TO CLOSE THE GATES OF

capacit y is sm all. THERE I S ALSO A DI SCHARGE OUTLET
MEANS FROM THE RI VER. At close r ange, t he w eapon will
t ake out t his capabilit y.

" 2) Once deprived TOTALLY of wat er for a m inim um period of

four week s, condit ions in t he alien bases under discussion
will have badly det erior at ed. PSYCHOLOGI CAL SHOCK I S
can be t aken by inst ant aneous act ion or planned obser vable
deviat ion from t he norm . AT LEAST THREE BASES WI LL GO

" 3) I f t hey follow t heir norm al st rat egic pat t ern as when
pressed pr eviously, t hey will launch m ost if not all ships.

" 4) Prior t o t he im plem ent at ion of wat er deprivat ion, t he

weapons should be deploy ed at st rat egic hardened locat ions
and act ivat ed in a cert ain pre- planned m anner det erm ined
by final weapon coordinat e locat ions.

" 5) This will put an im m ediat e pow er drain upon t hose

airborne and t he alien weapons ringing t heir bases.

" 6) Because of t he inher ent psy chological aspect of t he alien

( Bennewit z probably refer s t o 't he alien' in a singular sense
because of t he 'collect ive hive m ind' nat ure of t he Rept ilian
Grays - Brant on) , m uch can be done in t he open wit h no
at t em pt t o preserv e secrecy. Much of what is done can be of
a diversionary nat ure. UNDER MOST CI RCUMSTANCES THEY

( Not e: From m y own personal experience and r esear ch, t he

Grays and ot her m em bers of t he 'draconian hive' ar e m or e
dependent on m ent al or psychological warfar e t han on
m at erial warfar e, alt hough t hey hav e used physical
weaponry in t he past w hen pushed int o a corner - - as in
airborne assault s bet w een t heir craft and ours or gr ound
assault s against t heir undergr ound st r ongholds, as t he
'Dulce' and 'Groom ' war s t hem selves have est ablished. Being
'logic- based' t hey would prefer t o t ak e cont r ol of a t arget
planet by way of psychological infilt rat ion wit hout risking t he
loss of m achinery and per sonnel t hat would result from an
at t em pt ed ov ert or physical I nvasion. An alien race would
have t o be ext raordinarily over- confident of t heir own
superiorit y t o undert ak e an all- out at t ack like t hat depict ed
in t he m ot ion pict ure I NDEPENDENCE DAY. As has r eport edly
been t he case wit h ot her t arget ed planet s, t he
Rept iloids/ Gr eys hold back a phy sical at t ack unt il t hey hav e
succeeded in infilt rat ing t he t arget ed planet ary cult ure via
Tr oj an- horse t ype int er act ions wit h som e of t he m or e self-
serving elem ent s of t hat planet 's cult ure. I n t he case of
planet eart h t he Nazified CI A and NSA agencies were chosen.
These collaborat ors - - and in m any or m ost cases alien
infilt rat or s, clones, cyborgs or 'im plant ees' w ork ing wit hin
t hese agencies - - in t urn set t he inhabit ant s of t he t arget ed
planet against each ot her so as t o bring about world
depopulat ion, t o t he point wher e resist ance t o t he invasional
at t ack w ould be m inim al. The aliens usually seek out t hose
eco- polit ical cult leaders who w ould be willing t o 'sell out '
t heir own w orld t o t he alien agenda in exchange for prom ises
of alien assist ance in im plem ent ing a so- called j oint -
operat ional dict at orship, one in which t heir own respect ive
power cult [ s] would supposedly be t he fav or ed power
st ruct ur e once t he planet is assim ilat ed and annexed t o t he
alien em pire. How ev er if we ar e t o consider t he hist orical
t rends of t he alien collect ivist s, t hey m ay only favor t his cult
unt il it has served it s purpose. Following t he est ablishm ent of
t he alien agenda t hese power cult ist s m ight at best be t ot ally
m ind- cont rolled and at wor st be elim inat ed, in t hat t he 'alien'
has no sense of honor or loyalt y t o t hose wit h whom t hey
have est ablish agreem ent s - - t hey only have t heir agenda
and t hey will j ust ify ANY course of act ion t hat best serv es t o
bring about t hat agenda. The hum an cult ist s would becom e
so preoccupied about est ablishing t heir own planet ary
em pire, t hat t hey w ould blind t hem selves t o t he fact t hat t he

aliens are m erely USI NG t hem unt il such a t im e as t heir

usefulness has been ser ved. How ev er unt il t hat t im e t hey
will USE t he hum an cult ist s t o fom ent int ernal planet ary
sabot age and t o infilt rat e and dis- able t he m aj or freedom -
fight er or r esist ance m ovem ent s from wit hin. Ther e are t hree
m aj or 'collaborat ion' elem ent s on eart h - - t he Bavarian
Lodges, t he CI A- NSA- Rock efeller agencies, and t he 'Nazi'
for ces wit hin t he " New Berlin - 211" base net w ork beneat h
t he m ount ains of Neu Schwabenland, Ant arct ica. Agent s of
t he Bavarian Lodges AND t he Germ an- im m igrant
Rock efellers DO work t oget her wit hin t he CI A [ Cent ral
I nt elligence Agency] , NSA [ Nat ional Securit y Agency] , UNO
[ Unit ed Nat ions Organizat ion] , and NWO [ New World Order]
agendas. The est ablishm ent of t he Ant ar ct ic bases m ay have
been t he idea of t he highest - ranking Nazi's rat her t han t he
Rock efellers, alt hough t he Bavarian lodges [ I llum inat i, Thule,
Vril, et c.] WERE involved, how ev er t her e ar e m any
indicat ions suggest ing t hat t he Ant arct ican, Bav arian, and
Rock efeller agendas are increasingly m erging wit h each
ot her , suggest ing t hat all t hree ar e now w orking t oget her, at
least t o som e ext ent and especially at t he higher levels.
Ther e seem s t o be a " serpent cult " at work at t he v er y
highest levels of t hese t hree gr oupings com posed of
hum anoids and rept iloids operat ing as part of a m arriage of
conv enience, in t hat t he Rept iloids/ Grays need t he polit ical-
econom ic- social[ ist ] - m ilit ary- indust rial connect ions of t he
hum anoids t o gain foot holds wit hin hum an societ y and t he
hum anoids need t he im plant / spacecraft / m ind cont rol
t echnology t o im plem ent t heir " New World Order" . The low er
levels of t he Bavarian- NSA- Ant arct ican fact ions m ay seem t o
be in conflict wit h each ot her , howev er wher e t his exist s it
m ay all am ount t o a Hegalian- Machievellian t ype
m anipulat ion im posed by t he higher levels of t he Draconian
hierarchy in order t o keep t he low er levels
com part m ent alized and t herefor e m or e easily cont rolled.
Occasional 'purges' hav e been car ried out t o r oot - out t hose
who ar e not 100 dev ot ed t o t he cause. I n Am erica t here ar e
fift h- colum n 'sabot eurs' wit hin t he Pat riot - Milit ia m ov em ent s
who ar e t he support er s of " Whit e Suprem acy Am ericanism " .
Whet her knowingly or unknowingly t hese agent s w ork for
som et hing called " The Order " [ of t he Fourt h Reich] . Part of
t heir m ission is t o divert at t ent ion from t he Draconian- Orion-
Asht arian and Bavarian- NSA- Ant arct ican " New World Order"
agenda and t o an ov er- em phasized 'Zionist ' t hreat based on
t he forged 'revelat ions' wit hin t he PROTOCOLS- - OF ZI ON
docum ent , which was in fact cr eat ed by t he Russian Secr et
Police for t his ver y diver sionary purpose. There are
indicat ions t hat t he Bavarian occult lodges, t he CI A- NSA
agencies, and ev en t he Ant arct ican fact ions have fed t he
Pat riot net work wit h RACI ST and t herefore ant i- Am erican
ideologies m eant t o fragm ent and discredit t he Milit ias and
m ake t hem out t o be neo- Nazi fanat ics. I n t his m anner

sev eral of t he pat riot ism - based m ilit ia groups have been
'cor rupt ed' and hav e defeat ed t heir v er y purpose, t hat is t o
defend a Const it ut ional republic wherein " all m en are creat ed
equal" . - Brant on)

" 7) Thr oughout and prior t o t his, t he open com put er

com m unicat ions link will be operat ional for cont inued

" 8) At som e point in t im e - - again rest ing upon bat t le st at us,

deploym ent should be done in a near inst ant aneous m anner
under cert ain special condit ions t hat can be discussed.

" 9) The weapon syst em should be kept pow er ed up

t hroughout . I n t his m anner, t he disks will be m ade t o st ay
airborne. They cannot land in t he int erval t he syst em is
power ed.

" 10) When t he w eapon is used in one specific power m ode,

in addit ion t o cont inuous discharge on t he disks t hat are
airborne and t he gr ound based weapons, THE MI ND
of four t o five w eeks or less, all weapons should be t ot ally
discharged and power out on t he bases. Most per sonnel if
not all, will be t ot ally incapacit at ed. THE FEEDI NG FORMULA
This is of course speaking in 'convent ional' warfar e t erm s,
howev er one m ust balance t his by t aking int o account t he
psychic- supernat ural aspect s of t his conflict scenario as w ell.
I n such an event t he chaplain m ay be of as m uch im port ance
as a com m anding gener al him self, especially in regards t o
reinfor cing wit hin ground t roops t he m ent al- spirit ual at t it ude
necessary t o count er t he 'fear' pr oj ect ed by alien sorcer er
and psychic war far e specialist s via occult - t echnology.
Maint aining a st at e of absolut e confidence and 'fait h' in one's
abilit y t o est ablish a vict ory over t he aliens is essent ial in
t hat if one's confidence is brok en as a r esult of psychic
at t ack, t hen it would be very difficult t o even m ake an
at t em pt t o follow t hrough t o final vict ory... t he bat t le is
already lost . Ot her possibilit ies should also be considered in
a fut ure assault on t his m aj or Nexus of alien act ivit y. For
inst ance, if t he ext ent of t he base is m uch deeper and wide-
spr ead t hen previously believed - - via int erconnect ed
caverns and shut t le t er m inals - - t hen t hese fact s should be
brought int o t he scenario as w ell. For inst ance t he 'aliens'
m ight escape 't hrough t he t ubes' t o ot her inst allat ions. Ev en
if t his does occur t his m aj or basing com plex can be fully
t aken by hum an forces, and t hen used as a 'st aging' area t o

init iat e at t acks - - in alliance wit h ot her hum anoid cult ures
'below' or 'abov e' who are also at war wit h t he 'Draconian
Collect ivist ' Rept iloids and Grays - - against t heir various
st rongholds which undoubt edly exist t hroughout t he 'inner
realm s'. - Br ant on)

" 11) Based upon dat a gat hered on t he m iniat ure pr ot ot ype
weapons, t he full power weapons should have no pr oblem
holding off t he disks. I n m any cases som e will break wit hin
t he first fort y- eight hours wit hout being direct ly hit .

" 12) At t hat point , st andard w eapon t echnology and logist ics
can com e int o play and [ be] used t o t he ext ent of
dest ruct ion desired at t he direct ion of t hose in charge.

" 13) The com m unicat ions can be used t hr oughout t o

det erm ine st at us and near t he end t o at t em pt t o inst igat e
surr ender. I f no r esponse result s, t hen t hey should sim ply be
closed in and wait ed out .

" SUMMARY - - I t is im port ant t o not e t hat t he init ial

im plem ent at ion of t he com put er com m unicat ions WAS NOT

" The w eapon t heory and prot ot ypes w ere built t o capit alize
upon and t est t w o KEY and prom inent weaknesses
discovered. This in- house funded pr ogram has been
expensive, in excess of $200,000; done ON BEHALF OF OUR
NATI ON and handled in t he best r epr esent at ive m anner
hum anly possible.

" 1) The PRI ME and w eakest ar ea discover ed, pr obed and

t est ed is exact ly what t hey hav e used t hinking it is t heir key
st rengt h - - t hat being THE MANI PULATI ON OF AND CONTROL

" 2) Though t heir ships are m agnificent , t hey ar e also weak - -

solely BECAUSE of t heir m et hod and unique m ode of flight .
They do not have a st able fight ing plat form ( Not e: The
effect iveness of st able- flying convent ional j et aircraft ARMED
wit h advanced beam weaponry has been confir m ed by t he

'Sout h African I ncident ' - - which was invest igat ed by QUEST

I NTERNATI ONAL, a Brit ish UFO resear ch organizat ion m ade-
up of form er police, securit y and m ilit ary officials. The
incident involved a UFO t hat was r eport edly int ercept ed
using an experim ent al aircraft - m ount ed THOR- I I laser
cannon. The w eapon was fired and several blinding flashes
wer e seen by t he at t ack ing Mirage- j et pilot , and t he disc
crashed at high speed int o t he desert sands of t he Kalahari.
The craft was br ought t o a Sout h African base and using
hydraulic equipm ent t he 'door ' was opened and t wo blue-
gray aliens wit h rept ilian feat ur es st agger ed out and were
apprehended. When one doct or at t em pt ed t o t ake a blood
sam ple fr om one of t he cr eat ures, t he being at t acked him
and it s claw- like hands left deep scrat ches on his face and
chest . The aliens prov ed t o be rat her vicious and seem ed t o
operat e on an individual- collect ive int elligence m ode.
Subsequent r esearch suggest ed a possible genet ic
connect ion 'sim ilar' t o t hat of t he early bi- pedal saurian
species on eart h according t o one leaked docum ent , and t hat
t he aliens were highly adapt able or m ut at ional. I n t he event
of j et - m ount ed beam w eapons how ev er , t he PROBLEM would
be our abilit y t o det er m ine whet her t hese craft are friends or
foes! The QUEST I NTERNATI ONAL officials have r evealed
sufficient evidence t o pr ov e t hat eit her t he event DI D happen
OR t hat t he int ernat ional int elligence com m unit y had
collaborat ed in a m assive and expensive UFO hoax. Eit her
way, t he im plicat ions ar e pr ov ocat ive. - Brant on) . Charge
dist ribut ion CAN also be discharged. The weapon does t his - -
ev en in it 's pr esent m iniat ure prot ot ype st at e.


CAPTURE OF THESE BASES. Obviously I T WI LL NOT, but it is
a firm ly based beginning wit h a high degree of rat ed
proj ect ed success rat io. I T I S NOT I NTENDED TO I MPLY THE
DEEP TROUBLE. I t is not ed t hat t hese are not t he only bases
on eart h. Ther e ARE ot her s. Wit h a conservat ive est im at e
using t ypical logist ic support num bers, it is not unrealist ic t o
say t her e ar e 50,000 aliens ( at t he v er y least - Brant on)
wit hin t he ecospher e of eart h and near space.

( Not e: Ev en I F t his basing nexus is capt ur ed by U.S.

Const it ut ional forces and a large percent age of t he
undergr ound 'j oint - oper at ional' agenda is for ced fr om t he
undergr ound net work s of t he U.S.A., it is ver y likely t hat
t hey w ould NOT ret reat t o ot her planet s, but would inst ead
ret reat t o t heir m or e ancient underground st r ongholds in
ot her part s of t he world. This would not necessarily end t he
act ivit ies of t he serpent cult [ t he hum anoid- rept iloid

collaborat ion] on eart h, but it would provide a BASE from

which fut ure at rocit ies of t he 'serpent cult ' m ay be bat t led
on, below, and beyond planet eart h. Such an act ion would no
doubt provoke a negat ive response fr om ot her hum an
power- cent ers on planet eart h t hat are also being
m anipulat ed by and/ or have been infilt rat ed by t he aliens,
for inst ance t he Bavarian cult s and t heir " New World Order"
for ces. The draconians m ight , as suggest ed in t he 12t h
chapt er of t he book of Rev elat ion, at t em pt a m ilit ary at t ack
against t he U.S.A. in or der t o prevent t he t ak eov er of " t heir"
undergr ound fort r esses her e - - or an at t ack aft er t he fact in
ret aliat ion for such a t ake- over. The im port ant t hing t o
rem em ber how ev er is t hat freedom NEVER com es wit hout a
HAVE TO PAY FOR LOSI NG I T! ! ! Rem em ber, no m at t er WHAT
t rials Am erica m ust pass t hrough in t he fut ure in her effort s
t o m aint ain freedom , libert y and individualit y from t he forces
of collect ivist t yranny, WE MUST NEVER FORGET THAT THE
BATTLE WI LL TURN. According t o sev eral cont act ees m any
Federat ion forces and per sonnel fr om t h e Andr om eda and
Pleiades const ellat ions, and also fr om Tau Cet i, Procy on and
ot her st ar syst em s, ar e so absolut ely devot ed t o t heir belief
in non- int ervent ionism t hat t hey hav e blockaded our Sol
syst em from Draconian- Orionit e int erv ent ionist s who w ould
t ake adv ant age of t his crit ical and unst able t im e in eart h's
hist ory [ t he close of t he 20t h cent ury] t o claim yet anot her
t reasure planet - - perhaps t he m ost st rat egic planet of all - -
for t heir em pire. This w ould have a devast at ing im pact on all
of t he Federat ion w orlds, since t his planet and all it s
chem ical- m ineral- plant - anim al- liquid- genet ic- et c., r esources
could be used as a st aging world for Draconian at t ack
against ot her Federat ion worlds. As t his is being writ t en,
Federat ion Personnel are fight ing and dying near t he
out skirt s of our Sol syst em , according t o Cont act ee Alex
Collier and ot her s, in or der t o prevent t his fr om happening
and t o pr ev ent cont inued 'int ervent ion' in t he affairs of
planet eart h by t he various galact ic verm in, scum , parasit es,
and filt h t hat have poisoned and dest r oy ed count less hum an
colonial worlds t hroughout t his galaxy and possibly ot hers.
No m at t er what t rials we as Am ericans m ust pass t hr ough in
t he fut ure in order t o defend our nat ion and our planet from
t he draconians and t heir ungodly hum an " New World Order"
collaborat ors, NEVER forget t hat w e are not only fight ing for

our fam ilies, our com m unit ies, our st at es, and our nat ion.
We ar e also fight ing for our planet , our st ar syst em , and for
OUR GALAXY! - Brant on)

" Som e of us w ill be lost in t he endeavor t hat is obvious - -

howev er, done NOW t he advant age is gained along wit h new
addit ional t echnology t o prepar e for t he next st age.

" The key t o ov erall success is - - t hey TOTALLY r espect

FORCE. And wit h t hem , t he m ost effect ive m et hod is t o
st ubbornly cont inue t o pick and pull at t heir defense WI TH
NO LETUP. Faced wit h t he t ot al loss of a base t hat has t aken
YEARS t o const ruct , it is believed t hat t heir m ission WI LL be
grossly weakened and badly slowed.

" As Am ericans, in t his part icular inst ance, we MUST r ealize

t hat we in t his case cannot r ely upon our inherent m oral
principles t o provide t he answer. Negot iat ion I S OUT. This
part icular group can only be dealt wit h NO DI FFERENTLY
t han one m ust deal wit h a m ad dog. THAT m et hod t hey
underst and.

( This has led som e t o suggest t hat t he only way t o deal wit h
t he Gray s is t hrough direct force and t hr eat of deat h. That is,
t o dem and uncondit ional surrender of t heir forces t o ours
and t hreat en t heir dest r uct ion if t hey do not com ply. I t is
possible, according t o som e cont act ees, t hat cert ain of t he
rept ilian life- form s can be t am ed - - t hat is I F t hey ar e
som ehow disconnect ed from t he alien collect ive- hive m ind.
This would be especially t rue wit h t he genet ic 'hybrids' and
especially t hose hybrids who possess a hum an soul- m at rix.
Ev en if t hey surr ender, t hose aliens t hat are t ruly non-
hum an - - t hat is, no soul - - can NEVER be allowed t o w ork
and operat e on an equal basis wit h ot her hum ans, but m ust
EVER r em ain subservient and I would per sonally suggest
prev ent ed fr om r epr oducing aft er t heir kind, since t hey do
not possess t he int egral 'conscience' necessary , of t heir own
init iat ive, t o ov er com e t heir base anim al or pr edat ory
inst inct s or drives. For t hose who m ay disagr ee, j ust look at
t he known hist or y of t he Rept iloids/ Gr eys in t heir dealings
wit h hum an beings. One should not be m islead by t he
apparent " superiorit y of int elligence" of t he Greys, since t heir
int elligence is a direct r esult of t he collect ive m ind. Wit hout
t he 'collect ive' hive and operat ing on t heir own t hey are
m ent ally inferior t o hum an beings, at least on an individual
basis. The Grey s hav e t old som e individuals t hat t hey are
'legally' here on eart h and in Am erica because of t he
't reat ies'. Did t hey 'legally' im plant num erous influent ial m en
and wom en wit h m ind cont rol devices against t heir conscious
will? Did t hey 'legally' and perm anent ly abduct unt old
t housands of m en, w om an and children t o t heir undergr ound
bases? Are t hey 'legally' m ut ilat ing and st ealing our

livest ock ? Did an elect ed Congr ess 'legally' agree t o t hese

t reat ies - - or was it an Ex ecut ive branch of gov ernm ent
which has appoint ed num er ous UNELECTED per sonnel and
agencies, in m any cases hirlings of unelect ed corporat e-
m ilit ary agendas, who in t urn have est ablished 't reat ies' wit h
an alien force or for ces? Just how 'legal' is t he U.S.
presidency anyway , following t he deat h of John F. Kennedy,
I F Lyndon Johnson w as an accom plise in a fascist coup d'et at
of t he Execut ive branch of t he U.S. gov ernm ent in 1963?
Were any of t he Corpor at e- CFR- TLC 'pr esident ial' hirelings
who cam e int o office following t his Execut ive coup d'et at
'legal'? Wer e t heir Ex ecut ive Orders, for inst ance t hose
connect ed wit h FEMA w hich 'aut horize' t he dest ruct ion of t he
U.S. Const it ut ion in t he ev ent of a 'nat ional em ergency',
'legal'? Or could it be t hat such Execut ive Order s ar e not
wort h t he TOI LET PAPER t hey are writ t en on? The fact is t hat
t he Greys, wit h t he help of t heir m ind- cont rolled hum an
zom bie collaborat ors, HAVE I NVADED OUR COUNTRY, OUR
are fr eely VI OLATI NG t he per sonal and m ent al int egrit y of
our people against t heir conscious consent . - Br ant on) .

Ther efor e, in ELI MI NATI NG t his t hreat , w e m ost cert ainly

cannot be called t he 'aggressor ', because w e HAVE lit erally
been invaded.

I n final conclusion, A) They CANNOT under ANY

circum st ances be t rust ed. B) They are t ot ally decept ive and
deat h orient ed and hav e no m oral respect for hum an or
hum an life. C) NO NEGOTI ATI ON, AGREEMENT nor
PEACEFUL COMPROMI SE can be set t led upon in any way . D)
NO agreem ent signed by bot h part ies will EVER be adher ed
t o NOR r ecognized and respect ed by t he alien, t hough t hey
m ight at t em pt t o m ak e us believe ot herwise. E) ABSOLUTELY
NO QUARTER can be allowed under ANY circum st ances. Once
t he offense is inst igat ed, it cannot be abandoned. I f it is,
reciprocal reprisal will im m ediat ely result . They m ust be
m ade t o com e down - - dest ruct t hem selves which is a
st anding order if t he ship is failing or leav e eart h
im m ediat ely - - NO leew ay of any kind can be allowed or
t olerat ed."

For t hose of y ou who w ould quest ion t he need t o t ak e t he

offensive against t he Rept iloid/ Gray st r ongholds at Dulce and
elsewhere, let m e j ust r em ind you of t he kind of alien
m ent alit y we ar e dealing w it h here by r elat ing t he following
t hree incident s:

According t o well- known Ufologist Brad St eiger , in t he book

THE RAI NBOW CONSPI RACY, co- aut hor ed wit h his wife
Sherr y St eiger, a t errify ing incident occurr ed in 1955. This
was one of SEVERAL r eport s of UFO at t ack s against civilians,

civilian airlines and m ilit ary planes and j et s t hat were

docum ent ed in t he book . I n m any cases m any not orious
airline crashes wer e accom panied by UFO act ivit y r eport ed
by wit nesses j ust prior t o t he disast er s or disappearances.
Usually t here ar e few act ual wit nesses t o aircr aft relat ed
'disast er s' or 'disappear ances', however in t his part icular
case t here was.

A civilian pilot and his friend wer e engaged in som e

prospect ing proj ect s near t he headwat er s of t he Agua River
near t he cit y of Prescot t , Arizona. The t wo m en SWORE t hat
t hey had observ ed t w o bright ly lit UFOs at t ack a m ilit ary
plane as it direct ed " som e kind of st range beam s" at t he
aircraft , causing it t o ex plode.

Worse y et , according t o t he civilian pilot and his friend, when

bot h of t he airm en ej ect ed from t he doom ed and burning
aircraft and began float ing down t o t he gr ound in t heir
parachut es, t he UFOs swung back around and seared t he
survivor s wit h t he sam e deadly ray s, apparent ly killing t hem
bot h.

I n an art icle t it led, 'I NCREDI BLE UFO I NCI NERATI ON'S:
researcher Larry E. Arnold describes t he following t er rifying
encount ers:

...Of t he m any episodes involving UFOs and t he spont aneous

com bust ion of hum ans, quit e probably t he m ost disast rous
ev ent [ if t rue] in MODERN t im es occur r ed t o t he African
village of Kirim ukuya on Mt . Kenya.

For several night s in June 1954, young Laili Thindu and his
shepherd com panions list ened t o t he pounding of t heir
neighbors' drum s announcing a w edding about t o t ak e place
on t he m ount ainside. They also wat ched STRANGE LI GHTS
soar around t his 'sacred' peak in cent ral Kenya. They
nat urally were st art led when bright beam s flashed fr om
t hese soaring light s, t hen concerned t hat t he dr um s wer e
now silent .

The next m orning Laili learned t hat 'all t he dancers, all t he

children, all t he livest ock, - - t he ent ire populat ion of t he
village - - had been sear ed t o deat h by t errible st ream s of
light from glowing obj ect s,' report Brad St eiger and Joan
Whrit enour in t heir book , FLYI NG SAUCERS ARE HOSTI LE.
'I t was not unt il Laili Thindu vent ured int o Nairobi t hat he
was able t o t ell his st or y t o som eone who recognized t he t ale
for what it really was: t he annihilat ion of an Afr ican village
by a UFO..."

I n t he Spring 1991 issue of UFO JOURNAL OF FACTS, For est

Crawford, a r esear cher for t he w ell- known MUFON aerial
phenom ena r esear ch or ganizat ion, relat ed his per sonal
encount ers and conversat ions wit h a m an he ident ified only
as 'Oscar ', who was involved in UFO crash/ r et rieval proj ect s
in earlier years. Oscar st at ed t hat on one occasion he and his
t eam r ecieved an assignm ent t o invest igat e a disc t hat had
crashed near Phoenix, Arizona and was t hen t ransport ed t o
an undergr ound base in Nort h Dak ot a. The t eam descended
int o t he deeper levels of t he COMTRAPAC subm arine base in
San Diego where high- securit y OSS personnel direct ed t hem
t o a t ube- like shut t le. Ent ering t he shut t le t hey prepared t o
" shoot t he t ubes" , and ev ent ually em erged int o t he lower
levels of t he Nort h Dakot a base.

Once t hey ar rived, t hey wer e t old t hat t hey would not be
allowed t o visit t he surface of t he base during t heir st ay.
'Oscar ' view ed t he disc which had originally held a crew of
t hree hum an- like pilot s. Two w er e found out side t he cr aft
dead from radiat ion exposur e and ot her inj uries, whereas
anot her was found in an inj ured st at e wit hin t he secur ed
condit ions inside t he craft aft er t he t eam had succeeded in
opening it using a sonic resonat or. The operat ion was init ially
car ried out under t he direct ion of Com m ander Charles
Turner, a friendly m an who Oscar got along wit h well.
How ev er wit hout warning anot her high- ranking officer who
ev ery one fear ed and who did not appear friendly at all cam e
on t he scene. He st at ed t hat he was now in charge and
began ordering all kinds of experim ent s and explorat ory
surgeries on t he hum anoid - - who was st ill alive - - in spit e of
t he fact t hat t he anet hsesia had lit t le or no affect on him .
Som e sam ples of his or gans were also rem ov ed for st udy .

The new m an in charge was Frank Drak e, who lat er becam e

involved wit h t he OZMA and SETI radio- dish ex perim ent s,
which had init ially point ed t heir dishes at Tau Cet i and
Epsilon Eridani and began receiving int ense signals
suggest ing int elligent life. These init ial report s wer e a
m ist ake or irr elevant according t o Frank Drak e and his
colleagues, and not hing r em ar kable r esult ed 'publicly' from
t he SETI pr oj ect - - 'officially' t hat is - - howev er t his and
sim ilar proj ect s cont inue t o r eciev e a gr eat deal of funding
supplied by t he loyal Am erican t axpay er . Drak e nam ed t he
disc- recov er y r esearch proj ect OSMA [ wit h an 'S'] , and
cont inued t o t orm ent t he hum anoid wit h various surgical
procedur es unt il he finally died. Oscar had given t he
hum anoid t he nicknam e 'Hank ', which was an Am erindian
word m eaning 't roubled spirit '. According t o For est Craw ford,
befor e t he hum anoid died, 'Oscar' had learned sev eral
int erest ing t hings from ot her r esearchers on his t eam as w ell
as from t he hum anoid him self, who had pr oj ect ed im ages
and m essages t o Oscar via som e form of t elepat hic-

em pat hic- visual- encephalographic wave t ransfer. The 'm an'

was appr oxim at ely 5' 8" t all, of hum anplike Meso- Am erican
or Medit er ranean appearance y et wit h a face and nose t hat
was slight ly 'broader' t han t he av erage eart h- person,
m uscular yet not fat - - howev er he was som ew hat heavier
for his size t han eart h people, suggest ing t hat his planet of
origin possessed gravit y som ewhat great er t han eart h's.
Crawford st at ed:

...The pat t ern from t he panel inside t he ship was confirm ed

by 'Rapp' t o m at ch st ar s of t he const ellat ion Eridanus as
seen FROM EARTH. I t w as lat er confirm ed by Hank t hat t he
st ars of origin of his people wer e Tau Cet i and Epsilon
Eridani. I n lat er sessions Oscar discussed som e r easons for
t he pr esence of t he aliens. He said THEY DO NOT LI KE THE
( 'Hank' also st at ed t hat t he part icular group of aliens t hat his
people m ost oft en encount ered were t he gray- whit es, which
are appar ent ly a genet ically engineer ed rept iloid- insect oid
hybrid race. - Brant on) . The Tau Cet ians feel t hat t he
abduct ions being carried out by som e of t he Gr eys ARE A
relayed. He added t hat our gov ernm ent 's involvem ent wit h
Oscar is ADAMANT t hat [ t hey] ar e using HUMAN FLUI DS FOR
SUSTENANCE. They feed by im m ersing t heir ar m s in vat s
and/ or rubbing t he fluids on t heir bodies. HE CLAI MS THAT
have been preyed upon by t hese aliens befor e and t hey ar e
wor king wit h ot her races and com m unit ies t hat wer e also
definit ion of t hese aliens, because of t heir part ly insect oid
nat ure and parasit ical charact er] WAS WHAT WE NOW CALL
THE NORDI CS OR PLEI ADI ANS. He claim s, because of his
ongoing cont act s, he w as m ade aware of t he Billy Meier case
in Swit zerland and swears t hat is a real cont act ...

( Not e: Ot hers claim t hat t he Meier cont act s and phot os ar e

faked, how ev er t hey m ay not hav e been awar e of t he fact
t hat som e of t he very first sk ept ical invest igat ors who cam e
t o Meier at t em pt ed t o see if t hey could repr oduce t he phot os
by m aking t heir own m odels and t aking pict ures of t hem .
Sev eral of t hese m odels and t he phot os w ere given t o Meier
- - t he ex act m ot ive for doing so is not known. How ev er, lat er
invest igat ors saw t hese 'm odels' in Meier's hom e and t ook
som e of t he fak ed phot os t hat t he init ial invest igat ors had
left wit h Meier, found t he hidden 'st rings' t hr ough phot o
analysis, and cam e t o t he 'logical' conclusion. Was Meier " set
up" or was it j ust one big m isunderst anding? Ot her evidence

t ends t o confirm Meier 's claim s, including ot her ey e-

wit nesses t o unusual UFO act ivit y, phot o's of UFO's passing
behind t rees, m ot ion pict ure foot age, and so on. - Brant on)

I find all t hese com m ent s int erest ing especially when y ou
consider one invest igat ive det ail of t his case. I have seen
Oscar's house, his Mot her 's house, his work shop and t ruck,
and at no t im e wer e any books, m agazines, t ranscript s or
m ovies about any subj ect , let alone r ecent UFO m at erial,
found... Could he be an avid reader of t he lat est and m ost
cont r ov er sial UFO docum ent s and j ust be hiding t hem when
we com e ov er ? This is highly unlikely since, wit hout a phone,
our visit s were always unannounced.

...[ Oscar, who has since had subsequent cont act s wit h Tau
Cet ians] want s people t o know t hat if t hey are cont act ed by
t he Tau Cet ians [ hum ans such as he described] t o not be
afraid because t hey are her e t o help."

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 13

D ulce N e w M e x ico & Th e D r a con ian Conn e ct ion

The following is t aken fr om an art icle by TAL LeVesque,

appear ed in a m ailer- newslet t er dist ribut ed by r esear cher
Pat rick O'Connell:

According t o TAL, ages ago " ...a CONFLI CT wit h ot her

beings, ELs [ hum an giant s] dest roy ed m ost of t he Rept oid
civilizat ion, which forced som e int o deep caver ns & ot hers
t o leave eart h - - t o Alpha Draconis and/ or Alt air in t he
const ellat ion Aquila, which in ancient lore was associat ed
wit h evil rept ilian creat ures... The conflict is a Species War ,
bet ween t he Ev adam ic Seed & t he 'Serpent ' [ dr aconian]

( Not e: Cont act ee Maurice Doreal claim s t o have learned

from people he had encount er ed who cam e fr om t he
subt er ranean 'Aghart i' colonies below Nort h Am erica and
Asia, t hat t hese giant s wer e closely allied wit h a race of
pre- Scandinavian Nordics who m aint ained a power ful and
scient ifically developed civilizat ion whose rem ains now lie
beneat h t ons of sand in t he ancient Gobi desert region of
Asia. Dor eal was t old how bot h t he giant s and blond people
had waged a pr ehist oric war against a race of Ant arct ic-
based rept iloids, which t hey succeeded in driving fr om t he
surface of t he planet during t he ancient conflict . - Brant on)

" Under cover of darkness, wit h bases hidden inside t he

eart h, t his noct urnal invader has chosen t o r eclaim what
was once t heirs & use it , and us, as a st aging area in t heir
ancient conflict wit h t he 'ELs'.

( Not e: That is, t o r eclaim t hat which t hese serpent races

WANT US TO BELI EVE was once t heirs. The 'ELs' are t he
so- nam ed EL- der race, a hum an branch t ied- in wit h t he
Evadam ic herit age yet who had at t ained t o or had ret ained
a very t all physical st at ure averaging from 9- 12 ft . in
height . Ot hers have r efer red t o t hem as t he 'Anakim ' or t he
'Nepheli'. - Brant on)

" Hum ans wit h alien brain im plant s [ t he 'zom bies'] hav e
been program m ed t o help overt hr ow Mankind in t he NEAR
FUTURE. The 'Rept oids' are even able TO TRANSFORM
CHARACTERI STI CS & FEATURES. The planet Eart h is being
st ressed so t hat hum an resist ance will be m inim al, during
t he ov ert t ak eover & cont rol of Mankind.

" I t st art ed as a 'j oint int eract ion program .' An Alien Species
want ed t o 'share' part s of it 's advanced t echnology wit h
cert ain hum ans in KEY POSI TI ONS OF POWER wit hin
governm ent , m ilit ary, corporat ions, 'secret societ ies', et c...
The populat ion as a whole began t o be m anipulat ed int o
t he 'Alien Agenda'... t hey want ed TOTAL CONTROL of us!

" ...[ Form er Dulce Base Securit y Officer Thom as Cast ello]
had seen t all Rept ilian Hum anoids at t he base. This is
int erest ing t o m e [ TAL] because in 1979 I cam e face- t o-
face wit h t he ov er 6 foot t all 'Ot her' Species [ REPTOI DS]
which m at erialized in our hom e! They t ook blood fr om m y
wife [ who is an Rh- negat ive blood t ype] ; & her daught er,
who was 1500 m iles away.

" ...We all cam e t o know t hat t he 'Visit ors' w ere her e t o
st ay. We also learned how t he Rept ilian Race w as
RETURNI NG t o Eart h & t he 'Gr ey s' [ who are m er cenaries]
WERE BEI NG USED t o int erface [ wit h] & m anipulat e hu-

m ans. Their DEMONI C AGENDA was t o k eep ear t h surface

[ m an] CONFUSED & unawar e of t heir t rue nat ure &

" The Fant ast ic Trut h was m ade t o seem a fant asy, a
legend, a m yt h, an illusion! The REPTOI DS ar e RETURNI NG
t o eart h t o use it as a st aging area, in t heir ANCI ENT
CONFLI CT wit h t he Elohim ( t he angelis

for ces of t he Alm ight y Creat or , as well as t he Nepheli who

wer e not angels as som e believe but act ual hum ans of t all
st at ure who in ancient t im es were undeser vingly
wor shipped as 'gods'. - Brant on) The ADAMI C Race has
undergr ound bases wit hin Mars - - t hey ar e a 'Warrior Cult '
cult ure.

" ...There is a vast net w ork of Tube Shut t le connect ions,

under t he U.S., which ext ends int o a GLOBAL SYSTEM OF
TUNNELS & SUB- CI TI ES... Not e: The r ept ilians DO NOT
consider t hem - selves 'Aliens'... t hey claim Ter ra [ 3rd from
t he Sun] was t heir hom e befor e w e hum ans 'ar rived'.

" ...As a species," TAL cont inues, " t he r ept ilian herit age
beings [ t he Gr ey s, Rept oids, Winged Draco wit h 2 horns - -
t he classic st ereot ype of t he 'Devil'] ... ar e highly analyt ical
& t echnologically orient ed. They ar e seriously int o t he
sciences of aut om at ion [ & com put er s] & bio- engineering [ &
genet ics] ! How ever, t heir exploit s in t hese areas has led t o
reckless experim ent at ion, WI TH TOTAL DI SREGARD FOR
ETHI CS [ m oral st andards] AND EMPATHY. This is also t rue

( Not e: I n r efer ence t o t he " Winged Draco" , which ar e

consider ed t o be near t he t op of t he alien hierarchy, above
t he t all " Lizard Men" and t he short 'Gray s', t hese hav e also
gone by t he following t it les: t he Mot hm en, Gargoyles,
Winged Serpent s, Pt er odact oids, Ciakars or Birdm en. They
seem t o be exclusively deep- subt er ranean dw ellers y et
have been known t o appear during m assive UFO - Men I n
Black - Abduct ion waves such as t hat which passed
t hrough t he Point Pleasant area of West Virginia as
recorded in John Keel's book THE MOTHMAN PROPHECI ES,
which suggest ed a possible subt erranean connect ion near
an old TNT st orage ar ea in t he vicinit y. The t wo ot her ar eas
wher e t hese winged r ept ilians have been m ost oft en
report ed are of course below Dulce, New Mexica and also
wit hin t he 8- levelled underground syst em beneat h Cam p
Hero near Mont auk Point , Long I sland wher e a j oint Nazi
[ Am erican Corporat e & Eur opean Milit ant Nazi's] , Gray, and
Rept iloid base exist s... one t hat report edly connect s t o t he
I TT cent er in New Jersey. The com m on denom inat or w ould

be t he Germ an Krupp fam ily who built m unit ions plant s for
Adolph Hit ler and not only m aint ains a large percent age of
cont r ol over I TT but also helped t o finance t he 'Mont auk'
t im e- space- m ind- cont rol proj ect s for t he Bavarian Thule
Societ y, which ar e cont inuing wit hin t he M.A.L.T.A. or
Mont auk- Alsace- Lor raine- Tim e- Archives facilit y wit hin t he
Alsace- Lorraine Mt s. near t he Fr ench- Germ an border . The
Alsace- Lorraine r egions wer e t aken fr om France in t he
Franco- Prussian war of t he pr evious cent ury and lat er
ret urned t o France by t he Allies following t he end of
W.W.I I . The MALTA base 'm ay' lie under t he Germ an
t er rit ory near t he border, however if it happens t o lie under
French soil, t his m ay be because t he base is locat ed in one
of t he underground facilit ies const ruct ed by t he Nazi's
during, befor e or j ust following W.W.I I , a facilit y t hat t he
French did not discov er following t he ret urn of t he r egion
following t he war. As for t he I TT cent er in New Jer sey , it
also report edly has a connect ion t o t he nat ional-
int ernat ional Sub- Global net work , according t o Al Bielek.
Ver y rar ely are t he " winged draco" encount ered on UFO's,
and alt hough at t im es t hey hav e been seen flying at night
or in t he day t hrough t he air as in t he Point Pleasant
m anifest at ions, t hey seem t o operat e m ost oft en wit hin t he
deepest undergr ound levels where t he Grays and Rept iloids
t hem selves hav e been k nown t o conv erge. - Brant on)

TAL t hen describes som et hing which m ight seem

unbelievable if it were not for t he fact t hat dozens of ot her
sour ces t end t o confirm t he sam e t hing. This discov ery was
report edly one of t he REAL REASONS for t he init iat ion of
t he 'Dulce War s':

" ...LEVEL # 7 is t he w orst . Row aft er row of 1,000's of

hum ans & hum an- m ixt ure r em ains in cold st orage. Her e
t oo ar e em bry os of hum anoids in various st ages of
dev elopm ent . Also, m any hum an childrens' rem ains in
st orage vat s. Who ar e [ wer e] t hese people?"

( Not e: During a lect ure given t o THE PROPHECY CLUB,

Japanese r esearcher of t he Ar ea 51 and Dulce enigm as - -
Norio Hayakowa - - quot ed t he following st at em ent t hat
appear ed in a 1992 issue of THE ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL:
MYSTERY." - Br ant on)

The sour ces for t hese incr edibly dist urbing allegat ions aside
from Thom as Cast ello him self, according t o TAL, included:

" ...people who w or ked in t he labs, abduct ees t aken t o t he

base, people who assist ed in t he const ruct ion, int elligence
per sonnel [ NSA, CI A, et c.] , and UFO- I nner Eart h

researcher s."

This inform at ion, TAL st at es, " is m eant for t hose who ar e
seriously int erest ed in t he Dulce base. FOR YOUR OWN
PROTECTI ON, be advised t o 'USE CAUTI ON' while
invest igat ing t his com plex."

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 14

Ra gin g Ba t t le s Be ne a t h Th e Ear t h

The following is an excerpt fr om an art icle which

appear ed in a UFO- r elat ed publicat ion. We do not know
exact ly who t he aut hor of t he art icle is or what
publicat ion it appeared in, as our source sent us only
som e Xer ox es wit h no r efer ences. We relat e t he
inform at ion as recieved:

" ...Lear direct ed m y at t ent ion t o a large m ap of Nevada,

which delineat es all t he areas which civilian m aps coyly
leave as unchart ed m ilit ary reserv es. 'Right in t he v er y
cent er is a place called Area 51. I t is our m ost secr et
com plex. There ar e 1900 people t her e - - it t akes
president ial clearance t o w or k t here - - and t hey'r e ferried
in by aircraft in t he m or ning and t aken out about 5
o'clock in t he ev ening. They hav e not hing t o do wit h t he
saucers. The people who w or k on t he saucers go up lat er
in t he aft ernoon, and go hom e about m idnight . The
saucer facilit y is called S- 4.' S- 4 is in t he sout hwest
corner of Area 51.

" Unfort unat ely, t his facilit y - - AND A SI MI LAR SET- UP

NEAR DULCE, NEW MEXI CO - - m ay now belong t o for ces
not loyal t o t he U.S. Governm ent , or even t he hum an
race. 'I t 's horrifying for us t o t hink t hat all t he scient ist s
we t hink are working for us ar e act ually cont rolled by t he

" '...A deal was m ade wit h t hem in t he lat t er part of t he

1960s ( Pr obably a r evisioning of t he 1954 t r eat y, which
was in t urn an out growt h of t he secret Bavarian
I llum inat i t reat y wit h t he Grays in 1933. - Brant on) . I n
exchange for t echnology, w e w ould cov er up t he
exist ence of t he aliens.' Apparent ly t his agreem ent - -

engineered by an arm of gov ernm ent so covert t hat even

t he Pr esident m ay not be on t he 'need t o know ' list - -
also sanct ioned t he abduct ion of hum ans, which t he
aliens rat ionalized as an ongoing m onit oring of a
dev eloping civilizat ion. We ask ed only for a list of t he
abduct ees.

" I n 1973, t he deal sour ed. 'Hundr eds of people - -

t housands - - w er e being abduct ed t hat w er en't on t he
list . I n 1978- 79, t her e was an alt ercat ion bet ween us and
t he aliens, in which t hey killed 44 of our t op scient ist s,
and a num ber of Delt a for ce who were t rying t o fr ee
t hem . I 'm not sur e where t his alt ercat ion occur red - - it
could have been Dulce, or it could have occur red in
Gr oom Lak e

( Not e: According t o Robert Lazar , an undergr ound facilit y

below Groom Lak e was t he sight of an int ense fire- fight
bet ween Grays and U.S. Milit ary per sonnel aft er a hum an
Securit y officer had challenged an alien dict at e not t o
ent er a cert ain alien- cont rolled ar ea wit h a loaded
weapon, and was subsequent ly killed as a r esult of his
challenge. This 'war ' was act ually a 'm assacr e' according
t o MJ12 Special St udies Gr oup [ MJ12SSG] agent Michael
Wolf, since t he first out break of violence in 1975 result ed
during a dem onst rat ion of an ant i- m at t er r eact or wit hin
an undergr ound cham ber . The Gr eys oper at ing t he
dem onst rat ion order ed t he hum an securit y officer s t o
rem ov e t he bullet s fr om t heir weapons. One Securit y
officer quest ioned t his order and j ust for having t he
audacit y t o quest ion, one of t he Greys appar ent ly let
t heir t rue colors show. That is, it prem at urely exposed
t he fact t hat 't hey ' w er e not r eally t he 'allies' of t he
Am erican gov ernm ent , but act ually an occupat ional
invasion for ce t hat had t o m aint ain absolut e discipline
am ong it s 'conquer ed subj ect s'. This 't hing' from out of
t his world decided t hat it would m ake an 'exam ple' out of
t hose who quest ioned t heir order s, and it s com erades
followed suit . The Gr eys com m enced t o slaught er
SEVERAL dozen Securit y personnel and Scient ist s,
alt hough only one alien Gr ey died in t hat init ial
alt ercat ion. Thom as Cast ello claim s t hat anot her bat t le
occurr ed below Dulce four y ear s lat er in 1979, aft er
sev eral scient ist s who had discover ed t he 'Horrible Trut h'
- - of t housands of hum an abduct ees in cold st or age or
im prisoned in cage- like enclosur es in t he deeper 'Alien'
sect or s under Dulce - - wer e t hem selves capt ur ed by t he
aliens following t his discov ery . These w ere som e of t he
best m inds Am erica had t o offer . As w e will see lat er on,
t he " Dulce Wars" w er e som ewhat m ore com plex t han t his
brief explanat ion m ight suggest , how ev er . - Brant on) .

" This bat t le, Lear claim s, left us ber eft of our ow n
facilit ies [ and som e of our best scient ist s] ; ever since, w e
have at t em pt ed t o creat e a count erfor ce t o m eet t he
alien challenge.

" The St rat egic Defense I nit iat ive was one such schem e.
'SDI , regardless of what you hear , was com plet ed t wo
years ago; t hat was t o shoot down incom ing saucers. The
m ist ake was t hat w e t hought t hey w er e com ing inbound -
- in fact , t hey're already her e. They're in underground
bases all over t he place.' I t seem s t hat t he aliens had
const ruct ed m any such bases wit hout our knowledge,
wher e t hey conduct heinous genet ic experim ent s on
anim als, hum an beings, and 'im provised' creat ures of
t heir own devising."

I n bat t le, ev en in a conflict as unusual as t he " Dulce

Wars" , t her e are bound t o be prisoners of war or POW's.
I n his LEADI NG EDGE Report , researcher Val Valerian
revealed t he following:

" DULCE LAB TECHNI CI AN HELD: I n early Novem ber ,

1988, we r eceived w ord t hat t he scient ist son of [ B.M.] is
now being held in t he undergr ound facilit y at FORT
WAYNE, Colorado. The undergr ound base is locat ed in
sout hwest ern Color ado near t he UTE m ount ains. The son
apparent ly work ed at t he genet ics lab under Ar chulet a
m esa near DULCE, NM and finally grew disgust ed wit h
what he was observing. Subsequent pr obes int o t he
ret ent ion of t his per son have yielded sev eral int er est ing
proj ect nam es. His fat her , B.M. apparent ly encount er ed
t wo Nordic appearing m en in Pom ona, CA on 22 Oct .

Not e: The " Ut e Mount ain" I ndian reservat ion border - -

which super- im poses t he sout hern border of Colorado,
lies only a relat ively few m iles nort h of t he Ar chulet a
plat eau. I t ext ends from t hat point west ward along t he
border t o t he four corners ar ea. Just acr oss t he border in
Ut ah anot her branch facilit y apparent ly exist s, according
t o John Lear, wher e anot her Dulce scient ist is report edly
being held. Lear spok e wit h t he fat her of THI S young
scient ist , refer ring t o t he fat her only as 'Mr. K.', and
at t em pt ed t o locat e t he exact posit ion of t he base. Lear
st at ed:

" ...The son, whose fat her I m et and who passed away
sev eral year s ago is apparent ly being held in a base near
or ar ound Sleeping Ut e Mount ain ( Sleeping Ut e m ount ain
is in t he ext r em e sout heast part of Ut ah, near t he four
corners ar ea on t he Ut e Reservat ion, sout h of Ut ah
highway 666 which also runs t hr ough Colorado and down

t hrough New Mexico. - Brant on) . I don't rem em ber how I

cam e by t hat inform at ion but it had t o do wit h som e
research I was conduct ing in a search for t he Pr oj ect
BLUE LI GHT base near Delor es [ which I nev er found] ."

I n regards t o Ut ah, t her e hav e been rum ors of " New

World Order" bases being const ruct ed below
sout heast ern Ut ah wit h cont ainm ent facilit ies wher e
'dissident s' are int ended t o be appr ehended underground
when and if t he New World Order t ak es cont rol of t he
Unit ed St at es. Ther e ar e report edly num erous such
undergr ound cont ainm ent facilit ies t hroughout Nort h
Am erica.

The U.S. Milit ary is not t he only force t hat has becom e
involved wit h t he 'war ' against t he Gray s. One of t he
m aj or undergr ound hum an forces who are VERY upset at
t he Gray s - - over t heir violat ion of t er rit orial agreem ent s
and abuses and at r ocit ies t hat hav e been com m it t ed
against various int ra- planet ary hum an colonies - - include
cert ain segm ent s of t he Telosian- Aghart i alliance, as w ell
as som e of t heir Sirian allies who ar e against t he Gr eys.
The following inform at ion was sent t o a Ut ah researcher
by Juliet t e Sweet , a per sonal friend of Sharula Dux who is
report edly an Aghart ian 'princess' fr om Telos, t he cit y -
com plex below Mt . Shast a. The cent ral m et r oplex of
Telos is said t o consist of a m ult i- leveled com plex over 5
m iles deep and at least 20 m iles in circum fer ence, which
ext ends out ward t o suburban colonial syst em s beyond.
According t o Sharula, Telos has subt er ranean connect ions
via t ube- shut t les t o at least 100 ot her subt er ranean cit ies
below Nort h Am erica as well as cit ies below Sout h
Am erica, such as t he allied cit y of POSI D below t he Mat t o
Gr osso r egion of Brazil. Many of t hese cit ies ar e
m aint ained by ancient 'nat ive' Nort h, Sout h and Cent ral
Am ericans. The following let t er was dat ed 2/ 7/ 93:

" ...last m ont h I had your disk t ranscribed and r ead y our
m at erials in t heir ent iret y. Very int erest ing, and full of
well cit ed fact s. I appr eciat e your sense of gr oundedness
when pr esent ing your ideas... I am not fam iliar wit h t he
saurian race, nor hav e I heard m ent ion of t hem fr om
Sharula or Adam a... The Gr ey s do com e up fr om t im e t o
t im e, and what has been com m unicat ed by t he [ Telosian]
Hierar chy is t hat t hey are indeed being asked, for cibly if
necessary t o leav e. The oust ing process has been act ive
for t he last y ear or so, and Adam a has indicat ed t hat Los
Alam os will be one of t he last ar eas t o clear out ... t her e
has been som e " st ar wars" t ype of conflict s of lat e, but
t he [ Telosian] m ast ers t ell us not t o worr y about it , t hat
t hey hav e t hings well in hand... Sharula's age is act ually
267 years. Alt hough for surface I D purposes, she says

she was born in 1951. I t helps wher e social securit y and

passport purposes ar e concerned. You m ight want t o
updat e your m at erials t o r eflect her act ual age..."

Not e: During one lect ur e, Sharula was ask ed w hat t he

Telosians were doing about t he pr oblem wit h t he Grays.
Sharula st at ed t hat t he Telosian- Aghart i Silver Fleet s had
confront ed t he Grays and t old t hem t o cease t heir
abusive act ivit ies on t his planet , t o which t he Grays
responded t hat t hey have t he right t o cont inue t heir
act ivit ies since t he " U.S. Governm ent " has aut horized
t heir act ivit ies on eart h and in Am erica. Are t he Gr ays
referring t o t he Nazi- backed CI A- NSA " secret
governm ent " which has infilt rat ed Am erica t hrough
m urder and m anipulat ion, and est ablished t he " alien
int eract ion" pr oj ect s WI THOUT Congr essional consent ?
I t 's AS I F t hese green- blooded, pencil- necked, m elon-
headed, blood- sucking parasit es - - who br eak t reat ies,
violat e hum an will, per m anent ly abduct and ev en kill
hum ans for scient ific or sust enance purposes, lie and
deceive, disr egard non- int erv ent ion et hics, dest roy
anim als and propert y, m anipulat e t he t hought s of t he
m asses and t heir leader s against t heir conscious
knowledge, ruin hum an lives on m ent al- em ot ional-
physical levels, and lit erally 'feed' off of hum an LI FE
including t hat of our children - - hav e ANY place t o give
such excuses!

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 15

D ulce : An An cien t Te rm in al To I nn e r & Ou t e r Spa ce ?

Resear cher Paris Flam m onde gives a descript ion of what

appear s t o be t he 'Dulce' undergr ound base- net wor k, as
described by UFO 'r esearcher' Jam es Moseley:

" ...The int im at ions of st range pressure gr oups, purport edly

int ent upon obscuring t he t rue m eaning of Flying Saucer s,
began arising in t he early 1950's, t he m ost fam ous of t hese
being t he 't hree m en in black' and t he 'silence conspiracy,'
which Maj or Keyhoe and ot hers r egard as an om inous
elem ent funct ioning wit hin t he Air Force. During t he sum m er
of 1956, SAUCER NEWS edit or Jam es Moseley post ulat ed an
addit ion t o t his enigm at ic com pany in t he June, 1956, issue of

his m agazine. Theorizing t hat Flying Saucers w er e originally

being resear ched by t he Unit ed St at es in 1946, wer e capable
of speeds ex ceeding four t housand m iles an hour, and w ere
operat ing from a supersecret subt erranean base below a
sout hwest ern st at e, he cont inued:

" 'The whole pr oj ect is so highly classified t hat ordinary

m ilit ary pilot s and even t he Air For ce's saucer invest igat ors on
Proj ect Blue Book could not possibly know about it . I n fact ,
t his t ype of saucer I S NOT built by t he Am erican Governm ent
'GOVERNMENT.' As fant ast ic as t his m ight sound... t hese
saucers ar e act ually built , operat ed, and m aint ained by an
organizat ion which is ENTI RELY SEPARATE fr om t he m ilit ary
and polit ical branches of t he Gov ernm ent t hat w e know
about . Alt hough a handful of people at t he v er y t op of t he
Governm ent know about t he exist ence of t his proj ect , t hey
have no direct cont act wit h it ... I shall call t his secr et pr oj ect ,
'The Organizat ion.'"

Moseley, according t o Flam m onde, " ...considerably elaborat ed

on t he act ivit ies of t his shadowy cabal wit h som e v ery
ext ravagant r ev elat ions."

This 'Secret Societ y - Secret Gov ernm ent ' base in t he

'Sout hwest ' is no doubt t he very sam e DULCE facilit y which
we hav e been exposing t hroughout t his work . Secret
Societ ies, if not Secr et Agencies, hav e t heir ow n sym bols or
em blem s. The 'Sym bol' for t he Dulce Base t hat is w orn by
m any of t he w orkers t her e consist s of an UPSI DE- DOWN or
invert ed t riangle or py r am id wit h an upside- down 'T'
superim posed ov er it , as shown in t he " dlcpic." graphic file at
t he beginning of t his ser ies of files. William Ham ilt on reveals
t he following in regards t o t he Dulce base:

" ...Schoenfeld Clinical Laborat ories in Albuquer que analyzed

t he sam ples [ of t he affect ed hides of m ut ilat ed cat t le st udied
by Gom ez and Burgess, t hat wer e discov er ed near Dulce] and
found significant deposit s of pot assium and m agnesium . The
pot assium cont ent was 70 t im es abov e n orm al.

" ...Level 1 [ of t he Dulce base] cont ains t he garage for STREET

MAI NTENANCE. Lev el 2 cont ains t he garage for TRAI NS,

" ...The Gr ey s and rept oid species...have had ancient

CONFLI CTS wit h t he NORDI C hum ans from out er space
societ ies, and m ay be st aging here for a fut ur e conflict ."

The lat e Thom as Edwin Cast ello, who w or ked wit hin t he

undergr ound 'Dulce' facilit y, suggest ed t hat t he early

experim ent s by Rand and Los Alam os labs in nuclear- pow er ed
'eart h- boring' t echnology has been t aken t o t he ext rem e. I n a
let t er dat ed Sept . 1990, he m ade m ent ion of t he nuclear
BORI NG m echanism s w hich can allegedly bor e a t unnel
t hrough t he eart h at a r at e of 5- 10 m ph by cracking t he
surr ounding rock and heat ing t he rock and eart h int o a st at e
of liquid incandescance using super- hot cones, pulsed lasers
and ot her m et hods [ see: U.S. Pat ent num ber s 3,881,777;
3,885,832 and 3,693,731 for inst ance, via t heir Pat ent Search
engine which can be easily accessed by doing a " web sear ch"
of t he " Unit ed St at es Pat ent Office" ] and pr essing t he liquid or
m olt en rock int o t he per ipheral cracks where t he cold eart h
cools and solidifies it in a m at t er of m inut es, leaving no
left over m at erials t hat would ot herwise have t o be r em ov ed
from t he t unnel, as in m or e t r adit ional and expensive
t unneling or m ining operat ions:

" ...On level one is t he garage for t he st reet m aint enance,

level t wo is t he garage for t rains, shut t les and TERRON DRI VE
[ bor e m achine] and disk m aint enance. [ Requir es ULTRA 4 t o
ev en SEE t he disk garage] ...

" The chief of t he Genet ic Experim ent s is LARRY DEAVEN [ Los

Alam os AND Dulce] ..."

Anot her confirm at ion t hat t he DULCE base is a m aj or t erm inal

- - not only for ot her- planet ary cr aft but also a nexus
connect ing several ot her undergr ound syst em s - - was sent t o
us by a wom an who knew Thom as Cast ello on a per sonal
basis, and whose fat her had work ed wit h Cast ello in what was
referr ed t o as " The Organizat ion" [ her exact w ords] which
operat ed in t he upper levels of t he j oint - int eract ion facilit ies
near Dulce. The following descript ion of one of t he m or e
ancient t unnels was given by Thom as Cast ello him self:

" The halls around t he Dulce Base ar e slight ly curv ed, and in
m ost locat ions y ou can see what look s like an endless
corridor. I t is only when you glance up and see t he high
ceiling of t he nat ural r ock cov ering do you rem em ber y ou are
inside an im m ense cav ern. The place has t he feeling of
infinit y, or a sense of seeing som et hing im m em orial.

" I r ealize t his place has been expanded r epeat edly over m any
years. But som ehow, a per son t ends t o forget t he writ t en
hist ory t he m anual describes. The place feels ANCI ENT. The
Nat ive Races of t his planet have used t he t unnels and cav erns
for cent uries. Hum an hands t oo, added t heir per sonal t ouch in
a way t hat m ak es y ou feel t he passing of age. Here and t here
t he ar chit ect ural designs r esem ble t he fant asy of Art Deco.
Doors display t he designs and angles t hat recall t he playful

grace of t hat era.

" From t unnel ent rances st ar e down carv ed gargoyles and

winged beings t hat cling t o y our m em or y m uch longer t han
t hey should. Those gr ot esque gargoyles ar e dar k and look like
a preview of t he Night m are Hall. Som e of t he faces of t he
fright ful creat ur es depict ed have lost det ails in a way t hat
soft ens t he ugliness. Hist or y has a way of erasing det ails and
t he m em or y of t he original form . Just as w ell, perhaps t he
gargoyles wer e carv ed from live m odels. Maybe fr om som e
t hing seen on t he sixt h lev el.

" One specific t unnel, t he long t unnel t o Taos, is com plet ely
different . The sym bol t hat m ark s t he port al is t he sym bol for
m arsh, or w et lands. The shape resem bles t he let t er 'Z' wit h
t wo cross lines.

" I t was not unt il I had t o m ak e a 'goodwill run' t o Taos t o

escort a foreign dignit ary on a t our of t he base, did I r ealize
why t he t unnel was so nam ed. Aft er a few m iles t he rock
t unnel walls becam e m ost ly whit e in color and w er e decorat ed
wit h carved plant life of all kinds. Here, I saw ancient fern
t rees wit h huge Rose like flow er s depict ed in beaut iful relief.
These beaut iful walls port ray a dense ar chaic t ropical t hicket .
Bey ond t he t rees, in t he background, som e unk nown ancient
m ount ains are depict ed in t he sam e clear st yle. I slowed t he
car, sear ched t he scene, hoping t o see anim al or hum anoid
cr eat ures, but t her e was none. No signs or signat ures in
sight , unless t hey were writ t en in a long lost unrecognized
hand. ( Not e: Was t his one of t he m ore ancient t unnels t hat
was left by a pr ehist oric race, a t unnel which was already
ancient at t he t im e t hat t he U.S. governm ent AND t he
Rept iloids/ Gr eys 'discov er ed' or 't ook cont r ol of' t he original
undergr ound sy st em s? Perhaps a t unnel and an undergr ound
syst em t hat was excavat ed in prehist oric t im es by t he
ancest or s of t he Pueblo I ndians of t he four corner s area
whose legends claim t hat t hey w er e chased- out of t he cavern
world by invading rept ilian forces - t hat is, according t o Hopi-
Apache descendant Robert Morningsky? - Brant on)

" I t looked like every plant on eart h, ancient and m odern,

wer e fait hfully displayed. Mile aft er m iles of t r ees, wheat ,
corn, flow er s and grasses graced t he gleam ing walls.

" I t m ust be t he m ost beaut iful place on eart h. Maybe it was

cr eat ed as a m useum . Or perhaps a shrine t o plant life.
Regardless of t he r eason, t her e is NO WAY t hat place could
have been m ade by t he hands of MODERN m an. These car ved
plant s are in m inut e det ail, and t hey look brand new.

" My ey es had quickly scanned t he upper sect ions of t he

t unnel in hoping t o find t he source of t he soft illum inat ion t hat

now seem s t o be com ing fr om ev er y wher e. I found no


" I had st opped t he elect ric car , want ing t o t ouch t hose walls,
in t he hope I m ight guess t he age upon closer exam inat ion.
To m y surprise t he walls w er e cov ered wit h som e t ranspar ent
cov ering. Those walls felt like polished glass, and looked
about a foot t hick! The biggest shock was when I t ouched t he
ast onishing gleam ing wall. The slight est cont act cr eat ed a
wave of quivering of t he light s. What is even m ore surprising,
was t hat t he light s were I NSI DE t he glass! St art ing as a soft
gent le harm onic sound t hat resonat ed wit h t he shim m ering
light s, and grew t o a bone deep vibrat ion t hat was subt le and
surprisingly invasive, like som eone speaking t o m e when I 'm
m edit at ing. The t unnel echoed wit h m usical t ones. I st ruggled
t o isolat e t he differ ence bet ween what I was hearing and
what I was feeling. I could not separat e t hem .

" I sensed t hat t he t ones were designed t o pr ovide inform at ion

in ancient language. The changing t ones w ere at first r eciev ed
at a rapid rat e, t hat I couldn't underst and. Like learning a
for eign language, at first t he words ar e endless sound, but
aft er a while separat e w ords ar e r ecognized. I k now t he
m usical t ones ar e w ords and I r ecognize it as a lost language.

" I st art ed t he car, alm ost feeling light headed from t he

ongoing sounds. I want ed t o st op t he flow of w ords t hat wer e
m usical and pleasant . Aft er I knew t hey w er e w ords [ t hat I
couldn't underst and] I want ed t he dialog t o end. I felt t hose
t ones clear t o m y bones, and t he t onal vibrat ions r efused t o
leave m e unt il I left t he t unnel!

" I t was one of t he m ost profound experiences of m y life, but

I 'm sure I w ouldn't want t o do it again!

" At t he Dulce Base, t he roadways exit on t he first t hree

levels. From all ot her levels t he roads will clim b in a st eep
spiral t o j oin t he upper lev els. Aft er a few m iles m or e t hose
t hree levels t oo, j oin in a huge int ersect ion t hat rivals any
'cloverleaf' ex change, anywher e. The five m ain exit roads t hat
leave t he base have no m arkings any where, but aft er t he
exchanges, t her e ar e m ileage m ark ers I N ENGLI SH post ed in
t he walls of t he t unnels.

" The undergr ound highways occasionally follow t he sam e

direct ion as t he Terradrive shut t le. That shut t le is also known
as t he Sub- Global Syst em ( Not e: Different sour ces claim t hat
one m ust be a v er y high ranking Mason, Corporat e-
I nt elligence Agent , or a Nat ive Sub- Ter ran t o gain access t o
t he Sub- Global Syst em . There ar e sev eral access t erm inals in
Nort h Am erica and elsewher e wher e ident ificat ion m ust be
provided, how ev er according t o Al Bielek and ot hers, when

one has passed t he securit y check s t hey ar e fr ee t o go

wher ev er t hey please in t he Sub- Global net wor k, and t he
inner dw ellers j ust generally assum e t hat if one has m ade it
t hat far, t hen t hey m ore or less have aut horizat ion t o be
t here. Many of t he r esident s of t he underground, whet her
Ext er rans, Subt er rans or visit ors from t he Surface, ar e t ied- in
t o a collect ive m ind or group int elligence m at rix called t he
'Asht ar' or 'Ast art e' net wor k which has it s root s in t he
undergr ound sy st em s below ancient Egypt . This has been t he
m ain fram ework for collaborat ion bet w een hum anoids and
rept iloids and ot her alien life for m s. Alt hough t her e hav e
always been independent hum anoid and rept iloid fact ions t hat
have been at war wit h each ot her for cent uries, in m ore
recent decades following t he Dulce Wars, et al, t hese conflict s
have been incr easing wit hin t he " inner eart h" bet ween t he
" collect ivist s" and t he " individualist s" . Because of t his we
m ight reason t hat t he inner- w orld 'highways' m ay not always
be safe places t o t ravel alone, ev en if one has t he 'clearances'
t o do so. Alt hough t here is a collaborat ion- of- convenience
bet ween cert ain hum an and rept ilian groups, t his m ainly
grow s out of t he aliens' NEED for hum an cooper at ion in
im plem ent ing t ot al global elect ronic cont r ol, and vise v er sa,
not necessarily out of any m aj or level of friendship or
t olerance bet w een t he t wo races. For inst ance in order t o
im plem ent t he New Wor ld Order t he hum an elit e m ust
absolut ely DEPEND on t he alien m ind- cont rol t echnology and
t he aliens in t urn m ust DEPEND on t he hum ans' social
st ruct ur e connect ions. They MUST hav e each ot hers'
assist ance and cooperat ion in order t o im plem ent a world
governm ent . Appar ent ly t hey will worry about fight ing over
WHI CH SI DE com es out wit h absolut e cont rol WHEN and I F
t he global dict at orship is im plem ent ed. We m ust realize t hat
t he underground 'w orld' is j ust as 'alien' t o dwellers on t he
surface as are t he worlds from which m any of t he int erst ellar
st arships t hat have been seen in our at m osphere hail. I t is a
very ancient w orld whose inhabit ant s have int eract ed wit h
ot her worlds, or hav e even colonized ot her wor lds, over a
period of t housands of y ear s. - Brant on)

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 16

D ulce N e w M e x ico & Th e Ash t a r Conn e ct ion

( The following is an edit ed v er sion of a v er y ext ensive file downloaded

from t he I nt ernet . Som e of t he highlight s/ em phasis are m ine. -
Brant on)

From : Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG ( Michael


New sgr oups: alt .alien.visit ors

Subj ect : Dulce Report

Message- I D: < 138993.2A566EB0@paranet .FI DONET.ORG>

Dat e: 5 Jul 92 03: 20: 06 GMT

Sender: ufgat e@paranet .FI DONET.ORG ( newsout 1.26)

Organizat ion: FidoNet node 1: 104/ 428.0 -

Lines: 127

* For warded from " ParaNet UFO Echo"

* Originally from Michael Corbin

* Originally dat ed 07- 04- 92 20: 17

The following was uploaded by a user on ParaNet . I t is being provided

in it s ent iret y for inform at ion purposes only. Par aNet or it s affiliat es
m akes no claim s t o it s t rut hfulness or validit y and does not endorse
it s cont ent s in any way.

As a furt her not e: Under paragraph ( 3E) , it m ent ions t hat t her e are
buildings ... " five- sided wit h a dom e," ParaNet has seen phot ographic
evidence of such buildings. These buildings are not buildings as one
would t hink of t hem , but what appear t o be wilderness observat ion
plat form s. The Dulce Report denies any of t hese buildings appear ed in
t heir invest igat ion.


NUMBER 920527

MAY 27, 1992

A Field I nv est igat ion and Evaluat ion


The " Phoenix Proj ect Report s" Ar e Published By



P.O. Box 3748

Carson Cit y, NV 89702

( Opening Not e: ParaNet has done an invest igat ion int o t he PHOENI X
organizat ion which put out t his report . Cont rar y t o t he claim s of t he
aut hors of t his docum ent , ParaNet HAS FOUND obvious links bet w een
t he PHOENI X PROJECT and t he PHOENI X REPORT, an out let for t he
ASHTAR Collect ive. One of t he 'leader s' and 'spok esm en' for t his
collect ive is a being t hat goes by t he nam e of HATONN. Hat onn,
according t o som e sour ces, is a 9 ft . 'Pleiadean' wit h severe fascist
leanings who claim s t o be a rept ilian 'defect or ' from t he Unholy Six
Orion- Draconian Em pire. Ot her sources claim t hat t he Asht ar
Collect ive - - or at least a large segm ent of t he collect ive which was
infilt rat ed and assim ilat ed by Draco- Orion agent s posing as " ascended
m ast ers" - - is now in direct collaborat ion wit h t he rept ilian Gray s and
t he 'Unholy Six'. I n such an ev ent , it would NOT be surprising for t he
Draco- Orion cont r olled segm ent of t he Asht ar net work t o seek t o
discredit a base under Dulce, New Mexico I F I N FACT t he base is
being cont rolled and operat ed j oint ly by Draconian AND Asht arian
for ces... for inst ance t he j oint Draconian- Asht arian forces which,
som e believe, ar e operat ing in conj uct ion wit h t he anom alous " Hale-
Bopp" com et . Since t he original docum ent - chain in which t he 'Dulce
Report ' appear s cont ains over 140 KB's and is an obvious sm ear effort
- - for inst ance t hroughout t he docum ent y ou will read passage aft er
passage cont aining phrases like " ...t here is no evidence" for
phenom ena which HAVE been confirm ed by sev eral ot her researcher s
- - I hav e decided not t o wast e valuable space, and have elim inat ed
t he ram bling and innocuous sweeping opinionat ed at t em pt s on t he
part of t he aut hors t o w ipe t he ent ire Dulce issue under t he carpet . I
have inst ead gleaned t he inform at ion which m ay be useful t o t hose
who accept t he obvious fact t hat 'som et hing' is act ually going on near
Dulce, New Mexico. Whet her it involves t op secret gov ernm ent
act ivit y OR alien act ivit y OR bot h is debat able. The fact is, som et hing
st range I S happening in and ar ound Dulce, New Mexico. - Brant on)

The docum ent begins as follows:

...The Town of Dulce, is locat ed in nort hern New Mexico near t he

sout hern border of Colorado. Dulce is locat ed eight y- t hree m iles
nort heast of Farm ingt on, New Mexico on U.S. Rout e 64. See Map
Exhibit 1.

I t has a populat ion of 1,648 and is nest led in a valley. Just t o t he

nort h and overlooking t he t own is t he large Ar chulet a Mesa. The t own
is at an alt it ude of 6,825 feet abov e sea lev el. The m ain incom e
producing act ivit y in t he ar ea is cat t le ranching. The business and
service act ivit ies ar e t ypical of t hose needed in a com m unit y of t his
size. There ar e no m ilit ary or indust rial act ivit ies, large or sm all, in

t he ar ea. See Phot o Exhibit s 4 and 5.

I n order t o pr esent t he result s of our invest igat ion it is necessary t o

refer t o it em s of inform at ion, widely available t o UFO r esearchers,
concerning t he Dulce, U.S.\ Alien base. I n t he following, we will quot e
from t hose it em s of inform at ion. We will at t em pt t o ident ify t he
sour ce whenev er possible. This will be followed by our findings.

The I nv est igat ion

1) Source I nform at ion Excerpt s: Dulce Papers.Txt Aut hor Unknown

...A j oint US/ EBE facilit y exist s beneat h t he Archulet a Mesa near t he
t own of DULCE NEW MEXI CO. ( 1A) This facilit y has been in exist ence
in one form or anot her since 1948.

( 1B) ...The facilit y proper is locat ed one kilom et er undergr ound.

( 1C) The base is approx im at ely 2.5 m iles nort hwest of Dulce, and
alm ost ov erlooks t he t own.

( 1D) Ther e is a paved gov ernm ent r oad 36 feet wide going int o t he

* * *

Findings of Phoenix Pr oj ect I nv est igat ion ( PHX) regarding t he

for egoing:

( PHX- 1A) No subst ant iat ing Count y r ecords confirm t his. Local
resident s have no m em ory of any gov ernm ent inst allat ion, civilian or
m ilit ary ever having exist ed in t his area.

( PHX- 1B) Sam e as 1A. Ther e is no r ecord or m em ory of any

undergr ound heavy const ruct ion, excavat ion, or m ining act ivit y in t he

* * *

2) Source I nform at ion Excerpt s: 1988 Krill2.Txt

...During t he occupat ion of t he Gr ey s, t hey hav e est ablished quit e a

num ber of undergr ound bases all over t he w orld, especially in t he
Unit ed St at es. ( 2A) One such base [ am ong ot hers in t he sam e st at e]
is under Archulet a Mesa, which is about 2.5 m iles nort hw est of Dulce,
New Mexico.

The for egoing ext ract is fr om a t ranscript of a conversat ion bet w een
Jim McCam pbell and Dr. Paul Bennewit z on July 13, 1984...

* * *

3) Source I nform at ion Excerpt s: 1988 Krill2.Txt

( 3A) ...Bennewit z report s he was able t o det erm ine t he locat ion of t he
undergr ound facilit y: a kilom et er underground beneat h Ar chulet a
Mesa on t he Jicarilla Apache I ndian Reservat ion near Dulce, New
Mexico [ since 1976, one of t he areas of t he U.S. hardest hit by
m ut ilat ions] . ( 3B) Bennewit z' inform at ion is t hat t his inst allat ion is
operat ed j oint ly as part of an on- going program of cooperat ion
bet ween t he U.S. gov er nm ent and t he EBEs.

Back t o t he base under discussion. Aft er Bennewit z briefed Air Force

officials on what he had found, a t rip t o t he ar ea r ev ealed t he
following dat a:

( 3C) The base is 2.5 m iles nort hw est of Dulce, and alm ost ov erlooks
t he t own. ( 3D) Ther e is a level highway 36 feet wide going int o t he
area. I t is a gov ernm ent road. ( 3E) One can see t elem et r y t railers
and buildings t hat are five- sided wit h a dom e. Next t o t he dom es, a
black lim ousine was not ed - - a CI A v ehicle. ( 3F) These lim os will run
you off t he road if y ou t ry t o get int o t he ar ea. ( 3G) To t he nort h
t here is a launch sit e. ( 3H) Ther e are t wo wr ecked ships t here; t hey
are 36 feet long wit h wings, and one can see ox ygen and hydr ogen
t anks. The ships t hat w e got out of t he t rade ar e at om ic- pow ered wit h
plut onium pellet s. Refueling of t he plut onium is accom plished at Los
Alam os. ( 3I ) The base has been t here since 1948.

Som e of t he disks ar e pilot ed by t he NSA. ( 3J) The base is 4,000 feet

long ( 3K) and helicopt er s ar e going in and out of t her e all t he t im e.
When it becam e known t hat Bennewit z was fam iliar wit h t his, t he
m ut ilat ions in t he area st opped. ( 3L) I n 1979, som et hing happened
and t he base was t em porarily closed. Ther e was an argum ent over
weapons and our people w er e chased out . The aliens killed 66 of our
people, and 44 got away. ( Side Not e: Christ a Tilt on claim s t hat t he
governm ent act ivit y at Dulce m ay no longer be present , as t her e are
signs t hat t he upper lev els have been de- act ivat ed, at least in regards
t o hum an gov ernm ent act ivit y. Sight ings of Gr eys at op t he Archulet a
m esa HAVE been r eport ed by Jicarilla Apache I ndians as of t he early
1990's. Such r eport s have m ade t heir way t o Christ a Tilt on,
suggest ing t hat even if t he 'governm ent ' act ivit y at Dulce has ceased,
t he Greys/ Rept iloids are apparent ly st ill operat ing t here en m asse and
very act ive wit hin t he base, and ar e cont inuing on wit h t heir form er
agendas. - Brant on)

One of t he people who in fact got away was a CI A agent who, befor e
leaving, m ade som e not es, phot os, and videot apes, and went int o
hiding. He has been in hiding ever since, and ev er y six m ont hs he
cont act s each of five people he left copies of t he m at erial wit h. His
inst ruct ions were t hat if he m issed four successive cont act s, t he
people could do what ev er t hey want wit h t he m at erial. [ The m at erial]
was received in Decem ber , 1987, by m any r esearchers. The " Dulce

Paper s" were com posed of 25 black and whit e phot os, a videot ape
wit h no dialogue and a set of paper s t hat included t echnical
inform at ion regarding t he j oint ly occupied [ CI A- Alien] facilit y one
kilom et er beneat h t he Archulet a Mesa near Dulce, New Mexico. ( 3M)
The facilit y st ill exist s and is current ly operat ional.

* * *

Findings: ( I 'v e delet ed SEVERAL par agraphs w hich basically st at e - - in

t he m ost t echnical sounding t erm inology t he aut hors could conj ur e - -
t hat ALL of t he abov e " doesn't exist " . - Brant on) ...

* * *

4) Source I nform at ion Excerpt s: " PROJECT BETA" BY DR. PAUL


( 4A) ...num er ous r oad block s ext end nort hward. ( 4B) Maint ained road
som e t hirt y feet wide and servicing facilit ies, t anks, et c. Ther e is also
an apparent foundat ion for anot her helo pad______

( 4C) hum an housing, and anot her black lim ousine wit h t racks leading
t o it west of t he r oad.

...The t ot al alien basing area appar ent ly cont ains sev eral cult ures, [ all
under t he designat ion 'UNI TY'] ( 4D) and is approx 3km wide by 8km
long and is locat ed in t he m iddle of nowher e on t he Jicarilla I ndian
Reser vat ion west of Dulce, NM. ...Based on t he num ber of ships
present ly in t his area, t he t ot al alien populat ion is est im at ed t o be at
least 2,000 and m ost likely MORE. ( The form er self- professed Dulce
base Securit y Officer Thom as C. Cast ello st at ed t hat t here wer e over
18,000 Greys based under Dulce while he was t here. - Brant on)

- - - - - Logist ical plans - - - - -

...init ial logist ics would indicat e a plan sequent ially im plem ent ed as
follows: This plan does not include all requirem ent s and pr eparat ory
safet y m easur es t o be em ployed by t he gr ound for ce; how ev er , if Air
Force I nt elligence desires t o pur sue t he appr oaches suggest ed in t his
report , each significant requirem ent will be discussed in dept h.

( 4E) The at t ack m ust be direct ed alm ost ent irely on t he gr ound since
vehicle ignit ion problem s will be encount ered. All elect rical and
elect r onic equipm ent m ust be 'hardened' using specific t echniques
perfect ed prior t o im plem ent at ion. This inform at ion has been checked
by int eract ion and eav esdropping on t heir com m unicat ion channels
_______ as far as w eak nesses ar e concerned. The pr ogram would be
inst igat ed in phases:

( 4F) 1) The first procedure w ould be t o close t he gat es of t he dam

abov e t he Navaj o River. This dam could be held closed for t he

durat ion. I nt ernal t o t he one cav e, t her e is a sm all dam for wat er
st orage. I t s capacit y is sm all.

( 4G) Ther e is also a discharge out let downst ream t hat could be
closed, causing wast e w at er t o back up int o t he caves. The wat er is
vacuum pum ped apparent ly by som e elect rost at ic m eans from t he
river. ( 4H) Ther e is a w at er int ake and dam upst ream t hat can be
t ot ally cut off and t he w at er r e- r out ed t o Cham a, New Mexico.

* * *

Findings: ( refer t o last not e... MUCH MORE of t he sam e innocuous

and ram bling evasiveness. How ever if y ou r eally ARE det erm ined t o
see t he ent ire file, I suppose y ou could log- on t o PARANET via t he
I nt ernet and access it . - Brant on) ...

* * *

5) Source I nform at ion Excerpt Thisisit .Txt Wm . C. Cooper

...The alien underground base is locat ed beneat h an indian

reservat ion near t he sm all t own of Dulce, New Mexico...

* * *


All of t he pr evious 'Findings' apply t o t his sour ce inform at ion...

* * *


The Phoenix Pr oj ect




ParaNet ( sm ) I nfor m at ion Ser vice - via ParaNet node 1: 104/ 422

UUCP: ! scicom ! paranet ! User_Nam e

I NTERNET: ParaNet ( sm ) .I nform at ion.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.


From : ( Rod Beckwit h)

New sgr oups: alt .alien.visit ors

Subj ect : Re: Dulce Report - Conclusion

Message- I D: < >

Dat e: 7 Jul 92 00: 00: 18 GMT

Refer ences: < 138997.2A566EBC@paranet .FI DONET.ORG>

Sender: new s@odin.cor ( Net New s)

Organizat ion: Silicon Gr aphics, I nc.

Lines: 21

Nnt p- Post ing- Host :


Didn't Bill Moor e get t angled up in t his sit uat ion? Didn't t his whole
episode cause Paul Bennewit z t o have a ner vous br eakdown? Do you
have any furt her docum ent at ion on t his aspect of t he invest igat ion? I
for one w ould like t o find out where som e [ if not all] of t he
disinform at ion cam e fr om . Ar e t her e any ot her invest igat ions " The
Phoenix Pr oj ect " is work ing on?




Rod Beckwit h
| $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Dat acom I / S | " The gr eat obst acle of progr ess is | not ignorance, | but t he illusion of knowledge."

| $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


From : Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG ( Michael


New sgr oups: alt .alien.visit ors

Subj ect : Re: Dulce Report - Conclusion

Message- I D: < 139085.2A5B8080@paranet .FI DONET.ORG>

Dat e: 8 Jul 92 23: 19: 02 GMT

Sender: ufgat e@paranet .FI DONET.ORG ( newsout 1.26)

Organizat ion: FidoNet node 1: 104/ 428.0 -

Lines: 22

> Dear Michael:

> I r ead all of t he infor m at ion t hat you post ed and appreciat ed your

> work and t he w or k of t he Phoenix Report but I don't believe it . I t

> doesn't add up t o m e and I won't explain why. You m ay be right

> and I 'm wr ong. I hope I am w rong in t his case. That 's all folks.

> John Winst on.

First , t hat was not m y wor k, nor did I hav e anyt hing t o do wit h it .
Som eone uploaded t hat m at erial t o ParaNet and I sim ply repost ed it
wit h perm ission. I hav e found num er ous problem s wit h it m yself and,
alt hough I do not necessarily believe t hat som et hing is happening at
Dulce, I t hink t hat t he Phoenix m at erial is j ust m or e disinform at ion...



From : ParaNet .I nform at ion.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG

( sm )

New sgr oups: alt .alien.visit ors

Subj ect : Rat ing on Dulce Report and K2 Report

Message- I D: < 139161.2A610FC9@paranet .FI DONET.ORG>

Dat e: 13 Jul 92 05: 02: 02 GMT

Sender: ufgat e@paranet .FI DONET.ORG ( newsout 1.26)


Organizat ion: FidoNet node 1: 104/ 428.0 -

Lines: 49

* For warded from " ParaNet UFO Echo"

* Originally from ParaNet ( sm ) I nform at ion Ser vice

* Originally dat ed 07- 12- 92 22: 01

Recent ly we published t wo report s generat ed by t he Phoenix Pr oj ect ,

a group in Car son Cit y, Nevada. These t w o docum ent s allege t hat
m em bers of t his group invest igat ed r eport s of undergr ound alien
bases in Dulce, New Mexico, and an undergr ound alien base locat ed in
t he Plum as Nat ional Forest in Nort hern California. ( Not e: Basically
t heir invest igat ion 'prov ed' t hat t he Dulce base did NOT exist , but t hat
t he 'K2' UFO base in California DI D! Why do I get t he feeling t hat I F
t he K2 base DOES in fact exist , t hen we should not be t oo concerned
about it ? Could it be t hat t her e is an act ual alien force based in t he
Plum es Nat ional Forest t hat is CONTESTI NG t he act ivit ies at Dulce?
Just rem em ber t hat for ev ery visible conflict , t her e is oft en an
invisible conflict t aking place behind t he scenes. Oft en t he 'pawns'
cannot see who t he real " chess players" ar e. - Brant on)

Because of t he following findings/ reasons, ParaNet has assigned a

high level of probabilit y t hat t he m at erial cont ained in t he docum ent s
is disinform at ion and is inaccurat e.

The reasons ar e as follows:

1) The Phoenix Pr oj ect is unknown t o t he gener al UFO research

com m unit y. No where in any of t he m at erials are t he principals of t he
organizat ion ident ified. As is t he case wit h any m at erials where
subst ant ive findings are r eport ed, it dem onst rat es a st rong lack of
cr edibilit y when t he nam es and addr esses of t he invest igat ors are not

2) Due t o an invest igat ion t hat has been ongoing, we have found t hat
t he m at erial on Dulce is inaccurat e. I t is int erest ing t hat t he Dulce
report denies t hat ANYTHI NG exist s at Dulce. Alt hough we hav e found
no inform at ion t o t he cont rary, w e feel t hat t he report fr om t he
Phoenix Pr oj ect is inaccurat e as t o locat ion of buildings and ot her
fact ors. Ther e are t hings down t her e which ARE unusual.

3) The K2 m at erial is t oo am biguous and does not pr ovide enough

reliable dat a bit s t o launch an invest igat ion int o t he claim s. I t appear s
t hat alt hough t he report is writ t en wit h som e lit erary license, t he
findings are pr esent ed in a very unscient ific fashion.

ParaNet will provide a com plet e r eport of it s invest igat ion int o t he
various ot her claim s cont ained in t he report s as soon as t he

inform at ion is available. We have writ t en t o t he Phoenix Pr oj ect

request ing furt her infor m at ion.

I n t he m eant im e, w e ur ge caut ion in t he use of t his m at erial.

Michael Corbin

Direct or

ParaNet I nform at ion Services

- - ParaNet ( sm ) I nfor m at ion Service - via ParaNet node 1: 104/ 422

UUCP: ! scicom ! paranet ! User_Nam e

ParaNet ( sm ) .I nform at ion.Ser vice@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG

From : ParaNet .I nform at ion.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG

( sm )

New sgr oups: alt .alien.visit ors


Message- I D: < 139389.2A739F99@paranet .FI DONET.ORG>

Dat e: 27 Jul 92 06: 56: 03 GMT

Sender: ufgat e@paranet .FI DONET.ORG ( newsout 1.26)

Organizat ion: FidoNet node 1: 104/ 428.0 -

Lines: 25

* For warded from " ParaNet UFO Echo"

* Originally from ParaNet ( sm ) I nform at ion Ser vice

* Originally dat ed 07- 26- 92 23: 56

Ov er t he last few day s we hav e been post ing infor m at ion supplied by
t he Phoenix Proj ect of Carson Cit y, Nevada. This inform at ion has been
st rongly disclaim ed by ParaNet pending t he r esult s of our
invest igat ion t o det erm ine t he validit y of t he Phoenix Pr oj ect and it s

While t he invest igat ion is st ill ongoing, we hav e found som e highly
dist urbing t hings relat ing t o cr edibilit y of t he gr oup. This inform at ion

will be report ed as soon as t he invest igat ion is com plet ed. This should
be in t he next few days.

Unt il t his invest igat ion is com plet e and t he findings published,
ParaNet wishes t o urge ev ery one not t o send any m oney t o t he

Michael Corbin

Direct or


ParaNet ( sm ) I nfor m at ion Ser vice - via ParaNet node 1: 104/ 422

UUCP: ! scicom ! paranet ! User_Nam e

ParaNet ( sm ) .I nform at ion.Ser vice@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG

From : ParaNet .I nform at ion.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG

( sm )

New sgr oups: alt .alien.visit ors

Subj ect : Report on Phoenix Proj ect

Message- I D: < 139577.2A817124@paranet .FI DONET.ORG>

Dat e: 6 Aug 92 18: 16: 01 GMT

Sender: ufgat e@paranet .FI DONET.ORG ( newsout 1.26)

Organizat ion: FidoNet node 1: 104/ 428.0 -

Lines: 177

A few w eeks ago, ParaNet r eceived on- line copies of sev eral
docum ent s which purport ed t o com e from a previously unknown
organizat ion called " The Phoenix Proj ect " . The proj ect is described in
t he docum ent s as a " privat e, civilian, research organizat ion" which
was " form ed in 1952 t o invest igat e and cor relat e inform at ion"
concerning UFOs and ETs. According t o t he infor m at ion cont ained in
t he docum ent s, for a sm all price one can r eceive print ed copies of t he
proj ect 's r eport s, com plet e wit h m aps, m agnet om et er readings, and a
host of ot her support ing chart s and diagram s w hich serv e t o m ak e
t he whole endeav or look scient ific and legit im at e.

The docum ent s w e r eceived w ere form ulat ed as invest igat ive report s
on t wo of t he hot t est and m ost cont rov ersial issues wit hin t he UFO

research com m unit y: t he undergr ound alien bases which are said t o
exist at num er ous locat ions around t he Unit ed St at es, and t he clust er
of alleged UFO- r elat ed proj ect s som et im es referr ed t o collect ively as
" Operat ion Maj est ic Tw elve" . Specifically, t he m at erial consist ed of
t hree separat e docum ent s:

( 1) " The Ult im at e Secr et " , originally dat ed 4 August 1989 and r evised
m ost recent ly 5 May 1992, purport ing t o lay bare t he inner w or kings
of t he governm ent 's secret UFO proj ect s, including t he r ecov er y of
alien t echnology and bodies fr om crashed UFOs, t he exploit at ion of
t his t echnology by a num ber of code- nam ed governm ent pr oj ect s,
and t he involvem ent of NASA and t he SDI pr ogr am in preparing for
CONFLI CT wit h alien I NVADERS;

( 2) " The Dulce Report " , dat ed 27 May 1992, describing an on- sit e
invest igat ion of t he Dulce and Ar chulet a Mesa ar ea in New Mexico,
which purport edly pr ov ed bey ond any doubt t hat t her e is not hing
t here of any int er est t o UFO r esearchers despit e PERSI STENT r eport s
t o t he cont rary; and

( 3) " The K- 2 Report " , or iginally dat ed 28 July 1989 and revised 27
June 1992, which purport s t o docum ent t he discov ery of a genuine
" secr et alien base" in t he Pilot Peak area of Plum as Count y, California.

ParaNet quickly review ed t his m at erial and post ed it in it s ent iret y for
our subscribers, pursuant t o t he perm issions at t ached t o t he m at erial
by t he publisher. We also post ed a pr elim inary evaluat ion which
warned t hat t he m at erial m ight cont ain inaccuracies or deliberat e
disinform at ion. This evaluat ion was based on a num ber of fact ors:

( 1) m uch of t he inform at ion in " The Ult im at e Secr et " about Operat ion
Maj est ic Tw elve and associat ed pr oj ect s is clearly r elat ed t o, and
probably derived from , earlier m at erial which has been dism issed as
wort hless by alm ost all reput able UFO r esear cher s;

( 2) m uch of t he inform at ion in " The Dulce Repor t " about Dulce and
t he Archulet a Mesa cont radict s inform at ion already pr ovided t o
ParaNet by ot her capable invest igat ors;

( 3) som e of t he inform at ion in " The K- 2 Report " is int rinsically

im plausible [ alt hough, adm it t edly, not im possible] , such as t he claim
t hat a seasoned m ilit ary int elligence operat ive 'forgot ' his cam era
when rushing t o docum ent a UFO landing sit e, or t hat by t he next day
t hat sam e landing sit e had been r e- sodded by t he aliens t o oblit erat e
all t he evidence.

ParaNet received t he t hree docum ent s as uploads from a Mr. Jack L.

Mat hias of Car son Cit y, Nevada, who r epr esent ed him self as t he sole
public spok esm an for t he Proj ect . But t he report s t hem selves nam e
neit her t he aut hor s of t he docum ent s nor t he principals of t he Phoenix
Proj ect . I nst ead, t hey cr ypt ically st at e t hat t hey ar e t he work of

" form er m ilit ary per sonnel who have all been associat ed wit h
int elligence act ivit ies, and have knowledge of cov ert gov ernm ent
operat ions concerning UFO's" ( AND also 'disinform at ion' proj ect s? -
Brant on) . Given t he sor ry hist or y of anonym ous docum ent s and
'form er' governm ent agent s in t he UFO com m unit y, ParaNet felt it
necessary t o st art it s own invest igat ion in an effort t o det erm ine j ust
who was behind t he Phoenix Proj ect and what t heir m ot ives m ight be.

First we sent a let t er t o t he post office box list ed in t he docum ent s,

asking for furt her infor m at ion about t he group; but t he let t er was not
answered. We corr esponded by elect r onic m ail wit h Mr. Mat hias, who
represent s him self as an agent for t he gr oup, but he r efused t o
provide any of t he infor m at ion we r equest ed. So m uch for t he direct

Each docum ent form ally st at es t hat t he Phoenix Pr oj ect logo is a

regist er ed t radem ark [ presum ably in t he st at e of Nev ada, since t hat
is where t heir m ailing address is locat ed] , so w e t ried a quer y t o t he
Nevada t radem ar k office in Carson Cit y. That office inform ed us t hat
t he st at e of Nevada has NO r ecord of any curr ent t radem arks under
t he " Phoenix Pr oj ect " nam e. They did say t hat art icles of incorporat ion
wer e filed under t he nam e of t he Phoenix Pr oj ect on 25 August 1988
by a Mr. Thom as Naylor of Las Vegas, Nevada. How ev er, t he
corporat ion failed t o file t he nam es and addresses of it s officers by 1
July 1989 as required by Nevada law, as a result of which t he
incorporat ion was r ev ok ed by t he Nevada Secr et ary of St at e. And so
we reached anot her apparent dead end, except for one bit of t rivia
uncover ed by a ParaNet invest igat or in Las Vegas: An at t orney nam ed
Thom as C. Naylor had r ecent ly m oved int o an office building at 2810
West Charlest on in Las Vegas.

Next we cont act ed t he U.S. Post al Ser vice in Carson Cit y, Nevada t o
det erm ine t he box holder for t he Phoenix Pr oj ect 's publisher, Adv ent
Publishing Com pany. We w er e t old t hat t he box was regist ered t o a
Richard T. Miller, whose address was given as a m obile- hom e park in
Carson Cit y. Following t his, we cont act ed t he Cler k and Recorder 's
office in Car son Cit y, and det erm ined t hat a Richard Miller is list ed
wit h t hem as t he legal owner of Advent Publishing. However, t he
t elephone num ber t hey gave us for Mr . Miller has been disconnect ed,
and direct or y assist ance was unable t o provide a new one. Anot her
brick wall.

To t his point , all at t em pt s t o verify t he Phoenix Proj ect 's legit im acy
using convent ional m et hods had pr ov ed fut ile, so we decided t o t r y a
different approach. The Phoenix Pr oj ect explicit ly and em phat ically
disclaim s affiliat ion wit h any ot her groups using t he nam e 'Ph oenix'.
And j ust t o m ak e sure everyone get s t he m essage, each docum ent
st at es at t he beginning t hat " [ i] n part icular, t here is no affiliat ion wit h
a publisher known as Am erica West , any of it s publicat ions, or t he
individuals known as George and Desiree Green" ( Not e: one source
has inform ed us t hat George Gr een has t ies t o t he CI A. How ev er, t his
sour ce was not able t o confirm t his claim , and so it should be t aken

only as a 'possibilit y'. - Brant on) . Unfort unat ely, Par aNet has
uncover ed evidence t hat t hese disclaim ers m ay be int ended t o
conceal rat her t han t o illum inat e.

Am erica West , it t urns out , is t he publisher of a m agazine called t he

Phoenix Liberat or, which car ries large quant it ies of channeled m at erial
alleged t o originat e wit h an ent it y from t he Pleiades known as
'Hat onn'. The Phoenix Liberat or has com e under fire recent ly fr om
som e in t he UFO com m unit y as ant i- Sem it ic and neo- fascist . [ See, for
exam ple, " Hat onn's Wor ld: A Neo- Nazi ET?" by Don Eck er in t he
July/ August 1992 issue of UFO Magazine.] ( Not e: According t o t he
video 'SECRETS OF THE THI RD REI CH' - - available via Vladim ir
Terziski, President , Am erican Academ y of Dissident Sciences, 10970
Asht on Av e. # 310, Los Angeles, CA 90024, phone and fax: USA-
( 310) - 473- 9717 - - t he Nazi Thule societ y not only 'channeled' t he
Asht ar for ces, but had dev eloped sev er al aerial disc designs,
phot ographs of which ar e depict ed in t he film . One disc t ype was t he
'Adam ski' m odel. Whet her Adam ski's cont act s w er e act ually 'Nazis'
m asquerading as 'Venusians', or whet her t he Nazi's had som ehow
gained access t o a Venusian- Pleiadean scout ship is not clear at t his
t im e, however John Lear has st at ed t hat a sm all renegade 'Pleiadean'
fact ion in Aldebaran which had sold it self over t o t he Asht arian-
Draconian agenda, had int ent ionally 'crashed' one of t heir ships - -
loaded t o t he hilt wit h high- t ech equipm ent - - so t hat t hey could get
t he t echnology t o t heir Germ anic/ Bavarian allies while at t he sam e
t im e m aking an effort t o seem ingly by- pass t he est ablished non-
int erv ent ion laws of t he Sat urnian- Lyran- Pleiadean- Androm edan
'Federat ion'. Lear also claim s t hat t his Pleiadean- Asht arian fact ion
also want ed Germ any t o init iat e a war which hopefully would reduce
t he populat ion of t he planet t o a point wher e t he Asht ar/ Gizeh
alliance or collect ive could est ablish m ore influence wit h less
resist ance in t he int ernat ional affairs of planet eart h... t his
collaborat ion wit h t he Bavarians also being m ot ivat ed by cert ain
ext r em ist I nt er vent ionist and RACI ST fact ions fr om Lyra and
Aldebaran who w er e int ent on m aking t heir 'Ary an' br ot her s on eart h
t he dom inant race. - Br ant on) . But 'Hat onn' and his defenders
vehem ent ly deny t he charge [ of being 'Nazis'] , and t he whole affair
has been widely and rat her nast ily t rum pet ed bot h on t he net and in
print .

I t seem s t hat unt il recent ly Am erica West Publisher s and t he Phoenix

Liberat or w er e operat ed out of TEHACHAPI , California ( Which,
according t o m any invest igat ive sour ces, is a MAJOR cent er for
collaborat ive alien and m ilit ary- indust rial act ivit y - Brant on) . But a
few days ago one of Par aNet 's subscriber s uploaded a response fr om
'Hat onn' t o Don Ecker, which he said he had pulled down fr om t he
Phoenix Liberat or BBS; and wit h it he post ed a new addr ess for t he
Liberat or . That address was all t oo fam iliar: 2810 West Charlest on
Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada - - THE SAME BUI LDI NG, it seem s,
wher e an at t orney nam ed Thom as Naylor also has his new office.

And t hen anot her st r ange coincidence: A post ing com ing acr oss t he

I nt ernet st at ed t hat befor e 'Hat onn' channeled t hrough his curr ent
host , he used t o convey his m essages t hrough a Mr. RI CHARD
MI LLER, who st art ed an organizat ion which was known as t he Solar
Cross and which was apparent ly a for erunner of t he Phoenix Liberat or
( Not e: These 'channeled' m essages ar e apparent ly recieved t hrough
psionic beam s fr om hov ering craft which int eract wit h m icro-
elect r onic im plant s t hat have been placed in var ious individuals who
have been 'connect ed' t o t he Asht ar collect ive in t his m anner. -
Brant on) . I s t his t he sam e RI CHARD MI LLER w ho owns t he Phoenix
Proj ect 's publisher, Adv ent Publishing Com pany?

We do not y et know if t he THOMAS NAYLOR who t ried t o incorporat e

t he Phoenix Proj ect is t he sam e THOMAS NAYLOR who apparent ly
SHARES 2810 West Charlest on wit h t he new offices of t he Phoenix
Liberat or . We do not y et know if t he RI CHARD MI LLER who owns
Advent Publishing is t he sam e RI CHARD MI LLER who report edly once
channeled 'Hat onn'. I n short , we do not y et know if t he Phoenix
Proj ect is t ruly an independent organizat ion, or m er ely anot her
incarnat ion of Am erica West Publishers and t he Phoenix Liberat or . But
t he coincidences ar e cer t ainly st riking and suggest ive. And in light of
t his we again urge ext rem e caut ion in dealing wit h t he Phoenix
Proj ect m at erial, unt il such t im e as a definit ive assessm ent of t he
Proj ect 's m ot ives and reliabilit y can be m ade.

ParaNet will keep y ou advised of our findings as t hey becom e

available. I f y ou hav e any inform at ion about t he Phoenix Pr oj ect ,
especially regarding it s possible relat ionship wit h t he Phoenix
Liberat or or Am erica West Publishers, please send it t o Michael Corbin
by I nt ernet m ail t o m corbin@paranet .org; by Fidonet t o 1: 104/ 422;
by U.S. Mail t o P.O. Box 172, Wheat Ridge, CO 80034- 0172; or by
phone at 303- 431- 8796.


ParaNet ( sm ) I nfor m at ion Ser vice - via ParaNet node 1: 104/ 422

UUCP: ! scicom ! paranet ! User_Nam e

ParaNet ( sm ) .I nform at ion.Ser vice@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG


From : ParaNet .I nform at ion.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG

( ParaNet

I nform at ion Service)

New sgr oups: alt .alien.visit ors


Subj ect : Our Response t o Phoenix Pr oj ect

Message- I D: < 139863.2A9405AD@paranet .FI DONET.ORG>

Dat e: 20 Aug 92 20: 25: 07 GMT

Sender: ufgat e@paranet .FI DONET.ORG ( newsout 1.26)

Organizat ion: FidoNet node 1: 104/ 428.0 -

Lines: 159

* For warded from " ParaNet UFO Echo"

* Originally from ParaNet I nform at ion Service

* Originally dat ed 08- 20- 92 13: 23

On 6 August 1992, ParaNet I nform at ion Service post ed a prelim inary

st at em ent on our invest igat ion int o an organizat ion known as t he
Phoenix Pr oj ect , which had recent ly r eleased " invest igat ive report s"
ent it led " The Dulce Report " , " The K- 2 Report " , and " The Ult im at e
Secret " . I n our st at em ent we point ed out som e apparent problem s
wit h all t hree Phoenix Proj ect report s, as w ell as som e suspicious
aspect s of t he Proj ect 's organizat ion it self. I n our conclusion, we
issued a warning not t o t ake t he Phoenix Pr oj ect report s at face
value, pending furt her invest igat ion.

On 10 August 1992, Jack Mat hias of t he Phoenix Pr oj ect r esponded in

a long, ram bling m essage post ed t o a num ber of bullet in boards and
news groups. Unfort unat ely, rat her t han dealing wit h t he subst ant ive
issues raised in our pr evious post ings regarding t he pr oj ect and it s
publicat ions, Mr. Mat hias's st at em ent consist ed m ost ly of ad-
hom inem at t acks im pugning t he m ot ives, int egr it y, and com pet ence
of ParaNet 's officers and invest igat ors. Here is som e t ypical language
excerpt ed fr om t he Phoenix Proj ect st at em ent :

" ... y ou blew it ..."

" ... a snap j udgem ent wit hout exam ining t he evidence ..."

" ... y our spont aneous and inst ant negat ive react ion ..."

" ... y our at t it ude problem ..."

" ... y ou abused y our posit ion of t rust and r esponsibilit y ..."

" ... inexcusable ... a new r ecord for prej udice ..."

" ... y ou'v e j ust w on t he Golden Fleece Award ..."

" ... out st anding inept ness ..."

" ... am at eur sleut hing ..."

" ... self- cent ered ..."

" ... lacking any real ex pert ise ..."

" ... seat ed upon y our st arry t hrone ..."

" ... elect ed y our self t o be t he final arbit er of t he t rut h ..."

" ... Judge, Jury, and Ex ecut ioner ..."

" ... Kangaroo Court Pr oceeding of y our own fashioning ..."

" ... arm - chair expert ise ..."

" ... laughable ..."

Following paragraph aft er paragraph of t his kind of personal invect ive,

Mr. Mat hias t hen suggest s t hat :

PP> I n our opinion, t he public deser ves t he t rut h regarding t he real

PP> st or y of UFO's, gov ernm ent involvem ent and t he Alien t hreat .

PP> That should be our obj ect ive. ... Perhaps y ou'll agree t hat , t hat

PP> obj ect ive is m or e product ive t han ent ert aining t he public via t he

PP> BBS links wit h a side- show of pet t y squabbles and bick ering

PP> bet ween individuals and organizat ions.

This is a noble sent im ent , and one which we at ParaNet

wholeheart edly agree w it h. Hopefully in t he fut ure t he Phoenix
Proj ect 's represent at ives will t ake som e of t heir own advice and t ry t o
keep t he rhet oric down t o a m or e civilized level.

Having said t hat , let 's look at t he act ual issues r aised by t his lat est
salvo fr om t he Phoenix Proj ect , and see how t hey st ack up.

PP> Let us r eview t he fact s. You react ed by issuing a public warning

PP> t o t he m em ber s of ParaNet , which was also widely dist ribut ed via

PP> ot her BBS's nat ion- wide. That warning cont ained language which

PP> im plied t he inform at ion, and t he sour ce, w ere highly suspect .

PP> Thus, single- handedly, you creat ed a st r ong im pression

t hroughout

PP> t he UFO com m unit y, t hat our inform at ion was false. Many

PP> people, t rust ing your qualificat ions, accept ed y our warning.


PP> You t ook it upon yourself t o m ak e a snap j udgem ent wit hout

PP> exam ining t he evidence.

False. We did not ar rive at our conclusion single- handedly or

inst ant aneously. Our analysis and t he result ing warning were t he
product s of considerable discussion am ong Par aNet 's researcher s and
subscriber s. They w er e also labeled as t ent at ive, pending furt her
invest igat ion.

PP> I n y our m essage, y ou m ent ion t hat you w r ot e t o t he Phoenix

Proj ect ,

PP> aft er t he fact and y our prelim inary j udgem ent , r equest ing furt her

PP> inform at ion. You m ade t he sam e com m ent in ot her BBS
m essages.

PP> You st at e t hat w e did not respond t o your r equest . You also
im ply,

PP> by insinuat ion, t hat t his is a m ark against us and a furt her
indicat ion

PP> t hat w e are suspect . ... To dat e w e hav e not r eceived y our let t er

PP> inquiry. Appar ent ly, of all t he m ail we r eceive, your let t er is t he

PP> only one t hat has gone ast ray. We can only conclude t hat it was
eit her

PP> lost in t he m ail or y ou didn't m ail it . Did it ever occur t o you t o

PP> m ail us a second request , when y ou did not r eceive a response t o



PP> first inquiry?

The let t er was followed up wit h elect ronic m ail t o t he Pr oj ect 's
spok esm an, Jack Mat hias. The request for infor m at ion was r epeat ed
t hrough t hat channel. The r equest was r efused.

PP> But , t his was not t he end of your at t it ude problem r egarding t he

PP> Phoenix Pr oj ect . You did t he sam e t hing, again, issuing warnings,

PP> et c., wit h our release of t he K- 2 and t he Ult im at e Secr et Report s.

PP> And, again, you had not seen or exam ined t he support ing
docum ent s

PP> at t he t im e you issued t hose warnings t o ParaNet and t he public.

We hav e alr eady st at ed our reasons for suspect ing t he 'K- 2' and
" Ult im at e Secr et " r eport s. As wit h t he 'Dulce' report , our suspicions
went t o t he core of t he ent ire concept and ex ecut ion of bot h r eport s;
consequent ly, it seem ed unlikely t hat t he " support ing docum ent s"
would m ake m uch differ ence. Our j udgem ent in t his m at t er was borne
out when w e received t he " support ing docum ent s" fr om anot her
sour ce. We were not im pressed.

PP> Would we be out of line in concluding t hat your m ind was already

PP> m ade- up?

Yes, t hat w ould be out of line, since our m inds wer e not and in fact
are not y et ent irely m ade up. Our warnings wer e t ent at ive, and in our
view t ot ally j ust ified. So far we have not been provided wit h any
evidence t o t he cont rar y. I f such evidence is pr ovided, w e will not
only change our m inds but say so publicly.

PP> Fort unat ely, for t he UFO Mov em ent , ot her invest igat ors and

PP> researcher s don't share your opinion.

That 's not t he feedback we've been get t ing.

PP> You st at e in your init ial m essage t hat " m uch of t he inform at ion

PP> in t he Dulce Report about Dulce and t he Ar chulet a Mesa

cont radict s

PP> inform at ion already provided t o ParaNet by ot her capable


PP> invest igat ors." What inform at ion? Who prov ided it ? How did

PP> y ou det erm ine it s validit y?

Our inform at ion consist s of t he t est im ony of ParaNet invest igat ors
and ot her s who hav e been in Dulce and on t he Mesa. Their
experiences w ere very different fr om what y ou describe, and it is
difficult t o reconcile your claim s wit h t he findings of our own people.

PP> We form ally request access t o t hat inform at ion. We'd like t o

PP> exam ine it ourselves. Can we obt ain copies of 't hat ' inform at ion?

Our invest igat ion cont inues, and t he inform at ion will be m ade public
when it is com plet e. At t hat t im e we will be glad t o pr ovide y ou wit h a
com plim ent ary copy of our report .

PP> Now, let us get t o t he m ain t hrust of your m essage - y our

PP> invest igat ion t o r ev eal t he personnel of t he Phoenix Proj ect .


PP> [ sev er al paragraphs of m eaningless abuse delet ed]


PP> What , if anyt hing, is t he Phoenix Proj ect guilt y of? I s it

PP> t he fact t hat w e dared t o quest ion and invest igat e t wo of t he

PP> sacr ed cows of UFO- dom nam ely t he ones you m ent ioned, i.e.,

PP> " undergr ound alien bases, and t he clust er of gov ernm ent
proj ect s

PP> referr ed t o collect ively as Operat ion Maj est ic Tw elve?"


ParaNet I nform at ion Service - via ParaNet node 1: 104/ 422

UUCP: ! scicom ! paranet ! User_Nam e

ParaNet .I nform at ion.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG


From : ParaNet .I nform at ion.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG

( ParaNet I nform at ion Ser vice)

New sgr oups: alt .alien.visit ors

Subj ect : Phoenix Response - Part 2

Message- I D: < 139864.2A9405B0@paranet .FI DONET.ORG>

Dat e: 20 Aug 92 20: 25: 09 GMT

Sender: ufgat e@paranet .FI DONET.ORG ( newsout 1.26)

Organizat ion: FidoNet node 1: 104/ 428.0 -

Lines: 168

* For warded from " ParaNet UFO Echo"

* Originally from ParaNet I nform at ion Service

* Originally dat ed 08- 20- 92 13: 23

< ..Cont inued from previous m essage>

No. ParaNet has long quest ioned bot h of t hose sacr ed cow s. To t his
point we have seen no accept able PROOF for t he exist ence of any
undergr ound alien base near Dulce, nor hav e w e seen adequat e pr oof
for t he exist ence of " Operat ion Maj est ic Twelve" . We hav e publicly
st at ed as m uch on m any occasions. ( Not e: I personally believe t hat
t here is m uch 'evidence' for undergr ound act ivit y near Dulce. As for
'proof' - - along t he line of a Net work video cr ew broadcast ing a Live
Special Report from inside t he Dulce underground labs or som et hing
of t he sort - - adm it t edly t hat kind of 'pr oof' is y et t o be fort hcom ing. -
Brant on)

PP> According t o our sources wit hin t he int elligence com m unit y, t he

PP> Dulce Scam , perpet rat ed by t he disinform at ion specialist s of


PP> bet t er known t o you as Maj est ic Twelve wit h help from t he CI A

PP> NSA, is considered one of t heir m ost brilliant success st ories.

But , of course, t hese 'sources' cannot be nam ed, and all we hav e t o
go on is y our word t hat t hey even exist . And, unfort unat ely, y ou ar e
m aking a concert ed effort t o keep any one from knowing who * you*

are, eit her. Anonym ous st ories r elayed by anonym ous st ory t ellers.
Sor ry, but t hat 's not 'ev idence'.

PP> We sent in experienced invest igat ors, not am at eurs, t o check out

PP> t he alleged Dulce Base. Those people knew what t o look for , how

PP> t o look for it , how t o get answ er s, and ar e not easily m islead.

We hav e no evidence for t his except y our say- so.

PP> I f y ou do not agr ee wit h our findings, get off y our post erior , go

PP> t o Dulce, and check it out for y ourself.

We hav e.

PP> I n fact , we invit e anybody t o do t he sam e t hing. We're sur e you'll

PP> find exact ly what we did ...

We didn't .

PP> You im ply t hat you're good at asking quest ions - - how ar e you

PP> at answering t hem ? We hav e a few quest ions ... Would you m ind

PP> sharing wit h all of us, every one on t he BBS's and t he public,

PP> hard evidence y ou have t hat , wit hout quest ion, support s t he

PP> and validit y of t he Dulce Base.

Would you m ind sharing what hard evidence you have t hat w e ev er
said anyt hing of t he kind? We hav e never said anyt hing in support of
t he pr esence of a secr et alien base at Dulce. I n point of fact , w e
consider it ext rem ely unlikely t hat any such base exist s - - at Dulce or
anywher e else. That 's one of t he r easons w e have so m uch t r ouble
wit h your 'K- 2' report , which purport s t o docum ent t he exist ence of
j ust such a base in California.

PP> Unless you hav e irr efut able evidence t o pr esent , m ade available

PP> for public scrut iny and evaluat ion, which invalidat es t he findings

PP> of t he Phoenix Pr oj ect regarding Dulce, K- 2, or t he Ult im at e


Secret ,

PP> or our fut ure r eport s, back off. Eit her put - up or shut - up. I n ot her

PP> w ords, get off our back.

All right , challenge accept ed. Let 's st art wit h t his st at em ent fr om y our
" Ult im at e Secr et " r eport :

PP> According t o ey e- w it ness t est im ony, t he CI A agent

PP> in charge of t his covert operat ion, w earing t he

PP> uniform of an AF Colonel, was William C. Cooper . ...

PP> This wit ness t est ifies t hat t his is t he sam e William C.

PP> Cooper, who has been prom inent since 1988 in t he

PP> civilian UFO m ov em ent .

I s t his " William C. Cooper" supposed t o be t he fam ous Bill Cooper w e

have all com e t o know so w ell? Apparent ly so. Unfort unat ely, in his
own published docum ent s Bill Cooper gives his full nam e as " Milt on
William Cooper" , not " William C. Cooper" . Eit her Cooper doesn't know
his own nam e, or t he Phoenix Pr oj ect 's " eye wit ness" doesn't know
what he's t alking about .

And while we'r e on t he subj ect of Bill Cooper, it is inst ruct ive t o
com pare som e of t he t ext of t he Phoenix Pr oj ect 's " Ult im at e Secr et "
docum ent wit h som e of Bill Cooper's m at erial on t he sam e subj ect .
Cooper w rit es in his " Operat ion Maj orit y - - Final Release" :

BC> [ Pr oj ect Grudge] w as financed by CI A confident ial funds

BC> [ nonappr opriat ed] and m oney from t he illicit drug t rade ...

BC> The purpose of Pr oj ect Grudge was t o collect all scient ific,

BC> t echnological, m edical and int elligence inform at ion from

BC> UFO/ I AC sight ings and cont act s wit h alien life form s. This

BC> orderly file of collect ed inform at ion has been used t o advance

BC> t he Unit ed St at es Space Pr ogram .

Now look at t he cor r esponding paragraph of t he Phoenix Proj ect 's


" Ult im at e Secr et " r eport :

PP> Proj ect Aquarius was funded by CI A confident ial funds

PP> [ non- appr opriat ed] ... The purpose of Proj ect Aquarius

PP> was t o collect all scient ific, t echnological, m edical

PP> and int elligence inform at ion fr om UFO/ I AC sight ings and

PP> cont act s wit h alien lifeform s. This orderly file of collect ed

PP> inform at ion has been used t o advance t he Unit ed St at es'

PP> Space Pr ogram and provided t he dat a needed t o dev elop

PP> present st ealt h t echnology.

You don't have t o be an int elligence agent t o see t hat t hese t w o

passages are virt ually ident ical in bot h cont ent and phrasing. Since
Cooper 's st at em ent is dat ed 10 January 1989, m or e t han half a year
befor e t he " Ult im at e Secr et " report 's 'originat ion' dat e of 4 August
1989, we seem t o be left wit h t hree possibilit ies: ( 1) Cooper was
som ehow privy t o t he Phoenix Pr oj ect 's invest igat ive result s even
befor e t hey w er e first put t o paper; or, ( 2) t he Phoenix Pr oj ect
plagiarized Cooper 's writ ings; or ( 3) t he Phoenix Pr oj ect 's own
invest igat ions drew on t he sam e [ original] sour ces as Cooper
apparent ly did in com piling his own m at erials. Whichever one y ou
pick, it 's not a pr et t y pict ure.

But it get s wor se:

PP> The basic inform at ion r ev ealing t he exist en ce of

PP> Operat ion Maj est ic- 12, t he crashed UFOs, alien beings,

PP> and t heir secr et bases wit hin t he Unit ed St at es, was

PP> obt ained t hrough t he Fr eedom of I nform at ion Act from t he

PP> files of t he CI A, NSA, FBI , St at e Depart m ent , t he U.S.

PP> Air Force.

This is ut t er nonsense, as any perusal of published FOI A docum ent s

on UFOs w ould quickly rev eal. FOI A request s have forced t he
governm ent t o disgorge m any hundreds of pages of UFO docum ent s
ov er t he y ears, but t hey provide lit t le if any support for t he exist ence
of Operat ion Maj est ic Twelve, crashed saucer s, alien beings, or secr et
bases. I f t he Phoenix Pr oj ect is relying on already published

docum ent s as t heir sour ce for t his claim [ e.g., " The UFO Cov er- UP" by
Lawr ence Faw cet t and Barr y Gr een- w ood, or " Above Top Secret " by
Tim ot hy Good] , t hen clearly t hey hav e not exam ined t hem very
car efully. On t he ot her hand, if t he proj ect really does have such
explosive FOI A docum ent s in it s possession, let 's see t hem ; t heir
publicat ion would do m ore t o est ablish t he proj ect 's cr edibilit y t han
anyt hing else it could possibly do short of producing a live alien.

PP> PROJECT GRUDGE: This proj ect was originally

PP> est ablished in 1953, by order of President Eisenhower

PP> and is under t he cont rol of t he CI A, NSA, and MAJI .

PP> Proj ect Grudge w ent undergr ound and anot her proj ect ,

PP> Proj ect Sign, was est ablished as a cov er operat ion.

PP> I n 1960, t he Pr oj ect 's nam e was changed from Pr oj ect

PP> SI GN t o Proj ect Bluebook.

This is dem onst rably and t ot ally wrong. Pr oj ect Sign was est ablished
first , in 1947, and it was under t he cont r ol of t he Air Force, not t he
CI A. The nam e was changed t o Pr oj ect Grudge in 1949, and t o Blue
Book in 1952 - - not 1960. [ For det ails, see " The Report on
Unident ified Flying Obj ect s" by Edward J. Ruppelt , who headed t he
proj ect from 1951 t o 1953.] The exact dat es slide ar ound a lit t le bit
depending on whet her y ou'r e t alking about when t he decision was
m ade, when t he order was signed, or when t he order becam e
effect ive; but t he differ ences ar e on t he order of m ont hs, not
decades! How could t he Phoenix Proj ect 's exper ienced int elligence
agent s m ak e so m any ludicrous err or s in a single paragraph?


ParaNet I nform at ion Service - via ParaNet node 1: 104/ 422

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From : ParaNet .I nform at ion.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FI DONET.ORG

( ParaNet I nform at ion Ser vice)


New sgr oups: alt .alien.visit ors

Subj ect : Phoenix Response - Conclusion

Message- I D: < 139865.2A9405B4@paranet .FI DONET.ORG>

Dat e: 20 Aug 92 20: 25: 11 GMT

Sender: ufgat e@paranet .FI DONET.ORG ( newsout 1.26)

Organizat ion: FidoNet node 1: 104/ 428.0 -

Lines: 222

* For warded from " ParaNet UFO Echo"

* Originally from ParaNet I nform at ion Service

* Originally dat ed 08- 20- 92 13: 24

< < ..Cont inued from pr evious m essage> >

I n fact , t his whole business was such an em barr assing m ess t hat t he
Phoenix Pr oj ect issued a 'cor rect ion' docum ent t o t r y t o st r aight en it
out . But , ironically, t he corr ect ion is also wr ong - - j ust less obviously

We could go on, but I t hink you get t he point . The " Ult im at e Secr et "
report is, at best , a r ehash of ot her people's garbage. At w or st , it is a
deliberat e effort t o confuse and disinform .

PP> We act ively encour age ot her serious invest igat ors t o use t he

PP> inform at ion we hav e pr ovided as a basis for conduct ing t heir

PP> own inquiry and t o car ry- on our effort . Can you, Mr . Corbin,

PP> or ParaNet , or Mufon, m ake t he sam e claim . Or, is it t rue t hat

PP> t he r esult s of crit ical invest igat ions are held sacred by t he

PP> elit e leadership of t hese organizat ions, and ar e not shar ed wit h

PP> t he m em ber 's of t heir organizat ions or t he public?

We can't speak for ot her organizat ions, but in t he case of ParaNet w e

have always m ade our r esult s public as soon as our invest igat ions are
com plet e.

PP> I n y our m essage, y ou insinuat e t hat because of our past m ilit ary

PP> and int elligence backgr ounds, our ar ea of expert ise so- t o- speak,

PP> t hat t he m ot ives of t he Phoenix Pr oj ect ar e suspect . You furt her

PP> insinuat e t hat we are possibly governm ent operat ives at t em pt ing

PP> t o send serious r esear chers off on a variet y of wild goose chases.

Given t he prior hist ory of gov ernm ent disinfor m at ion in ufology, m ost
of it purveyed by act ive or form er int elligence agent s and t heir
vict im s, anyone who ( 1) purport s t o hav e a m ilit ary int elligence
backgr ound, ( 2) r efuses t o divulge t heir ident it y, and ( 3) pr opagat es
known disinform at ion as r eliable int elligence [ w het her deliberat ely or
not ] should expect his m ot ives t o be considered suspect unt il proven
ot her wise. I t is ext r em ely naive of you t o t hink it would happen any
ot her way .

PP> I f anyone needed assurance t hat t he t rut h regarding UFO's

PP> will rem ain a deep, dark, secret - - t hey can rest secure in

PP> t he knowledge t hat you, ar e on t he j ob. Ther e are any num ber

PP> of gov ernm ent agencies who w ould welcom e y ou wit h open
arm s.

PP> Expect som e offers.

Sor ry, none so far. We'll let you know if we get any.

PP> We ar e sure t hat t he honest and sincer e m em bers of ParaNet


PP> ot her UFO invest igat ive organizat ions [ and t her e are m any] m ust

PP> be seriously considering whet her y our qualificat ions, fit ness and

PP> invest igat ive abilit y war rant y our cont inuance in a posit ion of

PP> leadership wit hin what used t o be a r espect ed r esearch

organizat ion.

( Not e: I n m y own exper ience wit h m isiform at ion, disinform at ion and
dubunker 'agent s', v er y lit t le effort is m ade t o address t he
inform at ion at hand or r at ionally explain- away inform at ion, claim s or
dat a t hat is being released by an individual. Most of t he effort s on t he
part of such agent s ar e direct ed against t he individuals t hem selves,
as in charact er assassinat ions and at t acks. I n m any cases t hey KNOW

t hat t hey cannot refut e t he inform at ion, so t hey at t em pt t o discredit

t he inform at ion t hrough charact er assassinat ion. Do police officers
im m ediat ely " discredit " what a drug dealer t ells t hem when he is
exposing his superior s so t hat he him self can aquire a lesser
sent ence, or what a convict ed child m olest er m ight t ell t hem about a
rit ual child abuse ring t hat he has been involved wit h? No, especially
if t here is sufficient evidence t o back up t heir claim s. Som eone who
has been involved per sonally wit h som e illicit act ivit y can be m or e of
a r eliable sour ce t han som eone who j ust hear s about it second- hand.
So t he charact er assassinat ion st rat egy by cert ain agent s does not
hold wat er especially in a case such as t his, wherein ParaNet officials
have had t heir charact er and int egrit y UNJUSTLY at t ack ed in order t o
DI VERT ATTENTI ON from t he subj ect at hand, OR TO DI VERT
not claim t o be t he infallible specim en of a perfect hum an being. I
have a j ail record, and suffer from em ot ional and psychological
disabilit ies result ing from years of suppr essed int eract ions wit h what I
believe t o be m alevolent alien agendas and cert ain hum an agencies
which are or w ere involved wit h t hem . Alt hough t he psy chological-
em ot ional t urm oil or inst abilit y m ay not be ent irely m y fault , t he j ail
t erm was a r esult of m y own irr esponsibilit y. What I am t rying t o say
is t hat I do not CLAI M t o hav e it all t oget her any m ore t han t he
average hum an being does, so why engage in 'charact er
assassinat ion' against som eone who lives in a world whose ov erall
inhabit ant s are gener ally lacking in perfect char act er? Show m e
som eone wit h full awareness of " good and evil" who has nev er br ok en
a law or one of t he t en com m andm ent s. Aside from t he Messiah
Him self, t her e is no hum an being on eart h t hat can m ak e such a
claim . And m ost oft en t hen not , when som eone t arget s an individual
for charact er assassinat ion, as t hey say , " I t t akes one t o know one."
So in t he search for t he t rut h about what is really happening in t his
world, I w ould suggest t hat you do not get caught - up in em ot ional
exchanges and charact er at t ack s which only ser ve t o cloud t he r eal
CORRECT! This is not t o say t hat 'charact er' has no bearing
what soever on inform at ion. For inst ance som eone who has been
known in t he past t o be a con art ist m ight not be t ak en as seriously
as an ORI GI NAL SOURCE of inform at ion as, y ou m ight say, som eone
who has won a Pulit zer prize for invest igat ive j ournalism . How ev er w e
do need t o k eep a 'balance'. - Brant on)

Exact ly t he opposit e, act ually. Most of our people are grat eful for t he
warning, and are com ing t o t he sam e conclusions as w e did. PP>
I nst ead of m aking an honest at t em pt t o validat e or dispr ov e our

PP> findings regarding t he subj ect s m ent ioned - - m issing t he point

PP> com plet ely, y ou chose t o becom e obsessed wit h det erm ining

PP> t he ident it y of Phoenix Proj ect personnel. For what r eason? Do


PP> y ou int end t o j udge t he validit y of t he infor m at ion based on t he

PP> cr edent ials of t hose providing it ? Som e people would int erpret

PP> t hat as put t ing t he cart befor e t he horse.

And som e people w ould int erpret it as a det erm inat ion not t o fall prey
t o t he sam e fat e as far t oo m any ot her s in t his field, who t rust ed
st rangers t oo easily and ended up wast ing year s chasing wild geese - -
or worse...

PP> You suggest a possible link bet ween our or ganizat ion and
Am erica

PP> West . Sor ry about t hat , but you'r e dead w r ong. I t has com e

PP> t o us fr om sev eral sour ces t hat w e're not on t heir list of fav orit e

PP> people. We will t ake t his opport unit y t o cat egorically deny t hat

PP> w e hav e any affiliat ion wit h Am erica West , t heir publicat ion t he

PP> " Phoenix Liberat or," or any ot her publicat ion t hey pr ovide. Do

PP> not expect us t o r espond t o t he ot her coincidences, supposit ions,

PP> insinuat ions or innuendoes cont ained in your m essage.

Why? Perhaps because t here ar e ot her 'insinuat ions' t hat cannot be

t rut hfully denied? As a m at t er of fact , w e now have solid confirm at ion
of anot her one of our 'insinuat ions' - - i.e., t he fact t hat t he Richard
Miller who owns Advent Publishing is indeed t he sam e Richard Miller
who used t o channel 'Hat onn'. That confirm at ion cam e fr om none
ot her t han Mr. Miller him self. So I guess we'r e not doing t oo badly.

I n considerat ion of y our explicit denials of any t ies t o Am erica West ,

and in view of t he addit ional inform at ion provided privat ely by Mr.
Miller, w e wit hdraw our previous suggest ion of possible connect ions
bet ween t he Phoenix Pr oj ect and t he Am erica West / Phoenix Liberat or
operat ion. As w e st at ed befor e, t hose suggest ions wer e t ent at ive
pending furt her invest igat ion, and furt her invest igat ion has not
uncover ed any addit ional evidence t o support t hem . Unfort unat ely,
t his is t he kind of burden t hat t he Phoenix Proj ect inevit ably t ook on
when it chose t o publicly port ray it self as a clandest ine organizat ion.

PP> Since y ou br ought up Am erica West and The " Phoenix Liberat or,"

PP> why not t urn your invest igat ive abilit ies loose on t heir

PP> organizat ion. Just suppose t hat Milt on Cooper is, quiet ly,

PP> linked t o t heir organizat ion. That should int rigue you...

PP> Equally int riguing, is wher e t heir funding com es fr om - not t he

PP> obvious subscript ion incom e - t he covert funding. Or, how about

PP> t he busy and num erous, off pr em ise, w rit er s t hat pr epar e t he
volum es

PP> of 'Hat onn' m at erial, and t heir use of high- speed m odem s t o

PP> t he copy for each weekly issue of t he " Phoenix Liberat or" and t he

PP> dozens of books t hey produce. I n our supposit ion, we'r e t alking

PP> about a big- t im e operat ion. You m ight also check out t heir
print ing

PP> facilit ies, dist ribut ion cent ers, and w orld- wide circulat ion. Equally

PP> fascinat ing is t heir sudden rise, in a few sh ort years, t o t he t op of

PP> t he New Age Mov em ent . You m ight even t hink t o ask y ourself,
why t he

PP> New Age Mov em ent ? What possible connect ion is t here wit h
cov ert

PP> governm ent UFO act ivit ies, or a New World Order, wit h t he New

PP> Mov em ent ? The answer t o t hat m ight be revealed, if you dig

PP> enough, and discov er high- speed m odem links bet w een t heir
headquart ers

PP> and cert ain organizat ions locat ed at Langley and Ft . Meade. Yes,

PP> y ou really dig, you m ight uncover all kinds of int erest ing t hings

PP> about Am erica West .

Thanks for t he t ip.


( I m ay be w rong, but t his sounds v er y sim ilar t o t he ram blings of

cult ist s who have br ok en off fr om t he 'm ot her' sect t o est ablish t heir
own branch cult s... essent ially agreeing wit h t he basic 'belief syst em '
- - which in t his case m ight be t he channeling of 'Asht ar ' int elligence's
- - while at t he sam e t im e claim ing t hat 't hey' and not t heir form er
'apost at e leaders' ar e t he sole spok esm en for t he 'higher powers' on
eart h. As for t he r eligious 'denom inat ion' in which I was raised, one
which dom inat es a m aj or w est ern st at e and st r et ches t he
Const it ut ional rest rict ions on separat ion of chur ch and st at e t o t heir
ut t erm ost lim it s, I hav e com e t o find out t hat ov er 500 'branch'
religions ranging from a few follower s t o t ens of t housands of
followers hav e separat ed fr om t he 'm ain' denom inat ion. This is one of
t he m ain reasons why I becam e a non- denom inat ionalist Judeo-
Christ ian. One of t hese 500- or- so branches incident ally was t he
'Freem an Order' which was involved in a drawn- out FBI st and- off in
1996. The U.S. Const it ut ion and Bill of Right s allows for t he right t o
wor ship as one wishes SO LONG AS one does not infringe on t he
const it ut ional right s of ot hers and t he laws of t he land. Of course
'inquisit ional' or 't er rorist ' r eligious pract ices, or t he 'r eligious' pract ice
of rit ual child abuse, or religious inst it ut ions t hat at t em pt t o force
t heir will upon an elect ed gov ernm ent , or one w hose m em bers in
governm ent use t axpay er funds or personal influence t o show polit ical
favorit ism t owards t heir 'chur ches', hav e no place in a Const it ut ional
Dem ocr at ic- Republic. Nor does a our Const it ut ional syst em have t o
put up wit h cult s like t he 'Freem en' who hav e blat ant ly resist ed t he
PUBLI CLY- inst it ut ed legal rest rict ions against m oney fr aud or child
sexual abuse, even if t he 'Freem an' or sim ilar cult s hypocrit ically use
'Ruby Ridge', 'Waco' or ot her legit im at e yet incendiary cat ch- phrases
t o j ust ify t heir own illegal act ivit ies. - Brant on)

PP> As t o your effort in t rying t o ident ify st aff per sonnel of t he

PP> Phoenix Pr oj ect - - good luck. However, we do hav e t o adm it t hat

PP> y ou m ay get lucky and hit on a couple of t hem . How ev er, since

PP> t here ar e m any , it is doubt ful you will ever get beyond t hat point .

Our only int erest in t he per sonnel of t he Phoenix Pr oj ect is t o

det erm ine whet her t he Proj ect has a hidden agenda, and whet her it is
cov ert ly linked t o ot her organizat ions whose agendas are known. That
int erest was m ade necessar y by t he Pr oj ect 's clandest ine nat ure and
consequent lack of public account abilit y. You br ought it on yourselves,
and your cont inuing host ilit y and evasiveness suggest t hat we w er e
not ent irely m ist aken in our suspicions.

Our invest igat ion cont inues. We'll let you know what we find out .

Michael Corbin

Direct or

ParaNet I nform at ion Service



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! scicom ! paranet ! User_Nam e

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Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 17

Th e Bla ck Bu dge t An d Th e Unde r ground Em pire

On Oct . 20, 1991, California resear cher Michael Lindem ann,

founder of 'The 20/ 20 Group', gav e a lect ur e befor e a large cr owd
of int erest ed invest igat ors. During t he course of his lect ure wherein
he discussed t he Milit ary- I ndust rial Com plex's undergr ound bases
out side of Lancast er, California, he m ade t he following st at em ent s:

" ...How m any of you have seen t he book 'BLANK CHECK'?... I t is

not a UFO book. I st rongly recom m end t hat y ou read t he book
'BLANK CHECK' so t hat you can underst and som et hing about how
t hese pr oj ect s are funded wit hout your say so, indeed wit hout t he
say so of Congress. Most cit izens don't know for exam ple t hat t he
Nat ional Securit y Act of 1947 m ade it illegal t o ever say how m uch
m oney is spent on t he CI A. I ndeed all of our t rem endous alphabet
soup collect ion of I nt elligence Agencies. Whet her your t alking
about t he CI A, or t he NRO, or t he NSA or t he DI A, et c., all of t hem
are in t he sam e cat egor y.

" You cannot say how m uch t hese t hings cost . All you can do if y ou
want t o find out is add- up t he num ber s on t he Budget t hat ar en't
assigned t o anyt hing t hat act ually m eans anyt hing. There ar e t hese
huge cat egories t hat have t ens of billions of dollars in t hem t hat
say not hing but 'Special Pr oj ect s...' And ev er y y ear t he Congr ess
dut ifully passes t his bloat ed budget t hat has som e
$300,000,000,000 or m or e wit h HUGE chunks of cash labeled like
t hat : 'Special Proj ect s,' 'Unusual St uff.' - - Ten billion dollars. O.K.,

well where does t he 'unusual st uff' m oney go? Well, it DOES go t o

'unusual st uff', t hat 's for sure, and one of t he places it goes is t hat
it goes int o t he undergr ound bases. I ndeed TI M said recent ly since
t he publicat ion of his book [ BLANK CHECK] ... MORE Black Budget
m oney goes int o underground bases t han ANY OTHER kind of w or k.

" Now I don't believe t hat 35 billion, which is t he approxim at e size

of t he black budget m oney t hat y ou can find by analyzing t he
budget , I don't t hink t hat com es CLOSE t o t he real figure because
t here is absolut ely unequivocal evidence t hat a great deal of
addit ional m oney was generat ed in ot her ways, such as t he
surr ept it ious running of guns and drugs. And one w onderful
exam ple of t hat is com ing t o light wit h t he B.C.C.I . scandal which I
hope you've heard of... a num ber of very high- ranking Am erican
officials are caught in t he undert ow of t he BCCI t idal wave... Ev en
t hough t hese guy s are t ying t o pull 'fast ones' on an im m ense scale
t hey ar e get t ing caught . These t hings don't always w or k. I ndeed
t hey ar e very , v er y vulnerable.

I ndeed t his whole 'end gam e' is v er y vulnerable and t hat 's why
t hey feel it requires such secr ecy . The Am erican people w ouldn't
st and for t his st uff if t hey had t he inform at ion, and t hat 's t he
reason why w e hav e t o get t he inform at ion out and t ake it
seriously because it really is a m at t er of our m oney and our fut ure
t hat 's being m ort gaged her e.

" But m y friend who w or ked in t he underground bases, who was

doing sheet - r ock was down on, he t hinks, appr oxim at ely t he 30t h
level underground... t hese bases are perhaps 30- 35 st ories deep
[ 'ground- scraper s'] . As I say t hey ar e not j ust m ine shaft s, t hese
are huge, giant facilit ies... m any cit y blocks in circum fer ence, able
t o house t ens of t housands of people. One of t hem , t he YANO
Facilit y [ we'r e t old... by t he count y fire dept . direct or, t he count y
fire dept . chief who had t o go in t here t o look at a m inor fire
infract ion] t here's a 400- car parking lot on t he 1st level of t he
YANO Facilit y, but cars never com e in and out , t hose ar e t he cars
t hat t hey use I NSI DE.

" O.K., so... a very int erest ing sit uat ion down t her e. Our guy was
doing sheet - r ock on t he 30t h floor, m aybe t he 30t h floor,
undergr ound. He and his crew ar e working on a wall and right over
her e is an elevat or door . The elevat or door opens and, a kind of
reflex act ion you look, and he saw t hree 'guys'. Two of t hem ,
hum an engineers t hat he's seen before. And bet ween t hem a 'guy'
t hat st ood about 8 t o 8 1/ 2 feet t all. Gr een skin, r ept ilian feat ures,
ext ra- long arm s, wearing a lab coat , holding a clip- board...

" I t end t o believe t hat st ory because, first of all because we have
ot her st ories like it , but m or e im port ant ly because he walked off
t hat j ob t hat very day . And he was get t ing paid a GREAT deal of
m oney ... I f your basically a sheet - rock kind of guy, if you can do
sheet - rock in a place like t hat t hen y ou get paid way m or e t han

st andard sheet - rock wages, y ou can count on it .

" So, he walked off t hat j ob. His buddy on t hat sam e cr ew t urned
int o an alcoholic short ly aft er. This is an ext r em ely upset t ing t hing.
You know, it wasn't like t his alien j um ped out and bit his head off
or anyt hing, it was j ust st anding t here for a few m inut es, t he door s
closed. He has a feeling t hat t hat elevat or was m alfunct ioning,
ot her wise he nev er would have seen t hat except by accident ..."

According t o form er Wackenhut em ploy ee Michael Riconosciut o,

t here is a direct undergr ound connect ion bet ween t he Nevada
Milit ary Com plex and t he undergr ound facilit ies near Lancast er ,
California, such as t he Tehachapi m ount ain base. Several people
have referr ed t o t he subsurface as w ell as t he operat ional
'connect ions' bet ween t he Dulce base in New Mexico and t he
Dream land or Ar ea- 51 base in Nevada, connect ions t hat exist via
Dugway, Ut ah and Page, Arizona. I f alien for ces ar e int ent on
t aking cont rol of t his planet , t hen it would be logical for t hem t o
t arget our m aj or m ilit ary weapons r esear ch and dev elopm ent
cent ers. This m ight involve act ual 'infilt rat ion' of our m ilit ary-
indust rial com plexes and cont r ol of t he line- of- com m and t hrough
m ind cont rol of specific and st rat egic personnel. The 'deeper' one
descends int o t he under ground 'alien em pire' t he gr eat er t he
securit y and t her efor e t he gr eat er t he 'cont r ol' will be in regards t o
t his " om t he bot t om up..." t akeov er at t em pt . I n m any cases
pat riot ic Am ericans have becom e caught in t he m iddle of t his
'undergr ound war' bet w een loyal Am erican m ilit ary per sonnel and
alien or alien- cont rolled 'personnel', as w as t he case in t he Dulce
and t he Groom w ars t hem selves. Som e have m anaged t o escape
from t heir t errifying encount er s and - - whet her int ent ionally or
unint ent ionally, as in t he following incident - - have voiced t heir
fears, concerns or even rage t o t hose on t he 'out side' who will
list en.

The following conversat ion, in relat ion t o t he Nevada Milit ary

Com plex and t he 'under ground facilit ies', t ook place on t he " Billy
Goodm an Happening" - KVEG Radio 840 AM, Las Vegas, Nevada,
on Nov em ber 19, 1989. I t was t ranscribed by a Las Vegas r esident .

Billy Goodm an incident ally, has per sonally planned visit s, in

collaborat ion wit h KNBC Radio in Los Angeles, t o observ e t he
'disks' which ar e being t est ed at Gr oom Lak e, Nevada. Goodm an
and ot her s claim ed t o have seen t hese disks in operat ion, and
back- up t hese claim s wit h video docum ent at ion. One such video
shows a hovering obj ect m aking a vert ical ascent , st opping in m id-
air, followed by a horizont al t raverse, followed by anot her v ert ical
ascent . Som et hing like t his would be im possible for any
conv ent ionally known aircraft of t he t im e t o duplicat e. Billy
Goodm an, who has since m ov ed t o anot her radio st at ion in Los
Angeles, has been v ery inst rum ent al in get t ing t he inform at ion out
about t he undergr ound base at Sit e 51 [ or Ar ea- 51] . One cont act
of ours has inform ed us t hat a good friend of her s in Las Vegas,

Nevada, had uncover ed som e v ery dist urbing fact s and t est im onies
concerning const ruct ion work er s and ot her s who had been involved
in t he inst allat ion of cer t ain equipm ent wit hin t he t unnels beneat h
t he Nevada Milit ary Com plex, and part icularly under t he Mercury,
Nevada ar ea. Many of t hese lat er died under bizarr e circum st ances,
and t here w er e rum ors t hat ot her s w er e being held capt ive
undergr ound because t hey " saw t oo m uch" . This inform ant , St acey
Borland, was lat er found dead - - along wit h a brot her of her s - - in
Las Vegas, as t he result of a gangland- t ype ex ecut ion. Som eone
had apparent ly ent ered her place and m urder ed t hem in cold

I n t he following annot at ed t ranscript , t he caller who claim s t o be a

wor ker in t he underground facilit ies below Mer cury, Nevada, will be
ident ified as 'C' and Billy Goodm an as 'G':

G: Hi! Your on t he Billy Goodm an Happening on KVEG! Sir, what

can I do for you t onight ?

C: O.K. Ar e y ou ready? Hang on t o y our seat s! Here goes! We ar e

going 3,000 feet underground! O.K. We get t o t hat point , 3,000
feet . We com e out int o a st ainless st eel at m ospher e... and w e
com e upon people t hat are ah... const ruct ion people... w or king
people, and so fort h t hat are supposed t o be in t hat area. Then we
com e upon anot her people who push us int o anot her lit t le room .
They t ell us, " Do not com e out of t hat ar ea, unt il you're t old t o."
These guy s ar e 6 m inut e m arines, all right ? They t ell us, " I f y ou
do, y ou are going t o get hurt ! " OK? So we ar e const ruct ion
wor kers!

G: Wher e are y ou working? Where is what you are describing t o


C: On a cert ain t est sit e!

G: A cert ain t est sit e! Which one? You can't r ev eal which one?

C: We'r e kind'a m ixed up! We don't know what t he hell is going on.
We'r e m aking ah... good bucks... and ev er yt hing has com e down
on us... and t hey are hurt ing us! OK? So we ar e cont ract ors! We
are work er s! OK? So t her e's a per son t hat I called and explained
what is happening t o m e and t hey t old m e t o call you and t ell you!
So, t hat is what I am doing right now! Calling you!

G: You pr esent ed it in a very odd way! First of all I didn't know if

you w er e going t o be serious or what ! Ar e you saying t o m e t hat
you are a const ruct ion wor ker and you had t o go 3,000 feet under
ground? First of all what would you be doing underground? Let m e
ask y ou t hat !

C: We ar e running light s and pow er.

G: And who assigned y ou t his j ob?

C: I t 's t hr ough Reynold's Elect ronics. I hav e t o say t hat because I

get m y pay check from som eone else! ( Not e: Reynold's Elect r onics
is a branch of " E.G. & G." Corporat ion which DOES I N FACT work
wit h and cont ract t hrough t he Nevada and Ut ah Test Sit es -
Brant on)

G: They t ell you t o put t hese light s underground?

C: Yeh, but t her e's m or e t o it t han t hat ! I 'm sor t of afraid of

expr essing. Am I t alking t o y ou or what ?

G: Yes, y ou ar e t alking direct ly t o m e!

C: OK. You know som e of t he t hings t hat are happening, shouldn't

be. I t should be m ade public! The public should know what t he hell
is going on! And it scares t he hell out of m e. What is not being
brought out y ou know? For exam ple, can I give you an exam ple?
Here's an exam ple! A few week s back w e w ere inside a cert ain
cavern going t hrough st ainless st eel halls, going nort h, and as w e
m ov e along we ar e hanging light s. I n t he r oom s ar e... t hey're like
operat ing room s. All of a sudden, off t he elevat or, our U.S. Marines
com e out , crash us dow n off our scaffold, pushing us down, and
t hen int o a room . This is t aking a hell of a lot out of m e t o t ell you
t his right now! The bosses com e int o t he room and we're get t ing
debriefed and all t his kind of st uff and all of a sudden t hey are
car rying fixed bayonet s. Now I fought in Viet nam and I t hought
t hese guys w ere m y buddies! Oh, no way! Forget it ! These guys
are fr om out er space! These people br ought t hese lit t le charact ers
on gurneys, OK? They had big heads and lit t le bodies and t hey
went int o t his lit t le room . Then, behind t hem , t hese doct ors in
whit e coat s and st uff! And we was really at ah... we didn't know
what t he hell was going on! We w er e shock ed t o hell! ...I was
SCARED m an!

G: Well, sure y ou didn't know what was going on and didn't expect
it ! I guess t hem handling you upset y ou first of all. Being m an t o
m an, you t hought why should you t r eat m e t his way! And t hat 's t o
be expect ed. As far as k nowing where you ar e I have no idea.

C: I know wher e I was! I work ed t here every day! I k eep a log and
if som eone ask s m e I k now what 's going on! I 'm t elling you m an
t hey'r e not t elling us t he t rut h. There is som et hing dam n wrong
wit hin our governm ent . I only got a glim pse of t his scient ist on
t elevision ( i.e. m ost likely refer ring t o Robert Lazar - Brant on) , but
I know he's not t elling m uch of what he know s. I 'm j ust a w ork er.
A ham m er and nail m an. This guy's got m or e br ains t han I do, and
would know m or e about it t han I do. There's som et hing I NSI DE

t hey ar en't t elling us!

G: OK. I underst and t hat ! Now what do you want us t o do about it ?

C: EXPOSE I T! ! !

G: I t hink you'v e done t hat your self, j ust now! Now you hav en't
t old us your locat ion and I t hink t hat 's im port ant so w e hav e som e
idea wher e t his is. I hope y ou under st and at t his m om ent ...

C: I work at Mer cury , Nevada and I 'm t he best elect rician t here.
This is bet ween you and m e now. I don't want anybody else t o
know about t his!

G: But y ou'r e on t he air Sir!

C: You m ean som ebody know s about t his besides you and m e?

G: But y ou ar e t alking over t he radio, Sir! Ev ery body, all over t he

West Coast t hat is list ening has j ust heard you! So y ou'v e got t en
your word out . Now let 's see if anybody else knows about it . Maybe
j ust m aybe, we'll get som e calls from som e of t he people t hat work
wit h you.

C: Wait a m inut e! You m ean som ebody else knows about t his
besides y ou and m e?

G: Now, t his is a t alk show, you called a t alk show. I am ov er t he

radio - - t hat 's wher e y ou called!

C: OH, MY GOD! ! !

G: Why , what 's w rong wit h t hat ? You called a t alk show!

C: I t hought I was j ust t alking t o you!

G: Now you said som eone t old you t o call m e. Was it som eone y ou
wor k wit h?

C: Yes.

G: Nobody knows who y ou ar e. You haven't said your nam e or

anyt hing! Now, let 's see if anyone will back up y our st ory!

C: But I didn't know ot her people would hear t his. Now I 'm scared
for m y life! There's t rem endous st uff out t here t hat 's being hidden.
I t 's being cor rupt ed inside. I t 's being st ashed away.

G: Well t hat 's what we do here. We ar e t r ying t o bring t he

inform at ion out , and it 's people like your self who ar e m aking t hat

happen. They bring us inform at ion all t he t im e! Are y ou t rying t o

bring t he inform at ion out your self because y ou don't like what 's
going on?

C: I fear for m y life because I 'v e seen what happened. I fear for
m y life because t he gov ernm ent is lying t o m e.

G: OK. Why do you fear for y our life? Hav e y ou been t hr eat ened?

C: Before you ev en go down in t he pit t hey t hreat en you! That is

you t ell anyt hing of what you saw, you ar e dead! ! !

G: But y ou'r e not saying m or e t han what y ou saw. I s t her e

anyt hing else you want t o say before w e say t hank you for calling?

C: Yes, one ot her t hing. Whenever it get s down t o t he nit t y grit t y,

it will be clear t o t he people, t hat what t hey ar e seeing on t he
news, is t rue! We've got six lit t le bodies under ground, m an! ! !

G: Please k eep in t ouch, OK? [ end of t ranscript ]

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 18

D ulce & The M ilit a r y- I n du st ria l Est a blish m en t

Resear cher William F. Ham ilt on was one of t he first t o writ e about
t he Mt . Shast a subt erranean colony of TELOS, an undergr ound
cit y which is said t o be t he w est ern branch of a subt er ranean
kingdom t hat cert ain Asian frat ernit ies r efer t o as t he 'Aghart i'
net work. Mr . Ham ilt on had per sonally m et wit h t he r eput ed
" cr own princess" of Telos, Sharula - - as w ell as wit h som e of her
im m ediat e relat ives in t he m id- 1980s, during his invest igat ions
int o undergr ound base act ivit y in Nort h Am erica. Based on what
Bill has learned, Telos m ight not be as 'safe' a place t o live as one
m ight at first believe. Just like anywhere else on eart h, Telos it self
suffers from it s own conflict s bet ween fact ions wit h different
agendas - - ranging from t hose who align t hem selves wit h t he
" Andro- Pleiadean Feder at ion" and t heir " Non- I nt erv ent ionist -
I ndividualist " beliefs, and t hose who have t aken sides wit h t he
" Draco- Orion Em pire" and t heir " I nt erv ent ionist - Collect ivist "

One m ight say t hat t he scenarios t aking place wit hin Telos ar e

som ewhat of a count erpart of sim ilar power- st ruggles t aking place
wit hin " Sirius" and wit hin t he U.S. gov ernm ent . The sam e could
hold t rue wit hin t he ent ire 'Aghart i' net w ork which has it s cent er
of act ivit y under t he Gobi desert of Mongolia, and which allegedly
cont ained t wo opposing fact ions during t he Second World War
period: t he Technologist s who secret ly sided wit h t he Allied
Forces, and t he Occult ist s who sided wit h t he Axis Forces. Since
t he Telos- Aghart i alliance is t ied- in wit h t he Asht ar collect ive,
t here ar e bound t o be som e int ernal conflict s wit hin t hose cult ures
j ust as t here have been r eport ed conflict s bet w een t he Orionit e
int erv ent ionist s and Pleiadean non- int ervent ionist s wit hin t he
Asht arian collect ive it elf.

All t his is based on r eport s fr om cont act ee I sr ael Norkin and

ot her s t hat t he Asht ar collect ive has been infilt rat ed by Draconian-
Orionit e agent s posing as " ascended m ast ers" , and t hat a large
segm ent of t he " Asht ar Com m and" has been com m andeered by
t hese int ervent ionist - collect ivist forces and has split off from
anot her large segm ent of t he 'alliance' which has appar ent ly sided
wit h t he Andro- Pleiadean Federat ion. What dist inguishes t he t w o
is t hat t he Andro- Pleiadean Federat ion believes in Trut h-
I ndividualism - Non I nt er vent ionism whereas t he Draco- Orion
Em pire adher es t o a philosophy of Decept ion- Collect ivism -
I nt erv ent ionism . ]

According t o cont act ee Alex Collier t hese t wo fact ions are now or
have been at war wit hin t he Sirius- B syst em , and t his conflict has
ent er ed t he Sol sy st em wit h t he Draconian- Orion rept ilians and
t heir paraphysical overlords operat ing from Hale- Bopp com et in
collaborat ion wit h t heir rebel Sirian cult ist s who were/ are
operat ing from wit hin t he " infilt rat ed" segm ent of t he Asht ar
collect ive, occupying Hale- Bopp's so- called " Com panion"
bat t leship - - reput edly a " ...form er Sirian alliance bat t leship..." - -
which som e hav e dubbed " Hale- Mar y" . This sat urn- shaped obj ect
was seen AND phot ographed by BOTH Chuck Shram ek AND is also
seen in a leaked Hubble Space Telescope im age, along wit h ot her
'obj ect s' t hat appar ent ly 'j um ped ship' as t he com et circled ar ound
t he sun. This scenario seem s t o be r em aniscent of t he m ovie " LI FE
FORCE" which depict ed a race of draconian- like alien 'vam pires'
t hat ent er ed t he sy st em undet ect ed in t he t ail of a com et . Alex
Collier claim s t hat t he non- int ervent ionist from t he Pleiades and
Androm eda const ellat ions, from Tau Cet i, Pr ocy on and ot hers
syst em s, have " blockaded" t he Sol sy st em near t he orbit al sphere
of Nept une in order t o k eep t he Draconian- Orionit e forces out and
t o k eep t hem fr om int er fering wit h our planet at t his CRI TI CAL
and VULNERABLE point in planet eart h's hist or y . According t o
Collier's ot her- w ordly friends, t her e hav e been devast at ing bat t les
wit h casualt ies on bot h sides t hat have been waged bet w een t he
Federat ion and t he Em pire in t his CURRENT " war in heaven"
[ curr ent as t his is being writ t en] involving our Sol syst em , and
also in one t hat was waged short ly befor e t his in t he Sirius
syst em ... a war t hat has gravit at ed fr om Sirius t o our own Sol

syst em . So, PRAY FOR our " friends out t her e" who ar e risking
t heir lives for OUR sakes. I t is t he very LEAST t hat we can do...

William Ham ilt on incident ally has voiced his concern t hat Sharula,
being a m em ber of t he ruling class of Telos, seem s t o be involved
in t his curr ent conflict t aking place bet w een t he t wo Asht arian
fact ions, t he Draco- Orion fact ion and t he Andro- Pleiadean fact ion,
alt hough j ust how t his has affect ed her on a per sonal basis is
unclear. This m ay also hold t rue wit h t he ent ire " Melchizedek
Order " which has a m aj or pr esence in Telos, in t he Sat urnian
m oon base- cit ies, in Sirius, in Arct urus and elsewher e. Most of t he
m isled Sirian cult ist s ar e being led t o believe t hat t he New World
Order is being orchest rat ed for t he purpose of est ablishing world
peace and laying t he groundwor k t o usher in a " planet ary
ascension" int o higher dim ensions in a harm onious and orderly
fashion. They forget howev er t he hist or y of at r ocit ies t hat have
followed t he ancient Bavarian- Rom an cult s who ar e pr om ot ing t he
New World Order and of t heir rept ilian host s in Draconis and
Orion... t he m assacr es in Lyra, Rigel and Procyon being a few
exam ples ( if you don't k now what I 'm t alking about at t his point ,
you WI LL by t he t im e y ou finish t his 'volum e'. - Brant on) . I n
short , t he Draconians and Orions are psy chologically and
em ot ionally m anipulat ing t heir cult ic hum an followers in Sirius- B,
t he Gizeh em pire & Bav aria who ar e t ied- in wit h t he " dar k side" of
t he Asht ar collect ive, t o est ablish a global governm ent which t hey
int end t o annex t o t heir Luciferian I nt erst ellar em pire- collect ive.

William Ham ilt on him self has gained a gr eat deal of 'int elligence'
on t he secr et governm ent 's underground bases, m any of which
are as of t his writ ing under t he cont r ol of t he 'collaborat ion', or
t hose m ilit ary- indust rialist s who have sold- out t o t he hum anoid-
rept iloid collaborat or s fr om Draconis, Orion & Sirius- B, who are
m or e- or- less given fr ee reign wit hin t he secr et governm ent 's
undergr ound net work . I n an art icle which appeared in Pat rick
O'Connell's " TRENDS AND PREDI CTI ONS ANALYST" New slet t er,
Vol. 6, No. 2 [ July, 1990] issue, William Ham ilt on st at ed:

" ...The cover- up was init iat ed soon aft er t he Roswell, N.M. crash.
We want ed t o know - 1] Who t hey w ere, 2] Why t hey wer e here,
3] How t heir t echnology work ed. The cover- up becam e a m at t er
of NATI ONAL SECURI TY [ a blanket word cov ering secr ecy and
decept ion] . The cov er- up involves secr et organizat ions wit hin our
governm ent such as MJ- 12, PI - 40, MAJI , Delt a, t he Jason
Scholars, & known int elligence organizat ions such as Naval
I nt elligence, Air Force Office of Special I nvest igat ion, t he Defense
I nv est igat ive Service, t he CI A, NSA, and m ore! I t involves THI NK
TANKS such as RAND, t he Ford Foundat ion, t he Aspen I nst it ut e, &
Brookings I nst it ut e. I t involves corporat ions such as Becht el, GE,
I TT, Am oco, Nort hrup, Lockheed, & m any ot her s. I t involves
SECRET SOCI ETI ES who m ay be t he hidden bosses of t he
or chest rat ed event s [ i.e. econom ic collapse, wars, assassinat ions,
conspiracies t o m anipulat e & cont rol hum ans & t hereby t o

ex er cise enorm ous pow er ov er t he dest iny of t he hum an race] -

t he I llum inat i, Masons, Knight s of Malt a, et c. The individual
players are t oo num erous t o list . The whole of t his conspiracy
for m s an I NTERLOCKI NG NEXUS. The goal is said t o be a ONE
WORLD GOVERNMENT [ Dict at orship] !

" 'The Undergr ound Nat ion' - The RAND sym posium held on Deep
Undergr ound Const ruct ion indicat ed t hat plans wer e hat ched
during t he 50's t o build undergr ound bases, laborat ories, & cit y -
com plexes linked by a st upendous net w or k of t unnels t o preserv e
& pr ot ect t he ongoing secret int er est s of t he secr et societ ies.
These secr et societ ies m ade a pact wit h alien ent it ies in order t o
furt her m ot ives of dom inat ion..."

Act ually, as it t urns out , THEY [ t he secr et societ ies] are now being
'dom inat ed' by t he 'aliens'. One can only assum e t hat if cert ain
hum ans would 'sell out ' t heir own kind t o an alien race and use
such an unholy alliance t o gain dom inat ion over t heir fellow m an,
t hen t hey should consider t he fact t hat t hey , according t o
universal law, m ust in t he sam e way open THEMSELVES up t o
m anipulat ion and cont rol by t heir supposed benefact or s. Thus one
can see t he ut t er insanit y of hoping t o est ablish dom inat ion of
ot her s by pet it ioning t he assist ance of an I m perialist ic alien force.
The hum an 'elit e' m ay t hink t hat t heir rept ilian collect ivist host s
will shower t heir egos w it h praise and r ewards for t heir
cooperat ion in selling out t heir own planet , but in realit y t he
draconians consider t he hum an elit e as being useless " w eeds" , as
t hey do all hum ans in general, but necessary fodder in order t o
car ry out t heir agenda.

Mr. Ham ilt on cont inues: " ...The underground com plexes are not
confined t o t he U.S. alone! A large undergr ound com plex operat ed
by 't he U.S.' exist s at Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, Aust r alia.

" ...I t appears t hat t he secret societ ies am ong us have becom e
awar e of t he com ing planet ary eco- cat ast r ophe & t he possibilit y of
an eart h polar shift in t he near fut ure. Surv eying t he eart h from
space, sat ellit es & shut t les reveal EXTENSI VE DAMAGE TO OUR
ECOSPHERE! Our planet is wobbling on it s axis & it s m agnet ic field
is decaying! Ozone deplet ion & t he greenhouse effect ar e rapidly
endangering life on our planet . Alt ernat ives, which include - 1]
direct handling of t he at m ospheric pr oblem s, 2] t aking shelt er in
undergr ound dom ains, & 3] escape t o ot her planet ary bodies in
t he solar syst em , have been devised in secr et . How ev er t here is a
possible Alt ernat ive 4 w hich m ost ly depends on a com plet ely
different idea on how t o sav e t he eart h..." ( t his MAY be, in
essence, a pr oj ect t o colonize ot her 'dim ensional' frequencies or
densit ies t hat exist elsewher e wit hin t he super spect rum of t he
ONE Om niversal 'Realit y'... alt hough ot hers hav e suggest ed t hat
Alt ernat ive- 4 m ay involve a HAARP t ype m anipulat ion of t he
at m osphere in an effort t o get CONTROL of t he sit uat ion -

Brant on) .

Bill Ham ilt on t hen explains som e of t he m y st ery sur rounding t he

so- called 'hybrids' who have been encount er ed by UFO abduct ees,
and why an ACTUAL cross bet ween hum anoids and rept ilois
[ t hank God] m ight never succeed:

" ...I t is unlikely t hat t he r ept ilian greys are cross- breeding wit h
hum ans. Rept ilians carr y t heir sex organs int er nally and reproduce
by eggs hat ched by solar heat . Rept oids have w ell developed
ey es, no hair follicles, & no ext ernal ear cart ilage as consist ent
wit h m ost rept ilian species. Since t heir m eans of r epr oduct ion is
incom pat ible wit h our own, it is suggest ed t hat hum ans ( wom en -
Brant on) m ay be fert ilized by t he grays by art ificial insem inat ion
wit h hum an sperm at ozoa or perhaps t hey use t he hum an ut erus
as an incubat ion cham ber ."

Not e: Ot her indicat ions are t hat t he r ept ilians inj ect or encodify
t he hum an em br yo wit h r ept ilian or ot her DNA during t he early
st ages of developm ent . I t is even believed by som e abduct ees
t hat t hey have t he abilit y t o 'r e- pr ogram ' t he genet ic inform at ion
wit hin an 'egg' befor e it has been fert ilized. As for t he so- called
'hybrids', Ham ilt on's st at em ent s seem t o be confirm ed by ot hers,
including abduct ees, who hav e hint ed t hat t he 'hybrid' fet uses ar e
act ually alien- looking OR hum an- appearing 'hybrids' who are
conceived t hr ough hum an 'seed' t ak en from hum an m ale and
fem ale abduct ees. I n ot her w ords t he fet us w ould fall t o one
species line or t he ot her - - an alien- appearing being lacking a
'soul', or a hum an- like child wit h a soul. I t is said t hat wit hin t he
hybrid societ y, t he m or e hum an- looking hybrids consider
t hem selves superior t o t he alien- appearing hybrids. Their m ore-
hum an- like feat ur es ar e a source of pride and st at us, ev en t hough
m any of t he hybrids ar e nev ert heless 'servant s' of t he Gr eys.
Som e abduct ees have r eport ed t hat t hey hav e observ ed
experim ent s involving t he at t em pt ed m ixt ures of hum an and
cat t le DNA t o cr eat e a 'hybrid' being. Many of t he so- called
hybrids however are never- t he- less essent ially 'hum an'. For
inst ance t he " HU- brids" or hum anoid- hybrids would possess
crim son blood, five finger s, round pupils, ears, and ext erior
reproduct ive organs, alt hough t he r epr oduct ive organs m ight be
m inim ized and non- operat ive. I f t hey possessed ev en one of t hese
t rait s t here is a 'chance' t hat t he hybrid m ight possess a hum an
" soul" , alt hough t his m ay not always be t he case, as wit h t he
" cham eleons" and so on. I n such a case " aura det ect ors" - - which
could det ect whet her or not t he being has a m ult i- colored chakra
syst em - - w ould be a possible fail- safe m eans t o det erm ine t he
" im post er s" fr om t he " r eal t hing" . The " RE- brids" or r ept iloid-
hybrids would generally possess gr eenish 'blood' sim ilar t o t hat
which t he Gr eys t hem selves possess, four finger s, opaque black
and/ or v ert ical slit pupils, no visible ear s, and no ext erior
reproduct ive organs.

Ham ilt on cont inues: " ...Alien vehicles ar e being t est ed at t he alien
physical t echnology cent er at S- 4 at t he Nevada Test Sit e. Alien
vehicles are being replicat ed at Kirt land AFB & Sandia Laborat ories
& t hese r eplicas ar e refer red t o as ARVs [ Alien Repr oduct ive
Vehicles] ( Subsequent r esear ch by William Ham ilt on and Norio
Hayakawa hav e confirm ed t hat McDonnell- Douglass, Lockheed,
and Nort hrup Corps. are now involved wit h t he 'replicat ion' of
alien hardware for t he Milit ary- I ndust rial est ablishm ent . I f t his
t echnology is being used for our own Am erican defenses t hen t his
is all well- and- fine, howev er if t he t echnology is being
appropriat ed by t he " New World Order " int erest s, under t he
ov er sight of t he Rept iloids/ Gr ey s, t hen t he 'sell- out ' of our
Milit ary- I ndust rial Com plex t o a pro- Draconian and/ or ant i-
Am erican superpower w ould be consider ed HI GH TREASON, j ust
as t he sell- out of our ent ire St ealt h fleet t o t he Unit ed Nat ions /
New World Order cont rol st ruct ure - - which HAS t aken place - -
should be considered high t reason! - Brant on)

" At least t hree of t hese vehicles are st or ed in hangers at Nort on

AFB, California. I t is alleged t hat v ehicle propulsion unit s were
const ruct ed by General Elect ric & com posit e m at erials wer e
provided by Am oco. Alien vehicles generat e an art ificial gravit y
field which can be focused & int ensified for high speed t rav el...
Alien organism s and biological t echnology are t est ed ( in t he upper
levels - Brant on) at t he undergr ound biogenet ic laborat ories at
Dulce, New Mexico. Alien genet ic engineering, cloning, & cry ogenic
t echnology hav e been st udied wit h a view t owards 'enhancing'
hum an genet ics, deciphering t he hum an genom e, & gaining a
biological advant age by ARTI FI CI AL BI OLOGI CAL ENGI NEERI NG.
St range life for m s hav e been bred in t hese laborat ories..."

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 19

W ho Con t rols Th e D r a con ian Colle ct ive?

The following chapt er is based upon som e t hought s and

quest ions t hat had been form ing in m y m ind for som e t im e, unt il
m any of t hese quest ions w er e answ ered when I discover ed an
int erest ing volum e t it led COSMI C VOYAGE, by Mr. Court ney M.
Brown, Ph.D. This work deals wit h t he aut hors' per sonal
experim ent s wit h rem ot e viewing, along wit h his t rainer Ed
Dam es, a form er r em ot e- viewer for U.S. Milit ary I nt elligence who

t aught Court ney Br own t he secret m ilit ary " R.V." or " Ast ral-
Magnet ic body" viewing t echniques which he him self had learned
as a m em ber of t he m ilit ary psi corps.

From m y own perspect ive, r em ot e viewing oper at es t hr ough t he

subspace body of a hum an being who is able t o t ap- in t o t he
universal psionic field. Since t he psionic field is t he v er y
foundat ion of all space- t im e- m at erial realit y, t he so- called
" m ast er program " of t he universe which is m ade up of a 'field' of
psionic or t hought - form energy, it is not necessarily bound by t he
lim it s of space, t im e and m at t er . The psionic energy field seem s
t o be int erwov en int o t he elect r om agnet ic grid st ruct ure of all
gravit at ional bodies, wit h t he elect ro- m agnet o- gravit ic fields of
t hose bodies serving as psionic 't raps' for t hought - form s which
are essent ially t he psychic 'residue' of all t hinking beings, and in
t urn t he accum ulat ed " m em ory m at rix" of t hose gravit at ional
planet ary bodies.

These psionic fields cont ain THOUGHT ENERGY. Now t hought s

can eit her be based on t rut h or on decept ion, so j ust because t his
" t hought - form energy" has accum ulat ed wit hin t he gravit at ional
grid st ruct ure of a planet - - FROM t he t im e t hat t hinking ent it ies
begin int eract ing wit h a gravit at ional sphere - - t his does not
m ean t hat t he inform at ion which has been 'program m ed' int o
t hese psionic " t hought - em ot ion energy " fields is always t rue.
Realit y, im aginat ion, t rut h, and decept ion based t hought - form s
are all 'recorded' ir- regardless of t heir cont ent w it hin t hese
elect r o- m agnet o- gravit ic energy grids, j ust as one m ight record
inform at ion wit hin a m ult i- layer ed cryst al via laser t echnology.
Supposing one had t he appropriat e sophist icat ed t echnology,
t hey could 'bleed' a wall, a rock, or any ot her obj ect of it s
t hought form s, sounds, or visual vibrat ions which have
accum ulat ed wit hin t hat obj ect over t he y ear s. They could
lit erally 'read' t he past t hrough t hese obj ect s.

Like a bio- chem ical radio t ransceiver, som e individuals - - for

bet t er or for w or se - - seem t o have t he abilit y t o 't une- in' t o and
'surf' t he 'universal consciousness', t he 'flowline', or t he 'Akasha'
m em ory m at rix which links all t hinking ent it ies t oget her on t he
deepest lev els of t he unconscious, allowing t hem t o t r av el t o
specific places in space and t im e. You could say t hat CONSCI OUS
awar eness is com posed of neural " short wav es" which are
localized wit h t he individual, however UNCONSCI OUS awar eness
is com posed of neural " long- waves" t hat reach beyond t he
individual - - for inst ance t he neural st at es t hat are act ive during
dream ing, t hus explaining why m any hav e report ed experiencing
" shar ed dr eam s" wit h ot her people. You could liken neuro- psionic
act ivit y t o an ocean. On t he 'surface' are islands r epr esent ing
individual t hird- dim ensional consciousness, howev er t he deeper
one goes t he m or e t he t hought - form s m erge wit h each ot her,
j ust as t he sunken eart h beneat h t he islands event ually connect s
t o ot her islands at t he deeper levels, represent at ive of a

collect ive unconscious w her e t he t hought form s of t hinking

cr eat ures m erge int o one 'r eserv oir'.

One of t he 't arget s' t o w hich Mr. Br own's m ilit ary RV t rainer sent
him was t he Grey aliens' collect ive m ind, and m or e specifically he
was inst ruct ed t o search out t he ult im at e com m and or cont rol
cent er of t he collect ive.

Short ly aft er t his part icular experim ent began [ one of m any] ,
Brown found him self in an area wher e sev eral Gr ey s w er e
wor king, alt hough he did not know exact ly where t his was. He
'followed' t he collect ive m ind or t hought - flow and found it t o be
absolut ely m assive, giving him t he feeling of som et hing
unbounded, and alm ost universal in nat ure. Howev er , he did
det ect a cent er, a definit e 'heart beat ' of t his m assive collect ive
m at rix, int o which and out fr om which a st eady st r eam of
inform at ion was flowing.

He not iced, at one point , an unusual 'subspace' being t hat

seem ed t o be direct ing t he act ivit ies of t he Gr eys he was
observing, and discov er ed t hat t he bodies of t he Gr ey s
t hem selves w er e incarnat ed by such 'subspace' beings which
apparent ly ent ered t he Gr ey s' em br yonic bodies and used t hem
as v essels t o m anipulat e physical realit y.

Brown was t hen inst ruct ed t o locat e ot her of t hese beings who
apparent ly cont r olled t he Gr ey collect ive fr om a subspace or
ast ral level, and found him self in an area wher e sev eral of t hese
subspace or paraphysical ent it ies were locat ed. As he cont inued
t owards t his 'cent er ' t he num ber of subspace or non- corporeal
beings increased unt il he cam e t o a place of m uch act ivit y,
som et hing like a grand cent ral st at ion t ype of area, wher e t hese
beings wer e very act ive in various pursuit s. He did not know
exact ly wher e t his was, but not iced t hat t he closer he cam e t o
t he cont rol 'cent er' t he m or e he sensed an incr easing rigid
at m osphere of absolut e m ilit ary- like cont r ol. He cam e t o what he
sensed was t he cent ral governing cent er of t he subspace beings'
act ivit y, and in t he cent er of t his t here w as anot her area wher e a
" council of 10" v er y high- level subspace or par aphysical ent it ies
congr egat ed. These w er e appar ent ly t he governing principalit ies
who w er e engaged in running t he whole operat ion. The securit y
her e was absolut ely incredible.

Then he perceived t he SUPREME LEADER of t his council of 10

paraphysical ent it ies... and at about t his point Court ney Brown
was j erk ed back int o his body, so t o speak. He sensed t hat t his
leader had det ect ed t he presence of his own subspace, ast ral or
m agnet ic body which he had proj ect ed, and had followed t his RV
'int ruder' back t o his physical source. Br own and his t rainer felt
an oppr essive, dark 'cloud' ent er t he r oom and it st ayed t her e for
about half a m inut e scr ut inizing t he scene. I t left , appar ent ly
seeing t he t wo RV'er s as " sm all frys" who wer e not wort h wast ing

it s t im e on.

Befor e Brown's expulsion from t he com m and cent er however, he

was able t o perceive for a brief m om ent what t his being was
really like. He or it was an ext r em ely pow er ful being, but one
wit h a t wist ed per sonalit y t hat was full of darkness. Apparent ly
t his being had com e int o conflict wit h anot her For ce which it saw
as it s enem y. Br own sensed wit hin t his being a sever e self-
est eem pr oblem , in spit e of it s incredible pow er , and because of
t his it had a consum ing desire t o be w or shipped by ot her s. Br own
was confused when he sensed t hat t hese subspace beings, and in
t urn t he Rept ilians/ Gr ey s, w er e act ually COMMANDED by t his
leader t o engage in self- indulgent and dest ruct ive act ivit ies. This
being apparent ly want ed his ser vant s t o use self- indulgent
rewards or fear of punishm ent t o m aint ain t he absolut e
hierarchical com m and st ruct ure wit hin it s em pire - - as w ell as
t hrough t he rest of t he subspace hierar chy, and in t urn
t hroughout t he Rept ilian Gr ey 's collect ive 'hive' societ y t hat t hey
com plet ely infest ed.

Brown also got t he im pression t hat it was FEAR and PRI DE - - it s

per ceived NEED t o be w or shipped - - t hat kept t his being from
negot iat ing wit h it s ancient enem y, and t hat t his being was
ut t erly desperat e t o m aint ain it s ver y survival or exist ence
[ st range for a seem ingly im m ort al subspace being] and chose t o
resort t o r ebellion and t er rorism in a desperat e at t em pt t o t ak e
cont r ol of t he sit uat ion. Brown r eciev ed a st r ong im pression t hat
t his being was t he ult im at e universal t er r orist ! ! ! Apparent ly
because of it s all- consum ing ego t his being would NEVER hum ble
it self befor e it s 'enem y ', and t he sam e m ight be said for m ost of
t he upper echelon of t he hierar chy who depended on t he praise
of t heir fellow collaborat or s t o m aint ain t heir illusion of self-
im port ance.

These beings, one m ight say, had long ago and of t heir own free-
agency 'im ploded' in upon t hem selves - - becom ing 'spirit ual black
holes' wit h all- consum ing appet it es, absolut e ast ral vam pirial- like
parasit es, having ext inguished all 'light ' wit hin t hem selves and
t herefor e being unable t o be br ought back " int o t he light " .
I ncapable of giving out 'light ', t hey hav e becom e t ot ally
reprobat e, dev ouring any and all life and innocence around t hem
t hat t hey can possibly consum e. The leader of t his subspace
'collect ive' had long ago drawn t hese ot her dark beings int o it self,
like a large black st ar dev ouring ot her sm aller ones ar ound it .
This irreversible st at e MI GHT not apply ent irely t o ALL of t hese
" subspace" beings, as w e will see lat er on.

Now if w e go t o t he book of Revelat ion, chapt er 12, w e find t hat

t he ult im at e leader of t he serpent race's collect ive or 'hive m ind'
is Lucifer, also known as t he " gr eat r ed dragon" , t he " old
serpent " , " t he Devil" or " Sat an" in t he sam e chapt er. Lucifer was
one of t he t hr ee original archangels [ aside fr om Michael and

Gabriel] who each apparent ly had charge over one- t hird of t he

light beings whom t he Alm ight y had cr eat ed... possibly
num bering in t he billions or t rillions.

Now if y ou'r e a hard- cor e evolut ionist you m ay not want t o suffer
t hrough t he rest of t his chapt er , as physical evolut ion cannot
account for spirit ent it ies, nor for t he hum an soul for t hat m at t er .
As for m yself, I hav e a " cr eat ionist - evolut ionist " concept of
realit y, or t hat life in t his universe was 'cr eat ed' by an I nfinit e
I nt elligence and t hen allowed t o 'evolve' from t her e in various
direct ions guided by t he Cr eat or. A bet t er t er m m ight be 'change'
rat her t han t o 'ev olve', in t hat t he t erm 'ev olut ion' is equat ed
wit h 'Darwinism ' in m any m inds. Rem em ber it has ALWAYS been
t he THEORY of ev olut ion, not t he LAW of evolut ion. I f one is
honest wit h t hem selves, t hey m ust accept t he fact t hat ev olut ion
flies in t he face of t he Second Law of Therm o- Dynam ics. Now
t hat is a LAW, not a t heory - - so which one ar e we t o believe? I n
addit ion t o t his, a vast num ber of prot ein m olecules would have
had t o exist for even t he sim plest life- form t o appear. Just how
t hese m olecules could have com e t oget her by chance and
result ed in an organized life- form wit h com plex DNA
program m ing and all is beyond m e. According t o t he laws of
probabilit y t he life- span of an ent ire galaxy w ould not be enough
t im e for j ust ONE prot ein m olecule t o com e t oget her BY CHANCE
out of t he dark chaos of lifeless m at t er, if at all. Then again t here
is t he quest ion of where t he original m at t er cam e from which
supposedly result ed from t he 'Big Bang' [ THEORY] , if ev er t her e
was such an event .

Lucifer, as m ost m ay know fr om t heological and eschat ological

t radit ions, r eflect ed t he infinit e 'light ' of t he Cr eat or wit h great
brilliance, and t her efor e was given t he nam e Lucifer, m eaning
" light bear er" - - 'bear er' being t he operat ive w ord here. Lucifer
reflect ed t he light of t he Alm ight y like a diam ond reflect s t he light
of t he Sun. How ev er , Lucifer began t aking his at t ent ion off of t he
SOURCE of all Life and began giving HI MSELF credit for t he 'light '
t hat he bore [ I use t he t erm 'he' for sem ant ic reasons only,
alt hough t his being - - as w ell as t he Et ernal Godhead - - was/ is
not necessarily a being of phy sical gender from m y own
underst anding] , and t he next st ep w as inevit able - - Lucifer
becam e j ealous of t he posit ion which t he Alm ight y One held.

Now I r ealize t hat m any of you have differ ent concept s of 'God',
howev er let us j ust indulge in a t hought experim ent for a
m om ent . I f one accept s t he concept of a 'Trinit y', t hen one
cannot accuse God of v ainglory, for t he Fat her is ever seeking t o
glorify t he Son [ t he Logos or t he Living Word] and t he Spirit
[ which t he Fat her and t he only begot t en 'Son' of God share] . The
sam e holds t rue wit h t he Son and t he Spirit , bot h of t hem
selflessly seeking t o give 'glor y' t o t heir ot her t wo count erpart s of
t he Godhead. How can God be t hr ee dist inct personalit ies yet one
single 'God'? [ t he pleur al 'Eloheim ' God AND t he singular

'Jehovah' God at t he sam e t im e?] . One m ight j ust as w ell ask,

how can t he universe be 'one' universe yet consist of space, t im e
and m at t er... t hr ee dist inct aspect s, y et t ak e one of t hem away
and t he singular universe ceases t o be? We can also use t he
't rinit ies' of ult raviolet - visible- infrared [ LI GHT - and im it at ing t he
Fat her, Son and Spirit , ult raviolet light is invisible, m id- spect rum
light is visible, and infrared light felt ] ; or lengt h- widt h- height
[ SPACE] ; past - pr esent - fut ure [ TI ME] ; energy- m ot ional-
phenom ena [ MATTER] , prot on- neut ron- elect ron [ ATOMS] , and
ot her 't riune' m anifest at ions in nat ure such as in hum ans
t hem selves: t he phy sical- m at erial body, t he soular- m ent al body,
and t he ast ral- spirit ual body and t he sublevels of each of t hese
t hree dist inct ions... we ourselves being t hree- in- one beings.

I f I 'm beginning t o sound preachy, t hen please bear wit h m e. I

believe t hat m any of y ou will agree t hat t he Gr ey phenom ena has
BOTH a phy sical and supernat ural nat ure, and t hat we cannot
fully underst and one wit hout accept ing t he ot her. One could
equat e t his t o t he division wit hin t he UFO r esearch com m unit y in
t he 1950's and 1960's over whet her UFO's w ere nut s and bolt s
craft or et her eal supernat ural m anifest at ions. Well... why not

So t hen, Lucifer , in his j ealousy, rallies his follower s [ one- t hird of

t he angelic beings] t oget her and convinces t hem t hat God is
being unj ust , t hat He's holding out on t hem and t hat he [ Lucifer]
has as m uch a right t o be Alm ight y God as does God Alm ight y
Him self. I n addit ion t o t his, Lucifer t ells his follower s t hat t hey
t oo can be Alm ight y Gods, all t hey have t o do is follow him in t he

Now, pr om ising t hem godhood is very st range, since t he m or e

'gods' t here ar e t he m or e t he t erm 'God' loses it s singular
dist inct ion. I t 's like a pot ent ial president prom ising ev ery U.S.
vot er t hat if he is elect ed t hen he will sim ult aneously m ake all of
t hose who vot ed for him Pr esident s of t he Unit ed St at es! Do y ou
see t he insanit y? Perhaps not , but it seem s t o be obvious t o m e.
You see, fr om m y perspect ive if we ar e all gods t hen t her e is NO
God. Pant heism m ust ult im at ely lead t o At heism . I f t hat 's t he
way y ou wish t o believe t hen you cert ainly have t he free agency
t o do so... But I 'm only t rying t o m ake a point t hat according t o
t radit ional Judeo- Christ ian eschat ological beliefs, t his is t he
decept ion t hat Lucifer used t o gain his recruit s - - t he pr om ise of
'godhood' or self- deificat ion being t he original 'venom ' of t he
serpent [ Genesis chapt er 3] . And t his is t he decept ion t hat t he
serpent - inspired Bavarian I llum inat i cult s via t he Scot t ish Rit e
have used t o gain t heir recruit s for a Luciferian World Order on
eart h, first by infilt rat ing Masonry and t hen in t urn by infilt rat ing
t he m aj or r eligious denom inat ions of t he w orld. Now y ou can
accept t his or leav e it as y ou will, I 'm not t rying t o for ce any
beliefs upon any one, j ust at t em pt ing t o provok e som e t hought on
t he possible nat ure of t he supernat ural forces m ot ivat ing t he

Gr ey s' collect ive. Since 't heological' m anipulat ion is a m aj or part

of t he Gr eys' agenda, t he eschat ological com ponent is one t hat
m ust be dealt wit h in or der t o underst and t he r est .

So t he r ebellion began, and t he heav ens were t orn in t wo as t he

st anding and fallen angelics war r ed wit h each ot her, r esult ing in
t he fallen angels being cast fr om t he realm of Et ernit y and int o
t he physical int er- galact ic universe. Could t he 'subspace' beings
described by Court ney Brown be fallen light beings or r ebel

Brown st at ed t hat t his 'leader' in ancient t im es had his followers

incarnat e t he r ept ilian Grey societ y, and had order ed t hem t o
sabot age t heir race. The fourt h planet of Zet a I I Ret iculi was t he
Gr ey s' " hom e w orld" at t he t im e, how ev er Zet a I I Ret iculi is a
st ar lacking in sufficient carbon cont ent t o allow for t he 'nat ural'
dev elopm ent of carbon- based life [ t his is for t hose who m ay st ill
cling t o t he 'evolut ionist ' philosophy] , so t he Gr eys m ust hav e
colonized t hat world som et im e in t he dist ant past .

The subspace beings, according t o Br own, anim at ed t hem selves

t hrough t he Gr ey s and t urned t hem t oward a m indset of self-
indulgence, which in t urn led t o t he drive wit hin t he Gr eys for
im m ediat e grat ificat ion at t he expense of t heir fut ure and t heir
world's resources [ sound fam iliar?] . Once t heir world had becom e
a pollut ed, radioact ive r uin which was t hr eat ening t heir ver y
genet ic survival, t he subspace beings under t he com m and of
t heir 'leader' offer ed a solut ion - - all t he Gr ey s had t o do t o
survive was t o give up all individual right s and em ot ions, and
subm it t o a collect ive- m ind which would cont rol ev ery aspect of
t he Greys' cult ure - - for t heir own 'good' of course, t hey w ere
t old. Using t he excuse t hat individualit y was t he root of t he
problem , t he subspace collect ivist s t ook t hings t o t he opposit e
ext r em e and insist ed t hat assim ilat ion int o an absolut e collect ive-
m ind was t he answer.

I n ot her RV experim ent s, Brown 'saw' hum anoids living on Mars

in som e past era. A large planet oid grazed t he at m osphere wit h
such violence - - barely m issing t he surface - - t hat st orm of
enorm ous m agnit ude swept acr oss t he planet and m uch of t he
at m osphere it self was blown out int o space. The Gr ey s [ who w er e
observing t his event and could have prevent ed t he disast er]
arrived as t he planet was in t he m idst of upheav al, and offer ed t o
'r escue' t he Mart ians, but at a price - - nam ely t hat t he Mart ian
hum anoids surrender t heir societ y t o t he cont r ol of t he Gr eys'
collect ive and t hat ot her s be cryogenically preserv ed in order t o
'pr eserv e' t he hum anoid Mart ian race. Act ually according t o
Brown t he m ain purpose of t he cry ogenic pr oj ect was t o
'pr eserv e' t hem as sour ces for genet ic m at erials t o upgrade t he
Gr ey s' race fr om t im e t o t im e. I t was doubt ful t hat t hey w ould
ev er be awak ened, at least en m asse. This occurr ed m ost ly aft er
t he Mart ian hum ans had escaped underground and wer e

desperat e for sur vival - - ev er y day being a st ruggle for exist ence.

NOW, according t o Br own, Mar s is under t he cont rol of t he Gr ey s,

alt hough som e pock et s of hum ans and 'hybrids' m ay rem ain in
various places underground. Ot her sources claim t hat in 1985 t he
j oint - operat ional " Alt ernat ive 3" facilit ies on Mar s w er e sabot aged
and t aken over by t he Draconians, or r ept iloids and grey s serving
t he Luciferian collect ive. This was appar ent ly one of several
'purges' t hat t he aliens have car ried out in order t o ensure t he
absolut e conform it y of t he hum an collaborat or s t o t heir agenda,
t hat is by purging out t hose r enegades who possess t oo- m uch
[ from t heir perspect ive] individualit y, which is t he m ort al enem y
of t heir collect ive.

Ther e is r eport edly an elit e force of 2000 'original' Greys based in

t he Mart ian m oon Phobos. These Gr eys ar e report edly t he 'host s'
for sev eral m illion 'clones' t hat hav e been bred t o serve t he
rept ilian elit e in t his syst em . As suggest ed t he Alt ernat ive- 3 - - or
t he so- called pure- bred Aryan " super race" - - hum ans on Mars
and Luna m ay hav e been 'purged' due t o som e lev el of resist ance
against t he Draconian- Orion- Ret iculi collect ivist for ces wit h whom
t hey 'collaborat ed'. Apparent ly t hese hum ans saw t hat t he t wo-
sided 'collaborat ion' was t urning int o a one- sided 'dict at orship'
cont r olled by t he r ept ilian elit e, and t his 'purge' wit hin t he
Mart ian and Lunar Alt ernat ive- 3 facilit ies elim inat ed t he
resist ance fact ions and ensur ed t hat only t he m ost die- hard and
devot ed m ind- cont rolled 'Ary an' slaves rem ained. I n ot her w ords,
t hese Aryan 'elit e' suffer ed t he very sam e fat e t hat t hey had
planned for us 'lower races' on planet eart h.

One source has st at ed t hat t hese ev ent s on Mar s and Luna w er e

one of t he m ain t hem es of discussion at t he not orious m eet ing
which t ook place bet ween George Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev and
t he East ern spirit ual leader Mait reya [ ...whom t he secret
governm ent has r eport edly been t eleport ing around t he world
using Mont auk- t ype t echnology in an at t em pt t o pr ov ok e a
wor shipful response from t hose t o whom he appear s. Mait reya is
t he New World Order's " ace in t he hole" and m ay or m ay not
ev en t urn out t o be " t he one" m ent ioned in Revelat ion chapt er
13] . This m eet ing t ook place on t he I sland of Malt a in t he lat e
1980's, and r esult ed largely out of Bush and Gorbachev's t err or
ov er t he ev ent s on Mar s and t he Moon, as well as sim ilar t hreat s
t hat wer e being faced by t he " Alt ernat ive- 2" underground
colonies m aint ained by t he Milit ary- I ndust rial Est ablishm ent in
'j oint - capacit y' wit h t he Gr ey s. However let 's get back t o t he
subj ect at hand.

What Br own sensed was t hat t he Greys wer e desperat e. They

realized t hat t hey not only needed t o genet ically upgrade t heir
race, but also needed t o at t ain em ot ional individualit y in order for
t heir cult ure t o survive [ and t his m ay hav e som et hing t o do wit h
t he 'hybrid' pr oj ect s] . However t hey are t rapped by t he collect ive

it self... t her e is pr esent ly a gr eat sense of panic wit hin t he

collect ive com bined wit h a bizarre sense of pr ot ect ion which t he
com bined psy chic cont inuit y of t he collect ive pr ovides. Alt hough
t hey ar e desperat e t o at t ain em ot ional individualit y which t hey
are at t em pt ing t o do by int erfacing wit h hum ans, assim ilat ing
hum an genet ics, and pr oducing quasi- hybrid genet ic offspring,
t hey cannot fully m ake t he br eak fr om t he collect ive wit hout t he
help of t hose who already exist in an individualized st at e, nam ely
t he hum ans. For t hose of you who are fam iliar wit h t he scenario
of t he 'BORG' collect ive in t he " STAR TREK: NEXT GENERATI ON"
series, cert ain episodes depict ed a Borg ent it y by t he nam e of
'Hue' who had developed em ot ional individualit y during his
capt ivit y aboard t he Ent erprise t hat r esult ed from his associat ion
wit h hum an individuals. He was lat er sent back int o t he collect ive
and int roduced t he idea of individualit y, and in lat er episodes
gat hered quit e a following of ot her 'Borg' who had also br ok en-
fr ee fr om t he collect ive and had dev eloped em ot ional
individualit y. The Rept ilians ar e not alone in t his dilem m a, since
m any, m any hum an cult ures ar e 't rapped' in collect ivism as well,
such as t hose who ar e part of t he Asht ar or Ast art e collect ive.

The problem wit h t he collect ivist Grey s is t hat - - alt hough t hey
need t he hum ans - - t he self- dest ruct ive inst ruct ions com ing
down t hrough t he collect ive it self from t he Luciferian hierarchy
are SABOTAGI NG all at t em pt s t o deal wit h hum ans on a
reasonable basis. Once t hey est ablish an agreem ent w it h a
hum anoid cult ure for w hat ever m ot ive, t he collect ive com m ences
t o use t he agr eem ent for it s own im perialist ic agendas, and t he
hum an collaborat ors ar e bet ray ed and som et im es dest royed [ as
in t he case of som e of t he Alt ernat ive 2 and 3 bases] , and war
and/ or conquest inevit ably result s.

The only answer t o t he problem t hat I can see would be t o

concent rat e on severing individual rept iloids and greys fr om t he
collect ive and at t acking t he " cont r ol cent ers" of t he collect ive
it self. I n t his case m er e t echnical and psychological at t acks will
not be enough... supernat ural warfar e will be t he only answer
since we ar e dealing wit h 'subspace' beings. We need t he help of
t he st anding angels, yet at t he sam e t im e w e need t o be car eful
since t he fallen angels are good at m asquerading as st anding
angels, which t hey have oft en done wit h t hose hum ans who hav e
'channeled' t hese ent it ies via occult m eans - - t he 'Heav ens Gat e'
cult leaders and ot hers like t hem for inst ance - - feeding t hese
'm edium s' wit h inform at ion which has lat er t urned out t o be
false, m anipulat ive, or even deadly propaganda.

We m ust r ealize t hat t he ONLY being in t he collect ive which is

allowed t o ex er cise individual choice is t heir dark leader, and t o a
lesser ext ent t he inner council, and t hese beings do NOT want
t he Rept iloids and Gr ey s t o at t ain em ot ional individualism . But
what about ot her 'collect ives' like t he Asht ar or Ast art e collect ive?
Just who is t his 'Asht ar'? Why is t he Asht ar collect ive so involved

wit h t he Dulce base act ivit y in j oint capacit y wit h t he Greys and
Rept iloids? I s it , as cont act ee I srael Nor kin claim s, because t he
" Unholy Six" st ar sy st em s of Orion have infilt rat ed t he Asht ar
collect ive t o a m assive ext ent ? What about t he bald 9- foot t all
Rept ilian " from t he Pleiades" who supposedly defect ed fr om t he
Draconian collect ive, HATONN? Why hasn't Hat onn been warning
about t his infilt rat ion of his own collect ive? I s it because he is
secr et ly wor king FOR t he Draconian- Orion em pire? Cert ainly if he
was t ruly convert ed fr om t he Draconian collect ive he could be a
lot m ore zealous in exposing it ... especially it s infilt rat ion of t he
Asht ar collect ive it self.

I f w e ar e t o believe r eport s of " St ar Wars" t aking place wit hin

Sirius- B wher e t he Asht ar collect ive has one of it s m aj or
headquart ers, t hen t his leaves open t he possibilit y t hat t he
Asht ar collect ive- alliance is in t he process of split t ing or has split
down t he m iddle bet ween an int ervent ionist Draco- Orionit e
fact ion and a non- int ervent ionist Andro- Pleiadean fact ion...

Now for som e furt her t heological speculat ion...

I n I I Pet er 2: 4 w e read t hat :

" ...God spared not t he angels t hat sinned, but cast t hem down t o
hell, and delivered t hem int o chains of darkness, t o be reserv ed
unt o j udgm ent ."

This ver se is apparent ly speaking of t he high- level leaders of t he

ancient rebellion, who w er e so m alignant and evil t hat t hey wer e
bound in dark prisons deep under t he eart h. Howev er t he Bible
gives sev eral account s of fallen angels or dem ons t hat are fully
ACTI VE on t he SURFACE of t he eart h, so we m ust conclude t hat
t hese wer e lower ranking angels like t he 'elem ent als' who were
m er ely following t he " part y line" , since t hey ar e allowed m ore- or-
less t o r oam about t he eart h fr eely. I f such angels were
'condem ned' when t he first war in heaven ran it s course, t hen
WHY ar e t hey st ill allowed t o m ore or less r oam fr ee? I s God
possibly giving t hem TI ME t o reconsider t heir w ays? Does t he
abov e v er se m ean t hat ALL fallen angels are irr eparably doom ed?
Or, has t he Creat or in his infinit e m er cy given SOME of t he fallen
angels - - t hose who st ill m aint ain a sem blance of regr et for t heir
part in t he rebellion - - one last chance by allowing t hem physical
incarnat ion t hrough t he Rept iloids and Gr ey s? Could t his be why
t he Greys ar e so absolut ely desperat e t o at t ain em ot ional
individualit y in spit e of t he r est raint s of an individualit y- killing
collect ive? Could t heir ver y et ernal dest inies be at st ake?

A few y ear s ago I w ould have t ot ally rej ect ed t he possibilit y t hat
som e of t he fallen angels could be included in t he plan of
redem pt ion, yet now I wonder...

Now befor e you begin labeling m e a heret ic, I w ould like t o quot e
t hree v er sus regarding t he serpent race [ Greys, Rept iloids, et c.] :

" Now t he serpent w as m or e subt il [ int elligent / cunning] t han any

beast of t he field... And t he Lord God said unt o t he serpent ... I
will put enm it y bet ween t hee and t he w om an, and bet ween t hy
seed and her seed." - - Genesis 6: 1,14- 15

I n it s full cont ext t hese verses im ply t hat t he fallen archangel

Lucifer was t he being t hat had incarnat ed t his part icular rept ilian
- - possibly som et hing akin t o a velicirapt or or st enonychosaurus
equallus or a sim ilar t ype of bi- ped saurian hom inoid - - and in
t urn t he ent ire serpent r ace, pr om ising t hem power over m an
and nat ure if t hey w ould allow t he Luciferians t o r e- incarnat e
t hrough t heir race at will. Whet her you t ake t his passage lit erally
or sym bolically, t he m essage is essent ially t he sam e. Lucifer used
t he serpent race t o deceive t he hum ans int o sabot aging t heir own
connect ion wit h t he God- Source and t her eby sabot aging t heir
supernat ural dom inion ov er t he lower life form s - - and from t hat
point onward t hese low er life form s began t urning wild and
unt am ed because t he downward 'flow' of LI FE and ORDER had
been broken at t he hum an level, as DEATH and CHAOS began t o
reign. One of t he races which revert ed t o t heir base anim al or
predat ory inst inct s was of cour se t he serpent race, which
originally held a posit ion som ewher e bet w een m ankind and t he
beast s. Due t o m ankind's 'fall' and t he r ept ilians' alliance wit h t he
Luciferians, t he serpent races began t aking t he upper- hand ov er
t he hum an race - - or rat her, t he fallen angels began t aking t he
upper hand over t he hum an race THROUGH t he serpent races.

Today one could say t hat we see basically t he sam e t hing

happening, however in t his case t he " Luciferians" ar e known as
" subspace beings" , and t he " Serpent s" t hr ough which t hey have
incarnat ed are known as t he " Grey Aliens" , who ar e at t em pt ing
t o enslave hum ankind by offering t hem / us Tr oj an- horse gift s or
" forbidden fruit " in t he form of occult - t echnology t o t hose int ent
on using t his t echnology t o est ablish " god- like" cont r ol and
dom inat ion over t heir fellow m an. As King Solom on once said,
" t her e is no new t hing under t he sun" . But t he point I want t o
m ake is t hat according t o t he verse given abov e, fallen angels
have been r e- incarnat ing t hrough t he Gr ey and Rept iloid
[ serpent ine] races for sev eral t housands of years.

And anot her verse:

" I n t hat day t he Lord wit h his sore and gr eat and st r ong sw ord
shall punish leviat han t he piercing serpent , ev en leviat han t hat
cr ook ed serpent ; and he shall slay t he dragon t hat is in t he sea."
- - I saiah 27: 1

This ver se, unless I 'm m ist aken, is speaking of t he r ept ilian
COLLECTI VE it self, which could be consider ed as a " pier cing

serpent " .

And t hen t he following ver se, which lit erally t hrew m e for a loop:

" Praise ye him , ALL his angels: praise y e him , ALL his host s...
Praise t he Lord fr om t he eart h, y e dragons, and ALL deeps." - -
Psalm 148: 2,7

Now unless I 'm grossly m isint erpret ing script ure, it would seem
t hat here God is saying t hat t he [ fallen- angel- incarnat ed] serpent
races ar e t old t o praise t he Alm ight y - - who aft er all was t heir
cr eat or befor e t hey allowed t heir own race t o be corrupt ed. This
MAY apply t o bot h t he spirit ual- angelic and physical- best ial
nat ures of t he serpent r aces. Ot her v er ses t hat we m ight add t o
t he one above include:

" Let EVERY THI NG t hat hat h BREATH praise t he Lord." - - Psalm
150: 6

" And he said unt o t hem , Go y e int o all t he world, and pr each t he
gospel t o EVERY CREATURE." - - Mar k 16: 15

" And EVERY CREATURE which is in heaven, and on t he eart h, and

under t he eart h, and such as are in t he sea, and all t hat are in
t hem , heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and
power, be unt o him t hat sit t et h upon t he t hrone, and unt o t he
Lam b for ev er and ev er." - - Rev elat ion 5: 13

I n order t o m ake t he choice t o appr opriat e t he r edem pt ive w ork

of t he Christ , t he Rept iloids and Gr ey s w ould have t o dev elop
em ot ional individualit y and som ehow becom e dis- connect ed fr om
t he " Luciferian collect ive" . They already possess t he first
requirem ent , being cr eat ures possessing t he " br eat h of life" . I n
order for a creat ed being which has fallen from grace t o be
redeem ed, t hey m ust possess bot h a spirit ual and physical
nat ure. Part of t heir nat ure has t o 'die' in order for t he ot her part
t o live, j ust as t he out w ard 'w orm ' of a cat erpillar m ust die so
t hat t he inward 'but t erfly' can live. Alt hough in t his case t he
sym bolism is spirit ual, it is essent ially t he sam e. An ent irely
spirit ual being like a fallen angel in t his case could not be
redeem ed unless it possessed a physical body - - as t hey w ould
not possess a physical count erpart of t hem selves t hat could 'die'
so t hat t he spirit ual count erpart could live. This would not
necessarily be a physical deat h of t he body, but a deat h of t he
'cor rupt ed' or 'fallen' nat ure resident t herein.

This fallen nat ure m ust first be acknowledged j ust as any ot her
'disease' m ust be acknowledged in order t o be cured. The 'deat h'
of t he fallen nat ure is a deat h by prox y result ing fr om a fait h-
connect ion t o t he m y st erious working at Calvary , wherein t he
second m em ber of t he Godhead becam e 'flesh' t o serv e as t he

final 'Passover Lam b' in order t o r ecieve t he full ret ribut ion for all
of t he im perfect act s t hat all creat ed beings wit h t he " br eat h of
life" have com m it t ed befor e an absolut ely perfect Cr eat or. The
KEY w ould be how ev er t o consciously APPROPRI ATE t his 'Wor k'
by direct ly asking t he Alm ight y for t he chance t o becom e a part
of t his m yst erious w or king at Calvary, which in essence serv es as
t he 'heart - beat ' from w her e t he univer se is t o be r egenerat ed
from it s fallen st at e.

I f all PHYSI CAL life in t he galaxy or univer se originally had it s

origin on planet eart h, t hen eart h would have been t he
appropriat e place for t he Alm ight y t o m anifest Him self in physical
for m , t o shed His life- blood so t hat t he cr eat ion m ight be
redeem ed by t his very Divine and absolut ely pure/ prist ine life-
essence which t he Creat or had loosed int o His cr eat ion, as a
Divine " blood t ransfusion" if you will. This Divine flow was loosed
int o t he physical univer se t hrough t he uncor rupt ed AND
incorrupt ible LI FE- blood of t he last " Passover Lam b" , which was
shed and poured out int o t he " cradle" of life, planet eart h.

Mor e and m ore cult ures out am ong t he st ars ar e beginning t o

realize, t hrough ancient r ecords t hat ar e being uncover ed, t hat
planet eart h is indeed t he " cradle" from whence t heir dist ant
ancest or s em erged, t he original " cosm ic gene pool" , and t hat in a
sense t hey are connect ed by an invisible um bilicus t o t he
" m ot her" w orld, and as t hey begin arriving here en m asse t o visit
t he " genesis w orld" we Terrans or Eart heans m ust r ealize t hat in
a sense t hey ar e also a part of t his world. The challenge will be t o
learn how t o r espect each ot hers I NDI VI DUALI TY, and how t o
claim t he FREEDOM and LI BERTY t hat is t he inher ent right of all
hum an beings, so long as it is pract iced wit hout violat ing t he
per sonal space and sov er eignt y of our neighbors - - whet her t hey
com e from r ealm s below, above, upon or even parallel wit h t his
world... t his em er ald world... t his garden planet ... t his 'divine
t ear' known as planet eart h.

So long as an 'alien' for ce wit h ancient docum ent ed t ies t o planet

eart h 'claim s t errit ory ' adj acent t o t his planet which has NOT YET
been claim ed, such as undeveloped underground areas, t her e
should be NO pr oblem from t hose living on t he surface. I n t he
sam e way surface dw eller s should respect subt er ranean cult ures
TO THE EXTENT THAT t hose cult ures respect t hem . Being an
individualist , I am a fir m believer t hat ev ery nat ion on/ in eart h
deser ves t o m aint ain it s individualit y and cult ural dist inct ion SO
LONG AS t hey do not violat e t he sov er eignt y of t heir neighbors.
Each count ry should have t he right t o det erm ine it s own
econom ic, polit ical and spirit ual dest inies SO LONG AS t hey do
not violat e t he sam e of ot her count ries.

I t goes wit hout saying t hat I am t ot ally against a one world

collect ivist governm ent which cannot t olerat e individualit y or
independence in any for m . How ev er t he loss of nat ional

sov ereignt ies ar e oft en t he r esult of hum an gr eed, for inst ance
int ernat ional bankers loaning billions t o sm aller count ries fully
knowing t hat t he selfish leaders of t hose count ries will squander
t he wealt h and fail t o r e- pay t he loans, t hus opening t he way for
t he 'bankst er s' t o claim t hat count ries' nat ional reserv es, m ineral
right s, propert ies, and ot her nat ional resources along wit h a loss
of sovereignt y. I w ould hope t hat t he r espect for sov er eignt y on a
nat ional basis would cascade down t o t he individual level also.

I n addit ion t o t he abov e, unless t heir exist ence is being

t hreat ened by radioact ive danger s or som e ot her t hreat , a sub-
surface cult ure should not int erfer e wit h t he act ivit ies of surface
cult ures: t hey should not st eal resources, r elease radioact ive
poisons int o surface env ironm ent s, or biological diseases, or
m ut ilat e anim als, or abduct people against t heir will, or use
focused elect r onic beam s t o invade t he privacy of t hose on t he
surface, or int erfer e wit h t he m inds of surface dwellers in any
way, or engage in ANY FORM OF I NVASI ON OF OUR

Many alien forces, especially t he draconian- int erv ent ionist -

collect ivist s who DO NOT r espect individual sover eignt y, have
VI OLATED t his universal law and as a r esult t heir t errit ories MUST
inevit ably be I NVADED by t hose cult ures whom t hey are abusing
or violat ing in order t o preserv e t heir nat ional securit y. And it
also goes wit hout saying t hat t he 'Dulce em pire' has EARNED t he
WRATH of Am ericans due t o t he UNSPEAKABLE at rocit ies being
car ried out t here against OUR OWN PEOPLE. I absolut ely
recom m end t hat a full- scale Congr essionally- backed invasion and
t ake- over of t he Dulce base and it s peripheral facilit ies would be

Once all resist ance wit hin t he Dulce facilit y is SMASHED and it s
capt ives ar e LI BERATED, and aft er all act ivit ies t here ar e brought
under FULL Congr essional over sight , t hose agent s operat ing
wit hin t his facilit y should be t ried and prosecut ed by due process
of law, be t hey hum an or alien, and if not ex ecut ed or im prisoned
t hey should be banished fr om t he planet unt il t hey can PROVE
t hat t hey ar e able t o r espect hum an individualit y and fr eedom .
We our selves m ust lear n t he sam e lesson, since it was in m ost
cases m en who violat ed our t rust and Const it ut ional sov er eignt y
as U.S. cit izens - - and in fact as w orld cit izens - - who hav e
'bet rayed' us t o t hese alien parasit es by opening up t he door for
t hem t o com e in, in m any cases in order t o facilit at e t heir own
desires t o DOMI NATE t heir fellow hum an beings.

When t he Dulce base is conquered and subdued, we should

com m ence t o liberat e ot her oppr essed ar eas wit hin t he
undergr ound net work . Let us rem em ber how ev er t hat , aside fr om

assist ing in t heir 'liberat ion', we as Am ericans or w orld cit izens

should not [ in our ret aliat ory act ions against invasive
subt er ranean cent er s] v iolat e t he t errit ories or sov er eignt y of
ot her int erior dwellers who hav e NOT part icipat ed in t he
draconian- backed abduct ions and at t acks against t he cit izens of
Am erica and of t he World.

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 20

Spe cia l For ce s: D e fen de r s Of Pla n e t Ea r t h?

The m y st erious 'insider' Com m ander- X r elat ed t he following

inform at ion in one of his num er ous r eport s:

" ...I n t he r evised Sept em ber , 1959 edit ion of THE EFFECTS
OF ATOMI C WEAPONS, prepared for and in cooperat ion wit h
t he U.S. Depart m ent of Defense and The U.S. At om ic
Energy Com m ission, under t he direct ion of The Los Alam os
Scient ific Laborat ory, w e read about how 'com plet e
undergr ound placem ent of bases is desirable.' On page 382:
'There ar e apparent ly no fundam ent al difficult ies in
const ruct ion and operat ing Undergr ound various t ypes of
im port ant facilit ies. Such facilit ies m ay be placed in a
suit able exist ing m ine or a sit e m ay be excavat ed for t he

I n reference t o t he 'Delt a' Force which is believed t o supply

securit y for 'Abov e Top Secret ' pr oj ect s involving
'int eract ion' wit h t he aliens [ gr ey s, et c.] , t his gov ernm ent
insider st at es:

" The DELTA Gr oup... have been seen [ wit hin t he

I nt elligence Support Act ivit y] wit h badges which have a
black Triangle on a red backgr ound.

" DELTA is t he fourt h let t er of t he Gr eek alphabet . I t has t he

for m of a t riangle, and figures pr om inent ly in cert ain
Masonic signs.

" EACH BASE HAS I TS OWN SYMBOL. The Dulce base sym bol
is a t riangle wit h t he Gr eek let t er 'Tau' ( T) wit hin it and t hen
t he sym bol is invert ed, so t he t riangle point s down.

" The I nsignia of 'a t riangle and t hree lat er al lines' has been
seen on Saucer [ t ransport ] Craft ,' The Tri- Lat er al Sym bol.
Ot her sym bols m ar k landing sit es and 'Alien' craft ..."

On January 10, 1989, form er Naval Pet t y Officer William

Cooper post ed t he following st at em ent on a com put er
net work dev ot ed t o t he invest igat ion of paranor m al event s,
which det ailed st ill furt her inform at ion about t he Delt a
for ces. Tak e not e t hat t he Delt a's according t o William
Cooper , John Lear and Thom as E. Cast ello had played a
m aj or part in t he so- called " Dulce War s" which began in

" The following inform at ion was ext ract ed fr om a rat her long
t reat ise- t ranscript - conv er sat ion bet ween an individual and
anot her who w as assigned t o DELTA SECURI TY:

" 01: Delt a securit y has a lot t o do wit h int er- service
proj ect s.

" 02: The Trilat eral insignia [ alien] is valid and has been
used t o m ar k equipm ent .

" 03: 'The whole t hing is grim and won't get any bet t er.'

" 04: The Trilat eral insignia has been seen on a disk at
Edwards AFB, CA and Area 51 in Nevada.

" 05: There is a hanger at Edwards refer red t o as t he Delt a


" 06: The Delt a Hanger is on t he Nort h Base at Edwards.

" 07: You need a special badge t o get near it . I t is a red

badge wit h a black t riangle on t he face of it and per sonal
inform at ion on t he back .

" 08: Disk in hanger at Edwards described as having insignia

on t he underside and on t he t op. I t was about 50' in
diam et er, appearing like t arnished silver, about 15 t o 18
feet t hick. There w er e w hat looked like windows around t he
raised port ion t hat wer e m ost ly described as rect angular.
Ther e w as a gr oove ar ound t he disk about 4 feet from t he
edge all t he way around. Ther e was an area on t he bot t om
t hat looked like vent s or louvers.

" 09: When people assigned t o Delt a would break down and

cry for no appar ent reason, y ou w ould never see t hem


" 10: Apparent ly, t he NRO [ Nat ional Recon Organizat ion]
recruit s for DELTA out of Fort Carson, Colorado.

" 11: Just about ev ery one assigned t o DELTA are orphans,
have no r elat ives, et c.

" 12: There ar e 'bount y hunt ers' connect ed wit h Dr eam land.

" 13: I f y ou w or k at Dr eam land and go on leave or ar e not

back on t im e t hey send 'bount y hunt er s' aft er y ou. That 's
wher e t he 'visit ors' live... t here is an undergr ound facilit y...

" 14: Ar ea 51 is at Gr oom Lak e in Nevada. The disks ar e

flown t here.

" 15: One of t he craft look ed like an upside- down diam ond.

" 16: There is a radiat ion hazard appar ent when som e of t he
craft fly.

" 17: No one st ay s at Dr eam land for m ore t han a few

m ont hs.

" 18: 'Everyt hing is way out of cont rol...'"

From his appar ent t hough guarded vant age- point wit hin t he
I nt elligence Com m unit y, " Com m ander- X" claim s t o be privy
t o m uch 'deep- level' inside inform at ion. One of t he m any
report s t hat has cr ossed his desk involved t he experience of
a wom an who was 'abduct ed' and t ak en ov er 1000 m iles t o
t he underground facilit y below Dulce, New Mexico:

" ...One wom an I hav e spoken wit h was abduct ed fr om t he

roof of a New York Cit y apart m ent building and apparent ly
held underground at t he Dulce facilit y. She was t aken t o a
cabin in t he desert which was being used as a cam ouflaged
ent rance t o t he 'alien' base. She was ev ent ually escort ed t o
t he laborat ories t o be used as a t est subj ect , but at t he last
m inut e m anaged t o escape t hanks t o t he aid of one of t he
Nordic- t ype, t all aliens, who befriended her and show ed her
a secr et way out , down an unguarded shaft .

" Back in t he desert , she was rescued by m em bers of t he

[ Air Force] Blue Beret s, and ev ent ually flown back t o
Manhat t an. During a de- briefing session wit h t he m ilit ary,
she was warned t o rem ain silent about her experiences.
Anyone hearing such a bizarre t ale would cert ainly t hink she
had gone insane. I t was inferr ed she could be com m it t ed t o

a m ent al inst it ut ion at any t im e should she r efuse t o go

along wit h t he cov er- up conspiracy, which she was t old was
being conduct ed 'for t he sak e of t he count ry, and t he sake
of t he world! '" ( I f y ou believe t hat excuse, t hen I have som e
nice beach- fr ont pr opert y on Mercur y t hat y ou m ight be
int erest ed in! - Brant on)

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 21

Pr obin g D e e pe r I n t o Th e D u lce 'Enigm a '

The following inform at ion on subsur face anom alies and t he Dulce base was com piled by
researcher and explorer John Rhodes:

Legends from differ ent part s of t he globe all t ell of an underw orld inhabit ed by m yst ical
beings of varied form s. I believe t hat t he r ept ilian [ race] st ill resides t o t his day
undergr ound. Hidden away in t he dark cr evices of t he Eart h and in t he dept hs of t he
oceans. The evidence support ing t his proclam at ion is also available t hrough recent
report s and hist orical docum ent at ion...

I t he early 1960's, a subt er ranean nuclear blast occurr ed about 30 m iles sout hw est of
Dulce, New Mexico right off U.S. 64. This nuclear blast was conduct ed under t he
um brella of proj ect Plow share, and was nam ed Gassbuggy. I t has r ecent ly been alleged
t hat t his part icular subsurface nuclear blast was used t o cr eat e a hollowed out chut e or
chim ney for developm ent of a subst at ion for a super- secr et t unnel syst em at t ached t o
an undergr ound black book pr oj ect base.

According t o t he infam ous Thom as Cast ello - - a form er Dulce base securit y t echnician - -
t his part icular under- w orld cit y is a highly secr et base operat ed by hum ans as w ell as
rept ilian aliens and t heir work er cast , t he com m only encount ered gray s. I t is her e,
apparent ly, t hat a m ult it ude of experim ent at ion proj ect s ar e car ried out . Prim arily
genet ic experim ent s on kidnapped m en, wom en, and children.

Ther e ar e a m yriad of ot her specialt y science pr oj ect s t aking place at t he Dulce base
including, but not lim it ed t o: At om ic m anipulat ion, cloning, st udies of t he hum an aura,
advanced m ind cont r ol applicat ions, anim al/ hum an cr ossbr eeding, visual and audio
wiret apping, t he list goes on...

Dulce, New Mexico is a st range place indeed. I t 's a sleepy lit t le t own perched upon t he
Archulet t a Mesa, j ust sout h of t he Colorado bor der in nort hern New Mexico.

Tourist s passing t hrough som et im es see lit t le m or e life in t he t own ot her t han t hat of a
scruffy dog lazily spread out along side of t he dirt r oad. Som e claim t hat upon ent ering

t he t own, black vehicles wit h heavily t int ed windows t ailgat e t hem unt il t hey are out side
t he cit y lim it s and " heading out of Dodge" ! ...

I n addit ion, sev eral ot her sources, who wish t o rem ain nam eless, r epor t ed oddit ies in
t heir wor k wit h operat ion 'Plowshar e' during t he 1960's. The pr oj ect was creat ed under
t he guise of t he use of at om ic bom bs during peacet im e, and forged ahead under t he
um brella of " Nat ural Gas Explorat ion" . I n fact , sev eral of t hese m ult i- kilot on blast s w er e
used as a rapid way of dev eloping huge sub- surface cham bers for facilit y dev elopm ent .
I t is r eport ed t hat t he t echnology t o clean radiat ion is available and already in use for
such pr oj ect s.

When I lect ur ed on Friday, August 13t h of 1993 in Las Vegas, I m ade public, for t he first
t im e ever, t he floor plans t o lev els one and six of t he Dulce Base. These floor plans wer e
reproduced fr om t he originals t hat were handed t o Thom as Cast ello's friend. This friend
did not previously release t he floor plans because t hey w ere being used as a verificat ion
device t o t he claim s of abduct ees t hat say t hey were t her e. To dat e, t he originals have
verified and disprov ed m any st ories circulat ing t he field of ufology. This friend of Thom as
Cast ello's, how ev er, believ es t hat it is t im e t o begin [ t o] rev eal t he m issing pieces...

The Dulce base floorplan was illust rat ed as per t he originals by Thom as Cast ello and I
released it ... during m y lect ure in Las Vegas, Nevada. I t s layout , when inspect ed
car efully, appears t o be ext r em ely st rat egically planned.

From a v ert ical viewpoint , it resem bles a wheel wit h a cent ral hub and corridors
radiat ing out wards like spok es. This 'hub' is t he focal point of t he ent ire base. I t is
surr ounded by cent ral securit y and ext ends t hr ough all levels of t he base.

I believe t his cor e t o be t he Achilles heal of t he ent ire facilit y. I t pr obably cont ains fiber
opt ic com m unicat ions and power lines. This would j ust ify it s highly guarded and cen t ral
locat ion as well as explain it s vert ical cont inuat ion t hrough all levels. Wit h all
com m unicat ion lines and pow er lines focused t owards t he hub, it is possible t hat any one
level could be com plet ely " lock ed down" by it s own securit y or t he secur it y hubs from
eit her abov e or below it s own level. This would provide m axim um cont r ol over t he ent ire
facilit y.

The 'spokes' or cor ridor s radiat ing away from t he cent ral hub, lead t o num erous ot her
labs in five different direct ions. Connect t he spok es and a pent agon is revealed in it s
design. From abov e, t his base resem bles t he layout of t he Pent agon in Washingt on D.C.
com plet e wit h halls, walls and m ilit ary insignias! Since we do not have t he exact heading
on it s corridor s, m agnet ic alignm ent s are im possible t o det erm ine.

When view ed lat erally, it s appearance t ak es on t he look of a t r ee wit h a t runk at it s

cent er and it s floor s ext ending out wards like t he branches. I f t his is a facilit y of science,
t hen one could easily say t hat it s lat eral appearance is like t hat of t he t ree of knowledge
( Not e: The original Hebr ew w ord for t he t r ee of " knowledge" is " Dah'at h" , or " cunning" .
I t was t he 't r ee' where, according t o Judeo- Christ ian account s, t he original 'serpent '
convinced Ev e t o t ake part in a rebellion against t he Alm ight y by prom ising her and
Adam godhood. By accept ing t his false gospel of self- deificat ion, so Genesis claim s, Ev e
AND her husband who was WI TH HER at t he t im e, j oined in t he rebellion. Since t hey saw
t hem selves as pot ent ial gods, t hey no longer 'needed' t o depend on t he Alm ight y as
t heir Source, and once t he flow from t he SOURCE was br ok en t he perfect ion t hat t he

world once knew was dest r oy ed, as hum ankind - - and in fact all of nat ure - - began t o
t urn 'wild'. I n light of all of t his, could t he DULCE BASE be t he m odern TREE OF
KNOWLEDGE [ cunning] , wher e t he seed of t he SERPENT and t he seed of EVE hav e once
again m et in an unholy alliance, y et in a m uch m or e sophist icat ed for m ? I n THI S case
t he " serpent " w ould be t he GREYS, and t he " for bidden fruit " would be t he OCCULT-
TECHNOLOGY t hat is being offer ed BY t hese dem on- possessed beings t o hum ans " elit e"
who ar e int ent on " playing god" over t heir fellow m an! Could it be t hat t he Edenic
OVER AND OVER unt il t he " seed of Ev e" once- and- for- all say " ENOUGH I S ENOUGH" ,
and basically t ell t he ser pent exact ly wher e it can go! ? - Brant on) .

Was t his purposely designed t his way or does it j ust happen t o be a coincidence?

The ov erall design of t his facilit y rem inds one of a m ult i- st acked subt err anean Hopi
I ndian kiva. Alt hough I believe t hat it 's som ewhat of a disservice t o t he Hopi t o ev en be
spok en of in associat ion wit h a cave of hor r or s like t he Dulce base, it s sim ilarit y in
design should not be for got t en.

As cult ures around t he world t end t o bring t heir own st yles of ar chit ect ure wit h t hem
during periods of m igrat ion, so perhaps did t he advanced civilizat ion t hat 'originally' built
[ t he] Dulce Base. I f t he rept ilian influence over m an is as gr eat as ar chaic
docum ent at ion and m yt h would have one believe, t hen t her e hav e t o be ot her
subt er ranean dw ellings sim ilar t o t his in ot her locat ions...

( Not e: The following are som e addit ional fact s and com m ent s, concerning t he lat e
Thom as Edwin Cast ello, which are not m ent ioned elsewher e in t his wor k . These have
been 'paraphr ased' fr om t he r esearch files of John Rhodes. - Brant on) :

I n 1961, Cast ello was a young sergeant st at ioned at Nellis Air Force Base near Las
Vegas, Nevada. His j ob was as a m ilit ary phot ographer wit h a t op secr et clearance. He
lat er t ransfer r ed t o West Virginia where he t r ained in advanced int elligence phot ography .
He work ed inside an undisclosed undergr ound inst allat ion, and due t o t he nat ure of his
new assignm ent his clearance was upgraded t o TS- I V. He r em ained wit h t he Air For ce as
a phot ographer unt il 1971 at which t im e he was offer ed a j ob wit h RAND corporat ion as
a Securit y Technician, and so he m ov ed t o California wher e RAND had a m aj or facilit y
and his securit y clearance was upgr aded t o ULTRA- 3. The following year he m et a
wom an nam ed Cat hy, t hey m arried and had a son, Eric.

I n 1977 Thom as was t r ansferr ed t o Sant a Fe, New Mexico wher e his pay was raised
significant ly and his securit y clearance was again upgraded... t his t im e t o ULTRA- 7. His
new j ob was as a phot o securit y specialist in t he Dulce inst allat ion, wher e his j ob
specificat ion was t o m aint ain, align and calibrat e video m onit oring cam eras t hr oughout
t he underground com plex and t o escort visit ors t o t heir dest inat ions. Once arriving in
Dulce, Thom as and sev eral ot her new 'r ecruit s' at t ended a m andat or y m eet ing wher e
t hey w er e int roduced t o t he BI G LI E, t hat :

" ...t he subj ect s being used for genet ic experim ent s w er e hopelessly insane and t he
research is for m edical and hum ane purposes."

Bey ond t hat , all quest ions wer e t o be ask ed on a need t o know basis. The briefing ended
wit h severe t hreat s of punishm ent for being caught t alking t o any of t he 'insane' or

engaging in conver sat ions wit h ot hers not direct ly involved wit h ones curr ent t ask.
Vent uring out side t he boundaries of ones own wor k area wit hout reason was also
forbidden and, m ost of all, discussing t he exist ence of t he j oint Alien/ U.S. governm ent
base t o any out sider would generat e severe and, if necessary , deadly r eper cussions.

Thom as did his j ob as his superiors dem anded. At first his encount ers w it h act ual gray
and rept ilian beings in t he base w er e exhilarat ing, but soon he becam e acut ely awar e
t hat all was not what it appear ed t o be. Thom as slowly began t o sense t hat t here was an
underlying curr ent of t ension exist ing bet ween som e of t he personnel and him self. Once
in a while he would walk ar ound t he corner, int er rupt ing serious discussions bet w een
cow or kers and, as Thom as was a securit y officer , t hese t alks w ould die off int o a short
m urm ur and individuals would part com pany.

One part icular part of his j ob was t o go int o various areas of t he base and align t he
securit y m onit oring cam eras when it was necessary. This afforded him t he opport unit y
t o v ent ure out and wit ness t hings t hat would st agger t he im aginat ion. Lat er he was t o
report seeing laborat ories t hat invest igat ed t he following: Auraic energy fields of
hum ans; Ast ral or spirit - body v oyaging and m anipulat ion; Psi st udies; Advanced m ind
cont r ol analysis and applicat ion; Hum an brain m em ory r ecognit ion, acquisit ion, and
t ransfer; Mat t er m anipulat ion; Hum an/ alien em bryonic cloning; Rapid hum an body
replicat ing by use of energy/ m at t er t ransfer [ com plet e wit h an individuals m em or y from
t he com put er m em ory banks] and ot her scient ific advances.

Once in a while Thom as would see som e of t he horrifying genet ic cr eat ions t hat w er e
housed in separat e sect ions of t he base. These, he knew, couldn't have had anyt hing t o
do wit h m ent al illness or healt h research. Thom as didn't want t o look any furt her. For
ev ery t im e he discover ed m or e pieces t o t his underground m aze, it becam e m or e and
m or e ov erwhelm ing t o accept . His curious m ind, how ev er , im plored him t o search for
t he t rut h r egardless of his own desire t o t urn away in horr or .

One day, Thom as was approached by anot her em ployee who usher ed him int o a side
hallway. Here he was approached by t wo ot her gent lem en t hat whispered t he m ost
horrifying words... t he m en, w om an AND CHI LDREN t hat were said t o be m ent ally
ret arded wer e, in fact , heavily sedat ed vict im s of ABDUCTI ON. He warned t he m en t hat
t heir words and act ions could get t hem in big t rouble if he were t o t urn t hem in. At t his,
one m an t old Thom as t hat t hey w er e all obser v ing him and not iced t hat he t oo was
'uncom fort able' wit h what he was wit nessing. They knew t hat Thom as had a conscience
and t hey knew t hey had a friend.

They were right , Thom as didn't t urn t hem int o his com m ander s. I nst ead, he m ade t he
dangerous decision t o quiet ly speak wit h one of t he caged hum ans in an area nicknam ed
" Night m are Hall" . Through t heir drug induced st at e, he asked t heir nam e and t heir hom e
t own. Thom as discreet ly invest igat ed t he claim of t his 'insane' hum an during his
weekends out of t he facilit y. He discov ered t hrough his search t hat t he per son had been
declared m issing in t heir hom e- t own aft er vanishing suddenly, leaving behind t heir
t raum at ized fam ilies, w ho followed dead ends and t railed flyers. Soon he discov ered t hat
MANY of t he hundreds, perhaps t housands of m en, w om en and children [ fr om ALL
AREAS OF THE WORLD] were act ually list ed as m issing or unexplained disappearances.
Thom as knew he was I N OVER HI S HEAD and so were sev eral of his co- work er s. All he
could do, unt il som ehow t he sit uat ion changed, was t o be alert and ext r em ely guarded
wit h his t hought s. The gray aliens' t elepat hic capabilit ies allowed t hem t o 'read' t he
m inds of t hose around t hem and if he r ev ealed his int ense anger , it would be all over for

him and his new friends.

I n 1978, t ensions wit hin t he Dulce base were ex t rem ely height ened. Several securit y
and lab t echnicians began t o sabot age t he genet ic experim ent s. I ncreasingly frail nerves
and paranoia finally erupt ed int o what is com m only referr ed t o as t he Dulce War s. I t was
a lit eral bat t le bet ween t he r ept ilians and t he hum ans for t he CONTROL of t he Dulce
base. I t was t he r ept ilians m ore t han t he hum ans t hat were pushing t he " Big Lie" , and
insist ed on using hum ans in t heir experim ent s, AND t hose who did not survive t he
experim ent s [ w er e used] as 'sources' for t he liquid prot ein t anks which 'fed' bot h
em br yonic gray fet uses as w ell as full grown grays, as a source of nourishm ent . The
init ial " Dulce War" conflict began on Lev el Three.

No one is exact ly sure how it st art ed, but w e do know t hrough Thom as' account t hat it
involved t he [ base] SECURI TY FORCES arm ed w it h beam w eapons know n as " Flash
Guns" , m achine- gun t ot ing [ U.S. Milit ary] per sonnel, and t he Gray alien species ( who
had apparent ly t ried t o t urn t he base securit y for ces and U.S. Milit ary for ces against
each ot her. - Brant on) . When t he sm oke clear ed, sixt y- eight hum ans had been killed,
t went y- t wo were com plet ely vaporized and ninet een escaped via t he t unnels. Seven
wer e r ecapt ur ed and t w elve r em ain in hiding t o t his day. Thom as r et ur ned t o his post
await ing t he planning of his own escape.

( Not e: I t is not known j ust exact ly how m any grays w er e killed in t he conflict , but it is
obvious t hat t he hum an securit y personnel wer e far out num ber ed by t he aliens since
lit erally t housands of gr ays w or ked in t he lower levels of t he Dulce base, according t o
Cast ello. Ther e ar e indicat ions t hat t he 'spar k' m ay have occurr ed when m any of t he
scient ist s wit hin t he lower levels - - who had learned about t he " Grand Decept ion" of t he
aliens and t heir LI ES concerning t he abduct ees - - wer e capt ur ed by t he Rept ilians and
apparent ly confined deep wit hin peripheral bases underneat h t he Ut e Mount ains of SE
Colorado and SW Ut ah. A few ot her s appar ent ly escaped and t old t hose in t he upper
levels what was happening below. The Gray s/ Rept iloids could not afford t o let escape
t he fact t hat t hey had VI OLATED t he t reat y wit h MJ- 12, and in fact had been violat ing it
ALL ALONG wit h NO I NTENTI ON what soever t o keep it . They had hoped t hat t he hum ans
would not becom e wise t o t heir " Troj an Horse" operat ion unt il t hey wer e able t o infilt rat e
t he planet m or e com plet ely. At least 100 special forces were sent in by superior s who
wer e ignorant of t he whole pict ure in an effort t o r escue t he scient ist s and m aint ain
order and cont rol of t he base, how ev er t he aliens - - who far out num bered and out -
t eched t he hum an for ces - - m anaged t o kill 66- 68 of t hem . - Brant on)

I n 1979 t he int ense pressur e t hat was br ought upon Thom as in his j ob finally m ade him
break t he code of silence. He t old his best friend, by a hand passed not e, t hat he was
wor king in a sub- surface, huge inst allat ion out side of Dulce, New Mexico.

He t old his friend t hat he was w or king side by side wit h Gray aliens t hat consider
t hem selves nat ive Ter rans and t hat t he upside- down black t riangle wit h t he invert ed
gold colored T inside it was t he insignia of t he proj ect .

Thom as knew t hat he had t o leav e t he j ob for his own peace of m ind, however now t hat
he knew t he t rut h about t he abduct ees being held below, it would be alm ost im possible
t o live a 'norm al' life. He w ould always be under observat ion and t hr eat unt il t he day he
died. He also was aware of t he fact t hat old age m ay not be his downfall. His dem ise

could easily be expedit ed by cert ain individuals.

Aft er one of his week ends away fr om t he facilit y, he decided t o ret urn t o w ork . This t im e
t hrough one of t he less guarded air shaft s, unannounced and int o t he base by way of
secr et passages. Once inside, he pr eceded t o appear as if he was working his norm al
dut ies while t aking charge of ev er y t hought as he passed by Gray s. During t his t im e
inside t he base, he r em ov ed st ill phot ographs of t he facilit y and t reat ies signed, wit h
aut hent ic signat ures, bet ween California Gov ernor Ronald Reagan, sev eral ot her
individuals and t he Gray s. Thom as also m anaged t o ret rieve a 7 m inut e black and whit e
surv eillance video of genet ic experim ent s, caged hum ans, Gray s, as w ell as schem at ics
of Alien devices and com plex genet ic form ulas. These it em s, he felt , w er e not only his
chance t o a seat at t he bargaining t able when t he need arose, but also t hey w er e t hings
t hat t he public needed t o know about .

He m ade copies of t he film s, phot o's and paper wor k, pack ed sev er al 'packages' and
inst ruct ed several differ ent people who he t rust ed explicit ly t o bury or hide t hem unt il
t he right t im e.

He was t hen m ade awar e t hr ough cert ain sour ces t hat his wife, Cat hy , and son, Eric,
had been forcibly t aken from t heir hom e t o an undisclosed undergr ound facilit y for 'safe
holding' unt il he decided t o ret urn wit h t he it em s. At t his point , he knew t hat ev en I F he
did ret urn ev eryt hing t o t he Dulce com m anders, t hat his wife and son wer e probably
NEVER going t o be t he sam e again [ if ret urned at all] aft er being m anipulat ed by
aggressive m ind cont r ol. He also knew t hat he AND his fam ily would m ost DEFI NI TELY
becom e perm anent ly m issing due t o som e t ragic accident . Thom as was at zer o opt ion.
He quickly dissolved int o a lonely life on t he run. From st at e t o st at e, border t o border ,
m ot els t o sofa's. Always looking behind him and t rying his best t o look ahead...

Furt her not es from John Rhodes:

During t his init ial period of evasion, Thom as was able t o relay quit e a bit of inform at ion
about what was happening behind- t he- scenes and what plans were being m ade by t he
governm ent ( t hat is, t he fascist - corporat e elem ent s wit hin t he 'Ex ecut ive- I nt elligence-
I ndust rial' governm ent such as t he NSA's MAJI & AQUARI US agencies, which had re-
est ablished t he collaborat ion t wo years following t he cessat ion of official hum an
int eract ion following t he Dulce war s. - Brant on) and t he Gray s. Som e of it has been
wit hheld by his closest friends as a cont rol device in order t o aut hent icat e or invalidat e
som e abduct ees' st ories and r esear cher's findings. Believe m e, t here ar e som e v er y
well- known people who m ake a living from selling t his t ype of inform at ion and t hey have
been lying t hrough t heir t eet h about t heir 'experiences'.

( Not e: Ar e som e of t hese false account s given wit hin THI S v olum e? I do not know, and
as I st at ed at t he beginning of t his wor k I am not excluding ANY inform at ion source - -
alt hough I m ay hav e m y own 'opinions' on cert ain inform at ion such as wit h t he Phoenix
Proj ect 'r esearch'. How ever, I have decided t o THROW I T ALL out on t he t able for all t o
see, and will allow t he fut ure t o m ak e it s own j udgm ent s. Ev en if one or a few of t he
account s ar e m isleading, t he odds t hat ALL of t he com bined account s wit hin t his volum e
are false w ould defy t he laws of probabilit y. Per haps t he only way t o t ell for cert ain
would be t o do as t he unsung hero Paul Bennewit z suggest ed - - t hat is t o m ak e a full-
scale m ilit ary assault on t he base, conquer t he aliens whet her t hey be genet ic cr eat ions
or t rue aliens or bot h, and bring all act ivit ies t her e under full Congressional oversight .
I 'm sure t hat t her e will be no lack of pot ent ial m ilit ary recruit s for t his t ype of assault ,

aft er all t ens of t housands of y oung Am erican m en have in t he past been sent off t o die
t o pr ot ect CI A drug- running operat ions in t he Golden Triangle, t o give t heir lives for t he
Unit ed Nat ions' " New World Order" , or in wars t hat wer e nev er m eant t o be w on. I
should howev er in all fairness st at e t hat in t he Kor ean and Viet nam ese wars t her e w as a
very real t hreat in t he form of Com m unism , and m any y oung m en bravely fought and
died in t he defense of fr eedom . How ever t heir pat riot ism and hopes of v ict ory w er e oft en
sabot aged by Com m unist sym pat hizing Socialist U.N. officials or by cov ert drug
operat ions or ot her hidden agendas. I n ot her w ords if we have fought wars in t he past
against t he 't ent acles' of t he beast , so- t o- speak , t hen I see no r eason why pot ent ial
recruit s would shy away fr om a bat t le against t he 'head' of t he Beast it self, especially
when we consider t hat such a bat t le or war m ight ult im at ely have galact ic ram ificat ions.
One of t he pr oblem s wit h t he " Dulce Wars" was t hat only 100 special for ces wit h high-
level securit y clearances w er e unknowingly sent - in t o a base inhabit ed by ov er 18,000
Gr ey s. 44 of t hese report edly sur vived t he firefight - - which considering t he opposit ion
was a very good survival rat e. How ev er wit h t he lat est dev elopm ent s in m ilit ary
t echnology, wit h t he cur rent 'civilian int elligence' on t he base which exist s now t hanks t o
Paul Bennewit z and ot her s, and wit h t he m illions of Am erican Christ ian Pat riot s who
would no doubt be willing and ready t o wage a HOLY WAR against t he ent renched
Draconian COLLECTI VI ST for ces on eart h... t he next m ilit ary assault on t he DULCE BASE
will not be so one- sided. - Br ant on)

He [ Thom as Cast ello] hopes t hat y ou find t his inform at ion int erest ing and not ew ort hy .
We feel t hat it is im perat ive t o r elease m or e inform at ion because of t he st epped- up
abduct ion act ivit ies. I f y ou should ev er be inquisit ive enough t o t ry and do a field
invest igat ion of Dulce y ourself, t hen y ou had bet t er pr epare and pr epare well! ... Do not
t reat [ t his] inform at ion light ly. Thom as Cast ello, t he form er Dulce Base securit y
t echnical [ officer] and a per sonal friend of t w o OZ t eam m em bers, m ay have given his
life in order t hat som e day t he w orld m ay see t he t rut h about t he exist ence of t he Dulce
facilit y in which he work ed [ Thom as has not m ade r egular visit s t o any of his known
'cont act s' for quit e som e t im e. Som e ar e fearing t he w or st ...]

Elsewhere wit hin t he m anuscript released by John Rhodes - - fr om which we hav e j ust
quot ed. - - w e r ead t he following:

" Obviously, if t hese snake- people or rept ilians really did once live am ongst t he Hom o
Sapiens populat ion, t hey have gone t o ext r em e m easures not t o be rev ealed since t hey
went int o hiding... [ how ev er] OUR progression has been carefully m onit or ed by t he
elusive rept ilian race t hat lives wit hin t he caver nous Eart h it self...

" Legends fr om different part s of t he globe all t ell of an underw orld inhabit ed by m yst ical
beings of varied form s. I believe t hat t he r ept ilian ill resides t o t his day
undergr ound, hidden away in t he dark cr evices of t he Eart h and in t he dept hs of t he
oceans. The evidence support ing t his proclam at ion is also available t hrough recent
report s and hist orical docum ent at ion... I f you r eally want t o see t he big show, don't look
abov e y our head, look below y our feet ! "

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 22

M yst e ry- M a ve r ick Jim M cCam be ll Tak e s On The D ulce -


Be nne w it z Enigm a

The following docum ent [ am ong ot her s] originat ed from a U.S. I nt elligence w or ker who
has been m issing for quit e som e t im e. Concerned fam ily m em bers discov er ed t his
docum ent in a locker in which t he m issing I nt elligence officer appar ent ly kept som e of
his papers. This docum ent as well as ot hers in his possession m ay have had som e
connect ion wit h his disappearance, alt hough exact ly what connect ion t his m ight be, is
uncert ain.

Copies of t his and ot her docum ent s ev ent ually ended up in t he hands of sev eral
researcher s as a result of one invest igat or who was appr oached by t he fam ily of t he
m issing agent and given t he docum ent s. This source st at ed t hat t his fam ily was
ext r em ely dist urbed not only about t he disappearance but also about t he nat ure of t he
docum ent s t hem selves and t he r ole t hey m ay have played in connect ion wit h t he

I n t he copy of t he docum ent which is quot ed her e, som e annot at ions wer e m ade. These
seem t o hav e been 'cor r ect ions' on various point s r elat ed in t he m s. m ade by Paul
Bennewit z him self. These corr ect ions will be indicat ed by an [ * ] :



" This is Jim McCam pbell m aking a recording of a r em ar kable episode on July 13, 1984. I t
has t o do wit h a UFO base, cat t le m ut ilat ions, advanced weaponry , cont act wit h aliens,
et c.

" The episode began about a week ago when I r eceived a lit t le sem i- annual periodical
t it led STI GMATA. I t is num ber 21, t he First Half of 1984. This lit t le bullet in is prepar ed
by Thom as Adam s at P.O. Box 1994, Paris, TX 75460... ( Tom Adam s is t he ex - husband
of Christ a Tilt on, by t he way. - Brant on)

" He has a rat her lengt hy art icle. One finds point of int er est on page 9 and I suppose t he
only way t o pursue t his is t o r ead what he has her e as it is fundam ent al t o t he ent ire
st or y.

" Quot ing: 'I n May of 1980 a m ost int erest ing event occurr ed in nort her n New Mexico. An
ev ent sim ilar in m any respect s t o t he Dorat y Case. A m ot her and her y oung son were
driving on a rural highway near Cim arr on, New Mexico. They obser ved t wo or m ore craft
and as Judy Dorat y did, t hey obser ved a calf being abduct ed. Bot h observ er s w er e
t hem selves abduct ed and t aken on separat e craft t o what w as apparent ly an
undergr ound inst allat ion, where t he w om an wit nessed t he m ut ilat ion of t he calf. [ *

Wom an wit nessed m ut ilat ion in t he field - dead anim al t aken wit h t hem .] I t has been
alleged t hat she also observ ed a v at cont aining unident ified [ * cat t le] body part s float ing
was subj ect ed t o an exam inat ion and it has been furt her alleged t hat sm all m et allic
obj ect s w er e im plant ed int o her body as well as int o her son's body . More t han one
sour ce has inform ed us t hat CAT- scans have confirm ed t he pr esence of t hese im plant s.

" 'Paul Bennewit z, Pr esident of his own scient ific com pany in Albuquerque and an
invest igat or wit h t he Aerial Phenom ena Research Organizat ion, has been t he principal
invest igat or of t he case. I nt erview ed in his office in April 1983, Bennew it z report s t hat
t hrough r egr essive hypnosis of t he m ot her and child and his own follow- up invest igat ion
[ including com m unicat ions received via his com put er t erm inal which ost ensibly is from a
UFO- r elat ed sour ce] , he was able t o det erm ine t he locat ion of t he undergr ound facilit y, a
kilom et er underground beneat h t he Jicarilla Apache I ndian Reservat ion near Dulce, New
Mexico. [ Since 1976, one of t he ar eas hardest - hit by m ut ilat ions coincident ally or
what ever] .

" '...The m ot her and son, by t he way , w er e ret ur ned back t o t heir car t hat night . Since
t he incident , t hey hav e suffer ed r epeat ed t rau m a and difficult ies as t hey at t em pt t o
recover from t he episode. We pass t his along because t he account is, of course, m ost
crucial if t rue; but we ar e not in a posit ion t o confirm t he alleged findings. Hopefully,
m or e inform at ion r egar ding t his incident will be aired in t he near fut ure. We can only
consider such report s w hile cont inuing t o seek t he evidence t o r efut e or confirm .'

" That 's t he end of t his rem ar kable quot at ion from STI GMATA.

" ...I got in t ouch wit h Dr. Bennewit z by t elephone and indicat ed t hat I had seen t his
reference t o him and his w ork and I want ed t o find out whet her he was being
m isrepr esent ed or what ev er... I t is rat her m ind boggling and here is t he subst ance of
t hat t elephone conversat ion.

" He is a physicist and he st art ed four y ears ago t o det erm ine in his own m ind whet her
UFOs exist or do not and he has got t en m uch m or e deeply involved t han he ever
I NTELLI GENCE GROUPS. He has pict ures fr om t he locat ion. He w ent wit h a Highway
Pat rol Officer and t hey saw a UFO t ak e off fr om t he m esa at t he locat ion. He obt ained
phot ographs and what he calls launch ships wer e 330 ft . long and 130 ft . acr oss. The
cat t le rancher nam ed Gom ez and he w ent back t o t his locat ion which is a m esa and saw
a surv eillance v ehicle which was about 5 ft . by 10 ft ., like a sat ellit e, he said. He had
been using a Polar oid cam era and t hen got a Hausel- Bladd t o pr oduce m uch bet t er
pict ures. He set up a m onit oring st at ion and observ ed t hat UFOs ar e all ov er t he area...
He has been dealing heavily wit h a Maj or Edwards [ som ebody] [ * Securit y Com m ander]
who was wit h Manzano Securit y and t wo [ * My wife & I ] of t hem saw four obj ect s
out side of a [ nuclear] w arhead st orage ar ea at a range of about 2500 feet and obt ained
m ovies of t hem . He now has about 6000 feet of m ovie foot age, of which 5000 ft . is in
Super Eight . THE OBJECTS HAVE THE ABI LI TY TO 'CLOAK,' t hat 's t he w ord, spells CLOAK
like cloak and dagger, like cover up and he says t hat t hey can cause t hem selves t o go
invisible by a field t hat caused t he light waves t o bend ar ound t he obj ect and t hat one
sees t he sky behind t hem .

" He confirm ed t he fact t hat t he wom an was pick ed up when she accident ally obser ved
t he calf being abduct ed. He has paid for a pat hology wor k and m edical doct or w ork. The

pat hologist is a form er head of t he m icr obiology depart m ent of New Mexico Univer sit y.
They hav e done CATscans t o show t hat t he wom an and her son did in fact hav e im plant s
in t heir bodies. [ * We confirm ed t he wom an - not her son] She has a v aginal disease
like st rept ococci- bulbie[ ?] and t ried m any ant ibodies t o dest roy t he bact eria. That it has
survived off t he ant ibodies t hem selves. THE ALI ENS KEEP HASSLI NG HER. [ * St ill t rue
t o dat e] .

" Paul kept t he w om an and her m ot her at his house and t he UFOs w er e flying overhead

" They beam down [ * They send a beam down - not 'beam down'] . They can
com m unicat e THROUGH THI S BEAM. She picked up t heir t ransm issions. He devised a
m eans of com m unicat ion based upon her alfbic [ ?] code; one is equal t o 'no' and t w o
being 'yes.' Through t his code he has been able t o t alk t o t he aliens. He t hen
com put erized a sy st em t hat would rej ect ext raneous input s. HE SAI D THAT THEY CAN

" He t hen t old t he O.S.I . OF THE AI R FORCE and he has been r equest ed t o give [ * Did
give] sev eral present at ions t o HI GH LEVEL Air For ce people in briefings on t he subj ect ,
WI NG LEVEL Com m and and m any ot hers including t his fellow Edwards. And he t ook a
helicopt er t o t he sit e [ * No - Twice t o sit e - 1st by OSI agent , 2nd by a Col. Carpent er] .
I t t urned out t hat t he WI NG COMMANDER, aft er a pr esent at ion t hat t his fellow m ade,
t hen t ook a helicopt er t o t he sit e and m ade phot ogr aphs.

" He says t hat y ou can see saucer s on t he ground. He says t her e is a kind of cone - a
large cone and t he larger vehicles com e and land on t op of t he cone wit h t he t op of t he
cone fit t ing int o a hole in t he bot t om . Ther e is an elevat or inside of t he cone and t hat
goes down int o t he m ount ain or gr ound about one kilom et er. You can see t he aliens
running around t he base get t ing int o t he v ehicles and st uff. They use sm all vehicles t o
get ar ound t hat have no wheels. They ar e r ect angular in shape and t hey levit at e. They
do not show up in color BECAUSE THEY ARE HI GHLY REFLECTI VE, but in B & W t hey ar e
visible. He says t hat t here ar e beam w eapons t hat are float ing in st rat egic locat ions and
t here is a r oad int o t he base. He obt ained infra- red phot os of t he ar ea from an alt it ude
of 14,000 Ft . Ther e is a level highway going int o t he ar ea t hat is 36 ft . wide. I T I S A
GOVERNMENT ROAD ( i.e. part of t he off- lim it s road t hat goes t hrough Colorado's Ut e
Reser vat ion and t hen sout h across t he border ? - Brant on) . One can see t elem et ry
t railers and buildings t hat are five sided buildings wit h a dom e. I t is st andard m ilit ary
procedur e. Ther e ar e m any guard point s and 'st akes' and t her e ar e launch dom es t hat
one can see. Next t o t he launch dom e HE SAW A BLACK LI MOUSI NE AND ANOTHER AT
SOME DI STANCE OFF [ * Apparent ly] . The careful m easurem ent s show ed t hat t he
lim ousine was t he sam e lengt h of his Lincoln Town car . I T I S A C.I .A. VEHI CLE. ALSO
THERE WAS A BLUE VAN. He has been caut ioned about t hese lim ousines as t hey will run
you off t he road if y ou t ry t o get int o t he ar ea and in fact som ebody has been killed in
t hat m anner. To t he nor t h is a launch sit e. THERE ARE TWO WRECKED SHI PS THERE:
t hey ar e 36 feet wit h wings, and one can see ox ygen and hydr ogen t anks. There ar e
four cylindrical obj ect s Socor ro t ype - - t wo carr ying som et hing while flying. The whole
operat ion is based upon a gov ernm ent agreem ent and a t echnology t rade. We get out of
it at om ic ships t hat are operat ed by plut onium . The Cash- Landrum case was one of
t hem . The doors j am m ed open and neut r on radiat ion cam e out . They ar e based at
Kirt land AFB and Hollom an AFB [ * No - only know of one based at HAFB] and som e
place in Texas [ possibly Ft . Hood, Texas - a guess only] . He said t he governm ent is
paying t he hospit al bills for t he Cash- Landrum vict im s [ * OSI I nput - found out lat er

unless som eone cov ering - not t rue] . Refueling of t he plut onium is accom plished at Los
Alam os. He had... pict ures of t his base back t o 1948 and it has been t her e st art ing in
1948. Pict ures in 1962, you can see m any saucer s and t he base and t r uck... The r oad
was 'passed off' t o t he local inhabit ant s as a lum ber cont ract . He has phot ographs [ * I
believe] of t he firing of a beam weapon t hat [ fires?] in t wo direct ions. [ That would be
necessary on a flying saucer . The react ion for ces w ould im pede t he vehicle] He has
com put ed t he speeds of [ t he] flying saucers at 15,000 m ph and indicat es t hat THE
have had at om ic propulsion syst em for 48 y ear s ( or rat her one part icular 'alien' group,
probably nat ive subt er r anean? - Brant on) and t he saucers t hem selves operat e on an
elect ric charge basis having t o do wit h cryst al sem iconduct or and [ * Maybe] a super
lat t ice. I t hink he said 'as y ou increase t he v olt age, t he cur r ent goes down.'... At pr esent
t here ar e six t o eight vehicles, m aybe up t o t en ov er t he area and som et im es up t o 100.
THEY CAN BE SEEN I N THE CLOUDS. They go int o cum ulus clouds and produce nit rogen
nit ride. [ * I assum e or speculat e it is t his] YOU WI LL SEE BLACK SPOTS I N THE CLOUD.
They eat holes in t he cloud. I f you can see black spot s in a cloud, t hen you can t ell t hat
a vehicle is in t here.

" He says t hat t hey com e from six differ ent cult ures and in his com m unicat ions ( via
accessing t he inform at ion syst em of t he undergr ound base by t apping- in t o t heir ship-
t o- base com m unicat ions frequency using a radio- com put er- video set up he dev eloped. -
Brant on) [ he learned t hat ] SOME com e from a binary syst em , possibly Zet a Ret iculi and
from dist ances up t o and larger t han 32 light years away. They also [ * appear t o] hav e
one t o t hr ee [ carrier ?] ships in eart h orbit at 50,000 KM alt it ude [ * Based upon dat a] .
He had t o form t he wor ds t o t ry t o com m unicat e and he pr oduced a v ocabulary of 627
words in a m at rix form and used a com put er. The Flying Saucers [ * w e see] are lim it ed
t o operat ion in t he at m ospher e.

" Now wit h regard t o t he cat t le problem , t he aliens ar e using t he DNA FROM CATTLE AND
ARE MAKI NG HUMANOI DS. He got pict ures of t heir video scr een. SOME OF THE
CREATURES ARE ANI MAL LI KE, som e are near hum an and som e are hum an and short
wit h large head ( Hu- brids? I t would seem t hat if t his is t he case, not all of t he so- called
'hybrids' ar e infused wit h rept ilian DNA, but rat her cat t le DNA or a wide variet y of ot her
DNA sour ces available in t he 'Night m are Hall' level of t he base. - Brant on) . They grow
t he em bry os. Aft er t he em br yos becom e act ive by a year of t raining presum ably t hat is
required for t hem t o becom e operat ional. When t hey die, t hey go back int o t he t ank.
Their part s ar e recover ed.

" I n 1979 som et hing happened and t he base was closed. Ther e was an argum ent over
weapons and our people w er e chased out , m or e t han 100 people involved. [ Som eplace
lat er he indicat es furt her det ails on t his point ] ... ( t his 'm ay' be wher e t he 66 - - 44
figures com e from , t hat is 100 special forces who w er e sent in and forced t o face lit erally
THOUSANDS of Gray s, 66 of whom fought t o t heir deat hs while 44 out of t he hundred
m anaged t o escape back t o t he surface. - Br ant on)

" The base is 4000 ft . long and our helicopt er s are going in t here all t he t im e. When it
becam e known t hat he was fam iliar wit h all t his, t he m ut ilat ions st opped. [ * True] They
are t aking hum anoid em bryos out of t his base t o som ewhere else. I asked if it was
Albuquerque or Los Alam os, but he said he didn't know. [ Not e: 1/ 8/ 86 - looks like it is

( Subt erranean bases below Albuquerque? Thom as E. Cast ello also st at ed t hat m uch of

t he Dulce act ivit y was being ext ended int o a MAJOR 'Gray' basing area below t he Los
Alam os region. One t eam of scient ist s who w er e invest igat ing som e newly - found ancient
pict ographs t hat depict ed 'alien- like' scenes in or ar ound t he Sant a Fe Nat ional Forest ,
insist ed t hat t hey had seen in t he early m orning hours while cam ping in t he ar ea several
dozen discs in t he skies ov er t he m ount ains, and short ly aft erw arda a v er y large caravan
of 'cat t le t ruck s' - - which ent er ed t he ar ea and seem ed t o leav e hours lat er, aft er
unloading t heir cargo. This whole sit uat ion seem s t o 'im ply' t hat t he secret gov ernm ent
m ay be 'feeding' t he Gr ays at Los Alam os, which is apparent ly t he largest 'nest ' in Nort h
Am erica out side of ot her known 'nest s' near Madigan - Fort Lewis, WA; Lakeport -
Hopland, Mt . Lassen & Deep Springs, CA; Area 51, NV; Dugway, UT and t he Maj or
NEXUS below DULCE, New Mexico. This m ay all be part of an elaborat e operat ion t o
'appease' t he aliens. The scient ist s st at ed t hat black helicopt ers, appar ent ly having
spot t ed t heir vehicles som e dist ance aw ay, flew ov er t he area for som e t im e in an effort
t o locat e t hem , but apparent ly could not do so. They said t hat an alm ost ident ical
scenario was r epeat ed t he following night and early in t he m orning. - Brant on)

" He said t her e are st ill quit e a few helicopt er s in operat ion. They fly at night . [ * all
UNDERCOVER MAN. They saw helicopt er pads up t her e - Viet Nam t ype, wit h bearing
m ark er s and t r ees pushed off away fr om t he locat ion. I t is such a wild area he said. He
agreed t o send m e t he coordinat es of t his base.

" Regarding abduct ions of people, t hey pick out m edium t o low I Q per sonnel.

( They hav e also - - according t o m y inform at ion - - at t em pt ed t o abduct people wit h

higher- t han- norm al I Q's, wit h phot ographic m em or y, et c., in order t o eit her ut ilize t hem
on an unconscious basis or neut ralize t heir int ellect ual capabilit ies if t hey appear t o be a
pot ent ial t hreat . - Brant on)

" They ar e able t o scope out each one [ so w e can do t he sam e t hing wit h elect r o-
m agnet ic spect rum analyzer s] . [ * I don't know t his part - w ord m ix- up - drop] . They
pick up t hese people and t hen put im plant s int o t hem and t hen t ak e t issue sam ples,
including ovum fr om t he w om en, sperm from t he m en and DNA.

expr ession] Hynek ( t hat is t he lat e J. Allen Hynek, who w ork ed for t he Air Force's Proj ect
Blue Book in t he early y ear s and lat er becam e a civilian 'Ufologist '. - Br ant on) knows
about all of t his and has been in cont act wit h Coral [ Lor enzen] . He r egar ds Hynek as a
t hreat . [ * Not r eally - I j ust t hink he is st ill a Gov. cov er] At his house, he showed Hynek
film s and out in t he back yard a flying saucer . He ask ed Hynek about his view wit h
regard t o abduct ions as t o how m any people m ight have been abduct ed. HYNEK,

OUT OF FORTY. ( Ot her sour ces claim t hat m ore r ecent figures indicat e t his t o be one out
of t w ent y or ev en one out of t en Am ericans, since m ore abduct ees ar e being t aken and
im plant ed as t im e goes on - - m ost of whom ar e consciously unaware of t he pr ocess

because of hypno- elect r o- chem ical m em ory suppression! - Brant on)

" He said t hat m any people com e t o his door t o see him , j ust 'out of t he blue' and he
sees SCARS on t he back of t heir necks. That pr evious old scars ar e easy t o det ect and
t hat new ones ar e hard t o det ect . HE FEELS THAT THI S I S A SI CKENI NG SI TUATI ON.

" THE ALI ENS HAVE GONE WI LD AND USE HYPODERMI CS [ and not es a 'parallel four
t im es.'] [ McCam pbell: I don't know what t hat m eans] [ * I don't know eit her] . He has
been paralyzed four t im es and has been hit 250 t im es by hypoderm ics. He say s t hey
knock y ou cold and t hey do what ev er t hey w ant t o do and t he abov e point s have been
verified m edically.

" A m an cam e t o see him wit h a t op secr et docum ent t hat was dat ed in t he 50's,
indicat ing if anybody found out about all of t his t hey w ould kill t hem . He was asked
'doesn't t hat bot her you?' He said 'no it didn't .'

" He said he had sent som e film t o Kodak and t her e w ere sev en r olls. They w ere
Ect achrom e G which could not be processed locally, so t hey had t o go t o Kodak. He does
all of t he film work com m er cially so t hat nobody could claim t hat he had 'm onk ey ed'
wit h t he film . His film s cam e back, but one of t hem - - one w as plain Ect achrom e, but [ *
Was m issing for 2 m ont hs - when received] nine feet was m issing and t his was close- ups
of UFOs t hat he had t ak en. The m issing pict ures of t he nine feet [ * The 9 ft . didn't -
ot her s known only t o m e did] I N A TOP SECRET DOCUMENT THAT HE STUDI ED AND THE
[ * I was t old NASA] . They ar e t he ones t hat k ept his film and copied it wit h delet ions on
Ect rochrom e and sent it back [ * I suspect ] .


OVERLOOKS THE TOWN. I T I S UP ON THE MESA. We discussed t he sim ilarit y bet ween
ev eryt hing we hav e been t alking about here and t he m ovie 'CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF
THE THI RD KI ND'. He said he speculat ed t hat seem ed t o be a plan of disclosure, t hat is
t he m ovie. The coordinat es of t he locat ion are not far off and t he m ount ain where t he
act ual base is looks m uch like t he m ount ain in t he m ovie.

" The next t hing was - - Discussing t he t rade off - - all right . Her e is what we got in t he
t rade off. We got at om ic t echnology, t he at om ic flying ships. Sev eral of t hem , t he first
one w r eck ed on t he gr ound and it can be seen and phot ographed from t he air. A second
one w r eck ed. A t hird one was w reck ed. Apparent ly t his last one was repaired and was
t he one t hat was in Houst on - - near Houst on in t he Cash- Landrum case. The second
it em s t hat we get out of it , are t he beam w eapons, t he beam t echnology and t hird [ * I
speculat e] is t he t hought [ psionic] beam . That is t he m eans by which com m unicat ion is
accom plished. I t is elect rost at ic in charact er wit h a m agnet ic com ponent [ * art ifact ] and
it is t he only way of com m unicat ing wit h people. They have t o have t he im plant s in
order t o use it . The crash occurr ed at t he base WHEN THERE WAS A DI STURBANCE OF
com put er input - True? I do not know .] . Ov er an argum ent - - t hey t urned on us.

" ...He was fam iliar wit h what t he aliens called MPS, which m eans m anipulat ions per

second - - no, m anipulat ions per sequence. [ An] elect r ost at ic field t hat can be
m anipulat ed int o m any configurat ions and t he craft can st all. I n order t o pr ev ent t his,
t he field is adj ust ed once ev ery fort y m illiseconds. He st udied t he t rails fr om UFOs and
t hey seem t o br eak dow n int o a pulse rat e of 62 per second. Based upon t he color m ovie
pict ures, t here seem s t o be a blast of light and spect ral com ponent s and com posit ion in
t here, wit h a Bow- Wav e in front of t he UFO wit h nit rogen showing green and ox ygen
showing blue, but wit h t he saucer being invisible. They can run int o a car or airplane and
t his Bow- Wave will dest roy t hem . Rock et s can hit t his Bow - Wav e and be dest r oy ed.
They can't penet r at e it . At Whit e Sands he was shown pict ures of an F- 15 shoot ing
rock et s wit h a m issile at a t arget and t he saucer s cam e in behind t he m issile, 30 ft .
behind, and t hen flew t hrough t he explosion. He didn't know what t he purpose of t he
dem onst rat ion was, but suspect ed it m ight be j ust t o show how invulnerable t hey are.
But som et im es t he saucer s get int o t rouble and t hey ar e all consum ed in som e kind of

" When he w ent up t o Dulce in a helicopt er , t hey landed and left som e equipm ent t here,
but t hen when t hey cam e back t he pilot was ext rem ely nervous. Paul want ed t o land on
t he base, but t he pilot wouldn't do t hat . They cam e back t o Dulce and landed at a sm all
st rip t here, wher e t hey found t wo large Huey helicopt er s. The I ndian [ * Highway
Pat rolm an] in charge t her e nam ed Valdez went aboard one of t he chopper s AND THEY
COMMANDOS, fully arm ed wit h M- 1 rifles [ * No - M16's] and rock et s [ * & launchers] .

" They did not have any indicat ion of rank [ * Valdez say s no - not t rue - m y m ist ake - I
did not get t hat all] . They only HAD shoulder pat ches on and t he helicopt ers had no
ident ificat ion ot her t han num bers. The helicopt ers w ere part of a pr oj ect called BLUE
LI GHT and t hey w ere fr om Ft . Car son, Colorado [ * OSI I nput ] . When t hey left t hey w er e
escort ed by t hese t wo large Huey helicopt er s. As t hey wer e flying along, in t he
backgr ound t hey saw rise up one of t he advanced space t echnology v ehicles t hat looked
like a m ant a ray wit h a negat ive dihedral and proj ect ions com ing down. I t flew v ert ically
past [ t he] t wo accom panying helicopt ers. PAUL FEELS THAT I T I S I MPERATI VE THAT
suppose one can easily believe t hat .] [ Jim McCam pbell com m ent s] So it appear s t hat ,
for t he privilege of collect ing t he biological m at erials in t he m ut ilat ion of cat t le and t he
abduct ions and t he oper at ions on board t he craft , t he governm ent has allowed t his t o go
on and even t o assist for t he privilege of get t ing t he nuclear flight t echnology, plus also
t he em bry os which are flown out of t he base. [ A rat her fant ast ic st or y] [ Jim McCam pbell
com m ent ] Paul st rikes m e as being an ext rem ely conservat ive, ext r em ely
knowledgeable and r eliable scient ist , who was int im at ely fam iliar wit h sophist icat ed
laborat ory equipm ent . His is t horoughly scient ific and reliable. [ Jim McCam pbell
evaluat ion]

" ...I inquired about t he ot her bases t hat w ere r efer red t o in t he 'STI GMATA' report or
art icle. He said all t hat he knew [ was] t hat one was t o t he sout h, one t o t he west and
one t o t he east and he doesn't want t o know anyt hing m ore about it . ( That is, in
addit ion t o t he base nor t h of t own, t here w er e ot her connect ed facilit ies west , sout h and
east of t own. I n fact som e sour ces hav e claim ed t hat level 1 of t he Dulce base r eaches
under t he t own of Dulce it self at a dept h of som e 200 t o 300 feet . - Brant on)

" I discussed t he prospect of using t he paper in t he MUFON Proceedings t o t r y t o find t he

cent er of gravit y for t he m ut ilat ion cases fr om t hose m aps t hat run fr om about 1972 t o
1982 or 1983. The w ord gravit y t riggered in his m ind anot her connect ion having t o do
wit h t he Dept . of I nt erior t hat has a gravit y dept . and t hey do in fact surv ey t he Unit ed
St at es and publish m aps indicat ing t he gravit y cont our s. THERE I S A VERY WEAK
GRAVI TY at t he sit e near Dulce. ( Also anot her v er y w eak gravit y r eading exist s around
Creede, Colorado, which is report edly a nort hern ext ension from t he Dulce facilit y. Ther e
are also sout heast ext ensions as far away as Rosw ell and Carlsbad, New Mexico and an
apparent sout hwest ext ension t hat seem s t o reach as far as t he Superst it ion Mt s. east of
Phoenix, Arizona. These 'ext ensions' ar e not necessarily all base- com plex es, but t unnels
t hat have been excavat ed by aliens, secret gov er nm ent OR ancient cult ures - - or all of
t he abov e - - via nuclear drills which elim inat e wast e m at t er by m elt ing and cracking t he
rock, and pushing t he m olt en rock as t he m achine m ov es forward int o t he peripheral
cracks of t he t unnel, wher e t he incandescent r ock cools int o a super- hard glazed and
wat er- t ight lining. - Brant on) He said t hat t he craft are v ery sensit ive t o t he gravit y

" He indicat ed t hat t he obj ect s fly in a wobbly way. His pict ures hav e shown t hat . He say s
'like t he r ocking of a boat .' He has m easur ed m any right angle t urns and also full 180
degr ee t urns in a 20t h of a second wit h t he obj ect s st ill inside t he bow - wave. He has
also obser ved and phot ographed t he obj ect or light s m oving in a t riangular pat t ern and
report ed on t he m eet ing t hat we had on Sunday aft ernoon and raised som e of t he
quest ions t hat cam e out of t hat m eet ing. One of t hem was why not r em ov e t he im plant ?
He said t hat t his had been discussed and t he lady wit ness finds t hat accept able if she
can be assured t hat t here can be no ner ve dam age. He t hen w ent int o great det ail,
which exceeds m y know ledge of anat om y, in describing t he locat ion of t he im plant s.
HE I NDI CATED WAS AT THE BASE OF THE BRAI N. The im age of t he CATscan is of a very
sm all helix, like it was j oining t wo m aj or nerv es near t he spinal colum n. Then on t he
lat eral right side from t he back , t here is an im plant of perhaps like t he one abov e.
Anot her is on t he left side. Two ot hers ar e on t he forward part of t he skull, which appear
t o be sm all 2 m illim et er elect r odes AGAI NST THE RADI AL NERVE. Ther e is a shape t o
t hese t hings which he indicat ed is like a baby bot t le nipple upside down [ * This shape is
not t he im plant s which * * I LLEGI BLE* * t he skull] , not t he cap part , but j ust t he nipple
it self. [ I raised t he quest ion of t he U.S.S.R. sat ellit es seeing t his Base] He acknowledged
t hat and also t hat ours can cert ainly see it . He had a discussion wit h som e phot o analyst
[ * OSI phot o analyst ] w ho indicat ed t hat he had seen t rack s up a hill and a launch
locat ion t hat was definit ely not a rock but som e kind of art ificial const ruct ion. On t he
hazard of ent ering [ t he] ar ea, I ask ed about t hat . He said t hat t her e is a risk if we went
in on foot , but if a per son t ried t o do t hat likely t hat t he people w ould 'wack t hem .' [ * I
said 'zap'. The odds are one m ight be accost ed] But he t hinks t hat a helicopt er w ould be
safe. But what he want s t o do is t o do addit ional aerial surveillance. Then go in wit h a
group, t he larger num ber of people t he bet t er. A Highway Pat r olm an, a friend of his, is
ready t o go in at any t im e. He says one can't act on im pulse. You hav e t o plan out a
program . He said four t im es he had near encount ers and one was wit h t his Maj or
Edwards. He had received a m ent al com m unicat ion [ * No - not received - I asked t hem
m ent ally - t hey w er e apparent ly scanning m e - I don't 'r eceive' anyt hing m ent ally.]
while wat ching som e UFOs...

" He is pr esident of Thunder Scient ific Corporat ion, a w ell known operat ion t her e, wit h

t heir specialt y being t em perat ur e and hum idit y devices. THEI R EQUI PMENT HAS BEEN


" His com pany is by Sandia on 1/ 2 acr es and [ he is] now building an addit ional 3500 sq.
ft . building. There is anot her organizat ion called Bennewit z Laborat ory which is t he
research arm of Thunder Scient ific Corporat ion owned 90% by t he lat t er and operat ed
by his t hree sons. They have invent ed a hearing device t hat has no m ov ing part s t hat
m akes t ot ally deaf people able t o hear and in addit ion, expanding t he frequency range
plus 100 HZ on t he high side and down t o less t han 10 HZ on t he low fr equency end.

" He said t hat he got involved in all t his m er ely as a hobby and it becam e an obsession.
He sim ply want ed t o know what was going on and t o develop inst rum ent at ion t o
DOWN AROUND 200 [ ?] HZ and wit h an analyzer y ou j ust t hink you ar e looking at som e
signals in an on and off fashion, inst ead of O and 1 volt r epr esent ing t hat t ype of
com m unicat ion or signal, a dist inct ion is m ade bet ween a narr ow pulse and wide pulse.
Each com m unicat ion is preceded by four or five pulses. HE HAD PREVI OUSLY BEEN I N
TOUCH WI TH THE O.S.I . which has been v erified by [ t he book] 'CLEAR I NTENT.' But
'SHUT OUT' SI TUATI ON. I point ed out t hat t here were t wo O.S.I .'s [ Office of Special
I nv est igat ion] and t he ot her is C.I .A. [ Office of Scient ific I nvest igat ion] . He assur ed m e
t hat is was not t he C.I .A. gr oup. He said t he act ual t it le of t he gr oup t hat he was dealing
wit h was t he 'Office of Secret I nvest igat ion' [ or 'I nt elligence'] . He say s t her e is also a
new pat t ern or [ I LLEGI BLE] called Hum an I nt elligence, t hat is t hey invest igat e t he
hum ans, t hat is, t he governm ent . I m ent ioned t o him t hat in 'CLEAR I NTENT' t hat it said
he was under sur veillance. That happens t o be in er ror. That inform at ion com es fr om
SOMEWHERE ELSE. But he quickly said 'I know t hat I am under sur veillance.' They set
up a sit e acr oss t he st r eet from his house wit h com put er s and recorders. A girl rent ed
t he house. He had a det ect ive look int o t his and found t hat she was operat ing under an
WEAPONS LAB. HE THI NKS N.S.A. I S ORCHESTRATI NG THI S. For an ent irely separat e
subj ect , he t hinks [ * I was t old t hat it was by a Washingt on sour ce] t his whole
I S, HE THI NKS THE PRESI DENT DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT THI S [ Not in t ot al dept h] [ *
True] .

" He is also concerned t hat t her e are t wo lev els of securit y involved. ( 1) Pr oj ect
AQUARI US which is TOP SECRET and anot her ( 2) higher t han t hat ; wher e people in
charge of t he higher lev el inform at ion HAVI NG THESE NEW VEHI CLES COULD SI MPLY
TAKE OVER THE GOVERNMENT. He called t he Air Force int elligence headquart er s in
[ Washingt on] [ * Yes - t rue - AF I nt el.] [ He didn't say Washingt on, but t hat was t he idea]
The Com m anding Officer was not present but he t alked t o a Capt ain who was t he
adj ut ant or execut ive and st art ed t alking. He said 'I know all of t hese fact s, and t his and
t hat and what do y ou t hink about t hat ?' The Capt ain said 'JUST WRI TE US A REPORT
AND TELL US WHAT WE SHOULD DO.' [ * About it ] So he pr epar ed a 20 page r eport and
Edwards saw it . He for w arded it by Federal Expr ess and also a copy t o t he Whit e House
in a double env elope, indicat ing t hat sensit ive m at erial was in t he inner envelope.

Edwards got a call from Colonel Sm it h [ * Not Sm it h - Col. Don ____? Have t o check
files.] who was t he Whit e House Liaison t o inquire who t his Bennewit z fellow was.
Edwards gav e a posit ive r eport . The Whit e House was ext r em ely int erest ed and issued

( Not e: This t ends t o confirm t hat TWO gr oups, bot h elect ed and unelect ed, are w orking
sim ult aneously wit hin 'gov ernm ent ', and t hat each seem s t o have differ ent agendas in
regards t o how 'gov ernm ent ' should be run, how t he alien problem should be dealt wit h,
and how ot her issues should be handled. Only a sm all percent age of t he Whit e House
ex ecut ive branch and pr obably ev en a sm aller per cent of t he Senat e, House of
Repr esent at ives and Congress know what is going on in regards t o t he 'j oint - int eract ion'
proj ect s. The Execut ive branch appar ent ly know s m or e t han t he ot her gov ernm ent al
branches because of it s close t ies wit h t he Milit ary- I nt elligence- I ndust rial com plex and
because of t he large num ber of 'appoint ed' rat her t han 'elect ed' officials operat ing
wit hin... t hat is, wit hin t he 'Ex ecut ive' secr et agencies t hat hav e been creat ed t o operat e
out side of pr esident ial awareness for purposes of " plausible deniabilit y" and which have
com e under t he cont rol of t he I ndust rial elit e rat her t han t he elect ed Congress. One of
t he r easons why t he Congress and t he elect orat e governm ent has lost so m uch cont r ol
ov er t he count ry t o t he I ndust rial elit e is because t hey hav e capit ulat ed t his aut horit y
ov er t o t he Pr esident and ex ecut ive br anch of gov ernm ent , when t he Pr esident
according t o t he U.S. Const it ut ion should serv e m erely as t he spok esm an for t he
Congr ess, Senat e, and House of Represent at ives. We hav e unconst it ut ionally allowed
t he Pr esident t o have t he power t o appoint his own UNELECTED st aff, est ablish
Ex ecut ive Order s wit hout t he consent of Congress, and cr eat e agencies t hat are fr ee
from Congressional oversight . For inst ance Congressional overseers and invest igat ors
have been allowed t o hold only a TOP SECRET securit y clearance, wher eas m any of
t hese secret agencies like MJ12 t hat were creat ed by t he ex ecut ive branch are classified
ABOVE TOP SECRET or higher, in ot her words t hey are unelect ed " secr et governm ent s"
operat ing like t ape- w or m s wit hin t he elect ed gov ernm ent , wit h t he pot ent ial of
corrupt ing it from wit hin as ex em plified by t he num er ous black pr oj ect s t aking place
wit hin t he Dulce base, and elsewhere. The act ivit ies being carried out wit hin t he Dulce
base hav e gone " out of cont r ol" , and all m anner of unregulat ed at r ocit ies ar e being
car ried out t here sim ply because THERE I S NO CONGRESSI ONAL OVERSI GHT OF THOSE
ACTI VI TI ES. Now t hat t he cloning of large anim als such as lam bs and m onkeys is a
PUBLI CLY KNOWN FACT, we cannot ignor e t he m any claim s of sophist icat ed and
unregulat ed cybernet ic and biogenet ic at rocit ies t hat have r eport edly been t aking place
wit hin t hese bases for decades. I should know, since I m y self am t he pr oduct of such
cybernet ic- biogenet ic t am pering - - alt hough you m ight say a 'r enegade' pr oduct of such
black budget proj ect s, and one who t hey " lost cont rol of" along wit h what ev er sensit ive
dat a/ secret s m y unconscious m ind m ay have harbored at t he t im e of m y " defect ion" . I n
regards t o t he pr oblem s t hreat ening our Const it ut ional governm ent , giving a U.S.
President t he pow er t o cr eat e agencies which can operat e wit h im punit y far from t he
prying eyes of Congr ess and t he cit izens of t he U.S.A. is dangerous in t he ext r em e. This
is especially t rue when we consider t he risk t hat a pot ent ial President m ay be t he
hireling of pow erful corporat e int erest s wit h st r ong m edia t ies, and t her efor e able t o
bend public opinion in favor of t he candidat e of t heir choice while discredit ing t he
opposit ion. Hist ory has shown t hat pow erful cor porat e ent it ies are m ore int erest ed in
m aking a profit - - ev en if it m eans selling out t he rest of us - - t han in m aint aining libert y
and equalit y. Many of t he corporat e 'em pires' involved wit h t he secr et gov ernm ent hold
t o t he Const it ut ion only t o t he degr ee t hat it ser ves t heir own self- int erest . This has led
Am erica dangerously close t o t he edge t hat separat es a Congr essionally run

DEMOCRACY fr om what we m ight refer t o as a Corporat e run MONARCHY, one t hat is

ult im at ely cont rolled by unelect ed corporat e int erest s rat her t han by elect ed m em bers of
Congr ess, t he Senat e, and House of Represent at ives. - Brant on)

" Such a let t er was nev er r eceived. Finally, Col. Sm it h from t he Air Force Secret ary sent
him a let t er ev ent ually j ust pursuing t he 'old part y line.' That said 'he should not be
t roubling t he headquart er s of t he Air For ce and t he Execut ive offices of t he Whit e House
wit h all of his st uff.'

( As a r esult of t his and ot her 'pressur e' which cam e fr om elsewhere in t he I nt elligence
com m unit y, not hing im m ediat ely cam e about , and cert ainly no 'Congr essional
I nv est igat ion' int o t he act ivit ies near Dulce, which was definit ely warrant ed. The
'pr essure' m ay have com e from t he NSA- CI A- AQUARI US- MAJI agencies. I t seem s as if
t he alleged int elligence agent " Ufologist " William Moor e played a m aj or r ole in t he effort s
t o sabot age t he Dulce invest igat ions and dest r oy Paul Bennewit z' reput at ion. Moore was
wor king on behalf of t he 'AVI ARY' - - a schizophrenic 'Alien I nt elligence' Agency operat ing
deep wit hin t he m urky labyrint hine levels of t he 'governm ent al- m ilit ary- indust rial'
com plex, an agency which is apparent ly car rying out t he policies and agendas of t he
likewise schizophrenic MJ12 organizat ion, or t he policies of MJ12's super ior agency MAJI
- - t he 'Maj est ic Agency for Joint I nt elligence'. Depending on which 'fact ion' has gained
t he upper hand in MJ12, in t he CI A, and in t he AVI ARY - - t hat is t he NAVY's pro
Am erican CABAL and COM- 12 agencies OR t he NAZI 's [ er, I m ean t he NSA's] pro New
World Order MAJI and AQUARI US agencies - - t he policies of t hese agencies have in t he
past been subj ect t o im m ediat e change if not absolut e r eversal. As a case in point ,
Cat t le Mut ilat ion researcher Linda Moult on Howe was invit ed t o Kirt land AFB in April of
1983 t o visit wit h AFOSI agent Richard Dot y. During t he visit Dot y show ed How e som e
ext r em ely sensit ive docum ent s PROVI NG t he exist ence of aliens and alien hardware now
in governm ent hands. Dot y det ailed a com plex plan for m et er ed public release of t he
ent ire UFO secr et , and was int erest ed in using Ms. Howe's cont ract wit h HBO - - t o do a
UFO / Cat t le Mut ilat ion docum ent ary - - as a spr ingboard for t he release of such
inform at ion. Elaborat e plans were m ade and m any prom ises w ere given, how ev er as a
result of a power- st ruggle deep wit hin t he I nt elligence com m unit y t he plans for public
inform at ion release wer e shelved and Linda Howe was left out in t he cold scrat ching her
head and wondering j ust what t he hell t he whole t hing was all about . And Linda Howe
has NOT been t he only one t o experience t his bizarre t ype of schizophrenic act ivit y
wit hin t he I nt elligence com m unit y, especially in regards t o proj ect s and plans for t he
'gov ernm ent ' t o com e clean on t he alien agenda. Appar ent ly t here ar e t hose pat riot s
wit hin governm ent who want ALL of t he fact s about alien m alevolence and infilt rat ion of
planet eart h m ade public; t hose corporat e int erest s who want NONE of t he fact s m ade
public as t hey m aint ain t heir power t hr ough t he suppr ession of t rut h; and t hose agent s
of t he aliens t hem selves who want inform at ion m ade public SO LONG as t he alien Gr eys
are pr esent ed as benev olent 'space brot hers'... I would guess t he lat t er would involve
som e t ype of propoganda m eant t o ent ice t he m assess t hem selves t o accept and
capit ulat e t heir will over t o t he Draconian Rept iloid/ Grey collect ivist s, w ho have
infilt rat ed and cont r ol cert ain levels of t he m ilit ary- int elligence- indust rial com plex. -
Brant on)

" Bennewit z show ed t his let t er t o Edwards WHO BLEW UP AND CALLED SMI TH [ * Col.
Don. ____] . They got an answer from t he Air For ce t hat t hey w ere not int erest ed and
knew not hing about it . On anot her point : refer encing t he 'STI GMATA' art icle where t he
farm er t hought t hat t he t wo hum anoids m ay have been naked. I n t he case wit h which
he was dealing wit h - - t he wom an and t he son, t he boy upon being quest ioned laughed,

and said 't hey had no fr ont s or behinds.' I asked no sexual organs?, and he said yes, no
organs at all. He has received inform at ion concerning a high m et abolism rat e of t he
cr eat ures, ev en birdlike. One of t he wit nesses, I t hink t he wom an who was being t aken
by t he hand, said t he hand of t he creat ure was 'r ed hot .' And he guesses t hat it m ust
have been 115 degrees F. The creat ur es cannot st and uncont r olled environm ent . THEY
and if t hey ar e short of t hat int ake, t hey will t urn green. [ * Turn Gr ey - They ar e a light
yellow green when healt hy] The heart is on t he right side and t hey hav e one lung.
Elim inat ion is t hrough t he skin. The creat ures are very st r ong...

" He says t hat t he UFOs can be det ect ed by radar det ect or s and t hey also t rigger
highway pat rol radar or Police radar guns. His fr iend Valdez, at his suggest ion, was
looking for wat er int ake t o t he sit e and wit hin about 1 1/ 2 m iles he cam e upon a flying
saucer at a dist ance of about 300 ft . THE I NDI ANS OWN THE AREA - - ARE QUI TE
Chief of Police t old him about an experience he had. A t ribal chief had gone deer hunt ing
on a m esa sout h of Dulce. Two days w ent by. When he didn't ret urn, a sear ch part y was
sent out . I n t he daylight on t he m esa, a ship 'hopped up' fr om down below and cam e
abov e t he m esa. The guys [ hum an] kicked t he t ribal chief t o t he ground. Then t hey got
int o t he ship and disappear ed. He had been hunt ing and had 'fell'. He had a br ok en leg
and he was picked up by t hese people in t he cr aft . They w ere blacks... [ * No - No - t he
SHI P was black... black uniform s] He discussed som et hing about som e devices called
sphericals t hat are opt ical in sound [ * They hav e a sound when t hey m ov e abrupt ly.]
and apparent ly rem ot ely cont rolled lit t le vehicles... Spher es fr om 1 1/ 2" t o 12" in
diam et er. ( These hovering spher es have also been seen in undergr ound bases t hat
reach as deeply as 2 m iles below Edwards Air Force Base in California. Som e have
referr ed t o t hem as 'spy bees' - Brant on) . We discussed w eapons used by aliens and
whet her or not t hey ar e used t o paralyze people. Yes, t hey consist of a cube about 2" on
a side - - called a lens hung around t he neck t hat em it s a beam . Anot her on t he ship
produces a BLUE light t hat he has seen. I t com es fr om a device about 4" high and 14"
long wit h grid black lines on it ( Not e: I s Bennewit z an abduct ee also? - Brant on) . The
color produced is v er y light blue which is like ionized oxygen. He has not sought publicit y
on any of t his. He is only int erest ed in get t ing t he fact s...

" I cont inue t o get r eassurance t hat t he guy is cont inually on t he level and what he has
t o say should be t aken seriously... [ Jim McCam pbell com m ent .] "

Ufologist Penny Harper, in t he January 1990 issue of 'WHOLE LI FE TI MES', adds an

unusual post script t o t he Bennewit z affair in an art icle in which she r ev ealed t he

" Paul Bennewit z - - wher eabout s unknown. Paul was a scient ist invest igat ing an
abduct ion case. A w om an and her son drove down a r oad in t he sout hw est , t he w om an
wit nessed aliens m ut ilat ing a calf. The aliens capt ured bot h m ot her and son, t aking t hem
int o an underground inst allat ion."

The w om an observ ed m any fright ening t hings, apparent ly m uch of it sim ilar t o what
abduct ee Christ a Tilt on and ot her s hav e wit nessed, yet t hey - m ot her and son - also

" ...hum an body part s float ing in a vat of am ber liquid. Aft er a hor rifying ordeal, t he
wom an and her son w er e t ak en back t o t heir car. Bennewit z was able t o det erm ine t hat

t here is a secret 'alien' base beneat h Dulce, New Mexico. He w rot e 'The Dulce Report '
and sent it t o t he civilian UFO gr oup called APRO [ i.e. Aerial Phenom ena Research
Organizat ion] . Bennewit z was t hen com m it t ed t o t he New Mexico St at e Hospit al for t he
m ent ally ill where he w as given elect ro- shock 't herapy.' When he was discharged, he
publicly st at ed t hat he would not have anyt hing t o do wit h UFOs. He is a r ecluse t oday,
but st ill alive, last I heard."

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 23

I nside I n t e lligen ce On The D u lce Ba se

I n a let t er dat ed Sept . 1990, writ t en by Thom as E.

Cast ello and addressed t o r esearcher 'Jason Bishop', t he
for m er Dulce Base t echnical- securit y officer st at ed:

" ...The room for [ t he elect r o- m agnet ic] generat or is

nearly 200 feet diam et er. This circular room cov er s t he
fift h and sixt h levels [ ex t rem e w est sout h wing] . Her e, is
t he int ense m agnet ic generat or. Ther e is a 'buffer ar ea'
m ade of ceram ic and Lat ex t hat is four feet t hick, in all
direct ions. There [ ar e] five ent rances [ plus an escape
t rap door on t he sixt h floor] on each floor. Each port al
has a double door [ one at t he out - side of t he buffer and
one at t he inside of t he buffer] . The securit y is sev ere.
Arm ed guards pat rol const ant ly, and in addit ion t o
weight sensit ive ar eas t her e [ ar e] hand print and ey e
print st at ions. No one under ULTRA 5 clearance is
allowed near t he port als. Her e, is t he device t hat powers
t he t ransfer of at om s. No inform at ion is available t o
per sonnel wit h ULTRA 7 or less. [ I was ULTRA 7] "

" Com m ander X" , t he m yst erious and anonym ous Milit ary
I nt elligence officer and m em ber of t he " COMMI TTE OF
12" [ COM- 12?] - - who has r eleased sensit ive
inform at ion t hrough Tim Beckley's New York Cit y based
UFO organizat ion - - has st at ed:

" The undergr ound...base out side of Dulce, New Mexico,

is perhaps t he one MOST FREQUENTLY referr ed t o. I t 's
exist ence is m ost widely known, including sever al UFO
abduct ees who have apparent ly been t aken t here for
exam inat ion and t hen eit her m anaged t o escape or w er e

fr eed j ust in t he nick of t im e by friendly...forces.

" According t o UFO conspiracy buff and ex- Naval

I nt elligence Officer Milt on [ William ] Cooper, '...a
confront at ion broke out bet ween t he hum an scient ist s
and t he Aliens at t he Dulce undergr ound lab. The Aliens
t ook m any of our scient ist s host age. Delt a Forces w er e
sent in t o fr ee t hem but t hey w ere no m at ch for t he
Alien weapons. Sixt y- six people wer e killed during t his
act ion. As a result we w it hdrew fr om all j oint proj ect s for
at least TWO y ears...'


I LLUMI NATI ] ent er ed int o a pact wit h an 'Alien nat ion'
HI DDEN WI THI N THE EARTH," Com m ander X alleges.
" The U.S. [ Ex ecut ive] Gov ernm ent , in 1933 agreed t o
t rade anim als in exchange for high- t ech knowledge, and
t o allow t hem t o use [ undist urbed] UNDERGROUND
BASES, in t he West ern U.S.A. A special group was
for m ed t o deal wit h t he 'Alien' beings. I n t he 1940's
'Alien Life Form s' [ ALF's] began shift ing t heir focus of

" The CONTI NENTAL DI VI DE is vit al t o t hese 'ent it ies.'

Part of t his has t o do wit h m agnet ics [ subst rat a rock]
and high energy st at es [ plasm a] ... This area has a v ery
high concent rat ion of light ning act ivit y; undergr ound
wat er ways and cav ern syst em s; fields of at m ospheric
ions; et c."

" ...From m y own int elligence w ork wit hin t he m ilit ary, I
can say WI TH ALL CERTAI NTY t hat one of t he m ain
reasons t he public has been kept in t ot al darkness about
t he r ealit y of UFOs and 'aliens', is t hat t he t rut h of t he
m at t er act ually exist s TOO CLOSE TO HOME TO DO
ANYTHI NG ABOUT. How could a spokesm an for t he
Pent agon dare adm it t hat five or t en t housand feet
CENTURI ES? How could, for exam ple, our fast est
bom ber be any challenge t o t hose aerial invader s when
we can only guess about t he r out es t hey t ake t o t he
surface; eluding radar as t hey fly so low, headed back t o
t heir undergr ound lair?

" ...t he 'Gr ey s' or t he 'EBEs' hav e est ablished a fort ress,
spr eading out t o ot her part s of t he U.S. via m eans of a
vast undergr ound t unnel syst em THAT HAS VI RTUALLY

Val Valerian, of t he Washingt on St at e based 'Leading


Edge Research' Group, m ade t he following st at em ent s in

one of his L.E.R. issues:


som e confusion over t he subj ect of alien bases in t he
Unit ed St at es. Ther e seem t o be m any of t hem , but
som e of t hem seem t o st and out funct ionally and
operat ionally. I T WOULD SEEM THAT THE MAI N BASE is
in NEW MEXI CO wit h sm all det achm ent s [ hum an
phrase] at Dr eam land and Area 51 in general. Bot h of
t hose locat ions are used t o t est - fly alien craft [ PROJECT
GRUDGE/ REDLI GHT] . The m ain locat ion for t he t est
flight s appears t o be Ar ea 51. The EXCALI BUR proj ect
being developed AT LOS ALAMOS is designed t o t ry and
penet rat e undergr ound facilit ies, since t hey [ t he grays]
have ent renched t hem selves and no longer honor any of
t he dubious agreem ent s which t hey have m ade wit h
[ cert ain] fact ions wit hin t he governm ent .

" ...Scores of undergr ound inst allat ions hold cit izens of
virt ually EVERY count ry on t he planet in capt ivit y."

Resear cher William F. Ham ilt on revealed t he following

det ails on t he Dulce base which were pr ovided by form er
Dulce base securit y direct or - - who is now m issing and
presum ed deceased - - Thom as Edwin Cast ello. I n his
book 'COSMI C TOP SECRET' [ p. 109] , Ham ilt on writ es:

" ...According t o Thom as, t he alien androgynal breeder is

capable of part henogenesis. At Dulce, t he com m on form
of reproduct ion is polyem bryony. Each em bryo can, and
does divide int o 6 t o 9 individual 'cunne' [ pr onounced
cooney , i.e. siblings] . The needed nut rim ent for t he
dev eloping cunne is supplied by t he 'form ula,' w hich
usually consist of [ hum an/ anim al blood] plasm a,
deox yhem oglobin, album in, lysozym e, cat ion, am niot ic
fluid and m ore."

Abduct ee Christ a Tilt on confirm ed m uch of what Thom as

Cast ello has revealed. Christ a described " r ange vat s
filled wit h eerie liquid...wher e aliens are being grown."
She st at ed t hat t her e w er e: " dozens of creat ures in each
wom b. Can't count t anks, m aybe scor es or hundreds...
wom b subm erged in sor t of yellow liquid. Looks t hicker
t han wat er. Cr eat ur es float in am ber color ed wat er.
Wom b is gr eyish..." The cr eat ur es or em bry os being
bred were " not hum an" , had bluish- grey 'r esilient ' skin,
and possessed " t hr ee fingers" and " t w o t oes" . She
confirm ed t hat part s of hum an bodies m ay be used in
t he 'fluid'. She says t hat t hey used her t o breed a
hum an- like child which is being held prisoner in t he

undergr ound base.

Val Valerian t hrough one of his LEADI NG EDGE

RESEARCH r eport s released t he following synopsis of t he
so- called 'DULCE PAPERS':

" The Dulce papers were com prised of 25 BLACK AND

and a set of papers t hat included t echnical infor m at ion
of t he allegedly j oint ly occupied [ CI A- Alien] facilit y 1
kilom et er beneat h t he Archulet a Mesa near Dulce, New
PACKAGE FOR SAFE KEEPI NG. Most of t hose given t he
package wer e shown w hat t he package cont ained but
wer e not t echnically orient ed and knew very lit t le about
what t hey w er e looking at . The following is writ t en by
ONE OF THESE PERSONS about what t he paper s
cont ained. This per son described t he scenes t hat t he
video t ape show ed... What you see is what y ou get ; I
can't decipher what is w rit t en or drawn anym or e t han
you can. I pass t hese paper s on only in t he int er est of
get t ing t o t he t rut h. [ Fr om ] ot her inform at ion I have, I
believe t he inform at ion her ein is t rue. I believe t he
facilit y exist s and is CURRENTLY OPERATI ONAL. I also
believe t hat t here ar e 4 ADDI TI ONAL FACI LI TI ES OF
t rut h? Only God, MJ- 12 and t he aliens know for sure.

" Dulce papers: Lot s of paper s- docum ent s t hat discuss

COPPER AND MOLYBDENUM, also papers about
COPPER. Lot s of 'MEDI CAL TERMS' t hat I don't
underst and. A sheet of paper wit h chart s and st range
diagram s. Papers t hat discuss ULTRA VI OLET LI GHT AND
GAMMA RAYS. Papers t hat discuss COLOR AND BLACK
USE OF CERTAI N COLORS. I n addit ion t o t hese paper s
[ TAKEN FROM THE COWS] I S USED. Aliens seem t o
absorb at om s t o 'eat '. ALI ENS PUT HANDS 'I N BLOOD',
JUST FOOD THEY WANT, THE DNA in cat t le and hum ans
is being alt ered. THE 'TYPE ONE' CREATURE I S A LAB


SLOW AND CLUMSY. ( Sev eral so- called " MEN I N BLACK"
have been described in t his m anner. - Brant on) REAL
CALLED 'TYPE TWO'. That sperm is gr own som e way and
alt ered again, put in large w om bs, m any dest royed,
cert ain are alt er ed again and t hen put in separ at e
rem em ber cont act som e way. THE FETUS I S USED TO
MOTHERS WOMB. I t is t aken at 3 m ont hs and grown

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 24

Th e D ulce N e t w or k - - N or t h Se ct or ?

The following account w as r eciev ed by Bill Cooper fr om a 'friend', and

appear ed under t he t it le " Robert 's St ory " . Com pare t his report wit h
ot her account s concerning Dulce- base ext ensions in nort heast Arizona,
sout heast Ut ah and sout hwest Colorado [ Four Corner s Ar ea] wher e
" dissident scient ist s" ar e report edly being held capt ive:

Robert _____ ______, a young m an in his early 20's cam e t o w or k at

m y shop as a t em porar y help during t he 2nd week of Oct ober 1986.
The first day at w or k, he appr oached m e asking about m y int er est in
t he UFO phenom enon. Then he sm iled, paused, and wait ed for m y
react ion. I t old him t hat I was int erest ed, part icularly in t he
crash/ recovery of saucers and bodies of occupant s. That I w as
secondly int erest ed in t he rum or s pert aining t o an 'alien' and
int elligence group alliance set up year s ago.

He t hen t old m e he w ould reveal som et hing t o m e pert aining t o m y

second int erest as m ent ioned abov e. He t old m e t he following
[ condensed by m e] :

He was in t he m ilit ary headquart er ed wit h t he 4t h Engineering Group

at Fort Car son, Colorado. Just got out 2 m ont hs prior t o t he dat e of
t elling m e t his.

He showed m e a m ilit ary I .D. card fr om Fort Carson and anot her wit h
a st range check er board design on it . He said he had a Super Top
Secret clearance and w ork ed as a labor at or y assist ant in sout hwest ern
Colorado associat ed wit h t he Delt a Group out of Fort Carson.

He wit nessed cryogenic experim ent at ion going on wit h hum an beings.
This experim ent at ion was conduct ed by bot h 'aliens' and som e Super
Secret int elligence gr oup.

Som e high ranking m ilit ary and scient ific personnel were t ak en down
t o cry ogenic t em perat ur es t hrough a process of draining t heir blood
and pum ping a chem ical m ixt ure int o t he circulat ory sy st em t o pr event
cell dest ruct ion during t he freezing and t hawing periods.

The 'aliens' w er e t he only ones who knew t he m ixt ure form ula and t he
gradual t hawing process. They at first r efused t o give t he form ula and
process t o t he scient ific t eam , and t hr eat ened t o leave t he abov e
m ent ioned per sonnel in t hat cry ogenic st at e for ev er unless t he
scient ist s cooperat ed on som e cert ain issues.

He also t old m e about som e 'alien' t echnics concerning t im e t ravel,

Dim ensional t ravel, relat ed t o unified field physics.

Aft er r ev ealing t hese seem ingly fant ast ic t hings t o m e ov er a 3 w eek

period of t im e he quit t he t em porary j ob her e. I finally found out t hat
his fat her Robert _________ Sr. [ Robert used t o be Robert _________
Jr. befor e his fat her and m ot her divor ced and he t ook t he nam e of his
m ot her s second husband, ______.] w or ked wit h m e in t he m et al
finishing depart m ent . The following was t old t o m e by Robert
_________ Sr. on Dec 16, 1986:

On t he ev ening of Wednesday , Dec. 3, 1986, m y son Robert ______

called m e via t he t elephone [ he hadn't been hom e for over a week] .

He sounded as if he w er e scar ed t o deat h. He said, " I hav e t o go back

t o Colorado im m ediat ely" . I ask ed why . He said, " The bount y hunt ers
found m e and t old m e t hat I had t o go back wit h t hem t o t he base in
Colorado because I know t o m uch." I ask ed if t her e w er e any way he
could beat t hem and get out of it ? Robert st at ed, " They said t here is
no way out . I n fact t he chief bount y hunt er confront ed m e face t o

Evident ly Robert Jr. t ried t o beat t he bount y hunt ers. His alleged body
was found in room # 5 of t he Walls Mot el in Long Beach, California,
wit h a gun in his hand and a bullet hole t hrough his head. Drugs w er e
found in t he room , but not in his body [ he w as not t he drug t ype] .

The Long Beach Police Dept . invest igat ed t he case which ended v er y
abrupt ly wit h no explanat ion. When I asked t hem why t he case w as
closed so quickly, t hey snapped back, " I t s none of your business" . The
final aut opsy r eport st at ed t hat t he deat h was a drug r elat ed suicide.

I was not allowed t o see t he body for one solid week. I w ould call t he
police, t hey w ould say t he body was at t he funeral parlor. The funeral
parlor w ould say we don't have t he body. This went on back and fort h
for t hat one solid week [ Dec. 5t h - Dec. 12t h, 1986] . When I was
finally allowed t o view t he body , I im m ediat ely could t ell it was not
him ! ! This body, alleged t o be Robert ______, was about 20 Lbs
heavier and about 3 t o 4 inches short er t han m y son. That w as not
Robert even t ho t he basic facial feat ure's were his.

One very significant t hing t hat Robert st at ed t o m e befor e his alleged

deat h was, " Dad, t hey are com ing t o t ake m e away. I will give you a
code nam e ______________ [ only Robert and his fat her know t hat
code nam e] . I f you r eceive a let t er, t elephone call, or by m essenger ,
som et im e in t he fut ure [ wit h] t his code nam e, you will know t hat I am
alive. They need m e for m y special DNA, t hat is why I hav e t o go

Robert has special Occult Power s and has an int er est in wit ch craft . He
says all of t his UFO st uff is direct ly relat ed t o wit ch craft and t he
occult . I n February - April 1987 bot h Robert _________ Sr. and m yself
wer e under surv eillance by what w e consider ed an agent fr om t he
cov er- up group. He w ent by t he nam e of John Chunn. We finally
confront ed him face t o face concerning all of t his. Needless t o say he
quit work t hat day and never cam e back . Rober t Sr. has been
harassed several t im es by an individual who want ed Robert Sr. t o go
t o t he 4 corners ar ea wit h him . On April 16, 1987, he said he would
reunit e him wit h his son. _________ back ed out t he last m inut e.

Lat er Robert Sr. was picked up by t he police for no r eason at all and
held for one week . When he got back hom e he found out t hat his place
had been ransacked.

On Nov. 9, 1987, a per son riding a m ot orcycle and dressed like a biker

approached _________, ident ifying him self as Lt . Leed or Reade and

claim ed t hat he had a Top Secr et clearance and had access t o t he files
pert aining t o t he pr oj ect s t hat his son was st ill involved in. He said
t hat he would place _________ in t ouch wit h Robert ______ and said
he was working in an undergr ound base. He said you cannot find t his
base on any m aps or in any m ilit ary direct ories.

Robert ______ was in t he following unit . - - HHC 4t h STU BU., ABN.,

FBG 31905v Fort Car son, Colorado.

His Com m and

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 25

D a nge r D ow n Un der : Th e Ch rist a Tilt on St ory

The following is from an art icle t it led " GOI NG

UNDERGROUND" , w rit t en by abduct ee Christ a Tilt on - - an
at t ract ive Blond or 'Nor dic- appearing' wom an who r elat es
som e rem arkable cont act ee and abduct ion t ype experiences
which she has had involving t he Dulce base. Christ a was kind
enough t o t ake t he t im e t o cont ribut e her own fascinat ing
experiences t o t his wor k and answ er sev eral of m y quest ions
so t hat ot her abduct ees, like herself, m ight bet t er under st and
t heir own confusing encount er s wit h alien abduct or s or even
undergr ound facilit ies:

" Sev eral m ont hs ago I becam e awar e of t w o differ ent cases,
one in May of 1973 in w hich a Judy Dorat y of Texas had an
unusual experience in which she m ay hav e been t aken t o an
undergr ound facilit y; also an abduct ion case invest igat ed by
APRO and a Mr . Paul Bennewit z in which in May of 1980 a
Myrna Hansen of New Mexico had a sim ilar experience in
which she was t aken t o som e t ype of undergr ound facilit y.

" Since I am doing t he invest igat ion int o m y own undergr ound
experience, I found t hat t o be of help t o m e or anyone else
t hat m ight have experienced anyt hing sim ilar, I was going t o
have t o m ak e m yself read t heir t ranscript s. For m ont hs I
would procrast inat e because I suppose, subconsciously, I did
not r eally want t o relive t his experience I had - - by r eading
about anot her persons' experiences. Now I am glad I did. I
finally am going t o rev eal som e of t he m any cor relat ion's of
all t hree of our cases in hopes t hat ot hers will com e forward
wit h m ore inform at ion.

" My experience happened in July of 1987. I had about a t hr ee

our 'm issing t im e' in which lat er, under hypnosis, I r elived t he
m ost unusual night of m y life... I did not go willingly t o t he
craft . Tw o sm all aliens dragged m e by m y t wo arm s on m y
back t o t he craft aft er t hey render ed m e unconscious. The
next t hing I r em em ber is waking up on a t able inside som e
t ype of sm all craft . A 'guide' greet ed m e and gave m e
som et hing t o drink. I now believe it was a st im ulant of som e
kind because I was not sleepy aft er I drank t he subst ance. I
was t ak en out of t he craft and when I looked ar ound I not iced
I was st anding on t op of a hill. I t was dar k, but I saw a faint
light near a cav ern. We walked up t o t his area and it is t hen
t hat I saw a m an, dr essed in a red m ilit ary- t ype j um p suit
[ like a pilot would wear] . My guide seem ed t o k now t his m an
as he gr eet ed him as w e cam e closer. I also not iced he wor e
som e t ype of pat ch and was car rying an aut om at ic weapon.
When w e walked int o t he t unnel, I r ealized we wer e going
right int o t he side of a large hill or m ount ain. Ther e w e w er e
m et wit h anot her guard in red and I t hen saw a com put erized
check- point wit h t wo cam eras on each side. To m y left was a
large groov e wher e a sm all t ransit vehicle carried y ou furt her
inside. To m y right it look ed like a long hallway wher e t her e
wer e m any offices. We t ook t he t ransit car and went for what
seem ed t o be a v ery long t im e t o anot her secur ed ar ea. I t
was t hen t hat I was t old t o st ep ont o som e t ype of scale- like
device t hat faced a com put er scr een. I saw light s flashing and
num bers com put ing and t hen a card was issued wit h holes
punched int o it . I would lat er r ealize it was used as
ident ificat ion inside a com put er. I asked m y guide wher e w e
wer e going and why. He didn't say t oo m uch t he whole t im e
except t hat he was t o show m e som e t hings t hat I need t o
know for fut ur e reference. He t old m e t hat w e had j ust
ent er ed Level One of t he 'facilit y'. I ask ed what kind of facilit y
it was and he did not answer.

" This st or y is so v er y long and det ailed and I hope t o w rit e

m or e about it so I will [ only] highlight som e of t he t hings t hat
I saw... I was t ak en t o a huge looking elevat or t hat had no
door. I t was like a v er y large dum b- wait er. I t t ook us down t o
Lev el Two where t her e wer e t w o guards in a different color
j um psuit and I had t o go down a large hall and saw m any
offices t hat had com put er s t hat lined t he wall. As w e walked
by, I not iced t he light ing was st range in t hat I could not see a
sour ce for it . Ot her people walked by and nev er once act ed
like I was a st ranger . I felt I was in a huge office building
wher e t her e ar e m any em ployees wit h m any offices and
cubicles. I t hen saw an ext r em ely large ar ea w hich looked like
a giant fact ory. Ther e w er e sm all alien- t ype craft park ed at
t he sides. Som e w er e being work ed on underneat h and it was
t hen t hat I saw m y first grey- t ype alien. They seem ed t o be
doing t he m enial j obs and never once did t hey look up as we

passed. Ther e w ere cam eras post ed every wher e.

" Then w e arrived at anot her elevat or and w ent down t o Level
Five. I t was t hen t hat I felt a sense of ext r em e fear and
balked. My guide explained t hat as long as I was wit h him
t hat I w ould not be har m ed. So w e got off and I saw guards
post ed t her e at t he checkpoint . This t im e t hey wer e not
friendly and wer e issuing orders right and left . I not iced t hat
t wo of t he guards seem ed t o be arguing about som et hing and
t hey k ept looking ov er at m e. I want ed t o find t he closest exit
out of t his place, but I k now I had com e t oo far for t hat . This
t im e I was ask ed t o change clot hes. I was t old t o put on what
looked t o m e like a hospit al gown, only t hank God t her e was
a back t o it ! I did as I w as t old because I didn't want t o cause
any t rouble. I st epped ont o t his scale- like device and
suddenly t he screen light ed up and I heard st range t ones and
fr equencies t hat m ade m y ears hurt . What I r eally t hought
was st range is t hat t hese guards salut ed t he guide I w as wit h
alt hough he was not w earing any m ilit ary clot hes. He was
dressed in a dark green j um psuit , but it had no insignia t hat I
know of. He t old m e t o follow him down t his cor ridor. As I
passed t he guard st at ion, I not iced t he hum m ing of t hose
cam eras as t hey wat ched m y ev ery m ove. I was t aken down
anot her hall and it was t hen t hat I sm elled t his horrid sm ell.
Cont rary t o Judy and Myrna's st ories, I knew w hat I was
sm elling or at least I t hought I knew . I t sm elled like
for m aldehyde. Because of m y m edical background I felt
probably m ore com fort able wit h t his sit uat ion because I had
gone t hr ough it so m any t im es before.

" We cam e t o a large r oom and I st opped t o look inside. I saw

t hese huge large t ank s wit h com put erized gauges hooked t o
t hem and a huge arm - like device t hat ext ended fr om t he t op
of som e t ubing down int o t he t ank s. The t ank s wer e about 4
feet t all so st anding wher e I was I could not see inside t hem .
I did not ice a hum m ing sound and it looked as if som et hing
was being st irred inside t he t anks. I st art ed t o w alk closer t o
t he t anks and it was at t hat t im e t hat m y guide grabbed m y
arm and pulled m e roughly out int o t he hall. He t old m e t hat
it wasn't necessary t o see t he cont ent s of t he t anks; t hat it
would only com plicat e m at t ers. So w e w ent on down t he
hallway and t hen he guided m y arm int o a large laborat or y.

" I was am azed because I had work ed in [ a laborat ory] before

and I was seeing m achines t hat I had nev er seen before. I t
was t hen I t urned and saw a sm all grey being wit h his back
t urned doing som et hing at a count er . I heard t he clinking of
m et al against m et al. I had only heard t his when I was
preparing m y surgical inst rum ent s for m y doct or in surgery .
Then m y guide asked m e t o go and sit down on t he t able in
t he m iddle of t he r oom . I t old him t hat I wouldn't do it and he
said it would be m uch easier if I would com ply. He was not

sm iling and I was scar ed. I did not want t o be left in t his
room wit h t his grey alien!

" About t he t im e I was t hinking t his a hum an m an ent ered. He

was dr essed like a doct or, wit h a whit e lab coat on and t he
sam e t ype of badge I w as issued. My guide w ent t o gr eet him
and t hey shook hands. I began shaking and I w as cold. The
t em perat ur e seem ed awfully cold. My guide sm iled at m e and
t old m e he w ould be wait ing out side and I w ould only be
t here for a few m inut es. I began t o cry . I cr y when I get
scar ed. The gr ey alien look ed at m e and t urned around t o
cont inue what he was doing. The doct or called for m ore
assist ance and it was t hen t hat one ot her gr ey alien cam e in.
The next t hing I knew I was v ery drow sy. I knew I was being
exam ined int ernally and when I lift ed m y head, I saw t his
horrid gr ey alien glaring at m e wit h large black ey es. I t was
t hen I felt a st abbing pain. I scr eam ed and t hen t he hum an
doct or st ood next t o m e and rubbed som et hing ov er m y
st om ach. I t was cold. The pain im m ediat ely subsided. I could
not believe t his was happening t o m e all over again. I begged
for t hem t o let m e go, but t hey j ust k ept on wor king very
fast . Aft er t hey w er e finished, I was t old t o get up and go int o
t his sm all room and change back int o m y ot her clot hes. I
not iced blood, as if I had st art ed m y period. But , I cont inued
t o get dr essed and when I cam e out I saw m y guide speaking
t o t he doct or in t he corner of t he room . I j ust st ood
t here...helpless. I felt m or e alone t hen t han I ev er had in m y
life. I felt like a guinea pig. Aft er w e left t hat laborat ory I was
silent . I was angry at him for allowing t his t o happen t o m e
'again'. But he said it was necessary. Told m e t o forget .

" I see m ore aliens pass us in t he hall. Again, it is as if I was a

ghost . I ask ed m y guide t o please explain t his place t o m e.
He t old m e it was a ver y sensit ive place and I would be
brought back again in t he next few y ears. I again asked
wher e I was and he t old m e I could not be t old for m y own
safet y. We t hen got int o t he sm all t ransit car and it t ook us t o
t he ot her side. I t was t her e t hat I saw t he m ost dist urbing
t hings of all. Unlike t he ot her t wo wom en ( Myrna Hansen of
New Mexico who was abduct ed t o t he Dulce base in May of
1980, and Judy Dorat y of Texas who had a sim ilar experience
in May of 1973 t hat was invest igat ed by APRO and Paul
Bennewit z - Brant on) w ho saw cows being m ut ilat ed, I saw
what looked t o m e t o be people of all different t ypes st anding
up against t he wall inside a clear casing- like cham ber . I w ent
closer and it looked 'as if' t hey w er e wax figures. I could not
underst and what I was seeing. I also saw anim als in cages.
They were alive..."

At t his point t he 'guide' escort ed Christ a t o t he elevat or and

up t hrough t he various lev els, following which t he t ransit car
t ook her t o t he wait ing alien craft , at which point she was

ret urned t o her hom e som e t hree hours aft er her abduct ion
experience had begun.

I ncident ally, Christ a claim s t o have also experienced cont act s

wit h hum an- like beings from ot her worlds. One alien by t he
nam e of 'Maij an' who has dealt wit h Christ a all her life has
always worn an em blem of a feat hered serpent , possibly
sym bolic of t he ancient Mayan deit y Quet zalcoat l. He also
claim s t o have ancest or s from t he Azt ec and Mayan race, as
do sev eral of t he 'Telosians' inhabit ing t he colony under Mt .
Shast a, California. Christ a Tilt on adm it s t hat of t he hum an-
like Pleiadeans and Lyrans she has encount er ed [ aside fr om
her encount er s wit h short and t all Greys] range from t he
st rict non- int ervent ionist s t o t he im perialist ic fact ions who
believe t hat conquering planet eart h is j ust ified as a m eans t o
subdue t heir perceived enem ies on or below t he surface of
t his planet . This m ight im ply t hat t he 'Draconians' hav e, as
m any sources claim , m aint ained undergr ound com m and
cent ers beneat h t he sur face of planet eart h - - fr om wher e
t hey direct m any of t heir int ervent ionist int erst ellar act ivit ies.

I n addit ion t o t he abov e, Christ a Tilt on was kind enough t o

answer som e quest ions for t his present v olum e in regards t o
her own experiences. These quest ions and answer s follow:

I NTRODUCTI ON BY CHRI STA: I 'v e been invest igat ing

undergr ound bases and Dulce - - act ually underground bases
all over t he w orld - - since 1987... I 'v e had som e good
experiences and I 'v e had som e bad experiences [ wit h aliens,
et c.]

QUESTI ON: Have y ou seen any people who wer e being held
capt ive undergr ound, during your abduct ions t o Dulce and
ot her bases?

ANSWER: First of all let m e st at e [ t hat ] t her e is m or e

evidence NOW t o pr ov e t hat a base DI D indeed exist back in
1987 when I was abduct ed ( About 8 years following t he Dulce
wars, aft er which j oint - int eract ion ceased for a period of t w o
years - Brant on) , and it was in t he process of being
dism ant led. A lot of t im es t he governm ent will have
undergr ound bases for different purposes, and t hen will shut
t hem down, board t hem up, concr et e t hem in or what ev er ,
and go on and built anot her base som ewher e else. What I will
t ell you is t his. Let m e st ick wit h t he quest ion. You ask ed m e
did I see any people being held capt ive during t hat abduct ion
t o Dulce? I r em em ber seeing som e individuals as I was
walking by. They looked as if t hey were in suspended
anim at ion. I w ent up t o t he clear casings t hat t hey w ere being
held in. I put m y hands on t he casing and leaned t owards
t hem t o see if I could get som e kind of a r esponse. I did not .
I could not discern whet her t hey w ere dead or alive at t hat

point in t im e. They wer e j ust not m oving, and I could not see
whet her or not t her e was any fluid. I t hink t hat t he casings
wer e fr ee of any fluid in t his part icular case. As far as m y
being t aken t o any ot her bases right now, I 'm not going t o
com m ent on t hat because I 'm st ill resear ching t hat . There has
been speculat ion by, and inform at ion from , an Air Force
officer at KI RTLAND AI R FORCE BASE t hat I along wit h som e
ot her wom en and m en have been, m ore t han likely, abduct ed
and t aken t o t he underground r esearch facilit y near Kirt land
AFB. I t 's in t he Manzano m ount ain range sout h of KI RTLAND
AFB wher e t he nuclear t est ing was going on at t hat t im e.
( NOTE: KI RTLAND AFB is t he base where t he 'division' wit hin
t he I nt elligence Com m unit y ov er t he Dulce facilit y and r elat ed
j oint - int eract ion proj ect s seem s t o hav e begun, one t hat
init ially involved Col. Dot y, Col. Edwards, t he Wing
Com m ander and ot hers, a division bet ween t he ant i- Grey
U.S. Navy fact ions in t he CABAL/ COM- 12 - - backed by t he
'Elect orat e' gov ernm ent ; and t heir opposit ion, t he pr o- Grey
NSA fact ions in AQUARI US/ MAJI - - back ed by t he 'Corpor at e'
governm ent . - Brant on)

Q: Did any of y our alien or hum an cont act s m ent ion t he Dulce

A: No. The alien beings t hat I cam e in cont act wit h while
undergr ound did not speak t o m e. The hum an cont act s did
but no, t hey did not m ent ion any kind of wars going on t here.
So at t hat part icular t im e I was not aware of any kind of a
power- st ruggle going on. I was j ust t ak en t her e for a specific
purpose I t hink, and once t hat was done I was rushed out of
t here and I don't t hink any kind of knowledge like t hat in
part icular would have been given t o m e, t her e wouldn't have
been any r eason t o give it t o m e.

Q: What kinds of r ept ilians, if any, hav e y ou encount ered.

A: I am alm ost virt ually posit ive t hat ... I don't believe I have
com e acr oss any rept ilian aliens at all. The only t ypes t hat
I 've been associat ed wit h m ost of m y life have been sm all
grey aliens, t he ones t hat I call workers. These are beings
t hat I believe ar e soulless beings t hat are w ork er s FOR an
est ablished alien race. They are given cert ain chor es, cert ain
j obs, j ust like we would if we work ed for a large com pany ...
Ther e ar e som e t aller Grey alien beings t hat I have
encount er ed. Ev en t hough t heir ey es ar e large and dark, t hey
don't hav e t hat 'rept ilian' look. I know. I know what you're
t alking about and no, I really haven't encount er ed any of
t hose. ( Of cour se fr om m any ot her account s, m ost of t he
'Greys' ar e rept ilian BASED clones which have assim ilat ed
ot her genet ics fr om insect oid or ev en plant - like life- form s.
Out wardly t hey - - t he clones especially - - do not norm ally
appearance obviously 'r ept ilian', which is likely t he r eason

why t hey ar e m ost com m only used t o 'int erface' wit h

planet ary int elligence agencies. The " est ablished alien race"
t hat t he Gr ey s are w ork ing for, according t o m any sources,
are t he t aller m or e 'r ept iloid' appearing species including t he
" whit e draco" - - r esident wit hin levels six and sev en, levels
which Christ a does not r ecall ent ering. - Brant on)

Q: Do y ou know of any ot her bases t hat resear cher s m ay be

unaware of?

A: That 's a gr eat quest ion, really, because right now I 'm
wor king wit h t wo individuals from Gr eat Brit ain. They'r e t w o
wonderful researcher s who hav e been associat ed wit h
Tim ot hy Good. I don't k now if you've r ead his m at erial,
" ABOVE TOP SECRET" . I t 's a w onderful book t o get and r ead.
Also " ALI EN LI AI SON" is anot her one. But yes, I am aware of
m any, m any, m any underground facilit ies or bases t hat ar e
being used for different purposes. Most of t he undergr ound
bases ar e being used for cov ert purposes or ot herwise
purposes involving govenm ent 's who are doing cert ain t ypes
of t est ing t hat t hey consider w ould be safer t o do
undergr ound. And t hen t here ar e t he bases, one in part icular
nort h of Tucson, Arizona, where I 'm alm ost posit ive I was
t aken t o, it goes under t he cov er or nam e of " Ev ergreen
Aviat ion" . They have all t he planes t here and everyt hing, but
what I found during m y t en year s of research is t hat t his is a
CI A- backed or based facilit y. I got v er y, very close t o t he
facilit y, I clim bed over t he wired fence and sneaked in wit h a
pilot friend of m ine not long ago and got som e great
phot ographs of som e black helicopt er s. These black
helicopt er s w er e unm ar ked. There w er e ot her t ypes of aircraft
t here, and so we r eally believe t hat t here ar e m any m any
bases in m any st at es. I 've heard of bases in alm ost ev er y
st at e her e in t he Unit ed St at es. Now t he t wo individuals t hat
I 'm doing work for or r esearch wit h in Great Brit ain especially
are r esear ching undergr ound bases in Am erica and in Great
Brit ain. I guess t hey cont act ed m e because t hey felt like t her e
was a t ie- in or som e kind of connect ion, and t hat it would be
a good t hing t o work t oget her and shar e infor m at ion and see
what t ypes of facilit ies we can find out about . I n a lot of t he
facilit ies t hey ar e doing m edical t est ing, som e are act ual
laborat ories like Los Alam os laborat ories. They do m assive
am ount s of cov ert work for Black Pr oj ect s of our own
governm ent , so w e're t alking about inst allat ions, undergr ound
and abov e gr ound, t hat are doing t hings t hat we pr obably
have no idea about . We hear rum or s of cour se of different
t hings t hat are going on. What I would vent ure t o guess is
t hat m or e t han likely t hese rum ors hav e been prov en about
90% of t he t im e t o be t rue.

Q: My belief is t hat t he Gr ey s operat e fr om base anim al or

predat ory inst inct s in t heir agendas t o increase t heir power-

base and exploit ot her cult ures, and t hat t hey w ill cont inue t o
do so as a collect ive unt il t hey are st opped by for ce. Som e of
t he Greys I believe m ight be 't am ed' by hum ans so t o speak,
and at t ain a degr ee of em ot ional individualit y I F t hey can be
sev ered fr om t he collect ive HI VE m ind. What ar e y our views
on t his?

A: I agr ee wit h you on m ost of t hat ... Cert ainly t he Gr eys

seem t o do t hings like a m assive collect ive consciousness.
I 've not iced t hat t hey do t hings t oget her , t her e is alm ost no
discussion am ong t hem selves. They seem t o be working on
proj ect s or on cert ain t hings t hat are given t o t hem by
higher- ups, or higher alien beings and/ or hum ans. I really
couldn't t ell you. I hav e m y doubt s t hat hum ans w ould be
able t o 't am e' any kind of alien int elligence her e on eart h. I f
indeed it looks like hum ans ar e w or king am ong t he Greys
t oget her, t hat m or e t han likely it was because of a pact or
som e t ype of a gov ernm ent agr eem ent ... I believe t hese
aliens have com e her e for r easons, and cert ain individuals in
t he gov ernm ent hav e been given order s by t heir higher- ups
t o eit her give t hem opport unit ies t o w or k alongside of t hese
[ aliens] for m aybe a one- world purpose. Unless it could be
shown t o m e t o be t rue t hat t he hum ans t am ed t hese Greys
t hat wer e w or king along- side wit h m e, or on m e, t hat would
be v er y difficult for m e t o believe.

Q: Have y ou had encount ers wit h any Nazi- t ype aliens like
t hose described by Barney Hill, Alex Christ opher , Vladim ir
Terziski and ot hers, alien 'fascist s' who dat e back t o t he
secr et Nazi flying disk experim ent s and who are allegedly
wor king wit h t he Gr ey s and Rept iloids?

A: I 'v e hard of t hese Nazi aliens. Of course where I first heard

about t hem was from TAL LeVesque back in 1987. No I hav e
never com e in cont act wit h what I would call Nazi t ype aliens
alt hough since m ost of m y experiences hav e involved m edical
experim ent at ion, genet ic experim ent at ion on m e and m y
daught er or fam ily, I would have t o say t hat it reeks alm ost
of... I f y ou t hink about t he m edical experim ent s t hat wer e
done on t he Jews during t he Holocaust , t hat is what I equat e
som e of t he experim ent s t hat happened t o m e wit h. I t 's
st range because I 'm par t Germ an, I com e from a fam ily t hat
originally cam e FROM Germ any , so I do have som e Germ an
blood in m e, but I 'm not leaning one way or t he ot her and as
far as being a BI GOT is concerned, I 'm v ery ver y open t o all
races, creeds, colors of people w or king t oget her t o est ablish a
wonderful world, if t hat would be possible. But anyway, no I
have not encount er ed t hese Nazi t ypes, and I 'v e cert ainly
heard a lot about t hem , I 'v e heard t hey are v er y m ean-
spirit ed aliens, I don't k now what t heir agenda is... Since I 'v e
not had cont act s wit h t hese t ypes I r eally have no r eason t o
do any resear ch on t hem , and also t he sam e goes for t he

[ t all] rept ilians, alt hough m any m any friends and ot her
researcher s hav e cont act ed m e t elling t heir t ales about
rept ilian alien races...

Q: What are y our view s of a possible CONGRESSI ONALLY

backed t ake- ov er of t he Dulce base in t he fut ure, and what
would be your views on dealing wit h t he problem supposing
t he Greys don't surr ender ?

A: Through all of t he r esearch t hat I 've done, and all of t he

proof t hat I 've com e up wit h t he m any t im es t hat I 'v e been
up t here poking around wit h researcher s and ot her
individuals, we'r e alm ost posit ive now - - I don't know if
you'v e ev en heard, you m ay have heard t he rum or , or
t hought it was a rum or - - but I am of t he belief syst em now
t hat t his base is or was desert ed and is no longer being used
by OUR gov ernm ent . For what reason I 'm not sure. I believe
a lot of it had t o do wit h - - if t here was indeed a m ilit ary
act ion t here, which we have found pr oof of. We found som e
spent m ilit ary cart ridge shells up near where we t hink one of
t he base openings is. We found C- Rat ion cans, we found
different t ypes of ant ennas t hat t he governm ent would have
used for com m unicat ions. These are t hings t hat have been
found up in t hese m ount ainous areas. I f you'v e ev er been
t here y ou'll know what I 'm t alking about . These t hings t ell m e
and m y r esearch part ner t hat indeed t her e was som e t ype of
a m ilit ary response t her e in t he past . The ar eas I speak
about , t hat m y resear ch part ner who lives in t he area claim s
wer e som e of t he openings t o t he base, hav e been concr et ed,
cem ent ed up. Now t hat 's been done by som ebody. So w e
know t hat som e t ype of gov ernm ent official com pany... we
believe it was a CI A- backed organizat ion t hat was t here... I n
m y Dulce papers I show an ar ea of a ranch j ust nort h of t he
Archulet a m esa ar ea ( Refer t o Christ a's research paper s on
Dulce at t he addr ess given at t he end of t his sect ion for
curr ent discov eries in regards t o Dulce and sev eral
prov ocat ive illust rat ions, diagram s and phot ogr aphs of t he
sam e - Brant on) , w e'v e been unable t o t rack or find t he
individuals who have owned t his propert y now for m any
years. What w e've been t old by t he individuals who lived in or
around t he ar ea, is t hat t her e is a landing st rip on t hat
part icular propert y, t her e are large t ow ers... I did get ont o
t he pr opert y, and close up enough t o get pict ures of t hese
bullet - proof t owers t hat were sit t ing on t he pr opert y . Ther e
WERE about 20, and t her e are only 5 t here now. We're
wondering why t hey w ere t aken out , and wher e were t hey
t aken? Any way I 'v e got pict ures of t hose. These ar e not j ust
fire t ow ers. Som e people t r y t o explain t hem away by saying
" Oh, t hose ar e j ust so our rancher s could go up int o t he
t owers and look for fires," and t hings like t hat . The st range
part about t his is t hat you walk up t he t ow ers and t here is
dark black glass... y ou can't look in t o see, and it 's bullet

proof. And what 's st range is t he opening... y ou ar e unable t o

get int o t hese t ow er s. We don't know if t hey w er e j ust put
t here for show , w e don't really know exact ly what t hey are,
but we believe t hey w er e placed t her e for som e r eason. We
have no under st anding of t hat . There have been sight ings of
planes, sm all Lear j et s landing in and out of t hat area over
t he year s. Nobody in t he t own of Dulce seem s t o know who
owns t hat propert y ... My r esearch part ner did t rack down
som eone who did own t he pr opert y ov er 20 y ears ago, but
aft er t hat it seem ed t o go int o cov ert hands. The pr opert y
also had what looked like a sm all wooden house. You could
j ust walk in t here, it 's been evacuat ed and t her e's not hing in
t here. This t ype of facilit y or front for an under ground base in
t hat area would be perfect , because t his area w as cordoned
off by what w e believe at one t im e was an elect rified fence
which t hey said was used t o k eep t he cat t le out . We believe
t hat it was used for anot her purpose because of t he signs
post ed all over - - NO TRESPASSI NG, and t hese wer e t he
t ypes of signs t hat you would see up near AREA- 51, and so
we hav e t o w onder what was going on upon t hat propert y. I
don't know if you've ever seen t he m ovie " THE ANDROMEDA
STRAI N" , I saw it t he ot her day, j ust hav en't seen it in a long
t im e. The undergr ound facilit y t hat t hey went t o [ in t he
m ovie] was st at ioned on kind of a m uck- up far m , where t hey
went int o t he far m house and w ent int o som et hing like a t ool
shed, and t hen all of a sudden t his elevat or st ar t s going down
and down and down. And what t hey found once t hey w ent
down was a m assive underground biological t est ing facilit y. I
have t o believe t hat t hese t ypes of facilit ies ar e all over in
ev ery st at e. So t hen, back t o t he quest ion. I f t her e was a
m ilit ary t akeover it already happened, and t he base was
closed... Again t here's no pr oof t her e. Som e of t he I ndians
who live on Jicarilla Apache land, t hese people are v ery v er y
closed, t hey don't t alk t o out sider s. The inform at ion t hat I got
was only from an inside source, and I can only t ell you what
one Jicarilla Apache I ndian t old his dear friend of m any y ears
t here. He said t hat he w as going up t hrough t he m ount ainous
areas t here, up t hr ough t he Ar chulet a m esa and back int o t he
hills, and was walking along- side of a ledge. All of a sudden
he felt som e dirt falling on his head. And so of course, if you
wer e walking around in t his desert ed area and y ou felt
som et hing fall on your head, y ou're im m ediat e r esponse
would be t o look up. And he did, he look ed up and he said
what he saw horrified him . This is a m an, he's a m an in his
60's. This m an looked up and saw... t his is what he t old his
friend, " I saw a gr ey being wit h large black inky ey es st aring
down at m e over a ledge, and it looked like a large r ock had
been swiveled out , was st icking out of t he side of t he
m ount ain." And he did a double- t ake, he look ed away like
som eone who w ould rub t heir ey es and say , " Oh, I 'm j ust
seeing t hings," but t hen he look ed back up and he saw it
again. Well t his t im e he said he t ook off and he ran, he was

running for his life. He was v ery, very fright ened, scared, and
what 's st range is t hat t his m an is friends of t he m en high- up
in t he Jicarilla Apache t r ibal council, but he has kept t his
secr et from every one except m y research part ner. And he
t old him t hat when he got back he was shaking, he was v er y,
very fright ened. So THI S t ells m e - - and t his j ust happened
during t he past couple y ear s ( t his int erview t ook place in t he
wint er of 1996 - Brant on) , so t his t ells m e t hat THERE ARE
STI LL GREY ALI ENS inhabit ing som e part of t hat base.
I nt er est ing quest ion t here t hat you had because if indeed
t here is st ill part of t he base t hat 's st ill inhabit ed ( why would
t he Greys only use 'part ' of t he base aft er it had becom e even
m or e secur e, wit h t he 'sealing' of m any of t he out er
ent rances? - Brant on) by t he Gr ey beings, t hen cert ainly if
t here is a pr oblem t her e m ight NEED t o be a Congressional-
backed m ilit ary t ake- ov er of t hat base, or t hey m ay have j ust
left it alone, j ust said " let t he people of Dulce w or ry about t he
aliens, we don't want t o deal wit h t hem any m ore." I don't
really know what happened during t he m ilit ary ev ent s t hat
t hey had t here, I don't r eally know what happened, I j ust
know t hat ... I 'm alm ost POSI TI VE t hat t her e was som e t ype
of a confr ont at ion! So any way, who know s, who can say for
sure? All I know is t hat a lot of t hese individuals t hat com e up
wit h different st ories, t hese are individuals who are not t he
t ype of people t o j ust com e acr oss wit h a t ale, in fact [ m any
of t hem ] ar e not int erest ed in UFO's, t hey'r e not int erest ed in
any of t his. I n fact w hen t he subj ect is brought up t hey really
j ust don't want t o t alk about it t o you. I t 's very hard t o get
access int o t hat com m unit y. I hav e had a lot of problem s
get t ing answers, but t hank God one of m y research part ner s,
his fat her lives t her e, he's lived t her e all his life. And t his
young m an was br ought up t her e [ Dulce] . He k nows what
happens t here, he know s what all t he rum ors and t ales are,
and he knows what all t he I ndians have seen.

Q: Have y ou been t ak en t o any ot her planet s or spher es

during your abduct ions?

A: Not t hat I know of, however I [ r em em ber] t hat I was

t aken t o som e t ype of large m assive ship, it had t o hav e been
a m ot her ship. This t hing was m assive, it was m iles and m iles
and m iles long. I 'm not sure exact ly where I was. I r eciev ed
som e inst ruct ions while I was t her e. There wer e " light beings"
t here. They looked like angelic beings, only wit hout t he
wings. They w ere wearing long robes, and I was t ak en int o an
area where t hey had a podium and a t eacher t hat cam e out
and was t eaching t he people who w er e t her e. These people
wer e hum an, I did not see any aliens [ grey s] at THAT t im e,
so I 'm not sur e exact ly wher e I was.

Q: Did you ev er get t o see what was inside t he 't anks'?


A: No, not during t he Dulce experience. I st art ed t o walk up

t o t he t ank . I t sm elled ver y foul. I t was an odor t hat only I
can ident ify as being close t o a sulfuric t ype of odor. I
rem em ber when I first went in t o t he m edical field we w er e
invit ed downt own t o view an aut opsy , and t he form aldehyde
t hey use t here has a sickening sweet sm ell, it s a sm ell t hat is
very difficult t o t ry and explain t o som ebody who has not
sm elled it before, but I can say t hat it sm elled a lot like t hat .
The officer, t he m ilit ary m an t hat was wit h m e, guiding m e,
would NOT allow m e up t o t he t ank t o look inside. I can only
speculat e t hat t her e was som et hing in t here t hat m ay hav e
been fright ening t o m e, because he r eact ed ver y quickly t o
st op m e. You ask ed if t her e w ere bot h br eeding and feeding
t anks. I believe so, because fr om what I 'v e been t old by som e
of t he ot her wom en who saw t hese t ank s, som e of t hem saw
body part s inside. The t ype of t ank s t hat I saw wer e used for
breeding and cult ivat ion of sm all alien beings. The only t hing
t hat I can describe it as is of being [ like] a fak e wom b. A
wom an car ries her child in her ut erus, w ell t hese t ypes of
breeding t anks t hat you'r e t alking about were used t o
cult ivat e t he fet us' t hat t hey ext ract from t he individuals t hat
t hey abduct and t ak e t her e. They ext ract t he fet us like t hey
have done wit h m e MANY t im es, and I believe t hey place it in
t his t ype of a t ank, a glass [ looking] breeding t ank.

Q: What do y ou t hink m ost of t he hybrids feel about t he

posit ion t hey are in? ( Not e: I int ended t he quest ion t o m ean
t he hum anoid fet us' who hav e been infused w it h non- hum an,
cat t le, cet acean or Gr ey , et c. DNA and who ar e kept in t he
undergr ound bases or on ships. How ev er Christ a t ook t he
quest ion t o m ean t he TERRAN- NORDI C alien hybrids like
herself and her daught er who w er e living in OUR surface-
world societ y. - Brant on)

A: That 's such a v ery good quest ion and not m any people ask
t hat ... I m y self being a hybrid have felt t hat I do not fit in
anywher e. I st ill feel like I don't " fit in" t o t his day. I know I
don't , I know I 'm differ ent , and I don't t ry t o t ell ev er ybody
t hat eit her. I j ust hav e accept ed it and go on w it h m y life, but
I can assur e y ou t hat ev er y hybrid I 'v e spok en t o has t old
m e, has t ried t o explain t o m e t he em pt iness and t he feelings
t hat t hey feel. They feel alm ost like t hey don't belong her e on
eart h. I cert ainly feel [ t hat ] I don't belong here.

Q: I f t he out er world get s a hold of t he Dulce t echnology and

begins using it t o colonize ot her worlds, could t his alleviat e
t he populat ion, econom ic, environm ent al and ot her problem s
t hat t his planet faces? I n ot her words t ak e away t he I MPOSED
barrier s t hat have k ept us eart h- bound and in essence finally
let us " out of t he cradle" , so t o speak ? The Gr eys for one do
not wish Terrans t o gain int erst ellar advant ages and so
becom e a t hr eat t o t heir own em pirical agendas, and

operat ing t hrough various pow er- cult s on eart h t hey hav e
succeeded in keeping int erplanet ary t echnology out of our
hands and robbing us of our r esources t o finance t he j oint
subt er ran and ext erran proj ect s, m any of which proj ect s and
bases hav e been t ak en- ov er ent irely by t heir own kind and at
our expense. Once r obbed of our resources t he Gr ey s use
t heir psychological slaves on Eart h t o set us against each
ot her and t hen t urn around and say: " Ha, you people are t oo
violent t o be allowed t o have int erst ellar t echnology! "
Alt hough t here have been t echnology exchanges, it would
seem t hat t hey ar e eit her being used as a ruse by t he Gr ey s
t o gain access t o our societ y so t hat t hey can im pose a global
elect r onic dict at orship, and/ or it is t echnology t hat is being
provided by t he Federat ion 'Nordics' so t hat t hey can help
defend planet eart h for t he m ut ual benefit of t hem selves and
t heir hum an 'cousins' on eart h. What do y ou t hink about all of
t his?

A: I believe wit hout a doubt t hat we hav e been working on

proj ect s t o colonize t he m oon, underground, and also t o
colonize Mars... I 'v e t alked wit h scient ist s, I 'v e t alked wit h
for m er NASA ast r onaut s who believe wit hout a doubt t hat t his
is what 's going on. They don't feel like it s anyt hing alien,
som e of t he ast ronaut s say t hey felt like, well t his is j ust a
t echnology t hat w e'v e dev eloped on our own, and t hat
cert ainly populat ion is a problem t hat y ou hav e t o t hink about
way in advance and t hat hum ans have com e t o all of t hese
conclusions t hem selves. I disagree, I t hink t hat it was an
alien t echnology t hat was given t o us ( and/ or r ecov er ed from
" crash sit es" ? - Brant on) , and I t hink t hat we'r e running wit h
it , and we'v e already st art ed. Like wit h t he Biospher e, a lot of
people t hink t hat t hat is j ust for learning about our ecology
and t hings like t hat , plant s, anim als and all of t hat . I know
t hat was a fr ont . I know of a lot of t hings t hat went on
undergr ound t her e. That is also an undergr ound facilit y, it 's a
m assive facilit y and it 's a wonderful facilit y. The t echnology
t here being t est ed was alien t echnology. All t his will be used
when t hey st art t o colonize t he m oon and Mar s. These are t he
t wo 'planet s' right now, act ually t he m oon not so m uch being
a planet ( som e argue t hat t he Eart h- Moon syst em is act ually
a " double planet " . As for ot her planet s, it m ight be logical t o
begin wit h t he polar regions of Venus and t he equat orial
regions of Mar s. - Brant on) but a sat ellit e of ear t h, but
cert ainly it s a st epping- st one away fr om eart h t o ot her
places, and t his is what 's going on, I hav e no doubt about it .
I 've t alked t o t oo m any scient ist s who'v e w or ked on cov ert or
black proj ect s for our gov ernm ent who hav e said t hat 's
exact ly what w e're doing... ( I suppose t he quest ion I r eally
had was is it act ually OUR t echnology, or is it t o be used
ONLY by t he alien- cont rolled " hum an elit e" and NOT for t he
m asses, who ar e inst ead t o be " de- populat ed" t hrough war s,
plagues, infant icide and ot her genocidel eugenical m et hods? -

Brant on) I really believe t hat we don't hav e m uch longer here
as a people t o sur vive on eart h, t he clim at e will be v ast ly
changing... so w e hav e t o have t he t echnology t o go
som ewher e else. That 's what m any of t he aliens did
t hem selves [ long ago] . The aliens t hat I 'v e dealt wit h, t he
Ones who cam e from t he const ellat ion of Lyra... t hey act ually
had a m assive explosion on t heir planet ( caused by invading
rept ilian for ces from Alpha Draconis, as som e cont act ee
account s suggest ? - Brant on) . They had t o evacuat e and
m igrat ed t o t he Pleiadean const ellat ion wher e t hey knew
ot her alien civilizat ions wer e already living. There ar e m any
different t ypes of Pleiadean aliens, I cannot st ress t his enough
t o people who say , w ell t here's only one Pleiadean race...
( Not e: The Pleiades st ar clust er act ually consist s of over 200
st ars, or t hose st ars I NCLUDI NG SOL which ult im at ely revolve
around t he cent ral st ars of t he Pleiadean clust er , m ore
com m only known as t he " sev en sist er s" - Brant on) Som e of
'm y' people also cam e int o our sy st em and set t led on Mar s,
but som et hing happened on t hat planet t hat for ced t hem t o
go underground t o live.

Q: What w ould you consider t he great est weak ness of t he

Gr ey s t o be?

A: I can t ell you right now t hat t he m ain weakness of t he

Gr ey s is t hat t hey hav e no soul, t hey ar e soulless. Do not
allow t hem t o t ell you ot herwise. Som e of t hem have been
known t o t ry t o im part som e t ype of [ false] religious
philosophies on people t hat t hey'v e abduct ed, and t he t hing is
you hav e t o r ealize t hat t hese aliens have t heir own agenda,
and it s not som et hing t hat I feel is a posit ive one r eally. So I
have found out fr om dealing wit h t hem m ost of m y life, t hey
are soulless, t hey hav e no soul, and when it com es t o m y
religious beliefs or back ground - - I 'm not afraid t o say it , I 'm
a Christ ian, I believe in God, I believe in one ult im at e being...
God, who creat ed all, all alien beings of all kinds... all
different const ellat ions wher e people hav e COLONI ZED
t hroughout t he universe... beings, anim als, t hings we
probably have no idea about . Cert ainly I have t o believe t hat
t he Greys ar e, t he only way I can describe it is t hat t hey ar e
an em pt y, em pt y case... Ther e's not hing t here ot her t han a
superior t echnology t ype of brain apparat us up in t heir skull
area. Ot her wise t hey ar e of no use t o us really, t hey are
really of no use. They are used t o im part differ ent
t echnologies and give us inform at ion, but as far as t rust ing
t hem , I do not t rust t hem as far as I could t hrow t hem .

Q: What do y ou t hink our gr eat est st rengt h as hum an beings


A: Well, our gr eat est st r engt h is our belief in God... our

great est st r engt h is [ t hat ] abilit y... and our only connect ion

wit h each race is our connect ion wit h t hat one Suprem e
being, God. Now I do believe t hat God saw at som e point in
our hist or y t he need for som eone t o guide us int o t he posit ive
way of living, I believe [ t hat ] Jesus was born as an exam ple
of t he way t hat God w ould want us t o live our lives... I f we
believe in Jesus Christ as t he Son of God, t he one and only
God, t hen w e hav e t o believe t hat t his is all t rue. I believe
t hat He, Jesus, will be com ing back... I believe in angels, I
collect angels [ art ist ic repr esent at ions] . My best friend in
Wisconsin sends be angel cards all t he t im e, and I send her
angel t his, angel t hat , angel j ewelry, angel st at ures,
ev eryt hing because I believe t ruly t hat angels walk am ong us.
Believe m e I hav e seen t hem , I 've dealt wit h t hem , I have
spok en wit h t hem ( for exam ple, her experience aboard t he
" m ot her ship" . How ev er in THAT CASE w e w ould have t o ask
if t hey were st anding or fallen angels such as t he rebel
'angels' or fallen 'light beings' t hat have been seen by
abduct ees w or king in collaborat ion wit h Grey s and Rept iloids
on t heir st ar ships? - Brant on) ... I hav e several close calls
wher e I can only st at e t hat t hese angels have appear ed out of
j ust nowher e and sav ed m y life, so I j ust hav e t o believe t hat
t hese ar e Gods beings [ servant s] ... t hey're wonderful.

( Not e: Not wishing t o det ract from t his at m ospher e, however

I do feel com pelled t o say t hat one should not t rust any and
ev ery being t hat claim s t o be an 'angel'. For inst ance fallen or
rebel angels can st at e in all sincerit y t hat t hey are 'angels'
and t hey w ould be corr ect - - how ev er t hey m ight not t ell you
which 'variet y' of angel t hey ar e, or which side of t he angelic
conflict t hey serv e, since t here ar e BOTH st anding and fallen
angels. Fort unat ely how ev er, t here ar e t wice as m any
st anding angels in t his universe as t here ar e fallen angels,
alt hough t he fallen angels seem t o hav e a part icular
fascinat ion wit h planet eart h in t hat t he net her m ost dept hs of
t his planet is apparent ly t he r ealm t hat t hey have chosen t o
m ake t heir " last st and" or t heir " com m and headquart er s" - - in
alliance wit h t he serpent races which t hey incarnat e - - in t heir
ancient conflict wit h Michael and his legions of st anding
angels. The 12t h chapt er of Rev elat ion is rev ealing in t his
regard, as it seem s t o generally conv ey a pict ure of a war in
heaven bet w een hum anoids who are back ed by st anding
angels and rept iloids who ar e back ed by r ebel angels, as w ell
as a prophecy t hat t he r ept ilian power- bases am ong t he st ars
will be brok en as t he dr aconian for ces ret reat back t o eart h t o
m ake t heir last st and, and in so doing t hey fr om t heir
cavernous em pire will back and support a global dict at orship
in a desperat e effort t o gain hum an allies for one last dit ch
" do or die" assault on t he heavenly dom inions. The t hing t o
rem em ber would be t o use caut ion, since r ebel angels have
t he abilit y t o appear as " angels of light " t o t hose who t hey ar e
capable of deceiving. So exam ine t heir m essages as t hough
your soul depended on it , if you do happen t o encount er such

a being or beings. As for t he Draconians t hem selves, in all

fairness 'individual' rept iloids are not t he ult im at e 'enem y',
t he enem y is t he LUCI FERI AN COLLECTI VE under which t hey
serv e, and t he sam e can be said for t he New World Order
which is prophesied in t he Book of Revelat ion - - t hose who
are enslaved in t his syst em by choice or decept ion ar e not t he
ult im at e enem y, t he Luciferian SYSTEM it self is t he enem y!
Som et hing t hat is not oft en considered is t he r ept ilian's
per spect ive in regards t o physical and spirit ual survival. One
of t he pr oblem s is t hat t he r ept ilians are int elligent and
sent ient enough - - t hanks in part t o t he Luciferians who aided
in dest roying t he original im m ort al st at us of bot h m ankind
and beast s - - t o r ealize t hat when t hey die physically, t hey
also die spirit ually, due t o t he fact t hat t hey have no inherent
'soul'. The rept ilians fully r ealize t his, and it t errifies t hem t o
no end. One of t he r easons for t he 'hybrid' pr oj ect s is not only
t o develop cert ain physical at t ribut es wit hin t heir race, but
m ost im port ant ly t o give t heir post erit y a 'soul' so t hat t hey
can sur vive beyond t he grav e, hopefully in an et ernit y of bliss
rat her t han one of t orm ent . We should not say t hat because a
being has rept ilian 'genes', t hey are as a r esult 'evil'. Evil is
not genet ic, but a choice one m akes. Because of t he fact t hat
m any of t he rept ilians are m ere 'cells' in a Luciferian collect ive
'HI VE', it is not t he individual rept ilians t hat are at fault [ if
t here is in fact such a t hing as 'individual' rept ilians] so m uch
as it is t he HI VE it self. The HI VE m ust be t he t ar get of our
at t acks and especially any part icular power- cent ers or
m ainfram es t hat guide t he Hive. At t em pt s should be m ade by
hum anoids on eart h and bey ond t o at t ack t he Hive and br eak
individual rept ilian 'cells' free fr om it s const raint s. Once t hey
are fr ee and allowed t o dev elop em ot ional individualit y t hey
should be given t he choice t o subm it uncondit ionally t o t hose
Andro- Pleiadean Federat ion hum anoid societ ies for inst ance
who hav e succeeded in t am ing t heir

own base 'anim al' nat ures. Since t he rept iloids - - and
especially t he collect ive it self, lacking soul - - do not have t he
capabilit y t o 'TAME' t heir own base predat ory inst inct s, m an-
KI ND m ust do t his for t hem [ GENESI S 1: 28; 3: 1,14- 15] .
Those rept ilians which will not subm it t o r e- pr ogram m ing and
refuse t o SURRENDER t o t his process, should give up t heir
right t o experience a 'supervised' fr ee agency and should as a
result be subdued by FORCE... ot herwise t he hum an races
t hroughout t he galaxy or even t he universe will have t o live
under et ernal chaos - - for ev er plagued and t or m ent ed by
races driven ONLY by base pr edat ory inst inct s, because
hum ankind had failed t o t ake r esponsibilit y as t he divinely -
com m issioned guardians of t he cr eat ion. First however w e
m ust accept t hat a Divine ORDER was originally est ablished
for t he univer se, beginning wit h t he Alm ight y Creat or and
descending t hrough t he various angelic hierar chies, t hrough
hum ankind, followed by t he r ept iloid races who originally held

a posit ion som ewher e bet ween m ankind and t he beast s, and
following t his t he lower anim al kingdom s and finally t he
nat ure kingdom it self. This is t he original divinely- order ed
hierarchy t hr ough which divine LI FE fr om t he SOURCE of all
cr eat ion cascades down fr om t he higher t o t he lower lev els. I f
t his hierarchy is br ok en like it was as a result of
I NTERVENTI ON by t he fallen angelic's, t hen UNI TY and
CONTI NUI TY is dest royed and CHAOS r eigns. So if one get s
t he sense t hat t his volum e is at t acking rept ilian's sim ply
because t hey are r ept ilian, t hen t hey ar e not looking t o t he
deeper m essage. I am NOT advocat ing t he all- out
ext erm inat ion of t he draconian races, I am only advocat ing
t hat t hey m ust of t heir own choice OR t hrough for ce - -
whichever t hey 'choose' - - subm it t o t he divinely- est ablished
ORDER which was init iat ed from t he v ery genesis of
int elligent physical life on planet eart h, and subsequent ly
t hroughout t he universe it self. - Brant on) .

The following is " A CASE SI MI LAR TO THE TI LTON CASE" , as

report ed by Val Valerian in MATRI X- I I , t he Donavon Mast ers
st or y:

" The following is what I believe t o be a v ery r eal experience,

which I believe t ies int o t he experiences of Christ a Tilt on.
Three of m y friends and I w er e t ak en t o what I per ceived t o
be an undergr ound gov ernm ent facilit y or UFO base. I say
'friends' because t hat is how I per ceived t hem , alt hough I had
not m et t hem at t he t im e. I r em em ber feeling as t hough I
had been drugged, as if ev er yt hing was kind of going in slow
m ot ion. We wer e placed on and st rapped t o a conveyor belt
by our wrist s and ankles. The conv ey or was act ivat ed and as
it began t o m ov e, our bodies w er e passed t hr ough blocks of
pure int ense light . These blocks of light - - perhaps laser
scanning devices - - w er e eit her gr een or blue in color . At each
block of light t here was what I perceived t o be a robot
cont r oller. They also w ere eit her green or blue in color. Their
color corr esponded t o t he color of t he light in front of which
t hey st ood. The r obot s wer e in hum an form but wit h no
dist inguishable hum an charact erist ics. Along t he wall in t he
first room were bar rels of som e subst ance which had a very
pungent odor. These barr els were st acked, one on t op of t he
ot her .

" Suddenly we w er e on a differ ent conv ey or belt or at t he end

of t he first one. As t he belt m oved ar ound a cir cular console,
it st opped. Ther e w ere t wo m en - - hum an in for m and
charact erist ics - - seat ed at t he console. One assist ed t he
ot her . One of t hem pick ed up what I t hought was a razor and
shaved an ar ea on m y back left side j ust below t he waist line.
I r em em ber t hat t he spot bled considerably. I was released
and t hey began t o do t he sam e procedure on m y friends. I
rem em ber t hinking over and ov er - - 'What is happening t o

m e?' He r eplied, 'You have j ust been im plant ed wit h your

governm ent cont rol ext ension num ber.' I r em em ber grabbing
a m irror and looking at t he ar ea t hat bled. The num ber '04'
was t here. I n a very upset m anner I t urned t o a wom an in a
uniform and ex claim ed, 'You can't do t his t o m e! ' I ncident ally,
all of t he personnel in t his facilit y wore uniform s. I t hen ran
back t o t he console where I was r eleased. By t hat t im e m y
friends had also been released. I hurriedly t old t hem what I
had discovered was happening t o us. As I was speaking, t he
t wo m en at t he console wer e gat hering m at erials hurriedly, in
what seem ed like an at t em pt t o escape. I n part icular I
rem em ber t he m an t hat had im plant ed t he num ber on m e
had a com put er print - out list . He prot ect ed t his list wit h his
life, as m y friends and I ran aft er him and t he ot her m an.
They escaped t hrough a set of double door s ( was t he drug-
induced st at e of sem i- consciousness beginning t o w ear off
unexpect edly? - Brant on) . I sincer ely believe t hat Christ a
Tilt on was also in t his facilit y at t hat t im e - - alt hough I don't
t hink t his was our first m eet ing.

" I will never forget t he first t im e I t alked wit h Christ a on t he

phone. I t was Sept em ber 20, 1987. I felt as t hough I was
hearing t he voice of an old friend, as t hough I had known her
all m y life. She lat er sent m e a pict ure of herself which only
solidified t hat feeling. When I saw t hat pict ure I had
flashbacks of seeing her aboard a craft ! I t was a very
em ot ional m om ent for m e, seeing her again. Since t hat t im e
a beaut iful and enduring friendship of uncondit ional love has
dev eloped. She is t ruly a flower in t he garden of m y life and a
TRUE friend. Like Christ a, I hav e been plagued by int ense,
repet it ive dr eam s of m eet ings and com m unicat ions wit h what
appear t o be non- hum an, ot her- worldly beings. I am also
cont inually frust rat ed by m y inabilit y t o learn t he t rut h about
m y experiences, alt hough Christ a has been a t r em endous
help in m y search for t he t rut h - - pr oving t hat when people
wor k t oget her for a com m on goal, m uch is accom plished...

" Alt hough Christ a and m yself are not alone, I suggest t hat
t here ar e t housands out t her e like ourselves, perhaps afraid
t o seek out help and a bet t er under st anding of t heir
experiences because of t he fear of ridicule. I t is a t rut h t hat
som et im es life can be v er y cruel because of t he ignorance or
lack of knowledge concerning t his vast , exot ic subj ect . Then
m aybe som e, like t he ost rich, st ick t heir heads in t he sand
because t hey are afr aid t o quest ion t heir own fat es."



Christ a Tilt on has com piled sev eral hundred pages of

inform at ion, docum ent s, illust rat ions and phot os r elat ing t o

PAUL BENNEWI TZ and t he DULCE BASE. Her invest igat ions

are in- dept h and on- going, so if you w ould like t o find out
m or e about her lat est r esear ch int o Dulce and ot her
undergr ound bases, please send a self- addressed st am ped
envelop t o: I NTEL- ADVOCATES., c/ o Christ a Tilt on., 2163
Sout h 78t h East Avenue., Tulsa, Oklahom a 74129- 2421

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 26

Th e D ulce Ca ve rn s An d Pue blo M yt h ology

I n his art icle 'ALI EN I NVADERS', r esearcher 'TAL' LeVesque

reveals t he following inform at ion in regards t o t he ancient
" Evadam ic- Draconian" conflict which has, for t housands of
years, raged upon, wit hin and bey ond planet eart h:

" The 'DRACONI AN' Gr oup is a Confederat ion. They ar e

Rept ilian Hum anoids, wit h sub- groups [ The 'Ser pent Race',
from Sirius] ... ( Not e: Sirius figures pr om inent ly in report s of
hum anoids, and also report s of r ept iloid, am phiboid and
insect oid act ivit y. I n t his r egard t he Sirius syst em is m uch
like t he SOL syst em it self. Som e of t hese forces apparent ly
collaborat e wit h each ot her, whereas ot hers are in conflict
wit h t he each ot her. - Brant on) They set up Bases inside
Venus, t he Eart h, et c...

" AN ANCI ENT CONFLI CT - - The I ndians of t he Sout h- West

U.S.A., have legends of t all, fair- haired Beings. They also
have legends about t he 'Lit t le People'. Bot h ar e said t o have
'Sky Craft ' or 'Saucer s'. Am erican I ndians speak of
Undergr ound Races, Surface Races and people living
'Abov e', in t he Heav ens. The Navaj o legends st at e t hey
once lived Undergr ound, t oget her wit h t he Coy ot eros and
t he Whit e people, below a m ount ain near Silvert on,
Colorado. NOTE: Mt . Hesperus [ m eaning 'VENUS'] is sacred
t o t hem . Aft er com ing t o t he surface t hey w ent sout h and
set t led in t he canyons of t he Dinet ah ar ea, near Navaho
Dam , bet ween Azt ec and Dulce, New Mexico. ( Could t he
ancest or s of t he Pueblo I ndians have been t he one's who
originally excavat ed t he lower lev els of t he Dulce base and

t he lower t unnels which have appar ent ly exist ed wit hin t he

deepest lev els of t he base for cent uries if not m illennia? I f
so, t hen why did t hey r ev ert t o a low - t echnology cult ure
once t hey r eached t he surface?. Could it be t hat t he
scient ific fact ions of t heir race eit her est ablished an
int eract ion wit h t he 'Greys' and/ or left t he planet alt oget her,
leaving t he rest t o fend for t hem selves? Hopi legends say
t hat t heir ancest ors w er e driven t o t he sur face by anot her
fact ion of t heir own kind who t urned t o pract icing sorcer y.
Apache legends, according t o Robert Morningsky, st at e t hat
t he " Tw o Heart s" or t he " Children of t he Lizard" drove t he
Pueblos t o t he surface aft er t hey had invaded t heir
undergr ound dom ain. Could BOTH scenarios be t rue? I n
ot her words, could one scient ific fact ion have r em ained
behind in a collaborat ion wit h t he rept ilians, wit h anot her
fact ion leaving t he cav erns in st arships and/ or m igrat ing t o
t he sur face 'world' and/ or elsewher e t hr ough t hese ancient
and m assive undergr ound syst em s? - Brant on)

" They t hen set up defense sit es and expanded sout h

t owards Mount Taylor and west int o Arizona. Built at op high
m esas w er e fort r esses and t owers consist ing of t hree or
m or e st ories.

" The Paj arit an Pueblo I ndians have a Legend t hat t hey
em erged from t he I NNER EARTH, near t he Gr eat Sand
Dunes [ Nat ional Monum ent ] in Colorado. They t hen t rav eled
down t he Rio Grande, set t ing up Pueblos. The area now
known as Los Alam os, was consider ed evil. The hom e of
Underw orld 'Lit t le People', from which would com e t he cur se
of 'The Gourd of Deat h'! - - and so it did [ in t he form of t he
nuclear bom b] . 'The Gr eys' [ 'Lit t le People'] ar e 'Deros'.

" According t o New Mexican Folk Myt h, Mont ezum a was born
near TAOS and t rained by beings who lived in Caverns,
inside Pueblo Peak . [ NOTE: At near- by Blue Lak e, UFOs
have been seen ent ering and exit ing t he wat er.]

" The Azt ec of Mexico, w ho som e t hink originally cam e from

her e, believed t hat t he Sun God needs Blood and sacrificed
hum ans for it s' nourishm ent . They killed ov er 20,000 people
each y ear.

" Near Taos, in a Cav e above t he Lucer o River , not far from
Frij oles Cany on, is wher e Hum an sacrifices w er e m ade -
som e say EVEN NOW. ( Not e: According t o one sour ce from
Balt im ore, MD., one m an encount er ed a rept iloid being
while spending t he night in a cave wit h black rock walls
near som e 'springs' nort h of San Cry st obel, not far fr om
Taos, N.M. - Brant on)

" Mem ber s of 'Secr et Societ y' gr oups, in Taos, have been

found beheaded. [ Like Art hur Manby, who t old about a

secr et 'AZTLAND' Hot Springs, roughly 11 m iles Nort hwest
of Toas. I t is flanked by Pet r oglyphs on t he cany on walls.]

" Cult ist s venerat e t he Mayan- Azt ec Deat h God, 'Cam azot z',
who t ook t he form of a WI NGED CREATURE who r em ov es
t he heads of his followers who displeased him . Resear ch
indicat es t he High Priest hood had cont act wit h WI NGED-
REPTOI DS [ who w er e k nown t o dev our hum ans] and t he
cr eat ures w ere seeking various art icles of com m er ce,
possibly gold, Psycho- act ive [ hallucinogenic] Plant s, et c.

" Throughout Puebloland, on pot t ery, CAVE and Kiva walls,

will be found decorat ions r epr esent ing a Feat hered or
horned snak e [ The Plum ed Serpent , Quet zalcoat l] ...

" From t he Pecos Pueblo, Mont ezum a is said t o have led his
followers sout h and founded Tenocht it lan [ Mexico Cit y] .

" THE MANI PULATORS OF THE MI ND - - Alien Civilizat ions

have cont act ed som e of t he Eart h's inhabit ant s and
pract iced various form s of t hought cont r ol on t hose t hey
have cont act ed. Officer Herb Schirm er, Bet t y and Barney
Hill, and ot her s w er e given post hypnot ic suggest ions t o t ry
and m ake t hem forget t he cont act s. Only t hrough st rengt h
of charact er and hypnot ic regr ession were t hey able t o t alk
about t heir experiences.

" The 'Aliens' USE us, by r eaching int o our m inds direct ly...
ELECTRI CAL PATTERNS. They use devices which produce a
com binat ion of flashing light s, pulsat ing sounds, ELF & E.M.

" I t is also I NSI DI OUS t o put 'im plant s' [ Brain Transceivers]
int o Hum an Beings. And WORSE, t o kill t hem for t heir Blood
and ot her nut rient subst ances [ Vit al Energy r esident wit hin
t heir Vit al Fluids] .

" The 'Gr eys' [ t he short , 'Big Heads'] ar e m ercenaries. They

int er- face wit h hum ans in 'Secr et Societ ies' and t he [ fascist ]
Milit ary/ Gov ernm ent al Com plex. An int erconnect ed 'WEB'
m anipulat es t he surface Eart h cult ures... The 7'- 8' t all
Rept oid/ Drac hav e been seen giving direct ions t o t he
'Greys'. The 'Rept oids' get t heir orders from t he Elit e
WI NGED DRACO. ( Not e: t he act ual chain of com m and
seem s t o begin wit h t he r ebel angels or 'polt ergeist s' which
ut ilize bio- synt het ic const ruct ed physical 'form s' t o operat e
in t he physical dim ension - - t hese 'bodies' hav e been
recovered fr om crashed discs and seem t o consist of a

'sponge- like' subst ance t hroughout ; followed by t he

paraphysical 'Mant is- I nsect oid' t ype beings and t he 'Winged'
and 'Whit e' Dracos or 'Mot hm en' as John Keel r efers t o
t hem in his book " THE MOTHMAN PROPHECI ES" - - alt hough
it is not cert ain which of t hese t hr ee ar e superior; and t hen
t he large 'Lizard' or 'Cr ocodilian- like' saurian bipeds or
Rept iloids; a dark large- m uzzled 5 ft . t all [ approx.] race
t hat are som et im es referr ed t o as t he 'I guanas' - - a sat anic
'priest ' class of hum an- sized rept iloids t hat have been seen
wearing dark hooded robes and seem t o be a cr oss bet w een
t he t all Rept iloids and t he sm aller Grays; a race of 'fr og-
faced' am phiboid lizards approxim at ely 4 feet t all; various
t ypes of 'Grays' wit h blue- gray , br own- gray, whit e- gray ,
green- gray , t an- gray , et c. skin as well as t he 'genet ically
engineered' hybrid rept iloids and grays which possess
insect oid and ot her genet ic charact erist ics; followed by
various non- hom inoid rept ilians such as t he sea- saurians,
giant subt erranean 'ser pent s', t he so- called 'dr agon- wor m s',
et c. which have been encount ered wit hin t he deeper cav ern
syst em s or in t he sea and which 'seem ' t o be used m or e for
'psychic energy' channels. All of t hese various alien
branches collect ively m ake up what has been r efer red t o as
t he " Serpent Races" . - Brant on) .

" THE WI NGED SERPENT - - The Rept ilian/ Am phibian

Hum anoids have been int eract ing wit h Eart h for AGES.
Many Cont act ees and Abduct ees r epeat edly describe an
I nsignia of a Flying Serpent on a shoulder pat ch, a badge, a
m edallion or a helm et ... NOTE: Snakes...have skelet al
indicat ions of at r ophied arm s and legs. Ther e have been
m any t ransform at ions & m et am orphosis. 'The SERPENT
RACE' [ like snak es] lives Undergr ound. Yet , t hey can com e
out , in t heir 'Saucer s' and 'FLY'...

" THE 'EL' GI ANTS - - Elit e Cast 'MAN,' t he 'Orion

[ Bet elgeusian] Group', have Out post Bases inside t he planet
MARS. They are also known as 'The Tit ans'...'The
Brot hers' c."

( Not e: This 'Mar s- Orion' r efer ence is t he only source w e

have which act ually claim s t o ident ify an ext rat er rest rial
colony of t he giant 'EL' hum ans, Tit ans, Anakim , or Nepheli.
The Orion st ar Bet elgeuse is m ost oft en r efer red t o by som e
cont act ees in reference t o t he 'giant s'. Som e of t he
resident s of t he Jovian m oons claim t hat t hey previously
cam e fr om or 'ret urned' fr om Rigel and Bet elgeuse,
apparent ly aft er being driven fr om t hose syst em s by t he
Draconian infilt rat ion and invasion of Orion. Alt hough we
have com e acr oss lit t le corr oborat ive inform at ion concerning
t he 'ext rat er r est rial' act ivit y of t his branch of t he hum an
race, t her e hav e been r ound- about account s of possible
int eract ion wit h t he Orion const ellat ion. As for a possible

subt er ranean presence, one source claim ed t hat several

years ago a m an was let down a cable int o a gigant ic cav ern
which had been br ok en int o by a deep 'oil' well- shaft in
Texas. The m an claim ed t o hav e m et , wit hin t he cav erns,
giant 11- 12 ft . t all hum ans - - Anakim - Nepheli? - - who
claim ed t hat t he Cr eat or and t he angelic forces had order ed
t heir civilizat ion t o rem ain in t hese cav erns and t o separat e
t hem selves from sur face races where t hey m ight ot herwise
be w or shipped as gods by ignorant hum ans because of t heir
st at ure. This m an was t old howev er t hat t his condit ion
would last only unt il t he day of Judgm ent - Purificat ion, at
which point t he 'giant s' would once again be allowed t o
ret urn t o t he sur face w orld. This doesn't m ean t hat t he 'EL'
races do not int eract wit h ot her int erst ellar federat ions who
are less inclined t o worship t hem . Several years ago one
wom an by t he nam e of Margar et Rogers claim ed t o hav e
visit ed t he underground civilizat ion of t he 'Nepheli' deep
below Mexico. They said t hat t heir nam e for God is 'Tam il',
which was also confirm ed by t he Telosian 'Bonnie' or
'Sharula', whose people r eport edly have considerable
int eract ion wit h t he 'giant s'. They also t old Ms. Rogers t hat
one day m an w ould dev elop int erst ellar craft and be so
presum pt uous as t o approach t he very t hr one of t he Creat or
and invade His per sonal dom ain, and t hus invoke his wrat h
upon t he whole planet . Could she have been refer ring t o t he
'Et ernit y Gat e' wit hin t he Orion Nebula which lies far beyond
t he Orion st ar clust er, or t o t he 'New Jerusalem ' Com m and,
a virt ual CI TY OF LI GHT which has report edly been seen by
governm ent ast r ophysicist s t o be em erging fr om t he Orion
Nebula vort ex and is now on a direct cour se t o Eart h - - due
t o ar rive near t he end of t he t hird 'Millennium ' A.D.?
Anot her source has claim ed t hat m any cent uries ago t hese
hum an 'giant s' left t heir undergr ound cit ies and set out on a
great expedit ion t o t he st ars, only t o RETURN in lat er
cent uries fr om t heir gr eat int erst ellar m igrat ion or
expedit ion. Upon r et urning t hey RE- ESTABLI SHED t heir
ancient and vast cav ern cit ies beneat h Alaska and
elsewhere - - som e of w hich had been ov er- run by
degenerat e " anim al m en" fr om t he eart h's int erior during
t heir absence, who w er e part icularly cruel t o t he nat ives on
t he sur face. Ancient r ecords st at e t hat t he Anak s, Nepheli or
Tit ans once dw elled in t he Middle East and also t he ancient
Gobi r egion, but now live m ainly in large cav ernous syst em s
deep below Alaska, Or egon, Nort hern California, Ut ah,
Texas, Mexico, som e of t he Pacific I slands, and also ot her
part s of t he w est ern flank of Nort h and Cent ral Am erica.
One friend of m ine inform ed m e of a very vivid abduct ion-
t ype 'dr eam ' in which 'I ' cam e t o her and t ook her t o a cliff
in t he west ern Rockies, som ehow causing part of t he cliff t o
open up like a door wit h t he r ock m oving inward and down,
and t ook her t hr ough an inclining t iled t unnel and t o a large
m et allic door wit h a t ype of k eyboard affair nex t t o it . She

claim ed t hat I N t his " alt er ed st at e" or " alt ernat e

per sonalit y" m ode 'I ' used m y LEFT HAND t o punch- in a
quick succession on t he keyboard, a kind of code t hat
opened t he m et allic door and w e ent er ed. Norm ally in m y
'conscious' life - - which does NOT r ecall t his incident ot her
t han vague subj ect ive 'dream like' im ages and unsolicit ed
t hought s - - I am RI GHT- HANDED. She claim ed t hat 'I ' t ook
her inside, and we m et som e friendly hum anoid beings
about 12- 14 feet t all who w or e silvery uniform s which
seem ed t o be 'ALI VE' in her words, or em anat ed LI FE-
energy. During anot her experience she claim s 'I ' had t ak en
her t o large undergr ound cham bers below t he Salt Lake
valley where I was direct ing som e kind of operat ion and
inst ruct ing hum ans from t he surface, who wer e also
experiencing a 'double' exist ence in t his 'ot her' world. My
im pressions ar e t hat alt hough t his collect ive- based alt ernat e
ident it y was originally psychot ically- induced by t he Greys
during past abduct ion experiences [ as t hey hav e done wit h
NUMEROUS abduct ees] , t his alt ernat e 'self' was t o a
CERTAI N degr ee r e- pr ogram m ed by m or e friendly alien
for ces and becam e involved wit h various hum anoid cult ures
wit hin t he " inner eart h" who ar e m aking a com m on defense
against t he Rept ilian invasion of t heir nat ive t err it ories.
Aside fr om t he obvious 'angelic' influences t hat have guided
m y life, t he int eract ion t hat m or e benev olent beings have
apparent ly had wit h m y 'alt er- ego' would help t o explain t he
st eady flood of " inspirat ion" which has result ed in t he
m anifest at ion of t his current proj ect . So I am cert ainly NOT
t he ult im at e SOURCE or m ast erm ind behind t hese
Nexus/ Dulce files, but m er ely a willing [ and som et im es
sem i- willing] 'vessel' for ot her SOURCES y ou m ight say,
who hav e cont inually inspired m e and led m e t owards a
'm ot her lode' of inform at ion which would ot herw ise defy t he
laws of probabilit y or sy nchronicit y. These 'sour ces', based
on m y own per sonal per cept ions, w ould include hum anoid
Giant s, Hu- brids, Sasquat ch, Dwarfs, Ext r at err est rials,
Aghart ians, deep lev el surface Milit ary Agencies who are
against t he Draconian agenda, and what m ight be
consider ed 'faerian- t ype' people of an et her eal qualit y yet
no less 'hum an' t han us. Should it sound st range t hat t here
are also 'people' dwelling wit hin t his planet who ar e ALSO
against Draconian collect ivism and who value fr eedom and
libert y as [ hopefully] m ost of us do? Ther e I S I NDEED a war
going on right under our feet t hat is j ust as int ense as
anyt hing t hat m ight have been conceived by y our av erage
science- fict ion or fant asy aut hor. I f t his sounds unusual,
t hen consider t hat an ent ire 'lost world' exist ing t hroughout
t he crust of t his planet - - which has for ages rem ained
separat ed fr om t he oft en super st it ious resident s of t he
surface - - would t end t o dev elop a st at e of HI GH-
STRANGENESS, at least fr om OUR per spect ive. The out er
world would probably seem as 'alien' t o t hem as t heir world

seem s t o us. The separ at ion and dist inct ion bet ween t hese
t wo 'worlds' - - aside from t he fact t hat it is usually only t he
m ost pow erful secr et societ ies who hav e access t o BOTH
worlds - - is oft en augm ent ed by t he fact t hat m ost of t hose
t hroughout hist ory who have encount er ed t he out skirt s of
t his 'lost world' oft en r eact ed wit h fear of t he unknown
when t hey encount er ed som et hing st range and unusual in
connect ion wit h t hese port als, and norm ally want ed not hing
m or e t o do wit h t hem , int erpr et ing t he experiences
according t o t heir own fram e of r eference... and t he r ealit y
of t his ot her w orld below would surface in a m ore dilut ed
for m t hr ough legends, m yt hs, folklore and such. I f, as I am
convinced, m any abduct ees are living sim ilar noct urnal
" double lives" wit h int er vent ionist or non- int ervent ionist
aliens, or bot h, we m ight look no fart her t han our own
unconscious m inds in order t o find t he " aliens" . I n fact , fr om
one per spect ive t he following m ight be t rue: " We hav e
found t he aliens, and t hey ar e us! " - Brant on)

TAL cont inues: " 'The ELs' will engage 'The DRACO' in bat t le
around t his Planet . Most will die. REVELATI ON 12: 7: 'Now
war arose in Heav en, Michael and his Angels fight ing
against t he Dragon and his Angels...'

" The Elit e Corporat e/ Milit ary/ Gov ernm ent al Com plex of t his
count ry , and it s' connect ion t o One- World cont r ol cliques,
are cur rent ly in negot iat ion wit h t he Draco. They have
t hreat ened 'Fail- Safe', if t he Draco [ t he Serpent Race] and
t heir m inions [ The Grey s and t heir hum an Agent s] do not
st op exploit at ion of t he Eart h. I n ot her w ords, an Elit e
Cont rol Group who hav e m ov ed m ost of t heir chosen race t o
Undergr ound Cit ies on t he Moon & MARS, ar e w illing t o
launch 'Super- Dirt y' Nuclear Weapons [ from Deep Sub- Cit y
Bases, m anned by pat riot ic 'm ind cont rolled' or phans] t o
poison t his ent ire Planet and kill every one, so t hat NO ONE
can have t he Jewel EARTH [ 'The Divine Tear '] ... ( Tak e not e
of t he r efer ences m ade by cont act ee Alex Collier and ot her s
t o t he effect t hat som e of t he elit e Milit ary- I ndust rial
Alt ernat ive- 3 bases on t he m oon and Mars wer e sabot aged
by t he Draco in 1985, and t hat t he Draco ar e curr ent ly
t arget ing t he Alt ernat ive- 2 underground bases below t he
surface of t he eart h. This w ould t end t o polarize t he " secr et
governm ent " fact ions even m or e... t hose who, once in
alliance wit h t he r ept ilian collect ive, are now opposing t he
Draco- Orion collect ivist for ces. These ar e t hose who had not
succum bed t o t he absolut e psy chological cont rol of t he
draconian collect ive - - or hav e not been 'infect ed' by
'collect iv- it is' you m ight say - - when t he Dracos m ade t heir
m ov e and t ook possession of m any of t he form er j oint -
operat ional bases. Unless t he leader s of t his Milit ary -
I ndust rial underground com e clean wit h Congr ess and t he
pat riot ic cit izens of t he Unit ed St at es of Am erica and ask for

t heir assist ance AND open up t heir " Undergr ound Em pire"
for ALL Am ericans, and not j ust t he frat ernal 'elit e', t hen
t hese people will find t hem selves in a VERY difficult
sit uat ion - - t rying t o keep Draconian infilt rat ors at bay on
t he one hand and at t em pt ing t o appease t he w r at h of an
awakening giant in t he form of freedom - loving Am ericans
on t he ot her. Am ericans who will begin DEMANDI NG access
t o t he undergr ound net wor k which THEY paid for via t axes
and ot her collect ive econom ic losses. - Brant on)

" THE SECRET OF 'V'... The following is a list of t hose

Organizat ions which repeat edly adv ert ised on NBC during
t he first 19 'V' Pr ogram s [ a weekly, hour T.V. Series] .
Advert ising support cam e from 'GENERAL ELECTRI C' [ who
happens t o own NBC and has w ork ed on t he
Governm ent / Alien 'Saucer ' Proj ect s] ... 'U.S. ARMY
'McDONALDS'... 'ZALE CORP.'... 'KELLOGGS'... ( Not e: For
years it was im possible t o buy a video set of t he 'V' series.
As of t he beginning of 1995, t he 'V' series was r eleased on
video and becam e available t hrough m aj or video out let s! -
Brant on)

" The 'Rept oids' ar e ret urning t o Eart h! The I NVADERS are
her e. We m ust convince a disbelieving World t hat t he
night m are has already begun. Their Purpose: t o m ak e Eart h
t heir World. I t is not ov er for t he Hum an Race. 'Freedom
Fight ers' j oin t oget her...for t he sak e of ALL of US..."

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 27

D ulce An d Th e Se cr e t File s Of A U.S. I n t e lligen ce W ork e r

The following inform at ion was released by Jeffer son Souza, a

cont act ee who has had repeat ed encount er s wit h t he Vega Ly rans,
who according t o Souza ar e sim ilar in appearance t o t he " dar k
skinned Orient als" of I ndia. Souza also claim s cont act s wit h
Scandinavian- appearing hum ans fr om I um m a or Wolf 424 [ t he

'Um m o' people] . Bot h cult ures ut ilize a huge 'Federat ion' base
locat ed wit hin a vast sy st em of cav ern s deep beneat h t he Deat h
Valley - Panam int Mt s. r egion of California. I n fact , sev er al
federat ion gr oups ut ilize t he base according t o Souza, which
cont ains whole ar eas specifically condit ioned wit h t he various
gravit at ional, at m ospheric and environm ent al condit ions necessary
t o m eet t he needs of t he various Feder at ion visit ors and dignit aries.

The Paihut e I ndians of t he sout hwest USA claim t hat a Greek or

Egypt ian- like race first colonized t he m assive caverns wit hin t he
Panam int Mt s. t housands of y ear s ago [ one sour ce claim s t he base
was est ablished around 2500 B.C., which is incident ally about 600
years following t he beginnings of t he rise of Egy pt ian int ellect ual
cult ure] when Deat h Valley was part of an inland sea connect ed t o
t he Pacific Ocean. When t he sea dried up t hese people - - who w er e
described as wearing flowing robes draped over one shoulder, head-
bands holding back t heir long dark hair, and br onze- golden skin - -
out of necessit y began t o develop t heir collect ive knowledge and
int ellect and soon aft er wards began t o const ruct " silvery flying
canoes" . At first t hese flying m achines possessed wings, wer e
relat ively sm all, and flew wit h a dipping m ovem ent and a loud
'whirring' noise. As t im e passed t he ships becam e wingless, gr ew
larger in size, and flew ev er m ore sm oot hly and silent ly. Ev ent ually
t hese people, t he HAV- MUSUVS m ov ed t heir civilizat ion int o st ill
deeper cav erns which t hey had discovered fart her undergr ound, and
com m enced t o explor e t he nearby planet s and event ually ot her st ar
syst em s as t heir own t echnological explosion began t o r efine every
aspect of t heir societ y. These Hav- m usuv s hav e appar ent ly had
int erplanet ary or int erst ellar t rav el for 3000- 4000 years since t hey
first dev eloped t heir flying m achines. Could t hey have been one of
t he m any nat ive- t er ranian " ancient ast ronaut " civilizat ions which
apparent ly had colonized Ly ra and ot her sy st em s? The st ory of t he
Panam int s was r elat ed by a Navaho I ndian by t he nam e of Oga-
Make, who in t urn hear d it from an old Paihut e m edicine m an.

What about Souza's refer ence t o t he Vegans, w ho ar e sim ilar in

appearance t o East I ndians? I believe t hat I ndia is a m aj or key t o
underst anding our planet 's lost hist ory. The ancient Vedic t ext s
speak of flying ships called " vim inas" as well as nuclear t echnology
which was ut ilized by t he ancient s t here. Hinduism it self arrived in
I ndia as a result of t he Pre- Nordic 'Ar yan' invasion from t he Nort h
[ t he Gobi region?] . Som e researcher s insist t hat t he Mayas AND
Egypt ians were originally navigat ors fr om I ndia, possibly explaining
t he sim ilarit y in archit ect ure and t heir advances in m edicine,
ast ronom y, m at hem at ics, and so on. Swiss Et hno- archaeologist
Yves Naud also quot es from ancient I ndian t ext s which st at e t hat
t he leader s of ancient I ndia lat er collaborat ed w it h secr et ive Grecian
int ellect ual societ ies in t he developm ent of aerial ships. So t hen, t he
" Hav- m usuv s" m ay hav e been repr esent at ives of any one of t hese
cult ures [ Nordic- Aryans, East - I ndians, Egypt ians, Mayas, Greek s] or
a com binat ion of cult ures. How ev er one t hing is cert ain, only a VERY
SMALL port ion of t he t r ue hist ory of planet eart h, as of t his writ ing,

can be found in t he st andard hist orical t ext book s.

Jeffer son Souza claim s t hat t he following rev elat ions are fr om t he
per sonal not es and scient ific diaries of a scient ist who was
com m issioned by t he U.S. Gov ernm ent over a period of sev eral
years t o visit all crash sit es, int errogat e capt ured Alien Life Form s
and analyze all dat a gat her ed from t hat endeav or. Event ually t his
per son was discover ed t o hav e k ept and m aint ained personal not es
on his discoveries and was t herefor e scheduled for t erm inat ion [ not
j ust " j ob t erm inat ion" ! ] ... which he nar rowly escaped. Following 33
years of invest igat ions, he w ent in t o hiding in 1990:





The following m at erial com es from people who know t he Dulce

undergr ound base exist s. They ar e people who wor ked in t he labs;
abduct ees t ak en t o t he base; people who assist ed in t he
const ruct ion; int elligence per sonnel, [ NSA,CI A; et c.] and som e
specific UFO inner Eart h r esear chers. This inform at ion is m eant for
t hose who ar e seriously int erest ed in t he Dulce base. For y our own
prot ect ion, be advised t o " Use Caut ion" while invest igat ing t his
com plex. An ongoing invest igat ion m ade by J.B. I I I , [ Code:
SR24.3B7] ...

( Not e: The aut hor is no doubt quot ing from som e of t he writ ings of
a r esear cher and friend of your s t ruly, who has been at t he v ery
cent er of t he Dulce invest igat ions and has m et wit h Thom as Cast ello
per sonally. J.B. I I I w ould be " Jason Bishop I I I " - Brant on)

WHO's PLANET I S THI S? - These specific Aliens [ Grays, Rept iloids]

consider t hem selves Nat ive Terrans. They ar e an Ancient race,
descendant s of a r ept ilian hum anoid species... They ar e
unt rust wort hy m anipulat or m ercenary agent s fr om anot her Ext ra-
Terr est rial cult ure, " The Draco's" who ar e r et ur ning t o Eart h - -
which was t heir ancient out post befor e t he com ing of t he original
Uni- Ter rest rials - - t o t ry t o use it as a st aging area, which is not
easy at all because it causes all t he ot her one hundred sev ent y
[ 170] different Alien species t o want t heir shar e of t he Met agene
secr et s ( Not e: These 170 ar e in m ost cases various sub- species of
t he hum anoid and rept iloid root species, alt hough various ot her
t rans- dim ensional species ar e also visit ing eart h, like t he
'I nsect oids', et c. This also includes various hum anoid and rept iloid
species who ar e t he pr oduct s of genet ic int egrat ion wit h various
bizarre 'anim al' life form s. The m et a- gene is an inbred gene wit hin
hum ans on Ter ra result ing from t he m ixt ure of various cult ures

upon t he " m ot her " w orld or " genesis" w orld, a genet ic anom aly
which can produce ext r aordinary charact erist ics and abilit ies in
individuals, allowing t hem t o accom plish what would be consider ed
by m any ET's t o be ext r aordinary physical and psychic feat s. -
Brant on) . But , t hese Alien cult ures are in conflict ov er who's agenda
will be followed for t his planet . All t he while m ind cont r ol is being
used t o k eep hum ans in place, art ificially of course, especially since
t he fort ies. The Dulce com plex is a j oint U.S.[ ?] Governm ent and
Alien base. I t w as not t he first one built wit h t he Aliens, and ot her s
are locat ed in Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, et c...

The NAVAJO DAM is a m ain source for conv ent ional elect rical power,
wit h t he second source in ELVADA [ which is also an undergr ound
ent rance t o t he Dulce base] . NOTE: I f RAND is t he m ot her of " Think
Tanks" , t hen t he " Ford Foundat ion" m ust be considered t he Fat her .
Rand's secrecy is not confined t o report s, but on occasion ext ends
t o confer ences and m eet ings. On page # 645 of t he Pr oj ect Rand,
proceedings of t he Deep Underground Const ruct ion Sym posium of
March 1959, w e read:

" Just as airplanes, ships and aut om obiles have given m an m ast ery
of t he sur face of t he Ear t h, t unnel boring m achines will give him
access t o t he subt er ranean w orld."

NOTE: The Sept em ber 1983 issue of OMNI , page 80, has a color
drawing of " The Subt err ene" , t he Los Alam os Nuclear pow ered
t unnel m achine, t hat burr ows t hrough t he r ock , deep underground,
by heat ing what ever st one it encount ers int o m olt en rock [ Magm a] ,
which cools aft er t he subt er rene m achine has m ov ed on. The r esult
is a t unnel wit h a sm oot h, glazed lining. These undergr ound t ubes
are used by elect r o- m agnet ically powered sub- shut t le vehicles,
which can t ravel at gr eat speeds. They connect t he so- called
" Hidden Em pire" sub- cit y com plexes. Also, t he t op secr et pr oj ect
code- nam ed " NOAH'S ARK" used t he t ube shut t les in connect ion
wit h a syst em of ov er one hundred [ 100] bunk er s and " bolt holes" ,
which have been est ablished at various places on Eart h ( including
beneat h nearly ev ery m ilit ary base and m any Airport s in Nort h
Am erica. - Brant on) . They built t he sam e t ype of subt erranean
t unnels at t he ult ra- t op- secr et Moon and Mar s bases as well. Many
of t hese underground cit ies are com plet e wit h st reet s, sidewalks,
lakes, sm all elect rical cars, buildings, offices and shopping m alls...

Deep sect ions of t he [ Dulce] com plex connect t o nat ural cavern
syst em s. A per son who wor ked at t he Base [ CR- 24/ ZM 35- File I V] ,
who had an " Ult ra 7- B" clearance r eport s t he following:

" There m ay be m or e t han sev en lev els, but I only know of sev en.
Most of t he Aliens are on levels 5, 6, and 7. Alien housing is on level
five [ 5] ."



[ T.A.U.S.S.] :


Secret ary, John Herringt on nam ed t he Law r ence Ber keley
Laborat ory and New Mexico's Los Alam os Nat ional Laborat ory t o
house new advanced genet ic research cent ers as part of a pr oj ect t o
decipher t he Hum an Genom e. The Genom e holds t he genet ically
coded inst ruct ions t hat guide t he t ransform at ion of a single cell, a
fert ilized egg, int o a biological being ( Not e: Cont act ee Alex Collier
claim s t hat t he rept iloid species of Alpha Draconis and Rigel Orion,
alt hough involved in short - t erm m ind- cont rol proj ect s, ar e also
int erest ed in long t erm genet ic- cont r ol, t hat is int roducing genet ic
inform at ion int o a conquer ed race in order t o k eep succeeding
generat ions subj ect ed t o t he Draconian elit e by sabot aging cert ain
genet ic st r engt hs - Brant on) . " The Hum an Genom e Proj ect m ay w ell
have t he gr eat est direct im pact on hum anit y of any scient ific
init iat ive befor e us t oday" , said David Shirley, Direct or of t he
Ber keley Laborat ory .

Cov ert ly, t his research has been going on for y ear s, at Dulce labs.
Lev el # 6 at Dulce is privat ely called " Night Mar e Hall" , it holds t he
Genet ic Labs. Report s fr om w or kers [ CR- 24/ ZM 52- Files VI I ] , who
have seen bizarre exper im ent at ion, are as follows:

" I have seen m ult i- legged hum ans t hat look half- hum an, half-
oct opus. Also rept ilian- hum ans, and fur ry cr eat ures t hat have hands
like hum ans and cry like a baby, it m im ics hum an words, and also
huge m ixt ure of lizards [ and] hum ans in cages."

Ther e ar e fish, seals, birds and m ice t hat can barely be considered
t hose species. There ar e sev eral cages and vat s of winged
hum anoids, grot esque bat - like creat ures about t hree and a half t o
sev en feet t all. Gargoyle- like beings and Draco- Rept oids.

Lev el # 7 is t he w or se, r ow aft er r ow of sev eral hum ans and

hum anoids [ hundreds, perhaps t housands] in cold st orage. Her e t oo
are em bry o st orage and st orage vat s of hum anoids, in various
st ages of developm ent ...


1 - - Hum an and anim al abduct ions, for t heir blood and ot her part s,
slowed in t he m id- 1980's when t he Liverm or e Ber keley Labs began
product ion of art ificial blood for Dulce and it s sist er com plex es.

2: About t he confront at ion, Hum an and Alien at Dulce, eight y- t wo

[ 82] people w er e killed bet ween scient ist s and t he Nat ional Recon
Gr oup ( appar ent ly 66 fr om special forces and 16 scient ist s! ? -
Brant on) , t he DELTA GROUP, which is responsible for securit y of all
Alien connect ed pr oj ect s. Also, t her e w ere hundreds of ot her

wounded people and one hundred t hirt y t wo [ 132] dead Aliens...

The Dulce facilit y is t he m ost w ell- known place wher e t his [ j oint -
int eract ion] act ivit y occurs, alt hough t her e ar e at least anot her
t went y six [ 26] bases w it hin t he Unit ed St at es t hat have sim ilar
facilit ies...

THEM," was an original idea for one t it le, but not m y personal
choice, by Virgin 'Post y' Arm st rong. He report s how his friends Bob
and Sharon st opped for t he night in Dulce and went out t o dinner,
t hey overhead som e local resident s openly and voicefully discussing
Ext ra- Terr est rial abduct ions of t he t ownspeople for purposes of
experim ent at ion. The ETs w er e t aking unwilling hum an guinea pigs
from t he general populace of Dulce and im plant ing devices in t heir
heads and bodies. The t ownspeople w er e fright ened and angry but
didn't feel t hey had any r ecourse since t he ETs had our
Governm ent 's knowledge and appr oval [ CODE: SR- 24/ AK.5] ...

Sev eral Dulce r esident s are not nat urally from t his area, single
people and ev en couples wit h children, hav e j ust com e t o t he t own
of Dulce since 1948. Generat ions of frozen agent s occupied in
suspect posit ions... w or k in a gas st at ion, drugst or e, bar,
rest aurant , et c. They're t here t o list en and repor t anyt hing which
violat es t heir lim it of securit y. Always in t he t own of Dulce, y ou
never know who is who! ...

The Dulce Base is run by a Board: The Chairm an of t he Board is

John Her ringt on; Jim Baker of Tennessee is t he NSA/ CI A link t o
Dulce; House speaker Jim Wright of Dallas Texas, t he Nat ion's t hird
highest office, is t he Tr easurer at Dulce.

Ther e is curr ent ly a pow er st ruggle going on, as Rep. William

Thom as, R- California, put it , " Part of Jim Wright 's pr oblem is he fails
t o under st and what 's equit able and fair. I t 's t he arr ogance of
power." Even am ong his fellow Dem ocrat s, m any find Wright t o be
uncom fort able, Wright 's operat ing st yle leaves him vulnerable.

Most m eet ings of t he Dulce Boards are held in Denv er, Colorado and
Taos, New Mexico. For m er New Mexico Senat or Har rison - - publicly
known as " Last Man on t he Moon" - - Schm it t has full knowledge of
Dulce. He was one of seven ast ronaut s t o t our t he base. I n 1979,
he held an " Anim al Mut ilat ion" conference in Albuquerque, New
Mexico. This was used t o locat e r esear chers and det erm ine what
t hey had learned about t he links bet ween t he 'Mut e' operat ions and
t he Alien/ Gov ernm ent deals.

Senat or Brian of Nevada know s about t he " Ult ra Secr et s at

Dream land" and Dulce. So do m any ot hers in t he Gov ernm ent , " This
is what t he UFO researchers ar e up against ," SO BE CAREFUL! They
have killed t o k eep t his inform at ion secret , and by r eading t his

docum ent , you now know m ore t han t hey want you t o know ! ...
Aft er all, a FASCI ST group, wit hin t his count ry , had John Kennedy
assassinat ed and got away wit h it . Look t o t he links wit hin t he
larger um br ella, t he 'Web' of a fascist t ot alit arian Secret Police
St at e, wit hin t he Pent agon; JCS; DI A; Division Five of t he FBI ;
DI SC/ DI S and CI A.

Ot her inform at ion cont ained in t he BLUE PLANET PROJECT

m anuscript includes inform at ion on various secr et governm ent
proj ect s, including t he following:

THE 'MAJI ' [ Maj est ic Agency for Joint I nt elligence] PROJECTS:

SI GMA - - I nit ial proj ect involved wit h at t em pt s t o est ablish

com m unicat ion wit h alien int elligence.

PLATO - - Responsible for est ablishing Diplom at ic Relat ions wit h t he

Aliens. This proj ect secured a form al t r eat y, illegal under t he U.S.
Const it ut ion, wit h t he alien Gray s.

AQUARI US - - Concerned wit h invest igat ing t he hist ory of alien

presence on eart h and int eract ion wit h hum an beings. An out growt h
of t his proj ect is a huge Thesaurus- like docum ent called t he
YELLOW BOOK describing aliens, t heir hist ory in regards t o
hum anit y, and t echnology. ( Som e believe t hat t he YELLOW BOOK is
filled wit h alien propaganda m eant t o m ake gov ernm ent agent s
vulnerable t o alien psychological m anipulat ion... for inst ance t his
would include t he decept ion t hat hum anit y is a genet ic cr eat ion
placed on t his planet by t he r ept ilians, and so on... and t he pot ent ial
result s of such pr opaganda, for inst ance: t hat since t hey ar e our
'cr eat ors' w e hav e absolut ely no defense against t hem and m ight as
well t ry t o negot iat e wit h t hem and at t em pt t o appease our
'cr eat ors' by giving t hem what t hey want . - Br ant on)

GARNET - - A pr oj ect r esponsible for cont r ol of all inform at ion and

docum ent s r egarding t he Alien subj ect s and account abilit y of t heir
inform at ion and docum ent s.

PLUTO - - A proj ect responsible for evaluat ing all UFO and I AC
[ I dent ified Alien Craft ] inform at ion pert aining t o Space t echnology.

POUNCE - - A pr oj ect t hat was form ed t o recover all downed and/ or

crashed craft and Aliens, and pr ovide cov er st or ies and operat ions
t o m ask t he t rue endeavor s whenev er necessar y, i.e. such as cov er
st ories of crashed 'experim ent al' Aircraft , Const ruct ion, Mining
act ivit ies, et c.

NRO - - Nat ional Recon Organizat ion, based at Fort Carson,

Colorado. Responsible v ia DELTA FORCES for securit y on all Alien or
Alien Spacecraft and underground base proj ect s.

DELTA - - The special arm of t he NRO which is especially t rained and

t asked wit h SECURI TY of all MAJI C proj ect s [ MAJI or MAJI C ov er see
MJ- 12] . Also code- nam ed " MEN I N BLACK" , t he Delt a Forces ar e
t rained t o pr ovide Alien t asked pr oj ect s and LUNA base securit y.

BLUE TEAM - - The first proj ect responsible for r eact ion and/ or
recovery of downed and/ or crashed Alien craft and/ or Aliens. This
was a U.S. Air Force Mat erial Com m and proj ect . Also synonym ous
wit h ALPHA t eam crash/ ret rieval proj ect s.

SI GN - - The second proj ect r esponsible for collect ion of I nt elligence

and det erm ining whet her Alien presence const it ut ed a t hr eat t o t he
U.S. Nat ional Securit y. SI GN absorbed t he BLUE TEAM pr oj ect s. This
was a U.S. Air Force and CI A pr oj ect .

REDLI GHT - - The proj ect involving t he t est - flying and back-
engineering of r ecov ered Alien craft at AREA 51 - Groom Lak e -
Dream land, Nevada. UFO sight ings of craft accom panied by Black
unm arked Helicopt er s are pr oj ect Redlight asset s.

SNOWBI RD - - Est ablished as a cov er for pr oj ect Redlight . This

proj ect is act ivat ed from t im e t o t im e when it is necessary t o
provide cov er st ories for Redlight operat ions, et c., by r eleasing
inform at ion on advanced conv ent ional m ilit ary aircraft which are
used t o explain 'unexplained' UFO sight ings.

BLUE BOOK - - A U.S. Air Force, UFO, and Alien I nt elligence

collect ion and disinform at ion proj ect . This proj ect was t erm inat ed
and it s collect ed inform at ion and dut ies were absorbed by Proj ect
AQUARI US. A classified report nam ed " GRUDGE/ BLUE BOOK,
REPORT No. 13" is t he only significant inform at ion derived from t he
proj ect and, ot her t han inform at ion from second hand sour ces, is
unavailable t o t he public. Report s No. 1- 12 and No. 14 ARE
available t o t he public. The Grudge/ Blue Book Report No. 13
m ent ions t hat m any m ilit ary governm ent per sonnel AND CI VI LI ANS
have been t erm inat ed [ m urdered wit hout due process of law] when
t hey had at t em pt ed t o r ev eal t he alien int eract ion wit h t he SECRET
governm ent .


GABRI EL - - A proj ect t o dev elop HI GH Fr equency pulsed sound

generat ing weapons t hat would be effect ive against alien craft s and
beam w eapons. The proj ect also involves w orking wit h high
fr equency m icrowaves.

JOSHUA - - The dev elopm ent of LOW Fr equency pulsed sound

generat ing weapons. This weapon was dev eloped and assem bled at
Ling Tem pco Vaught in Anaheim , California. I t was described as
being able t o t ot ally level any m an- m ade st ruct ure fr om a dist ance

of t w o m iles. I t was t est ed at t he Whit e Sands Proving Gr ounds, and

dev eloped bet w een 1975 and 1978. I t is a long horn- shaped device
connect ed t o a com put er and am plifiers. The pr oj ect also involves
low frequency and m icrowav e proj ect ion.

EXCALI BUR - - This is a weapon designed t o dest roy alien

undergr ound bases [ developed and funded m ost ly by int elligence
branches connect ed wit h t he U.S. Navy and SDI proj ect s who have
rej ect ed any furt her int eract ion wit h t he Greys aft er t hey t urned on
'us' during t he Gr oom m assacr e and t he Dulce war s. Som e pat riot ic
elem ent s of MJ12 and t he M.I .C.- - Milit ary- I ndust rial Com plex- -
support t his agenda of r esist ance, whereas ot her elem ent s t ied- in
wit h t he 'corpor at e im perialist s' of t he int ernat ional banking
com m unit y support cont inued collaborat ion for purposes of
acquiring furt her m ind- cont rol t echnology for t heir 'New World
Order '] . Ex calibur is a m issile capable of penet rat ing 1,000 m et ers
of Tufa/ Hard packed soil, such as is found in New Mexico, wit h no
operat ional dam age result ing. The m issile's apogee is not t o ex ceed
30,000 feet Abov e Gr ound Lev el [ AGL] and im pact m ust not deviat e
in excess of 50 m et er s from designat ed t arget . The device car ries a
one t o t en Megat on Nuclear Warhead. The secr et for a self
cont ained m issile 'drill' [ a vert ical shaft over 1,000 m et ers deep]
consist s in an energosint et izer m acrowave deflect or in t he " Missile
Warhead" .

MAJI C has five ot her m aj or w eapons t o be used against t he Aliens,

howev er lit t le if any inform at ion on t hese is available.

Also fr om t he sam e report w e find t he following inform at ion on

Rept iloid alien form s:

Average Height : Male - 2.0 Met ers; Fem ale - 1.4 Met er s

Average Weight : M - 200 Kilos; F - 100 Kilos

Body Tem per at ure: M - Am bient Tem perat ure; F - Am bient

Tem perat ur e

Pulse/ Resperat ion: M - 40/ 10; F - 40/ 10

Blood Pr essur e: M - 80/ 50; F - 80/ 50

Life Expect ancy: M - 60 Eart h Years; F - 23 Eart h Years

Cold- blooded like all rept iles, t he Rept iloid is found t o flourish in a
warm , t ropical clim e [ norm ally art ificial... big caves] . Wit h im perfect
respirat ion providing j ust enough oxygen t o supply t issues and
m aint ain t he processing of food and com bust ion, t heir t em perat ur e
can be raised only a few degr ees abov e t he am bient [ t his suggest s
t hat 'heat ' w eapons, like flam e- t hrowers and so on, m ay pr ov e t o be
nearly im m ediat ely effect ive and fat al t o t his species under bat t le

condit ions] . The r epr oduct ive syst em is ovouniparous, wit h eggs
hat ching in t he oviduct prior t o birt h. The under dev eloped Rept iloid
[ for fast er act ivit ies, physical act ivit ies] cer ebellus result s in a
slowness and sim pler cit y of m ovem ent . The Rept iloid eye is
com posed of t housands of m icr oscopic facet s, each facet wit h it s
own independent pr ot ect ive lid. The ey e is alm ost nev er closed
ent irely during waking hours; rat her, sect ions of t he organ are shut
down in conj unct ion wit h t he dom inant light source. The rept iloids
survived 'hidden' inside t he Eart h [ wit hin] Big Caves Undergr ound.

I nform at ion on t he I nsect oids:

Average Height [ Mast er Race] : Male - 1.6 Met er s; Fem ale - 1.2
Met ers

Average Height [ Servant Race] : M - 1.0 Met er s; F - 1.0 Met er s

Average Weight [ Mast er Race] : M - 70 Kilos; F - 40 Kilos

Average Weight [ Serv ant Race] : M - 35 Kilos; F - 35 Kilos

Body Tem per at ure: M - 110/ 2; F - 110/ 2

Life Expect ancy: M - 130 Eart h Years; F - 130 Eart h Years ( Not e:
are t he curr ent at t em pt s t o cr eat e a genet ic r ept ilian- insect oid
hybrid race, like t hose genet ically m ut at ed species r eport edly
exist ing in Bellat rix Orion, a r esult of t he Rept iloids' desire t o
increase t heir life- span? - Brant on)

The I nsect oid ret ina is com posed ent irely of t one- sensit ive r ods, and
is incapable of discrim inat ion bet ween differ ent wavelengt hs of light .
Ther efor e, t he addit ion of 'color' t o t he insect oids vision is
accom plished by t he dual ant ennae which, in addit ion t o being
audit ory recept or s, ar e m ade up of a com plex net work of
wavelengt h- sensit ive cones. Owing t o t he highly direct ional nat ure
of t he ant enna, t he cor ona of vision is per ceived by t he subj ect in
t he t ones of grey. Because of t his cor relat ion of four independent
light - recept ive organs, I nsect oid vision can be cor rect ly t erm ed
'Quadr oscopic', r esult ing in relat ively superior dept h percept ion.
I nsect oid audit ory capabilit ies ar e highly developed, and I nsect oids
are capable of dist inguishing from am ong a wider range of audio
fr equencies t han is nor m al for hum anoids. Because of t he m ono-
direct ional ant ennae, I nsect oids ( m ost of which have been obser ved
in t he form of giant m ant is, locust or grasshopper t ype ent it ies -
Brant on) usually list en wit h t heir head t ilt ed slight ly downward.
They also have a lim it ed ex oskelet on.

Mor e alien races m ent ioned in t he secr et r eport :

1. Type A: Rigelian, Rigel, or t he Gray


2. Type B: 2- Ret iculae, Z- Ret iculae 1, or Gr ey

3. Type C: 2- Ret iculae, Z- Ret iculae 2, or Gr ey

4. Type D: Orion, Pleiades, or Nordic

5. Type E: Bernards St ar, t he Orange

I nform at ion on t he Rigelian Rept ilian Grays:

LUNA- 1 is t he Rigelian base on t he far side of t he Moon. I t includes

a base, a m ining operat ion using very large m achines, and v ery
large Alien Craft s or car rier ships. WAVENEST is t he Rigelian base in
t he At lant ic Ocean, and includes an underwat er Alien base, m ining
and big cigar- shaped cr aft s.

Rigelians m ade cont act s wit h cert ain m em bers of t he MI LI TARY-

I NDUSTRI AL [ 'Corporat e' or 'Secret ' governm ent ] com plex from
1947- 1971... The 'gov ernm ent ' t hought t hat t he Grays m eant us no
harm , but in 1982 and 1988 t he pict ure t hat em erged was exact ly
t he opposit e. The st or y now is one of gr eat decept ion at sev eral
levels. The Grays 'Tr oj an Horse' st yle m anipulat ion and lying
involved MJ- 12/ MAJI C For ces ( The CURRENT agreem ent s wit h t he
Grays wit hin t he NSA- connect ed levels of t he Milit ary- I ndust rial
Com plex, som e sources have im plied, cont inue as a result of t he
large level of alien infilt rat ion and m ind- cont rol t hat exist s
t hroughout cert ain levels of t he I nt elligence Com m unit y - Brant on) .
The inner cor e of t he CI A/ NSA is deeply cont rolled by t he Gray s...
Working under t he inst r uct ions of t he aliens fr om Rigel, t he CI A and
for m er[ ?] Nazi scient ist s have developed and deployed m alignant
st rains of bact eria and viruses, including AI DS, in order t o
ext erm inat e 'undesirable' elem ent s of t he hum an populat ion.

I nform at ion on t he Nordic races:

Average Height : Male - 2.0 Met ers; Fem ale - 1.7 Met er s

Average Weight : M - 90 Kilos; F - 70 Kilos

Body Tem per at ure: M - 98.6 degrees Fahr enheit ; F - 98.6 degr ees

Pulse/ Respirat ion: M - 72.5/ 16; F - 72.5/ 21

Blood Pr essur e: M - 120/ 80; F - 80/ 50

Life Expect ancy: M - 60 Eart h Years; F - 23 Eart h Years ( According

t o ot her sources, t his low life expect ancy is pr obably great ly
exaggerat ed. - Brant on)

I nform at ion on t he Orange ( The Orange ar e r eport edly hum anoids

wit h red, st alky hair and in som e cases m ay have been genet ically
t am per ed wit h and im put ed wit h various levels of rept ilian genet ics,
m aking t hem a quasi- hybrid race alt hough apparent ly m ost ly
'hum an' in m any cases. Unlike t he rept ilians howev er t hey have
ext ernal reproduct ive or gans and ar e apparent ly capable of m at ing
wit h ot her 'hum anoid' r aces. They com e fr om t he Bernards St ar
syst em . On cert ain rare occasions t hey hav e been seen wit h facial
hair, beards, et c. Appar ent ly som e st rains of t he Orange hybrids ar e
m or e 'hum anoid' t han are ot hers. - Brant on) :

Average Height : Male - 1.7 Met ers; Fem ale - 2.0 Met er s

Average Weight : M - 70 Kilos; F - 50 Kilos

Body Tem per at ure: M - 91 degr ees Fahrenheit ; F - 91 degrees


Pulse/ Respirat ion: M - 242/ 61; F - 242/ 61

Blood Pr essur e: M - 80/ 40; F - 80/ 40

We will close t his sect ion by quot ing from one m or e inst allm ent of

THE METAGENE FACTOR: The Met agene is a biological variant lying

dorm ant in select m em ber s of t he hum an race [ especially on planet
eart h] , unt il an inst ant of ext raordinary physical and em ot ional
ov er- st ress act ivat es it . ( Apparent ly a lat ent self- preservat ion 'gene'
capable of producing seem ingly 'superhum an' abilit ies in eart h
hum ans during t im es of ext rem e st r ess or crisis. - Br ant on)

That 's an energochem ical, in response t o adver se st im uli. A

chrom osom al com bust ion t akes place, as t he Met agene t ak es t he
sour ce of biost r ess, be it chem ical, radioact ivit y, or what ev er and
t urns t he pot ent ial ener gor esponse int o a cat alyst for genet ic
change. The m ain focus of t he cat alyst power is a gland in t he
m iddle of t he hum an br ain called t he PI NEAL gland, and t he nut rient
for increasing t he Pineal's act ion is t he adrenaline. The Met agene
fact or gives t he abilit y of Psionic Pow er [ for bet t er or w or se] .

The m ain int erest of t he Aliens, especially t he Gray s, is t o

underst and and cont r ol t he Met agene for t heir own race. They t r y t o
do t his using Biological Experim ent s t o m ak e Hybrids fr om bot h
hum ans and aliens. They believe perhaps t he MEN FROM PLANET
Because ONLY on Eart h people are appar ent ly capable of gener at ing
t he Met agene Fact or, w hich m eans Nat ural Psionics abilit y, " Real
Pow er " ( Not e: Pow er for good OR evil, you m ight say. One of t he
reasons t hat hum ans on eart h ar e being cont rolled/ harnessed as is
t he case wit h t he Nazi- NSA- Milit ary- I ndust rial space for ces, or

DENI ED advanced int er planet ary t echnology as in t he case of t hose

who hav e NOT been br ought under t heir cont rol, is sim ply because
t he aliens - - especially t he m alevolent s - - are t errified t hat if a FREE
non- collect ivist hum an societ y from eart h get s a foot hold in space,
t hen t hey/ we w ould pose a deadly t hreat t o t heir alien agendas of
conquest and m anipulat ion t hroughout t he galaxy. This is why t hey
are I NTENT on t am ing or harnessing t he Met agene fact or as t hey
have done wit h t he fascist forces based in Ant arct ica via m assive
m ind cont rol, so t hat t hese for ces can be channeled as 'hum an
shields' or 'war riors' t o fight t heir bat t les in space against
int erst ellar cult ures who would ot herwise r esist t he act ivit ies of t he
draconian collect ive. We m ust DEMAND fr om t he Milit ary- I ndust rial
com plex which has been built wit h OUR t ax dollars - - and which is
being deeply influenced by alien/ fascist forces - - t hat t hey CEASE
from selling- us- out , and shar e t heir int erplanet ary t echnology wit h
t he r est of us, so t hat w e as a whole can access t he st ars rat her
t han j ust a core of super- wealt hy and alien- cont rolled 'elit e'. I f we
as a Const it ut ional Republic [ and Congress] right fully t ake ov ert
cont r ol of what ev er space proj ect s hav e and ar e being financed BY
OUR TAX DOLLARS, t hen t he open space policy and public
conscience it self will prevent t hese space forces from engaging in
any unj ust ified m ilit ary act ions against peaceful worlds t hat would
defy t he foundat ional et hics of t he U.S. Const it ut ion on t he one
hand; or will prevent us fr om allying ourselves wit h any exploit at ive
and m anipulat ive alien for ce on t he ot her hand. - Brant on) .

The principle races in t he Univer se ar e psychologically t he sam e.

The pur e cold logic is a norm al order t o m ost im port ant r aces. Basic
sam eness m ak es for pr edict abilit y and securit y, t he enem y one
knows, ar e t he ones y ou can guard against . This is not t he case
wit h [ unpredict able] m ankind.

While m ost are uniform ly hum an, som e [ m any m or e, appar ent ly,
t han anyone had dream ed] possess a lat ent t endency t owards super
hum anit y, Nat ural Psionic Abilit ies. That in it self could prove
dangerous for any idea of Alien dom inat ion on Eart h.

( Not e: for inst ance, som e Terrans have t he abilit y t o 'scan' t he UPF
or univer sal psionic field wit h t heir superconscious m inds via
proj ect ing and focusing t heir 'm agnet ic' body at various lev els on a
conscious or unconscious basis, and any subj ect ive 'danger ' t hat is
det ect ed t hr ough t his process is conv ert ed t o consciousness via
'int uit ion'. This m ight be com par ed wit h 'rem ot e viewing', which is
sim ply t he hum an brains' abilit y t o 't une- in- t o' and 'ride' t he
Universal Psionic Field or t he 'Flowline' like a biochem ical radio
receiver scanning t he psionic 'air' wav es - - and psionic- waves ARE a
t angible energy- form t hat can be m easur ed j ust as radio wav es can.
The elect r o- m agnet o- gr avit ic 'grid' of any planet , and supposedly
t he EMG fields which connect t he planet s and st ars at a subt le level,
serv e as t he energy 'w eb' in which t hought for m s ar e t rapped and
cont ained. Hum ans ar e m ult i- dim ensional beings and t herefore have
t he abilit y t o per ceive t he vast 'reserv oirs' of t hought form s wit hin

t hese int erst ellar grids on an int uit ive level, for inst ance when t hey
are dr eam ing. During t he dr eam - st at e t he brain operat es on a low er
fr equency - - and what we m ight call psionic LONG w aves are
produced which can r each out and connect wit h ot hers 'long' wav es
on t he sam e fr equency, or connect wit h t he psionic field it self and
observ e t he 'psychic at m ospher e' resident wit hin any cert ain area
t hrough t apping- in t o t he reserv oir of 't hought form s' t her e. This
would explain why people oft en hav e 'vivid' dream s near high
energy grid areas, sim ply because t hese ar eas t end t o 't rap' m or e
t hought form , psionic or psychic energy r esidue t han do ot her
areas. Also ast ral, hum an or anim al lifeform s which have becom e
't rapped' wit hin t hese psionic energy grids by encount ering powerful
EMG zones like t hat which exist s in t he Berm uda Triangle area - -
essent ially having ent ered int o or becom e part of a " w orld of
t hought form s" , a dim ension densit y wher e event s and obj ect s are
m or e 'fluid' t han t hey ar e in t he 3rd dim ension - - m ight be
cont act ed, for bet t er OR worse, while in t he 'dr eam ' st at e. Not ALL
of t he 'beings' or even 'dream scapes' t hat one encount ers wit hin t he
dream - st at e are t he ex clusive product s of ones own subconscious
m ind. - Brant on)

By coupling m ankind's inherent belligerence wit h t he fact of t he

Met agene affect , each hum an is unique and Ear t h becom es a
spawning ground for an unpredict able super- r ace, " if we have t he
chance" . Ot her s hav e already dem onst rat ed an awar eness of Man's
Pot ent ial [ t hroughout ] hum an hist ory . This is because t he Aliens are
her e t o t ry t o CONTROL Eart hlings befor e WE dom inat e THEM, and
t hey want our m ost im port ant secr et : THE METAGENE FACTOR,
which is t he Aliens' only hope.

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 28

Th e Orga niza t ion " - - I nside The Colla bor a t ion

The following inform at ion com es fr om an art icle writ t en by r esearcher William Ham ilt on,
t it led MAGI CAL CAVERNS, which was in t urn based upon Ham ilt on's book ALI EN MAGI C:

...The first case of subt erranean abduct ion t hat I invest igat ed occur r ed in 1988. I never
reached a firm conclusion regarding t he inform at ion t hat result ed from t his invest igat ion,
but did recieve corr obor at ing report s fr om ot her abduct ees. The incident occurr ed in t he

Rosam ond ar ea of t he Ant elope Valley in California up on t he sides of t he Tehachapi

Mount ains. The Tehachapi m ount ains rise on t he nort h side of t he valley. Ther e is a
saddle in t he m ount ains and a secret Nort hr op elect r om agnet ic t est ing facilit y is in t he
area j ust below t he saddle. The Nort hrop facilit y has been dubbed t he " Ant - hill" or t he
" Black Hole" by som e of t he locals who refer t o it as a m ult ileveled undergr ound facilit y.

Ray and Nancy w ork ed at t he Nort hr op B- 2 assem bly fact ory in Palm dale. Ray is a
Nat ive Am erican. Ray w as an aircraft inspect or and wor ked swing shift . One June night
he decided t o t ak e a m idnight ride wit h Nancy up t o t he cut in t he Tahachapi m ount ains.
This cut appear s as an inclined whit ish m ark on t he side of t he foot hills. I t act ually
m arks t he sit e of a r oad t hat winds up around t he m ount ains. On t he backside is an
ent rance t o an art ificial plat eau t hat had been blast ed out of t he rock s. Ray park ed his
t ruck on t his plat eau. They got out t o look at t he st ars and t he cit y light s of Lancast er
and Palm dale in t he valley far below. While look ing at t he st ars, Nancy not iced t hat
som e of t hem w er e m ov ing around and brought it t o Ray's at t ent ion. Ray got his
flashlight out of t he t ruck and st art ed signaling t he light s. At som e point , Nancy not iced
a bright basket ball- sized orb hov ering j ust above a nearby knoll. They bot h walked
closer t o get a bet t er look at t he orb. Ray t hought it had j ust risen out of som e invisible
opening in t he ground. I t seem ed t o be flashing and sparkling. Som e sor t of line dangled
from it s underside. I t r ose a lit t le higher and Nancy t ried t o speak t o it , having an
int uit ive feeling t hat som e int elligence has guided t he orb t o t hat plat eau for t heir
benefit . As t hey wat ched t his st range phenom enon ar ound one o'clock in t he m orning,
t hey next observ ed t he m orning dawn light over t he far dist ant east ern hills. Som et hing
had j ust snat ched four hours of t im e out of t heir lives. The orb was gone. They wer e
t er rified and drov e quickly hom e. The next day, t hey felt a vibrat ion going t hrough t heir
apart m ent . When t hey went out doors, t hey saw t wo orbs hov ering abov e t heir
apart m ent . This scar ed t hem badly.

I t ook Ray and Nancy t o a local hypnot ist and she r egr essed Ray. Nancy r efused t o be
regressed, expressing fear ov er what she m ight discover about t hose four hours of
m issing t im e. Ray w as an excellent subj ect . When in t rance, wit h lit t le prom pt ing, he fell
backwards nearly t o t he floor before we caught him . The r egr ession brought out som e
am azing rev elat ions. Ray and Nancy had been abduct ed and t ak en undergr ound!

Under hypnosis he k ept m ent ioning t he Kern River t o t he nort h. " Ther e is an ar ea near
t he Tehachapi Mount ains called t he Kern River Proj ect . The upper river is being used by
t he gov ernm ent for hydro- elect ric pow er t o pow er an underground facilit y at Tehachapi
Ranch [ act ually, t he Tej on Ranch] . The m ount ain next t o t he power facilit y is being
hollowed out ...t here is m ud all around and it 's so obvious, but apparent ly people aren't
looking. All t he power is being used for t he Ranch, which is t he sit e of undergr ound
'skunk w orks' wher e highly t echnical aircraft , spacecraft and all k inds of st uff are being
dealt wit h. I t is a huge undergr ound base, probably close t o t he size of t he one under 29
Palm s Marine Base. I t has huge hangers and very large elevat ors as well as t echnical
laborat ories. Ther e is a whole cit y under t here, large passageway s...t he whole valley is
full of t unnels. You can drive fr om one end t o t he ot her undergr ound. You can drive from
Palm dale, sit e of t he Nort hrop, Lockheed and 'black proj ect ' ar eas, t o California Cit y...all
undergr ound. Ther e are t unnels all t he way t o George AFB. Aliens apparent ly have
ACCESS...t hey 'v e been seen all over t he place. The [ corporat e] gov ernm ent LETS t hem
do what ever t hey want . They 'r e probing t he hum an brain, t rying t o find our
WEAKNESSES and learning how t o CONTROL us ( like t hey'v e appar ent ly 'learned' t o
'cont rol' t he secr et [ cor porat e] governm ent elit e who in t urn cont r ol t hese undergr ound
m ilit ary- indust rial net work s and who hav e in essence t urned t hese facilit ies ov er t o t he

aliens, whet her out of fear of r et aliat ion, out of som e t ype of global cont rol agreem ent ,
or j ust plain m ind cont rol? - Brant on) . They dissect hum ans...can't describe t he
dissect ions because t hey ar e not hum ane. Really m orbid. The 'gov ernm ent ' knows
it ...t hey j ust t urn t heir heads. Som e people in t he governm ent want t o STOP t his but
t hey don't know HOW t o st op it ."

( Not e: As so m any " in t he know" hav e already said, t he ent ire " alien- int eract ion"
scenario is com plet ely " out of cont rol" , which I would guess m eans t hat WE ar e NO
LONGER in cont r ol of t he sit uat ion. I n ot her w or ds t he " fram ew or k" which was cr eat ed
as a result of t he alien- int eract ion pr oj ect s when m ost of t he hum an collaborat ors
believed t hat t he " aliens" wer e benev olent , is STI LL in place, ev en aft er " we" lost cont r ol
of t he sit uat ion. Since t he aliens now have CONTROL of m uch of t he I NFRASTRUCTURE
t hat grew out of t he ear ly int eract ion proj ect s, t he cont rol- st ruct ur e or " est ablishm ent "
it self WI LL NOT and CAN NOT do anyt hing about t he sit uat ion. I t is up t o t hose on eart h
who ar e NOT bound by securit y RESTRI CTI ONS, or frat ernal secr et societ y OATHS, or in
t he case of hum anoid " visit ors" t hose who ar e not bound by non- int erferance
DI RECTI VES - - such as t he m any Nordic- Ter ran HYBRI DS who have according t o Michael
Wolf and ot hers been LEGALLY born int o t his societ y. I n ot herw ords it is t hose AND
ONLY THOSE who ar e FREE from and operat ing OUTSI DE OF 'THE SYSTEM' who have
t he pow er t o change t he sit uat ion for t he bet t er. - Brant on)

Ray was disconcert ed t hat Gr ey s had Nancy st rapped t o a t able in t his facilit y. He could
see inst rum ent s all around. During hypnosis he would freeze up when r ecalling t his
scene. He y elled and becam e very em ot ional. He was convinced t hey w ould rape her and
violat e her, y et he was helpless t o pr ev ent it . He and Nancy also felt t hey had cont act
wit h a benevolent race of aliens who had obser ved t heir capt ure [ by t he Gr ey s] . Aft er a
few m ont hs, Ray and Nancy announced t o m e t hat t hey want ed lit t le m or e t o do wit h
report ing furt her event s. They felt exposed and m onit ored and feared r et ribut ion if t hey
cont inued t alking. They last t old m e t hey int ended t o go t o Bible classes t o find refuge
from t his enorm ous EVI L t hat encroached upon t heir lives.

Many wit nesses hav e observ ed unusual phenom enon ov er t he Tej on Ranch. One night
on Mar ch 3, 1991 Pearl Schult z and Aric Leavit t sight ed five or six UFOs m oving in pairs
at various speeds and som et im es swit ching direct ions ov er t he Tehachapi Mount ains.
Each had a pulsat ing light t hat alt ernat ed fr om bright whit e t o heav y r ed. Mr s. Schult z
not iced or ange and y ellow color s. Som e of t he UFOs seem ed t o com e from t he saddle

A m an nam ed St an saw a bright flash of orange light which seem ed t o have a cigar -
shape. He saw t his fr om Avenue I looking nort hwest ov er t he Tehachapi's.

Three wit nesses w ent up t o t he plat eau near t he Ant hill on January 31, 1991. They saw
a green- glowing disk t ake- off fr om t his facilit y wit hout any apparent accelerat ion and
clim b at a 45 degr ee angle t o t he sout h. They also heard a t one when t hey sight ed t he
obj ect . When t rav eling back down t he road [ 170t h St reet West ] , t hey saw t wo black
vans and t wo black helicopt ers.

I n t he m orning dawn, a pilot was flying out of Fox Field on Avenue G headed for Merced.
His flight pat h would t ake him ov er t he Tehachapi's. When passing over t he saddle
wher e t he Ant hill is locat ed on February 23, 1991, he obser ved four whit e r ect angular
obj ect s hov ering over t he facilit y. He described t hem as being four t im es t he size of a
t ypical highway billboard. They w er e each separat ed by about 200 yards. Anot her

observ er, who was called on t he phone, dr ov e his car out t o t he highway and observ ed
t hese sam e obj ect s before t hey winked out ! ( cloaked? - Brant on)

One local m an who has propert y on 170t h St r eet West r eport ed seeing t he gr ound open
up like a m issile silo wit hin t he fenced param et er sur rounding t he Nort hrop inst allat ion.
He saw a flying saucer em erge from t his 'silo' and t ake off. He also claim ed t hat
som eone from Edwards had com e t o t alk t o him about his st or y and t old him t o shut up.
I furt her found out t hat t he m an's nam e is Chuck and he was a cont ract or who w ork ed
on t he undergr ound t unnels in t he Ant hill facilit y. He said t he t unnels have round
doorway s wit h panels t hat have red and gr een light s for I D and ent r y. Ther e are no
doors covering t hese doorways, but som e kind of field is proj ect ed fr om cylinders
em bedded in t he door w all. Tiny globes hov ered in t he t unnels and followed Chuck and
his crew ar ound. He t hought t hey were being used by t he Air Force as sensors. But
wher e did t he Air For ce get t he t echnology t o levit at e t hese orbs?

Joe t old m e a lot of st or ies. He at t ended m any of m y UFOrum m eet ings in Lancast er. He
claim s t o have had a close encount er and m issing t im e when t rav eling a road t hrough
t he sout h side of Edwar ds AFB one night . Joe w as in const ruct ion and held clearances for
wor king in m ilit ary oper at ion areas. He said t hat he had w or ked on an undergr ound
t unnel proj ect below Hayst ack But t e on t he East ern boundary of Edwar ds near t he NASA
Rock et Test Sit e. He also claim ed t hat he saw orbs roving around t hese t unnels. He
paint ed num bers inside a box locat ed on a st ripe t hat ran horizont ally m idway along t he
t unnel walls. I ask ed him how far t his t unnel ran below t he eart h's surface. He said t hat
he and fellow em ploy ees used t o count as t he elevat or descended t o t he t unnel level.
From t he count and fr om t he elevat or speed, I est im at ed t hat t he t unnel m ust have
been around 3,000 feet deep.

One t im e he saw a door open t o a r oom in one of t hese t unnels and he could see a very
t all alien st anding next t o t w o m en in whit e lab coat s. He t hought t his alien was all of
nine feet t all. He claim s t hat he saw t w o grey aliens inside a hangar at China Lake one
day when he w ent back inside t he hanger aft er finishing his work t o r et riev e a t ool t hat
he had left behind. Joe was always t elling m e fant ast ic st ories, yet he seem ed v ery
sincere. I nev er knew w het her t o believe him .

One day Joe t old m e about t wo old school buddies he had run acr oss. They bot h held
j obs in undergr ound facilit ies and had w or ked at t he Ant hill, he said. They w ould wor k
undergr ound for t w o w eeks at a st int . They lived in condos when w orking undergr ound.
These condos w er e also built int o t he underground facilit y. The governm ent even picked
up t he t ab on one guy 's alim ony. One was known as a com put er genius. He said t hat he
had seen bot h grey AND r ept ilian life form s in various undergr ound facilit ies. One of t he
undergr ound proj ect s w as Proj ect St art alk. The wor k involved laser s. The inform er , a
guy nam ed Paul, said t hat he w or ked in a big undergr ound building [ 350 feet acr oss] .
Proj ect St art alk ut ilized a pow er ful laser which st rikes a m irr or and is sent int o space.
The laser is m odulat ed wit h a signal and act s as a beacon t o bring in UFOs. Appar ent ly,
t he beacon is direct ed at friendly for ces from ot her syst em s. He also w ork ed at t he
Douglas facilit y near Llano. He once saw a saucer land and go int o an undergr ound
hanger. I nside t he undergr ound building is a huge com put er com plex. The work ers w ear
whit e clot hing and whit e socks [ no shoes] . The com put ers use an alien sym bolic
language. Manuals indicat e codes t hat can be ent ered. Ther e is a large lexon plast ic
scr een in t his com plex t hat displays various st ar syst em s and galaxies. A wax pencil is
used t o indicat e t arget s for t he laser. The t echnology used is so far adv anced t hat it is
beyond known engineer ing t echnology. The laser is also capable of I NTERDI MENSI ONAL

com m unicat ion. ( Hyper space or subspace com m unicat ion? I t w ould HAVE t o be so, since
laser- light m odulat ed in t hird dim ensional beam s w ould t ake at least 3 years t o reach
t he nearest st ar. - Brant on) Securit y wor kers accom pany all workers, even t o t he
bat hroom . Phones ar e t apped, ev en w ork er's hom e phones. I t t ook Paul and Gopher
[ t he second guy] t wo y ear s t o get a securit y clearance. ( Not e: I f t he Milit ary- I ndust rial
est ablishm ent or t he 'corporat e' governm ent is involved wit h t he alien int eract ion as it
would seem t o be, t hen t he elect orat e governm ent does not hav e ent ire cont r ol of t he
sit uat ion... t hose who cont rol t hese corporat e st ruct ures do! Or t hose whose m ot ivat ion
is t o increase t heir w ealt h and power ev en if it m eans m aking " business deals" wit h
m alevolent alien forces. Their m ot ivat ion would NOT necessarily be t o gov ern t he
Am erican cit izen's nor uphold and defend t he Const it ut ion of t he Unit ed St at es! As t hey
say, t he lust for m oney is t he root of ALL evil. - Brant on)

Gopher also work ed at t he Ant hill as a com put er specialist . He has also wor ked at
Lockheed's Helendale facilit y and at t he Nevada Test Sit e. Gopher says t hat we are
wor king wit h aliens and alien t echnology and it scar es t he hell out of him . He get s paid
well. He m ak es $145 t housand a y ear and t he 'governm ent ' pays his alim ony. He says
he has also work ed at SECTI ON D, bet t er know n as t he DULCE facilit y. He has seen
rept oids and Gr ey s in t hese undergr ound facilit ies. He doesn't hav e a life of his own. He
wor ked wit h whit e- skinned r ept oids ( pr obably t he " whit e draco" t hat Thom as Cast ello
spok e of - Brant on) . He has also seem m em bers of t he Orange race. HE HAS NOT SEEN
ANY BENEFI T TO HUMANI TY. He is t r ying t o find out what is going t o happen. He is
wor ried about what t he fut ure holds. He for esees an ALI EN WAR. He has a good lifest yle
undergr ound. Besides t he condo, he has swim m ing pools, saunas, and a gy m at his
disposal. He w orks 14 t o 16 day s on a shift . He is not allowed t o leave t he count ry and
m ust obt ain perm ission t o leave t he st at e. He says t he m ain cont rol cent er in t he valley
is at Hayst ack But t e. A t unnel runs from Hayst ack But t e t o t he Ant hill. Gopher believes
t here ar e benevolent aliens and says he saw one once. They ar e from a Federat ion. The
one he saw was hum an looking, a t all blond [ Nordic] t hat wor e a whit e j um p suit and
had a gr een coat ov er it . He believes t hat we ar e t r ying t o enlist t he aid of such friendly
beings. This is a ver y sim ilar scenario t o what I r ecieved in t he let t er fr om a vet eran.

My friend's st epson obt ained a j ob in an underground facilit y at Los Alam os. He say s
t here is a t ube shut t le t hat runs from t hat undergr ound facilit y t o SECTI ON D. He
wor ked on Level I which RUNS UNDER MAI N STREET [ in Dulce] . One block fr om t he PAN
AM building is t he old high school, now used as an engineering facilit y by HAKEN
TO THE COMPUTER ROOM. From t he com put er room a side t unnel int ersect s t he m ain
t unnel t ransit t ube t hat runs from Los Alam os t o Albuquerque. These levels ar e
prot ect ed by PROFORCE Securit y. At deeper, m or e secur e levels exist aut om at ic devices
t hat kill int ruders. A securit y guard accident ally t ripped an alarm and was killed by one
of t hese. These t unnels are a m inor part of a VAST net w or k of such t unnels. One ot her
t hing m ent ioned by t his source is an underground cit y which housed a populat ion of
t housands who occupied CONDOS. Many of t hese people lived perm anent ly
undergr ound. Som e of t he advanced t echnological research going on involves genet ic
labs using laser fusion. The budget for t he SURFACE facilit y [ alone] is OVER A BI LLI ON
DOLLARS A YEAR, but t he underground research proj ect s get MANY TI MES THI S
AMOUNT ( How m uch of t his com es fr om our har d- earned t ax dollars? I s t he Am erica
econom y and our w ealt h lit erally " going down t he t ubes" ? - Brant on)

Pam and I w er e int roduced t o an abduct ee nam ed Diane a few years ago. Diane lives
ov er in t he Apple Valley ar ea. She had ongoing alien encount er s since she was a child.

As she gr ew older, she st art ed experiencing abduct ions by hum ans t hat t ook her t o
undergr ound facilit ies. One of t hese undergr ound facilit ies she believed was locat ed at
China Lake Naval Weapons t est cent er ( j ust w est of t he Panam int Range and Deat h
Valley - Brant on) . She was t ak en down t o low er levels in an elevat or . Her descript ion of
t his elevat or m at ched t he descript ion given by a m an nam ed Thom as of an elevat or in
use at t he Dulce facilit y. Thom as' descript ion of t his and ot her det ails wer e nev er
published [ at t he t im e] so t hat w e could check out cor roborat ing ey ewit ness r eport s.
Evident ly t hese elevat or s have an unusual shape and operat e on m agnet ic forces in t he
elevat or shaft rat her t han using cable syst em s t o run t he elevat or up and down t he
shaft . Diane also report s t hat she was t aken on a t our of one part of t he facilit y by a
m an in a whit e coat . He show ed her hum ans t hat had been biologically alt ered. These
hum ans wer e housed in cages set about a foot abov e t he floor . She also saw alt ered
anim als. Her st or y was j ust as bizarre as Thom as' st ory of Level 7 at Dulce.

The st or y of an undergr ound base on t he Jicarilla Apache I ndian reservat ion first cam e
t o light around 1980 when Albuquerque physicist Paul Bennewit z report ed t he crash of
an alien ship on t he slopes of Archulet a Mount ain. Paul wrot e a let t er t o Senat or Pet e
Dom enici and Paul Gilm an in Washingt on D.C. This let t er was accom panied by a r eport .
He said, " At om ic ship or iginally out lined in m y report ...copy t o y ou...several year s ago
had crashed approxim at ely t wo m iles nort hw est of Dulce, NM near Archulet a Peak on
Archulet a Mesa" . He believed t her e was a concern because gam m a and neut ron
radiat ion could be em it t ed from t he crash sit e if t her e had been a nuclear m elt down.
Paul's THUNDER SCI ENTI FI C CORPORATI ON m anufact ured various det ect ion
inst rum ent s.

I n his PROJECT BETA report , Bennewit z st at ed t hat hum anoid aliens had a base near
Archulet a Mesa and t hat he had est ablished direct com put er com m unicat ion wit h aliens
at t he base. He did not believe t he aliens t o be t rust wort hy. Paul becam e paranoid about
t he gov ernm ent , t he aliens, and adm it t ed abduct ees whom he believed were being
cont r olled by t he aliens. At a MUFON confer ence held in Las Vegas in 1989, feat ured
speak er Bill Moor e m ade t he st at em ent t hat Paul Bennewit z was fed disinform at ion by
int elligence agent s, t hat he cont ribut ed t o t his effort , and t he WHOLE STORY concer ning
t he Dulce facilit y was const ruct ed ar ound t hese bit s of disinform at ion t hat were fed t o
Paul ( or was it a case of " r ev er se disinform at ion" in t he sam e vein as " r ev er se
psychology" ? - Brant on) . How ev er , t est im ony fr om Walt er Baum gart ner and st at e police
officer Gabe Valdez indicat es ot herwise. According t o t hem , t hey had SEEN video im ages
of aliens t hat Paul had m ade cont act wit h using his special equipm ent ( t hat is, a video-
radio link ut ilizing a hexadecim al code wit h com put er print out which he used t o
'int errogat ed' t he alien's collect ive int elligence via ship- t o- base com m unicat ion
fr equencies - Brant on) . These aliens would send m essages t hat w ould out put on Paul's
com put er print er. Som e of t he sent ence st ruct ure was disj oint ed. Wer e int elligence
agent s t aking ext r em e m easur e by hoaxing com put er com m unicat ions wit h Paul? For
what purpose? Appar ent ly Bennewit z was using special t ransm it t er coils t o send and
recieve elect r om agnet ic signals t o and fr om t he alien base.

Then along cam e Thom as. Thom as E. Cast ello was born in Glen Ellan, I llinois on April
23, 1941. Thom as was t he m an who r eleased t he Dulce paper s. His good friend, Ann
West ( pseudonym - t rue nam e on file.- Brant on) , t ells his st ory - - as Thom as has not
been heard fr om since 1991.

Thom as had a passion for ant ique cars, any ant ique car, but especially Packards, and
especially t he big- nosed car s of t he fort ies and early fift ies. A lot of his spar e t im e was

spent m odifying his 1949 Packard, and he needed special part s. His friends t old him
about an older m an in t own t hat had a m achine shop t hat could rebuild ant ique car s.
This old m an was Ed West , Ann's fat her . He found Ed easy t o t alk t o, not j ust about
cars, but anyt hing. The t wo spent endless hour s discussing cars, planes, and t he space
program . Tom and Ed found t hey w ere bot h fascinat ed wit h flying saucers.

Aft er a few m ont hs, Ed int roduced Tom t o " THE ORGANI ZATI ON" , a group t hat did deep
research on flying saucers and cont act ees. Tom com plet ed I NI TI ATI ON int o t he gr oup
and was soon on several assignm ent s.

At t hat t im e in 1961, Tom was in t he Air Force, st at ioned at Nellis AFB [ near] Las Vegas.
He was schooled in phot ography, and had r eciev ed a t op secr et clearance. He was given
t he opport unit y of r eceiving addit ional t raining in Virginia. There, he had his first
experience of w or king in an undergr ound base. When he left t hat facilit y, his t op secr et
clearance was upgraded t o TS- I V.

His dut ies as an Air Force sergeant included phot ographing a runway ex er cise in Florida.
He would m eet wit h Ann during his off- dut y t im e in Orlando. Tom was pleased t o
discover t hat Ann dr ov e a classic 1950 Packard st raight - eight wit h a beaut iful swan as a
hood ornam ent .

The next y ear , 1963, Ann m ov ed t o Las Vegas t o be near her folks.

When she was in Florida, she had a close encount er wit h a glowing flying saucer and was
act ually t aken on board. The haunt ing dream s and m em ories of t his incident bot hered
Ann. Tom int roduced HER t o " The Organizat ion" . Aft er a few visit s, Ann becam e init iat ed
int o t he gr oup and st art ed cert ain assignm ent s. She and Tom began t o collect book s,
art icles, and m agazines about UFOs. They would spend night s doing research.

Ov er t he y ears, Tom becam e like a br ot her t o Ann. His parent s w er e killed in a car
accident so he adopt ed Ann's par ent s int o his heart .

Tom st ay ed in high securit y phot ography for sev en y ear s, t hen left t he Air Force in
1971. He began working for RAND Corp. in California as a securit y t echnician. Wit hin a
year, his clearance was upgraded t o ULTRA- 3.

Tom m et Cat hy in 1972 and got m arried. I n Novem ber, 1974, Cat hy gave birt h t o Eric
Scot t Cast ello. They m oved t o Sant a Fe, New Mexico in 1977. Tom had been t ransfer r ed
and his clearance upgraded t o ULTRA- 7. He found his new posit ion financially rewarding,
but m or e st ressful. He t old Ann t hat he wor ked in an undergr ound facilit y t hat had
incredible securit y, for t he phot ography depart m ent . His j ob t ouched on all aspect s of
phot ography fr om large form at cam eras t o m ini cam eras. I t was his r esponsibilit y t o
check, align, and calibrat e all t he securit y video cam eras, from t he door s t o exit t unnels.
His posit ion required t hat he be arm ed at all t im es. I t was also his j ob t o escort visit ors
t o cert ain areas of t he base. This facilit y cam e t o be known as t he Dulce Base. When
Tom finally left his j ob, he had earned t he securit y rank of Maj or.

Tom and Cat hy, and TAL and Mary LeVesque, all lived in Sant a Fe, New Mexico in 1979
when Ann went t o visit t hem . Tom seem ed m or e int ense t han usual. He said t hat he
wished t hat he could t alk t o Ann about his concerns, but his high securit y clearance
prev ent ed him from say ing m uch. The day Ann left New Mexico, Tom pr essed a folded

piece of paper int o her hand and whispered quiet ly, " don't let any one see t his." She
slipped it int o her pocket . That night , alone at a m ot el in Durango, she opened t he
paper. Ther e w er e t hr ee t hings on it s yellow page: a sk et ch of an alien; an invert ed
t riangle; and t he nam e Dulce. She st ar ed at t he m yst erious drawing and t ried t o figure
out what it all m eant . The alien in t he drawing had a large head, big black ey es, no nose
and no hair. The t riangle was shaded black. Aft er looking at it , she flushed t he paper
down t he t oilet . That night , she had night m ares about aliens.

The next m orning, ov er coffee, she was looking at a m ap for a rout e back t o Las Vegas
when she not iced t he nam e of a sm all t own near t he New Mexico st at e line called
'Dulce.' Wer e t here aliens in Dulce? What was Tom t rying t o t ell her? Then she
rem em ber ed wher e she had seen t he black t riangle befor e. The sym bol was on a hat on
Tom 's coffee t able. I t w as burnt orange wit h a black invert ed t riangle wit h gold bands
cut t ing it in t hree sect ions.

( Not e: I t is int erest ing t hat t his t hree- level t riangle is invert ed, when w e consider t hat
som e 'Nordic' gr oups use an UPRI GHT t riangle wit h t hree horizont al lines t hrough it as
t heir em blem . Som e 'Christ ian' sour ces hav e report ed 'visions' of t he 'New Jerusalem '
cit y m ent ioned in t he book of Rev elat ion, as being a vast cit y of LI GHT and of py ram idal
shape and in t hree levels. This 'cit y of light ' has been report edly observ ed - - using
super- powerful t elescopes - - t o be em erging from t he 'nebula' far bey ond t he Orion
clust er, and it is said t o be on a direct course t o eart h. This is report edly t he suprem e
headquart ers of t he angelic forces and t he Triune Godhead under whom t hey serv e,
according t o t hese Christ ian sources. This descript ion would coincide wit h t he Nordic
em blem of an upright t hree- level t riangle or pyr am id, in t hat t hese hum anoids would no
doubt be awar e of t his Divine cent er of angelic act ivit y I F our elit e scient ist s ar e, and t he
fact t hat an I NVERTED or upside- down t hree- level t riangle is associat ed wit h t he Dulce
base m ight denot e a direct Luciferian connect ion. This is especially int erest ing if t he
report s ar e t rue which st at e t hat t he Dulce base has it s count erpart s wit hin t he 4t h and
5t h densit ies or dim ensions of t hat part icular point in t im e- space. - Brant on)

She decided t o drive t hr ough Dulce looking for som et hing suspicious, but found not hing.
She w ent back t o Durango and dr ov e t o Cort ez. She fell in love wit h it , and m ov ed t o

Early in Decem ber of t hat year, Tom paid Ann a surprise visit . He t old her t hat he had
walked out on his j ob som e m ont hs ago aft er a m aj or disput e br ok e out bet w een
securit y wor kers and a m ilit ary group. Tom said t hat t he securit y for ce used " flash
guns," but t he m ilit ary group was arm ed wit h m achine guns ( alt hough an appar ent
hum an/ alien securit y force m ay have possessed flash guns and t he m ilit ary for ce
m achine guns - - t his does not necessarily m ean t hat a weapons disput e was t he SOLE
't rigger' of t he conflict - Brant on) . He said it was like a war wit h scr eam ing and panic in
all t he t unnels. A lot of people died in t he conflict . He wonder ed what st ory t he
governm ent would use t o cov er- up t he deat hs. I n Februar y, 1980, t he m edia report ed a
prison riot near Los Alam os and t hat m any prisoners died. Was t his t he cover- up?

Tom adm it t ed t hat he w as in t rouble. He w ent back t o t he base and t ook phot os, paper s,
and ot her it em s. He had ent ered and left t hrough a vent ilat ion shaft inside an I CE CAVE.
Aft er leaving t he cave, he r et urned t o a pr epar ed box, put ev er yt hing in t he box , and
buried it . He w ent back t o his car, but securit y was wait ing for him . They quest ioned him
about his purpose for being t here, but allowed him t o leave. He was on his way t o
Colorado Springs, and now he was " on t he run." He asked Ann t o hav e fait h in him and

t hat he was st ill t he sam e m an she had always known as a friend.

The next day, aft er he had left , t hree m en from O.S.I . showed up and quest ioned Ann
about Tom 's where- about s. On four ot her visit s in Decem ber ot her m en quest ioned her
and she t old t hem she k new not hing about wher e he had gone. I n January, t he CI A
cam e t o her door. They insist ed t hat she was wit hholding inform at ion.

Ann had been in a car accident in 1978 and had r ecur ring headaches. I n January, 1980
she checked int o a hospit al in Farm ingt on, New Mexico. She went in for an angiogram ,
but wok e up t o find t hat she had had a st roke. She had t o r e- learn everyt hing again. At
t hat t im e t he OSI and CI A st opped bot hering her.

I t was June of 1982 befor e she heard fr om Thom as again. He called from her dad's
house. They t alked for hours. He had been running for his life and had been in t went y
st at es and four count ries. He showed her m edical papers and scient ific diagram s, but
Ann could not m ake sense of it all. Tom t old her t hat t he 'governm ent ' had a t reat y wit h
an alien nat ion and t hat aliens had been on [ under] t his eart h for count less cent uries.
He showed Ann pages of alien writ t en m at erial and t ranslat ed paper s. I t was hor rifying.
He t old her t hat Cat hy and Eric had been KI DNAPPED and w er e being' held CAPTI VE in a
subt er ranean base. He needed a safe place t o hide all t he original paper s t hat h e t ook
from t he Dulce Base and ot her t hings of a subst ant ial nat ure t o prove t he alien
conspiracy . Tom and Ann buried t he box of m at erial on a m ount ain. Years hav e changed
t he t errain, and Ann has not been able t o relocat e t he exact burial sit e.

Sound like a t all t ale? Many t hink it is. Ann had phot os of Thom as and det ails of his life
in her files. TAL m et wit h him once. He is a r eal per son. He answer ed som e of m y
quest ions by m ail. He fully believes what he say s and has answer ed t he quest ions when
he knows t he answ er s. Som e of t his inform at ion has been published in hopes of elicit ing
furt her wit ness t est im ony. So far , I only know of t hr ee ot her s who claim t hey hav e been
t o t his undergr ound facilit y. One m an is known t o a friend of m ine and was t rained as a
nuclear physicist .

The Dulce Facilit y is a sev en- level undergr ound r esear ch base, run by t he D.O.E. [ Dept .
Of Energy] ( As is t he Nevada Test Sit e - Brant on) and connect ed t o t he Los Alam os labs.
Lev el I has garages, st r eet m aint enance equipm ent , phot o labs, hydr oponic gardens t o
grow fr esh v eget ables, fruit s, legum es, et c., hum an housing, a m ess hall, VI P housing, a
kit chen, and a securit y vehicles garage. Each of t he levels has color - coded elect ric car s
t hat are used for short - dist ance t ransport . Level 6 houses t he infam ous " Night m are
Hall" ; a securit y arsenal; a m ilit ary arsenal; m ilit ary securit y; and a generat or/ im pulsor.
The generat or is 200 feet in diam et er , and has a t wo- level Elect rom agnet ic im pulse
device t hat can cr eat e a per fect clone [ duplicat e or r eplicat e] of a per son.

Science- Fict ion? Abduct ees hav e described being t aken t o sim ilar facilit ies.

Ther e is no pr oof unless som eone can find t he box. I f it is t here! ( or unless one succeeds
in discovering one of t he ent rances t o t he base, alt hough t here w ould no doubt be risks
if one w er e t o at t em pt ent rance t o t he base wit hout full- scale m ilit ary backup. -
Brant on) .

How ev er, t hese st ories have prom pt ed r esearchers, including m yself, t o find
docum ent ed evidence of underground facilit ies, and we hav e found plent y. That such an

undergr ound EMPI RE ex ist s in alm ost t ot al secr ecy is absolut ely am azing. Few quest ion
it s exist ence, it s purpose, or t he t rem endous ex pendit ure of m onies t hat m ust have
gone int o t he design, const ruct ion, m aint enance, and operat ions of t hese facilit ies...

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 29

" Th ey Live " : Cha m eleon s I n Our M idst !?

John A. Keel, in his book 'OUR HAUNTED PLANET', gives an

int erest ing int roduct ion t o t he realit y of an alien race t hat has
t aken car eful m easur es t o r em ain hidden fr om t he m ass
consciousness of t hose dwelling on t he sur face of planet eart h - -
or t hose ignorant 'hum an cat t le' whom t hey are int ent on
m anipulat ing and exploit ing from t heir secr et hiding places
abov e, below and even am ongst t he inhabit ant s of planet eart h:

" ...The parahum an Serpent People of t he past are st ill am ong

us. They w ere pr obably wor shipped by t he builder s of
St onehenge and t he for got t en ridge- m aking cult ures of Sout h
Am erica.

" ...I n som e part s of t he world t he Serpent People successfully

posed as gods and im it at ed t he t echniques of t he super-
int elligence [ God] . This led t o t he form at ion of pagan religions
cent er ed ar ound hum an sacrifices. The conflict , so far as m an
him self was concerned, becam e one of r eligions and races.
Whole civilizat ions based upon t he w or ship of t hese false gods
rose and fell in Asia, Africa, and Sout h Am erica. The
bat t leground had been chosen, and t he m ode of conflict had
been decided upon.

" The hum an r ace w ould supply t he pawns. The m ode of cont rol
was com plicat ed as usual. Hum an beings wer e largely free of
direct cont rol. Each individual HAD TO CONSCI OUSLY COMMI T

" The m ain bat t le was for what was t o becom e k nown as t he
hum an soul.

" Once an individual had com m it t ed him self, he opened a door so

t hat an indefinable som et hing could act ually ent er his body and

ex er cise som e cont r ol over his subconscious m ind.

" ...t he Serpent People or OMEGA Gr oup, at t ack ed m an in

various way s, t rying t o rid t he planet of him . But t he super-
int elligence was st ill able t o look ov er m an... God w ork ed out
new way s of com m unicat ion and cont rol, always in conflict wit h
t he Serpent People."

I n relat ion t o t hese 'Ser pent People' - - who som e claim are now
living am ong us and have been doing so for a v er y long t im e - -
t he anonym ous I nt elligence officer and planet ar y pat riot
'Com m ander X' released det ails of an incident which m ay well
have com e right out of a John Carpent er m ovie, if not for t he
fact t hat t he Com m ander him self, fr om his own high- securit y
posit ion wit hin t he I nt elligence Com m unit y, is convinced of it s
pot ent ial realit y:

" ...Anot her st ory com es fr om a privat e st at ioned on t he surface

at Dulce. He soon r ealized som et hing m ight y 'odd' was going on
around t here, but it t ook a while t o put his finger on it .

" 'One m orning last Sept em ber, I was w orking on a r out ine j ob
when anot her of t he y oung enlist ees, a m echanic, cam e in wit h
a sm all rush j ob he want ed w elded at once. He had t he print and
proceeded t o show m e exact ly what he want ed. We are bot h
bending over t he bench in front of t he w elder w hen I happened
t o look direct ly int o his face. I t seem ed t o suddenly becom e
cov ered wit h a sem i- t ransparent film or cloud. His feat ur es
faded and in t heir place appear ed a 't hing' wit h bulging eyes, no
hair and SCALES for skin. I st ood and looked at it for about 20
seconds. WHATEVER I T WAS st ood and looked at m e wit hout
m oving. Then t he st range face seem ed t o fade away, and at t he
sam e t im e recede int o t he ordinary face of t he young m an
underneat h. The dissipat ion of t he im posed face last ed or t ook
about five seconds before it was com plet ely gone and I was
st anding t here weak, m y m out h open and st aring at t he y oung
m an who had com e in wit h t he rush order. The young 'm an' did
not seem t o be conscious of t he elapsed t im e w hen I had
observ ed all t his but went right on t alking about t he j ob as if
not hing had happened.

" 'This is hard t o t ak e but I assure y ou it was st ill harder for m e.

No one can realize a j olt you could get from seeing anyt hing like
t his unt il t hey have experienced it for t hem selves. I t was sev er al
days befor e I had m yself convinced t hat m aybe aft er all what I
had seen was r eal and t hat I was not suffering from illusions and
t he beginning of insanit y. Days passed befor e I saw t his
part icular phenom ena again. The next t im e was lat er at night at
t he guard house near t he front gat e, on t he way t o w or k. I had
purchased som e sm all it em s and on arriving I w ent ar ound t o
t he guard house wit h m y slip t o ret riev e m y package. Ther e was
only one guard on dut y. I handed him t he check and he began

t o look at t he package, t aking his t im e. I wait ed a m inut e, t hen

happened t o look direct ly at him again. His face began t o
change. Again a face of a st range creat ure was im posed. You
could see t hr ough t he im posed face for a few seconds and t hen
it becam e t he only one visible [ solidified is t he word] and again
about 20 seconds durat ion. Again five seconds for dissipat ion
and t he guard st art ed t o m ove norm ally again, found m y
package and gravely handed it t o m e and I walked out wit hout a
word being said.'"

Since com ing across t his r eport fr om t he 'Com m ander', I m ade

an effort t o see if t here wer e any ot her sim ilar account s t hat
m ight confirm t he exist ence of 'Cham eleons' or alien 'infilt rat ors'
wor king on t he sur face of planet eart h in an apparent at t em pt t o
pass t hem selves off as hum an beings and blend- in wit h our
societ y, for what ev er nefarious agenda t hey m ight be ser ving.
Som e of t he report s of quasi- hum an infilt rat ors spoke of t he
" Men I n Black" who hav e t er rorized UFO wit nesses. Alt hough
m any of t he 'M.I .B.' who hav e been report ed w er e obviously
hum ans wor king for som e obscure sur face, ot her- planet ary or
subt er ranean int elligence agency AS WELL AS ot hers t hat
appear ed t o be eit her cyborgs, clones or even paraphysical
m anifest at ions, t here w as a branch of t he so- called MI B which
bet ray ed definit e r ept ilian charact erist ics. These in essence w ere
rept ilian hum anoids wit h a full- blown - - alt hough at t im es not -
t oo- convincing - - 'reconst ruct ive surgery ' j ob, apparent ly
int ended t o allow t hem t o operat e in hum an societ y undet ect ed.
Som e of t he early 'infilt rat ors' bet ray ed t hem selves wit h t heir
'plast ic' or art ificial appearance, wher eas in m or e recent y ears
t he 'disguise' has becom e far m or e

sophist icat ed wit h t he advent of m olecular shape- shift ing occult -

t echnology, t echno- hypnot ic t ransm it t ers, and port able laser-
hologram t echnology [ according t o one source] , and t her efor e
harder t o det ect . How ev er t her e ARE ways...

Resear cher George Andrew s, in his book EXTRATERRESTRI AL

Lilburn, GA 30226] quot es a st at em ent m ade by Valdam ar
Valerian, direct or of LEADI NG EDGE RESEARCH:

" ...A friend of m ine and four of his friends exper im ent ed wit h
cry st alline st ruct ur es a year or t w o ago ( m id- 1980's - Brant on) ,
and t hey figured out how t o cut t hem along cer t ain planes so
t hey could act ually see t he aura or energy field around people.
That 's when t hey discov er ed t hat all people aren't 'people', or
t he people t hey t hought t hey w ere. I t appear s t hat som e E.T.
hum anoids have a dar k blue ovoid aura. ( Not e: Aura cam eras
dev eloped by Chuck Shr am ek - - yes, t he sam e Chuck Shram ek
of t he 'Hale- Bopp Com panion' cont roversy - - and ot hers clearly
show t he 7 m ult i- colored 'chak ra' point s of t he hum an soul/ spirit
m at rix. Pr esum ably since rept ilians have NO soul, t hey would

have NO m ult icolored auric field. - Brant on) . I t so happens t hat

all t he people t hey checked t hat m et t his crit eria also wor e dar k
glasses and m ade ev er y at t em pt t o act like t hey r eally want ed
not hing t o do wit h people in general.

" They followed one of t hese people out int o t he desert wher e he
evident ly had a t railer. Aft er wait ing unt il dusk, t hey m ade a
pret ense of needing help and knocked on t he door. Aft er a short
while, t he light went on and t he m an cam e t o t he door. He
SLI TS I NSTEAD OF CI RCLES. I t w or ks. The only t r ouble is t hat it
cost s $2,000 t o put a pair of t hose glasses t oget her ..."

Sev eral ar eas acr oss t he West ern U.S. w here surface and/ or
undergr ound m ilit ary inst allat ions exist have r eport edly
produced sim ilar 'Cham eleon' sight ings. There seem s t o be a
t rend which involves t he infilt rat ion of t he NSA- CI A and t he
subsequent 'r eplacem ent ' of agency per sonnel, and in t urn
Milit ary- I ndust rial personnel, by alien life form s not loyal t o
planet eart h nor t o t he hum an race in general. These report s are
very sim ilar t o ot her r eport s t hat m ade t he rounds wit hin 'fringe'
research groups during t he early 1980's concer ning t he report ed
'assim ilat ion' of high- ranking Com m unist officials and scient ist s
by serpent - like hum anoids, rept ilian beings t hat were r eput edly
revived out of suspended anim at ion from a fr ozen cit y t hat was
discovered under t he nort hern Siberian ice fields. The was
referr ed t o as t he " Siber ian Affair" . Ar e t heir r eally 't ares' living
am ong t he 'wheat ' as all t hese r eport s suggest ?

Aside fr om Dulce, New Mexico and t he Nevada Test Sit e, ot her

areas wher e t hese " cham eleon" sight ings have t aken place
include Deep Springs, CA wher e t hese alien " im post ors" hav e
allegedly been sight ed; and Dugway, Ut ah wher e one w om an by
t he nam e of Barbara who w or ked as a hair st ylist claim ed she
saw one of t he HI GH RANKI NG MI LI TARY OFFI CI ALS t ransform
t em porarily int o an ent it y wit h 'rept ilian' feat ur es. Anot her
sour ce at Dugway who wor ked in an aut o shop claim ed t hat he
saw a sim ilar phenom ena while changing t he t ires on t he car of
one Dugway m ilit ary official. Rem em ber t hat Dugway w ork s
closely wit h Area 51, w hich is j ust t o t he w est and acr oss t he
st at e border . I t is int erest ing t hat t here ar e claim s t hat t he j oint
CI A- alien act ivit y wit hin t he 'Dr eam land' underground com plexes
of Nev ada hav e and are being ext ended t o t he undergr ound
facilit ies below t he St . George and Dugway ar eas of Ut ah,
am ong ot her sit es.

Anot her 'sight ing' of t hese im post or s occurr ed j ust sout h of t he

m id- point of an old t oll road t hat ran bet w een Hopland and
Lakeport , California. The sight ing involved large black
aut om obiles t hat would leave and ent er a dead- end r oad in t he
area. When invest igat ed, t he t ire t racks ran right up and under a
large boulder at t he base of a cliff and seem ingly disappear ed

beneat h it , and since t he road was fenced on one side and a

st eep hill exist ed on t he ot her, it is unlikely t hat t he large
aut om obiles wer e able t o t urn around. This sam e area,
especially one part icular m ount ain t here, is known as a very
unusual place. 'Bot t om less' cav es wit h st one st airwells have
been report ed. Gov ernm ent v ehicles and personnel have
'disappeared' wit hout a t race on t he road. An 'at m osphere of
fear' is said t o exist in an area appr oxim at ely 30 m iles in
diam et er. Also t her e have been a lot of unexplained deat hs
am ong t he set t lers in t he area. Appar ent ly t his area is t he sit e of
a large underground cent er of 'alien' act ivit y. This act ivit y was
t aking place back in t he 1930's, long befor e t he so- called ALI EN
" Men I n Black" st art ed get t ing any m aj or at t ent ion from
Ufologist s in Am erica.

The Dulce enigm a [ and t he " cham eleons" ] hav e not only
infilt rat ed Ut ah, Nevada and California, but seem s t o have
st ret ched it s t ent acles all t he way up t o t he Pacific nort hwest .
One ar ea of part icular int erest is t he Madigan Milit ary Hospit al
sout h of Seat t le, Washingt on near FORT LEWI S... which has
been invest igat ed by Val Valerian. I n June of 1992 Valerian
released t he following art icle, t it led " ALI EN I NFI LTRATI ON OF
WASHI NGTON" , in his LEADI NG EDGE new slet t er:

" About a y ear ago, w e r an int o SEVERAL PEOPLE who st at ed t hat

t hey 'had heard' t hat 'REPTI LI AN HUMANOI DS WERE WORKI NG
At t hat point , t hese st at em ent s wer e sim ply filed away in 'rum or'
st at us, pending t he ar rival of som et hing m or e subst ant ial.
Descript ions of t he nat ure of and appearance of alien hum anoid
for m s t hat could be t er m ed 'REPTI LI AN' vary w idely. REPTI LI AN
VERY LI ZARD- LI KE, EVEN WI TH TAI LS. Pict ures showing som e
of t hese ent it ies wer e published in an I TALI AN m agazine and
ev ent ually ended up in t he Unit ed St at es in 'The Leading Edge'.
Logic would seem t o t ell us t hat if alien hum anoids wer e in fact
in 'collusion' wit h m ilit ary m edical personnel at a hospit al, t hey
would not in fact have t he appearance of anyt hing ot her t han
hum ans, or be close enough t o hum ans t o blend in. About a
m ont h ago, t he nat ur e of synchr onicit y brought m e t o an
espresso bar , wher e I chanced t o engage a lady in her early 50's
in som e sm all conversat ion about an ent irely unrelat ed m at t er.
She had been a nur se for som e t w ent y years, and sixt een of
t hose t went y years had been spent w or king for t he U.S. Arm y .
She r et ired from t he ser vice and was now j ob hunt ing in t he
local area. She was v er y pr ofessional, and seem ed t o know a lot
about t he nursing field.

Gradually, her conv er sat ion got around t o a 'very unusual place',
Madigan Milit ary Hospit al, which is locat ed on Rout e 5 sout h of
Seat t le. She had applied for w or k at t he hospit al and not iced

t hat it was indeed a hospit al unlike any she had ev er seen

befor e. Madigan is a brand new $150 m illion dollar facilit y, built
about a y ear or so ago. From her descript ion, t her e are sm all
R2D2- t ype robot s t hat shut t le prescript ions bet ween floor s, all
t he equipm ent is prot ot ype 'one- of- a- kind', like laser x- ray s and
a lot of equipm ent t hat was ext r em ely high t ech. I t was not t his
alone which peaked m y int erest , but a com m ent she m ade lat er .
She m ade t he st at em ent t hat when she ent er ed a specific lab in
t he hospit al, she not iced t hat all t he personnel wer e ext rem ely
absorbed in t heir work - - not hing t oo uncom m on about t hat . But
t hen she st at ed t hat she had t he t hought t hat som e of t he
equipm ent looked quit e 'alien', AND TWO MEN WHO LOOKED
UNI SON. That got m y int er est . She t hen st at ed t hat during t he
t our of t he facilit y, t he individual who was escor t ing her said
t hat t he t op floor of t he hospit al AND TWO OF THE SUB-
BASEMENT FLOORS wer e Top Secret R&D ar eas and were off
lim it s t o BOTH m ilit ary and civilian personnel. That really got m y
at t ent ion.

" Subsequent ly, I ran int o a cable r epairm an who was inst alling
cable TV in a nearby t own, and decided on a hunch t o m ent ion
t o him about t he st r ange nat ur e of Madigan. The hunch paid off.
He said he had been involved in t he inst allat ion of fiber opt ic
net works bet w een t he floors of t he hospit al when it was in it s
const ruct ion st age, and t hat t here was a t hr ee foot space in
bet ween t he floor s wher e t he opt ics ran.

" Since t hese observat ions wer e t he r esult of her [ t he nur se's]
prelim inary int erview, I t alked t o her about t he idea of get t ing
m or e inform at ion, since she would be going back at least one
m or e t im e. She agr eed t o m ak e som e t apes of her obser vat ions.
The t ranscript of t hese t apes is as follows:

" 'VI SI T TO MADI GAN HOSPI TAL - - The ent rance t o Madigan
hospit al is off of I nt erst at e 5 past Olym pia, Washingt on. The exit
is m arked as 'Madigan Hospit al, Cam p Murray Exit '. As you ent er
t he ar ea t he hospit al sit s t o t he right - - a m assive whit e
st ruct ur e. As y ou ent er t he parking lot , t her e is a pond and
sunken area t hat runs t hrough a bridge which connect s t he
'm edical m all' area t o a t hree st ory building t hat serv es as t he
m ain core of t he hospit al, where t he services like x - ray, nuclear
m edicine and ot her serv ices ar e per form ed.

" 'The t hree st ory com plex is connect ed t o an eight - st ory t ow er

dubbed 't he nur sing t ower .' The t ow er has a floor t hat is closed
off, and I could find no access t o it .

" 'I ent er ed t he front of t he hospit al, and t he lobby was very
t ypical, but not t ypical of a hospit al of t his size. I t hen went t o

t he inform at ion desk and was greet ed by an 'orient al' Specialist

4t h Class, who w as seat ed. He seem ed very low key and laid
back. I was direct ed t o Hum an Resour ces.

" 'As I walked t hr ough t he corridors, I not iced how beaut iful and
calm I was beginning t o feel. The color s are v er y soft and
conducive t o feeling m ellow ( a 't ranquil- ized' at m ospher e
designed t o negat e any apprehensions? - Brant on) .

" 'The m ilit ary personnel WERE VERY SLOW- MOVI NG [ which has
NOT been m y experience in t he past , having serv ed five years
as an Arm y nur se] , and LOW KEY. I went t o t he Hum an
Resources and ask ed about an applicat ion, and was direct ed t o a
Mast er Sergeant - - direct or of personnel.

" 'Having been a m edical t echnologist for t he bet t er part of 25

years, t he equipm ent I saw at t he hospit al was far bey ond
anyt hing I hav e ev er seen. I was shown an ar ea where t her e
was a long r oom wit h com put er banks on bot h sides where bot h
civilian and m ilit ary per sonnel were working. Befor e ent ering t he
room , I was asked t o st and in front of t he door, wher e I was
scanned by som e beam - like light . I was t old t hat m y t herm al
pat t ern was being recor ded in order t o perm it m y ent r y t o t he
room .

" 'Off t his room was anot her room wher e pr ocedures w er e
conduct ed on pat ient s, and I not iced t hat a pat ient walked over
and clim bed on an exam t able. The procedure t hey w er e doing
always requires t hat t he pat ient m ust be sedat ed, HOWEVER I
AND THE PROCEDURE WAS STARTED. What kind of doct or can
t ouch a pat ient in t hat way and sedat e him ?

" 'I look ed around at t he ot her per sonnel in t he room at t his

t im e. Ther e w ere t wo, a Privat e First Class and a Specialist 4t h
Class at opposit e ends of t he room fr om wh er e I was st anding.
was t alking wit h t he Ser geant and happened t o say som et hing
t o m y self v ery soft ly while having t he t hought how st range
t hese people seem ed. BOTH OTHER MEN TURNED AND LOOKED
FEELI NG. I had heard befor e from a friend whose brot her had
m ade t he uncharact erist ic com m ent t hat 'ALI ENS WORKED AT
MOTI ON. I left t he ar ea and went back t o t he Sergeant 's office.

" 'A m ont h lat er, I ret urned t o Madigan wit h a friend t o see,
wit hout t elling her anyt hing of m y experience, if she saw and
felt t he sam e t hings I did. She is v er y sensit ive t o variat ions in
elect r om agnet ic fields, and ev ent ually had a headache and
becam e nauseat ed. There ar e m any ot her t hings about t his
place. Bet w een t he floor s t here ar e spaces wher e sm all robot s
m ov e t o deliver supplies t o all t he wards and ot her ar eas in t he
hospit al, according t o t he Sergeant . I was t old t hat t here is no
reason for per sonnel t o go int o t hese ar eas - - t hat t he r obot s do
all t hat . I did see one of t he r obot devices. I t look ed like t he
R2D2 charact er on 'st ar war s'.

" 'My friend and I ent ered t hrough what is know n as t he clinic
m all. This area houses t he out pat ient clinic. THERE WERE VERY
one floor abov e t hat are off lim it s t o ALL PERSONNEL, MI LI TARY
AND CI VI LI AN, and t hat t hese areas w er e classified Top Secret
and wer e r esear ch and dev elopm ent [ R&D] areas. THERE ARE
t hree- st ory m ain service area has a com plex on t op of it THAT
from t he way t he hospit al is built , t here ar e a lot of 'DEAD
AREAS' t hat com prise spaces THAT CANNOT BE ACCESSED

" 'The personal feeling we bot h got being in t he hospit al WAS

had driven SEVERAL MI LES fr om t he facilit y t hat we st art ed t o
feel bet t er .'"

I cam e across y et anot her r eport suggest ing t hat rept iloid
ent it ies were infilt rat ing our m ilit ary- indust rial com plex, however
t he ex act sour ce of t his part icular st ory was not confirm ed and
t herefor e should be t aken as is. The r eport st at ed t hat som et im e
during t he 1980's a Secret ary w orking in t he Pent agon not iced a
high- ranking Pent agon 'official' who had appar ent ly lost a
cont act lens. The ey e fr om wher e t he lens fell out was NOT
hum an, but inst ead cont ained a vert ically- slit pupil. No one
wor king at t he Pent agon seem ed t o know wher e t he official
wor ked alt hough t hey had apparent ly assum ed t hat he was
supposed t o be t her e in som e capacit y or anot her . The Secr et ary
howev er inform ed her superiors of t he st range incident , and
im m ediat ely Securit y Personnel approached t he 'officer' who
apparent ly was not aware of his m issing cont act lens. The 'm an'
did not m ake any m aj or at t em pt s t o resist . When t he apart m ent
of t his 'official' was sear ched, copies of sev eral sensit ive
docum ent s on t he " St ar War s" or " St rat egic Defense I nit iat ive"
program w er e discov er ed. Appar ent ly t he ent it y had been
st ealing t he docum ent s and t ransm it t ing t heir cont ent s t o som e
point beyond t he planet . Rum or had it t hat t he ent it y was

physically exam ined and it was discover ed t hat it s int ernal

organs wer e NOT hum an.

I n reference t o t he Draconian int erest in our planet ary defense

net , I pass on t he following inform at ion fr om Brit ish UFOlogist
Tim ot hy Good, who described t he unfort unat e fat e of sev eral
expert s who assist ed in t he dev elopm ent of t he STAR WARS
defense sy st em . Appar ent ly, t hey w ere eit her elim inat ed by
t hose t hey work ed for so t hat t hey would not r eveal what t hey
knew, or som eone or som et hing 'else' t hat was not pleased wit h
t he ult im at e product s of t heir effort s was responsible for t heir
t ragic deat hs. Cert ainly, all of t hese scient ist s dying at once
cannot be explained in coincident al t erm s, what ev er t he case:

" ...Report s of suspicious deat hs, darkly and deeply linked t o

UFO's, persist , however , and cont inue t o cause speculat ion.
Word com es fr om Gordon Cr eight on, edit or of t he inform at ive
FLYI NG SAUCER REVI EW, who not es a possible deat hly t ie- in
wit h t he U.S. 'St ar Wars' pr ogram . He wr ot e t o m e in Nov. 1988
as follows:

" ' in Brit ain 22 scient ist s have report edly eit her t aken
t heir own lives or died in very st range or m yst erious
circum st ances. And it seem s t hat m ost ... were engaged in
Brit ish work on behalf of, or r elat ed t o t he U.S. 'St ar War s'
program . The Brit ish governm ent , it seem s, was t rying t o hush
it up. But press st at em ent s her e say t hat t he U.S. gov ernm ent
had put our governm ent on t he spot and dem anded a full
inquiry. So, quit e clearly, it is eit her t he Russians or THEM...'

" As m any r esear chers have surm ised, 'St ar War s', ost ensibly
conceived as a defensive syst em against Russian m issile at t ack,
m ay have had from it 's beginning a 'defensive' UFO connect ion.
What ev er t he case, a 'm ock t est ' in Sept em ber, 1988, of an
eart h- shat t ering warhead - - m uch like 'St ar War s' in reverse - -
was conduct ed at t he Tonopah Test Range in Nevada.
Announced as a pr oposed super- w eapon designed t o dest roy
'Russian' undergr ound com m and cent ers dug in solid rock down
t o 1,000 [ feet ] , som e UFO analyst s believe t hat t he r eal t arget is
not Russian but anot her adversary deep down in cavernous
inst allat ions I N NEVADA AND NEW MEXI CO. ( Hopefully t his
weapon will only be used only against t hose underground bases
wher e no hum an capt ive pr esence exist s. I n t hose bases wher e
hum ans capt ives ARE pr esent , which is probably t he r ealit y in
t he gr eat er m aj orit y of t he bases, a full- scale 'gr ound assault '
should be considered inst ead. - Brant on)

" According t o t he Pent agon, t he proposed eart h- penet rat ing

warhead is 'urgent ly needed'. According t o rum or- m ills, an alien
race - - t he 'grays' - - in t heir fort ified undergr ound laborat ories,
are genet ically experim ent ing wit h t he hum an race. Even m ore
om inous, rum or s say t hat t heir int ransigence t oday m ay lead t o

new perils t om or row ."

I n reference t o t he " Cham eleons" and CERTAI N elem ent s of t he

so- called " Men I n Black" phenom ena, I cannot help but include
t he following account fr om Brazil which apparent ly put s
ev eryt hing in perspect ive. The following excerpt s w er e t ak en
from a report by Brazilian researcher Ant onio Huneeus, t it led:
Huneeus describes t he following incident t hat was invest igat ed
by APEX [ Associat ion of Ext rat err est rial I nvest igat ions] in Sao
Paulo, one of t he best k nown UFO groups in Brazil, founded by
Dr. Max Berezowsky:

" ...The affair began near Vit oria, t he capit ol of [ t he] st at e of

Espirit u Sant o nort h of Rio st at e, wher e t her e are beaches rich
in m ineral cont ent s. I t happened eit her in lat e 1979 or early
1980, [ Osni] Schwarz w asn't sur e, when he t old t he st or y in

" A youngst er called Aer om ar sold beverages at t he beach, wher e

one day he encount er ed t hree m en dr essed wit h suit s and t ie - -
highly unusual clot hing for t he beach, especially in Brazil - - who
approached him and said t hey want ed t o t alk t o him . Aerom ar
becam e scared, t hinking t hey w er e perhaps policem en who
want ed t o im plicat e him in a drug case, so he avoided t he beach
for a few days. As he ret urned hom e aft er dr opping off his
girlfriend one night , he saw a car wit h t he sam e t hree m en
inside. He ran t o t he house, but suddenly he couldn't hear w ell.
His m ot her t ook him t o t he hospit al where he w as not cur ed,
alt hough about a m ont h lat er he suddenly could hear well again.

" Aer om ar m ov ed t o Rio, finding work at a baker y in a shift

bet ween 4 and 11 PM. One night , as he was cr ossing one of t he
m any TUNNELS t hat link t he Rio bay s, he saw t wo of t he MI B's
walking in his direct ion. The y oungst er ran in t he opposit e
direct ion, only t o find t he t hird MI B wait ing at a bus st op. He
escaped and went back t o t he bakery, where he t old his boss
t hat t he Vit oria police wer e chasing him . The boss accom panied
him t o t he near est police st at ion t o m ake a com plaint , which he
did, but he was not believ ed. The boss t hen convinced him t hat
he should perhaps m ov e t o Sao Paulo, a bigger cit y wher e it
m ay be easier t o go unnot iced.

" So Aer om ar m oved t o Sao Paulo, finding work in an elect rical

com pany and sharing a room wit h anot her m an. He also becam e
friends wit h a vendor of bev erages from Vit oria who had a st and
near a m ovie t heat er. While hanging out t here one night , a car
st opped right in front of t he st and and t he door opened.

" Ev en t hr ough he didn't want t o go, Aer om ar LOST HI S WI LL

and ent er ed t he car. The door closed and he found inside - - not
surprisingly - - t he t hree sam e m en whom he had been dodging

for m ont hs. They drov e for a while, leaving t he cit y and ent ering
a wooded ar ea.

" The car st opped and t hey all walked up t o a big UFO
surr ounded by som e sor t of lum inous ring and hov ering above
t he gr ound. The m en w alked underneat h t he cr aft , which
em it t ed a ray of light and t hey suddenly wer e inside. St ill
drained of any willpower, Aer om ar walked t o a chair and sat
down. From t he arm s of t he chair appear ed handles t hat secured
his wrist s. An iron bar t hen pr essed his for ehead backwards
while anot her gadget fast ened his neck. Up t o her e t he m en
wer e always dr essed wit h suit s, but at t his point an incredible
t ransform at ion t ook place: t he MI B'S HEAD RI PPED OPENED
SCALED LI KE A REPTI LI AN. Take int o account t hat while t he
popular im age of t he MI B was well known 14 years ago, t he idea
of rept ilian abduct ors w as t hen not in vogue as nowadays.

" Be t hat as it m ay, t he UFOnaut s pr oceeded t o int err ogat e and

t ell him t hings t hat wer e going t o happen bot h t o him and t he
eart h. To m ak e t he st or y even m or e 'Hollywoodesque', a door in
t he r oom opened at one point and Aerom ar was able t o peek at
m an nat urally becam e t raum at ized, rem em bering only t hat his
st raps wer e loosened. Everyt hing went blank aft er t hat ...

" Aer om ar's conscious recollect ion places him next back at t he
t heat er , but sev eral hours lat er since t here was no t raffic in t he
st reet s. He r et urned t o his room in panic and began t o t ell t he
st or y t o his room m at e. A st range for ce PUSHED HI S BODY,
howev er, t hr owing it AGAI NST THE WALL in fr ont of him , as he
rem em ber ed t he aliens had t old him t hat he shouldn't speak
about t he experience or he w ould suffer. Aer om ar cried for a
while, not knowing what t o do. A few day s lat er, his friend
cont act ed t he Globo TV net work, which was w or king on a UFO
docum ent ary. Globo, in t urn, passed t he t ip t o Dr. Max
Ber ezowsk y. Aer om ar and his room m at e w ent t o APEX on a v ery
busy day when t he office was full of people. They t old t he whole
st or y t o Dr. Ber ezowsk y and a few assist ant s, Osni Schwarz
am ong t hem .

" Berezowsky at t em pt ed t o do hypnot ic r egr ession wit h t he

wit ness, but t her e w as t oo m uch int erfer ence in t he office and
Aer om ar was in t ot al panic. He was saying t hat 't hey' wer e going
t o t ak e him on t he next Thursday and t hat a UFO was going t o
land in a Sao Paulo neighborhood on Tuesday night . A cr owd of
people, in fact , went t hat night t o t he supposed landing sit e but
not hing happened. Alt hough Dr. Ber ezow sky w as in t ouch wit h
SAW HI M AGAI N. I w rot e down at t he end of m y not es on t his
affair, 't he whole case is like a UFO hor ror m ovie.'"

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 30

Re ve la t ion s Fr om Th e Le a din g Edge

The following inform at ion is repr oduced, wit h perm ission, fr om Val
Valerian's m assive w or k MATRI X I I [ The Abduct ion and Manipulat ion of
Hum ans Using Advanced Technology] . This and ot her highly int erest ing
research r eport s are av ailable from t he LEADI NG EDGE RESEARCH
GROUP; P.O. Box 7530., Yelm , Washingt on St at e C.F. 98597 C.F. The
following inform at ion is not given in any part icular chronology or order ,
but m or e in a random collect ion of not es and r esearch generally involving
t he connect ions bet w een Aerial, Conspiracy and Subsurface phenom ena:

I n July 1947, t he radar at t he Four Corner s ar ea in t he sout hwest ern

Unit ed St at es affect ed and t ook down an alien disk. I t was ent irely by
accident ( as a result of t he elect rom agnet ic beam s - - upon which t he
radar sy st em was based - - int erfering wit h t he EM sy st em s of t he craft . -
Brant on) . The disk landed near Rosw ell, New Mexico. I t was t o be t he
first of t wo disks t hat w ould crash in t hat area. On board, scient ist s and
m ilit ary personnel found several dead aliens beings. An im m ediat e
analysis of t heir species could not be det erm ined, but t he aliens [ refer r ed
t o as t he EBAN] had bot h rept ilian and insect - like qualit ies. Also on boar d
wer e found t he r em ains of sev eral m ilit ary per sonnel. As far as w e knew,
t his was t he first m aj or indicat ion t hat hum an beings wer e being t aken by
an alien species...

I n Decem ber 1988, for m er Nav y int elligence officer William Cooper
int erviewed a m an who said, " I don't know ev er yt hing, but it 's way out of
our of cont rol. To t ell you t he t rut h, I 'm afraid of what 's going t o happen.
Giant underground shelt er s are being built under Gr oom Lak e and in
ot her places."

I n reference t o t he claim by som e t hat t hese aliens are 'har vest ing'
hum ans on planet eart h for t heir genet ic, bioplasm ic and secr et ional
propert ies, Valerian st at es:

" There is no doubt t hat t he gov ernm ent policy of secrecy m akes t he
'harv est s' easier for t he Grays. Gov ernm ent s, by definit ion, are supposed
t o pr ot ect t he public welfar e. Obviously, som et hing went very wr ong
her e, and it appear s t hat THE NAZI SS I NTELLI GENCE- BASED CI A HAD A

( Not e: The CI A was reput edly est ablished by Bavarian I llum inat i
represent at ive Allen Dulles in collaborat ion wit h Bavarian Thule Societ y
represent at ive Nazi S.S. General Reinhard Gehlen. The CI A/ NSA, w or king

on behalf of t he corporat e socialist s in Am erica who according t o Ant ony

Sut t on and ot her econom ist s financed t he Bolshevik and Nazi rev olut ions,
in t urn infilt rat ed t he I ndust rial- Milit ary syst em and in t urn t he largely
unelect ed/ appoint ed EXECUTI VE branch of t he U.S. governm ent via t heir
coup d'et at of t he Execut ive branch which occur red sim ult aneously wit h
t he assassinat ion of John F. Kennedy . Since Kennedy's deat h, m ost if not
all of t he U.S. President s have been m em bers of global financial
organizat ions like t he Council on For eign Relat ions, t he Trilat eral
Com m ission and t he Bildebergers... all of which do NOT honor Am erican's
Declarat ion of I ndependence but inst ead advocat e a " New World Order"
t o be im plem ent ed wit h t he assist ance of a Unit ed Nat ions m ilit ary for ce.
- Brant on)

" These m alev olent aliens have allied t hem selves wit h t he secr et w orld
governm ent whose t hirst for power and syst em survival is probably only
unequaled by t he m alev olent aliens t hem selves... The m alev olent aliens
have given advanced t echnology t o t he 'gov ernm ent ', m anipulat ed, lied
t o, deceived, and gener ally used our secret gov ernm ent for t heir selfish
and inhum ane alien ends."


The cont inuing sit uat ion wit h regard t o M.P., a t went y y ear old wom an in
Las Vegas, has brought m any int erest ing fact or s t o t he for e. Her first
abduct ion occur red when she was five y ear s old in Decem ber 1975. She
has experienced ov er 400 abduct ions since t hat t im e, an average of t w o
a m ont h. Ar ound 1987, she found t hat she was able t o r et ain m ore and
m or e m em ory of t he act ivit ies. She is also an ex cellent art ist wit h a
phot ographic m em or y. Ther e is sufficient evidence t hat she has been on
various craft and she has also been t ak en t o underground facilit ies in t he
m ount ains in Arizona and under t he desert near Paradox, Nevada...

The Nevada facilit y is locat ed near t he Paradox area. She was also
brought t o t his facilit y in 1987. The facilit y is not as large as t he one in
Arizona. Reichian progr am m ing devices w er e used on her in at t em pt s at
program m ing.

The facilit y is generally described as one orient ed t ow ard genet ic w ork .

Large cylinders cont aining am ber , pink, and light - blue fluids were not ed.
These cylinders appear t o be sim ilar t o t hose det ailed in Mat rix I I . All
cylinders cont ained hum anoid form s. The cylinder s cont aining light - blue
fluid cont ained form s t hat looked hum an. The ot hers cont ained
hybrid/ genet ic variant hum anoids. The last t im e she was brought t o t his
facilit y was on Januar y 22, 1991, wher e t hey at t em pt ed t o get her t o
agree t o not r evealing dat a, as t he Sirians wer e awar e of her det ailed
int eract ion wit h us. She r efused.

The Sirians said som et hing t o t he ext ent t hat she was " affect ing t he
balance in t he Confeder at ion" . I f t hat is so, t hen we're cert ainly ALL for it
( Not e: These ar e probably hum anoids from Sirius- B, who have form erly
collaborat ed wit h t he Rept iloids/ Grays of Draconis- Orion. Alt hough m any
Sirians cont inue t o collaborat e wit h t he Orionit e forces who hav e

com m andeered t heir 'collect ive', ot her Sirians seem t o hav e been
experiencing a m aj or conver sion t o t he Androm edan- Pleiadian
Federat ion's non- int erv ent ionist policies, now t hat m any of t heir form er
t reat ies wit h t he Rept iloids/ Grey s are falling apart because of bet rayals
on t he rept ilian side. A huge arm ada fr om Sirius- B is supposed t o arrive
in t he Sol syst em around 2004 t o engage t he Orion- Draconian forces - -
which have since t ak en full cont rol of m any of t he Sirians' form er j oint -
operat ional bases t hr oughout t his syst em . As w it h t he 'Nazi' elem ent on
eart h, t her e are appar ent ly agent s from Sirius- B who st ill wish t o
m aint ain collaborat ion wit h t he Rept iloids... if not for t he fact t hat t hey
are operat ing under near t ot al m ind- cont rol, t hen for t he fact t hat t hey
see a j oint effort bet ween t he elit e pow er- cult s of Sirius, Bavaria and
Orion as t he only m eans t o car ry out t heir t ot alit arian plans for planet
eart h on behalf of t heir supposed ast ral " ascended m ast er " leaders,
especially in t he face of Federat ion opposit ion. This m ay be what was
m eant in regards t o t he " balance in t he Confederat ion" . - Brant on) . Upon
her ret urn she discov er ed t hat she had som e pain on t he right side of her
abdom en.

At t his facilit y, she saw Sirians, Grays, and in anot her part of t he facilit y
she saw what appear ed t o be U.S. Milit ary m em ber s. Ther e were ot her
beings t here t hat she described as " light beings" ( 'light ' does not always
m ake 'right ' - Brant on) . Her descript ion of t hem was t hat t hey had a
hum anoid form but t her e w er e no det ails in t he for m - - it j ust em it t ed a
light :

I n view of t he curr ent st at e of knowledge, it is t hought t hat t hese w ere

beings of a least 5t h densit y. The beings hov er ed ar ound and m onit or ed
t he Sirians and Grays all during her st ay at t he facilit y. The hum an
m ilit ary at t he facilit y wor e black uniform s...


* The Unit ed St at es [ Ex ecut ive branch, not t he Congr essional branch of

governm ent ] m ade one or m ore agr eem ent s wit h a species described as
t he t all Grays, and has agreed not t o int erfer e wit h alien operat ional
plans in t rade for t echnology. Agr eem ent s m ade in 1934, [ 1954] , 1964,
and 1972...

* The Grey clones ar e...perform ing biological work which necessit at es t he

t erm inat ion of various species on t he surface of t he Eart h, which is not
governed or prot ect ed under t he t r eat y m ade wit h t he US 'gov ernm ent '.
Undergr ound inst allat ions ar e t he only 'sov er eign' ar eas under t he
t reat y ...

* Researchers will recall t hat t he disk t hat crashed in 1947 at Rosw ell,
New Mexico had sev er al r ept ilian species on board, as w ell as t he body
part s and clot hing of several Arm y- Air For ce officers...

* Species obj ect ives appear t o be founded on a rigid dom inat ion survival-
based social order, where t heir 'r eligion' is science, t heir social st ruct ure

is geared t o obedience and dut y, t heir m ilit ary concept s ar e gr ouped

around conquest , colonizat ion, and dom inat ion t hrough covert m ind-
cont r ol progr am s... Their basic 'gam e' appears t o be t o use nullificat ion
and dom inat ion t o cont r ol t he leaders of various t arget ed civilizat ions.
They accom plish t his by t aking out t he leaders and replacing t hem wit h
ent it ies t hey can cont rol... The funct ion of t he 'elit e' hum ans, as far as
t he Gray s ar e concerned, ar e t o decim at e port ions of t he hum an
populat ion so t hat t he r em ainder can be easily cont r olled. Hit ler is a
prim e exam ple...


One by- product of t heir social m em or y com plex is t hat any kind of
decision t akes a while t o m ak e, since none of t he [ Gray] clones seem t o
have t he innat e abilit y t o act independent ly of t he ot her cloned species.
This social st ruct ure has no r oom for 'surprises', and t he " best laid plans
of m ice and m an" can be t ot ally wrecked if it com es int o cont act wit h
anyt hing out side it s operat ional cont ext . The t all Grays seem t o be less
prone t o t he frailt ies of t he sy st em t han do t he sm aller Gray s...


The Eart h is som ewhat unique in t hat it has a broad spect rum of beings
of several densit y levels and race- t ypes. I t is inhabit ed inside, out side,
and in t he at m ospher e in t housands of hidden lit t le pocket s and t im e-
st ream pr oj ect ions.

The process of conquering a planet involves [ t he] locat ion of beings t hat
vibrat e in resonance wit h t heir vibrat ional frequency. These locat ed
beings are t hen t old t hat t hey are t he Elit e or Chosen Ones who will
conquer and lead t he hum an race and rule t he world for t heir Gr ey
m ast ers. Oft en t he locat ed beings ar e phy sically t aken aboard craft and
given physical exam inat ions, provided wit h im plant s, given accelerat ed
dat a t hrough inculcat ion m et hods t hat will help t hem ser ve t he Gr ey s.

The funct ion of an Elit e is t o decim at e port ions of it s own race in an effort
t o r educe populat ions t o m anageable lim it s so t he r em ainder can be
easily cont rolled. The Nazi- Jew scenario is a good exam ple of t he Grey
m odus operandi. They also cont r olled t he I m per ial Japanese Em pire and
are generally responsible for m ost aggr ession bet ween hum an gr oupings
on t he planet ( The Grey s use " divide and conquer" t act ics... alt hough it
should be m ent ioned t hat since W.W.I I and t he cessat ion of t he alliance
wit h Bavaria, t he Japanese hav e been int eract ing m or e and m or e wit h
t he Koldasians, a relat ively benev olent hum anoid race t hat report edly
inhabit s t he alt ernat e " ant im at t er universe" , and who apparent ly
m aint ain close t ies wit h t he Andro- Pleiadean Federat ion. - Brant on) .

Hum ans hav e generally been deceived int o playing vict im - gam es of
negat ivit y, self- lim it at ion, self- denigrat ion and dest ruct ion. The gam es
t hat t he Gr ays ar e t rying t o enforce are gam es of coversion and secret s,

as w ell as hidden st andards.

All act ivit ies ar e conduct ed on a " playing field" which is lim it ed by t he
at t ent ion span and t he scope of awar eness of t he Player s.


[ I nclude] colonizat ion of unprot ect ed civilizat ions w hich are unaligned
wit h any ot her group in space. They use planet s for supply depot s, slave
sour ces, and biological m at erials. The ex er cise of dom inat ion and t he
enslavem ent of planet ar y populat ions is expressed as Service- t o- Self [ as
opposed t o Ser vice- t o- Ot her s] . I t cr eat es pow er for t heir group, but
inherent in t his process is a rapid dissipat ion of power in t hat civilizat ion,
due t o t he lim it at ions im posed by t he gam es of lim it at ion and negat ivit y
enforced on t he popularit y.

According t o what r esearch has r ev ealed, t here are cert ain m et hods and
plans t hat have underscor ed t he lit eral invasion of Eart h by various Orion
based species. Typical scenarios m ight be:

* The t arget planet is t im e- t abled for invasion.

* The base st at ion is m ov ed wit hin range ( disguised as ast er oids,

planet oids, or com et s but recognized as alien craft by m inor course
alt erat ions t hat can and have been det ect ed, for inst ance in regards t o
t he ast er oid Geographos, Phobos, Hale- Bopp, et c. - Brant on) ...

* Leaders are appr oached wit h populat ion cont rol program s or solut ions
t o sur vival- relat ed problem s. Leaders ar e convinced t hat t hey r epr esent
" an Elit e" group t hat has been chosen " by God" t o rule t he populace for
t he good of God's em pire ( in m any cases how ev er , t he elit e do not
believe in any 'god' ot her t han t hem selves. - Brant on) . Look at any
t heocrat ic [ or r eligiocrat ic] count ry on Eart h and you can see t his...


I n accordance wit h " ser vice t o self" philosophy, goals ar e sought t hat w ill
achieve m or e power for t he 'elit e' or ruling class; it is im port ant t hat
m or e and m or e slaves be m ade, so t hat t he psy chic energy can be draw n
off t o feed t he m adness of t he " pow er elit e" . Dom inat ion and nullificat ion
is t he basis of t he gam e of st ruggle and conquest . I t is a st able dat um t o
negat ive Orion- based gr oups t hat em pires can only be built and
m aint ained on t he back s of br ok en " gam e- pieces" , and oiled by t he
blood, sw eat , and t ear s of " wort hless ent it ies t oo decay ed t o be useful for
any ot her t asks" and t oo r ebellious t o t rust in m or e cooperat ive
vent ures...


The larger Grays apparent ly have som e v est igial r epr oduct ive capabilit y,
and som e of t he hybrid species t hat have been cr oss- bred wit h t he

[ t aller] rept ilian species have full reproduct ive capabilit y. The brain
capacit y is est im at ed t o be bet ween 2500 and 3500 cc, com par ed t o
1300 cc for t he av erage hum an. Due t o t he cloning process, t he neural
m at t er is art ificially grown brain m at t er, and t he Grays hav e known
t echnology t hat enables t hem t o insert m em ory pat t erns and
consciousness int o clones in any m anner or pat t ern t hat t hey wish.

The Gr ey s consum e nourishm ent t hrough a pr ocess of absorpt ion t hrough

t heir skin. The pr ocess, according t o abduct ees who hav e wit nessed it ,
involved spr eading a biological slurry m ixt ure t hat has been m ixed wit h
hydrogen peroxide [ which ox ygenat es t he slurr y and elim inat es bact eria]
ont o t heir skin. Wast e product s ar e t hen excret ed back t hr ough t he skin.
Many abduct ees have not ed t hat t he Greys hav e a dist inct series of

The larger Gr ey s hav e a m ore pr onounced nose... According t o som e

governm ent sources, t hese ext rat er r est rial biological ent it ies called
t hem selves t he EBAN. I t is wit h t he larger Gray s t hat elem ent s of t he
governm ent m ade a ser ies of diplom at ic agreem ent s in t he 1950's, 60's
and 70's ( Not e: Ot her sources say t hat t he agr eem ent s m ade bet w een
t he Scot t ish Rit e fact ion of 'governm ent ' dat e back at least t o 1933- 34
and possibly earlier in regards t o t he nat ive subt er ran r ept ilian species.
The large Grays ar e apparent ly cr oss- br eeds bet ween t he t all "lizard- like"
saurian bi- peds and t he sm aller " gray- t ype" saurian bi- peds. Alt hough
t he 't r eat y ' was init iat ed wit h t he " t all grays" , t he v er y fact t hat a
rept ilian hierar chy exist s - - sm all greys working for t aller rept iloids - -
explains why t he short er grays have also been seen w orking wit h
'gov ernm ent ' officials. - Brant on)


I nnum erable wit nesses have confirm ed t he pr esence of undergr ound

facilit ies t hat t he grays use for br eeding. These facilit ies, of which Dulce
is t he m ost fam ous, provide for genet ic work of all descript ions. Hum ans
are br ought t o t hese facilit ies on a cont inuing basis in order t o provide a
genet ic pool from which t o ext ract DNA and RNA m ixt ures t hat will
cont ribut e t oward t he effort s of t he Gr ey species t o st r engt hen t heir
genet ic st ruct ure...


I n som e cases, hum ans are killed and t ossed int o t he vat s [ t he slurry
m ixt ure m ent ioned above] . I n t wo cases, dead hum ans have been seen
float ing in vat s right next t o t he body part s of cat t le. Hum an m ut ilat ions
appear t o be less obvious t han cat t le m ut ilat ions, alt hough bot h st ill
cont inue t o t his day ( According t o Don Eck er, t he Just ice Dept . is m aking
a concert ed effort t o k eep t he " hum an m ut ilat ions" out of t he m edia. -
Brant on) .



Resear cher Jeffer son Souza [ Vegan - Um m o cont act ee] ar rived at a UFO
Confer ence in May of 1990 bearing inform at ion t hat included dat a about
which corporat ions w er e producing helicopt er s wit h gravit y assist , as w ell
as inform at ion about t heir use in cat t le m ut ilat ions. Four m en appearing
like classical MI B, t ook t he docum ent s, and t hrew him back on a plane t o
New York . I t m ay w ell be t hat CI A/ Delt a/ NRO involvem ent in t he
m ut ilat ions m ight be m or e significant t han supposed.

( One report has st at ed t hat in t he forest s SE of Los Alam os, NM,

wit nesses have observ ed night ly caravans of cat t le- t rucks ent ering a
part icular m ount ainous area known for it s unusual and 'alien' Am er-
I ndian pict ographs'. These caravans report edly arrive following or
preceding ov erflight s of dozens of UFO's. When t he cat t le caravans left
t he ar ea t hey w er e r eport edly em pt y ... I s t he gov ernm ent t rying t o
'appease' t he huge 'nest ' of Gray s t hat r eport edly operat e below t he Los
Alam os region? This sounds haunt ingly fam iliar t o t he ancient legend of
St . George, who deliver ed t he inhabit ant s of Silene, Libya fr om a fierce
dragon who was in t he habit of t er rorizing t he cit y. The King of Silene
order ed t he r esident s t o offer t heir sheep and cat t le t o t he beast in order
t o appease it . Aft er all t he livest ock w ere deplet ed t he king ordered t he
inhabit ant s t o draw lot s, and he or she on whom t he lot fell would be t hat
day's sacrifice t o appease t he m onst er. One day t he King's own daught er
drew t he lot , and wit h great anguish he allowed t he guards t o t ake her t o
t he post out side t he cit y. When t he dr agon appr oached t o t ake his prey a
whit e horse wit h a silver- clad knight quickly approached. He branished a
sword and a longspear, as w ell as a shield wit h a r ed cross em blazoned
on a whit e background. The Christ ian knight m ade quick work of t he
beast befor e t he 'w orm ' knew what had hit him , and delivered t he cit y
from t his rept ilian scour ge. Whet her t he st ory is t rue or allegory, t he
m essage is clear! Event ually t he t im e com es w hen one m ust cease fr om
t rying t o appease t he enem y, and by t he grace of God Alm ight y go fort h
and dest r oy it ! - Brant on)

Now t he quest ion rem ains as t o why t he gov ernm ent would be car rying
out or part icipat ing in t his large scale [ cat t le m ut ilat ion] program . Whose
int erest s ar e being serv ed?


...t he Greys ar e involved in t he st ockpiling of hum ans [ including children]

for use as a food source for t he Rept ilian species [ and as a lesser food
sour ce for t hem selves?] .


Pict ures in t he Dulce labs port raying wom bs wit h lit t le fet uses and t he
clear t ubs wit h lit t le aliens in t hem are believed t o port ray t he cloned
wor ker class of beings t hat are pict ured on t he cov er of 'Com m union'.

The t all Grey s ar e t he dom inant species and ar e basically " t est t ube"
species. The clones are synt het ically produced wit h biological m at erials

[ m uch of which ow e t heir source t o lifeform s on eart h] ...

The brain [ of t he Gr ey s] has been described as having m any m ore lobes

t han t he hum an brain. Ther e hav e been pr evious r efer ences t o cry st alline
net works t hat have been found in t he brains of som e of t he alien
aut opsies. I t is believed t hat t he net w ork has a funct ional relat ionship t o
t elepat hic com m unicat ion and act s as a funct ion in what is essent ially a
HI VE m ind.

Each of t he Gr ey clones has an individualit y, but it is m uch LESS

pronounced t han in t he hum an, wher e t endencies t oward expanded
'awar eness' and shared consciousness ar e m inim ized t hrough cult ural
condit ioning, program m ing, and basic cranial differences in st ruct ure.



[ Alien Life Form ] : Term used by t he gov ernm ent t o describe t he Gr ey s in

t erm s of being a m alevolent life form . The deal wit h t he Greys is t hat
t heir field around t heir body is differ ent t o our s t o t he point wher e
m erging of t he fields ends up creat ing physical sym pt om s [ t he " body
t er ror" m ent ioned by people like Whit ley St rieber] . The field around t hem
is in direct opposit ion t o our s. I t is an ANTI - LI FE field, as t hese specific
species ar e on a dev olut ionary spiral. They are akin t o soldiers of fort une,
and 'offer' t heir advanced t echnology in t rade for t hings t hey r equire.
They ar e expert s at m anipulat ion of bot h t he hum an body [ t hr ough
m anipulat ion of t he fields] and t he hum an m ind. They r equire blood and
ot her biological fluids t o survive. They abduct hum ans and anim als in
order t o acquire t hese fluids. They im plant sm all devices near t he brain
which pot ent ially gives t hem t ot al cont r ol and m onit oring capabilit y.
These devices ar e very difficult t o det ect . The analysis of t he devices by
t echnical st aff has pr oduced a descript ion t hat involves use of cr yst alline
t echnology com bined wit h m olecular circuit ry and t hese ride on t he
resonant em issions of t he brain and t he various fields of t he hum an.
I nform at ion is ent rained on t he brain waves. I t appear s t hat all at t em pt s
t o r em ov e t he im plant s [ 1972] have result ed in t he deat h of t he
hum an... ( This is usually due in part t o t he fact t hat t he im plant s are
at t ached t o m aj or nerv e cent er s, and once at t ached t he nerv e t issues
grow in and around t he im plant essent ially m aking t he im plant a PART of
t he ner vous syst em . When r elat ively unsophist icat ed m edical procedur es
are used in an at t em pt t o r em ov e t he im plant s, m aj or ner ve cent er s are
dam aged as a result , causing severe inj ury or even deat h. - Brant on)

Various descript ions of t he ALF's relat e t he following charact erist ics:

Bet ween 3 t o 3 1/ 2 feet in height , erect st anding biped, sm all t hin build,
head larger t han hum ans, absence of audit ory lobes [ ext ernal] , absence
of body hair, large t ear- shaped ey es [ slant ed approxim at ely 35 degrees]
which are opaque black wit h vert ical slit pupils, arm s r esem bling praying
m ant is [ norm al at t it ude] which reach t o t he knees, long hands wit h sm all
palm , claw- like fingers [ various num ber of digit s - - oft en t wo short digit s
and t wo long, but som e species have t hree or four fingers] , t ough gray
skin which is rept ilian in t ext ur e, sm all feet wit h four sm all claw - like t oes,

organs t hat ar e sim ilar t o hum an organs but have obviously dev eloped
according t o a differ ent [ m ut at ional] process; a non- funct ioning digest ive
syst em ; t wo separat e brains; m ovem ent is deliberat e, slow and pr ecise;
alien subsist ence r equires t hat t hey m ust hav e hum an blood and ot her
biological subst ances t o survive ( ot her indicat ions suggest t hat originally
t hey did not 'r equire' hum an blood, but once having used hum an blood
for t his purpose t hey have since acquired a racial 'addict ion' t o t his 'vit al'
subst ance. This goes far bey ond j ust m er e physical hunger, since t he
Grays/ Rept iloids t end t o feed off t he hum an life- energies r esident wit hin
hum an blood plasm a, in what m ay be consider ed a vam pirial t ype of
hunger for hum an vit al fluids. - Brant on) . I n ex t rem e circum st ances t hey
can subsist on ot her [ cat t le] anim al fluids. Food is conv er t ed t o energy by
chlorophyll by a phot osynt het ic process [ t his support s r esult s gained
from aut opsies at 29 Palm s underground base w her e it was seen t hat
t heir 'blood' was gr eenish and t he t issue was black] . Wast e pr oduct s ar e
secr et ed t hrough t he sk in. The t wo separat e br ains are separat ed by m id-
cranial lat eral bone [ ant erior and post erior brain] . There is no appar ent
connect ion bet ween t he t wo. Som e aut opsies have r evealed a cryst alline
net work which is t hought t o have a funct ion in t elepat hic [ and ot her ]
funct ions which help t o m aint ain t he group- consciousness bet ween
m em bers of t he sam e species. Funct ions of group consciousness in t his
species does have a disadvant age in t hat decisions in t his species com e
rat her slowly as t he m at t er at hand filt ers t hr ough t he gr oup awar eness
t o t hose who m ust m ak e a decision.


This init ial report is concerned wit h t wo groups of aliens: Gr eys and
Rept ilians. Ther e are several different kinds of bot h Greys and Rept ilians,
but for now I will sim ply r efer t o t hem as single groups. Bot h groups live
on t his planet or beneat h it s surface and in space. They have been her e
for a long t im e.

The Gr ey s are also 'w or king' for Rept ilians, relat ive t o t he abduct ee as an
individual and t o t he hum an race as a whole. They hav e been used by t he
Rept ilians as t he m iddlem en, doing t he wor k and exposing t hem selves t o
us on behalf of and inst ead of t he Rept ilians ( alt hough rept ilian- based,
t he 'saurian' Grays ar e less visibly so, which is why t hey have been
chosen t o int erface wit h abduct ees. - Brant on) . The Gr ey s are
consist ent ly referr ed t o as a m er cenary force...

Som e Rept ilians... eat [ hum ans] like we eat chicken. I n t he Unit ed
St at es, t her e are rum or s of gr eat , underground food- st orage r oom s full
of preserv ed hum an bodies. Som et im es t he rum or has it t hat t he bodies
are t hose of children. I asked t he Gr ey s why , if t his was t rue, would it be
children? I was t old t hat it is not only children but also adult s t hat
Rept ilians eat . Children are pr efer red because t hey are generally
unpoisoned by subst ances like caffeine, nicot ine, alcohol and ot her t hings
adult s are sat urat ed wit h, as a gr oup...

The Rept ilians seem t o have lit t le r egard for us as living beings. [ They
t hink t hat we ar e as ugly and r epulsive t o t hem as w e ev er port rayed

t hem t o be, and t hat we, t he hum an race, are " as valuable as weeds." ]
How ev er, t hey do seem t o consider som e of us valuable propert y. One
get s t he feeling t hey will cont inue t o USE us as t hey see fit , or, if w e ev er
becom e a r eal problem as a group, t hey would sooner wipe us out t han
deal wit h it . They do not fear us, considering t hem selves far superior t o
us by all com parisons. They supposedly consider t he surface of t his
planet t o be a poisonous, inhospit able environm ent and 'allow' us t o live
her e ( as lifest ock? - Brant on) , since t hey live below t he surface and in
space. [ We and our surface environm ent funct ion as a phy sical buffer or
living shield around t heir hom e undergr ound.] ... ( Not e: Som e sources
claim t hat m any of t he Gr ey s and Rept iloids ar e m oving en- m ass t o
m assive undergr ound cent er s below m aj or hum an cit ies for t he sole
purpose of having a " hum an shield" in order t o prot ect t hem selves from
eart h- penet rat ing weapons which t heir Androm edan, Pleiadean or ot her
enem ies m ight ot her wise use t o dest r oy t hem . This would also pr ovide
t hem wit h a ready source of hum an 'biological' m at erial for what ever
purpose t hey 'r equire'. - Brant on)

Socially and cult urally, Gr ey s and hum ans are VERY different . [ They] fear
us because t hey know we are pot ent ially powerful beings. How ev er , t hey
insist t hat t hey 'own' us: They say t hey cr eat ed us ( LI E! - Brant on) and
t herefor e hav e t he right t o do what t hey will wit h us. Beyond t his original
'right ' t o int erfer e wit h us, t hey say t hey have addit ionally earned t he
right t hrough t heir cont r ol. Because t hey can cont rol us on an individual
and cult ural basis bot h physically and m ent ally, t hey say t hey " own us" .

These at t it udes ar e PROPAGANDA. Their cont rol ov er us in any capacit y is

ult im at ely very frail due t o it s very nat ure ( depends on us NOT KNOWI NG
t hat we are being cont r olled. - Brant on) . Their cont r ol is based on
int im idat ion and advanced t echnology. As w e becom e m or e aware, w e
are harder t o cont r ol, harder t o lie t o, harder t o confuse. Our t echnology
would definit ely be com pet it ive t o t heir t heirs if we had access t o it . Much
of t he t echnology w e w ould need t o effect ively ov er com e t his sit uat ion
exist s now ( wit hin t he alien- m anipulat ed m ilit ary- indust rial est ablishm ent
which is part of t he 'secret ' or 'corporat e' gov er nm ent t echnocracy -
Brant on) . I t j ust isn't m ade available t o t he PUBLI C, for econom ic
reasons, as w ell as " nat ional securit y."

The preceding st at em ent s about t he Greys ar e based on conv er sat ions

wit h t hem and long obser vat ion of t hem . I m pressions about t he
Rept ilians are m or e general. I hav e not engaged in conver sat ions wit h
t he [ t aller] Rept ilians, t hough t hey hav e som et im es spoken t o m e. Most
of m y experience wit h t hem does not include direct com m unicat ion
bet ween m e and t hem . Alm ost all of m y consciously recalled m em ories of
Rept ilians also include Greys, who usually do t he com m unicat ing bet ween
us. Oft en t he Rept ilians seem t o be pr esent during abduct ions as
observ ers only, st anding off t o t he side of t he act ion, j ust wat ching.


The Gr ey s w er e ult im at ely behind t he [ Bavarian Gnost ic] THULE Gr oup in

Germ any during t he war, and no doubt w ere ult im at ely behind Germ an

policy of int ernm ent and t erm inat ion of t he Jews during t he war . Think of
t he em ot ion t hat was generat ed in t he concent rat ion cam ps! ( Not e:
Rept iloids and Grays 'feed' off of negat ive em ot ions like fear via a t ype of
osm osis. Joint - Oper at ional undergr ound bases m aint ained by t he
Rept iloids/ Gr eys r eport edly exist beneat h Germ any as t hey do beneat h
t he U.S.. - Brant on)



Most " UFO buffs" t hink t hat t heir effort s will lead t o som e sensible
at t ent ion by t he 'Aut hor it ies' t o t he br oad pr oblem t hat UFOs pr esent ...
t he pr oblem of 'are t hey I nvaders?', 'what do t hey w ant her e on eart h?',
and all t hose ot her nagging quest ions. They com e t o Eart h for t hings
surface people don't ev en know about .

Eart h is on t he ancient space t rade r out es. They com e t o bases [ Cav ern
Cit y Com plexes] and t hey m ine, m anufact ure, and do som e genet ic
m anipulat ions t o form v arious subser vient cr oss breeds.

THE REPTI LI ANS: For t he m ost part , w e ar e dealing wit h anot her species
t hat is hum anoid in shape, but Rept ilian in herit age. Their leader elit e are
t he 'Draco'. They ev en have special 'wings', which are flaps of skin,
support ed by long ribs. These can be folded back against t he body. They
are also known as t he " Dragon Race" and t heir sym bology usually
includes t he Winged Ser pent . Ther e are elem ent s of t heir species which
do not hav e wings - - t he " soldier class" of t he species and 'scient ist s'.

They ar e all " cold blooded" and hav e t o hav e a balanced environm ent t o
m aint ain body t em perat ure. The " soldier class" of t he species can bury
t hem selves in t he ground and wait long periods of t im e in order t o
am bush t heir enem y. I f need be t hey can sur vive on one v er y large m eal
ev er few w eeks or ev en once a year [ when hibernat ing or in suspended
anim at ion] .

As a species, t hey ar e w ell suit ed for space t rav el due t o t heir abilit y t o
hibernat e. These r ept oids have scales which pr ot ect t hem fr om m oist ure
loss. They hav e no sweat glands.

The scales [ scut es] ar e m uch larger on t heir backs, m aking t he skin
wat erproof. The scales elsewhere on t he body are m ore flexible. They
have t hr ee fingers wit h an opposing t hum b. The ey es ar e cat like and
large. They hav e t win nost rils at t he end of a short st ubby m uzzle. They
are m ost ly m eat eat er s.

The m out h is m or e like a slit [ lipless] , but t hey have t eet h which ar e
different iat ed int o incisors, canines, and m olars. They av erage fr om 6 t o
7 feet in height .

The Rept ilian [ am phibian] hum anoids have been int eract ing wit h Eart h
for ages. Many cont act ees and abduct ees r epeat edly describe an insignia

of a Flying Serpent on a shoulder pat ch, a badge, a m edallion or a

helm et . The Serpent Race lives under t he ground.

THE GREYS: The Rept ilian species direct s t he effort s of t he work er class,
which are about 4 feet t all. These ar e curr ent ly referr ed t o as Greys or
EBE's, and are t he largest cat egory likely t o be encount er ed by surface
hum ans...

These beings [ t he Gr ey s] operat e v er y efficient ly in t he dark. Their ey es

are m ore sensit ive t o ult raviolet light . They hav e t he abilit y t o cont r ol
t heir heart rat e. The nor m al heart rat e for a Gr ey is abov e t hat of a
hum an. The skin seem s t o hav e a m et allic cont ent and an unusual cobalt
pigm ent at ion. Many have no ext ernal sex organs. Som e have been br ed
t o have t hem . ( Not e: Most rept iloids t hat have been encount er ed hav e
been described as having no ext erior sex organs, however on a few
occasions r ept iloids HAVE been described as hav ing ext ernal sex organs.
I n nearly EVERY case t hat I have heard of wher e 't hese' r ept iloids were
encount er ed, t he abduct ee was a fem ale hum an who was for cibly 'raped'
by t he rept ilian wit hin an undergr ound base or ev en wit hin t heir own
hom es during t he abduct ion- encount er - Brant on)

Ther e ar e account s in t he legends of Babylon, I ndia, Egypt , Sout h

Am erica, Cent ral Am erica and elsew her e t hat r eveal t he influence of t his
ot her species on our ow n.

One variet y of Rept ilian cr ossbr eed is part icularly negat ive and
dangerous. This variet y, who w or k wit h t he Draco... do not 'eat ' in t he
sam e way hum ans do. These hive- like beings use synt het ically produced
subst ances, m ixed wit h blood. Thus slurr y is som et im es m ixed wit h
Hydr ogen Per oxide, which kills t he for eign bact eria and viruses. They
m ay also be feeding off t he " life essence energy " of t he subst ances. They
also seem t o 'feed' off nuclear energy , and hav e m anipulat ed hum ans
int o dev eloping sources of nuclear pow er t hat em it radiat ion. Nuclear
m et hods involved use of neut r ons t o cr eat e radiat ion. Met hods t hat use
posit rons em it no radiat ion.

The 'Greys' [ t he short , " Big Heads" ] ar e m er cenaries. They int erface wit h
hum ans in " Secret Societ ies" and wit hin t he Milit ary/ Gov ernm ent al
Com plex. An int erconnect ed 'WEB' m anipulat es t he sur face Eart h
cult ures.

COMMAND PROGRESSI ON: DRACO [ Winged Rept ilian] - - > DRACO [ Non-
Winged - - whit e, br own, green skinned, et c.] - - > Greys - - > Hum ans
[ collaborat ors] .

Calvert , Texas are being used for som e t ype of operat ions. Farm ers and
ranchers in t he ar ea have report ed hearing peculiar noises com ing fr om
deep beneat h t heir feet .

" I ndividuals living 5 or 6 m iles out side Calvert have been r epeat edly

driven out of t heir hom es by t he sound of gener at ors."

I n April 1973, st udent s cam ping in t he San Gabriel Mount ains on t he

west ern edge of t he Moj ave desert " felt uneasy" and t hen saw a giant
m an- like creat ure. Researchers from t he UFO Resear ch I nst it ut e were
called in. They discov er ed t he sound of gear ed m achinery and what
m ight be com par ed t o a hydroelect ric plant com ing from " beneat h t he
for est floor" . Sounds of operat ing m achinery have been r ecorded com ing
from m ines in t he ar ea aft er m idnight .

THE YAKI MA I NDI AN RESERVATI ON: Sout heast of Tacom a, Washingt on is

t he Yakim a I ndian Reservat ion. Of special int erest is one part icular
sect ion 40 m iles wide and 70 m iles long, bordered on t he west by t he
Cascade Mount ain Range. I t is an area of cany ons and heavily for est ed
regions. The valley is essent ially closed t o t he public and special perm it s
are r equired t o ent er. For est ry per sonnel have heard [ Dort hea St urm ]
unusual sounds for year s com ing from underground. One ar ea of int ense
act ivit y is known as Toppenish Ridge. Fr om deep wit hin t he dark,
rest rict ed canyons, 'glows' hav e been seen. This ar ea is not accessible by
foot or v ehicle. Low - flying silver cigar- shaped craft hav e been seen t o
disappear int o t he deep canyon known as t he Middle Fork of Toppenish
Creek .



I n general, t her e are t hree kinds of Gr eys: The Ret iculans, who are about
4.5 feet t all; t hose fr om Bellat rix [ in t he Orion syst em ] t hat are about 3.5
feet t all; and anot her species of Orion ( Rigelian? - Brant on) Gr ey s t hat
range in height from 6 t o 9 feet t all...

The planet oid t hat is ent ering our solar syst em at t his t im e [ it will be
her e in t he com ing year s] has been writ t en up in sev eral m aj or
newspaper s, and it has been det erm ined t hat it is being int elligent ly
guided and t hat it em anat es a large variet y of fr equencies wit hin t he
elect r om agnet ic spect rum [ which indicat es t hat it is occupied and has a
t echnical cult ure] ...

Through analysis of m any cases, it would appear t hat t he t all Grey s have
one base near t he Aleut ian I slands. The t aller Greys seem t o hav e ov er all
influence ov er t he Ret iculans and also ov er t he Bellat rix ( in Orion, wher e
rept ilian- insect oid genet ic hybrid 'm ercenaries' r eside according t o som e
sour ces - Brant on) species. The influence over hum ans seem s t o cent er
around im plant at ion of hum an polit ical figures and t hose in cont rol of
planet ary pow er gr oups...

You will recall t hat 'm ut ilat ions' generally result in all of t he blood being
wit hdrawn from t he body. This has been t he case whet her t he subj ect is
an 'anim al' or a hum an. The blood and ot her fluids are t hen generally
t ransfer red t o holding cont ainers, or vat s, [ along wit h] ot her body part s.
Ther e ar e m any m any r eport s of hum ans in various sit uat ions and

scenarios having com e in cont act wit h aliens, or have been in caves or
caverns wit h aliens, and having seen canist ers or vat s in which anim al [ or
hum an] part s wer e float ing, and in which a purple- red fluid was pr esent
as a subst ance in which t o suspend all t he [ organic] m at erials.

Ther e w as one case wher e a wom an and her t wo children were abduct ed
by t he ent it ies fr om BELLATRI X - - t he ent it ies r efer red t o as 'SM's'
( " Snake Men" ? - Brant on) in THE CASE FOR THE UFO, by M. K. Jessup
and annot at ed by Carlos Allende and 'friends' - - and she w ould not
cooperat e wit h t hem when t hey had her on boar d t heir ship. Their reply
t o t his lack of cooperat ion was v ery direct - - t hey killed bot h of her
children. She m anaged t o run down a hallway and went int o a r oom
wher e she saw a vat full of r ed liquid and body part s of hum ans and
anim als. She saw anot her vat of t he sam e t ype in which t he liquid was
being agit at ed, and as she look ed int o t he vat she could see Greys
bobbing up and down, alm ost swim m ing, absor bing t he nut rient s t hrough
t heir skin. Ther e is also t he use of H2O2 [ wat er m olecules wit h an ext ra
oxygen at om added] in t he vat s in order t o aid in preserving t he fluid
from rapid degenerat ion. These ent it ies have been abduct ing hum ans for
m any cent uries - - t hese ent it ies view Eart h as a big farm , and hav e been
essent ially raising and harv est ing hum ans and apparent ly abduct hum ans
t o t ak e t hem back t o t heir hom e planet t o raise t her e in a kind of hum an
husbandry [ or livest ock ] scenario...

( Not e: I t would be m y posit ion t hat in t im es of warfare bet w een

hum anoid and rept iloid for ces, hum an forces should first offer t he enem y
a chance t o sur render uncondit ionally by set t ing a r easonable t im e- t able
for doing so. I f t hey refuse once t he t im e- lim it has been r eached, t hen
full- scale eradicat ion of t he r ept ilian life form s would be j ust ified I F t hey
pose a cont inued t hreat t o hum an life and ar e not able t o be t ak en alive,
especially in light of t he abov e revelat ions as w ell as t he ov erall
revelat ions t hroughout t his volum e. Ex cept ions could be m ade if hum an
lives ar e at st ake - - for inst ance if t he lives of hum an and hybrid slaves
who ser ve at t he very bot t om of t he 'hierarchy ' are at st ak e - - and
surprise at t acks in t hese cases could be car ried out , wit h car e t ak en not
t o harm any hum anoid capt ives in t he process. HUMAN lives m ust com e
first , wit h rept ilian lives being secondary. I do not adv ocat e t he com plet e
ext erm inat ion of t he r ept ilian races, alt hough I do adv ocat e t heir
com plet e subj ugat ion as I believe t hey hav e pr ov en t hat t hey cannot be
t rust ed t o roam 'wild' t hroughout t he universe int erfering in t he affairs of
count less w orlds. Rev enge by various hum an cult ures t hroughout t he
galaxy against rept ilian enem ies m ight sat isfy t hem for a short period of
t im e, but rev enge will not r est or e what t hese 'parasit es' have st olen from
t hem . All- out ext erm inat ion of t he 'serpent ' races would be a w ast e of
good 'm uscle' t hat , in m y opinion, could ot herwise be channeled t owards
SERVI NG t he hum an races who have been abused by t he Greys and
Rept iloids. Let t he conquer ed r ept ilian species' t hat SURVI VE t he various
bat t les and are t aken pr isoners becom e t he uncondit ional servant s of
t hose hum an races - - t hroughout t he galaxy or galaxies - - whom t hey
have devast at ed in t he past . Let t hem PAY BACK what t hey hav e
dest r oy ed wit h t heir ow n rept ilian 'sweat '. As t hey hav e done t o us, so let
it be done t o t hem seven fold! As for a j oint Ter ran- Federat ion assault

against rept ilian collect ivist st rongholds WHEN t he t im e ar rives when

such a possibilit y is realized, t he first 't arget ' should be t he underground
syst em s of planet EARTH. Once t hese ar e fully 'cleaned out ' along wit h
LUNA and MARS, t hen RI GEL and BELLATRI X ORI ON should be t arget ed,
followed by ALPHA DRACONI S and EPSI LON BOOTES, and also ZETA I I
RETI CULI and CAPPELLA, and what ev er ot her st rongholds m ight becom e
known in t he course of t im e. - Brant on)

Ther e ar e indicat ions t hat t he rit ual of t he Eucharist is a reflect ion of

earlier rit uals wher e aliens wer e eat ing off t he bodies of hum ans or
feeding off t heir energies. The phrase " food of t he gods" t ak es on new
m eaning when t hese fact ors ar e underst ood. The t rue " nect ar of t he
gods" which t he aliens involved seem t o prize m ost is a subst ance t hat is
t aken from freshly killed hum ans. This subst ance is generat ed at t he
m om ent of deat h by t he st r ong surge of adr enaline. This surge of
adrenaline t hrough t he body accum ulat es at t he base of t he br ain [ t he
brain st em ] and som e aliens t hrive on t his subst ance as t hough it wer e
som e kind of ult im at e drug for t heir part icular species. This subst ance is
m ost pot ent in HUMAN CHI LDREN...

I n t he Draco syst em t here ar e ot her t ypes of ent it ies which have visit ed
t he Eart h in t he past . These ent it ies wer e descr ibed by John Keel in his
book THE MOTHMAN PROPHECI ES, r eleased in t he 1970's. The Draco ar e
about 8 feet t all and have winged appendages com ing out of t heir
shoulders, dark scaly sk in, and have glowing red ey es. They hav e t he
abilit y t o fly and usually operat e at night . These ent it ies, as well as t he
elit e of t he ot her Rept ilian species [ t hat also have winged appendages]
wer e t he sour ce for som e of t he legends of t he past r elat ing t o gargoyles
and Valkyries. I t is also apparent t hat som e of t he qualit ies ascribed t o
vam pires hav e also been t aken from t hese cr eat ures.

( I nt erj ect ion: These 'elit e' r ept ilians have gone by m any nam es:
Gargoyles, Mot hm en, Birdm en, Winged Draco, Winged Serpent s, Ciakars,
et c. One such cr eat ur e t hat was described by a fem ale abduct ee - - who
was t ak en t o a m ult i- leveled undergr ound syst em below cam p Her o at
Mont auk Point , Long I sland - - was described as follows. I will provide
only t he descript ion of t he creat ure it self, an alien t hat she encount er ed
inside t he base which is said t o be m aint ained by European and Am erican
'Nazis' working under t he Bav arian Thule Societ y. How ev er I will not
release any personal det ails about t his wom an in honor of her wishes t o
keep t he ov er all det ails of t he abduct ion confident ial:

" .. What I see is a creat ure about 6- 7 ft t all...his ears ar e large and
point ed at t he t op. His eyes ar e bright yellow - gold and seem t o glow. He
has point y t eet h and a large wrinkle on his for ehead and he has a TAI L!
He's com ing t owards m e...I hav e never been so scar ed in m y life. He
com es t o t he foot of t he t able. He pulls off m y short s and bat hing suit
bot t om ...he pushes m y legs open and pulls m e down t owards him . His
face is so close t o m ine...I want t o scr eam , but it 's only in m y head. I
hear a raspy sound com ing from him . He put s som et hing inside m e and I
feel like I 'm being ripped apart . He likes t o see how t errified I am ... it
gives him a lot of pleasure. I t hurt s so m uch...I have t o get away in m y

head t o som eplace safe... I go."

Mor e det ails of t he alien:

" Fram e: v ery t all...closer t o 7' t han 6'... well- proport ioned...ex cept
shoulders w ere v ery br oad in com parison t o waist ...w ell- m uscled t orso
and legs...I see som e kind of appendage t hat rem inds m e of 'wings'
prot ruding from behind t he shoulders...t her e is what seem s t o be a 't ail'
ext ending from t he back...t he diam et er of t he t ail would approxim at e 3" -
5" ...I do not see his feet ...and cannot r ecall a penis...I hav e a feeling t hat
m y m ind is not allowing m e t o see t his because of t he t raum a associat ed
wit h it .

" Skin/ Text ures: t he color of t he skin is a gray- gr een...dark...som ewhat

'oily' but wit h t he feeling of 'scales'....t he odor he em it s is put rid...he is
not wearing any clot hing, but t her e is som et hing on his chest t hat
rem inds m e of 'arm or' but it seem s t o be a nat ural prot ect ion and not a
m at erial addit ion.

" Face and Head: t he size of t he head is in proport ion t o t he body ...t her e
is no hair...t her e is a lar ge ridge or flap of skin on t he forehead j ust
abov e t he ey es, ext ending acr oss t he brow...t he ey es ar e y ellow - gold and
'glow'...slight ly alm ond- shaped wit h t he pupils vert ical slit s...t he nose
and m out h prot rude slight ly giving t he appearance of " snout - like" ...t he
t eet h are point y...t he ears ar e over- sized in proport ion t o t he head and
t he t ips ext end abov e t he head and com e t o a point ." - Brant on)


[ Ther e are som e] 22 sub- species of Gray s... [ I n m ost cases] t heir
digest ive t ract is useless. Nourishm ent is ingest ed by sm earing a soupy
m ixt ure of biologicals on t he epiderm is. Food sources [ include] Bovine
cat t le [ and hum an] part s surgically rem ov ed by light t echnology [ laser]
and dist illed int o a high prot ein brot h. These t ype of Gr ey s hav e been
referr ed t o as being t he " Orion Crusader s" or t he 'Mar kabians'. Sour ces:
Rigel, Ursa Maj or , Draconis, Ret iculum . Draconians ar e Rept ilian in
nat ure; t he elit e have w inged appendages on t heir back s...

The m ass consciousness of t he governm ent agencies cooperat ing wit h

t he Rigelians have failed t o realize t hat it is not t o t he aliens' advant age
t o give eit her t he Soviet s or t he U.S. an advant age in t he " arm s race" .
These aliens have given t he U.S. t echnology t hat is flawed. Much of t he
t echnology can only be operat ed by t he Greys.

They cont rol gov ernm ent s by picking up likely subj ect s and im plant ing
t hem , m anipulat ing t heir car eers and elevat ing t hem wit hin t he societ al
st ruct ur e t o posit ions of pow er and/ or a posit ion as a leader of public
opinion. When a hum an candidat e becom es cont rolled by reason of
inculcat ion t herapy, t hey oft en knock t he individual " out of his head" and
st or e t he hum an's consciousness/ individualit y [ or soul/ chakra m at rix] ,
while an art ificially creat ed int elligence is placed in t he head of t he

candidat e's body [ via elect r onic int elligence im plant s] t o carr y fort h
cov ert operat ions against t he hum an populat ion.

Hum ans im plant ed as cont rols are indoct rinat ed int o t he belief t hat t hey
are superior t o ot her hum ans ( leading t o schism s wit hin t he 'body' of
hum anit y, result ing in warfare as in t he case of t he racist Germ anic
at rocit ies in world wars I and I I , eugenic populat ion reduct ion policies,
et c. - Brant on) . The aliens t hen give t he hum ans t echnology OR help
t hem t o obt ain weapons for use against each ot her ( t he old divide and
conquer st rat egy, as in t he case wit h t he Nazi for ces whose elit e leader s
m aint ained a t reat y wit h t he Asht arian " Kom ogul- I I " or " Gizeh" em pire, a
j oint hum anoid- rept iloid collect ive operat ing from beneat h t he desert s of
Egypt . - Brant on) . All key per sonnel [ in t he NSA, et c.] are im plant ed and
cont r olled by t he alien species.

I f t he 'elit e' are successful, t hey are used as " priest s and caret akers" of
t he SLAVE planet . I f t hey fail [ Hit ler] t hen t hey are bet ray ed and t hr ow n
t o t he w olves...

The first st age of t heir One World plan is t o use biological warfar e
[ ENGI NEERED PLAGUES, et c.] t o rid t he planet of undesirables. ( Not e: I t
is int erest ing how plagues hav e oft en hist orically accom panied t he
appearances of 'com et s', as will be seen furt her on in t his sect ion. -
Brant on) . The biological warfar e is out of cont r ol. Decim at ion of
populat ion places t he r em aining populat ion ult im at ely under t heir
cont r ol...

They blanket couples for sexual t hrills and are drawn t o aberrant s and
sexual deviat es ( feeding off of t heir negat ive or gasm ic sexual energy , as
- - according t o legends - - do t he vam pirial incubus and succubi 'dem ons'
t hat have been recorded t hroughout hist ory. - Brant on) ...

The Markabs use sex , pain, drugs and fear as obsessive elem ent s wit h
which t o aber rat e hum ans...

By com ing t o a t hor ough underst anding of a host ile ent it ies' abilit y t o
wear m any faces, it unm asks and loses it s abilit y t o adv ersely influence...


...The Procy onians have t he abilit y t o t rav el wit hin t im efram es and
densit y levels, as w ell as in- bet ween. Rigelian ent it ies lack t his capabilit y.
They depend on beam craft for int erst ellar t ravel. Procyonians 'ast rally'
t ravel fr om locat ion t o locat ion [ per cept ion t o per cept ion] as a nat ural
funct ion... Hum anit y as a m ass consciousness can cr eat e any dest iny it
chooses t o creat e for it self...


Typically, individuals are t ak en and subj ect ed t o t est ing, exam inat ion and
m anipulat ion. Biological m onit oring and cont rol im plant s are insert ed and

t he individual is t hen released. There have also been cases where

hum ans wer e m ut ilat ed [ in t he sam e way cat t le are m ut ilat ed] while st ill
alive - - part s of t heir bodies lit erally sliced away - - in order t o secur e
biological m at erials for nourishm ent or genet ic proj ect s under alien
[ Gr ey] cont r ol...


Abduct ion is not necessarily an experience t hat one undergoes alone. I n

fact , one st udy shows t hat in 24% of t he cases r eviewed t her e w ere
m ult iple wit nesses t o t he abduct ion. Ther e was one case in Connect icut
wher e sev en people fr om t hree different car s w er e involved in an
abduct ion event .

Anot her case involves 221 Unit ed St at es Arm y t roops at Fort Ord in
1961. I n t his case, soldier s w er e out on ex ercise when one or m or e craft
descended and abduct ed t hem , im plant ed t hem and left t hem dazed on
t he gr ound. Som e of t he t r oops looked up and saw t he disks flying away
and vom it ed, which indicat es a program m ed r esponse insert ed by t he
aliens. ( Not e: This is not t he ONLY case of " m ass abduct ion and
im plant at ion" of m ilit ary per sonnel. Sev eral such ev ent s hav e been
report ed or hint ed at . Oft en t hese m ass- abduct ions t ak e place near
m ilit ary facilit ies wher e exist ing " j oint - operat ional" underground facilit ies
exist . I n som e cases personnel have described t he sudden paralyzat ion of
sev eral ser vicem en or w om en, and suppr essed m em ories of Grey s
levit at ing personnel THROUGH ceilings via som e t ype of dim ensional
phase- shift ing equivalent t o Philadelphia Experim ent t echnology, and
basically t he 't radit ional' abduct ion procedur e ex cept on a m uch larger
scale. No doubt t his is how t he aliens m aint ain collect ive m ind cont rol of
sensit ive levels of t he m ilit ary so as t o keep t hese m ilit ary- indust rial
per sonnel under t heir 'spell', especially if t here is a pot ent ial 't hreat ' t hat
t he int erplanet ary t echnology t hat t he m ilit ary- indust rialist s are
dev eloping is in danger of being leaked t o t he public dom ain. - Brant on)

As t he t roops were com ing out of t he daze, appr oxim at ely 600 fr esh
t roops fr om Fort Ord descended on t hem and sequest er ed t hem and t heir
fam ilies for a period of t im e. This operat ion involved pre- knowledge on
t he part of t he Unit ed St at es Arm y - - t hey already had a plan in hand t o
use soldiers t o sequest er ot her soldiers in case of m ass abduct ion. To
com e up wit h 600 m en im m ediat ely aft er a m ass abduct ion suggest s t hat
t hings wer e ext rem ely organized t o st art wit h - - r em em ber , t his is

We also have m ult iple cases of Gr ey abduct ees [ t hose abduct ed by

Gr ey s] being cont act ed by Blonds aft er long ex perience wit h t he Gr ey s.
They were t hen pr ot ect ed in som e way from influence by t he Greys,
apparent ly sav ed from t he Gr eys by t he Blonds, oft en by im plant
t echnology...



I n Oct ober of 1989, w e heard report s t hat t he aliens are t raining t he

abduct ees on weapons and in aircraft , in order t o have t hose abduct ees
act ually fight an enem y of t he Gr eys ( while in a 'program m ed' alt er ed
st at e of conscious, possibly via an induced alt er nat e personalit y which is
connect ed t o t he alien collect ive or hive via psionic im plant s - Brant on) - -
possibly t he Blonds, som et im e in t he near fut ure. We do hav e abduct ee
t est im ony t hat indicat es such t raining but not for t hose r easons. Most of
our sour ces say t he abduct ees will be t aken aw ay before t he fight ing
because t hey are t oo valuable t o be wast ed in t hat m anner. One would
not t hink t hey would need us t o fight for t hem ...

( Not e: I t has been r eport ed t hat on m ost planet s t hat t hey hav e
conquered, t he Rept iloids/ Gr ey s hav e depended on t he cooperat ion of
powerful and self- serving individuals wor king wit hin t he governm ent al-
int elligence com plex es of t hose cult ures, in order t o gain access t o t he
eco- polit ical est ablishm ent so t hat m ass m ind- cont rol agendas could be
im plem ent ed. I t w ould seem t hat an all- out overt invasion like t he
ancient 'Draconian' at t ack against t he Ly ran w orlds would be carried out
as a last r esort . Obviously t he Greys/ Rept iloids have opt ed for covert
warfare so as t o lim it casualt ies on t heir side and also t o m inim ize t he
dest ruct ion of t he 'spoil' - - or , t he pot ent ial m ind- slaves and t he
resources of t he t arget ed cult ure. A r adioact ively 't oast ed' cit y or planet
is not very useful t o m eet t he 'needs' of t he Orionit e em pire, but t hey
have resort ed at t im es t o such dest ruct ive m et hods when all ot her
opt ions have failed. What t hey at t em pt t o do is cr eat e SLAVE PLANETS
which can feed t he ev er - expanding appet it es of t he Draconian- Orionit e
'collect ive'. I t is said t hat m any of t he hum an colonial worlds wit hin t his
im m ediat e sect or of t he galaxy - - 21 or so st ar syst em s- - hav e already
fallen t o t he Orionit es t hrough a pr ocess of infilt rat ion and conquest .
Their assim ilat ion of planet 'eart h' is ESSENTI AL so t hat t he w ar rior-
inst inct and m et agened Terrans do not get out of cont r ol and pose a
t hreat t o t heir cont inued exploit at ion of t hese peripheral syst em s. They
have t arget ed and infilt rat ed t he Unit ed St at es of Am erica because t his is
wher e t he individualist m ov em ent has it s st r ongest base in t his sect or of
t he galaxy [ as ex em plified in t he BI LL OF RI GHTS, et c.] . The individualist
or independence r ev olut ion is t he deadly foe of t he for ces of
COLLECTI VI SM on, wit hin and beyond planet eart h. - Brant on)

FROM " THE GOVERNMENT FACTOR" , by abduct ee Cynt hia Crow ell:

...Abduct ees ar e under governm ent [ NRO/ NSA/ CI A, et c.] surv eillance
because of alien cont act . This gov ernm ent m ind- set dem ands t hat w e
suddenly have no right s or values bey ond our obvious value of keeping
t rack of what t he various alien groups ar e doing.

Furt her, t he sit uat ion seem s t o be one in which part s of t he Unit ed St at es
populat ion are seen by cert ain fact ions wit hin t he governm ent as a t hr eat
t o " nat ional securit y" . This m ay be behind t he spit eful at t it ude wit h which
people are being t reat ed, especially by m ilit ary based fact ions of t he
governm ent . Assum ing t he gov ernm ent had m ade a deal t hat t hey
regret t ed in a lat er adm inist rat ion, t hey w ould be faced wit h m illions of
people t hat have had cont act wit h ot her beings. The agent - handler

program was int ended t o t rack and m onit or a per cent age of t he people
having alien cont act in t he hope of being able t o predict possible use of
hum ans against covert fact ions in t he governm ent and t o defend t he
concept of " nat ional securit y" .

( Not e: As is oft en t he case wit h hum an nat ure, m any int elligence
agencies who hav e had 'dealings' wit h t he collect ivist Rept iloids and
Gr ey s in t he past , having since br ok en- off such int eract ion, t end t o m or e
readily point t he finger at t he " abduct ees" rat her t hen at t hose m ind-
cont r olled elem ent s wit hin t heir own agencies who m ay have been
" assim ilat ed" and im plant ed as a r esult of t heir past int eract ion wit h t he
alien collect ivist s. And t he " abduct ees" oft en t end t o point t he finger at
t he " governm ent " and fail t o see t he " enem y wit hin" , or t he subconscious
program m ing or ev en alt ernat e ident it ies t hat have been psy chot ically
induced wit hin THEMSELVES during abduct ion experiences. I t obvious
t hat t he alien collect ivist s as part of a divide- and- conquer agenda ar e
m anipulat ing t he em ot ions of int elligence agent s AND abduct ees in order
t o set t hem against each ot her , while t he aliens sit back and laugh - - I F
t hey hav e such a capabilit y - - and cont inue onw ard wit h t heir
'assim ilat ion' of our cult ures. How ev er it is count er- pr oduct ive t o t ry and
fight alien collect ivism by im posing collect ivist cont rol upon abduct ees. As
one ancient and long- forgot t en Chinese wise- m an once said: " Bewar e
when fight ing a dragon t hat you do not becom e one.! " - Brant on)

I t w ould not surprise m e t o learn t hat t he gov ernm ent is awar e of t he

group- m ind aspect of t he abduct ion experience. I f so, t hey would know
t hat t he m ore abduct ees t hey can count er- cont rol, t he m or e influence
t hey can ex ert over people who have cont act wit h ot her beings. I f t hey
are not fully aware of and act ing on t his aspect , t hen it m ay m ean t hat
we are not only expendable but have already been lost t o t he conflict as
far as t he " secret gov er nm ent " is concerned...

I can underst and t he concept of t he gov ernm ent running int o an alien
t echnology and m aking a deal t o buy t im e in or der t o t ry and deal wit h a
per ceived t hr eat ; at what point did t hey becom e 'm onst er s' who run
drugs and guns t o finance t heir act ions, abuse children and suppr ess
t echnical developm ent s t hat would help us over com e a lot of grief?

We 'abduct ees' are t he hum an sacrifice of our t im es. This would probably
be accept able t o t he vast m aj orit y of us if w e could believe t hat it was for
t he good of t he whole... Our blood has bought y ou not hing [ like m edical,
t echnological and ot her scient ific advancem ent s] and it has not sav ed
you or your children from t he aliens. I t has ser ved only t o line t he
pock et s of t he select few in t he cent ral pow er group, be t hey
governm ent , financial, religious and/ or alien leader s...

I hav e been t old t hat we all occupy sev eral differ ent 'bodies' all st acked
t oget her like nest ing boxes - - t he phy sical body sur rounded by t he
et heric 'body ' surr ounded by t he ast ral 'body' surr ounded by t he m ent al
'body ', et c.

We also act ually have an ext ra 'body', t he em ot ional 'body', t hat t he


aliens don't have. This part of us const ant ly put s out a kind of energy
t hey can not generat e or sim ulat e. This em ot ional energy [ which you ar e
awar e of as love, hat e, ( passion) , et c., - - it is really all t he sam e kind of
energy at differ ent angles and int ensit ies] is, t o t hem , like a pot ent ,
m uch sought - aft er drug. They can t ake it out of us and bot t le it , so t o
speak , and use it recr eat ionally, scient ifically and as a t rade it em , like
m oney . We const ant ly generat e t his energy , st oring it wit hin one of our
m any 'bodies', always k eeping a supply " on us." I 'v e been t old t hat it is
st or ed in our et heric body, as a subst ance, bet ween t he sm all ridges of
t he et heric field. This energy is also cont ained wit hin our experiences and
m em ories of experience...

During t he process of " soul- shearing" , it feels m or e like som et hing is

being t aken fr om wit hin as opposed t o fr om out side t he physical body. I
know t his because we are left conscious for t he process'; consciousness
int ensifies t he product . Also during t his 'harvest ing', Greys will look
direct ly int o our ey es, as if t hey are drinking som et hing or basking in
light . This m ay be why t heir ey es st rike us as so ugly. They're not really
ugly, j ust big, but when we see t hem , we subconsciously associat e t hem
wit h t he horrible feelings of t he harv est ing. Abduct ees will say about
Gr ey ey es, " They seem t o look int o m y soul." I have always consider ed
t hat descript ion t o be basically backwards. The sight or t he m em ory of
t he sight of Gr ey ey es brings on a feeling t hat t hey are " sucking m y soul
out of m e" [ absorbing it int o t hem selves] , not looking int o m y soul. I t
feels like you are disappearing fr om exist ence...

Wit h t he process of " soul- shearing" or one like it , t hey can lit erally t ake a
per son [ let 's say Billy] out of his body and put him in anot her person's
[ let 's say Bob's] body. The essence of Billy's conscious awareness and
ident it y, m ot ivat ions, values, et c., can be put int o Bob's body . Bob's
essence can be put int o st orage [ som et hing like fr eezing] while Billy
occupies his body . They can separat e it furt her: Billy's essence can be
spliced int o Bob's body and conscious pr ogram m ing and m em ory. I n
ot her words, Billy could be t ak en out of his life and body and put int o
Bob's life and body , and nev er r eally even know t he differ ence, ex cept for
st range dr eam s and feelings he could not associat e wit h resident Bob's
m em ory and pr ogram m ing. I have been t hr eat ened wit h t his and would
not be surprised t o find out it has already happened. I suspect t his is
done on a regular basis. They do it part ly t o k eep us confused. it is a
super- blocking or double- blocking process as far as m em ory. Beyond
experience/ m em or y r em oval, it is a m assive experience/ m em ory
replacem ent ...



To Whom I t May Concer n;

I am an abduct ee. I am a cont act ee. I am a UFO r esear cher. All of t hese
and m or e. I hav e had m issing t im e several t im es...

I hav e conscious m em ories of cont act s m ade at about age 4 or 5. One


was an undergr ound base wit h vat s, no less.

The vat s had cat t le body part s in t hem . The 'people' doing t he abduct ions
are t wo kinds. One is blond wit h long hair. The ot her is sm all, grey and
delicat e. The ent it ies dr awn during t he Travis Walt on case ar e ident ical.
These 'people' hav e done a lot of w eird t hings.

Once while in college I got a st range let t er about m e being 'm at eable'
m at erial, and a drawing of a SERPENT sym bol. The aliens have a serpent
sym bol. I did not know about Travis Walt on when m y experience
happened in 1970.

I had loads of sight ings. I guess I m ust hav e lived near a base of som e
kind. The usual balls of light , saucer shapes, and ovals in form at ion...

I hav e a girlfriend who is r esearching UFOs. She j oined t he Air Force in

1980. I got int o t he Nav y but was discharged due t o m y ast hm a. She
called m e and t old m e som e inform at ion t hat got us bot h invest igat ed by
t he FBI . They wer e t ough on her. She nearly com m it t ed suicide. They
t hreat ened m e wit h espionage laws. They pum ped m e for all t he dat a I
know on UFOs...


Ov er t he last t en y ears research int o alien abduct ions of hum an beings

has pr oduced evidence t hat abduct ees ar e being t rained on alien
equipm ent . Types of t raining include: Flight I nst ruct ion, Weapons
Training, Com put er s, and locat ion of ot her abduct ees.

Ther e ar e sev eral scenarios or apparent purposes for t his t ype of t raining
[ which is blocked from conscious m em ory] . These scenarios
hypot het ically m ight be:

1. To operat e alien equipm ent FOR t he ruling forces of t he planet in

defense of t he planet fr om ot her alien invaders.

2. To operat e alien equipm ent FOR aliens in defense against ruling forces
of t he planet .

( Not e: An alt ernat e t heory t hat should be m ent ioned would be: 3. To
operat e alien equipm ent FOR a j oint collaborat ion bet ween aliens and t he
ruling forces of t he planet , in defense against t heir enem ies, whoever or
wher ev er t hey m ay be. - Brant on)


I t has been observ ed t hat fem ale hum ans t hat are being abduct ed and
used as a hybrid breeding sour ce generally seem t o fall int o t wo gener al
breeding cat egories.

( 1) Those fem ales t hat are fairly young and can produce superior eggs.
The aliens have recognized t hat eggs raised by hum an fem ales t hat ar e
'fr ee' and unconfined ar e of bet t er qualit y. These fem ales ar e abduct ed
and ret urned t o t heir place of origin aft er each abduct ion.

( 2a) Those fem ales t hat ar e aging [ eit her nat urally or by virt ue of t he
physical t oll t aken on t he body by t he alien agenda] . I t has been
observ ed t hat hum an fem ales in capt ivit y produce a higher quant it y of
eggs but t he qualit y is lower. These fem ales ar e ev ent ually ret ained in
undergr ound br eeding facilit ies unt il t heir deat h. Many abduct ees hav e
observ ed undergr ound r oom s wit h HUNDREDS of hum an fem ales all
" wired for sound" . The expressions on t he faces of t hese fem ales ranged
from silent t err or t o blank st ar es. Som e appear ed t o be pr egnant bey ond
t he norm al t hree m ont h in vit ro br eeding t im e. An area such as t his is
known t o exist in Nevada, and feat ures securit y syst em s which can
det ect t he presence of observ er s in t he ast ral densit y by m inut e m agnet ic
fluct uat ions.

( Not e: Ot her sour ces claim t hat t he Dulce and Pine Gap underground
facilit ies ar e also equipped wit h t hese m agnet ic sensor s which can det ect
a proj ect ed ast ral or 'm agnet ic' body of a hum an being, and in fact t hat
t hese bases ar e sim ult aneously operat ional in t he 3rd, 4t h and 5t h
densit ies or dim ensions. I t m ay be t hat t he 4t h and 5t h dim ensional
per sonnel cont rol t he t hird dim ensional act ivit ies. Aside fr om ast ral
securit y syst em s t hat can det ect ast ral int ruders or t he m agnet ic bodies
of rem ot e view ers, t her e are also appar ent ly cont ainm ent room s specially
const ruct ed t o t rap and cont ain subspace life for m s. One r em ot e view er ,
an Aust ralian by t he nam e of Robert , encount ered t hree ot her r em ot e
viewer s or ast ral spy s checking out t he undergr ound base t hat he had
t arget ed [ Pine Gap, Aust ralia] . Two of t hem w er e roam ing about as he
was, but t he ast r al or m agnet ic body of a t hird had apparent ly becom e
t rapped in an ast ral cont ainm ent field. He speculat ed on t he possible
effect s t hat t his m ight have had on t hat person's physical body, including
t he possibilit y t hat he m ight have slipped int o a com a or w or se. Som e
Am erindians speak of sor cerers who could 'suck t he soul' out of a hum an
body and place it in a cont ainer. I f t hat soul was absent from t he body
for a cert ain period of t im e t hen t hat soul's phy sical body would die. I n
t he case of alien occult - t echnological m anipulat ion, t his m ight also be t he
case, unless t he soul is ret urned or r eplaced by 'anot her' ent it y. -
Brant on)

( 2b) I t has also been discover ed t hat abduct ees who ar e part of t he
hybrid breeding program t hat offer t oo m uch m ent al resist ance ar e oft en
abduct ed perm anent ly t o live out t heir lives in a " t est t ube" sit uat ion - -
held in st asis ( Not e: Ot her abduct ees on t he ot her hand who hav e NOT
been " t aken out " nevert heless live in a const ant and unceasing m ent al
'hell' or an im posed psy chological " concent rat ion cam p" result ing from
t he r elent less psionic at t acks of alien or ot her- dim ensional forces who do
NOT wish t o allow such people t o get out of cont rol and becom e a t hr eat
t o t hem . I f t hese abduct ees do not " play ball" , t hen rat her t han abduct ing
t hem - - if t heir disappearance w ould cause t oo m uch public at t ent ion - -
t hey will oft en as an alt ernat ive, 'pr ogram ' t he abduct ee wit h unconscious

self- dest ruct ive suggest ions. Millions of people have had t heir lives
'sabot aged' on m any levels by alien int ervent ion, and in som e of t he
m or e unfort unat e cases abduct ees hav e been driven t o suicide. My heart
especially goes out t o t hose whose lives are being sabot aged,
m anipulat ed and vict im ized by alien for ces who are not consciously aware
of t heir abduct ions. THESE people ar e probably t he m ost desperat e of all
vict im s of alien m anipulat ion. - Brant on) .


The Gr ey s seem t o spend m or e t im e being afraid of hum ans t han

disliking t hem . They pr efer t o subdue hum ans and t ake what t hey want
from t hem in t he form of biological product s or energy fr equencies ( Not e:
They ar e energy vam pir es, ever siphoning- off t he VI TAL energies of t heir
vict im s in order t o feed or energize t hem selves. - Brant on) .

...The Gr ey s hav e t he abilit y t o ext ract knowledge and sensor y

inform at ion from t he br ain of t he hum an and m ake use of t hat
inform at ion when m ent ally cont rolling t he consciousness of t he hum an.
This inform at ion m ay be wov en int o a scenario which is specifically
gear ed t oward m odifying t he behavior of t he hum an... I t is est im at ed
t hat at least t en percent of t he hum an populat ion is regularly and
syst em at ically abduct ed by t he Greys and ot her species. That num ber
has been st eadily rising as t im e goes on.

...Children are som et im es abduct ed and never r et urned t o t heir point of

origin. The Gr ey s m ay abduct a hum an child and raise t hem in t heir own
environm ent t o event ually becom e a m anipulat ed hum an t hat t hey can
use for t heir own purposes. Rept ilian aliens are known t o be carnivorous.
I t is also known t hat as far as hum ans are concerned, t hey pr efer hum an
children t o adult s. The bodies of hum an children ar e r elat ively
uncont am inat ed wit h t obacco, alcohol, and ot her subst ances t hat ar e
dist ast eful t o t hat species. Research indicat es t hat hum an children ar e
being collect ed and st or ed by som e species for t hat purpose.

...The pr obabilit y of t he children being ret urned in good condit ion by

Rept ilian based species is m uch less t han wit h t he Gr eys ( Alt hough t he
Gr ey s ar e also r ept ilian- based, but less obviously so. - Brant on) ... t he
Gr ey s feel t hey have not hing t o physically fear from a child. The Grey s
are generally paranoid of adult hum ans and will, in m ost cases,
aut om at ically seek t o induce paralysis wit hout considerat ion for t he
t em peram ent of t he individual hum an adult . Children are seen by t he
Gr ey s as fut ure t arget s of biophysical m anipulat ion as far as t heir ident it y
as hum ans is concerned.


( 1) Resear cher Clifford St one on one occasion r eciev ed w ord of an

im pending abduct ion and rushed out t o t he sit e in his car in an at t em pt
t o int erfer e. As he r eached t he sit e, he saw t he Gr ey s dragging a lit t le
boy away from a st at ion wagon int o a w ait ing disk. St one, wit h incredible

presence of m ind, rushed int o t he disk wit h a can of hairspray and a

light er and burned t he Gr ey t hat was holding t he child, grabbed t he child
and ran out . The disk t ook off im m ediat ely and all was well...

( 2) On one occasion, an abduct ion occur r ed on a farm in t he sout hern

Unit ed St at es. The farm er , who had a rigid and st rong belief st ruct ur e,
per ceived several Gr ey s hauling off his young son. He yelled at t he
Gr ey s, " St op! I f you don't st op m y God will crush your ship! " The Gr ey s
halt ed, glared at him , let t he boy go, clim bed int o t he ship and t ook off.
The point is t hat t he hum an could believe anyt hing st rongly enough and
as far as t he Gr ey s w er e concerned, it would be fact . The Gr ey s, having a
group orient ed m ent al st ruct ure, cannot pr ocess policy decisions wit hout
consult at ion wit h Grey s higher in t heir social hierar chy. The r esult can be
confusion when t hey ar e faced wit h event s t hat t hey don't expect . They
will oft en cease operat ions unt il a decision is m ade. I t seem s t o be an
inherent operat ional 'weakness'. ( Not e: Ther e is also som et hing t o be
said about t he aliens' fear of Divine I nt erv ent ion. I f indeed t he Greys and
Rept iloids are physical beings t hat are largely incarnat ed by subspace
ent it ies akin t o rebel angels as som e account s suggest , t hen a sudden
rem inder of t he Alm ight y pow er of t heir ancient foes - - t he Supr em e
being and his angels - - m ight be enough t o cause t hem t o st op in t heir
t rack s. - Brant on)


UFO's ar e using t he ar ea near Calvert , Texas as a base or way st at ion.

Caverns exist beneat h farm land on t he out skirt s of t own. " Ther e is a
com plex net work of Cav es and Tunnels which connect som ewher e
undergr ound. A check of geographical survey m aps will show t hat Calv ert
is built direct ly on t op of a fault line which zigzags for m iles in all
direct ions."

The ranchers and farm ers in t his area hav e report ed hearing peculiar
noises com ing from deep beneat h t heir feet . " I ndividuals living five or six
m iles out side Calvert have repeat edly been driven out of t heir hom es int o
t he cool ev ening air by t he sound of generat or s. I t appears t o t hem as if
a st eady dr oning noise is originat ing from all direct ions but is loudest
when ears ar e placed t o t he gr ound."

This bit of inform at ion has led m e t o conclude t hat UFO's operat ing
around here hav e est ablished bases for t hem selves far beneat h t he
Eart h's crust ...


Perhaps t he m ost widely r efer enced area t hat allegedly has a base is 2.5
m iles nort hwest of t he t own of Dulce, New Mexico ( anot her m aj or
ext ension of t his m assiv e base seem s t o be sout h of Dulce. - Brant on) .
The area is norm ally refer red t o by r esearcher s and abduct ees alike as
DULCE... Over t he past 10 years, A LOT of dat a has com e in about t his

facilit y.

Many of t he undergr ound bases are adj acent t o large undergr ound
cavit ies, m any of which are known by bot h t he public and t he m ilit ary
for ces. All large undergr ound cavit ies affect t he gravit at ional field
st rengt h in t hat area, and t hey all can be locat ed t hr ough an exam inat ion
of a Gravit y Field Anom aly m ap obt ained t hrough t he U.S. Geological
Survey. The average field st rengt h is about - 100 t o - 150. The field
st rengt h ov er t hese large cavit ies seem s t o vary fr om - 250 t o - 400.
Check it out . Relat e t hese ar eas t o areas of sight ings. Viola!


We hav e som e sensit ive ar eas in Kansas j ust report ed. Wichit a - - UFOs
seen, m ilit ary black helicopt ers seen. Also a report fr om a m ilit ary m an
from Ft . Riley. He has seen UFOs and not been allowed in cert ain areas of
t he base. [ Ther e is also] t alk of UFO abduct ions of m ilit ary m en & t heir
fam ilies. Cannot confir m t his at t his t im e because t he m an and his fam ily
suddenly disappeared. My best friend of ov er 15 years has not cont act ed
m e since t hey report ed t he inform at ion t o m e! So Kansas is definit ely a
concern for m e per sonally.


Many of t he early under ground facilit ies belonging t o t he At om ic Energy

Com m ission in t he 1950's w ere ev ent ually t urned ov er t o proj ect s
relat ing t o alien t echnology. Most appar ent ly wer e added on t o by t he
for ces t hat occupied t hem ...

Resident s of t he [ Dulce] ar ea r eport t hat a cert ain sect ion of r oad ar ound
Dulce Lak e has been t he sit e of several accident s. I t is said t hat drivers
report t hat t hey see a st raight st ret ch of road w her e t he r oad appar ent ly
curv es. Elder s of t he local [ Jicarilla Apache] t ribe report t hat when t hey
walk by t his area t hey have a sim ilar visual problem . Som e of t hem have
ev en fallen int o t he lake because of t his. These sam e Elder s r efrain from
discussing t he anim al m ut ilat ions. One int erest ing fact is t hat t he Jicarilla
I ndian creat ion m yt h says t hat t hey em erged fr om undergr ound...

( Not e: Could t his be an area cont aining t im e- space dist ort ions? A sim ilar
area r eport edly exist s j ust sout h of t he m id- point bet ween Lakeport and
Hopeland, California. Maj or t im e- space dist ort ions hav e been det ect ed
t here bet w een t hese t w o. Many r esident s of t hat area hav e also died
under m y st erious circum st ances, t her e hav e been r eport s of ancient
caverns and t unnels wit h 'st airs' leading downward, several cars including
governm ent vehicles have disappeared along t hat st r et ch of road in t he
past , phot ographs of quasi- physical beings have been t ak en, st range
voices fr om 'no- wher e', large black aut om obiles which disappear int o
cliffs have been r eport ed, and st range beings st alking t he area at night .
The t im e- space dist ort ions involve cert ain areas wher e, for exam ple, an
obj ect t hat 'appears' t o be 100 feet away m ay t urn out t o be a m ile, and
vise v er sa. Ot her ar eas wher e t im e- space dist or t ions have been report ed

include Sedona, Arizona; t he m id- point bet ween Arkansas and Missouri;
an area in or around Lake Ont ario, Mt . Shast a and t he Moj av e desert in
California; Mont auk, Long I sland; and of course t he 'Berm uda Triangle'
region, j ust t o nam e a few. - Brant on)

A recent field invest igat ion of t he ar ea adj acent t o [ Ar chulet a] Mesa

prov ed t o be difficult . Resear chers were confr ont ed by sev eral sm all
hovering spher es t hat had som e sort of elect r onic em ission t hat m ade
t hem all violent ly ill.

Act ivit y in t he area of Dulce, New Mexico began alm ost at t he sam e t im e
as t he Rosw ell crash - 1947. St udies of t he area have confirm ed t hat
sum m er t r oop m ovem ent s occur red ev ery year aft er 1947 for quit e som e
t im e. The const ruct ion of a road int o t he area w as done, and t ruck s w ent
in and out of t he t own. Lat er on, t he road was m yst eriously blocked by
t he 'm ilit ary' and dest r oyed...

Since t he init ial act ivit y seem ed t o occur in t he sam e year as several disk
crashes, one m ight wonder why t he m ilit ary would be carr ying on a large
const ruct ion program of t his nat ure, especially since it occurr ed som e 12
years befor e t he fam ous RAND CORPORATI ON confer ence on Deep
Undergr ound Const ruct ion, which occurr ed in 1959.

They m ight have discov er ed inform at ion about t he base from analysis of
t he crashed disks or t he r ept ilian- based ent it ies t hey found on board. I t is
possible t hat t his facilit y was funct ional earlier t han 1947. We do know
t hat t he base was m ade in st ages using ALI EN t echnology. Most
ev eryt hing in t he base is cont rolled m agnet ically. Ev en t he illum inat ion is
m agnet ically induced.

What we do know is t hat t he upper levels w er e built AFTER t he low er

levels. I n ot her w ords, a U.S. base was built ON TOP OF a pre- exist ing
alien base. This is not t he only locat ion wher e t his phenom ena has t ak en
place. There ar e indicat ions t hat t here ar e sit uat ions like t his up at t he
Nevada Test Sit e and elsewher e. Deep sect ions of t he com plex ar e
connect ed t o [ ext ensive] nat ural cavern sy st em s...

We know t hat t he base consist s of a m any- leveled cylinder wit h t unnels

radiat ing out in sev eral [ 5] direct ions. There ar e at least 7 levels. We
know [ t hr ough personnel who have work ed t here] t hat t he first t w o or
t hree levels ar e prim arily US governm ent per sonnel. We know t hat
senat ors and ast r onaut s have been br ought t o t he facilit y and have been
shown t he first [ few] levels. The facilit y appear s t o be a st at e of- t he- ar t
cry ogenet ics facilit y and laborat or y...

Lev el 7 is wher e hum an children and adult s are st or ed as a source of

biological m at erials. Rem em ber t he long ships in t he series " V" wher e all
t he hum ans wer e st or ed? I t 's sim ilar t o t hat , but it is m or e of a
product ion laborat ory sit uat ion. Hum ans hav e been seen st or ed in clear
cylindrical cont ainers ov er 6 feet in height , suspended in a yellow or
am ber fluid - - alive and conscious but unable t o scr eam or say a word.

[ This has been] a com m on observat ion in t his inst allat ion as well as in
som e of t he ot her 26 inst allat ions in t he m idwest ern US [ cont aining
sim ilar facilit ies] ...

Biogenet ic research gained at Los Alam os, New Mexico was funded under
t he cloak of secr ecy. I t was com bined wit h alien t echnology in t he genet ic
sciences t o pr oduce expendable biological ent it ies for use as t he m ak er s
see fit . Cloning of hum anoids is part of t he nat ural progr ess of scient ific
dev elopm ent along t he " service t o self" lines; t hat it is going on t here is
absolut ely no doubt . Ther e is also no doubt t hat polit ical figures in
governm ent s hav e been cloned and r epr oduced.

( Not e: These r eplicat es m aint ain t he sam e 'surface' m em ories and

ident it y of t he 'original', which are elect r onically t ransfer r ed int o t he
clones m ind via a m ind- com put er link, and t he clone m ay or m ay not
cont ain t he original soul- energy m at rix. However in m ost cases t he
duplicat e is heavily im plant ed elect r onically in order t o connect him / her
t o t he alien collect ive on a SUBCONSCI OUS lev el, or on a conscious lev el
I F t he body is under t he full cont rol of an alien ident it y, as in t he case of
t he not orious 'walk- in' phenom ena. - Brant on)

I t sounds like t he plot fr om a grade B m ovie, doesn't it ? Well, what is

m or e com fort able for hum ans t o handle in t he guise of science fict ion is
act ually based on fact ; t he m ain reason t hat t his pr oblem exist s t o t he
ext ent it does is t hat it is all lit erally undergr ound and covert .

Alt hough t he base act ually has m or e t han 100 exit point s, including large
air int ake duct s near Lindrit h, t hese exit s and ot her ar eas inside t he base
are cov er ed by cam eras. Everyt hing and every one is wat ched and
m onit ored.

I n 1978, a sm all group of w orkers at Dulce discov er ed t he t rue nat ure

behind t he facilit y and a r esist ance unit form ed; a r esist ance unit is a
t ouchy t hing in a base t hat was est im at ed in 1978 t o hav e a populat ion
which included over 18,000 alien beings. By lat e 1979, t he sit uat ion led
t o a confront at ion ov er t he flash- t ube weapons t hat [ alien/ hum an]
securit y forces car ried [ as opposed t o t he m achine- guns which US
governm ent - m ilit ary for ces had t o set t le for] . A lot of hum ans w er e
killed. Mem ber s of t he NRO's Delt a Securit y t eam were am ong t he
casualt ies...


The Unit ed St at es Gov ernm ent has m aint ained an int erest in so- called
" disposable biology" hum anoids, t o perform t asks t hat it consider ed t oo
dangerous for hum ans. Wit h t he knowledge gained fr om work at Sandia
and Los Alam os, along wit h knowledge gained by int eract ing wit h alien
t echnology, t he 'gov ernm ent ' has achieved t he abilit y t o pr oduce
hum anoids for t his 'pur pose'.

The abilit ies of t he Unit ed St at es Gov ernm ent ( alt hough m any would

argue t hat it is t he Ex ecut ive- I ndust rial 'gov ernm ent ' rat her t han t he
Congr essional- Elect orat e 'gov ernm ent ' t hat is involved - Brant on) have
been advanced enough [ and t his has been confirm ed by wit nesses] t o
inst igat e t he sam e clandest ine im pregnat ion of hum an fem ales in order
t o achieve 3- m ont h hybrid fet uses, which ar e gr own furt her in labs under
alien t echnology. I n ot her words, t he Grey s are NOT t he only ones doing
t his t o t he populat ion of t he Unit ed St at es. The hybrids t hus generat ed
are pr oduct s of DNA m anipulat ion. I m plant s t hat funct ion as brain
t ransceiver s ar e also inst alled, and are cont rolled t hrough RF
t ransm ission [ regular radio frequencies] . The net wor k of hybrids was
apparent ly put t oget her by t he Defense Adv anced Resear ch Pr oj ect s
Agency [ DARPA] and include R.H.I .C. [ Radio- Hypnot ic I nt racer ebral
Cont rol] and E.D.O.M. [ Elect r onic Dissolut ion of Mem or y] t ype cont r ols,
which were developed in t he lat t er half of t he CI A/ NSA m ind cont rol
program s of MKULTRA and MKDELTA...

A significant port ion of t he base is geared t owar d m aint aining t he

survivabilit y of t he alien populat ion. The m ain focus of t hese facilit ies
appear s t o be acquisit ion and processing of biological m at erials in order
t o assur e a supply of DNA and ot her biological m at erials for product ion of
bot h aliens and synt het ic lifeform s.

Synt het ic lifeform s ar e cr eat ed wit h anim al based t issue, which can t ake
any form [ genet ically m anipulat ed] , including art ificial neural m at t er.
Alien t echnology per m it s t he wit hdrawal of m em or y from a hum an being
and t he im plant at ion of t hat m em ory in synt het ic neural net w or ks; ot her
m et hods use m olecular com put ers t o sim ulat e m em ory .

The hum anoids cr eat ed by t hese m et hods end up being slow and clum sy.
They hav e r elat ively short life spans, t ypically about t hree y ears - -
usually short er. Hum anoid lifeform s ar e also br ed wit h st andard hum an
beings, producing hybrid lifeform s - - t he desired result is t o pr oduce self-
breeding hybrids t o funct ion on t he lower end of anot her Mast er - Slave
gam e for t he alien species. Ter rest rial hum ans are in t he m iddle.

Terr est rial hum ans are also used for t raining purposes - - t o t rain
synt het ics - - and t o t rain t hem selves t o perfor m dut ies im posed by t heir
alien capt ors. Som e hum ans ar e kidnapped and com plet ely used - - right
down t o t he at om ic part icles in t he m at t er t hat form s t he body .

Terr est rial hum ans are also t reat ed wit h various m ind cont rol t echniques,
such as t he Orion m et hod of hypnosis [ t echno- hypnosis + drugs-
chem icals + st r ess- r epet it ion] and used t o spread disinform at ion or
dist ort inform at ion t hat will lead ot her s ast ray .

The DNA acquired fr om anim als and hum ans is alt ered and used t o creat e
lifeform s t hat gr ow t o adult size in a m at t er of a few m ont hs, allowing for
m assive reproduct ion pot ent ial. Act ual m ixing of DNA t ypes t o creat e new
lifeform s which are a hy brid bet ween t he hum an and non- hum an are
done inside t he fet us t hat grow s inside a m anipulat ed hum an fem ale.


The Air Force has had a unit at Nellis [ AFB] for sev eral years; it s nam e:
Alien Technology Cent er . The first quest ion is, do t hey t hink t hey ar e
st udying Mexicans? The cent er is rum ored t o have obt ained alien
equipm ent ( via t he Alpha- Blue crash- r ecov er y t eam s operat ing out of
Wright - Pat t erson AFB, Ohio? - Brant on) and, at t im es, personnel t o help
dev elop our new aircraft st ar war s w eaponry, et c. Yes, I know I sound
crazy, but t he rum or is awfully solid! The Alien Technology Cent er is for
real. Som et hing rem ar k able has caused t he Russians t o suddenly want t o
play ball, and I per sonally believe t his could be it . Sure, it sounds
st range, but t he m ost advanced known airplane in t he world t oday [ SR-
71] was secr et ly flying in 1963- 4. Do you r eally t hink our best , 23 y ear s
lat er, is t he F- 16?...

[ I n reference t o t he GROOM wars of 1975 and t he DULCE war s of 1979,

John Lear st at ed in a Nov. 25, 1989 int erview] :

" ...I know one of t he fam ilies of one of t he people t hat was killed - - Dr.
Gar y Henderson, who t est ified befor e Congr ess. He work ed for General
Dynam ics, and in 1979 [ t he year t he Dulce War s began] he disappear ed
off t he face of t he eart h. He was involved in t hat division of General
Dynam ics which deals wit h UFOs. We look ed for him and found out t hat
he had been at t ached t o a Top Secr et det achm ent t hat was st at ioned up
at t he Test Sit e. He was one of t hose 44 scient ist s [ who wer e killed or
capt ured by t he Greys?] . The gov ernm ent has a way of going t o fam ilies
and giving t hem m oney t o " help t hem ov er" t heir pr oblem s...

" Apparent ly in t he lat e 1960's w e m ade a deal wit h whoever it was t hat
we w ould reciev e highly advanced t echnology [ from ] in ret urn for
cov ering up t he exist ence of t he aliens and what t hey are doing. We
t hought t hat we would get advanced w eaponry t hat we could use against
our enem ies, but in fact it t urned out t hat we did get a lot of t echnology
t hat was non- weapon or ient ed. These scient ist s wer e working at a highly
classified facilit y, and in 1979 t hey collect ively cam e upon inform at ion
which indicat ed t hat som et hing really really bad was going on. What is
was, specifically, I do not know. Maybe t hey found out about t he AI DS
plan. I t becam e necessary for t he aliens t o elim inat e t hese 44 scient ist s.
What ev er it was t hat happened, 66 Delt a t roops were sent [ t o find t he
scient ist s] and ended up being killed along wit h t he scient ist s. The
docum ent m y friend read was dat ed 1981, and t hat 's all I know.

( Not e: Ot her sour ces claim t hat 100 special forces w er e sent in. Of t hese,
66 were killed and 44 escaped, and t he scient ist s - - an undefined num ber
of t hem - - w er e not sav ed. However t his was apparent ly one of sev eral
m ilit ary assault s t hat have been direct ed against alien underground bases
ov er t he y ears wit h var ying degrees of success. Most of t he m aj or
m ilit ary act ions howev er seem t o have cent ered around t he Dulce base.
According t o Col. St ev e Wilson, direct or of SKYWATCH I NTERNATI ONAL,
sev eral at t em pt s have been m ade by cert ain int elligence agencies t o
" t ake out " t he Dulce base ev er since all but t he m ost die- hard m ind-
cont r olled fascist hum an collaborat ors w er e for ced out of t he base

following t he beginning of t he Dulce Wars. How ev er all of t hese effort s t o

t ake back cont r ol of t he base from t he aliens hav e failed. I w ould
per sonally t hink t hat all fut ure at t em pt s will CONTI NUE t o fail, unt il
Am erican cit izens as a whole ar e allowed t o be a part of such an act ion
against t his base and in fact t he ent ire " alien underground" , and unless
such an act ion has t he full and conscious backing of Congr ess and of t he
Am erican people. - Brant on)


LEAR - - MAY 14, 1990., LAS VEGAS, NEVADA:

[ Excerpt s] : " ...I 'd like t o t alk a lit t le about Dulce. The quest ion is 'I s t his
t rue, does Dulce [ base] exit ?' I like t o hav e four independent
confirm at ions about what ev er I look int o. The fourt h confirm at ion cam e
in several m ont hs ago from an aerospace engineer who w or ked for t he
Air Force, m ainly in designing aircraft and r ock et s. He was deeply
involved in t he Space Shut t le program . He said, y es, t hat in fact he had
been at Dulce, t hat it ex ist s. He visit ed t he facilit y for som et hing ot her
t han genet ic engineering. The nam e t hat he knew it by was 'Sect ion B'
( Ot her s, int er est ingly enough, r efer t o t he Dulce base as 'Sect ion D'.
Could Lear have m is- heard his sour ce, m ist aking 'B' for 'D'? - Brant on) .
So Dulce does exist . About six m ont hs ago, Gabe Valdez' br ot her found
som e of t he above- ground vent ilat ion shaft s for t he base on t he t op of
Mount Archulet a. They wer e going t o wait unt il t he snow clear s, which is
j ust about now, before at t em pt ing t o invest igat e furt her . I underst and
t hat t he duct s w er e r ect angular, horizont al, and about 30 feet wide. One
of t he guys t hat w orked on t he Meier video did som e v ery sophist icat ed
fr equency analysis of t he area and he said 'what ever is under t here put s
out [ t he] energy of a cit y t he size of New Yor k'. Ther e's all kinds of st uff
going on under t here. That 's t he updat e on Dulce...

" The aerospace engineer t hat I spok e of confir m ed t hat Dulce exist ed and
t hat we do have a base on t he Moon. I hav e sev eral ot her sour ces t hat
confirm t he base on t he Moon. They go t her e regularly. I don't know
what t hey do t here, but it does exist . He also confirm ed t he exist ence of
t he base on Mar s. I t 's already t here...

" I went t o a very int erest ing t alk by Bill Ham ilt on, who's here t onight ,
and aft er t he t alk we w ent on a very int erest ing m ission t o check out t he
Lockheed 'skunk w orks' near Los Angeles. This skunk work s hav e done a
lot of secret work . As you've r ead in t he paper s, t hey're m oving Lockheed
t o Georgia t o do a lot of t he w ork down t her e. They are also closing down
t he plant at Burbank, saying t hat t hey ar e going t o m ov e it down t o
Palm dale, but we t hink t hey ar e m oving operat ions t o t he Tehachapi
Mount ain area, wher e t her e already is an undergr ound facilit y in t he
west ern port ion of t he Ant elope Valley. Ther e w as a lot of act ivit y going
on t her e. We t hink t hat saucer craft ar e being produced at t his
undergr ound facilit y using ot her t ypes of t echnology. Bill is here t oday
and brings t he inform at ion t hat t he silo doors at t his so- called 'Tehachapi
Ranch' have been seen t o open and a saucer shaped craft has flown out
of it ...

" I got a call from Linda How e a couple days ago, and she t old m e t hat
t here was a discussion by VP Quayle about reorient ing t he SDI t oward
shoot ing down an incom ing ast eroid and t hat it was in a paper . She's
supposed t o send m e t he art icle. But what is int er est ing is t hat we'v e
heard t his st ory for t he last t wo or t hr ee y ear s about an incom ing
ast eroid. I t 's obviously under int elligent cont rol, it 's put t ing out radio
em issions. Supposedly it 's on t he edge of t he solar sy st em now, heading
t his way. I have at least t hree confirm at ions t hat it does exist . The code
nam e is supposedly Worm wood ( Not e: According t o a m essage sent t o
Art Bell at ht t p: / / , a form er Vat ican em ployee discov er ed
an encr ypt ed file deep wit hin t he Vat ican's com put er cent er along wit h
signs of a direct link bet ween t he Hubble Space Telescope and t he Pope.
The file apparent ly dealt wit h t he Hale- Bopp 'com et ' and it s unusual
'com panion' t hat was phot ogr aphed by Chuck Shram ek AND CAN ALSO
BE SEEN in a leaked Hubble t elescope im age, a file t hat was t it led
'WORMWOOD?'. The Vat ican was apparent ly very concerned about t his
approaching 'com et ' which had m ade inexplicable cour se changes as if it
wer e int elligent ly cont rolled. The snooping around by t his Vat ican
em ployee was discovered, how ev er he m ade a clean get away and has
never been back . Short ly aft er he w ent on t he r un, he claim s, sev eral
m em bers of his fam ily began t o die in m yst erious 'accident s'. - Brant on) .

" One of t he [ ot her] confirm at ions cam e from a friend of a guy in t he CI A.

They were out one night and t he CI A guy was drinking heavily and was
very depr essed. His friend asked him what t he m at t er was, asking " is it
t he t hing t hat is com ing in from space?" . The agency guy dr opped his
glass and said, " How do you know about t hat ?" . That 's one of t hem . I f we
are r eorient ing SDI in t hat way, t hat opens a lot of quest ions about what
is going on."


An engineer fr om Lockheed hint ed at developm ent s when he said t hat

't hey hav e t hings on t he Nevada Test Sit e t hat would m ake George Lucas
drool.' All advanced air vehicles are m anufact ur ed in coordinat ion wit h
General Elect ric, Boeing, Lockheed, McDonell Douglas, Nort hrop and
ot her corporat e m ilit ary- indust rial com plexes in t he undergr ound 'skunk
wor ks', such as t hose in t he Tahachapi m ount ains in California and ot her
less publicized sit es...

Sev eral years ago, a fellow researcher was acquaint ed wit h a form er Air
Force war rant officer [ w ho lat er com m it t ed 'suicide'] who used t o fly a
YF- 12 aircraft in t he Pacific. At one point he encount er ed a t eardr op-
shaped craft during a flight . Lat er in his car eer, he becam e involved in
highly classified t echnical work. Before he becam e despondent enough t o
com m it 'suicide' [ ?] , he revealed t he following:

( a) I n 1969, t her e were 60 B58 Hust ler aircraft kept in an undergr ound
base t hat had an under ground runway which ended in an opening t o t he
surface. Each of t hese 60 aircraft car ried a COBALT BOMB st rapped t o t he
bot t om of it . ( Not e: I f an H- bom b is a t housand t im es m ore dest ruct ive
t han an A- bom b, and t he Cobalt bom b - - which m ost m ainst ream

physicist s consider t o be a 't heor et ical' weapon t hat has not y et been
dev eloped - - surpasses t he H- bom b t o a sim ilar degr ee, t hen we ar e
t alking about MAJOR dest ruct ive power t o t he point of causing TOTAL
DEVASTATI ON on a scale of hundreds of m iles r at her t han a few m iles or
t ens of m iles sur rounding t he im pact zone. Hopefully such w eapons will
be used ONLY in int erplanet ary war far e in space and far rem ov ed fr om
m aj or populat ion cent er s on eart h, if at all. - Br ant on)

( b) I n 1871, t her e were t est s being conduct ed of a Gam m a- ray laser

[ GASER] t hat w ould t rack and shoot down m et eorit es.

( c) Also in t he early 1970's, t his sam e Air Force officer was st at ioned at a
secr et base in Wyom ing. The base securit y was so high t hat ent ry t o
areas was by phot o and voice print analysis. An experim ent was done
t here t hat pr obably count s as one of t he m ost t ot ally irresponsible act s
perform ed by t he U.S. gov ernm ent . Experim ent s w er e being done again
on t im e- shift ed m agnet ic fields. Rem em ber t hat t hey hav e been working
wit h t his and elem ent s of alien t echnology for decades. The experim ent
involved t he act ual det onat ion of a nuclear device inside a t im e- shift ed
m agnet ic field t o see if any of t he energy escaped t he field. None did. I n
ot her words, t hese people deliberat ely sent t he ent ire force of a nuclear
explosion int o t im e. No one know s wher e it went . One can im agine t he
pot ent ial dam age t hat was cr eat ed on t he ot her side. I t is possible t hat
t his act at t ract ed ot her alien species wishing t o underst and who would
have done such a t hing, and t his act m ight have been r esponsible for t he
prem edit at ed disrupt ion of ot her beings.


Elect r onic space societ ies condit ioned t o war and dest ruct ion found a
bet t er way t o win conflict s. War s for t errit ories becam e wars for t he
cont r ol of m inds and ent it ies, since it was learned t hat m assive
dest ruct ion is count erpr oduct ive.

Orion ent it ies [ sev eral species of Greys and t he Rept ilians] ...began an
epoch of conquest and dom inat ion.

Occasionally, invaders would arrive on a planet t arget ed for colonizat ion

only t o discov er t he presence of a prim it ive cult ure t hat had t he pot ent ial
of having t rem endous psionic abilit y. Som et im es t hey would find t heir
pat hs blocked by disem bodied [ ot her- dim ensional] ent it ies. They would
em ploy elect ronic and psionic cr yst al- based w eapons t o drive away local

Since t he original purpose was t he conquest of t he physical universe

[ which im plies cont r ol of m ind and m ass- consciousness] it becam e
necessary t o cr eat e a m or e equit able syst em of predict ion and cont rol.
The pract ice of im plant ing cam e int o being as a m et hod of populat ion
cont r ol. I t was and always has been a polit ical expediency...

Occasionally, a fact ion which opposes t he invader s appears on one of t he


planet s t he Orion ent it ies have t ak en over, in or der t o fr ee t he prisoner s.

They do t his by giving t hem t he t echnology or inform at ion which would
m ake t hem free beings again. This cr eat es a cert ain am ount of inst abilit y
in t he un- st able and un- nat ural syst em which has been im posed on t he
planet ary populat ion. This is what is happening on Eart h in 1990...


[ Exam ples] :

- - Bolivian legends t hat go back som e 5,000 years t ell of t he dest ruct ion
of civilizat ion in far- off t im es as t he r esult of a conflict wit h som e non-
hum an race " whose blood was not red like ours" .

- - The Am erican Apache I ndians t ell st ories of t unnels bet ween t heir
lands and t he cit y of Tiahuanaco, and claim t hat t heir ancest ors t rav eled
for y ear s by t his rout e. The I ndian chiefs also assur ed t hat t he t unnels
wer e " carv ed out by ray s t hat dest roy t he living rock" and t hat t he
[ t unnel] creat or s w er e " beings t hat live near t he st ars."

- - Many Cent ral Asian legends relat e t o t he Gobi Desert as being a gr eat
sea in r em ot e t im es. According t o Chinese sages, t here was an island in
t his sea t hat was inhabit ed by " whit e m en wit h blue eyes and fair hair" ,
who... " im part ed t he art s of civilizat ion t o t heir fellow m en, including t he
inhabit ant s of Mu, who at t ained a high degree of cult ure..." ( Anot her
account t hat I cam e acr oss y ear s ago - - alt hough t he ex act sour ce has
been long forgot t en - - spoke of hum an giant s who also w or ked and lived
am ong t hese 'blond' people on t he ancient Gobi island. This island was
connect ed t o t he m ainland by large undergr ound t unnels t hat ran in all
direct ions fr om t he cent ral island- capit al. - Brant on)


The cr eat ion of t he m ent alit y t hat produces chem ical and biological
weapons owes it s source t o alien influence. The appear ance of global
disease is also t her e. Bet ween 540AD and 592AD t he bubonic plague
ravaged t he East Rom an Em pire. Records show fr equent aerial
phenom ena in conj unct ions wit h out breaks. Ver y oft en, plagues w ould be
preceded by m yst erious foul sm elling m ist s, hum anoids dressed in black,
and 'COMETS' in t he sk y. A sm all list of plagues t hat wer e pr eceded by
t he abov e ev ent s:

Year Descript ion

1298- 1314 Large 'com et s' seen over Eur ope.

1333 Plague com m enced aft er a vile m ist appeared.

1347 Plague epidem ic in Eur ope. 40 m illion dead in 4 years [ Not e: t his
scenario happened ev er y 10- 20 y ear s unt il t he 1700's, r esult ing in t he

deat h of over 100 m illion people.]

1500- 1543 26 'com et s' recorded.

1556- 1597 15 'com et s' recorded.

1568 'com et ' pr eceded plague in Vienna

1582 'com et ' pr eceded plague.

1618 9 'com et s' r ecorded.

1606 'com et ' pr eceded general worldwide plague.

Through recorded hist or y, t here ar e also r efer ences t o hum anoids

dressed in black. Their presence would signal an alm ost im m ediat e
out break of t he plague. I n 1559 m en dressed in black were seen spraying
an oat field j ust before an out break of t he plague in Brandenburg,
Germ any.

( I nt erj ect ion: One sour ce, St ev en Gibbs, claim s t hat som e of t he 'Men I n
Black' ar e hum an agent s under t he cont r ol of t he Gr ey s who have t he
abilit y t o t ravel t hrough t im e- space. Also, sour ces who w ere involved
wit h t he 'Mont auk' proj ect s suggest t hat it is possible t o t rav el forward
and backward in t im e. Rev er se t im e t rav el being possible yet one m ust
be v er y car eful not t o t r y t o alt er a hist orical event , for THEI R OWN sak e,
not hist ories' sak e. I t w ould seem t hat all 'event s' wit hin t he 'et ernal
NOW' are t he product s of all past - present - fut ure influences which are
brought t o bear on each part icular event . When all past - present - fut ur e
influences have decided t he out com e of t hat ev ent t hen t hat event it SET
in t he Tim eline. Unless r ecorded hist ory has been t am per ed wit h t o cov er
up m anipulat ions by t im e t raveler s, any at t em pt t o alt er an ev ent t hat is
set in t im e would proceed as follows, for exam ple: An agent of a
Eur opean secr et societ y is sent back in t im e t o kill George Washingt on as
a child. He com plet es his m ission and ret urns t o t he fut ur e. Absolut ely
not hing has changed. He goes back and t ak es Washingt on's life as a
t eenager and 'succeeds', and r et urns t o t he fut ure only t o find t hat
not hing has changed. So he goes back and t ak es Washingt on's life a lit t le
lat er on - - say during his t rials at Valley Forge. To t he t im e- t raveler it
m ight seem as if he succeeded. At t hat point in 't im e' General
Washingt on m ight experience a night m are of som eone t rying t o kill him
and wake up on a cold sweat . So fr om t he t im e- t raveler's perspect ive t he
General is dead, but t his t im e he st ays ar ound t o see what happens. Well
at first t hings seem t o go along norm ally, but t he assassin will if he is
at t ent ive not ice t hat 'r ealit y' is no longer what it should be. Ev ent s and
obj ect s slowly st art t o becom e som ewhat m ore 'fluid' and dream like, unt il
his st at e of r ealit y is seem ingly som ewhere bet ween r ealit y and a
dream scape. The t im e t rav eler in his at t em pt s t o alt er an est ablished
ev ent has sim ply been phase- shift ed by t he t im eline int o a parallel
dim ension, possibly a 4t h dim ension, as nat ure's sim ple m et hod of
dealing wit h a pot ent ial 'paradox'. He has becom e t rapped- in- t im e wit hin

a localized quant um quasi- realit y field. I n t his st range new dim ension he
encount ers ot her t im e- t rav elers and ot her quant um - realit y fields. As
t hese various fields com pet e wit h each ot her, event s and obj ect s becom e
m or e 'fluid' or m ore 'solid' depending on t he com bined psychic energy
m aint aining t hese part icular 'fields' and t he degr ee by which t hese quasi
or virt ual realit y- fields are 'com pet ing' wit h each ot her . The dom inant
t hought form fields becom e m ore 'solid' whereas t he w eaker ones
becom e less so. He has ent er ed int o an insane chaot ic realm wher e
m ult i- densit y t hought - form s bat t le each ot her for dom inance. Having
been phase- shift ed from t he TI MELI NE, he has becom e t rapped in a
THOUGHTLI NE com posed of quasi- solid psionic energy form s which are
out - of- phase wit h t he solid and t angible 3rd dim ensional Tim eline. I n so
doing he or t he ot her s 't rapped' wit hin t his alt ernat e r ealit y m ay
encount er quasi- physical ent it ies or denizens t hat are nat ive t o t his
et herial realm . Now t he quest ion is, could t he 'Men I n Black' who w ere
spraying t he fields as described above be t im e t ravelers t rying t o alt er
t he past , or in t his case 'est ablishing' a past ev ent t hat already exist s?
The quest ion would have t o be ask ed: Just where is t he line bet ween
MAKI NG t he past and BREAKI NG t he past , or t hat point where one has
int erfer ed wit h t he t im eline t o t he point t hat t hey ar e 'kicked- out ' of t he
3rd dim ension and int o a parallel 4t h[ ?] dim ensional exist ence? I s it
possible for aliens or whoever - - who hav e been phase shift ed fr om t he
Tim eline - - t o re- m at erialize t hem selves in t he 3rd dim ension? I f t hey
wer e able t o 'est ablish' ev ent s in t he past t he Greys for inst ance m ight
see a per son in power and t ravel int o his past , not t o CHANGE his past
but t o MAKE his past . They w ould have t o be v er y car eful not t o t r y and
'cr eat e' a past ev ent t hat does not already exist . Just how t hey w ould
know one fr om t he ot her w ould be a m aj or pr oblem . They m ight
m anipulat e t hat person on an unconscious level and prepar e him or her
for what ever purpose t hey had planned. Or in ot her w ords, 'plant a seed'
in t he past t hat w ould m anifest in t he fut ure, y et wit hout int erfering t he
t im eline. Mont auk invest igat ors have st at ed t hat it was discover ed t hat in
order t o alt er hist ory one w ould have t o alt er t he 'parallel' realit ies t hat
wer e discov er ed as w ell. Could som e of t hese parallel realit ies be ot her
densit y realm s wher e obj ect s and ev ent s becom e fluid t hought form s
rat her t han concr et e m at t er form s? I f t his is t he case t hen t rying t o alt er
THOSE r ealit ies m ight be about as difficult as t r ying t o build a sand- cast le
wit h wet m ud. I t j ust can't be done. How ev er , could m anipulat ion of
som eone's past - - ev en if t he Gr ey s had t o phase in and out of t he 3rd
dim ension repeat edly in order t o 'claim ' what lit t le " quant um t errit ory"
t hey could find in t he past t hat had not been 'claim ed', 'set ' or 'solidified'
- - explain why m any m em bers of MJ- 12 and ot her influent ial people have
experienced alien abduct ions and indoct rinat ion from childhood? I f t he
Gr ey s or som e ot her t im e- t rav eling for ce at t em pt ed t o t ake cont rol of or
posses 't im e' space along t he t im eline t hat is not 'occupied' or 'claim ed' - -
because THAT 't im e space' is already generally being occupied in an
ot her- planet ary , subt er r anean or phase- shift ed set t ing. - - t hen in so
doing t hey would not necessarily st and in t he way of t he m ight y flow of
t he ev ent - chain and as a r esult m ight not be pushed off int o anot her
dim ension by t rying t o get in it s way. Or if t hey were t hey m ight find
ways of r e- phasing back int o t he 3rd dim ension. I nst ead, t hey m ight
accept t hose ev ent s as being set and inst ead of changing t hem at t em pt

t o w ork wit h t hem , ar ound t hem and t hrough t hem t o t heir advant age or
for what ever purpose. They m ight t ry t o change t heir 'fut ure' by alt ering
t he past . For inst ance t hey could 'bury' som et hing in t he past and r et urn
t o THEI R PRESENT and un- bury it . I n t his case t hey w ould not risk
cr eat ing a paradox and t hus phase- shift t hem selves int o som e ot her
dim ension, howev er t hey m ight use what t hey buried in t he past t o
influence t heir present and fut ure. So, r egardless of t he various w ays by
which t he past m ight be 'm anipulat ed' [ as opposed t o 'alt er ed'] , w e in
essence w ould not have a " TI MECOP" scenario of an infinit e num ber of
solid t im elines, which would put an infinit e st rain on 'space' it self; but a
" 12- MONKEYS" t ype of scenario involving t im e- t ravelers MAKI NG t he past
rat her t han CHANGI NG t he past t hr ough som e t ype of m ult i- linear r ealit y
or t he so- called 'et ernal- now' quant um cause- and- effect t ype of scenar io.
- Brant on)

During t he plague years, t her e was t rem endous et hical decay am ong
hum ans. There wer e at t em pt s by various r eligious fact ions t o elim inat e
ot her s. There was an at t em pt by t he [ Rom an] Cat holics t o elim inat e t he
Jews. Ther e was m or e genocide during t his period t han during t he second
world war . Genocide's during t his period were oft en incit ed by GERMAN
t rade guilds, who wer e 'Brot herhood' [ frat ernal] organizat ions. The effect
of t he plagues wer e:

Plague + I nquisit ion + Genocide = Religious Apocalypt ic Prophecy


The Bavarian I llum inat i and t he Rosecrucians w er e behind MANY of t he

new [ cult ic] m ov em ent s which appeared at t his t im e...


Ther e is absolut ely no doubt t hat replicat ion of hum ans is an ongoing
process t hat has a part t o play in t he m anipulat ion of event s on t his
planet . Hundreds of individuals over t he last t w ent y y ear s hav e at t est ed
t o what t hey have seen, bot h on alien craft and in undergr ound
inst allat ions... t he synchronicit y and sheer weight of corr oborat ion fr om
vast ly unconnect ed sour ces is dam ning evidence t hat t his is occurring.

A lot of evidence st art ed t o surface in t he 1970's. A lot of it seem ed t o

t ie- in t he idea t hat polit ical figures have been undergoing a pr ocess of
duplicat ion. During t his process, t he individual's r esponses, m em ories,
and habit pat t erns are copied fr om t he hum an t o be duplicat ed. The
original can t hen be pr eserv ed or processed int o basic biological
com ponent s. The clone will t hen funct ion as t he original, except t hat t he
ent it y is under alien cont rol. There is also an apparent m inorit y of cases
wher e t he synt het ic duplicat e's consciousness is direct ly replaced by an
alien consciousness - - t he walk- in... ( Som e abduct ees claim t hat in som e
cases t he r ept iloids will 'clone' a hum an body t hrough t im e- space
accelerat ion and t ransfer t he conscious m em ory - m at rix from t he original
body and int o t he r eplicat ed body for t he sole purpose of 'consum ing' t he
original body along wit h t he em ot ional- chem ical r esidue or vit al energy
cont ained t her ein - - em ot ional energies which have accum ulat ed t hrough

a life- t im e of em ot ional expr ession. This 'em ot ional j uices' wit hin t he
physical body is considered a delicacy by t hese 'energy v am pires' in a
sim ilar m anner as was depict ed in regards t o t he draconian gargoyle- like
'aliens' in t he m ovie 'LI FEFORCE', alt hough t his m ovie adm it t edly t ook
t his concept t o t he ext r em e, how ev er t he concept of st olen vit al- energies
giving aliens power t o shape- shift t heir m olecular st ruct ur e like one of
t he legendary 'w er ' cr eat ures did NOT originat e from t hat m ovie. Also
t here is evidence of t he post - m ort em cont inuat ion of t he " em ot ional
bodies" of som e people who hav e died under ex t rem e em ot ional
circum st ances, wher e t hese em ot ional bodies linger around in t he
physical area where t he t raum at ic deat h occur r ed as em ot ional 'shadows'
im print ed on t he at m ospher e as 'ghost s' or 'spect er s'. These form s of
em ot ional residue seem t o also at t ract v arious t ypes of m alevolent alien
and/ or ast ral form s... explaining t he oft en num er ous connect ions which
have been found bet ween 'aliens' and 'polt ergeist ' or 'haunt ing' episodes.
The aliens involved in such scenarios m ay be physical, nonphysical or as
wit h t he case of m any of t he 'Greys' - - m alevolent nonphysical ent it ies
incarnat ing or inhabit ing physical 'alien' bodies, whet her t hese bodies are
equivalent t o biogenet ically alt ered rept ilians, or synt het ic hum anoids. -
Brant on)

I n a walk- in sit uat ion, t he alien consciousness could be 'used t o' a

biological m at rix t hat provided t hree fingers on each hand, for inst ance.
Having an organic body wit h five fingers could m ean t hat t her e would be
t wo fingers on each hand t hat would not be used norm ally, if at all. This
idea was once expr essed in t he 'I NVADERS' series on t elevision, which
was pulled off t he air pr em at ur ely ( I w ould suggest t hat aside fr om
I NVADERS... THE OUTER LI MI TS and DARK SKI ES are t wo ot her series'
which are r em arkably close t o t he t rut h, as som e of 'us' per ceive it . -
Brant on) . Roy Thiness, t he m ain charact er in t he show, has had som e
experiences of his own r elat ive t o t he t hem e of t he pr ogram .

Ther e ar e ot her fact or s t hat should be looked for. One of t hem is t he

EYES. There ar e t hr ee aspect s of t he eyes t hat have been m ent ioned: [ I n
som e cases] one ey e is different [ darker] t han t he ot her; t he eyes are
bulging [ like cow eyes] ; t he eyes depict a blank expression. This is not t o
say t hat people who have t his appearance ar e synt het ics, but t hese ar e
said t o be [ possible] indicat ors.

Anot her fact or t hat is said t o apply t o synt het ics is t hat t hey do not hav e
a long life span. I t is said t hat t hey do not funct ion well beyond a couple
years; som e polit ical figures have been said t o have been r eplaced
sev eral t im es...


CLONES [ Apparent ly t he researcher t hat Valerian int erviewed has
rem ained anonym ous] :

Q. - I n your opinion, do you t hink any of t he m at erial about t he use of

clones, synt het ics and androids is valid?

A. - Yes, t her e is plent y of evidence t hat t hese and ot her pr ocesses are

car ried out universally in order t o per m it t he housing [ or t rapping] of

consciousness. As far as west ern cult ure is concerned, t her e hav e been
exam ples t hat hav e been shown t o t he public. For exam ple, on t he TV
series " The I nvader s" , t he t it le role was played by Roy Thinnes. Short ly
aft er Roy had finished reading for t he series, t w o w eeks befor e he was t o
st art film ing, he had a UFO encount er him self. I t m ade t he whole t hing
he was doing for t he ser ies a lot m or e r eal for him . As a r esult , he began
t o exam ine t he differ ent ideas pr esent ed in t he series a lit t le m ore
closely, such as ways t hat t he governm ent ev ent ually forced t he series
off t he air.

These beings t hat are com ing from ot her frequencies t hat don't use a
physical body but need a physical presence hav e ot her beings t hat have a
physical presence gener at e biological st ruct ures t hat funct ion as
cont ainers for t hem . Biological hum anoids.

Through t hese, t heir energy fields are m anifest ed. The int ernal organs
would not m at t er, since t hey are j ust energy t r ansit ional cont ainers. A lot
of what is going on is like super science fict ion. The only way a lot of
hum ans can deal wit h it is t hrough science fict ion, because if t hey hav e
t o cont inually confront t hat it is real, or what t hey m ay hav e t o t hink or
do about it , knowing t hat it is a fact , it would evok e t oo m uch st ress. ( I
would add t hat it would probably be closer t o a com binat ion of science
fict ion AND sw ord and sor cery, or a fusion of t he physical wit h t he
m et aphysical - - since t he rept il- insect oid Gr ey s especially seem t o
m anifest not only t echnological power s but supernat ural pow er s as w ell,
or what som e r efer t o as " occult - t echnology" . I n t his case it is occult
t echnology ut ilized by " alien sorcerers" capable of at t acking hum an
beings on all t hree lev els of t heir nat ure - - or t he spirit ual, psychological
and physical levels - Br ant on)

I t is easier for m ost hum ans t o negat e r ealit y t o a science fict ion form at
so t hey can m anipulat e t he concept s while at t he sam e t im e equat ing t he
fant asy as a sort of 'prot ect ion' against t he t rue nat ure of r ealit y, which is
suppressed by cult ural for ces in order t o m aint ain organizat ion and
pacificat ion in an art ificially m aint ained cult ural process of " Be Silent ,
Consum e and Die" in t he m idst of m assive int ent ional suppression of
awar eness.

Ther e is consciousness which has m anipulat ed hum an beings for a long

t im e according t o what is, t o hum ans, an alien agenda. The 'gam e' is
deeper and m or e com plex t han m ost hum ans can im agine; a lot deeper
t han a few hum ans having a lit t le disk hardwar e at S- 4...

A lot of t he t echnology discovered since t he 1940's has been act ively

suppressed. There ar e all sort s of t hings t hat can be done t o adj ust a
living being t o look like som et hing or som eone else. Many hint s of t he
t echnology hav e been seen in t he m edia in old [ and new] t elevision
program s like " Out er Lim it s" and in film s.

Ther e is a lot of t rut h in m any of t he old program s. Gene Roddenber ry,

Tr ek series ran out . One of t hem was " GENESI S I I " , which port ray ed
Unit ed St at es Gov ernm ent underground genet ics laborat ories t hat w er e
connect ed by t ube shut t les. The pilot was never perm it t ed t o develop int o
a series, for obvious reasons.

Ther e ar e ot her film s t hat deal wit h biogenet ic clones and st ill ot hers t hat
port r ay rem ot ely pilot ed spherical surveillance obj ect s t hat are cont rolled
from underground labor at ories. All t hese port ray aspect s of what has
been act ually happening.

The early pr ogram s in t he " Tim e Tunnel" series port ray ed t he

governm ent having an undergr ound lab t hat housed t he t im e t unnel
equipm ent . Access was by way of a piece of desert road t hat dr opped
down and allowed vehicles t o drive underground in t unnels. Fant asy is
com ing from r ealit y, not t he ot her way ar ound...


1934 - - The first 'deal' or int eract ion wit h t he Gr ey ent it ies occur red on
July 11, 1934 on board a naval ship in Balboa. I t was her e t hat t he
agreem ent was init ially m ade [ bet w een aliens and represent at ives of t he
'Bavarian' I llum inat i operat ing wit hin U.S. I nt elligence 'frat ernit ies'] t hat
let t he greys proceed unhindered wit h t he abduct ions and cat t le
m ut ilat ions.

1950 - - I n Decem ber of 1950, a unit called I PU, " I nt erplanet ary
Phenom ena Unit " , was est ablished. I t was an operat ional unit t o deal wit h
t he ev er- increasing scenarios of crashed disks and aliens. That sam e
m ont h a disk crashed in t he El I ndio- Guer ro ar ea of Mexico and was
t aken t o t he AEC facilit y at Sandia in New Mexico. Also in 1950, t he
revised edit ion of " The Effect s of At om ic Weapons" pr epar ed by t he AEC
advises " com plet e undergr ound placem ent of bases is desirable" and
" t her e are appar ent ly no fundam ent al difficult ies in const ruct ion and
operat ing underground in various t ypes of im port ant facilit ies" .

1958 - - I n 1958, I nt ernat ional Geophy sical Year, expedit ions were m ade
t o t he poles in order t o again assess t he problem of t he Germ ans, as w ell
as t he t hr eat fr om aliens of different charact er t hat wer e det ect ed as
com ing from inside t he Eart h. Work cont inued on Alt ernat ives 2 and 3.
Use of t he 'Orion' m et hod of hypnosis, used on gov ernm ent work ers in
high securit y ar eas, begins.

1959 - - I n 1959, t he RAND Corporat ion held several confer ences on Deep
Undergr ound Const ruct ion. These confer ences wer e at t ended by t he
various m ilit ary ser vices as w ell as large corpor at e const ruct ion firm s like
Becht al. Underground const ruct ion pr oj ect s began wit hin a year. Exist ing
undergr ound facilit ies wer e beefed- up and new ones w er e st art ed.
Funding for governm ent undergr ound facilit ies com es from " Pr esident ial
Shelt er" funds, as well as cov ert drug operat ions conduct ed by t he CI A

under t he orders of MJ- 12. This procedure appears t o be st ill in effect as

of July 1989. Over 75 undergr ound facilit ies have been const ruct ed under
various pr ogram s.

1963 - - I n 1963, John F. Kennedy evident ly issued an ult im at um t o MJ-

12, and t hey decided t hat Kennedy should be subj ect t o an expediency - -
killed. This was t he era when t he Unit ed St at es first st art ed having it s
own operat ional disks. 1963 is t he dat e of one of t he earliest visit s t o an
undergr ound j oint base by an abduct ee t hat cam e back and liv ed t o t ell
about it . I t is t he first hint of t he underground breeding facilit ies t hat are
described in t he Dulce Paper s, ev ent s surr ounding Paul Bennewit z and
Thunder Scient ific Corporat ion in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and ot her
insidious experiences t hat have been r eport ed by scores of people from
1963 t o 1989.

1964 - - I n April 1964, Cape Kennedy radar t echnicians t rack disks in

pursuit of t he Gem eni capsule. On April 15, t wo int elligence personnel
m eet under Pr oj ect Plat o wit h aliens in t he New Mexico desert t o ar range
a m eet ing on April 25 at Hollam an AFB, New Mexico in order t o 'renew'
t he t r eat y in a psychological bid t o buy t im e in order t o solve t he pr oblem
of t he Gr eys.

1972 - - Scient ist Rene Hardy , also a pr om inent Ufologist , is found dead;
an 'appar ent ' suicide... I n Decem ber, ast ronaut Edgar Mit chell adm it s
t hat NASA has pr ovisions for encount er s wit h alien lifeform s.

1978 - - I N Sept em ber 1978, scient ist Paul Bennewit z discov er s t he

act ivit ies of alien craft at Manzano Weapons St orage ar ea out side of
Albuquerque, New Mexico. Bennewit z subm it s a r eport called " Proj ect
Bet a" t o t he gov ernm ent and is put under obser vat ion. He was allegedly
subj ect ed t o t hr ee bout s wit h elect roshock t r eat m ent st art ing in 1979,
t hen was left t o be observ ed by bot h t he gov ernm ent and t he aliens wit h
whom he had been com m unicat ing t hrough his com put er equipm ent .

1979 - - I n 1979, a confer ence on anim al m ut ilat ions was organized by

Senat or s Har rison " Last Man on t he Moon" Schm it t and at t ended by
Scient ist Henr y Mont iet h, who had j ust com plet ed t en years of r esearch
on t he subj ect . According t o Schm it t 's figures, econom ic losses fr om t he
m ut ilat ions t ot aled ov er 2.5 m illion ANNUALLY. " Men I n Black" ar e also in
at t endance. I n Oct ober 1979, an alt ercat ion t ak es place bet w een
governm ent scient ist s and m ilit ary personnel and t he r esident aliens in
t he Dulce base. Sixt y- six special forces per sonnel wer e killed.

1980 - - I n May, 1980, disks int rude again int o t he Manzano Weapons
St orage Ar ea in New Mexico. On August 8t h, a disk was discov ered by a
Sandia guard next t o a building cont aining HQ CR44 [ nuclear m at erials] .
On August 9t h, a securit y officer checks down Coy ot e Canyon Road and
discovers a disk. By Novem ber 1980, researcher Paul Bennewit z was st ill
being m onit ored by t he NSA.

1983 - - FEMA im plem ent s st andby legislat ion in a bill innocuously t it led

t he " Defense Resources Act " . The bill would SUSPEND t he Bill of Right s,
ABOLI SH fr ee ent erprise, ELI MI NATE privat ely owned propert y, and
generally CLAMP t he Am erican people in a t ot alit arian vise. Sect ion 202
of t he bill, for exam ple, allows t he President t o inst ant ly confiscat e any
real est at e or personal propert y " t hat shall be deem ed necessary for
nat ional defense purposes" . Sect ion 501 aut horizes t he t ak eov er of any
indust ry t he Whit e House aut horizes. Sect ion 1213 out laws all st rikes.
The st andby legislat ion also includes " Censorship of Com m unicat ions,"
which allows t he president , whenev er he " shall deem t hat t he public
safet y dem ands it ," t o censor " com m unicat ions by m ail, cable, radio,
t elevision, or ot her m eans of t ransm ission." The 'COG' [ Cont inuit y of
Governm ent ] also exist s. I t is a secr et ive shadow gov ernm ent t hat is in
place and ready t o run t he count ry ( from under ground bases like t he Mt .
Weat her facilit y near Bluem ont , Virginia. I n r efer ence t o t he 'Execut ive
Order s' aut horizing FEMA t o violat e Const it ut ional law in t im e of
'Em ergency ', we m ust ask: are t hese Ex ecut ive Order s legal? True, m any
of t hese E.O.'s w er e w rit t en by pr esident s who wer e duly elect ed by U.S.
cit izens who t rust ed t he m edia slant concerning t hese pr esident s who
cam e aft er John F. Kennedy, in spit e of t he fact t hat m ost of t hese w er e
m em bers of one- world econom ic organizat ions like t he CFR, TC, and
BI LDEBERGERS. Howev er WHAT I F t he deat h of John F. Kennedy was
part of a coup d'et at of t he Execut ive branch of U.S. governm ent as
m any, including t he lat e Louisiana dist rict at t orney Jam es Garrison,
claim ed? I f t his were t he case t hen t he ent ire Execut ive branch m ight be
filled wit h I LLEGAL appoint ees, who m ay hav e been inst rum ent al in
aut horizing illegal int elligence agencies, m ay have illegally given power
t hat was not m eant t o be t heirs ov er t o t he m ilit ary- indust rialist s, and
t hese elect ed " Chief Ex ecut ives" - - m any of whom happened t o be t he
hirelings of corporacrat ic elit ist s who financed t heir polit ical and m edia
cam paigns - - have violat ed t he very foundat ions of t he Unit ed St at es by
est ablishing Execut ive Order s which violat e t he U.S. CONSTI TUTI ON, THE
t hat t here ar e st ill m any Am ericans who see t hese t hree docum ent s as
being t he essence of AMERI CA, and t hey fully believe in t he w ords
penned wit hin t he DECLARATI ON OF I NDEPENDENCE t o t he effect t hat
m ilit ary for ce is j ust ified, if necessary , t o defend fr om all enem ies for eign
AND DOMESTI C t he for m of gov ernm ent t hat is pat t erned aft er t he
sacr ed cont ent s of t hese docum ent s. - Brant on) .

1985 - - ON August 5t h, Scient ist s Paul Bennewit z obser ves t he crash sit e
of a US Black Delt a ship in New Mexico.

1987 - - I n 1987, t he " Dulce Paper s" ar e first released. Dat a on five
ent rances t o t he Dulce lab is leaked, and t he [ secret - frat ernal- corporat e]
governm ent t akes car e of t he leaks by dest r oying buildings and building
new ones in odd locat ions for apparent ly no per ceivable reason. On t he
27t h of Nov em ber, gr oups of US Arm y rangers at t em pt and appar ent ly
bungle an at t em pt t o ent er a j oint alien facilit y in New Mexico [ appar ent ly
a cont inuat ion of t he Dulce War s which began in 1979] . I n Decem ber, t he
CI A begins t o cont act everyone who was ev er in it s em ploy t hat ev er had
anyt hing t o do wit h t he alien problem . A w om an draws a pict ure of a
black- m irrored spherical craft she says belongs t o t he Nat ional Securit y

Agency. On t he 14t h of Decem ber, John Lear offers t o host t he MUFON

Convent ion t hat would be held in Las Vegas in July of 1989.

1988 - - Word com es fr om New Mexico t o resear cher s t hat Los Alam os
has dev eloped an ant im at t er w eapon, which allegedly will be used as a
last resort " if t he Greys cannot be pried away fr om t he planet " . The
num ber of Gr ey s on [ inside] Eart h is est im at ed at 20 m illion. I n
Decem ber, St even Whit e [ President of Becht el I nvest m ent s] dies. Becht el
has been heavily involved in underground const ruct ion and is t he world's
largest const ruct ion firm . I nform at ion com es fort h t hat t he int elligence
agencies are dist ribut ing drugs t o finance alien- relat ed pr oj ect s, which
dem and phenom enal am ount s of m oney .


1989 - - Dat a on Pr oj ect Ex caliber is r eleased. The pr oj ect is involved in

dev eloping a warhead t hat will penet rat e 1000 m et ers of eart h and t hen
det onat e. Useful for dest roying undergr ound bases.

On May 14, 1989, Las Vegas channel 8 TV t elev ises an int erview wit h a
governm ent scient ist [ Robert Lazar] w or king at Gr oom Lak e and
Dream land. The scient ist openly t ells of nine disks on t he Nellis range;
t hree of t hem ar e operat ional; t he craft use ant im at t er engines; t he
Soviet s w er e involved only up t o a point . He won't t alk about t he aliens.
Subsequent ly, t he governm ent scient ist discovered t hat he has been t he
vict im of a m et hod of hypnosis known as " Orion Hypnosis" . His life is
t hreat ened and his car is shot up in Las Vegas.

On June 30, July 1st and 2nd, t he MUFON Confer ence occurs in Las
Vegas, Nevada. William Cooper , John Lear, William English, and Don
Eck er speak t o an ent husiast ic cr ow d. The day befor e, on July 1st ,
William Moor e and a disgrunt led audience hav e a shout ing m at ch wit h
each ot her. The audience is ast ounded when inst ead of t he issues at
hand, Moor e uses his t im e t o at t ack ot her researchers, specifically Paul
Bennewit z. William Moore publicly adm it s he w ork s for a gov ernm ent
int elligence agency .

On August 7t h, US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT publishes m at erial on

" Am ericas Doom sday Pr oj ect " , det ailing over 50 undergr ound facilit ies
t hat are for use during t im e of crisis.

I n Sept em ber 1989, SEVERAL w est coast radio t alk shows begin avid
discussion of UFO's, aliens and int eract ion wit h t he US Gov ernm ent . The
public discussion is now out of cont r ol! ! !

On Sept em ber 23, 1989, a t w o- hour docum ent ary is scr eened on
Japanese t elevision. Viewer s are t r eat ed t o t he full spect rum of recent
invest igat ions, including undergr ound labs, MJ- 12, genet ic facilit ies, t he

Kennedy m urder, t he v oices of t he ast ronaut s on t he shut t le t alking

about observing alien spacecraft , and EG&G scient ist Robert Lazar t alking
about t he disks at Groom Lak e, and a visit t o Dulce, wher e r esident s t ell
of visit s fr om t he CI A. A CI A or MI B t ype is phot ographed following t he
Japanese t eam . His Colorado license plat e is readable.

On Oct ober 16t h, word com es fr om resear chers t hat t he Unit ed St at es

and t he Soviet Union had a disagreem ent on t he base on t he far side of
t he Moon in which sever al US scient ist s were m achine- gunned. This
disagreem ent r eflect s t he split bet ween t he US and Soviet s det ailed in
t he May '89 disclosur e by a governm ent scient ist wor king at t he S-
4/ DREAMland facilit y in Nevada [ during which t im e t he Soviet s wer e
kicked off t he super- t echnology proj ect s in Nev ada and sent packing] . I t
is t hought t hat t his disagreem ent occur red in 1986 or 1987. [ I t is
uncert ain what connect ion if any t his 'alt ercat ion' m ay hav e had wit h an
alleged Rept ilian/ Grey t ake- over of an 'Alt ernat ive- 2' base on Mar s t w o
years earlier in 1985, according t o cont act ee Alex Collier] .

On Oct ober 25, Congr ess w ork s on legislat ion t o m ake radio t alk show s
liable for st at em ent s m ade by callers in an effort t o shut down t alk radio
program s, wher e UFO/ Alien dat a is being avidly discussed. On Oct ober
26t h, William Cooper goes on a radio st at ion in Los Angeles and t ells t he
list ening public t hat President Bush is involved in t he drug scene. The
FCC at t ack s t he t alk show host t he next day for " saying a bad word" .
Resear chers speculat e t hat t he Secr et Service, who allegedly t erm inat ed
Sal Mineo during Reagan's adm inist rat ion because of an alleged
hom osexual t ape t hey wer e concerned about , will seek t o elim inat e
Cooper , t hat for som e r eason Cooper has now m ade him self expendable
wit h t his m at erial involving t he [ form er] Pr esident .

On Nov em ber 3rd, researchers announce t heir discovery t hat a securit y

t eam code- nam ed " Yellow Fruit " was st art ed back during t he Cart er
Presidency, and was par t of t he NSA. I t has been periodically disbanded
and has exist ed in one form or anot her since t he Cart er adm inist rat ion.
Los Angeles radio t alk show host Ken Hudnell announces his int ent ion
t ake a gr oup t o visit one of t he ancient undergr ound cit ies, which he says
has an ent rance 60 m iles from Anaheim . Resear cher s discover t he
passive securit y fr equencies at Gr oom Lak e; 138.306

and 407.550 and t hat a group codenam ed Seaspray is involved wit h

prim ary securit y in t he area. Securit y forces t hen change t he fr equencies.

On Nov em ber 6t h, Channel 8 in Las Vegas st art s a t w o- week series on

Area 51, anim al m ut ilat ions, and t he UFO cov er up. On Nov em ber 10,
EG&G scient ist Robert Lazar goes on t elevision and t ells what he knows
about US disk t echnology at S- 4 in Area 51, including inform at ion about
9 US disks, ant im at t er r eact or s, and m ind cont r ol for S- 4 scient ist s.

On Nov em ber 19t h, an elect rical work er at Mer cury, Nevada, calls t he
Billy Goodm an radio t alk show and describes t unnels 3000 feet under t he
t est sit e t hat hav e st ainless st eel walls and elev at ors. He also describes

sm all Grey bodies on gurney s being wheeled down t he t unnels.

On Nov em ber 20t h, a securit y guard on t he Nevada Test Sit e describes

his cont act wit h a m an in black t hat describes t he whole alien scenario t o
him . The m an has t ransparent ey elids.

On Nov em ber 20 and 21st , t he nat ional program HARD COPY t elevises
t wo pr ogr am s on UFOs. EG&G scient ist Robert Lazar goes on radio on
KVEG for t hr ee hour s and answers quest ions ov er t he 50,000 wat t
st at ion. Anot her t hr ee hour session t akes place Nov . 24t h and 25t h.
Robert Lazar publicizes t he nam e of his boss at Area S- 4, t ells t hat 22
people w or k at S- 4, and how ant im at t er r eact or s w ork . I ndicat ions are
t hat m or e people will be com ing out of t he woodwor k t o t ell what t hey
know up at Area 51.

On Nov em ber 25t h, t elevision st at ion Channel 8 in Las Vegas t elevises a

t wo hour special on UFOs, Area 51, S- 4 and t he UFO cov erup. I t is
revealed t hat som e people who cont act ed Channel 8 had had t heir hom es
brok en int o in Las Vegas.

During t he week of Christ m as, 1989, it was report ed t hat t her e were a
series of v ery large underground explosions in t he ar ea of t he base at
Dulce, New Mexico. A m ont h EARLI ER, anim al m ut ilat ions began t o pick
up significant ly. The last t im e t hese t wo ev ent s occurr ed in t his order w as
when t he gov ernm ent first discover ed what t he Gr ey s w er e up t o and
t hey t ried t o go in and st op t hem . Ov er 60 Delt a t roops wer e killed in t he
process [ in t he init ial m ilit ary at t em pt against t he base] .

1990 - - On Februar y 17, a Uk ranian ast ronom er det ect s r adio em issions
near Alt air [ Aquila] , which in ancient t im es was associat ed wit h rept ilian
cr eat ures ( Not e: Som e cont act ees speak of an 'unst able' alliance bet w een
'Nordics' and 'Greys' which has exist ed for a long period of t im e in t he
Alt air syst em , as well as r efer ences t o a large fact ion of collect ist Gr ey s
who w er e in t he pr ocess of arguing against t he cont inued exist ence of
hum ans in t hat and ot her sy st em s, which would apparent ly also include
t he sover eignt ist hum ans in t he Androm eda and Pleiadean const ellat ions
I t is st at ed t hat som e fascist hum an elem ent s operat ing wit hin t he
Mont auk base at t he nort hern t ip of Long I sland - - who hav e an
est ablished an agreem ent wit h t he Greys t o bring about a global
dict at orship on eart h - - wer e given t he 'st argat e' coordinat es t o generat e
a t im e- space window using Mont auk t echnology, direct ly t o a part icular
planet in t he Alt air syst em in order t o assist in t he suppr ession of a
resist ance m ov em ent am ong som e of t he 'Nordic' t ype hum anoids t her e.
- Brant on) . On March 3r d, Las Vegas UFOCCI chairm an St acy Borland
and her brot her were br ut ally m urdered while at hom e. [ St acy was
at t em pt ing t o get infor m at ion out about a gr oup of Mercury, Nevada
const ruct ion wor kers and elect ricians who claim ed t hat som e of t heir
fellow work ers had been abduct ed and w er e being held capt ive in a vast
undergr ound sy st em s t her e] . On March 8t h, t he final dest ruct ion of t he
4t h am endm ent of t he U.S. Const it ut ion t akes effect very quiet ly behind
t he scenes. Now t he aut horit ies need no warrant or pr obable cause t o
break int o a persons hom e and perform any act ion t hey t hink fit .

Suspicion is sufficient .

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 31

Confe ssion s Of An FBI " X- File " Agen t

The following is from

a secr et report
released by an FBI
special agent code-
nam ed JORDON, who
has been involved
wit h t he int rigues
t aking place near
Dulce, New Mexico
and Area 51
[ Dream land] Nevada.
Am ong his fellow
colleagues wit hin t he
FBI , Jordon was
oft en r efer red t o as
" The X- File Man" .
'Jordon' claim s t o be
an abduct ee whose
birt h in 1962 was
genet ically
engineered by " t all
grey s" t hat had
apparent ly alt ered
t he genet ic codes
wit hin t he ovum of
his hum an m ot her - -
who was also an
abduct ee - - and
infused t he genet ic
coding of t he ovum
wit h cert ain specific
genet ic
charact erist ics t aken

from anot her fem ale

abduct ee for som e
undet erm ined
purpose. Alt hough
his life was being
sev erely m anipulat ed
by t he aliens, agent s
of t he Depart m ent of
t he Nav y appar ent ly
st epped- in t o count er
som e of t he
m achinat ions which
t he aliens were
car rying out , using
abduct ees like
'Jordon' as pawns in
a vast gam e of
cosm ic chess. Wit h
t he perm ission of t he
agent him self, t he
following is
reproduced fr om Mia
Adam s' book " THE
EXCYLES" [ Escelt a
Publishing, Ft .
Lauderdale, Florida - -
1995] . I ncident ally,
t he aut hor uses t he
Brit ish spelling of
Gr ey - - wit h an 'e' - -
rat her t han t he
Am erican spelling of
Gray - - wit h an 'a' - -
j ust in case t he
reader has w onder ed
which is t he 'cor r ect '
spelling... t hey ar e
bot h 'cor r ect ':

The account I am
about t o give is
based on m y
experiences and t he
per sonal
invest igat ion I have
conduct ed ov er t he
past sev eral m ont hs.
I cannot , and in a
few inst ances I am
specifically prevent ed
from , revealing
wher e and when I

acquired all of t he
inform at ion I will
present . I will st at e
t hat on t wo occasions
I deliberat ely violat ed
secure ar eas and on
one occasion
part icipat ed in a
rat her unort hodox
field int err ogat ion in
order t o obt ain dat a.
I also deliberat ely
involved sev eral
innocent part ies who,
unfort unat ely, m ay
becom e subj ect t o
penalt ies which
should right fully only
be m ine. I hav e lied
and have done so
knowingly and
repeat edly in order
t o elicit inform at ion
and in order t o cause
governm ent al
ent it ies t o r eact t o
m ov es t hey only
t hought I was
m aking. I freely
adm it t hat I am
guilt y of abusing t he
power of m y office
and m y credent ials. I
do not apologize for
t his, but I m ay soon
becom e subj ect t o
t he adm inist rat ive or
legal consequences
of t hese act ions. So
be it . At t he risk of
m elodram at ic, m ore
dire consequences
m ay also follow. I
can only st at e t hat , if
resist ance is wit hin
m y pow er, I will not
go quiet ly.

I am t aking t he
precaut ion of
dissem inat ing t his

account [ bot h on
paper and on disks]
t o sev eral individuals
solely and exclusively
as a m eans of
for est alling t he
desirabilit y of
at t em pt ing t o silence
m e ent irely. I t is m y
belief t hat r ev enge
would not be t he goal
of t hose opposed t o
m y effort s, but ,
rat her , t he
prev ent ion of t he
leakage of
inform at ion...

As a copy of t his
report is now in your
hands, I urge y ou t o
m ake num er ous
addit ional copies and
t o place t hese copies
in several locat ions
t o av ert effort s at
recovering all of
t hem . Let m e be v er y
clear: I f m y
opponent s ar e able
t o r ecov er all t he
copies of m y report ,
t hen t hey will
inevit ably t urn t o t he
m at t er of m uzzling
m e as t he only
rem aining t hreat t o
securit y t hey face...

I am firm ly convinced
t hat I was abduct ed
by non- hum an
sent ient beings at
t he age of six
and t hat m y newly
surfaced [ Thanks t o
Dr. - - NAME
recollect ions
regarding t his
incident are r eliable

and real. These

beings st rongly
resem bled t he Grey
'Br eeders' I will
describe below, but ,
as I rem em ber no
'Work er s,' I cannot
be ent irely sure of
what t hese beings
represent ed.
How ev er, I have
incont rovert ible
evidence t hat t he
aliens who abduct ed
m e as a child have
m aint ained an
int erest , if not an
influence in m y life.
This evidence has
already been
provided t o t hose
who could m ake best
use of it ...

The Depart m ent of

t he Nav y [ D.O.N.] is
a r elat ively SMALL
clandest ine agency
wit hin t he Unit ed
St at es Governm ent
which is st affed
prim arily by
individuals ost ensibly
recruit ed and t rained
by ot her elem ent s of
t he Federal
Governm ent . I t is
funded and
support ed by t he
Nat ional Securit y
Agency and is also
augm ent ed by very
t ight ly
com part m ent alized
elem ent s of t he
arm ed forces [ I
believe t hat BLUE
LI GHT is t he original
code nam e for t he
U.S. Arm y's EBE-
relat ed unit , which
was allegedly

conv ert ed int o t he

now fam ous count er-
t er rorist DELTA
FORCE] and ot her
governm ent al
organizat ions.
[ Approxim at ely one
t hird of headquart er s
DI VI SI ON FI VE of t he
FBI is act ually a front
for D.O.N., wit h at
least several dozen
HQ special agent s
devot ed t o t hese
m at t ers.]

Despit e it s nam e, t he
" Depart m ent of t he
Navy" has v ery
LI TTLE t o do wit h t he
act ual Unit ed St at es
Navy. I t s exist ence is
known only by an
ext r em ely lim it ed
num ber of individuals
and it s act ual m ission
is known by an ev en
sm aller num ber . The
Depart m ent of t he
Navy's purpose is t o
direct ext raordinary
unique act ivit ies in
relat ion t o
ext rat er r est rial
biological ent it ies
[ EBEs] and alien
t echnologies wit h t he
prim ary m issions of
com bat ing alien
operat ions which are
host ile t o t he
nat ional securit y of
t he Unit ed St at es,
gat hering and
exploit ing alien
t echnologies, and t he
cont ainm ent of
prem at ur e disclosur e
of inform at ion
regarding t he
presence and
int ent ions of t he


I ronically, while
NASA supposedly
suspect s or know s
t hat t here ar e alien
art ifact s on t he Moon
and is suppressing
dat a on t his subj ect
[ This was only
m ent ioned t o m e as
an aside] , NASA has
no official role in
dealing wit h EBEs.
This is not t o say ,
howev er, t hat NASA,
like t he r est of t he
ov ert gov ernm ent is
not penet rat ed by
som e DON
per sonnel.
Furt herm or e, t he
DON has had som e
int eract ion wit h
NASA personnel who
accident ally becam e
awar e of t oo m uch. I
was also t old t hat an
ov ert NASA effort t o
det ect non- hum an
civilizat ions was
doom ed t o failure,
but I was not t old

The Gr ey s are
divided int o quasi-
sent ient asexual
WORKERS who ar e,
on av erage, four feet
t all, AND dom inant
BREEDERS who have
large ey es and ar e,
on av erage, alm ost
six feet t all. Bot h
t ypes of Greys have
four fingers on each
hand. This alliance
em erged from t he
successful recov er y
of several apparent ly
crashed Gr ey craft

and t he subsequent
est ablishm ent of
relat ions wit h t his
species. This
relat ionship is, for
t he t im e being,
clandest ine by t he
choice of bot h part ies
and involves a very
lim it ed and gradual
sharing of
inform at ion and
t echnology by t he
Gr ey s.

( Not e: This would

seem t o cont radict
t he earlier st at em ent
t hat t he DON is
int erest ed in
defending our
Nat ional Securit y
from m alevolent
alien species.
How ev er w e m ust
underst and t hat
init ially t he decision
of MJ12 t o est ablish
cont act wit h t he
Gr ey s was part ly
m ot ivat ed by
Nat ional Securit y
concerns, for
inst ance t he desire
for advanced
weapons, t he
est ablishm ent a
't reat y' wit h t he
Gr ey s in order t o
appease any int ent
on t heir part t o t ak e
cont r ol, all t he while
st udying t hem and
t heir weaknesses. I n
realit y, it seem s as if
som e of t he
I nt elligence agencies
wer e at t em pt ing t o
do t o t he Gr ey s what
t hey hav e done t o
ot her cult ures,
including our own.

That is, USE t he

t reat ies as a
WEAPON against t he
Gr ey s t o infilt rat e
t heir operat ional
st ruct ur e and find
out t heir weaknesses
and exploit t heir
t echnology at t he
sam e t im e. According
t o cont act ees, m ost
of t he hum an
cult ures who hav e
been t ak en- over in
t he past as a result
of 'Tr oj an Horse'
t reat ies wit h t he
Gr ey s w er e sincer ely
blinded by t he Gr ey s'
feigned plat it udes of
benev olence and
friendship. The m uch
m or e cynical and
unt rust ing
I nt elligence Agencies
of planet eart h who
wer e no st rangers t o
war and bet ray al,
alt hough hoping for
t he best , w er e at t he
sam e t im e preparing
for t he w orst once
t he 't r eat ies' wer e
est ablished. I n t he
end, t he choice of
t he Greys t o play
t heir hand and m at ch
wit s wit h t he
I nt elligence Agencies
of planet eart h - -
whose cunning and
expert ise in
m anipulat ion are
not orious - - m ay
ult im at ely be t heir
Nev ert heless t hese
agencies on eart h ar e
playing a high- risk
gam e. I n t heir bid t o
gain 'galact ic
int elligence' and

t echnological parit y
wit h t he Greys t hey
run t he high risk of
having m any of t heir
own agent s fall under
t he psy chological
cont r ol of t he Greys.
I n ot her w ords while
reaching one hand
out in feigned
friendship t owards
t he Greys, t he ot her
hand is busy
dev eloping
t echnological
weaponry wit h t he
hope of pot ent ially
exploit ing,
conquering or
dest r oying t hem j ust
" in case" t hey t urned
on us. We m ust
adm it t hat t here ar e
various differ ent
m ot ives in dealing
wit h t he Greys. The
'elit e' globalist s of
cour se NEED t he
Gr ey s' m ind- cont rol
t echnology t o assist
in t he
im plem ent at ion of
t heir planet ary
dict at orship. Ot hers
want not hing t o do
wit h t he Greys, but
desire only t heir
t echnology. I n a
st range t wist of irony
t he m ilit ary alliance,
and subsequent
resist ance, t o t he
Gr ey s m ay work for
t he ev ent ual good of
t he planet . The
reason for t his is t he
fact t hat in t heir
at t em pt t o infilt rat e
and subvert our
planet , t he Gr ey s
m ade som e gr av e
underest im at ion's.

One of t he m aj or
'm ist akes' t hey m ade
- - probably out of
fear of reprisals,
result ing from t he
growing knowledge
wit hin int elligence
agencies of t he
blat ant bet rayals of
t he 't r eat ies' - - was
t o j um p t he gun and
at t em pt a planet ary
t akeover befor e t hey
wer e r eady for it .
They discov er ed t hat
t heir m et hods which
have succeeded on
ot her worlds did not
wor k quit e as w ell on
planet eart h. When
t he 't ak eover' cam e
about , t hey wer e
only able t o 'conquer '
a large segm ent of
t he underground
'world', whereas t heir
at t em pt s t o use t heir
hum an agent s on t he
surface t o t ak e
cont r ol of t he 'w orld
abov e' by
precipit at ing a full
t ot alit arian coup in
Am erica was
STRONGLY r esist ed.
Because of t his
resist ance t hey could
achieve no bet t er
t han a st alem at e.
Now it is a t oot h-
and- nail bat t le
bet ween freedom -
loving sov er eignt ist
hum ans abov e and
fr eedom - hat ing
collect ist rept ilians
below for cont r ol of
t he m inds of t he
leaders of t he
Milit ary- I ndust rial
Com plex which
operat es bot h abov e

and below t he
surface of t he planet .
Whichever 'side'
com es out in cont r ol
of t he M.I .C. will
possess BOTH
'worlds'. The aliens
are running scared
because in 1989 t heir
secr et , t he 'Enigm a',
cam e cr ashing
t hrough t he surface
and out int o t he open
when Robert Lazar
had t he gut s t o com e
clean about what was
happening at Area-
51. Once he st ood up
t o 't he Beast ', ot her s
j oined him in his
crusade - - John

Lear, William Cooper,

Don Eck er , Paul
Bennewit z, Christ a
Tilt on, Val Valerian,
Phil Schneider,
Thom as Cast ello,
Jason Bishop, Norio
Hayak owa, Bill
Ham ilt on, Agent
'Yellowfruit ', John
Rhodes, Michael
Lindem ann, Michael
Corbin, Com m ander
'X', Jim McCam pbell,
Robert Morningsky,
Colonel St eve Wilson,
Bill English, Jeffer son
Souza, Yours Truly,
et c. et c. I cannot
nam e all of t he
nam es her e as t he
list grows ev er y day .
Alt hough m any of
t hese m ay hav e
som e heat ed
per sonalit y and
differences am ong
t hem selves, t hey
nevert heless hav e

t he sam e t hing in
com m on - - each of
t hem possessed a
different 'piece' of
t he ov erall 'puzzle'
on t he hum an- alien
int eract ion. Once t he
'dam ' brok e so- t o-
speak , what had
previously been a
sit uat ion t hat was
'out - of- cont r ol' in
respect t o t he U.S.
Governm ent , becam e
a sit uat ion t hat
becam e 'out - of-
cont r ol' for t he
Gr ey s. Expect som e
rat her desperat e
at t em pt s by t he
Gr ey s in t he fut ure t o
resolve t he sit uat ion
and t ake back
CONTROL. As I said,
t hey ar e running out
of t im e and t hey ar e
running scar ed and
desperat e beings do
desperat e t hings. Will
t hey sim ply concede
defeat and leave t his
planet , or do t hey
consider planet eart h
and it s resources t o
be t he KEY t o t he
cont inued survival of
t heir em pire? I
per sonally get t he
feeling t hat t he
infernal 'leader s' of
t he r ept ilian
collect ive or hive
have already
invest ed t oo m uch in
t his planet t o leave
so easily. This m eans
t hat a resolut ion of
t he sit uat ion will be
up t o US, and
hopefully m ore t han
a lit t le Divine
I nt erv ent ion. Wit h

t his in m ind, one

m ight bet t er
underst and t he
seem ingly
schizophrenic act ions
of t he DON, CI A,
NSA, MJ12 and ot her
agencies which ar e
being influenced and
cont est ed by
basically t hree
different groups wit h
different agendas:
t hose int ent on
m aint aining TRUE
Nat ional Securit y,
t hose int ent on
selling- out t he U.S.
for personal gain,
and t hose in t he
m iddle who ar e j ust
obeying orders and
essent ially don't
know wher e t hey
st and. Several
sour ces claim t hat
t he U.S. Navy
st ruct ur e has been
infilt rat ed t o som e
ext ent by fascist
elem ent s operat ing
deep wit hin t he CI A
and NSA in an effort
t o use it s
organizat ional
st ruct ur e t o ser ve
t heir unconst it ut ional
agendas, in m ost
cases wit hout t he
knowledge of m ost
Navy per sonnel
t hem selves. Through
m isrepr esent at ion of
t heir m ot ives and
int ent ions, t hese
infilt rat or s hav e
succeeded in gaining
support fr om Navy
per sonnel for t heir
clandest ine act ivit ies
using t he false
facade of " Pat riot ism "

or " Nat ional

Securit y" , when in
realit y m any of t he
j oint NSA- Alien
proj ect s hav e in
realit y SUBVERTED
t he Nat ional Securit y
of t he U.S.A. -
Brant on)

Sev eral undergr ound

and underwat er
facilit ies [ at least one
underwat er facilit y is
off t he Florida coast
and has a t err est rial
access point in sout h
Miam i... I and m y
unseen cohort s have
already pr ovided t he
address t o sev eral
individuals] have
been est ablished t o
support t hese [ j oint

operat ional] act ivit ies

and t o pr ovide a
suit able habit at for
t he EBEs involved.
Par ent het ically, t he
m ult iple prot ect ive
shelt er [ MPS] I CBM
basing schem e
proposed in t he early
1980s was act ually a
cov er for t he
const ruct ion of 4,600
EBE r elat ed bunkers;
t his schem e was
polit ically unt enable
and had t o be
abandoned, but
would have allowed
for a t rem endous
expansion of alien
act ivit y in t he Unit ed
St at es.

Ther e is pr esent ly an
on- going com pet it ion
for influence if not
out right dom inat ion,

ov er t he eart h and it s
life form s bet ween
t he Greys and
anot her species
com m only ident ified
as 'Rept ilians' or
'Lizards'. ( Not e: I t is
int erest ing t hat
sev eral ot her sources
claim t hat t he Orion
Gr ey s ar e willfully
wor king WI TH and on
behalf OF t he
Draconian 'Lizards' or
Rept iloids. I s t he
'suggest ed' anim osit y
bet ween t he Greys
and Rept iloids a ruse
t o k eep t he
governm ent in a
st at e of confusion,
i.e.. t o pr essure t hem
t o m ak e alliances
wit h t he Greys t o
fight t he Rept iloids,
or vise v ersa in order
t o ensure com plet e
governm ent al
subm ission t o one or
t he ot her 'sides' of a
SI NGLE alien
collect ive power-
st ruct ur e? - Brant on)

I t is supposedly
known t hat t his
species om inously
refers t o it self as
'Eart hlings'. I was
shown ext r em ely
clear phot ographs of
exam ples of t his
species. Rept ilians
appear ed hum an
sized, had t hree t oes
on each foot , and
had not ably large
m out hs [ m uzzles?]
wit h prom inent t eet h.
This com pet it ion has
result ed in t he
dest ruct ion of sev eral

craft bot h wit hin and

wit hout t he eart h's
at m osphere and has
prom pt ed t he
dev elopm ent of
cert ain aspect s of t he
Unit ed St at es'
St rat egic Nuclear
Forces as well as t he
St rat egic Defense
I nit iat ive [ SDI ] .

[ Depart m ent of t he
Navy] conduct s
ext ensive
surv eillance and
m onit oring of
individuals who ar e
unknowingly part of
an on- going program
of m anipulat ion of
t he hum an gene pool
by com pet ing non-
hum an alliances. This
m anipulat ion was
init ially undert aken
by t he rept ilian
species, appar ent ly
t o direct cert ain
hum an t rait s in ways
favorable t o t his
species. I n addit ion
rept ilian effort s have
apparent ly focused
on t he Unit ed St at es
and, t o a lesser
ext ent , it s allies due
t o t he Unit ed St at es'
leading ECONOMI C
and MI LI TARY ( or
Milit ary- I ndust rial -
Brant on) r ole
worldwide. St udy has
det erm ined t hat t he
Rept ilian effort s in
t his area am ount t o
long- t erm genet ic
sabot age. The
rept ilians have also
been responsible for
livest ock m ut ilat ions

and som e hum an

abduct ions for ot her
negat ive purposes.
St rangely, t her e is
som e hist orical
connect ion bet ween
t he Rept ilians and
t he Developm ent of
nuclear energy, but
t his was only hint ed
at by m y sources ( I t
is int erest ing t hat
m any of t he nuclear
scient ist s had t ies
wit h t he Bavarian
I llum inat i... t he
'bom b' was
dev eloped at Los
Alam os, beneat h
which som e believe
exist s t he MAJOR
concent rat ion of
Rept iloids/ Gr eys - -
t hose which
com m ut e
undergr ound t o w or k
in t he lower Dulce
base 90 m iles away -
- in Nort h Am erica...
and also t her e is an
ancient Hopi
prophecy about t he
Gr ey s and t he part
t hey w ould play in
t he creat ion of t he
" gourd of deat h" . Did
t hey want t o pr ov ok e
an inevit able nuclear
conflict t hat t hey
hoped w ould dest r oy
all hum an life on
planet eart h? The
fact t hat t he greys
int eract ed wit h t he
scient ist s of t he
Manhat t an Proj ect is
evidenced by a
per sonal friend of
m ine whose fat her
was one such
scient ist . She has

num erous abduct ions

t hroughout t he y ears
and claim s t o be a
part of an alien
program involving
genet ic m anipulat ion.
She DI D show m e
som e unusual scale-
like skin on her legs,
a condit ion t hat I
have not seen on any
ot her person. -
Brant on) .

How ev er, t he Gr ey
abduct ions of hum an
subj ect s have been
aim ed prim arily at
t he creat ion of a
part icularly hardy
elit e hybrid species
which would be
init ially capable of
for m ing t he leading
elem ent s of Grey
societ y as w ell as
serving a sim ilar role
in hum an societ y .

( Not e: Since t he
Rept iloids/ Gr eys
have basically failed
in producing an
act ual " cross- br eed"
capable of
reproducing it self,
t hey m ay inst ead opt
for t he dev elopm ent
of a 'r ace' of
genet ically- alt ered
hum ans or im plant ed
clones - - pat ched- in
t o t he collect ive - -
who hav e been fused
wit h som e degr ee of
rept ilian DNA and
RNA, and once t his
has been
accom plished
t ransfer an individual
and/ or collect ive
alien int elligence

m at rix int o t hese

genet ically alt ered
'host s' as t hey HAVE
been known t o do in
som e cases. Ther e is
som e quest ion as t o
whet her t he original
'soul' of t he
individual is rem ov ed
OR suppr essed when
t his occurs, bot h m ay
be possibilit ies, and
one w ould probably
need an aura
det ect ion device
capable of 'seeing'
t he m ult i- colored
'soul- chakras' in
order t o det erm ine
whet her t hat 'hum an'
has a soul or not .
Nev ert heless t his
would be one m anner
in which an alien
for ce could infilt rat e
a hum an societ y. I n
ot her cases hum ans
m ay be m anipulat ed
WHI LE I N an alt er ed
st at e of m ind while
at t he sam e t im e
living a conscious life
separat e fr om and
unaware of t he
induced alt ernat e
per sonalit y. I hav e
encount er ed sev eral
cases, including 'm y
own', involving
abduct ees who ar e
living " double lives" .
I n t hese cases an
alien 'sleeper' or
'walk- in' int elligence-
m at rix has
apparent ly been
elect r onically
I MPLANTED in t hese
people via m iniat ure
art ificial int elligence
im plant s t hat are
program m ed wit h

alien t hought
pat t erns and
at t ached t o t he
m aj or ner ve- cent ers
of t he brain. Recent ly
t here has been som e
progress in
m ainst ream science
in regards t o
program m ing
com put ers wit h
hum an t hought
pat t erns, 'growing'
hum an brain t issue in
a laborat or y for use
in 'organic
com put ers, or direct
m ind- m achine
com m unicat ion as is
being developed for
advanced j et pilot s.
The 'im plant ' in such
cases house an
individual or
collect ive alien
per sonalit y t hat is
act ivat ed when t he
conscious ident it y is
asleep. I n t his
m anner an alien
'parasit e', whet her
m alevolent , neut ral
or in very rare cases
well- int ent ioned, m ay
operat e t hrough t he
body of t he host
wit hout t he host
being fully aware of
j ust how his or her
exist ence is being
used or m anipulat ed,
for what ever
purposes t he aliens
choose. As for t he
'hybrids' t hat have
been dev eloped by
t he Greys, anot her
problem wit h
producing a ACTUAL
hybrid is t hat
hum ans have 'souls'

wher eas Greys do

not , t herefore t he
'hybrid' m ust fall t o
one side or t he ot her
- - soullish hum an or
soulless rept ilian,
regardless of what
t he genet ic physical
m akeup of t he
" physical shell" m ay
be. I pr efer t o use
t he t erm hu- brids t o
denot e t he hybrids
who hav e been born
wit h a soul- m at rix
and re- brids t o
denot e t hose t hat
have not . - Brant on) .

The hybrids would

also be able t o
survive dest ruct ive
ecological changes
t hat t he Gr ey s
believe will t ake
place on eart h in t he
near fut ure. The
hybrids I saw had t he
appearance of hum an
children wit h
unusually large
heads and ey es as
well as fine, sparse
hair. Earlier, and
unsat isfact ory,
effort s supposedly
result ed in a m ore
fet us- like appearance
on t he part of t hese
hybrids. All hybrids
t hus far produced ar e
st erile and unable t o
reproduce. How ev er ,
all hybrids have w ell-
dev eloped digest ive
syst em s.

The im plant at ion of

bio- elect ronic ( ?)
devices in proxim it y
t o t he cent r al
nerv ous syst em s of

abduct ees has been

ut ilized by t he Gr eys
for sev eral
com plem ent ar y
purposes, but t he
m ost im port ant
reason is in order t o
have a m ore r eliable
m eans of MI ND
dist ance. Such
cont r ol is necessar y
in order t o facilit at e
follow- up abduct ions
and in order t o
prev ent m ale
subj ect s fr om having
volunt ary
st erilizat ion's.

The DON has t ak en a

very act ive, and
largely successful,
role in count ering
rept ilian genet ic
sabot age. How ev er,
it is t asked wit h
t aking no role ot her
t han observat ion of
Gr ey abduct ions, t o
t he ext ent perm it t ed
by t his group. This
fact r esult s in m orale
and cont r ol problem s
wit hin t his
organizat ion ( That is,
t hey ar e t o w or k t o
prev ent alien
sabot age of t he
hum an race, y et not
int erfer e or t ry t o
prev ent abduct ions
t hat t hey know ar e
occurring or going t o
occur. I t 's like
MacArt hur 's forces in
Kor ea. They wer e
t old by t heir U.N.
superior s t o k eep t he
peace in Sout h Kor ea
and defend it from
Nort hern Com m unist

aggression, y et not
at t em pt t o dest roy
t he m ain supply
depot s in t he Nort h
from wher e t he
at t acks w ere
originat ing! As wit h
t he Kor ean conflict ,
t he pr oblem wit h t he
Gr ey s w ould seem t o
be a " no- win"
sit uat ion. No w onder
t here has been
" m or ale and cont r ol
problem s" wit hin t he
organizat ion, and t his
m ay explain why an
inner cor e wit hin
Navy I nt elligence has
for m ed ar ound
agencies like t he
'CABAL' and 'COM-
12', which are m ade
up of pat riot s who
are fed up wit h all of
t he waffling and
com prom ise - - and
out right bet rayal of
our nat ion and our
planet by unelect ed
corporat e
collaborat ors working
wit hin t he Ex ecut ive
branch of
governm ent - - and
want t o t ak e DI RECT
act ion against t he
Gr ey s. - Brant on) .

These m orale
problem s hav e
benefit ed m e on
m or e t han one
occasion and I
st rongly believe t hat
governm ent al
collusion in t hese
act ivit ies is
The Gr ey s, like t he
Rept ilians, rout inely
at t em pt t o erase t he

abduct ion relat ed

m em ories of t hose
t hey abduct .

One of t he m ost
ex ot ic elem ent s of
Gr ey t echnology
exploit ed by t he DON
involves t he
deliberat e regulat ion
of hum an brain
act ivit y including
t elepat hic
com m unicat ion, and
t echnologies which
include t em poral
and, for lack of a
bet t er t erm , " Trans-
Dim ensional" facet s.
Gr ey bio-
t echnologies ar e,
fundam ent ally
prim it ive, but have
som e ext r em ely
advanced facet s.
Part icularly
significant is an
abilit y t o
m anufact ure
synt het ic biological-
m echanical ( ?)
ent it ies. I w onder if
t he so- called " Men I n
Black" , if t hey exist ,
are exam ples of
t hese sort s of beings.

The condit ioning of

hum an brain
[ t em por al lobe]
act ivit y t hrough
elect r om agnet ic and
advanced m edical
t echniques is used by
t he DON in t wo
prim ary way s. The
m ost obvious is in
t he elim inat ion of
m em ories fr om t he

m inds of accident al
wit nesses t o Gr ey
abduct ions; in t his
case som ewhat less
elect r om agnet ic
m eans m ust nor m ally
be ut ilized. The
second, but act ually
m or e im port ant use
for t his form of
advanced m ind
cont r ol is in t he
elim inat ion of
m em ories in t he
m inds of DON
per sonnel and ot her
knowing part icipant s
in governm ent al
act ivit ies r elat ing t o
EBEs. This lat t er
for m of hypnosis is
norm ally done
t hrough m ore r eliable
m edical or chem ical
m eans and is ut ilized
for t wo r easons. The
first r eason is
act ually in t he
int erest s of t he
m ent al healt h of
cert ain individuals
unable t o
successfully cope
wit h t he unique
psychic environm ent
surr ounding EBE
act ivit ies. The second
reason t o ut ilize
volunt ary m ind
cont r ol on
governm ent
per sonnel is t o delet e
inform at ion from t he
m inds of t hese
individuals which
could be exploit ed by
eit her t err est rial or
ext rat er r est rial
for ces.

DON field agent s ar e

t herefor e oft en
referr ed t o as
" Zom bies" and t heir
unit s as " Zom bie
Squads" . Volunt ary
erasur es ar e far
m or e reliable t han
t hose I MPOSED upon
t he subj ect ,
especially if t hey
have a surgical
com ponent .
How ev er, neit her
t echnique is
absolut ely reliable
and, t her efor e, all
'erasur es' also
include elem ent s of
disinform at ion
im plant ed in t he
m ind of t he t arget
[ agent ] which would
t end t o render any
recalled account s
cont radict or y or
ot her wise unreliable.
Zom bies are also
program m ed against
allowing t hem selves
t o by hypnot ically
regressed or
ot her wise m edically
exam ined by
unaut horized
per sonnel. [ This is
part icularly im port ant
as m ost of t hese
agent s hav e im plant s
placed in t heir bodies
by t he Gr ey s t o
supposedly m onit or
DON com pliance wit h
m ut ual agreem ent s.]

( Not e: The abov e is

in reference t o t hose
agencies which
int egrat e bot h CI A
and NAVY
I nt elligence.
According t o an

agent code- nam ed

'Panda', " t he Navy
has been
m anipulat ed via t he
int elligence
com m unit y,"
especially by t he
CI A- NSA which has
at t em pt ed t o t ak e
full cont rol of all
m ilit ary- int elligence
and bring it under
t he cont rol of t hose
hum an and alien
influences who ar e
running t he
collaborat ion
proj ect s. - Brant on)

Morale am ong DON

agent s is part icularly
im paired by t he
obvious det eriorat ion
of m ent al and
em ot ional funct ion
am ong t hese
individuals as a result
of t hese psy chic
int erv ent ions.

The Depart m ent of

Defense has been a
prim ary beneficiary
of alien derived
t echnologies which
have been
dissem inat ed in a
largely cov ert
m anner. I n ot her
words, ev en t he
m ilit ary engineering
unit s and defense
cont ract ors involved
have been unaware
of t he act ual sour ce
of key br eakt hr ough
t echnologies supplied
t o t hem . Alt hough
som e alien
t echnologies have
been adopt ed
[ specifically in t he

hyper sonic " # # # # # "

St ealt h and
"# # # # # # #
program s] and som e
ant i- gravit y drive
ext rat er r est rial craft
are now being
act ually duplicat ed [ I
was shown one
hovering alm ost
silent ly in a hanger
at a sub- sit e of t he
Nellis Air Force Base
and can st at e t hat
rum ors regarding
such craft w ere
accurat e] , t he m ost
significant alien
t echnologies being
acquired ar e
supposedly in t he
field of com put ing.
These t echnologies
have provided t he
Unit ed St at es wit h a
secr et , and t her efor e
largely t heor et ical,
t echnological
superiorit y over all
ot her nat ions. I will
also m ent ion t hat I
was flown aboard a
helicopt er of a design
I had nev er before
seen which was not
only unbelievably
quiet , but could also
'cloak' it self fr om
being seen by t he
naked ey e during t he
hours of darkness
using a syst em which
was referr ed t o as
"# # # ".

Ther e is also an
ongoing program of
gradual societ al
condit ioning t o

exist ence and

influence of EBEs in
Eart h's hist ory ( Does
t his include obvious
FALLACI ES t hat have
been spr ead am ong
int elligence agencies
and abduct ees by t he
Gr ey s, such as t heir
claim t hat t hey
originally genet ically
'cr eat ed' t he hum an
race and placed t hem
on planet Eart h? -
Brant on) . This is
being undert aken by
t he DON on a
worldwide basis in
order t o prevent
cult ural
disint egrat ion in t he
ev ent of an
uncont rollable
cat ast r ophic leak of
int elligence r egarding
t he aliens and also in
order t o allow for a
m or e orderly
ev ent ual unveiling of
t he t rut h t o t he
general public. The
Gr ey s hav e
t hem selves
prom ulgat ed a desire
t o overt ly reveal
t hem selves t o hum an
societ y by t he t urn of
t he cent ury ( ...of
cour se passing
t hem selves off as t he
" good guys" ,
howev er at t his point
in t im e when t he
ov erall m alevolent
act ivit ies of t he grays
are being exposed - -
especially in net work
TV pr ogram s like
DARK SKI ES - - t his
would t ake an
incredible feat of

engineering t o
accom plish. -
Brant on) .

Accordingly, t he DON
( CI A- NSA elem ent s
wit hin t he DON, t hat
is - Brant on)
curr ent ly has plans t o
ev ent ually st age a
" first cont act " ev ent
sim ilar t o t hat
depict ed in t he film
so as t o pr ev ent any
im m ediat e disclosure
of t he fact t hat first
cont act act ually t ook
place fift y years ago
[ m id- 1940's] . This is
only PART of a
psychological warfar e
program direct ed AT
t he Am erican people
by t heir own
governm ent wit hout
appropriat e
aut horit y. Ther e is
also a DON effort in
progress t o fully
ident ify ot her alien
ent it ies which have
had an im pact on t his
planet . Specifically,
t here is an EBE
species known as
t hat of t he 'Birdm en'
which is believed t o
be som ehow r ept ilian
relat ed ( variously
known am ong
sour ces as t he
Mot hm en, Ciakars,
Winged Draco,
Pt er odact oids or
Pt er oids - Brant on) .
Ther e is also an alien
species which has
been colloquially
ident ified as t he

'babies' for t heir

som ewhat neonat al
appearance [ These
m ight be som e sort
of hybrid hum anoid] .

The int erspecies

rivalry curr ent ly in
progress involves
elem ent s of what can
only be t erm ed
espionage. I n ot her
words, bot h sides
have ut ilized t act ics
and st rat egies
usually associat ed
wit h covert
int elligence agencies.
The m ost st riking
t act ic em ployed by
t he Rept ilians is t hat
of t he " false flag"
which involves t he
port r ayal of host ile
Rept ilian act ions as
being t hose of m or e
benign species. This
part icular t echnique
has been focused on
t he Unit ed St at es
Governm ent on
sev eral occasions
and, in one inst ance
t hat was r ecount ed
t o m e, result ed in t he
killing of num erous
Grays by Unit ed
St at es m ilit ary
for ces. The
dissem inat ion of
disinform at ion is also
a fav or ed t echnique.
The Ut ilizat ion of
m ind cont rol
t echniques by bot h
sides m ak es t his
part icular espionage
gam e a difficult one
t o com pr ehend or
m ast er...

As t hey say , THE


THERE, but can w e
recognize it when we
see it ?

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 32

Re ve la t ion s Of An M J- 1 2 Spe cia l St u die s Group Agen t

Michael Wolf, in his t rilogy THE CATCHERS OF HEAVEN [ Dor rance

Publishing Co., Pit t sburgh, PA] m ak es t he following 'disclaim er' at
t he beginning of his volum e: " The following event s, which purport
t o involve t he Unit ed St at es of Am erica, t he for m er Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics, Fr ance, Belgium , I t aly, Germ any,
I srael, and t he U.K., officially, according t o r epeat ed st at em ent s
issued by all governm ent s involved, nev er occur red." I ncident ally
t he aut hor expressed a deep concern for t he children of t his
planet and for t he legacy we ar e leaving t hem , and t herefor e
direct ed all of t he r oyalt ies for his work t o an or ganizat ion
devot ed t o helping children.

To paraphrase som e of t he m ore r elevant [ t o t his work] point s

brought out in t he Trilogy:

- - Black Budget Operat ions ut ilizing billions of dollars raised by

CI A drug running, wer e classified Abov e Top Secr et , t her eby
escaping audit by Feder al audit ors who possessed only a " secr et "
or " t op secr et " securit y clearance.

- - We ar e now living, as of t he lat t er part of t he 20t h cent ury , in

an regulat ed- t axat ed- inflat ed econom ic slave syst em carefully
designed t o serv e t he elit e.

- - The aut hor possessed one of t he highest securit y clearances in

t he world, and r eport ed only t o t he U.S. Pr esident , ev en t hough
his knowledge and briefings of cosm ic affairs oft en surpassed his
one- and- only superior in sev eral areas. He was warned against
writ ing t he t rilogy - - which cont ains sensit ive infor m at ion yet
which deals m ost ly wit h his int eract ions wit h his friends and
fam ily on t his and ot her worlds - - by fellow friends and insiders
wit hin MJ- 12. Wolf how ev er chose t o go ahead wit h t he proj ect
as he felt t hat we hav e t he right t o know what 's going on, and for

t he sak e of " t he children" and t heir fut ure on t his planet ,

THE MI NDS OF MEN." Such t yranny he insist s " MUST END NOW! "
Also, Wolf st at es t hat m any of t he new generat ion of y ounger
polit icians and int elligence agent s ar e t r ying t o do away wit h t he
self- dest ruct ive policies of form er adm inist rat ions in regards t o
t he alien scenario.

- - The aut hor claim s t o be a genet ically engineered hum an who

cam e fr om ext rat err est r ial 'Nordic' genet ic lines and was placed
on t his planet for a purpose. He possessed an above- genius
m ent alit y which m ade him an I nt elligence " head hunt er's" dr eam
com e t rue. Ev en t he Pr esident 's wer e aware of his t alent s and
sought his expert ise. His advanced m ind led t o his involvem ent
wit h a super- secr et proj ect involving t he dev elopm ent of an
act ual cyber- cloned hum anoid wit h self- program m ing art ificial
int elligence if not sent ience - - as w ell as ot her proj ect s involving
super- advanced quant um m echanics t hat one will never hear
about in t he public dom ain, at least not for m any y ear s t o com e.
Michael Wolf was raised in a Jewish fam ily and experienced
abduct ions/ cont act s ev er since childhood... as had his hum an
m ot her who becam e t he 'host ' for his exist ence on planet eart h.
The aut hor also claim s t o hav e a genet ic 'brot her' nam es SA who
serv ed or serv es as t he Prince of THE ALLI ANCE, a Nordic
collect ive in Alt air Aquila which is affiliat ed wit h THE CORPORATE,
a Grey species collect ive. Alt hough t he Hum an ALLI ANCE and t he
Gr ey CORPORATE int eract [ or hav e int eract ed in t he past ] wit h
t he ot her, t he Nordic 'Alliance' ALSO m aint ained cont act wit h t he
FEDERATI ON OF WORLDS. The Gr ey 'Corporat e' in t urn
m aint ained an allegiance wit h som et hing called t he UNI FI ED
RACES OF ORI ON. The MAJESTI C- 12 organizat ion was awar e of
all t hree MAJOR confederat ion groups, t he j oint hum anoid-
rept iloid CORPORATE/ ALLI ANCE, t he m ost ly- hum anoid
FEDERATI ON OF WORLDS or F.O.W, and t he m ost ly r ept iloid

- - The 'Black' pr ogr am s are so nam ed because presum ably no

one can shine a 'light ' on t heir act ivit ies and ex pose t he
corrupt ion wit hin. Accor ding t o agent Wolf, t her e can be
governm ent s wit hin governm ent s wit hin governm ent s, and t he
" black ones" or secret gov ernm ent can be invisible t o t he
elect orat e gov ernm ent it self.

- - Ther e are 'Nordic' ext r at er rest rials walking t he st r eet s of

sev eral m aj or cit ies on eart h, unknown by ot hers for who t hey

- - The aut hor knew Dr. Edward Teller, t he developer of t he H-

Bom b, on a per sonal basis.

- - The aut hor was a m em ber of an organizat ion called t he



- - The aut hor at one point was visit ed by t wo FBI / NSC agent s
who r em inded him t hat his int roduct ory briefings on t he alien
subj ect m ust of necessit y r em ain secr et " unt il it is all figured out "
so as not t o cr eat e m ass panic or social inst abilit y.

( Not e: Act ually t he cosm ic scenario seem s t o be m or e- less-

figured " figured out " at t his point as far as m yself and ot hers are
concerned, so such an excuse should be OBSOLETE, and m ore- so
as t im e goes on. - Brant on)

- - The aut hor st at es t hat in a hyperspacial environm ent , using a

ship- board generat ion of am plified gravit y waves, it isn't speed
t hat increases, it is t he relat ive t im e- space, when act ed upon by
a force such as gravit y waves, which REDUCES it self wit hin t he
hyper space field generat ed ar ound t he hull of t he craft wher e
space- t im e becom es 'w arped'. An Einst ein- Rosen bridge
'worm hole' cr eat ed by a gravit y- ex ert ing craft in space is but one
exam ple. The STAR TREK scenario m ay be based on an act ual
realit y! Art ificially creat ed gravit y waves can t heoret ically reduce
t im e t o near zero and accelerat ion t o near infinit y. Einst ein only
had a problem wit h gravit y in his unified field t heory, as it did not
seem t o fit , alt hough he did com e t o t he conclusion t hat gravit y
and accelerat ion wer e som ehow connect ed. Wit h such t rav el it is
not space it self which is physically t raver sed, since space folds in
on it self as gravit y wav es act upon t im e...

- - The aut hor r efers t o t he work of Theodor e Kaluza, who used a

fift h dim ension algebraically t o equat e Einst ein's four- dim ensional
gravit y wit h Maxwell's elect rom agnet ism , and t his ext ending of
space- t im e t o five dim ensions inst ead of four w as a foundat ion
for furt her r elat ional unificat ion t heor et ical developm ent . The
aut hor also speak s of quant um m at hem at ical t heories and
calculat ions t hat allow for as m any as 12 dim ensions, how ev er he
warns t hat one m ust be car eful as t he norm al laws of " hum an
logic" seem t o br eak down t he closer one delves int o t he sub-
at om ic or quant um levels of r ealit y.

- - A nat ural disast er m ay be im m anent , considering t hat in 1950

one quart er of t he land surface of planet eart h was for est ed,
wher eas t oday it is less t han one fift h, and t he oceans cannot
soak up all of t he ex cess at m ospheric carbon dioxide.

- - The JASON proj ect ex ist ed, and was discont inued aft er t he war
in Viet Nam .

- - On May 1st , 1975, t w o Zet a Ret iculan Grey s wer e

dem onst rat ing a 100 percent pow er- producing annihilat ion
react ion in a relat ively sm all ant im at t er react or, t o t w o deep-
cov er scient ist s wit hin t he t unnels below Ar ea 51, using a super-

heavy elem ent , bom bar ding it wit h prot ons. One Ret . Four [ a
slang t erm for a r esident of t he fourt h planet of t he Zet a I I
Ret iculi syst em ] was doing t he display and dem anded first t hat
all rifles and especially bullet s in t hem be rem oved fr om t he
room . The elit e m ilit ary guards r efused t o surr ender t heir
weapons, and in t he chaot ic disorder and com m ot ion t hat
ensued, one alien, t wo scient ist s and fort y- one m ilit ary personnel
wer e killed, sim ply because t he colonel in charge of securit y
quest ioned t he Gr ey 's orders. One wit ness t o t he scene survived.
All t he hum ans had died of head w ounds and result ant dam age of
brain m at t er. Since no weapon was seen by t his wit ness, t he
aut hor suggest ed t hat t he Gr eys m ight be able t o use t heir m inds
as w eapons, in essence using t heir brains as a bio- chem ical
circuit board t hrough w hich t o channel elect rom agnet ic energy
via specific neural pat t erns or pat hways. This m ay explain, he
suggest s, why t he Gr ey s have t he abilit y t o walk or phase
t hrough solid m at t er, read m inds, send m ent al m essages, and
are able t o lift and float t hem selves as w ell as abduct ees w it hout
observ able inst rum ent at ion. The Groom war or m assacr e ended
cert ain exchanges bet w een t he Gov ernm ent and t he Gr eys.
( Not e: Ot her sour ces im ply t hat t his was only t he init ial incident
in t he 'Gr oom Wars', and t hat ot her incident s have since occur r ed
result ing in t he deat hs or disappearance of aliens and hum an
scient ist , work ers and m ilit ary personnel. - Br ant on)

- - The aut hor was t old by a Gr ey t hat his genet ic Nordic 'brot her'
Prince ANON SA RA was involved wit h " arguing t he HU MAN's
case for exist ence befor e THE CORPORATE" ( Apparent ly t hese
verm in have a r at her high opinion of t hem selves for cr eat ur es
t hat have no souls, and a low opinion of hum an- kind, considering
t hat hum ans are consider ed by m any wit hin t he rept ilian
CORPORATE as being unwort hy for exist ence. - Brant on) .

- - The ALPHACOM Team which Michael Wolf headed was or is t he

lead agency for Maj est ic 12's Special St udies Gr oup, or MJ12SSG.

- - The aut hor init iat ed an organizat ion called Pr oj ect D.A.R.T.
[ Defense Alien Resear ch Training] , wit hin t he cont ext of t he C&E
Team s.

- - The aut hor was awar e of and had ev en visit ed several of t he

following underground bases: Luk e, Nevada; Roswell, New
Mexico; Dayt on, Ohio; DULCE, NEW MEXI CO; Nellis, Area S- 51
and S- 4, Nevada; an MJ12 m eet ing cent er under t he Greenbriar
Hot el in Whit e Sulfur Springs, West Virginia; " Raven Rock " or
" Sit e R- 0001" ; Mt . Weat her, near Bluem ont , Virginia; Mt . Poney,
near Culpeper, Virginia; t he Viewt r ee Mount ain facilit y; Manzano
Mount ain facilit y wit h rail- t unnels t o Kirt land AFB and Sandia
Nat ional Labs in New Mexico; and about t welve ot her
undergr ound facilit ies " t hat cannot even be m ent ioned by nam e" .
Som e of t hem hav e no nam es, j ust sit e num bers.

- - Ther e is a division wit hin t he I nt elligence com m unit y bet ween

t hose who w ant t o at t em pt cont inued negot iat ions wit h t he Greys
and t hose who want t o t ake m ilit ary act ion against t hem . The
aut hor st at es t hat he and several ot her s wit hin MJ12 had been
abduct ed and m anipulat ed by t he Gr ey s from childhood [ or
'hived', y ou could say] , suggest ing t hat it was t he Gr eys
t hem selves t hat m ay have m anipulat ed t hem int o t heir posit ions
wit hin Milit ary I nt elligence. This does not necessarily m ean t hat
m en like Michael Wolf w er e int ent ionally com pr om ising our
Nat ional Securit y ov er t o t he Grey collect ive, it m ay m ean t hat
t hey w er e t he ones who m ust be dealt wit h and as a r esult t he
ones who wer e t arget ed for m ent al condit ioning. The aut hor
t ends t o be FOR cont inued negot iat ions wit h t he Gr ey s, having
been influenced by Nordic 'relat ives' of his who share t he Alt air
syst em wit h t he Greys and are t her efor e pressed t o m aint ain
diplom at ic relat ions wit h t hem , especially since t he Gr eys ar e
" arguing t he Hu Man's case for exist ence" alt oget her . ( I t seem s
t o be t he old " appease t he enem y" t act ic like t he one Neville
Cham berlain t ried t o use wit h Hit ler by essent ially t urning
Czechoslovakia ov er t o t he m ad dict at or in an at t em pt t o
appease his appet it e for conquest . I n fact it only increased
Hit ler's appet it e and boldness, and he began viewing t he Allies as
pat het ic cowards who w ould be willing t o give- in t o his dem ands
and int im idat ion. Hav e som e m em bers of MJ12 aka PI 40
com m it t ed t his sam e m ist ake wit h t he Gr ey s? - Brant on) . All t his
does not m ean t hat t he Gr ey s ar e com plet ely beyond hope
howev er, considering t hat one of t he Gr ey s by t he nam e of Kolt a
had begun t o show significant signs of em ot ional individualism
because of his close cont act s wit h t he aut hor. By r efer ring t o t he
'Greys' we ar e in m ost cases r eferring t o t he individualit y- killing
COLLECTI VE HI VE it self. The MJ12 ALPHACOM t eam which t he
aut hor led, and som e of t he policies of MJ12 it self, ar e being
challenged t o som e degree by anot her agency operat ing wit hin
Naval I nt elligence, known as t he CABAL. Mj 12 is or WAS for
negot iat ion wit h t he Greys, especially in t he higher MAJI C levels
which t ie- in wit h t he global power groups like t he Rock efeller
em pire, et c. According t o ot her r eport s how ev er som e segm ent s
of MJ12 ARE NOW w or king WI TH Nordic or 'Benev olent ' forces at
Area 51 and elsewhere t o develop a defense against t he Gr eys in
response t o t he cont inual bet rayals of t he t r eat ies by t he sam e.
So MJ12 seem s t o be a fact ioned agency t o som e degr ee, wit h
som e adv ocat ing negot iat ion, ot hers adv ocat ing annihilat ion, and
ot her s adv ocat ing cont inued negot iat ion com bined wit h cont inued
dev elopm ent of Eart h's " St ar Wars" defenses in case t he
negot iat ions sour. The CABAL it self is far less wavering in it s
int ent and m akes no ex cuses about it . They apparent ly believe
t hat t here is enough evidence at hand fr om past int eract ions wit h
t he Greys t hat t hey will NEVER abide by any est ablished t reat y,
and t hat t he only 'negot iat ion' t hey under st and is brut force! As
'Scot t y ' of t he old STAR TREK series was known t o say,
" Som et im es t he best negot iat or is a fully- loaded phaser bank! "
Alt hough t he CABAL and COM- 12 m ay be excessively m ilit ant in

som e of t heir dealings wit h t he Greys, can y ou r eally blam e

t hem ? According t o t he CABAL, et c., t he Greys have repeat edly
shown t hat t hey can NOT be t rust ed and t herefor e no m or e
negot iat ions should be at t em pt ed or allowed bet ween 'us' and
t hem . Colm McGrat h, an undersecret ary of t he Navy, init iat ed t he
CABAL agency, as well as various pr oj ect s involving neut ral
part icle beam weapons and t heir hybrids which are int ended t o
be used against t he EBE's or Gray s - - and one w ould guess t heir
Rept iloid overlords as w ell.

- - The aut hor's " hom e world" [ so t o speak, in t hat he possessed a

Terran m ot her and apparent ly a 'Nordic' fat her, as do a large
num ber of y oung m en and wom en now on eart h who possess
Terran and ext rat err est r ial genet ics] is in ALTAI RA, t he fourt h
planet from t he sun called ALTAI R, a v ery bright double variable
st ar in t he const ellat ion AQUI LA at 15.7 light years fr om SOL.
Alt air Four as it is also known possesses t wo m oons, Alt a One
and Alt a Two. The at m ospher e of t his planet which is j oint ly
occupied by Greys and Nordics is cont r olled - - no t urbulence or
violent weat her pat t erns exist . The alien craft v isit ing planet
eart h and ot her wild- weat her planet s oft en find it difficult t o
navigat e in our unpredict able at m ospher e. On Alt ara OR Alt air
Four t her e ar e elevat ed cit ies, balanced on per m anent ly creat ed
Gravit y- A waves. The aut hor's Nordic br ot her , Prince ANON SA
RA, is t he hum an m oder at or and Chairm an of t he Head Council of

( Not e: The Corporat e/ Alliance is or was a Gr ey/ Nordic Asht arian

collect ive, alt hough it would seem t hat t he Gr ey s have subv ert ed
any hum an m aj orit y power OR equalit y wit hin t he 'council' in
spit e of t he fact t hat t he 'chairm an' is or was a Nordic. This m ight
be t he sam e ruse t hat som e pow er- m ongering for ces on eart h
have used. Nam ely, t o allow t he t arget ed cult ure t o choose
what ever 'pr esident ' t hey wish - - so long as t he econom ic pow er
and t he 'councils' are dom inat ed by THEI R OWN 'people'. I f m uch
of t he Gr ey m aj orit y is " arguing t he exist ence" of t he hum ans in
Alt air, and possibly on eart h... t hen isn't it fair for us on eart h t o
" argue t he exist ence" of t he Gr eys in our syst em , and in Alt air?
Alt hough not an ABSOLUTE collect ive like t he Rept ilian Em pire
based in Draconis, Boot es, Orion and Ret iculi, t he 'Asht ar'
collect ive in Alt air and ot her syst em s is const ant ly at t em pt ing t o
ov er- ride t he individualit y fact or of t he hum anoids and
at t em pt ing t o conform and assim ilat e t hem int o t he r ept ilian
group m ind... t he ult im at e dict at orship against 'individual'
fr eedom . This m ay be a m aj or r oot of t he curr ent conflict s t aking
place bet ween t he r ept iloids and hum anoids wit hin t he Asht ar or
Ast art e collect ive, a conflict t hat has led t o all- out warfare in
Sirius- B and elsewher e wher e t he Asht ar collect ive is dom inant .
I t is also apparent fr om Michael Wolf's volum e t hat one of t he
reasons why t he aut hor believes t hat peaceful negot iat ions m ust
cont inue is because he m ay have been influenced by t he
DECEPTI ON t hat t he Gr eys genet ically CREATED us. Sev eral

m em bers of MJ- 12 also hold t o t his dubious believ e syst em , and

have apparent ly been m anipulat ed int o t heir posit ions of pow er
by life- long encount er s wit h t he Greys. The Gr eys/ Rept iloids m ay
have genet ically alt ered cert ain hum an lines t hroughout hist ory,
howev er t hey cert ainly didn't CREATE our race. And besides, how
can a r ept ilian race possessing no soul- m at rix 'creat e' a race t hat
does? I ncident ally, based on t he accum ulat ed dat a acquired from
sev eral independent sources, we can now est ablish a basic
fram ework for t he t hr ee m aj or ext rat er rest rial confederat ions and
ident ify SOME of t he cor e st ar syst em s in t his sect or of t he
galaxy which lie at t he v er y HEART of each confederat ion: 1) The
CORPORATE COLLECTI VE - - hum anoids, r ept iloids, t he Asht ar
collect ive, et c. Based in Alt air Aquila, Sirius- B, Arct urus,
Aldebaran, Zet a I Ret iculi, Bernard's St ar , Boot es Cent aurus, ,
et c.; 2) The ANDROMEDAN FEDERATI ON - - m ost ly but not
ent irely excluded t o hum anoids. An Androm eda const ellat ion-
backed Federat ion based in Tayget a Pleiades, Vega Lyra, I um m a
[ Wolf 424] , Procyon, Tau Cet i, Alpha Cent auri, Epsilon Eridani,
et c.; 3) The DRACONI AN EMPI RE - - m ost ly yet not ent irely
excluded t o r ept iloids. Based in Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Boot es,
Zet a I I Ret iculi, Polaris, Rigel Orion, Bellat rix Orion, Capella, et c.
The Federat ion and Em pire especially, have waged wars wit h
each ot her in past cent uries and m illennia t hroughout t he Sol
syst em , in Ly ra, and also t he Pleiades, Orion, Pr ocy on, Ret iculi
and Sirius. Ther e ar e t hose who believe t hat t he Gr ey s ar e
incapable of t am ing t heir own base anim al or pr edat ory inst inct s,
and are conscious of lit t le ot her t han t he drive t o consum e and
increase t heir pow er- base and feed t heir unbounded appet it es,
ev en if it m eans dev ouring and dest r oying ot her cult ures or
worlds in t he process. Or, you m ight say t hey ar e operat ing
under a 'locust ' m ent alit y. Because t he collect ist m ind- set
aut om at ically opposes sov er eignt ist philosophy which advocat es
per sonal fr eedom and sov er eignt y, t her e ar e t hose who believe
t hat t he Draconian/ Grey collect ive of it s own init iat ive will not
and can not cease fr om it s violat ions and abuses of hum an
cult ures t hroughout t he galaxy unless FORCED t o do so by
hum anoid cult ures who have succeeded in t am ing t heir OWN
base or lower pr edat ory inst inct s. This could only be
accom plished by t hose possessing a nat ure higher t han t he base
predat ory- phy sical nat ure, by t hose capable of ut ilizing and
ex er cising t he pow er of t heir higher spirit ual or soular nat ures.
An ext r em e philosophy would be t hat t he Gr eys/ Rept iloids [ and
in som e cases I nsect oids or genet ically engineered
Rept ilinsect oid/ I nsect ilian hybrids] MUST be conquer ed and
brought under t he absolut e and uncondit ional subser vience t o or
at least supervision of t he hum anoids wit h no chance of again
being allowed t o at t ain equalit y or superiorit y over hum anit y - -
an unnat ural superiorit y which has in t he past been accom plished
m ainly as a r esult of t heir COLLECTI VE. Ot herwise t hey will be an
et ernal t horn in t he side of t he hum an races and a t hreat t o t heir
prosperit y or ev en exist ence for unt old generat ions t o com e. The
COLLECTI VE is t he core of t he pr oblem . Find t he cont r ol-

m ainfram es of t he collect ive and t he 'Queens' of t he 'Hive', and

you will find t he cor e of t he pr oblem . - Brant on)

- - The aut hor st at es t hat t he new quant um sciences t end t o

rej ect t he " big Bang" t heory for universal creat ion and also t he
t heor y t hat t he univer se is in decay. To prov e t hat t he universe is
in decay, scient ist s would have t o pr ov e t hat pr ot ons decay,
which t hey have not y et been able t o do.

- - The ALPHACOM t eam r eleased som e of t he capt ive Gr ey s t ak en

from Crash sit es, y et only aft er t hey w er e cert ain t hat t hese
Gr ey s could draw a logical parallel bet ween t he t er ror, fear , panic
and fright t hat t hey experienced while t hey w er e 'guest s' of t he
U.S. governm ent , and t he fear and vict im izat ion t hat hum an
abduct ees oft en feel when t hey ar e unwilling 'guest s' of t he
Gr ey s.

- - The ALPHACOM t eam was t old t hat t here is a growing num ber
of young m en and wom en on eart h who ar e half Ter ran and half
Nordic- ext rat er rest rial, whet her t hey ar e consciously awar e of
t his realit y or not . They are appar ent ly here on eart h t o t ak e part
in som e im port ant m ission, and m ost are silent or unknowing
cont act ees from birt h.

- - The MJ12SSG Alphacom t eam was pr epar ed t o m ak e a public

announcem ent about t he aliens at one point in t im e, however
cert ain unpredict able fact or s led t hem t o post pone t he " Gr eat
Announcem ent " .

- - The aut hors' wife and only son died in a car accident aft er t he
aut hor seem ed t o hav e a lapse in consciousness and dr ov e ov er a
cliff. St rangely, his wife and son w er e not in t he wr eck age when
t heir bodies wer e found, alt hough Michael Wolf's com at ose body
was. His st aff and all of t he field operat ives under his com m and
suggest ed t hat t he 'accident ' m ay have been linked t o an act ion
t aken against him by anot her deep lev el int elligence agency.

- - During cont act ee experiences, t he aut hor becam e 'friends' wit h

a silicon ent it y which had 'adopt ed' him . This ent it y was act ually
a LI VI NG CONVEYANCE or a st arship wit h it s own consciousness
and ident it y, which t he aliens had developed or grown t hrough
som e pr ocess far m ore sophist icat ed t han our own t echnology,
alt hough t he aut hor did adm it t hat our own gov ernm ent was
dev eloping art ificial int elligence craft , virt ual " flying com put ers"
which could be used for a variet y of purposes.

- - The aut hor was involved in briefing m ilit ary officers fr om a

num ber of count ries concerning t he aliens, officials from France,
I srael, Russia, Japan, Belgium , Germ any, Denm ark, Norway,
I t aly, Canada, Mexico, et c., wit h each foreign dignit ary being
accom panied by t heir m ilit ary and scient ific support t eam s. One

such m aj or m eet ing occurr ed at Wright Pat t erson Air Force Base,
near Dayt on, Ohio. This is wher e a m ult i- leveled undergr ound
facilit y houses a whole warehouse of alien hardware and
cadavers t ak en fr om crash- ret rieval sit es ov er t he past decades.

- - MJ12 has never been able t o fully brief a Nordic t ype alien
befor e [ not unt il t he Nordics 'officially' began w orking wit h
segm ent s of MJ12 at AREA 51, possibly som e t im e during t he
1980's, following t he Gr oom and Dulce wars] . Previously, t hey
had never had an act ual ET 'Nordic' in capt ivit y long enough t o do
so. I t seem s t hey sim ply said goodby and disappear ed. ( Not e:
Ot her sources claim t hat m any 'Nordic' t ype people have t he
nat ural abilit y t o phase- in and phase- out of t he t hird dim ension.
Ther e is also t he possibilit y t hat t hey m ay have been " beam ed
out " by t heir people?. - Brant on) v - - The MJ12SSG Alphacom
t eam 's m ission obj ect ive was/ is t o det erm ine t he ext ent of
visit at ion, t he num ber and t ypes of visit ors, t he m any r easons for
t he visit s, hum an int eract ion wit h t hem now and in t he past , and
a m ult iplicit y of ot her relat ed subj ect s such as int elligence on
each visit ing race, t heir sociology, et hics, m oralit y or laws,
cosm ologies, degr ee of t echnical advancem ent , and specifically
how w e can negot iat e w it h t hem and preparat ions for doing so.

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 33

Phil Schn e ide r VS. Th e N ew W or ld Or de r

[ The following art icle was downloaded fr om t he I NTERNET...]

Undergr ound Bases: A Lect ur e by Phil Schneider: May 1995


Phil Schneider, a very brav e m an, r ecent ly lost his life due t o what
appear ed t o be a m ilit ary- st yle execut ion in January 1996. He was found
dead in his apart m ent w it h piano wire st ill wrapped ar ound his neck.
According t o som e sour ces, he had been brut ally t ort ured r epeat ed
befor e being killed. Phil Schneider was an ex - governm ent engineer who
was involved in building

undergr ound bases. He was one of t hree people t o survive t he 1979 fire
fight bet ween t he large Gr ey s and U.S. int elligence and m ilit ary for ces at
Dulce undergr ound base. ( Act ually, one of several firefight s, according
t o ot her sources. A m an by t he nam e of L. Anderson of Denver, has
inform ed t his writ er t hat t he sur vivors of t he Dulce wars wer e t ak en and
placed t oget her in groups of t hr ee and t old t hat t hey w er e t he only
survivor s of t he conflict . Apparent ly t his was done t o m aint ain m ore

cont r ol over t hese personnel and prevent pot ent ial leaks of inform at ion.
- Brant on)

I n May 1995, Phil Schneider did a lect ure on what he had discov ered.
Sev en m ont hs lat er he was t ort ur ed and killed by t hose for whom he
had previously work ed. This m an's final act s should not go unnot iced.

-= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -= -

" I t is because of t he hor rendous st ruct ur e of t he federal gov ernm ent

t hat I feel direct ly im periled * not * t o t ell anybody about t his m at erial.
How long I will be able t o do t his is anybody's guess. How ev er , I would
like t o m ent ion t hat t his t alk is going t o be brok en up int o four m ain
t opics. Each of t hese t opics will have som e bearing on what you people
are involved in, whet her you ar e pat riot s or not .

" I want y ou t o know t hat t hese Unit ed St at es ar e a beaut iful place. I

have gone t o m or e t han 70 count ries, and I cannot r em em ber any
count ry t hat has t he beaut y, as well as t he m agnificence of it s people,
like t hese Unit ed St at es.

" To give you an ov erview of basically what I am , I st art ed off and w ent
t hrough engineering school. Half of m y school w as in t hat field, and I
built up a reput at ion for being a geological engineer, as w ell as a
st ruct ural engineer wit h bot h m ilit ary and aerospace applicat ions. I hav e
helped build t wo m ain bases in t he Unit ed St at es t hat have som e
significance as far as w hat is called t he New World Order. The first base
is t he one at Dulce, New Mexico. I was involved in 1979 in a firefight
wit h alien hum anoids, and I was one of t he sur vivors. I 'm pr obably t he
only t alking survivor you will ever hear. Two ot her survivors ar e under
close guard. I am t he only one left t hat knows t he det ailed files of t he
ent ire operat ion. Sixt y- six secret service agent s, FBI , Black Ber et s and
t he like, died in t hat firefight . I was t her e.

" Num ber one, part of w hat I am going t o t ell you is going t o be v ery
shocking. Part of what I am going t o t ell you is probably going t o be
very unbelievable, t hough, inst ead of put t ing your glasses on, I 'm going
t o ask y ou t o put your 'scept icals' on. But please, feel fr ee t o do y our
own hom ew or k. I know t he Fr eedom of I nform at ion Act isn't m uch t o go
on, but it 's t he best w e've got . The local law librar y is a good place t o
look for Congr essional Records. So, if one cont inues t o do t heir
hom ew or k, t hen one can be st anding vigilant in r egard t o t heir count ry.

: : : Deep Undergr ound Milit ary Bases and t he Black Budget : : :

" I love t he count ry I am living in, m ore t han I love m y life, but I would
not be st anding befor e you now , risking m y life, if I did not believe it
was so. The first part of t his t alk is going t o concern deep undergr ound
m ilit ary bases and t he black budget . The Black Budget is a secr et ive
budget t hat garners 25% of t he gr oss nat ional product of t he Unit ed
St at es. The Black Budget curr ent ly consum es $1.25 t rillion per [ 2]

years. At least t his am ount is used in black program s, like t hose

concerned wit h deep underground m ilit ary bases. Pr esent ly, t here ar e
129 deep underground m ilit ary bases in t he Unit ed St at es.

" They have been building t hese 129 bases day and night , unceasingly,
since t he early 1940's. Som e of t hem were built ev en earlier t han t hat .
These bases ar e basically large cit ies undergr ound connect ed by high-
speed m agnet o- levit on t rains t hat have speeds up t o Mach 2. Sev eral
book s hav e been writ t en about t his act ivit y. Al Bielek has m y only copy
of one of t hem . Richard Souder , a Ph.D archit ect , has risked his life by
t alking about t his. He w ork ed wit h a num ber of governm ent agencies on
deep underground m ilit ary bases. I n ar ound wher e y ou live, in I daho,
t here ar e 11 of t hem .

" The average dept h of t hese bases is ov er a m ile, and t hey again are
basically whole cit ies underground. They all are bet ween 2.66 and 4.25
cubic m iles in size. They have laser drilling m achines t hat can drill a
t unnel seven m iles long in one day. The Black Proj ect s sidest ep t he
aut horit y of CONGRESS, which as w e know is illegal. Right now, t he New
World Order is depending on t hese bases. I f I had known at t he t im e I
was w or king on t hem t hat t he NWO was involved, I w ould not have
done it . I was lied t o rat her ext ensively.

: : : Dev elopm ent of Milit ary Technology, I m plied Germ an I nt er est in

Hyper spacial Technology, and Mor e : : :

" Basically, as far as t echnology is concerned, for ev ery calendar y ear

t hat t ranspires, m ilit ary t echnology increases about 44.5 y ears
[ com par ed wit h t he increase rat e of 'conv ent ional' t echnology] . This is
why it is easy t o under st and t hat back in 1943 t hey w er e able t o cr eat e,
t hrough t he use of vacuum t ube t echnology, a ship t hat could lit erally
disappear from one place and appear in anot her place. My fat her, Ot t o
Oscar Schneider, fought on bot h sides of t he war. He was originally a U-
boat capt ain, and was capt ured and repat riat ed in t he Unit ed St at es. He
was involved wit h differ ent kinds of concerns, such as t he A- bom b, t he
H- bom b and t he Philadelphia Experim ent . He invent ed a high- speed
cam era t hat t ook pict ur es of t he first at om ic ( Hydrogen or H- Bom b -
Brant on) t est s at Bikini I sland on July 12, 1946. I have original
phot ographs of t hat t est , and t he phot os also show UFO's fleeing t he
bom b sit e at a high rat e of speed. Bikini I sland at t he t im e was infest ed
wit h t hem , especially under t he wat er , and t he nat ives had problem s
wit h t heir anim als being m ut ilat ed. At t hat t im e, General MacArt hur felt
t hat t he next war w ould be wit h aliens from ot her worlds.

" Anyway, m y fat her laid t he gr oundwork wit h t heoret icians about t he
Philadelphia experim ent , as well as ot her experim ent s. What does t hat
have t o do wit h m e? Not hing, ot her t han t he fact t hat he was m y fat her.
I don't agree wit h what he did on t he ot her side, but I t hink he had a lot
of gut s in com ing her e. He was hat ed in Germ any. Ther e was a $1
m illion reward, payable in gold, t o anyone who killed him . Obviously,
t hey didn't succeed. Anyway, back t o our t opic - - deep underground


: : : The Fire Fight At Dulce Base : : :

" Back in 1954, under t he Eisenhower adm inist rat ion, t he 'federal'
governm ent decided t o circum vent t he Const it ut ion of t he Unit ed St at es
and for m a t reat y wit h alien ent it ies. I t was called t he 1954 Greada
Tr eat y, which basically m ade t he agr eem ent t hat t he aliens involved
could t ake a few cows and t est t heir im plant ing t echniques on a few
hum an beings, but t hat t hey had t o give det ails about t he people
involved. Slowly, t he aliens alt er ed t he bargain unt il t hey decided t hey
wouldn't abide by it at all. Back in 1979, t his was t he realit y, and t he
fire- fight at Dulce occur red quit e by accident . I was involved in building
an ADDI TI ON t o t he deep undergr ound m ilit ary base at Dulce, which is
probably t he deepest base. I t goes down sev en levels and ov er 2.5
m iles deep. At t hat part icular t im e, we had drilled four dist inct holes in
t he desert , and w e were going t o link t hem t oget her and blow out large
sect ions at a t im e. My j ob was t o go down t he holes and check t he rock
sam ples, and recom m end t he explosive t o deal wit h t he part icular rock .
As I was headed down t her e, w e found ourselves am idst a large cavern
t hat was full of out er- space ( or " inner- space" ? - Brant on) aliens,
ot her wise known as large Gr ey s. I shot t w o of t hem . At t hat t im e, t her e
wer e 30 people down t her e. About 40 m or e cam e down aft er t his
st art ed, and all of t hem got killed. We had surpr ised a whole
undergr ound base of exist ing aliens. Lat er, we found out t hat t hey had
been living on [ in] our planet for a long t im e... This could explain a lot of
what is behind t he t heory of ancient ast ronaut s.

( Not e: This report seem s t o r ev eal a lim it ed 'perspect ive' on t he ov erall

'Dulce war ' conflict s based on t he experience of one individual. I t
appear s, however, as if t here was m uch m or e involved in t he ov erall
scenario t han what Phil Schneider describes. For inst ance from Phil's
descript ion, it appears as if his t eam broke- in t o t he base 'accident ally'.
I t could be t hat I N RESPONSE t o t he capt ured scient ist s m ent ioned by
Thom as Edwin Cast ello and ot her s, t he special for ces and int el agent s
int ent ionally at t em pt ed t o br eak- in t o t he under ground alien bases
t hrough a " back door" so- t o- speak, y et Schneider m ay hav e not been
awar e of t his part . Ot her r eport s would suggest t hat t he conflict was
m or e com plex t han t his, and involved m or e t han one firefight . According
t o ot her sources, t he " Dulce Wars" involved AT LEAST a hundred highly-
t rained special forces. - Brant on)

" Anyway, I got shot in t he chest wit h one of t heir weapons, which was a
box on t heir body , t hat blew a hole in m e and gave m e a nast y dose of
cobalt radiat ion. I have had cancer because of t hat .

" I didn't get r eally int er est ed in UFO t echnology unt il I st art ed work at
Area 51, nort h of Las Vegas. Aft er about t wo y ear s recuper at ing aft er
t he 1979 incident , I w ent back t o work for

Mor rison and Knudson, EG&G and ot her com panies. At Ar ea 51, t hey
wer e t est ing all kinds of peculiar spacecraft . How m any people here ar e

fam iliar wit h Bob Lazar's st ory ? He was a phy sicist wor king at Area 51
t rying t o decipher t he propulsion fact or in som e of t hese craft .

: : : Schneider's Wor ries About Gov ernm ent Fact ions, Railroad Car s and
Shackle Cont ract s : : :

" Now , I am v er y w or ried about t he act ivit y of t he 'federal' governm ent .

They hav e lied t o t he public, st onewalled senat ors, and have r efused t o
t ell t he t rut h in regard t o alien m at t ers. I can go on and on. I can t ell
you t hat I am rat her disgrunt led. Recent ly, I knew som eone who lived
near wher e I live in Port land, Oregon. He work ed at Gunderson St eel
Fabricat ion, where t hey m ake railroad car s. Now , I knew t his fellow for
t he bet t er part of 30 years, and he was kind of a quiet t ype. He cam e in
t o see m e one day , excit ed, and he t old m e " t hey'r e building prisoner
cars." He was nerv ous. Gunder son, he said, had a cont ract wit h t he
federal gov ernm ent t o build 107,200 full lengt h railroad cars, each wit h
143 pairs of shackles. Ther e are 11 sub- cont ract ors in t his giant proj ect .
Supposedly, Gunder son got over 2 billion dollars for t he cont ract .
Bet hlehem St eel and ot her st eel out fit s are involved. He show ed m e one
of t he cars in t he r ail yards in Nort h Port land. He was right . I f y ou
m ult iply 107,200 t im es 143 t im es 11, y ou com e up wit h about
15,000,000. This is probably t he num ber of people who disagr ee wit h
t he federal governm ent . No m ore can you v ot e any of t hese people out
of office. Our present st ruct ur e of governm ent is 't echnocracy', not
dem ocracy, and it is a form of feudalism .

( Not e: I w ould vent ure t o say t hat it is m or e like a t echno- m onar chy,
since several of t he U.S. pr esident s hav e been placed in office wit h
Rock efeller financial and m edia backing, suggest ing t hat t hese sam e
president ial hirelings were inclined t o fav or cert ain Rockefeller and in
t urn I nt ernat ional banking agendas. Techno- Monarchy w ould const it ut e
t hose part s of t he Milit ary- I ndust rial Com plex or M.I .C. t hat ar e largely
influenced by Rock efeller int erest s. According t o various sour ces, t he
Germ an im m igrant Rockefellers ar e not t he " t op of t he ladder" for t he
world conspiracy. True, t hey 'cont r ol' m uch of t he eco- polit ical syst em in
t he UNI TED STATES of Am erica, however t hey are following t he agenda
of t he Bildeberger cult : t he 13 Wicca Masons, 13 Black Nobilit y, and 13
Malt ese Jesuit s who hav e j oined t oget her UNDER t he cov ering of t he
Bavarian I llum inat i - - which in t urn is t he m odern m anifest at ion of t he
j oint hum an- alien 'serpent cult ' which seem s t o have had it s origins
wit hin t he ancient underground Masonic sy st em s of Egypt , a cult or
collaborat ion t hat was brought t o Bavaria by t he early Germ anic Trade
Guilds during t he height of t he so- called 'Holy Rom an' [ Germ an] Em pire
- Brant on) .

I t [ t his 't echnocracy '] has not hing t o do wit h t he republic of t he Unit ed
St at es. These people ar e god- less, and hav e legislat ed out pray er in
public schools. You can get fined up t o $100,000 and t wo years in prison
for praying in school. I believe w e can do bet t er. I also believe t hat t he
federal gov ernm ent is r unning t he gam bit of enslaving t he people of t he
Unit ed St at es. I am not a very good speak er , but I 'll keep shoot ing m y

m out h off unt il som ebody put s a

bullet in m e, because it 's w ort h it t o t alk t o a gr oup like t his about t hese
at rocit ies.

: : : Am erica's Black Pr ogram Cont ract or s : : :

" There ar e ot her pr oblem s. I have som e int erest ing 1993 figures. Ther e
are 29 pr ot ot ype st ealt h aircraft present ly. The budget fr om t he U.S.
Congr ess five- y ear plan for t hese is $245.6 m illion. You couldn't buy t he
spar e part s for t hese black program s for t hat am ount . So, w e'v e been
lied t o. The black budget is roughly $1.3 t rillion ev ery t wo y ear s. A
t rillion is a t housand billion. A t rillion dollars weighs 11 t ons. The U.S.
Congr ess nev er sees t he book s involved wit h t his clandest ine pot of
gold. Cont ract or s of [ t hese] pr ogram s: EG&G, West inghouse, McDonnell
Douglas, Morrison- Knudson, Wackenhut Securit y Syst em s, Boeing
Aer ospace, Lorim ar Aer ospace, Aerospacial in France, Mit subishi
I ndust ries, Rider Trucks, Becht el, * I .G. Farben* , plus a host of hundr eds
m or e. I s t his what we are supposed t o be living up t o as freedom - loving
people? I don't believe so.

: : : St ar Wars and Appar ent Alien Threat : : :

" St ill, 68% of t he m ilit ary budget is direct ly or indirect ly affect ed by t he

black budget . St ar War s r elies heavily upon st ealt h weaponr y. By t he
way, none of t he st ealt h program w ould have been available if w e had
not t aken apart crashed alien disks. None of it . Som e of y ou m ight ask
what t he " space shut t le" is " shut t ling" . Large ingot s of special m et als
t hat are m illed in space and cannot be pr oduced on t he surface of t he
eart h. They need t he near vacuum of out er space t o pr oduce t hem . We
are not ev en being t old anyt hing close t o t he t r ut h. I believe our
governm ent officials have SOLD us down t he dr ain - - lock, st ock and
barr el. Up unt il several weeks ago, I was em ployed by t he U.S.
governm ent wit h a Ryolit e- 38 clearance fact or - - one of t he highest in
t he world. I believe t he St ar Wars pr ogram is t her e solely t o act as a
buffer t o pr ev ent alien at t ack - - it has not hing t o do wit h t he " cold war " ,
which was only a ploy t o garner m oney fr om all t he people - - for what ?
The whole lie was planned and execut ed for t he last 75 years.

: : : St ealt h Aircraft Technology Use by U.S. Agencies and t he Unit ed

Nat ions : : :

" Her e's anot her piece of inform at ion for you folk s. The Drug
Enforcem ent Adm inist rat ion and t he ATF r ely on st ealt h t act ical
weaponry for as m uch as 40% of t heir operat ions budget . This in 1993,
and t he figures hav e gone up considerably since. The Unit ed Nat ions
used Am erican st ealt h aircraft for over 28% of it s collect ive worldwide
operat ions fr om 1990 t o 1992, according t o t he Cent er for St rat egic
St udies and UN Report 3092.

: : : The Guardians of St ealt h and Delt a Force Origins of t he Bosnia


Conflict : : :

" The Guardians of St ealt h: Ther e are at least t hree dist inct
classificat ions of police t hat guard our m ost w ell- kept secr et s. Num ber
one, t he Milit ary Joint Tact ical Force [ MJTF] , som et im es called t he Delt a
Force or Black Ber et s, is a MULTI - NATI ONAL t act ical force prim arily used
t o guard t he various st ealt h aircraft w orldwide. By t he w ay, t her e w ere
172 st ealt h aircraft built .

Ten crashed, so t here w er e at last count about 162. Bill Clint on signed
t hem away about six w eeks ago TO THE UNI TED NATI ONS. Ther e hav e
been indicat ions t hat t he Delt a Force w as sent ov er t o Bosnia during t he
last days of t he Bush adm inist rat ion as a cov ert sniper force, and t hat
t hey st art ed t aking pot shot s at each side of t he cont r ov er sy, in order t o
act ually START t he Bosnia conflict t hat would be used by succeeding
adm inist rat ions for polit ical purposes.

: : : Thought s on t he Bom bings in t he Unit ed St at es : : :

" I was hired not t oo long ago t o do a report on t he World Trade Cent er
bom bing. I was hired because I know about t he 90 som e- odd variet ies
of chem ical explosives. I looked at t he pict ures t aken right aft er t he
blast . The concr et e was puddled and m elt ed. The st eel and t he rebar
was lit erally ext ruded up t o six feet longer t han it s original lengt h. Ther e
is only one w eapon t hat can do t hat - - a sm all nuclear weapon. That 's a
const ruct ion- t ype nuclear device. Obviously, w hen t hey say t hat it was a
nit rat e explosive t hat did t he dam age, t hey're lying 100% , folks. The
people t hey have in cust ody pr obably didn't do t he crim e. As a m at t er of
fact , I have r eason t o believe t hat t he sam e gr oup held in cust ody did
do ot her crim es, such as killing a Jewish rabbi in New York . How ev er , I
want t o furt her m ent ion t hat wit h t he last explosion in Oklahom a Cit y,
t hey ar e saying t hat it was a nit rat e or fert ilizer bom b t hat did it .

" First , t hey cam e out and said it was a 1,000 pound fert ilizer bom b.
Then, it was 1,500. Then 2,000 pounds. Now it s 20,000. You CAN'T put
20,000 pounds of fert ilizer in a Rider Truck . Now, I 've nev er m ixed
explosives, per se. I know t he chem ical st ruct ure and t he applicat ion of
const ruct ion explosives. My reput at ion was based on it . I helped hollow
out m ore t han 13 deep undergr ound m ilit ary bases in t he Unit ed St at es.
I work ed on t he MALTA proj ect , in West Germ any, in Spain and in I t aly.
I can t ell you fr om experience t hat a nit rat e explosion would not have
hardly shat t er ed t he windows of t he federal building in Oklahom a Cit y.
I t w ould have killed a few people and knocked part of t he facing off t he
building, but it would never hav e done t hat kind of dam age. I believe I
have been lied t o, and I am not t aking it any longer, so I 'm t elling you
t hat you'v e been lied t o.

( Allow m e t o int erj ect at t his point five it em s relat ing t o t he Oklahom a
Cit y bom bing and/ or t he role Oklahom a Cit y and FEMA plays in a
possible Unit ed Nat ions - New World Order agenda. - Brant on)


...An evil elem ent of t he U.S. gov ernm ent 's CI A, known as t he
" Com m it t ee of Ten," adm it t edly blew up t he Federal Building in
Oklahom a Cit y. The blam e was put on Tim ot hy McVeigh [ a " t hrow -
away/ pat sy" like Lee Harv ey Oswald] . The children w ere m urder ed t o
procure sy m pat hy, m oney, pow er, and cont r ol ov er t he Am erican
people, and t he " Const it ut ion- loving" people known as pat riot s are
BLAMED [ pr oof: see I nt ernet , also Associat ed Press I nv est igat ion - - Call
EDT Short - wave Channel 12160, sat ellit e Galaxy 6,5- G2 t ransponder
14] . Tw o CI A agent s, Jam es Black and Ron Jack son, adm it t o Bosw ell
t hey w er e part of t he " Com m it t ee of Ten" who blew up t he Oklahom a
Cit y Federal Building on April 29, 1995. They gave sworn affidav it s t o
U.S. Just ice Depart m ent officials [ out of guilt for t he dead children?] .
They ar e in hiding unt il t he case com es t o court .

On t he Dan Gregor y Radio Talk Show WPBR 1540, Florida, Ted

Gunder son, r et ired FBI Regional Direct or - - Mr. Gunder son t ells how
TWO explosions occur red, and t hat t he bom b used was called a
barom et ric bom b, or " daisy cut t er." The fert ilizer bom b was also a
sm ok e screen. The ATF Office was t he blast t ar get - - and ALL 17 ATF
New s for a t ranscript of CNN New s corr espondent 's Gary Tuchm an's May
29, 1995, CNN New s int er view wit h Edye Sm it h, a m ot her who lost t w o
children. She want ed t o know if governm ent em ployees had advance
warning of t he blast because her t w o lit t le boys, Chase [ 3 y ear s] and
Colt on [ 2 years] , had none. " We [ all t he m ot hers who lost children] are
being TOLD t o k eep our m out hs shut , not t alk about it , don't ask t hose
quest ions."

# 2 - " The Phoenix Pr oj ect " is an Asht ar Collect ive out let , alt hough t hey
do carr y 'conv ent ional' conspiracy- r elat ed new s releases. Befor e quot ing
from " The Phoenix Pr oj ect " paper I would like t o m ake som e com m ent s
on t he " Asht ar" alliance which backs t his organizat ion and it s
int erv ent ion in t he affairs of planet eart h. I t is t he policy of t he
channeled 'Asht ar' sour ces t o expose cert ain conspiracy- relat ed
inform at ion, howev er in m ost cases t he blam e for t hese conspiracies ar e
laid on 'Jewish Zionism '. When y ou underst and t he conflict bet ween
'Jewish' and t he Asht ar- backed 'Bav arian' secr et societ ies you m ay
furt her under st and t his anim osit y. True, because Zionism is a polit ical
for ce t hey do have som e connect ion wit h t he Masonic elem ent of t he
'conspiracy', t he B'nai Brit h and so on, as do ALL r eligious m ovem ent s
who st ray int o ar eas of m asonic- econom ic- polit ical m anipulat ion [ which
const it ut es m ost of t he m aj or denom inat ions by t he way , considering
t he m assive Scot t ish Rit e infilt rat ion of t he m aj or denom inat ional
st ruct ur es] However 'Jewish Masonry ' is NOT t he dom inant Masonic
fact ion, t hat place is reser ved for t he Jesuit 's 'Scot t ish Rit e' and t he
Black Nobilit y's Rit e of t he 'I llum inat i'. So t hen, som e elem ent s of
'Jewish Masonry ' m ay be 'cooperat ing' wit h t he New World Order
agenda, but t hey ar e ult im at ely subservient t o t he racist pow er cult s of
BAVARI A. This is why t he Zionist Rot hschilds were UNABLE TO PREVENT
t he slaught er of over 6 m illion Jews in t he Holocaust , because t he

Jewish Masons w er e NOT t he dom inant force. The Rot hschilds' supposed
econom ic collaborat ors in Am erica, t he Germ anic- racist Rock efellers,
wer e pressured int o ser ving and carrying out t he RACI ST- EUGENI C
policies of t heir cult ic superior s in Bavaria, in order t o be allowed t o
m aint ain t heir econom ic st ranglehold on Am erica. Following World War
I I , t he Rockefellers r eciev ed a flood of Nazi War crim inals int o t heir fold,
giving t hem refuge and im m unit y wit hin t heir m assive corporat e
net work.

The Jewish Masons, such as t he Rot hschilds, were only a PART of a

THI RD [ Wicca Masonic] elem ent of t he global power net w or k, com pet ing
wit h t he ot her t w o- t hirds w orking wit hin t he Black Nobilit y and t he
Malt ese Jesuit lodges. That is, unt il all t hree agr eed t o w ork t oget her
under t he 'Bildeberger' organizat ion in order t o im plem ent t he NWO and
t hen decide lat er j ust w ho would dom inat e it . Just why t he Rot hschild
Wicca- Masons w ould agree t o becom e a part of t he Bildeberger cult is
uncert ain. Perhaps t hey were not fully aware of t he part t hat t he Jesuit -
Rock efeller elem ent s played in t he Nazi Holocaust , or t he act ual ext ent
of t he influx of Nazi war crim inals int o t he Rock efeller em pire following
t he war ? A m ore likely explanat ion would be a com binat ion of t he
following: Som e of t he Zionist s who collaborat ed wit h t he Rock efellers
wer e not fully aware of t he racist Ant i- Jewish elem ent s involved; som e
of t he 'Jewish Masons' j ust didn't care and w ere in essence willing t o sell
out t heir own kind in exchange for POWER; also t he Jesuit 's Scot t ish
Rit e had succeeded in I nfilt rat ing Jewish [ and York Rit e Brit ish] Masonr y
t o t he point where it s assim ilat ion int o t he Bav arian- cont rolled NWO
Bildeberger cult would be ensur ed.

I n fact t here is som e r eason t o believe t hat t he Bavarians [ and aliens?]

wer e using t he Wicca Masons, Black Nobilit y and Malt ese Jesuit as
HI GH- LEVEL Machievellian 'arm s' t o cr eat e polit ical, econom ic and
religious conflict in t he world. I n ot her words t he lower lev els of t hese
t hree form erly 'com pet it ive' global power cult s would be individuals who
wer e dev ot ed t o t he idea t hat THEI R respect ive lodge[ s] should be in
cont r ol of t he New World Order and w er e t her efor e t o engage in
frat ernal warfare wit h t he 'ot her s', t he Jesuit s against t he Masons and
vice v er sa for exam ple. On an ot her- planet ary lev el it could be t he
Sirian- backed Masons v s t he Rigelian backed Jesuit s. The Sirian
hum anoids and t he Rigelian rept iloids, being for m erly at odds, were now
being brought t oget her by t he Aldebaran- back ed Asht arian collect ivist s
and t heir 'New Galact ic Order ' agenda. Planet eart h is NOT t he only
place wher e 'Machiev ellian/ Hegalian' polit ical agendas hav e been car ried
out . On eart h t he Aldebaran collect ive in t urn backs t heir 'Bavarian Black
Nobilit y' allies and r epeat s t he sam e t hesis- ant it hesis- synt hesis scenario
on eart h bet w een t he Masons and Jesuit s, ev ent ually m erging t hem int o
a pow er st ruct ure t hat is ult im at ely cont rolled [ on eart h] by t he
Bavarian black gnost ic 'serpent ' cult from it 's secr et hideaways below
Gizeh, Egypt ; Pine Gap, Aust ralia; Dulce, New Mexico, et c. This power -
cent er w ould in t urn have placed it s agent s wit hin t he Jesuit , Nobilit y
and Masonic 'arm s' in or der t o m anipulat e t hese t hree power- gr oups
t owards t heir own ends. For inst ance, ev en t hough lower- level init iat es
of t hese t hr ee lodges w ould favor t heir own lodge over t he ot her s, t he

CONTROLLI NG ELI TE of all t hree elem ent s w ould nev er- t he- less be
agent s of t he Bavarian 'Babylonian Serpent Cult ' it self. Cert ain m em ber s
of t he Black Nobilit y fam ilies would sell out t o t he cult and t urn t hese
fam ilies in what ever direct ion t he cult dict at ed; high- ranking Scot t ish
Rit e m em bers of t he Wicca Mason fact ion would likewise be serving t he
Bavarian agenda via t he I llum inat i; and t he high- ranking Jesuit s
t hem selves w ould in t urn be serving t he Bavarian elit e, since Germ any
was aft er all t he headquart ers of t he [ Un] Holy Rom an Em pire and NOT
Rom e, which capit ulat ed it s cent er- of- power ov er t o Germ any following
t he decline of t he earlier Rom an Em pire.

This is one 'perspect ive' fr om which t his can all be view ed, alt hough it is
cert ainly not t he only per spect ive.

According t o cont act ee I srael Nor kin howev er , t he Asht ar or Ast art e
alien collect ive - - which has a large following in Aldebaran and ot her
syst em s and which played an int egral part in t he ancient Sirian- Orion
conflict over ancient Egypt - - is a subt er ran/ ext er ran alliance, a virt ual
'collect ive group m ind', t hat has since been infilt rat ed by t he 'Unholy
Six' Em pires of Orion. I f t his is t rue, t hen t his does not necessarily m ean
t hat ALL of t he m em ber s of t he 'Asht ar collect ive' ar e w or king for UH6,
especially when m or e recent cont act ee account s have st at ed t hat a civil
war has been t aking place in Sirius. This 'war ' has appar ent ly been
waged because t he 'infilt rat ed' fact ion of t he collect ive t hat has been
infilt rat ed and com m andeered by t he Orionit e for ces, has in t urn brok en
fr ee fr om t he r em aining segm ent of t he collect ive. This rem aining
segm ent has since est ablished close t ies wit h Pleiadean non-
int erv ent ionist s. Act ually, I F t hey hold t rue t o t he non- int ervent ionist
policies, one would t hink t hat t his rem aining elem ent of t he 'alliance'
would give up t he collect ist agenda alt oget her, and adopt t he
sov ereignt ist philosophy which t eaches t he respect for per sonal
sov ereignt y fr om a planet ary down t o an individual level. Since a
collect ive, hive or group m ind t ends t o KI LL hum an individualit y and
sov ereignt y, such an exist ence w ould seem t o be ev er at odds wit h non-
int erv ent ionism .

Just as non- int ervent ionist s believe in planet ary sovereignt y, which is a
m or e 'cosm ic' m anifest at ion of t he sam e principles which appear in t he
Am erican 'Bill of Right s' in respect t o personal sov er eignt y, we m ust
realize t hat j ust as wit h Am erica, t he non- int erv ent ionist s have not
" arrived" at t he perfect fulfillm ent of t heir philosophy any m or e t han t he
'Am erican dream ' has becom e a full realit y. Since t his universe is
im perfect and subj ect t o hum an agency, it is a cont inuous st ruggle t o
FI GHT t o defend libert y, fr eedom and sover eignt y whet her on an int er-
planet ary or an int er personal level. So ev en t hough we m ust cont inue
t o fight and st ruggle t o m aint ain planet ary, nat ional or per sonal
sov ereignt y in a universe wher e it is cont inually being t hreat ened by
parasit ical- int ervent ionist - im perialist ic for ces, t he non- int ervent ionist
chart ers of t he 'Federat ion' and t he Const it ut ional chart ers of 'Am erica'
are nev ert heless GOALS for us t o w ork t owards.

Wit h t his foundat ion laid t hen, t he following are excerpt s from


" I happened t o m ent ion t hat I had heard, v ery early aft er t he Oklahom a
Cit y bom bing, som e m ent ion of t her e being an 18- st or y undergr ound
associat ed wit h t hat building, including five floor s of undergr ound
parking garage space. This t ant alizing bit of news cam e about because
som e net w ork TV int erv iewer was discussing t he bom b pat t ern wit h, I
t hink, t he building's original designer or archit ect .

" But I nev er heard it m ent ioned again, in all t he day s of furt her
report ing, as t he enorm ous m agnit ude of t hat t ragedy cont inued t o
unfold, am idst spin doct oring of t he m ost dazzling int ensit y ( t hat is,
ant i- m ilit ia and ant i- pat riot 'spin- doct oring'. - Brant on)

" As happens in such cases of inst ant news sanit at ion, one begins t o
quest ion if one EVER REALLY heard what one w as SURE of j ust a w eek
or so earlier. Aft er all, you would t hink such inform at ion couldn't easily
be hidden so well.

" So, in t hat 5/ 30/ 95 Front Page edit orial I asked if anyone else out t her e
had heard about t his int er est ing and apparent ly 'neglect ed' feat ur e of
t he Oklahom a Cit y federal building. Aft er all, longt im e CONTACT r eaders
are well aware of all t he diabolical, t unnel- int erconnect ed, secr et
undergr ound facilit ies around t he count ry. Thus, ev en t he m ere
possibilit y of a m aj or UNDERGROUND aspect t o t he st ruct ure beings a
whole new provocat ive array of dim ensions int o t his already bizarr e
pict ure called t he 'official' Oklahom a Cit y blast st or y. For inst ance, t he
'rum ors' about serious Fed- incrim inat ing Waco evidence being st ored at
t hat Oklahom a Cit y sit e t ake on new life if an underground connect ion is
genuine ( for inst ance, t her e w er e report s t hat som e agent s I GNORED
wounded children and em ployees am ong t he ruins and went inst ead
st raight int o t he rubble t o 'rescue' t he boxes of secr et im plicat ing
docum ent s deeper wit hin t he building. Or did t hey rem ov e t hese
docum ent s only t o be dest r oy ed at a lat er t im e, so t hat 't hey ' could
claim t hat all of t his 'evidence' had been dest royed in t he blast ? -
Brant on) .

" On 6/ 7/ 95 w e recieved an int erest ing, excit ed t elephone call at t he

CONTACT offices fr om som eone who had r ead m y edit orial and could
confirm having heard EARLY new s report s which wer e not only sim ilar t o
what I had heard, but m ade what I heard sound like last week 's used
coffee grounds. Rick Mart in t ook t he call and, aft er hearing t he new s,
asked t his person t o t ak e a deep, calm ing breat h and t hen put t heir
t hought s down on paper.

" Let m e quot e fr om t hat let t er, r ecieved at t he CONTACT offices on

6/ 15/ 95. This is from E.B.W., w rit ing from t he Pacific Nort hwest St at e of
Washingt on.

" [ QUOTI NG] I wat ched t he Oklahom a bom bing RI GHT AFTER it
happened. I had t he TV on and all of a sudden it swit ched t o t his scene

wher e a bom bing had j ust t aken place. At first , I did not pay m uch
at t ent ion; I was busy doing som et hing else. I would list en in ever y once
in a while. The anchor w om an, or r eport er, fr om t he local TV st at ion, was
running around, babbling ex cit edly. At least once, t hat I r em em ber, all
people w er e ask ed t o leave t he scene and it showed everybody running
like m ad. They HAD FOUND ADDI TI ONAL BOMBS, or bom b, and t he
det onat ion squad was called in t o defuse it .

" During all t his com m ot ion, running and report ing, t he lady report er
kept t alking about t he UNDERGROUND TUNNELS, which had been blow n
open. She k ept referring t o t he HUGE UNDERGROUND TUNNELS and
t here m ay be people t rapped in t here. I heard her r efer t o t he
UNDERGROUND TUNNELS at least about 6 t o 7 t im es during t he period I
wat ched. I 'm not quit e sure how long t hat was. Maybe 1 t o 2 hours.

" A lady friend of m ine called m e and want ed t o know if I had seen t he
FI REMAN ON THE SCENE, who w ent in front of t he cam era, t ot ally
fr eak ed, wide- eyed and scar ed, who t alked about HUGE UNDERGROUND
said he saw MI SSI LES, TANKS, ETC., ETC. I don't rem em ber what else
he saw . But HE WAS TOTALLY FREAKED OUT. He look ed like he had
seen a ghost . Hope t his helps.

P.S. Please don't use m y nam e. I will t ry t o get m y friend t o w rit e dow n
what she knows.[ END OF QUOTI NG] "

An 18- level underground base? CI A involvem ent ? A huge m ilit ary

arsenal? Unless I 'm m ist aken, could t his be ONE of t he NEW WORLD
ORDER underground bases m ent ioned by Phil Schneider? I f so, t hen if or
when an at t em pt ed UNI TED NATI ONS crack- down on Am erican Pat riot s,
AND/ OR a possible European NEW WORLD ORDER invasion of Am erican
soil occurs... could such an invasion com e not only from t he air, gr ound
and sea, but fr om BELOW as well? Take not e t hat Oklahom a Cit y is
supposed t o be one of t he 'biggie' NWO t ransfer point s when t hings get
rolling, or so t he 'Com m u- Nazi's' running t he New World Order plot
hope. There ar e som e w ho believe t hat t he U.N. - N.W.O. for ces ar e
at t em pt ing t o precipit at e int ernal civil crisis' in Am erica as a pr et ext t o
bringing in m ult i- nat ional U.N. " peace- keeping" forces t o rest or e
" order" , t hat is, t he " New World" t ype of " Order " . I f t her e is t oo m uch
resist ance, t hen a possible U.N.- back ed invasion by U.N. m em ber
count ries - - m any of whom despise Am erica anyway t hanks t o t he likes
of t he CI A - - will be init iat ed t o help t hese " peace- k eepers" . I r ecent ly
read a new s- st ory wher e t he ent ire I ranian parliam ent collect ively
shout ed " Deat h t o Am er ica" , and fr om what I 'v e heard t hat wasn't t he
first t im e anot her count ries' leadership declared t heir hat red for t he USA
and t heir desire t o see it [ and I srael] dest r oy ed... and w e can include
sev eral Com m unist dict at ors as well. The I ranian react ion m ay hav e
been part ly due t o t he CI A's int erv ent ion in t heir affairs, how ev er I t hink
t he m ain reason is t hat t he USA is one of I srael's st rongest allies. I
would suggest t hat we r em em ber t hat I srael is t he oldest cont inuous
cult ure on eart h - - pr edat ing t he Chinese cult ure by 500 y ear s; it is one
of t he sm allest cult ures wher eas num ber s are concerned; has fought

m or e enem ies who hav e sought it s dest ruct ion t han possibly any ot her
nat ion on eart h; and has against ALL possible odds sur vived t o t his day
as a single people. I would suggest t hat we DO NOT cease fr om an
alliance wit h t he Jews. Whet her one consider s I srael as having 'God' or
'good- fort une' on t heir side, hist ory nev ert heless has shown t hat t hose
cult ures t hat have opposed I srael have a st r ange ] way of disappearing
from t he face of t he ear t h.

As for a possible New World Order t ak eover, som e skept ics - - in spit e of
t he lessons t hat should have been learned from World War I I - - claim
t hat condit ions could never r each such a point . How ev er what if t he
following report has any t rut h t o it ?

# 3 - Keep in m ind t hat t he following incident t ies- t oget her t he UNI TED
NATI ONS - NEW WORLD ORDER scenario [ which is obviously int ent on
dest r oying t he Am erican I ndependence m ov em ent which is t he last
MAJOR obst acle t o World Governm ent ] , t he OKLAHOMA CI TY AREA, and
m ult i- nat ional U.N.- backed m ilit ary for ces now t raining on Am erican soil.
The following inform at ion com es fr om a source which has invest igat ed
act ual UNI TED NATI ONS preparat ions, I N THE UNI TED STATES, t o deal
wit h any resist ance t o a 'New World Order' dict at orship.

Take not e t hat FEMA is a m aj or New World Order fr ont wit h SEVERAL
ext ensive oper at ional undergr ound bases which, like undergr ound
Tr oj an hor ses, exist beneat h st rat egic locat ions t hroughout t he Unit ed
St at es:

cent ral California; west - cent ral Mont ana; nort h Texas; w est - cent ral
Wisconsin; nort h- east I llinois; sout h- east Michigan; cent ral I ndiana;
sout h- west Ohio; nort h New York; sout h Delaware; sout h Maryland;
nort h- east Virginia. nort h- east Nort h Car olina; cent ral,sout h Florida.

( 2600+ )


" A) House t o house sear ch and seizure of pr oper t y and arm s.

" B) Separat ion and cat egorizat ion of m en, wom en and children as
prisoner s in large num ber s.

" C) Transfer t o det ent ion facilit ies of afor em ent ioned prisoners.

" CONFI RMED MJTF [ Mult i- Jurisdict ional Task For ce] POLI CE LOCATI ONS:
nort h- west Washingt on; cent ral,sout h California; sout h- west ,sout h-

east ,nort h Wyom ing; nort h,nort h- w est ,sout h- w est Nebrask a; nort h
Texas; sout h- east Missouri; west - cent r al,sout h- east Wisconsin; nort h-
east I llinois; cent ral,sout h- east Michigan; cent r al I ndiana; nort h- cent ral
Kent ucky; sout h,sout h- west Ohio; nort h,sout h- east New York; sout h-
cent ral Nort h Carolina; west - cent ral Georgia; sout h- east Florida;
cent ral( ?) Alaska.


" The MJTF Police is m ade up of:

" 1) MI LI TARY - Conv ert s t hose Nat ional Guard Unit s t hat are not banned
by t he president , int o a Nat ional Police Force.

" 2) Conv ert s all surviving local and st at e police t o nat ional police.

" 3) Conv ert s st reet gangs int o law enfor cem ent unit s for house t o house
searches [ L.A., Chicago, and New Yor k ar e in t he pr ocess now]


" 1) House t o house sear ch and seizure of pr oper t y and firear m s.

" 2) Separat ion and cat egorizat ion of m en, wom en and children as
prisoner s in large num ber s.

" 3) Transfer t o and t he operat ion of det ent ion cam ps in t he U.S. [ 43+
Cam ps]

cent ral,sout h California; nort h- west ,w est ,sout h- west Mont ana; sout h
Arizona; nort h Texas; east Michigan; nort h,sout h- east New York; nort h
New Jersey; nort h- west ,nort h- cent ral,nort h- east Nort h Car olina; west -
cent ral Georgia.

NOVEMBER 1990 ( Not e: There ar e t hose who ar e convinced t hat WI TH
t he Assassinat ion of Pr esident John F. Kennedy a 'coup d'et at ' t ook place
wit hin t he Ex ecut ive branch of Am erican governm ent via I nt ernat ionalist
groups who ar e det er m ined t o dest roy t he U.S. Const it ut ion, and t hat
t he 'pr esident s' who were m anipulat ed int o office since t hat t im e - -
m ost ly C.F.R., T.L.C. and BI LDEBERGER m em bers - - hav e signed
num erous un- const it ut ional 'ex ecut ive orders' designed t o pav e t he w ay
for w orld dict at orship. I f t his is t he case, t hen Am ericans hav e t he
CONSTI TUTI ONAL RI GHT t o r esist t his FOREI GN U.N. - N.W.O.
governm ent , a right which is also laid down in t he DECLARATI ON OF
I NDEPENDENCE. As for t he Kennedy assassinat ion it self, and t hose
behind it , Louisiana Dist rict At t orney Jam es Gar rison in an int erview wit h

Playboy m agazine m ade t he following st at em ent in regards t o Lee

Har vey Oswald: " ...Our office has posit ively ident ified a num ber of his
associat es as neo- Nazis. Oswald would have been m or e at hom e wit h
Mein Kam pf t han Das Kapit al." - Brant on)



" nort h,sout h- west ,sout h- east Wyom ing; nort h- west ,nort h- east ,sout h
Nebr aska; nort h,cent ral( ?) Texas; cent ral Wisconsin; cent ral,sout h-
west ,sout h,sout h- east Michigan; nort h- east ,west - cent ral,sout h I ndiana;
nort h- west ,nort h- east ,cent ral,sout h Ohio; west ,nort h,east New York .

" A) Each sit e can det ain bet w een 32,000 t o 44,000 people m in.

" B) I t is indicat ed t hat t he Texas and Alaskan sit es m ay be m uch larger

and m or e heavily arm ed.

" C) For t he ar eas west of t he Mississippi, OKLAHOMA CI TY is t he cent ral

processing point for det ainees and can handle up t o 100,000 people at a
t im e.

" D) The East ern pr ocessing cent er is not y et ident ified at t his t im e.

" DETENTI ON FACI LI TI ES - - 23 FEMA Aut horized and st at ioned; 20 DOD

[ Depart m ent of Defense] Budget aut horized and st at ioned - - 43 TOTAL.

Not e: I n Red China an unt old num ber of people are suffering in
Com m unist 'Laogai' cam ps as slave labor er s; in Soviet Russia it was t he
'Gulag' cam ps. I n Nazi Germ any t he 'Concent r at ion' cam ps w er e not
only used as slave cam ps, but also as ext erm inat ion cam ps t o car ry out
t he genocidel plans of Am erican Corporat e and Eur opean Milit ant 'Nazis'.
The enem y of SOVEREI GNTI SM is COLLECTI SM, which is also known as
" Socialism " . Socialism com es in m any form s: Global Socialism
[ Com m unism ] ; Nat ional Socialism [ Fascism ] ; and Corporat e Socialism
[ Technocracy] . All t hree m ov em ent s are ult im at ely cont r olled by t he
sam e Luciferian cult s of Bavaria who back ed Vladim ir Lenin, Adolph
Hit ler, and John D. Rock efeller, and who are descended fr om t he v er y
sam e cult s which ruled t he [ Un] Holy Rom an Em pire during t he Dark
Ages [ see Rev elat ion chapt er 17] . I hav e only one t hing t o say
concerning t hese plans for confinem ent cam ps her e in Am erica, and I 'm
sure t hat m ost of our Jewish- Am erican cit izens who share t his count ry
wit h us - - ALL of us whose ancest ors cam e from all part s of t he w orld
and from all different cult ures in order t o be fr ee from t yr anny - - will
agree wit h m e whole- heart edly when I shar e t heir bat t le- cry: " NEVER
AGAI N! ! ! "

# 4 - The following is from t he Pat riot Archives ft p sit e at :

ft p: / / t ezcat .com / pat riot

I f y ou have any ot her files you'd like t o cont ribut e, e- m ail t hem t o



The Federal Em ergency Managem ent Agency


Alt hough an excellent art icle, t he January 1995 edit ion of 'Monit oring
Tim es' m agazine published only a t iny port ion of what FEMA has been
t asked by Ex ecut ive Order t o per form . FEMA was br ought int o exist ence
by E.O. [ That is, by Pr esident s like t hose who r eplaced or cam e aft er
JFK! ! ! - - m any of whose cam paigns wer e financed by t he Rock efellers
and prom ot ed by Rock efeller- backed m edia agencies - - Pr esident s who
have t he pow er t o appoint t heir own unelect ed st aff, cr eat e Execut ive
Order s at a whim , and est ablish secr et m ilit ary- indust rial- int elligence
agencies t hat ar e NOT subj ect t o Congr essional ov er sight ! ]

All t he frequencies I hav e for FEMA follow m y com m ent s her e:

Federal Em ergency Managem ent Agency [ F.E.M.A.] [ and ot her

em ergency agencies] :

F.E.M.A. [ Federal Em er gency Managem ent Agency] has been

'aut horized' for t he past 15 y ear s by Pr esident ial Execut ive Order s t o
confiscat e ALL PROPERTY fr om t he Am erican People, separat e fam ilies in
t he cur rent 43 int ernm ent cam ps [ already built and operat ional by t he
way, 5 of which are locat ed in Georgia. The largest can confine
som ewher e on t he order of 100,000 Am erican cit izens] , called relocat ion
cam ps by t he 'gov ernm ent ', for assignm ent t o wor k cam ps; declares
m art ial law and TOTALLY OVER- RI DES t he U.S. Const it ut ion. President ial
Ex ecut ive Order s t hat are r elat ed or cont r ol t his ar e given at t he end of
t his. Tw o of t he st at e pr isons her e in Georgia are curr ent ly em pt y,
alt hough m anned by a m inim al num ber of st aff, have been set up and
int ent ionally unpopulat ed by prisoners j ust t o support t his polit ical

Concent rat ion [ int ernm ent ] Cam ps. An Execut ive Order signed by t hen
President BUSH in 1989 aut horized t he Federal Em ergency Managem ent
Agency [ F.E.M.A.] t o build 43 prim ary cam ps [ having a capacit y of
35,000 t o 45,000 prisoner s EACH] and also aut horized hundreds of
secondar y facilit ies. I t is int erest ing t o not e t hat several of t hese
facilit ies can accom m odat e 100,000 prisoners. These facilit ies have been
com plet ed and m any ar e already m anned but as y et cont ain no
prisoner s. [ Rem em ber all t he TALK of ov er- cr ow ded prisons t hat
exist ...] . I n sout h Georgia t here are sev eral st at e prisons t hat ex cept for
a few guards, are com plet ely devoid of prisoner s.

Under F.E.M.A., t he Ex ecut ive Order s which ar e already w rit t en and is

t he cur rent law of t he land, calls for t he COMPLETE suspension of t he
Unit ed St at es Const it ut ion, all right s and libert ies, as t hey ar e curr ent ly
known. The following execut ive orders, which ar e in t he Federal Regist er
locat ed in Washingt on DC for any one t o r equest copies of, call for t he
suspension of all civil right s and libert ies and for ext raordinary m easures
t o be t aken in, as m ost of t he orders st at e, " any nat ional securit y
em ergency sit uat ion t hat m ight confront t he governm ent ." When
F.E.M.A. is im plem ent ed, t he following execut ive order s will be
im m ediat ely enfor ced:

E.O. 12148 - FEMA nat ional securit y em ergency, such as: nat ional
disast er, social unrest , insurr ect ion, OR nat ional financial crisis.

E.O. 10995 - " ... provides for t he seizure of ALL com m unicat ions m edia
in t he Unit ed St at es."

E.O. 10997 - " ... provides for t he seizure of ALL elect ric power,
pet r oleum , gas, fuels and m inerals, bot h public and privat e."

E.O. 10998 - " ... provides for t he seizure of ALL food supplies and
resources, public and privat e, and ALL farm s, lands, and equipm ent ."

E.O. 10999 - " ... provides for t he seizure of ALL m eans of

t ransport at ion, including PERSONAL cars, t ruck s or v ehicles of any kind
and TOTAL CONTROL ov er all highways, seaport s, and wat er ways."

E.O. 11000 - " ... provides for t he SEI ZURE OF ALL AMERI CAN PEOPLE
for w ork for ces under federal supervision, including SPLI TTI NG UP OF
FAMI LI ES if t he gov ernm ent has t o."

E.O. 11001 - " ... provides for gov ernm ent seizure of ALL healt h,
educat ion and welfare funct ions."

E.O. 11002 - " ... designat es t he post m ast er general t o operat e a

nat ional REGI STRATI ON of all persons." [ Under t his order , y ou w ould
report t o y our local post office t o be separat ed and assigned t o a new
area. Here is wher e fam ilies would be separat ed] .

E.O. 11003 - " ... provides for t he gov ernm ent t o t ak e ov er ALL airport s
and aircraft , com m ercial, public and PRI VATE."

E.O. 11004 - " ... provides for t he Housing and Finance Aut horit y t o
relocat e com m unit ies, designat e ar eas t o be abandoned and est ablish
new locat ions for populat ions."

E.O. 11005 - " ... provides for t he gov ernm ent t o TAKE OVER railroads,
inland wat erway s, and public st or age facilit ies."

E.O. 11051 - " ... t he office of Em ergency Planning [ has] com plet e
aut horizat ion t o put t he abov e order s int o effect in t im e of increased

int ernat ional t ension or econom ic or financial crisis."

( What about an 'engineer ed' financial crisis, which in t urn would m ost
likely lead t o 'social unrest '? This all depends on t he decision of t he
curr ent President . But t hen we m ust ask, j ust how legal is t he U.S.
Presidency anyway? MANY wit hin t he Cont inent al Congress, fearing t he
rise of Monar chy, had originally opposed t he est ablishm ent of a Chief
Ex ecut ive posit ion such as t he one t hat General George Washingt on was
elect ed t o. They w er e assur ed however t hat t hose who followed
Washingt on would have his exam ple of int egrit y t o base t heir own
presidencies on. I have a suggest ion: do away wit h t he U.S. Pr esidency
and t he ent ire Ex ecut ive Branch of gov ernm ent alt oget her - - especially
now t hat it is, according t o m any sources, under t he cont rol of unelect ed
Milit ary- I ndust rialist s since t he coup of 1963 - - and give back cont r ol of
t he gov ernm ent t o t he CONGRESS as it was in t he beginning. Congress
by m aj orit y v ot e CAN do away wit h t he Ex ecut ive posit ion if t hey choose
t o do so - Brant on)

All of t he above execut ive orders w ere com bined by President NI XON ( I
rest m y case - Brant on) int o Execut ive Order 11490, which allows all of
t his t o t ak e place if a nat ional em ergency is declared by t he Pr esident .
The burning and insurrect ion in Los Angeles in t he case of Rodney King
could have ex ecut ed [ and part ially did execut e] t hese Ex ecut ive Orders.

Ex ecut ive Order 12919: " Nat ional Defense I ndust rial Resources
Prepar edness" signed by CLI NTON June 3, 1994, delegat es aut horit ies,
responsibilit ies and allocat ions of F.E.M.A.'s Ex ecut ive Order s [ last
ent ry] for t he confiscat ion of ALL PROPERTY fr om t he Am erican people,
and t heir re- locat ion and assignm ent t o 'labor ' cam ps. The Execut ive
Order also super sedes or r ev ok es elev en ( 11) pr evious Ex ecut ive Orders
[ from 1939 t hr ough 1991] and am ends Ex ecut ive Order 10789 and
11790. This ex ecut ive order is A DECLARATI ON OF WAR AGAI NST THE
AMERI CAN PEOPLE by t he [ Secr et ] Gov ernm ent of t he Unit ed St at es in
concert wit h t he UNI TED NATI ONS.

Operat ion Dragnet . Janet Reno can im plem ent t his operat ion upon
receiving one call from t he President . Arr est war rant s will be issued via
com put er t o r ound- up over 1 MI LLI ON PATRI OTI C AMERI CANS who m ay
'r esist ' t he NEW WORLD ORDER. Am ericans who ar e not 'polit ically
corr ect .' Specifically m ent ioned ar e CHRI STI ANS or t hose who read t he
Bible. Concent rat ion/ int ernm ent cam ps have already been built t o
accom m odat e t hese Am erican prisoners. See abov e paragraph as t hese
int ernm ent cam ps hav e been set up and are run by F.E.M.A.

( Not e: I n r efer ence t o Christ ians, j ust wher e should t hey/ we st and in
regards t o defending Am erica? Should Christ ians t ake up arm s if
necessary ? Appar ent ly t he Founding fat hers of t he Am erican Republic
believed so, so long as it was in order t o DEFEND t heir count r y, t heir
wom en and children... and NOT in order t o engage in offensive warfare
for t he sak e of conquering and exploit ing ot hers, which t o m e would be
" living by t he sword" or you could say " m aking a living" by t he sw ord.
This could be ex em plified by t he Germ ans who init iat ed unprov oked

invasions of t heir neighbors t o m eet t heir econom ic needs during World

Wars I and I I . One m ight ask, what about all t he Ort hodox Jews and
Gr eek Ort hodox Christ ians who w ent t o t heir deat hs like lam bs t o t he
slaught er wit hout resist ing during World War I I ? Why didn't t hey fight
m or e zealously t o defend t hem selves? That is a hard quest ion and one
t hat I don't hav e an answer for. All I can say is t hat from m y st udy of
t he Old and New Test am ent s, I find no passage t hat forbids us fr om
defending ourselves fr om aggressor s - - at least in a nat ional sense,
howev er w e ARE forbidden t o becom e aggr essor s ourselves or engage in
conflict s which are offensive rat her t han defensive orient ed. The
offensive at t acks against t he nat ive Am ericans for inst ance, r esult ing
from t he Anglo invasion of Nort h Am erica, can NOT be j ust ified t hrough
script ure, and such policies and m ist reat m ent of t he nat ive Am ericans,
t he cont inuous bet r ayal of t reat ies, and t he st ealing of t heir God- given
land in t he past hav e or will doubt less hav e an adverse affect on
Am erica's dest iny UNLESS reparat ions ar e m ade t o t he nat ive peoples - -
for inst ance a rest orat ion of hist orical t errit ories. Perhaps t he Gr ey s felt
j ust ified in repeat edly violat ing our gov ernm ent 's secret 't r eat ies' wit h
t hem because 'w e' had done t he exact sam e t hing t o t he nat ive
Am ericans? Perhaps we DESERVED t he abuses t hat t he Greys and t heir
Bavarian collaborat ors have inflict ed upon us? Perhaps our nat ion's
dest iny will be largely det erm ined by how we t r eat t he nat ive Am ericans
from here on out , whet her or not w e begin t o honor ALL of t he t r eat ies
t hat 'we' had m ade and brok en in t he past ? Could it be? On t he ot her
hand, if OFFENSI VE war far e is forbidden by God, t hen DEFENSI VE
warfare against a foreign invasion of Am erican soil or an int ernal t hreat
t o our freedom s as t hey ar e guarant eed in t he Bill of Right s WOULD
from m y perspect ive be j ust ified. I n Psalm 125: 3 we r ead how t he rule
of t he wicked is a DI RECT VI OLATI ON of t he will of God: " ...For t he
wicked shall not rule t he godly, lest t he godly be for ced t o do w r ong." A
perfect exam ple would be t he Lut herans of Ger m any who all- t oo- oft en
capit ulat ed t o t he Nazi's and t heir 'st at e chur ch', in spit e of t he fact t hat
m ost of t he Nazi leaders were t hem selves back ed by Luciferian cult s
which t he Christ ians should have r esist ed. I nst ead, m any of t hese
backslidden Christ ians in Germ any grudgingly support ed t he at r ocit ies of
t heir Nazi leaders, and by default t he ext erm inat ion by t he m illions of
Jewish m en, w om en and children. Why could Mart in Lut her him self
st and alone against hundreds of pom pish religious hypocrit es at t he
council of wor m s in Ger m any and boldly accuse t hem of pharasit ical
blasphem y and idolat ry t o t heir face, y et m any of his Pr ot est ant
followers - - not det ract ing from t hose few brav e souls who DI D r esist - -
gave- in right and left t o t he Nazi sat anist s, and in som e cases ev en
cont ribut ed t o t he at r ocit ies of World Wars I and I I ? I n short t hen,
Christ ianit y does not t each t hat one SHOULD t ake up t he sw ord, and it
does not t each t hat one SHOULD NOT t ak e up t he sw ord in a defensive
capacit y. I t all depends on one's own personal choice and fait h. Ther e is
a warning howev er t hat t hose who do t ake up t he sw ord should consider
t he possibilit y t hat t hey m ight die in bat t le. Then again one m ight die by
NOT t aking up t he swor d if t hey ar e capt ured and placed in deat h cam p.
I t all com es down t o ones personal choice, based on t he prev ailing
circum st ances. I t is w rit t en t hat t he " m eek shall inherit t he eart h" . This
does not m ean t he " w eak" , since t he act ual m eaning of " m eek" is

lit erally " a st allion in rest raint " or som eone who shows self- cont rol over
t heir passions. Logically t hose who run out ont o t he bat t lefield " t o die
for t heir count ry" in a blaze of suicidal zeal and vainglory will probably
do j ust t hat . Those on t he ot her hand who are caut ious and wise and
fight wit h t he m ot ive of " defending t heir fam ily" will not be so car eless
wit h t heir lives, since t hey ar e t he provider of t heir fam ily as w ell as it s
defender . I f t hey ar e dead t hen t hey can no longer pr ovide nor defend. -
Brant on)

Operat ion Rolling Thunder . Reno and Benson have m ent ioned t his
operat ion which com prises count y- wide sweeps of house t o house,
dynam ic ent ry, sear ch and seizures for all guns and food st ockpiles by
B.A.T.F., st at e nat ional guard, act ivit y dut y soldiers, as w ell as local
police. This funct ion is also run and coordinat ed t hrough F.E.M.A.

Public Law 100- 690 banned alm ost ALL RELI GI OUS GATHERI NGS [ not
yet enforced..] . ( Not e: When and if t his is enforced, t his will be a blat ant
defecat ion upon t he BI LL OF RI GHTS, and in t his event ev er y t rue
Am erican is allowed - - and in fact it will be his and her Pat riot ic DUTY - -
t o im plem ent t he clause wit hin t he DECLARATI ON OF I NDEPENDENCE t o
OVERTHROW such an alien, for eign or dom est ic t yranny- st ruct ure which
has infest ed t he governing body of Am erica. - Brant on) ; grant s no-
knock sear ch and seizures wit hout a search war rant ; expands t he drug
laws t o include EVERY Am erican. This will generally be t he pr elude, or in
addit ion t o, a F.E.M.A. operat ion and cont ingency plan im plem ent at ion.

The Om nibus Crim e Bill of 1990. Ensur es confiscat ion of all privat e
propert y via m oney laundering, environm ent al violat ions of t he Clean
Wat er and Air Act , and ext ends as far as child abuse. This act also
coordinat es act ivit ies t hrough F.E.M.A. and t he Depart m ent of t he Arm y,
Com m anding General, U.S. Forces Com m and, Fort McPherson, GA which
is t he ex ecut ive and im plem ent ing agency upon init iat ion of m any of
t hese act s. The responsible agency wit hin U.S. Arm y For ces Com m and
was what used t o be known as t he Deput y Chief of St aff for Operat ions,
Plans Division [ DCSOPS, Plans] , w hich was changed sev eral years ago t o
J- 3 aft er t he Headquart er s becam e a j oint headquart er s. They k eep on
file copies of all F.E.M.A. Em ergency Managem ent Operat ion Plans,
including t hose plans developed by t he Arm y t o support t he F.E.M.A.
plan t o elim inat e t he U.S. Const it ut ion upon im plem ent at ion. According
t o cur r ent plans, t he Const it ut ion will be 't em porarily' discont inued and
shelved unt il t he real or per ceived and declared 't hreat ' has been
neut ralized ( ask y our self - - who or what is t he REAL t hr eat t hat needs t o
be 'neut ralized'? - Brant on) . But once 'shelved,' as wit h alm ost every
ot her act ion of t he Governm ent , it STAYS shelved.

The Crim e Bill of 1994. Banning of all m ilit ary w eapons which are
necessary t o t he form at ion of a m ilit ia [ when needed] , denies ot her
m ilit ary equipm ent t o t he people's m ilit ia unit s ( t hat 's OK... t he av erage
Am erican gun owner can legally acquire t his 'equipm ent ' from off t he
DEAD BODI ES of FEMA- backed or relat ed dom est ic/ foreign gest apo
for ces when t hey br eak- in- t o our hom es t o st eal our personal propert y
or t ry t o t ak e us and our fam ilies prisoner wit hout due pr ocess of law. -

Brant on) , prelude t o confiscat ing ALL guns in t he hands of privat e

cit izens, DESTROYS t he 1st Am endm ent , and m akes virt ually every
Am erican an out law. See above com m ent s concerning t he house- t o-
house sear ch. The agency responsible for t he act ual im plem ent at ion and
search is t he Depart m ent of t he Arm y in concer t wit h local and st at e
police, including F.E.M.A., FBI , BATF, and ot her Federal Agencies.

SECRET UNDERGROUND BASES. Ther e hav e been docum ent ed ov er 60

secr et , VI RTUAL CI TI ES, UNDERGROUND, built by t he gov ernm ent ,
Federal Reserv e Bank Owner s ( such as t he 'Rockefellers', et c. -
Brant on) , and high ranking m em bers of t he Com m it t ee of 300 [ som e of
t hese underground areas can be seen in Kansas Cit y, Missouri and
Kansas Cit y, Kansas] . I n addit ional, t here exist undergr ound Sat ellit e
Tracking Facilit ies which have t he abilit y t o punch your 911 addr ess int o
t he com put er and a sat ellit e can wit hin seconds bring a cam era t o bear
on y our propert y t o t he point t hat t hose m onit or ing can read a license
num ber on an aut om obile in your driveway. These facilit ies have as of
Oct . 1, 1994, been t urned over t o t he [ foreign power of t he] UNI TED
NATI ONS. ( Not e: Forget t he license plat e, accor ding t o Norio Hayakawa,
t his sat ellit e t echnology is now so sophist icat ed t hat t hey can CLEARLY
read ev ery w ord on your driver's LI CENSE, supposing it wer e in view of
t he sat ellit e. - Brant on)



A report from SEVENTH WEEK MAGAZI NE st at es t hat U.S. Milit ary

Officers were observ ed gagged, cuffed, and shackled t o t heir seat s
aboard a whit e U.N. 747 en- r out e t o t he Feder al Transfer Cent er near
OKLAHOMA CI TY! Part of t his report follows:

" At a sur vival/ preparat ion sem inar in S.E. Oklahom a, on 3/ 25/ 95, an
at t endee int errupt ed one speak er, and st at ed t hat a neighbor, who
apparent ly serv es as a r eser ve crew m em ber aboard one of t he all
whit e, unm arked, Unit ed Nat ions B- 747 aircraft [ which are assigned t o
FEMA, Black Operat ions, i.e. U.N. / N.W.O and hubbed at t he Federal
( prisoner) Transfer Cent er or FTC at WI LL ROGERS AI RPORT] , had been
dead- heading back t o Oklahom a Cit y on t he flight . He descended fr om
t he flight deck t o see w hat t he " prisoner cargo" consist ed of, how ev er,
not only did he see t he norm al arm ed, black uniform ed guards, and a
load of bound hum ans, but he saw several U.S. Milit ary officers, in full
uniform , gagged, and shackled t o t heir seat s! They w er e in t he front of
t he cabin, and fr om t heir visages, he discerned t hat t hey wer e violent ly
angry at t heir sit uat ion. No doubt !

" At t his point I guess y ou m ight t hink t his is a j ok e? Nope, because in

April 1993, and July 1994, an ex- Arm y int elligence analyst post ulat ed
THI S EXACT SCENARI O would happen! He also st at ed, in t he 94
int erview, 't hey ' w er e going t o use whit e 747's t o fly 'det ained'
[ kidnapped] conservat ive, et c., et c., 'polit ical' prisoners ar ound t he U.S.,
via t he TFC, t o t he NOW- exist ing, 130 FEMA " RESI STER/ DI SSI DENT"
DETENTI ON CAMPS. The above oper at ion, am ong m any ot hers in t his

ov erall incredible t akeover conspiracy, I NCLUDES EARLY- ON

NOW HI DDEN I N THE U.S. [ on 'closed' U.S. bases] ( UNDER closed
m ilit ary bases? - Brant on) , using t he 3,000 choppers pr ovided TO THE
U.N. under t he auspices of t he 1989 " Open Skies Treat y ," signed by
good ole New World Order Sult an George Bush; a m em ber of t he Skull
and Bones Secr et Societ y, and t he Trilat eral Com m ission. The Treat y
allows for t he aerial obser vat ion of t he U.S. [ and, y es, your house - - if
you hav e been t agged for observat ion, along wit h your phone being
t apped] , No Quest ions Asked! The m aj orit y of t he r ecent BLACK
CHOPPER sort ies have not hing t o do wit h lawful m ilit ary/ police
depart m ent operat ions, but are pr esent ly locat ing, and set t ing up for
seizure, people/ guns, w ho will not t ake t he 'm ark' of t he com ing One
World Gov ernm ent / Order! So PREPARE accordingly! "

( Wit h t he preceding confirm at ion of his claim s, we now ret urn t o t he Phil
Schneider lect ur e. - Brant on) :

: : : The Trut h Behind t he Republican Cont ract Wit h Am erica : : :

" I don't perceive at t his t im e t hat we have t oo m uch m or e t han six

m ont hs of life left in t his count ry, at t he present rat e. We are t he
laughing st ock of t he w orld, because w e ar e being hood- winked by so
m any evil people t hat are running t his count ry. I t hink we can do bet t er .
I t hink t he people ov er 45 ar e seriously worried about t heir fut ur e. I 'm
going t o run som e scary scenarios by y ou. The Cont ract Wit h Am erica. I t
cont ains t he sam e t erm inology t hat Adolph Hit ler used t o subv ert
Germ any in 1931. I believ e w e can do bet t er. The Cont ract Wit h
Am erica ( or is it t he " Cont ract ON Am erica" ? - Brant on) is a last dit ch
effort by our federal governm ent t o t ear away t he Const it ut ion and t he
Bill of Right s.

: : : Som e St at ist ics on t he Black Helicopt er Pr esence : : :

" The black helicopt er s. Ther e ar e over 64,000 black helicopt ers in t he
Unit ed St at es. For ev er y hour t hat goes by, t her e is one being built . I s
t his t he pr oper use of our m oney? What does t he federal governm ent
need 64,000 t act ical helicopt ers for, if t hey are not t rying t o enslave us.
I doubt if t he ent ire m ilit ary needs 64,000 w orldwide. I doubt if all t he
world needs t hat m any. There ar e 157 F- 117A st ealt h aircraft loaded
wit h LI DAR and com put er- enhanced im aging radar. They can see y ou
walking from room t o r oom when t hey fly ov er y our house. They see
obj ect s in t he house from t he air wit h a variat ion lim it of 1 inch t o
30,000 m iles. That 's how accurat e t hat is. Now , I work ed in t he federal
governm ent for a long t im e, and I know exact ly how t hey handle t heir

: : : Gov ernm ent Eart hquake Device, AI DS as a Bioweapon based on

Alien Excr et ions : : :

" The federal gov ernm ent has now invent ed an eart hquake device. I am

a geologist , and I know what I am t alking about . Wit h t he Kobe

eart hquak e in Japan, t her e was no pulsewav e as in a norm al
eart hquak e. None. I n 1989, t her e was an eart hquake in San Francisco.
Ther e w as no pulse wav e wit h t hat one eit her. I t is a Tesla device t hat is
being used for evil purposes. The black budget program s have
subvert ed science as we know it . Look at AI Ds, invent ed by t he Nat ional
Ordinance Laborat or y in Chicago, I llinois in 1972 ( and passed t o t he
Unit ed Nat ions - World Healt h Organizat ion via t he m ilit ary Biogenet ics
facilit y at Ft . Det rick, Maryland t o be inj ect ed int o Sm all Pox vaccines in
Africa and Hepat it us- 2 vaccines in Am erica, according t o Dr s. William
Cam pbell Douglas, Alan Cant well, Jr. and Dr . Robert St r ecker -
Brant on) . I t was a biological weapon t o be used against t he people of
t he Unit ed St at es. The r eason I know t his is t hat I have seen t he
docum ent at ion by t he Office of St rat egic Services, which by t he way is
st ill in operat ion t o t his day, t hr ough t he CDC in At lant a. They used t he
glandular excr et ions of anim als, hum ans and alien hum anoids t o creat e
t he virus. ( according t o t he abov e m ent ioned Dr s., part of t he
product ion of t he virus involved t he splicing of t he Bovine Leuk em ia and
Sheep Visna viruses in cancer ed hum an- t issue cult ures. - Brant on)
These alien hum anoids t he gov ernm ent is hobnobbing wit h are t he
wor st new s. There is absolut ely no defense against t heir germ s - - none.
They ar e a biological weapon of t errible consequence. Ev er y alien [ Gray ]
on t he planet needs t o be isolat ed.

" Saddam Hussein killed 3.5 MI LLI ON Kurdish people wit h a sim ilar
biological weapon. Do w e, t he people of t his planet , deserv e t his? No,
we don't , but w e are not doing anyt hing about it . Ev ery m om ent we
wast e, w e are doing ot her people on t he planet a disser vice. Right now,
I am dying of cancer t hat I cont ract ed because of m y w or k for t he
federal gov ernm ent . I m ight live six m ont hs. I m ight not . I will t ell you
one t hing. I f I k eep speaking out like I am , m aybe God will give m e t he
life t o t alk m y head off. I will break ev er y law t hat it t akes t o t alk m y
head off. ELEVEN of m y best friends in t he last 22 years have been
MURDERED. Eight of t he m urder s w ere called 'suicides.' Before I w ent t o
t alk in Las Vegas, I dr ov e a friend down t o Joshua Tr ee, near 29 Palm s.
I drove int o t he m ount ains in order t o get t o Needles, California, and I
was followed by t wo governm ent E- 350 vans w it h G- 14 plat es, each
wit h a couple of occupant s, one of which had an Uzi. I knew exact ly w ho
t hey w er e. I hav e spok en 19 t im es and have pr obably reached 45,000
people. Well, I got ahead of t hem and cam e t o a st op in t he m iddle of
t he r oad. They bot h w ent on eit her side of m e and down a ravine. I s t his
what it s going t o t ake? I cut up m y securit y car d and sent it back t o t he
governm ent , and t old t hem if I was t hr eat ened, and I have been, t hat I
was going t o upload 140,000 pages of docum ent at ion t o t he int ernet
about [ secr et ] governm ent st ruct ure and t he w hole plan. I have already
begun t hat t ask.

" Thank y ou v er y m uch."

End of May 1995 Lect ur e


* * * *

[ Following is yet anot her art icle downloaded fr om t he I nt ernet wit h

reference t o Phil Schneider. Alt hough not writ t en by Schneider him self,
t he following is an int erview wit h a wom an who was aquat int ed wit h t he
lat e underground base t echnician. Alt hough m any of t he j oint CI A- Alien
bases hav e no 'obvious' or overt surface pr esence or facilit ies - - for
inst ance Deep Springs, CA; Mercur y, NV; Page, AZ; Dulce, NM - - OTHER
undergr ound facilit ies involved wit h t he j oint Bavarian- Alien New World
Order agenda, aside from t hose exist ing below m ost of t he act ive and
'deact ivat ed' m ilit ary bases, DO include surface facilit ies, and som e of
t hese for som e st range reason ar e locat ed direct ly below m aj or Air Port
t erm inals. For inst ance t here is a large undergr ound FEMA base below
t he Salt Lake Cit y airpor t ; anot her appar ent ly exist s at t he Oklahom a
Cit y airport which serv es as a j oint FEMA - UNI TED NATI ONS " New
World Order" det ent ion/ t ransfer cent er; how ev er t he m ost unusual
'Airport ' of t his nat ure seem s t o be t he newer Denver I nt ernat ional
Airport , as described in t he following int erview] :

Leading Edge Research: The KSEO 4/ 26/ 96 I nt erview wit h Alex

Christ opher. Ext ract from Leading Edge I nt ernat ional Research Journal
# 92. The KSEO 4/ 26/ 96 I nt erview wit h Alex Chr ist opher, Aut hor of
" Pandora's Box" and " Pandora's Box I I " . Transcr ipt 6/ 1/ 96 by Leading
Edge Research Gr oup. Legend: DA [ Dav e Alan, Host ] AC: [ Alex
Christ opher] C: [ Caller]

DA: My special guest t onight is Alex Christ opher, aut hor of " Pandora's
Box" , an expose of t he Brit ish inst igat ion t hrough Washingt on D.C. over
t he last 200 years ( or m or e precisely, Brit ish- based Masonry , and m ost
not ably Scot t ish Rit e Masonr y which has long- since infilt rat ed Brit ish and
Am erican Masonr y. - Br ant on) . You t hought y ou wer e fr ee? This st uff
has been going on for ev er . The idea was t o m ak e us perceive w e w er e
" fr ee and independent " ... She has a lot of infor m at ion here, and w e ar e
going t o have t o hav e her back again for m or e. I t alked t o her last night .
Just a fascinat ing individual. She is going t o t alk about t he Mont auk
Proj ect and ext rat err est rial influences, and m or e. So, Alex , wher e do
you st art ?

AC: Som ebody t old m e one t im e, st art in t he m iddle and go fr om t her e.

I f y ou want t o, pick a subj ect and we'll st art fr om t here.

DA: Last night we t alked about a few t hings. We t alked about t he

Denv er airport last night and what is really going on down t her e, and w e
t alked a bit about t he Mont auk pr oj ect and Al Bielek, and t hen we
skipped ar ound a bit about som e of t he t hings in Pandora's Box . You
m ent ioned t hat t he Queen of England has been buying up a lot of
propert y in Colorado under a pseudonym . Why don't w e st art on t he
subj ect of t he Brit ish. ( Not e: according t o form er Brit ish I nt elligence
agent Dr . John Colem an, t he London- based Wicca Mason lodges ar e
one- t hird of t he overall global conspiracy. The ot her t w o t hirds ar e t he
Black Nobilit y banking fam ilies who claim direct descent fr om t he early
Rom an em perors, and also t he Malt ese Jesuit s or t he Jesuit - Knight s of

Malt a net work . All t hree net work s each hav e 13 r epr esent at ives wit hin
t he Bilderberg organizat ion, which is a cov er for t he Bavarian I llum inat i,
suggest ive t hat Bavaria it self has orchest rat ed a " m ar riage of
conv enience" bet w een t hese t hr ee form erly com pet it ive global cont rol
groups. - Brant on)

AC: All right . The infor m at ion, prim arily, t hat is in " Pandora's Box"
cov ers how t he m aj or corporat ions, railroad and banking concerns in
t his count ry w er e set up t hrough a 't rust ' t hat w as originally known as
t he Virginia Com pany... The deal was t hat ever yt hing would rem ain
under English cont rol, or subservient t o it , and t hat brings us right up t o
t oday, because we ar e st ill looking at ever yt hing falling under t hat 't rust '
syst em going back t o t he Crown of England. I t is m ind boggling t o t hink
t hat every one in t his count ry has been led t o believe t hat t he people in
t he Unit ed St at es had w on independence from England, when in fact
t hey never did.

DA: Well, look at Pr esident Bush, wher ein t wo y ear s ago he went t o
England and was knight ed by t he Queen. Wher e is t hat com ing fr om ? I s
it t hat he was a fait hful servant ? ( Bush is allegedly a high- level Mason,
and a m em ber of t he neo- Masonic Skull & Bones lodge. - Brant on)

AC: You bet . All of t hem ar e doing t he bidding, and it goes back t o t heir
secr et societ ies and t he est ablishm ent of t he New World Order , which all
leads back t o t he house of Windsor. Ther e has been in t his count ry for a
long t im e a gr oom ing pr ocess w her eby people carr y on t he bidding of
t he Cr own of England. ( I did incident ally have som ewhat of a
confirm at ion of t his when a friend t old m e t hat an Am erican j udge
confided t o her t hat t he j udicial syst em in Am er ica is now based aft er
t he m onarchical j udicial court sy st em s of England. - Brant on) That is
one of t he t hings t he sy st em involving t he Rhodes Scholars w as set up
t o achieve. Cecil Rhodes set it up t o groom people for t his t ask, t o carr y
t he Unit ed St at es int o t he New World Order. I t appear s, fr om what I
have been able t o find out , t hat t he Cr own of England has had t his very
skillfully planned for hundreds of y ear s, and it could be possible t hat
t hey hav e been privy t o inform at ion t hat not m any of us hav e been
[ privy t o] for a long long t im e, about t he chaos involving Eart h changes
t hat are com ing. I t is m y under st anding t hat England is not going t o
m ake it t hrough t he changes, so t hey set up a whole new Em pire ov er
her e. That goes back t o som e of t he t hings we discussed befor e, about
lands being bought up in Colorado.

( Not e: Wit h t he fascinat ion Brit ons have wit h t im e- t rav el, " DR. WHO"
and so- on, is it possible t hat Brit ish int elligence could have gained a
glim pse int o t he fut ur e and 'seen' what was com ing? The Brit ons hav e
Brit ish Colum bia, Canada as t heir possession - - if t hey ar e so desperat e
and convinced t hat t heir nat ion will not survive t he 'changes', t hen why
not m ov e t he Brit ish Em pire t o B.C. rat her t han risk offending Am ericans
by opening old wounds t hat dat e back t o t he r evolut ionary war, and
losing t heir World War I and World War I I allies in t he process? Just as
in Am erica, it is not t he general CI TI ZENS of Brit ain who pose a t hr eat
t o freedom , it is t he so- called 'elit e', t he Rock efellers of Am erica and t he

Rot hschilds of Brit ain who would and have SOLD- OUT t heir own peoples
for personal gain and god- like dom inat ion over t he lower classes. The
Am ericans and Brit ons who fought and died t oget her on t he bat t lefields
of World War I and I I did not r ealize t hat t he Rot hschild- Rockefeller
m onarchies were t he one's who had bet ray ed t hem by helping t o
CREATE t he 'm onst er' t hat t hey w er e fight ing in bot h world wars for t he
sole purpose of gaining ev en gr eat er w ealt h and pow er. I n t he end it all
cam e down t o base hum an greed! Am erica has st ray ed a long way s
from t he ideals est ablished by t he founder s of t he U.S. Const it ut ion.
And, needless t o say , Br it ain has st ray ed a long ways fr om t he ideals
est ablished by t he legendary King Art hur whose great ness cam e from
his abilit y t o m ake all of his knight s equals am idst t he 'r ound- t able'
rat her t han succum b t o vainglory and t he t em pt at ion of est ablishing
him self as som e kind of hum an deit y. Whet her t he legend of King Art hur
was based on fact or not , t he I DEALS t hem selves ar e net her- t he- less
real and t rue. - Brant on) .

DA: Yes, t he ar ea is of a pret t y high alt it ude, w her e it will be safe.

AC: Yes. Plus, all t he sy m bolism t hat is apparent in t he layout of t he

new Denver airport say s t hat it is " a cont rol cent er for w orld cont r ol" .
Ther e is a lot of " secr et societ y" sym bology at t he airport . We st art ed
researching all of t his t o find out what it all m eans. I t 's all very scar y. A
gent lem en by t he nam e of Al Bielek, who has been involved in som e
very unusual governm ent proj ect s in t he past , t old m e t hat " t he Denv er
area is wher e t he est ablishm ent of t he West ern sect or of t he New World
Order will be in t he Unit ed St at es" . Lit t le bit s and pieces keep com ing t o
m e, confirm ing t hings I have not had confirm ed befor e.

DA: Do you know of John Colem an?

AC: The Com m it t ee of 300?

DA: Yes. What 's your t ake on t hat ?

AC: I t hink his inform at ion is fant ast ic. I f he had had t he inform at ion
t hat I put in " Pandora's Box" when I put t hat t oget her , it would have
blown his m ind. But , as far as I know fr om m y st andpoint , bot h set s of
m at erial go hand in hand, right down t he line.

DA: Som e of t hese t hings about t he background of t he Brit ish invasion,

t aking over t he land ov er her e while t hey let us t hink t hat we are
running t his count ry. How t hey had a bone t o pick wit h t he Czar of
Russia year s ago, how t hey hav e pushed t he socialist rev olut
t hey say, t he sun never set s on Brit ish soil. About som e of t hese t hings
on t he airport in Denver . Would you m ind discussing som e of t hose
t hings again?

AC: Well, t he first t hing t hat got m y at t ent ion at t he airport was t he
'capst one' t hat I saw in a phot ograph, t hat had a Masonic sym bol on it .
So, I r eally want ed t o go t o t he airport and see t hat , because I t hought

it was very unusual.

DA: The capst one?

AC: The capst one, or t he dedicat ion st one, for t he Denver airport has a
Masonic sym bol on it . A whole gr oup of us went out t o t he airport t o see
som e friends off and see t his capst one, which also has a t im e capsule
im bedded inside it . I t sit s at t he sout h east ern side of t he t erm inal
which, by t he way , is called " The Gr eat Hall" , which is what Masons r efer
t o as t heir m eet ing hall. And, on t his t hing it m ent ions " t he New World
Airport Com m ission" . I have never heard of t hat , have you?

DA: Never.

AC: I t has a Masonic sy m bol on it , and it also has v er y unusual

geom et ric designs. I t depict s an arm rising up out of it t hat curv es at a
45 degr ee angle. I t also has a t hing t hat looks like a k eypad on it . This
capst one st ruct ur e is m ade of carv ed granit e and st ainless st eel, and it
is very fancy.. This lit t le keypad ar ea at t he end of t he arm has an out -
of- place unfinished wooden block sit t ing on it . The gent lem an t hat was
wit h m e on t he first t rip out t o t he airport has since died. They say he
com m it t ed suicide, but ev eryt hing else t ells m e t hat t his is not possible.
No one can double- t ie a cat het er behind his ow n neck and st rangle
him self. I j ust don't t hink t hat is possible. But , his nam e was Phil
Schneider, and he st art ed blowing t he whist le on all t his st uff going on
in t he underground bases t hat he had helped build for years and y ear s.
He work ed on t he under ground bases at Ar ea 51 and Dulce, New
Mexico, as well as sever al ot her places. Schneider t old m e t hat t his
keypad- looking area looked like a form of t echno- geom et ry t hat is
" alien- orient ed" , and t hat it had som et hing t o do wit h a " direct ional
syst em " , what ev er t hat m eant , t hat funct ioned as a hom ing beacon t o
bring ships right int o t he " Gr eat Hall" .

I n t he sam e general area on t his capst one, t her e are som e m ost
unusual designs on t he floor t hat are all Masonic in nat ure, which lead
right back t o t he " Black Sun" [ Edit or Not e: According t o Al Bielek,
Schneider's fat her was a U- boat capt ain during t he Nazi regim e who was
also on t he Eldridge in 1943 in a m edical capacit y] , which goes back t o
Nazi sym bology. See, t he " secr et societ ies" ar e supposedly int o Sun
wor ship. The Nazi's w er e int o " Black Sun" worship, which connect s wit h
t he idea of Sat urn. Sat urn and Sat anism kind of go hand- in- hand.
( Not e: The " Black Sun" also refers t o t he m assive black hole at t he
cent er of our galaxy. I n regards t o " unusual designs on t he floor " , one
sour ce claim s t hat t he base of t he Hoov er Dam near Las Vegas, not far
from Ar ea 51, cont ains " wild inlays" of occult ic and m asonic zodiacal
sym bolism . Report s st at ed t hat as t he cliffs wer e being blast ed open t o
m ake way for t he dam , huge cav erns w er e penet rat ed. Could t hese
have connect ions wit h t he underground net w or k? Anot her unusual dam
is t he Glen Canyon dam near Page, Arizona which could conceivably
provide hydroelect ric power t o a base t hat allegedly lies below t he area
and t ies t he Dulce and Area 51 bases t oget her subt er raneally. -
Brant on) Then, w e hav e t his syst em of m urals at t he airport t hat are t he

m ost grot esque t hings you'v e ev er seen.

DA: What 's on t he m urals?

AC: I say t hat t hey ar e about what t hey plan t o do t o us, and t he w orld
as a whole, not what has happened or som e fant asy. One of t hem t hat
is very unusual has t hree cask et s wit h dead people in t hem ...

DA: That 's part of t he rit ual connect ed wit h t he Skull & Bones Club.

Yes. Ther e are evident ly t hree groups of people t hat t hey would like t o
see dead. The first cask et has what t he art ist t old m e was a Jewish-
Am erican child, a lit t le girl, and she has t he 'st ar' on her clot hes and a
lit t le Bible and a locket ... ( t his m ay be a depict ion of bot h
Judeo&Christ ian believers, bot h of whom hav e hist orically been t he
t arget of t he 'inquisit ions' of som e of t he m or e occult ic secret societ ies
of Eur ope, such as t he Thule- backed inquisit ion against t he Jews and t he
Jesuit - backed inquisit ion against t he Prot est ant s. - Brant on)

DA: Jewish lineage is passed t hrough t he fem ale...

AC: Yes. Well, all t hese cask et s depict wom en w ho ar e dead. Then, in
t he cent er cask et t her e is depict ed a Nat ive Am erican wom an, and t he
last casket has a black wom an in it . Now, norm ally I w ould not have
t hought t oo m uch about t hese m urals if I had not done a lot of research.
Ev en in t he gov ernm ent docum ent s I hav e run acr oss gene- splicing
discussions on how t hey would like t o " splice out specific races" , and
also whoever t hese people are do not like t he Jewish people. This is j ust
one of t he m urals, and t hese m urals ar e huge. This sam e m ural depict s
t he dest ruct ion of a cit y and t he for est , and t here is a lit t le girl holding a
Mayan t ablet t hat speak s of t he dest ruct ion of civilizat ion. There is a
m ural t hat depict s t his 't hing' st anding over a cit y t hat looks like a gr een
" Dart h Vader" , wit h a sword, t hat has dest roy ed t he cit y. This charact er
is huge, and t her e is a r oad depict ed wit h wom en walking holding dead
babies. This sam e m ural ext ends ov er t o anot her m ural which depict s all
of t he children of t he w orld t aking t he weapons fr om each count ry on
eart h and giving t hem t o a cent ral figure which is a GERMAN boy who
has t his iron fist and anvil in his hand t hat is t ot ally out of pr oport ion t o
t he child's body , beat ing t he sw ords int o plowshares. I t hought , well,
t his is ver y odd depict ing a Germ an child doing t his. What all t his
sym bology on t he airport m urals seem s t o conv ey is t hat not only do w e
have a secr et societ y behind t his, but t hat it is a Germ an [ Bavarian]
secr et societ y behind t his, wor king in t he vicinit y of t his New World
Cont rol Cent er .

DA: I t is int erest ing when y ou consider Operat ion Paperclip wherein all
t hese Nazi's w er e brought t o t he Unit ed St at es t o be gr oom ed, financed,
and basically brought back int o pow er .

( Not e: That is, by t he Rock efeller cart el who supplied Nazi Germ any wit h
t he oil and m at erials necessary t o k eep t heir w ar m achine oper at ing.

Rock efeller- connect ed OI L com panies include EXXON, ARCO, ZAPATA,

et c. I t is alleged t hat t hese corporat ions init ially t ook in and gave refuge
t o som e 3000 Nazi SS war crim inals by providing t hem wit h im m unit y,
new ident it ies, and posit ions wit hin t he Bavarian- backed Rock efeller
corporat e em pire and w it hin t he CI A - - wit h t he help of Bav arian agent s
like Allen Dulles, Ot t o Scorzeny, Reinhard Gehlen and lat er Vice
President Nelson Rock efeller. These were t hen used as a covert force t o
dest r oy Am erican independence and m ake Am erica subj ect t o a
Bavarian- backed New World Order. Rem em ber ev en t hrough t he
Bilderberger s consist of a " m ar riage of conv enience" bet w een Londonese
Wicca Masons, Basilian Black Nobilit y and Rom an Malt ese Jesuit s... t he
suprem e cont r ollers of t he Bildeberger cult it self ar e t he secr et black
gnost ic cult s of Bavaria whose 'Cult of t he Serpent ' - - or I llum inat i - - can
be t raced back t o Egypt and ult im at ely t o Babylon it self. These
Rock efeller- Nazi proj ect s r eport edly cont inued t hrough at least 1975
during which period m any t housands m or e " underground Nazis" w er e
brought int o Am erica fr om Eur ope and also, if we are t o believe som e
report s, fr om t he secret Germ an " New Berlin" base under t he m ount ains
of Neu Schwabenland, Ant arct ica t hat was est ablished during World War
I I via Nazi- occupied Sout h Africa. I s Neu Schw abenland t he REAL pow er
behind t he j oint Bavarian- Alien New World Order Agenda? The fact t hat
Brit ish and Am erican Masons would be pulled int o a Bavarian- backed
New World Order conspiracy run by ant i- Brit ish Nazi's and ant i- Masonic
Jesuit s - - in spit e of t he anim osit ies of World Wars I and I I - - w ould
seem cont radict or y t o t he ext r em e. How ev er NOT if w e consider t he fact
t hat Rom an Jesuit s had secr et ly cr eat ed t he Scot t ish Rit e of Masonr y at
t he Jesuit college of Clerm ont in France and also t he Bavarian I llum inat i
via t he Jesuit Adam Weishaupt . Bot h t he I llum inat i and Scot t ish Rit e
wor ked t oget her t o I NFI LTRATE Masonry and subdue t he t r adit ional
Judeo- Christ ian York Rit e. The Masonic elit ist s in Gr eat Brit ain and
Am erica w ould have as a r esult of t his infilt rat ion becom e subj ect t o t he
influences of t he Scot t ish Rit e dom inat ed 33rd degr ee - - falsely believing
t hat 'Masonry' was st ill t he enem y of t he 'Jesuit s', as in earlier t im es t he
conflict bet ween t he t w o was not orious. They m ight have been deceived
int o believing t hat 'Brit ish Masonry ' w ould com e out on t op of t he New
World Order when in fact Rom e and Bavaria, t he t w o power - cent er s of
t he old [ Un] Holy Rom an Em pire, had t he REAL cont rol. But blinded by
t heir own delusions of grandeur and world dom inat ion, t he Brit ish elit e
failed t o see how t heir Masonic lodges w ere being infilt rat ed and
m anipulat ed by t heir sw orn enem ies. Som e of t he elit e m ight have been
oblivious t o t he ins- and- out s of Masonry alt oget her, being conscious
only of t heir own gr eed. - Brant on)

AC: Well, I know t hey'r e her e, because I have seen t hem [ Germ ans]
alongside t he Am ericans in t he m or e sensit ive areas of t he airport . But ,
t hese paint ings are m ost dist urbing and very unusual. When I first t ried
t o cont act t he art ist and t alk t o him about t hese m urals, he t old m e t hat
he was given guidelines on what t o paint and put in t he m urals. When I
show ed up in his st udio, I ask ed t o see t he guidelines for t he last t wo
m urals he was working on, he suddenly went " brain dead" and said " of
cour se, t here ar e no guidelines." I t t ook m y self and t wo ot her people
ov er eight m ont hs t o figure out all t he sym bology t hat is em bodied in

t hese m urals. I t t urned out t hat som e of t hese are 't rigger ' pict ures,
cont aining sym bology designed t o t rigger alt ered per sonalit ies of people
t hat have been groom ed in MKULTRA t ype program s for specific t asks
t hat t hey have been t rained t o do in t erm s of som et hing connect ed wit h
Sat anic rit uals and m ind cont r ol. I had one w om an t hat called m e out of
t he blue one night , and she was really dist urbed about som e
inform at ion. She t old m e m any differ ent t hings t hat lat er t urned out t o
be known MKULTRA t rigger s. Also, alm ost every aspect of t hese m urals
cont ains sym bols r elat ing back t o secr et societ ies. When y ou get t he
ov erall view of what t hey ar e t alking about in t hese t hings, it is ver y
very scary. I t goes back t o t he Bio- diversit y Tr eat y, get t ing rid of
specific races of people, t aking over t he w orld and m ind cont rol.

Ther e is one pict ure in which ever y plant t urns out t o be m ind- alt ering
or poisonous, and all t he anim als are Masonic sym bols used in lit erat ure
in every count ry in t he world. I t t ook a v er y long t im e t o t rack all t his
st uff down and figure out what t hey're t rying t o say. The one way t hey
t ell st ories is in pict ures. I t 's right t here in our face when y ou go int o t he
airport . Most people look at t hem and say , " t hose ar e crazy - looking
pict ures, what are t hey doing in t his airport ?"

DA: Now , y ou m ent ioned t hat underneat h t his airport it goes down
m any levels.

AC: Yes.

DA: Does t he fact t hat all t hese underground lev els are t here have
som et hing t o do wit h why it t ook so long for t his airport t o open?

AC: Well, t he gent lem an t hat I was dealing wit h, Phil Schneider, said
t hat during t he last year of const ruct ion t hey were connect ing t he
undergr ound airport syst em t o t he deep underground base. He t old m e
t hat t here was at least an eight - level deep underground base t her e, and
t hat t here was a 4.5 square m ile undergr ound cit y and an 88.5 squar e-
m ile base underneat h t he airport . I t is very unusual t hat t hey w ould
allot a 50 square- m ile area on t he sur face at w hich t o locat e an airport
in t he m iddle of nowher e unless t hey r eally planned t o use it for
som et hing very unusual lat er. Ther e is a 10- m ile, 4- line highway out t o
t his airport , and t her e is not hing out t here in bet ween t he airport and
Denv er. Not even a ser vice st at ion, at least in Sept em ber 1995. The
people in Denver are r eally upset wit h t he fact t hat t his airport w ent in
t he way it did.

Ther e w as t his fellow who wr ot e a book in which he m ade t he st at em ent

t hat t hey had a copy of an audio t ape on which a Denv er cit y official was
t alking wit h people from t he CI A, and t hat he w as paid 1.5 m illion
dollars t o allow t he 'airport ' t o be built , no m at t er what it t ook. I t
appear s t hat t her e was a lot m or e int erest in get t ing t he airport built
from j ust officials in t he Denv er ar ea. They plan on using t his facilit y for
som et hing else ot her t han j ust landing planes.

DA: So, t his guy got you down t here t o t ak e a look at t he underground?

AC: Well, he was invit ed t o go along on t he t rip. I had a friend t hat

act ually got us down int o t he act ive ar ea in t he undergr ound. I t 's v er y
int erest ing down t her e. The baggage equipm ent ar ea is very unusual. All
t he old luggage equipm ent t hat wouldn't wor k r ight doesn't look m uch
different t han t he st uff t hat is working t oday.

DA: You w ere t elling m e t hat t her e ar e huge concret e corridor s wit h
sprinklers all along t he ceiling. What ar e t hese sprinkler heads doing in a
concret e bunk er, pray t ell? ( Presum ably concr et e will not 'burn' if t here
is a pot ent ial fire, so is it possible t hat som et hing ot her t han 'wat er ' is
m eant t o be expelled from t hese sprinklers which ar e locat ed " all along"
t he ceiling? - Brant on)

AC: Well, t his is t he sam e quest ion we ask ed. These shaft s are huge and
run along adj acent t o t he t ram line on bot h sides. So, t here ar e t w o of
t hese huge shaft s large enough t o fit a t wo- lane highway in t here. Ther e
are v ery FEW openings int o and out of t he t ram shaft , but at t he end of
t hem , going out int o t his 50 square m iles of acr eage is a huge st eel door
t hat would facilit at e t he ent rance of a gr eat big t ruck. I t could be used
for alm ost anyt hing, but what is so unusual about it is t hat about EVERY
FI VE OR SI X FEET on t he ceiling, acr oss alm ost t he full widt h of t he
area, t here is a pipe wit h t hree or four sprinkler heads. This goes on for
t he FULL lengt h of t he t hing, " which m ust be close t o a m ile" . There ar e
t wo of t hese shaft s, and I got a pict ure in t he m ail t he ot her day which
was v ery unusual t hat was t ak en by som eone on board t he t ram in t he
shaft . The pict ure appeared t o act ually show ghost - like figures on it . I t
was a m ot her and a baby wrapped in a blanket . When y ou ar e down in
t hat concr et e shaft , bot h t im es I got nauseat ed. Ther e ar e som e very
unusual vibrat ions down t her e ( from ot her 't im e dim ensions'? -
Brant on) . Now , t he t unnel shaft t hat t he t ram com es in on could connect
up wit h an undergr ound t unnel com ing in from five buildings t hat wer e
built and buried. Ther e was already a 40 foot diam et er t unnel t here
when const ruct ion st art ed. Those five buildings t hey built 3 1/ 2 year s
ago, and suddenly t hey said " oops, t hese ar e in t he wr ong place" , and
buried t hem , along wit h a v er y high- t ech runway t hat is buried under
about four inches of dirt . I t seem s insane t hat t hey w ould build a very
t echnical building com plex wit h int erlocking t unnels and a t unnel going
back t o t he t ram t unnel at t he concourse, and t hen st at e t hat t hey built
it in t he " wr ong place" and cov er it up wit h dirt . I don't believe t hat
people are t hat st upid.

DA: No. Proj ect s like t hat are st rat egically planned, and t hey j ust don't
go and do t hat .

AC: Som e of t hese five buildings are 150 feet t all. There is one 78 feet
t all, and one t hat is 126 feet t all. They ar e all in t hat range. Fr om t his
com plex t her e is a shaft t hat runs t o concourse " C" . When t hey st art ed
t his proj ect , as I said, t her e was also a huge 40 foot diam et er shaft
brought in t here fr om som ewher e t hat was off- lim it s t o t he work cr ew s.
I t was t her e when t he proj ect was st art ed. And, ev er ybody t hat work ed

on t hese proj ect s....t her e w er e five differ ent cont ract ors, and t he people
on each cont ract ed cr ew did not int eract wit h t he ot her ones. When t he
proj ect was done, ev ery one w as fired and sent away.

DA: You w ould t hink t hat during t his m assive const ruct ion t hey w ould
not be able t o k eep t his st uff secr et .

AC: I t hink a lot of t he people saw t hings t hat dist urbed t hem so m uch
t hat t hey would not t alk about it . I know sev eral people who w or ked on
t he pr oj ect t hat m anaged t o find t heir way down int o t he dept hs,
probably close t o t he deep undergr ound base, and saw t hings t hat
scar ed t hem so badly t hey w on't t alk about it . I int erviewed a few of t he
for m er em ployees on t hese const ruct ion cr ews t hat wor ked out t here on
t hese buildings t hat ended up buried, and t hey are afr aid t o t alk. They
say t hat everybody is real nervous about it , and t hey decided t o t ell
som e of t he secret s t hat t hey knew, but t hey don't want anybody t o
know who t hey ar e. So, I can t ell you t hat it is a very unusual and
spooky t ype of place, and if you ar e a sensit ive per son you get
nauseat ed as soon as y ou ent er t he perim et er of t he airport . Especially
when y ou go down underground. You becom e very nauseat ed a
nerv ous. Ther e is also so m uch elect r om agnet ic flux in t he ar ea t hat if
you get out on t he open ground around t he airport , y ou will 'buzz'.

DA: Where is t his flux field com ing from ? What do y ou t hink t he purpose
of t his is?

AC: I t hink t hat it s com ing from som e kind of undergr ound elect rical
syst em , because where we w ere t her e w ere no power lines, and t he
whole place was j ust buzzing wit h t his free ener gy float ing around. Ver y
unusual. I n addit ion, t her e are ar eas in t he underground t hat hav e
chain- link fences wit h t he barbed wire t ops point ed inward, like t hey
wer e t her e t o k eep people in, not keep people out . All t hese ar eas ar e
t here, acr es of it , and none of it is in act ive use. Ther e ar e m any
t er raced areas t hat go down. One ar ea in part icular is forbidden t o go
int o unless you ar e w earing a biological prot ect ive suit . They say t her e is
som e kind of " unident ified biological fungus" in t hat area t hat at t acks
people's lungs.

DA: Hm m m . Som e kind of way t o hide som et hing t hat is in t his area?

AC: Well, we t hink t hat area is one t hat leads t o deeper levels
undergr ound at t he airport . But , it is surrounded by a chain- link fence
and you can't get in t here. We t hink t his is t he area t hat one of t he
elect ricians kind of st um bled int o t hat went down about six levels below
t he fourt h level, and ran int o som e r eally weird st uff. He w on't t alk
about any of it now.

DA: Real weird st uff.

AC: Also, at t he airport t here ar e what look like m iniat ure nuclear
react or cooling t ower s, and I don't underst and why t hey ar e t here.

When people asked, t he r eply is t hat t hey are part of t he vent ilat ion and
exhaust syst em . Vent ilat ion and exhaust fr om wher e?

DA: What do you t hink it s for?

AC: I t hink it is all hooked up t o t he deep under ground.

DA: They say t hat t his place looks like som e undergr ound " holding
area" ...som ewhat like a cat t le lot ....a place t hat could hold t housands of
people. The gat es, fences....

AC: The luggage t ransport vehicles m ov e on a full- sized double- lane

highway, and along t his highway are chain- linked ar eas t hat could be
used for holding areas. I don't underst and why t hey built t his t he way
t hey did, unless t hey planned t o use it for som et hing like t hat in t he
fut ure.

DA: So what could all t his be for?

AC: I f Phil is right , and all t his hooks up t o t he deep underground base
t hat he was offered t he plans t o build back in 1979, and t hat what t his
ot her m an TOLD m e in privat e [ is] t hat t here is a lot of hum an SLAVE
LABOR in t hese deep underground bases being used by t hese aliens,
and t hat a lot of t his slave labor is children. HE SAI D t hat when t he
children reach t he point t hat t hey are unable t o work any m or e, t hey ar e
slaught ered on t he spot and consum ed.

DA: Consum ed by who?

AC: Aliens. Again, t his is not fr om m e, but fr om a m an t hat gav e his life
t o get t his inform at ion out . He w ork ed down t here for close t o 20 years,
and he knew ev eryt hing t hat was going on.

DA: Hm m m . Who do t hese aliens eat ?

AC: They specifically like y oung hum an children, t hat haven't been
cont am inat ed like adult s. Well, t here is a gent lem an out giving a lot of
inform at ion from a sour ce he get s it fr om , and he say s t hat t here is an
incredible num ber of children snat ched in t his count ry.

DA: Ov er 200,000 each year.

AC: And t hat t hese children ar e t he m ain ent r ee for dinner.

( Not e: Many will read t his and scoff in ut t er disbelief at such a claim .
This is all well and fine, and ev en Phil Schneider warns us t o put on our
'sk ept icals' when invest igat ing claim s and t o invest igat e t hem so t hat
t hey can be definit ively prov en one way or t he ot her , as all claim s of an
ext raordinary nat ure should be. So, I w ould suggest t hat Congress by -
pass t he EXECUTI VE br anch of gov ernm ent - - which has sold- out t o t he

I nt elligence- Milit ary- I ndust rial Com plex, a branch t hat was originally
int ended by t he founder s of t he Republic t o be t he 'servant s' of
CONGRESS, t he SENATE and t he PEOPLE - - and undert ak e a full- scale
invest igat ion of t his and ot her undergr ound bases, even if t his calls for
full- scale Congr ess- back ed m ilit ary m obilizat ion. The ex cuse for such an
undert aking could for inst ance be t o invest igat e claim s of unet hical use
of U.S. t ax dollars, violat ions of Federal Medical Regulat ions in regards
t o genet ic research, failure t o pay pr opert y t ax es on undergr ound
facilit ies used by non- elect ed officials, harboring of " illegal aliens" ,
bribery and t reason, illegal cat t le rust ling in regards t o t he Dulce and
ot her bases, possible kidnapping and hum an right s abuses against
children, and so on... - Brant on)

DA: How m any Draconians ar e down t here?

AC: I have heard t he figure of 150,000 j ust in t he New York area.

DA: Underneat h New York?

AC: Yes. I n som e kind of underground base t her e.

DA: I nt er est ing. Now , y ou'v e seen pict ures of t hese t hings?

AC: I have seen t hem face t o face.

DA: You hav e?

AC: Yes. From som e inform at ion t hat has been put out by a group or
t eam t hat also w or ks in t hese underground bases t hat is t rying t o get
inform at ion out t o people t hat love t his count ry, THERE I S A WAR THAT
public doesn't know any t hing about , and it s bet ween t hese ALI EN for ces
and t he HUMANS t hat are t rying t o fight t hem .

DA: What ot her t ypes have you seen?

AC: The ones t hat I hav e seen ar e t he big- eyed Gr ey s and t he

Rept ilians.

DA: What do t hese Rept ilians look like?

AC: There ar e t hr ee differ ent t ypes.

DA: Can y ou t ell us how you happened t o com e int o cont act wit h t hem ?

AC: When I lived in Florida in Panam a Cit y, at t hat part icular t im e t he

Gulf Breeze sight ings wer e going on, and t he ar ea was virt ually a hot bed
for st range ev ent s. I had neighbors t hat w er e int o wat ching UFOs and
get t ing inform at ion about t hem . One night about 2: 30 am , m y neighbor
called m e and was absolut ely frant ic, and want ed m e t o com e ov er

t here. I ran ov er t her e and went in t he fr ont door, and she and her
boyfriend, who is a com m er cial airline pilot , wer e in t he living room
scar ed out of t heir wit s. I look ed over at her , and her ey eballs are r olling
back in her head and she was passing out and sliding dow n t he wall. Her
boyfriend was t rying t o t ell m e what was going on, and I was feeling t his
incredible energy t hat felt like it was t rying t o penet rat e m y head. So, I
grabbed bot h of t hem and pulled t hem bot h out side, where we st ood for
a while and t alked...

DA: Som e people w ould say t hat t his is a case of dem on possession...

AC: Oh, no. Ther e was r adiat ion in t he room . The next day all of her
plant s were dead. So, t her e was a m assive am ount of energy focused on
t hat room . Anyway, aft er about an hour had passed, we had discussed
what went on and decided t o go back int o t he house. They had bot h
been in bed and w er e pulled out of t heir bed during t he night . All t hey
rem em ber is a flash of light in t heir faces and t he next t hing t hey know
t hey'r e bot h scar ed t o deat h. But , when w e w ent back int o t he house, I
not iced t hat t he m an had a sm all palm - print on his side wit h fingers t hat
m ust have been 10 inches long, wit h claw m ark s on t he end t hat were
burned int o his side. The next day, t hat ar ea w as so swollen t hat he
could not t ouch it . I hav e video pict ures of t hese t hings on his side. The
print s wer e t here from som eone bending down from behind him and
pulling him out of bed. They had been m aking lov e, and 'som ebody'
lift ed him off of her and left t hese burns t her e.

Anyway, t hey w er e bot h t ot ally flipped out . I finally got t hem calm ed
down enough t o let m e go hom e. I w ent hom e and went t o bed. The
next t hing I know , I woke up and t her e is t his 't hing' st anding over m y
bed. He had wr ap- around yellow eyes wit h snake pupils, and point ed
ear s and a grin t hat wrapped ar ound his head. He had a silvery suit on,
and t his scared t he living daylight s out of m e. I t hrew t he cov er s ov er
m y head and st art ed scream ing....I m ean, here is t his t hing wit h a
Cheshire- cat grin and t hese funky glowing eyes...t his is t oo m uch. I
have seen t hat kind of being on m or e t han one occasion.

DA: What else can y ou say about it ?

AC: Well, he had a hook ed nose and he w as [ hum anoid] looking, ot her
t han t he ey es, and had kind of grayish skin. Lat er on in 1991, I was
wor king in a building in a large cit y, and I had t aken a br eak about
6: 00, and t he next t hing I knew it was 10: 30 at night , and I t hought I
had t aken a short br eak . I st art ed r em em bering t hat I was t aken aboar d
a ship, t hrough four floors of an office building, and t hrough a r oof.
Ther e on t he ship is wer e I encount er ed 'GERMANS' AND 'AMERI CANS'
WORKI NG TOGETHER, and also t he GREY ALI ENS, and t hen w e were
t aken t o som e ot her kind of facilit y and t here I saw t he REPTI LI ANS
again ... t he one's I call t he " baby Godzilla's" , t hat have t he short t eet h
and yellow slant ed eyes, and who look like a VELOCI - RAPTOR, kind of.

DA: So, why w ould t hese people pick on you?

AC: Well, I found one com m on denom inat or in t he abduct ion, and it
keeps on being repeat ed ov er and over again. I deal wit h lot s of people
who hav e been abduct ed, and t he one com m on denom inat or seem s t o
be t he blood line, and it s t he blood line t hat goes back t o ancient I ndian
or Nat ive Am erican blood lines.

DA: Ar e t hese people looking for genet ic m at erial?

AC: Well, I don't know if it is a v ery ancient blood line t hat t hey want t o
t ry and st op, or what t he reasoning is. I know t hat I was ask ed som e
quest ions, like how I was capable of doing som e of t he psychic t hings I
was doing at t he t im e. But , it is ver y unusual t o find anybody t hat
rem ot ely t hinks t hey have been t aken t hat doesn't have t he I ndian
blood line, som ewhere.

DA: Now , aft er t hat experience, what happened aft er t hat ? What wer e
som e of t he ot her t im es you saw som e of t hese beings?

AC: Well, at t hat facilit y I saw t he alm ond- ey ed Gr ey s, but t he t hing

t hat st icks in m y m ind are t he beings t hat look like rept iles, or t he
veloci- rapt or s. They ar e t he cruelest beings you could ev er im agine, and
t hey even sm ell hideous. Ther e w er e a couple of very unusual areas
down t here where I was t aken which looked like cold st orage lock er s,
wher e t hese t hings wer e in hibernat ion t ubes, and t hat is about all I
rem em ber, ot her t han seeing som e black helicopt ers and lit t le round-
wing disk t ype aircraft . At t hat point , t he m em ory seem s t o be cut off
and I can't t ap t hr ough t o anyt hing else. They 'r e t here, folks.

DA: Maybe I 'll open up som e phone lines, and m aybe we'll t alk about Al
Bielek and som e t hings you discussed wit h him . Are y ou open t o t hat ?

AC: Sure.

Caller ( C) : On t hose ships where t he Germ ans and Am ericans w er e, did

t hey hav e any kind of an insignia on t heir uniform s?

AC: Yes, t hey did. I hav e been t old t hat t he organizat ion is called " The
Black League" ( possibly t he " Black Monks" wit hin t he NSA who
report edly int eract direct ly wit h aliens? - Br ant on) ; by people t hat m ight
know. A blue t riangle wit h a red- ey ed black dragon, wit h a circle around
it . I t was very unusual. Ther e's anot her wom an t hat has writ t en a book
about an encount er she had in Fort Walden. I m et her som e y ears back,
and we w ere t aking about t hings we'v e seen. She also t alked about t his
st range insignia. She and I bot h sat down a dr ew what we saw , and
t hey w er e virt ually carbon copies of each ot her . ( Not e: Winged serpent
sym bols hav e been obser ved by sev eral abduct ees, including policem an
Herbert Schirm er who r eport ed t he insignia on t he uniform s of t he
rept ilian- eyed grays t hat had abduct ed him . - Brant on)

I n t he book " Cosm ic Conflict " , t he aut hor t alks about t he ancient cit y
t hat was uncovered by t he Germ ans befor e Wor ld War I I , and t ells
about t heir effort t o r evive som e fr ozen hum ans t hey found in t his
undergr ound cit y, and t hat t he t rue hum ans couldn't be r evived, but t he
ones t hat could be revived w er e in fact rept ilians in disguise, and t he
rept ilians have t he capabilit y t o do shape- shift ing and cr eat e a [ laser]
holographic im age so w hen you look at t hem y ou see a hum an, but
under t hat t her e is no hum an t here. I t 's like a " dej a vu" of t he m ovie
" They Live" . ( Not e: An early new slet t er called THE CRYSTAL BALL
published inform at ion along t his line, which st at ed t hat t he Soviet s had
during t he invest igat ion of a m et eor cr ash uncovered a buried cit y in
Siberia where t hey discov er ed t he fr ozen bodies of bot h hum ans - - who
could NOT be r evived, and hum an- appearing rept ilians - - who WERE
revived fr om t he frozen st at e. Allegedly t he rept ilians re- anim at ed and
killed t he Soviet scient ist s and t hrough som e t y pe of psychic osm osis
drained t heir m inds and assim ilat ed t heir m em ories and feat ur es
t hrough a m olecular shape- shift ing t ype pr ocess. John Carpent er, who
direct ed THEY LI VE, also direct ed an earlier m ovie called THE THI NG
which was based som ewhat on a sim ilar t hem e. The alien 'im post or s'
t hen called for backup and m or e scient ist s cam e out and w er e
'r eplaced', and t hese ev ent ually ret urned t o Russia and began t o
infilt rat e t he Com m unist gov ernm ent . Alt hough such claim s m ay seem
prepost er ous, it is nevert heless int er est ing how num er ous 'pr epost erous'
claim s as t his cont ain ident ical 'rept ilian' t hem es. Aside fr om t he
inst inct ive and basic racial fear in hum ans of t hings 'r ept ilian', could t his
re- occurring t hem e be m or e t han m er e coincidence? - Brant on) Cat hy
O'Brien, who wr ot e " Trance- Form at ion in Am erica" , r ev ealed t hat
George Bush pr oj ect ed a hologram t hat he was a r ept ilian .... r eal crazy
st uff, but if t his t echnology t hat t hey possess is t her e, why couldn't a
race do som et hing like t hat ... t hese 'people' t hat are w orking wit h our
governm ent ?

C: I believe t hat , but I do believe t hat t hese ar e dem ons t hat m anifest
t hem selves as alien beings, and t hat t his has been going on for a long
t im e...

DA: Dem ons? Who ar e dem ons?

C: Fallen angels.

DA: The r ept ilians look like t hat anyway. All t he script ures around t he
planet t alk about serpent beings ( or in t he case of Judeo- Christ ian
script ures like Genesis chapt er 3 and Rev elat ion chapt er 12, serpent
beings possessed by 'dem ons' or t hr ough which dem ons ar e able t o or
allowed t o 'incarnat e'. - Brant on) What do y ou t hink, Alex?

AC: Well, I t hink t hat 's pret t y m uch what t he bot t om line is. Also, t hey
t alk about t he rapt ur e...

DA: I t could be like an alien 't hanksgiving'.


AC: These people t hat have done all t his resear ch and ar e part of t he
undergr ound gov ernm ent are t elling t hat t he hum ans on t his planet
have been at war wit h t hese r ept ilian aliens for t housands of y ears. At
one point , t hings got so hot on t he planet , like it is now, aliens t ook on
t his holographic im age and infilt rat ed t he hum an race in order t o t ak e it
ov er and underm ine it , j ust like t his New World Order is doing right now.
They'r e saying t hat t he sam e t hing happened t o civilizat ion on Eart h
befor e, and t hat t he hum ans before act ually had t he capabilit y for
int erplanet ary t ravel, and t hat it was so bad her e wit h t he r ept ilians t hat
t hey had t o leave... What t hey are also saying is t hat t hese beings t hat
are hum an- looking t hat are visit ing our planet , at t his t im e, t rying t o
inform people what is going on, and guide t hem , ar e act ually OUR
ANCESTORS THAT ESCAPED FROM EARTH before, when it was under
rept ilian dom inat ion.

DA: What is your t ak e on t hese crop circles?

AC: Oh, t he crop circles t hat are t he real ones are a t ype of geom et ric
language cont aining som e kind of inform at ion. Ther e w as one t hat w as a
Mandelbrot fract al. How do y ou fake t hat ? They say t hat t her e are a lot
of cr op circles going on in t he Unit ed St at es, and t hat t he gov ernm ent
shut s t he inform at ion off ( or dest r oy s t he cr op circles befor e t he public
can find t hem , ot hers claim . - Brant on) about t heir occurr ence.

DA: Canada and Aust ralia as well.

C: I t seem s t hat w e are having an increase in t hese encount ers and

sight ings.

AC: Things are escalat ing at an incredible rat e. I t hink a lot of t hese
m ovies in t he m edia ar e t rying t o get us soft ened up for what t hey plan
t o unleash on us.

C: So, in j ust a m at t er of years, t hey plan t o br ing it out and bring

people t o t hat airport ?

AC: You know, Reagan said m ore t han once t hat t he only t hing t hat
would bring people t oget her w ould be som e kind of " out side for ce" .

DA: Exact ly, I r em em ber t hat . He said t hat sev eral t im es.

AC: I w ent t o Sout h Florida a couple of w eeks ago and int erviewed a
m an who had done research for 30 y ears, and oddly enough, he t apped
int o som e of t he sam e inform at ion I had, in t hat our gov ernm ent has
had round- winged, saucer- t ype t echnology, high m ach speed aircraft
since t he 1920's, and t hat in 1952 t hey had ov er 500 of t hese aircraft
hidden in secr et bases. Now, if t hey had t hat in 1952, considering t hat
m ilit ary t echnology gr ows by 44 y ear s for ever y y ear t hat goes by , what
do y ou im agine t hey have now, 44 y ear s lat er, aft er t echnology has
advanced t he equivalent of 1,936 y ear s?

C: About t wo or t hr ee m ont hs ago, I w ent t o do a business t ransact ion

wit h a fellow I have known for about t wo or t hr ee y ear s, and one of his
relat ives had j ust died - - we w ere pr et t y close, and we got int o a deep
conv er sat ion about st uff, and he t old m e he wor ked in an undergr ound
m ilit ary base in Colorado. I ask ed him what he did t here, and he said
t hat if he t old m e he'd have t o kill m e. I t old him I didn't want t o know .
I was r eally shock ed, and didn't know what t o t hink of it , and t hen I
heard t his program . I w ant t o know what y our guest t hinks about t he
I ron Mount ain report t he governm ent did in t he 1960's, and if t hat t ies
int o t he Nazis and t he Am ericans [ CI A] working t oget her. Also, t his
would also explain Geor ge Washingt on's vision wher e t his count ry was
invaded from t he East by a for eign power, and t hen when all hope
seem ed lost , t he angels of God w ould com e down and t he nat ion would
be saved. Anyway , I never could underst and w hy angels of God w ould
com e down and fight wit h m en t o sav e a puny lit t le count ry t hat has
been around for only 200 years, but in t his scenario, t her e seem s t o be
som e explanat ion her e.

AC: Yes, t he I r on Mount ain report . The guy t hat claim s t o be t he aut hor
of it now claim s t hat it was not hing m or e t han a j ok e, but for a j oke, it
seem s t o be following t he t im e line t o t he hilt , so I t hink it was
som et hing t hat m ade it s way out and t hey are t rying t o cover t hat up.
Ev er yt hing t hat was in t hat report is happening in great det ail right now.

C: Do t hese rept ilians bleed if t hey get shot ?

DA: Has anybody ev er k illed one?

AC: Phil Schneider did. He killed several of t hem . When he was involved
in cut t ing som e t unnels at Dulce, he was low er ed down a shaft and
ended up in a nest of t hese t hings. He and som e of his t eam were in
t here, and som e of t he Delt a Force cam e in. They had a shoot out wit h
t hese aliens, and he killed a couple of t hem befor e t hey got a r ound off
and shot him wit h som e sort of laser w eapon. He used t o pull his shirt
up and show m e wher e t hey darned near blew a hole in his chest wit h
what ever kind of laser weapon t hey w ere using.

DA: So t hey can be killed, t hen?

AC: Yes, if y ou have t he drop on t hem . They die j ust like ev er yone else.
They consist of m ass j ust like we do.

C: I t is int erest ing t hat high officials in t he Clint on adm inist rat ion, like
Cisneros, w er e deeply involved wit h t he const r uct ion of t his airport .
Also, Pat Shr oeder. All of a sudden, she's leaving office. I t 's like a lot of
people who have been involved wit h t his airport ar e leaving t own. Also,
t here is a fellow by t he nam e of Rodney St it ch, who w rit es about t he
t ot al cor rupt ion in t he Denver area. Does t his t ie in wit h what you wer e
t alking about ?

AC: Well, he is t he one t hat wrot e t he book " Defrauding Am erica" . He


said t hat t hey had a t ape of a CI A agent paying off t he m ay or of Denv er

t o get t he airport built . Ther e is j ust so m uch cor rupt ion. They ar e
selling t he good Am erican people out . We hav e som e of our own people
selling t he rest of populat ion out for a few pieces of gold.

DA: What about Al Bielek and how what he is saying m ay relat e t o t his?

AC: I m et Al about a year ago.

DA: Who is Al Bielek?

AC: He claim s t o be one of t he ones who j um ped ov erboard off t he

Eldridge when it went int o hyperspace during t he Philadelphia
Experim ent . He act ually t rav eled forward in t im e, and ask ed t he people
t hat he encount er ed t here what happened in his fut ure. At t hat t im e, he
was given t he inform at ion about t he New World Order and t hat Denver
was t he locat ion for t he NWO West ern Sect or , and t hat At lant a was
supposed t o be t he cont rol cent er for t he East er n Sect or. Can it be t hat
t he fact t hat t he Olym pics is supposed t o be in At lant a is part of a
scenario? All t he highways in At lant a have high- securit y m onit oring
cam eras j ust like t hose seen in som e of t he underground areas at t he
Denv er airport . These m onit ors are all over t he int erst at e highway and
on m any of t he st reet s in At lant a. Last w eek, I was t alking t o a fellow
who was act ually working on t he Olym pic proj ect , in t erm s of t he m ain
st adium , and he said t hat t hey're gearing up for t he possibilit y of
t er rorist act s. Do t hey k now som et hing we don't know?

( Not e: As for 'Denv er ' being t he cent er of a New World Order cont rol
syst em in t he west , w e should realize t hat t he fut ure is not fully SET. I t
I S subj ect t o change. Ther e are, according t o cont act ees, differ ent
'parallel realit ies' t hat exist . The 3rd dim ensional or 3rd densit y r ealit y is
t he 'foundat ion' upon which all ot hers exist . Ot her realit ies exist in 4t h,
5t h and ot her 'densit ies' wher ein obj ect s and ev ent s are som ewhat m or e
'fluid' t han in 3rd dim ensional realit y. Many who claim t o have t rav eled
in t im e st at e t hat while doing so t hey wer e out - of- phase som ewhat wit h
t he people wit hin t he ot her t im e- zones. They could observ e t hem y et
wer e 'invisible' or in a phased- out st at e, in essence unable t o 'int erfere'
t o t he point of changing 3rd dim ensional past event s. Ot hers, involved
in t he Mont auk proj ect for inst ance, st at e t hat t he 'fut ur es' t hat t hey
observ ed were of a quasi- realit y or sem i- dream like nat ure, as if 'fut ur e'
realit y was like wet clay t hat had not y et 'set ' and solidified int o a
CONCRETE r ealit y. So if t his is t he case, t hen Denver does NOT
necessarily have t o be a New World Order cont r ol cent er, ev en t hough
t he 't hought form s', or what you m ight call 'realit y blueprint s', ARE
being creat ed by t he secr et governm ent and ar e in t he process of
'solidifying' as t he fut ur e get s closer. However, ANY t hought form can be
dest r oy ed and replaced BEFORE it solidifies int o 3rd densit y concr et e
realit y. Those living wit hin t he 3rd densit y ev ent - flow have t he POWER
t o det erm ine t he out com e of ev ent s t hr ough t heir connect ion t o t he
et ernal NOW, j ust as a large river has first prior it y over t he sm aller
t ribut aries in det erm ining t he course of a river bed. So t hen we ar e
living in an et ernal NOW which is cont inually in t he pr ocess of being

conv ert ed from a FLUI D t hought for m st at e and int o CONCRETE m at erial
for m st at e. Once 'set ', an ev ent cannot be undone. How ev er if t her e is
ev en a m inim al am ount of m alleabilit y left t o t he ev ent , t hen t hat event
can pot ent ially be t urned... for bet t er or w or se. - Brant on)

DA: Maybe t hey want t o go ahead and perpet rat e som et hing again. One
t hing aft er anot her . I t 's all part of t heir scenario. Let 's t ake a call.

C: Yes, I would like t o t hank you and y our guest for com ing forward
wit h t his inform at ion. And, as unbelievable as it is for t he audience, I
per sonally have had first - hand experience wit h som e of t his st uff. Not so
m uch wit h t he rept ilians, but when y ou t alk about t his t echnology base
t hat t he gov ernm ent is wor king wit h, m y own encount er s wit h t his
t echnology w er e basically t errifying, in t hat I didn't know what was
going on. I got indoct rinat ed int o som e t ype of m ind cont rol program
t hat was perpet rat ed on m e. I was in t he wr ong place at t he w r ong
t im e. I t 's am azing t o m e t hat t his st uff is going on, and I know t hat it is
frust rat ing t o get people t o wake up t o t his. I am a lit t le nerv ous her e. I t
runs a lit t le deeper t han j ust on a phy sical level of t hr eat . I t hink a lot of
t his st uff is not j ust about suppressing our m inds and will t o resist t he
governm ent . I t 's about get t ing our m inds t o t he point t o wher e we'r e so
" droned down" t hat w e have no chance of reconnect ing wit h t he source.
I t hink t his whole t hing has t o do wit h us on a soul level.

AC: That 's right . That 's what it 's all about . I t 's t he last great advent ur e
t o cont rol t he space bet ween our ears and t o ev ent ually t ake ov er our
souls. I also t hink t hat a lot of t he people who have sold us out and ar e
involved in t his have no idea what t he BI G pict ure is, because it is all so
com part m ent alized. This is a v er y dem onic scenario t hat is going on
her e.

C: That is why I will spend t he r est of m y day s t rying t o bring t his t o

people's at t ent ion. My t ake on it is t hat if you don't m ak e t he cut when
all of t his com es t o a clim ax, and t hey do achieve t hat ult im at e cont r ol,
your chances of r econnect ing are delayed indefinit ely.

AC: Well, you know , w e have som e beings t hat are wait ing for people t o
ask, en m asse, for help, and t hey are t here, and t hey will help, but we
have t o ask for help, because t hey honor free w ill.

C: My previous experience was pret t y night m arish, but I did get t hrough
t his, and m y per spect ive on God is a gift .

DA: Alex, how do we get a hold of y our book, " Pandora's Box " ?

AC: You can writ e t o PANDORA'S BOX, 2663 Valleydale Road, Suit e 126,
Birm ingham , Alabam a 35224. " Pandora's Box - Volum e One" is $50
[ $80 Ov er seas] , and " Pandora's Box - Volum e Two" is $35 [ $65
Ov er seas] . The book called " The Cosm ic Conflict " is $40 [ $75 Ov erseas] .
These are big book s, wit h lot s of inform at ion.

DA: Well, Alex, t hank you for being here, and we'll have you back her e

* * * *


( Recent ly a friend of m ine r elat ed an unusual experience involving an

abduct ion t o an undergr ound syst em sout heast of Denv er . I per sonally
believe t hat his experience support s Alex Christ opher 's claim of a vast
undergr ound net work under t he D.I .A. area. This individual, Todd J., has
experienced abduct ions by t he Grays ev er since he was a child. I n lat er
years he and a friend by t he nam e of Mike t rav eled t o Nevada t o
invest igat e Area 51, and while t here wit nessed an unusual orange obj ect
in t he sky t hat t hey could not ident ify t hrough convent ional m eans.
While st aying in a m ot el room on t he way back from t heir experience,
Todd had t he following experience - Brant on) :

" ...I opened m y ey es and saw som eone st anding beside t he bed. A faint
blue light surrounded t he per sonage which appeared t o be a gray
color ed 'm an' wit h a big head and large black alm ond- shaped ey es. I t
reached out and GRABBED m y hand and all of a sudden t he r oom
changed int o som e t ype of a laborat ory wit h st range com put er s and
scr eens. The alien spok e t o m e, and I sensed he was t r ying t o 'show'
affect ion t owards m e. He called m e The chosen One. I expr essed I hav e
had it wit h you guys, I t old you before t o leav e m e alone, you ar e not
good and can not m ake m e believe you are good. The being explained
t hat I was chosen as a Prophet and he spelled out on a paper a new
nam e for m e. I read t he nam e and it said Enoch. I t old him t hat God
m ay have chosen m e but not you, and not in t his m anner. You can not
deceive m e, I know what you are and what y ou are doing, and you hav e
no right t o t ake m e from m y bed at night against m y will. The being
replied, 'You do not r ealize what you ar e saying, we ar e also creat ions of
God and ar e good. We shall show ourselves t o t he world soon and t hen
you m ust decide what t o do'. I got angry and com m anded t he alien in
t he nam e of Jesus Christ t o t ak e m e back. All of a sudden t he st range
room was filled wit h a bright whit e light and I w as t ak en int o it . The
next m orning I aw ok e w it h a slight headache and a nose- bleed...

" Her e is an experience I had wit h t he underground...

" The m ost unusual abduct ion I hav e had so far occurr ed in May of 1993.
I r em em ber first being inside a UFO high above t he eart h, not
rem em bering how I got t here. I was st anding on a circular silver pad
wit h t wo grays beside m e - - it rem inded m e of t he t eleport er room you
see on St ar Tr ek . I could not m ove and I not iced m y hands w er e bound
by som e sort of m et allic device. I saw t he fr ont of t he r oom t urn int o a
t ype of window and w e wer e looking down ov er t he eart h, but I could
not see any st ars. The gray at t he cont r ol panel was m oving it s hands
back and fort h but t her e did not seem t o be any dials on t he panels j ust
holes and places t o put t heir hands. The larger gray beside m e held up
his arm s and w e flew down t o t he eart h at a great speed. We t hen

appear ed t o be flying over a cit y, which rem inded m e of Denv er. We

flew sout h- east t o a desert ed area wit h som e m ounds and t he ground
opened up and t he ent ire craft went down int o t he eart h. We rapidly
went t hrough som e t ype of t unnel and t hen finally cam e t o a st op.

" A door opened t o t he left of us and a st range light poured int o t he

craft . I not iced t hat above t he door w er e som e st range glyphs - like
som e for m of alt er ed Egypt ian. I could m ove m y legs and t he larger
gray direct ed m e out side t he cr aft wit h t wo sm aller gray s. We wer e in a
very barr en place full of dirt - - t he sky appeared unusually orange and
gray as if it was som e t ype of art ificial light . I saw a building wit h t he
init ials MJ upon it and was gr eet ed by t hr ee peculiar looking m en
dressed in black. The m en t old m e t hat t hey w ere MJ 1, 2 and 3. I at
t hat t im e did not know what it st ood for . I was t hen t urned about and
t aken down a cavern ent rance unt il we cam e t o som e v ery huge ancient
looking doors. The gray s wav ed t heir arm s and t he door s opened.

" I nside was one of t he m ost beaut iful places I ev er had seen. I t was an
undergr ound cit y paved wit h m arble and gold. Ther e w as abundant plant
life and lot s of wat er . I saw m any people walking about dr essed in whit e
robes and t hey w ere all busy doing som et hing. I was t ak en int o a palace
t ype building and we cam e t o a t hr one.

" The t hr one t urned ar ound t owards m e and I w as face t o face wit h a
st range looking m an. I t appear ed t o be half hum an - - half alien. I t was
quit e huge, and was clot hed in a crim son r obe. I t s eyes w er e large and
black but had pupils. I t had alm ost full lips and a nose. I t wor e a cr own
of som e sort .

" I t t hen spok e t o m e t elepat hically. 'Greet ings Todd, The chosen one, w e
have await ed y our ar rival.' I inquired 'The chosen one? Chosen for
what ?' I t explained t hat t hey had chosen m e t o j oin t heir people and
t hat I was a pr ophet t o lead t hem . They w ould give m e great pow er s - -
ev ery power I had ev er dream ed of - - I could fly, I could t ell t he fut ure,
I could heal t he sick and t rav el t hrough t im e. I got angry and said 'I am
a servant of Jesus Christ and t he only pow er I need is t he priest hood of
God. I f I was m eant t o have t he t hings of which you speak t hen God
would show t hem t o m e in his due t im e. Now I ask for y ou t o let m e go
- - you hav e no right t o do t his t o m e.' The being t hen said t hat God had
m ade t hem also and t hat God had sent t hem t o t ell m e t hese t hings.
This m ade m e even m or e upset , because it seem ed t hey w ould have
t old m e t hat in t he first place if t hey wer e r eally fr om God. I nst ead t hey
did not m ent ion t hat unt il I said I was a serv ant of God. So I
com m anded t hem in t he nam e of Jesus Christ t o let m e fr ee. I n which
t he being t apped t he m et al bands on m y wrist s and t hey flow ed like
m er cury int o t he shape of a ball int o his hand. He t hen bowed his head
and t old us t o depart .

" The t w o sm all grays t ook us back t o t he ent rance. I look ed ar ound one
last t im e and t he people were looking at m e wit h confused faces and a
bit of int erest in m e. Who ever t hey w er e I had a desire t o HELP t hem
and t o know what t hey wer e doing here. But I want ed t o leav e and as

we w ere walking away back t oward t he cavern ent rance one of t he

grays ask ed m e if I was sur e I was m aking t he right decision. I affirm ed
I knew I was. I ask ed it if it knew Jesus Christ , and it seem ed t o be
AFRAI D of t he w ord and affirm ed he did NOT know him . I got angry and
picked up t he gray and t hrew it against a wall unt il it collapsed. I was
about t o t ry and t urn back t o t he PEOPLE when I felt a buzz on m y neck
and ev er yt hing went black. When I cam e t o I w as back in m y bed..."

Todd's anger was appar ent ly spark ed as a result of t he sm aller Grey

saying it did not know Jesus Christ / God when t he large being had
im plied t hat t hey DI D, and t hat t hey wer e operat ing under His order s. I t
would seem t hat decept ion was used her e. This anger m ay also hav e
been a r esponse on Todd's part t o years of violat ion by t he Grays of his
fr ee agency. Som e believe, and I t end t o agree, t hat t he Greys have t o
have som e kind of 'open door' t o m anipulat e a per son's life. I t m ay not
necessarily be an 'invit at ion', but a 'crack ' in t he psyche t hat t he Greys
could exploit in order t o get a per son t o open t hem selves up t o t heir
influence. The Greys ar e appar ent ly det erm ined t o look for ANY
loophole. The individual abduct ees t hem selves m ight be encouraged int o
capit ulat ing t heir will over t o t he Gr eys t hrough alien decept ion and
t ricker y. However t he 'open door ' m ight also be - - as in t he case of a
child - - a result of a 'foot hold' t he aliens have est ablished in t he m inds
of a par ent , a religious leader, or polit ical leader in whom t he child
t rust s... som eone who HAS surr endered part s of t heir body, m ind or
spirit t o t he alien influence. For inst ance a parent m ight buy t he lie t hat
t he Greys ar e benev olent 'space brot hers', a r eligious leader could
accept t he lie t hat t hey are 'angelic beings', a polit ician m ight see t hem
as an ot her- planet ary polit ical for ce t hat m ust be appeased and
negot iat ed wit h at all cost s, and so on. Fr om t hese people, t he influence
m ight 't rickle down' t o t he children under t heir car e. This would explain
why generat ional abduct ions seem t o be occur ring in m any fam ilies over
m any generat ions.

We m ust r em em ber t hat alone however, a t ypical Gray is not nearly as

int elligent as a hum an being. Their ov erall int elligence com es fr om t he
alien group or collect ive m ind, since t hey oper at e as part of a 'hive' t ype
of m ent alit y. Som e believ e t hat t his group- m ind is, in t urn, cont rolled by
invisible ent it ies associat ed wit h t he fallen angelic fact ions which have
since ancient t im es been incarnat ing t hrough t he rept ilian races for t he
purpose of using t hese ent it ies as physical 'channels' t hrough which t hey
are able t o car ry out t heir purposes in t he physical dom ain. This m ay
explain why t he Gray s have knowingly and blat ant ly lied t o abduct ees
and at t acked t radit ional spirit ual belief syst em s by m aking such claim s
as t he following: " We genet ically creat ed t he hum an race" [ t he r esult ,
we m ust acknowledge t hem as our 'gods'] ; or , " We creat ed Jesus Christ "
[ t his is int erest ing, especially when we consider t hat Jesus of Nazar et h
verbally blast ed and condem ned t he 'serpent ' r ace as being in league
wit h Sat anic forces, on m or e t han one occasion] ; and in t he case of
Todd's experience... t hat he was a " Chosen One" . Thousands of
abduct ees hav e been t old t hat t hey ar e t he suprem e spok esperson for
t he aliens on eart h, or specially chosen for som e m ission. I n ot her wor ds
t hey gain t heir follower s t he sam e way Adolph Hit ler did - - by st roking

t heir egos: " YOU ARE THE MASTER RACE," et c., et c., ad nauseum . And
it would seem t hat in t he sam e way t hat m any 'religious' leaders claim
t o be t he SOLE spok esm an for God on eart h - - t hese cont act ees,
abduct ees or m edium s consider t hem selves t o be t he sole voice of t he
aliens. I would suggest t hat you do not respect any HUMAN who claim s
t o be t he 'sole spokesm an' of God, not unless t hey are able t o back up
t heir claim s by living a perfect ly FLAWLESS life. All of t his has
cont ribut ed t o t he overall division and anim osit y which exist s am ong
various UFO r esearch gr oups. Playing on hum an ego's is apparent ly a
t im e- t est ed and v er y effect ive way for t he Gray s t o gain t he t rust and
cooperat ion of hum ans on, wit hin or beyond t he planet eart h.

Following are addit ional experiences t hat w er e r elat ed by Todd J,

beginning wit h an incident t hat occur r ed while he was st ill a child. While
looking t hrough UFO books in a school library in Sunbury, Pennsylvania,
Todd experienced a dist urbing flashback:

" ...I cam e acr oss a drawing of an alien m ade by a lit t le boy who said he
saw one in his back yar d. I t was t he exact sam e t hing I saw in [ a]
dream when I was lit t le, it shocked m e so m uch t hat I im m ediat ely
closed t he book and left t he library. " Then it st art ed t o happen, at night
I would always have a st range feeling of being wat ched while I slept .
Som et im es t he FEAR becam e so int ense t hat I couldn't sleep, which
would result in m e sleeping- in t he following m orning and skipping
school. Then t he weird st uff st art ed. I began t o wak e up at night and
see balls of light float ing around in t he darkness and I couldn't m ov e, so
I j ust closed m y ey es. Then one night I got up t o go t o t he bat hr oom
and for som e r eason I felt I needed t o go look in m y br ot her's r oom .
When I looked in I saw t hat face in t he window, t he big black eyes, t he
round head and slant ed chin. I t fr eak ed m e out because w e lived in a
t wo st or y house. I ran t o m y r oom and hid under t he blanket s.

" The following night s I would pray about it and ask ed God t o prot ect
m e. Then as I laid in bed aft er ev ery one was asleep I st art ed t o hear
buzzing from out side t he window. An ext r em e fear cam e ov er m e and I
couldn't m ove and I couldn't yell for m y par ent s. An eerie green light
st art ed t o fill m y bedr oom fr om out side and t hen I would som ehow j ust
wake up t he next m orning not r em em bering anyt hing aft er t he gr een
light . I w ould usually have a sev er e headache, a sor e t hr oat , or feel
ext r em ely t ired and drained of all m y energy .

" Aft er about t hr ee or four night s of t his I knew it would probably happen
again, and it did. This t im e I pr epar ed m y self... When t he gr een light
ent er ed t he r oom , m y body was paralyzed. I t ried t o call upon Heav enly
Fat her t o cast it out of m y r oom but I could not speak, m y j aw was
really t ight . So I prayed in m y head when all of a sudden I saw t hat t he
wood- grain on m y bedr oom door appeared t o be form ing int o t he face of
m an wit h a beard and long hair. I t hought it was Jesus Christ . Then a
bright whit e light cam e from above m e and chased t he gr een light away.
As soon as t his happened I had cont rol of m y body and I im m ediat ely
pulled t he cov er s ov er m y head, I had no idea t hat God w ould act ually
do such a gr eat t hing. I t hen heard a v oice which was so calm and

loving saying t o m e 'You are safe now Todd, you m ay go back t o sleep.'
And I peeked t hrough t he blanket s and saw a m an in whit e clot hes
st anding beside m y bed. I was st ill a lit t le fright ened but I felt peace and
t hat t he t er ror was ov er ...for now .

" ...I t was t he Thank sgiving of 1992, m y grandm ot her and uncle had
com e up for Thanksgiving dinner and t o spend t he day wit h us. During
t he day m y grandm ot her st art ed t alking t o m e about aliens for som e
reason and I st art ed t elling her of t he t hings I had seen when I was
lit t le.

" Then t hat night I r em em ber being awaken by a noise, I first not iced
t hat m y com put er m onit or w as reflect ing a bright green light and t hen
m y whole room was filled wit h a bright green light . My first t hought was,
'Oh no, t hey 'r e back! ' Then I again was paralyzed as it had happened t o
m e when I was t w elve. I was looking out m y bedroom window and I
st ar ed face t o face wit h a gray alien. There wer e t w o m or e behind him . I
t ried t o y ell but again m y j aw was t ight and m y t ongue was st iff. I t j ust
looked at m e wit h t hose scary big black ey es liked it looked int o m y
soul. I felt evil and fear, I am surprised I did not release m y bowels!
Then t he light consum ed m e and I was drawn out of m y bed int o t he
light . While t his was happening I was praying in m y head and all of a
sudden I was walking down t he st r eet in front of m y house wit h an

" This angel was a m agnificent looking m an. He was about seven feet t all
and t he bright whit e light around him was as pure as fr eshly fallen snow
and it radiat ed about t he ent ire fr ont yard like a m orning sunrise. His
face was gent le and happy and his eyes looked at m e lovingly. His whole
count enance was j ust am azing beyond descript ion.

" He placed his hand upon m y shoulder and point ed t oward t he house. I
looked ov er t o m y bedr oom window and saw t he t hr ee beings st ill at m y
window hovering above t he gr ound in a bright green beam of light which
seem ed t o be com ing fr om nowher e. The angel st ayed by m y side and
prot ect ed m e. I t ried t o cast t he sm all gray aliens away wit h m y
priest hood but t hey w er e st ill t here ( Todd at t his t im e was a m em ber of
t he Morm on r eligion, and t ried t o respond t o t hese 'evil' creat ures
according t o how he had been 't aught '. - Brant on) . I was so angry, t he
t hings t hat had m ade m y life m iserable since I was a child now t her e
wit hin m y view, and I saw how weak t hey w er e, how sm all. And I
t hought 'These beings are so sm all, yet t heir power is enough t o st op
m e in m y t racks.'

" But t his t im e I was FREE, t his t im e I could harm t hem and I did. I ran
t o one and gr abbed it by t he neck and st art ed t o st rangle it . I could feel
it s spine com ing t hrough t he back of it s neck as it let out a hor rible
scr eeching noise.

" They wer e not very t all, only about four feet high - - but t hey hov er ed
in t his light up t o m y height unt il t hey wer e nex t t o m y face. Their skin
was like a r ept ile's, cold and leat hery. Their dam n ey es got t o m e t he

m ost ... big black liquid ey es, j ust t wo holes for a nose and barely a
m out h, j ust a slit . Their bodies w er e not very pr oport ional as ours ar e.
Their arm s hung down a lit t le past t heir knees, and t heir heads seem ed
t oo large for t heir neck t o support it .

" The angel j ust st ood by as I w ent int o a ram page and killed all t hr ee of
t hem . They w ere so fragile. The angel sm iled as if I had done t he right
t hing. And we t hen proceeded t o lay t he dead bodies on t he lawn. I
wat ched t he gr een light fade away and saw no light except t he brilliant
radiance of t he angel's. The angel knelt down at t he bodies which
seem ed t o be changing from gray int o a sick y ellowish color. I wat ched
as t he angel opened his robes and unsheat hed a golden sw ord and
began t o cut away t he t ops of t he beings' heads and t heir brains cam e
out in an upper and lower sect ion.

" The angel arose and spok e, 'Behold, t hey are not hing t o us. They ar e
not hing but creat ur es of evil.' Then a blue light or conduit from t he sky
act ually t ransport ed t hem int o sm all balls of light and t ook t hem away.
So I hav e no evidence t hat I act ually killed t hem . We, t he angel and I
t hen ent ered t he house, and in t he kit chen wer e t hree m or e aliens. One
cam e up t o m e wit h a long shiny m et al rod t hat seem ed t o hav e a laser
beam com ing out it . The alien st uck it in t he left side of m y neck and it
st ung really bad and t hen I could not m ov e, so t he angel t ouched m e
and I could m ov e again. I t hen im m ediat ely punched t he alien square in
t he face breaking it s neck and killing it inst ant ly. The ot her t wo st ood by
looking at t heir fallen com rade - - t heir m ov es w er e v ery quick and t heir
heads rot at ed alm ost as fast as a lizard. The angel held up his arm s and
spok e. 'I n t he nam e of Jesus Christ I com m and you t o depart .' Then
bot h t he cr eat ures im m ediat ely fell t o t he floor and t hese gray aliens
wer e again t aken up int o a beam of light in t he sam e m anner as befor e.

" Then t he angel cov ered m y ey es and t hen uncov er ed m y eyes. I was all
of a sudden on t op of a large m ount ain looking down over a large valley
FI LLED wit h aliens and st range looking hum ans and t heir spacecraft .
Then I saw hundreds of people dr essed in whit e walking on t he
m ount ain wit h us as if t hey had com e t o wat ch. And t hen a v oice from
heaven said 'Behold, t hese evil ones have perv ert ed t he ways of t he
Lord and deceived m any and fornicat ed wit h m y children. They shall
have no place in m y kingdom nor in t his world t o com e.' Then a FI RE
cam e down fr om t he sk y and CONSUMED all t he beings and all t he
st range hum an[ oids] and all t he UFOs and not hing was left . The angel
t hen spoke saying I had seen enough and he again placed his hand over
m y eyes. I aw ok e from m y bed and it was m orning.

" Lat er in t hat year even in t he sam e m ont h I not iced a scar in t he shape
of a circle t hat I nev er had befor e. I couldn't recall how it got t here but
one day when m y m om asked m e how it got t here I had a flashback of
when t he alien st uck t hat silver rod in m y neck . Now I had proof t hat
I 've seen t hem !

" On t his SAME NI GHT of Novem ber 22, 1992, t her e was a UFO crash on
Long I sland, New York which was supposedly shot down by t he

governm ent wit h a plasm a cannon. I have seen t he pict ures of t he sm all
gray alien capt ured at t he crash sit e and it was exact ly t he sam e t ype
t hat abduct ed m e."

Not e: All of t his brings t o m ind t he cont r ov ersy ov er t he 'm at erial'

aspect s of UFO encount er s v s. t he 'supernat ural' aspect s. I t w ould seem
from t he abov e, as w ell as from ot her sources, t hat t he 'Gr eys' for
inst ance are bot h physical as well as supernat ur al beings... or rat her
m alevolent spirit - ent it ies ut ilizing or possessing physical alien 'bodies'.
I n a sense y ou could say t hat t he sam e holds t r ue about hum ans
t hem selves: w e are phy sical- soular- spirit ual beings, w e possess 'blood
plasm a' which cont ains bot h physical AND spirit ual essence - - which
m ay be why t he Gr eys are so int erest ed in hum an 'blood' by t he way.

Alt hough t radit ional 'Gr eys' hav e a st r ong collect ive m ent alit y in addit ion
t o a [ gr oss] spirit ual and physical nat ure, t hey have no 'soul'. Since
supernat ural forces play a m aj or part in alien operat ions against hum ans
on eart h, hum ans m ust dev elop t heir SPI RI TUAL defenses as well as
t heir int ellect ual and physical defenses, since t he Gr ey s at t ack on all
t hree levels of our beings t hrough what m ight be described as a form of
psychot ronic t echno- sor cery.

One m ust be careful not t o open oneself t o t heir influences howev er.
Ther e is a growing num ber of quant um physicist s who ar e beginning t o
realize t hat t here is a 'spirit ual' side t o science. At t he lowest sub- at om ic
levels t he physical laws of 'logic' seem t o br eak down int o what m ight be
referr ed t o as 'et heric' or 'spirit ual' laws t hat do not necessarily apply t o
physical laws, or what m any spacefaring cult ures r efer t o as 'Divine
Geom et rics' or t he 'laws of spirit ' at wor k behind t he 'laws of phy sics'.
So it is difficult t o find wher e t he elect r om agnet ic r ealm ends and t he
et heric realm begins. This is t he v er y basis of t he OCCULT TECHNOLOGY
t hat is being developed wit hin t he Dulce base, it is SUPERNATURAL
TECHNOLOGY, a deadly form of Techno- Sorcer y. This who at t em pt t o
resist t he Greys will soon discover t hat t he conflict t hey have becom e
involved wit h is not j ust a spirit ual one, and not j ust a physical one, but
a warfar e t hat is in fact a FUSI ON of m at erial and spirit ual realit ies.

Most people do not r ealize t hat our m odern 'science' has largely
dev eloped from t he occult - sciences of t he past , or t he 'Alchem ist s'. So
who can say exact ly wher e science ends and t he supernat ural begins?
Apparent ly at least wit h m uch of t he UFO phenom ena, t he exact
dist inct ion m ay be v ery hard t o find. Does t his m ean t hat t echnology
and t he supernat ural ar e 'evil'? Not necessarily, for t he physical 'for ces'
of t he universe and t he supernat ural 'for ces' of t he universe can be used
by our physical and spirit ual nat ures respect ively for eit her good or evil.
Being t hat we ar e of a spirit ual- psychic- physical nat ure, we as hum ans
possess abilit ies t hat we can not begin t o under st and. I n t his cosm ic
bat t le t here are no 'neut ral' for ces. I n ot her words w e can NOT ut ilize
t hese spirit ual- psychic- physical abilit ies in a 'neut ral' way or believe t hat
we are in ult im at e cont r ol of t hese abilit ies ourselves, since t here ar e
int elligence's which ar e so pow er ful in t his univer se t hat t o t hem we
appear as m ere 'pawns' who can be m anipulat ed for t heir own use. The

im port ant t hing is not for t he pawn t o 'r ealize it s own pawnhood', but for
each of us t o consider w hich 'player' has our best int erest s at heart . I
definit ely believe t hat one of t he 'player s' is m uch m ore benevolent t han
anyt hing we can im agine, and t he ot her is far m or e m alev olent t han
anyt hing we can conceive. I believe t hat w e m ust DECI DE which side of
t he cosm ic bat t le we will serv e, and t his all com es back t o t he old
fundam ent al realit y t hat we have known all along: will we com m it our
spirit ual- psychic- physical abilit ies t o 'God' [ good] or t o t he 'Devil' [ evil] ?
To t he Alm ight y, who desires t o est ablish a universe of per fect harm ony,
order , t rut h and love; or t o t he collect ive rebel angels and t heir alien
'puppet s' who desire only t o dev our and consum e ev eryt hing around
t hem like t he 'spirit ual black holes' t hat t hey ar e?

Ther e ar e m or e and m ore r eport s com ing m y w ay, like t he one t hat
appear s above, which st rongly suggest t hat in spit e of t he phy sical and
t angible aspect s of m any of t he aliens [ Gr ey s, Rept iloids, et c.] , t he t rue
powers t hat m ust be cont est ed ar e t he m ot ivat ing supernat ural ent it ies
which possess and incar nat e m any if not m ost of t hese soulless 'aliens',
sim ply because at som e point in t he past t hese 'aliens' t hem selves
subm it t ed t o t he com plet e cont rol of t hese supernat ural beings. They
rej ect ed t he universal law of r espect ing t he Divinely- est ablished
sov ereignt y of ot her beings, whet her on an int er- planet ary, int er-
nat ional or int er- per sonal basis. I n violat ing t he sovereignt y of ot hers
t hey t hem selves lost t heir own per sonal sovereignt y, libert y or
independence. They chose t o ally t hem selves wit h m em bers of a
collect ive 'hive' m ind which assured t hem t hat it was right t o violat e t he
sov ereignt y of ot her beings, and t hat it was logical for t he 'collect ive' t o
assim ilat e all t hings under it s cont r ol even if t he individualit y of t hose
assim ilat ed was all but dest r oy ed. So in j oining wit h a force which
advocat ed t he conquest of ot her 'sover eignt ies', t hey in t urn forfeit ed
t heir own.

Will our hum an race be t he next race t o be 'assim ilat ed' by t hese ast ral
parasit es and t he cor rupt ed physical alien races under t heir cont rol? I
believe t he decision is ent irely and individually up t o us.

Th e D ulce Book
Chapt er 34

A Closin g M essage To Th e Pe ople Of Ea r t h

Fr om An Agen t Of Th e Fede r a t ion

I 've t hought about an eloquent way t o end t his volum e wit h a


flourish of cosm ic wisdom t hat would bring t he ent ire cont ent s of
t his work int o perspect ive and balance, an ending t hat would be
wort hy of all of t hose br ave t rut h- seek er s who have so
generously cont ribut ed t o t his proj ect .

Having failed t o do t his, I will gladly give t his opport unit y t o one
who should know, m or e t han anyone else, j ust exact ly what w e
as a planet ar e going t hrough in our st ruggle for freedom from
int erv ent ionist oppression.

The following appeared in Val Valerian's MATRI X I I w or k, and

alt hough I 've m ade som e int erj ect ions t hr oughout , I would ask
t hat you pay special at t ent ion t o t he w ords of a cert ain 'Nordic',
born am ong t he st ar s, who can fully sym pat hize wit h our plight
her e on eart h.

But first , som e words of int roduct ion from Val Valerian:


The first t ype [ of Gray] is t he short gray hum anoids wit h t he

large heads, which resem ble em bry os and av er age about four
and a half feet in height . They are fr om a solar syst em t hat
revolves ar ound Rigel. Rigel is a double bluish- whit e st ar on t he
left foot of Orion...

I t is t his t ype of hum anoid t hat is perform ing m ost of t he anim al

m ut ilat ions and hum an m ut ilat ions, which has m ade a secr et
deal wit h our governm ent , and which was in cont act wit h Hit ler
[ Nazis] . They derive nourishm ent from t he glandular secret ions
and t he enzym es t hey ext ract fr om t he anim als t hey m ut ilat e,
which t hey absorb t hr ough t heir por es. Our 'gov ernm ent '
perm it s such act ivit ies part ially because of it s acut e fear of t hese
beings, and part ially because it is under t he delusion t hat t hey
will give us t echnical inform at ion enabling us t o at t ain m ilit ary
superiorit y over t he Russians in exchange for our perm it t ing t he
m ut ilat ions and abduct ions.

The St ealt h Bom ber and St ar Wars t echnologies ar e being

obt ained from t hem . Howev er , our gov ernm ent does not appear
t o r ealize t hat when it com es t o t he crunch t he t echnology t hey
are t ransm it t ing will not work as it is supposed t o ( Not e: More
advanced t echnologies have been obt ained via crash- ret rievals,
an aspect t hat t he aliens m ay have under est im at ed. - Brant on) .
I t is not in t heir int erest t o give us decisive m ilit ary superiorit y
ov er t he Russians, or vice versa. I t is in t heir int er est t o k eep us
in a st at e of unresolved conflict wit h each ot her, t he old gam e of
divide and conquer ...

Working under t he inst r uct ions of t he hum anoids from Rigel, CI A

and for m er NAZI scient ist s hav e dev eloped and deployed

m alignant st rains of bact eria and viruses, including AI DS. The

rat ionale from t he fascist point of view is t o ext erm inat e port ions
of t he populat ion consider ed t o be undesirable. The rat ionale
from t he Rigelian point of view is t o decim at e t he hum an
populat ion t o such an ext ent t hat t he survivor s would accept
[ not r esist ] open cont rol by t he Rigelians...

The hum anoids t hat have been nick- nam ed 'Sw edes' ar e on t he
average bet w een six and six and a half feet t all. They [ som e]
are fr om a solar sy st em t hat revolves ar ound Pr ocy on, a binary
yellow- whit e and yellow st ar sy st em t hat rises befor e Sirius in
Canis Minoris [ in t he body of t he Lesser Dog] , about 11.4 light
years fr om Eart h. They are fr om t he fourt h planet in orbit
around t he Pr ocyon double st ar syst em . The t all blond
hum anoids from Pr ocy on and t he short gray hum anoids from
Rigel have been enem ies for t housands of years.

The t all Blonds from Procyon hav e a benign at t it ude t oward

hum anit y, except for t heir st r ong disapproval of our inhum anit y
t o each ot her . This st r ong disapproval is furt her int ensified by
our gov ernm ent having m ade a secr et alliance wit h t heir
her edit ary enem ies, in order t o obt ain even m ore dest ruct ive
weapons syst em s t han t hose already in exist ence. Our
'gov ernm ent ' is not int erest ed in negot iat ing wit h t he
Procy onians, as t hey w ould not provide us wit h weapon
syst em s...

Their m ot ivat ion for breeding wit h hum ans is t o t une- up t he

fr equency of our species, in order t o help us t o help ourselves.
Their concern is for t he well- being of all form s of life, not j ust
hum anit y. The ent ire biospher e will benefit if we fulfill our
posit ive pot ent ial, inst ead of self- dest ruct ing our planet 's
biosphere in t he process.

I t w ould be a m ist ake t o count on t hem t o clean up t he m ess we

have m ade of our pollut ed planet , or t o bring peace by
dism ant ling our nuclear weapons. I t is up t o us t o solve t he
problem s t hat w e hav e ourselves cr eat ed...

I n order t o ext ricat e our selves fr om t he cov ert alliance t he CI A

( and t heir Nazi SS predecessors. - Brant on) had m ade wit h
Rigel, wit hout our knowledge or consent , w e m ust first r egain
cont r ol of our gov ernm ent ...

Valerian t hen quot es t he following words of one Pr ocy onese

st ar- t raveler by t he nam e of KHYLA, who r ev ealed t he following
t o an un- nam ed eart h w om an wit h whom he had est ablished
cont act :

" ...Tyrant s hav e been defeat ed m any t im es on m any planet s, in

count less solar syst em s and galaxies. How st range it is t hat as

soon as one t yrant of any species is t hought t o be banished

for ev er anot her always, but ALWAYS, t ak es his place. The
idealist ic revolut ionaries who defeat ed King George I I I in
Am erica w ent on t o oppress t he I ndians and Blacks. Many of
t hose who fought m ost courageously against t he Axis powers of
fascism lat er becam e fascist s t hem selves, as is dem onst rat ed by
t he pr esent plight of t he Palest inians, Afghans, Chileans and
Nicaraguans. Yes, y ou m ust t ry t o regain cont r ol of y our
governm ent , but if so m uch as one individual involved in t his
process has not first gained cont rol of his or her selfhood, it will
be for naught . One can never defeat or gain cont rol of anyt hing
but oneself. Those dest ined t o oust e t he Rigelians m ust always
keep t rack of t he st at e of t heir selfhood, and learn first t o defeat
wit hin t hem selves t he essence of t hat which is t yranny. Thr ough
t his t ype of awar eness, t hey will know when t o and when not t o
act . Through under st anding a host ile ent it y t o be but one of t he
ineffable's count less facades, it loses it s pow er ov er you.
Through t he abilit y t o wisely perceive a host ile ent it y, you m ay
gain cont rol of it . I n ov ercom ing t he Rigelians, one m ust t ak e
great precaut ions not t o becom e oneself t he enem y."

Or, as t he old Chinese prov erb says:



Khyla, t he Procy onese I nt elligence agent , cont inues:

" I f y ou w er e a highly advanced cult ure about t o invade a

relat ively prim it ive cult ure, y ou w ould not do it wit h a flourish of
ships showing up in t he heavens, and t ak e t he r isk of being fired
upon. That 's t he t ype of warfar e less evolved m ort als would get
int o. You would begin by creat ing int ense confusion, wit h only
inferences of your pr esence, inferences which cause
cont r ov er sial disagreem ent ( Not e: I t is int erest ing t hat t he
m aj or I nt elligence pr oj ect s designed t o discr edit UFO wit nesses
and cause confusion and cont ent ion am ong - - and infilt rat ion of
- - various UFO r esearch organizat ions have been t raced back t o
t he Nazified NSA- CI A, w hich in t urn m aint ains, as t his is being
writ t en, cont inued t ies wit h t he Grays. - Brant on) .

" You w ould go t o t he m ost secr et and powerful organizat ions

wit hin t he societ y. I n t he case of t he Unit ed St at es, you would
infilt rat e t he CI A, and t hrough t he use of t echniques unknown t o
t hem , y ou w ould t ake over som e of t he k ey people in t heir
innerm ost cor e group. You would proceed in t he sam e fashion t o
t ake ov er k ey m em bers of t he KGB. You w ould also cr eat e gr eat
dissension am ong t he public at large, som e individuals and
groups insist ing t hat t hey have seen UFOs, ot hers insist ing wit h
equal vehem ence t hat such a t hing is not possible, and t hat t hey
are eit her liars or deluded.

" You w ould involve t he planet 's t wo m aj or nat ions in an on-

going idiot ic philosophical disput e, keeping t hem const ant ly at
each ot her's t hroat s ov er such quest ions as whet her Thom as
Jeffer son was great er t han Karl Marx or vice- v er sa ( t hat is,
whet her 'Capit alist ' t yranny or 'Com m unist ' t yranny is worse
t han t he ot her. By t he way, don't confuse Com m unism wit h
Com m unalism , and don't confuse Capit alism wit h Dem ocracy .
Com m unalism and Dem ocracy ar e sovereignt ist m ov em ent s t hat
respect t he per sonal right s and fr eedom s of ot her s. So- called
unrest rained Com m unism and Capit alism are co- dependent
collect ist evils. Capit alist t yranny cr eat ed Com m unist t yranny,
and Com m unist t yranny j ust ifies it s exist ence as a force t o fight
Capit alist t yranny. I nsane world we live in, is it not ? - Brant on) .
You w ould keep t hem cont inuously occupied wit h quarreling like
t wo adolescent boy s t r ying t o pr ov e t heir m asculinit y over who
has which piece of t errit ory , whet her one has t he right t o invade
Afghanist an or t he ot her has t he right t o invade Nicaragua,
per sist ent ly exchanging t hreat s and insult s like a couple of
m acho t een- agers, while arguing whet her one should dism ant le
one t ype of nuclear war head, or t he ot her should dism ant le
anot her t ype of nuclear warhead. As you wat ched all t his, you
would sit back and you would laugh, if you had t he capacit y t o

" You w ould occasionally let your ships be seen by som e of t he

ordinary cit izens, so t hat t he elit e governm ent al groups w ould
becom e involved in at t em pt s t o keep t hem quiet , clum sily
squelching at t em pt s t o m ake inform at ion about UFO act ivit y
public. This would result in t he m ass populat ion losing
confidence in t he veracit y of t heir elect ed officials. Ther e w ould
be const ant argum ent s bet ween t he aut horit ies and t he public
as t o whet her or not t he per sist ent ly report ed phenom ena
genuinely exist ed, t her eby set t ing t he populat ion and t he
governm ent at each ot her 's t hr oat s. You w ould have already set
t he t wo m aj or super- power s at each ot her's t hr oat s. By subt ly
causing econom ic t urm oil, you would set t he " Haves" and t he
" Hav e Not s" at each ot her 's t hr oat s. I n all possible ways, you
would plant t he seeds of m assive discont ent .

" Aft er y ou had m anipulat ed t he populat ion t o t he point wher e

your covert cont r ol ov er it was com plet e, y ou m ight decide t o go
ov ert , and let a few ships land in public. But you would not go
from cov ert t o ov ert unt il you wer e sur e of t he t ot alit y of y our
cont r ol...

Those who hav e experienced UFO sight ings or ET close

encount ers will const ant ly be at odds wit h t he gov ernm ent ,
which will cont inue t o ret aliat e by st igm at izing t hem as liars or
deluded... The im poverished will becom e even m or e
im poverished, and m or e filled t o overflowing wit h explosively
right eous anger. The w ealt hy will cling even m ore gr eedily t o t he
wealt h t hat t hey already have, cr eat ing a social at m ospher e of

sheer desperat ion and com plet e confusion. To add t o t hat , t here
will be series aft er series of 'nat ural' disast ers, som e genuinely
nat ural, som e hum an- induced t hr ough aberrant scient ific
act ivit ies such as under ground nuclear t est ing, ot her s
deliberat ely induced by t he Gray s t hr ough t he ( Scaler- t ype? -
Brant on) t echnology t hey ar e in possession of. When
approxim at ely t hree- quart ers of t he planet 's populat ion has
been elim inat ed in t his fashion, t he Gray s can t hen m ak e an
ov ert appearance as saviors fr om t he skies, dist ribut ing food
and m edicine t o t he sur vivors. As t he survivor s line up t o recieve
t heir guot as of food and m edicine, im plant s will be insert ed,
supposedly t o aid in furt her food dist ribut ion, act ually t o
guarant ee com plet e Gray cont rol wit h no possibilit y of r ebellion
( Not e: Elect r onic chip im plant s have already been dev eloped.
These operat e on bodily t em perat ur e changes and it is
int erest ing t hat t he part of t he body which experiences t he
great est ranges of t em perat ur e change are t he for ehead and t he
hands, which is int erest ing when com par ed t o t he pr ophecies in
t he 13t h chapt er of t he book of Revelat ion. These chips will not
only ser ve t o cont rol individuals, but will also be able t o t rack
t heir ev ery m ovem ent s by sat ellit e. One individual who work ed
on such a chip st at ed t hat t he im plant would decay aft er a
cert ain period of t im e, at which point a poisonous virus would be
released int o t he bloodst ream of t hose who had r ecieved it ,
ev ent ually killing t he person and effect ing a t ype of aut om at ic
" populat ion cont rol" for t he elect ronically- cont rolled societ y. -
Brant on) . From t he point of view of t he Grays, t er rest rial
hum anit y will have been reduced t o m anageable num bers and t o
et ernal subm ission.

" Hum anit y is not about t o be invaded. Hum anit y is not in t he

m iddle of an invasion. Hum anit y has been invaded! The invasion
has t aken place, and is NEARLY in it s final st ages. Gr eat
invasions do not happen wit h t hundering sm oke and nuclear
weaponry. That is t he m ark of an im m at ure societ y. Gr eat
invasions happen in secrecy.

" You t hr ow a crum b out her e and t her e. You bribe t he U.S.
governm ent wit h a few t idbit s - - a St ealt h bom ber, a St ar Wars
syst em . You encourage t he gov ernm ent t o t hink t hat t he UFO
researcher s indeed t hr eat en t he securit y of t his great secret
t hey hav e. You t em pt and t ease t he Soviet Union wit h a laser
syst em far finer t han any t heir own scient ist s could t hink of. And
you always k eep t hat subt le inference j ust on t he borderline of
consciousness t hat t he elusive will- of- t he- wisps t erm ed UFOs
m ay in fact exist , yet you per sist ent ly repr ess t his borderline
per cept ion, and m ak e it seem so insane t hat t her e is a social
st igm a at t ached t o declaring one's convict ion t hat t he
phenom ena ar e in fact r eal.

" While all t his confusion is going on, t he Gray s are gradually
changing you over. The inner cor e of t he CI A is deeply cont rolled

by t he Grays. The CI A see t he Grays as a pat h t o gr eat er

scient ific achievem ent , as a way of ov erpow ering t he Soviet
enem y ( Not e: since t he ov ert breakup of t he Soviet Union, t he
Grays m ay prov ok e a new " Cold War " wit h anot her Superpower,
possibly China? I t has also been suggest ed t hat t he 'Bavarians'
engineered t he dissolut ion of t he Soviet Em pire because at t he
t im e t heir agenda called for a m erger of t he East and West int o
a Bavarian- backed New World Order. I n ot her w ords for t his t o
occur Russia had t o becom e less 'Com m unist ' and Am erica had
t o becom e less 'Capit alist ' so t hat t hey could bot h m erge
som ewher e wit hin t he realm of " Dem ocrat ic Socialism " , wit h
m or e t han a lit t le 'help' from t he UNO or Unit ed Nat ions
Organizat ion. - Brant on) . Surprisingly enough, t he obt use
collect ive m ent alit y t ype t hat m ak es up t he bulk of t he CI A also
m akes up t he bulk of t he m or e fanat ical St ar People, t hose who
babble and m ush and gush so endlessly. All t hose who hav e t o
cleave t o or be fused wit h som e form of gr oup m ent alit y ( m ost
not ably, t he 'Asht ar ' collect ive, m uch of which according t o
cont act ee I srael Norkin has been infilt rat ed and t aken ov er by
t he " Unholy Six" st ar sy st em s of Orion - Brant on) leave
t hem selves wide open. They hav e alr eady been t aken ov er .
Ther e is a large and ever- growing cult of cont act ees who t hink
of t he Gray s as liberat or s, sincerely believing t hem t o be
heavenly St ar Br ot her s who hav e com e t o help hum anit y ( Not e:
One com m on brand of 'int ellect ual defecat ion' t hat t he Grays
have been spewing fort h t hrough t heir hum an 'channels' is t hat
t he Gray s ar e r eally t he " good guys" , and t hat t hey hav e been
'conquer ed' and exploit ed by t he t aller Rept iloids and t her efore
are working wit h t he secr et governm ent in an at t em pt t o t hr ow
off t he y ok e of t heir oppressor s. Any one who is at all fam iliar
wit h 'Gray' m ent alit y should know t hat t hey are WI LLFULLY
wor king WI TH t he t aller Rept iloids, and t hat t hey ar e reprobat e
LI ARS who have no conscience what ev er when it com es t o using
m ult i- levelled decept ions t o get t heir way. Unfort unat ely m any
m et aphysical- m inded " gray huggers" ar e accept ing t hese lies
and ot her s like t hem . Ot her lies t hat have originat ed fr om t he
Grays include: * We ar e t he genet ic cr eat ions of t he Gray s, so
we m ust subm it t o our 'cr eat ors'; * Jesus Ch rist was a genet ic
cr eat ion of t he Gray s - - int erest ing, in t hat Jesus blast ed t he
serpent race in m or e t han one inst ance; * The Grays ar e a
superior race - - t hey m ay be superior int ellect ually, howev er
t hey hav e no int ernal or et ernal soul- m at rix as do hum ans, and
so fr om a spirit ual perspect ive t hey ar e inferior , in essence being
lit t le m or e t han 'pr edat ors wit h brains'. - Brant on) .

" The r eason t he aw ful lit t le Grays m ut ilat e anim als is t he st uff
t hat t hey eat . They eat pulverized horm onic secret ions, what
you w ould call subt le essences. They live on t he st uff of life.
Ther e is som et hing deat hlike about t heir species. They always
bring about t he deat h of anim at ion, t he deat h of individualit y.

" How t o I know? I am a Blond from Pr ocyon. We w er e a cult ure


t hat could t ravel t hrough t im e ( t hat is, phase t hrough various

t im e- space dim ensions or densit ies wher e t he 'flow' of t im e and
'fr equency' space are different fr om t he t im e- space dim ensions
of t he 3rd dim ension. - Brant on) , but also lived on a planet ary
spher e. And t he lit t le Gr ays, our insidious lit t le 'friends', did t o
us exact ly what t hey ar e doing now t o y ou. This is what
happened t o our planet .

" Having com e in war, but having been unable t o obt ain any
decisive vict ory , t he Grays expr essed t he desire t o m ak e peace.
We had not want ed t o fight wit h t he 'sur vivors' of t he Rigelian
Gr eat War t o begin wit h, and gladly accept ed t heir offer. As t im e
went by, t hey said t hey wished t o norm alize r elat ions and be our
friends. We were in doubt as t o whet her it would be safe t o t rust
t hem , and debat ed t he issue for a long t im e befor e finally
deciding t hat we should t rust t hem ...

" The Gr ays began t o visit us, first a few as am bassadors, t hen
as specialist s in various dom ains wher e t heir ex pert ise could be
useful t o us, as part icipant s in differ ent program s t hat dev eloped
which involved m ut ual collaborat ion, and finally as 't ourist s'.
What had begun as a t rickle becam e a flood, as t hey cam e in
ev er- increasing num bers, slowly but sur ely infilt rat ing our
societ y at all levels, penet rat ing even t he m ost secr et of our
elit e pow er groups...

" Just as on y our planet t hey began by unobt rusively gaining

cont r ol over key m em bers of t he CI A and KGB t hrough
t echniques unknown t o t hem , such as hypnosis... so on Procy on
t hrough t he sam e t echniques, whose exist ence we w ere not
awar e of eit her, from t he st art t hey est ablished a kind of
t elepat hic hypnot ic cont rol ov er our leaders. Ov er our leader s
and ov er alm ost all of us, because it was as if w e w er e under a
spell t hat was leading us t o our doom , as if we wer e being
program m ed by a t ype of rit ual black m agic t hat we did not
realize exist ed.

" Just as a few of t he original t all Blonds clandest inely left Rigel
when t he Gr eat War was about t o br eak out , so did a few of t he
original t all Blonds clandest inely leave Pr ocyon and escaped int o
t he cor ridors of t im e j ust befor e t he Gray s com plet ed t he slow
underm ining t hat culm inat ed in t heir sudden t ake- over of
Procy on. Those who st ayed behind cam e under t he t ot al
dom inat ion of t he Grays.

" The Blonds you see on t he sam e ships as t he Grays, w or king

wit h t hem , are hybrids, or t hey ar e clones. One way t o
dist inguish t he clones is t hat t hey look alike. The real Blonds
have dist inct facial feat ure differences, and do not look alike.
The clones hav e t hick neck s and coarsely m uscular bodies. They
do not hav e t he abilit y t o t eleport or t o t rav el int erdim ensionally.
They can be cont act ed by t elepat hy, but ar e unable t o send.

They can be given order s t elepat hically. They ar e zom bie- like
flesh robot s. You can t ell t hat t hey are of low int elligence by
looking int o t heir eyes.

" The r eal Blonds are also m uscular, but have slender necks and
agile bodies. Their ey es are alert and of high int elligence.
Physically t hey ar e alm ost ident ical t o hum ans, t he m ain
difference being t hat by hum an st andards t heir blood circulat ory
syst em is under- dev eloped, while t heir lym phat ic syst em is
ov er- developed. This gives t hem st r onger im m une sy st em s t han
t er rest rial hum ans.

" The hybrids ar e in an int erm ediat e st at e bet w een t he r eal

Blonds and t he clones.

" Aft er what has happened t o Pr ocyon, NO TRUE BLOND w ould

collaborat e v olunt arily wit h t he Grays. The Grays hav e t ak en
som e prisoner s of war, who hav e no choice in t he m at t er, and
are forced t o w or k wit h t hem in order t o survive, wit h t he hope
of escaping. Ther e are also a few Blonds who have becom e
degenerat e r enegades, space pirat es and m ercenaries who sell
t heir services t o t he highest bidder. But m any of us rem ain fr ee,
and cont inue t he fight t o t he finish wit h t he life- form t hat has
becom e our heredit ary enem y . We choose t o r em ain in exile in
t he cor ridors of t im e, w her e t hey can not r each us, rat her t han
t o live under t he dom inat ion of t he insidious Gr ays. I t is
dangerous for us t o v ent ure fort h fr om t he cor ridors of t im e, but
occasionally we do so for a hit - and- run st rike, sim ilar in nat ure
t o a cosm ic version of t er rest rial guerrilla warfare.

" We m ust periodically ent er a subst ant ial physical form for a
period of repose, or t o breed progeny, in order t o cont inue t o
survive, but ot herwise we const ant ly t rav el t he vast corridor s of
t im e. That is why we m ay appear t o fade in and out like
holographic im ages t o hum an percept ion. What I hav e com e
her e t o com m unicat e, if only t o one or t wo people or a sm all
group, is t hat what is now in t he pr ocess of happening t o your
cult ure, also happened t o ours. I t is t he sam e fat e our own
cult ure suffer ed. And t he Blonds y ou see wit h t he Gray s are
eit her hybrids, clones, or prisoner s of war. Because no t rue
Blond who got out unt ouched, unscat hed, uncr ossed wit h t hose
Grays w ould ev er be wit h t hem . He or she w ould prefer t o be in
a st at e of non- exist ence.

" Besides t he Blonds and t he Gray s, ships fr om m any ot her space

cult ures ar e wat ching planet Eart h at t his t im e wit h ext rem e
int erest . Scient ist s from ot her space cult ures ar e st udying what
is going on here during t his decisive period of y our hist or y. I f
your elect ed r epr esent at ives had not so st upidly m ade a deal
wit h t he only aliens willing t o pr ovide t hem wit h weapons
syst em s, wit h t he short - sight ed goal of ov erpowering t he
Russians, t he Gray s w ould not have achieved t heir present

dom inance, and y ou would now be ex changing am bassadors

wit h a wide variet y of space cult ures.

" What I want t o get acr oss t o you is t hat t he ult im at e evil, which
underlies all t he negat ivit y in t he cosm os, finds expr ession in
t hat m asked form of psychological com placency which leads an
individual t o adher e t o a group philosophy rat her t han t o t hink
t hings t hrough for oneself! Those who feel safe and com fort able
in no m at t er what belief syst em m erely because m any ot her s
adher e t o it , who get t oget her and form an ar rogant self-
right eous gr oup convinced it has a m onopoly on t he t rut h, and
t hose who ar e r eady t o per secut e, kill or st ifle anyone who
challenges t hat group's philosophy, have form ed an alliance wit h
t he ult im at e evil, whet her t hey know it or not . I t is t he self-
right eousness and im placabilit y of cert ain elit e power groups like
t he CI A and t he KGB, cert ain organized r eligions, and cert ain so-
called lunat ic fringe groups such as som e of t he m ore fanat ical
St ar People, which ar e so obj ect ionable...

" I have seen civilizat ions rise and fall, begin again only t o die
again, over and over and ov er . I t isn't only a pr oblem of t his
planet . I t 's a problem t hat m ust be faced by all civilizat ions in
t he course of t heir dev elopm ent , no m at t er where t hey m ay be
locat ed in t he cosm os. Ev er yone want s t hat slight ly larger piece
of t he pie t han t heir neighbor for t hem selves, and ev ent ually
t his t endency always culm inat es in choking t hem . Sooner or
lat er t his will be t he undoing of t he Grays as w ell, t hereby
enabling us t o ret urn in t rium ph from our exile in t he cor ridors
of t im e. The Grays do not see and ar e incapable of
underst anding t heir own fundam ent al err or: t hat t he v er y
weakness t hey seize upon in hum anit y is t heir own inherent
weakness, t he blind spot t hat inevit ably seals t heir doom ...

" The only way t o vict or y is t hrough t he st rengt h of your

consciousness. When genet ic or ot her m anipulat ions are being
perform ed on abduct ees, t he Grays expect t hem t o cringe in
fear, and derive a second- hand high from t he int ensit y of t he
em ot ions expr essed. I f inst ead of cringing in fear, an abduct ee
can put his or her m ind elsewhere, focusing at t ent ion on
dynam ic prot ect ive im agery of a religious or m yst ical nat ure, it
decreases t he grat ificat ion t hat t he Gray s are get t ing from t heir
second- hand high, and it confuses t hem . Cent er t he
consciousness on som et hing so differ ent from w hat t hey expect
t hat it puzzles t hem .

( Not e: I n m ost cases t he im age of an em pt y red or crim son

CROSS seem s t o be especially debilit at ing t o t he Grays. For
inst ance t he legendary soldier- saint , St . George, reput edly wor e
a shield wit h a red cross em blazoned on a whit e background.
Whet her one believes t hat t he dragonslayer s exist ed or not , t he
legend it self claim s t hat t he Christ ian dragon- slayers of Eur ope
m or e- or- less m ark ed t he end of t he dragon race's infest at ion of

t he old world. One such legend concerned t he cit y of Silene,

Libya which had been plagued by a draconian beast for a long
period of t im e. The king of t he cit y had offer ed up sheep and
livest ock in an effort t o appease t he beast . How ev er t he t im e
cam e when all t he livest ock had been used up, and t his was
when hum an sacrifices wer e chosen, by lot , t o appease t he
fearsom e beast . One day t he lot fell on t he king's own daught er ,
and t he griev ed king, honoring his word, allowed her t o be t ak en
and t ied t o t he post out side of t he cit y gat es. As t he beast was
about t o pounce upon t he princess, so t he st or y goes, Saint
George appear ed in shining silver arm or and - - befor e t he beast
knew what was happening - - t he soldier- saint had pierced it
t hrough wit h his lance and rescued t he princess, who lat er
becam e his wife. Whet her or not such legends have any basis in
realit y, t he st ory nev ert heless sym bolizes t he unconscious
anim osit y bet ween 'Saint s' and 'Serpent s'. I f w e are t o believe
t he legends, t hen t his was only one of t he m any 'v erm in' - - as
t hey w er e referr ed t o in t hose ancient t im es - - which St . George
had vanquished during his life, and alt hough not t he only
dragon- slayer of legend, he was perhaps t he m ost renowned. -
Brant on) ...

" The only reason t he Gr ays hav e such a degr ee of dom inance
ov er you is because y our elect ed officials st upidly m ade
clandest ine agreem ent s wit h t hem , binding you t o t hem in an
exclusive alliance t hat is r espect ed by ot her space races,
allowing t hem t o inst all t hem selves in underground bases
im pregnable t o your w eaponry , a sit uat ion you m ust now find a
way t o ext ricat e y our selves from ( Not e: I n t hat t he Gray s hav e
repeat edly violat ed t hese t r eat ies, t hey should legally be
consider ed null and void. I n fact since t he Execut ive branch of
U.S. governm ent w as t aken ov er by a fascist CI A coup d'et at in
1963 at t he t im e of t he John F. Kennedy assassinat ion - - AS
WERE t he gov ernm ent s of several ot her count ries t hroughout
t he world wher e CI A backed m ilit ary coups r esult ed in t he
est ablishm ent of fascist puppet dict at orships - - should we not
consider t he Ex ecut ive branch of governm ent which m ade t he
't reat ies' wit h t he Greys, t o be null and void as well? I t cert ainly
was not Congr ess who aut horized such 't r eat ies'. - Br ant on)

" I n ant iquit y t his planet was divided int o sect ors bet w een four
different groups: Blonds, Gray s, large lizard- like beings [ now
connect ed wit h] t he Capella syst em , and beings [ now connect ed
wit h] t he Arct urus syst em . These gr oups st ill consider
t hem selves t o be t he owner s of t his planet . They do not
recognize t he hum an claim t o ownership. However, som e of us
do r ecognize hum an right s, as well as t he right s of ot her life-
for m s...

" The Gr ays ar e having problem s not only wit hin t heir own rank s,
but also on ot her planet s t hey have colonized. As a species t hey
are afflict ed wit h severe, perhaps t erm inal, healt h problem s ( a

weakness t hat can and should be exploit ed. - Brant on) . They
have subst ant ial capt ive populat ions of Blond, hum an and ot her
prisoner s of war, eager t o j oin a revolt at t he slight est
opport unit y...

" One m ust be rat ional in at t em pt ing t o fight back, and

underst and t he proper way t o pr oceed. Your own consciousness
is t he m ost pot ent w eapon t hat is available t o y ou at t he present
t im e. The m ost effect ive way t o fight t he Grays is t o change t he
level of y our consciousness from linear t hinking t o m ult i-
dim ensional awareness. Your secret weapon, your ace in t he
hole, is t hat you ar e not hive- m inded collect ive t hinkers, t hough
m any of y ou do fall int o t hat cat egory by confor m ing t o
conv ent ional group- pat t erns, and are t her efor e easily cont rolled
by t he Grays. I t is your I NDI VI DUALI TY which is your best
weapon, because it is t he one w eapon y ou have t hat t he Gray s
do not hav e. The m aj or weakness of t he Grays, t heir area of
vulnerabilit y, t heir Achilles heel, is t heir inabilit y t o t hink as
individuals. They ar e an ext rem ely t elepat hic high- t ech societ y,
but as individuals t hey are not cr eat ive t hinkers. They t ake
order s w ell, but t hey do not concept ualize well. They hav e t he
t echnology t o t hrow y our planet out of orbit , but t her e is one
key abilit y t hat you have and t hey do not hav e: t he abilit y t o
hold in m ind im agery t hat inspires an individual t o realize his or
her direct personal connect ion t o t he source of ALL THAT I S,
which is t he ineffable Godhead, no m at t er what nam e y ou m ay
call it . That is your key t o vict or y..."



I t w ould be a grav e er ror t o give m yself full credit for t his

volum e, as I can st at e for absolut e fact t hat m ost of t he w ork on
t his volum e was carried out by 'ot hers' w ho - - operat ing t hrough
m y unconscious m ind - - inspired m e int uit ively wit h t he
inform at ion, and led m e t o t he sources and docum ent at ion,
which were necessary for t he com plet ion of t his book, which I
consider a m aj or challenge especially in spit e of m y own
per sonal short com ings.

This " backup t eam " , y ou m ight say, consist s of a num ber of so-
called 'hybrids' or 'hu- br ids' who have br ok en fr ee fr om t he
draconian collect ive and est ablished t heir own r esist ance
m ov em ent based m ainly wit hin t he underground syst em s of t his
planet - - at least in t he case of t hose 'fam ily m em ber s' or
'r elat ives' of m ine 'bey ond' t his world who hav e inspired m e wit h
t his work. Alt hough t hey dwell wit hin t he caver nous r ecesses of
t his planet , t hey nev ert heless int eract wit h ot her worlds wit hin
t he 'Federat ion' who oppose t he act ivit ies of t he Draconian-
Orion- Ret iculan 'collect ivist s'. They are const ant ly working t o
est ablish freedom and t rut h her e on [ and under ] planet eart h.

Since t he hybrids/ hubrids 'com m unicat e' wit h m e on t he

int uit ive level rat her t han t hrough audible or visual
com m unicat ion, I will at t em pt t o 't ranslat e' t heir oft en st r ong
im pressions int o 'words' and conv ey what I believ e t hey w ould
have t he r eaders t o know and under st and about t hem selves and
t heir feelings t owards us.

So here t hen is what I st rongly feel, and believe, t hat t hese

wonderful 'people' would 'say ' t o us:

Gr eet ings friends;

Or should we say brot her s and sist ers? For indeed we ar e your
brot hers, y our sist er s, and your children! Many of t hose who
have had encount ers wit h t he 'Gr eys' will underst and exact ly
what we m ean.

We ar e t he children of y our 'seed', and alt hough our DNA has

been alt er ed w e nev ert heless possess souls, and t his m akes us
j ust as 'hum an' as y ou.

Unlike our er st while m ast er s who are lacking what you call
'soul', m any of us 'hybrids' - - realizing our foundat ional
hum anit y - - began t o dev elop em ot ional individualit y.

Ther e ar e appar ent ly several reasons why t he Greys began t he

'hybrid' proj ect s. Som e proj ect s were t o br eed st ronger beings
t o ser ve t heir collect ive em pire, ot hers t o breed 'Gr eys' wit h
hum an charact erist ics and specialized psionic abilit ies who could
be used t o under st and hum ans on t heir own level and who could
in t urn t each t he Greys how t o m ore easily m anipulat e hum ans
on various levels.

The Gr ey collect ive apparent ly did not t ake int o account t hat
t here w ould be - - by t he Grace of God - - so m uch r esist ance
am ong our kind t o t heir plans. You see, t hey could not fully
underst and t he concept of individualit y, com passion and loyalt y
t o one's one kind.

We speak of t he 'collect ive' here and not of t he individual

'Greys', for when it com es down t o it , t her e are no individuals
am ong t he rept ilian collect ive... all serv e as individual 'cells'
wit hin a vast organism - - t he collect ive int ellect or 'Hive' y ou
m ight say.

But t hose of us who hav e developed free- agency and have

brok en fr ee fr om t he 'Hive' HAVE dev eloped hum an individualit y.
I t is a long and difficult process t o 'wean' ourselves ent irely fr om
t he collect ivist m indset t hat m any of us w er e born int o. We
m aint ain a lim it ed degr ee of collect ivit y, howev er have
est ablished what you m ight refer t o as a 'firewall' bet ween our

societ y and t hat of t he draconian 'hive' it self. This is largely for

t he sak e of ot her Hubrids who ar e j oining us fr om t im e t o t im e,
and is necessary for t he process of 'depr ogram m ing' t hem from
a m ent alit y of collect ivism and t he cont inual developm ent of
t heir individualit y.

We cannot say t hat it is t he 'individual' Gr eys and Rept iloids who

are t he sour ce of t he 'evils' which are com m it t ed against
hum ans t hroughout t he universe by t he 'Dr aconian collect ive'...
for as we have st at ed, t her e are no 'individuals' wit hin t he
collect ive it self, sav e for t he m alevolent beings who ar e it s
ult im at e m ast ers. Those supernat ural beings who cont r ol t he
draconian collect ive ARE t he sources of t he evils - - t he Gr ey s
and Rept iloids are m er ely t he 't ools'. This is t rue in m ost cases
except in t he cont ext t hat m any of t he r ebel beings who you call
'fallen angels' have been incarnat ing t hrough t he soulless
rept ilian races since ver y ancient t im es.

Alt hough we m ust see t hings as t hey r eally are, we r ealize t hat
m any of t hese supernat ural beings have cor rupt ed t hem selves
t o t he point where t her e is no m ore hope for t hem t o ret urn t o
t he good side, having annihilat ed any and all goodness wit hin
t hem . How ev er w e w ould like t o believe and hope t hat som e of
t hese r ebel beings r egr et t heir present st at e and t he part t hey
played in t he ancient rebellions against t he Alm ight y One. We
would like t o believe

t hat one of t he underlying m ot ives for t he rept iloids/ grey s and

t heir breeding a race like ours would be for t he purpose of
raising up a race genet ically akin t o t heir own k ind, yet not t heir
own kind, who could under st and where bot h t he hum an and
rept ilian species ar e com ing from .

Could it be t hat a faint spark of individualit y and concern wit hin

t he legions who com pose t he collect ive som ehow influenced t he
'hybrid' proj ect s, could it be t hat som ewhere deep wit hin t he
collect ive t here exist ed and exist s a desire t o br eak fr ee int o
individual consciousness and in so doing break free fr om t hose
supernat ural t yrant s who cont r ol t he collect ive wit h a
supernat ural iron fist ?

Could it be t hat t hese int elligence's wit hin t he collect ive saw t hat
t he 'logical' t hing t o do would be for t he Gr eys and t heir
collect ive t o work in har m ony wit h t he universe rat her t han
against it ? For t he sak e of t heir own survival? Aft er all, t hey ARE
'logical' beings, and m any of t he direct ives t hat have com e down
from t he cent ral com m and of t he collect ive hav e cont radict ed
'logic' and cont ribut ed t o a kind of pervasive confusion and even
self- cont radict ing schizophrenia if not insanit y wit hin t he
collect ive.

Being t hat t hese int elligence's did not have t he power t o develop

individual consciousness of t heir own init iat ive in t he face of t he

ov erwhelm ing t ide of t he collect ive and it s t wist ed leaders, t hey
underst ood t hat if t hey did succeed in breeding offspring t hat
possessed nat ural individualit y and em ot ionalism t hen t hese
offspring m ight in t urn break free fr om t he collect ive, and once
having broken fr ee, help ot hers of t heir kind who do not possess
t he self- m ot ivat ion t o do so. Once t hese w er e 't am ed' and
'depr ogram m ed' and placed in an environm ent wher e fr ee-
agency could dev elop, t hese 'aliens' could t hen be given a choice
t o decide which side t hey will serve - - whet her t hey will rem ain
wit h us or r et urn t o t he collect ive and lose t heir individualit y in
t he pr ocess.

Knowing full well t he dangers of a 'collect ive' sy st em wher e no

individual expr ession is allowed, w e hav e com e t o develop a
deep and abiding respect for t he sacr edness of fr ee agency,
ev en t o t he point of allowing ot her beings t o 'choose' t o dest r oy
t hem selves if t hey are fully int ent on doing so. We hav e also
com e t o deeply r espect t he non- int erference dir ect ives of our
dear friends of t he Federat ion worlds.

Ours is a cont inual st ruggle, and we are not t oo pr oud t o say

t hat our ult im at e vict or y or defeat depends lar gely on YOU.

Ev er y t im e YOU give- in t o t he will of t he draconian collect ive,

ev ery t im e you believe one of t he lies of a 'Gr ey' t hat is under
t he cont rol of t he 'Hive', ev er y t im e y ou t rade a lit t le piece of
you're soul for t he supposed 'benefit s' t hat t he collect ive will t ell
you are yours I F y ou serv e t hem ... ev ery t im e you do t his you
weak en y our selves and capit ulat e you'r e power t o t he enem y. I n
so doing, you m ak e our st ruggle all t he m or e desperat e.

On t he ot her hand ever y t im e you CHALLENGE t he claim s of t he

collect ive and expose t heir lies and r efuse t o allow t hem t o
m anipulat e you int o t heir agendas, t hen you st r engt hen us in
t he pr ocess. Rem em ber t hat we are t ruly YOUR CHI LDREN,
because t he m aj orit y of us wit hin t he 'resist ance' ar e m or e
hum an t han beast [ r ept ilian, insect ilian or what have you] .
Those genet ic hybrids w ho do not possess a soul are rar e am ong
us because t hey find it very difficult t o com prehend t hose
individual virt ues which com e nat urally [ or should com e
nat urally] t o t hose possessing a hum an soul- chakra m at rix and
a 'conscience'.

Above and beyond anyt hing else, w e w ould ask t hat you PRAY t o
our ult im at e Cr eat or - - as best y ou under st and t he concept of
'God'. Ask t he all- knowing and all- loving one t o be m er ciful.
Plead for us - - your br ot hers and sist er s and children who live
wit hin, parallel t o, and out am ong t he st ars, beyond t his planet
eart h. Please PRAY for us and also for t he m any ot hers of our
kind and your kind who are pr esent ly t he capt ives of t he soulless
ent it ies serving t he collect ive. Since phy sical and int ellect ual

defenses are not sufficient , being t hat we ar e also bat t ling

supernat ural evils, we NEED t he Divine I nt er vent ion of God and
his holy 'st anding' angels. Since t he draconian collect ive at t acks
you and also us on t he physical, psychic and spirit ual levels - -
we cannot neglect t he spirit ual aspect s of t his conflict .

Wit h t his, we of t he Hybrid council wish you all t he best . May w e

- - all of us - - do all t hat we can t o bring about a fut ure t hat will
be everyt hing we had hoped for, and MORE. To our 'par ent s' out
t here. You know who y ou are. Those of us who have separat ed
ourselves fr om t he cont rollers and also t hose w ho st ill rem ain in
t heir grasp... w e send y ou our LOVE and our HUGS! ! ! We
rem em ber and cherish ev ery hug and warm t ouch t hat you hav e
given us during t hose t im es in t he night when you have been
brought t o us. Those t im es, whet her you r em em ber t hem
consciously or not , when you hav e shared wit h us your feelings,
your love, and in som e cases your fear s, and have shown us
what being hum an is really all about . We want t o say, WE LOVE
YOU! ! ! Pray for us as w e pray for y ou.

Unt il t hat t im e when w e can all m eet t oget her as one, in TRUE
fr eedom and peace, m ay t he Alm ight y SOURCE of all LI FE
prot ect and bless y ou all!

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