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Introduction to Java

and object-oriented programming

Hello World!
Let’s print “Hello World”

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Hello World!
All you need to do is type System.out.println(“Hello World”);

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Make an incrementing line (i.e. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

To loop use, for(int i=0; i<10; i++) System.out.println(i+” “);

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Let’s start learning

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Code using the concept of “objects”, implementing this paradigm is called
object-oriented programming

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Code using the concept of “objects”, implementing this paradigm is called
object-oriented programming

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Each object has its’ own attributes and functions. A constructor is usually made
to initialize the creation of an object.

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

1. Make classes, lots of classes!
2. Set class attributes.
3. Make a constructor!

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Encapsulation is used for information hiding.
Psstt… you don’t want your data being public! (it’s dangerous)

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

There are 3 types of encapsulation:
public, protected and private

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Attributes that are public can be accessed by any class.
Attributes that are protected can only be accessed by child classes.
Attributes that are private can only be accessed by the class itself!

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Easy! Just add public, protected or private in front of your attribute / function
i.e. private int price;

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Inheritance is used to make a child class inherit attributes of its’ parent class

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Two important terms to remember for inheritance is parent and child

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

A child has all the attributes and functions of its parents (not the other way around)

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

In Java inheritance can be implemented by using extends
i.e. public class Hatchback extends Car

In the example above, it means the class Hatchback is a child of the Car parent class.

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Polymorphism means “multiple forms”, essentially that is a literal
definition of polymorphism in object-oriented programming

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Polymorphism has variant implementations

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

1. Referencing (having multiple inheritance thus making it polymorphic)
2. Virtual Methods (overriding parent class methods)

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Oh… one more thing
overloading functions

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Overloading Functions
Overloading functions are functions with the same name but have
different formal parameters

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

public int a(){
This is an example of a overloading function. In
this example, function a could receive two types of
parameters none or when an integer is passed.

public int a(int x){

Thus we can choose to implement a certain
function by passing different parameters.

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

Study Reference
1. Tutorials Point: Java - Encapsulation
2. Tutorials Point: Java - Inheritance
3. Tutorials Point: Java - Polymorphism

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

and we’re done!

Bina Nusantara Kemanggisan

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