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1. An outgoing person is comeone who enjoys being with other people. O fase 2. A modest person is someone who likes to talk about how talented and special he or she Is. © Te v False 3. An unreliable person is someone who does what he or she promises. O The 4. An inflexible person is someone who can easily change plans at the last minute. O Tre v False '5. An easygoing person is someone who usually doesn't worry about things. [v fue O False 6.A temperamental person is someone who often gets angry and argues: vwrith people. O False 7. A supportive person is someone who likes to encourage others. © Falco Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. She doesn't like to cress up for parties. She prefers when theyre 2. He has never had ajob. He is totally y inexperienced 3. She's difficult to work with and doesn't listen well. She's Y uncooperative ‘4. He works well on his own. He's very| w independent 5. She dossn't have any friends. She's: Hes ctnaystate to wor: Hi bos says tes [v une | 7. thousand dolor ison price fore dress 8. ve driven for two years, but I'm stil totally parking the car. A: I'm looking for someone Ican go on vacation with. B: Hmm. So what kind of person are you looking for? A: Lwant to travel with someone is easygoing and independent B: Right. And you'd probably like a person reliable. A: Yeah, and I want someone B: So why don't you ask me? A: You? | know you too well! B: Ha! Does that mean you think I'm someone strung, dependent, and unreliable? A: No! I'm just kidding. You're definitely someone I could go on vacation with, So, ... what are you doing in June? 1L.Id prefer someone who has a good sense of humor. vy Comrect | O incorrect like gi friendly, | O comect v Incorect 43. Llike guys that are easygaing v Comect | O inconect 4. Id prefer someone | feal comfortable around. Correct < O tncontect 5. lenjoy clasces who ore interesting, ° e Incorrect 6. I don't like girls who are not considerate. O tnconect Of.« g A ~ 7.1 prefer to meet someone likes movies. O correct Incorrect 2. enjoy people I can try new things with v Correct © Incorrect I generally ike to go out with people who have a sense of humor. @ I'd rather travel with someone that knows how to read a map. @ | dor’trealy want a roommate who never picks up her clothes. © My classmates and | like teachers that offer to talk to us after class. @ My friend and I want to meet people who are interested in learning to ski. ° Most workers prefer a boss that lets them go home early on Fridays. @ when people are easygoing and friendly. when a friend is unreasonable. 3.| w Idon't mind it | when people are a few minutes late for an appointment. 4.| ¥ Itembarrasses me_| when my boss yells at me in front of my co-workers. 1] v Itmakes me angry + | when people cut ina line. 2.) love it ~ | when someone gives me a gift. 3. ] v4 [ike it + | when people sing on the bus. 4.) Itmakes me happy ~ | when! finish all my work on time. 5. |. Ican't standit ~ | when I'm stuck in traffic. 6. | 4 Itbothers me ~ | when people talk on their cell phones at the movies. love it when my husband brings me flowers. @ I can't stand it when my soup is cold. @ Ike it when we go to the beach. © Itmakes me happy when a friend gives mea nice gift. © It upsets me when a co-worker is unreliable. @ It bothers me when I get phone calls early in the morning. @ I don't mind it when my teacher assigns homework. @ 1 O Yes, sheis. y No, she isn't vy Yes, hes. | | O No. heist 3. O ves. sneis v No, sheisn't v Yes, he is. v Yes, he is, | | | & O No.he tent 1 Jim likes to talk about other people. O True v False 2 Kyle brought his laptop to class. O Tne vy False 3. The man enjoyed working with Kyle. v Tue O False 4, jim really wants to meet Samantha. vy Tue O False 5, Samantha thinks Jim is unattractive. O Tne v False thinker: | y feeler 1 Dennis spends a lot of time in his own mind. He is quiet and reserved. O teeter introvert O extover 2 Susan is very aware of the present moment. Shes realistic and practical v sensor O extrovert O feeler 3. John can be cool and objective in his judgments. He is also logical v thinker O feeler O extrovert 4, Gemma spends her time writing stories. She uses her imagination a lot. intuitive O feeler O extrovert What's your favorite sport? Finish this sentence: "My ideal date has..." Finish this sentence: "| think it's disgusting when..." How old are you? Tell me two things about yourself: one positi onvone negative | Describe to me your ideal date. 1. "Id be too embarrassed to tell you the truth.” ~ Bachelor number 2. "It bothers me when people lie." — Bachelor number Bachelor number 3. "It’s hard to split my tme among so many peopl 4. "Id take you out for a nice dinner." - Bachelor number 5. "Ithink I'm a pretty good friend, and very reliable." - Bachelor number 6. "Actually, 'm a pretty good guy." ~ Bachelor number 7."Ican't stand it when people talk when Im trying to watch the soccer match on TV."= Bachelor number

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