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Department of Law

University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia


Urgent Government Intervention Need .The WR SUPRATMAN museum, serving as the final resting
place of WR SUPRATMAN, the renowned composer of Indonesia’s national anthem, is facing
significant hurdles when it comes to accessibility. Situated within a densely populated alley and with
limited parking availability, the museum’s potential impact is hindered. Furthermore, the lack of
government attention and inadequate recognition for WR SUPRATMAN’s contributions to Indonesian
culture and history are disheartening. This essay aims to shed light on the pressing need for urgent
government intervention to address the museum’s access challenges and enhance appreciation for
WR SUPRATMAN’s legacy.The accessibility issues surrounding the WR SUPRATMAN museum are
evident upon visiting the site. The crowded and congested alley leading to the museum presents
difficulties for visitors, making it necessary for the government to consider allocating space for
parking before entering the alley. Additionally, the museum’s limited capacity, accommodating only
five individuals at a time, restricts the number of people who can fully experience and engage with
WR SUPRATMAN’s legacy.Moreover, the burial arrangement for WR SUPRATMAN in a public
cemetery, rather than a heroes’ cemetery, reflects a lack of recognition and appreciation for their
invaluable contributions to Indonesian national identity. The government’s failure to honor and
preserve the legacy of this distinguished composer is deeply saddening, considering the national
anthem’s significance and the enduring impact of WR SUPRATMAN’s compositions on formal state
events and ceremonies.In conclusion, urgent government intervention is crucial to address the
access challenges faced by the WR SUPRATMAN museum and enhance appreciation for the
remarkable legacy of WR SUPRATMAN. Expanding the museum’s physical space or providing
alternative parking options would alleviate the accessibility issues for visitors. Furthermore,
reconsidering the burial arrangement to reflect the significance of WR SUPRATMAN’s contributions is
essential for honoring their memory adequately.By taking proactive measures to overcome these
challenges and demonstrating a genuine commitment to preserving cultural heritage, the
government can ensure that WR SUPRATMAN’s invaluable contributions are duly recognized and
appreciated. The WR SUPRATMAN museum has the potential to serve as a vital cultural institution,
providing a space for reflection and celebration of Indonesian national identity. It is imperative for
the government to prioritize and invest in the preservation and development of this important
cultural treasure.


References: [1] “A. J. I. Wibowo, “Persepsi Kualitas Layanan Museum di Indonesia: Sebuah Studi
Observasi,” Prasetiya Mulya School of Business and Economics, Program Studi S1 Manajemen.

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