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A d u l t Br a c h i a l P l e x u s I n j u r y

Evaluation and Management

Roongsak Limthongthang, MDa,*, Abdo Bachoura, MDb,
Panupan Songcharoen, MDa, A. Lee Osterman, MDb

 Adult brachial plexus injury  Pattern of injury  Preoperative evaluation  Intraoperative study
 Nerve transfer  Functioning free muscle transfer

 Brachial plexus injury involves damage to the C5-T1 spinal nerves. Common injury patterns include
“upper arm type” (C5-6  C7) and “total arm type” (C5-T1).
 Preganglionic avulsion injury is suspected when the following observations are noted: Horner syn-
drome, winged scapula, absence of Tinel sign over the neck, hemidiaphragm paralysis, and pseu-
domeningocele. This type of injury infers poor potential for spontaneous recovery.
 The treatment of upper arm type injury involves the restoration of elbow flexion and shoulder con-
trol. Good results can be achieved by using nerve transfer surgery.
 The treatment of total arm type injury involves the re-establishment of shoulder, elbow, and hand
function. The use of functioning free muscle transfers or nerve transfers may restore hand function.

INTRODUCTION patients with a flail arm, today’s outcomes

following reconstructive surgery have improved
Traumatic brachial plexus injury (BPI) is regarded to a degree that renders amputation as an anti-
as one of the most devastating injuries of the up- quated treatment option.
per extremity. Patients typically lose sensation, The treatment of BPI is based on a combination
motor power, and may experience disabling of evidence-based principles, practical feasibility,
neuropathic pain. Several decades ago, combined and the personal philosophy of the surgeon. In
arm amputation, shoulder arthrodesis, and pros- many instances, dogmatic practices flourish be-
thetic replacement was a viable treatment option cause of differences in the surgeon’s approach,
for patients with a flail arm, because this protocol the patient’s injuries and expectations, and the
resulted in superior functional results compared cultural environment. Over the past few decades,
with other reconstructive procedures at that time, there has been a fair amount of trial and error in
which included tenodesis, bone block, and BPI surgery and some techniques have developed
arthrodesis.1 However, advances in peripheral a reputation for consistent and encouraging re-
nerve surgery over the last few decades have sults, whereas others have become of historical in-
significantly changed the image and outcomes of terest. This article provides an overview of the
brachial plexus treatment. Today, one can expect anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment of posttrau-
good to excellent functional results in patients with matic adult BPI. In addition, some of the contro-
upper arm deficits.2 Although there remains much versial topics surrounding the management of
room for optimizing the functional results in this complex injury are addressed.

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, 2 Prannok
Road, Bangkoknoi District, Bangkok 10700, Thailand; b The Philadelphia Hand Center, Thomas Jefferson
University Hospital, 834 Chestnut Street, Suite G114, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:;

Orthop Clin N Am 44 (2013) 591–603
0030-5898/13/$ – see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
592 Limthongthang et al

ANATOMY, FUNCTION, AND LOCALIZATION paralysis and subsequent elevation of the

OF LESIONS diaphragm.
The sympathetic ganglion lies in close proximity
The brachial plexus is usually formed by the ventral to the brachial plexus at the T1 root level. There-
rami of five spinal nerves (C5-T1), although some fore, injury to the lower root may be associated
variations exist, which involve contributions from with Horner syndrome, which consists of miosis,
the C4 (prefixed) or T2 levels (postfixed). The small enophthalmos, ptosis, and anhydrosis (Fig. 3).
dorsal rami, which are not part of the plexus, supply
the paraspinal muscles and skin of the posterior
neck. After once the spinal nerves pass through Trunks
the spinal foramina, they form the brachial plexus Two terminal nerves emerge at the level of the
between the scalenus anterior and the scalenus trunks: the suprascapular (SSC) nerve (C5-6),
medius muscles. The anatomy of the brachial which supplies the supraspinatus and infraspina-
plexus is normally divided into five segments: (1) tus muscles, arises from the superolateral aspect
spinal nerves or roots, (2) trunks, (3) divisions, (4) of the upper trunk, at a location referred to as
cords, and (5) terminal branches (Figs. 1 and 2).3,4 Erb’s point; and the nerve to the subclavius mus-
cle (C5-6), which is smaller than its aforemen-
Spinal Nerves tioned counterpart and arises from the medial
side of the upper trunk.
Two terminal nerves emerge at the level of the spi-
nal roots: the dorsal scapular nerve (C4-5), which
supplies the levator scapulae and rhomboid mus-
cles; and the long thoracic nerve (C5-7), which The division level could be conceptualized as the
supplies the serratus anterior muscle. Injury to equator of the brachial plexus. The all roots form
this nerve results in scapular winging. the trunks that travel posterior to the clavicle and
The phrenic nerve (C3-5), considered an extrap- then split into anterior and posterior divisions that
lexal nerve, lies on the scalenus anterior muscle. supply the flexor and extensor muscles respec-
Therefore, plexus injury at the root level may cause tively (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. The anatomy of the brachial plexus. The supraclavicular component includes the spinal nerves and trunks.
The divisions form cords at a level approximately posterior to the clavicle. The infraclavicular component includes
the cords and terminal nerve branches. These cords are named in reference to their anatomic relationship to the
axillary artery, which is located posterior to the pectoralis minor muscle. (From Standring S. Gray’s anatomy: the
anatomic basis of clinical practice. 40th edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2008.)

Fig. 2. Structures of the brachial plexus. Five spinal nerve roots form three trunks and travel posterior to the clav-
icle, and then split into anterior and posterior divisions, which primarily supply the flexor and extensor muscles,
respectively. The anterior divisions of the upper and middle trunks form the lateral cord, while the lower trunk
becomes the medial cord. The posterior divisions of every trunk form the posterior cord by contributing various
proportions of spinal nerve roots. , indicates a terminal nerve branch; MABC, medial antebrachial cutaneous
nerve; MBC, medial brachial cutaneous nerve; MCN, musculocutaneous nerve; upper and lower SS, upper and
lower subscapular nerves. (Reproduced from Songcharoen P, Shin AY. Brachial plexus injury: acute diagnosis
and treatment. In: Berger RA, Weiss AP, editors. Hand surgery. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;
2003. p. 1005–25.)

Fig. 3. Common findings in total root avulsion BPI. (A) Flail left arm, significant atrophy of the arm, forearm, and
hand muscles are noted. (B) Lateral view demonstrating marked shoulder subluxation. (C) Atrophy of the supraspi-
natus, infraspinatus, and parascapular muscles on the left side. (D) Ptosis and enophthalmos are observed in this pa-
tient with Horner syndrome. (E) Transverse process fracture of the cervical spine and a widely gapped clavicle fracture
(arrows). (F) Myelography demonstrates a pseudomeningocele at C8 and the absence of a nerve root sleeve at C7.
594 Limthongthang et al

Cords 12% to 15% of patients sustained transected

nerve lesions.7 Open fractures of the shoulder gir-
After the brachial plexus has traveled distal to the
dle usually occur after high-energy injuries, in
clavicle, or has become infraclavicular, it becomes
which the combination of nerve root avulsion
invested by the axillary sheath. The anterior divi-
and major vessel injury should be suspected
sions of the upper and middle trunks form lateral
(Fig. 4).
cord, and lower trunk becomes medial cord. The
posterior divisions of every trunk form the poste- Degree of the Nerve Injury
rior cord by contributing various proportions of
spinal nerve roots. These cords are named in refer- The classification systems of peripheral nerve injury
ence to their anatomic relationship to the second into neurapraxia, axonotmesis, and neurotmesis by
part of the axillary artery, which is located poste- Seddon8 and first- to fifth-degree injury by Sunder-
rior to the pectoralis minor muscle. land9 are generally used to describe BPI. Neurap-
It should be noted that the aforementioned raxia, or Sunderland’s first-degree injury, refers to
anatomic description characterizes an uninjured localized myelin damage and conduction defi-
brachial plexus. During surgical exploration of ciencies. Complete recovery could be expected in
BPI, however, the anatomy becomes more dis- 4 to 12 weeks. Axonotmesis or second-degree
torted and complicated because there is usually injury refers to a disruption of the nerve cell’s
nerve retraction and associated fibrotic scar for- axon, followed by wallerian degeneration. Complete
mation. Often, the chronically avulsed plexus is axonal regeneration could be expected to occur at a
found to be retracted distally and located posterior rate of approximately 1 to 3 mm/day from the injury
to the clavicle. In addition, anatomic variations site to the target muscle.9 During third-degree
within the brachial plexus are not uncommon, injury, internal derangement of the endoneurium
and serve to further complicate anatomic and intrafascicular fibrosis precludes complete
exploration. regeneration and results in partial recovery. In
fourth-degree injury, owing to perineurial and
CLASSIFICATION, MECHANISM, AND fascicular disruption, neuroma in-continuity forms
PATTERNS OF THE INJURY and spontaneous recovery is not expected. Neuro-
tmesis, or fifth-degree injury, refers to complete
Previous reports have classified BPI according to nerve transection and the need for surgical
a combination of injury mechanism, degree of intervention. MacKinnon and Dellon10 added a
nerve injury, location, and level of injury.4–6 sixth-degree injury as a combination of first- to
fifth-degree fascicular injuries within the same
Mechanism of Injury nerve. This injury results in variable recovery and
An understanding of the mechanism of injury may
help predict the type of brachial plexus lesion.
Location and Level of the Injury
Closed BPIs are usually associated with a traction
mechanism where the arm and shoulder are force- Several terms and classification systems have
fully distracted away from the neck or trunk. This been used to categorize the location and level of
mechanism mostly results in root avulsion lesions BPI.5,6 In our experience, sometimes it is difficult
and 70% to 80% of these injuries have been found to define the exact location of injury. Therefore,
to occur in motorcycle accidents.4,5 In these we prefer to use a simple and practical classifica-
cases, spontaneous recovery rarely occurs. Other tion scheme that divides injury location into two
less common mechanisms include crush or groups: supraclavicular or infraclavicular lesions.
compression caused by various mechanisms, Supraclavicular lesions imply injury at the spinal
such as compression of the clavicle against the nerve and trunks levels. Similar to other authors,
rib cage secondary to seatbelt restraint, anterior we have found that further subdivision into pre-
shoulder dislocation, or iatrogenic surgical posi- ganglionic and postganglionic lesions is beneficial
tioning. Crush or compression injury mechanisms during treatment planning and is of prognostic
tend to involve the infraclavicular part of the value. The signs that suggest a preganglionic
plexus, such as the cords or terminal braches, injury are presented in Table 1. Infraclavicular le-
which may have some recovery potential. sions mostly occur at the cord and terminal branch
Open BPI is usually a result of stab wounds, levels (see Fig. 4). In Narakas’ series, approxi-
gunshot wounds, and sometimes open fractures mately 10% of patients had combined supracla-
of the shoulder girdle. In patients with gunshot vicular and infraclavicular lesions.5 The common
wounds, the initial neurologic deficit is often neurologic deficit patterns according to the level
extensive; however, one report showed that only of the injury are presented in Table 2.
Adult Brachial Plexus Injury 595

Fig. 4. This 6-year-old girl presented 4 months following open fracture of the proximal shaft of the humerus and
infraclavicular BPI. (A) The patient lost all elbow, wrist, and hand function, and Horner syndrome was observed.
(B) She could abduct her right shoulder to 30 degrees. (C) The x-ray showed union of the proximal shaft of the
humerus. (D) The CT angiography revealed absence of right subclavian-axillary artery perfusion (arrowheads). (E,
F) Adhesions were found extending all the way from the cord level to the area of the initial open wound scar. (G)
An in-continuity lesion was found at the medial cord.

DIAGNOSIS vasculature is necessary especially during the

History Taking and Physical Examination planning of functioning free muscle transfers.
Concomitant fractures and dislocations of the
A detailed history of the mechanism of injury,
insensate paralytic limb are often missed or ne-
associated injuries, and previous treatment is
glected, and if not addressed early, could lead to
mandatory to guide lesion localization and treat-
nonunion, malunion, or joint contracture. In this
ment planning. The character and severity of
event, regardless of the reinnervation procedure,
pain should be documented. In addition to the mo-
poor functional results develop because it is
tor and sensory examination of the injured limb, a
more difficult to rehabilitate weak, newly reinner-
global neurologic examination should be conduct-
vated muscles with stiff and deformed joints.
ed, because associated cervical spine and spinal
cord injury are not uncommon. A focused exami-
Plain Film
nation of the injured limb should be performed,
including an assessment of the functional deficits Chest radiographs may reveal hemidiaphragm
secondary to BPI, and an evaluation of potential elevation, which would indicate phrenic nerve
donor muscles and nerves, to ensure they meet palsy and raise suspicion about nerve root avul-
the prerequisites required for subsequent transfer. sion. First or second rib fractures may be associ-
The motor power of every muscle that is supplied ated with BPI. Knowledge of the presence or
by the brachial plexus should be documented ac- absence of additional rib fractures is important if
cording to the Medical Research Council system, intercostal nerve transfer is being considered. A
between grades 0 and 5. Normal power of the transverse process fracture of the cervical spine
trapezius muscle, innervated by cranial nerve may imply root avulsion injury, whereas a widely
(CN) XI (spinal accessory nerve), is required to gapped clavicle fracture may indicate a traction
allow CN XI transfer. Examination of the peripheral mechanism of injury (see Fig. 3E).
596 Limthongthang et al

Table 1
Cervical Myelography or Computed
Signs and physical findings that suggest a Tomography Myelography
preganglionic injury Cervical myelography has been used to demon-
strate spinal nerve root lesions in BPI for more
Signs and Findings Implications
than 50 years and remains a useful tool.11 Findings
Horner syndrome Sympathetic ganglion that suggest nerve root injury include the absence
injury (T1 level) of a nerve root sleeve, a defect of the root sleeve
Winged scapula Long thoracic nerve shadow, and formation of a pseudomeningocele
injury (C5-7) (see Fig. 3F).4,12 Myelographic studies should be
Atrophy of Dorsal scapular nerve performed approximately 3 weeks or more after
parascapular muscle injury (C4-5) the injury to allow sufficient time for pseudomenin-
Cervical paraspinal Dorsal rami of cervical gocele formation.
muscle weakness spinal nerve roots Current computed tomography (CT) myelogra-
and loss of posterior injury phy methods provide better resolution and more
neck sensation accurate categorization of nerve root status
Hemidiaphragm Phrenic nerve injury compared to plain film myelography, with a re-
paralysis (C3-5) ported accuracy greater than 90%, especially
Absence of Tinel Absence of proximal when combined with the clinical examination.13,14
sign in neck area spinal nerve stump The disadvantages of these techniques include
Pseudomeningocele Development their invasive nature and their inability to demon-
on myelogram of meningeal strate lesions beyond the level of the intervertebral
diverticulum after foramina.
healing of torn
nerve root sleeve
Intact sensory nerve Imply no wallerian Magnetic Resonance Imaging
action potentials in degeneration of Novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tech-
the area of sensory the sensory axons niques are increasing in popularity secondary to
deficit because the
their noninvasive nature and the details they
attached nerve
cells reside in provide. Many evolving techniques, such as fast
the dorsal root imaging using steady-state acquisition, MR neu-
ganglion rography, and high-field 3-T MRI, are able to visu-
alize spinal nerve root lesions with relatively high
Reproduced from Songcharoen P, Shin AY. Brachial plexus
injury: acute diagnosis and treatment. In: Berger RA,
accuracy.6,13 Doi and colleagues14 reported a
Weiss AP, editors. Hand surgery. Philadelphia: Lippincott sensitivity and specificity of 92.9% and 81.3%,
Williams & Wilkins; 2003. p. 1005–25. respectively, for overlapping coronal-oblique

Table 2
Common neurologic deficit patterns according to the level of the injury

Level Patterns of Injury Motor Deficits

Supraclavicular Upper arm type (C5-6 nerve roots) Shoulder abduction
Elbow flexion
Extended upper arm type (C5-7 nerve roots) Shoulder abduction
Elbow flexion and extension
Wrist extension
Total arm type (C5-T1 nerve roots) Shoulder abduction
Elbow flexion and extension
Global hand function
Infraclavicular Lateral cord (musculocutaneous nerve) Elbow flexion
Medial cord (medial and ulnar nerves) Finger flexion
Intrinsic hand function
Posterior cord (axillary and radial nerves) Shoulder abduction (supraspinatus
and infraspinatus muscles intact)
Elbow and wrist extension
Reproduced from Spinner RJ, Shin AY, Hébert-Blouin M, et al. Traumatic brachial plexus injury. In: Wolfe SW, Hotchkiss RN,
Pederson WC, editors. Green’s operative hand surgery. 6th edition. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2010.
p. 1235–92.
Adult Brachial Plexus Injury 597

slices for detecting the presence of root avulsions. Intraoperative Studies

Moreover, MRI is capable of providing useful im-
Intraoperative electrodiagnostic studies are very
ages of the entire brachial plexus. The disadvan-
useful and could help guide operative decision-
tages of MRI include false-positive interpretations.
making, especially in cases of incomplete lesions,
Angiography neuromas in-continuity, and the presence of nerve
root stumps. During the treatment of partial in-
Major vessel injury associated with BPI has been juries, intraoperative nerve action potential record-
reported to be as high as 23%.5 The vessels ings across the lesion may help determine which
most often damaged include the subclavian artery, fascicles should be resected and grafted, or which
subclavian vein, and the axillary artery in associa- fascicles are intact or recovering.16
tion with infraclavicular lesions. Conventional angi- Various additional intraoperative techniques
ography, CT angiography (see Fig. 4D), or MR have been described to assess the functional con-
angiography should be considered in cases of dition and usefulness of spinal nerve stumps as
suspected arterial damage, and cases that involve donor tissue for nerve reconstruction. The tech-
operative planning with consideration of functional niques and their respective results are displayed
free muscle transfer in order to demonstrate the in Table 3.
status of the thoracoacromial trunk as a source
of the arterial pedicle. MANAGEMENT
Electrodiagnostic Studies Return to the preinjury functional status would be
an ideal goal; however, the reconstructive options
Electrodiagnostic studies are useful during preop-
for the regain of C5-T1 function is limited second-
erative evaluation and intraoperative manage-
ary to the small number of available donor nerves.
ment. Preoperative evaluation usually consists of
Sensate prehensile hand function may be the most
nerve conduction studies and needle electromy-
required function for patients. However, whereas
ography. For nerve conduction studies, the pres-
elbow flexion and shoulder abduction take priority
ervation of the sensory nerve action potentials in
as they have a higher likelihood of success.
the area of sensory deficit may indicate pregangli-
onic nerve root avulsion injury at that given level.
Electromyography may demonstrate the develop-
ment of signs of muscle denervation (polyphasic, The timing of surgery is one of the most important
fibrillation, positive sharp wave) approximately 10 aspects of treatment. With too long of a delay,
to 21 days after the injury has occurred.15 denervated muscles will undergo the process of

Table 3
Intraoperative diagnostic tests used to assess the condition of the nerve root stump

Authors Techniques Results

Oberle et al, 2002 Evoked MEP and SSEP Absence of MEP demonstrated a
100% sensitivity for anterior root
Absence of SSEP from the scalp
demonstrated a 100% sensitivity for
posterior root lesions
Flores,33 2008 Electrical stimulation of the long Transfer of C5 root with positive
thoracic nerve, used for the C5 root electrical stimulation can achieve
stump grafted to the suprascapular M3 (37%) and M4 (62%) of shoulder
nerve abduction
Malessy et al,35 1999 Frozen section of the C5-6 root Prefer myelinated axons >50%
stumps, used for the restoration of Significant relation between biceps
biceps muscle function muscle strength and percentage of
myelinated axons (P 5 .02)
Hattori et al,36 2001 Measurement of CAT activity of donor All donors with CAT activity >2000
nerve for FFMT cpm provided all muscles with
functional recovery by 3.2 mo

Abbreviations: CAT, choline acetyltransferase; cpm, counts per minute; FFMT, functioning free muscle transfer; MEP,
muscle evoked action potentials; SSEP, somatosensory evoked potentials.
598 Limthongthang et al

denervation atrophy, rendering them refractory to the motor branches that supply the biceps and bra-
reinnervation. Furthermore, animal studies have chialis muscles.18 Reinnervation by the upper trunk
demonstrated that recovered muscle force de- or musculocutaneous nerve could restore function
creases by at least 30% to 50% if the nerve repair to the biceps and brachialis. Most of the time, how-
is delayed for a month or longer.17 However, early ever, these techniques require the interposition of
or immediate nerve reconstruction may preclude nerve grafts and long recovery periods.5,18,19 If
the chance for spontaneous recovery, especially when close-targeted intraplexal donors are avail-
for hand function, which usually requires a lengthy able, transfer of an ulnar (or median) nerve fascicle
time period. to the motor branch of the biceps muscle could
Immediate or early (3–4 weeks postinjury) achieve more reliable functional results compared
brachial plexus exploration and repair is generally to the use of extraplexal donor nerves, such as
accepted for sharp, open injuries. If the nerves the intercostal and spinal accessary nerves.21
are found to be ruptured or crushed and divided, Today, the double fascicular nerve transfer to the
tagging and re-exploration in 3 to 4 weeks biceps and brachialis’ motor branches has become
is planned, because this time period allows for an attractive option that theoretically allows for a
better identification of the nerve injury zone.18 greater regain in elbow flexion strength.22,23 A com-
Nerve reconstruction surgery within 6 to parison of elbow flexion torque strength between
9 months of injury is generally an acceptable time- single and double transfers, however, was not
frame for intervention.7,19 This allows sufficient found to result in significant differences (single
time for axonal regeneration to reach the target 16% vs double 21% of normal side).24 In our prac-
muscle before irreversible motor end plate degen- tice, we do not use double fascicular transfers as
eration occurs. In light of advanced neuroimaging routinely because we believe that this approach
techniques and more precise diagnoses, early may increase the risk of donor site morbidity, in ex-
nerve reconstruction is an attractive treatment op- change for no additional gain in function. However,
tion. Birch encouraged early plexus exploration for this is our own personal bias, and previous studies
closed traction injuries within 3 months of injury, have indicated that double fascicular transfer is a
and recommended repair or reconstruction within safe procedure.22,23
14 days of injury.20 He pointed out that the benefit In C5-6 injury, many combinations of nerve
of early intervention allows identification and full transfers to the SSC and axillary nerves could be
assessment of the lesion and the usefulness of performed to restore shoulder function. In one se-
the nerve root stumps as a donor before the onset ries that studied single nerve transfer of spinal
of fibrotic scar tissue, which are likely to distort the accessory nerve (CN XI) to the SSC nerve, 80%
anatomy further. Kline found that 40% of C5-6 in- motor recovery was observed, with 70 degree of
juries spontaneously recovered in 3 to 4 months, shoulder abduction, 60 degree of shoulder flexion,
whereas 15% of C5-7 injuries recovered in 3 to and 30 degree of external rotation.25 Whenever
4 months, and only 5% of flail arms (C5-T1) had possible, double transfer of CN XI to the SSC
functional recovery.7 Thus, preganglionic total nerve, along with transfer of the motor branches
arm BPI seems to be the type of injury that may of the medial or long head of the triceps to the axil-
benefit most from earlier nerve reconstruction pro- lary nerve, is recommended because this has re-
cedures, especially for hand function reconstruc- sulted in encouraging functional results (Figs. 5
tion, which is obstinate to treatment. and 6).2 The phrenic nerve also allows direct coap-
tation of SSC nerve transfer.25 Although adverse
clinical consequences are rare, the measurable
C5-6 Injury
deficits in lung function26 deter many surgeons
The functional deficits of C5-6 injury include the from using phrenic nerve transfer. Other alterna-
loss of elbow flexion and shoulder control (stabil- tive donor nerves that have been used include
ity, flexion, abduction, and external rotation). The the thoracodorsal nerve, intercostal nerves, and
terminal nerve branches that usually need to medial pectoral nerves.
have their function restored are (1) the musculocu-
taneous nerve to re-establish elbow flexion, (2)
C5-7 Injury
SSC nerve, and (3) the axillary nerve to re-
establish shoulder control. Patients with this type of BPI have deficits similar
The restoration of elbow flexion in C5-6 injury to patients with C5-C6 injury, in addition to loss
could be performed either by biceps reinnervation, of elbow extension and wrist extension as a result
or biceps and brachialis reinnervation. The loca- of C7 root involvement. The principles of nerve
tions of recipient nerves include the anterior division reconstruction are similar to those for patients
of the upper trunk, the musculocutaneous nerve, or with C5-6 injury. Additional problems include
Adult Brachial Plexus Injury 599

Fig. 5. (A) Restoration of shoulder function in C5-6 injury through the anterior approach. (B, C) The spinal acces-
sory nerve has been transferred to the suprascapular nerve via the supraclavicular approach. (D, E) The motor
branch to the long head of the triceps was transferred to the axillary nerve via the deltopectoral approach.
The ulnar fascicular transfer to the motor branch of the biceps muscle was used to restore elbow flexion in
this patient.

Fig. 6. The result of the patient with

C5-6 injury 2 years after (1) spinal ac-
cessary transfer to suprascapular
nerves, (2) branch of long head tri-
ceps transfer to the axillary nerve via
the anterior approach, and (3) fasci-
cles of ulnar transfer to the motor
branch of the biceps muscle. The pic-
tures demonstrate elbow flexion and
shoulder external rotation, forward
flexion, and abduction. (Courtesy of
S. Wongtrakul, MD, Department of
Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Med-
icine Siriraj Hospital, Thailand.)
600 Limthongthang et al

(1) the absence of a branch to the triceps that be restored by reinnervation of the biceps muscle
could be used for transfer to the axillary nerve; with the spinal accessory nerve (77% M3)19;
(2) loss of elbow extension, which restricts reach multiple intercostal nerves (81% M3)29; and
and the ability to position the hand in space; and interposition nerve grafts from C5 root (90%
(3) loss of wrist extension. M3).27 Shoulder reinnervation could be achieved
Restoration of the axillary nerve could be by single nerve transfer.25 Alternatively, the shoul-
accomplished by the use of alternative donors, der could be arthrodesed if donor nerves are
such as the intercostal nerve, or interposition inadequate.
nerve grafts from the C5-C6 nerve stump,27 which Regain of elbow and shoulder function takes pri-
could simultaneously restore radial nerve function ority over hand function reconstruction because of
(or the motor branch to triceps).28 For elbow more successful reinnervation of the proximal
extension, Bertelli and Ghizoni27 reported poor muscles compared to the distal muscles. How-
outcomes after C6 root to radial nerve grafting, ever, treatment planning may depend on the pri-
because only 40% of patients achieved grade 3 mary method selected for hand reconstruction.
motor strength (M3). Malungpaishrope and col- Currently available methods include primary func-
leagues28 reported their results for simultaneous tioning free muscle transfers or nerve transfer30–32
third-fourth intercostal nerve transfer to the axillary for the restoration of finger flexion. Our current
nerve, combined with fifth-sixth intercostal nerve treatment algorithm for total arm BPI is presented
transfer to the triceps branch. Only 30% of pa- in Fig. 7. The methods selected for each patient
tients achieved M3 elbow extension. It should be depend on multiple factors including the following:
noted, however, that a delicate balance of reinner-
vation of elbow flexors and extensors is required. If 1. Time period after injury and the degree of mus-
the triceps becomes too powerful relative to the cle atrophy: a long time period after the injury
flexors, it may negate the function of elbow flexion, worsens the outcomes of nerve transfer, espe-
which is the priority. cially for motor function. If patients present at
approximately 6 months or later after injury, pri-
mary functioning free muscle transfers are
Total Arm BPI
The outcomes of total plexus treatment are com- 2. Associated vascular injury: this occurs ap-
pletely different in comparison to the encouraging proximately 10% of the time when total root
results seen in upper arm treatment. Part of this avulsion is present. In cases of associated
problem is associated with the unfavorable results vascular injury, we prioritize and focus on the
of hand function after reconstruction. Elbow nerve transfer method regardless of the degree
flexion, the first priority in reconstruction, could of vascular injury and previous treatment.

Fig. 7. Treatment algorithm for total

arm BPI. Factors that guide the
decision-making process for treat-
ment include timing, vascular injury,
and the status of the C5 nerve stump.
(1) With longer delays between injury
and surgery, especially 6 months after
injury, the results of nerve transfer
become worse. (2) If vascular injury
is present, despite vascular repair,
the possibility of free muscle transfer
failure is very high. (3) An intact C5
root stump can be transferred to the
median nerve with the expectations
of extrinsic finger flexion and protec-
tive sensation. FFMTs, functioning
free muscle transfers; Hemi CC7, hem-
icontralateral C7 spinal nerve; CN XI,
spinal accessory.
Adult Brachial Plexus Injury 601

Fig. 8. (A, B) Rupture of the upper trunk (arrowheads) and avulsion of C7-T1 roots is demonstrated in a patient
with total arm BPI. (C) The distal part of upper trunk was located distally posterior to the clavicle. (D) Treatment
consists of (1) C5 grafting to the median nerve, (2) phrenic grafting to the musculocutaneous nerve (MCN), (3)
spinal accessary transfer to the suprascapular nerve, and (4) C6 grafting to the posterior cord. (E–G) At 14 months
after surgery, the patient had recovered shoulder abduction, elbow flexion, and extrinsic finger flexion.

3. The presence or absence of a functional C5 guaranteeing promising results or return to the

nerve root stump: electrical stimulation of the preinjury status. It is not uncommon to perform
long thoracic or dorsal scapular nerves is secondary functioning free muscle transfers after
used to gauge C5 nerve root function.33 Nerve unsuccessful nerve transfers, or even after failed
transfer of the C5 root to the median nerve primary functioning free muscle transfers.
with interposition nerve grafting is expected to
lead to extrinsic finger flexion and protective REFERENCES
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