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Some companies put a price on human life.

How do you feel about the amount they

value human life at? Do these figures accurately reflect the value of human life? Why or

why not?

Some companies put a price on human life. I feel that this is a hard topic to deal with,

but I believe that there should not be a monetary value put on human lives. I believe

that no matter the price put on a human, it would not be able to accurately reflect the


What are the main points that Aristotle is making in his Politics Book 1 and how does

this relate to the value of human life?

In Aristotle’s Politics Book 1, he discusses the topic of natural slavery, and says that

some individuals are naturally suited to be slaves while others are naturally suited to be

masters. This is shown when he says “...rendering it expedient and right for the one to

be slaves and the others to be masters.”

Are some human lives more valuable than others? Explain.

I do not believe some human lives are more valuable than others. I believe that

everyone has unique gifts and talents that are equally valuable to others. I believe that

when some people say that some humans are not as valuable as others are, it is due to

the fact that some individuals may have had more life experiences and seem more

useful than others, when the other individual has the same amount of potential, they just

need to gather experience.

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