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This book is lovingly dedicated to ‘Mama’ Loo Siew Tee and ‘Gugu’ Tan Biow Ho, two wonderful ladies who have been pillars of strength. For Primary 3 -6 © Mexxi Three Publishing {All rights reserved. NO part ofthis book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, ‘or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in ‘writing from the Publisher. First Published Jun 2004 “Tenth Print May 2007 ‘Second Print ‘Aug 2004 Eleventh Print ‘Mar 2008 ‘Third Print ct 2004 ‘Twelfth Print Nov 2008 Fourth Print Jan 2005 Thirteenth Print Jan 2009 Fifth Print ‘Mar 2005 Fourteenth Print Jan 2010 Jun 2005, ‘ct 2005 Feb 2006 Nov 2006 ISBN 13 978 981 05 13372 Published and distributed by Mexod Three / The Write Place Bik 135 Jurong East St 13 #04-333 Singapore 600135 Tel: 6 561 9989 (Main); 6 563 2171 (Office/ Fax) Website: http:/ Email: Cover Design by Denny Pichardo and Michael Koh About the author The author is a former English Language school teacher (Post Graduate Diploma in Education) with the Ministry of Education. She is now a full-time Senior Teacher (Training & Materials Planning) with The Write Place, a tuition and enrichment school specialising in English writing skills About this book This book started because of the comment of a vexed parent who had problems helping her child improve in creative writing First completed in October 2003, this book has been edited and extended based on the feedback of students from Primary 3 to 6 before being offered to the public. Over 100,000 copies have been sold since 2004. Many schools have adopted the book as supplementary classroom teaching materials and included the book in their annual book lists. OTHER TITLES Creative Writing for Primary 3 to 6 Creative Writing for Lower Primary (Vol 1) Compositions By Champions (Primary 3 & 4) - Vol 1, 2,3 & 4 Compositions By Champions (Primary 5 & 6)~ Vol 1, 2,3 & 4 Target & Drill - Sentence Synthesis & Transformation (NEW!) ABOUT OUR COURSES Due to overwhelming demand, we regret that Writing Classes for Primary 1 to 6* are full. Waiting Lists are closed. 2te Phonics & Language Arts* K1&2 Writing Fundamentals* *Enrolment subject to assessments Feelings ‘Anger ‘Annoyance Anxiety Curiosity Disappointment Discomfort Embarrassment Excitement Happiness Heat Relief Sadness ‘Shock Terror Tiredness Wonder Actions Break Drink Eat Fall Hit Jump Run Say ‘Search / Find See Think Throw Walk Write 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 ar 30 34 33 36 36 38 Table of Contents People The Old The Young The Ugly The Good-Looking The Injured The Sick The Evil A Teacher Places Crowded Areas Forests Markets Seaside Eerie Places Clinics and Hospitals Time of Day Morning, Evening & Night Weather Storms ‘Sunny Days Grimes & Accidents Theft & Robberies Fires Road Accidents Lift Breakdown Drowning Others Concerts and Ceremonies Sports Day 39 40 a 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 ae Sssas Mexai Three Publishing Anger 4. My face turned red with anger. If looks could kill, | would have withered there and then. 3. Dad stormed off and slammed the door with a loud bang. 4. “Come here!" he barked as he brandished the mean-looking cane. 5. Their argument grew more heated by the minute. 6. 7, . He rained torrents of abuse on the sobbing child. . His fist came down heavily on the table with a loud bang. ® Her unblinking eyes flashed with anger. 9. Seething with rage, she shrieked as she pointed at the door, “Get out!” 10.Screaming hysterically, she waved her arms wildly and sent the plates and bowls clattering off the dining table. 14.*Oull Now!” His voice was cold and hard. 12.He raised one hand and dealt a stinging blow on his son's face. A ted palm print appeared instantly. 13.He clenched his fist and the veins on his arm and hand showed. 14.In his fury, he tore the letter into halves, then quarters and finally reduced it to a million fragments. 15.“She's hopping mad. You'd better steer clear of her,” advised Father. 16.He ranted and raved, oblivious to the curious stares of passers-by. 17.She shook her fists and bared her teeth in an ugly snarl. 18.She leant forward and glared at him with bulging eyes. How to use: Madam Wong stopped short in front of my desk. She leant forward and glared at me with bulging eyes. Baring her teeth in an ugly snarl, she hissed, “Where is your book? Did you forget again?” If looks could kill, | would have withered there and then. Mexxi Three Publishing Annoyance . Grandfather furrowed his eyebrows. “You've spoilt the kid!” he chi “You are late again — for the third time!” she frowned, My face fell when | saw the menu. He shook his head disapprovinaly but kept silent He sat glumly, with his arms crossed. He greeted me with a dark look. Disapproval was written all over their faces. “What's taking them so long?" he scowled. “Tsk! Tsk! Where are their parents?” she muttered as she folded her arms and rolled her eyes. 10.He stood up abruptly and pushed his chair away so violently that it toppled with a loud thud. 11."Stop it. Now!” There was a note of finality in her voice. 12."What attitude is this?” he demanded as his voice raised by several decibels. 13.Her growing irritation was obvious. Her words were charged with exasperation. 14."I don't know!” she answered in a gruff voice. 15."Stop that!” she said in the firmest of voices. 16.She was more than agitated. 17.Vexed, she tossed the books and notes onto the bed. 18."Silence! Silence! Boys!” Her temper was rising. ©EPNOaeon How to u: The mother grew more agitated by the minute. “Silence! Silence! Boys!" Her | temper was rising. Her sons continued to race up and down the aisle of the | train, completely oblivious to her admonishment. “Stop it. Now!” There was a note of finality in her voice. Mexxi Three Publishing Anxiety 1. “lL... sorry..." | stuttered, 2. I picked it up hesitantly. 3. My heart pounded hard and fast as every step took me nearer to the Principal's office. 4. He smiled nervously. 5. He fidgeted restlessly in his seat as he waited impatiently for his turn. 6. He paced up and down the aisle of the hospital, stealing furtive glances at the door of the operating theatre. 7. My heart could not help palpitating as | hurried down the corridor. It skipped a beat when | stopped in front of the door with the sign ‘Principal’ 8. “Did you see her?" He seemed flustered. 9. limagined myself howling for mercy a ing in pain. 10.1 dreaded the thought of seeing him. 11."Oh no! Where could it be?” | was in a state of panic. 12.1 fought down fresh feelings of panic and steeled myself to wait for help as calmly as | could. 13."l... |..." | stammered as my voice trailed off. 14."No, |... | didn't...” | avoided her steady gaze. 15.1 was practically sick with anxiety. 16.My mind was in a whirl. 17.My stomach was churning. 18.She wrung her hands and tugged at the hem of her blouse. How to uss She wrung her hands and tuaged at the hem of her blouse. “No, I... | didn’t...” she muttered as she avoided his steady gaze. Her heart was palpitating wildly and she was totally flustered. | Mexxi Three Publishing. Curiosity aa 1. He raised an eyebrow and looked at me questioninaly. 2. The on-lookers cast curious glances my way. 3. She shot me a quizzical look as she opened the door, “Yes?” 4. A crowd of on-lookers gathered around her and started whispering among themselves in hushed tones. 5. As | pretended to read my papers, | stole a glance at him from the corner of my eye. 6. | craned my neck and strained my eyes to see what lay ahead. 7. | strained my ears, trying to make out what my parents were arguing about in their room. 8. | listened intently, hoping to catch what they were discussing. “Are you alright?" Mother sounded concerned as she put an arm round my shoulder. 10.He cocked his head and stopped to peer at the stirring bushes. 11."No harm done. It’s just a glance!” | persuaded myself. 12."What's happening?" | tapped him on his shoulder and gestured at a small crowd ahead. 13.He tiptoed and leant on his father's shoulder to catch a glimpse of the man. How to use “What's happening?” | tapped Jim on his shoulder and gestured at a small crowd ahead. He raised an eyebrow, looked at me questioningly and shrugged. | craned my neck and strained my eyes to see what lay ahead. A small crowd had gathered and people were whispering among themselves in hushed tones. Mexxi Three Publishing Disappointment—~ 1. | buried my face in my hands and sigh My heart sank. . To my utter dismay, | had left the lunch money on the table. She shook her head and left without uttering a single syllable. . Her face fell when she saw the two dollar note in the red packet. . | moaned in despair. She shrugged nonchalantly and snorted, "Who cares for the party!” However, when her back was turned, her eyes reddened. 8. She had pinned all her hopes on him but he had shattered all her AAwRYwN dreams. 9. When she heard the announcement, something snapped within her. 10. Nodding grudgingly, she turned and left, with her head hung low and her shoulders stooped. 11,"No more? Really? Oh...” Her voice faltered and trailed off. 12, She stuck her face on the display window longingly and it was with_ great reluctance that she left, with her mother tugging her by the arm. 13, "Oh! So you are not coming?” Her voice was forlorn. | How to use: | She stuck her face on the display window longingly. After what seemed | like eternity, she mustered the courage to step into the shop. “How... how | much?” She pointed at the musical box. The price was a rude shock to her. She could never afford it. Not even if she worked for a whole year. Shaking her head grudgingly, she turned and left, with her head hung low and her | shoulders stooped. Mexxi Three Publishing Discomfort My stomach was churning. He grimaced in pain as he hobbled along. She was aching all over. A nauseating feeling overcame her. “No, thanks. | have no appetite,” she said as she managed a faint smile. PPP Her vision grew blurred and the things around her started to spin. He retched violently. The pain in his stomach was so excruciating that he groaned loudly. 9. She felt so cold that she was literally shivering. 10.She tossed and turned the whole night. 41.She slept fitfully. 12.He coughed so violently that his face turned red, In between gasps_ for air, he whispered in a throaty, raspy voice, “Water!” 13.She woke with a start, jolted from her sleep by another nightmare. 14.Her face was as pale as sheet. 15.Her hands felt clammy. -- P 16.Her head was throbbing. 17.She grimaced in agony. 18. There was a bitter taste in her mouth. w to us She tossed and turned on the sweat-sodden bed. She felt so cold that she was literally shivering, Her hands were clammy and the back of her nightgown was soaked with perspiration. There was a bitter taste in her mouth and her stomach churned. She grimaced in agony as she struggled to sit up. | ‘Mexxi Three Publishing Embarrassment CONOR 9. She lowered her eyes, visibly embarrassed Speechless, | stood rooted to the ground as my arms hung limply by my sides. . As the teacher continued berating me, my face turned as red as beetroot. . She blushed so furiously that even the tips of her ears turned red! . My face turned lobster-red. . | boarded the bus with my eyes downcast. . scratched my hair sheepishly. She turned away and avoided the stares of the curious passers-by. He managed a sheepish smile. 10.1 stole furtive looks around. 11.1 dropped to the floor, scooped my books into my arms and felt around desperately for my glasses. 12.1 picked myself up hurriedly, pretending that nothing had happened 13."Oops! Sorry! | am really sorry!” | mumbled as | bent down to pick up the coins that were rolling away in different directions. 14."Oops! | am sorry!" | apologised and smiled nervously. | How to use: | “Oops'” | mumbled as | dropped to the floor, scooped my books into my arms and felt around desperately for my glasses. Fortunately they were students were too busy rushing to their respective classrooms to notice me. | picked myself up hurriedly, pretending that nothing had happened. ] right in front of me. | put them on and stole furtive looks around. The other | J Mexxi Three Publishing Excitement My mind was whirling with excitement. He tossed his bag aside and ran out to join the crowd of onlookers. “Ready?” | asked. He took a deep breath and nodded eagerly. She was more than thrilled. and exaggerated tones. 5. The child clambered out of the roller-coaster seat, totally exhilarated ee Pp * |. It was obvious from her animate actions “Mum, this is great! Can we go another round?” the red-faced boy pleaded. 6. As the music continued to play, something stirred within my soul. 7. We set off in high spirits. 8. “Really? Tell me more!” She sounded really enthusiastic. 9. Adrenali rushed within him. Everything else was a blur. 10.The excitement rolled over me in wat . 11. The suspense was unbearable. 12.She held her breath as the names were announced. 13.Her face lit up as her eyes widened. How to us: “Ready?” Father asked. | took a deep breath and nodded. | | “Ladies and gentlemen, tickets to the Tokyo Disneyland!" Father himself was more than thrilled. It was obvious from his animate actions and | exaggerated tones. Mother's face lit up as her eyes widened, “Wow!” Mexxi Three Publishing Happiness “Really? Wow!" | beamed. Her face lit up with a smile immediately. She flashed a broad grin at me. “Thank you!” she chuckled with joy. Overjoyed, the child leapt up and put his arms round his mother's neck. | smacked my lips and sighed contentedly, “What a delicious meal!” She hummed her favor ARONA tune as she went on. He whistled as he pedalled off. He winked and showed a thumbs-up sian. O.Her heart swelled after hearing the praises. She walked with a spring in her steps. 11.She was on cloud-nine after receiving the good news 12.The old man cackled as his lips parted, showing yellow-stained teeth. 13. The toddler flashed a toothless arin and giggled. 14.She smiled shyly and turned away. 15.The men guffawed loudly. 16.The audience broke out in spontaneous, uncontrollable laughter. 17.The children roared with laughter. 18.She broke into a wide smile when she saw her mother. 19. They laughed so hard that tears came to their eves 20.Ecstatic, the partners hugged each other. 21.The boy smiled gleefully as he rubbed his hands. 22.Fortunately, his parents were in excellent humour that evening. 23.She flashed a crooked smile. 24. They were obviously elated. 25.The child squealed with delight when she saw the Christmas tree. 26.She was pleased. It was apparent from the momentary smile that appeared on her face. = o©earna Mexxi Three Publishing 27.My parents were not just happy with my results. They were, in fact, over the moon! How to uss Mother hummed her favourite tune as she continued to drape the lights round the Christmas tree. In the corner of the hall, the children were _ gigaling and squealing with delight as they toyed with the figurines of angels. Mother stood back, folded her arms and examined her masterpiece. She was pleased. It was apparent from the momentary smile that appeared | | on her face. ~10- ‘Mexxi Three Publishing Heat . Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead and they glistened under the glare of the fluorescent light. 2. The back of his T-shirt was soaked and it clung onto his back. 3. She dabbed her forehead, temples and neck with her perfumed handkerchief. 4. The sun was so hot that there was a stinging sensation on my skin. 5. With the back of his hand, he wiped the perspiration off his forehead. 6. She fanned herself in an exaggerated manner as she sashayed along. “So hot! So hot!” she grumbled. 7. He pulled at the collar of his T-shirt and wiped his face. 8. “Ouch!” | yelped as | climbed into the car. “It's burning! Why did you park here, of all places?” 9. | howled as | clasped a hand over my mouth, “Hot! Hot!” 10."So hot! So hot!” she grumbled as she switched on the fan and planted herself right in front of it. 11.He tugged at his tie nervously as droplets of perspiration rolled down his back. He longed for the comfort of an air-conditioned room. How to use: ] She fanned herself in an exaggerated manner as she sashayed along, | “So hot! So hot!" she grumbled as she dabbed her forehead, temples and | neck with her perfumed handkerchief. The sun was so hot that there was a stinging sensation on her skin. She looked up and stared at the cloudless sky. She would have given anything for the comfort of an air-conditioned | J room. ae Mexxi Three Publishing Relief . | heaved a sigh of relief as the dismissal bell rang. 2. “Really? You found it? Phew! Thanks!" | broke into a smile and 3. “Thank God! You are safe and sound!" Mother exclaimed. 4, After | had handed up the test paper, | could breathe more easily. 5. After | left the Principal's office, | took a deep breath and let it out in aloud sigh. | muttered a prayer of thanks. Glad that her daughter had returned home safely, she clasped her hands and bowed repeatedly to the statues at the altar 8. “Really? You found a donor?” His face lit up as the creases of worry. vanished instantly. 9. As | left the interview room, all the tension in my muscles eased. | walked away with a spring in my steps. How to use: “Really? You found a donor?” Her face lit up as the creases of worry | vanished instantly. She muttered a prayer of thanks, feeling glad that her | daughter had found a new lease of life. Rushing to the altar, she clasped her hands and gave thanks to the gods. ~ie- ‘Mexai Three Publishing Sadness Her eyes reddened and turned moist. . Tears brimmed in her reddened eyes. . Her eyes were puffy and her nose red after crying. . She broke out into loud, uncontrollable sobs which escalated into Rona wails. . It broke my heart to see the coffin lowered into the grave. . Overwhelmed by self-pity, she started to weep. . Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt her world collapse. . Wiping away a tear with the back of her hand, she forced a faint smile and said, “| am alright. Really!" 9. Her tears flowed freely down her cheeks, her neck and onto her dress. 10.Her face was tear-stained. 11.She avoided my eyes and sniffed. 12.His little face was creased with sorrow as he started to bawl. 13.Misery was written all over his face. 14.My heart ached. 15.Choked with emotions, | hugged her only briefly. 16.Fighting back tears, | tried to comfort her, "You'll get well soon!" | 17.1 choked on my tears and hugged her tightly. 18.Her face was etched with sorrow. 2PrNOa Si3= Mexxi Three Publishing 7 “Mama! Mama!” His face creased with sorrow as he started to bawl. | How to u: Fighting back tears, she reached out to him. Her bony arm was marked with numerous punctures made by needles. She stroked his little face. “Mama will get well soon!” Her face was etched with sorrow and her heart ached. 7i4- ‘Mexxi Three Publishing Shock . To my astonishment, it was a puppy! . My eves widened and my jaw dropped. . looked up, startled by the sudden sound. . "What? That's all you have?" | exclaimed. . “What? Which hospital?” Mother's face turned pale. . “Where's my money?” she gasped. . Dumbfounded, | stood rooted to the ground . | opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. 9. Stupefied, | tuned speechless. 10.He was in a daze. 11.There was an incredulous look on her face. “It couldn't be! It couldn't be my Monica!’ She continued to shake her head in denial. 12.Her lips were pulled back in a strangled scream. 13.She was completely bewildered by the strange sight. 14.The news astounded the neighbours. PNOBHARWN = How to use: Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the sight of the corpse. She_ clasped a hand over her mouth. Her lips were pulled back in a strangled cre: “What is it, darling?” her mother sounded concerned. Her lips parted but no words came out. ~15- Mexxi Three Publishing, Terror She was immobilised with fear. Her face turned pale with fear. We were paralysed by terror. His courage melted away. My heart pounded at an amazing speed My heart was pounding wildly. Terrified, | buried myself under the covers and pulled my blanket right “PRP YP A up to my neck 8. The harder | tried to keep my mind from wild thoughts, the faster my mind raced. 9. My blood ran cold 10.My body stiffened at the sight of the first blow approaching 11.1 froze. 12, Beads of perspiration formed on my forehead and my hands became clammy. 13.My legs turned jelly-like as | retreated. 14.A tingling sensation ran down my spine. 15.The scream was heart-stopping. 16. “Don't - don’t shoot! I'll give you everything!” he said, waving frantically as his voice trembled. 17.My heart skipped a beat. 18.1 broke out in cold sweat. 19.1 ran with all my might until my leas turned weak 20.Huddled in a corner, the hostages squatted with their hands on the back of their heads. 21.1 steeled myself to look at the horrendous sight. 22."Somebody! Help me!” | pounded at the lift buttons fiercely. | was n hysteria. 23.She cowered in a corner. ~16- Mexxi Three Publishing 24.1 recoiled at the sight of the badly mutilated corpse. 25.His stomach lurched 26. Driven by fear, | raced blindly ahead. How to use: The heart-stopping scream was followed by long drawn-out laughter. A tingling sensation ran down my spine. “Help! Somebody! Help me!” | was near hysteria. Driven by fear, | raced blindly ahead. -I7- Mexxi Three Publishing Tiredness 1. Drowsy and weary, he drifted off to sleep within minutes. 2. His face was pale and his eyes bloodshot. 3. The child had dozed off with his arms sprawled carelessly on the table. 4. | stifled a vawn and rubbed my bleary eyes. 5. My ayelids felt as heavy as lead. Not matter how hard | tried, | just could not keep them open any more. The untidy scrawl on my worksheet gradually reduced to illegible snakelike drawings. 6. Overcame by fatigue, he propped his head on his palm and soon started snoring on the sofa. 7. His whole body ached in protest but he forced himself to go on 8. After a long day, | trudged home wearily, lugging my heavy school bag. 9. My school bag was so heavy that my shoulders stooped. 10.Numbed with exhaustion, | stared blankly at the words. 11.She shuffled to her room, sighing with weariness, 12.1 leant against the wall, trying to catch my breath. 13.1 could feel the weariness in my bones. 14.Halfway through the race, she was already huffing and puffing. 15.1 staggered under the heavy weight of the sack and nearly collapsed at the door. 16.He laboured up the stairs. How to use: His face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot. Stifling a yawn, he rubbed his bleary eyes. His eyelids were beginning to grow as heavy as lead. Not matter how hard he tried, he just could not keep them open any more. The untidy scrawl gradually reduced to illegible snakelike drawings ~18- Mexxi Three Publishing Wonder 1. We listened in rapt attention to the tour guide. 2. The children, totally enthralled by the show, stood wide-eyed at the cast. . “Wow!” we could not help but marvel at the fine spread. . Stupefied, we gazed at the chests of jewellery. |. We stood in awestruck silence. To my astonishment, my new teacher was my cousin! . "Really? Tell me more!" he said, looking fascinated. .. The judges nodded and seemed totally impressed. 9. The performance was certainly dazzling! 10. What are you gaping at? 11. The children watched spellbound as the puppets came alive once the music started. SPNOanw 12. hush fell over the auditorium as the audience gasped in wonder. Then, thunderous applause broke out spontaneously. 13. She was totally mesmerized by the spectacular performance. How to use: The performance was simply electrifying! The audience, totally enthralled by the show, stood wide-eyed at the cast. The actors were taking their final bow. A hush fell over the auditorium. Several seconds later, thunderous applause broke out spontaneously. ~19- Mexxi Three Publishing Break 1. He lifted the sledgehammer above his head and smas! window of the shop. 2. The heavy blow splintered the wooden door. 3. The balloon burst with a loud ‘Pop!’ 4. As she plopped herself on the chair, the seam along the side of her cheongsam split with a sickening tearing sound. 5. The vase shattered into a million pieces. 6. The metal pole pierced through his body and punctured his left lung. 7. The plane exploded in mid air, sending shards of metal and glass flying. ell from the tree, fracturing my forearm. ds. the glass 9. He reduced the letter to si How to use: He lifted the sledgehammer above his head and plunged it right into the bonnet of the Mercedes Benz. “This!” he grunted, “should teach you a lesson!” Dent after dent appeared on the shiny dark blue surface. Finally, with one last blow, he shattered the windscreen and sent the shards of glass flying in all directions. The alarm screamed, to his horror, and sent him fleeing into the darkness of the night. ~20- ‘Mexxi Three Publishing Drink 1. He stirred at the coffee listlessly, taking occasional sips of it. 2. The animal stopped at the riverbank and lapped at the cool clear water. 3. The child slurped noisily at his milkshake. 4. He raised the bottle and poured the water right into his throat. Then he burped contentedly and rubbed his distended belly. 5. Looking at the pastries in the glass window, he swallowed his saliva. 6. “Yucks! It tastes horrible!” | made a face as | swallowed the cough mixture. 7. He raised the bow! of soup with both hands and emptied it. Then he smacked his lips and sighed contentedly. | How to use: | ‘What a hot day!" the boys grumbled as they sat slumped on the side of the | basketball court. Sam opened his can of coke with a loud snap and slurped noisily while Ali, who looked thoughtful, only took occasional sips from his | bottle. The latter asked, “Don't you think our coach is harsher than usual? What's wrong with him?” Sam shrugged. At the shrill sounds of the whistle, the boys shot up. In several big gulps, they emptied the drinks. Ali burped contentedly as he jogged towards the court. al Mexxi Three Publishing Eat 1. The lions devoured the deer within minutes. 2. They gobbled up all the food, leaving not even a crumb. 3. He was so hungry that he wolfed down two bowls of rice. 4. He munched noisily at the biscuits. 5. He chomped at the steak so greedily that he seemed to have been starved for days. 6. Not having much of an appetite, she pecked at her food listlessly. 7. The child nibbled at her biscuit, relishing every bite of it. 8. As he swallowed the food, his face turned green as he almost choked. 9. He chewed deliberately and slowly as he tried to find an answer to the difficult question. 10.He was so hungry that he polished off the whole pot of rice, leaving not even a arain. 11.“l am starving!” a 12.“| am famished!' 13. She took only a few morsels of rice and vegetables. How to us: The hungry child seemed to have been starved for days. He polished off all the rice, leaving not even a grain. At a point, his face turned green as he choked. “Where are you from? Where is your mother?” The child's chopsticks remained in mid air for a second or two. Having placed them gently on the table, he chewed his food slowly and deliberately, furrowing his eyebrows as if he was trying to find an answer to the difficult question. ~22- Mexai Three Publishing Fall . The child slid down from the tree effortlessly. .. The eagle swooped down swiftly and hooked its talons onto its prey. . She missed a step and tumbled down the stairs. . lost my balance and fell, letting out a yelp as my tray of food and drink went flying in the air. 5. “Oops!” the child gasped as he stumbled and crashed right into her. 6. She slipped and fell face-down onto a puddle. 7. He landed heavily with a loud thud. 8 9. 1 Rens She dived and caught the glass just in time. He ducked and missed the flying plate by inches. 0."Goodbye!” she wept. Then, she leapt off from the parapet, plunging down from the fourteenth floor. 11. She collapsed in a helpless heap. 12. The forks, spoons, plates and teapot came crashing down onto the floor. 13.He sat slumped over the keyboard. 14, The bottle toppled over. 15.As the cupboard gave way, the pots and pans clattered noisily onto the floor. | How to use: “Oops!” the child gasped as the plate clattered noisily onto the floor. | “Can't do a simple job, can you?" The angry father banged his fist on the table | and swept away the empty beer cans which went tumbling off the table. The | peanut shells were scattered all over the floor. Infuriated, he held the child by her collar and dealt a stinging slap on her face. At the blow, the tiny girl was sent, ~23- Mexxi Three Publishing 1, | dealt a powerful punch right on his nose. Blood gushed out from his nostrils instantly. 2. “What you need is another beating!” Mother brandished the mean- looking cane. Her arms flailed wildly as she thrashed about in the water. The car was so badly battered that it was beyond repair. Smack! He dealt a stinging slap on her face, sending her reeling across the room. 6. He drummed his fingers on the table, much to the annoyance of others. 7. “I'l certainly get whacked by my father!” he muttered. Dismay was written all over his face. 8. She struck the child repeatedly. 9. He rained blow after blow on him till his little body stiffened. 10.She pounded on the door desperately as she pleaded, “Open up!” 11."I'l clobber you if you don’t follow my instructions!” she threatened. 12.As he picked the little girl up, she put up a fierce struggle and pummelled him angrily on the chest. 13.She swatted listlessly at the persistent mosquitoes | How to us The man with greasy hair snarled as he brandished the mean-looking blade. Salmah leant forward and sank her teeth into his coarse thick palm. The man screamed and shook his hand free, flinging the knife into the darkness. | “You're tired of living!” he hissed as he struck Salmah on her head, raining blow after blow. By the time he stopped, the girl was lying stiffly on the ground with her limbs in contorted positions. ~24- Mexxi Three Publishing Jump . She skipped merrily down the road. . She pranced about, pretending that she was a little pony. .. The robber pounced on the unsuspecting victim from behind. Upon hearing footsteps, the dog bounded out of the house instantly. She woke up with a start, screaming hysterically. . She leapt out of her bed instantly. . He looked flustered when he saw the police who were hot on his heels. He NOORONS grimaced for a brief moment before leaping over the brick wall. 8. Upon hearing the ‘click-click’ sounds of high-heeled shoes, he sprang up and scuttled off. How to use: The robber pounced on the unsuspecting victim from behind. “Don't movel” he hissed. However, upon hearing the siren of a patrol car, he froze. He looked flustered. The police were hot on his heels. He grimaced for a brief moment before leaping over the brick wall. Within seconds, he was out of sight. ~25- Mexxi Three Publishing Run 1. Having raced up the escalator steps, | panted as | hurried to the room. 2. | shot into the room and scanned around. 3. How can you barge into the room like that? 4. He darted across the street and disappeared into one of the dark alleys. 5. The children scurried around the room, giggling, yelling and making a great din. 6. She scampered off, giggling 7. The robber fled into the darkness of the alley. 8. The bullies scuttled off like frightened rats upon hearing the voice of the Headmaster. 9. He sprinted to the bus-stop. 10.To his utter dismay, the policeman was still hot on his heels. 11.When he heard the booming voice of the Discipline Master, he took to. 12.He took off when he heard the siren of the police patrol car. 13.The shoplifter tore down the stairs. 14.“Stop! You! Stop there!" he barked as he went in hot pursuit of the thief. | How to us | She raced all the way till her face turned red and her legs went numb. “Help! | Help!" she cried hysterically. | | To her utter dismay, the creature was sweeping swiftly towards her. Its scaly | wings spread wide open in a welcoming embrace. “Come! Come to me!” it | groaned as it continued in hot pursuit. As the talons of the demon sank into her throat, she woke up with a start, screaming. ~26- Mexai Three Publishing Say 1. “Here, take this!" she whispered as she shoved a fifty dollar note to me. “Not again!” she grumbled. . “Please!” pleaded the maid. |. “Shut up!" | snapped. “Where have you been?" the angry father det d in a gruff voice. “No... no... |... didn’t,” the child stammered nervously. . “One dollar... two...three...” muttered the old lady as she counted her NOOhRWN coins. 8. “Come out! NOW!" bellowed the angry father. 9. “Iwant TOTAL SILENCE! his voice thundered across the hall and everyone froze. 10."The patient is in a stable condition,” assured the doctor. 11."Hand over all your money!” the robber hissed a low menacing voice. 12."Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting?” the fans chanted. 13."You want a fight? I'll give you a fight!” he taunted. 14."Ladies and gentlemen, please rise to welcome our Guest of Honour!” the crisp clear voice of the emcee boomed from the loud speakers. 15."It's true!” he insisted in a timid voice. 16."How did you get these bruises?" the principal questioned, 17."Leave!” he commanded. 18."I'll offer you a discount,” persuaded the glib-tonqued sales assistant. 19. There were murmurs of agreement among the members. 20."Bread again?” | groaned. 21. He howled in pain. 22."Stop your computer game now!” Mother hollered. 23.Before | could explain myself, she lashed out at me again. 24.She did not spare me with her acid tongue. =a Mexxi Three Publishing 25."Okay,” he answered grudgingly. 26."Go down the street. Turn right. Turn left at the supermarket. Walk straight. Turn right at the second junction,” she rattled off li machine gun as | looked helplessly at her. 27."I didn't ask you to help!” she retorted. 28."It's not my fault!” he arqued. 29.Mother repeated her instruction for the third time. Her voice was hart xasper: 30."l am so tired!” she whined. 31."It's not my fault!” she protested mildly. 32."And don't forget to post the letter,” Mum reminded me gently. 33.The moment | reached home, Mother buried me under an avalanche ‘of questions, "Where have you been the whole night? Who were you with? Why didn't you call?” 34.Before she could explain, he began to rain torrents of abuse on her, punctuating his with profaniti 35."You! It's always you!” she accused as she wagged a finger at him. 36."So?" he challenged. 37."Me! Mel” the child volunteered eagerly as he raised his hand 38."Go! Go! None of your business!” he dismissed her with a wave. 39."Leave now!” she said. There was a note of finality in her voice. 40."I have no idea too!” he sighed. Despair was creeping into his voice 41."Oh my god!" he gasped with horror. 42."Come,” she beckoned with a smile. 43."You are dismissed,” her voice was cold and hard -28- ‘Mexai Three Publishing How to use: “Please,” | pleaded as | tugged at the hem of my shirt nervously. “don't... don’t call my father!" “You should have seen this coming! You have only yourself to blame!” the teacher snapped. “I've learnt my lesson! | will change! | promise!" | beaged. Despair was creeping into my voice. “Leave the room!” she ordered. There was a note of finality in her voice. She pointed at the door and glared at me. I lowered my eyes and made my way slowly to the door. “Hello? May | speak to Tim's father?" As she rattled off like a machine-gun, my heart sank. ~29- Mexxi Three Publishing Search / Find | fumbled in my pocket and fished out a two dollar note. The police combed the area. The naval divers salvaged the wreckage from the sea. Desperate, he sought help from his snobbish brother. The entire police force was mobilised. The hunt was on. | rummaged my bag. The robbers, having ransacked the place, made off with the loot. | had a rude shock when | discovered the pack of cigarettes in my sister's bag. eNO Pee Nw 9. | stumbled upon the treasure chest when | was finding my way out of a cave. 10.1 could not locate the place on the map. 11.The police managed to track him down. 12.He tucked his hand into the inside pocket of the worn jacket and pulled out a black wallet. How to use: “Now..." the magician's voice trailed off as he smiled mysteriously. With both hands, he pulled away the purple velvet cloth that was draped over the table. “My wallet!” | gasped. It was gone! | fumbled in my pockets and rummaged my bag. | even overturned the bag and emptied all its contents on the floor. Bewildered, | stared at him He nodded and tipped his top-hat, still smiling. Then, he tucked a gloved. hand into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out a black, worn-out leather wallet. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. ‘Mexai Three Publishing 1. She blinked continuously. 2. “What? You have no money?’ the cashier's voice rose as she glared at me in rude amazement. . If looks could kill, | would have withered there and then . She darted quick looks of sympathy at her. . Her eyes glinted with resentment. . | scanned the sea of faces, hoping to find someone familiar. . She searched my face in an attempt to read my thoughts. @PNOaRYD She gazed longingly at the necklace in the display window. 9. He cast me a side-long glance. 10.1 shot him an anary look and his silly chatter stopped immediately. 14.1 caught a glimpse of her when she was coming out of the building. 12.He cast furtive glances around him. To his great relief, no one was looking. 13.The old lady peered at me through the thick lenses. 14.He winked at her and grinned. 15.Incredulous, she blinked several times as she tried to understand what had happened. 16.Overcame by curiosity, | took a peek at the Christmas presents in the bag. 17.Awestruck, | stared at the surrounding without a word. 18.He craned his neck and strained his eyes as he tried to find his mother in the crowd. 19,From the corner of her eye, she saw the man approaching. 20.She looked wistfully at the letter. 21.Our eyes locked. 22.Her eyes were riveted to the television screen. 23.Once their mother was out of sight, the children were up to mischief again. aaa ‘Mexxi Three Publishing 24.He spotted a suspicious character. The man was loitering at the void deck. 25.He spun around and stared wide-eyed at the horrible sight. How to use: From the corner of my eye. | caught a glimpse of something moving. My heart skipped a beat. | stopped and listened intently as | cast furtive glances around me. Nothing. Not a soul. | heaved a sigh of relief and assured myself that it was just my eves playing | tricks on me. However, as | headed towards the lift lobby, | spotted a shadow behind a pillar. By the next second, it was out of sight. | peered at the pillar through my thick lenses. There was a shuffling sound behind me. | spun around and stared wide-eyed at the horrible sight. “Oh my god!” ~B2- Mexxi Three Publishing Think 1. He fretted for many nights, losing not just his appetite but also his sleep. “Okay, just once,” he finally succumbed to temptation. It dawned upon him that he had been tricked. Enlightened, her face lit up with a smile and she nodded silently. ARON “Iam really sorry. | did not realise the consequences of my actions!” he tried to explain. 6. He pondered over the matter for days. 7. He was so depressed over his bankruptcy that he even contemplated suicide. 8. He racked his brains for a solution that would please everyone. 9. ‘It's not a bad deal after all,” he reflected. 10.In retrospect, we could have avoided the catastrophe if we had been more vigilant. 11.He furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to recall. 12. The image of the poor old man waving at him remained etched in his mind. 13.After waiting for what seemed like eternity, he reckoned that she would not turn up after all. gam Mexxi Three Publishing, How to use: The creases on his forehead deepened as he furrowed his eyebrows. He stared intently at the words that leapt at him. He pursed his lips and tapped his pen wistfully as he racked his brains for a solution. He folded the letter, placed it carefully under his ashtray which was filled with cigarette butts and started to pace up and down the aisle. After what seemed like eternity, he finally looked up. Seeming | enlightened, he turned around and strode towards the table with | deliberate, measured steps. A faint smile flickered across his face. l ~34- Mexxi Three Publishing Throw . The mob pelted stones at the President's car. . | ghucked my bag and books aside after | had reached home. . | east the line and began a long wait. . | heaved the heavy sack of rice into the storeroom . Unable to decide, | tossed a coin. . He showered her with gifts in an attempt to get into her good books. . He hurled a huge brick at the window which smashed into a thousand pieces. NOORONS 8. | flung the alarm clock across the room, missing his head by inches. 9. “Itis high time you discard these old clothing!” 10. The old sofa was dumped at the lift landing. 14,"Here you go!” she thrust a mop at me. How to use: “Come on, wimp!” | bounced up and down the bed, throwing punches in the air as | snarled like the wrestlers on television. Not to be outdone, | grabbed Father's bolster with both hands and hurled it across the room. Pete ducked and missed it by inches. Unfortunately, it sent the glass bottles of cologne and lotions flying off the dressing table. “Missile launched!” Pete flung a pillow at me. It hit me in the face. We giggled. | “Oh no! You're going to get hell from my mother!” | gasped. | ~35- Mexxi Three Publishing Walk 1. She sauntered into the classroom although she was late. 2. The elephants Jumbered on. 3. As he stormed upstairs, his footsteps went 'Thump! Thump!'. 4. The little dog trotted down the street. 5. She flinched at every step as she limped towards the clinic. 6. The frail-looking old lady tottered down the steps. 7. He slunk out of the building when he caught sight of the police officers. 8. | quickened my steps 9. He staggered out of the bar with a wine bottle still in his hand. 10.She sashayed into the ballroom, parading her designer gown and basking in the praises of the other women. 11.The soldiers march into the parade square, looking smart in their crisp uniforms and polished boots. 12.He trod gingerly across the floor, avoiding the shards of broken glass. 13.He crept upstairs silently. 14,He howled in pain as he hobbled to the sofa 15.He strode confidently up the stage. 16.1 sneaked past the unsuspecting guard. 17.He swaggered haughtily down the street. 18.We stumbled along in the jungle. 19.We wandered aimlessly in the mall. 20,We roamed the streets, feeling thoroughly bored. 21.1 spun and headed for the exit 22.We made our way to the exit. 23.We strolled leisurely along the stretch of sand. 24.Huffing and puffing, we finally caught up with her. 25.My steps lightened and quickened ~56- ‘Mexxi Three Publishing 26.We had taken several wrong turns. 27.| laboured up the steps 28, We groped our way to our seats in the cinema. 29. The girl was following behind quietly, struggling to keep up with long strides of the older children. 30.He retreated warily at the sight of the police. 31.The children made a for the canteen. 32.She walked speedily down the street, with her sullen child trailing behind. 33.He walked purposefully as he caught up with the old lady. As he stared ahead, he dipped his right hand into her handbag. 34.The angry husband marched down the street with a scowl on his face. 35.The old woman shuffled into the room How to use: We groped on in the darkness, stumbling every now and then. The sun had set a long time ago. Having taken several wrong turns, our fighting spirits were greatly diminished. Without the map, we could only wander aimlessly until we chanced upon a way out. | laboured up the steep slope, huffing and puffing. Sarah, who had sprained her ankle, flinched at every step as she limped along, trying to keep up with us. ~a7- Mexxi Three Publishing 1. He scribbled something on a piece of paper and passed it to her surreptitiously. 2. The untidy scrawl gradually reduced to illegible snakelike drawings. 3. “Happy... Fathers’... Day,” she muttered as she pencilled the words carefully on the cover of the card. 4. He jotted the notes down hurriedly, trying desperately to keep up with the supersonic pace of the teacher. 5. She stopped writing and tapped the table impatiently with her pen. “What else have | missed out?” she said as she furrowed her eyebrows. 6. Disapproval was written all over her face as she signed on the test paper most reluctantly. 7. The child gripped the pencil so tightly that his knuckles nearly turned white. Poring over the book, he traced the dotted lines gingerly. How to use: The teacher scribbled line after line on the white board, rattling off like a machine-gun as he went on. She looked around helplessly. None of her classmates seemed as lost as she was. [She struggled to keep up with the pace of the teacher. Her hand was aching. Flexing her fingers, she picked up her pen again and jotted the notes. down, trying desperately to keep up with the supersonic pace of the teacher. “What was the last sentence?” she whispered to the girl next to her. ~38- Mexxi Three Publishing The Old . His silver-grey hair was neatly parted at the side. . So much of his hair had shed that he was practically bald. . His speech was slurred and his vision was blurred. Rone . Wrinkles were deeply etched on his forehead and at the corners of his eyes. . Dark spots stood out on his face and his arms. . As | held him by his arm, his skin felt loose and leathery. 7. He was clad in a threadbare white singlet and blue-striped cotton pants. Pa 8. He smiled, revealing a set of grossly discoloured teeth, many of which were missing. 9. Her hair was an entangled mess of grey. 10. There was a glassy look in her eyes. 11. Every now and then, she stroked her jade bangle, the only possession she had. 12,Where his sparse hair parted, a patch of smooth brown skin showed. 13.He had a long straggling beard. 14.Her silver-rimmed glasses, perched precariously on her nose bridge, threatened to slip off any time. 15.She was shabbily dressed in a floral cotton blouse and black silk pants. 16.Her hand trembled as she gestured at the glass of water. 17."No, | can walk on my own,” she insisted as she leant on the walking stick and laboured on ~39- Mexxi Three Publishing The Young 4. His chubby cheeks gave off a rosy glow. 2. His skin, like his hair, was extremely soft and fine. 3. He howled till his face turned red. 4. His cries escalated to loud uncontrollable wails as he held his arms out for an embrace. 5. He flashed a crooked smile, showing his dimples. 6. He flashed a toothless grin. 7. “I don't like you!” she snorted and scampered off. 8. ‘Mummy! Mummy!" the child wailed as he wiped his tear-streaked face. 9. Her hair, neatly tied into two plaits, was adorned with red and yellow ribbons. 10.Her Mickey Mouse T-shirt was stained with what looked like chocolate ice cream. 11.She was a mere wisp of a girl. 12. Her eyes were forlorn-looking. 13. She was clad in an oversized cotton dress. What was supposed to be a pretty pink was a dirty, dull grey. 14.Her hair was plastered to one side of her dirt-smeared face 15.She ran around barefooted, her little feet as nimble as a hind. 16.She smiled gleefully and stretched out a hand. 17.Before long, the child had curled up across his chest and was sucking his thumb as he snored softly. 18.Her eyes twinkled. 740- Mexxi Three Publishing The Ugly 1. His pockmarked face was oily. 2. His skin was leathery. 3. His hair was greasy and long. 4. His breath and his clothes reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke. 5. The perpetual scowl on his face could not look worse. 6. Her face was bony and long, like that of a horse. 7. Amalicious smile flickered across his face momentarily. 8. Her crooked nose tapered off with a hook. 9. He scratched his head furiously and tiny white flakes filtered like dust on his shoulders and his shirt. 10.Her fringe was a straight flat curtain covering her eyes. 11.Her eyes were beady and unblinking, like that of a lizard 12.Her glasses were horn-rimmed and purple. 13.He looked simply grotesque! 14,Her clothes were formless and her chunky jewellery were flashy. 15.His face was contorted into a hideous grin. 16.He was a short and podgy man with a distended belly. 17.She had a tremendously wide head with bulging glassy eyes and a down-turned mouth which gave her a severe expression. 18.She was a fat woman with a huge oily face and a snout for a nose. 19.His bulk wobbled as he shambled down the lane. 20.His eyes, his nose and his mouth were all squeezed together. 21.His neck was practically invisible. His chin met his chest with two or three folds of skin. 22.His rancid breath made me recoil. 23.Her hair was oily and matted against the sides of her face. 24.Her nostrils flared from rapid breathing. ~41- Mexai Three Publishing The Good-Looking 1. He was impeccably dressed in a suit matched with gleaming leather shoes. 2. She was clad in a red designer gown made of best quality material, decorated with gold brocades and intricate hand embroidery. 3. Her high-heeled shoes went ‘click-click-click’ as she sashayed into the room. His shoulders were broad and muscular. There was not even a crease in his crisp new uniform. She was adorned with expensive pearls and gold. He sported a fine black moustache. PNP His muscles were as hard and lean as those of an Olympic athlete. 9. Lustrous black hair cascaded down her shoulders. 10.Her face was as smooth as porcelain. 11.His eyes were deep-set and his cheekbones high 12.One would be terribly envious of his chiselled good looks. 13.Soft black curls framed her almond-shaped face. 14,Her eyes were large and wistful. 15.Her skin was silky, her eyes wide and smiling and her cheeks gave off a rosy glow. 16.She looked resplendent in a light blue dress. 17.At 1.9 metres, he towered above most men. 18.Clad in a simple white cotton shirt and khaki pants, he oozed with confidence. ~42- Mexxi Three Publishing The Injured 1, There was a huge swell on her forehead. 2. Her legs and thighs were covered with ugly blue-black bruises and red scratches. 3. He passed out due to the excruciating pain. 4. His face turned ash-white and his chest wheezed. 5. [felt a blow, then a dull ache. A slow, warm trickle ran down my cheek. 6. His feet were caked with blood. 7. There was a gaping wound on his kneecap and he gasped when he saw his bone. 8. His arm was in a sling and his leg was in a plaster cast. 9. Her breath was weak and laboured. 10.His elbows and knees were slightly grazed. 14. The nurse inserted an intravenous line into his arm. 12.The constant pain wore him down. 13.He finally succumbed to his injuries. 14.They cut away enough debris to extricate him. 15.He could not hold out any longer. 16.His hands were swollen and puffy. 17.His feet were cracked and lacerated. 743- ‘Mexai Three Publishing The Sick 1, He was awoken by his own hacking cough. 2. She was all skin and bones and her spine was a bumpy ridge. 3. Death was at her doorstep. 4. She aged drastically as she grew weaker each day. 5. She made it up the stairs on her wobbly legs. 6. Her forehead furrowed as if she was in pain. 7. His voice was trembling and his speech was laboured. 8. There were numerous marks of needles on her arms. 9. He lay for long periods in gloom as he stared at space without even a blink. 10.To our despair, he made little progress over the weeks. 11. The doctor had no choice but to feed him intravenously through a drip. 12.He was a mere skeleton with deep sunken eyes and hollow cheeks. 13."She is in a critical condition. If she pulls through, she will be out of danger,” the doctor held us in a steady gaze as he spoke in a grave voice. 14."The patient is in a stable condition. She is warded for further observation. If nothing goes wrong, she should be discharged in a couple of days,” the doctor smiled reassuringly. 15.He looked so forlorn and dispirited. 16.His hair was in disarray and his skin was doughy and shrunken 17.He lay motionlessly on the sweat-sodden bed. 18.Even sitting up was a chore for him. It was apparent from the way he puffed and wheezed. 19.As he raised one bony hand to tell me something, he began to cough. 20.He was coughing so violently that his face exploded into a deep crimson. 21.Gasping for air, he slapped his chest repeatedly. 22.His emaciated face was sallow. Mexxi Three Publishing The Evil . In the darkness, the green gleaming eyes glared at him menacingly. . The shadowy mass seemed ready to pounce any minute. . He heard ear-piercing screams of agony. .. The dark shape remained in a crouching position. . A large hairy hand gripped him from behind. . She uttered a long, drawn-out cry as she charged at him. . It tightened its grip around my neck. . It came so close to me that its nose touched mine. Its putrid warm breath sent my stomach churning. 9. The dark patch was looming behind the trees. PNOBHRRON BS 10.A white, almost translucent figure flitted across the room. 11.Its translucent hand inched towards me and to my horror, sank into my chest. 12.It sank its talons into my throat. 13.It raised a gnarled finger and beckoned to me. 14. It extended its huge tentacles towards his face as it leered at him. 15.Its eyes, originally narrow slits of red, suddenly fluttered open. ~45- Mexxi Three Publishing A Teacher 1. The chatter ceased as she folded her arms and glared at us. 2. She pushed up her gold-rimmed glasses and surveyed me suspiciously. 3. She frowned as her eyes fell on Tom, who was scribbling something on a piece of paper. 4. “You! Yes, you, over there!” she lashed out mercilessly as she pointed an accusing finger at Tom. “What are you doing?” 5. As she rattled off like a machine-gun, we looked at one another helplessly. 6. | shook my head earnestly, my eyes proclaiming my innocence. 7. Her high-pitched voice and supersonic speed made it impossible for us to understand much. 8. What was audible were the shuffling of papers and the ‘click-click- click’ of Mrs Vera's high-heeled shoes. 9. Silence weighed heavily in the air. 10.The silence was oppressive. 141.Our eyes lit up at the sounds of the dismissal bell. 12.Fortunately, she mistook our grateful sighs and heaving of shoulders as a sign of our long-suppressed hunger. 13."Answer the questions on pages fifty-two to fifty-six in your workbook. Hand them in tomorrow morning. Is that clear?” she wagged a finger to emphasise her point. 14, She closed her book with a loud clap and strutted off. 15. There was a benevolent smile on his face. 16.She pursed her lips and glared at us. 17.Her incredibly thin lips were painted bright pink. 18.He continued to scribble on the white board, totally oblivious to our loud chatter and giggles. Menai Three Publishing Crowded Areas 1. The mall was milling with last-minute shoppers. 2. The shoppers were bustling among the racks and shelves, examining item after item and comparing prices. 3. The stadium was crammed with hordes of spectators. s . "Excuse me ! Sorry! Oops! Sorry!” | muttered as | jostled my way out of the crowd. . Bargain hunters thronged the market. . There was a long snakelike queue. . The bus, already overcrowded with passengers, halted only briefly. . The air, reeking of perspiration and cigarette smoke, grew unbearably warm and stufty. 9. | scanned the sea of faces. @eornoag 10.Shoppers flocked to the supermarket upon hearing news of the closing-down sale. 14.Enthusiastic fans swarmed the airport, hoping to catch a glimpse of their idol. 12.The place was packed. 13. The bus was so full that people were pushing and shoving one another. 14.Cars slowed to a crawl when they turned into the congested road. ~47- Mexxi Three Publishing Forests Ahead of me towered a steep rocky face. There was a dirt track but it kept dividing. Insects buzzed around me. The water in the stream gurgled. Something in the undergrowth stirred. The leaves rustled as a breeze blew The thick belt of jungle lying ahead looked more forbidding than ever. It was a magnificent sight of ancient trees and lush green fields. 9. | looked up at the moss-draped branches. ONOARON = 10.1 slipped several times on the hard grainy soil. 11.We stopped in our tracks when we heard the gruff barking of some wild animals in the distance. 12.We listened intently. A bird was squawking monotonously. 13.We made our way through the dense and depressing undergrowth. By the time we reached the river, our legs and thighs were covered with ugly red scratches. 14.Flowers bright red and yellow were in full bloom. 15.Grasshoppers darted around in lush overgrown lawns. 16.The darkness of the jungle shrouded our path. 17.We marched on bravely, swatting the sinister flies that would not leave us alone. 748- Menai Three Publishing Markets 1. Top-ten hits were blaring from the stalls selling pirated compact discs. 2. There was a long snakelike queue in front of the Malay stall selling otah-otah. 3. "Wow! It's really cheap!" | squealed with delight. 4. Bright lights lined the ceilings of the makeshift stalls, adding an air of festive cheer. 5. The aroma of the barbequed Taiwanese sausages, chicken wings and golden brown fishballs sent our mouths watering. 6. She was fanning herself indifferently, seemingly unperturbed by the absence of customers. 7. "Come, come, Miss! Take a look! Good bargain!” the middle-aged man beckoned. 8. The narrow pavement was packed with residents who were clad in T- shirts and shorts. 9, We managed to jostle our way out. 10. Housewives thronged the market, many with baskets dangling from their arms. 11. They walked purposefully from stall to stall, comparing prices. 12.She pressed the fish gently. “How much?" she asked the fishmonger as she held one up by its tail. 13.Apparently, it had been a fruitful trip for her. Several shopping bags dangled from her arms and a smile lingered at the corners of her lips. 14.She walked gingerly, careful not to slip on the wet floor. 15."Yucks!" she let out a cry of dismay as she pinched her nose, “The ‘smell is terrible!” ~49-

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