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Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

Practice Paper 1

1. ZnO 2. ketone

3. Wild cabbage 4. Iodine

5. True 6. False
7. False 8. (A) H
9. (C) Vas deferens 10.
(B) Age of fossil
11. (C) 25 cm 12. Magnesium
13. Tidal energy 14. Ampere
15. Coliform bacteria 16.
it is a non-biodegradable.


17. (a) pH is shifted to alkaline so that milk does not spoil becoming sour by releasing lactic acid.
«« (b) Milk is made alkaline by adding baking soda so, the lactic acid formed will get neutralised and therefore
it will take a little more time to set become acidic.
18. Aluminium with nitric acid does not produce hydrogen gas because during the reaction, Aluminium forms a
oxide coating which prevents it from further reaction. This property is called anodising.
19. Limitations of newland’s law of octave :
(i) It is applicable upto calcium only.
(ii) Properties of new discovered elements did not fit into law of octave.
(iii) To fit elements in his table, Newlands put even two elements together in one slot and that too in the
column of unlike element having very different properties.
19. (a) Li (Lithium) - Metallic character decreases left to right.
«« (b) F (Flourine) - as we go left to right in a period size decrease.
20. 6CO2 + 12H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O
Carbon dioxide water Glucose oxygen water
Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration

i It takes place in presence of oxygen. i It takes place in absence of oxygen.

ii End products are carbon dioxide and water. ii End products are ethanol and carbon dioxide.

iii More energy is released. iii Less energy is released.

iv It takes place in cytoplasm and mitochondria. iv It occurs in cytoplasm only.

v Complete oxidation of food. v Incomplete oxidation of food.

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

21. Following are the changes seen in girls at the time of puberty :
(1) Female shows development of breasts. (2) Begining of menstruation.
22. Convex mirror is used in side/rear view mirror of a vehicle. Convex mirror forms an erect and diminished
image of vehicles and gives wider view of rear.
23. Also name each component used.

+ V – A

+ –

Power of Refrigerator = 400 W Power of Bulb = 100 W
Total energy consumed by refrigerator Total energy consumed by bulb
400 × 10 × 10 = 40,000 Wh = 40 kWh 100 × 10 × 10 = 10,000 Wh = 10 kWh
Cost of energy to operate refrigerator for Cost of energy to operate refrigerator for
10 days = 40 × 8 = ` 320 10 days = 10 × 8 = ` 80
∴ Total Cost = ` 320 + 80 = ` 400.

24. Precautions to avoid overloading of domestic circuits.

(i) Do not use too many appliances at same time
(ii) Use the appliances within safe limit of electric circuit
(iii) Do not connect too many appliances in a single socket
25. Two methods used to reduce the problems of waste disposal are:
(i) Throwing biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste into separate dustbin, so that recycling can be
done easily.
(ii) By putting the organic waste into compost pits dug in the ground and preparing compost. This compost
helps in increasing fertility of soil.
26. Reuse : It is a method to reduce problem of waste disposal by using the waste material again like we can
reverse the envelope and use it again instead of throwing. Plastic and glass containers can be reused.
«« Recycle : Collect the waste materials (non-biodegradable) like plastic, paper, glass, metal and recycle them.
26. (1) Social problems as they displace a large numbers of tribals or public.
(2) Environmental problems as they cause deforestation and loss of biological diversity.
(3) Economic problems as they consume huge amount of money.


27. (a) ‘X’ is quicklime

(b) Formula of quicklime is CaO
(c) CaO(s) + H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq)
Calcium oxide water Calcium hydroxide
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

28. Impure Copper metal obtained after reduction of copper oxide is refined by the process of electrolytic refining.
«« A thick block of impure copper metal and a thin strip of pure copper metal are taken.
«« These two blocks are dipped in the copper sulphate solution.
«« Block of impure copper metal is connected with positive pole and strip of pure copper metal is connected
with negative pole of electric source.
«« When electric current is passed through the electrodes, block of impure copper metal is dissolved and pure
copper metal is deposited over cathode.
«« Impurities from block of copper are settled down in the form of anode mud in the solution.

«« In this process copper metal from impure block of copper lose electrons and form copper ion in the
solution. From solution positively charged copper ion attracted towards cathode, gets electron and converted
into copper metal and deposited at cathode.
Cu – 2e– → Cu2+
Copper Electron copper ion
Cu2+ + 2e– → Cu
Copper ion Electron copper metal
28. More reactive metals displaces less-reactive metals from their compounds.
«« This process is highly exothermic.
«« In these types of displacement reaction amount of heat evolved is so large that the metal produced in
such reaction is in molten state.
Example :
«« When Ferric Oxide (III) is heated with Aluminum (Al), Iron (III) oxide is reduced to iron metal.
Fe2O3(g) + 2Al → 2Fe(l) + Al2O3(s) + heat
Ferric Aluminium Iron Aluminium
oxide metal oxide
«« This reaction is known as Thermit reaction. Thermit reaction is used in joining of railway tracks or cracks
in machine parts.
29. A → Dendrites : Dendrites are protoplasmic extensions with numerous fine branches that bring the impulse
towards cell body.
«« B → Nerve ending : It helps in sending its signal to a sensory neuron.
30. Different types of Asexual reproduction
(i) Binary Fission – e.g. Amoeba
(ii) Multiple Fission – e.g. Plasmodium
(iii) Fragmentation – e.g. Spirogyra
(iv) Regeneration – e.g. Hydra, Planaria
(v) Budding – e.g. Hydra
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

(vi) Vegetative propagation

(i) By root – e.g. sweet Potato
(ii) By stem – e.g. ginger +
(iii) By leaves – e.g. Bryophyllum –
«« Binary Fission in Amoeba

«« Nutrition in Amoeba :
«« Amoeba is unicellular animal. The mode of nutrition in Amoeba is holozoic. In Amoeba the process of
obtaining food is called phagocytosis (means cell feeding). The various processes involved in nutrition are
ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion.
«« Ingestion : Amoeba ingests food particles by forming temporary finger like projections known as pseudopodia
around them so the food is en-captured along with lysosomes into a bag called food vacuole.
«« Digestion : In Amoeba food is digested in the food vacuoles by digestive enzymes.
«« Absorption : The digested food found in food vacuoles is absorbed directly into cytoplasm by diffusion.
«« Assimilation : A part of the food absorbed in cell is used to obtain energy through respiration. The
remaining part is used in the growth of Amoeba.
«« Egestion : The undigested food remains in the food vacuole is thrown out of the body by rupturing cell
31. Homologous organ : (Morphological and anatomical evidences)
«« These are the organs that have same basic structure but different functions.
«« Homologous organ provides evidences for evolution by telling us that they are derived from same ancestor.
«« e.g. Forelimb of horse (Runing), wings of bat (fly), Paw of cat (walk) } functions. Same basic structure but
Analogous Organ :
«« These are the organs that have different origin & structural plan but same function.
«« Analogous organs provide mechanism for evolution.
«« Wings of bat → elongated finger with skin folds  Different basic structure but perform
Wings of bird → feathery covering along arm  same function, i.e flight.

31. (a) Father’s chromosome
(b) XY is not present
(c) Yes, because sex ratio is falling which is bad for society as a whole
32. M E

B’ C


Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

«« Position - Beyond C
«« Size - Enlarged
«« Nature - Real and inverted
32. Object size h = +4 cm
Object distance u = –25 cm
Focal length f = –15 cm
Image distance v = ?
Image size h’ = ?
1 1 1
+ =
v u f
1 1 1 1 1
= – = – –
v f u –15 –25
1 1 1
= – +
v 15 25
1 –2
v 75
v = = –37.5 cm
h1 –v
Magnification m = =
h u
–vh (-37.5) + (4)
h’ = =
u -25.0
h’ = –6 cm
Image is inverted and enlarge.
33. R1 I1
X R2 I2 Y
R3 I3

+ V–

+ –
(•) – A+
«« Total Current I is equal to sum of separate currents through each branch of combination.
I = I1 + I2 + I3
By Ohm’s law
V = IR
I =
So, I1 = V , I2 = V , I3 = V
R1 R2 R3
So, = V + V + V
RP R1 R2 R3
1 1 1 1
Vd n = Ve R + R + R o
Rp 1 2 3
= 1 + 1 + 1
RP R1 R2 R3
34. (a) Solar energy converted into electrical energy.
(b) 0.7 W of electricity.
(c) (i) It can not be used during night, (ii) It can not be used if sky is covered with cloud.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science


35. Chemical compound - Baking Soda

It is Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate (NaHCO3)
NaCl + H2O + CO2 + NH3 → NH4Cl + NaHCO3
Sodium Water Carbon Ammonia Ammonium Sodium
Cholride dioxide chioride hydrogencarbonate
35. Reaction of zinc granules with dilute sulphuric acid and testing hydrogen gas by burning. Take one test
tube, a beaker and stand to set the apparatus as shown in the figure. Take 5ml of dil. Sulphuric acid in
a test tube and add a few pieces of zinc granules to it. Take soap solution in a beaker. Dilute sulphuric
acid and zinc granules react to form zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas. This hydrogen gas when passed
through soap solution causes the agitation of the mixture resulting in the formation of bubbles. Moreover,
as particles of soap are already interacting with water, they do not react with hydrogen gas. Bubbling of
gas thus results in the formation of bubbles. When burning candle is brought near bubbling gas, it burns
with pop sound, which shows the presence of hydrogen gas.

Delivery tube

Stand Burning of hydrogen

gas with a pop sound

Test tube
Dilute Hydrogen
sulphuric gas
acid bubbles
Soap bubble filled
Zinc granules with hydrogen

Soap solution

Reaction of zinc granules with dilute sulphuric acid and testing hydrogen gas by burning

«« Reaction of acid with metal

Acid + Metal → Salt + Hydrogen gas
H2SO4 + Zn → ZnSO4+ H2
«« Zn + H2SO4 → ZnSO4 + H2
Zinc dil Sulphuric acid Zinc Sulphate Hydrogen

«« Zn + NaOH → Na2ZnO2 + H2
zinc Sodium Hydroxide Sodium Zincate Hydrogen
36. (a) (i) Benzene (ii) Chloropropane

H H Cl


«« (b) Esterification : The process of formation of ester on reaction of carboxyllic acid with alcohol.
Ethanoic Ethanol Ester O Water
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science


Schematic sectional view of the human heart

«« Blood enters the heart through inferior and superior Vena Cava, this blood is impure (Carbon dioxide
containing) blood. Impure blood enters into right atrium. As the atrium contracts blood, flows from right
atrium to right vertricle through tricuspid valve. From right verticle blood flow to lung by pulmonary artery
in lung impure blood becomes pure [oxygen containing] blood by the process of diffusion. Again blood
comes to left atrium by pulmonary vein and by contraction goes to left verticle through bicuspid value.
38. Child is suffering with Myopia (Near Sightedness)
It is corrected by Concave lens.

Concave lens
39. Electric Generator

«« Principle : Electric Generator works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. When a coil is rotated
between the magnet or when magnet is rotated in or out of the coil the current is induced in coil and
direction of current is induced in coil which is given by Fleming’s right hand rule.
«« Working : As shown in figure, when the axle attached to two rings is rotated such that arm AB moves up
and arm CD moves down in magnetic field produced by permanent magnet i.e. ABCD rotates clockwise.
«« By Flemings right hand rule, the induced currents are set up in these arms and flows in the direction of
ABCD which flows from B2 to B1.

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

«« After half a rotation arm CD Starts moving up and AB moves down.

«« As the direction of induced currents in both arms change, current is induced in direction DCBA which
further flows from B1 to B2 externally.
«« After every half rotation the polarity of current in arm changes.
«« Such current which changes direction after equal intervals of time is called alternating current.
39. Phenomenon of inducing electric current in a coil by changing magnetic field around, it is called
electromagnetic induction.
(a) When a bar magnet is pushed into coil of insulated copper wire connected to a galvanometer, an induced
current is set up in the coil due to change of magnetic field through it. As a result, galvanometer
shows diflection towards left.
(b) When bar magnet is withdrawn from inside the coil, again a induced current is set up in coil due to
change of magnetic field through it. As a result, galvanometer gives a diflection in reverse direction
(towards right)
(c) If the bar magnet is held stationary inside coil then there is no induced current in coil because there
is no change in magnetic field through it. As a result, galvanometer does not show deflection.

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

Practice Paper 2

1. CaCO3 2. Nickel
3. Kale 4. –0.5 D
5. False 6. True
7. True 8. (C) Group 18
9. (C) both similarities and variations with parents 10. (C) Homologous organs
11. (D) 25 12. Barium (Ba)
13. In plants the carbohydrate not used immediately is accumulated in starch form
14. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4)

15. Mining causes pollution as large amount of metal waste are emitted along with the extraction of metal.
16. Yes, because making Kulhads on large scales leads to the loss of top soil.


17. The process of chemical reaction between acids and bases to form salts and water is called neutralization.
Example :
(1) HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O
Hydrochloric Sodium Sodium Water
acid Hydroxide Chloride
(2) HNO3 + KOH → KNO3 + H2O
Nitric Potassium Potassium Water
Acid Hydroxide Nitrate
18. A strip of Magnesium while burning in the air yield (MgO). It has basic properties that make red litmus
paper blue.
«« The product (SO2) obtained by burning sulphur powder in air had acidic properties which make blue litmus
paper into red.
19. Mendeleev’s periodic table is an arrangement of the elements that group similar elements together. He
left blank spaces for the undiscovered elements (atomic masses, element: 44, scandium; 68, gallium; 72,
germanium; & 100, technetium) so that certain elements can be grouped together.
Group-elements Periodic elements
In group : Atomic size increases from top to In Period : Atomic size decreases from left to
bottom. right.
In group : moving from top to bottom, tendency In period : moving from left to right, tendeny to
to lose electrons increases. lose the electrons decreases.

20. An organism needs control and coordination system for the following functions :
(i) To save the body of the organisms from the harmful changes in the Environment.
(ii) To control the speed of voluntary and involuntary actions.
(iii) To have the capability to think and learn for responding to any stimuli.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

20. The small empty space between two nerve cells is called synapse. At synapse, a chemical substance is
produced at the end of axon of one nerve cell that reaches to the other nerve cell through the dendrite.
Thus, information is transmitted from one nerve cell to other nerve cell by synapse.
21. Both binary fission and multiple fission are asexual reproduction and occur with the presence of only one parent.
«« In binary fission the parent cell divides itself into two equal and identical daughter cells.
«« It is the most common form of a reproduction in prokaryotes such as bacteria, Amoeba.
«« In multiple fission a single parent cell is divided into many daughter cells.
«« It is the most common form of reproduction in plasmodium.
22. Mirror Formula : The formula that gives the relationship among object distance (u), Image distance (ν), and
focal length ( f ) is called mirror formula.
«« Mathematical formulation of mirror is given below:
1 1 1
«« =u +ν
hl ν
«« Magnification of mirror m = = –u
«« (where, h = object height, and h’ = image height.)
23. If a net charge Q. flows across any cross section of a conductor in time t, then the current I, through the
cross-section is I = Q/t
«« The SI unit of electric charge is coulomb (C)
«« The electric current is expressed by a Unit called Ampere (A).
«« 1 Ampere : one ampere is constituted by the flow of one coulomb of charge per second.
1A = 1C/1s
23. Potential Difference of heater = 60V
Current I = 4A
Resistance = R ?
By Ohm’s law :
V = IR
R = V/R = 60/4 = 15 ohms
Now if potential is increased to 120 V
I = ?
V = IR
I = V/R = 120/15 = 8 A
«« Hence current drawn by heater is 8A
24. All Field lines follow their own path to reach from the North Pole to the South Pole. Two magnetic field
lines do not intersect each other because if there was point of intersection, then there would be two
tangents for a single point which means that the magnetic field has two directions, which is not possible.
25. (i) The burning of fossil fuels produces large amount of carbon dioxide that causes increased greenhouse
(ii) The burning of fossil fuels (such as coal) produces smoke which pollutes the air.
(iii) The burning of fossil fuels produces acidic gases such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These
acidic gases cause acid rain that affects our water and soil resources.
(iv) Fossil fuels cannot be replenished in short time because it takes millions of years to form them.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

26. The use of several pesticides and other chemicals to protect our crops from diseases and pests. These
chemicals are either washed down into the soil or into the water bodies.
«« From the soil, these are absorbed by the plants along with water and minerals, and from the water bodies
these are taken up by aquatic plant and animals.
«« This is one of the ways in which they enter the food chain.
«« These chemical are not degradable, these get accumulated progressively at each trophic level.
«« Our food grains, such as wheat, rice vegetables and fruits and even meat, contains varying amounts of
pesticides residues.
«« They cannot always be removed by washing or other means.
26. The water quality of the river Ganga is very low. That is why the cleaning of the Ganga took place in
«« Coliform is a group of bacteria, found in human intestines, whose presence in water indicates contamination
of disease causing micro-organisms.


27. The type of reaction in which oxidation and reduction are occurring simultaneously is known as Redox
«« Example :
(i) In the reaction mentioned below, copper oxide is losing oxygen and being reduced, while hydrogen gain the
oxygen and being oxidised.
CuO + H2 Cu + H2O

(ii) ZnO + C → Zn + CO
«« In reaction carbon is oxidised to CO and ZnO is reduced to Zn.
(iii) MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
«« In reaction HCl is oxidised to Cl2, whereas MnO2 is reduced to MnCl2.
28. The main reason for the conduction in metals is the presence of an excess of free electrons.
«« Whenever the metal is heated or electricity is applied to the metals, the free electrons get excited and
accelerate at some velocity.
«« During this movement, the electrons transfer their energy to other electrons, and hence the metals conduct.
¾¾ Experiment :
Apparatus : One metal rod, heat source [candle, Bunsen burner etc]

Stand Metal wire

Clamp Free end of wire


Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

¾¾ Procedure :
Switch on the heat source if it is powered by electricity or else take a candle and light the candle. Once
the candle is lit, hold the metal rod by pointing its one end on the flame of the candle.
2. Within a few seconds or minutes, you will feel the heat at the other end of the rod, and after some time
the rod gets very hot.
This simple experiment proves that metals are good conductors of heat as the heat is spread over the
entire rod within a few minutes. Another technique which can be employed is that apply wax at one end
of the rod and fix a pin to it and keep another part of the rod over the heat source for some time.
4. After some time it will be observed that the wax begins to melt and the pin falls which proves that
metals are good conductors of heat.
28. Metals reacts with water and produces metal oxide or metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas
Metal + Water → Metal oxide or + Hydrogen
metal hydroxide
Example :
(i) Metals like Potassium and Sodium react violently with cold-water. The reaction is so violent and exothermic
that the evolved hydrogen immediately catches fire.
2K(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2KOH(aq) + H2(g)
potassium water potassium hydrogen
hydroxide + heat energy.
2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)
sodium water sodium hydrogen
hydroxide + heat energy
(ii) The reaction of calcium with water is less violent. The heat evolved is not sufficient for the hydrogen to
catch fire.
Ca(s) + 2H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq) + H2(g)
Calcium water calcium hydrogen
(iii) Magnesium reacts with hot-water to form magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen. It start floating due to
bubbles of hydrogen gas sticking to its surface.
2Mg(s) + 2H2O(l) → Mg(OH)2(aq) + H2(g)
magnesium water magnesium hydrogen
(iv) Metals like aluminium, iron and zinc do not react with cold or hot water. They react with steam to form
the metal-oxide and hydrogen.
2Al(s) + 3H2O(g) → Al2O3(s) + 3H2(g)
Aluminium water Aluminium hydrogen
3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) → Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g)
Iron water Iron oxide hydrogen
«« metals such as lead, copper, silver and gold do not react with water at all.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

29. nucleus dendrite

cell body

sheath musecle
end of
Nerve cell
«« Nerve cell or neuron is the functional unit of nervous system. A nerve cell has three parts-
(i) cell body
(ii) dendrite
(iii) axon
«« Function : The function of nerve cells is to carry information in the form of electrical signals which are
called nerve impulses. Cells receive stimulus to send it to spinal cord and brain and carry the message
from brain to the target organ.
30. Name of asexual reproduction methods are given below.
«« (i) Fission (ii) Budding (iii) Fragmentation (iv) Regeneration (v) Spore formation (vi) Vegetative propagation
(vii) Propagation by Tissue culture.
«« For unicellular organisms, cell division, or fission, leads to the creation of New individuals. Many different
patterns of fission have been observed. Many bacteria and protozoa simply split into two equal halves
during cell division. In organisms such as Amoeba, the splitting of the two cells during division can take
place in any plane.
«« The single-celled organisms, such as the malaria parasite, Plasmodium, divide into many daughter cells
simultaneously by multiple fission. Yeast, on the other hand, can put out small buds that separate and
grow further.

¾¾ Binary Fission in Amoeba :

Elongation of
of groove
Nucleus nucleus
Two daughter
Division of
Parent amoeba
nucleus and
Binary fission in Amoeba

«« Amoeba is a unicellular organism and just like bacteria, it reproduces through binary fission. After replicating
its genetic material through mitotic division, the cell divides into two equal-sized daughter cells. In this
method, two similar individuals are produced from a single parent cell.
31. Genetic drift and Natural selection :
«« Genetic drift is the random change in the frequency of alleles (gene-pair) in a population over successive
«« Natural selection is the process by which nature selects and consolidate those organisms which are more
suitable adapted and possesses favourable variations.
«« Genetic drift will accumalate different changes in each sub-population.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

«« Natural selection may also operate differently in these different geographic locations.
«« For example, in the territory of one sub-population crows are eliminated by eagles. But this does not
happen for the other sub-population, where crow numbers are very high.
«« Togather, the processes of genetic drift and natural - selection will result in these two isolate sub-populations
of bettles becoming more an more different from each and they will be incapable of reproduction with
each other oven if they happen to meet.
31. Acquired and Inherited Traits
Acquired Traits Inherited Traits
1. There are the traits which are developed in an 1. These are the traits which are passed from
individual due to special conditions. one generation to the next.
2. They cannot be transferred to the progeny. 2. They get transferred to the progeny.
3. They cannot direct evolution 3. They are helpful in evolution.
4. e.g., Low weight of starving beetles. 4. e.g., Colour of eyes and hair.

32. Focal length f = 15

«« Image distance v = 10 cm
«« Object distance u = ?
1 1 1
«« By using lens formula : v – u =
1 1 1

− 10 – u = − 15
1 1 1
u = – 10 + 15
−3 + 2 1
= –
30 30
u = –30 cm
v − 10 1
Magnification, m= u = − =
30 3
«« Thus the object should be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the lens. (–ve sign shows the object distance
is calculated to the left of optical centre, as per sign convention)
«« The magnification is less than one, shows that image is smaller than the object.
«« Positive sign shows the image is virtual and erect.
32. Experiment :
«« Take a candle and place it in front of a convex lens. Adjust the candle so as to get clear image on the
«« Now cover the lower half of the lens with black cloth or paper without disturbing the positions of the
candle, lens and the screen.

O F2 2F2
2F1 F1

Black Paper Fainter Image

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

¾¾ Observation :
«« You will observe the full image of the candle even though the lens is half covered but the intensity of
the image is reduced.
«« It is because when the lens is not covered the complete rays coming from an object are refracted an full
image is seen clearly whereas, here intensity is reduced because all the rays from the object are not falling
on the lens and all the rays do not undergo refraction.
33. According to Ohm’s law, the current I flowing through an electrical element is directly proportional to the
potential difference V applied across it.
I ∝ V
I = kV
V = κI

V = RI
Where, R = κ

R is called resistance of the element.

(a) For the electric bulb :
V = 220V
R = 1200W
Using Ohm’s law V = IR
V 220
∴ I = = = 0.183 A
R 1200
(b) For the heater :
R = 100W
V = 220V
Using Ohm’s law V = IR
V 220
∴ I = = = 2.30 A
R 100
34. The graph between V and I for the above data is given below.

current (I) →

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Volt (V) →

«« The slope of the graph will give the value of resistance.

«« Let us consider two points P and Q on the graph.
«« and from P along Y-axis, which meet at point R.
Now, QR = 10.2V – 34V = 6.8V
And PR = 3 – 1 = 2 ampere
PR = 1 = 1 = 2 = 1
Slope =
QR V R 6.8 3.4
Thus, resistance, R = 3.4 Ω
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science


35. Procedure
«« Take solutions of glucose, alcohol, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, etc.
«« Fix two nails on a cork, and place the cork in a 100 ml beaker.
«« Connect the nails to the two terminals of a 6 volt battery through a bulb and a switch, as shown in
«« Now pour some dilute HCl in the beaker and switch on the current.
«« Repeat with dilute sulphuric acid.

¾¾ Observation
«« The bulb will start glowing in the case of acids, as shown in Figure.
«« But glucose and alcohol solutions do not conduct electricity.
«« Glowing of the bulb indicates that there is a flow of electric current through the solution. The electric
current is carried through the acidic solution by ions.

¾¾ Conclusion
«« Acids are substances that produce hydrogen ions as they dissociate with water.
«« As some compounds dissociate in aqueous solution, hydrogen ions are produced, giving them an acidic
«« The release of the H+ ion in water determines if a compound is acidic or non-acidic.
HCl → H+ + Cl–
HNO3 → H+ + NO3–
«« While compounds like glucose and alcohol contain hydrogen, they do not have an acidic nature.
«« The hydrogen in them does not separate as easily as the hydrogen in acids.
«« When they dissolve in water, they will not separate into hydrogen ions.
35. (a) A
 queous HCl solution is electrically condcutive becuase HCl dissolves in water and ionized to form H+
and Cl– ions, Eelctricity is transmitted with the help of these ions.
(b) When the acid solution is diluted with water the concentration of [H3O+] decreases.
The pH of dilute HCl will be higher.
(d) The equation is as follows : HCl(aq) + NaHCO3(s) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)
36. Unique property : Catenation
«« Carbon has the unique ability to form bonds with other atoms of carbon, giving rise to large molecules.
This property is called catenation.
«« These compounds may have long chains of carbon, branched chains of carbon or even carbon atoms
arranged in rings.

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

«« In addition, carbon atoms may be linked by single, double or triple bonds. Compounds of carbon, which
are linked by only single bonds between the carbon atoms are called saturated compounds.
«« Compounds of carbon having double or triple bonds between their carbon atoms are called unsaturated
«« No other element exhibits the property of catenation to the extent seen in carbon compounds. Silicon
forms compounds with hydrogen which have chains of upto seven or eight atoms, but these compounds
are very reactive.
«« The carbon-carbon bond is very strong and hence stable. This gives us the large number of compounds
with many carbon atoms linked to each other.
37. The different ways to release energy from food in various organism are as follows :
«« In all of these methods, the first six carbon atom of glucose decomposes into a three carbon atom pyruvate.
«« The various organism then releases energy from food through various methods.
(i) In absence of Oxygen (O2) :
«« Here pyruvate is converted in ethanol and carbon-dioxide.
«« This action occurs during fermentation in yeast.
«« This action takes place in the absence of oxygen, which is called anaerobic respiration.
«« Very little energy during this action is produces.
(ii) In the presence of Oxygen (O2) :
«« Here, pyruvate decomposes into particles using oxygen in mitocondria.
«« This action decomposes the molecules of three carbon pyruvate into three molecules of carbon dioxide
and water.
«« This process which takes place in the presence of oxygen it is called Aerobic respiration.
«« More energy released in Aerobic respiration comparing anaerobic respiration.
(iii) In lack of Oxygen :
«« When our muscle cells are deficient in oxygen, pyruvate decomposes and converts into three carbon atoms
lactic acid.
«« Energy is generated during this action.
38. It is a kind of defect in the human eye due to which, a person can see distant objects properly but
cannot see the nearby objects clearly. It happens due to
(1) Decrease in the power of eye lens i.e., increase in focal length of eye lens.
(ii) Shortening of eye ball.

N N'

Hypermotropic eye
«« A hypermetropic eye has its least distance of distinct vision greater than 25 cm.
¾¾ Correction
«« Since a convex lens has the ability to converge incoming rays, it can be used to correct this defect of
vision, as you already have seen in the animation. The ray diagram for the corrective measure for a
hypermetropic eye is shown in the given figure.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

Eye lens
Convex lens
O Image is formed
Object on the retina
25 cm


N N'

Hypermetropic eye

N N'

Correction for Hypermetropic eye


Procedure :
«« Take a small aluminum rod AB (of about 5 cm). Using two connecting wires suspend it horizontally from
a stand, as shown in Fig.
«« Place a strong horse-shoe magnet in such a way that the rod lies between the two poles with the magnetic
field directed upwards. For this put the north pole of the magnet vertically below and south pole vertically
above the aluminum for (Fig.)
«« Connect the aluminum rod in series with a battery, a key and a rheostat.
«« Now pass a current through the aluminium rod from end B and end A.
Observation :
«« It is observed that the rod is displaced towards the left.
«« Reversing the direction of current flowing through the rod, it is now displaced towards the right.
Conclusion :
«« The displacement of the rod suggest that a force is exerted on the current carrying aluminium rod when
it is placed in a magnetic field.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

39. Electric Motor :

«« The device used to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy is called Electric Motor.
¾¾ Principle :
«« Magnetic Effects of Electric Current. Electric motor works on the principle of force experienced by a current
carrying conductor in a magnetic field. The two forces in the opposite sides are equal and opposite.


N A D S Brushes
Coil contacts


An electric motor

¾¾ Working :
«« When current starts to flow, the coil ABCD is in horizontal position. The direction of current through
armature coil has the direction from A to B in the arm AB and from C to D in the arm CD. The direction
of force exerted on the coil can be found through Fleming’s left hand law.
«« According to this law, it is found that the force exerted on the part AB, pushes the coil downwards.
While the force exerted on the part CD pushes it upwards. In this way, these two forces being equal and
opposite form a couple that rotates the coil in anticlockwise direction.
«« When the coil is in vertical position, the brushes X and Y would touch the centre of the commutator and
the current in the coil is stopped. Though current is stopped but the coil comes back in horizontal state
due to momentum.
«« After half rotation, the polarity of the commutator also changes, because now Q makes contact with brush
X and P with brush Y. Therefore, now the force exerts downwards on the arm AB and upwards on the
arm CD and thus again a couple of forces is formed that rotates the coil in clockwise direction. This
process is repeated again and again and the coil rotates till the current flows across it.

¾¾ Function of split ring :

«« Split ring in a motor acts as a commutator, i.e., it reverses the flow of current in the circuit due to which
the direction of the forces acting on the arms also reverses.

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

Practice Paper 3

1. 12th 2. Placenta
3. Wild cabbage 4. HCl
5. False 6. False
7. False 8. (A) Redox
9. (B) Butanol 10. (A) round and yellow
11. (C) Terminals of ammeter are wrongly connected
12. The physical and chemical properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic number.
13. Lactic acid produced in muscle.
14. The amount of energy that normally falls on a unit of the Earth’s atmosphere per second when earth is
at its mean distance from the sun is called the solar constant.
15. Achieving economic prosperity.

«« Maintaining a healthy environment for future generations.

16. Any form of precipitation that contains high levels of nitric and sulfuric acids is called acid rain. It can also
occur in the form of snow, fog, and tiny bits of dry material that settle to Earth.


17. Acids produce H+(aq) in their solutions, which is responsible for their acidic properties.
«« H+ ions cannot be separated from acid molecules in the absence of water.
«« Thus, in the absence of water, acidic behaviour cannot be observed as H+ ions cannot be separated from
acid molecules.
18. (a) (i) Dry litmus paper – no action. (ii) Moist litmus paper – becomes red
(b) S + O2 → SO2
(sulphur) Sulphur dioxide
SO2 + H2O → H2SO3

(Sulphuric acid)
19. (i) Atomic radius : It is a distance between the centre of the nucleus and the outermost shell of an
isolated atom. (ii) Valency : The combining capacity of an element is known as its valency.
19. Sodium is more reactive than lithium because sodium is larger in size. Outermost electrons are less tightly
held in sodium than in lithium. As a result, sodium loses its outermost electron more easily than lithium.
Hence, it is more reactive than lithium.
20. There is no role of brain in reflex action. These involuntary actions are controlled by the spinal cord which
takes place immediately without thinking of how to respond to the stimuli.
20. Frontal brain : (i) Hearing (ii) Vision (v) Odor
«« Posterior brain : (ii) salivation (iii) blood-pressure (vi) Vomiting
21. In mother’s body, the embryo gets nutrition from the mother’s blood. For this, there is a special structure,
called placenta. Placenta contains villi. There are empty spaces in mother’s tissues that cover the villi. It
provides a large surface area for the transfer of glucose, oxygen and other substances from the mother to
the embryo.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

22. The magnification produced by a plane mirror is +1 which means that the size of the image is equal to the
size of the object. If m has a magnitude greater than 1 the image is larger than the object, and m with a
magnitude less than 1 means the image is smaller than the object.
23. When electric current is supplied to a purely resistive conductor, the energy of electric current is dissipated
entirely in the form of heat and as a result, resistor gets heated.
«« It is commonly known as Heating effect of electric current.
«« Heating effect of electric current is used in electric heater, electric Iron, toasted etc.
23. Energy used by 250 W TV set in 1 hour = 250 W x 1 h = 250 W/h
«« Energy used by 1200 W toaster in 10 minutes = 1200 W x 10 min
= 1200 x 10/60 = 200 W/h
«« Thus, the TV set uses more energy than the toaster
24. As shown in figure alongside, each section of wire produces its concentric set of lines of force. By applying
right hand thumb rule, we find that all the sections produce magnetic field downwards at all points inside
the loop while at the outside points, the field is directed upwards. Therefore, the magnetic field acts
normally into the plane of the paper at the points inside the loop and normally out of the plane of paper
at points outside the loop.

25. There should be equitable distribution of resources so that all, rich, powerful and poor people get benefit
from the development of these resources. Rich, greedy and powerful people could work against an equitable
distribution of our resources.
26. An Ideal souree of enargy must be :
«« Ecomomical
«« Easily accessible
«« Pollution-free
«« Easy to store and tran sport
«« Able to produce a huge amount of heat and energy
Types of Organisms based on subsistence
Producers Consumer Decomposers
¬¬ rganism can make organic
O ¬¬ 
O rganism which consume ¬¬ The micro-organisms are the
compounds like sugar the food produced either decomposer as they break-down
and starch from inorganic directly from produces or the complex organic substances
substances using the radiant indirectly by feeding on into simple inorganic substances
energy of the sun in the other consumers. are the that go into the soil and are
presence of chlorophyll consumers. used up once more by the
¬¬ All green plants and certain
 ¬¬ Consumers can be classed
bacteria come under this variously as herbivores, ¬¬ The micro-organisms comparing

category. carnivores, omnivores and bacteria and fungi, break-down
parasites. the dead remains and waste
products of organisms.

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

27. The type of reactions in which one substance breakdown into two or more substances.
«« In this type of reactions energy is required either in the form of heat, light or electricity to decompose
«« Thermal Decomposition of reactant takes place in the presence of heat.
Examples of Thermal Decomposition :
(a) When Ferrous Sulphate (FeSO4) is heated it decomposes in Ferric Oxide (Fe2O3), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and
Sulphur Trioxide (SO3)
FeSO4(s) Fe2O3(s) + SO2(g) + SO3(g)
Ferrous Ferric Sulphur Sulphur

Sulphate oxide dioxide trioxide
(b) When Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) is heated it decomposes in Calcium Oxide (CaO) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)
calcium calcium carbon
carbonate oxide dioxide
(c) When lead nitrate (Pb(NO3)2) is heated it will decompose in Lead Oxide (PbO) Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and
Oxygen (O2).
2Pb(NO3)(s) 2PbO(s) + 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
lead lead nitrogen oxygen
nitrate oxide dioxide
28. The metals produced by various reductions processes are not very pure.
«« They contain impurities, which must be removed to obtain pure metals. The most widely used method for
refining impure metals is electrolysis refining.
«« Many metals Copper, Zin, Tin, Nickel, Silver, Gold etc. are refined electrolytically.
«« In this process the impure metal is made the anode and a thin strip of pure metal is made the cathod.
«« A solution of the metal Salt is used as an electrolyte.

«« The apparatus is set up as shown in figure.

«« On passing the current through the electrolyte. The pure metal from the anode dissolve into the electrolyte.
«« An equivalent amount of pure metal from the electrolyte is deposited on the cathode.
«« The soluble impurities go into solution, whereas the insouble impurities settle down at the bottom of the
anode and are known as anode mud.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

28. Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Aluminum, etc., are towards the top of the reactivity series.
«« Metals fall under the top of the reactivity series cannot be obtained from their compound by the reducing
agent carbon.
«« This is because metals like sodium, calcium, aluminum etc. have more affinity for oxygen than carbon. They
are more reactive than carbon.
«« So, metals fall at the top of the reactivity series are obtained by the process of electrolysis of their molten
Example :
«« Extraction of sodium metal from sodium chloride when electric current is passed through molten sodium
chloride sodium metal is liberated at cathode and chlorine is liberated at anode :
At Cathode : Na+ + e– → Na
At Anode : 2Cl– → Cl2 + 2e–
2NaCl 2Na(s) + Cl2(g)

sodium sodium
chloride (at cathod)
29. The nerve that connected to the nerves perceives heat as a reflex arc should be easily that move the
muscle in the subject of heat sensation so that the action of sensory perception and it’s response can be
«« Such a connection between sensory nerve and motion nerve found in the spinal cord.
«« The nerves of the whole body are found in the spinal cord as they travel to the brain.
«« The Reflective action forms in spinal-cord.
«« For example If our hand accidentally touches something hot, we move it without thinking.Here the sensation
of heat is received by the temperature sensing organs of the hand.
«« Temperature sensitive parts give a surge with the sensory nerve at the center, which informs the spinal-cord.
«« The electrical impulses is then carried through the motor nerves.
«« The moter neurons deliver this massage to the muscle of the hand.
«« The arm muscle is affected as it responds to the electrical impulses.
«« The path sending this impulses forms a reflective arc.
30. Flower have different parts - sepals, petals stamens and pistil.
«« Stamen is the male Reproductive part produces poller grain that are yellow in colour.
«« Pistil is present in the Centre of a flower and it is the female reproductive part.
«« It is made of three parts.
(i) The swollen bottom part is the overy.
(ii) Middle elougated part is style.
(iii) The terminal part is stigma.
«« The ovary contains ovules and each ovule has an egg cell.
«« The male germ-cell produced by pollen grain fuses with the female gemete present in the ovule.
«« This fusion gives the zygote whih is capable of growing into a new-plant.
«« The pollen need to be transfered from the stamen to the stigma.
«« If transfer of pollen occurs in the same flower it’s called as self-pollination.
«« If the pollen transfered from one-flower to another it is called a cross-pollination.
«« This transfer of pollen grain from one flower to another is acheived by agent like wind, water or animals.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

«« After the pollen land on suitable stigma, a tube grows out of the pollen grain and travels through the
style to reach the ovary.
«« After fertilization, the zygote divides several times to form an embryo within the ovale.
«« The ovale develops a tough coat and is converted into a seed.
«« The ovary grows rapidly and ripens to form a fruit.
«« The petals, spalls, stamens, style and stigma may shrivel and fall-off.
«« The seed contains the future plant or embryo which develops into a seeding under appropriate conditions.
This process is known as germination.
Pollen grain

Male germ-cell

Pollen tube



31. Human have, over more than two thousand years, cultivated wild-cabbage as a food plant, and generated
different vegetables from it by selection.
«« This is of course, artificial selection rather than natural selection.
«« Some farmers wanted to select for very short distances between leaves, and have breed the cabbage we
«« Some wanted to select for arrested flower development, and have bred broccoli.
«« For sterile flowers, and have made the cauliflower.
«« Some have selected for swollen parts, and come up with kohlrabi.
«« Some have simply looked for slightly larger leaves, and come up with a leafy vegetable called kale.
Evolution in the cabbage plant

Terminal Lateral
Cabbage bud buds
Red cabbage

Flower Leaves
Cauliflower clusters

and Stem
Broccoli stems

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

31. During sexual reproduction there is ‘crossing over’ of chromosomes, that gives rise to variations. These
variations are inherited and increase the chances of survival of an organism.
¬¬ In sexual reproduction variations may occur due to errors in DNA copying.
¬¬ There may be variations due to interchange of homologous chromosomes during crossing over of
male and female.
¬¬ In sexual reproduction, it is not predetermined that which gamete would fuse with another gamete.
It depends only on chance. It is also a reason of variation.
«« These variations enable the organisms to adapt themselves to the changing conditions and also help to
give rise to new species.
32. M



«« Position of the image : Beyond C
«« Size of the image : Enlarged
«« Nature of the image : Real and Inverted
32. Focal length,
R 3.00 m

f = = + = +1.50 m
2 2
«« Using the mirror formula,
1 1 1
v + u =
1 1 1
v = – u
1 1
= + –
1.50 ^− 5.00h
1 1
= +
1.50 5.00
5.00 + 1.50
+ 7.50
v =
= + 1.15 m
hl v
Magnification, m = = –u
1.15 m
− 5.00 m
= + 0.23

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

33. If two or more resistor are connected in such a way that the ends on one side of them are connected
to one common point and the ends on the other side are connected to another common point, then the
connection of such resistor is parallel.
R1 I1

X R2 I2 Y
R3 I3

+ V –

+ – K
(•) – A +

«« As shown in figure connect R1, R2 and R3 resistor in parallel with combination of cells.
«« The total current I, is equal to the sum of the separate currents through each branch, of the combination.
«« I = I1 + I2 + I3 ...... (1)
«« Let Rp be the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination of resistors. By applying Ohm’s law to the
parallel combination of resistors we have
I = ...... (2)
On applying Ohm’s law to each resistors.
I1 =
I2 =
I3 = ...... (3)
From equation no. (1) and (2)
= + + OR
R p R1 R 2 R3
1 1 1 1
= + + ...... (4)
R p R1 R 2 R3
«« Thus, we can conclude that the reciprocal of the equivalent resistance of a group of resistance joined in
parallel is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of the individual resistances.



– K
+ (•)
– A +
«« The resistance of electric lamp, R1 = 20 Ω,
«« The resistance of the conductor connected in series, R2 = 4 Ω.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

«« Then the total resistance in the circuit

R = R1 + R2
Rs = 20 Ω + 4 Ω = 24 Ω.
«« The total potential difference across the two terminals of the battery V = 6 V.
«« Now by Ohm’s law, the current through the circuit is given by
I = V/Rs
= 6V/24 Ω
= 0.25 A.
«« Applying Ohm’s law to the electric lamp and conductor separately, we get potential difference across the
electric lamp,
V1 = 20 Ω × 0.25 A
= 5 V;
«« and,
«« that across the conductor, V2 = 4 Ω × 0.25 A
= 1 V.
«« Suppose that we like to replace the series combination of electric lamp and conductor by a single and
equivalent resistor. Its resistance must be such that a potential difference of 6 V across the battery
terminals will cause a current of 0.25 A in the circuit. The resistance R of this equivalent resistor would be
R = V/I
= 6 V/0.25 A
= 24 Ω.
«« This is the total resistance of the series circuit; it is equal to the sum of the two resistances.
35. Reaction of zinc granules with dilute sulphuric acid and testing hydrogen gas by burning.
«« Take one test tube, a beaker and stand to set the apparatus as shown in the figure.
«« Take 5ml of dil. Sulphuric acid in a test tube and add a few pieces of zinc granules to it.
«« Take soap solution in a beaker.
«« Dilute sulphuric acid and zinc granules react to form zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas.
«« This hydrogen gas when passed through soap solution causes the agitation of the mixture resulting in the
formation of bubbles.
«« Moreover, as particles of soap are already interacting with water, they do not react with hydrogen gas.
«« Bubbling of gas thus results in the formation of bubbles.
«« When burning candle is brought near bubbling gas, it burns with pop sound, which shows the presence
of hydrogen gas.
Delivery tube

Stand Burning of hydrogen

gas with a pop sound

Test tube
Dilute Hydrogen
sulphuric gas
acid bubbles
Soap bubble filled
Zinc granules with hydrogen

Soap solution

Reaction of zinc granules with dilute sulphuric acid and testing hydrogen gas by burning

¾¾ Reaction of acid with metal

Acid + Metal → Salt + Hydrogen gas
H2SO4 + Zn → ZnSO4+ H2
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

35. pH Value in the Digestive System
«« Our stomach generates HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) which helps in food digestion and kills germs.
«« This acid balances the pH value of the stomach.
«« Normally, the pH value of our stomach is around 1.2. However, this value may change when we consume
more acidic or alkaline food.
«« When the pH value of our stomach decreases we suffer from acidity.
«« As a result, our stomach causes pain and irritation.
«« Such problems can be cured by consuming basic substances like milk of magnesia which neutralize the
excess acid produced in our stomach
«« Honey bees have a chemical sting as a defense tool. The bees have acid in their sting. When the bee
stings a human, the bee injects acid and pushes its sting into the skin. Due to that, the person feels
irritation and the skin gets swollen. To neutralize this acidic effect, you can rub baking soda, toothpaste,
or a mild base.
36. When a dirty cloth is put in water containing dissolved soap, then the hydrocarbon end of the soap
molecules in micelle attach to the oil or grease particles present on the surface of dirty cloth. In this
way the soap micelle entraps the oily or greasy particles by using its hydrocarbon ends. The ionic ends of
the soap molecules in the micelles, however, remain attached to water. When the dirty cloth is agitated
in soap solution, the oily and greasy particles present on its surface and entrapped by soap micelles get
dispersed in water due to which the soap water becomes dirty but the cloth gets cleaned. The cloth is
cleaned thoroughly by rinsing in clean water a number of times.

37. The excretions system of human beings includes a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureter, a urinary bladder and
a urethra.
«« Kidneys are located in the abdomen one on either side of the backbone.
«« Urine produced in the kidneys passes through the ureters into the urinary bladder where it is stored until
it is released through the urethra.

Excretory system in human beings

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

38. Procedure :

«« Place a strong source (S) of white light at the focus of a converging lens (L1). This lens provides a parallel
beam of light.
«« Allow the light beam to pass through a transparent glass tank (T) containing clear water.
«« Allow the beam of light to pass through a circular hole (c) made in a cardboard. Obtain a sharp image of
the circular hole on a screen (MN) using a second converging lens (L2), as shown in Fig..
«« Dissolve about 200 g of sodium thiosulphate (hypo) in about 2L of clean water taken in a tank. Add about
1 to 2 mL of concentrated sulphuric acid to the water.

¾¾ Observation :
«« You will find fine microscopic sulphur particles precipitating in about 2 to 3 minutes.
«« You can observe the blue light from the three sides of the glass tank.
«« This is due to scattering of short wavelengths by minute colloidal sulphur particles.
«« Observe the colour of transmitted light from the fourth side of the glass tank facing the circular hole, at
first the orange-red colour and then bright crimson red colour on the screen.

¾¾ Conclusion
«« Light is scattered by a fine particles.
39. Coil-1 Coil-2


¾¾ Procedure :
«« Take two different coils of copper wire having large number of turns (say 50 and 100 turns respectively).
Insert them over a non-conducting cylindrical roll as shown in fig. (you may use a thick paper roll for this
«« Connect the coil-1, having larger number of turns, in series with a battery and a plug key. Also connect
the other coil-2 with a galvanometer as shown.
«« Plug in the key. Observe the galvanometer.
¾¾ Observation :
«« The needle of the galvanometer instantly jumps to one side and just as quickly returns to zero, indicating
a momentary current in coil-2

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

«« Disconnecting the coil-1 from the battery. The needle momentary moves but to the opposite side it means
that now the current flows in the opposite direction of coil-2

¾¾ Conclusion :
«« The potential difference is induced in the coil-2 whenever the electric current through the coil-1 is changing.
«« As the current in the first coil-changes. the magnetic field associated with it also change. Thus the magnetic
field lines around the secondary coil also change.
«« The change in the magnetic field-lines associated with the secondary coil is the cause of induced electric
current in it.
«« Thus, process by which a changing magnetic field in a conductor induces a current in another conductor,
is called electromagnetic induction.
39. (i) Right hand thumb rule : If the current carrying conductor is held in the right hand such that the
thumb points in the direction of the current, then the direction of the curl of the fingers will give the
direction of the magnetic field.
(ii) Fleming’s left hand rule : Stretch the forefinger, the central finger and the thumb of the left hand
mutually perpendicular to each other. If the forefinger points in the direction of the magnetic field,
the middle finger in the direction of current, then the thumb points in the direction of force in the
(iii) Fleming’s right hand rule : Stretch the thumb, forefinger and the central finger of the right hand
mutually perpendicular to each other. If the forefinger points in the direction of magnetic field,
thumb in the direction of motion of the conductor, then the middle finger points in the direction
of current induced in the conductor.

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

Practice Paper 4
1. 17 2. Planaria
3. decomposition 4. Oviduct
5. False 6. True
7. True 8. (C) 4 and 2
H3C 2 3 4 5
9. (D) CH–CH2–CH2–CH3 10. (C) reptiles and birds
11. (B) It gives correct reading for current I but incorrect reading for potential difference V
12. Dobereiner
13. (i) Sunlight (ii) Chlorophyll (iii) Water (iv) Carbon dioxide (CO2).
14. The process of combining two light nuclei to form a heavy nuclear is called nuclear fusion.
15. Kulhs, Eris
16. Ecosystem that includes all living organism (Biotic component) such as plant, animals, micro-organisms etc.
in a habitats as well its physical environment (abiotic factors) such as weather, soil, sun, climate, rocks
minerals etc functioning together as a unit.

17. Solutions like HCl, HNO3 etc. get ionised in aqueous solutions and due to the presence of H+ ions they
show acidic characters.
«« While solutions of compounds like alcohol and glucose do not form any such ions so they do not show
acidic characters.
18. Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K) metal oxides Na2O and K2O, Soluble in water and form alkali.
Na2O(s) + H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq)
Sodium water Sodium
oxide hydroxide
K2O(s) + H2O(l) → 2KOH(aq)
Potassium water potassium
oxide hydroxide
19. It is a tendency of an atom to gain electrons.
«« In period : On moving from left to right, non-metallic character increases because tenency to gain electron
increases due to increase in nucleus charge
¬¬ Example : 2nd period element :
Li < Be < B < C < N < O < F
«« In group : On moving from top to bottom in a group, non-metallic character decreases because atomic size
increases and tendency to gain electrons decreaes.
¬¬ Example : 17th period element :
F > Cl > Br > I.
19. (a) Elements in the same column or group as boron have valency of three and have three valence electrons.
«« (b) Elements in the same column or group as fluorine form acidic oxides and have seven electrons in their
outermost shells and have valency of one.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

20. (i) All the involuntary actions will get disturbed.

(ii) Reflex actions will be disturbed because reflexes are located in the spinal cord. Therefore, the quick
responses required to safe guard the body will not take place.
20. Plant hormones are also called phytohormones. Plant hormones are the chemical substances which help in
controlling growth, flowering, height, development of plants and their response to the environment.
«« Different types of phytohormones are – auxins, gibberllins, cytokinins, abscisic acid and ethylene.
21. (i) Ovary
Hormone : Estrogen
Function : Development of female Reproductive organs and Regulation of menstruation cycle.
(ii) Testis :
Hormone : Testosterone
Function : Development of secondary sexual characteristics in male
22. If medium 1 is vacuum or air, then the refractive index of medium 2 is considered with respect to vacuum.
«« It simply represented an n2.
«« It C is the speed of light in air and ν is the speed of light in the medium then refractive index of the
medium nm is given by.
speed of light in air c
«« nm = = ν
speed of light in the medium
«« The absolute refractive index of a medium is called its refractive index.
«« The refractive index of water, nw = 1.33. This means that the ratio of the speed of light in air and the
speed of light in water is equal to 1.33.
«« Optically denser medium may not posses greater mass density. For exmaple, Kerosene having hight
refreactive index. is optically denser than water. although its mass density is less than water.
«« The larger refractive index is optically denser medium than the other.
«« The low refractive index is optically rares medium.
«« The speed of light is higher in a rarer medium than a denser medium.
«« A ray of light travelling from a rarer medium to a denser medium slows down and bends towards the
«« When it travels from a dencer medium to a rarer medium, it speeds up and bends away from the normal.
23. The heating effect generated by electric current is used in some everyday used appliances.
«« e.g. In Iron, electrical toaster, electric oven, electric kettle and electric heater.
«« Also uses electricity to get light e.g. electric bulb.
«« The electric effect of current is also used in fuses to protect electrical circuits and electrical appliances by
preventing overheating current.
23. Here, Q = 96,000 C, t = 1 hour = 1 × 60 × 60 sec = 3,600 s, V = 50V
«« Heat generated, H = VQ = 50V × 96,000 C
= 48,00,000 J
= 4.8 × 106 J
24. (i) 
A magnetic field arising from a current flowing through a straight conductor.
(ii) A magnetic field arising from a current flowing through a circular loop.
(iii) Magnetic field generating due to current flowing through solenoid.
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25. Recycle Reuse

¬¬  ecycling is the process of making useful new
R ¬¬ In reuse strategy, simply use things again and
things out of unusable things. again.
¬¬ The process of recycling uses some energy.
 ¬¬ Energy is not used in Reuse.

For example : For Example :
¬¬ Plastic, Paper, Glass and metal items recycle ¬¬ The plastic bottles in which you buy various food-
these materials to make required things. items like jam or pickle can be used for storing
things in the kitchen.
26. Hydrogen is cleaner fuel than CNG. This is because the burning of hydrogen produces only water, which
is totally harmless. On the other hand, burning of CNG produces carbon dioxide gas and water. The
carbon dioxide can produce greenhouse effect in the atmosphere and lead to the excessive heating of the
environment in long run.
26. The length and complexity of food chains vary greatly.
«« Each organism is generally eaten by two or more other kinds of organisms which in turn are eaten by
several other organisms.
«« So, instead of a straight line food chain, the relationship can be shown as a series of branching lines called
a food web.
«« The flow of energy is unidirectional.
«« The energy that is captured by the autotrophs does not revert back to the solar input and the energy
which passes to the herbivores does not come back to autotrophs.
«« The energy available at each trophic level gets diminished progressively due to loss of energy at each level.
27. (a) Heat is supplied [Thermal decomposition]
CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)
Calcium Calcium
carbonate oxide
(b) Light is absorbed [Photolytic decomposition]
2AgCl(s) 2Ag(s) + Cl2(g)
Silver Silver Chlorine
(c) Electricity is supplied [Electrolytic decomposition]
2H2O(l) 2H2 + O2
Water Hydrogen Oxygen
28. Magnesium is metal and its atomic number is 12.
«« So, electron configuration of Magnesium (Mg) is = (K, L, M) = (2, 8, 2)
«« So, Magnesium will loss its 2 electron from outermost shell and become (Mg+2) a magnesium ion.
«« Mg → Mg+2 + 2e–
(2, 8, 2) (Magnesium Positive Ion)
«« Chlorine in non-metal and its atomic number is 17. So, electronic configuration of chlorine is (K, L, M) =
(2, 8, 7)
«« So, chlorine will gain one electron to follow octate rule and become chloride ion (Cl–)
«« Cl + e– → Cl–
(2, 8, 7) (2, 8, 8)
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«« Here, Magnesium atom will donate one-one electron to two atoms of chlorine and form a Magnesium
chloride (MgCl2) :
× ××
Cl ×
×× ××
Mg [Mg2+] =× Cl ×× G → MgCl2


× ×× 2 Magnesium
Cl ×
×× chloride
28. (a) Some of the causes are as follows :
1. M
 etal corrodes when it reacts with another substance such as oxygen, hydrogen, an electrical current or
even dirt and bacteria.
2. C
 orrosion can also happen when metals like steel are placed under too much stress causing the material
to crack.
«« (b) The methods to prevent corrosion are as follows :
1. Alloying 2. Galvanization
3. Electroplating 4. Painting and greasing.
5. Oiling 6. By anodification
29. The Human brain consist of three parts.
«« (i) The Forebrian (ii) The Mid brain (iii) The Hind brain.
(i) The Fore Brain :
«« The fore-brain is the main thinking part of the brain.
«« The cerebellum is the largest and most complex part of the brain.
«« It has regions which receive sensory impulses from various receptors.
«« There are separated areas specialized for hearing, touch, sight, temperature etc.
«« It has stimulatory centers that control the movement of voluntary muscle.
«« The Appetite center is located in the frontal lobe of the brain.
(ii) Mid-Brain :
«« It is smallest part of brain.
«« It contain four swollen region which cause reflex movement of head and neck.
«« These are also related to sight reflexes and auditory reflexes in response to light and sound respectively.
(iii) Hind-Brain :
«« It forms the involuntary part of the brain. It consist of three-parts pons, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata.
«« The pons regulated the action of the respiratory system.
«« The cerebellum maintains the balance of the body and coordinates the action of bodily movement. e.g.
dancing, walking, cycling etc. Medulla oblogata controls involuntary actions such as blood pressure, salivation,
coughing, sneezing, swallowing, vomiting etc.
30. Male-Reproductive System :
«« The male reproductive system consist of portions which produce the germ cell and other portions that
deliver the germ-cells to the site of fertilization.
«« Male reproductive system includes organs such a the testis, scrotum vas deferens, prostate gland, the
seminal vesicle and penis.
«« The formation of sperm take place in the testes.
«« These are located outside the abdominal cavity in scrotum.
«« Sperm formation requires a lower temperature (approx 2 °C to 3 °C) than the normal body temperature.
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«« The testes secrete the sex-hormone testosterone which regulates sperm production.
«« The sperms formed are delivered through the vas-deferns which unites with a tube coming from the
Urinary bladder.
«« Along the vas deferens, glands like the prostate, and the seminal vesicles add this secretions so that the
sperms are now in a third which makes their transport easier and this fluid also provides nutrition.
«« The sperm are tiny bodies that consist of mainly genetic materials and a long tail that helps them to move
towards the female germ-cell.

31. Evolution and progress should not be confused with each-other.

«« Evolution is the process which involves generations of diversity of species and carried out shaping of
diversity through environmental selection.
«« The progress that occurs in evolution is development of more complex designs over a time-period. This
doesn’t mean that older designs are inefficient and less-worthy.
«« Many older and simple species designs still exist in different parts of the earth.
«« For Example, bacteria form the simplest life forms. These occurs in the most in hospitable habitats such as
hot spring, deep sea thermal vents and ice in Antarctica.
«« Thus humans are not the pinnacle of Evolution.
«« We are just another species in the teeming spectrum of evolving life.
31. Evolution study has made it clear that all human races (such as those having different skin colour and
other morphological features) belong to the same species of homo sapiens.
«« The skin colour of various people vary across the globe since they have yellow, brown, black or white skin.
«« It has also been established that where we have been living for past few thousand years, we all have
come from Africa.
«« Those people later on left Africa and migrated to West Asia, Central Asia, Eurasia, South Asia and East
Asia. Some who didn’t migrate, become the residents and spread across Africa continent.
«« From there they crossed the bering land bridge to America.
«« Some different groups mixed together and some even came back to Africa.
«« They developed many morphological features in different geographical regions.
«« Like all other species on the planet earth, they came into being as an accident of evolution.
32. The points O and O’ lies on surfaces separating two transperent media.
«« The light ray has changed its direction at points O and O’.
«« Draw a perpendicular NN’ to AB at O and another perpendicular MM’ to CD at O’.
«« The light ray at point O has entered from a rare medium to a denser medium that is from air to glass
the light ray has bent towards the normal.
«« At O’ the light ray has entered from glass to air. that is from denser medium to rarer medium. The light
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has bent away from the normal.

«« In diagram a ray EO is Incident ray, OO’ is the refreacted ray and O’H is emergent ray.
«« The emergent ray is parallel to the direction of the incident ray.
«« The extent of bending of the ray of light at the opposite parallel faces AB and CD.
«« This is why the ray emerges parallel to the incident reay. However, the light ray is shifted sideward slightly.
32. Object distance, u = –25 cm
Object height, ho = 5 cm
Focal length, f = +10 cm
According to the lens formula,
1 1 1
v – u = f
1 1 1 1 1 15
v = f + u = 10 – 25 = 250
v = = 16.66 cm
«« The positive value of v shows that the image is formed at the other side of the lens.
Image distance
Magnification, m = –
Object distance
v − 16.66
= –u = = –0.66
«« The negative sign shows that the image is real and formed behind the lens.
Image height H1 H1
Magnification, m = = =
Object height H0 5
H1 = m × H0 = –0.66 × 5 = –3.3 cm

«« Thus the image is formed at a distance of 16.67 cm behind the lens or other side of the lens.
«« The image is real and inverted but smaller than object (3.33 cm)
«« The negative sign indicates the image falls below the principal axis.
33. (a) 
As all the resistances are in parallel the voltage across each of them will be same = 12V
V 12
I1 = = = 2.4A
R1 5
V 12
I2 = = = 1.2A
R2 10
V 12
I3 = = = 0.4A
R3 30
«« (b) Total current = I1 + I2 + I3

= 2.4 + 1.2 + 0.4 = 4A
Total circuit resistance = Total current/V
= 12/4 = 3Ω
34. Disadvantage of Series-connection :
«« The current is constant throughout the series electric circuit. So impractical to connect an electric bulb and
an electric heater in series, because they need currents of widely different value.
«« When one component fails the circuit is broken and non of the component works.
«« eg. If one of the three bulbs in the series goes off, the next two bulbs do not light up.

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Advantages of Parallel connection :

«« In parallel combination each appliance gets the full voltage.
«« It one appliance is switched on/off other one not affected.
«« The parallel circuit divide the current through the appliances each appliance gets proper current depending
on its resistance.
«« In a parallel combination it is very easy to connect or disconnect a new appliance without affecting the
working of other appliances.

35. (1) Dilute Sulphuric acid react with granular zinc

Zinc + dilute Sulphuric acid → Zinc sulphate + Hydrogen gas
Zi(s) + H2SO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq) + H2(g)
(2) Dilute Hydrochloric acid react with magnesium strip.
Magnesium + dilute Hydrochloric acid → Magnesium chloride + Hydrogen gas
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
(3) Dilute sulphuric acid react with Aluminium Powder
Aluminium + dilute Sulphuric acid → Aluminium sulphate + Hydrogen gas
2Al(s) + 3H2SO4(aq) → Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 3H2(g)
(4) Dilute Hydrochloric acid react with iron ore,
Iron + dilute Hydrochloric acid → Iron chloride + Hydrogen gas.
Fe(s) + 2HCl(aq) → FeCl2(aq) + H2(g)
35. W
 hen electricity is passed through an aqueous solution of sodium chloride. (Called brine), it decomposes
to form sodium hydroxide.
«« The process is called chlor-alkali process- because of the products formed chlor for chlorine and alkali for
sodium hydroxide.
«« Chlorine gas is liberated at the anode and hydrogen gas at the cathode.
«« Sodium hydroxide solution is formed near the cathode.
«« The three products produced in this process are all useful.

Fuels, margarine, Water treatment, De-greasing

ammonia for swimming pools, metals, soaps and
fertilisers PVC, disinfectants, detergents, paper
CFC's, pesticides making, artificial


For : cleaning steel, ammonium For : household
chloride, medicines, consmetics bleaches, bleaching fabric
Important products from chlor-alkali process
2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(g) + H2(g)

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36. Esterification is defined as the chemical reaction of Ethanol with ethanoic acid in presence of concentrated
sulphuric acid by providing heat results in formation of Ester i.e. Ethyl ethanoate. The chemical reaction
involved is as follows:
conc. H2SO4, ∆
«« Experiment :

1. Take 2-3 ml of ethanol in a test tube.

2. Add 2-3 ml of glacial acetic acid along with a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid to the test tube.
3. Allow the reaction mixture to heat in a water bath for 2 minutes.
4. Pour the contents of the mixture into a beaker which contains already 20-50 ml of water. This results in
formation of sweet smelling ester.


Schematic sectional view of the human heart

«« Entry of oxygen in the blood through lungs:
«« Deoxygenated blood from various organs of the body is received by the right atrium through the superior
and inferior vena cava.
«« At the same time left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lung through the pulmonary veins.
«« Now both the atria contract and the deoxygenated blood from right atrium is poured into right ventricle
and oxygenated blood from left atrium is poured into left ventricle.
«« Now both the ventricles contract. Due to contraction of right ventricle, the blood enters into lungs through
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«« In lungs CO2 is released from blood and O2 diffuses into it. While due to contraction of left ventricle,
oxygenated blood is distributed to all the parts of the body through the aorta.
«« The separation of both types of the blood in the heart allows a highly efficient supply of oxygen to the
«« This is useful in the animals which have high energy need, such as birds and mammals, which constantly
use energy to maintain their body temperature.
38. (a) The colour of the light in the danger signal is red, because red is the least scattering of fog or smoke.
It can be seen in red even from a distance.
(b) When the sunrises and sets it appears red because, at that time, the sun is near the horizon and,
therefore, sunlight has to travel a greater distance through the atmosphere to reach us. During this long
journey of sunlight, most of the shorter wavelength like blue-colour present in it is scattered out and away
from our line of sight. Therefore, the light reaching us directly from the rising sun or setting sun contains
mainly of longer wavelength which is red colour, and it scattered the least. Thus, the sun appears red.

Sun nearly

Blue scattered away Less blue

Sun appears reddish scattered

Sun near

39. Principle :
«« The electric generator is based on the principle of electro-magnetic induction. When a coil is rotated with
respect to a magnetic field, the number of magnetic field lines through the coil changes. Due to this a
current is induced in the coil whose direction can be found by Fleming’s right hand rule.

B1 R1
Rings Brushes
(R1  and  R2) R2 B2 (B1  and  B2)

Illustration of the principle of electric generator

¾¾ Working :
«« When the armature coil ABCD rotates in a magnetic field produced by the permanent magnets, it cuts
through the magnetic lines of force.
«« Due to the rotation of armature coil, the associated magnetic field changes and an induced electro-magnetic
force is produced in it. The direction of this induced electro-motive force or current can be determined by
using Fleming’s right hand rule.
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«« In first half cycle the current flows in one direction by brush B1 and in second it flows in opposite direction
by brush B2. This process continues. So the current produced is alternating in nature.

Procedure :
«« Take a long straight copper-wire, two or three 1.5V battery and a plug key.
«« Join them all in series as shown in figure (a)
«« Now, arrange a straight wire over the compass needle and arrange is parallel.
«« Now put the key in the plug. Observe the angle of inclination of the north pole of the needle.
«« Now, change the connection of the cells attached to the circuit as shown in figure (b)
«« The result will be change in the direction of the current flowing through the copper-wire. i.e. from south
to north.
«« The change in the direction of the angle of the needle observed.
Observation :
«« If the current flow from north to south as shown in figure (a), then the north pole of the compass needle
will rotate in east direction.
«« Now, when the direction of the current flowing in the copper wire is reversed, the angle of the compass
needle turns in the opposite direction. i.e. toward the west (figure (b)) i.e. the direction of the magnetic
field generated by the current is also reversed.
Conclusion :
«« The direction of the magnetic field caused by the electric current depends on the direction of the current.

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Practice Paper 5

1. Period 2. Extremely sooty yellow flame.

3. 10cm 4. Grey
5. True 6. False
7. False 8. (C) 5% – 8% acetic acid in water
9. (B) A gene does not code for proteins. 10. (A) number of cells used
11. (D) 2 nd
12. One volt is the potential difference between two points in a current carrying conductors when 1 joule of
work is done to move a charge of 1 coulomb from one point of the other.
13. The biological process involved in the removal of these harmful metabolic waste (Nitrogenous) from the
body is called excretion.
14. Solar cells are used for street-lighting, for traffic signals, for operating water-pumps and for running radio
and television sets in remote areas.
15. Silviculture
16. Organisms containing chlorophyll receive light energy from solar-light and convert it into chemical energy.
This energy helps in performing all the functions of the living community of the whole ecosystem.

17. Strong Acid : Hydrochloric Acid, Nitric Acid, Sulphuric Acid.

«« Weak Acid : Cirtic Acid, Acetic Acid, Fromic Acid.
18. Aqua regia is a freshly prepared mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl) and nitric acid (HNO3) in
a ratio 3 : 1
«« Metals such as gold and platinum can be dissolved in this mixture.
19. Atomic size :
¬¬ The radius of an atom. The atomic size is the distance between the centre of the nucleus and the
outermost shell of an isolated atom.
¬¬ In period : Atomic size decreases in moving from left to right.
«« This is due to an increase in nuclear charge which tends to pull the electrons closer to nucleus.
¬¬ In group : Atomic size increases from top to bottom.
«« This is due to new shells are being added. This increases the distance between outermost shell electrons
and the nucleus.
19. From given elements only Ne and He are nobel elements, because in Ne (2, 8) and He (2) outermost
(valenced) shell are completely filled with electrons.
20. Movement of leaves of the sensitive plant Movement of a shoot toward light
1. It does not depend on the direction of stimulus Depends on the direction of stimulus applied.
2. Called as Nastic movement. Called as tropic movement.
3. Touch is the stimulus Light is the stimulus
4. Caused by the sudden loss of water from the Caused by the unequal growth on the two
swellings at the base of leaves. sides of the shoot.
5. Not a growth movement. Growth movement.
6. Occurs very fast. Occurs slowly.

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20. Adrenaline hormone from adrenal medulla secretes during “fight or flight” situation.
The effects of Adrenaline hormone in body :
«« Increase heart rate, so the our muscle get more oxygen supply.
«« The availability of blood in the digestive tract and skin is reduced, as the muscles of the smell arteries of
these organs contract. This directs the blood towards our skeletal muscle.
«« Contraction of the muscles of the ribs and ribs also increases the respiratory rate.
«« All these combinations prepare the animal body to fight the situation.
21. (i) Both seminal vesicle and prostate gland secretes fluids which forms a part of the semen. The fluid
secreted from seminal vesicle forms 60% of semen while the fluid secreted from the prostate gland forms
30% of the semen. It makes the path smooth through which the sperms travel.
(ii) This fluid protects the sperms from the acids present in the urethra.
(iii) This fluid provides nutrition to sperms in the form of fructose, calcium and some enzymes.
Convex Lens Concave Lens
1. Both surfaces of a convex lens are bent outward Both surfaces of a concave lens are bent inward
2. These lens is thicker at the centre relative to The lens is thicker at the edges relative to the
the edges. centre
3. It is called a converging lens It is called a diverging lens
4. It gives both real and virtual images It gives only virtual images.

23. Electric Power : The rate per unit time at which electrical energy is transferred by a electric circuit is
called electric power.
\ P =
I Rt
P = (\ W = I2Rt)
P = I2R
P = I × IR
P = I × V (from Ohm’s law V = IR)
\ P = IV
«« The SI unit of electric power is watt (W)
23. H = 100J, R = 4Ω, t = 1s, V = ?
«« We have the current through the resistor as I = √(H/Rt) = √[100 J/(4Ω × 1 s)] = 5 A
«« Thus the potential difference across the resistor, V
«« V = IR = 5A × 4Ω = 20V
24. The two stationary conducting brushes make the contact in between the two halves of the split rings and
the source battery. Current in the coil enters from the source battery through one conducting brush and
flows back to the battery through another brush.
25. Refuse :
«« This means to say no to things people offer you don’t need. Refuse to buy products that can harm you
and the environment.
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Reduce :
«« This means that you use less, you save electricity by switching off unnecessary lights and fans.
«« You have water by repairing leaky taps, Don’t waste food.
26. The solar-cell converts the solar energy into electrical energy.
«« A typical cell develops a voltage of 0.5–1V and can produce about 0.7W of electricity when exposed to
the sun.
«« A large number of solar-cell are, combined in an arrangement called solar cell panel that can deliver
enough electricity for practical use.
Advantages of solar-cell :
«« They have no moving parts.
«« It require little maintenance and works quite satisfactorily without the use of any focussing device.
«« They can be setup in remote and inaccessible hamlets or very sparely in habited area.
«« Limitations : The special grade silicon for making solar-cells is limited.
«« High cost and low efficiency.
«« Silver used for interconnection of the cells in the panel further adds to the cost.
«« Uses : Artificial satellites and space probes like mars orbiters use solar cells as the main source of energy.
«« Radio or wireless transmission system or TV relay stations in remote locations use solar cell panel.
«« Traffic signals, calculators and many toys are fitted with solar cell.
26. The energy that is captured by the autotrophs does not revert back to the solar-system and the energy
which passes to the herbivores does not come back to autotrophs.
«« As it moves progressively through the various trophic levels it is no longer available to the previous level.
«« The energy available at each trophic level gets diminished progressively due to loss of energy at each level
so the flow of energy is unidirectional.


27. (i) Exothermic Reactions :

«« The reactions in which heat is released alongwith the formation of products are called exothermic chemical
Example :
(a) Burining of natural gas :
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
(b) Respiration process is also exothermic :
C6H12O6(aq) + 6O2(aq) → 6CO2(aq) + 6H2O(l) + Energy
(c) The decomposition of vegetable matter into compost is also an example of an exothermic reaction.
(ii) Endothermic Reactions :
«« The reactions in which heat is supplied or absorbad are called endothermic reactions.
Examples :
(a) The sweat (produced on the surface of the skin) absorbs heat from the skin to evaporate. It is endothermic.
(b) When ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) is dissolved in water, an endothermic reaction takes place.

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NH4Cl(s) + H2O(l) → NH4Cl(aq) – Heat

(c) Melting of ice of form water.

(d) Evaporation of liquid water, forming water vapour.

(e) Sublimation of solid CO2.

(f) The baking of bread.

28. The various stages for obtaining pure-metal from ore can be shown in the chart given below.
(Concentration of Ores)

Metals of Metals of Metals of

high reactivity Medium reactivity less reactivity

Electrolysis of Sulphide ores

molten ore Carbonate Sulphide
Ore Ore Roasting
Pure metal
Calcination Roasting Metal

Oxide of metal

Reduction of metal

Purification of metal


28. Metals low in the activity series is very unreactive.

«« First Stage : The oxides of these metals can be reduced to metals by heating alone. For example, cinnabar
(HgS) is an ore of mercury. When it is heated in air, it is first converted into mercuric oxide (HgO).

«« Second Stage : Mercuric oxide is then reduced to mercury on further heating.

a. Extraction of Mercury

«« Cinnabar (HgS) which is an ore of mercury, found as sulphide of mercury. Cinnabar is first heated in the
presence of air. This roasting converts cinnabar into mercury oxide. Then oxide of mercury is heated to
reduce into mercury metal.

«« When cinnabar (mercury sulphide) is heated in the presence of air, it is converted into mercury oxide. And
when mercury oxide is heated, it gives mercury metal.
2Hgs(s) + 3O2(g) 2HgO(s) + 2SO2(g)
Cinnabar Oxygen Mercury(II) Sulphur
(Murcury sulphide) oxide dioxide

«« The mercury (II) oxide obtained after roasting is heated again strongly which turns mercury (II) oxide into
mercury metal.
2HgO(s) 2Hg(l) + O2(g)
Mercury (II) Mercury Oxygen

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Types of tropic movements
Phototropism : growth movements induced by light
e.g. the growth movement of stem towards sunlight is positive
phototropism whereas the growth of roots away from sunlight is
called negative phototropism.

Hydrotropism : growth movements induced by water

e.g. growth movement of roots towards water is positive Water Pea Seedling
Porous Hydrotropic
hydrotropism whereas the growth of stem away from water is pot Curvature
called negative hydrotropism. Sand

Geotropism : growth movements induced by gravity Clinostat

e.g. growth movement of roots towards gravity is positive geotropism
whereas the growth of stem away from gravity is called negative Control
Thigmotropism : growth movements induced by touch
e.g. Climbers produce tendrils which move towards a source of
support in order to coll around it and help the plant to climb.

30. Female reproductive organs listed below.

«« Ovary, Fallopian tube, Uterus, Cervix, Vagina
¾¾ Ovary :
«« They are in pair.
«« The Ovaries contain thousands of immature eggs from the time a girls is born.
«« On reaching puberty some of these start maturing. One egg is produced every month by one of the
¾¾ Fallopian Tube :
«« They are in pair.
«« The egg is carried from the ovary to the womb through a thin oviduct or fallopian tube.
¾¾ Uterus :
«« The two oviducts unite into an elastic bag like structure known as the Uterus.
«« It is delicate and resilient.
«« It is shaped like an upside down pear.
«« The embryo is implanted and developed in the Uterus.
¾¾ Cervix :
«« The lower end of the Uterus is known as the cervix.
¾¾ Vagina :
«« The Uterus opens into the vagina through the cervix, which receives sperm through the penis.
¾¾ Vaginal Passage :
«« Vagina opens through the vaginal passage outside the body.

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31. Homologous organs Analogous organs

hh Homologous organs are those which have a hh Analogous organs are those which have similar
similar structure but different function function but different structure.
hh They perform different function. hh They perform same function
hh For example, wings of birds and forelimbs of hh For example - Wings of birds, insects and bats.
mammals : They have similar structure but
are modified to suit different functions.
31. Speciation factors :
«« Gene - Flow
«« Occurs between population that are partly but not completely separated.

Sub - population
X1 (local) Variation
Interbreeding Gene
in local
Reproduction Flow
Sub population population
X2 (migrant)

«« Consider if the bushes, the bettles feed on, are spread widely over a mountain range, the bettle population
becomes very large as a result.
«« An individual beetles feed mostly on a few nearly bushes throughout their lifetime. They do not travel far.
«« So, in this huge population of bettles, there will be sub-populations in neighbourhoods since male and
female beetles have to meet for reproduction to happen most reproduction will be within these sub-
«« Of course, an occasional adventurous beetle might go from one site to another. Or a beetle is picked up
by a crow from one site and dropped in the other site without being eaten.
«« In either case, the migrant beetle will reproduce with the local-population. This will result in the genes of
the migrant beetle entering a new population.
«« If However, between two such sub-population a large river comes into existance, the two populations will
be further Seperated.
32. The refractive index is the relative speed of proparation of light in different media.
«« The light propagates with different speed in different media.
«« Light travels fastest in vaccum with speed of 3 × 108m/s
«« In air the speed of light is only marginally less, compared to that in vacuum.
«« It reduces considerably is glass or water.

N Medium 1
O Medium 2
N' r

«« A shown in figure, the ray of light travelling from medium 1 into medium 2.
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«« ν, is the speed of light in medium 1 and ν2 is the speed of light in medium 2.

«« The refractive index of medium 2 will respect to medium 1 is given by the ratio of the speed of light in
medium 1 and the speed of light in medium 2.
«« This is represented by the symbol n21
speed of light in medium 1 ν1
«« n21 = = ν
speed of light in medium 2 2

«« The refractive index of medium 1, with respect to medium 2 is represented as n12

speed of light in medium 2 ν2
«« n12 = = ν
speed of light in medium 1 1
32. (i) State the type of lens.
«« Here, erect image is formed so the type of lens is convex lens.
(ii) Find the magnification of the image
«« object height h = +6 cm
Image height h’ = +12 cm
Magnification of image m =
\ m =
\ m = +2
(iii) Find image distance
«« object distance u = –12 cm
image distance ν = ?
m = u

ν = m × u
ν = 2 × (–12)
ν = –24 cm
33. Here, V = 200V
Current I = 5A
Total electric power P = VI
= 220 × 5
= 1100 W
Here, the power of one bulb P = 10 W
Suppose, n bulb are connected in parallel between two ends of wire
Total electric power
n =
Power of one bulb
= = 110
Hence, 110 bulbs can be connected in Parallel
34. Suppose, that current I passes through resistor R.
«« Suppose the difference in electrical potential between its two end is V and in time t, the q electrical
charges passes.
«« The work to be done to keep the current in motion (Q) under the V potential different
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

W = VQ
\ W = VIt c I = m
t , So, Q = It
\ W = IR × It (From Ohm’s law V = It)
\ W = I2Rt
«« Thus, if the current flowing through the resistor (R), for the time (t) is equal to I, then the electrical
energy expended in it is equal, to W. Which is converted into heat energy.
«« Heat energy (H) = IR
«« This equation is called Joule’s Heating law.

35. Bakig Soda : Baking soda is the common name of sodium bicarbonate. The cahemical formula of
baking soda is NaHCO3.
¾¾ Preparing of Baking Soda :
«« Baking soda is prepared from the common salt, when it reacts with water, carbon dioxide and ammonia.
NaCl + NH3 + H2O + CO2 → NaHCO2 + NH4Cl
sodium Ammonia Water carbon Sodium Ammonium
chloride dioxide hydrogen chlorate

«« When baking soda is heated one of the products obtained is sodium carbonate
2NaHCO3 Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O
Sodium hydrogen sodium carbon Water
carbonate carbonate dioxide
(baking soda)

¾¾ Properties of Sodium Bicarbonate

«« It is non-flammable.
«« Powder dust is not as explosive.
«« It has a melting point of 50°C
«« NaHCO3 is a white crystalline solid which is odorless.
«« It is basic in nature.
¾¾ Uses of Baking Soda
«« Reduces the acidity in the stomach
«« Acts as an antacid which is used to treat stomach upset and indigestion
«« Used in the process of washing as a water softener
«« Due to the formation of soapy foam, it is used in fire extinguishers
«« Removes the dirt off materials without damaging the properties of the material
«« Used in baking industries as carbon dioxide is generated (due to the decomposition of NaHCO3) which helps in
the raising of the dough
«« It is used to neutralize the effect of acid.
35. Preparation of plaster of paris
«« It is prepared from gypsum. Plaster of Paris is prepared by heating gypsum to a temperature of 373K.
When gypsum is heated to a temperature of 373K, it loses three-fourths of its water of crystallization and
forms Plaster of Paris.
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373 K 1 3
CaSO4 ⋅ 2H2O CaSO4 ⋅ HO + HO
2 2 2 2
Gypsum Plaster of paris
«« Plaster of paris is a white powder and on mixing with water, it changes to gypsum once again giving a
hard mass.
1 1
CaSO4 ⋅ H O + 1 H2O → CaSO4 ⋅ 2H2O
2 2 2
Plaster of paris water Gypsum
Uses :
«« As a plaster to regenerate broken bones by physicians.
«« To make toys and sculpture
«« To make decorative materials.
«« To smooth the surface of the wall.
36. The phenomenon of splitting of white light into its seven constituent colors when it passes through a glass
prism is called dispersion of white-light.

ctru ht R
speite lig
White light

Glass prism

¾¾ Procedure :
«« Take a thick sheet of cardboard and make a small hole or narrow slit in its middle.
«« Allow sunlight to fall on the narrow slit. This gives a narrow beam of white-light.
«« Now, take a glass prism and allow the light from the slit to fall on one of, its faces as shown in figure.
¾¾ Observation :
«« The prism split the incident white light into a band of colours.
«« The various colours seen are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.
«« The acromny VIBGYOR will help you to remember the sequence of colour.
«« The band of the coloured components of a light beam is called its spectrum.
¾¾ Conclusion :
«« Different colours of light bend through different angles with respect to the incident ray, as they pass
through a prism.
«« The red-light bends the least, so it has more velocity.
«« The violet-light bends the most, so it has least velocity.
37. The main organs of human digestive system are mouth, food-pipe, stomach, small intestine and large

¾¾ Mouth :
«« As we put food in mouth it will start to digest.
«« The food has to be processed to generate particles which are small and of the same texture, This is
achieved by crushing the food with our teeth.

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«« The food is also wetted to make its passage smooth by Saliva secreted by salivary gland. This is actually
not only water but a fluid.
«« The saliva contains biological catalyst called salivary amylase that break down the starch which is a complex
molecule to give simple sugar.
«« The lining of the canal has muscles that contract rhythmically in order to push the food forward.
«« These peristaltic movements occur all along the gut.
¾¾ Oesophagus (Food-Pipe) :
«« From the mouth the food is taken to the stomach through the food pipe or oesophargus.
¾¾ Stomach :
«« The stomach is a large organ which expands when food enters it.
«« The muscular walls of the stomach help in mixing the food thoroughly with more digestive juices.
«« The digestion in stomach is taken care of by the gastric glands present in the wall of the stomach.
«« These release hydrochloric acid (HCl), pepsin and mucus.
«« The hydrochloric acid creates an acidic medium which facilitates the action of the Enzyme pepsin and kill
the bacteria enter along with food in stomach.
«« The mucus protects the inner lining of the stomach from the action of the acid under normal condition.
¾¾ Small Intestine :
«« Now, food enters in small intestine from stomach.
«« The exit of the food from stomach is regulated by a sphincter muscle.
«« This is the longest part of the alimentary canal.
«« Its the site of complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
«« It receive a secretion of the liver and pancreas,
«« The food coming from the stomach is acidic and has to be made alkaline for the pancreatic enzymes to
act this is done by Bile juice released from liver.
«« Bile salt break down large globular of fats into smaller globular increasing the efficiency of Enzyme action.
«« The pancreas secreter pancreatic juice which contains enzymes like.
¬¬ Trypsin for digesting protein
¬¬ Lipase for breaking down emulsified fat.
¬¬ Amylase for breaking down of starch.
«« The wall of the small intestine contains glands which secrete intestinal juice.
«« The enzymes present in it finally convert the proteins to amino acids, complex carbohydrate into glucose and
fat into fatty acid and glycerol.
«« After a complete digestion the inner lining of the small intestine has numerous finger-like projections called
villi. Which increase the surface area for absorption.
«« The villi are richy supplied with blood vessels which take the absorbed food the each and every cell of
the body.
«« Digested food is utilized for obtaining energy building up new tissues and the repair of old tissues.
¾¾ Large Intestine :
«« The unabsorbed food is sent into the large intensitne where its wall absorb more water from this material.
«« The rest of the material is removed from the body via a the anus
«« The exit of this waste material is regulated by anal sphincter.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

Crystalline lens Ciliary muscles

Aqueous Retina



Optic nerve

Vitreous humour
«« The three main part of Human eye are Retina, Cornea, Eye lens, Pupil, Ciliary muscles Iris, Out of them
the function of the three parts are listed below.
(i) Eye-lens : It provides the finer adjustment of focal-length required to focus objects at different distance
on the retina.
(ii) Iris : It controls the size of the pupil.
(iii) Ciliary Muscles : It modify the shape of eye-lens which leads to the variation in focal-lengths.
39. (a) 
Two safety measures commonly used in electric circuit and appliance are electric fuse and earthing
«« Electric Fuse : When the current passing through the wire exceeds the maximum limit of the fuse element,
the fuse melts to stop the current flow through the circuit, hence protecting, the appliances connected to
the circuit.
«« Proper Earthing : Any leakage of current in an electric appliances is transfered to the ground and people
using the appliance do not get the shock.
(b) In a domestic circuit, short-circuit occurs when live and neutral wire come in direct contact with each other
without any resistance. The resistance of the circuit becomes zero and excessive current starts to flow
through it.

39. Principle :
«« The electric generator is based on the principle of electro-magnetic induction. When a coil is rotated with
respect to a magnetic field, the number of magnetic field lines through the coil changes. Due to this a
current is induced in the coil whose direction can be found by Fleming’s right hand rule.

B1 R1
Rings Brushes
(R1  and  R2) R2 B2 (B1  and  B2)

Illustration of the principle of
electric generator

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¾¾ Working :
«« When the armature coil ABCD rotates in a magnetic field produced by the permanent magnets, it cuts
through the magnetic lines of force.
«« Due to the rotation of armature coil, the associated magnetic field changes and an induced electro-magnetic
force is produced in it. The direction of this induced electro-motive force or current can be determined by
using Fleming’s right hand rule.
«« In first half cycle the current flows in one direction by brush B1 and in second it flows in opposite direction
by brush B2. This process continues. So the current produced is alternating in nature.

¾¾ Functions of Brushes :
Brushes in contact with rings provide the current for external use.

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Practice Paper 6

1. Sodium zingate 2. DNA

3. 0.5 - 1 4. 10%
5. True 6. True
7. True 8. (C) pH < 7
9. (B) 14 10. (C) Cracking of voice
11. (B) Refractive index of medium
12. A phytohormones can be defined as chemical substances, which are produced naturally in plants and
are capable of translocation and regulating one or more physiological processes when present in low
13. A characteristic of an organism that is not genetic but has evolved in response to the Environment is
caused acquired characterstic.
14. Given q = 1 C, e = 1.6 × 10–19 C, n = ?, q = ne
1 C = n × 1.6 × 10–19 C
n = − = 6.25 × 1018 electrons
(1.6 # 10 19)
15. It is difficult to burn a wet piece of wood because water present in it keeps the temperature of wood
below its ignition temperature.
16. Forests


17. When silver nitrate solution reacts with sodium chloride solution, silver chloride is formed as a precipitate
alongwith sodium nitrate.
Equation :
AgNO3 + NaCl(aq) → AgCl(s) + NaNO3
(Silver (Sodium (Silver (Sodium
Nitrate) Chloride) Chloride) Nitrate)

18. Alloy : An alloy of two or more metals and metals or metals and non-metals is called a alloy.
«« Example : Brass is an alloy of copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn). Solder is an alloy of lead (Pb) and tin (Sn).
19. In the modern periodic table, the element on the edge of a Zigzag line are called sub-metals on semi-
«« Semi-metals names are given below.
«« Boron, Silicon, Arsenic, Germeuium, Antimony, Tellurium and Polonium.
20. Conversion of ethanol into ethanoic acid is an oxidation reaction because addition of oxygen to a substance
is called oxidation. Here, oxygen is added to ethanol by oxidising agent like alkaline potassium permanganate
or acidified potassium dichromate and it is converted into acid.
Alkaline KMnO4
or Acidified K2Cr2O7
Ethanol Ethanoic Acid
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20. (i) Benzene
Molecular formula of Benzene



«« (ii) Chloro-Propane
Molecular formula of chloro-propane :
H – C – C – C – Cl
21. Complex multi-cellular organisms cannot give rise to new organisms because the tissue and specialized
cell make up to the organs in the body. Due to this high degree of specialization, multicellular organisms
can not reproduce by regeneration of a part of some tissue. Organisms at higher complex levels can not
give rise to new individuals through regeneration because they have organization of their organs system at
different levels.
«« All these organ systems are interconnected and work in full-co-ordination. They can regenerate a few of
their lost body part like skin, blood, muscles etc.
22. Power of lens : The reciprocal of focal-length of the lens is known as power of lens (P)
Power of lens P =
«« SI unit of power of lens is Diopter (D).
«« The instrument used to measure power of lens is known as Dioptermeter.
23. Cells connected in series give a greater resistant voltage than individual cells.
«« Voltage increases if the number of cells increases.
«« Series connection do not overheat easily.
«« Connecting the fuse in series with the electrical device causes a short circuit in the electrical device for
some reason on the fuse wire immediately melts and stop the flow of electricity.
«« As a result the electrical device stop being damaged.
23. The total energy consumed by the refrigerator in 30 days would be 400 W × 8.0 hour/day × 30 days =
96000 Wh = 96 kWh
«« Thus the cost of energy to operate the refrigerator for 30 days is 96 kWh × Rs 3.00 per kWh = ` 288.00
24. Fleming’s left hand rule : Stretch the first finger, the middle finger and the thumb of your left hand
mutually perpendicular to each other in such a way that the first finger represents the direction of the
magnetic field, the middle finger represents the direction of the current in the conductor, then the thumb
will represent the direction of motion of the conductor.
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Fleming's left hand rule
25. Fossil fuels like coal and petroleum are exhaustible sources of energy. The estimated reserves of these fuels
are said to last us for about another 200 years, while it takes millions of years for these to be formed.
26. The use of several pesticides and other chemicals to protect our crops from diseases and pests.
«« These chemicals are either washed down into the soil or into the water bodies.
«« From the soil, these are absorbed by the plants along with water and minerals, and from the water bodies
these are taken up by aquatic plants and animals.
«« This is one of the ways in which they enter the food chain.
«« As these chemicals are not degradable, they get accumulate progressively at each trophic level. The
maximum concentration of these chemicals get accumulated in human bodies. This phenomenon in known
as biological magnification.
«« As human beings occupy the top-level in any food-chain, the maximum concentration of these chemicals
get accumulated in our body.
26. Yes, the impact of removing all the organisms in a trophic level will be different for different trophic levels.
Removing producers will affect herbivores heavily due to absence of food. They will die.
«« Similarly, the carnivores would also die in absence of herbivores.
«« Removing herbivores from the food chain, producers would grow enormous. Carnivores would not get food.
«« Removing carnivores the population of herbivores would increase to unsustainable levels.
«« The organisms of any trophic level cannot be removed without causing any damage to the ecosystem.
«« It will disturb the food web and will create ecological imbalance.
Example :
«« Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Peacock
«« In this if all grasshopper are killed, frogs will strive and grass will reproduce in abundance.
«« If snake are removed then the number of frogs will increase which will disturb the entire ecosystem.


27. (a) 
When zinc is added to cooper sulphate (CuSO4) soulution due to more reactivity of zinc copper is
replaced by zinc and borms zinc sulphate. The colour of the solution changes from blue to colourless.
Zn + CuSO4 → ZnSO4 + Cu
(b) When aluminium (Al) reacts with diluted hydrochloric acid (HCl), a salt is formed along with the
liberation of hydrogen gas (H2).
2Al(s) + 6HCl(aq) → 2 AlCl3 + 3 H2
(aq) (g)

(c) No reaction takes place as silver is less reactive then that of copper and cannot displace copper its
Ag + CuSO4 → No reaction.
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28. Iron, Zinc, Lead etc. are moderately reactive and falls in the middle of the reactivity series.
«« This metals are found in the form of their sulphides or carbonate in the nature.
Example :
(i) Extraction of zinc metal.
«« Zinc metal is found in the form of Zinc blend (ZnS) and in the form of calamine [Zn(CO)3]
(ii) Roasting of Zinc Blend.
«« Zink blend first converted into zinc oxide by process of Roasting.
«« ZnS is first heated strongly in the presence of excess of air.
2ZnS + 3O2(g) 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g)
Zinc Oxygen Zinc Sulphur
Sulphate oxide dioxide
(iii) Calcination of calamine ore :
«« Calamine [Zn(CO)3] is heated in limited air. Calamine [Zn(CO3)] is converted in zinc oxide. This known as
Zn(CO3)(s) → ZnO(s) + CO2(g)
Zinc carbonate Zinc carbon
oxide dioxide
(iv) Reduction of Zinc-oxide to obtain zinc metal.
«« In this process, zinc oxide is heated with a reducing agent, such as carbon to convert zinc oxide into zinc
ZnO(s) + C(s) Zn(s) + CO(g)
Zinc carbon Zinc Carbon
oxide monoxide
«« Apart from carbon many other reducing agents are used to obtain metals from respective oxides.
«« In displacement reactions, highly reactive metals, such as Sodium, Calcium, Aluminum etc. are used as
reducing agent.
28. Magnesium is metal and its atomic number is 12.
«« So, electron configuration of Magnesium (Mg) is = (K, L, M) = (2, 8, 2)
«« So, Magnesium will loss its 2 electron from outermost shell and become (Mg+2) a magnesium ion.
«« Mg → Mg+2 + 2e–
(2, 8, 2) (Magnesium Positive Ion)
«« Chlorine in non-metal and its atomic number is 17. So, electronic configuration of chlorine is (K, L, M) =
(2, 8, 7)
«« So, chlorine will gain one electron to follow octate rule and become chloride ion (Cl–)
«« Cl + e– → Cl–
(2, 8, 7) (2, 8, 8)
«« Here, Magnesium atom will donate one-one electron to two atoms of chlorine and form a Magnesium
chloride (MgCl2) :
× ××
Cl ×
×× ××
Mg [Mg2+] =× Cl ×× G → MgCl2


× ×× 2 Magnesium
Cl ×
×× chloride
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

Nervous system mechanism Hormonal system mechanism
1. The information is conveyed in the form of electric 1. The information is conveyed in the form of
impulse. chemical messengers.
2. The axons and dendrites transmit the information 2. The information is transmitted or transported
through a coordinated effort. through blood.
3. The flow of information is rapid and the response 3. The information travels slowly and the response
is quick. is slow.
4. Its effects are short lived. 4. It has prolonged effects.
30. In multi-cellular organism with relatively simple body organization, simple reproductive methods can still
«« For example - Spirogyra : simply break up ito smaller pieces upon maturation.
«« This pieces grow into new individuals.
«« This is not true for all multi-cellular organism
«« They cannot divide cell by cell.
«« The reason is that many multi-cellular organism, are not simply a random collection of cells.
«« Specialized cells are organized as tissue, and tissues are organized into organs, which then have to be
placed at definite positions in the body.
«« In such a carefully organized situation, cell by cell division would be impractical.
«« Therefore, multi-cellular organism need to use more complex ways for reproduction.
31. In human beings, the sex of the individual is largely genetically determined.
«« In human beings there are 23 pairs of chromonsome, out of them 22 pairs are same but one pair, called
the sex chromosome is odd & not always being a perfect pair.
«« Women have a both called X-chromosome but men have one which is a normal-sized X while the other
is a short one called Y.
«« So, women are XX while men are XY.
«« Thus, the sex of the children will be determined by they inherit from their father.
«« A child who inherits an X-chromosome from her father will be a girl, and one who inherits a Y-chromosome
from him will be a boy.
Sex determination in Human beings

(Reproductive  cells

after  fusion XX XX XY XY
50%  probability 50%  probability
offspring of  a  Female  child of  a  male  child

31. The eye is an example of a complex homologous organ. It has been created in stages over generations.
«« The primitive organisms which existed on the Earth were slow moving and smaller in size. They did not
require a specialised organ for observing any object.
«« Consider the example of flatworms. Flatworms are small invertebrates.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

«« The eyes of flatworms are simple and exist in the form of eyespots. Eyespots are light-sensitive cells which
can detect light.
«« As evolution progressed, comparatively larger organisms evolved. Most of them were predators and required
better vision for predation.
«« Hence, from the basic design of eyes, more complex forms evolved.
«« Insects, octopuses and invertebrates have eyes. However, the structure of the eyes differs in each of these
organisms. This suggests that they have a separate evolutionary origin.
32. Experiment :
«« Take a candle and place it in front of a convex lens. Adjust the candle so as to get clear image on the
«« Now cover the lower half of the lens with black cloth or paper without disturbing the positions of the
candle, lens and the screen.

O F2 2F2
2F1 F1

Black Paper Fainter Image

¾¾ Observation :
«« You will observe the full image of the candle even though the lens is half covered but the intensity of
the image is reduced.
«« It is because when the lens is not covered the complete rays coming from an object are refracted an full
image is seen clearly whereas, here intensity is reduced because all the rays from the object are not falling
on the lens and all the rays do not undergo refraction.
32. An erect image is formed by a concave mirror, only if the object is placed between the pole and the
principal focus of the mirror.
Nature : The image is virtual and erect
Size of Image : The image is larger than the object.

C F A P A'

15 cm
33. Mathematically, resistivity of the conducting material is given by
«« ρ = Rx A/l
«« If l = 1m, A = 1 sq.m then ρ = R
«« Hence, the resistivity of the material is defined as the resistance offered by a metallic wire having a unit
length and a unit area of cross-section.
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«« Since unit length and unit area of cross-section forms a cube, the specific resistance or resistivity can also
be defined as the resistance offered by a cube of a material of side 1 m when current flows perpendicularly
through the opposite faces. In SI system, its units is
Unit of R # Unit of area
Unit of r =
Unit of length of cond
= m = Wm
34. (i) 
When the two coils A and B are used separately.
R = 24 Ω
V = 220 V
V = 220V
Current, I = = 9.167A
R 24Ω
«« (ii) When the two coils are connected in series,
R = 24W + 24W = 48W
V = 220V
V = 220V
Current I = = 4.58A
R 28Ω
«« (iii) When the two coils are connected in parallel.
24 # 24
R = = 12W
24 + 24
V = 220V
V = 220V
Current, I = = 18.33A
R 12Ω

35. (a) A solution with a pH value of 7 will be neutral.

«« So solution D will be neutral.
(b) The solution having a pH value greater than 7 and highest of the given values will be the strong base.
Here the pH value of solution C is 11. So solution C will be strong base.
The solution having a pH value less than 7 and lowest pH value of solution will be the strong Acid.
Here the pH value of solution B is 1. So solution B will be strong Acid.
(d) A solution having pH value less than 7 and highest of the given value will be weak Acid. Here the pH
value of the solution A is 4 so A will be weak acid.
A solution with pH value greater than 7 and lowest of the given value will be weak base. Here the
pH value of solution E is 9, so solution E will be weak base.
Express the values of pH in ascending order of concetration of hydrogen lons.
«« pH : 11 < 9 < 7 < 4 < 1
35. (a) By making the milk more alkaline, it takes more time to turn into curd. That’s why milkman shifts the
pH of fresh milk to slightly alkaline by adding a very small amount of baking soda to it.
«« (b) 
As this milk is slightly more alkaline than other, therefore, acid produced to set into curd will be
neutralized by baking soda added by milkman. Hence, this milk takes a longer time to set as curd.
36. (i) Ethanoic acid
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(ii) Bromopentane (C5H11Br)


H C C C C C Br

(iii) Butanone (CH3 — CH2 — COCH3)


(iv) Hexanal (C5H11CHO)


37. (i) Which structure is shown in the figure ? Which nitrogenous waste removed from blood by this structure ?
Identify the Part ‘X’ and state it’s shape and function.
(iii) Identify ‘Y’ and ‘Z’
Compare the blood carried in U and V blood vasseles.

(i) Figure shows a nephron structure

Function : Nitrogeous waste-urea and Uric acid from the boold is removed through the nephron
(ii) The ‘X’ part is Bowman’s capsule. It’s shape is like a cup and its function is to collect filtration.
(iii) Y is collecting duct and Z is Glomegulus
(iv) U : It has high nitrogenous waste and carries oxygenated blood
V : It has less nitrogenous waste and carries de-oxygenated blood.
38. A rainbow is regarded as one of the most spectacular light show observed on the earth. A rainbow is a
multicoloured arc made due to the striking of light on water droplets. Rainbow is produced after the rain,
by reflection, refraction and light dispersion process in droplets of water. All such events develop a light
spectrum in the sky are called rainbow.
«« The necessary conditions for the formation of the rainbow:
¬¬ Presence of raindrops.
¬¬ Sun should be at your back to observe the rainbow.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

«« Because of the dispersion, white light separates into different colors when entering the raindrop, causing
less refraction of red light than blue light.
White light Dispersion
Sun A from the sun
Rain Total internal
crop reflection
of spectrum

let Refraction


¾¾ Formation of the rainbow :

«« Light rays; reaches the drop near its top level. At first, there is refraction, then the dispersion of white
light into colours of a different wavelength.
«« The violet is the most deviated and red is the least deviated colour.
«« Reaching the opposite side of the drop, each colour is refracted back into the drop due to the complete
internal reflection that hits the drop surface.
«« Every colour is refracted to the air again.
«« We experience the rainbow when we observe in between 42-40 degrees.
39. (i) 
The magnetic field produced by current carrying circular coil is directly proportional to the current
flowing through the coil. Therefore, with increase in the magnitude of magnetic field the current
flowing through the coil will increase.
(ii) Magnitude of magnetic field at a point in a current carrying coil is inversely proportional to the
distance. Hence, with increase in distance the magnetic field will decrease.
(iii) The magnetic field produced depends on directly to the current flowing through the circular coil. If
number of turns of coil increases then the current flowing in a coil also increases and hence the
magnetic field will increase with increase in number of turns.
39. The following precautionary measures should be taken by Ramanbhai to prevent the fire due to overloading
in the domestic electrical circuit.
«« A suitable fuse should be connected in the electrical circuit.
«« The insulating layer on live and neutral wire should be properly laid.
«« No more than one device should be connected in the same socket
«« Each device should be connected in parallel with each-other.
«« The circuit of the house should be properly earthen with devices made of metal.
(b) Write the name of three types of wire used in domestic electric circuit with their insulating colour.
«« (i) Live wire (positive) : Red insulated cover
(ii) Neutral wire (negative) : Black insulated cover
(iii) Earthing wire : Green Insulated cover.

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

Practice Paper 7
1. Protein. 2. Auxin
3. fossils 4. Centre of curvature
5. False 6. True
7. False 8. (D) 16 ml
9. (C) 17 10. (B) to stimulate growth in all organs
11. (C) pollination, fertilisation, embryo, seedling
12. The substance which help to identify whether the given solution is acidic or basic by their smell instead
of changing the color, are called olfactory indicator.
13. Homologous organs.
14. Wood produces a lot of smoke on burning and pollutes the air. Hence it is advised not to use it as a fuel.
15. The various branched food chains of the ecosystem forming a web its called the foodweb.
16. Wood, paper, lacquer and sport equipments.

17. (a) The substance ‘x’ used for white washing is quicklime (Calcium oxide). Its formula is CaO.
(b) When quicklime is mixed with water, Calcium hydroxide (Slakedlime) is formed.
CaO(s) + H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq) + Heat
18. Pure Gold is a 24 carat gold, which is very soft hence ornaments cannot be made from it. while 22-carat
gold is alloy (mixture) of 22 parts of pure gold and 2 part of either copper or silver and it is hard.
«« As result, 22 carat gold is used for making ornaments.
19. It failed to arrange all the known elements in the form of triads of elements having similar chemical
properties. Dobereiner could identify only three triads from the elements known that time.
20. Heating ethanol at 443 K with excess concentrated sulphuric acid results in the dehydration of ethanol to
give ethene
Hot. Conc
H2 SO 4
Ethanol Ethene
20. A test useful to differentiate between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon is additional reaction.
Unsaturated hydrocarbon add hydrogen in the presence of catalyst such as palladium or nickel to give
saturated hydrocarbons.

C = C R – C – C – R
«« Addition reaction is not possible in saturated hydrocarbons.
21. a. N
 ew plants produced by vegetative propagation maintain the desirable characters of the parents. These
plants are genetically identical.
b. Certain plants like banana, grapes, pineapple, roses, jasmine, etc., do not form seeds. Thus, this is the
only method of reproduction and continuation of such species.
c. This method is cheap and can be easily employed to reproduce plants, especially fruit plants.
d. Only one parent is required for reproduction.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

22. Paper produces smoke and start burning. because the light coming from the sun forms parallel rays.
«« The light is centered on the paper through the lens as a sharp point of illumination.
«« The point is actual reflection of the Sun. produced by the concentratoin of sunlight causes the paper to burn.
23. The resistance of a conductor depends (i) on its length (ii) on its area of cross-section and (iii) on the
nature of its material.
23. The device used to protect circuits and equipment from damage of overloading in an electrical circuit is
called an electrical fuse.
«« Overloading occurs when both live wire and neutral wire come in contact with each other
«« In such a situation, the current suddenly gets increased very much its called short circuit.
«« At the beginning the electrical fuse connected in series with live wire of the circuit.
«« Electrical fuse have low melting point conducting wire.
«« The fuse wire is placed on a base of porcelain or similar insulating material with two metal ends.
«« If a current larger than the specified value flows through the circuit. This melts the fuse wire and breaks
the circuit.
«« The fuses used for domestic purpose are rated as 1A, 2A, 3A, 5A, 10A etc.
24. (i) The wires used in the circuit must be coated with good insulating materials like PVC, etc.
(ii) The circuit must be divided into different sections and a safety fuse must be used in each section.
(iii) High power appliances like air-conditioner, refrigerator, a water heater, etc. should not be used simultaneously.
25. Uses : Solar cooker is useful to prepare a food on low heat. e.g. Rice, lentils, beans etc.
«« Two to three dishes can be prepared together with the help of containers kept inside.
Advantages of using a Solar-cooker
«« No fuel required
«« No Pollution
«« Vitamins are not destroyed so nutrients are retained and natural flavors are obtained.
«« There is no need to be careful when food is being prepared.
«« Limitations of the use of solar-cooker : Food can not be prepared on cloudy days and night.
«« Food takes longer to prepare.
«« Not all types of food can be prepared.
26. We would suggest following changes in our home to make it environment friendly.
¬¬ Separate wastes into recyclable and non-recyclable.
¬¬ Use electricity judiciously.
¬¬ Follow three R’s (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse).
¬¬ Eat as much as you require but do not waste food.
¬¬ Use water judiciously.
¬¬ Reuse newspapers and use less plastic.
¬¬ Have more windows in the house for natural light.
¬¬ T.V., fans, lights etc should be turned off while going outside the room. Less use of heaters. Try
wearing sweaters instead.
¬¬ Public transport should be used instead of private vehicles.
26. There are many advantages of conservation of water in the form of groundwater.
«« It does not evaporate.
«« It provides moisture for vegetation over a wide area.
«« It does not provide bredding ground, mosquitoes like stamant water collected in ponds or artificial lake.
«« The groundwater is also protected from contamination by human and animal waste.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

27. (a) Potassium bromide(aq) + Barium Iodide(aq) → Potassium Iodide(aq) + Barium Bromide(aq)
«« 2KBr(aq) + BaI2(aq) → 2KI(aq) + BaBr2(s)
«« Type of reaction : Displacement Reaction
(b) Zinc carbonate(s) → Zinc oxide(s) + Carbon dioxide(g)
«« ZnCO3(g) → ZnO3 + CO2(g)
«« Type of reaction : Decomposition Reaction
(c) Magnesium(s) + Hydrochloric acid(aq) → Magnesium chloride(aq) + hydrogen(g)
«« Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
«« Type of Reaction : Displacement reaction
Calcination Roasting
(i) C
arbonate ore is heated in the presence of (i) Sulphide containing ore is heated in more
limited amount of air the ore is converted into amount of air, it converted into oxide. This
oxide. This process is known as calcination. process is known as Roasting
(ii) CO2 gas is generated during calcination process (ii) SO2 gas generated during roasting process
Heat Heat
(iii) ZnCO3 ZnO(s) + CO2(g) (iii) 2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g)
28. More reactive metals displaces less-reactive metals from their compounds.
«« This process is highly exothermic
«« In these types of displacement reaction amount of heat evolved is so large that the metal produced in
such reaction is in molten state.
Example :
«« When Ferric Oxide (III) is heated with Aluminum (Al), Iron (III) oxide is reduced to iron metal.
Fe2O3(g) + 2Al → 2Fe(l) + Al2O3(s) + heat
Ferric Aluminium Iron Aluminium
oxide metal oxide
«« This reaction is known as Thermit reaction Thermit reaction is used in joining of railway tracks or cracks
in machine parts.
Involuntary Action Reflex Action
1. They involve autonomic nervous system. 1. They involve all parts of voluntary nervous
2. They usually occur in response to internal 2. They operate against harmful stimuli which are
stimuli. generally external and may cause injury.
3. They are connected with the functioning of 3. They are connected with Emergency.
internal body parts.
4. These are regulated by medulla (hind-brain.) 4. Reflex action is generally controlled by spinal
5. The speed of response is slower than reflex 5. The speed of response is very fast.
6. Example : Beating of heart muscle. 6. Example : Removal of the hand with a jerk,
when a person touches a hot object accidently.

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

30. Methods of Contraception

¾¾ (i) Mechanical barries :

¬¬ In this method sperm does not reach the egg.
¬¬ Condoms on the penis or similar coverings worn in the vagina can serve this purpose.
¬¬ The devices such as the loop as the copper-T are placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy.

¾¾ (ii) Chemical barrier :

¬¬ In this method a woman uses two kinds of pills (oral and vaginal pills) the oral pills are hormonal
preparations which supress the release of ovum in fallopian tube.
¬¬ These are called oral contraceptives.
¬¬ The vaginal pills/creams are spermicidal The chemical in these spermicidal kills the sperms during
their journey in the vaginal tract.

¾¾ Surgical method :
¬¬ In this method, a small part of vas-deferens of male and fallopian tube of female is cut or tied by
¬¬ It is called vasectomy in males and tubectomy in females.
31. Mendel carried out monohybrid cross between a tall pea plant and a dwarf pea plant and get following
«« When Mendel carried out a cross between Tall plant (TT) with dwarf plant (tt), In first generation, the
progeny were tall, there was no medium height or durf plant.
«« This meant that only one of the parental traits was seen, not some mixture of the two.
«« When F1 generation plant are self-pollinated the progeny of F2 - generation plants are not tall, 25% of
plants are Dwarf (Short) and 75% are tall.
«« This indicates that both tallness and shortness traits were inherited in F1 plants, but only the tallness traits
was expressed.
«« This indicates that two copies of genes may be identical, or may be different, depending on the parentage.
«« In this experiment both ‘TT’ and ‘Tt’ are tall plant while only ‘tt’ is a short plant.
«« In ‘Tt’, ‘T’ is expressed and ‘t’ is suppressed. Hence the characterers ‘T’ is the dominant trait and ‘t’ is
the recessive trait.
31. Analogous organs are defined as the organs of different animals that are having different structure but
perform the same functions.
«« Example of analogous organ is the wings of the insect and the wings of the bird.
«« The structure of wings of the bird has bones covered by flesh, skin, and feathers. Whereas the wings of
insect are an extension of integument. But in both the cases, the wings are used for flying.
«« These organisms would have to adapt to the same ecological niche as other organisms. Hence, they may
have evolved similar (analogous) organs.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Analogous organs
(a) Wing of Insect (b) Wing of Pterodactyl (c) wing of bird (d) Wing of bat

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32. M

B C1 F2 B’ C2
2F1 F1 O 2F2


u v

«« Position of the image : Between F2 and 2F2

«« Size of the Image : Diminished
«« Nature of the image : Real and inverted
32. Solution :
Object size : h = (+4 cm)
Object distance : u = (–25cm)
Focal length : f = (–15 cm )
Image distance : v = ?
Image height : h’ = ?
«« Mirror formula is given by :
1 1 1
= u + v
1 1 1

− 15 = − 25 + v
1 1 1

− 15 + − 25 = v
1 25 − 15
v = − 375
v = –37.5 cm
«« The image is enlarged and its height is 6 cm. The negative sign shows it is real and inverted.
−v hi
m = u =
−^− 37.5h hi
m = =
− 25 4
hi = = –6 cm
33. (i) The tungsten is used almost exclusively for filament of electric lamps because it has a very high melting
point (3300 °C). On passing electricity through tungsten filament, its temperature reaches to 2700 °C
and it gives heat and light energy without being melted.
«« (ii) The conductors of electric heating devices such as bread-toasters and electric irons, are made of an
alloy rather than a pure metal because the resistivity of an alloy is much higher than that of pure
metal and an alloy does not undergo oxidation (or burn) easily even at high temperature.
«« (iii) 
The series arrangement is not used for domestic circuits because in series circuit, if one electrical
appliance stops working due to some defect, than all other appliances also stop working because the
whole circuit is broken.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

0.5 0.25
34. Radius r = = 0.25 mm = m = 0.25 × 10–3 m, r = 1.6 × 10–8 ohm m
2 1000
R = 10W, l = ?
l l
Now, R = r = r 2
A πr
πr 2 R
Therefore, l = ρ
3.14 # (0.025) 2 # 10
= −6
1.6 # 10
= 12265.625 cm
= 122.6 metre
l l
Again, R = r = r 2
A π d /4
i.e. R ∝
«« If a wire of diameter doubled to it is taken, then area of cross-section becomes four times.
«« New resistance = = 2.5Ω, Thus the new resistance will be 14 times.
«« Decrease in resistance = (10 – 2.5)Ω = 7.5Ω

35. Chlor-alkali action :

«« When electric current is passed through an aqueous solution of sodium chloride it decomposes to form
sodium hydroxide. This method is performed by chlor-alkali action. This is because the products produced
in this method are chlorine and sodium hydroxide.
«« 2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(g) + H2(g)
sodium sodium chlorine
chloride hydroxide gas
Used of Sodium Hydroxide :
«« To remove grease from metals.
«« In the manufacturing process of soaps and detergents.
«« In the manufacturing process of paper and synthetic fibers.
Uses of Chlorine Gas
«« For Hydrotherapy action
«« In the manufacturing process of PVC
«« In the creation of CFCs
«« In the manufacturing process of pesticides
«« In swimming pool
Uses of Hydrogen Gas
«« As fuel
«« In manufacturing of Ammonia
«« As a margarine.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

35. pH Value in the Digestive System

«« Our stomach generates HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) which helps in food digestion and kills germs.
«« This acid balances the pH value of the stomach.
«« Normally, the pH value of our stomach is around 1.2. However, this value may change when we consume
more acidic or alkaline food.
«« When the pH value of our stomach decreases we suffer from acidity.
«« As a result, our stomach causes pain and irritation.
«« Such problems can be cured by consuming basic substances like milk of magnesia which neutralize the
excess acid produced in our stomach

¾¾ pH Value Changes Cause Tooth Decay

«« Normally, the pH values of our mouth are around or lower than 5.5.
«« This value changes when we eat or drink food.
«« The changes can also lead to the decaying of our teeth.
«« The tooth’s enamel is made of Calcium Phosphate, which is insoluble in water. However, due to acid, it
corrodes. Afterward, the enamel teeth get sensitive and bad breath comes out of the mouth.

(a) What crystal water represents ? Write crystals containing crystalline water.
«« Crystal water : One unit of crystal water salts is the exact number of water molecules in a formula.
«« Crystals containing of crystal water :
CuSO4 ⋅ 5H2O (Aqueous copper sulphate)
CaSO4 ⋅ 2H2O (Gypsum)
Na2CO3 ⋅ 10H2O (Washing soda)
(b) When we heat the crystals of copper sulphate in dry test-tube why it become colourless ?
«« Crystals of copper sulphate, which appear dry, contains crystal water.
«« Copper sulphate appears blue due to crystal water.
«« When we heat the crystals of copper sulphate this water is removed and salts turns white.
«« Thus, heating a crystal of copper sulphate in a dry test tube makes it colorless.
37. The chemical properties of ethanoic acid is given below :

¾¾ Ethanoic Acid
«« Ethanoic acid is another one of the most important produces of carbon. The common name of ethanoic
acid is Acetic acid.
«« The 5%-8% solution of acetic acid in water is called Vinegar. Vinegar is used as food preservative in pickles.
«« Acetic acid often freezes during winter season in cold climate and thus it is called glacial acetic acid also.
«« Similar to all other organic acids, acetic acid is also a weak acid.
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¾¾ Physical Proerties of ethanoic Acid

«« It is a colorless, pungent odour Liquid.
«« It is water - soluble.
«« The melting point of pure ethanoic acid is 290 K.
¾¾ Reactions of Ethanoic Acid
«« Esterification Reaction
«« Esters are formed most commonly after the reaction of an acid and alchohol. Esters have sweet fragrance
and are used in making of perfumes and used as flavoring agent.
«« When ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol in the presence of an acid as a catalyst, it gives ethyl acetate
Ethanoic acid Ethanol Ester
«« This is called Esterification or Esterification Reaction.
a. Saponification :
«« On the other hand when ester is treated with sodium hydroxide, it gives alcohol and sodium salt of
carboxylic acid. This reaction is called saponification as it is used in manufacturing of soap.
Ester Ethanol Ethanoic acid

«« Sodium acetate is called sodium ethanoate also.

38. (a) 
The light coming from the sun passes through various denser layers of air in the earth’s atmosphere
before reaching our eyes near the horizon. Most of the part of blue light and light of small wavelength
gets scattered by dust particles near the horizon. So, the light reaching our eyes is of large wavelength.
Due to this the sun appears reddish at the time of sunrise and sunset.
(b) When a beam of light strikes such fine particles, the path of the beam becomes visible. The light
reaches us, after being reflected diffusely by these particles. The phenomenon of scattering of light by
the colloidal particles gives rise to Tyndall effect.
«« This phenomenon is seen when a fine beam of sunlight enters a smoke-filled room through a small hole.
Thus, scattering of light makes the particles visible. Tyndall effect can also be observed when sunlight
passes through a canopy of a dense forest.
«« The colour of the scattered light depends on the size of the scattering particles.
«« Very fine particles scatter mainly blue light while particles of larger size scatter light of longer wavelength.
«« If the size of the scattering particles is large enough then the scattered light may even appear white.
39. (a) What does the concentric circle represent in that activity ?
«« The concentric circles represents the magnetic field lines.
(b) How to find the direction of magnetic field arising in this activity ?
«« In this activity, adjust the compass near any point of the circle.
«« The north pole of the compass needle, shows the direction of the magnetic field arising near that point
by the current flowing through the straight wire.
(c) If the current flowing through the copper wire is changed. What will be the change in the angle of the
needle of the compass ? What does that show ?
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

«« If the current flowing through the copper wire is changed, then the angle of the needle of the compass
also changes.
«« If the flow is increased then the angle also increases which shows that increasing in value of the current
flowing through the wire also increase the value of the magnetic field produced at a given point.
39. Coil-1 Coil-2

¾¾ Procedure :
«« Take two different coils of copper wire having large number of turns (say 50 and 100 turns respectively).
Insert them over a non-conducting cylindrical roll as shown in fig. (you may use a thick paper roll for this
«« Connect the coil-1, having larger number of turns, in series with a battery and a plug key. Also connect
the other coil-2 with a galvanometer as shown.
«« Plug in the key. Observe the galvanometer.
¾¾ Observation :
«« The needle of the galvanometer instantly jumps to one side and just as quickly returns to zero, indicating
a momentary current in coil-2
«« Disconnecting the coil-1 from the battery. The needle momentary moves but to the opposite side it means
that now the current flows in the opposite direction of coil-2

¾¾ Conclusion :
«« The potential difference is induced in the coil-2 whenever the electric current through the coil-1 is changing.
«« As the current in the first coil-changes. the magnetic field associated with it also change. Thus the magnetic
field lines around the secondary coil also change.
«« The change in the magnetic field-lines associated with the secondary coil is the cause of induced electric
current in it.
«« Thus, process by which a changing magnetic field in a conductor induces a current in another conductor,
is called electromagnetic induction.

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

Practice Paper 8

1. Sphygomanometer 2. Austrian Gregor Mendel

3. Hot spots 4. biomagnifications
5. False 6. True
7. False 8. (B) A and C
9. (A) gametes, zygote, embryo, seedling 10. (B) It is below the x-axis
Work done
11. (A)
Current # Ch arge
12. Ca(OH)2(aq) + CO2(g) → CaCO3(s) + H2O(l)
calcium carbon calcium
hydroxide dioxide carbonate
(white precipitate)
13. The chemical substance called plant hormone or phytohormone makes a stem bend towards sunlight.
14. A retrovirus is a virus that has RNA as its genetic material instead of DNA. HIV virus is a retrovirus.
15. Trophic levels
16. Increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causes global warming and changes in climate.


17. Double Displacement Reaction :

«« A chemical reaction in which Ion exchanged between two reactant is called double displacement reaction.
Example :
«« In double displacement Ions are exchanged between two compounds.
«« Adding a solution of sodium sulphate (NO2SO4) to a solution of barium chloride (BaCl2), results in precipitation
of the following chemical reaction and the solution contains sodium chloride (NaCl)
BaCl2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) → BaSO4(aq) + 2NaCl(aq)
Barium Sodium Barium Sodium
chloride sulphate sulphate chloride
18. The dishonest goldsmith dipped the gold bangles in aqua-regia (which contains 1 part of concentrated nitric
acid and 3 parts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, by volume). Aqua-regia dissolved a considerable amount
of gold from gold bangles and hence reduced their weight drastically. The dishonest goldsmith can recover
the dissolved gold from aqua-regia by a suitable treatment.
19. As we move down the group, the number of shells increases in the atom , with the increase in the
number of shells the atomic size increases. As, we move down the group the effective nuclear charge
between the nucleus and the outermost shell start decreasing due to which the, atomic size increases.
20. Saponification :
«« When ester is treated with sodium hydroxide, it gives alcohol and sodium salt of carboxylic acid. This
reaction is called saponification as it is used in manufacturing of soap.
«« Chemical Reaction :


ester sodium ethanol ethanoic
hydroxide acid
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

20. When ethanol reacts with sodium, it produces hydrogen gas (H2)
2CH3CH2OH + 2Na → 2CH3CH2ONa + H2
Ethanol Sodium Sodium hydrogen
21. Binary Fission Multiple Fission
1 In binary fission the parent cell is divided into In multiple fission the parental cell is divided
two daughter cells. into many daughter cells.
2 In binary fission division occurs one time. In multiple fission division occurs repeatedly.
3 Example : Amoeba, Euglena Example : Algae, Plasmodium

22. According to the laws of refraction, when light ray travels from rare to denser it moves towards the
«« As light ray travelling in air enters obliquely into water it moves towards the normal.
«« It is also because the speed of light decreases as it moves the denser medium.
23. When potential difference is halved, the current through the component also decreases to half of its initial
value. This is according to ohm’s law i.e., V ∝ I
«« New potential difference V1 = and
new electric current I1
According to Ohm’s law
;a I = E
2 V 1 V
I1 = = = = I
R R 2R 2 2
23. Heat generated in a circuit is given by I2Rt. The heating element of an electric heater made of nichrome
glows because it becomes red-hot due to the large amount of heat produced on passing current because
of its high resistance, but the cord of the electric heater made of copper does not glow because negligible
heat is produced in it by passing current because of its extremely low resistance.
24. In India AC current changes every 1/100 seconds.
«« The frequency of AC current in India is 50 Hz.
25. (i) 
The burning of fossil fuels produces large amount of carbon dioxide that causes increased greenhouse
(ii) The burning of fossil fuels (such as coal) produces smoke which pollutes the air.
(iii) The burning of fossil fuels produces acidic gases such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These
acidic gases cause acid rain that affects our water and soil resources.
(iv) Fossil fuels cannot be replenished in short time because it takes millions of years to form them.
26. The problems caused by the non-biodegradable waste that we generate are listed below :
¬¬ It is a reason of biological magnification.
¬¬ It increases the pollution
¬¬ It pollutes the atmosphere
¬¬ It kills useful micro-organisms.
26. The biodegradable waste produced by us will have the following effect on our environment.
¬¬ Some biodegradable substances such as cow-dug produce a foul odor, thus polluting the surrounding
¬¬ Some biodegradable substances such as fruits and vegetables waste, serve as breeding grounds of
mosquitoes that cause different diseases in the surrounding atmosphere.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science


27. (i) 4Na(s) + O2 → 2Na2O(s)


«« In this reactions, sodium (Na) is changed into sodium oxide (Na2O) by the addition of oxygen to sodium.
Since oxygen is added it is called oxidation, the substance sodium (Na) is oxidized.

(ii) CuO(s) + H2 → Cu(s) + H2O(l)


«« Here, copper oxide is reduced to copper whereas hydrogen is oxidized to water.

28. (i) Why can’t we make 24 carat gold jewellery ?
«« 24 carat gold is very soft. jewelry made from it changes shape even with a little pressure. Hence could
not make 24 carat gold jewelery.
Name two metals that can be added in making gold ornaments.
«« (a) Silver (Ag) (b) Copper (Cu)
What is the fault of the jeweller in this behaviour ?
«« The behaviour of the jeweller shows the temptation to make more money by deceiving his customer.
Reduction with carbon Electrolytic reduction
1. Carbon is used as a reduction agent. 1. Electrolysis process used for reduction.
2. Oxides of moderately reactive metals (e.g. Zn, 2. Oxides (and chlorides) of highly reactive metals
Fe, Cu, Ni) are reduced by carbon (e.g. Al, Na, K, Mg, Ca) are reduced by this
3. In this process, the metal oxide is mixed with 3. In this process, molten, metal oxide is electrolysed
carbon (coke) and heated in a furnace. in an electrolytic cell where the cathode acts as
ZnO + C → Zn + CO a powerful reducing agent by supplying electrons
Zinc Carbon Zinc Carbon to reduce metal ions into metal,.
oxide monoxide Electrolytic
Al3+ + 3e– recduction Al
Aluminium iron Electron Aluminium
(from molten Al2O3) (from cathode) metal

29. (i) Pituitary Gland :

Hormone : Growth hormone (GH)
Function : Stimulates growth in all organs
«« (ii) Pancreas :
Hormone : Insulin
Function : It’s regulating the amount of sugar in blood
«« (iii) Testis :
Hormone : Testosterone
Function : It helps is in development of secondary sexual characteristics.
30. Adolescence
«« The age at which the reproductive organs become active and the boy and girl reach sexual maturity is
called puberty. So the growth of the body slows down and the reproductive muscles begin to mature. This
period of adolescence is called puberty.
«« Some physical and sexual changes are similar in boys as well as girls, for example.
¬¬ Hair grows in the middle genital area of the armpits and thighs and is also dark in colour.
¬¬ Thinner hair can be also appear on legs and arms as well as on face.
¬¬ The skin frequently becomes oily and might begin to develop pimples.
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¾¾ In Girls :
«« Breast size begins to increase, with darkening of the skin of the nipples at the tips of the breast.
«« Menstruation cycle will start.

¾¾ In Boys :
«« New thick hair growth on the face.
«« Voice begin to crack.
«« The penis occasionally begins to become enlarged and erect.
31. Mendel carried out dihybrid crosses by crossing two pea plant of two different characters.
«« For example, he crossed a pea plant having yellow and round seeds with another pea plant bearing green
and wrinkled seeds.
«« The F1 generation contains 100% hybrid plants When RRyy crosses with rryy, all offspring plants are RrYy
with round and yellow seeds in the first generation.
«« Therefore, the round and yellow seeds are the dominant characters.
«« In the F2 generation, he obtained pea plants with two parental and two recombinant phenotypes as yellow-
round and green - wrinkled (parental) and yellow - wrinkled and green - round (recombinant).
«« This shows that genes independently inherited.
31. Analogous organs :
¬¬ Those organs which have different basic structure (or different basic design) but have similar
appearance and perform similar functions are called analogous organs.
¬¬ For example, the wings of an insect and a bird are analogous organs.
«« Homologous organs :
¬¬ Those organs which have the same basic structure (or same basic design) but different functions are
called homologous organs.
¬¬ For example, the wing of a bat, flipper of a seal, front leg of a horse and arm of a man are
homologous organs.


2F1 B F1 B' O

«« Position of object : Between infinity and optical centre (O) and lens.
«« Positio of image : Between focus F1 and optical centre O.
«« Size of the image : Diminished
«« Nature of the image : Virtual and erect.
32. Focal length,
R 3.00 m

f = = + = +1.50 m
2 2
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«« Using the mirror formula,

1 1 1
v + u =
1 1 1
v = f – u
1 1
= + –
1.50 ^− 5.00h
1 1
= +
1.50 5.00
5.00 + 1.50
+ 7.50
v =
= + 1.15 m
hl v
= –u m =
1.15 m
− 5.00 m
= + 0.23
«« The Image is diminished, Virtual and erect.
33. Different electrical appliances are connected in parallel instead of series for household purpose for the
following reasons.
«« There is division of voltage among the appliance when connected in series.
«« When three Identical bulbs operating at 240V are connected in series with 240V, So each bulb receives a
voltage of 80V
«« Such a bulb can not illuminate at 80V with a capacity equal to their voltage.
«« It will give a dim light.
«« In parallel connection there is no division of voltage.
«« If three bulb are of 240V are connected in parallel with each other each bulb receives a voltage of 240V.
Such a bulbs illuminate at 240V at their full voltage capacity.
«« If any of the devices connected in series break down or break in the circuit, the current does not flow
in the circuit. As a result the rest of the devices stop working. Ex. If one of the three bulbs in the series
goes off, the next two bulbs do not light up.
«« When one of the devices that are connected in parallel breaks down or break in the circuit, the current
continues to flow in the circuit. As such the rest of the devices do not stop working.
«« e.g. Even if one of the three bulbs connected in parallel turns off. the other two bulbs still light up.
«« As the equivalent resistance of the circuit decreases in parallel connection of resistors, more current can
be obtained.
34. R1

R3 –

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1 = 1 + 1 = 4 +1 = 5
Rl 10 40 40 40
«« R’ = 8W
«« Similarly,
1 = 1 + 1 + 1
R l R3 R 4 R5
1 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 6
R m 30 20 60 60
R” = 10W
Thus, the total resistance
R = R’ + R” = 8W + 10W = 18W
(ii) According to Ohm’s law
V 12V
I = = = 0.67A
R 18Ω

35. (a) A pH value of less than 7 indicates an acidic solution, while greater than 7 indicates a basic solution.
Since solution A has more hydrogen ion concentration, solution A is acidic and solution B is basic.
(b) Quicklime, slaked lime and chalk are basic in nature.
«« Farmers usually use quick lime slaked lime or chalk in order to increase the fertility and also when the soil
becomes too acidic due to many reasons they use these bases.
«« These bases work as a neutralizing agent which neutralizes the acid content in the soil.
«« The reaction, here, will be a neutralization reaction.
35. At the outset, sodium bicarbonate is obtained which is then converted to sodium carbonate on heating.
Finally, washing soda is produced by recrystallization of sodium carbonate. It is a basic salt.
2NaHCO3 → Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2
Na2CO3 + 10H2O → Na2CO3 ⋅ 10H2O

¾¾ Uses of Washing Soda

«« Washing soda is used as cleaning agents on grease from kitchen utensils.
«« It is prominently used in soap, glass and paper industries.
«« It also helps in the removal of permanent hardness of the water.
«« Used as a raw material in the manufacturing of various sodium compounds, for example, borax.
36. (a) Micelle formation takes place when soap is added to water because the hydrocarbon chains of soap
molecules are hydrophobic (water repelling) which are insoluble in water, but the ionic ends of soap
molecules are hydrophilic (water attracting) and hence soluble in water.
«« Such micelle formation will not be possible in other solvents like ethanol in which sodium salt of fatty
acids do not dissolve.
(b) The reaction of soap with the calcium and magnesium salts, which cause the hardness of water. So
need to use a large amount of soap.
«« Detergents are sodium salt of sulphuric aicds or hydrocarbon ammonium salts with chlorides or bromides
«« Both have long hydrocarbon chain.
«« The charged ends of these compounds do not form insoluble precipitates with the calcium and magnesium
ions in hard-water.
«« Thus, they remain effective in hard - water
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37. Nutrition : It is the process of introducing energy sources from outside into the body of an organism as
«« There are two types of Nutrition.
(i) Autotropic Nutrition (ii) Heterotropic Nutrition
Autotropic Nutrition
«« The autotropic organisms take up a substances for outside in the form of carbon dioxide and water
in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. Which is converted into carbohydrates. Which is known as
«« Carbohydrates are utilized for providing energy to the plant.
«« The carbohydrates which are not used immediately are stored in the form of starch.
«« It serves as the internal energy reserve to be used as and when required by the plant.
6CO2 + 12H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O

«« The following events occur during this process
(i) Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll.
(ii) Conversion of light energy to chemical energy and splitting of water molecule into hydrogen and Oxygen.
(iii) Reduction of carbon-dioxide to carbohydrate.

38. Issac Newton Experiment :

«« He was the first, who obtained spectrum of sunlight by using glass prism. He tried to split the spectrum
of white light more by using another similar prism, but he could not get any more colours.
«« He repeated the experiment using second prism in inverted position with respect to the first prism. It
allowed all the colours of spectrum to pass through second prism. He found white light emerges on the
other side of second prism.
hite   light igh
R e  l
c hit
Sour V

Dispersion  in
caused  by  prism  P1

«« He concluded that Sun is made up of seven visible colour VIBGYOR.

39. (a) Different ways to induce current in a coil are :
a. moving a magnet towards or away from the coil or vice-versa and
b. Changing current in the neighbouring coil.
(b) (i) 
As a bar magnet is pushed into the coil, a momentary deflection is observed in the galvanometer
indicating the production of a momentary current in the coil.
When the bar magnet is withdrawn from the coil, the deflection of galvanometer is in opposite
direction showing the production of an opposite current.
When the bar magnet is held stationary inside the coil, there is no deflection in galvanometer
indicating that no current is produced in the coil.
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39. Solenoid :
«« Solenoids are cylinders formed by many circular loops wrapped very close to a separated copper wire.
«« The pattern of magnetic field lines formed due to electric current solenoid is shown in the figure.


«« It is clear from the figure that the magnetic field of a solenoid is similar to that of a magnetic field of
bar magnet.
«« Thus, one end of the solenoid acts as a magnetic north pole and the other end as a magnetic south pole.
«« The magnetic field lines in the area inside the solenoid are parallel lines.
«« That is the magnetic field in the area inside the solenoid is the same.
«« The magnetic field of a solenoid is strengthened by placing an Iron-like metal inside the area.
«« A magnet formed in this way is called an electromagnet.

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Practice Paper 9
1. Mercury (Hg) 2. atomic mass
3. CaOCl2 4. 0.7 W
5. False 6. False
7. False 8. (D) Hydrochloric acid
9. (D) Frog : Lizard 10. (C) Himachal Pradesh
11. (C) Ciliary muscles

12. The chemical name is calcium sulphate hemi hydrate and formula is CaSO4 ⋅ 1 H2O
13. Plants → Rats → Snake → Hawk
14. Papaya and Watermelon
15. The phenomenon of lateral inversion occurs due to the reflection of light by plane mirror.
16. Stamen and Pistil are the reproductive parts of the flowers.

17. Acetic acid is a weak acid, while HCl is a strong acid.
«« The formation of hydrogen gas as a result of the acid’s reaction with the magnesium ribbon causes f izzing.
«« Since HCl is a strong acid, a lot of hydrogen gas is liberated from test tube A.
«« As a result, more fizzing occurs in test tube A.
18. (a) Ethanoic acid : H C C O H or H C C O H
(b) Propanone : H C C C H or H C C C H
19. Small finger like projection villi are located in the wall of the small intestine for the absorption of digested
food or substance which increase the surface area of the small intestine.
«« The large number of blood vessels present in villi which absorb food and deliver it to every cell in the body.
20. Pollination Fertilization
It only requires the male gamete (pollen grains). It requires both the male and the female gametes.
It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma It is the fusion of the male gamete and the female
of one flower or another flower of different plant but of gamete which results in the formation of a zygote.
the same species.
It may or may not require external agents like insects, It does not require any external agents.
birds, water, etc.
20. Petal



Longitudinal section of flower

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21. Fossils play important role in providing evolutionary evidences because by knowing the age of fossils we
can know about the evolution process of an organism.
«« For example, a fossil bird called archaeopteryx that looked like a bird had many other features of reptiles.
It had feathered wings like those of birds, but teeth and tail like those of reptiles. Archaeopteryx is,
therefore, a connecting link between the reptiles and birds, and hence suggests that the birds have evolved
from the reptiles.
22. Magnification produced by a spherical mirror gives the relative extent to which the image of an object is
magnified with respect to the object size.
«« It is expressed as the ration of the height of the image to the height of the object.
«« If h is the height of the object and h’ is the height of the image, then the magnification m produced by
a spherical mirror is given by
Height of the image (hl )
m =
Height of the object (h)
m =
«« The magnification m is also related to the object distance (u) and image distance (ν)
hl ν
m = = –u
«« The height of the object is taken to be positive as the object is usually placed above the principal axis.
«« The height of the image should be taken as positive for virtual images and negative for real image.
«« A negative sign of magnification indicates that the image is real.
«« A positive sing of magnification indicates that the image is virtual.
23. As an astronaut moves away from the atmosphere of earth, the atmosphere becomes thin. Due to the
absence of molecules (or dust particles) in air, the scattering of light does not take place. Thus, sky appears
dark in the absence of scattering.
23. The wavelength of red-light is approximately 1.8 times the wavelength of blue light.
«« When the sunlight passes through the atmosphere the fine particles in the air scatter the blue light more
than the red-light.
«« The scattering blue light enters in our eyes, so we see the sky as blue.
24. a. It burns without smoke and leave no residue therefore causes no atmospheric pollution.
b. Its heating capacity is high, i.e. it has high calorific value. Main constituents of biogas : The composition
of biogas varies depending upon the nature of organic matter feeding in ‘the digester and advanced
waste treatment technology.
«« The typical composition of biogas is :
Methane 50 – 75%
Carbon dioxide 25 – 50%
Nitrogen 0 – 10%
Hydrogen 0 – 1%
Hydrogen sulphide 0 – 3%
25. (i) The circuit diagram is shown in figure.
Total resistance, R = 1Ω + 2Ω = 3Ω
Potential difference, V = 6V
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

1W 2W

+ –
V 6
I = = = 2
R 3
Power used in 2Ω resistor = I2R
= (2)2 × 2
= 8W
(ii) The circuit diagram for this case is shown :


+ –

V2 42
Power used in 2 resistor = = = 8W.
R 2
[Q Current is different for different resistors in parallel combination.]
26. If we kill all the organisms in one trophic level then the food chain would end and ecological balance
would be affected.
«« If the herbivores are killed, then the carnivores would not be able to get food and would die.
«« If carnivores are killed, then the population of herbivores would increases to unsustainable level.
«« If producers are killed, then the nutrient cycle in that area would not be completed.
26. (a) To conserve our natural resources :
¬¬ Saved electricity by switching off the lights, fans, television and other electrical appliances when not
¬¬ Used energy efficient electrical appliances. This is done by using compact fluorescent lamps (CFL)
and fluorescent tube lights instead of traditional filament type electric bulbs.
¬¬ Used public transport for school instead of parent’s car.
¬¬ Took bath with less water than before and did not waste water.
¬¬ Took part in community awareness meetings regarding environmental conservation.
«« (b) To increase the pressure on natural resources :
¬¬ Used more paper than required for printing on my computer.
¬¬ Kept the fan on even when I was not in the room.
¬¬ Wasted food.
¬¬ Burnt crackers.
¬¬ Wasted petrol by unnecessarily starting the motorbike.

27. In a displacement reaction, a more reactive elements displaces or removes another element from its
For an example,

Zn(s) + CuSO4 → ZnSO4 + Cu(s)

(aq) (aq)

«« In a double displacement reactions, two compounds react by exchanging their ions and form two new
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

For an example,

AgNO3 + NaCl(aq) → AgCl(s) + 2Ag(s)


«« In the above situation, silver nitrate and sodium chloride exchange their ions, NO3 and Cl– respectively
and form two compounds.
28. The possession of ions is very important to conduct electricity.
«« Distilled water is a pure water which does not contain any ions in it.
«« Whereas rainwater contains dissolved gasses such as SO2 and carbon dioxide.
«« These gases dissolve in water to form some kind of acids like carbonic acids which dissociates to give ions.
«« Thus rainwater is conducting electricity while distilled water is not conducting electricity.
28. A scale for measuring hydrogen ion concentration in a solution, called pH scale has been developed. The
p in pH stands for ‘potenz’ in German, meaning power. On the pH scale we can measure pH generally
from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline). pH should be thought of simply as a number which indicates the
acidic or basic nature of a solution. Higher the hydronium ion concentration, lower is the pH value.
«« The pH of a neutral solution is 7. Values less than 7 on the pH scalere present an acidic solution. As the
pH value increases from 7 to 14, it represent an increase in OH– ion concentration in the solution, that
is, increase in the strength of alkali. Generally paper impregnated with the universal indicator is used for
measuring pH.
Mendeleev's Periodic Table Modern Periodic Table
(i) Elements have been in order of their increasing (i) 
Elements have been arranged in the order of
atomic masses their increasing atomic numbers.
(ii) There are only eight vertical columns called (iii) There are eighteen vertical columns called
groups groups
(iii) Transition elements are placed together in a (iii) Transition elements are placed in the middle of
single group VIII. the table.
(iv) The inert gases were not known at the time (iv) The inert gases have been placed at the end of
of Mendeleev periodic table i.e. group 18
(v) No proper places are assigned to isotopes of (v) 
Isotopes of elements are assigned the same
element. place at they have same atomic number.
(vi) There are misfit anomalous pair on the basis of (vi) 
When atomic number is taken as the basis of
atomic masses. classifaction, the misfit anomalous pair have
been removed.

30. In a woman on of the two ovaries produces one egg per month.
«« These egg then enter in the fallopian tubes
«« At the time of sexual intercourse the sperm from the male enters the female vagina.
«« From the vagina the sperm are carried upwards to the fallopian tubes, where the sperm are fused with
the egg.
«« The resulting gameter begin to divide and turn into a single cell mass called embryo.
«« The embryo is implanted in the lining of the uterus where they continue to grow and develop organs to
become fetus.
«« The embryo gets nutrition from the mothers blood with the help of a special tissue called placenta.
«« This is a disc which is embedded in the Uterine wall.
«« It contains villi on the embryo’s side of the tissue.
«« On the mother’s side one blood spaces, which surrounded the villi.
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«« This provides large surface area for glucose and oxygen to pass from the mother to the embryo.
«« The waste substances produced by an embryo transfered to the mother’s blood through the placenta.
«« The development of the child inside the mother’s body takes approximately nine months.
«« The child is born as a result of rhythmic contraction of the muscles in the Uterus.
31. Transportation of materials in xylem Transportation of materials in phloem
¯¯ Xylem tissue helps in the transport of water and ¯¯ Phloem tissue helps in the transport of food.
¯¯ The transportation of water is from upwards roots ¯¯ Food is transported in both upward and downward
to aerial parts of plants directions.
¯¯ Transport in the xylem requires physical forces ¯¯ Transport of food in phloem requires energy in
such as transpiration pull. the form of ATP.
¯¯ Metabolic inhibitors do not influence xylem transport. ¯¯ Metabolic inhibitors inhibit phloem transport.
¯¯ Xylem tissues include tracheids, vessels, fibres and ¯¯ Phloem tissues are composed of four elements: sieve
parenchyma and serve in the ascent of sap/water tube elements, companion cell, phloem fibres, and
and minerals. phloem parenchyma and serve in the translocation
of organic nutrients.

31. In general, urine is an excretory product of all living organisms and it is a waste product, which is
composed of water, salts, urea and other-soluble nitrogen products.
«« In all humans, urine is produced in the kidney and released through the urethra.
«« The term Urination, also referred to as Micturition mainly refers to the complete process involved in the
production and release of urine into the outside of the body from the urinary bladder and through the
«« Normal urine consists of water, urea, salts, and pigments. The total amount of urine produced in humans
is regulated by the presence of :
a. The total amount of water.
b. The total amount of dissolved nitrogenous wastes present in the urine
c. Certain hormones that help in controlling the movement of water and sodium ions into and out of the
«« Therefore, the total volume of urine produced is in direct proportion with the volume of fluid and other
nitrogenous wastes.
32. The traits develops during lifetime of an individual. These develops due to direct effect of environment
conscious efforts.
«« For example, if the weight of the bettles is reduced due to starvation, that will not affect the DNA of the
germ cells.
«« Therefore, low weight is not an inheritable trait by the progeny of a starving beetle.
«« Even if some generations of bettles are low in weight because of starvation, it can’t be considered as an
example of evolution. Hence such changes cannot directly or indirectly influence the evolution.
«« Consider another example, if we breed a group of mice, and remove the tails of mice by surgery in each
«« These tailles nice do not have tailless progeny. It make sense because removal of the tail cannot change
the genes of the germ-cells of the mice.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

33. AC current DC current

1. The rotating magnets cause the change in direction The steady magnetism makes DC flow in a
of electric flow. single direction.
2. AC is safe to transfer longer distance even between DC cannot travel for a very long distance. It
two cities and maintain the electric power. loses electric power.
3. The frequency of the AC current is generally The DC current has no or zero frequency.
between 50 to 60 Hz. Moreover its' frequency
depends upon the country.
4. it is used in homes, industries etc. It is used Computers, TV. Etc.

34. Electric fuse is an important component of all domestic circuits.

«« A fuse in a circuit prevents damage to the appliances and the circuit due to overloading.
«« Overloading can occurs when the live wire and the neutral wire come into direct contact.
«« In such a situation, the current in the circuit, abruptly increases. This is called short-circuiting.
«« The use of an electric fuse prevents the electric circuit and appliance from a possible damage by stopping
the flow of unduly high electric current.
«« The joule heating that takes place in the fuse melts it to break the electric circuit.
«« Overloading can also occur due to an accidental hike in the supply voltage.
«« Overloading is caused by connecting too many appliances to a single socket.

35. (a) Reaction of metal with Oxygen (O2) :

«« All metals react with Oxygen (O2) and forms a metal oxides
metal + oxygen → metal oxide
Example :
«« When copper is heated in the presence of air, a black colour layer is of copper (II) oxide is formed over it
2Cu + O2 → 2CuO
Copper Oxygen Copper(II)Oxide
«« When aluminum metal is heated in air it forms aluminium oxide.
4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3
Aluminium Oxygen Aluminium Oxide
(b) Reaction of metal with acid :
«« When metal react with acid it forms a salt and hydrogen gas.
Metal + dilute acid → Salt + Hydrogen
Example :
(i) Zn(s) + 2HCl → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)
Zinc + dilute Zinc Hydrogen
hydrochloric chloride
(ii) Mg(s) + H2SO4(aq) → MgSO4(aq) + H2(g)
Magnesium dilute Magnesium Hydrogen
Sulphuric sulphate
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

35. (a) 
Platinum, gold and silver are used to make jewellery because these are malleable and ductile. These
are highly resistant to corrosion.
«« (b) Sodium, potassium and lithium are very reactive and catch fire when exposed to air. This is due to
their low ignition temperature and high reactivity.
«« (c) Aluminium forms a non-reactive layer of aluminium oxide on its surface. This layer prevents aluminium
to react with other substances. That’s why aluminium is used to make cooking utensils.
«« (d) 
It is easier to reduce a metal oxide into free metal. Since it is easier to obtain metals from their
oxides than from their carbonates or sulphides directly, therefore, the carbonate and sulphide ores are
first converted to oxides for extracting the metals.
36. Water molecules (H2O) have two hydrogen (H) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom.
«« The atomic number of hydrogen is 1. So hydrogen has one electron in its K orbit. Therefore, each hydrogen
atom needs one more (1) electron in K orbit to achieve its near inert gas halium (He) like structure.
«« The atomic number of Oxygen is 8. Hence, electronic configuration of the oxygen element (K, L) = (2, 6)
Therefore, 2 more electrons in L-orbit are required for the oxygen atom to acquire its nearest gas-like
«« Thus, 2-L electron of the oxygen atom form a covalent bond by sharing with one (1) one (1) electron of
K- orbit of each hydrogen atom.
(b) What would be electron dot structure of sulphur which is made up of eight atoms of sulphur?
Electron dot structure of structure of S8
sulphur molecule, S8 molecule

37. Take two glass troughs A and B and fill each one of them two-thirds with soil. In trough A plant a tiny
seedling. In trough B plant a similar seedling and place a clay pot inside the soil. Water the soil in trough
A daily and uniformly. Do not water the soil in trough B but put some water in the clay pot. Leave both
the troughs for a few days.

Moist soil (a) Moist soil
In presence of water
B water

Root grows Clay

towards pot
water Dry soil Moist soil
In absence of water
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«« Now, dig up the seedlings carefully from both the troughs without damaging their roots. We will find that
the root of seedling in trough A is straight. On the other hand, the root of seedling in trough B is found
to be bent to the right side i.e., towards the clay pot containing water.
«« In trough A, the root of the seedling gets water from both sides. But in trough B, the roots get water
oozing out from the clay pot which is kept on the right side. Therefore, the root of seedling in trough B
grows and bends towards the source of water to the right side. This experiment shows that the root of a
plant grows towards water. In other words, the root of a plant is hydrotropism.
38. Focal length, f = –15 cm (sign convention)
Image distance, v = –10 cm
u = ?
Object distance,
1 1 1
\ u = v –
1 1 1
\ u = – +
10 15
−3 + 2 1
= = –
30 30
u = –30

2F1 F1 A' O F2 2F2

10 cm

30 cm
«« The object is placed 30 cm away from the lens.
39. (i) The tungsten is used almost exclusively for filament of electric lamps because it has a very high melting
point (3300 °C). On passing electricity through tungsten filament, its temperature reaches to 2700 °C and
it gives heat and light energy without being melted.
«« (ii) The conductors of electric heating devices such as bread-toasters and electric irons, are made of an
alloy rather than a pure metal because the resistivity of an alloy is much higher than that of pure
metal and an alloy does not undergo oxidation (or burn) easily even at high temperature.
«« (iii) 
The series arrangement is not used for domestic circuits because in series circuit, if one electrical
appliance stops working due to some defect, than all other appliances also stop working because the
whole circuit is broken.
«« (iv) The resistance of a wire is inversely proportional to its area of cross-section, i.e., Resistance R ∝ (1/πr2).
If the area of cross section of a conductor of fixed length is increased, then resistance decreases
because there are more free electrons for movement in conductor.
39. (a) Resistance of the circuit determines the rate at which energy is delivered by a current.
(b) Here, I = 5A, V = 220V t = 2h = 7,200 s
Power, P = VI = 220 x 5 = 1100W
Energy consumed = P x t
= 100 W x 7200 s
= 7,20,000 J = 7.2 x 105 J
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

Practice Paper 10

1. HCl 2. 290
3. Myopia 4. mechanical, electrical
5. True 6. False
7. True 8. (A) Grey
9. (A) light is least scattered 10. (B) Towards east.
11. (A) Ammeter is connected in series with the required device, Voltmeter in parallel
12. One important purpose of studing a fossils is to know evolution of any species and extinct of species.
13. Fossil fuels are present in limited amounts in the earth and they cannot be replaced quickly when
exhausted. Hence they are called non-renewable sources.
14. Cu(s) + 2AgNO3(aq) → Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s)
copper silver copper silver
15. The system that are made by man for commercial or other benefits is known as an artificial ecosystem.
These ecosystems are modified by humans for their own profit and can either be terrestrial or aquatic.
Example : Garden, Aquarium, Crop-fieds etc.
16. Coliform is a class of bacteria found in human intestine.


17. Basic solutions have H+(aq) ions. But these are far less in number than OH– ions that is responsible for
their basic nature.
18. The sour substances such as lemon or tamarind juice contain acids. These acids dissolve the coating of
copper oxide or basic copper carbonate present on the surface of tarnished copper vessels and make them
shining red-brown again.
19. Noble gases were discovered much later after mendeleev’s. After the discovery of the noble gas, they were
placed in separate group called zero group, after VIII group, without making disturbance to the arrangement
of any elements in the mendeleev’s periodic table. Noble gases are chemically un-reactive.

«« From the following figure, Figure (a) is true. In Figure (a) growth movements induced by gravity growth
movement of roots towards gravity is positive geotropism. Whereas the growth of steam away from gravity
is called negative geotropism.

«« (a) Pineal gland (b) Pituitary gland (c) Thyroid gland (d) Thymus.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

21. (C) Regeneration

«« Many fully differentiated organisms have the ability to give rise to New individual organisms from their body
parts. That is, if the individual is somehow cut or broken up into many pieces, many of these pieces grow
into separate individuals. For example, simple animals like Hydra and Planaria can be cut into any number of
pieces and each piece grows into a complete organism. This is known as regeneration.
«« Regeneration is the natural process of replacing or restoring damaged or missing cells, tissues, organs and
even entire body parts to full function in plants and animals.

¾¾ Regeneration in Planaria :
«« Planaria have the ability to give rise to New individuals from their body parts. This process is called
regeneration. If the body of Planaria is somehow cut or broken up into many pieces, each piece grows
into a complete organism Regeneration can take place from any part of the Planaria.



Regeneration in planaria

22. The power of lens is defined as the reciprocal of its focal length in meters, or D = , where D is the
powr in diopter and f is the focal length.
«« Power of lens is inversely proportional to it’s focal-length therefore having focal-length of 20 cm will proxide
more covergence.
23. (Ans. : 3.12Ω)
«« 5Ω

5Ω 5Ω


«« Req = R1 + R2

= 5 + 5
= 10Ω
R1 R 2
(Req) · P =
R1 + R 2
5 × 10
R5 = + 5
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10 + 15

Req AB =
= 3.12Ω
23. (Ans. : 0.4 A)
«« 10Ω

I=1.2A I2


«« The potential drop across 10Ω, 15Ω or 30Ω be V.

«« The current flowing through
10Ω, I1 =
15Ω, I2 =
30Ω, I3 =
∴ I1 : I2 : I3 = : :
10 15 30
= 3 : 2 : 1
I1 = 1.5 I2 and I3 = 0.5 I2
But I1 + I2 + I3 = 1.2
∴ 1.5 I2 + I2 + 0.5 I2 = 1.2
I2 =
= 0.4 A
24. Some of the environmental consequences of the increasing demand for energy are the following :
¬¬ The combustion of fossil fuels is producing acid rain and damaging plants (crops), soil and aquatic
¬¬ The burning of fossil fuels is increasing the amount of greenhouse gas carbon-dioxide in the
atmosphere. It has also affected the rainfall.

Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

¬¬ The cutting down of trees from the forest for obtaining fire-wood is causing soil erosion and
destroying wild life.
¬¬ The construction of hydro-power plants is disturbing ecological balance.
¬¬ Nuclear power plants are increasing radioactivity in the environment.
«« The following steps can be taken to reduce energy consumption :
¬¬ Switch off lights, fans, TV. and other such electrical appliances when not needed, to save electricity.
¬¬ Use energy efficient electrical appliances to save electricity. This can be done by using compact
fluorescent lamps (CFL) and tube lights in place of conventional filament- type electric bulbs.
¬¬ Good quality stoves should be used to burn fuels like kerosene and LPG so as to obtain maximum
¬¬ Pressure cookers should be used for cooking food to save fuel.
¬¬ Solar cookers should be used to cook food whenever possible and solar water heaters should be
used to get hot water.
¬¬ The use of biogas as fuel should be encouraged in rural areas.
¬¬ Bicycles should be used for short distances to save fuel like petrol which is used in cars, scooters
and motorcycles.
25. Biodegradable substances :
¬¬ Substances that can be slowly destroyed and broken down into very small parts by natural processes
by bacteria, fungi, etc. For example, organics wastes like vegetables and fruit peels.
«« Non-biodegradable substances :
¬¬ Substances that cannot be broken down or decomposed into the soil by natural agents are called as
non-biodegradable. For example, plastic.
¬¬ Habits to dispose non-biodegradable waste are:
¬¬ Segregating and treating the non-biodegradable waste before putting in dustbins.
¬¬ Recycle the plastics or glass present in non-biodegradable wastes.
¬¬ Motivate people to use paper or jute bags instead of plastic bags.
26. Drinking water system in hilly areas :
«« Kuhls were a traditional irrigation system in hilly areas such as Himachal Pradesh. In this system, the water
flowing through falls, comes to villages located at lower regions through small human made drains.
«« In Meghalaya, the water is brought down to the lower areas of hills through bamboo drains.
¾¾ Drinking water system in plains :
«« Jhalaras were made in Rajasthan and Gujarat, essentially meant for community use and for religious rites.
«« In some places bawaries etc. were made to supply water.
¾¾ Drinking water system in plateau regions :
«« Bandharas are check dams or diversion which were build across rivers. Such a traditional system was found
in Maharashtra.
«« in some regions, small pits were dug to collect water.
26. The movement Originated from an incident in a remote village called Reni in Garhwal, high in the Himalayas
during the early 1970s.
«« There was a dispute between the local villages and a logging contractor who had been allowed to fell tress
in a forest close to the village.
«« On a particular day, the contractor’s workers appeared in the forest to cut the trees while the men folk
were absent.
«« The women of the village reached the forest quickly and clasped the tree trunks thus preventing the
workers from felling the trees.
«« Thus, thwarted, the contractor had to withdraw.
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27. (a) Oxidation :

«« It is defined as a process which involves gain of oxygen. For an example,
(i) 2Mg(s) + O2(g) → 2MgO(s)
Magnesium Oxygen Magnesium
«« Here, Mg has gained oxygen to form MgO. Hence, Mg has been oxidised to MgO.
(ii) 2Cu(s) + O2(g) 2CuO(s)
Copper Oxygen Copper
«« In this reaction, Cu has gained oxygen to form CuO. Thus, Cu is oxidised to copper oxide (CuO).
(b) Reduction :
«« It is defined as the process which involves loss of oxygen. For an example,
(i) CuO + H2 Cu + H2O
Copper Hydrogen Copper Water
«« In this reaction, copper oxide is losing oxygen. So, it is being reduced to copper.
(ii) ZnO + C Zn + CO
Zinc Carbon Zinc Carbon
oxide monoxide
«« In this reaction, zinc oxide is losing oxygen. So, it is being reduced to zinc.
28. Sodium (Na)
Atomic Number : 11
Electronic configuration : (2, 8, 1)
Electron dot structure : Na

«« Oxygen (O)
Atomic Number : 8
Electronic configuration : (2, 6)
Electron dot structure : O
«« Magnesium (Mg)
Atomic Number : 12
Electronic Configuration : (2, 8, 2)
Electron dot structure : Mg
«« Sodium is a metal and its atomic number is 11. Its valence electron is 1. So it will lose one electron
rather than gaining 7 to attain octet configuration.
«« By losing one electron, it is stronger by one proton and hence it becomes positive ion.(Na+)
«« In case of chlorine, it is a non-metal and its atomic number is 17. It has 7 electrons in the outermost
orbit and so it will gain one electron rather than losing seven electrons to attain its octet configuration.
«« By gaining one electron, it is stronger by one electron and hence it becomes negative ion.(Cl–).
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

a. Electron Dot structure of formation of NaCl.

Na → Na+ + e–
2,8,1 2,8
(Sodium cation)
Cl + e– → Cl–
2,8,7 2,8, 8
(Chloride anion)
×× × ×–
Na + × Cl × (Na+) =× Cl ×

×× • ××

29. Glands Location Hormones Functions

Pituitary Brain Growth hh Regulates growth
hormone hh Controls the functioning of endocrine glands
Thyroid Throat Thyroxine hh Controls the metabolism rate
hh It also brings about balanced growth
Parathyroid Near thyroid gland Parathormone hh Controls calcium balance of the body
Adrenal Attached to kidneys Adrenaline hh Prepares body for emergency
Pancreas Abdomen Insulin hh Controls glucose level of the blood
Testes Scrotum Testosterone hh Controls growth and development of male
reproductive system
Ovaries Lower Oestrogen, hh Controls growth and development of female
abdomen progesterone reproductive system

30. Menstruation occurs when a girl becomes 10 to 12 years old.

«« The eggs become mature due to sex hormones.
«« After every 28 days one mature egg released from the ovary into the fallopian tube which is known as
«« Before ovulation the uterus inner wall becomes thickened and spongy with capillaries.
«« If there is a fertilization at this stage then the fetus must be nourished.
«« If the egg is not fertilized then this lining is not needed any longer.
«« So lining slowly breaks and comes out through the vagina as blood and mucous.
«« This cycle take place roughly every month and is known as menstruation.
«« It is usually lasts for about two to eight days.
31. Dogs have different coats in order to find dominant coat colour in dogs. Select female dog having white
colour and male dog having black colour.
«« Cross the homozygous female (WW) and homozygous male (ww) and observe the coat colour in dog
«« If all dog progeny have white colour, this means the white colour (WW) will be dominant coat colour in
dogs and if progeny will have black colour then black will be dominant coat colour.
Generation Homozygous female × Homozygous male
(White Colours) WW (Black colour) (ww)

F1 generation Ww
(White coat colour is dominant)
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

31. Gene : A unit of Inheritance
«« A cellular DNA forms the source of information for protein synthesis in a cell.
«« A section of DNA which provides information for a protein, then it is called gene for that protein.
«« Protein perform the function of controlling the characteristics.
«« For example :
«« If tallness is a characteristics then proteins control it in following manner.
«« Plants possess hormone which trigger growth in them.
«« A perticular Enzyme is required for hormone production in this process.
«« The Enzyme should work efficiently in order to prepare large amount at hormone so that the plants grows
«« If the Gene in the plant for that Enzyme is altered in a manner that Enzyme becomes less effcient, then
small amount of hormone will be released. As a result, the plant will be short.
«« In this manner, the characteristics of traits of an organism are controlled by the genes.
32. Raduis of curvature : 30 cm
«« Focal length f = = 15 cm
«« Object distance u = (–20)

2f f P I f C
10 v = 6.67

I = Image
O = Object N
1 1 1
v – =
20 15
1 1 1
v = 15 + 20
1 4+3 7
v = 60 = 60
v= or V = +8.57 cm
«« Now by using mirror formula we get,
«« Magnification :
v 8.57
m = Magnification m = – u = – c m = 0.4 cm
h’ = m × h = 0.4 × 5 = 2 cm
«« Positive sign shows it is virtual and erect. 2 cm is the height of the image
«« Properties of Image :
Position : 8.57 cm behind the mirror
Size : Diminished
Nature : Virtual and Erect
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

32. Here, to get the same size of the image, the object must be placed at the centre of curvature (2F1) of
the convex lens.
Image distance ν = +50 cm
Image distance = object distance
\ Magnification m = –1(Because image is inverted)
So, m = u
–1 = u
\ u = –ν
\ u = –50 cm
\ object distance = –50 cm
«« The needle should be kept 50 cm away from the convex lens.
Now, ν = 2 f
ν 50
\f = = = 25 cm
2 2
= m
= 0.25 m
1 1 100
Power of the lens P = = = = 4D
f 0.25 25
Power of the lens P = +4.0D
33. Here, R1 = R2 = R3 = 6 Ω.
When we connect R1 in series with the parallel combination of R2 and R3 as shown in Fig. (a)
R1 6W
6W R3
+ –

«« The equivalent resistance is

R 2 R3 6#6
R = R1 + = 6 + = 6 + 3 = 9W
R 2 + R3 6+6
(ii) When we connect a series combination of R1 and R2 in parallel with R3, as shown in Fig. (b),
R1 R2
6W R3 6W
+ –

the equivalent resistance is

12 # 6 = 72
R = = 4W
12 + 6 18
34. (a) Here, V = 12V and I = 2.5 mA = 2.5 x 10-3 A
∴ Resistance, R = V/I
= 12V/(2.5 × 103A)
= 4,800Ω = 4.8 x 10–3Ω
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(b) Conducting wire : It is made of metals like copper or aluminium.

«« Insulating wire : It is made up of an alloy such as nichrome.
«« Insulator : Carbon insulator are made from the right mixture of graphite and resin.


35. (1) Dilute Sulphuric acid react with granular zinc

Zinc + dilute Sulphuric acid → Zinc sulphate + Hydrogen gas
Zi(s) + H2SO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq) + H2(g)
(2) Dilute Hydrochloric acid react with magnesium strip.
Magnesium + dilute Hydrochloric acid → Magnesium chloride + Hydrogen gas
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
(3) Dilute sulphuric acid react with Aluminium Powder
Aluminium + dilute Sulphuric acid → Aluminium sulphate + Hydrogen gas
2Al(s) + 3H2SO4(aq) → Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 3H2(g)
(4) Dilute Hydrochloric acid react with iron ore,
Iron + dilute Hydrochloric acid → Iron chloride + Hydrogen gas.
Fe(s) + 2HCl(aq) → FeCl2(aq) + H2(g)

35. Bakig Soda : Baking soda is the common name of sodium bicarbonate. The cahemical formula of
baking soda is NaHCO3.

¾¾ Preparing of Baking Soda :

«« Baking soda is prepared from the common salt, when it reacts with water, carbon dioxide and ammonia.
NaCl + NH3 + H2O + CO2 → NaHCO2 + NH4Cl
sodium Ammonia Water carbon Sodium Ammonium
chloride dioxide hydrogen chlorate

«« When baking soda is heated one of the products obtained is sodium carbonate
2NaHCO3 Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O
Sodium hydrogen sodium carbon Water
carbonate carbonate dioxide
(baking soda)

¾¾ Properties of Sodium Bicarbonate

«« It is non-flammable.
«« Powder dust is not as explosive.
«« It has a melting point of 50°C
«« NaHCO3 is a white crystalline solid which is odorless.
«« It is basic in nature.

¾¾ Uses of Baking Soda

«« Reduces the acidity in the stomach
«« Acts as an antacid which is used to treat stomach upset and indigestion
«« Used in the process of washing as a water softener
«« Due to the formation of soapy foam, it is used in fire extinguishers
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«« Removes the dirt off materials without damaging the properties of the material
«« Used in baking industries as carbon dioxide is generated (due to the decomposition of NaHCO3) which helps in
the raising of the dough
«« It is used to neutralize the effect of acid.
36. Methane molecule
«« Methane is a compound of carbon.
«« Methane is widely used as a fuel and is a major component of bio-gas known as Compressed Natural Gas
«« It is also one of the simplest compounds formed by carbon. Methane has a formula CH4. Hydrogen, as
you know, has a valency of 1.
«« Carbon is tetravalent because it has four valence electrons. In order to achieve noble gas configuration,
carbon shares these electrons with four atoms of hydrogen as shown in Figure.
«« Such bonds which are formed by the sharing of an electron pair between two atoms are known as covalent
«« Covalently bonded are seen to have strong bonds within the molecule, but intermolecular forces are weak.
«« This gives rise to the low melting and boiling points of these compounds.
«« Since the electrons are shared between atoms and no charged particles are formed, such covalent
compounds are generally poor conductors of electricity.

H x C x H

37. Human respiratory system consists of nostril, nasal passage, pharynx, laropharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs
and diaphragm.
«« Nostrils open into nasal cavities.
«« The air for respiration is drawn into our body through nostril. This air then goes into nasal cavity.
«« The nasal cavity is lined by fine hairs and mucus.
«« The dust particles and microbes in the air get trapped in mucus of the nasal cavity.
«« Nasal cavity ends in internal nostril through which air passes to pharynx. The pharynx leads to trachea,
through a slit called glottis.
«« Glottis is protected by a cartilaginous flap like epiglottis.
«« While swallowing food, glottis is covered by the epiglottis so food cannot enter the trachea.
«« Trachea does not collapse even when there is no air because it is supported by ‘C’ shaped cartilaginous
«« At the upper end trachea has a voice box known as larynx.
«« Trachea runs down the neck and divides into two bronchi which lead into the lungs.
«« Each bronchus divides in the lungs and form many smaller bronchioles.
«« The smallest bronchioles terminate into alveoli. The wall of the alveoli is thin and covered by blood
capillaries. In alveoli the gaseous exchange takes places.
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

Nasal passage
Mouth cavity
Pharynx Trachea
Larynx Rings of
Alveoli cartilage
bronchioles Lung

Bronchi Ribs
Alveolar sac Diaphragm

38. It is a kind of defect in the human eye due to which a person can see near objects clearly but he cannot
see the distant objects clearly. Myopia is due to (1) excessive curvature of cornea (2) Elongation of eyeball
Eye lens
Image is formed
in front of retina

Light rays coming

from distant object
Myopic Eye
Eye  lens

Image  is  formed
in  front  of  retina

from infinity
Concave  lens
Corrected  eye

39. Principle :
«« The electric generator is based on the principle of electro-magnetic induction. When a coil is rotated with
respect to a magnetic field, the number of magnetic field lines through the coil changes. Due to this a
current is induced in the coil whose direction can be found by Fleming’s right hand rule.

B1 R1
Rings Brushes
(R1  and  R2) R2 B2 (B1  and  B2)

Illustration of the principle of
electric generator
Liberty : Assignment Paperset - 2023 • Std 10 : Science

¾¾ Working :
«« When the armature coil ABCD rotates in a magnetic field produced by the permanent magnets, it cuts
through the magnetic lines of force.
«« Due to the rotation of armature coil, the associated magnetic field changes and an induced electro-magnetic
force is produced in it. The direction of this induced electro-motive force or current can be determined by
using Fleming’s right hand rule.
«« In first half cycle the current flows in one direction by brush B1 and in second it flows in opposite direction
by brush B2. This process continues. So the current produced is alternating in nature.

¾¾ Functions of Brushes :
Brushes in contact with rings provide the current for external use.
39. A uniform magnetic field in a region is represented by drawing parallel straight lines, all pointing in the
same direction.
Magnetic field lines


The uniform magnetic field inside

a current-carrying solenoid

«« For example, the uniform magnetic field which exists inside a current-carrying solenoid can be represented
by parallel straight lines pointing from its S-pole to N-pole (as shown in figure).


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