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Follow up Framework - 3 KEY Metrics:

● Follow-ups to close a B2B deal: HubSpot found that it takes an average

minimum of five follow-ups to close a B2B deal, with eight for larger deals.
● Responsiveness to leads:, sales reps that respond to leads
within five minutes are 9x more likely to convert them than those that
respond within an hour.
● Times of day for follow up: A study by Yesware found that follow-up emails
sent in the early morning (between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m.) and late afternoon
(between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m.) tend to have the highest open/response rates.

From this there are 3 things we are prioritising. Following up consistently in a timely
manner, reaching out at specific times to increase odds of success & if you get a
response - responding ASAP (preferably within 5 minutes. An easy hack to do this is to
always have your work email’s mobile notifications linked so you never miss them.

The biggest differentiator in follow ups is RELEVANCY. Make sure you’re ticking off
each of these follow ups for EVERY single prospect with relevant news, testimonials &
updates for that specific client. Taking an extra 2 minutes to customise each message
and tailor it to the prospect & your conversation significantly increases your odd of
follow up conversions.


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