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I first want to thank you and congratulate you
for wanting to better your life enough to
download this workbook. Before you move
forward, let me share why I created it.

The intent behind this workbook is

not only to help you get clarity about your life
in general and it's purpose, but also to help
you feel more clear about how to achieve
your goals and how to go about maintaining
that clarity moving forward.

I invite you to engage with every exercise

because the results you will get from it will
only depend on how much you are diligent
about putting in the work.

Let's start with this: only when you are clear

minded, can you optimally use the power of
your focus.




Make your intent for going
1. SET AN through these pages very
present in your mind before
INTENTION you move on to the
exercises. Let it be
something along the lines of:
"My intention after I went
through this
workbook/exercise is to be
clearer on my vision, who I
need to be to get there and
the steps I will need to take."
Bring that intention to mind
before each exercise.

You will get the best out of

2. GROUND this workbook if you are

YOURSELF fully present when you go

through the exercises. So do
your best to stop
distractions and bring all
you attention in the
moment. The way I do it is
by closing my eyes, taking
severa deep breaths while
focusing my attention on my
heart. Do whatever works
for you. Do wathever makes
you feel more mindful
before you move forward.



The intention of the following
INTENT: questions is to help you uncover the
different things that trigger passion
and joy within you, because in those
things is hidden your purpose.
PS: Before you start each exercise, make sure you get away from potential distractions that
might keep you from being fully present. Put your phone on airplane mode or shut it off totally
for example in order to have optimal results.

1. Write below 10 things that make you 4. Do you have ideas or a goals for yourself,
happy, that you just love doing or that that you think are silly, crazy, unrealistic
trigger passion within you. or too expensive to fund but you can't stop
thinking about? write them below.

2. Write below 1 to 3 achievements that you

are the most proud of so far in your life. 5. If you knew that you couldn't fail and
that money wasn't an issue, what would
you do?

3. Write below the elements from the

answer to question 1 that are correlated to 6. Who inspires you and what are some of
the achievements you mentionned in their qualities that resonate the most with
question 2. you?


7. In a perfect world, what is your ideal 9. Assume the vision you described in
vision of your future? (approach it in 4 question 7 is fulfilled. Who is the version of
categories: career, relationships, finances and yourself that is living that vision? Describe
health.) HINT: As best as you can, include the qualities that enable that version of
elements of the answer to question 1 in your yourself to live that vision.

10. Take a look at your mindset right now.

8. Assume the vision you described in the
What are the areas that need an
previous question is achieved and you are
improvement in order to match the
living it now. Describe what it feels like
mindset of the version of yourself that is
emotionally below. How does it feel like, to
living your vision?
have it achieved?

The intention of questions 1 to 3, is to uncover the things that give you the
most a sense of passion, pride and fulfilment. Questions 4 and 5 allow you to
get aware of purpose related goals that you don't allow yourself to pursue
because of your limiting beliefs. Question 6 helps you get clear on who you'd
like to become (at least part of it). Questions 7 and 8 help you cast a clear
vision of your future and to connect to it emotionally. Question 9 and 10
allow you to get clear on the mindset shifts that you will need to implement
in order to reach that goal. The next question will help you define what is
your next action step to bring your purpose to life.
11. What are 3 practices and or action steps
that you can start doing daily that will get
you a little closer everyday to manifesting
your vision?



The intention of this section is to help you clear the fog that
INTENT: surrounds your goals and to move forward with a more
definite idea of what should be your next steps.

What is the goal that you would like to use this process on? ____________________________________


1. What inspired you to go after this goal

to begin with?

5. Take a honest look at your mindset, your

attitude and your work ethic now, What
2. Are those reasons still driving you now? If
are the areas that need improvement, in
not, what are the reasons that fuel your
order to match the mindset of the version
drive right now?
of you that achieved your dream?

3. Project yourself in the future when your

goal is achieved. What are the emotions
that your predominantly feel?
6. Write below 3 practices that you can
start to implement everyday in order to
upgrade your mindset.

4. Think about the mindset of the version

of you that achieved your goal. What are
the strengths of the version of you? What is
the mindset of that version of YOU?


7. Let's think backwards. You are in the 8. What is the next best move that you
future and your goal is achieved. Looking need to make in order to execute on the 3
back, what are 3 key actions that moved key actions of the previous question?
the needle in the manifestation of your
goal? (if you have less than 3 or more, it'S OKAY.
write them all down.)


The intention of this whole section was first to check if your goal still
resonated with you and if not, to find new reasons that make you want to go
after this goal. Remember to affirm those reasons in a positive declarative
way, because you never get true power from fighting what you don't want.

A next important step of the process was finding mental and emotional clarity
that will help you match the version of yourself that achieves the goal. From
that upgraded perspective, the last step is to derive the appropriate actions
that you need to execute in order to manifest that goal.

The final step of this process is not in this workbook. The final step is YOU
actually putting in the work FOR REAL. The final step is getting a calendar and
schedulling the daily practices that will build the momentum you need in
order to achieve the goal, and harnessing the courage necessary to
consistently step outside of your comfort zone.

If you came this far and actually DID THE

WORK of going through the different
questions, I want to thank you and
congratulate you for it.

I would not only love to hear from you and

receive your feedback, but I would also love
to offer you continued support. So join our
free support group on facebook, "THE
THRIVE TRIBE", where we support all our
members to thrive at their own level.

Can't wait to see you there.

- Xavier


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