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PO BOX 276-00100
PO BOX 1023-00621
TO; HR, Serium Global Logistics
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be taking a one-week leave
from work to travel to Canada. The purpose of my visit is twofold: firstly, to attend a conference
related to my area of work, and secondly, to explore some interesting places in Toronto.
The conference I plan to attend is [name of the conference], scheduled to take place from [start
date] to [end date]. This event presents a valuable opportunity for me to gain insights into the
latest developments in our field, network with professionals, and contribute to our continuous
learning and improvement.
I assure you that I am committed to ensuring that my responsibilities are managed efficiently
during my absence. I have already discussed my leave with [colleague's name], who has kindly
agreed to cover for me and oversee any urgent matters that may arise.
I understand the importance of my role at Serium Global Logistics, and I am fully dedicated to
completing any pending tasks before my departure. Additionally, I will make myself available
for remote assistance should any unforeseen issues arise during my absence.
I believe that this experience will not only benefit me professionally but will also contribute to
my growth within the company. I am confident that I will return with valuable insights that can
be applied to our work at Serium Global Logistics.
I appreciate your understanding and support in granting me this leave. I have attached a tentative
plan for managing my workload in my absence. Please let me know if there are any additional
arrangements or requirements on your end.
Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to returning to work on [return date] and
sharing the knowledge and experiences gained during my trip.
Aliow Abdi Jillo
Dispatch Manager

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