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Research in

System Analysis and Design

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa

Submitted by:
(List down your name here)

Submitted to:
Manolo A. Bilog Jr, MIT
Instructor, (Replace it with your section) - System Analysis and Design
I. Advising process of PLMun

For Students:

- Students seeking advising must be classified as "irregular".

- Initial login to the student portal is required, where students input their valid student
number and password. Without valid credentials, students cannot proceed.
Subsequently, they navigate to "Enrollment Services" and select "My Advised
- The student initiates the advising process by clicking on the "Request for Advising"
button and confirming with a "Yes, proceed" button.
- After submission, students check the status of their academic advising request by
logging in again to the student portal.
- On the scheduled date for irregular student enrollment, students can proceed to
enroll in the advised courses.
- If no advised courses are visible in the student account, the student is required to
contact the respective college for follow-up on the advising request.

For Course Advisors:

- Course advisors begin by logging into the advising system.

The advisor can view a list of advising requests. To access a student's profile, the
advisor can input or copy and paste the student number into the designated text field.

- Once the student's profile is displayed, the course advisor selects the courses the
student needs to retake or enroll in.

- Upon confirmation, the advised subjects for enrollment are sent and displayed on the
student portal.

II. Data Flow Diagram

Overview of the Advising Process:

1. Submission of Student Information and Account Credentials:

- Students submit their information and account credentials, either through an
online portal or manually.

2. Credential Verification and Eligibility Check:

- The system validates the student's credentials and checks their eligibility for
advising, ensuring there are no outstanding issues.

3. Eligible Student Information Sent to Adviser:

- If eligible, the system forwards the student's information to the adviser, allowing
them to review the student's academic record.

4. Course Recommendations by Adviser:

- The adviser evaluates the student's record and provides recommendations for
courses that align with their academic needs.

5. Transmission of Advised Courses to the System:

- The adviser communicates their recommended courses back to the system for
further processing.

6. Generation of Copy of Grades:

- The system generates a credit form and/or a copy of grades, summarizing the
student's completed courses and current academic standing.

7. Distribution of Credit Form and/or Copy of Grades to Student:

- The student receives the credit form and/or copy of grades, enabling them to
proceed with enrolling in the advised courses.

Data Flows:

- Student information and account credentials flow from the student to the system.
- The system's response regarding eligibility flows back to the student.
- Student information flows from the system to the adviser.
- Course recommendations flow from the adviser to the system.
- The credit form and/or copy of grades flow from the system to the student.

III. Use case Diagram


-Student: The main participant in the process, seeking academic advice for course
- Course Adviser: A faculty member or designated advisor responsible for guiding
students based on their academic performance and program requirements.

Use Cases:
1. Access Student Credentials:The course adviser has the ability to retrieve and review
the student's academic record, encompassing past grades, completed courses, and
current program status.

2. Submit Advising Request: The student can initiate an advising request through the
system. This request may include details about their academic objectives, preferred
course load, and any specific concerns or questions they wish to address.

3. Browse Available Subjects: The student can explore a catalog of open courses for
the upcoming semester. This list may be filtered based on program, level, or other
relevant criteria.

4. Generate Advised Course List: The course adviser has the capability to create a list
of recommended courses for the student. This is determined by considering the
student's academic standing, program requirements, and other pertinent factors.

5. Enroll in Advised Courses: The student can enroll directly in the advised courses
through the system, provided they meet prerequisites and there are available slots.

IV. Activity Diagram:

Students Point of view:

Activity Diagram for Advising (Student Point of View):

1. Log in to the Student Portal:

- All students, including irregular students, must log in to the PLMUN student portal
to access academic records and advising tools.

2. Credentials Check:
- The system verifies the student's login credentials to ensure identity. Access is
denied if credentials do not match.

3. Access Account Dashboard:

- Upon successful credential verification, the student is directed to their account

4. Select "My Advised Courses" under Enrollment Services:

- The student navigates to the "Enrollment Services" section and selects "My Advised
Courses" to view recommended courses for the upcoming semester.
5. Click "Request for Advising" (if no advised courses appear):
- In the absence of advised courses, the student clicks on the "Request for Advising"

6. Send Advising Request:

- A request is sent to the program chair or adviser, asking for a review of the student's
academic standing and the provision of recommended courses.

7. Assessment of Advising Request:

- The program chair or adviser evaluates the advising request, either approving or
denying it. If approved, the advised courses become visible in the student's account.

8. Enroll in Advised Courses (if advised courses appear):

- If advised courses are listed, the student can commence enrollment on the
scheduled date.

9. Follow Up with Respective College (if no advised courses appear):

- If no advised courses are visible after the request, the student contacts their
respective college to inquire about the status of their advising request.

Course Adviser Point of view:

Activity Diagram for Advising (Course Adviser Point of View):

1. Log in to the Advising Portal:

- The course adviser initiates the process by logging into the PLMUN advising portal
using their credentials, gaining access to the system for managing advising activities.

2. View List of Advising Requests:

- Upon logging in, the course adviser can see a comprehensive list of pending
advising requests from students. This list includes details such as the student's name,
program, academic standing, and any specific concerns mentioned in their request.

3. Select a Student's Request:

- The course adviser chooses a specific advising request from the list to review,
opening the student's profile and academic record for a more in-depth understanding.

4. View Student Profile and Information:

- The student's profile provides the adviser with pertinent information, including
their name, ID number, program, current GPA, completed courses, and any
outstanding requirements or flags.

5. Identify Failed Courses and Courses for Enrollment:

- Based on the student's academic record, the course adviser identifies courses that
the student has failed and needs to retake. These courses are then selected for
inclusion in the student's advised course list.

6. (Optional) Recommend Additional Courses:

- The adviser has the option to suggest additional courses to help the student meet
program requirements and graduate on time. These recommendations may include
prerequisites for upcoming courses or electives fulfilling general education

7. Submit Advised Courses to the Student Portal:

- Upon finalizing the list of recommended courses, the adviser submits them to the
student's portal. This action makes the advised courses visible to the student, enabling
them to review and enroll in the courses as desired.

V. Sequence Diagram here

- Student
- System
-Course Adviser

1. Student to System: Initiates login to the PLMUN student portal.
2. System to Student: Validates the provided credentials.
3. Student to System:Requests advising if no advised courses are visible.
4. System to Course Adviser: Notifies the course adviser of a new advising request.
5. Course Adviser to System: Examines the student's profile and academic record.
6. Course Adviser to System: Chooses courses requiring enrollment, focusing on failed
7. Course Adviser to System: Optionally selects extra courses to fulfill program
8. System to Student: Conveys the list of advised courses to the student portal.
9. Student to System Reviews and enrolls in the advised courses.

Sequence of Actions:
1. The student commences the login process to access the PLMUN student portal.
2. The system verifies and authenticates the student's provided credentials.
3. If no advised courses are visible, the student submits a request for advising.
4. The system alerts the course adviser about the newly submitted advising request.
5. The course adviser examines the student's profile and academic record for
comprehensive insights.
6. The course adviser selects courses for enrollment, specifically identifying those the
student needs to retake.
7. Optionally, the course adviser may choose additional courses to aid the student in
meeting program requirements.
8. The system compiles the advised course list and sends it to the student portal.
9. The student, upon receiving the advised course list, assesses and enrolls in the
recommended courses as desired.

VI. Based on your study, what can you recommend to improve the advising process of

College of Information Technology and Computer Studies?

Our study found that using online advising is better than the old way of doing things at the
College of Information Technology and Computer Studies (CITCS). However, we think CITCS's
online advising can be even better. Here are some ideas to make it improve:

First, let's listen to the students. Ask them about their experiences and what problems they
face with online advising. This will help advisors and department heads know what needs to
be better in the online advising process.
Second, let's make it easy for new irregular students. They should be able to use the system
without confusion. Provide simple guides and tutorials to help them understand how it works.

Lastly, let's give students options for communication. They should be able to choose whether
to talk online or in person during advising sessions. This will make things easier for both
students and advisors, especially if coming to the school is not convenient. These changes aim
to make the CITCS online advising system more user-friendly and convenient for everyone.

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