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Equipamentos Mondsticos e prdtica espiritual Coord. Maria de Lurdes Craveiro Carla Joana Antunes ena temea semen erro somes ones Sects Soa Soo SSaoenee = =. ‘asst ana |) 8 te votracitrot |soseeraegt ed Aresentarzo Mota de Lures Crvero Cara Alexandra Gonos Joana tunes 1.0 Espaco DevociONAL ‘he resco decoration ofthe church of the Catenee monastery of San isto in Piacena tal: meaning and function Son Conch ‘ual bjetostnraeos« imagens nos Mostiros de Santa Mara de Pombeiro«Acobag2 lia Maia Cardoso Rosas (© tesour de Santa Cara veh: funclonalisadee artculsedo coma ura Franco Pode Mocedo “Mais gar pra se vera Deossomantes:o cada de coro ‘marvels 63S nsbildade no eszagamonsstco Joana Antunes [esta do Corpus Chis no Mester de Aeobaga ns séclos xwew (Catarina Fernandes area © quotiiano musical no fim da Europa no século Yt uma perspectiva sobre os prmetrs anos do convento de SBaaventura em Santa Cru ds Flores is Henriques ” 15 NORDENAGAO,REGRA EESPACO Pratquesdevotioneles et organisation de Fespace ec Aansies etablssements de monies au Moyen Age Nicols Reveyron (cor ato: convent de Cristo no arranged Reforms Catia Espagoe vida monista: a carta de Evora entre a funda ‘uinhentta ea renvartop-conilar da id elgiosa 1080 (using Fortes, Mara Filomena Andrade feformas Humanist: 0 mosteko de S. Miguel de Refojs de ‘aso a fundaro dos colégios de 5. Berto ede S Jrbnimo, Manvel aqui Moreira do Rocko ‘einuesto mato de procees #3 expecta da srqutectsa aioli escolar esta ra provi’ lustana (2880-1759) Inés Gatode Poko tm QUOTIDIANO E RESERVA ‘Gi reforms do mostelro da Bata: 154-1562 Pedro Res De site: para uma iconografia do expago domésto not seus Ve XV Mora Sindes Para recreagio de huns cones clausurades: esttura € programa artsico da ceca montstis de SSo Vicente de Fors ‘Sonar Cort Soldonho ‘A capea do eruciro no dormitéro novo do Convento de Cite dcirn moraidor em enpor de repoues Gobrel Perera (© go do Vigo na ila inte-muos de Tomar Mario soséTrovosas Bento ‘Pago donate Dengue no Convent de isto, Tomar luisa Tindode, André Das Goes ma us vs 201 am 249 as a APRESENTACAO © present volume resulta das intervengdes no Encontro C= ‘nuiicn realizado no Convento de Cristo, em Tomar, onganizad pelo Grupo de Estudos Multdiscplinares em Aree (GEMA) do Centro de Estudos em Arqueologia, Artes ¢Clncas do Patrimonio (CEAACP), da Universidade de Coimbra, em parcera com 0 Convento de Cristo. Materiaiza-se agora camo objet isc, graras ‘aberturse disponibidade para a nan pubicacao peo Seretariad Nacional para os Bens Culturas da Igreja “Assumindo a marea CCC - Caléquios do Convento de Cristo ~ 11 Coloquio Internacional do Convento de Cristo, Eguipaments ‘nondtis ¢ ris exis. pretend constitute como rele alangada sobre espago habitado elas comunidades monésticas {sobre asferramentarutlizaas com vista &eficcia des proce ‘mentos em cada wnidade espacal que integra oconjunto eificado Discatie modelos na construcio dan extrategian expan das of- dens relgiows, refletir sobre a suposta idenidade das opgoes veifcadas mas divers fiagdesreligioss ou esti tobre a aparenteestablidade dos objets calcuados para as vie rian dependéncias mondsticas foram a8 grandes linn de forga fe aqui se desensolveram. As propostasinovadoras pars uma Andis etic do espago e dos respetivos equipamentos decorre- a partie deus Palla Inte rox Pet te iit foram estendidas 2s ordens religiosas e militares no teria rope "A abordagem & materalidade das formas © ace crtérion de ireulagio dfinidos no horizonte dilatado das varias ordens reli- sion implica também a eaptaczo de um conjunto de instramen- tos que, itegrados em espeficns entiades celulares (como a igre, a sacrstia, 0 claustro ou a cerea monistic), concorrem para sun peculiar efi eoperacionaldade ou, impondo dink tric alternatives, pervert sentido mais usual do espace € instalam a perturbagto. O espaco transformase em feramenta ‘operatva(¢, portato, em equipamento decisive) na formulae de una imagem fra, nquanto om ojos que com le se ai clam soeutins sen com Soper do sero Srl i fn» nr He ma ca re ‘union ests © ep Clete pale een ene "grt da relates de poer es manutenio das xr fm scotia eqlibram tay anv lol cede eet ‘enzeocspritul eo secular se resolver anal no epg on wipameno. “EN lan pia om rt rane dion min 1. "OFsqao Desocnal~a pods sabes intern etre igre tug, em gue 0 epago anuime «obra eres oe on P 3 {T Regs refetnde sobre os problemas gatos rele Interna eeficcia no usufrto do espago. |. Quotdano e Reser =a abordage 20s espaos normale te arredados dh visbilidade ao exter, como a enfermaria, 0 dormitério, a cerea ou om pagos que dilogam com oon texto clerical (interferindo nan areas da sade, repouso, lazer e morada), nan vitain para a estaba da esrutura ‘material esprit das comunidades Maria de Lunde Crasero Carl Alesonira Gama, ‘Joana Antunes iB O ESPACO DEVOCIONAL _THE FRESCO DECORATION OF THE CHURCH OF THE CASSINESE MONASTERY OF SAN SISTO IN PIACENZA, ITALY: MEANING AND FUNCTION Sena Cavichial* aspect there are going to be analyzed the similarities Between this fatcular decoration and other examples ef decorations complete in the sane. perbd, fom. dilrent "monasteries of the Cesnest CCongroaton It canbe thought tht this Kind of decoration probaly ‘ebes onthe Hows of ess and modes sriy coated tothe Rae of Sait Beneict and to the recommendations ef the under of the Congregation, Ladin Barto orwords Casrnese Congregation, San Sisto monastery (iaen), Freico Cycle, ‘Christa eonoraphy, High Henasance Ar. AL the begining ofthe fier entry, the Venta ator (ES Eo] 1882-1445), alter gathering» group of end in the ta aie ~ somchow Tread = by pope o bee porta she monary of ‘Santa Gunnin Pais Formerly great nein shy, Santa ‘Gustin fal Tose its spit strength. and Burbo wan expected to (1504) when Montcssinn the great monastery ound hy Bence ‘msl jet Zag, 2005) Barbe’ primary goal was wee the monastery ee capes severe making en core and ore epee Some main nents of Barbs reform must be amend © ture Fhe shied wa Latin cle ey est # Geral Chapter ting athving restate om al the Congrats mener orstere, nol aig bth bins monks ren aes (matte ar rr oa lig o Soxty ng SPORT Con SS Sony the Case moni med ong Uemilves to dhe monastic ie and to schlarsip, and ‘wsually didnot take care of parishes (Spinel 1985. 277). Ths the @ Congregation beame very to tht, ding its story the CCasinee had with sovereigns and the the dedeyates attending the annual General pola power. Third Chapters lsd wnt sitar) encharged o evel arp ‘the Congregations member monastenes irom the pinta and the religous pomt-af-wew. ‘That was the most important point of Bart's reform, asthe Congrguti de Unite gathered monastic, whose lie would-be stretly regulated (Trolese 199% 23) In Silene ecewsrcmte, cre Too sitar oepunsluliies sacle wdeine pladrawings and models or proposed congressional baking pecs (Winks, 16 14), Ths brought where possible to the adoption of een From a theological pont of view, it must be emembured that Set ‘Chrysostom, and Sint Paul (Collet, 1985: 25-54). —— ee ern tell apelaca aasa scarab. Aloe? pow oeeytalaniy eee coesca ena 2 ed os painting within the great i eee Deine ' Fiesascedelcbererie Lm tse | ring ey ea iow oli Dieppe) creel tne ard PEPE) | wanes ceed me RROD). tac ce eth te conch) ‘dupa At the ert of the | central mve we find the S| range and a coming dome, exeraly covered By fn ecagonal drum. "The the church sent trial end and quien: nt Today we Bnd dierent asset the elongated main apse. eto arrange the ons, wat exer In 1570 flowing the new roles rie bye Treno Co aby the Gattis Refretion in sel hai the VI cetaryn peri when the Cusine efor hal lpn int dine, Spl, Sassiiing Stands on a sort of pedestal formed by three books (ata of te See ‘angels open their arms and wings, while sitting ons ballon th étsandalion onthe right, AUboih sides, two gas Del (Lamb ‘of the Lond) rand on pedestals shaped in the same way as the fone in the centre. The image puts together the symbols of the Tour Gospels (angel for Matthew, bll for Luke, lon for Mark, ‘age for lohn) and the image of Christ ax the victim (the Lam). ‘The scenes dominated by the eal, realing Saint John oth as Gospelst and asthe author ofthe Apocalypse, the inspired last, book of the Bible called also the Book of Revelation, axis well known. The the inscription on it APOCALIPSIS), and the bird ict wears pening seal, Targely quoted in the prophe “These details appear in each part ofthe frieze Much moe than the decoration of the narthex, the nave is-Gill of scholaly references to the Holy Scripture. Some examples willbe enough Tn the section shown on the pages of the ope book we real a ‘quotation from Lake 3, 48: FILL QUID FECISTI NOBIS SIC, ak fm he Seite up he Gone IT LEO DE TRIBU UDA” (Pa E{ST] FILUS MEUS DILETUS, and on the right) “SURGI ata ce nee na he eet et ET ACCIPE PUERUM; from Matthew 2 20. This part of the frieze stresses the qualities, and focuses on some crucial moments of the life of the infant or young Jesus. The only possiblity “nderstand it sto read ad decipher the texts. While che images never change, the texts suggest rich meditations and prayers, Alfrent in cach section, The programme is realy deep and ‘fined, and twas certainly projected by one or more monks. “The decoration in San Sisto proves that at the beginning of the XVIth cantury the Cassinese were uncommon patrons, that they relied on the ars, and_esteemed their possibility of fxpression. (falso shows that che centre of their ingeest were the Scriptures, chat the Rule of Saint Benedict and the short treatise Modus operand orandi by Laxdovio Barbo considered ‘ental for the spiritual fe Leclerc, 1983) ‘Tello.Garca, 2016) DOR, Brinn (1085) ~ Aleio Tranallo artes dela ches iS. ‘Seta Pena, In CESCH LAVAGETTO, Pol, Cor - La Mans ‘per Site acl Pra, Coa Reprod Parma». 0-8, NDORN, rao (1908) - dls Tramelo Milano Elect. ARISE RICCARD), Raila (080) —S.Sisto dl Piacenza, tn SPINELLI, Ricard, Coord. = Monster Benet in Emilia Romagna Milano. Sivan, p 67-8 RATTFIST, Eugenio (1979) - La decorasione. In ADORNI Brano, Coord. Laas hnedtina di San Gino Esanglts « Parma Parma Canc di Rpts di Parma cen, 00-195 CAVICCHTOL, Soni (orthonning)-La devorazione cnguecentesca ‘lela ches abba San Benedetto Po CAVICCHTOL, Senay VANDELLI, Vnceno, Coord. Bement dE urpe dice Commits return fen Modena Franco Cos Pani, CESCHI LAVAGETTO, Pasa, Coord. (1985) ~ La Madonna er Son ‘St Rall «La ctr psetina ls prima met del Cigna Paeme Sve, CESCHT TAVAGETFO, Paola (1080) = Limmen diveese « (grandma tit, Hor dS Seo PacrcaBaogoa: Nuova A GHTUSA, Maria Cristina (1998) - Zech Bernardino. ty Lapa Tal. 1 Cinq Nano: Elec Th 865. {CHTUSA. Narn Cri (208) = Gi fh Cree Cr San Pa So Gham Esongite cf Duoms dt Para Mao: Ee ai i i a a lca lala COLLET, Bary (10) i edie Ss on te fort Oxf Crendon Pree TAGHTESA (06) Le line den Sih Pace Reggio Brie Disbass. co TEECLEROQ, a (10) - Ladorico Bart ¢ stra dimnoginaria InTROLESE Gaon ina Ctr Rina els Chen carn ‘ita nei Quatro owt: Cee Rae & Sn Mar SiNomte psu. BOWIET ke, CAVICCHOL, Sox, MELLET, Palen Choro) = as gee ae Dads anise: Drees LGPELTELLO GARCIA, Elta OSD (are) ~ Arte tomatic tetanic programma miigoie i nasene to CAVIECHIOLL, Sing VANDELLL, Vices dr sel mma ror! mane eden Francs Caio Pap PAGANELLL, Lenard (008) is de tba Juana dwn Ione ip au Rs Universi Ra Tre, Vl pees SPINELLL, Givan (1985) oop colo dls chien {Galea Tp IVA Pay Coc Pcl Poon San Benedets Fete Yl Lp sth van ‘Frananeo (101) La Congepsone di 8 Guntin Palo ala fe da see’ XY. fe SPREE, Cova, (oord =I monst Ponie bu Bato ¢ Rnainents Rese Gyan meas VERDON. "Timothy Grogory (088) ~ Monta and Civitan Gatien VERDON, Timoy, Coord = Manan nh Space Sraciee Unierty Prop MINKELNES:Mry-Aon (108) Form end Rgrm The Caine CGangration and Bane Refrm date Car (Nas) Harvard Unversity Ph Tein se Hay of Arcee {Gove - Pom a aor Mase Cases Reforma Qe Gin ee ald rrr Va Geen Volsn eros ZAGGIA, Manin (209) ~ Tre Monn Sie ned Cogn, Fenee Ouchi val Bed Catarina Fernandes Barrera ae ee ae rend eee ay ye ee cy eee tee ee ed ear Coen cry orators ene Ce ee ae) ey ei Pedro Redo! Seed Pec

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