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Vineet Saini
Shamli U ar Pradesh, India
Phone: 9997930975

Objec ve:
I having started exploring Android Studio in the second quarter of 2021 and joined DI2 Solu ons in
September 2022, I have developed exper se in both Android applica on development and Flu er,
My goal is to contribute effec vely and innova vely in crea ng excep onal mobile experiences.

Educa on:
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech), AKTU University at 2018 to 2022

1. Advanced Development skills:
- Android Development (Java, Kotlin, Jetpack Compose)
- Flu er Development (Dart)
- Room database implementa on
- JSON Data implementa on
- API and Retrofit implementa on
- Dependency injec on (Dagger-Hilt)
- MVVM & Clean architecture
- Applica on debugging

2. Basic Development skills: (Note: I am ac vely learning and enhancing my understanding of

these areas, and I have not yet completed live projects to demonstrate proficiency.)
- Laravel (PHP framework)
- IOS Development (Swi -UI)

1. Toolt Applica on:
- Developed a tool applica on for capturing images and object detec on.
- Implemented background service for uploading data via APIs.
- Integrated video playback with me scheduling.

2. Bharat 24 News Applica on:

- Created a news applica on that displays updated news using Retrofit API integra on.
- Implemented MVVM architecture for improved readability and clean architecture
- U lized Jetpack Compose for layout design along with XML.

3. Da ng Applica on:
- Developed a da ng applica on with features such as sign-in, sign-up, and search for
target persons.
- Implemented custom layouts to meet client requirements.
- U lized Retrofit API integra on and MVVM architecture.
- Implemented real- me cha ng using SignalR socket hub connec on.

4. Payment Applica on:

- Developed a payment applica on with features like login, storing payment informa on,
and fetching user data.
- Integrated payment gateway and WebView for secure transac ons.
- Implemented Retrofit API integra on and MVVM architecture.

5. Online Exam Applica on (Flu er):

- Developed an online exam applica on using Flu er framework.
- Created a user-friendly interface for conduc ng online exams with mul ple-choice
ques ons.
- Implemented features like mer, result calcula on, and score tracking.
- U lized Firebase for authen ca on and data storage.

1. English
2. Hindi (Fluent)

1. DI2 Solu on Organiza on: (Note: 1 year experience complete)
- Held Android Development at DI2 Solu on Organiza on.
- Worked on developed mobile applica ons for various projects.
- Collaborated with cross-func onal teams to deliver successful projects.

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