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716 DOI: 10.1002/maco.200805158 Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No.

Effect of the long-term service of the gas pipeline on the

properties of the ferrite–pearlite steel
H. Nykyforchyn, E. Lunarska, O. Tsyrulnyk, K. Nikiforov* and
G. Gabetta

The thorough mechanical, corrosion-mechanical, hydrogen permeation studies

of X52 steel in as-received condition and after 30 years of service in gas pipeline
have shown the degradation of the bulk metal properties due to the
exploitation. The structure degradation of exploited steels decreased the
resistance to crack propagation, to stress corrosion cracking (SCC), HE and HIBC.
The exploited steel exhibited specific anomalies of mechanical behaviour: (1)
decrease in resistance to brittle fracture with simultaneous decrease in
hardness; and (2) the opposite change of the plasticity parameters: decrease in
the RA accompanied by the increase in elongation. Deformation ageing and
formation of micro defects, assisted by entering and accumulated hydrogen
evolved in corrosion processes which takes place in brine deposited inside the
pipes, have been proposed to be responsible for the metal degradation and
specific modification of the properties during the long-term service of pipes.
The extent of the steel degradation not being able to be detected by the
standardized mechanical properties and routine microstructure observation
can be efficiently determined by the specially modified methods and conditions.
The information may be used in assessment of the conditions and of the life-time
of operated and newly constructed gas pipelines.

1 Introduction comparison with the as-received material [1–4] suggesting the

degradation of the bulk material during the service. Corrosion
In the course of exploitation, the material of the pipelines has (internal or external) cannot itself cause the degradation of the in-
been subjected to (1) the long-term ageing promoted by the low bulk material, whereas the entering hydrogen might be an
cyclic stresses arising from the flowing media and from the important factor producing metal deterioration, especially as
external factors and (2) the chemical effects of transported media, combined with stresses. In the case of oil and hydrocarbons, the
environment and cathodic protection. Over the long time of evolution of hydrogen due to their decomposition [5] and due to
exploitation, effects of all those factors have been accumulated corrosion processes having taken place in deposited solutions [3]
and may cause steel deterioration. have been stated. In the case of the pipelines transporting wet gas,
Some recent material expertises of the transit oil trunk the solution of a high aggressiveness (brine) has been condensed
pipelines and storage tanks exploited for a long time have shown a on the pipe bottom [6]. The gas flow has usually splashed the
substantial decrease in the in-bulk corrosion resistance, brittle brine and thus, the other parts of the pipe inner surface have also
fracture resistance and corrosion-mechanical resistance in been affected [7]. Therefore, similar processes of metal
degradation during the long-term exploitation should take place
in the crude oil and the gas pipelines.
H. Nykyforchyn, O. Tsyrulnyk The state of the degradation of the pipe material cannot be
Karpenko Physico-mechnanical Institute of NANU, Lviv (Ukraine) usually established by routine examination, as tensile tests and
metallography. Therefore, the application of other methods
E. Lunarska, K. Nikiforov should be considered. The fracture mechanics [1, 4], acoustic
Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, emission [8], hydrogen permeation [9, 10] and internal friction
Warsaw (Poland)
[11] measurements have been successfully applied to evaluate the
state of the metal deterioration. Fracture mechanics gives the
G. Gabetta information on the susceptibility to cracking, easiness, and mode
ENI - E&P-Unita TEMM, Milano (Italy) of the crack propagation. Measurements of the hydrogen

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Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 9 Effect of the long-term service of the gas pipeline 717

Figure 1. Scheme of specimens cutting; a – the pipe cross-section and places of investigated materials; b – the scheme of the cutting of membranes
for hydrogen permeation and internal friction tests and of coupons for hydrogen extraction; c – the scheme of the cutting of samples for
mechanical and corrosion-mechanical tests

permeation provide the information concerning the intrinsic the possible effects of the condensate splashing [7], and the effect
hydrogen diffusivity and the efficiency of the hydrogen trapping of outer corrosive environment and applied cathodic protection,
[12, 13]. From the data obtained for ferrite–pearlite steels, the specimens were cut from up and down parts of the exploited
modification of the ferrite lattice, and the development of the parts and from the inside and outside parts of the pipe walls
structure defects serving as hydrogen traps in the course of (Fig. 1a). The carried out tests, test conditions and parameters
exploitation have been established [9, 10]. Internal friction evaluated from those tests are shown in Table 1. After thorough
measurements allow estimation of the development of the certain removal of the corrosion products, deposits and unevenness of
defects and the specific modification of the microstructure [14]. the surface metal, the specimens were cut as schematically shown
The aim of the present work was thorough examination of in Figs. 1b and 1c for hydrogen and for mechanical tests,
the material of the gas pipeline that has been in service for about respectively. Tensile specimens were oriented normal to the pipe
30 years, in order to: (1) establish the steel deterioration axis. In the Charpy test, the different specimens and notches
accumulated during its exploitation in the gas pipeline and orientation were checked. The initial cracks in fracture toughness
(2) select the methods enabling characterizing of the level of specimens were directed along the pipe axis.
degradation caused by the long-term exploitation. In corrosion tests, the solution containing (mg/l) 14 440 Naþ;
25 400 Cl; 129 Kþ; 5.0 SO2 þ
4 ; 2.5 Li ; 600 Ca

; 522 HCO 3;

2 Materials and experimental procedure 518 Mg ; 140 Ba ; 5.0 NO3 ; 389 Sr ; 3.6 F ; 0.25 Fe2þ;
2þ 2þ  2þ

100 Br; 0.5 Mn2þ; 21 I; 1.0 Al3þ; 5.0 PO3 þ

4 ; 52 NH4 ; 18 SiO2

The state of the ferrite–pearlite X52 steel of pipes, 275 mm in (alkalinity – 455), simulating the aqueous condensate (brine) in
diameter with a wall thickness of 10 and 12 mm (code X52-10 and the gas pipes [6] was used.
X52-12, respectively) being in service in the onshore section of a The amount of hydrogen in coupons (Fig. 2) was measured by
gas trunk line for 30 years has been compared with a pipe (408 vacuum extraction done at the step-by-step 500 ! 700 ! 900 K
mm in diameter, wall thickness 12 mm) made about 20 years ago, increasing temperature (VHn ) or at constant temperature 900 K,
not being in use (code ‘‘as-receivedþ X-52). Taking into account (VH), cf. Table 1. The amount of hydrogen measured in as received
the effect of the condensate (brine) deposited on the pipe bottom, steel was subtracted from the data obtained for exploited ones.

Table 1. Carried out tests, test conditions and characteristic parameters

Applied tests Specimens (Fig. 1) Temperature Environment & Test Characteristic

conditions conditions parameters

Tensile cylindrical, 4 mm diameter, RT air "´ ¼ 106 s1 sY, sUTS, ef, RA, strain
25 mm gauge length (Fig. 1c) hardening rate n (s ¼ ken)
Stress corrosion tensile as above RT brine Eocp as above as above
ic ¼ 0.1mA/cm2
Fracture toughness [15] compact pre-cracked, RT air load time – crack growth resistance,
10 mm thick (Fig. 1c) displacement J crack growth rate
rate 10mm/hr (a ¼ dl/dt)
Stress corrosion as above RT brine Eocp, as above as above
cracking [16] ic ¼ 0.1 mA/cm2
Charpy test [17] 10  10 mm V-notch differently RT air impact test impact strength, KCV
oriented (Fig. 1c)
Hydrogen extraction coupons (Fig. 1b) 500 ! 700 ! 900 K vacuum vacuum extraction extraction curve, hydrogen
measurements content, Vn,V
Hydrogen permeation [18] membranes (Fig. 1b) RT 0.5 M H2SO4 Figure 2 Dtb, D5 , I1 , iC  (Fig. 2)
Internal friction [19] membranes (Fig. 1) 200 ! 1200K vacuum frequency 80 KHz elastic modulus, Q1
amplitude 105 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

718 Nykyforchyn, Lunarska, Tsyrulnyk, Nikiforov and Gabetta Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 9

Figure 2. (a) Scheme of the hydrogen permeation through the membrane of studied metal and (b) the typical curve of the hydrogen permeation
current recorded at egress side under the increased cathodic polarisation applied at the ingress side

The hydrogen permeation tests [18] were done for subjected to the highest cathodic polarization were observed by
membranes (0.1 cm thick, cf. Fig. 2). After the anodic removal SEM.
of hydrogen from the membrane and attaining the permeation Three to five tests were done for specimens cut from various
current background about 2 mA/cm2, the step-by-step increased parts of the pipes and the mean values of obtained results were
cathodic current density (from 1 to 40 mA/cm2) was applied to the taken into account.
membrane (Fig. 2) at ingress cell, filled with the 0.5 M H2SO4
solution selected as the test electrolyte. In the egress cell filled
with 0.1 M NaOH, the response hydrogen permeation current
3 Obtained results
was recorded. From the obtained build-up (at 5 mA/cm2) and
3.1 Characterization of the structure
decay permeation transients (Fig. 4b) the hydrogen diffusion
coefficients D5 ¼ 0.01/6xt0.63 (where t0.63 – time to attain the
All the studied steels had the ferrite–pearlite structure. The
value of 0.63 of the steady state permeation current J51 ) and
structure details are shown in Table 2. By optical microscopy no
Dtb ¼ 0.05/ttb, (where ttb ¼ break through time), respectively
differences were observed between the structure of material close
were calculated. The critical cathodic current corresponding to
to the wall surfaces and in the bulk, for as-received as well as for
the formation of permeation maximum (iC ) and the steady state
exploited steels.
hydrogen permeation current measured at application of
The comparison of the X-ray spectra taken from as-received
polarisation 40 mA/cm2 (J40 1
) as indicated in Fig. 2, were also
X52 and exploited X52-10 and X52-12 materials showed the
bigger lattice parameter and the larger size of the coherently
The internal friction [14] was measured using the mechan-
scattered areas of ferrite in exploited material in comparison with
ical spectrometer RAK-3 [19]. The membrane (3  1  0.1 cm3)
the as-received one. The difference of the ferrite texture in both
cut along the pipe axis (Fig. 1b) was mounted as a beam between
kinds of studied materials was also detected.
two electrodes and oscillations were excited in the bending mode
by application of sinusoidal voltage of acoustic frequency. The
measurements were done at the strain amplitude e ¼ 1  104 at 3.2 Mechanical properties
heating from 180 to 1000 K with a heating rate 3 K/min. The
values of the internal friction (Q-1) and of the dynamic Young Mechanical properties of the X52 steel, according to the API
modulus (E) were calculated [14, 19]. standard and according to the Polish Standard and the properties
The hardness measurements and metallographic observa- of the studied steels are shown in Table 3. It is seen that the
tion (at magnification up to 1000 X) were done on the planes mechanical properties of as- received X52 steel corresponded to
differently oriented to the pipe axis, close to the wall surfaces and the standards. For as-received steel no differences of the
in the bulk. The X-ray diffraction spectra were recorded on properties of material close to the in and out parts of the pipe
Siemens D5000 diffractometer at Cu ka radiation. The fracture wall was stated. However, such differences occurred in the case of
surface of specimens and the ingress side of the membranes pipes being in service. In exploited pipes, the tensile stress–strain

Table 2. Microstructure details of studied steels

Steel Structure Pearlite volume fraction, % Pearlite grain size mm Ferrite grain size mm Interband distance mm

X52 uniform 15 10 15
X52-12 visible bands 20 20 15 25
X52-10 bands 20 20 15 25

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Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 9 Effect of the long-term service of the gas pipeline 719

Table 3. Mechanical properties of steel X52 according to API and Polish standards, some recent literature data and the properties of studied steels

Material Place sy, MPa sUTS, MPa n RA, % e, % HRB J kN/m a mm/hr

API 5L X52 min. 358 min. 455 min. 22

Polish Standard 355 450–690 min. 22
X52 [20] 521 565
X52[21] 486 610 22.5
X52 [22] 343 453 87
X52 355 475 0.59 72,9 22.7 90 86 0.004
X52-12 down 268 451 0.74 64.4 20.8 75 50 0.016
up 255 460 62.5 22.9 77
X52-10 down 362 536 0.82 54.6 29.7 81 37 0.032
up 335 538 55.0 28.8 84

curves exhibited an apparent yield plateau not observed for as-

received steel, cf. Fig. 3. The exploited materials also revealed
larger strain-hardening coefficient n, lower reduction of area
(RA), similar or higher elongation to fracture (e f ), lower hardness
(HRB), substantially lower fracture toughness (J) and even order
of magnitude higher crack propagation rate (a) in comparison
with those parameters evaluated for as-received steel (Table 3).
Exploitation dramatically decreased the impact strength (KCV)
(Table 4), the effect being dependent on the specimen orientation:
transverse specimens cut from the exploited pipe exhibited the
impact strength even four times lower than the initial ones. In
longitudinal specimens, the notch orientation did not signifi-
cantly affect the impact strength of as-received material, whereas
in the case of exploited ones, this parameter of specimens with
notch cut from the inside surface (1) was lower than that for
specimens with the notch cut from outside (2). In the case of
transverse specimens for both, exploited and as-received steels,
Figure 3. Stress–strain curve recorded in air for as received X52 and for the impact strength decreased in the range 1 ! 2 ! 3 of the
X52-10 steels notch orientation.

Figure 4. Fracture surface of as received X52 steel (a, c) and exploited X52-10 steel (b, d) after fracture toughness (a, b) and Charpy (c, d) tests ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

720 Nykyforchyn, Lunarska, Tsyrulnyk, Nikiforov and Gabetta Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 9

Table 4. Results of the KCV (Charpy) tests, J/cm2

Material Transverse specimens Longitudinal


Notch orientation, according to Fig. 2

1 2 3 1 2

X52 196 177 169 350 342

X52-12, down 77 73 72 189 198
X52-12, up 72 55 64 182 198
X52-10, down 60 65 43 173 195
X52-10, up 57 52 48 <145a <177a
Specimens with visible stratification along the pipe axis not broken
suggesting the lower KCV level.

Figure 5. Example of the normalised hydrogen extraction curves

It should be noted that all the above changes in the properties recorded for as received and exploited steels
observed in exploited materials were especially significant for the
X52-10 steel and for the down parts (Tables 3 and 4). temperature (VHn ) and the total hydrogen content (VH). Exploited
Figure 4 presents the appearance of the fracture surface of steels contained the higher total hydrogen amount than as-
the X52 and X52-10 specimens, after fracture toughness (a, b) and received one. It should be emphasized that in exploited materials
Charpy (c, d) tests done in air. In both tests, as-received steel the portion of hydrogen extracted at the higher temperature was
exhibited the shear tearing fracture mode, with the flat areas, up higher than that in the as-received steel.
to 100–150 mm big (Figs. 4a and 4c). In exploited steel, the long
crevices with the visible deep cracks and the ductile fracture areas 3.5 Hydrogen permeation
between them can be seen (Figs. 4b and 4d).
Hydrogen permeation data are collected in Table 7. The highest
3.3 Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and hydrogen critical values of ic , the highest permeability measured at
embrittlement (HE) polarisation 40 mA/cm2 (J1 ) and the highest values of hydrogen
diffusivity were observed for the as-received steel.
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and hydrogen embrittlement The ingress surface of the membrane subjected to cathodic
(HE) data are shown in Table 5. As follows from the comparison polarisation, higher than ic , exhibited the hydrogen induced
of those data with the data in Table 3, immersion in the brine blisters (Fig. 6a) and the chipping-off of the material (Fig. 6b). The
produced the negligible effects on the tensile strength of studied fracture surface of blisters and chips formed in as-received and
materials. Presence of brine did not affect the parameters exploited steels had the intergranular appearance (Figs. 6c
characterising the metal plasticity (RA and ef ) of as-received and 6d). However, in the case of exploited steel, the interphase
material, but substantially decreased those parameters in the case cracking and the secondary cracks going deep into the metal bulk
of exploited materials. Detrimental effect of aggressive solution were seen (Fig. 6d).
was observed for pre-cracked specimens. Application of the low
cathodic polarization additionally decreased the RA and e and J 3.6 Internal friction
values and drastically increased the crack growth rate.
Internal friction of studied steels revealed a peak (Fig. 7). Since
3.4 Hydrogen extraction rate the occurrence of that peak was associated with the change in
the slope of the modulus vs. temperature relationship, it could be
Hydrogen extraction rate as recorded at 900 K was lower in recognised as the relaxation peak [14]. In exploited materials, the
exploited than in as-received pipes (Fig. 5). Table 6 shows the peaks occurred at slightly higher temperature and they were
amount of hydrogen contents extracted at consequently increased substantially higher than in as-received material.

Table 5. Results of the SCC and HE tests

Material Conditions sY MPa sUTS MPa RA % ef % J N/mm a mm/hr

X52 EOCP 370 500 70 21.7 49 0.007

X52 iC 370 487 31 11.7 38 0.011
X52-12 down EOCP 267 450 55.8 16.7 37 0.05
X52-12 down iC 290 460 21.6 8.9 24 0.13
X52-12 up iC 245 480 40.6 20.0
X52-10 down iC 350 530 27.2 22.6
X52-10 up EOCP 340 535 41.1 24.8 31 0.07
X52-10 up iC 335 530 35.9 20.0 11 1.1

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Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 9 Effect of the long-term service of the gas pipeline 721

Table 6. Amount of hydrogen desorbed gradually at increased Table 7. Results of hydrogen permeation data: critical cathodic current
temperature (VHn , ppm) and total amount of extracted hydrogen (VH, density corresponding to formation of permeation maximum (iC )
ppm] steady state hydrogen permeation (J40 1 ) at ic ¼ 40 mA/cm ; hydrogen
intrinsic diffusivity Dtb calculated from decay transients, hydrogen
Steel code and pipe part 500 K 700 K 900 KC total apparent diffusivity D5 calculated from build-up transient at iC ¼ 5 mA/
X-52 1.4 0.07 0.04 1.51
X52-12 down-in 0.01 1.00 0.41 1.42 Pipe iC , 40
Dtb D5
(J1 ),
X52-12 up-out 0.10 0.51 0.60 1.21
mA/cm2 mA/cm2 cm2/s cm2/s
X52-10 down-in 0.15 0.80 4.15 5.10
X52-10 up-out 0.30 0.60 0.81 1.71
X52 40 160 3.2  10S5 1.2  10S5
X52-12 down-in 7 53 1.14  10S5 7,3  10S6
X52-12 down-out 15 80 1.2  10S5 8.6  10S6
X52-12 up-in 40 160 2  10S5 1.3  10S5
4 Discussion X52-12 up-out 35 200 1.2  10S5 8.3  10S6
X52-10 down-in 6 24 8.6  10S6 7  10S7
The applied experimental programme has been designed in order X52-10 down-out 12 36 7.9  10S6 1  10S6
to obtain the information concerning: X52-10 up-in 20 56 1.6  10S5 8.4  10S6
X52-10 up-out 20 60 7.7  10S6 4.8  10S6
1. properties of studied materials (routine tensile tests, measure-
ments of hardness and total content of hydrogen, metallo- It should be noted that owing to the lack of the records of
graphy). exploitation conditions of the pipes, the high scattering of the
2. resistance to brittle fracture (fracture mechanics and Charpy results could have been expected. However, quite consistent
tests), to stress corrosion cracking (tensile and fracture trends were observed in the case of all the tests.
mechanics tests in brine at open circuit potential), to hydrogen As follows from the data in Table 3, the standardised tensile
embrittlement (tensile and fracture mechanics tests in brine at mechanical properties (sy, sUTS, ef ) of as-received steel and of the
low cathodic polarization) and resistance to hydrogen induced exploited steels were within the limits of API and Polish
blistering cracking (hydrogen permeation tests). standards and are consistent with the values given for other
3. state of material structure and its change due to the service investigated X52 steels. Therefore, evaluation of those parameters
(selected mechanical tests, evaluation of hydrogen transport, does not allow estimating the degradation of steel in the course of
hydrogen distribution, internal friction measurements, X-ray service. However, the non-standardised data showed that the
diffraction, fractography). properties of the exploited materials substantially differed from

Figure 6. Appearance of the ingress side of the membranes subjected to the cathodic polarisation above the appropriate values of iC ; a – X52;
b – X52-10 down-in; c – X52; d – X52-10 down-in ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

722 Nykyforchyn, Lunarska, Tsyrulnyk, Nikiforov and Gabetta Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 9

Figure 8. Relationship between the elongation to fracture and RA

evaluated in tensile tests for studied steels; & – X52~, ~ – 52-12; *, *
– X52-10; ~, * – up parts; ~, * – down parts of pipes
Figure 7. The internal friction recorded for as received X52 (*) and for
X52-10 down (*) materials
hardening rate, whereas the opposite relationships have been
usually observed;
those of as-received one: the latter had the lower RA, hardness 2. tremendous decrease in RA in exploited steels was associated
(Table 3) and impact strength (Table 4), but the higher strain with the increase in elongation to fracture (Fig. 8), despite the
hardening rate, sUTS and the elongation to fracture (Table 3). The fact that the course of the changes of those parameters
above differences in the properties of the as-received and the describing the metal plasticity are expected to be the same.
exploited steels could be explained by the difference in the
microstructure (Table 2), since the acicular ferrite steel showed To explain the apparently inconsistent results assumption
higher resistance to brittle fracture than the banded ferrite– can be made that in the course of the long-term exploitation the
pearlite one [22]. On the other hand, the difference in the metal not only undergoes the deformation aging but also the
susceptibility to hydrogen degradation has been stated in [23] for intensive development of the micro defects. It should be noted
differently heat treated X52 steels despite their similar phase that no defects were found by the routine metallographic
morphology. In the studied case, all the steels had the acicular observation at magnification up to 1000. However, the data of
pearlite-ferrite structure of the quite similar pearlite volume hydrogen permeation, X-ray diffraction and internal friction tests
fraction and the grain size (Table 2). Moreover, the microstructure revealed the modification of the structure of exploited steels.
effects could have not explained the observed differences between According to applied procedure of hydrogen permeation
the properties of steels X52-12 and X52-10, both having the measurements, the values of Dtb revealed the hydrogen lattice
banded structure. The negligible effect of the microstructure may diffusivity, whereas the values of D corresponded to the
be additionally confirmed by the results of Charpy tests (Table 4). hydrogen transport affected by the hydrogen traps [12, 13]. As
In the case of as-received and exploited steels, the orientation of seen in Fig. 9a, both parameters are lower in the exploited than in
the specimens (transverse or longitudinal) and the direction of the as-received steel. Decrease in the lattice diffusivity should be
the notches in the transverse specimens similarly affected the accounted for by some change in the metal lattice, confirmed by
obtained data. Therefore, it seems to be logical to account for the change in the ferrite lattice parameters and in the size of the
the stated differences in properties between the as-received and ferrite coherently scattered areas detected by the X-ray. On
the exploited steels by the modification of the metal structure as a the other hand, decrease in the apparent diffusivity D showed the
result of simultaneous influence of the stresses and the increase in the trapping efficiency due to exploitation. It is
environment in the course of the long-term service. supported by the data in Fig. 9b showing the decrease in
In [8, 24], the deformation ageing of the long-term exploited permeation current J40 , which also depended on the trapping [12].
steels has been stated to decrease the RA, impact strength and The higher trapping efficiency in exploited steels might be also
fracture toughness. The appearance of the apparent yield plateau confirmed by the lower rate of hydrogen extraction (Fig. 5) and by
in the studied exploited steels (Fig. 5) confirmed some the higher amount of deeply trapped hydrogen (Table 6). Since the
deformation ageing during the long-term service, which hydrogen trapping has been known to be associated with the
strengthened the metal and resulted in the increase in the defects in the metal structure, the increased hydrogen trapping
strain-hardening rate n and in decrease in RA. However, the efficiency in exploited steels confirmed the formation of the
following results were not consistent with the effects of micro defects in the course of service.
deformation ageing (Table 3): The internal friction peaks at 600–1050 K revealed that the
relaxation process originated by the gliding along the grain
1. substantial decrease in hardness of exploited steels was (phase) boundaries [14]. Formation of the voids at the boundaries
accompanied by the increase in strength and in the strain has shown to inhibit that gliding and thus to increase the internal

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Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 9 Effect of the long-term service of the gas pipeline 723

Figure 9. Change of the parameters evaluated from the hydrogen permeation measurements of exploited steels in comparison with the as
received one; a – ratio of the hydrogen lattice diffusivity calculated for different parts of exploited steels to that for as received material; b – steady
state values of hydrogen permeation current density as measured for as received steel and for different parts of exploited ones

friction [11, 25]. Therefore, the observed increase in the peak (Figs. 4b and 4d) at the application of external stresses during the
height in exploited materials (Fig. 7) showed the development of tests.
defectiveness of the metal, especially along the boundaries. This From the data in Fig. 9 and in Tables 3–5 it follows that the
has been also consistent with the SEM observations. In X52-10 material exhibited the more pronounced degradation and
cathodically polarised exploited steel, the hydrogen induced contained the higher amount of hydrogen (Table 6) than the X52-
cracks were formed not only at the grain boundaries as in the case 12 one, despite the similar time of exploitation. However since
of as-received steel (Fig. 8c) but also along the ferrite–carbide
phase boundaries (Fig. 6d).
The effect of presumed micro defects on the various
parameters may differ from those of deformation ageing. The
latter may decrease the RA, while the metal micro defects may
promote the elongation to fracture, as schematically shown in
Fig. 10. It is also possible that the formation of micro defects led to
relaxation of internal stresses present in the as-received material
and formed due to the deformation ageing in the course of
exploitation. This may explain not only the increase in the
elongation to fracture but also the observed decrease in the yield
stress and in the hardness (Table 3) being the measure of the
ability of metal to plastic deformation.
The suggested specific modification of the metal structure in
the course of exploitation deteriorated the resistance to the
cracking making the crack propagation to be easier. For exploited
X52-10 steel the J values were two times lower and the crack
propagation rate almost an order of magnitude higher (Table 3) in
comparison with those parameters for as-received X52 one. In the
case of Charpy tests, the exploited steels exhibited up to three-
times lower impact strength than as received one. The assistance
of the micro defects to the cracking might be also confirmed by
the interphase crevices and cracks formed in exploited steel

Figure 11. Resistivity of studied steels to stress corrosion cracking and

to hydrogen embrittlement as evaluated in tensile and fracture
mechanics tests done in brine under the open circuit conditions
(RASCC, JSCC, aSCC) and at low cathodic polarisation (RAH, JH, aH); a – ratio
of RASCC and RAH measured in tensile tests for studied steels in brine to
those measured at testing the as received steel in air (RAo); b – ratio of
fracture toughness JSCC and JH evaluated for studied steels in brine to
those evaluated for as received steel at testing in air (J0); c – ratio of
Figure 10. Scheme of the effect of the micro defects formed in the crack propagation rate aSCC and aH measured for studied steels in brine
course of steel exploitation on elongation and on RA to those measured for as received material in air (a0) ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

724 Nykyforchyn, Lunarska, Tsyrulnyk, Nikiforov and Gabetta Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 9

the record of exploitation conditions of those pipes are not known, (strength and elongation measured in tensile tests) and by optical
the states of X52-12 and X52-10 materials may be considered as metallography. However, the application of the Charpy and
gradual progressive degradation. fracture mechanics tests, the measurement of hardness and
The micro defects developed during the service affected also evaluation of RA allow estimating the development of deteriora-
the susceptibility of steel to SCC and HE as evaluated by the tion. The application of hydrogen permeation measurements
comparison of the mean values of RA, J and crack propagation could detect the structure modification and estimate the
rate established in tests done for exploited steels in brine under susceptibility to HIBC. The data obtained by the above methods
open circuit condition and at low cathodic polarisation, would be especially important for the prediction of the residual
respectively, to those obtained for as received steel X52 in air. life-time of the old pipelines. However, continuous monitoring of
As seen in Fig. 11 in both tests, the exploited materials showed the the material state of the newly build pipelines would assist in
increase in the susceptibility, being especially tremendous in the optimising the exploitation conditions.
case of the crack propagation rate (Fig. 11c). It is also seen that
the X52-10 steel was more susceptible to corrosion-mechanical
action than the X52-12 one. 5 Conclusions
The data in Tables 3, 4, 6, 7 and in Fig. 11 showing the higher
metal degradation in the down parts of the pipes and at the in From the obtained results and discussion the following
surface of the pipe walls, especially in the down-in sites suggested conclusions can be drawn:
the hydrogen to be an aggressive factor. It evolved in corrosion
processes occurred on the inner surface of pipes exposed to the 1. the metal of the gas pipelines undergoes in-bulk degradation
brine, enter the metal and became trapped there. This has been of properties due to long-term (up to 30 years) exploitation,
confirmed by the higher hydrogen content in the exploited than in similarly as has been observed in the oil pipeline materials.
the as-received steel (Table 6). Hydrogen accumulated during the 2. the exploited steels revealed the specific anomalies of
service and affected the structure. mechanical behaviour: (1) the decrease in the resistance to
Susceptibility of the metal to the hydrogen induced blistering brittle fracture simultaneous with the decrease in hardness;
cracking (HIBC) has been promoted by hydrogen trapping and (2) the opposite change of the plasticity parameters, the
efficiency increased during the exploitation (see Fig. 12). The decrease in the RA accompanied by the increase in elongation.
critical cathodic current (iC ) has been evaluated in the hydrogen 3. two main factors resulting from the stresses and the presence
permeation tests. It characterized the formation of voids under of corrosion environment have been assumed to be
the hydrogen action without the application of the external responsible for the metal degradation in the long-term service
stresses [26]. Values of the critical cathodic current have decreased of pipes: (1) the deformation ageing and (2) the formation of
with the decrease in the steady state permeation rate, which in turn micro defects assisted by entering and accumulated hydrogen
corresponded to the increase in the trapping efficiency [12, 13]. evolved in corrosion processes taking place in brine deposited
As follows from the obtained data the state of material inside the pipes.
degradation due to exploitation in the oil and gas pipelines cannot 4. exploited steels that underwent the structure degradation had
be unambiguously characterized by the standardised parameters the lower resistance to SCC, HE and HIBC.
5. the extent of the degradation not being detected by the routine
observation of microstructure or by the measurements of the
standard tensile parameters; however, may be evaluated by the
measurements of the fracture toughness, impact strength, RA,
hardness and hydrogen transport.

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(Received: September 17, 2008) W5158

(Accepted: November 18, 2008) ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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