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The Australian Fable Aaliyah Horner

In Australia, it was a hot day. The trees were limp from the heat. The animals decided to go swimming.
Being a kangaroo, Skippy was hot under her fur. Going swimming sounded like a way to cool off and
have fun at the same time. Skippy was walking with her friend Kanga and wasn’t paying attention to
where she was going, because Kanga was talking about something that sounded very interesting. When
Skippy realized they missed a turn somewhere, they were in the middle of the desert! Skippy knew she
would probably miss a turn somewhere, for she had only moved there a month ago from Patagonia.
Kanga knew the way better then Skippy did. Skippy believed Kanga when she said to turn at a wrong
corner. Kanga was beginning to realize they were lost and blaming Skippy for it! After arguing for a good
half hour. Skippy knew this was getting them nowhere. She just started hopping in a direction.
‘We are lost aren’t we ‘says Kanga.
‘We wouldn’t be if you hadn’t told me to go the wrong way!’ shouts Skippy.
They argued more while they walked. Finally, they came up with a solution. They would walk backwards
in their steps. Yay!! They found their way back.

The lesson is trust your instincts and don’t lie to your friends or you will get lost.

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