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Prayer Points:

1. Thank you Father for the gift of life.

2. Thank you Lord for ushering us into a new year of exploit.

3. O Lord we are grateful for your mercies, grace and favour.

1. Father, I pray that you will give me the power to do a great and mighty exploits.

2. Lord, I pray that you will strengthen me with your power in my inner mind in Jesus’ name.

3. Father, I pray for the grace to exercise the authority which you have given me over unclean spirits and
to cast them out in Jesus’ name.

1.I receive the power to heal every disease and every kind of sickness. I pray thee God to give me power
for great exploits in Jesus’ name.

2. Father, I pray that you will increase my faith so that I will do great and mighty exploits.

3. I receive the grace to constantly walk in the path of righteousness in Jesus’ name

1. Father, I pray that you will increase my faith and empower me to do a great and mighty exploits in
Jesus’ name. I receive the grace to promptly obey you whenever you speak to me in Jesus’ name.

2.. Father, I thank you for giving me power and authority over all demons . Lord, I pray that you will give
me power for great exploits in Jesus’ name.

3. Father, I pray that through me, you will perform many signs and wonders. Lord, I pray that you will
give me the power for great exploits in Jesus’ name.
1. Father, I pray that you will release your immeasurable anointing upon me for great and mighty

2. I pray that through me, you will perform great signs and wonders and draw so many souls to Christ in
Jesus’ name.

3. Father, I pray that you will anoint me with the Holy Ghost and power. Lord, I pray that you will use me
mightily to deliver those who are under demonic oppression by demon and heal all manners of


1.I declare I receive enough grace to carry me through this year in all my projects and assignment from
God, amen

2.I declare, this year is my year of Exploits I will manifest Exploits in every plan I have for the 2024 in
the mighty name of Jesus christ amen

3. I declare: I will walk in the perfect will of God for my life and my family will too.

My miracle starts this week - Praise God!

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