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Page 13 writing guide

Today, I'm going to tell you about the people who sometimes inspire teenagers to achieve their goals
without even knowing it. I'm 15 years old, so I could easily be considered a teenager. Personally, I am most
inspired by sports people, more specifically football players. This is no accident, because I have been
playing football since I was 4 years old and my biggest dream is to become a professional in this sport. The
one I admire the most is Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal. His childhood was really very difficult. He was born
on the Portuguese island of Madeira. His family was not very rich and his dad liked to drink. At the age of
14, this footballer went alone to learn football skills in the capital, Lisbon. Although he lived in an academy
and was provided with food, it was too little. Every evening he would go to a fast food restaurant to ask for
the rest. Later, at the age of 20, he lost his dad. However, all these circumstances did not stop him from
fulfilling his dream. He was very determined, persistent and worked every day to become a footballer and
to help his mum support the family. Today, he is considered one of the best footballers, and athletes, in the
history of football and sport. I take motivation from him because I want to be as determined as he is, to
never give up and to be one of the best footballers.He also showed me that it doesn't matter what the
circumstances are in life, you just have to have the desire to achieve your dreams. I would like to finish with
a quote from this Portuguese: " Talent without hard work is nothing".

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