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Name : [PLAYER]

Concept : partial amnesiac, survivor, wanderer

traits : pragmatic, willing to help others at the expense of his own health and
safety, not afraid to get hurt for a bigger prize, can't drink alchohol(will pass

[PLAYER] is a 30 y/o long haired man in a poncho

When he walks he favors his left side because he is trying to compensate for a
grevious wound he took while on his travels.
The wound is on his liver and always healing but never all the way and he's missing
his right arm.

His master found [PLAYER] when he first Awakened to his mage powers and tought him
how to use his powers safely.
He started helping spirits pass away alongside his master since it was the noble
thing to do and would help him further his mage powers through practice in the real

While on his travels through a scorching sand desert, [PLAYER] found a group of
natives that brought him into their seich.
The community turned out to be a a mysteryous cult that worshipped some entity that
brought blessings upon their kingdom by casting a protestive Sandstorm that kept
their enemies at bay.
They had a prophet with a book of the Apocalyphse which they were trying to open
but the prophet has not yet fully manifested their powers.
As time went on [PLAYER] noticed the power burgeoning and decided to investigate
the book.
He found that the book was once a relic which previous prophets wrote in to never
forget the disasters they faced and survived, all to bring the knowledge to the
people that will come after them.
Through the ages the book became corrupted and became its polar opposite, a book
detailing the apocalypse.
If the book was opened while within a certain ritual, it would bring down the
sandstorm wall, unleash all kinds of world ending plaques, disasters and beasts
upond the lands before killing the world itself.
[PLAYER] couldn't give away that he knew the true purpose of the book and waited
for his moment.
When the ritual was near completion he drew near the prophet and sliced his throat
open and ripped the book to shreds.
The ritual was incomplete so the Sandstorm was dispelled.
None of the entities were released thus preventing the worst from happening but he
lost his arm due to the energy backlash and him being the closest one to the book.
With the Sandstorm down, [PLAYER] was free to pursue his travels once again.


[PLAYER] wandered the plains and was hit by a huge storm. Luckily, he spotted a
farm and tried taking shelter in the barn.
While settling in he was discoreved by the farm owner and they had a fight before
[PLAYER] was able to explain his presence. In this fight [PLAYER] was stabbed but
was able to stabilise his condition
Turns out, the farmer was there in the middle of the night because he was
experiencing a lot of paranormal activity in the last few weeks, things like plates
smashing, weird knocking in the walls, spooked animals around the house so the
farmer and his family felt really unsafe.
[PLAYER] offered his services and was able to find the source of his problems.
The farmers kid was possesed by a spirit that wanted to take over his body.
[PLAYER] was able to exorcise and destroy the spirit but suffered additional injury
on his liver.


While going through a canyon [PLAYER] was met a holy man on a bridge.
He proposed to let him pass and even deliver him to his destination if he could
answer him 3 questions, if not then [PLAYER] would suffer a punishment.
Filled with superiority of being a mage and not thinking too much of the ramblings
of a crazy man [PLAYER] accepted.

1. What can change the nature of a man? Anything, since all people are different,
the answer is different for everyone.

2. Why doens't God answer the prayers of mortals? because it interferes with free

3. What makes human life so valuable? [PLAYER] couldn't answer so the holy man
imprisoned him into a 20-sided box adorned with runes and cast him to a random
place in the area.
Time doesn't pass in the box and this is where he remains to this day.


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