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Development Activity:

1. Presentation:

The figures below represents a polygon, look closely and identify which figure is a polygon
or NOT.

1. How do you determine a polygon from not a polygon?

2. What are the different types of polygon?

Answers to Developmental Activities Guide Questions:

1. A polygon is a closed figure formed by line segments

1.1 each vertex is a common endpoint of two adjacent line segments

1.2 no two adjacent line segments intersect except at an endpoint

1.3 no two segments with the same endpoint are collinear.

2. Polygons are named according to their number of sides and measure of their angle.

2. Lesson Proper: POLYGONS

A polygon is closed figure formed by line segments.

Examples ( a ) and ( b ) are Polygons:

(a) (b)

Examples ( c ) and ( d ) are NOT Polygon:

(c) (d)

Additional Readings,-lines,-planes-and-angles/polygons

The different types of polygons are:

Types of Polygons

1. Equiangular Polygon

A polygon is equiangular if all of its angles are congruent( equal).

2. Equilateral Polygon

A polygon is equilateral if all of its sides are equal.

Illustration are examples of equiangular and equilateral polygons vs equiangular that are NOT

3. Regular Polygon

Regular Polygons are both equilateral and equiangular.

Illustration below.

4. Irregular Polygon

A polygon that is neither equilateral nor equiangular

Illustration below:

5. Convex Polygon

Every interior angle of a convex polygon is less than 180 degrees. If a line is drawn through the
convex polygon, the line will intersect at most two sides.


6. Concave Polygon

A concave polygon has at least one interior angle that measures more than 180 degrees. If a
line is drawn through a concave polygon, the line may intersect more than two sides.

Illustration of Concave Polygon

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