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Tel’ es “JULY, 1880. The police take Ned Kelly to Benalla, then £0 “melbourne prison. There isa lot of waiting, and talking and ‘more faking. The police talk the judges ral, Ned fais ~ but the ending is always the same. [At the end of October Ned went before his ast judge, Sie Redmond Barry, in Melbourne. For two days Judge Barry listened to the police, listened to Ned, read the police papers, and thought about it. But he didn’ think lone. ‘There were alot of dead policemen in Ned Kellys life, and there was only one answer to that. ‘Ned Kelly must die. Hang him in the prison. Hat by the neck until he is dead. A lesson to every outlaw in Australia. ‘Ned's mother Ellen was sill in Melbourne prison. When they told her the news, she cried ~ she ered for her dead son Dan, and she cried for her son Ns to die. They took her to see Ned on his

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