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Ques 1.

Unix Commands Miscellaneous Command, File

Management Command, Communication Command, Storage
Command, System Status Command

Miscellaneous Commands:
date: Displays the current date and time.
cal: Displays a calendar.
echo: Displays a message on the screen.

File Management Commands:

ls: Lists files and directories.
cp: Copies files or directories.
mv: Moves or renames files or directories.
rm: Removes (deletes) files or directories.
mkdir: Creates a new directory.
rmdir: Removes an empty directory.

Communication Commands:
echo: Outputs a message to the terminal.
wall: Writes a message to all logged-in users.

Storage Commands:
df: Displays disk space usage.
du: Displays file and directory space usage.
System Status Commands:
top: Displays system usage and top processes.
ps: Displays a snapshot of current processes.
free: Displays the amount of free and used memory in the system.
These commands provide essential functionalities for tasks ranging from managing files and
directories to monitoring system status and communication. The list covers a broad
spectrum of Unix commands, each serving specific purposes in system administration and
everyday use.

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