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Published March 20, 2015


Eberhart and Russel’s Bayesian Method

in the Selection of Popcorn Cultivars
Mauricio Farias Couto, Moysés Nascimento, Antônio Teixeira do Amaral, Jr.,*
Fabyano Fonseca e Silva, Alexandre Pio Viana, and Marcelo Vivas

M.F. Couto, A.T. do Amaral, Jr., A.P. Viana, and M. Vivas, Laboratório
Abstract de Melhoramento Genético Vegetal, Universidade Estadual do Norte
The goal of this work was to estimate stability Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Av. Alberto Lamego, 2000, 28013-602,
and adaptability parameters using a Bayesian Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; M. Nascimento and F.F.
approach to Eberhart and Russel’s method and e Silva, Departamento de Estatística, Universidade Federal de Viçosa,
to assess the efficiency of using an a priori dis- Avenida P.H. Rolfs, s/n, CEP 36571-000 Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
tribution. The information from assessing the Received 16 July 2014. *Corresponding author (
popping expansion and grain yield of 16 pop-
Abbreviations: GE, genotype and the environment; GY, grain yield;
corn genotypes was used in randomized block
NID, normally and independently distributed; PE, popping expansion.
experiments implemented in five environments
in the North and Northeast regions of the State
of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Bayesian method-
ology was implemented using the free software
package R with the MCMCregress function of
I n plant genetic improvement programs, the goal is to obtain
cultivars that achieve high yields in the environments intended
for cultivation. To select better cultivars, it is necessary to con-
the MCMCpack package. Eberhart and Rus- sider the interaction between the genotype and the environment
sel’s method using a Bayesian technique was (GE) (Fehr, 1987; Falconer and MacKay, 1996; Bach et al., 2012),
found to be efficient in recommending cultivars
which is defined as the differential response of genotypes in the
to more or less favorable environments. The
face of environmental variation (Crossa, 2012; Bach et al., 2013).
incorporation of a priori information provided
greater accuracy in estimating the stability and
To reduce the effects of GE interaction, it is convenient for plant
adaptability parameters. In the comparison of breeders to know their magnitude as well as to identify more stable
a priori distributions, the BayesFactor function genotypes and cultivars adapted to specific environments (Crossa,
indicated the informative a priori as the most 1990; Ransul et al., 2012). Methods that predict the performance
effective for obtaining reliable estimates. of genotypes can greatly increase the efficiency of genetic improve-
ment programs for commercial corn (Bernardo, 1992; Vieira et al.,
2012). In this context, several methods to study adaptability and sta-
bility have been described, predominantly based on linear regression
models (Finlay and Wilkinson, 1963; Tai, 1971; Eberhart and Russel,
1966), bisegmented regression (Verma et al., 1978; Cruz et al., 1989),
non-parametric analysis (Lin and Binns, 1988; Nascimento et al.,
2009) and multivariate analysis, such as additive main effects and
multiplicative interaction analysis (AMMI) (Gauch, 2006).

Published in Crop Sci. 55:571–577 (2015).

doi: 10.2135/cropsci2014.07.0498
© Crop Science Society of America | 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA
All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from
the publisher. Permission for printing and for reprinting the material contained herein
has been obtained by the publisher.

crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015 571

Traditional methods that predict cultivars’ perfor- selection of genotypes in different environments is more
mances in multiple environments are based on a “classic” accurate when a priori information is used. The application
(or frequentist) approach to statistics, which estimates one of a priori information allows improvement programs to
or more parameters from a set of observations. The variables select the best genotypes both for specific environments and
are used to make statements about a statistical model, which for general and unconstrained environments.
is characterized in terms of parameters with a “true” value. In light of the above points, the goal of this work was
Uncertainty is described through distributions that attri- to use the Bayesian Eberhart and Russel method to ana-
bute probabilities to the values of all random variables in lyze the phenotypic adaptability and stability of popcorn
the statistical model. In general, the values of these distribu- cultivars–an economically relevant crop–and to evaluate
tions’ parameters are unknown and must be inferred from the efficiency of using informative and minimally infor-
the available information (Sorensen and Gianola, 2002). mative a priori distributions in the selection of cultivars.
An alternative to classical statistical inference is the
Bayesian approach, which is based on the principles of Materials and Methods
likelihood and the incorporation of a priori information. The experiments took place in the agricultural years of 2009/2010
It is a robust statistical procedure with many possible appli- in the municipalities of Campos dos Goytacazes and Cambuci
cations (Geweke, 1992; Kass ande Raftery, 1995; Meuwis- and later in 2010/2011 in the municipalities of Campos dos
sen et al., 2001; Silva et al., 2013b). Variance heterogene- Goytacazes, Cambuci, and Itaocara, totaling five environments
ity, uneven data distribution and the relaxation of normal- representative of the North and Northeast regions of the State
of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For those places we have: Campos dos
ity assumptions, all of which are constraining conditions
Goytacazes (21°4532 S, 41°2032 W), with altitude varying
for many methodologies, are not limiting factors for the
in the city between 20 and 30 m, classified as tropical rainy,
application of the Bayesian approach (Cotes et al., 2006). with an average annual rainfall of 1023 mm and average annual
The use of the Bayesian approach in plant genetic temperature of 23°C. Itaocara (21°3912 S, 42° 04 36 W), at
improvement is still limited. Silva et al. (2009) showed that a 60 m altitude, with an average annual temperature of 22.5°C
calculating genotypic probabilities increased the precision and average annual rainfall of 1041 mm. Cambuci (21°3431 S,
of additive effect estimates and decreased the error estimate 41° 5440  W), at an altitude of 35 m, hot and humid climate,
associated with the Bayesian model. Mora et al. (2009) with an average annual temperature of 25°C and average annual
used Bayesian analysis to predict the inheritability values rainfall in around 1170 mm. Campos dos Goytacazes is located
for forest species and concluded that the Bayesian method 80 km from Cambuci and 110 km from Itaocara. The distance
makes it possible to obtain low standard deviation values between Cambuci and Itaocara is 23 km.
associated with inheritability, which makes it an important In total, 16 genotypes of popcorn were evaluated: eight
varieties–BRS Angela, UFVM2-Barão de Viçosa, Viçosa, Beija
tool for the genetic assessment and inference of perennial
Flor, SAM, UNB2U-C3, UNB2U-C4, and UNB2U-C5–and
species. Balestre et al. (2012) conducted a Bayesian survey
eight hybrids–Zélia, Jade, IAC 112, P1 ´ P3, P1 ´ P7, P2 ´ P4,
of multiple corn (Zea mays L.) characteristics, in which P2 ´ P9, P3 ´ P7 (Table 1). The experimental design was of
they highlighted the importance of pleiotropic effects in randomized blocks with three repetitions. The plot contained
the study of the inheritance of quantitative characteristics. two 12 m lines with 0.90 m space between them, and the plants
Silva et al. (2013a) used the Bayesian methodology in the were spaced 0.20 m apart along each line, for a total of 120
selection of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) families plants per plot. Three seeds were used in each hole at a depth
and concluded that the informative prioris influence not of 0.05 m, and the stalks were pruned 21 d after sprouting.
only genotypic effects but also variance and inheritability. Coverage fertilization and other culture specific treatment was
Bayes’ paradigm has also met with very limited use in performed as recommended for this crop (Paula et al., 2010).
GE modeling. The Bayesian approach is usually more labo- The two main economically relevant characteristics of this
rious and very difficult to obtain analytically, which makes crop were assessed, namely, the popping expansion (PE) in mL
kg–1 and the grain yield (GY) in kg ha–1. The GY was calculated
it harder to use (Gianola, 1996). Molina et al. (2011) used
from the plot’s mean by weighing the grains. The PE was deter-
the Bayesian methodology to evaluate rice (Oryza sativa L.)
mined in a laboratory as follows: 0.03 kg of seeds were placed
genotypes in regional tests, to estimate genotype means, in a plastic container and put into a microwave oven at 1000 W
phenotypic Shukla stability variance and also in the form for 2 min and 20 s, with three repetitions per treatment. The
of the Bayesian Yield-Stability index (BYS). Cotes et al. expanded volume was measured in a 2000-mL graduated cyl-
(2006) proposed a Bayesian approach to the phenotypic inder, and the PE was calculated as the ratio between the final
Shukla stability method in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), expanded volume (mL) and the initial weight of the grains (0.03
wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and corn genotypes in mul- kg) (Silva et al., 2011).
tiple environments. Nascimento et al. (2011) formulated The data thus obtained underwent variance analysis for
a Bayesian approach for Eberhart and Russel’s method of each environment, and the residual variance homogene-
selecting alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes. These authors ity (MSRs) was later verified using Hartley’s test. The model
observed that, in applying the Bayesian methodology, the adopted for conjoint analysis was Yijk = µ + R/Ek( j) + G i +
Ej + GEij + ijk , in which Yijk is the plot’s mean phenotypical

572 crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015

Table 1. Characterization of the genotypes evaluated in five The estimates for Ij indicate the environmental quality, in
environments in Northern and Northwestern State of Rio which negative values identify unfavorable environments, and
de Janeiro. positive values identify favorable environments. The adaptability
parameters are given by b0 j = Yi and b1i =
j ij j
, and the
Grain Popping
Genotypes Type Origin yield expansion
Ij 2j å
BRS Ângela Open-pollinated Embrapa† 2192.11 34.52 MSDi - MSR
stability parameter is given by ˆ di =
variety , in which
UF VM2- Barão Open-pollinated UFV 2314.5 33.31 MSDi is the mean square of the regression deviation for each
de Viçosa variety
Viçosa Open-pollinated UFV 2863.55 24.41
genotype, and MSR is the mean square of the residual obtained
variety in the variance analysis (Eberhart and Russel, 1966).
Beija-Flor Open-pollinated UFV 2212.18 27.47 In the generally employed frequentist approach, the hypoth-
variety eses of interest H0:1i = 1 vs. H1:1i  1 and H0 : 1di = 0 vs.
SAM Open-pollinated unknown 1790.56 27.59 H1 : di2 > 0 are assessed by the t and F statistics, respectively.
In the Bayesian approach, based on the Bayes theorem–
UNB2U-C3 Open-pollinated UENF 2225.14 29.77
posteriori m similarity ´ priori-all information regarding the
UNB2U-C4 Open-pollinated UENF 2986.93 31.38 parameters to be estimated is contained in the a posteriori dis-
variety tribution, which consists of the prior information about the
UNB2U-C5 Open-pollinated UENF 3047.58 35.69 parameters, represented by the a priori distributions, and the
variety information contained in the data to be analyzed, represented
Zélia Three-way hybrid Pionner 2509.81 33.36 by the likelihood function.
Jade Three-way hybrid Pionner 2423.52 33.53 Considering the statistical model Yij = b0i  b1i I j  ij  ij
IAC 112 Modified one-way IAC 2724.4 37.87 and assuming that each observation Yij has a distribution
Yij ~ N b0i  b1i I j : i2  , the likelihood function for each geno-
P1 ´ P3 One-way hybrid UEM/UENF 3037.78 29.11
type i is given by
P1 ´ P7 One-way hybrid UEM/UENF 2875.46 36.82
P2 ´ P4 One-way hybrid UEM/UENF 3262.13 20.93
1 ìï 1 2ü
Li b0i , b1i , i2 ,Yij  = Õ exp ïí- 2 éêYij - b0i  b1i I j ùú ïý
P2 ´ P9 One-way hybrid UEM/UENF 3485.71 29.54 2p 2 ï 2 ë û ïþï
j =1 i îï i
P3 ´ P7 One-way hybrid UEM/UENF 3144.9 28.2

Embrapa, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária; UFV, Universidade
Federal de Viçosa (Federal University of Viçosa); UENF, Universidade Estadual 1 ìï 1 a
2 ü ï
do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (State University of North Fluminense Darcy = exp íï- 2 å ëêéY - b
ij 0i  b1i I j  úùýï , " i
  ïï 2i
Ribeiro); IAC, Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (Campinas Agronomic Institute) 2pi2 î j =1 þï
UEM, Universidade Estadual de Maringá (State University of Maringa).

To estimate the adaptability and stability parameters,

value; µ is the general constant; R/Ek( j) is the effect of the kth one must first establish the parameters’ a priori distributions.
repetition in the jth environment; G i is the fixed effect of the The following distributions were considered for b 0i, b1i and
ith genotype; Ej is the effect of the jth environment normally 2i : b0i ~ N m 0i , 02i  , b1i ~ N m1i , 12i  , i2 ~ GammaInv a i , bi  .
and independently distributed (NID) 0, 2E  ; GEij is the effect This last distribution is an inverse  with mean and variance
of the interaction of the ith genotype in the jth environment b bi2
equal to i and , respectively.
NID 0, GE 2
 ; and ijk is the experimental error NID (0, 2). 2
ai a i - 1 a i - 2
For the Bayesian analysis incorporating a priori information,
only those genotypes evaluated in at least two of the following Assuming the parameters of these distributions to be inde-
studies were taken into consideration: Nunes et al. (2002); Von pendent of one another, the conjoint a priori for each genotype
Pinho et al. (2003); Faria et al. (2010) and Scapim et al. (2010). can be written as follows:
The method proposed by Eberhart and Russel (1966) is é ù
1 1 1
Pi b0 , b1i , i2  = exp êê- úx
based on simple linear regression analysis, which measures the 2
 b 0 i , m 0 i  ú
response of each genotype to environmental variation. For an
2p0i êë 2p0i úû 2p12i
experiment with g genotypes, a environments, and r repetitions,
the following statistical model is defined: Yij = b0 i b1i I j  ij  ij
ïì 1 2ï ü 1 æ 1 öa 1 ïì 1 ïü

, in which: Yij is the response of genotype i in environment exp íï- 2 b1i , m1i  ýï´ a ççç 2 ÷÷÷ exp íï- 2 ýï
j; 0i is the response of genotype i;1i is the regression coefficient îïï 21i ïþï bi G a i  è i ø÷i ïîï bi i ïþï
that measures the response of the ith genotype to the environ-
mental variation; and Ij is the coded environmental index. By ìï 1 2üï 1 ìï 1 2üï
æ ö
çå Yj å å Yj ÷
 exp ïí- 2 b0i , m 0i  ïý´ exp ïí- 2 b1i , m1i  ïý
this analysis, I j = çççç j - i j ÷÷÷÷ , in which  ij refers to the ïîï 2i ïþï 2
2p1i ï
ïî 21i
è g ga ø
regression’s deviation, and ij NID 0, 2  represents the average
experimental error. æ 1 öa 1i
ìï 1 üï
´çç 2 ÷÷÷ exp ïí- 2 ïý
èç i ø÷ ïîï bi i ïþï

crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015 573

To make inferences about the parameters of interest,
å L Y|q , M i 

it is necessary to obtain their a posteriori marginal distribu- Pˆ Y|M i  Q q =1

FBij = =
tions. Denoting the parameter vector for each genotype i by Pˆ Y|M j  1
 
L Y|q , M j
 pi =b1i , b2i , i2  , in which p = 1, 2, 3, the a posteriori marginal Q q =1

distribution for parameter q pi was obtained by the following

integral: P(  pi | x) = ò P(  pi | x)d pi , which is the integral rela- The term  (q) represents the values generated for the
tive to all parameters in the vector except the pth component. parameters at the qth iteration (q = 1, 2,..., Q) for each of the
In most cases, these integrals are complex and do not have models being compared. Therefore, L Y|q , M p  corresponds
exact solutions. To work around this problem, another method- to the values for the likelihood function obtained by substitu-
ology was used. A sample of the conjoint a posteriori distribu- tion of the current parameter values. Using the similarity func-
tion was obtained using Markov chains and the Monte Carlo tion adopted in this study yields the following estimate for the
method, which gave the marginal distributions’ moments of marginal likelihood of a model p:
interest (Cassela and George, 1992).
Q æ n- p ö÷
å  
- mççç ÷÷
This methodology was implemented in the program R Pˆ Y|M q  Y Fq , e2q|Y p e2q
è 2 ø÷

(R Development Core Team, 2013) and the conjoint distribu- Q q =1

tion sample was obtained using the MCMCregress function of

the MCMC package. To evaluate the influence of the a priori ì
ï 1 é q  ù é ü
q  ù ï
exp ï
í- 2q  ëY1 - X F û ' ëY1 - X F û ï ý
information in estimating the stability and adaptability param- ï ï
ï 2e
î ï
eters, two different models were used.
In Model 1, informative a priori distributions were used. The Bayes Factor was calculated using the BayesFactor
These distributions contained information from previous stud- function of the MCMCpack package. According to Jeffreys
ies, namely: Nunes et al. (2002), Von Pinho et al. (2003), Faria et (1961), the Bayes Factor can be interpreted as follows: FBij < 1
al. (2010), and Scapim et al. (2010). The information was incor- is evidence in favor of model j; 1  FBij < 3 is moderate evi-
porated into the analysis by means of the values assumed for the dence in favor of model i; 3  FBij < 10 is substantial evidence
parameters in the a priori distributions, called hyperparameters. in favor of model i; 10  FBij < 30 is strong evidence in favor
These values were obtained from the mean and variance of of model i; 30  FBij < 100 is very strong evidence in favor of
the sample composed by the parameter estimates obtained from model i; and FBij  100 is decisive evidence in favor of model i.
the cited references, which resulted in the following distribu- Regarding the stability parameter di2  , its marginal dis-
tions: b 0i ~ N éëêm 0i = b0i , 02i = Var  b0i ùûú , b1i ~ N éêm1i = b1i , 12i = Var  b1i ùú tribution samples were obtained indirectly, as this parameter is a
ë û
and i2 ~ GammaInv(a i b i), in which b0i = mean of the b 0i esti- function of 2i . As values for 2i are indirectly obtained at each
mates; b1i = mean of the b1i estimates; Var  b0i  = variance of
iteration, the values for 2di are given by the following expres-
the b 0i mean values; Var  b1i  = variance of the b1i mean values;
and a i and b i are values obtained from the system equation:  
sion: ˆ di2 = ˆ i2 - MSR , in which MSR is the mean square
of the residual obtained in the variance analysis, and r is the
bi number of repetitions in the experiment.
i2 =
ai - 1 The hypotheses of interest were tested by calculating confi-
bi2 dence intervals for the parameters. These intervals were obtained
Var i2  = 2
, and directly from the parameters’ a posteriori marginal distribution.
a i - 1  a i - 2 Because the Gibbs sampler is an iterative algorithm, it is
necessary to verify its convergence. In this work, its conver-
i2 
i2  gence was verified through Raftery and Lewis’ (1992) and
ai = 2´ 2 , bi = 2 ´ 1
V i2  V i2  Geweke’s (1992) criteria, both implemented in the Bayesian
Output Analysis (BOA) package of program R (R Develop-
In Model 2, minimally informative a priori distributions ment Core Team, 2013).
were used instead, representing probability distributions with In the Bayesian adaptability and stability analysis, for each
large variances. The following distributions were adopted: parameter in the adopted regression model, 250,000 iterations
b0i ~ N m 0i = 0, 02i = 1,000,000 , b1i ~ N m1i = 0, 12i = 1,000,000 of the Gibbs sampler algorithm were considered, with a “burn-
and i2 ~ GammaInv a i = 0.0001; bi = 5,000 . in” period of 10,000 iterations. To obtain an uncorrelated
Models 1 and 2, that is, models with informative and mini- sample, a spacing (“thinning”) of five iterations between the
mally informative a priori distributions, were compared based sampled points was adopted, which resulted in a posteriori mar-
on the Bayes Factor (BF) (Kass and Raftery, 1995; Nascimento ginal distributions for each parameter, from which the param-
et al., 2011), which uses values generated by the MCMC meth- eter values were inferred.
ods to obtain estimates for the normalization factor P(Y|Mp),
also known as Marginal Likelihood, which composes the fol-
lowing expression for the Bayes Factor:

574 crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015

Table 2. Mean square estimates for the two characteristics
Viçosa genotype was classified as having specific adapt-
assessed over five environments and 16 popcorn genotypes.
ability to unfavorable environments (1i < 1), with its 1i
Sources of Mean square estimate also falling within the limits of the 95% con-
variation df Grain yield Popping expansion fidence interval (CI). The Zélia and IAC112 genotypes
Replication/ 10 1188258.06 12.50 were characterized as having specific adaptability to favor-
able environments (1i > 1), with their respective 1i values
Genotype (G) 15 3308784.39** 316.44**
Environment (E) 4 1714511.75** 54.52**
contained in the 95% CI.
GE 60 775175.81** 7.66ns†
According to the stability parameter 2di , only the
Error 150 333652.88 6.18 IAC112 genotype had 2di equal to zero, which also
MSR > /MSR < – 4.11 2.12 belonged to the 95% CI and was therefore classified as
** Significant at 0.01 probability levels by F test. having high stability. The remaining genotypes displayed

ns, not significant. low predictability in the analyzed environments, as the 2di
estimates within the 95% CI limits were greater than zero.
In Model 2, the prioris are minimally informative. The
Results and Discussion genotype analysis showed that all displayed specific adapt-
The variance analysis of GY and PE showed that the ability to favorable environments (1i > 1) and low stability,
variation due to GE was significant, and therefore that as the 2di values were greater than zero and within the limits
there was variation among the tested genotypes and envi- of the 95% CI. The genotypes were classified according to
ronments (Table 2). The results showed that there is a the same criteria considered for Model 1, that is, the CI.
significant effect of the interaction between GE only in Incorporating a priori information into Model 1 led
relation to GY, which indicates the existence of differenti- to smaller limits for the CIs in comparison to Model 2,
ated performance for these cultivars in the environments which led to greater accuracy in estimating the parameters
evaluated. Regarding the PE variable, there were no sig- and, consequently, in the reliable selection of genotypes.
nificant differences for the GE interaction. These results A comparative analysis of the parameters obtained
stand in contrast to the results found by some other authors by the two models reveals that the 1i estimates were
(Faria et al., 2010; Scapim et al., 2010). Although PE may equivalent for Zélia and IAC112, as in both models these
be a quantitative characteristic, its expression is controlled genotypes were classified as having specific adaptability
by fewer genes than GY. Li et al. (2008), while studying to favorable environments. There was disagreement only
the genetic relationship between PE and two performance regarding the Beija Flor genotype, which in Model 1 was
components for popcorn using conditional and uncondi- considered to have general adaptability and in Model
tional quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis, identified five 2 was classified as having specific adaptability to favor-
QTLs related to the PE of linkage groups 1, 6, and 8, able environments. The Viçosa genotype was classified
explaining 45% of the trait’s phenotypic variation. The in Model 1 as having specific adaptability to unfavorable
fact that there are few genes related to PE variation may environments and in Model 2 as having specific adaptabil-
indicate that it is also subject to less environmental influ- ity to favorable environments.
ence, which would explain the lack of significant GE It can be observed, therefore, that using the frequen-
interaction. Because of these variations, it was necessary tist model, in which a priori information is not taken into
to study the behavior of these genotypes in greater detail account, tends to allocate genotypes as having specific
by means of stability and adaptability analysis. adaptability to favorable environments, disfavoring the
Of the 16 genotypes considered in the experiment, reliable indication of genotypes.
only four were evaluated in at least two of the studies used Regarding stability, there was agreement regarding
as reference for the priori specification. For this reason, most genotypes in both models. The only divergence
only the four genotypes presented in Table 3 were consid- occurred for the IAC112 genotype, which in the model
ered in the Bayesian analysis Viçosa, Beija Flor, Zélia, and with a priori information was classified as having high sta-
IAC 112, respectively show 2863.55, 2212.18, 2509.81 bility and in the model with minimal a priori information
and 2724.4 112 kg ha–1 of GY (Table 1). was classified as having low stability because its 2di value
The stability and adaptability parameters were was greater than zero (Table 4).
obtained by calculating the a posteriori mean, whose esti- As the Bayes Factor (Table 5) is a method of comparing
mates are shown in Table 3, along with their respective the two models, it was necessary to employ it to determine
confidence intervals. In Model 1, in which informative which of the two models provided a better quality-of-fit.
prioris were used, only Beija Flor, of the four genotypes Regarding the classification limits of the Bayes Factor, it
evaluated using Bayesian methodology, was considered to can be observed that Model 1, with a priori information,
have general adaptability (1i = 1) because its 1i value fell has strong evidence supporting it, as it conforms to the
within the limits of the 95% confidence interval (CI). The interval 10  FBij < 30.

crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015 575

Table 3. Adaptability and stability estimates obtained through Eberhard and Russel’s method (1966) based on the studies by
Nunes et al. (2002), Von Pinho et al. (2003), Scapim et al. (2010), and Faria et al. (2010).
Grain yield, at kg ha –1
Nunes et al. (2002) Von Pinho et al. (2003) Scapim et al. (2010) Faria et al. (2010)
Genotypes 2† 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1
Viçosa 32,325 2781 1.05 – – – – – – 0 2051 0.86
– – – – – – – – – 0 2157 0.84
– – – – – – – – – 0 2188 0.81
Beija Flor 15,290 2771 0.58 – – – – – – 81,159 2034 0.83
– – – – – – – – – 0 1982 1.02
– – – – – – – – – 0 2051 0.91
Zélia 119,256 2413 0.71 335,922 2710 1.53 273,068.2 3805 1.25 39,200 2282 1.31
IAC 112 53,136 3045 0.49 69,235 2728 1.47 – – – 82,315 2189 1.05

Negative  2 values were considered to be equal to zero; dashes indicate estimates that were not found in the literature consulted.

Table 4. Estimates for the a posteriori mean and confidence intervals (95%) for the stability and adaptability parameters,
considering informative and non-informative prioris.
Genotypes b0 LI b0 LSb0 b1 LI b1 LSb1 i2 di2 LIdi2 LSdi2
Informative prioris
Viçosa 2297 2261 2333 0.8 0.2 1.4 4.29E+06 317782.4 27182.37 1113782
Beija Flor 2209 2172 2247 1 0.2 1.8 2.20E+08 53173.56 –94396.44 455274
Zélia 2883 2883 28883 1.4 –1 3.9 1.78E+08 67182.37 –54080.4 399782
IAC112 2652 2612 2692 1.3 0.2 2.3 91421.53 0 –49957.63 242824
Non-informative prioris
Viçosa 2832 2110.19 3467 1.38 –2.62 5.41 6.28E+05 516582.4 –37187.62 3.00E+06
Beija Flor 2174 1266.68 2977 1.83 –3.25 6.96 1.01E+06 893782.4 9937.26 4.86E+06
Zélia 3033 2573.69 3453 1.83 –0.76 4.43 2.64E+05 152782.4 –80821.24 1.18E+06
IAC112 2667 1638.29 3542 1.57 –4.08 7.24 1.25E+06 1135782 –183919.1 6.07E+06

Table 5. Values obtained for the Bayes Factor, used to com- to unfavorable environments (1 < 1), while Faria et al.
pare the models with informative (i) and minimally informative (2010) classified this same genotype as having specific
(ii) prioris for the genotypes being studied.
adaptability to favorable environments (1 > 1) and spe-
Genotypes FBij cific adaptability to unfavorable environments (1 > 1).
Viçosa 13.9 When the Bayesian approach was used, this genotype was
Beija Flor 18.3 classified as having general adaptability. Moreover, the
Zélia 21.2 Zélia genotype was considered by Nunes et al. (2002) to
IAC112 18.4 have specific adaptability to unfavorable environments,
in Coimbra, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, whereas the
As a result, there was greater accuracy in estimating remaining base-authors made a priori information pos-
the parameters for all genotypes when Model 1 was used, sible (Von Pinho et al., 2003; Scapim et al., 2010; Faria
even if the stability estimates ( b1i ) agreed for the Zélia and et al., 2010) by classifying Zélia as having specific adapt-
IAC112 cultivars. Therefore, the Bayes Factor provides ability to favorable environments, which agreed with the
evidence of the superiority of using informative prioris in results obtained with the Bayesian procedure. The IAC
constructing the model, to obtain more accurate results. 112 genotype was considered to have specific adaptability
Returning to the base-studies that allowed these a to favorable environments by Von Pinho et al. (2003) and
priori inferences, the divergences in results can now be Faria et al. (2010), which agrees with the Bayesian meth-
better elucidated by the Bayesian approach. Specifically, odology incorporating a priori information: however,
Nunes et al. (2002) considered the Viçosa genotype to be Nunes et al. (2002) classified it as having specific adapt-
of specific adaptability to favorable environments (1 > 1), ability to unfavorable environments.
whereas Faria et al. (2010) classified this same genotype as The accuracy logic of the Bayes Factor therefore
having specific adaptability to unfavorable environments becomes evidence that the frequentist model can produce
(1 < 1), which is in agreement with the results of the unreliable results for the identification of genotypes with
Bayesian inference. The Beija Flor genotype was classi- broad or specific adaptability, with ensuing economic
fied by Nunes et al. (2002) as having specific adaptability losses for producers.

576 crop science, vol. 55, march– april 2015

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