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1. Good day everyone. Welcome to _PSAA INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY INC.

Assessment Center;
2. I am Mr. MICHAEL M. LABITA your Assessor for today. I have been appointed
by TESDA as your Assessor for CARPENTRY NC II Qualification. And with us
today are our AC Manager Ms. NATALIA S. GAVIOLA; our TESDA Rep Ms
ADELAIDA RANOLA. But don’t mind them, they will not assess you. They are
here just to oversee our assessment process. It will be me who will assess you.
3. By the way, before we proceed, what language or dialect do you want me to
use? English/Taglish?
4. A, Ok Taglish. (From here on, use Taglish (or the language preferred by the
5. I have here the Attendance sheet given me by our AC. Pls acknowledge as I call
your name.
6. May I see you Admission Slip, pls.?
7. May I request also for any one of your valid ID’s?
8. I have here your application form, I see that your picture here is similar to your
picture in your Admission slip and in your ID. Your signature also is similar to
your signature in your ID.
9. Please sign here in the Attendance Sheet. Ah, your signatures are very similar. I
am sure now you really are this person.
10. I see that you check the yes column in your self assessment guide here. This just
means that you really are ready for today’s assessment, right?

1. Ok. We will start now the orientation. Today, we will have Competency Assessment in
CARPENTRY NC _II. This Qualification has the following Core Competencies: 1.PREPARE /
2. Here in our Assessment Center, you will see that we have complete tools, materials and
equipment needed for assessment. They include: __________.
3. We want everyone taking the assessment to be safe here so you will see the Exit points of the
Center, over there, You will see also the available Fire Extinguishers. We have also all the PPE
that you need for assessment for your protection.
4. How is everyone. Are you nervous? Just relax. By the way, If you are hungry, we have our canteen
on the ground floor and I will allow you to eat. If you need time to pray, we have prayer room just
near here. Our CRs are found in every floor.
5. By the way, can I ask you! What are your purpose in coming for Assessment? Ah, to have an NC?
Yes because that is one of the many reasons for assessment. Others include ______ _______;
6. Ok, candidates, the methods of assessment to be used are:1. Written; 2. Demo; 3. Oral
questioning. I will give you Specific instructions before we start the assessment proper.
During the Demonstration, I will just observe you and record what I will observe. After the Oral
Questioning, I will summarize the result of assessment. In all these proceedings I will be using the
Test Package or Evidence Gathering Tools given to me by TESDA. Then I will give you feedback.
7. The results of Assessment may be Competent or Not Yet Competent. If Competent, meaning you
have done the assessment well and reach the standard. You will receive the CARS as proof of
your Competence. You can bring it to any nearest DHL , pay P125 for the Certificate and Courier
fee, and DHL will be the one to facilitate the processing and release of your NC in TESDA and
bring it to where you want it delivered,
If the result is NOT YET COMPETENT, that means you did not performed well or reached the
required standard of the assessment.. If you don”t agree of the NYC rating, there is an appeal
process, you can approach the AC Manager or you can appeal with TESDA. If you agree with the
NYC rating, you may review the area that needs improvement, study and request for re
assessment with the AC Manager.
By the way, I would like to inform you that our assessment process must be held Confidential. It
should only us who must know, your employer or agency, this AC and TESDA. We will also put all
assessment results in a place where only authorized personnel have access to it.
8. May I ask again, am I clear in my explanation? Thank you.

1. Ok. Let us now go to the Assessment Area for the assessment proper. First, I will give you the
written exam After the written exam, one by one of you will have your demonstration then oral
questioning until feedbacking. The rest will stay at the waiting area until I call your name to do the
next one to be assessed. Clear?
2. Mr./Ms ______Here is now the written test with the answer sheet, please get one and pass to the
others. Put your name and date in your answer sheet. Please answerTrue if the statement is
correct and False if the statement is wrong. You do all these in 20 minutes. Please call my
attention when you are through.
3. Since all are finished with the written test, please go to the waiting room exceptfor Mr/Ms.
________. You will be the first Candidate for the Demo and so on.
4. Ok Mr. ________________________. Here is your Specific Instruction on what to do. It says here
that __________(Read the Specific Instruction). Is the instruction clear? Ok, you may have this
Instruction but please return to me when everything is done. Here are the tools, materials and
equipment. (Mention their specific names). While doing your Demo, I will just observe you and
record my observation. You may start now.
5. (Holding the Evidence Gathering Tools and a pen, act as if you are really recording your
observation.).Then your candidate-partner after doing the demo, in a split seconds, must say, I am
done. Here is the finished product.
6. May I invite you for oral questioning. Please sit down. (Ask 2 to 3 questions only).
7. Thank you. Please give me a few minutes to process everything and then I will give you feed back
in awhile.


1. Mr. ____________, during the assessment process, you have gone through all
the assessment methods. You had your written exam, your demonstration and
oral questioning.
In your written exam, you were able to answer almost all the questions correctly
except for 2. (Read the portion of one example of not answered). You study this
and I am sure the next time you take the exam you will have it 100% correct,
In your Demonstration, you also did it to the required standard. (Read what is in
the evidence plan or in the specific instruction). But you must improve your time
or duration in doing the task, of course without compromising quality result.
(Mention minor needs improvement).
In your oral questioning, you answered the questions correctly.
So, congratulations, you got the rating of COMPETENT.

2. I will summarize the assessment results now. Pls don’t leave because I will let
you sign some portions here. Yes here in the space, kindly affix your signature.

3. I will give these documents to the AC Manager, he will also sign the CARS and
then just wait for a while because he will give you that small portion of the CARS
as proof of your passing.

4. When you receive it, you can go to any nearest DHL and pay P125 for the
TESDA Cert fee and courier fee. DHL will facilitate release of your NC with
TESDA and deliver it to the place you want it delivered. If you think you will not
be there on the schedule of delivery, just issue an SPA to the one who will
receive it so the DHL personnel will give your NC.

5. Before you leave, kindly evaluate me and the AC. Pls feedback as honestly as
you can. Your feedback will help us improve especially our services. Thank you
and Congratulations.

6. (Submit all documents to the Panel. Be sure that they are filled up and duly

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