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Binary Classification with Neural

Networks: Online Retail Sales

Dataset Overview:
The Online Retail Sales Dataset, represented by the "Online Retail.csv" file, provides
comprehensive data on e-commerce transactions. Key attributes include 'InvoiceNo',
'StockCode', 'Description', 'Quantity', 'InvoiceDate', 'UnitPrice', and 'Country'. The dataset
is rich in transaction records and customer information, making it a valuable resource
for online retail sales analysis.

The goal is to perform binary classification (logistic regression) using neural networks on
the dataset. Specifically, we aim to predict whether the quantity of a product sold is
greater than 10 or not.

1. Data Preprocessing:
• The dataset is loaded and missing values are dropped.
• Features ('Quantity' and 'UnitPrice') are selected, and the target variable is
created based on the binary classification task.
2. Data Splitting:
• The dataset is split into training and testing sets using a standard 80-20
3. Model Building:
• A simple logistic regression model with a single output neuron and a
sigmoid activation function is defined using PyTorch.
4. Model Training:
• The model is trained using the training set, with the binary cross-entropy
loss function and the Adam optimizer.
5. Model Evaluation:
• The trained model is evaluated on the testing set, and metrics such as
accuracy, confusion matrix, and classification report are displayed.
6. Decision Boundary Plotting:
• The decision boundary of the model is visualized using a scatter plot, with
actual labels ('Actual') and predicted labels ('Predicted').

• The model achieves an accuracy of approximately 83.8% on the testing set.
• The confusion matrix indicates that the model correctly identifies a large number
of cases where the quantity is not greater than 10 but struggles to identify cases
where the quantity is greater than 10.
• The decision boundary plot provides a visual representation of the model's

1. Model Improvement:
• Fine-tune the model architecture, hyperparameters, and training duration
for better performance.
• Consider exploring more complex neural network architectures.
2. Feature Engineering:
• Investigate additional features or transformations that could enhance
model performance.
3. Data Analysis:
• Conduct further analysis to understand factors influencing the model's
• Explore patterns in customer behavior and regional preferences.
4. Business Insights:
• Use the model predictions to optimize inventory management and
marketing strategies.
• Leverage insights for targeted marketing and customer segmentation.

The implementation of binary classification with neural networks on the Online Retail
Sales Dataset provides a foundation for understanding and predicting sales patterns.
Further refinements and explorations can unlock valuable insights for businesses in the
online retail sector.

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